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1 On the Possibility of the Detetion of Extint Radio Pulsars arxiv: v1 [astro-ph] 27 Jul 2007 V.S. Beskin 1 and S.A.Eliseeva 2 1 P.N. Lebedev Physial Institute, Leninsky prosp. 53, Mosow, , Russia 2 Mosow Institute of Physis and Tehnology, Dolgoprudny, Mosow region, , Russia 1 INTRODUCTION ABSTRACT We explore the possibilities for deteting pulsars that have eased to radiate in the radio band. We onsider two models: the model with hindered partile esape from the pulsar surfae [first suggested by Ruderman & Sutherland 1975] and the model with free partile esape (Arons 1981; Mestel 1999). In the model with hindered partile esape, the number of partiles that leave the pulsar magnetosphere is small and their radiation annot be deteted with urrently available instruments. At the same time, for the free partile esape model, both the number of partiles and the radiation intensity are high enough for suh pulsars to be detetable with the presently available reeivers suh as GLAST and AGILE spaerafts. It is also possible that extint radio pulsars an be among the unidentified EGRET soures. Key words: neutron stars, radio pulsars The number of radio pulsars in the modern atalogues already exeeds 1500 (Manhester et al. 2005) and it is still inreasing. Most of the observed pulsars belong to young neutron stars with the harateristi ages of τ D 10 Myr. Sine the lifetimes of radio pulsars are muh shorter than the age of the Universe, up to 10 9 older neutron stars that have already eased to radiate in radio band an exist in our Galaxy (Lipunov 1987). The possibility of their detetion is usually assoiated with the thermal radiation due either to internal stores of neutron-star thermal energy (Yakovlev, Levenfish & Shibanov 1999) or to aretion from the interstellar gas (Colpi et al. 1998). Either way the eletrodynami proesses in the neutron-star magnetosphere are assumed to ease to play a ruial role. However, the essation of seondary-plasma prodution in the region of the magneti poles at spin periods P 2 3 s by no means implies that the eletrodynami proesses beome unimportant. Thus, for example, it is well known that the seondary plasma annot be produed in the region of losed magneti field lines only at periods P > P r 10 5 B 4/3 12 s (Istomin & Mosyagin 1995), where B 12 = B/10 12 G. Therefore, at P < P r some of the losed magneti field lines still remain filled with seondary eletron-positron plasma. As we see, the ritial period is long enough (more than a month), sa; Astronomy Letters, 2003, 29, (1), 20-25, Translated from Russian by V. Astakhov. Correted version. so the eletrodynami proesses in extint radio pulsars play a signifiant role for quite a long time. Aordingly, partiles an be effetively aelerated in the region of open magneti field lines where a strong longitudinal eletri field is generated. This aeleration results in observable radiation assoiated with urvature losses. Clearly, the total intensity of this radiation is related to the number of harged partiles that fall into the region of strong longitudinal eletri fields. This, in turn, diretly depends on the work funtion of partile esape from the neutron star surfae. Thus, analyzing the radiation from extint radio pulsars, we an draw a definite onlusion about the partile-esape work funtion and, hene, obtain independent information on the struture of the partile aeleration region near the magneti poles of radio pulsars. In this paper we disuss two basi models: the model with hindered partile esape from the neutron star surfae (Ruderman & Sutherland 1975) and the model with free partile esape (Arons 1981; Mestel 1999). We show that in the sope of model with hindered partile esape, the number of partiles leaving the pulsar magnetosphere is small. So, their radiation annot be deteted with urrently available instruments. At the same time, for the model with free partile esape, the number of partiles and, hene, the total energy release are large enough for suh extint radio pulsars to be detetable with GLAST or AGILE satellites. Also, within the sope of free partile esape model, extint radio pulsars an possibly be among the unidentified soures from the 3rd EGRET Catalog.

2 2 V.S. Beskin, S.A. Eliseeva 2 MODEL WITH HINDERED PARTICLE ESCAPE FROM THE PULSAR SURFACE The simplest model we use to estimate the radiation from extint radio pulsars is the model with hindered partile esape from the pulsar surfae. The effets of general relativity for this model do not lead to any signifiant orretions, beause they do not qualitatively hange the struture of the eletrodynami equations in the partile-aeleration region (Beskin 1999). Sine the partile-esape work funtion for a surfae of a neutron star in the Ruderman-Sutherland model is large, partiles only fill the equatorial regions with a strongly urved magneti field, in whih seondary partiles an still be produed. As a result, the longitudinal eletri field outside the plasma (in partiular, on open magneti field lines) an be strong enough for effetive partile aeleration. In this ase, the polar ap size is determined by the last losed magneti field line on whih seondary plasma an still be produed (Istomin & Mosyagin 1995): ( P ) 3/8 R R, (1) P r Here R is a radius of a neutron star. Thus, the observed radiation of extint radio pulsars is determined solely by the primary partiles radiation. At that, the same urvature radiation mehanism as for the normal radio pulsars an be onsidered. Reall, that urvature radiation is similar to synhrotron radiation, but the urvature radius a magneti field line R is used instead of the Larmor radius r L = m e 2 γ/eb (Zheleznyakov 1977). However, in ontrast to young neutron stars, the ondition for the prodution of seondary eletron-positron pairs in the polar regions of extint radio pulsars is violated. Therefore, in ase of extint radio pulsars the radiation should be expeted only in high-energy part of the eletromagneti spetrum. We stress that this point distinguishes our analysis from other alulations of gamma-ray emission of normal radio pulsars, for whih the entire seondary-partile spetrum should be taken into aount (see Harding, Muslimov & Zhang (2002) and referenes therein). We estimate expeted flux from radio-quiet pulsars as the produt of the energy losses by a single partile and the number of partiles leaving the pulsar magnetosphere: F = EṄ 4πd 2. (2) Here, Ṅ = dn/dt is the number of partiles that leave a pulsar magnetosphere, E is the energy losses by eah of these partiles, and d is the distane between a pulsar and an observer. Sine the radiation mehanism in this ase is urvature radiation, the partile energy losses an be defined as E. Here (Zheleznyakov 1977)) de dt = 2e2 3R 2 γ4 (3) is the power of the urvature radiation, R R 2 /R is the urvature radius of magneti field lines, and R 10 4 m (Eq. 1) is the distane between the last losed magneti field line and the magneti dipole axis. It is well known that a strong longitudinal eletri field exists only near the neutron-star surfae. At rather small distane from a neutron star surfae the longitudinal eletri field drops quikly even if there is no plasma flowing away in this region (Muslimov & Tsygan 1990). Thus, we should onsider two possible senarios: the partile emits all its kineti energy near the neutron star surfae or it leaves the region of strong longitudinal eletri fields virtually not losing its energy. In the former ase, the partile energy losses E are determined by the radiation time τ rad, and E = m 2 γ. In the latter ase, the energy losses are defined by the esape time (the time that a partile needs for leaving the region of the strong longitudinal eletri fields). Generally, the minimum time t = min(τes, τ rad ) an be taken as t. The esape time is τes = R / 10 3 s. For the radiation time we an write the following expression τ rad = m 2 γ/(de/dt), where the Lorentz fator of the aelerated partiles an be estimated as γ eer m e(4πρgjr )R e 2 m e 2 4πeR 2 B 0, (4) Pm e 3 Here, B 0 is a magneti field on a neutron star surfae. As a result, the radiation time an be written as R 4 5 τ rad, (5) Ω 3 ωb 3 rer8 where ρ GJ = en GJ = BΩ/(2π) = B/(P) is the Golreih-Julian density, r e = e 2 /m e 2 is the lassial eletron radius, and ω B = eb/m e is the ylotron frequeny. Here we want to note that the radiation and esape times are of the same order: τ rad 10 4 B 12 s, τes = R / 10 3 s. Thus, within the auray of our estimate we an use either of these times. Finally, given the partile Lorentz fator, the harateristi energy of the urvature photons an be estimated as E ph B 12 1/2 P 3/8 MeV. (6) We see that the expeted energies are within the hard gamma-ray spetrum. As we mentioned above, within the sope of hindered partile esape model the partile prodution in the open field lines region is not possible. Still primary partiles an appear in the region of strong longitudinal eletri field. Here are two possible ways for this region to have a number of primary partiles. Firstly, the primary partile prodution an be assoiated with diffuse Galati gamma-ray radiation, whih auses the single-photon onversion of photons into eletron-positron pairs. In this ase the number of partiles being produed near the magneti poles an be estimated as partiles/s (Shukre & Radhakrishnan 1982). Hene, the expeted flux (Eq. 2) is F 0, d 2 10 MeV/m 2 s, (7) where d 10 = d/10 p. Another soure of primary partiles is a diffusion from the region of losed magneti field lines filled with seondary plasma. The number of partiles leaving the pulsar magnetosphere an be estimated as (Istomin & Mosyagin 1995) Ṅ = dn dt = ngjγr3 Ω 2 ω B. (8) As a result, the number of partiles that diffuse into the region of a strong longitudinal eletri field an be estimated as Ṅ = 4π2 m eγr 3 P 3 e P 4 partiles, (9) s

3 On the Possibility of the Detetion of Extint Radio Pulsars 3 The expeted flux from the objet (Eq. 2) is F d 2 10 P 4 MeV/m 2 s. (10) Thus, providing a validity of the model with hindered partile esape, the radiation intensity of extint radio pulsars turns out to be so low that the radiation power is not enough for the signal of neutron star to be detetable even at P 2 4 s. The main reason is that the number of primary partiles that fall into the region of a strong longitudinal eletri field is very small, i.e., beause the partile esape from the neutron star surfae is hindered. 3 MODEL WITH FREE PARTICLE ESCAPE FROM THE PULSAR SURFACE In this setion we onsider the model with free partile esape from the neutron star surfae. Within this model there is only a slight differene between the harge density of the partiles flowing away from the polar ap and the Goldreih- Julian density. General relativity effets beome signifiant near the neutron star surfae (Muslimov & Tsygan 1990; Beskin 1990). Sine no partiles are produed, the model of Mestel (1999), in whih no seondary plasma is generated, is appropriate in this ase. The other model (Arons 1981) annot be realized for extint radio pulsars beause it requires a reverse flow of seondary partiles (for more details, see Beskin 1999). Here a short explanation should be done. The Mestel s model presumes that none of the magneti field lines near the pulsar surfae are preferred beause of the effets of general relativity. Therefore the partiles annot be aelerated in this region (Beskin 1990). In other words, the longitudinal eletri field that arises from the mismath between the plasma harge density and the Goldreih harge density deelerates rather than aelerates plasma partiles. Nevertheless, the absene of regular aeleration does not imply that the plasma annot fill the polar regions. Only effetive partile aeleration is impossible. On the other hand, even at small distanes from the pulsar surfae r > r 0, where r 0 1, ( M M ) P 1/7 m, (11) the general relativity effets beome negligible. At suh distanes the differene between the plasma harge density and the Goldreih harge density results in partile aeleration, at least on the half of the polar ap where the magneti field lines deviate from the spin axis (i.e., those magneti field lines for whih the angle between the magneti field line and the spin axis inreases with distane from the neutron star). Below, we assume that partile aeleration begins only after the radius r = r 0 is reahed. At smaller radii plasma on open magneti field lines rotates rigidly with a neutron star. Finally, reall that in Mestel s model, as in Arons s model, the number of partiles leaving the magnetosphere of the neutron star is lose to the Goldreih-Julian density near the polar-ap surfae, i.e. Ṅ = πr 2 0n GJ 1030 Ω 2 e partiles/s. (12) Here, R 0 = (ΩR/)R is the polar ap radius. To define the eletri potential, we write the Poisson equation in a rotating oordinate system (Mestel 1999) ϕ = 4π(ρ GJ ρ e). (13) Here, the Goldreih-Julian harge density and the partile harge density an be written as ρ GJ = Ω B 2π = ΩB 2π os θ b, (14) ρ e = ΩB os θ(0) b, (15) 2π where θ b is the urrent angle between the magneti field line and the spin axis, and θ (0) b is the angle between the magneti field line and the spin axis at the bottom of the aeleration region r = r 0. To simplify our alulations, we onsider axisymmetri ase of an aligned rotator, for whih all magneti field lines are preferred. Using the expressions for the plasma harge density and the Goldreih harge density, we an write the following equation ϕ = 9 ( )( ) ΩB(r 0) 3 1 r0 r0 sin 2 θ (16) 4 r r The boundary onditions an be defined as ϕ (r = r 0) = 0; ϕ (r = r 0) = 0; ϕ ( r = R L sin 2 θ ) = 0.(17) Here, R L = /Ω is the radius of the light ylinder. As a result, for a zero approximation we have ϕ ΩB0 Thus, γ R 3 R L, (18) eϕ m e 2 = ( ΩR ) 2 ( ) ωbr. (19) In the above expressions we used the fat that magneti flux should be onstant ( frozen magneti field lines), whih yields B(r 0)r 0 3 = B 0R 3. The radiation and esape times an be estimated as τ rad and τes, the same way as for the model with hindered partile esape from the neutron star surfae. Within the model with free partile esape τ rad τes at P = P break, where P break = 2πR ( ) 1/7 ( ) 2re ωbr 3/ s. (20) 3R As we see, the break takes plae at spin periods of greatest interest when a neutron star just rossed the death line. The estimated energy of the urvature gamma-ray photons leaving the magnetosphere of the neutron star E ph = hγ 3 /R P 13/2 erg 0, 05P 13/2 GeV is within the gamma-ray range. Finally, the radiation intensity an be estimated as W m e 2 γ N ( ΩR if P < P break ( W 2e2 R 2 γ4 N ΩR if P > P break. ) 4 ( ) ωbr 2 m e B12 2 erg r e P 4 s, (21) ) 11 ( ) ωbr 5 2m e 3 3R 4 B erg P 11 s, (22) The flux from suh neutron stars near the Earth an be defined by the following expression

4 4 V.S. Beskin, S.A. Eliseeva F W1 erg πα 2 0 d2 m 2 s, (23) where d is the distane to a neutron star, and α 0 = R 0/R is defined by the polar ap size R 0. Thus, for an oblique rotator the averaged flux from an extint radio pulsar is 2R 0 F photons F normalized = 2πR sin χ E ph m 2 s (24) Here χ is the angle between the magneti and spin axes. As a result, the expeted radiation fluxes from extint radio pulsars within the sope of free partile esape model are F B 5/13 12 R 12/13 6 d 2 p E 6/13 photons ph, m 2 s P < P break, F B 2/13 12 R 10/13 6 d 2 p E 8/13 photons ph, m 2 s P > P break. (25) Sine the expeted fluxes are large, we onlude that for the distanes d p harateristi for the nearest neutron stars, suh fluxes an most likely be deteted with GLAST and AGILE satellites. On the other hand, sine the radiation intensity strongly depends on the spin period of the neutron star, radio-quiet pulsars with long spin periods (i.e., those that have long eased to radiate in the radio band or those with omparatively long spin periods at the stage of radio emission) an no longer be deteted. So there are three onditions under whih extint radio pulsars are detetable: the validity of the model with free partile esape from the neutron star surfae, relatively small distanes to suh stars, and short spin periods of these stars. Figure 1 ompares the threshold sensitivities of the modern gamma-ray missions (partiularly, GLAST, AGILE, and EGRET) and the photon ount rates for the model with free partile esape from the pulsar surfae. We assumed the distane from a neutron star to the observer is 100 p, radius a star is 10 km, and magneti field is G. As we see, the losest extint pulsars (if any of them exist in suh a viinity) an be detetable by the future missions suh as GLAST and AGILE. 4 CONCLUSIONS Thus, we have shown that extint radio pulsars an be observed for some time as intense gamma-ray soures. For nearby neutron stars, they an be deteted with the reeivers installed on the modern gamma-missions. On the other hand, sine the dependene on the spin period P of neutron star in the expressions for the radiation intensity is very strong, radio-quiet pulsars with suffiiently long spin periods (i.e., those whih have long eased to exist as radio pulsars or those for whih the spin period was relatively long even at the radio emission stage) still annot be deteted. Therefore, we an formulate three onditions for the possibility of deteting gamma-ray emission from extint radio pulsars: a validity of the model with free partile esape, a relatively small distane to suh stars, and short spin periods. Providing all three onditions are satisfied, the detetion of gamma-ray emission with the parameters desribed above would be a diret evidene for the free partile esape from the neutron star surfae. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank S.B. Popov andm.e. Prokhorov for fruitful disussions. This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basi Researh (projet no ). REFERENCES Arons J., 1979, Spae Si. Rev., 24, 437 Arons J., 1981, Astrophys. J., 248, 1099 Beskin V.S, 1990, Pisma Astron. Zh., 16, 665 [Sov. Astron. Lett. 16, 286 (1990)] Beskin V.S, 1999, Phys. Uspekhi 40, 659 Beskin V.S., Gurevih A.V., Istomin Ya.N., 1993, Physis of the pulsar magnetosphere, Cambridge University Press F. Camilo, A. G. Lyne, R. N. Manhester, et al., 2000, in Proeedings of the 177th Colloquium of the IAU Pulsar Astronomy-2000 and Beyond, Bonn, 1999, Ed. by M. Kramer, R.Wex, and R. Wielebinski (Astronomial Soiety of the Paifi, San Franiso, 2000), Astron. So. Pa. Conf. Ser. 202, 3. M. Colpi, R. Turolla, S. Zane, and A. Trevis, 1998, Astrophys. J., 501, 252 A. K. Harding, A. G. Muslimov and B. Zhang, 2002, Astrophys. J., 576, 366 Ya. N. Istomin and D. V. Mosyagin, 1995, Astron. Zh., 72, 826 [Astron. Rep. 39, 735 (1995)] V.M. Lipunov, 1987 Astrophysis of Neutron Stars, Nauka, Mosow Manhester R.N., Hobbs G.B., Teoh A., Hobbs M., 2005, AJ, 129, 1993 Mestel L., 1999, Stellar Magnetism, Oxford University Press Morselli A., 2004, Nulear Instruments and Methods in Physis Researh, Setion A, 530, 158 A.G. Muslimov and A.I. Tsygan, Astron. Zh., 1990, 67, 263 [Sov. Astron. 34, 133 (1990)]. Ruderman M.A., Sutherland P.G., 1975, ApJ, 196, 51 C.S. Shukre and V.Radhakrishnan, 1982, Astrophys. J., 258, 121 D. G. Yakovlev, K. P. Levenfish, and Yu. A. Shibanov, 1999, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 169, 825 V.V. Zheleznyakov, 1977 Eletromagneti Waves in Cosmi Plasma, Nauka, Mosow

5 On the Possibility of the Detetion of Extint Radio Pulsars 5 Figure 1. Comparison of the sensitivities of present and future detetors in the gamma-ray astrophysis (Morselli 2004) and the predited radiation intensities of extint radio pulsars.

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