A model for controlling the resting membrane potential of cells using nanoparticles

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1 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Decemer 15-17, Los Angeles, California, USA A model for controlling the resting memrane potential of cells using nanoparticles Shayok Mukhopadhyay, Fumin Zhang, Emilie Warren and Christine Payne Astract This paper presents a novel dynamical system model for the resting memrane potential of cells. The novelty of this work is that the model allows parameters related to permeailities of ion channels to e controlled so the resting memrane potential reaches a desired value. We are then ale to explain the decreased polarity across the cell memrane when nanoparticles are introduced in the vicinity of a cell. The effect of varying these parameters on the resting memrane potential of a cell is investigated. The proposed model allows simulation of the ehaviors of the resting memrane potential that matches experimental data. I. INTRODUCTION The transmemrane potential is the difference in electric potential etween the interior and the exterior of iological cells. The transmemrane electrical potential of cells is of great importance in human health and disease [1]. This 100mV to 10mV gradient of electrical energy across the plasma memrane influences the transport of nutrients, ions, and water in and out of cells [1]. Different cell types have different characteristic memrane potentials [2]. Important for human disease, cancer cells are depolarized relative to healthy cells from the same tissue with resting memrane potentials closer to 0mV. If the transmemrane potential can e controlled, it may e possile to influence the ehavior of a cell so that certain diseases may e cured. Multiple models have een generated to descrie the transmemrane potential. Best known is the Hodgkin-Huxley model for the memrane current in active nerve cells [3]. Transport through the cell memrane has also een studied in [4]. Homeostasis is a property of a system in which certain variales are regulated to maintain a relatively stale internal environment. The work in [5] focuses on the dynamics of homeostasis and examines how long it takes to reach the equilirium state if homeostasis is pertured y a small amount. Steady-state analysis for modeling homeostasis for epithelial cells is presented in [6]. A system of differential equations linking transmemrane potential, ionic concentrations and cell volume of eukaryotic cells is examined in [7]. Although the model in [7] is useful, it is complex and it does This research was partially supported y the ONR grants N , N , and N YIP, and NSF grants ECCS CAREER, CNS , and ECCS Shayok Mukhopadhyay is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, American University of Sharjah, PO Box 26666, Sharjah, UAE. Fumin Zhang is with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. Emilie Warren and Christine Payne are with the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. s: smukhopadhyay@aus.edu, fumin@gatech.edu, ewarren6@gmail.com, christine.payne@chemistry.gatech.edu not explicitly deal with controlling the resting memrane potential. One of our motivations is to derive a simpler model which allows control of the transmemrane potential. Lacking from previous models of transmemrane potential are parameters that allow control of the memrane potential. This paper presents a dynamic model that explicitly reveals the connections etween the values of the tunale parameters and the values of the resting memrane potential. In addition, we show that our model is a nonlinear system that is stale over a large range of values for the parameters. Such a model can e used to simulate how the transmemrane potential reacts to the introduction of an ion species or how nanoparticles might e used to lock specific ion channels to tune memrane potential [8]. The aility to target and modify cells y manipulating memrane potential has important implications for cancer detection and treatment. Biological processes like transmemrane potential, or genetic memory circuits, may have nonlinear dynamics [9]. Studying the staility properties of a nonlinear system may help understand the corresponding iological process [10], this is a motivation for us. Literature exists on simulating nonlinear iological processes [11]. Using nonlinear equivalent circuit models may make the dynamics of iological processes more accessile for control-oriented analysis. Thus inspired, we develop a simple nonlinear dynamic model of the transmemrane potential of a cell, the simplicity may aid a nonlinear equivalent circuit representation of our model in the future. The main contriution of this work is a simple dynamic model that allows the control of cellular resting memrane potential y regulating the permeaility of transmemrane channels. Unlike some existing approaches in the literature, our model also displays staility in addition to giving predictale values of the resting memrane potential. We argue that staility is a merit for any such model. We also show that one of the existing models in literature [12] produces a dynamic model with unstale equilirium points, and this does not match physical oservations. Our experimental efforts also show that the model successfully predicts the depolarization of cells when nanoparticles are introduced into the vicinity of cells. The dynamic model presented here can also e used to study the transient ehavior of the transmemrane potential. This paper is organized as follows. We motivate this work y providing experimentally oserved results in section II. Background on cellular models is provided in section III. Our proposed model for controlling the transmemrane potential is presented in section IV. An analysis of the staility of the equilirium points of this model is presented in section V /14/$ IEEE 6017

2 Results of simulations and comparison of simulation results with experiments are presented in section VI. Conclusions and ideas for future work are presented in section VII. II. MOTIVATION Figures 1 and 2 show the results of inding nanoparticles to the memrane of CHO Chinese Hamster Ovary cells. The nuclei of the cells are stained with DAPI 4, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and fluoresce lue, while the cytosol intracellular fluid are stained with DiBAC 4 3 is- 1,3-diutylarituric acid trimethamine oxonol and fluoresce green. The properties of DiBAC 4 3 are such that, with increased depolarization, the dye diffuses into the cell to a greater extent than it does at the cell s resting state. Therefore, the cells exhiit an increase in DiBAC 4 3 fluorescence in response to an increased depolarization [13]. Figure 1 shows the control condition, efore nanoparticles are introduced to the CHO cells. The cytosol of the cells do show a slight green fluorescence from DiBAC 4 3, due to the fact that some dye will enter into the cells even at their resting state, where the potential has some initial negative value in millivolts. Figure 2 shows the same cells, ut with the introduction Fig. 1. Fluorescence microscopy image of CHO cells. Nuclei are stained with DAPI lue and the cytosol is stained with DiBAC 4 3 green. of 60nm, amine-modified polystyrene nanoparticles. These red-fluorescent nanoparticles are introduced to the cells at conditions such that the particles ind to the outside of the plasma memrane. From Fig. 2 it is oserved that the addition of nanoparticles has led to an increase in DiBAC 4 3 fluorescence. This increase in DiBAC 4 3 fluorescence after the introduction of nanoparticles indicates an increased depolarization of the cell. To define further, an increase in depolarization means that the transmemrane potential increases and approaches zero. Motivated y the aove oservations, the aim of this paper is a simple dynamical model which allows certain parameters to e controlled, to allow us to mimic the effect of introducing nanoparticles or any ion species to make the transmemrane potential approach zero or some other desired value. In the following section we provide some ackground information aout modeling iological cells and then we propose our own model. III. BACKGROUND The work in [12] provides an accessile treatment to the prolem of modeling the resting transmemrane potential of a cell. The following information from [12] forms the asis for the work in this paper. A simple model showing a cell under standard conditions is shown in Fig. 3. The cell memrane oundary contains channels to mediate the passive movement of three types of ions i.e. Cl chlorine, Na sodium, and K potassium. These channels are gaps in the cell memrane that allow the passage of molecules etween cells. The fluid contained inside a cell is known as the cytosol. The permeaility of the resting cell is P K = 1.0, P Na = 0.02, and P Cl = 2.0 in aritrary units. As shown in Fig. 3, the resting potential of the cell is V mr = 80mV, and the resting volume is 1.0 aritrary units. All ion concentrations are specified in mm millimoles. The internal concentration of [Cl ] ions is only 7mM. This makes room for internally accumulated sustances [Sus ] at a concentration of 143mM. Note that the sum of the concentrations of ions and sustances inside the cell in Fig. 3 equals the sum of the ion concentrations outside it, i.e. the cell shown is in homeostasis with internal conditions alanced relative to the outside. The currents corresponding to the movement of a particular ion species through the channels shown in Fig. 3 are given y the following equations [12, Equation 3]. Consider the following. ψt = F RT V mt 1 I K ψt = P K Fz K [K + ] i [K + ] o e ψt 2 I Na ψt = P Na Fz Na [Na + ] i [Na + ] o e ψt 3 I Cl ψt = P Cl Fz Cl [Cl ] o [Cl ] i e ψt. 4 Fig. 2. Fluorescence microscopy image of 60nm amine-modified polystyrene nanoparticles red, ound to the memrane of CHO cells. Here P X cm/s is the product of the numer of pores per unit length of the cell memrane cm 2 times the permeaility ρ X cm 3 pore 1 s 1 of a single pore. The suscript X 6018

3 can e replaced with K,Na or Cl to reflect permeailities to specific ions. F Cmol 1 is Faraday s constant. The dimensionless quantities z K = z Na = z Cl = 1, represent the numer of valence electrons unity for all ions considered here. All the internal, and external ion concentrations [K + ] i, [Na + ] i, [Cl + ] i, [K + ] o, [Na + ] o, [Cl + ] o elong to the interval [0,. The symols R,T represent the gas constant and the asolute temperature in degrees Kelvin respectively, and the dimensionless quantity ψt R is the ratio of the potential V m tf to the random thermal energy RT. In addition to containing passive channels, the cell memrane also contains active units that transport ions/molecules inside/outside a cell. Figure 3 shows an ion pump. This pump exports three Na + ions and imports two K + ions in every cycle of its operation. Such active pumps may e driven y an energy source like ATP adenosine triphosphate molecules. The following equations govern the flux of Na + and K + ions through the ATP driven ion pump shown y the empty circle in Fig. 3. Γ Na +t = 2.17[ATP] 1+ [Na+ ] c [Na + ] i 3 5 Γ K +t = 1 β Γ Na +t, 6 where Γ Na +,Γ K + R represent the fluxes of Na + and K + ions respectively through the ion pump. The constant β [0, represents the pump ratio known. The quantity [Na + ] c [0, represents the concentration for halfmaximal occupation of a Na + inding site on the pump. For details regarding active ion pumps, readers are encouraged to refer to [14]. Note that [ATP] [0, is dependent on time, hence the L.H.S. in 5 and 6 is time-varying. The pump current [12] I pump t R can now e otained as I pump t = Γ Na +t+γ K +t F. 7 The following relationship modeling the effect of the pump current, and the ion currents on the memrane voltage V m can now e written as I Na ψt+i K ψt+i Cl ψt+i pump t = Vm t. 8 In 8 0, is the transmemrane capacitance. There are charged ions lining the inside and the outside of the cell memrane as seen in Fig. 3. The interior and the exterior of a iological cell can therefore e viewed as two electrically conducting regions, separated y a thin layer of insulating material the cell memrane. For this reason, the presence of the cell memrane is modeled as the memrane capacitance in 8. Equation 8 provides a asic equation that needs to e satisfied y the various currents through the memrane and the transmemrane potential. Solutions for V m may not necessarily e trivial. Ion pump 3 Na + 2 K + [Cl ] o 150 [Cl ] i 7 V mr = 80 mv Vol 1.0 [Sus ] 143 Cl channel K channel [K + ] i 140 [K + ] o 5 [Na + ] i 10 Na channel [Na + ] o 145 Fig. 3. A model showing the normal condition of a cell [12]. Now consider the parameters α 1,α 2,α 3 [0,, and the parameter k 0, defined as α 1 = P K Fz K,α 2 = P Na Fz Na, α 3 = P Cl Fz Cl, and k = F RT. Note that Faraday s constant F, the gas constant R are positive. The normal operating temperature of a cell is expected to e ounded and significantly aove asolute zero, hence T 0,. Therefore we have that the constant k > 0. Equations 2-4 can now e re-written as follows, I K V m t = α 1 [K + ] i α 1 [K + ] o e kvmt 9 I Na V m t = α 2 [Na + ] i α 2 [Na + ] o e kvmt 10 I Cl V m t = α 3 [Cl ] o α 3 [Cl ] i e kvmt. 11 Using equations 9-11, equation 8 can e re-written as follows. V m t = 1 α1 [K + ] i +α 2 [Na + ] i +α 3 [Cl ] o Ion pump ekvmt α 1 [K + ] o +α 2 [Na + ] o +α 3 [Cl ] i + 1 I pump t 12 3 Na + 2 K + [Cl ] o 150 [Cl ] i 7 V mr = 80 mv Vol 1.0 [Sus ] 143 Cl channel K channel [K + ] i 140 [K + ] o 5 [Na + ] i 10 IV. THE PROPOSED MODEL We desire to e ale to alter the value of V m y changing the flux through each channel using nanoparticles. Fig. 4. Na channel Nanoparticle [Na + ] o 145 A model showing channels of a cell locked using nanoparticles. 6019

4 The concentrations of ions outside a cell i.e. [K + ] o, [Cl + ] o, and [Na + ] o, can e regarded as a constant or slowly varying compared to the dynamic change of the transmemrane potential [14]. This is ecause the environment external to a cell can e considered a chemical reservoir with constant concentrations. Also, to maintain normal operating conditions within a cell, every particular type of cell maintains the concentrations of ions inside a cell i.e. [K + ] i, [Cl + ] i, and [Na + ] i, at constant values [14]. The channel currents arise due to the movement of ions to maintain such a required steady potential difference. The ion pump current is also maintained at a relatively steady value [14], ecause any transient disturance in the pump current magnitude will most likely upset the chemical concentrations within a cell, i.e. disrupt the required operating conditions. Based on the aove discussion, the following simplifications are made, a = 1 α1 [K + ] C i +α 2 [Na + ] i +α 3 [Cl ] o 13 m = 1 α1 [K + ] C o +α 2 [Na + ] o +α 3 [Cl ] i 14 m c = 1 15 I pump t = d, 16 where the parameters a, 0, and c, d > 0. Note that the pump current and the ion concentrations have constant values for a cell in normal operating conditions. In the quantity, which represents the transmemrane capacitance of a cell, is already known. The constants α 1,α 2 and α 3 can e chosen to have particular values. In general the values of the constants α 1,α 2 and α 3 can e altered y the introduction of some ion species in/around a cell. In this work, it is assumed that the introduction of nanoparticles is used to make the constants α 1,α 2 and α 3 have desired values. From 13 and 14 it is seen that a, depend on the values of α 1,α 2 and α 3. Therefore changing α 1,α 2 and α 3 y the introduction of nanoparticles can allow us to change the parameters a or. Using 13-16, the model in 12 can e re-written as, V m t = a e kvmt +cd, where k,c,d > 0, and a, Now let the state variale zt = e kvmt, taking the time derivative of z and using 17 we get żt = ke kvmt Vm t, which gives the following system equation. ż = kza z +cd 18 V. STABILITY ANALYSIS From 18 it can e seen that ż = 0 when z assumes the following two values, z 01 = 0, and 19 z 02 = a+cd, 20 representing the two equilirium points for the system in 18. From 18 and 20 we get, ż = kzz z The equilirium point z 01 = 0 for 18 corresponds to V mr =. This equilirium point is not practically useful ecause a resting memrane potential of V mr = is not normally oserved [2]. Therefore we use the restriction z 0. Since z = e kvm, this implies z > 0 and therefore get the following stale system. ż = kzz z 02, where k,,z > 0 22 Staility of 22 can e easily verified y linearization if required, or considering the candidate Lyapunov function [15] V = 1 2 z z 02 2, the time derivative of which gives V = kzz z 02 2 < 0. For a normal cell the ion channels are not completely locked i.e. the condition > 0 is valid for a cell in normal operating conditions. Further, from 20 and the definition of z, the resting memrane potential corresponding to the stale equilirium z 02 is given y V mr = 1 k ln a+cd. 23 The pump current d in is not availale for control, and a / has a constant value. But as tends to infinity, the term cd / in 23 vanishes. Therefore, it is possile to alter the resting memrane potential y changing. This may e achieved y increasing or lowering ion channel permeailities y using an ion species. Using nanoparticles will lock ion channels in the cell memrane, thus reducing the permeaility values α 1,α 2 and α 3 and therey reducing the value of the parameter. For certain values of a /, the introduction of nanoparticles is expected to make z 02 approach unity, and V mr approach 0. Here it must e noted that the using [12, Equation 3] and not [12, Equation 3a] results in the stale system given in 22. Using [12, Equation 3a] results in a model with no stale equilirium points. This does not agree with physical oservations ecause the transmemrane potential stailizes to the resting memrane potential, therefore we have used [12, Equation 3]. Further, if an unstale system model ased on [12, Equation 3a] was used, then it would not e possile to regulate the resting memrane potential V mr y changing the parameter. The effects of introducing nanoparticles on the resting memrane potential is investigated y using simulations and also y performing actual experiments. The results of the simulations and experiments are compared in the next section. VI. SIMULATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS Here we present the results ased on the theoretical discussion in the previous sections, and also compare them with actual results of using nanoparticles to alter the resting memrane potential of CHO cells. Although a and are defined in 13 and 14 to depend on the individual channel permeailities α 1,α 2 and α 3, expecting such fine grained control may e impractical. This is ecause a cell has many channels, and it may e very involved if not impossile to quantify the effect of introducing a particular type of nanoparticle on a specific ion channel. Therefore for 6020

5 1 z 02 V mr Fig. 5. A plot showing z 02 vs Fig. 6. A plot showing V mr vs.. simulations, and to match the experimental situation it is feasile to redefine a, to model the overall effect of the ion concentrations inside/outside a cell. For this purpose, let us simplify 13 and 14 to the following, a = γ 1 [K + ] i +[Na + ] i +[Cl ] o 24 = γ 2 [K + ] o +[Na + ] o +[Cl ] i 25 where γ 1 = 0.01γ 2 for our simulations. The specific relation γ 1 = 0.01γ 2 is chosen so the simulation results produce values for the resting memrane potential which lie in the practically oserved range. A. Simulation results From 24, 25 we have a / = For the simulations we set the capacitance = 37pF picofarads, temperature T = 22 C, R = 8.314JK 1 mol 1, F = 96485Cmol 1 and the cell current d = 15pA picoamperes. Note that the values for the capacitance and current have een chosen in accordance with values oserved in [16]. The following plots are otained for the state z and the resting memrane potential V mr calculated using 23, y smoothly varyingin the interval [0.42, 129]. Figure 5 shows how the equilirium point z 02 varies as is varied etween 0.42 and 129. It is oserved from Fig. 5 that as the positive numer is z Time seconds Fig. 7. A plot showing trajectories zt of the system in 18 for increasing values of. Red-solid curve corresponds to = 1.5, lue-dashed curve corresponds to = 2, and lack dash-dotted curve corresponds to = 3. V m Time seconds Fig. 8. A plot showing the transmemrane potential V mt for increasing values of. Red-solid curve corresponds to = 1.5, lue-dashed curve corresponds to = 2, and lack dash-dotted curve corresponds to = 3. decreased, z 02 approaches unity. And as is increased z 02 approaches a = 0.01 in this case. Figure 6 shows how the resting memrane potential V mr varies as is varied etween 0.42 and 129. Recall that z = e kvm, this implies that as z approaches a = 0.01 corresponding to an increase inthenv mr must tend to some negative numer. Such ehavior is verified from Fig. 6 where the resting memrane potential V mr is seen to approach 0.11V as is increased towards 129. Similarly, a decrease in causes z to increase towards unity, which causes V mr to approach zero. This ehavior is also clearly oserved in Fig. 6 where V mr is seen to approach zero as approaches Also note that lower values for correspond to lower permeaility values for the ion channels and higher values for correspond to a situation with ion channels having higher permeaility, as per the definitions in 24 and 25. The plots in figures 7 and 8 show how the state z of the system in 18, and therefore the transmemrane potential V m t stailizes to different resting memrane potentials V mr corresponding to a change in. In oth Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 the red-solid curve corresponds to = 1.5, the luedashed curve corresponds to = 2, and lack dash-dotted curve corresponds to = 3. An initial value of 80mV 6021

6 corresponding to the normal operating conditions of a cell is assumed to e the initial condition for V m, therefore all the curves in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 appear to egin from the same initial point. As oserved in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, an increase in results in a decrease in z towards zero, and the resting memrane potential V mr decreases towards further negative values. This ehavior is clearly seen in figures 7 and 8 as well. As increases from 1.5 to 3, the trajectories for zt in Fig. 7 stailize to values closer to zero. Similarly in Fig. 8 it is seen that as increases from 1.5 to 3, the transmemrane potential stailizes to progressively more negative values. We now proceed to verify if these oservations are confirmed y experimental results. B. Comparison with experimental results As mentioned in section II, from Fig. 2 it is oserved that the addition of nanoparticles has led to an increase in DiBAC 4 3 fluorescence. An increase in DiBAC 4 3 fluorescence indicates an increased depolarization of the cell. An increase in depolarization implies that the transmemrane potential increases and approaches zero. From the discussion in section IV-B, this implies that introducing the nanoparticles may have actually decreased the permeaility of certain channels in CHO cells so that the resting memrane potential approaches zero see Fig. 6, a decrease in causes V mr to approach zero. Since depends on the permeaility of ion channels the ion concentrations and the transmemrane capacitance remaining constant, a decrease in implies that the introduction of nanoparticles results in a decrease in ion channel permeailities, which causes the memrane potential to approach zero. Therefore our simulations agree with the experimental oservations. VII. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK A. Conclusions A simple dynamical model is presented for the transmemrane potential of cells. This model allows the control of the resting memrane potential y manipulating physiological parameters. It is shown that standard cellular conditions correspond to one stale equilirium of the model. Based on the theoretical developments and the results from simulations and experiments, we can conclude that introducing nanoparticles can alter the transmemrane potential. The simulation results ased on the model developed in this paper agree with the experimental results suggesting that the introduction of nanoparticles reduces ion channel permeaility, making the resting memrane potential approach zero. The plot shown in Fig. 6, can e quickly generated for different types of cells in order to figure out if a particular resting memrane potential is achievale, and what approximate value for the term may e required. This model can e used prior to experiments to achieve the desired resting memrane potential. in response to chemical imalances. 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