MEG: I can display data in tables With help, stop some variables changing during investigations

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1 A Food, Glorious Food I can display data in tables With help, stop some variables changing during investigations I can explain why food manufacturers use health slogans I can use data from secondary sources of information to construct bar charts I can identify and control variables appropriately without help I can recall the names of the major nutrients in food and good sources of these substances Without help, I can point out that variables need to be kept the same in investigations and stop these variables changing I can use a model to describe the action of enzymes I can recognise that scientific knowledge is sketchy in some areas and therefore drawing conclusions is difficult I can carry out and interpret results from tests for starch and fat I can describe what a balanced diet is I can describe how digested food is transported around the body I can recall that nutrients, fibre and water are all vital components of a balanced diet and good sources of these substances I can recall the roles of nutrients, fibre and water in the body I can describe whether manufacturers are right to put certain claims on their food labels I can display data in a variety of different forms I can use models to represent the digestion of large insoluble food molecules I can describe how nutrients are digested and absorbed I can explain why it is difficult to interpret some scientific facts I can explain what food allergies and intolerances are I can describe how nutrients are supplied to cells via the blood and some fluid I can describe the test for water, protein, glucose and sucrose Without prompting, I can independently research and obtain secondary information from secondary sources I can explain why some food cannot be digested by humans

2 B Going for Gold Without help, I can point out the different variables in an investigation one that needs to be changed, one that needs to be measured and those that need to stay the same I can recognise that exhaled and inhaled air are different I can recall that theories about circulation have changed I can recall that some athletes choose to abuse medical drugs that have been developed for other purposes I can recognise a range of jobs that are involved in the training of athletes I can explain the importance of control experiments and sample size when carrying out an investigation I can make careful observations using a range of equipment and IT I can recall that oxygen is needed for respiration I can recall the positions and functions of the organs in the respiratory/breathing and circulatory systems I can record observations accurately and identify patterns in data using charts I can describe an old model of circulation and explain how it does not match current evidence I can identify possible reasons why correct theories may not be accepted I can use word equations for chemical reactions I can describe how glucose, oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported around the body by the circulatory system I can explain why tissues need a good blood supply I can describe some effects of poor oxygen supply I can explain the differences between inhaled and exhaled air I can explain the role of alveoli in gas exchange I can explain how the lungs are kept clean I can describe aerobic respiration I can recall some of the evidence that has led to current ideas about blood circulation I can identify anomalous results and evaluate evidence

3 I can explain how respiration is similar and different to burning fuels I can explain some of the effects of poor oxygen supply to cells I can draw conclusions from data given in secondary sources and state whether this agrees with the conclusion drawn in the source materials I can recall the word equation and symbol equations for respiration I can describe how gas exchange is affected by damage to alveoli Doctors and Disease I appreciate that people are used to trial new medicines I can describe a range of jobs that people do to look after patients in a hospital I can point out some hazards when working with microbes I can recall some ways in which microbes can be spread I can recall the names of the seven life processes I can recall that theories about disease have changed I can describe an old model of disease and explain how it does not match current evidence I can describe how our knowledge about the spreading of diseases has increased with increasing knowledge about microbes I can describe how new scientific knowledge (eg about the causes of disease, hygiene) alters people s behaviour I can spot some trends and patterns in data from investigations I can use charts and graphs to identify trends I can explain how risks are controlled in practical work involving microbes I can recall that immunisation is a way of protecting us from infectious diseases I can recall that bacteria, some fungi and viruses are classified as micro-organisms I can describe how microbes are used in the production of some foods and drinks I can recall the names of some of the diseases caused by certain microbes and describe how these diseases are spread I can recognise how a theory is used to make predictions that are then tested

4 I can recall some of the evidence that has led to current ideas about disease I can spot trends and patterns in data from first-hand and secondary sources and draw conclusions from them I can draw conclusions from first-hand and secondary sources and link them to scientific facts I can identify reasons why correct theories might not be accepted I can describe the body s main methods of defence against disease-causing microbes I can recall that antibiotics are only effective against bacteria and not viruses I can recognise that some theories are driven by commercial need I can explain how trends are more easily spotted using tables, charts and graphs I can explain how immunisation improves the body s own immune response I can recall that antibiotics may be effective against a wide range of bacteria or only a specific species I can explain how scientists have used evidence to put together new theories about disease transmission and develop new drugs I can identify and explain the typical phases in a population growth curve I can describe what protoctists are and how they are classified D The Way of the Dodo I can recall that animals and plants can be classified into groups I can recall some ways in which scientists tell each other about their findings I can select appropriate methods and apparatus to collect data about a habitat I can describe how organisms are adapted to their environments I can collect, store and present information using IT I can draw and interpret food chains and food webs I can recall that there are different theories about how organisms have become extinct I can recognise how a theory is used to make predictions that are then tested I can describe how human activity has caused some animals to become endangered or extinct

5 I can compare different habitats I can select and use sampling methods to collect data from a habitat I can identify some reasons for differences in communities, populations and distributions in different habitats I can classify some plants into their main groups I can explain how adaptations aid survival Look carefully at a theory and explain how well it matches the evidence Look carefully at evidence and explain why it is reliable or unreliable I can explain the numbers of and the distribution of organisms by thinking about what resources are available I can recall some of the theories and the supporting evidence to explain dinosaur and plant extinction 65 million years ago I can plan how to collect data, in cases when it is difficult to control some variables I can draw and interpret pyramids of numbers I can explain the advantages and disadvantages of biological control I can draw and interpret pyramids of biomass I can describe how computers are used to model scientific ideas I can describe how some environmental conditions are linked Water I can recognise that we need safe drinking water I can recall that mixtures can be separated I can measure temperature and mass I can use heating equipment safely I can recall some ways of conserving water supplies I can state that water is treated before being supplied to homes I can identify patterns in data

6 I can carry out filtering and chromatography safely in the laboratory I can recall some examples of the uses of different separating techniques I can describe how to separate simple mixtures using filtration and chromatography I can present data from investigation as line graphs I can carry out evaporation and distillation safely in the laboratory I can explain what a chromatogram shows I can explain what a saturated solution is I can recall that solutes that are insoluble in water may dissolve in other solvents I can describe how to obtain salt from rock salt I can use the particle model to describe what happens when something dissolves I can describe some of the ways in which water is treated before being piped to our homes I can point out patterns in data using a line graph I can use patterns in data to make predictions I can use the particle models explain why mass is conserved when something dissolves I can describe how salt can be obtained from mines I can use the particle model to explain how mixtures are separated by distillation I can describe some of the human and environmental effects of supplying large quantities of water I can evaluate experimental methods explaining their strengths and weaknesses I can describe how solubility increases with increasing temperature for most solutes I can explain how the challenges of supplying and conserving water are overcome when demand increases I can explain how fractional distillation works I can describe how the solubility of gases changes with temperature F Materials and Recycling

7 I can identify some materials that are metals I can follow instructions and work safely during practical work I can recall the names of some metals I can explain why we recycle materials I can describe how the periodic table is used to classify the elements I can use secondary sources to select information on materials and their properties I can discuss ideas on resources and recycling I can recall that there are only a relatively small number of elements and some of their names I know the difference between chemical symbols for elements and compounds I can name a variety of common compounds using scientific terminology I can explain that when atoms of different elements combine, compounds are made I can carry out a number of practical methods using a range of apparatus, being aware of the hazards involved I can use the practical evidence and/or secondary sources to classify materials as metals and non-metals, or as elements and compounds I can represent elements using chemical symbols I can explain the benefits and drawbacks associated with recycling I can explain how the periodic table is organised I can explain the concept of sustainable development I can plan to collect valid and reliable results I can use word equations for chemical reactions I can identify some elements whose properties do fit the general patterns of the periodic table I can use chemical formulae to represent chemical compounds I can work out a chemical formula from a molecular diagram, and vice versa I can evaluate evidence, explaining why or why it is not good evidence I can explain why the periodic table is a more successful classification than some of the preceding attempts

8 I can predict the properties of elements by looking at the properties of other elements in the same group G All that Glitters I can recall the meaning of the words melt and freeze I can follow instructions and work safely during the practical work I can identify changes as physical or chemical I can spot the difference between different ways of showing some common elements, compounds and mixtures I can use a range of measurements methods to carry out a practical investigation I can measure mass and temperature I can recognise when a substance changes state I can use particle diagrams to tell the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures I can describe on the best way to do a range of tasks, including selecting sources of information and apparatus I can present data from investigations as line graphs I can recognise chemical reactions as changes in which atoms join together in new ways I can recall that melting and boiling are changes of state that happens at fixed temperatures I can use the particle model to explain changes of state I can use ideas about atoms and bonding to explain why a substance is classified as an element, compound or mixture I can evaluate an investigation and suggest improvements to methods I can identify elements and simple compounds from their symbols or formulae I can use word equations for chemical reactions I can use simple chemical formulae to work out the types and numbers of atoms in a compound I can use ideas about bonding and particles to explain why mixtures do not have fixed melting and boiling points I can state that a compound always contains the same elements in fixed proportions I can suggest additional practical work to test conclusions

9 I can represent chemical reactions using balanced symbol equations I can predict purity of a substance based on melting point information H I can explaining the arth H I can explaining the arth Observe the texture of rocks I can recall that there have been different theories in the past that have attempted to explain the formation of rocks I can identify some evidence for and against theories that try to explain the formation of rocks I can recall that people live in areas prone to earthquakes or volcanic eruptions in spite of the dangers I can make and record observations carefully I can recognise that geologists can use evidence from rocks to work out how they were formed I can describe a difference between the textures of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks I can describe how igneous rocks are formed I can describe how sedimentary rocks are formed I can explain how and why a scientifically theory becomes accepted I can use the particle model to explain how the speed of cooling affects the crystal sizes in igneous rocks I can describe the processes that lead to the formation of sediments I can use models to explain what happens during the formation of metamorphic rock I can identify similarities and differences between rock textures I can plan a fair investigation without help I can explain how sedimentary rocks can tell us about past conditions I can describe how temperature affects the texture of igneous rocks I can plan to collect valid and reliable results I can state some reasons why people live in areas at risk from earthquakes or volcanic eruptions

10 I can describe how fossils can be used to date rocks I can describe how the final texture of a metamorphic rock depends on the pressures and temperatures the rock was subjected to I can draw conclusions about how sedimentary or igneous rocks were formed based on observations of their texture I can link the different rock formation process together in the rock cycle I can link the composition of igneous rocks to some of their properties I can explain why the theory of plate tectonics is accepted by scientists I can link the densities of igneous rocks to the minerals they contain I can describe the idea of metamorphic grade I Heat Transfers I can recognise some simple physical changes (eg melting, freezing) I can display data in tables I can recall some examples of common temperatures I can use the idea of particles to describe how conduction and convection occur I can use thermometers with fine divisions accurately I can identify key variables in an investigation I can describe some uses of heat conductors and insulators I can describe how substances expand or contract, and change state I can use the idea of particles to explain how conduction, convection, expansion and changes of state occur I can consider how some developments in clothing technology have changed the things that people can do I can present data from investigations as line graphs I can plan a fair investigation without help I can make accurate measurements that lead to dependable conclusions I can describe a convection current

11 I can explain the difference between heat and temperature I can plan to collect valid and reliable results I can evaluate an investigation and suggest improvements to methods I can explain changes of state by using the idea of the forces between particles I can use the idea of particles to explain the temperature changes during changes of state I can consider whether using humans in certain experiments is right or wrong I can explain what infrared radiation is and how it is similar to light I can describe temperature as a measure of the mean particle speed and use this idea to explain the Kelvin temperature scale J Forces and Transport I can follow instructions and work safely during practical work I can describe how magnets can affect magnets and other materials I can recall what a magnetic field is, and that the arth has one I can describe how the features of different types of transport make them suited for their purposes I appreciate some of the reasons why we depend on transport I can use iron filings to show the shape of a magnetic field I can present data from investigations as bar charts I can recall that electromagnets need electricity to stay magnetised I can explain how pressure can be changed in a variety of circumstances I can describe some technological developments that have lead to today s forms of transport I can estimate quantities to us in calculations I can use a compass to plot the shape of a magnetic field I can recall what drag is and the factors that affect it I can recall how pressure depends on forces and area, and some ways in which pressure can be reduced or increased

12 I can describe how levers can be used I can describe the shapes and directions of the magnetic fields of bar magnets, electromagnets and combinations of magnets I can explain why compasses work I can explain how simple levers work, and some of their uses I can use the ideas of particles to explain air resistance I can explain why a vehicle needs a force from the engine to keep moving at constant speed, and the effects of this on fuel consumption and the need for streamlining I can link conclusions to scientific understanding I can use graphs of my results to decide if two variables are proportional or inversely proportional I can evaluate the reliability of evidence I can describe the different classes of levers and how they can be used I can use ideas about the arth s magnetic field to explain the meanings of variation, dip and deviation I can use ideas about domains to explain how to create and destroy magnets I can recall that the shape of the field around a current-carrying wire is circular I can recall the meaning of coefficient of drag and use it in calculations K Light I can recall that there have been different theories in the past that have attempted to explain how we see things and how light travels I can recall that light travels at very high speed in straight lines I can describe some scientific discoveries made using photography I can recognise that light has been investigated by many scientists in many different cultures through the ages I can describe some uses of photography or cameras today I can classify materials as opaque, transparent or translucent I can distinguish between reflectors and absorbers I can draw ray diagrams

13 I can explain some of the evidence to support the idea that light takes time to travel I can measure angles of reflected light and identify patterns in the measurements I can use a light sensor to measure light intensity I can predict how light is reflected at plane surfaces I can measure angles precisely and identify patterns in the data I can describe how a prism affects white light I can describe how light is reflected at plane surfaces I can explain how filters and coloured objects transmit or reflect some colours and absorb others I can explain some of the evidence to support the idea that white light consists of a mixture of colours of light I can describe how photography can be used for scientific investigations I can describe how the human eye works I can explain why a prism splits light into the colours of the spectrum I can describe how the appearance of coloured objects is affected by coloured lights and coloured filters I can explain how light is refracted I can explain how the appearance of coloured objects is affected by coloured lights and coloured filters I can consider the benefits and drawbacks of some uses of cameras in today s society I can use the law of reflection and their knowledge of refraction to predict the formation of images I can explain how we can see colours I can describe how total internal reflection is used in optical fibres I can explain how spectra can help astronomers to work out what stars are made of L Sound and Hearing I can recall examples of how a variety of different sounds can be produced I can describe sounds as low/high, loud/soft

14 I can describe some scientific discoveries made using sound I can measure sounds and identify patterns in data I can describe how some musical instruments make sound I can recall that sound needs to travel through a medium I can describe some uses of sound and ultrasound I can use the particle model to explain how sound is carried to different materials like water, air or metals I can describe some of the problems of noise pollution and how it can be reduced I can explain what equipment scientists use to detect and analyse sounds I can identify frequency, pitch, wavelength and amplitude on an oscilloscope trace I can use secondary sources to make comparisons I can use secondary sources to make predictions I can identify and control key variables I can describe how sound energy can be transferred from one place to another I can describe how hearing can be damaged by loud sounds I can explain the evidence linking changes in pitch and loudness to changes in vibrations I can recall that in different media, sound travels at different speeds I can recall the link between pitch and the frequency of a sound wave, and loudness and the amplitude of the wave I can consider the benefits and drawbacks of some of the uses of sound I can consider the value of investigating animal communication I can identify limitations in data I can explain why certain materials are good for soundproofing I can describe how the ear works I can consider whether it is right or wrong to use animals in sound experiments and as tools (eg hunting for mines) I can link conclusions to scientific understanding

15 I can explain how the notes on a musical scale are related mathematically Writing I can write in Standard nglish I can spell subject specific words correctly I can organise my written work so that the meaning is clear Reading I am able to identify relevant information from the texts I have read I am able to use a range of strategies to access and understand the texts I have read

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