The fundamental Principle of the Conversion of the Zero-point-energy of the Vacuum

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1 The fundamental Priniple of the Conversion of the Zero-point-energy of the Vauum Wolfenbüttel, September Claus W. Turtur, University of Applied Sienes Braunshweig-Wolfenbüttel Abstrat The mehanism of the onversion of zero-point-energy is now understood. This is the basis, on whih zero-point-energy onverters an be onstruted systematially. Here are the details. Nowadays the existene of the zero-point-energy of the vauum is reognized in several disiplines within physis (as for instane Astrophysis and Quantum Eletrodynamis), and the verifiation is done, that this energy an be onverted into lassial types of energy in the laboratory (see Casimir-effet and others). Also the possibility of its utilization for pratial energy-tehnology is proven in the laboratory. After the zero-point-energy of the vauum is made manifest in suh way, the task arises to larify the fundamental priniples of physis, whih explain the onversion of the zero-pointenergy into any other (lassial) type of energy, suh as for instane eletrial or mehanial energy. These fundamental basis of Physis are now understood and desribed in the present artile. Based on this theoretial fundament, the artile also explains, how the onstrution of zero-point-energy onverters an be done systematiially for pratial engineering purpose. This is the first time, when a pratial method for the systemati onstrution of zero-pointenergy onverters is found. The artile gives guidelines for the development dynami Finite- Element-Algorithm (DFEM), whih will enable us to onstrut zero-point-energy onverters systematially. Simple models of zero-point-energy-onverters an be developed with this method rather easy. But more omplex realisti engines require remarkable effort for omputation. The train of thoughts of this artile is rounded up by the explanation of some examples for onsequenes of the zero-point-energy and its onversion within everyday life even now, as for instane the existene of eletri harge and the stability of atoms. 1. Zero-point-energy in several disiplines of Physis Aording to our modern and generally aepted Standard-model of Astrophysis (see [Teg 0], [Rie 98], [Efs 0], [Ton 03], [Cel 07] and many others), our universe onsists of - approx. 5 % well-known partiles, visible matter, planets, reatures, blak-holes, - approx % invisible matter, suh as unknown elementary-partiles, - approx % zero-point-energy. This statement is based on measurements of the aelerated expansion of the universe, whih are based on the Doppler-shift of harateristi spetral lines of atoms in stellar and interstellar matter. However, from these measurement, the unsolved question arises, why the expansion of the universe is aelerating as funtion of time [Giu 00]. This experimental finding ontradits to the theoretial expetations of the Standard-model of Cosmology, aording to whih the expansion should slow down ontinuously as a funtion of time,

2 page of 30 xxx beause of Gravitation, whih is an attrative interation between all matter within our universe (visible matter as well as the invisible matter). And this attration should derease the veloity of the expansion of our universe. If we take the zero-point-energy of the vauum into aount, this question an also be solved rather easily, as we will see later in our artile. (The bakground is the onversion of zero-point-energy into kineti energy of the expansion of the universe.) Not only from this aspet we an see, why the disiplines of Astrophysis and Cosmology not only aept the zero-point-energy of the vauum but they even demand its existene (see measuring-results mentioned above). And also in mirosopi physis, the zero-point-energy is aepted and laimed, as for instane in Quantum Theory. Rihard Feynman needs it for Quantum Eletrodynamis, namely by introduing vauum-polarization into theory. (By the way: This was the theory, whih brought the author of a preeding artile to his work on the zero-point-energy of the vauum.) Vauum-polarization desribes the fat, that spontaneous virtual pair prodution of partile-antipartile-pairs ours in the empty spae (i.e. in the vauum), whih annihilate after a distint amount of time and distane (see for instane [Fey 49a], [Fey 49b], [Fey 85], [Fey 97]). Of ourse, these partiles and anti-partiles have a real mass (suh as for instane eletrons and positrons, resulting from eletron-positron pair-prodution). This means, that they ontain energy aording to the mass-energy-equivalene ( E m ). Although this matter and antimatter disappears (annihilates) soon after its reation within the range of Heisenberg's unertainty relation, it ontains energy, for whih there is no other soure than the empty spae, from whih these partiles and anti-partiles are reated. This means that the empty spae ontains energy, whih we nowadays all zero-point-energy. (The notation zero-point-energy goes bak to the knowledge of its origin, whih we nowadays have). It is said that this energy from the empty spae has to disappear within Heisenberg's unertainty relation beause of the law of energy onservation. But this does not ontest the fat that this energy is existing namely as zero-point-energy of the vauum. The energy of the empty spae (vauum-energy) should be paid more attention, and there is still muh investigation to be done for its utilization. The knowledge about vauumpolarization desribes only a very small part of this vauum-energy. Thus it is lear that vauum-energy ontains several omponents ompletely unknown up to now. Among all these omponents of vauum-energy there is also this one, whih we all zero-point-energy, and whih desribes the energy of the zero-point osillations of the eletromagneti waves of the quantum-vauum. This speial part of the vauum-energy has the following bakground: From Quantum-theory we know, that a harmoni osillator never omes to rest. Even in the ground-state it osillates with the given energy of E ½ (see for instane [Mes 76/79], [Man 93]). This is one of the fundamental findings of Quantum-theory, whih is of ourse valid also for eletromagneti waves. The onsequene is that the quantum-vauum is full of eletromagneti waves, by whih we are permanently surrounded. If this onept is sensible, it should be possible to verify the existene of these zero-pointwaves, for instane by extrating some of their energy from the vauum. If it would be different, Quantum-theory would be erroneous. But in reality Quantum-theory is orret and its oneption is sensible. Historially the first verifiation for the extration of zero-pointenergy from the quantum-vauum omes from the Casimir-effet. Hendrik Brugt Gerhard Casimir published his theoretial onsiderations in 1948, suggesting an experiment with two parallel metalli plates without any eletrial harge. The energy of the eletromagneti zeropoint-waves should ause an attrative fore between those both plates, whih he alulated quantitatively on the basis of the spetrum of these zero-point-waves [Cas 48]. Beause of experimental reasons (the metalli plates have to be mounted very lose to eah other, and the fore is very small), the experimental verifiation of his theory was very diffiult ([Der 56],

3 page 3 of 30 xxx [Lif 56], [Spa 58]). Thus Casimir was not taken serious for a rather long time, although his verifiation of the zero-point-energy is not less than a test of quantum-theory at all. Only in 1997, this is nearly half a entury after Casimir s theoretial publiation, Steve Lamoreaux from Yale University [Lam 97] was able to verify the Casimir-fores with a preision of ±5%. Sine this result, Casimir is taken serious and his Casimir-effet is aepted generally. Before the Lamoreaux-verifiation, the sientifi ommunity ignored the disrepanies between zeropoint-energy and Quantum-theory simply without omment. Only sine Lamoreaux s measurement, the sientifi ommunity understood that Casimir solves many problems and he answers many open questions between vauum-energy and Quantum-theory. Sine 1997, the existene of vauum-energy is verified not only in astrophysis, but also in a terrestri laboratory. And sine this time, vauum-energy is aepted by the sientifi ommunity. Only few years later, the industrial prodution of semiondutor iruits for miroeletronis appliations needed to take the Casimir-fores into aount, in order to ontrol the pratial prodution of their miniaturized produts. Although the researh field of vauum-energy as well as its sub-disipline of zero-pointenergy (of the eletromagneti waves of the quantum-vauum) is a very young, the sientifi work in this area is very urgent beause of its extremely important appliations. The point is that this researh field opens the door for utilization of this absolutely lean energy, whih an be used as a soure of energy, free from any environmental pollution. And moreover, this soure of energy is inexhaustible, beause it is as large as the universe itself. Mankind will have to use this energy soon, if we want to keep our planet as our habitat. The possibility to utilize this vauum-energy is already theoretially established and also experimentally verified [Tur 09]. But the experiment ould only produe a mahine power of 150 NanoWatts. This is really not very muh, but it is enough for a prinipal proof of the fundamental sientifi disovery. Thus this work, done in 009 not yet presents a tehnial engine, but only the basi sientifi verifiation of the zero-point-energy of the vauum. Consequently it should be expeted, that the next step now will be to build prototypes of this engine for pratial engineering tehniques with larger mahine power. Nevertheless, there is a better way to proess, namely as following. If we look into the available literature, we find that there is already an amazingly large number of existing approahes, to onvert vauum-energy into some lassial type of energy. A good overview about the work already available an be found at the book [Jeb 06]. There we read, that suessful work is done by laymen as well as by honourable institutes suh as Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology (MIT). Some work is even done by military and seret servies ([Hur 40], [Nie 83], [Mie 84]). If we dediate our attention to available reports, we immediately see, that there are already existing zero-point-energy-onverters with a mahine power of many orders of magnitudes larger than mine with only 150 NanoWatts. Obviously mankind already managed to take zero-point-energy onverters into operation, with handy dimensions and a mahine-power of several Watts or sometimes even several KiloWatts. Even if the utilization of the lean, pollution-free and inexhaustible vauum-energy is not yet known by everybody, beause the intelletual hurdle for its disovery is rather high, it is already lear that this is the energy tehnology of the upoming third millennium. It will gain the energy-market within a foreseeable number of years, beause mankind needs it to survive [Sh 10], [Ruz 09]. And it will bring a new industrial boom, beause all the energyonsuming industry will have enough energy without limitation, as well as private people will have. Similar as the redution of the pries of semiondutors inreased the business of

4 page 4 of 30 xxx semiondutor-industry, the redution of the pries of energy will inreased the business also of the energy-produing industry. We an be glad about all these pratial engineers, who onstrut vauum-energy-onverters from their intuition, beause they help us to find our way towards lean energy. Nevertheless we fae the neessity to develop a proper physial theory for the understanding of suh onverters. The neessary sientifi work will not only give us the possibility to understand the fundamental basis of zero-point-energy and its onversion into lassial energy, but it would also give us the possibility to perform a systemati onstrution and optimization of suh engines. A ontribution to this sientifi knowledge was developed by the author of the preeding artile in [Tur 09]. But the artile here presents the understanding of the priniples of zero-point-energy onversion in a way, that it will be possible to develop method to alulate zero-point-energy onverters in a way, that the systemati tehnial onstrution of these engines will be possible in not too far future.. The Energy-irulation of the Fields of the Interations We begin our onsiderations with a remembrane of the energy-irulation of the eletri and the magneti fields, whih is desribed in [Tur 07a] und [Tur 07b]: As we know, every eletri harge emits an eletri field, of whih the field-strength an be determined by Coulomb s law [Ja 81]. This field ontains field energy, whih an be determined from the field-strength. The field-strength of the eletri is 1 Q Er r with Q eletrial harge, 4π 3 0 r (1) r distane from the harge, 1 eletrial field-onstant [Cod 00] A s Vm The energy density is determined as Q Q u E 4π 3π 4 0 r 0r. () We know that the field ontains energy, depending (among others also) on the amount of spae, whih is filled by the field. Furthermore we know from the Theory of Relativity as well as from the mehanism of the Hertz ian dipole-emitter, that eletri fields (same as magneti fields, AC-fields as well as DC-fields) propagate with the speed of light (see [Goe 96], [Pau 00], [Sh 0], and others). Thus every eletri harge as the soure of the field permanently emits field-energy. This is a feature of the field-soure and the field. (The property to be a field soure is alulated mathematially by the use of the Nabla-operator, as written for instane in Maxwell's equations.) But from where does the harge (being the field-soure) reeive its energy, so that it an permanently provide the field energy? The answer again goes bak to the vauum-energy, namely to the above mentioned energyirulation: On the one hand, every harge in the empty spae is supported permanently with energy, and beause this is also the ase if the harge is only in ontat with the empty spae (the vauum), the energy an only be provided by the vauum. On the other hand, the field gives a ertain amount of energy during its propagation through the empty spae bak to the vauum. This oneption was developed in [Tur 07a] and it was proven in [Tur 07b]. This means that the harge onverts vauum-energy into field-energy, and the field gives bak this energy to the vauum, during its propagation into the spae. This is the energy-irulation mentioned above. The funtioning-mehanism behind this type of bak and forth energyonversion (irulation) is not yet ompletely larified.

5 page 5 of 30 xxx It should be mentioned that this type of energy-irulation is reognized not only for the eletri field, but also for the magneti field. This is also theoretially proven in [Tur 09]. Furthermore, the eletromagneti interation is not the only one in nature, whih an be desribed by an appropriate potential (a salar-potential or a vetor-potential A ). Consequently eah of the four fundamental interations of nature should have its own basi interation-field, whih an be derived by appropriate mathematial operations from its potential. This leads us to the following systemati: Table 1: Eletri interation and other fundamental interations Interation Potential Field-strength Energy density 1 Q 1 Q Eletrostati El r Er r 4π0 r 4π 3 0 r u 0 El E interation (following Coulomb) (following Coulomb) vi si r Eletromagneti vetor-potential interation Ar with B r A dhi dqi 3 4π si r u 0 Mag H r (Biot-Savart) Gravitation m m 1 Gr r Gr r u (stati interation) r 3 Grav G r 8π vetor-potential vi si r u Gravimagneti dki dmi GM K N r with 3 4π si r interation π K rnr (see Thirring-Lense) K Strong interation V [Pau 10] r Potential of the Weak interation Higgs-Field [Wik 10] V Following symbols and onstants are used (numerial values aording to [Cod 00]): Q eletrial harge m mass (for the interation of gravitation) r position vetor of the point, at whih the field strength is to be determined s position vetor and v veloity of the infinitesimal harge elements in motion qi infinitesimal harge elements in motion mi infinitesimal mass elements in motion El salar-potential orresponding to the eletrial field-strength E salar-potential orresponding to the gravitational field-strength G Gr H dh i K dk i eletromagneti field-strength gravimagneti field-strength eletrial field-onstant: magneti field-onstant: gravitational field-onstant: gravimagneti field-onstant: 1 9 N m 1 A s (weil 4π ) 0 C V m 7 N s 1 0 4π 10. It is: 0 4π 00 1 C 4π N m kg 7 N s π It is: kg 4π 0

6 page 6 of 30 xxx It should be mentioned that there are several possible desriptions of the fundamental interations (besides this one given here) within the theory. The most widespread alternative desription uses exhange partiles for eah fundamental interation an individual type of exhange partiles. (For further details, please see setion 6 of the present artile.) We now want to alulate, how muh power (energy per time) the field-soure of the eletri field (i.e. the eletri harge) respetively the field soure of the gravitational fields (i.e. the ponderable mass) emits. As an example for the first mentioned interation, we regard the eletron as a soure of the eletri field, and thus we begin our alulation with the energy density of the eletri field at the surfae of the eletron: Q 9 J uel E π 3 0 Re m For the determination of the numerial value of the field strength at the surfae of the 15 eletron, that lassial eletron s radius of R m (aording to [COD 00]) was used. E (3) When the field-energy is flowing out of the eletron with this energy-density (and with the speed of light), we an alulate the amount of energy per time, whih passes an infinitesimal thin spherial shell on the surfae of the eletron. This is the amount of energy being emitted by the eletron. For this alulation, let s be the thikness of this spherial shell and be the speed of light, with whih the field flows through the shell. Then a given field-element will s pass the shell within the time t x. Thus, the amount of energy being emitted with the timeinterval t x is WEl uel s A. This is the amount of energy, whih passes the eletron s surfae A within the time-interval x t. This leads to an emitted power of El El W u sa PEl u s El A tx Putting the eletron s surfae A 4π R into this expression, and further using (3), we derive 0 9 El El 4π E 16π 0Re 8π 0Re E Q Q Joule P u A R (5) se. This is a tremenduously large power with regard to this very tiny partile of a single eletron. This means that every eletron emits GigaWatts. In order to illustrate this amount of energy and power, we want to onvert this energy-rate into a mass-rate following E m, so that we see, how muh mass would have to be onverted into energy, to provide this mahine power: P Joule kg El se. se. This is the amount of mass, whih the lassial eletron onverts into field energy per seond. 31 If we remember that the eletron has a mass of only mel kg, we see that the omplete eletron would be used up for the prodution of its field-energy within the time of m El PEl kg se. 8 kg se. For we know that this is not the ase (beause the eletron does not disappear so quikly), the eletron is obviously being supported with energy from some soure. It is lear that we again fae the energy-irulation desribed above, where the vauum (the empty spae) supports the (4)

7 page 7 of 30 xxx eletron (the field-soure) with energy. This demonstrates, that the existene of eletrially harged partiles and bodies is possible by priniple only beause of the vauum-energy. But also our seond example, the field of gravitation, an be estimated numerially, rather easy. Let us a regard our earth as a soure of a field of gravitation, and let us perform the alulation of the field-energy per time being emitted. We take the energy density of this field from table 1 and put the numerial values of our earth into this formula: u 1 10 Grav G π J m 3 for the energy density of the field of gravitation on the surfae of the earth, where the field strength is generally known to be G 9.81 m. s Let us again alulate the emitted power aording to (4) as PEl uel A. Thus we ome to (6) 10 J 3 8 m 33 Joule PGrav ugrav A ugrav 4π RE π m m s. se. (7) With E m we derive the mass being onverted into field-energy per time to be PGrav 16 kg 3 kg se. Jahr 4 With regard to the mass of the earth of merd kg, this is.154% of the earth, whih is onverted to into its field of gravitation every year. After less than 47 years the earth would be used up ompletely. Everybody knows that this is not the ase. This demonstrates that the earth must be supplied from somewhere with energy. For the Earth is moving within the empty spae (the vauum), the vauum is the only soure, from where the Earth an get this energy. Now we see that not only the eletri harge onverts vauum-energy into eletrial fieldenergy, but also every ponderable mass onverts vauum-energy into the field-energy of the field of gravitation. This is absolutely lear now. Missing is only the larifiation about the mehanism behind this energy-onversion. As we will see in setion 6, all four fundamental interations of nature undergo a similar irulation of energy, onverting vauum-energy into field-energy and then bak into vauum-energy. We should not be surprised that eletrially harged bodies onvert muh more energy per time into the eletri field, then ponderable masses onvert into the field of gravitation. As we know, the eletromagneti interation is regarded to be muh stronger than the interation of gravitation. For a relative omparison of the interation-strength (of those both interations), we ould alulate the relation of the onverted power, as it is P P El Grav 33 Joule se Joule se. 4. This result is a rather similar to values of the omparison of the interation-strength, as it is done within the standard-model of elementary-partile-physis [Hil 96].

8 page 8 of 30 xxx 3. The Stability of Atoms An unsolved enigma of atomi physis, whih is often mentioned even in high-shools, is the stability of atoms. Rather often this problem is desribed in the form of a question: Why do the eletrons of the shell not fall down into the nuleus? This question has the following bakground: If the eletrons run along their given orbits around the nuleus (no matter whether we regard them lassial or within the usual model of quantum mehanis), the eletrons experiene a entripetal-aeleration. If they would not feel this aeleration, they would fly away tangentially from their orbit. Obviously they do not fly away like this, so it is lear that the entripetal-aeleration is really ourring. Aording to eletrodynamis, aelerated eletrial harge does emanate eletromagneti waves, as it is used for instane for the prodution of X-rays, or as we know it from the funtioning-mehanism of the Hertz ian dipole-emitter. Eletrons in the atomi shell should thus emit permanently eletromagneti waves, and these waves transport energy. This loss of energy should make the eletron fall down into the atomi nuleus. But as we know, atoms an be stable and stable atoms have eletrons whih do not fall into the nuleus. We all onsist of suh stable atoms. And we do not observe that all atoms permanently emit eletromagneti fields (besides thermal radiation, as long as our temperature is not at zero Kelvin). In the usual standard-model of physis, this open question is simply ignored. Eletrons irulate around the nuleus without flying away tangentially and without falling into the nuleus. We simply aept this without explanation and without understanding. Just we say, that it is like this. The explanation is oming from vauum-energy. It is already indiated in literature [Val 08], and it is absolutely lear, if we ome bak to the above mentioned energy-irulation between vauum-energy and field-energy: Of ourse the eletrons feel entripetal-aeleration along their orbit around the nuleus, so it is lear that they emit eletromagneti-waves. But the eletrons are permanently supported from vauum with energy, and this makes it possible that they keep their energy-level. The disreet levels, as we know them from quantum mehanis, are exatly those levels, on whih the support with vauum-energy is in equilibrium with the emission of eletromagneti waves. (This is not a thesis, but it is proven soon.) But the field energy emitted by the aelerated eletrons will be re-onverted into vauum-energy within a very short distane, so that we an not see any radiation even after a very short distane away from the eletron. This is again a losed energy-irulation respeting the law of energy-onservation. In order to demonstrate that this explanation of the stable energy-levels of the eletrons in atomi shell, whih is an alternative to the explanation of quantum theory, is not some strange or grotesque train of thoughts, it must be mentioned, that there is the theory of Stohasti Eletrodynamis, with many publiations in highly respeted physi s journals, whih uses exatly this alternative train of thoughts as a basis for the alulation of all well-known results of Quantum-mehanis, without using any formalism of Quantum-mehanis at all (for a long list of literature please see [Boy ], but also see the information at [Boy 80], [Boy 85]). A respeted sientifi group (Calphysis Institute) does remarkable work in the field of the vauum-energy on the basis of Stohasti Eletrodynamis and the support of irulating eletrons with zero-point-energy [Cal ]. (This is one of several aspets of their work.)

9 page 9 of 30 xxx The only basi assumption of the theory of Stohasti Eletrodynamis is the postulate, that the zero-point-osillations of eletromagneti waves exist (although these waves have been originally disovered within Quantum-theory). Within Stohasti Eletrodynamis, the spetrum of these zero-point-waves define the ground state of the eletromagneti radiation of the empty spae, this is the vauum-level. From their interations with the eletrons in the atomi shell, the energy-levels of the eletrons are determined. Further assumptions of Quantum-theory are not neessary within Stohasti Eletrodynamis. If we regard the interation between these zero-point-waves (of the vauum) and the matter in our world, we see that all partiles of matter absorb and re-emit suh waves, beause all elementary partiles permanently arry out zero-point-osillations. On the basis of this oneption, Stohasti Eletrodynamis is apable to derive all phenomena, whih we know from Quantum-theory, without using Quantum-theory at all. Historially the first result of Stohasti Eletrodynamis was: The blak body radiation with its harateristi spetrum as a funtion of temperature results from the movement of the elementary-partiles of whih the body onsists, and whih perform zero-point osillations. The next result of Stohasti Eletrodynamis was the photo-effet. In the history of Quantum-mehanis, one of the prominent results was the explanation of the energy levels of the eletrons in atomi shell. In the formalism of Stohasti Eletrodynamis, stable states (at whih eletrons an stay) are ahieved when the energy being emitted from the eletrons beause of their irulation around the nuleus, is identially ompensated by the energy whih they absorb from the zero-point radiation of the vauum. (This ontains an explanation, why the eletrons do not fall into the nuleus beause they lose energy due to their irulation. There is some analogy with Bohr s first and third postulate, aording to whih stable states of shell-eletrons are only possible for onstrutive interferene of the eletron-waves.) And finally it should be said, that the equilibrium between absorbed and emitted radiation (in Stohasti Eletrodynamis) leads to the same disrete energy-levels as we know them from Quantum-mehanis. Not only the results of Quantum-mehanis but also the results of Quantum-Eletrodynamis are reprodued with the formalism of Stohasti Eletrodynamis, for instane suh as the Casimir-effet, van der Waals- fores, the unertainty priniple (whih has been derived the first time by Heisenberg) and many others. For the sake of ompleteness it should be remarked, that Stohasti Eletrodynamis of ourse explains the phenomena of nature on its own, not trying to reprodue the mathematial struture of Quantum-theory and even not in onnetion with the formalism of Quantumtheory. So for example the famous Shrödinger-equation, as a typial formula of Quantumtheory an not be derived with the means of Stohasti Eletrodynamis, beause suh a formula simple is not a topi of Stohasti Eletrodynamis. In the same way, formulas of Stohasti Eletrodynamis an not derived within Quantum-theory. In this sense, Stohasti Eletrodynamis and Quantum-theory are two independent onepts, whih desribe the same phenomena of nature, but whih have totally different philosophial bakground. It is known that Stohasti Eletrodynamis is not as widespread as Quantum-theory. But it is in omplete onfirmation with all nowadays known phenomena of nature. Thus it is sensible to aept it for further onsiderations of how to extrat energy from the zero-pointosillations, whih an lead to interesting results, beause new thoughts might emerge. The zero-point-osillations and the zero-point-waves are the entral fundament of Stohasti Eletrodynamis.

10 page 10 of 30 xxx In this sense, we ould desribe the relationship between Stohasti Eletrodynamis and Quantum Mehanis a little bit provoative, but with logial onsequene: The fundamental of phenomenon of nature, whih is desribed by both theories, is the existene of the eletromagneti zero-point-waves in the vauum, whih we see as a part of the whole vauum-energy. On the basis of these waves, it is possible to establish two different mathematial formalisms, independently of eah other. One formalism is known as Stohasti Eletrodynamis and the other one as Quantum Mehanis. Both of them have the same apability to explain the phenomena of nature. Both of them aept and the need vauumenergy. Vauum-energy is the only ommon feature of both theories. Thus vauum-energy is to be regarded as the real fundament. Both theories are mathematial strutures, whih use vauum-energy and draw their onlusions from it. Stohasti Eletrodynamis is expliitly onsious of this fat, whereas Quantum Mehanis has this onsiousness only impliitly somewhere in bakground. Beause Quantum Theory would not work without vauumenergy, it is also based on vauum-energy. This is the moment for a short intermediate reapitulation of the setions 1-3: 1. The dominant part of our universe is vauum-energy (even if we don't see it diretly).. Physial entities as we know them from everyday s life, suh as eletrial harges and ponderable masses, an only exist beause of vauum energy. Vauum-energy is the fundament of all interations between all partiles whih we know. 3. Also the existene of atoms is only possible beause of vauum-energy, and the theory of atoms is based finally on vauum-energy. 4. A fundamental understanding of the term field In [Tur 08] the author of this artile presented the following explanation for eletrial (as well as magneti) fields, whih shall be reapitulated in short terms here: The empty spae (i.e. the vauum) ontains zero-point-waves. They have their ontinuous spetrum of wavelengths inside the spae without field. But if a field is applied, the wavelengths are redued in omparison to the wavelengths without field. The fundament of this oneption is a work done by Heisenberg and Euler, in whih they develop the Lagrangeian of eletromagneti waves within eletri and magneti fields, and they analyze the influene of the fields on the speed of propagation of those waves [Hei 36]. They ome to the result, that the speed of light in spae ontaining field is slower, than the speed of light in the spae without field. (The latter one is the vauum speed of light as being used in the Theory of Relativity.) This old work by Heisenberg has been onfirmed and further developed by [Bia 70] and by [Boe 07], who quantitatively alulate the redution of the speed of propagation of eletromagneti waves as a funtion of the applied field strength. From there we know, that the speed of eletromagneti waves is redued by eletri and magneti DC-fields, and we postulate that also the waves in the ground-state (i.e. the zeropoint-waves) follow this behaviour. The feature to redue the speed of waves is a feature of the fields themselves. On this basis, the field s energy is understood in the terms of a redution of the wavelengths of the zero-point-waves (whih makes them run slower). From there we understand figure 1. On the left side we see an eletrial harge Q, produing an eletrostati field. In the middle there is a metalli plate, shielding the field, so that there is no field on the right side of the plate. Thus the wavelengths of the zero-point-waves are redued only on the left side ontaining field, but they are not redued on the right side whih does not ontain any field.

11 page 11 of 30 xxx On the right side the zero-point-waves have the wavelengths of the field free vauum. The field s energy, whih is flowing from the harge Q is stored within the enhaned frequeny of the zero-point-waves. This energy-flux goes onto the left side of the metalli plate, is absorbed by the metal-plate and thus auses the attrative fore, whih pulls the plate towards the harge Q. This is known within Classial Eletrodynamis, where the attrative fore is alulated with the use of the image-harge-method [Be 73]. Fig. 1: Coneption of the eletri field reduing the wavelengths of the zero-point-waves in the quantum vauum. By the way, it should be mentioned, that the influene of the DC-fields on the speed of propagation of the eletromagneti (zero-point-)waves (whih are responsible for the interation) is very tiny. Aording to [Boe 07] the alteration of the speed of propagation of eletromagneti waves, due to applied magneti field is B sin für a 8, Modus v 0 T nmagn 1 a B sin m 4 1 e B sin für a 14, Modus T mit B in Tesla, v v 4 1 ncottonmouton B sin T with being of the angle between the diretion of propagation of the photons and the diretion of the magneti field. These both diretions define a plane. With regard to this plane, the polarization leads to a 8 for the Modus and to a 14 for the Modus. Aording to [Rik 00] and [Rik 03], the effet of an eletri field auses v v 41 n m Kerr E V, whih is also very tiny. (9) (8) In priniple, the field of gravitation an be treated in analogous way, on the basis of the zeropoint-waves of gravitation in the quantum vauum. The field of gravitation would then have an influene on the wavelengths of the (postulated) zero-point-waves of gravitation. This oneption of fields reduing the zero-point-waves of their individual interation an be applied to all fundamental interations in physis, as we will disuss in setion 6. The only exeption is the Strong interation, whih an not be transferred diretly one by one into this model. But this is not the large problem, beause the Strong interation is said to be not ompletely understood in the Standard model of elementary partile physis (see setion 6). What I also want to mention, is the differene between stati fields (suh as the eletrostati field and stati field of gravitation) and magneti fields (suh as the eletromagneti field and the gravimagneti field). The existene of the eletromagneti field is generally known. The

12 page 1 of 30 xxx existene of the gravimagneti field, is also known by theory [Thi 18] and verified experimentally [Gpb 07], but the knowledge is not widespread among everybody. In history of physis it was derived from the Theory of General Relativity. The question is now: Stati fields redue the wavelength of the zero-point-waves, but magneti fields do something very similar. There is a differene between the effets of those both types of fields, the stati and the magneti fields. How an we understand this? The answer is surprisingly simple: The differene is a oordinate-transformation, namely the Lorentz-transformation. If an observer is in rest with regard to the field soure (for instane an eletri harge) the observer will only see the stati field. But if the observer is moving with regard to the field soure, he will additionally see an eletri urrent (due to the motion of the eletri harge), and he will have to alulate additionally the magneti field produed by this urrent. This alulation an be done on the one hand by the lassial formulas for magneti fields within lassial Eletrodynamis, but on the other hand this alulation an be done by taking the relativisti length-ontration of the wavelengths of the zero-point-waves (due to the movement) into aount [Dob 03]. Both ways of alulation lead to the same fore of interation and to the same field s energy. With regard to our onept of the redued wavelengths of the zero-point-waves, this means: If an observer is moving relatively to the field soure, relativisti length-ontration additionally redues the wavelength of the zero-point-waves. And this additional redution an be desribed in terms of a magneti field. But now, please fous your attention to the finite speed of propagation of the zero-pointwaves, and to the alteration of this speed of propagation due to an applied DC-field. An illustration for a further very important aspet is to be found in figure : Let us start our onsiderations with the very first line on top of this figure. There we see a sphere on the left side of the drawing, whih is drawn with green olour. The sphere does not arry any eletrial harge in the first line. The eletromagneti zero-point-waves of the quantum vauum (in red olour) are flowing without any influene of any field. They propagate with the vauum speed of light, suh as they always do it in the spae without any field. The time is represented in steps from line to line with inreasing time from the top to the bottom. In the next (seond) line of figure, an eletrial harge Q is brought onto the green sphere. This auses a redution of the wavelengths of the eletromagneti zero-point-waves whih ome into the eletrostati field. They also propagate into the spae. But they (i.e. the blue waves ) are propagating a little bit slower than the red waves. This differene of speed of propagation auses a small gap between the blue and the red wave trains. As long as the eletrial harge Q is present on the green sphere, the eletromagneti zeropoint-waves will propagate with the redued wavelength, as we see it also in line number 3. In line 4 the eletri harge Q is taken away from the green sphere, so that the eletromagneti zero-point-waves now again propagate with the wavelengths of the vauum without field. This auses, that we now again see the emission of the red waves, whih propagate with the vauum speed of light. For the red waves propagate a little bit faster than the blue ones, the red waves begin to overtake. During time, this differene of the speed of propagation will lead to a more and more inreasing overlap between the red and the blue waves, as we an see in lines number 5 and 6. On the one hand the red waves oming from behind will overtake the blue waves, but on the other hand the red waves,

13 page 13 of 30 xxx whih are running in front of the blue waves will make a gap between the red and the blue waves, whih is also grows during time. Fig. : Illustration of the propagation of an eletri field through the spae as a funtion of time. In the diretion of the absissa, we see one spatial dimension (into whih the field propagates), in the diretion of the negative oordinate (from top to bottom), we see the inreasing time (in disrete steps). Please notie, then the overlap as well as the gap between the fast red (emitted without field) and the slow blue waves (emitted with field) permanently inreases during time, beause the waves propagate with different speed. This situation an be ompared with ars in traffi whih overtake eah other. The ruial onsequene of this situation is the onlusion, that there are time intervals, during whih there is no effet of the emitted field-energy on an observer (the observer is represented by green arrows on the right side of the figure). This is the ase, when the gaps between the blue and the red waves arrive at the observer. And there are time intervals, during whih the observer sees the double amount of zero-point-waves, whih is the ase when the overlaps between the blue and the red wave arrives at the observer. - During the last mentioned time-intervals of twie as many zero-point-waves (overlap), it is possible to take an enhaned amount of energy out of the zero-point-field of the quantum vauum. This leads to an enhaned fore of interation. At these moments, it is possible to move magnets or eletrial harges with enhaned interating fore. - During the first mentioned time-intervals of the gaps, there is no field-fore ating on the observer. At these moments, it is possible to move magnets or eletrial harges without any interating fore. This should open the way to a pratial utilization of the zero-point-waves for the onversion of vauum energy as soon as we will be able, to build a mahine, whih always does the right type of movement in the right (appropriate) moment. And example for this mehanism ould be the following:

14 page 14 of 30 xxx During the phase of the overlap of the zero-point-waves (simultaneous arrival of both waves), we allow the parts of the mahine onverting vauum-energy to follow the Coulombfore (or magneti fore), so that the fore is an enhaned beause of the overlap. In the ase of an attrative fore, the parts of the engine should move towards eah other. This very speial movement gains more energy, then we an expet from the simplified laws of lassial Eletrodynamis, whih do not take the finite speed of propagation of the fields into aount. During the phase of the gap between the zero-point-waves (missing interation-fore within the gap) we have to perform the opposite diretion of the movement of the parts of the mahine onverting vauum-energy, this is the diretion against the Coulomb-fore (or magneti fore). In the ase of an attrative fore, the parts of the engine should move away from eah other. During this very speial movement, the distane between attrative parts of the mahine an be enhaned without a fore different then we an expet from the simplified laws of Eletrodynamis, whih do not take the finite speed of propagation of the fields into aount. By this means it must be possible, to onstrut losed yles of movement, along whih the attrative diretion gains more energy than the repulsive diretion onsumes. This explanation desribes the fundamental priniple, aording to whih eletri and magneti vauum-energy-onverters an operate. Up to now, several inventors are known, who onstruted vauum-energy onverts by intuition, finding an funtioning mahine by trial and error. But none of them has a lear idea about the theoretial working-priniple behind his mahine. And none of them is apable to optimize his mahine systematially on the basis of suh a theory. They all do the optimization by trial and error (and the have suess nevertheless). Many of them report about high frequeny impulses, and this is not surprising, if we look to the small differenes in propagation-time between the red and the blue zero-point-waves. With the onept presented here, the fundamental funtioning priniple of vauum-energy onverters is found. This is the basi fundament for the onstrution of vauum-energy onverters at all. It is now the task to apply this knowledge and to build vauum-energy onverters on this priniple, and to optimize these devies systematially. 5. Pratial methods for the onstrution of vauum-energy onverters In order to onstrut a new vauum-energy onverter, or to alulate the funtioning of existing one, the following steps define a sheme of operation. 1. step: Preparation by a lassial FEM-omputation The geometry of the mahine and espeially of its field soures (i.e. magnets or eletri harges) has to be modelled with a omputer. A possible instrument therefore is the method of finite elements (FEM). But a lassial FEM-program an only take this model of the mahine and alulate the fores between the different parts of the engine without taking the speed of propagation of the fields into aount [Ans 08].

15 page 15 of 30 xxx Even if the theory behind suh an FEM-algorithm is alled eletrodynamis, we regard the omputation as a stati one, beause the time-dependeny of the propagation of the fields during the spae is negleted. For typial engines made by mankind in the laboratory or in industrial prodution, this simplified stati Theory is absolutely suffiient, beause the distanes between those parts of the engine, whih interat with eah other, is so small, that the time for the propagation of the fields don't play a serious role. For example, if an eletri engine is a smaller than one meter, the propagation-time for the magneti fields with the speed of light is less than 1m t v 3.3 Nano Seonds, to propagate from one end of the engine to the opposite end. For s m s the pratial onstrution of lassial engines (not for zero-point-energy onverters) suh small time-intervals are absolutely not important. For suh engines, the stati Theory of lassial Eletrodynamis is fully suffiient. This is different from zero-point-energy onverters, whose priniple is based on the dynami time-dependeny of the propagation of the fields.. step: Supplement of a real dynami of the field-propagation to the FEM-method (.a.) Pratial aspets for the prodution: If a zero-point-energy onverter shall be onstruted, the priniples of setion 4 have to be taken into aount, whih are based on the finite speed of propagation of the fields. For the setup to be onstruted, the time-intervals for the propagation of the fields with the speed of light, have to be disseted preisely (taking the neessary effort). This makes it neessary to build the mahines in suh a way, that the motions of its parts are short and fast enough, that the parts of the engine an feel the overlaps and the gaps between the blue and the red waves of figure. Beause these gaps and overlaps depend on the speed of light, it is neessary to work with rather high speed of revolution and with rather high frequeny of the signals and/or pulses as well as high frequeny fields. (.b.) Computing method: In order to realize the desribed onstrution, it is neessary to add the real dynamis of the time-dependeny of the propagation of the fields to the Finite-Element-Method. Thus it is not enough to register all positions of all omponents of the mahine as it was done under (.a.), But it is additionally neessary to register fully all omponents of the mahine with their omplete motion in spae and time. This means: In addition to the three spatial dimensions of the stati Theory of lassial Eletrodynamis, we now have to add the dimension of time. And there is even more additional work to be done: This is neessary not only for all mehanial and eletromagneti omponents of the mahine, but also (and this is very important) for all fields of interation, whih have to be treated as individual parts of the mahine. The propagation of these fields must be taken into aount, same as the motion of all other parts of the engine. Every hardware omponent of the mahine emits a field during the onseutive time t 1, and this field starts its propagation at the position r1 x1, y1, z1, from where it is emitted at the time t 1. And from this moment on, the field propagates all over the mahine, so that it will reah an other omponent of the mahine at the time t at the position r x, y, z. And there it will ause a fore of interation (independently from the question, to whih position the field-emitting hardware has been moving in the meantime). For the operation of the engine, the motion of all of its ative omponents as a funtion of time t 1 t has to be taken into aount, so that we know their positions r t x t, y t, z t and r t x t, y t, z t, r t x t, y t, z t, n n n n

16 page 16 of 30 xxx where the mahine onsists of n omponents. But additionally the dynami-fem simulation (DFEM) on the omputer needs the behaviour of all fields of interation in the same way, these are the data E 1 x, yzt,,, E x, yzt,,,, E k x, yzt,, for the dynami propagation of the eletri fields, and B x yzt, B x yzt,, B x, yzt,, for the dynami propagation of the magneti fields. 1,,,,,, k Only if the motion of all hardware omponents of the mahine during spae and time, and the motion of all fields during spae and time is ompletely inluded into the simulation, the omputation of a vauum-energy-onverter is possible. This ondition is absolutely neessary, beause the finite speed of propagation of the fields and the alteration of the speed of propagation of the zero-point-waves is the basis of the onversion of vauum-energy. Only if we take the time of the propagation-speed of the zero-point-waves into aount, we are apable to extrat energy from these waves. In view of the DFEM-omputation, the most unompliated type of vauum-energy-onverter is the so alled motionless-onverter, whih does not ontain any hardware-parts in motion. For this type of onverter, the only parts in motion are the fields (see for example [Bea 0], Coler [Hur 40], [Nie 83], [Mie 84], and [Mar 88-98], just to mention a few examples). It is empirially observed, that these motionless devies onvert vauum-energy, but up to now there was no theoretial understanding, how a mahine without any moving parts an gain energy from the vauum. This understanding is now lear on the basis of the different speeds of propagation of the eletromagneti zero-point-waves, as it is explained in setion 4 of the present artile. And suh motionless onverters an be simulated with the omputer on the basis of the explanations of setion 5. The fundamental theory is Eletrodynamis with the supplement of the finite speed of propagation of eletri and magneti fields and the different speeds of propagation of the zero-point-osillations within these fields. Let us summarize with few words: For the understanding of a mahine onverting vauumenergy, all its moving omponents have to be taken into aount with their movements in spae and time. These omponents are not only the hardware-parts of the engine, but also the fields, by whih those hardware parts interat with eah other. At those positions and times, where the fields meet ative hardware parts of the mahine, the fores of interation have to be alulated and taken into aount. FEM-programs, as they are up to now, are not designed to do this. Classial methods for the onstrution of mahines an not do this as well, beause this is not part of the established methods. Even if it is a lot of work to develop a DFEM-algorithm, suh a program is not dispensable, beause from the logial point of view, this is the way, to understand the onversion of vauum-energy. With regard to systemati onstrution of vauum-energy onverters, this type of DFEM-algorithm must be developed. Cruial question: What has to be arranged in order to make vauum-energy onverters work? Answer: A vauum-energy onverter works, it the distanes of the omponents of the mahine and the propagation-time of the fields are adjusted to eah other in suh way, that the energy-onsuming (endotherm) part of the movement meets the gap between the blue and the red wave, whereas the energy-produing (exotherm) part of the movement meets the overlap between the blue and the red wave (in figure ).

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