The Dantzig Selector

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1 The Dantzig Selector Emmanuel Candès California Institute of Technology Statistics Colloquium, Stanford University, November 2006 Collaborator: Terence Tao (UCLA)

2 Statistical linear model y = Xβ + z y R n : vector of observations (available to the statistician) X R n p : data matrix (known) β R p : object of interest (vector of parameters) z R n : stochastic error; here, z i i.i.d. N(0, σ 2 ) Goal estimate β from y (not Xβ)

3 Classical setup Number of parameters p fixed Number of observations n very large Asymptotics with n

4 Modern setup About as many parameters as observations: n p Many more parameters than observations: n < p or n p Very important subject in statistics today: high-dimensional data Conferences 100 s of articles

5 Example of interest: MRI angiography (sketch) β: N N image of interest = p = N 2 y: noisy Fourier coefficients of image 22 radial lines - 4% coverage for 512 by 512 image: n =.04p - 2% coverage for 1024 by 1024 image: n =.02p

6 Examples of modern setup Biomedical imaging fewer measurements than pixels Analog to digital conversion (ADCs) Inverse problems Genomics low number of observations (in the tens) total number of gene assayed (and considered as possible regressors) easily in the thousands Curve/surface estimation recovery of a continuous time curve from a finite number of noisy samples

7 Underdetermined systems Fundamental difficulty Fewer equations than unknowns Noiseless setup p > n y = X β Seems highly problematic

8 Sparsity as a way out? What if β is sparse or nearly sparse? Perhaps more observations than unknowns y = X * * Warning e.g. p = 2n = 20 * X = y 1 = β 1 y 2 = β 2 =.. y 10 = β 10 β Is it just smoke? What about β 11, β 12,..., β 20?

9 Encouraging example, I Reconstruct by solving min b b l1 := i b i s.t. Xb = y = Xβ β, 15 nonzeros n = 30 Fourier samples perfect recovery

10 Encouraging example, II Reconstruct β with min β TV := β(i 1, i 2 ) s.t. Xb = y = Xβ b R p p i 1,i 2 Original Phantom (Logan Shepp) Naive Reconstruction Reconstruction: min BV + nonnegativity constraint original Filtered backprojection perfect recovery

11 A theory behind these results Consider the underdetermined system y = Xβ where β is S-sparse (only S of the coordinates of β are nonzero). Theorem ˆβ = argmin b R p b l1 subject to Xβ = y Perfect reconstruction ˆβ = β, provided X obeys a uniform uncertainty principle. (Tomorrow s talk)

12 Statistical estimation In real applications, data are corrupted Sensing model: y = Xβ + z Hopeless? (most of the singular values of X are zero)

13 The Dantzig selector Assume columns of X are unit-normed y = Xβ + z, z j iid N(0, σ 2 ) Dantzig selector (DS) ˆβ = argmin b l1 s.t. (X r) i λ p σ, for all i r is the vector of residuals: r = y Xb λ p = 2 log p (makes the true β feasible with large prob.)

14 Why l 1? Theory of noiseless case Precedents in Statistics

15 Why X r small (and not r)? X r l λ σ Invariance Imagine to rotate the data y = Xβ + z with U: Uy = UXβ + Uz ỹ = Xβ + z Estimator should not change The DS is invariant Correlations X r measures the correlation of the residuals with the predictors Don t leave jth predictor out when r, X j is large! Not the size of r that matters but that of X r; e.g. y = X j and σ > X j l

16 The Dantzig selector as a linear program min i Can be recast as a linear program (LP) b i s.t. X (y Xb) j λ p σ min i u i s.t. u b u λ p σ X (y Xb) λ p σ u, b R p (a b means a i b i for all i s)

17 Related approaches Lasso (Tibshirani, 96) min y Xb 2 l 2 s.t. b l1 t Basis pursuit denoising (Chen, Donoho, Saunders, 96) Dantzig selector is different min 1 2 y Xb 2 l 2 + Λ p σ b l1

18 The Dantzig selector works! Assume β is S-sparse and X satisfies some condition (δ 2S + θ S,2S < 1). Then with large probability ˆβ β 2 l 2 O(2 log p) S σ 2

19 The Dantzig selector works! Assume β is S-sparse and X satisfies some condition (δ 2S + θ S,2S < 1). Then with large probability ˆβ β 2 l 2 O(2 log p) S σ 2

20 The Dantzig selector works! Assume β is S-sparse and X satisfies some condition (δ 2S + θ S,2S < 1). Then with large probability No blow up! ˆβ β 2 l 2 O(2 log p) S σ 2 σ Nicely degrades as noise level increases

21 The Dantzig selector works! Assume β is S-sparse and X satisfies some condition (δ 2S + θ S,2S < 1). Then with large probability No blow up! ˆβ β 2 l 2 O(2 log p) S σ 2 σ Nicely degrades as noise level increases S MSE is proportional to the true (unknown) number of parameters (information content) = Adaptivity

22 The Dantzig selector works! Assume β is S-sparse and X satisfies some condition (δ 2S + θ S,2S < 1). Then with large probability No blow up! ˆβ β 2 l 2 O(2 log p) S σ 2 σ Nicely degrades as noise level increases S MSE is proportional to the true (unknown) number of parameters (information content) = Adaptivity 2 log p price to pay for not knowing where the significant coordinates are

23 Understanding the condition: restricted isometries X M R n M : columns of X with indices in M T Restricted isometry constant δ S For each S, δ s R is the smallest number s. t. (1 δ S ) Id XMX M (1 + δ S ) Id, M, M S. Sparse subsets of column vectors are approximately orthonormal.

24 Understanding the condition: the number θ M φ M θ = cosφ θ S,S is the smallest quantity for which Xb, X b θ S,S b l2 b l2 b, b supported on disjoint subsets M, M {1,..., p} with M S, M S

25 The condition is almost necessary Uniform Uncertainty Principle To estimate a S-sparse vector β we need X s.t. δ 2S + θ S,2S < 1 With δ 2S = 1, one can have h R 2p, 2S-sparse with Xh = 0 Decompose h = β β each S-sparse with X(β β ) = 0 Xβ = Xβ = Model is not identifiable!

26 Comparing with an oracle Oracle informs us of the support M of the unknown β. Ideal LS estimate x I LS = argmin y X M b 2 l 2, β I LS = (X MX M ) 1 X My Ideal because unachievable MSE E β I LS β 2 l 2 = Tr(X MX M ) 1 σ 2 S σ 2 With large probability, DS obeys ˆβ β 2 l 2 = O(log p) E β β I LS 2 l 2

27 Is this good enough? A more powerful oracle Oracle lets us observe all the coordinates of the unknown vector β directly y i = β i + z i, z i i.i.d. N(0, σ 2 ) Oracle tells us which coordinates are above the noise level Ideal shrinkage estimator (Donoho and Johnstone, 94) { ˆβ i I 0, β i < σ = y i, β i σ MSE of ideal estimator E ˆβ I β 2 l 2 = i E( ˆβ I i β i ) 2 = i min(β 2 i, σ 2 )

28 Main claim: oracle inequality Same assumptions as before. Then with large probability ( ˆβ β 2 l 2 O(2 log p) σ 2 + ) min(βi 2, σ 2 ). i DS does not have any oracle information Fewer observations than variables Direct observations of β are not available = Yet, nearly achieves the ideal MSE! Unexpected feat This is optimal. No estimator can essentially do better Extensions to compressible signals Other work: Haupt and Nowak (05)

29 An other oracle-style benchmark: Ideal model selection Subset M {1,..., p}. Span of M Least squares estimate V M := {b R p : b i = 0 i / M}. ˆβ M = argmin b VM y Xb 2 l 2 Oracle selects the ideal least-squares estimator β β = argmin M {1,...,p} E β ˆβ M 2 l 2 Ideal because unachievable The risk of the ideal estimator obeys E β β 2 l 2 1 min(βi 2, σ 2 ) 2 i

30 DS vs. ideal model selection With large probability, Dantzig selector obeys ˆβ β 2 l 2 = O(log p) E β β 2 l 2 DS does not have any oracle information and yet, nearly selects the best model nearly achieves the ideal MSE!

31 Extensions to compressible signals Popular model: power-law β (1) β (2)... β (p) β (i) R i s Ideal risk min(βi 2, σ 2 ) = min 0 m p mσ2 + β 2 (i) min m 0 m p σ2 + R 2 m 2s+1 i i>m Optimal m is the number parameters we need to estimate: m = {i : β i > σ} = Could perhaps mimic ideal risk if condition on X is valid with m

32 Extensions to compressible signals Popular model: power-law β (1) β (2)... β (p) β (i) R i s Ideal risk min(βi 2, σ 2 ) = min 0 m p mσ2 + β 2 (i) min m 0 m p σ2 + R 2 m 2s+1 i i>m Optimal m is the number parameters we need to estimate: m = {i : β i > σ} = Could perhaps mimic ideal risk if condition on X is valid with m Theorem S such that δ 2S + θ S,2S < 1. E ˆβ β 2 l 2 min 1 m S O(log p)(m σ2 + R 2 m 2s+1 ) Can recover the minimax rate of weak-l p balls

33 Connections with model selection Canonical selection procedure min y Xb 2 l 2 + Λ σ 2 {i : b i 0} Λ = 2: C p (Mallows 73), AIC (Akaike 74) Λ = log n: BIC (Schwarz 78) Λ = 2 log p: RIC (Foster and George 94)

34 Connections with model selection Canonical selection procedure min y Xb 2 l 2 + Λ σ 2 {i : b i 0} Λ = 2: C p (Mallows 73), AIC (Akaike 74) Λ = log n: BIC (Schwarz 78) Λ = 2 log p: RIC (Foster and George 94) NP-hard Practically impossible for p > 50, 60 Enormous and beautiful theoretical literature focussed on estimating Xβ: Barron, Cover; Foster, George; Donoho, Johnstone; Birgé, Massart; Barron, Birgé, Massart

35 In contrast... The Dantzig selector is practical (computationally feasible) The Dantzig selector does nearly as well if one had perfect information about the object of interest The setup is fairly general

36 Geometric intuition β X T X(β b) l 2λσ Constraint X (y X ˆβ) λ σ β is feasible ˆβ inside the diamond ˆβ l1 β l1 β is feasible ˆβ inside the slab {b : b l1 = β l1 } X X(β ˆβ) l 2λ σ True vector is feasible if (X j columns of X) z, X j λ σ X (Xβ X ˆβ) l X (Xβ y) l + X (y X ˆβ) l 2λ σ

37 Practical performance, I p = 256, n = 72. X is a Gaussian matrix, X ij i.i.d. N(0, 1/n) σ =.11 and λ = 3.5 so that the threshold is at δ = λ σ = true value estimate 2.5 true value estimate Dantzig selector Gauss Dantzig selector

38 Connections with soft-thresholding Suppose X is an orthogonal matrix Dantzig selection minimizes bi s.t. (X y) i b i < λ p σ Implications: DS = soft-thresholding of ỹ = X y at level λ p σ ỹ i λ p σ, ỹ i > λ p σ ˆβ i = 0, ỹ i λ p σ ỹ i + λ p σ, ỹ i < λ p σ Explains soft-thresholding-like behavior

39 The Gauss-Dantzig selector Two stage-procedure for bias-correction Stage 1 Estimate M = {i : β i 0} with ˆM = {i : ˆβ i > t σ}, t 0. Stage 2 Construct the Least Squares estimator ˆβ = min b V ˆM y Xb 2 l 2 Use the Dantzig selector to estimate the model M Construct a new estimator by regressing the data y onto the model ˆM.

40 Practical performance, II p = 5, 000, n = 1, 000 X is binary, X ij = ±1/ n w.p. 1/2 The nonzero entries of β are i.i.d. Cauchy σ =.5 and λ σ = 2.09 Ratio i ( ˆβ i β i ) 2 / min(β 2 i, σ2 ). S Gauss-Dantzig selector The constants are quite small!

41 All Coordinates First 500 coordinates

42 Dantzig selector in image processing, I

43 Original Reconstruction n =.043p

44 Significance for experimental design Want to sense a high-dimensional parameter vector Only a few coordinates are significant How many measurements do you need?

45 What should we measure? Want conditions for estimation to hold for large values of S X i,j N(0, 1): S n/ log(p/n) (Szarek) X i,j = ±1 wp 1/2: S n/ log(p/n) (Pajor et al., ) Randomized incomplete Fourier matrices Many others (tomorrow s talk) Random designs are good sensing matrices

46 Applications: signal acquisition Analog-to-digital converters, receivers,... Space: cameras, medical imaging devices,... Nyquist/Shannon foundation: must sample at twice the highest frequency Signals are wider and wider band Hardware brickwall: extremely fast/high-resolution samplers are decades away

47 Subsampling Signal model s(t) = 1 n p β k e i2πω kt k=1 Observe signal at n subsampled locations y j = s(t j ) + σz j, 1 j n Model y = Xβ + σz, X j,k = 1 n e i2πω kt j X obeys conditions of theorem for large S: practically, S n/

48 Sampling a spectrally sparse signal Length p = 1000 vector, with S = 20 active Fourier modes s(t) β(ω) Measurements: sample at n (non-uniformly spaced) locations in time y j = s(t j ) + σz j, z j N(0, I n ) Recover using Dantzig-Gauss selector

49 Sampling a spectrally sparse signal Ideal recovery error E s ŝ 2 l 2 E β ideal β 2 l 2 S σ 2 For the DS, we observe (across a broad range of σ and n) E ˆβ DS β 2 l S σ 2 Price of unknown support is 15% in additional error Example for n = 110: σ 2 Sσ 2 E β DS β This has implications on the so-called Walden curve for Shannon based high-precision ADCs.

50 Testbed Detection of a Small Tone from L 1 Projection Small tone detection limited by clumping of error energy in sparse bins ) B 0 d ( e d u t i l p m A d e z i l a m r o N - 8 0!70 db 80.8 db Measured Recovered Signal (OCT9-Uncorrected) SNR = 67.63dB SFDR = 79.47dB Loading = PClip-4.74dB Frequency (MHz) ITAR/EAR-Controlled Information Do not export or release to the public without USG approval.

51 Summary Accurate estimation from few observations is possible Need to solve an LP Need incoherent design Opportunities Biomedical imagery New A/D devices Part of a larger body of work with many applications Sparse decompositions in overcomplete dictionaries Error-correction (decoding by LP) Information theory (universal encoders)

52 Is this magic? Download code at

53 New paradigm for analog to digital Direct sampling reproduction of the light field; analog/digital photography, mid 19th century Indirect sampling data aquisition in a transformed domain, second half of 20th century; e.g. CT, MRI Compressive sampling data aquisition in an incoherent domain Take a comparably small number of general measurements rather than the usual pixels Impact: design incoherent analog sensors; e.g. optical Pay-off: far fewer sensors than what is usually considered necessary

54 Rice compressed sensing camera Richard Baraniuk, Kevin Kelly, Yehia Massoud, Don Johnson Other works: Coifman et al., Brady.

55 Dantzig selector in image processing, II N by N image: p = N 2 Data y = Xβ + z where (Xβ) k = t 1,t 2 β(t 1, t 2 ) cos(2π(k 1 t 1 + k 2 t 2 )/N), k = (k 1, k 2 ) Dantzig selection with residual vector r = y Xb. min b TV subject to (X r) i λ i σ

56 NIST: Imaging fuel cells Look inside fuel cells as they are operating via neutron imaging Accelerate process by limiting the number of projections Each projection = samples along radial lines in the Fourier domain Given measurements y, apply the Dantzig selector min b TV subject to X (y Xb) λσ where X = P Ω = partial pseudo-polar FFT (see Averbuch et. al (2001))

57 Imaging fuel cells Reconstruction from 20 projections: original backprojection Dantzig selector

58 Imaging fuel cells From actual measurements with constant SNR Backprojection from 720 slices every 0.25 degrees Dantzig from 60 slices every 3 Results are very preliminary; could improve with more sophisticated models


THE DANTZIG SELECTOR: STATISTICAL ESTIMATION WHEN p IS MUCH LARGER THAN n 1 The Annals of Statistics 27, Vol. 35, No. 6, 2313 2351 DOI: 1.1214/953661523 Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 27 THE DANTZIG SELECTOR: STATISTICAL ESTIMATION WHEN p IS MUCH LARGER THAN n 1 BY EMMANUEL

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