arxiv: v1 [] 19 Nov 2014

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1 Toards a Theory of Societal Co-Evolution: Individualism versus Collectivism Kartik Ahuja, Simpson Zhang and Mihaela van der Schaar Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Economics, UCLA Abstract arxiv: v1 [] 19 Nov 2014 Substantial empirical research has shon that the level of individualism vs. collectivism is one of the most critical and important determinants of societal traits, such as economic groth, economic institutions and health conditions. But the exact nature of this impact has thus far not been ell understood in an analytical setting. In this ork, e develop one of the first theoretical models that analytically studies the impact of individualism-collectivism on the society. We model the groth of an individual s elfare (ealth, resources and health) as depending not only on himself, but also on the level of collectivism, i.e. the level of dependence on the rest of the individuals in the society, hich leads to a co-evolutionary setting. Based on our model, e are able to predict the impact of individualism-collectivism on various societal metrics, such as average elfare, average life-time, total population, cumulative elfare and average inequality. We analytically sho that individualism has a positive impact on average elfare and cumulative elfare, but comes ith the drabacks of loer average life-time, loer total population and higher average inequality. I. INTRODUCTION Why are some societies ealthier or healthier than others? Why do some societies have substantial inequality among their members hile others have relatively little? And hy do certain societies have a large population hile others have a small population? Culture, specifically the level of individualism vs. collectivism in the society, plays an important and even central role in ansering the above questions [1] [2]. Landes [3] [4] and many others make the argument for the impact of culture on economic development. Furthermore, in [5] the authors argue that among the different dimensions of culture that affect long run groth, such as individualism-collectivism, masculinity, poer distance etc., the single most relevant dimension is individualismcollectivism. Thus understanding the impact of the level of individualism vs. collectivism on a society is of incredible importance in building a model of societal development. In individualistic societies, people tend to depend more on themselves and less on society for groth in life, hereas in collectivistic societies, people tend to contribute to and depend on society to a greater extent. The level of collectivism in the society thus determines ho much the groth of an individual is affected by the society, as ell as ho much the individual affects the development of the society, leading to a co-evolutionary setting. In this paper, collectivism represents a cultural element and not communism or a state (or religion) direction of activity. There has been substantial research [2] [6] [7] [8] toards analyzing the determinants of societal development. A significant thrust of this research has been on developing theories based on empirical tests [2] [7] [9]. Empirical studies have established the positive impact of individualism on economic parameters, namely GDP per capita and GDP of a country [8]. But there is also more inequality in the societies ith higher levels of development both in

2 economic [10] [11] and health conditions [12]. Even though these empirical results exist, developing mathematical models to understand such social systems is very important, because these mathematical models help us predict societal phenomenon and provide useful insights hich can otherise not be obtained just based on empirical tests. Hoever, there are relatively fe papers that analytically study the impact of individualism vs. collectivism. In [6] the author develops a mathematical model to sho that individualism-collectivism is important in determining the structure of economic institutions in the society. In [8] the authors come up ith a mathematical model through hich they can predict that the individualistic societies promote more long run economic groth than collectivistic societies. In this ork, e develop a mathematical model of the impact of individualism-collectivism on more general parameters of a society, as opposed to only on economic institutions as in the above papers. Our mathematical model helps us anser questions pertaining to the impact of individualism-collectivism on the socio-economic inequality in the society, the total population that can be sustained in the society and the average life-time of individuals, hich cannot be ansered ith existing models. In our model, individuals are born into the society ith a fixed level of intrinsic quality, hich determines the rate of change of their elfare. Welfare in our model is an abstract quantity hich represents an aggregate of the ealth, resources and health of an individual. An individual in our model ill die either if its level of elfare drops too lo or due to natural causes. Importantly, the level of collectivism determines the extent to hich an individual s elfare is affected by rest of the society and vice-versa. Our objective is to compare societies ith different levels of collectivism, levels of elfare required to survive hile assuming the societies are identically impacted by other factors, such as economic institutions, government [13] [14] or geography, environment [15]. Our model is simplistic as e abstract aay the impact of economic institutions, government, geography and environment hoever, it still allos us to capture the impact of individualism-collectivism, as ell as other forces, such as the level of elfare required to survive on societal metrics, namely average elfare, average life-time, average inequality, and total population. From our model e can make the folloing predictions: 1. Although there is higher societal support given to individuals ith lo quality in a collectivistic society, this does not increase the average elfare of individuals in collectivistic societies since the support from the rest of individuals in society comes at the expense of their on elfare levels. This implies loer average elfare levels in a collectivistic society than in an individualistic society. 2. Despite loer average elfare levels, average life-time may be higher in a collectivistic society because the social support given to loer quality individuals ill allo them to survive for a longer amount of time. This also means that collectivistic societies can sustain higher population levels. 3. Cumulative elfare, defined as the total ealth, resources and health of a society, is loer in a collectivistic society. Although a collectivistic society supports a larger total population than an individualistic society, this increase is dominated by the decrease in the average elfare. 4. The level of inequality in the society is higher in an individualistic society than in a collectivistic one, because individualistic societies allo agents to reach higher personal elfare hile giving less social support to individuals

3 ith lo elfare levels. 5. In addition e also study the impact of rate of birth, rate of natural deaths and the minimum elfare level required to survive on the above societal metrics. Our analytical results are in general agreement ith the existing empirical evidence, and e also provide some ne predictions that have so far not been tested empirically. We ant to emphasize that the study here is very general and potentially has a broader scope. Individualism-collectivism is a trait not particular to humans, and in a broad sense it can capture the collectivistic versus individualistic behavior of different biological species, such as bacteria [16]. Being able to mathematically understand individualism and collectivism is not only useful for societal evolution, but can also be of significant interest in biology. II. SYSTEM MODEL We consider an infinite horizon continuous-time model ith a continuum of individuals living in a society. Each individual is characterized by his intrinsic quality, Q, hich models his ability to develop in life, i.e. increase his ealth, resources and health. The intrinsic quality is a random variable hich can take either a good or a bad value, i.e. Q {1, 1}, here the probability that Q = 1, P (Q = 1) = 1 2. Due to space limitations, e only treat a simplistic model here, hoever our results can be extended for more general distributions of quality. We denote the individual s elfare, an abstract quantity representing aggregate ealth, resources and health of individual, at time t from birth as, X(t) and the elfare at birth is zero, X(0) = 0. The rate at hich the elfare of an individual increases at any time t from birth is determined by the individual s quality as ell as the average quality of the rest of society, and is given by R(t) dx(t) dt = (1 ).Q +. Q(t), here Q(t) is the average quality of all the individuals in the society at time t, and [0, 1] is the level of dependence on society. This eight is same for all individuals in the society and is a measure of collectivism in the society, i.e. = 1 and = 0 correspond to a purely collectivistic and purely individualistic society respectively. This mutual dependence amongst the individuals leads to a co-evolutionary setting. The individuals are born into the society at a rate of λ b mass per unit time, hich means that the total mass of individuals entering the society in t time is λ b t. Individuals in the society can die either due to natural causes or due to poor elfare levels. The death due to natural causes is modelled as a Poisson arrival process ith a rate starting at the time of birth of the individual, and at the first arrival instance the individual dies, see Fig. 1. The death due to poor elfare levels happens if the elfare levels fall belo a threshold, r hich e call the death boundary, see Fig. 1. Steady State of the Society: As time increases the population increases up to a point here the rate of death equals the rate of birth. Thus the total population ill converge to a fixed mass, and the distribution of elfare levels ithin the society ill also converge to a constant. Thus in a steady state: a) the total population mass in the society attains a fixed value, denoted by P op(λ b,, r, ), at hich the rate of birth ill equal the rate of death and b) the density of the population at a given elfare level x, p λd,,r,(x), see Fig. 2, and the mass of the population ith quality Q = q, M(q), are also determined. We sho belo in Theorem 1 that there is alays a unique steady state in our model given the exogenous parameters {λ b,, r, }, hich characterize the society.

4 Death Boundary/ Poisson Arrival Bad Quality Individual Q= 1 Death Birth. Q(λ b,,r,) Good Quality Individual Q=1.(Q = 1) Society.(Q = 1) Poisson Arrival Death.Q Individual s contribution to society. Q(λ b,,r,) Society s contribution to individual Figure 1. Life-time of good and bad quality individuals. Theorem 1. Every society has a unique steady state. The detailed proofs can be found in the appendix (Section V) given at the end. Lemma 1. Good and bad quality individuals attain positive and negative elfare values respectively in the steady state. Bad quality individuals can die either due to a Poisson arrival or due to poor elfare levels. As a result the proportion of the bad quality individuals is loer than that of good quality ones, hich leads to a positive average quality Q(λ b,, r, ). Hence, good quality individuals cannot take negative elfare values. Also, it can be shon that the bad quality individuals cannot take positive elfare values, see the appendix (Section V) at the end for details. In the unique steady state the population density, p λd,,r,(x) decays exponentially in both positive and negative directions, see Fig. 2. We illustrate the life-time of an individual ith good (bad) quality, i.e. Q = 1 (Q = 1) in steady state in Fig. 1. The positive (negative) elfare levels are attained by good (bad) quality individuals in the population. The rate at hich the elfare of a bad quality individual decays in time is typically lesser than the rate of groth of good quality individuals, (due to the opposing effects of the negative quality and positive societal support for a bad quality individual), this leads to a higher decay in the population density of bad quality individuals as compared to good quality individuals, see Fig. 2. We focus on understanding the impact of the exogenous parameters on the properties of this steady state. To do so e denominate some important societal metrics hich help understand the properties of the steady state. Definition 1. Average quality: The average quality of individuals represents the net impact the society has on M(Q=1) rate of groth of elfare of each individual and is defined as Q(λ b,, r, ) = 1 P op(λ b,,r,) 1. M(Q= 1) P op(λ b,,r,). Definition 2. Average elfare: The average value of elfare of the population, a measure of the average ealth, resources and health of an individual in the society, is defined as X(λ b,, r, ) = r x p λ b,,r,(x) P op(λ b,,r,) dx. Let T denote the random variable corresponding to the life-time of an individual in steady state. Let R be the rate of groth of the individual in steady state here R = (1 ).Q +. Q(λ b,, r, )) and Q is the quality of the individual. If R 0, then the individual s elfare ill alays be above zero, hence the individual ill

5 Population density p λb,λd,r,(x) Individuals ith Q = 1 Individuals ith Q = +1 c 1. λ2 λ 1.e λ 2x c 1 e λ 1x -r, Death Boundary (0,0) Welfare level, x Figure 2. Steady State Distribution of population density as a function of elfare levels. only die hen there is a Poisson arrival. Therefore, T in this case ill be an exponential random variable, T, ith mean 1. If R < 0 then the death ill happen either at time T 2 (λ b,, r, ) = r 1 (1+ Q(λ b,,r,)), here T 2 (λ b,, r, ) is the time taken to reach the death boundary, or if there is a Poisson arrival before T 2 (λ b,, r, ). Hence, T = min{t, T 2 (λ b,, r, )}, Definition 3. Average life-time: The average life-time of an individual is defined as the expected value of the life-time (unconditional on individual s quality), T (λb,, r, ) =E λb,,r,[t ]. The next societal metric is a measure of average inequality in the elfare levels of individuals. Definition 4. Average inequality: Average inequality, a measure of disparity in the society, is defined as the variance of elfare, V ar X (λ b,, r, ) = r (x X(λ b,, r, )) 2 p λ b,,r,(x) P op(λ b,,r,) dx. Next, e come up ith a notion of Cumulative elfare, hich is the aggregate amount of elfare in the society, a measure of total ealth and resources. Definition 5. Cumulative elfare: The cumulative elfare, a measure of total elfare of society accumulated together, is defined as CF (λ b,, r, ) = P op(λ b,, r, ) X(λ b,, r, ). In the above societal metrics, average life-time, total population and average quality are more intuitive to understand, hile average elfare is similar to GDP per capita [8], cumulative elfare is similar to the GDP [8] and average inequality is related to GINI coefficient [10] [11]. III. RESULTS In this section, e ill compare different societal metrics across societies differing either in the level of collectivism, or the other exogenous parameters. Lemma 2. a) The average quality Q(λ b,, r, ) and the average elfare X(λ b,, r, ) of an individual decrease as the level of collectivism increases. b) Q(λ b,, r, ) and X(λ b,, r, ) decrease as the rate of natural deaths increases. c) Q(λ b,, r, ) and X(λ b,, r, ) decrease as the death boundary r decreases. In part a), as the level of collectivism is increased, the support from the society slos the rate at hich the elfare of a bad quality individual decays ith time, causing a larger proportion of the population to be of lo quality. The good quality individuals contribute more to this support as ell and as a result their on groth is

6 sloed. As a result, there is a negative impact both on the average quality and average elfare of the individuals. Parts b) and c) are straightforard, see the appendix (Section V) at the end for detail. This lemma is supported by the empirical studies shoing loer per capita income in collectivistic societies in comparison to individualistic societies [8]. Theorem 2. a) Total population P op(λ b,, r, ) increases as the rate of birth λ b increases. b) P op(λ b,, r, ) increases as the level of collectivism increases. c) P op(λ b,, r, ) increases as the death boundary r decreases. d) If < 1 2 then P op(λ b,, r, ) increases as the rate of natural deaths decreases. Part a) and c) are easier to comprehend, see the appendix (Section V) at the end for details. For part b), as the level of collectivism increases the support from the society slos the rate at hich the elfare of a bad quality individual decays ith time. As a result, the proportion of individuals dying at the death boundary decreases, hich means that the population level at hich the mass of population dying equals the mass of population being born is higher. This agrees ith the empirical studies hich sho collectivistic societies have less income per orker and have a larger population [17] [18]. In part d), as the rate at hich natural deaths occur decreases, the rate of deaths due to achieving poor elfare levels through hitting the death boundary can increase. Hoever, if the level of dependence on the society is lo then the decrease in the rate of natural deaths dominates, and as a result the total population increases such that the mass of deaths equals mass of birth. Theorem 3: a) Cumulative elfare CF (λ b,, r, ) decreases as the rate of birth λ b decreases. b) CF (λ b,, r, ) decreases as the rate of natural deaths increases. c) If r ɛ < 1 2 and < 1 2 ɛ ith ɛ > 0, then CF (λ b,, r, ) decreases as the death boundary r decreases. d) CF (λ b,, r, ) decreases as the level of collectivism increases. Since CF (λ b,, r, ) P op(λ b,, r, ), part a) follos from Theorem 2. For part b), as the rate of natural death increases the average elfare of an individual decreases (Lemma 2) and the total population also decreases (Theorem 2), if the level of collectivism is not high. This shos the result for part b), hen the collectivism is not high. Hoever, it can be shon that even if the level of collectivism is high then as ell there ill be a decrease in cumulative elfare oing to a significant decrease in the average elfare (see the appendix (Section V)). For part c), as the death boundary decreases, the total population in the society increases hereas the average elfare of an individual decreases, leading to opposing effects. Therefore, if the r is sufficiently lo then the proportion of the population ith bad quality is sufficiently lo as ell. Also, if the level of collectivism, is lo then then the rate at hich the elfare of bad quality individuals decays ith time is high, hence the effect of decreasing the death boundary on the average elfare is high. Under these conditions the decrease in average elfare dominates the increase in population. For part d), increasing the level of collectivism increases the total population (Theorem 2), but it decreases the average elfare of an individual (Lemma 2). Interestingly, it can be shon that the decrease in the average elfare of an individual dominates the increase in population (see the appendix (Section V) for technical detail). This result is also aligned ith the empirical tests shoing higher GDPs for an individualistic society [8].

7 Theorem 4. a) Average life time T (λ b,, r, ) decreases ith an increase in rate of natural deaths. b) If r > θ = ln( ) then T (λ b,, r, ) increases ith an increase in level of collectivism else, it first decreases and then increases ith an increase in level of collectivism. c), If r > θ, then T (λ b,, r, ) increases ith a decrease in death boundary r else, it first decreases and then increases ith a decrease in death boundary r. For part a), an increase in the rate of deaths ill affect the life-time of both good and bad quality individuals negatively, thus leading to the result. For part b), increasing the level of collectivism slos the rate at hich the elfare of individuals ith bad quality decays ith time resulting in an increase in their life-time. It also leads to an increase in the proportion of individuals ith bad quality, but note that individuals ith good quality have a higher life-time than individuals ith bad quality. This leads to an opposing effect. Hoever, if r is high i.e. r > θ, then the proportion of the individuals ith bad quality is high enough, implying that the increase in the life-time of individuals ith bad quality has a dominating effect in comparison to the decrease resulting from a decreasing proportion of individuals ith good quality. The proportion of the population of bad quality individuals increases ith an increase in the level of collectivism. If r θ and the level of collectivism is sufficiently high, there ill be a sufficiently high proportion of bad quality individuals, and so if level of collectivism is increased then there ill be an increase in the average life-time. Hoever, if the level of collectivism is not high then there ill be a decrease in the average life-time ith an increase in the level of collectivism. A similar explanation applies to part c). In Fig. 3, it is shon that if r is sufficiently high the average life-time increases ith the level of collectivism, otherise, the average life-time decreases and then increases. It is important at this point to note that in part b), e compare to societies ith different levels of collectivism hile other parameters remain the same hich may include medical facilities, health aareness etc. that are also crucial determinants of life-time. Also, our model does not yet consider the impact of cumulative elfare on the rate of natural deaths and is an important direction for future research. Theorem 5. The average inequality V ar X (λ b,, r, ) is alays more in an individualistic society = 0 as compared to a collectivistic society = 1. Also if the person only dies a natural death, i.e. r, then a) lim r V ar X (λ b,, r, ) decreases ith an increase in level of collectivism and b) lim r V ar X (λ b,, r, ) decreases ith an increase in rate of natural deaths. For part a), the case hen an individual only dies a natural death there is a symmetry in the proportion of individuals ith good and bad quality. Hence, the average quality of an individual is zero. Therefore, the rate of decay (groth) for an individual ith bad (good) quality is 1. Hence, increasing slos the rate of decay and groth, thereby alloing individuals to neither take too lo or too high elfare values, hich leads to a loer average inequality. Having higher levels of inequality in individualistic societies has also been observed in calculations of GINI coefficient for various countries [10], [11]. Also, having higher inequality has been an important factor affecting the health of the society [12], this observation supports our result on the negative impact of individualism on average life-time in Theorem 4. For part b), it is clear that a higher rate of death, implies

8 Average Life-Time, T(λb,λd,r,) r θ Increasing r., i.e. proportion of bad quality individuals Level of collectivism, Average Life-time T(λb,λd,r,) r > θ Increasing r, i.e. proportion of bad quality individuals Level of collectivism, Figure 3. Illustration of part b) of Theorem 4. that individuals ith very high or lo elfare levels are less likely to exist, thus leading to lesser inequality. IV. CONCLUSION We propose a mathematical model to study societal co-evolution under the forces of individualism and collectivism. This ork serves as an important step toards understanding the exact nature of the impact of individualismcollectivism on various societal facets. Through our model e can sho that the average elfare of individuals is higher in an individualistic society, hoever the average life-time is typically loer in comparison to a collectivistic society. A larger life-time in collectivistic society does allo for a larger population to be sustained, hoever the cumulative elfare is still lesser. Moreover, the average inequality is more in an individualistic society oing to the lack of social support. Our results sho concordance ith existing empirical tests. Theorem 1: Every society has a unique steady state. V. APPENDIX Proof: We ill start by deriving the population density at a given elfare level x, p λb,,r,(x) and the total population mass P op(, λ b, r, ) in the steady state and sho that they are unique. To do so e first arrive at the expression for the normalized population density f λb,,r,(x). The relation beteen f λb,,r,(x), p λb,,r,(x) and P op(, λ b, r, ) is given as, P op(, λ b, r, ) = p λ b,,r,(x)dx, f λb,,r,(x) = p λ b,,r,(x) P op(,λ b,r,). In steady state the average impact of the society, i.e. Q(λb,, r, ) is determined since the proportion of individuals ith Q = q, i.e. M(Q = q) do not change. Hence, the rate at hich the elfare of an individual gros can take only to values depending on his quality, R 1 = (1 ).1 +. Q(λ b,, r, ), R 1 = (1 ) Q(λ b,, r, ), here R 1 and R 1 are the rate of groth of good and bad quality individual respectively. To derive the densities in steady state, e ill first sho that in the steady state R 1 and R 1 ill be positive and negative respectively. Let s assume that R 1 and R 1 are both positive, i.e. all the individuals in the society experience a positive groth. In such a case the individuals can only die due to a Poisson arrival. Also, e kno that an individual ho is born is as likely to be good as he is to be bad. Hence, the population mass at hich the rate of death ill equal the rate of birth of good/bad quality individual is the same for both the types of individuals, i.e. M(Q = +1) = M(Q = 1).

9 As a result, the average quality Q(λ b,, r, ) = 0. Substituting this back in the expressions for the rate e get, R 1 = (1 ) and R 1 = (1 ). 1. Therefore, R 1 is negative this contradicts the supposition that the both the rates are positive. Next, let s assume that both R 1 and R 1 are negative. In this case the individuals can die either due to a Poisson arrival or due to hitting the death boundary. In such a case the elfare values attained ill only be negative. Let fλ 1 b,,r,(x) correspond to the joint density that the individual of good quality attains a elfare level of x. Similarly, e can define f 1 λ b,,r,(x) to be the joint density for a bad quality individual at a given elfare level of x. In steady state although the density of population in a given elfare level is fixed, hoever the individuals comprising the density at a given elfare level is not the same oing to change of elfare levels, births and deaths that happen continually. As a result, at any instant of time the mass of individuals that attain a given elfare level ill equal the mass of indiduals that leave that elfare level either due to change in elfare or due to dying. Consider an infinitesimal interval h, the mass of the population ith quality Q = 1 beteen x h and x at time t, here x 0, is given as, fλ 1 b,,r,(x).h. Consider a time interval t after hich this mass of individuals, fλ 1 b,,r,(x).h ill either die or ill attain a different elfare level beteen, y h and y, here y = x+r 1.t. The probability that an individual does not die a natural death in time interval t is e t. Hence, the proportion of the mass of individuals ho do not die a natural death and a result attain a elfare beteen y h and y is e λt fλ 1 b,,r, (x).h = f λ 1 b,,r, (y).h. This can be expressed as f λ 1 b,,r, (y) = e y x R 1 fλ 1 b,,r,(x) and f 1 λ b,,r, (y) = C 1.e y R 1 here fλ 1 b,,r, (0) = C 1. Similarly, for y 0 e can get f 1 λ b,,r, (y) = C 1.e here f 1 λ b,,r, (0) = C 1. Note that both fλ 1 1 b,,r,(x) and fλ b,,r,(x) are zero for positive elfare values since both good and bad quality individuals are assumed to have a negative rate of groth. Also, the rate at hich individuals of good quality and bad quality are born is the same given as λ b 2. Hence, e can equate the mass of good (bad) quality individuals hich enter the society in time δt, i.e. y R 1 λ b 2 δt to the mass of individuals beteen elfare level of 0 and δx 1 (0 and δx 2 ), i.e. C 1 δx 1 (C 1 δx 1 ). This gives, C 1 R 1 = C 1 R 1 = C. Since the fλ 1 1 b,,r,(x) and fλ b,,r,(x) are joint density functions the integral of the sum of these joint densities should be 1. f 1 λ b,,r, (x)dx + f 1 λ b,,r, (x)dx = 1 C 1R 1 (1 e λd C = R 1 r ) + C 1R 1 λ d r r 2 e R 1 e R 1 (1 e λd R 1 r ) = 1 From this e can calculate the mass of the individuals ith Q = 1 and Q = 1, i.e. M(Q = +1) = C (1 e R 1 r ) and M(Q = 1) = C (1 e R 1 r ). Since R1 > R 1 e can see that M(Q = +1) > M(Q = 1). This yields that the Q(λ b,, r, ) > 0 and thereby R 1 > 0. This contradicts the supposition that both the rates are negative. Also, since R 1 > R 1 the only case left is R 1 is positive hile R 1 is negative. In this case the good and bad quality individuals take positive and negative elfare values respectively. We can calculate the joint densities in the same manner as described above and thus the resulting density is f 1 λ b,,r, (x) = C 1e R 1 x, x > 0 and f 1 λ b,,r, (x) = C 1e λd R 1 x, x < 0, ith C 1 R 1 = C 1 R 1. To solve for the constants e need to proceed in a

10 similar manner as above: C 1R 1 f 1 λb,,r, (x)dx + f 1 λ b,,r, (x)dx = 1 + C 1R 1 (1 e λd (1 ).1 Q(λ b,,r,). r ) = 1 C = 2 e λ (1 ).1 Q(λ b,,r,). r ) For simplification of notation, e introduce auxiliary notation, λ 1 = (1 )+. Q(λ b,,r,) and λ 2 = (1 ). Q(λ b,,r,). Hence, the density functions are denoted as follos, fλ 1 b,,r, (x) = λ 1 e λ1x, x > 0 and f 1 2 e λ 2 r λ b,,r, (x) = λ 2 e λ2x, x < 0. Also, e can deduce that the marginal density f 2 e λ 2 r λb,,r,(x) = fλ 1 b,,r,(x), x > 0 and f λb,,r,(x) = f 1 λ b,,r, (x), x < 0. Using the density computed above e can calculate M(Q = 1) = 1 2 e λ 2 r and M(Q = 1) = 1 e λ 2 r 2 e λ 2 r. Also, the average quality needs to be consistent ith the average quality computed using the distributions derived above. This is formally stated as Q(λ b,, r, ) = r e 1. Q(λ b,,r,) 2 e r 1. Q(λ b,,r,) = e λ2r 2 e λ2r (1) Next, e compute the total population mass by equating rate of births to the rate of deaths. The rate of deaths is comprised of to terms, the first term is the rate of natural deaths occurring due to Poisson shocks and the next term is the rate of deaths due to hitting the death boundary, f λb,,r,( r).(1. Q(λ b,, r, )) corresponds to the density of the individuals hitting the death boundary per unit time. Hence, the rate of deaths is.p op(λ b,, r, ) + f λb,,r,( r).(1. Q(λ b,, r, )).P op(λ b,, r, ),. Equating rate of births to rate of deaths e get the folloing. λ b = ( + f λb,,r,( r).(1. Q(λ b,, r, ))P op(λ b,, r, ) e λ2r λ b = ( +. 2 e λ2r ).P op(λ b,, r, ) P op(λ b,, r, ) = λ b (1 + Q(λ b,, r, )) No that e have both the normalized density and the total population s expressions, e can arrive at the expression of the population density p λb,,r,(x) hich is just a product of the to, formally given as follos. λ P op(λ b,, r, ). 1 e λ1x, if x > 0 2 e p λb,,r,(x) = λ 2 r λ P op(λ b,, r, ). 2 e λ2x, if x<0 2 e λ 2 r If e can sho that there is a unique average quality, Q(λb,, r, ) satisfying (1) then both the total population mass (2) and the population density (3) are uniquely determined. We kno that Q { 1, 1} hence, Q(λ b,, r, ) [ 1, 1]. To solve for Q(λ b,, r, ), e need to solve z = g(z), here g(z) = e r (1 ) z. r 2 e r 1.z r ill first sho that there exists a solution in the set, [ 1, 1]. Let z 1 = 1 and z 2 = min{1, 1 (2) and z [ 1, 1]. We }. If < 1 2 then,

11 z 2 = 1 else z 2 = 1. g(z 1) = e r 1 2 e r 1 and g(z 1 ) > z 1. If < 1 2 then g(z 2) = r e e r 1 2 hich is less than or equal to z 2 = 1, i.e. g(z 2 ) z 2. Based on this and since the function z and g(z) are continuous in the range [ 1, 1 ), there has to be a point in the interval [ 1, 1] [ 1, 1 ) here g(z) = z. Also, g(z) is decreasing in the range [ 1, 1 ), this can be seen from the expression for g (z) = r r 2e (1 z) 2 (2e 1 z 1) 2 is strictly increasing function. Therefore, g(z) z is a strictly decreasing function in [ 1, 1 r 1 z and z ), hich implies that the root is unique. When = 1 2, z 2 = 1 e can see that g(z 1 ) > z 1 holds, but g(z) is not continuous at z 2. This is not a problem as e kno that the function is continuous everyhere from [ 1, z 2 ) and lim z z 2 g(z) = 0, here lim z z 2 g(z) corresponds to the left hand limit, hence lim z z 2 g(z) < z 2. Hence, the same argument as above can be applied. In the case hen > 1 2 then e ill sho that there exists a unique solution for g(z) = z in the range [ 1, 1]. We kno that g(z 1 ) = r e 1 2 e r 1, but since > 1 2 e need to be careful about the case hen = 1. For no e can assume that 1 2 < < 1. Hence, e kno that g(z 1) > z 1. Here z 2 = 1 and g(z) ill not be continuous at z 2. But e can sho that lim z z 2 g(z) = 0, here lim z z 2 g(z) corresponds to the left hand limit, and lim z z 2 g(z) < z 2. Hence, from the decreasing nature of g(z) z e kno that there is a unique solution in the range [ 1, 1 ). Since 1 > > then [ 1, ) [ 1, 1] e need to sho that there is no solution in the range ( 1 1, 1]. In the range (, 1] the function g(z) is not necessarily continuous. There exists a discontinuity if 2e r 1 z 1 = 0 and z ( 1, 1]. Let s assume that there is a discontinuity. In that case, the function g(z) ill decrease values from 1 to, then to the right of the discontinuity at 2e decreases from to 1 e can say that 1 r 2e r 2e Since > 1 2 and 2e r 1 z r 1 z 1 = 0 for some z ( 1 1 = 0 the function λdr, 1] 1 > 2e > 0 > 1. Hence, there is no point in the range in [ 1, 1] hich intersects ith this function. In the case, hen there is no discontinuity it is straightforard to sho that there is no solution of g(z) = z as the function g(z) ill only take negative values less than 1. Also, hen = 1 the individuals elfare is fixed to zero all the time, hence there is a symmetry in the proportion of good and bad quality individuals, hich leads to a unique solution Q(λ b,, r, ) = 0. Lemma 1. Good and bad quality individuals attain positive and negative elfare values respectively. Proof: The proof of theorem 1, already contains the proof for this lemma as e sho that R 1 and R 1 attain positive and negative elfare values respectively. Lemma 2. The average quality Q(λ b,, r, ) and the average elfare X(λ b,, r, ) of an individual a). Decrease as the level of collectivism, is increased., b). Decrease as the rate of natural deaths, increases., c). Decrease as the the death boundary, r decreases. Proof: We already kno that the solution for Q(λb,, r, ) requires solving a transcendental equation (1), hich means that e do not have a closed form analytical expression for it. It can be shon that the expression for X(λ b,, r, ) expressed in terms of the Q(λ b,, r, ) is (r + 1 ). Q(λ b,, r, ). From Theorem 1, e kno that for every set of parameters there does exist a solution Q(λ b,, r, ). For part a), as the level of collectivism is increased let us assume that the average quality Q(λ b,, r, ) increases. Hoever, if there is an increase in both the collectivism and the average quality, the expression g( Q(λ b,, r, )) = r e 1. Q(λ b,,r,) 2 e r 1. Q(λ b,,r,) decreases hich

12 contradicts the increase in Q(λ b,, r, ). Hence, Q(λb,, r, ) has to decrease ith an increase in collectivism. And from the expression of X(λb,, r, ) expressed in terms of Q(λb,, r, ) it is straightforard that the average elfare also decreases ith an increase in the level of collectivism. For part b), again as the rate of natural deaths increases assume that Q(λb,, r, ) increases. Hoever the decrease in e r 1. Q(λ b,,r,) 2 e r 1. Q(λ b,,r,) ill contradict the assumption. With an increase in the first term in the expression of X(λb,, r, ) hich inversely related to has to decrease, this combined ith the decrease in Q(λ b,, r, ) leads to a decrease in the average elfare. For part c), e arrive at the expression of the derivative of average quality Q(λ b,, r, ).r.t. r, (d)(d+1)(1 d) (1 d) 2 + r(d+1) hich is negative. Hence, e kno that the average quality indeed decreases ith an increase in r. For average elfare e give an intuitive explanation first, increasing r decreases the average quality as a result of hich the groth of a good quality individual slos don and the decay of a bad quality individual becomes faster. As a result the average elfare levels attained by a good and bad quality individual are loer. Moreover, increase in r increases the proportion of the bad quality individuals hich further has a negative effect on the average elfare. To prove this formally e ill sho that the average elfare of both good and bad quality individuals decreases and the proportion of the bad quality individuals increases. Since the average elfare value of a bad quality individual is alays loer than that of a good quality individual this is sufficient to sho the result. The average elfare of good quality individuals is given as 1 λ 1 = 1 + Q(λ b,,r,). This can be derived as follos, the distribution of the elfare conditional on the fact that individuals are of good quality f λb,,r,(x Q = +1) can be shon to be an exponential distribution ith parameter λ 1 exactly on the same lines as e derived the joint densities f 1 λ b,,r, (x) in Theorem 1. Since Q(λ b,, r, ) decreases as a function of r, the average elfare of a good quality individual also decreases as a function of r. Similarly e need to arrive at the distribution f λb,,r,(x Q = 1),hich turns out to be f λb,,r,(x Q = 1) = λ 2 1 e λ 2 r e λ2x, x < 0. The average elfare value of bad quality individual can be arrived at using this distribution and it turns out to be, 1 λ 2 + re λ 2 r 1 e λ 2 r. As r is increased, Q(λb,, r, ) decreases and thus λ 2 decreases as ell. The partial derivative of average elfare of bad quality individual 1 λ 2 + re λ 2 r.r.t. r is given as eλ2r λ 2re λ2r 1 and this expression 1 e λ 2 r (e λ 2 r 1) 2 turns out to be negative for (λ 2, r) R 2 +. Also, it can be shon that the partial derivative of 1 λ 2 + re λ 2 r.r.t λ 2 is given as ( 1 λ 2 ) 2 1 e λ 2 r r2 e λ 2 r (e λ 2 r 1) 2 and this expression turns out to be positive. Hence, from the sign of these partial derivatives e can easily see the result. Theorem 2. a) Total population P op(λ b,, r, ) increases as the rate of birth λ b increases. b) P op(λ b,, r, ) increases as the level of collectivism increases. c) P op(λ b,, r, ) increases as the death boundary r decreases. d) If < 1 2 then P op(λ b,, r, ) increases as the rate of natural deaths decreases. Proof: In order to compute the total population in the steady state, e need to have the rate of birth equals the rate of death hich is formally stated as follos, ( + f λb,,r,( r).(1. Q(λ b,, r, ))).P op(λ b,, r, ) = λ b

13 λ b P op(λ b,, r, ) =.(1 + Q(λ b,, r, )) For part a), Q(λb,, r, ) does not depend on the rate of births and it is clear that the result holds since the population is directly proportional to λ b. For part b) as ell it can be seen that the only term in the expression hich depends on is Q(λ b,, r, ) hich ill decrease as is increased (Lemma 2). Therefore, it is clear that the population has to increase ith level of collectivism. For part c), again e can see that the only term in the expression hich depends on the death boundary r is Q(λ b,, r, ). We kno that as the death boundary decreases Q(λ b,, r, ) decreases as ell (Lemma 2), thereby leading to an increase in the population. In part d), as the rate at hich natural deaths occur decreases, the rate of deaths due to achieving poor elfare levels or hitting the death boundary can increase. Hoever, if the level of dependence on the society is lo then the decrease in the rate of natural deaths dominates, as a result the total population increases such that the mass of deaths equals mass of birth. We no sho this formally. Let us take the derivative of the term in the denominator.r.t, (1 + Q(λ b,, r, )) + d Q(λ b,, r, ) d (1+ Q(λ b,, r, ))( (1. Q(λ b,, r, )) 2 + r Q(λ b,, r, ) r Q(λ b,, r, )(1. Q(λ b,, r, )) (1. Q(λ b,, r, )) 2 + r Q(λ b,, r, ) (1+ Q(λ b,, r, ))( (1. Q(λ b,, r, ))(1. Q(λ b,, r, ) r Q(λ b,, r, )) + r Q(λ b,, r, ) (1. Q(λ b,, r, )) 2 + r Q(λ ) b,, r, ) If e can sho that (1. Q(λ b,, r, ) r Q(λ b,, r, )) > 0 then the above expression ill be positive. We kno from lemma 2 that Q(λ b,, r, 0) Q(λ b,, r, ), [0, 1]. This leads to Q(λ b,, r, 0) < 1 + r hich is a sufficient for the above derivative to be positive. It can be checked that this condition is satisfied if < 1 2. Theorem 3: a) Cumulative elfare CF (λ b,, r, ) decreases as the rate of birth λ b decreases. b) CF (λ b,, r, ) decreases as the rate of natural deaths increases. c) If r ɛ < 1 2 & < 1 2 ɛ ith ɛ > 0, then CF (λ b,, r, ) decreases as the death boundary r decreases. d) CF (λ b,, r, ) decreases as the level of collectivism increases. Proof: For part a), e kno that CF (λ b,, r, ) = X(λ b,, r, )P op(λ b,, r, ). Also, since the average elfare of an individual is independent of λ b e only need to consider the effect on total population hich e already kno from Theorem 2. For part b), let us simplify the expression of cumulative elfare, CF (λ b,, r, ) = (r + 1 ). λ b. Q(λ b,,r,) (1+ Q(λ b,,r,)). From this expression e can see that as increases the term (r + 1 ). λ b definitely decrease. In fact the other term ill also decrease, as can be seen from the derivative of the second term.r.t., 1 only (1+ Q(λ d Q(λ b,,r,) b,,r,)) 2 d ill and this combined ith Lemma 2. For part d), e can see that Q(λ b,,r,) (1+ Q(λ b,,r,)) depends on the eight and its derivative.r.t. is 1 (1+ Q(λ d Q(λ b,,r,) b,,r,)) 2 d. This expression of the derivative and Lemma 2, lead us to the result. For part c), as the death boundary decreases, the

14 total population in the society increases hereas the average elfare of an individual decreases, leading to opposing effects. Therefore, if the r is sufficiently lo then the proportion of the population ith bad quality is sufficiently lo as ell. Also, if the level of collectivism, is lo then then the rate at hich the elfare of bad quality individuals decays ith time is high, hence the effect of decreasing the death boundary on the average elfare is high. Under these conditions the decrease in average elfare dominates the increase in population. We next sho this formally. The derivative of cumulative elfare.r.t. r is given as, ( Q(λb,, r, ) ).( (1. Q(λ b,, r, ) 2 ( r + 1)(1. Q(λ b,, r, ))) Q(λ b,, r, ) + 1 (1. Q(λ ) b,, r, ) 2 + rd(d + 1) ( Q(λb,, r, ) ).( (.( Q(λ b,, r, )).( (1.(1 + Q(λ b,, r, )) + r + r Q(λ b,, r, )) r Q(λ b,, r, ) + 1 (1. Q(λ ) b,, r, ) 2 + rd(d + 1) If (1.(1 + Q(λ b,, r, )) + r + r Q(λ b,, r, ) < 0 then the above derivative is negative. Note Q(λ b,, r, 0) < 1 r + r and r ɛ < 1 2 is sufficient for this condition to hold and it leads to the folloing condition, < 1 2 ɛ here ɛ > 0. This proves part c. Theorem 4. a) Average life time T (λ b,, r, ) decreases ith an increase in rate of natural deaths. b) If r > θ = ln( )1, then T (λ b,, r, ) increases ith an increase in level of collectivism else, it first decreases and then increases ith an increase in level of collectivism. c), If r > θ, then T (λ b,, r, ) increases ith a decrease in death boundary r else, it first decreases and then increases ith a decrease in death boundary r. Proof: The expression for the average life-time of an individual T (λ b,, r, ) involves the computation of the average life-time of good quality individuals and bad quality individuals separately and then combining the to using the conditional probabilities. Hence, T (λb,, r, ) = 1 + ( 1 ) Q(λ b,,r,) Q(λ b,,r,) 2 Q(λ b,,r,)+1. The derivative of T (λ b,, r, ).r.t can be expressed as 1 Q(λb,,r,) 2 +2 Q(λ b,,r,) 1 d Q(λ b,,r,) (Q(λ b,,r,)+1) 2 d. If Q(λ b,, r, 0) < 2 1 then the above derivative is positive. This leads to the condition r > ln( ). Hoever, if r < ln( ) then Q(λ b,, r, 0) > 2 1 and as a result the derivative is negative. Hoever, Q(λb,, r, ) ill decrease ith increase in and it can be observed that at = 1, Q(λb,, r, ) ill be zero, this is due to the fact that the individuals completely depend on the society and the rate of groth is zero for all individuals. Hence, for some = the Q(λ b,, r, ) = 2 1 here the life-time ill take the minimum value. Therefore, e kno that in the region >, the life-time ill increase. This explains part b). For part c), a similar explanation can be given. The expression for the derivative changes to 1 Q(λb,,r,) 2 +2 Q(λ b,,r,) 1 d Q(λ b,,r,) (Q(λ b,,r,)+1) 2 dr and the rest of the explanation follos from above and Lemma 2. For part a), e ill first sho that the average life-time of both a good and bad quality individual decrease. Then, e ill sho that the proportion of the bad quality individuals increase. Since the average life-time of a bad quality individual is alays lesser than that of a good quality individual, this ill lead to a 1 θ is a fixed constant hich in general ill depend on P (Q = 1), and hen P (Q = 1) = 1 2 it is ln( ).

15 decrease in the average life-time unconditional on the quality of the individual. First of all the average life-time of a and it decreases ith. Next, the average life-time of an individual ith bad quality good quality individual is 1 is arrived at by computing the expectation of min{t, T 2 (λ b,, r, ) = r 1 (1+ Q(λ b,,r,)), } here T exponential random variable ith mean 1. The life-time of a bad quality individual is 1.(1 e the derivative of this expression is 1 λ 2 d.(1 e r 1. Q(λ b,,r,) r. 1. Q(λ d Q(λ b,,r,) b,,r,) d. The term (1 e λdr r 1 Q(λ b,,r,) e 1. Q(λ b,,r,) λ d r 1 Q(λ b,,r,) e is an λdr 1. Q(λ b,,r,) ), λdr 1. Q(λ b,,r,) ) + λdr 1. Q(λ b,,r,) ) has to be positive since (x + 1)e x < 1. Hence, e can see that the derivative is negative hich implies the result. Theorem 5. The average inequality V ar X (λ b,, r, ) is alays more in an individualistic society = 0 as compared to a collectivistic society = 1. Also if the person only dies a natural death, i.e. r, then a) lim r V ar X (λ b,, r, ) decreases ith an increase in level of collectivism and b) lim r V ar X (λ b,, r, ) decreases ith an increase in rate of natural deaths. Proof: V ar X (λ b,, r, = 1) = 0 since all the individuals have the same elfare value of zero. So, e need to sho that V ar X (λ b,, r, = 0) > 0. The expression for variance is, V ar X (λ b,, r, = 0) = ( 1 ) 2 (8e2r + e r ( 2( r) r 8) 3 r + ( r) 2 + 1) (2e r 1) 2 It can be shon that the expression in the numerator of the above expression is indeed positive. To do so e sho that at any point (, r) R 2 +the partial derivative.r.t to either V ar X (λ b, = 0, r = 0, = 0) > 0 hich helps us establish the result. or r is positive and also that For part a), the case hen an individual only dies a natural death there is a symmetry in the proportion of individuals ith good and bad quality. Hence, the average quality of an individual is zero. Therefore, the rate of decay for an individual ith bad quality is 1 and the same is the rate of groth for an individual ith good quality. Hence, increasing slos the rate of decay and groth, thereby alloing individuals to neither take too lo or too high elfare values, hich leads to a loer average disparity. Formally if r, Q(λb,, r, ) = 0, this leads to the density distribution given as, f 1 λ b,,r, (x) = λ λd d 1 e 1 x and f 1 λ b,,r, (x) = 1 e λd 1 x. This leads to the expression of the variance given as, ( 1 ) 2 and therefore, part a) and b) follo directly from this. REFERENCES [1] G. Hofstede, Culture and organizations, International Studies of Management & Organization, pp , [2] G. E. Lenski, Ecological-evolutionary theory: Principles and applications. Paradigm Publishers Boulder, CO, [3] D. S. Landes, The ealth and poverty of nations, WORLD AND I, vol. 13, pp , [4] D. Landes, Culture makes almost all the difference, Culture matters: ho values shape human progress, pp. 2 13, [5] Y. Gorodnichenko and G. Roland, Which dimensions of culture matter for long-run groth? The American Economic Revie, vol. 101, no. 3, pp , [6] A. Greif, Cultural beliefs and the organization of society: A historical and theoretical reflection on collectivist and individualist societies, Journal of political economy, pp , [7] H. C. Triandis, K. Leung, M. J. Villareal, and F. I. Clack, Allocentric versus idiocentric tendencies: Convergent and discriminant validation, Journal of Research in personality, vol. 19, no. 4, pp , [8] Y. Gorodnichenko and G. Roland, Culture, institutions and the ealth of nations, National Bureau of Economic Research, Tech. Rep., 2010.

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