A No-Shape-Substance is the foundation. all Physics laws depend on

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1 A No-Shape-Substane is the foundation all Physis laws depend on The Seond Part of New Physis Ji Qi,Yinling Jiang Department of physis, Shool of Eletroni Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, No. 199, Fazhan Road, Daqing, Heilongjiang, , P. R. China. Abstrat: People used to establish physial laws on the mathematial frame diretly, without onsidering the existene of the No-Shape-Substane. Suh physial laws are separated from nature. By analyzing the interation between the body and the No-Shape-Substane, we will have a newer and better understanding of physial laws or onepts as inertial mass, Newton s Seond Law, kineti energy equation, mass-energy equation and momentum. And now we are going to unover the essene of the physial laws. Keywords: Inertial Mass, Newton s Seond Law, Kineti Energy, Mass-Energy Equation, Momentum People used to establish physial laws on the mathematial frame diretly, without onsidering the existene of the No-Shape-Substane. Suh physial laws are separated from nature. All laws of motion of bodies depend on the No-Shape-Substane Spae instead of the absolute Mathematial Spae. Again we need the previous example about the fish swimming in water flowing with referene to the bank. Well then, to what are the fores on the fish and its laws of motion related? The fores ating on the fish and its laws of motion are losely related to the flow of the water, but not to the mathematial referene system based on the bank. 1

2 Here the bodies are analogous to the fish while the No-Shape-Substane is analogous to the water. Therefore the laws of motion of bodies depend on the No-Shape-Substane Spae, but not diretly on the Mathematial Spae. Before learning the physial laws, we must have a lear idea about the most basi physial onepts. Physis would not be firm unless these physial onepts were larified. 1 Gravitational Mass and Inertial Mass People usually don t distinguish the gravitational mass from the inertial mass. Therefore, the two kinds of masses are often alled the mass uniformly. However, in fat the two kinds of masses are essentially different. [Gravitational Mass] [3, 4, 5] The gravitational mass, whih is still denoted by m, reflets the quantity of substanes ontained in a body and is a onstant. [Inertial Mass] While the inertial mass reflets the harateristis of motion of a body and its ability to aelerate when there is an external fore ating on the body. It is a variable. The inertial mass of a body assoiates not only with its gravitational mass but also with the density of the No-Shape-Substane of the spae where the body is. Moreover, the inertial mass of a body also onnets with its moving speed relative to the No-Shape-Substane Spae where it exists. If we denote the inertial mass of a body by Q, we will get [1, ] Q = mf ( S) g( υ) (1) Where f (S) is the funtion of the density of the No-Shape-Substane in the spae where the body exists. g( υ ) is the funtion of the veloity of movement of the body in the No-Shape-Substane Spae. In the spae near the earth s surfae, the density of the No-Shape-Substane, whih is denoted by S, is uniform. If f ( S ) = 1, then Q = mg( υ).

3 From the experiment of the relation between mass and speed onduted by Kaufmann and some other people we an learn g ( υ) 1 = () 1 υ Please note that the light speed in equation () is that of the No-Shape-Substane Spae where the body exists. Where g( υ ) approximately equals 1 when speed is a low value, therefore with the ase of low veloity on the earth s surfae, Q = m. Obviously, on the earth s surfae, when a body moves at a low speed, its inertial mass is numerially equivalent to its gravitational mass. But this is just the equivalene on the numerial value; they are ompletely different in nature. [Eötvös Experiment] In 196, Eötvös, a Hungarian physiist, onduted a famous experiment to verify that the gravitational mass is equal to the inertial mass. As shown in figure 1.The suspended mass point will eventually reah a position of equilibrium. There are three fores ating on it: 1) The gravitation G of the earth, whih direts the enter of the earth; ) The entrifugal fore F of inertia, generated by the rotation of the earth; 3) The tensiont, ated by the hanging thread. What is important is that G is proportional to the gravitational mass, while F is proportional to the inertial mass. Eötvös found no differene in the position of equilibrium with a variety of substane, suh as wood, platinum, opper, asbestos, water and opper sulfide. [6, 7, 8] The zero result signifies that the gravitational mass is equal to the inertial mass. Fig. 1 Eötvös Experiment How should we explain the experiment? First, we need to note that the experiment 3

4 was onduted at the same spot on the earth s surfae and the veloity of the objet was zero. From the above analyses we have derived that the inertial mass and the gravitational mass satisfy the following relation Q = mf ( S) g( υ). Q = m. Well, on the earth s surfae, f ( S ) = 1 and g( υ ) = 1, whenυ =, thus we get As disussed above, in Eötvös experiment the equivalene between the inertial mass of every single body and its gravitational mass is inevitable. Either the density of the No-Shape-Substane in the spae where the body exists, or the speed the body moves, is different, the gravitational mass will not equal to the inertial mass. Newton s Seond Law When a body is ated on by a resultant fore of zero, its aeleration relative to the total No-Shape-Substane Spae where it exists is zero. When a body is ated on by a ertain external fore that is not zero, the produt of its aeleration relative to the total No-Shape-Substane Spae where it exists and its inertial mass is equal to the resultant fore the body is ated on. r r F = Qa (3) The above is the more exat presentation of Newton s seond law. [Illustration] Newton desribes his seond law in the book of The Mathematial Priniples of Natural Philosophy like this: the hange of momentum of a body is proportional to the motive fore ating on it. r r r dp d( mυ ) F = = dt dt This is the initial expression of Newton s seond law. (4) Notie that the mass m is submitted for the onsideration that it doesn t hange with speed. When the inertial mass varies with speed, the momentum will not be the 4

5 r r form of P = mυ. You will find out the form of momentum in the following part. The reason for my redesription of the inertial mass and Newton s seond law or even redefine it is to make physial onepts more expliit and distint. 3 Kineti Energy Equation The kineti energy of a body is the energy it possesses when it moves with referene to the total No-Shape-Substane Spae where it exists. We then dedue the kineti energy E of a body. We assume that at first the partile is immobile relative to the total No-Shape-Substane Spae υ =, whih indiates that its original kineti energy is zero. And then we exert an external fore on the body to make it move along a straight-line path. When the speed of the partile inreases toυ, its kineti energy equals the work done by the external fore ating on it. That an be expressed as E = Fdx If substituting Qa for F in the above equation, we get E = Qadx Again replaing d υ dx for a and then for υ in above equation, it follows that dt dt E = υ Qυ dυ (5) In the No-Shape-Substane Spae near the earth s surfae, when the body moves at a low speed Q=m. Then the kineti energy of the body is υ 1 E = m υ υ = m This is the kineti energy equation we are familiar with. d υ (6) In general, Q = mf ( S) g( υ). So the kineti energy is as follows As a result, υ υ υ υ E = Qυ d υ = mf ( S ) g ( υ ) υ d υ = mf ( S ) d υ 1 υ 5

6 ( ) E m f S = 1 1 υ This is the kineti energy equation for the general ondition. (7) Here let s look at the following partiular ase. On the earth s surfae, what will the kineti energy be if the speed of a moving body approahes the light speed? Its kineti energy is υ E = m f ( S ) = m 1 1 Unexpetedly, this is the mass-energy equation we are familiar with. (8) 4 Mass-Energy Equation Mass is onservative and energy is also onservative. Mass and energy an not be onverted to eah other while they are in essene two ompletely different kinds of things. When a nulear fission happens, an atomi nuleus will release a great number of partiles with high energy and their speed is approahing the light speed. The mass taken away by these partiles is the mass the atomi nuleus loses. And the kineti energy aquired by these partiles is onverted from the inner energy of the atomi nuleus. Both mass and energy are onservative. From the above equation (8), we an get the following equation between the mass and energy taken away by these partiles m E = m (9) Now it is natural for us to understand the existene of the mass-energy equation. Photons are No-Shape-Substane in nature. So a photon s mass is not zero. It is hν =. The theory of relativity onsiders the rest mass of a photon to be zero. Well then, from the viewpoint of mass-speed and mass-energy relations in the theory of relativity, the energy and momentum of a photon in a medium must be zero too. It s ompletely ontraditory to the objetive physial fats. 6

7 [The Change of Phases of Matter] We all know that the heat of fusion for solid and that of evaporation for liquid. Taking ie for example.the fusing heat of ie is the heat input required to fuse ie of unit mass to water at the same temperature of, whih is the fusing point of ie. The transformation between No-Shape-Substane and Shape-Substane is a more essential hange in the state of matter. Then, is it aompanied with a proess of heat absorbing or releasing? Can we say that No-Shape-Substane is the basi omponent of the universe, while Shape-Substane is the spray in the No-Shape-Substane? No-Shape-Substane is orresponding to a state of energy. It s a state with low energy, whih is an impliit state. But the Shape-Substane is orresponding to another state of energy. It is a state with high energy, whih is an expliit state. We demonstrate the state with low energy by, whih is orresponded with No-Shape-Substane, while 1 demonstrating the state with high energy of Shape-Substane. When transforming No-Shape-Substane to Shape-Substane, the matter is hanged from an impliit state to an expliit one. This is a proess of heat absorbing. The energy absorbed and the mass transformed satisfy mass-energy equation E = m. Oppositely, energy is released when Shape-Substane is hanged into No-Shape-Substane. The matter is hanged from an expliit state to an impliit one. Then the energy released and the mass transformed also satisfy mass-energy equation as above. Energy is onservational and mass is too. But the proess of the transformation of matter s state is aompanied with energy absorbing or releasing. Let s now review the laws refleted by Bose-Einstein ondensation state. When the temperature of Shape-Substane is absolute zero, there is little energy in it. So it s about to hange into No-Shape-Substane ompletely. [The Annihilation of an Eletron-Positron Pair] Experiments show that an eletron-positron pair an annihilate into photons. The 7

8 energy of photons and the mass of eletrons are linked by mass-energy equation. [9] This is a transformation from Shape-Substane to No-Shape-Substane. Energy is released in this proess. So the energy released and the mass satisfy mass-energy equation. E = m On the ontrary, the energy absorbed in the transformation from no-shape-substane to Shape-Substane and the mass also satisfy mass-energy equation. Many phenomena, suh as photons produing phenomenon from an eletron-positron pair, is suh one kind of the reations of transformation. We will inquire into the annihilation of an eletron-positron pair briefly from the viewpoint of basi physis as follows. Does an eletron have a radius? Certainly it does sine it is a partile. We assume its radius to be R e and its eletri harge to be distributed uniformly on its surfae. Thus we are in an ideal position to probe the annihilation and we onsider stationary eletri fore uniquely. At the beginning, the eletron and positron are far away from eah other, so the eletrial potential energy is zero. In general ase, the eletrial potential energy is expressed as E p = e 4πε R (1) When the eletron and positron synretize ompletely, the eletrial potential energy is E p e = 4πε R e In this situation, the Shape-Substane is transformed into the No-Shape-Substane. It s pereived that the No-Shape-Substane is in a state with lower energy. The energy released is equal to the eletrial potential energy redued 8

9 m e e = 4πε R From this we an alulate the radius of an eletron as follows: e R e e 15 = m (11) 8πε me What to emphasize is that it is a very ideal alulation. The ation of annihilation of an eletron-positron pair is not so simple. We know that the distribution of No-Shape-Substane has different levels. The density of No-Shape-Substane near the eletron is greater than that in a vauum near the earth s surfae. In this ase, the speifi indutive apaity ε is greater thanε, so the radius of the eletron is muh likely to be less than the alulation. Therefore, the saying that the transformation of the state of the matter is aompanied with energy absorbing or releasing in the annihilation of an eletron-positron pair, is equivalent with the desription that eletrial potential energy is transformed into light energy. The theory of relativity teahes that the energy released is transformed from mass in the annihilation of an eletron-positron pair. Well, where does the eletrial potential energy go? Furthermore, the kineti energy is inreasing when the two eletrons are approahing eah other. The theory of relativity believes that their moving mass is beoming greater, so the total energy is greater. Then, why isn t the whole moving mass being transformed into energy? Sine mass and energy are two kinds of things that are different in nature. Isn t it too farfethed to make them equal to eah other? [Calorimetry Measurements of Energy] Mr. Hao Ji, who works in Shanghai Oriental Institute of eletromagneti waves in hina, bombards lead target by use of high-speed eletrons wih is obtained by the beam urrent 1.6A with energys of 1.6MeV, 6MeV, 8MeV, 1MeV, 1MeV and 15MeV respetively, based on Bettozzi experiment in [1] He measures diretly 9

10 eletron energy by Calorimetry measurements. Obtained experimental values are highly different from that is obtained by relativity theory. [11] Compare the experimental datas with various theoretial values Energy 1.6MeV 6MeV 8MeV 1MeV 1MeV 15MeV Temperature Relativisti value Experimental value New physial values In the relativisti point of view, when speed of eletron approah to the speed of light, the eletron energy will tend to infinity. The new physis holds that when speed of eletron approah to the speed of light, the energy will tend to a onstant value. As shown in listed table, the theoretial values obtained by "new physis" are very lose to the experimental value. 5 The Objetivity of Time What is time? Time is just as an immensely long river flowing from the antiquity to the future. The Analets of Confuius says: It was a stream that the Master said --Thus do things flow away! Time is just like a rushing river easelessly on the move. It s like the water of the Yellow River from the sky, whih flushes into the sea without ever returning. But how an the Yellow River, whose flow is always in a broken state, ompare with time? Time is like the sun and stars in the sky, rising in the east and setting down in the west day after day. Time is like the immense Milky Way, going round and round easelessly forever. But the Milky Way annot ompare with the huge time either. Lei yuanxing said that, the gear wheel of time joggles the whole universe and drives all galaxies to rotate towards the everlasting future. [1] 1

11 And Newton has ever said that The absolute, real or mathematial time, itself and to the extent of its nature, always lapses uniformly, having nothing to do with any outside body. Time is the most essential objetive being in the universe, or time is the refletion of the total existene and hanges in the whole universe. Time is the most essential foundation stone of physis. The movements of a trivial objet, a star or even a galaxy, absolutely annot hange the objetive state of time. Time is our sole measurement tool for the proess of universal existene and hanges. Of ourse, this kind of measurement is regulated by a time system on the earth s surfae that is familiar to us. [The Prolongation of the Life-span of A Moving Partile] There are a number of high-speed µ mesons within the osmi rays from outer spae. In an experiment onduted at the top of a mountain with 191 meters high in 1963, the number of the µ mesons whose vertially downward veloities vary from.995 to.9954 is measured. And it turned out that there was 563 ± 1 µ mesons per hour on an average. Also the number of the µ mesons with the same range of veloity is measured at the altitude of 3 meters above the sea. As a result, it was found that the average result is 48 ± 9. The time it takes for a µ meson to fall from the top of the mountain to the sea level should be 191 3) m t = m s ( 6 This time is four times as long as the half- life = ( s) T 1 of an immobile µ meson. If the half- life of a µ meson moving at a high speed is equal to that of an immobile one, it is expeted that the number of the µ mesons near the sea level should be less than 563 ( 35) after their flying through a distane of 197 meters. However, the pratial 4 11

12 number aquired from the experiment is 48. This learly indiates that the half-life of a moving µ meson extends or in other words its proess of deay beomes slow. How should we explain the problem in this experiment? It is the high-speed motion of a µ meson in the No-Shape-Substane Spae that extends the life-span of the µ meson. As shown in figure, similarly, µ meson is also made up of smaller mass units and the mutual ollisions among these mass units ause the deay of the µ meson. When a µ meson moves at a high speed in the No-Shape-Substane near the earth s surfae, the inertial mass of every mass unit Fig. the onfiguration omposing the µ meson inreases, and at the same of µ meson time the relative speed of every mass unit dereases due to the unhanged vibration momentum. As a result, the time interval of ollisions among these mass units of the µ meson inreases, and thus the lifespan of the µ meson extends. We will estimate the lifespan of a µ meson by means of the following method. When a µ meson moves at a high speed in the No-Shape-Substane Spae, the inertial mass of eah mass unit omposing the µ meson inreases by g( υ ) times as muh as the inertial mass of eah mass unit of an immobile µ meson. Beause the vibration momentum of eah mass unit doesn t hange, the relative veloity of eah mass unit dereases by g( υ) times as little as the relative speed of eah mass unit of an immobile µ meson. Therefore the time interval of ollisions among the mass units of a µ meson extends by g( υ ) times of the original value, and aordingly the lifespan of the µ meson extends by g( υ ) times of its original value. We an express it by the 1

13 following equation: τ = g( υ) τ = τ 1 υ (1) Where, τ is the lifespan of a moving µ meson and τ is that of an immobile µ meson. When the υ is substituted by the data in the experiment, we obtain τ = τ 1 (.995) = 1.τ But the lifespan of a µ meson aquired from the above experiment isτ = 9.1τ. What we an see from the above is that although the theoretial value to some extent approahed the experimental value, there exists larger error between them. Well, why the theoretial value is larger than the experimental value? Let us look at the following analysis. Beause the µ mesons are sent out from the high altitude, their ollisions with the atmospheri moleules will ause the result that the number of the µ mesons measured on the earth s surfae is smaller than the number of the µ mesons flying in the vauum. Therefore the pratial lifespan of a µ meson based on the measurement is smaller than the theoretial value. In 1966, on the earth s surfae people made the µ mesons move at a high speed irling a round orbit and made sure that the value of their speed satisfied the following equation, 1 1 υ = 1 As a result, they measured the lifespan of the µ mesons is τ = (6.15 ±.3) 1 6 s Now we theoretially alulate the value of the lifespan of the µ meson again. 13

14 The result is τ τ = = 1 υ s. We an see from this that the theoretial value agrees with the experimental value well. There are many experiments inluding an aelerating proess in experiments validating the time dilation. And the range of the aeleration is very wide. For example, in the experiment of lok sailing around the earth, the entripetal aeleration ated 3 on the atomi lok is1 g, where g is the aeleration of gravity on the earth s surfae; in the rotating-disk experiment, the entripetal aeleration of the light soure extends to 5 1 g ; in the experiment on the temperature dependene of Mossbauer effet, the vibrating aeleration of the atomi nuleus in the rystal lattie and the entripetal aeleration of the 16 µ meson moving in a irle are both larger than1 g. Although the range of the aeleration is so wide, almost all the experimental results are onsistent with the basi formula of τ = τ 1 υ.this fat indiates that, the aeleration has no ontribution to time dilation in the experiment. Even if we admit the existene of the effet of time dilation, it an only say that the effet is aused by the speed instead of the aeleration. [9, 13] We an easily understand these experimental results. Beause speed will affet inertial mass, Aeleration will not affet inertial mass, nor will it affet partile life. Time, whih is objetive and absolute, is the foundation on whih we learn the nature. The lifespan extension of a moving partile does not prove the time dilation but shows that the self-reation of the partile beomes slow after its moving at a high speed relative to the orresponding No-Shape-Substane Spae where it exists. 6 Momentum Does the momentum of a body preiously satisfy the relation as follows? 14

15 r r P = mυ (13) No, the above expression of the momentum of a body is not exat. Suh expression doesn t unover the essene of the momentum. Exatly speaking, what the momentum theorem reflets is the essential soure of the momentum. That is, the impulse ating on a body equals the inrement in momentum of the body. That an be expressed as r r dp = Fdt As shown in figure 3, a system free of any external fore is onservational in momentum beause the internal fores of the system are ations and reations whih are equal in magnitude, opposite in diretion; and the time duration of the pairs of fores is always orresponding Fig. 3 ations and reations in the system equal. Therefore the resultant impulse ating on this system is zero, whih means the momentum of this system is onservational. The impulse ating on a body equals the inrement in momentum of the body. The expression an be written as r P = r Fdt If we make a body s initial veloity zero and let it move along a straight-line path, we will dedue the relation for momentum as follows, dp = Fdt By substituting Qa for F and then substituting d υ dt dp = Qdυ for a in above equation, we get When the veloity of a body is zero ( υ = ), its momentum is also zero( P = momentum of a body at any time is ), so the P = υ Qdυ (14) On the earth s surfae, when a body moves at a low speed, its value of Q, whih equals m, is a onstant. So P m υ = υ = m υ d (15) 15

16 This is the formula for momentum we are familiar with. The diretion of veloity is the diretion of the momentum. Expressing it with vetors, we get In general ase, Q = m f ( S) g( υ) Solving P from the above equation, r r P = mυ υ υ 1 P = m f ( S) g( υ) dυ = m f ( S) d υ 1 υ υ P = m f ( S) arsin (16) The diretion of veloity is the diretion of the momentum. Expressing it with vetors, we get r υ r P = m f ( S) arsin e r Where, e υ is the unit vetor in the diretion of veloity. Now let us look at the partiular ase. On the earth s surfae, when the veloity of a body υ equals the light speed, what is the magnitude of its momentum? We know on the earth s surfae f ( S ) = 1, but whenυ =, Therefore, υ arsin = π P = m (17) [Is there negative mass or virtual mass in the nature?] Some siene workers alulated the rest mass of a partile by measuring its energy and momentum. They alulated the rest mass of a partile by means of the following formula between energy and momentum from the theory of relativity. The formula is E + = E P (18) Wherein, E and P are respetively the energy and the momentum of a partile in motion, while E is the energy of a partile at rest. Sine E = m, we an get the following relation π 16

17 Wherein, m is the rest mass of a partile. m E P = (19) 4 Siene workers have obtained exat measurements of the energy of partile E and the momentum of the partile P. As a result, they found that the value of E P, whih is a negative value, is smaller than zero. It means that the square of the rest mass of a partile is a negative value. Is it meaningful? of ourse not. This negative value aurately shows that Einstein s theory may be wrong in its formulation for the energy and momentum. Siene workers believed that their measurements were aurate. While they are unable to put an end to the theory of relativity, they brought forward the view that a partile has virtual mass in order to explain the negative value. Is there any negative or virtual matter in nature? In order to illustrate the answer to this question, let s look at the following example first. If we refer to the ase that every one has an apple in his or her hand, we know learly that the ase of holding an apple in everyone s hand exists objetively and even an be seen by ourselves. Any of us an understand it well. Now if we refer to the ase by saying that it is a negative apple or a virtual apple in our hand, how an we be understandable? So we should never violate the objetive fats when disussing physial questions. Well, let us return to the above problem again that why the value of E P is negative? From the previous disussion, we know that on the earth s surfae, when the veloity of a partile υ equals the speed of light, the momentum of the partile π is P = m. And the energy of the partile is E = m. Here we an readily get Obviously, the value is negative. 4 π E P = m (1 ) () 4 17

18 Therefore from the above we an easily onlude that it is normal that the value of E P is negative when a body moves at a high speed. However, this does not indiate the existene of the virtual mass of a partile. 7 The Pattern of Funtion f ( S ) In this part we will primarily disuss the funtional form of f ( S ). The inertial mass is the result of interplay between an objet and its No-Shape-Substane Spae. The inertial mass is desirable to inrease by times when the density of a No-Shape-Substane multiplies aording to logial dedution. Then the funtion of f ( S ) is f ( S) = β S (1) Where, β is the inertial oeffiient. Sine f ( S ) = 1, 1 β =. S In whih S is the density of the No-Shape-Substane on the earth s surfae. Let s examine the energy of ertain photon moving in the No-Shape-Substane Spae of different density. We want to know whether the energy is the same when the speed of the photon varies. As shown in figure 4, assuming the mass of the photon is m, now we alulate its energy when it moves in the No-Shape-Substane Spae of different density. From equation (7), we an obtain the Fig. 4 the motion of photon in the No-Shape-Substane Spae of different density energy (kineti energy) of a Photon, E = m f S () ( ) In the spae in whih the density of No-Shape-Substane is S 1, the energy of the photon is, 18

19 W E1 = m f ( S1) 1 = mβ S1 = mβw S 1 In the spae in whih the density of No-Shape-Substane is S, the energy of the photon is, W E = m f ( S) = mβ S = mβw S Obviously, when a photon propagates in the No-Shape-Substane of different densities, although its speed varies, its energy is onservational. Maybe this is the perfet and harmoni aspet of light. 8 Law of Refletion and Refration As shown in figure 5. As we all know, there is no energy lost during a perfet elasti ollision happened to a ball on. The outside fore ated on the ball is in the normal diretion, so the tangent omponent of the ball s momentum is invariable. Fig. 5 the perfet elasti ollision between a ball and a smooth plane Fig. 6 the refletion and refration of a photon at the interfae As shown in figure 6. Similarly, when a photon is refleted or refrated at the interfae, its energy is invariable, and its tangent omponent of momentum is invariable too. In area 1, the energy of the photon is W E1 = m f ( S1) 1 = mβ S1 = mβw S 1 The magnitude of the photon s momentum is 19

20 π P1 = m1 f ( S1) In area, the energy of the photon is W E = m f ( S) = mβ S = mβw S The magnitude of the photon s momentum is π P = m f ( S) [Law of Refletion] The tangent omponent of the photon s momentum before refetion is P 1 = P 1 sinα. The tangent omponent of the photon s momentum after refetion is P 1 t = P 1 sin β. Q P = P α = β (3) 1t 1 t The angle of inidene is equal to that of refletion, this is just the law of refetion. [Law of Refration] The tangent omponent of the photon s momentum before refration is P sin 1 = P1 α t The tangent omponent of the photon s momentum after refration is P sin = P γ t P 1t = P t P1 sinα = P sinγ t π π m1 f ( S1) sin α = m f ( S) sinγ Sine f ( S) = β S and W =, we get S β W W S sin α = β S sin γ 1 S1 S sinα S That is, sin γ = S 1

21 1 S n Sine = and 1 =, we get the following relation: S n 1 1 sinα sin n 1 γ = = n (4) 1 This happens to be the law of refration of light at the interfae. Dear friends. The theory of No-Shape-Substane, whih is built on the ground of a natural, objetive and logial frame of lassial physis, makes the physial laws more truthful to nature. It also makes all the physial laws, experiments and phenomena very natural, harmoni and logi. Referene: [1] Ji Qi. New Physis[M[. Harbin: Publishing House of Northeast Forestry University, 6. [] Ji Qi. The review on the basi physial laws the New Physis[J], Phys. Essays 1, 163 (8). [3] Einstein Colleted Edition, Hunan Siene and Tehnology Publishing Company,. [4] Bolian Cai, Speial Relativity Theory, Higher Eduation Press, [5] Wenwei Ma, Physis, Higher Eduation Press, [6] Guangjiong Ni, Hongfang Li, Modern Physis, Shanghai Siene and Tehnology Publishing Company, [7] Shujie Tan, Hua Wang, Important Experiments on Physis, Siene and Tehnology Literature Company, [8] Yiling Guo, Huijun Shen, Famous Classial Physis Experiments, Beijing Siene and Tehnology Publishing Company, [9] Yuanzhong Zhang, the Experimental Basi of Theory of Speial Relativity,Siene Press,1979. [1] W.Bertozzi,Am.J.Phys.3.551(1964) [11] Ji Hao, Experiment of Measuring Eletroni Energy with Calorimetry Method, Chinese sientifi and tehnologial ahievements, 9.1, P34-35 [1] Yuanxing Lei, The Chaos of Time-Spae, Sihuan Siene and Tehnology Publishing Company, 1. [13] Demin Huang, On the Nature of Physial Phenomena, Shanxi Siene and Tehnology Publishing Company, 1. 1

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