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1 Chapter 38 Atoms CHAPTER 38 ATOMS The focus of this chapter will be on the allowed electron standing wave patterns in hydrogen, as calculated by Schrödinger s wave equation. We will not work with Schrödinger s equation itself, which involves derivatives in both space and time, and requires fairly advanced mathematical techniques to handle. But this is not a terrible loss, because the resulting wave patterns are well known, and are all we need in order to understand much of the structure and behavior of atoms. As we saw at the end of the last chapter, when we go to two dimensions, the standing wave patterns become more complex. For example, to find the drumhead standing wave patterns, we either had to do an experiment to observe the patterns, or solve a wave equation to calculate them. To determine electron waves in hydrogen, our only option is to rely on Schrödinger s equation. The resulting standing waves are three dimensional in shape, and do not have sharp edges like the drumhead waves. The electron in hydrogen is confined by the electric force of the nucleus, in what physicist Jay Orear called a fuzzy walled box. Even though the walls are not rigid, the standing waves have precise shapes. Although the standing wave patterns we will discuss were calculated for the hydrogen atom, the general features of these patterns apply to the electrons in larger atoms. We will find that when we include Pauli s exclusion principle and the concept of electron spin, we can begin to see how the electron wave patterns determine the chemical properties of atoms and the structure of the periodic table.

2 38-2 Atoms SOLUTIONS OF SCHRÖDINGER S EQUATION FOR HYDROGEN In the Bohr theory, the energy levels for hydrogen were determined by the assumption that the electron s angular momentum L was quantized in units of h. The electron s angular momentum was L 1 =h in the lowest energy level, L 2 =2h in the second level, etc. Assuming circular orbits, and applying classical mechanics, this led to the set of energy levels E n given by E 1 = e4 m 2h 2 = 13.6 ev E n = E 1 n 2 (1) which gave us the values E 1 = 13.6 ev, E 2 = 3.40 ev, etc., that explained the hydrogen spectra. De Broglie s contribution was to show that one could understand the reason for quantization of angular momentum by assuming that the electron had a wave nature, with the electron s wavelength λ related to its momentum p by the formula λ = h p de Broglie formula (2) The quantization of angular momentum came from the picture that an integral number of wavelengths fit around one of the allowed circular orbits. Following Debye s suggestion (see the introduction to Chapter 37), Schrödinger developed a wave equation with which he was able to solve for the allowed standing wave patterns of the electron in a hydrogen atom. Doing this required no arbitrary assumptions like circular orbits or the quantization of angular momentum. The wave patterns are simply solutions of the wave equation. Schrödinger s equation has a surprisingly large number of solutions for the allowed standing waves of an electron in hydrogen. These waves are characterized by three numbers commonly given the names n,, and m. It turns out that for the wave to be an acceptable solution, a solution that does not have an infinite value at some point, the numbers n,, and m have to have integer values. These integer numbers have become known as quantum numbers. Each of the allowed standing wave patterns in hydrogen has a distinct set of values of the quantum numbers n,, and m. Figure (1) shows six of the allowed patterns. What we have drawn is the intensity of the wave pattern as it would be seen if we looked through the wave. When the side and top view are different we show both to help visualize the three dimensional structure of the wave. The pattern on the bottom row labeled by the quantum numbers (n = 1, = 0, m = 0) is a spherical ball with a fuzzy edge. The radius of the ball is about equal to the Bohr radius of.529 angstroms. Schrödinger s equation allows us to calculate the energy of the electron in this pattern and the result is ev, the same as the lowest energy state of the electron in the Bohr theory. This is the standing wave pattern for an electron in the ground state cool, transparent hydrogen. On the second row in Figure (1) there are four distinct patterns, all with n = 2 but with different values of and m. Schrödinger s equation predicts that the energy of an electron in hydrogen is given, in general, by the formula E n = E 1 n 2 ; E 1 = e4 m 2h 2 (3) where n is the n quantum number we have been discussing. Since these are the same values we got from the Bohr theory, Schrödinger s equation predicts all the energy levels needed to explain the entire spectrum of light radiated by hydrogen. Because of Equation 3, it is reasonable to call n the energy quantum number for hydrogen. The first big surprise from Schrödinger s equation is that we can have several standing wave patterns all representing an electron with the same energy. In the n = 2 energy level, there are four distinct patterns representing an electron with the energy E 2 = 3.40eV. One of these patterns has quantum numbers =0, m = 0. The other three have quantum numbers =1, m = 1, m = 0, and m = 1. When we get up to the third energy level, n = 3, there are nine patterns all with an energy of ev. There is one pattern with =0, m = 0; three patterns with =1, m = (1, 0, 1); and five patterns with =2, m = (2, 1, 0, 1, 2). As we go up in energy, we get an ever increasing number of patterns. The general rule is that can range from zero up to n 1, and the m values can range from + to.

3 38-3 E = 3.40eV E = 1.51eV n = 3, = 0, m = 0 top view (i) (c) top view There are 8 more n = 3 patterns in addition to the one shown. The and m quantum numbers are = 1; m = 1, 0, 1 = 2; m = 2, 1, 0, 1, 2. z z z (e) top view (g) n = 2, = 0, m = 0 (b) side view n = 2, = 1, m = 1 (d) side view (f ) side view (h) n = 2, = 1, m = 0 n = 2, = 1, m = 1 E = 13.6eV n = 1, = 0, m = 0 (a) Figure 1 The lowest energy standing wave patterns in hydrogen. The intensity is what you would see looking through the wave.

4 38-4 Atoms Exercise 1 a) For the n = 4 energy level, where E 4 =.85eV, there are 16 allowed standing wave patterns. What are the values of the quantum numbers and m for these patterns? b) How many allowed patterns are there, what are the values of and m, and what is the energy, for the n = 5 standing wave patterns? The = 0 Patterns For each energy level n, there is one wave pattern with =0. We have shown the first three =0 patterns in Figure (1). All =0 wave patterns are spherically symmetric. The n = 1, =0 pattern, for the ground state electron, is a fuzzy spherical ball with a diameter of about one angstrom. The n = 2, =0 pattern is a spherical ball surrounded by a spherical shell. Between the ball and the shell, at a radius r = 1.06 angstroms, the wave has value of zero. We can call this a spherical node. n = 3 = 0 n = 2 = 0 nodes node third harmonic second harmonic In the n = 3, =0 pattern we have a spherical ball surrounded by two spherical shells. There are now two spherical nodes, the inner one located at r = 1.00 angstroms and the outer one at r = 3.75 angstroms. As we go up higher in energy, we get one more spherical node for each step up in energy level. In Figure (2), we compare the three lowest energy =0 wave patterns with the three lowest frequency standing wave patterns on a guitar string. While the patterns look quite different, both have the feature that as we go up one step in energy or frequency, we get one more node in the wave pattern. The first harmonic (n = 1) has no nodes between the ends of the string. The second harmonic (n = 2) has one node, while the third harmonic (n = 3) has two nodes, etc. n = 1 = 0 Figure 2 Comparison of the L = 0 electron standing wave patterns with the guitar standing waves. Each step up in energy level or harmonic introduces one more node. first harmonic or fundamental One of the key features of angular momentum is that it represents a rotation about an axis. In Newtonian mechanics, we defined the direction of the angular momentum vector L as being the direction of the axis of rotation. Because all the hydrogen wave patterns with =0 are spherically symmetric, they have no preferred axis about which the electron could have angular momentum.

5 38-5 The 0 Patterns In all the 0 patterns, like the three n = 1, =1 patterns shown in the middle row of Figure (1), there is a special axis about which the electron can have angular momentum. This suggests that the quantum number is related to the electron s angular momentum, and that when =0, the electron has no angular momentum. This is different from the Bohr picture where the electron s angular momentum started with one unit L=h in the lowest energy level, two units L=2h in the second level, etc. The Bohr theory did not allow for zero orbital angular momentum orbits while Schrödinger s equation tells us that there is a zero angular momentum wave pattern in each energy level. Intensity at the Origin Another general feature of the hydrogen wave patterns is that all =0 patterns have a maximum intensity at the origin, at the nucleus, while all the 0 patterns have a node there. The node at the origin for 0 patterns has a simple classical explanation. The classical formula for angular momentum is the linear momentum p times the lever arm r. In order for the electron to have non zero angular momentum about the nucleus, it must have a non zero lever arm r and therefore cannot be at the nucleus. (One has to be careful applying Newtonian arguments to atomic phenomena. In the next chapter we will see a similar argument fail when we discuss electron spin). Later in this chapter we will see that the fact that =0 patterns have a maximum at the nucleus while the 0 patterns have a node there, plays an important role in the electron structure and chemical properties of atoms. Quantized Projections of Angular Momentum A clue to understanding the 0 wave patterns can be obtained from a more detailed look at the two doughnut shaped patterns in Figure (1), the patterns labeled by the quantum numbers n = 2, =1, m = +1 and m = 1. While the m = +1 and m = 1 patterns look the same, a more detailed calculation with the Schrödinger equation shows in the m = +1 pattern the electron is traveling around the doughnut in a counterclockwise direction, while in the m = 1 pattern the electron is traveling clockwise. These two patterns have an axis of symmetry which we have labeled the z axis, that passes up through the center of the doughnut. (These axes are shown as white dotted lines in the side views of these patterns, Figures 1d and 1h.) Further calculation with Schrödinger s equation shows that the electron in the =1, m = 1 pattern (counterclockwise motion), the electron has a z component of angular momentum precisely equal to one unit h. L z forthe =1 m = 1 pattern =h (4a) For the clockwise motion, the =1, m = 1 pattern, the z component of angular momentum is minus one unit h forthe =1 L z = h m = 1 pattern (4b) top view z (c) top view z (g) The pattern in between, the one that looks like two tennis balls, one on top of the other, described by the quantum numbers =1, m = 0 turns out to have no angular momentum in the z direction. forthe =1 L z =0 m = 0 pattern (4c) We see that the m quantum number tells us how many units of angular momentum the electron has in the z direction. side view (d) side view n = 2, = 1, m = 1 n = 2, = 1, m = 1 (h) Figures 1c,d,g, and h repeated

6 38-6 Atoms There is somewhat of an analogy between the three n = 2, =1 patterns in Figure (1) and the bicycle wheel demonstration we discussed in Chapter 7 (Figures 7-15 and 7-16). In Figure (3) we compare the m = 1 pattern with a bicycle wheel whose angular momentum L points in the + z direction, the m = 1 pattern with a bicycle wheel whose angular momentum points in the z direction, and the m = 0 pattern with a bicycle wheel that has no component of angular momentum in the z direction. The analogy shown in Figure (3) actually demonstrates how different angular momentum is on an atomic scale from what we are familiar with on a human scale. The most striking difference is that you can point a bicycle wheel in any direction you want. By turning the wheel over, you can change the z component L z from +L when it is pointing up to any value down to L when the wheel is pointing down. Any value between +L and L is allowed. For the hydrogen atom, an electron in the second energy level has only three =1 wave patterns, only three distinct z projections of angular momentum, each differing by one unit of angular momentum h. There is no wave pattern for L z equal to some fractional value of h the projections of angular momentum are quantized! There is absolutely nothing in Newtonian mechanics that prepares us for understanding how projections of angular momentum can be quantized. It is strictly a consequence of the wave nature of the electron, and the fact that a confined wave has only certain allowed standing wave patterns. Figure 3 There are three standing wave patterns for a second energy level, unit angular momentum electron. Schrödinger s equation tells us that the z axis projection of angular momentum in the three patterns are 1 unit, 0 units, and 1 units. There are no intermediate values, because there are no other wave patterns. In comparison, a bicycle wheel has not only the three projections of angular momentum shown, but also many intermediate values. n = 2, = 1, m = 1 n = 2, = 1, m = 0 n = 2, = 1, m = 1 top top top z L z side z L side z z L side z

7 38-7 The Angular Momentum Quantum Number In Figure (3) we showed the different orientations of a bicycle wheel with a total angular momentum of magnitude L. The z component of the bicycle wheel s angular momentum ranges from +L when the axis is pointing up to L when the axis is pointing down. For the hydrogen electron in Figure (3), =1 for all the patterns, and the z projection of the electron s angular momentum ranges from +1 unit for the m = 1 pattern down to 1 unit for the m = 1 pattern. This suggests that the quantum number represents the total angular momentum of the electron while m represents the allowed z projections. This interpretation is almost right. The quantum number is related to the electron s total angular momentum, but the value of the total angular momentum is not quite equal to units of angular momentum as one might expect. Solving Schrödinger s equation for the magnitude L of the electron s orbital angular momentum about the proton gives the result total angular L= +1 h momentum of the electron (5) For large values of, the difference between and +1 is slight and the z projections of angular momentum can range essentially from + h to h as one would expect from the bicycle wheel analogy. But for small (non zero) values of, the total angular momentum is significantly larger than the maximum z projection. For =1, the maximum z projection is h, while the total angular momentum is L= h = 2 h. There was no guarantee that angular momentum had to behave on an atomic scale, just the way we expected it to from our experience with large scale phenomena. All we need to do is understand the transition from large to small scale phenomena. In the case of angular momentum, we can picture the bicycle wheel as having a huge angular momentum quantum number. As a result there are a huge number of allowed projections, with m ranging from + to, which allows us to rotate the bicycle wheel axis in an apparently continuous fashion. And there is essentially no difference between and +1, thus the maximum z projection of angular momentum essentially equals the total angular momentum L. Other notation Further notation that some readers may have encountered, are the names (s waves) for the =0 patterns, (p waves) for =1 patterns and (d waves) for =2 patterns. These names, which are fairly common, have a rather obscure historical origin. Using this notation, one can, for example, refer to an electron in an n = 3, =2 pattern as a 3d wave. The ground state of hydrogen is a 1s wave. Exercise 2 Using the s,p,d notation, what would we call the waves shown in Figure (3)?

8 38-8 Atoms An Expanded Energy Level Diagram In our discussion of the Bohr theory, we drew an energy level diagram so that we could study transitions from one level to another in order to predict the energy of the photons the atom could emit. The diagram, like the one in Figure (35-3), is quite simple with one line for each energy level. With the Schrödinger equation we discover that there are numerous standing wave patterns for each energy level. The simple energy level diagram of Figure (35-3) does not give a hint of the multiple wave patterns. Only the energy quantum number n is shown, there being no indication of the and m quantum numbers (which were unknown when Bohr developed his theory). It is traditional (and convenient) to expand the energy level diagram as we have done in Figure (4), to distinguish not only the energy quantum numbers n, but also the angular momentum quantum numbers. We might be tempted to expand the diagram further and display the separate projections m, but this would make the diagram too complex. (In Figure (4) we indicated the z projections by including some sketches of the lower energy wave patterns. Such sketches are not usually included in energy level diagrams.) n = 5 n = 4 n = 3 Another advantage of the energy level diagram of Figure (4) is related to the fact that when an electron in an atom radiates a photon, the electron s value almost always changes by one unit. This is because a photon carries out angular momentum, and to conserve angular momentum, the electron s angular momentum has to change. The common transitions represent not only steps up and down, but one step sideways. (It is not impossible for an electron to emit a photon and not change its angular momentum, it just a much less likely event. We only see such =0 transitions, called forbidden transitions, when the electron has no where to jump and change its value by one unit. For example, if the electron, for some reason, ends up in the n = 2, =0 state, the only lower energy state is the n = 1, =0 state. The electron cannot fall there and change by one unit. As a result the electron hangs up in the n = 2, =0 state for a much longer time than it would if a = 1 transition were available.) = 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 3 patterns 5 patterns E = 1.51eV 3 One advantage of the expanded energy level diagram is that it illustrates graphically that the maximum value of goes up only to n 1. It shows that there is one =0 pattern for n = 1, an =0and an =1pattern for n = 2, etc. When you look at this diagram, you have to remember that for each line, the z projections m can range from m=+ down to m= in unit steps. n = 2 m = 1 m = 0 E = 3.40eV 2 m = 1 Figure 4 An expanded hydrogen energy level diagram, including some sketches of the lower energy standing wave patterns.. n = 1 E = 13.6eV 1

9 38-9 MULTI ELECTRON ATOMS Straightforward techniques can be used to solve Schrödinger s equation for one electron atoms like hydrogen. To deal with a two electron atom like helium, we have to take into account not only the attraction between the electrons and the nucleus, but also the repulsion between electrons. This makes Schrödinger s equation more difficult to solve. One has to either use approximation techniques or a computer. However, for all atoms, there are certain properties that can be understood in terms of the general structure of the hydrogen standing wave patterns, rather than from detailed calculations. We can learn enough from these general properties to begin to see why atoms behave as they do in chemical reactions. To study multi electron atoms, imagine that we start with hydrogen and add electrons one at a time (also increasing the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus to keep the atom electrically neutral and the nucleus stable). We will assume that as we add each electron, it falls down to the lowest energy wave pattern available. If we start with a nucleus with one proton, and drop in one electron, the electron eventually falls down to the E 1, =0 standing wave pattern shown in Figure (1a). Add a proton to form a helium nucleus, drop in another electron, and we can expect the electron to also fall down to the lowest energy E 1 standing wave pattern. The extra Coulomb attractive force of the two protons in the nucleus strengthens the binding of the electrons, but the repulsive force between the two electrons weakens it. Experimentally, it takes 24.6 ev to remove an electron from helium, while only 13.6 ev are needed for hydrogen. Thus the electrons are more tightly bound in helium, and we see that the extra Coulomb attraction to the nucleus is more important than the repulsion between electrons. Using helium as a guide, we should expect that when we go to lithium with 3 protons in the nucleus, the increased Coulomb attraction to the nucleus should cause lithium s three electrons to be even more tightly bound than helium s two. This would lead us to predict that it takes even more than 24.6 ev to pull one of the electrons out of lithium. This is not a good prediction. Experimentally, the amounts of energy needed to remove electrons from lithium one at a time are 5.39 ev, ev and ev. While two of lithium s electrons are tightly bound, one is very loosely bound, requiring less than half the energy to remove than the hydrogen electron. A possible explanation for the loose binding of lithium s third electron is that, for some reason, that electron did not fall down to the lowest energy E 1 type of standing wave pattern. It appears to be hung up in the much higher energy, less tightly bound E 2 type of standing wave, one of the four E 2 patterns seen in Figure (1). Pauli Exclusion Principle But why couldn t the third lithium electron fall down to the low energy E 1 pattern? In 1925, two separate ideas provided the explanation. Wolfgang Pauli proposed that no two electrons were allowed to be in exactly the same state. This is known as the Pauli exclusion principle. But the exclusion principle seems to go too far, because in helium, both electrons are in the same E 1, =0 standing wave pattern. If you cannot have two electrons in exactly the same state in an atom, then something must be different about the two electrons in helium. Electron Spin To explain what the difference between the two electrons might be, two graduate students, Samuel Goudsmit and George Uhlenbeck, proposed that the electron was like a spinning top with its own internal angular momentum. This became known as spin angular momentum. The special feature of the electron s spin is that it has two allowed projections, which we call spin up and spin down. In helium you could have two electrons in the same E 1 wave pattern if they had different spin projections, for then they would not be in identical states. Because the electron spin has only two allowed projections, we cannot add a third electron to the E 1 wave pattern. Lithium s third electron must stop at one of the higher energy E 2 standing wave patterns. Its energy is much less negative and therefore this electron is much less tightly bound than the first two electrons that went down to the E 1 wave pattern.

10 38-10 Atoms THE PERIODIC TABLE As we go to larger atoms, adding electrons one at a time, the E 2 standing wave patterns begin to fill up. Since there are four E 2 patterns, each with two allowed spin states, up to 8 electrons can fit there. When the E 2 patterns are full, when we get to the element neon with two E 1 electrons and eight E 2 electrons, we have an inert noble gas that is chemically similar to helium. Adding one more electron by going to sodium, the eleventh electron has to go up into the E 3 energy level since both the E 1 and E 2 patterns are full. This eleventh electron in sodium is loosely bound like the third electron in lithium, with the result that both lithium and sodium have similar chemical properties. They are both strongly reactive metals. Table 1 shows the electron structure and the binding energy of the last electron for the first 36 elements in the periodic table. The general features of this table are that the lowest energy levels fill up first, and there is a large drop in binding energy when we start filling a new energy level. We see these drops when we go from the inert gases helium, neon, and argon to the reactive metals lithium, sodium and potassium. We can see that this sudden change in binding energy leads to a significant change in the chemical properties of the atom. A closer look at Table 1 shows that there is a relatively steady uniform increase in the electron binding as the energy level fills up. The binding energy goes from 5.39 ev for lithium in fairly equal steps up to ev for neon as the E 2 energy level fills. The pattern is more or less repeated as we go from 5.14 ev for sodium up to ev for argon while filling the E 3 energy level. It repeats again in going from 4.34 ev for potassium up to the ev for krypton. A closer look also uncovers some exceptions to the rule that the lower energy levels fill first. The most notable exception is at potassium, where the E 4 patterns with =0 begin to fill before the E 3 patterns with =2. To understand why the binding energy gradually increases as an energy level fill up, and why the E 3, =2 patterns fill up late, we have to take a closer look at the structure of the electron wave patterns and see how this structure affects the binding energy. To do this it is useful to introduce the concepts of electron screening and effective nuclear charge. Electron Screening In our discussion of the binding energy of the two electrons in helium, we pointed out that there was a competition between the increased Coulomb attractive force to the nucleus and the repulsion between the electrons. We could see that the increased attraction was more important because helium s two electrons are each more tightly bound to the nucleus than hydrogen s one. It requires 24.5 ev to remove an electron from helium and only 13.6 ev from hydrogen. The following argument provides an explanation of this increased binding of helium s electron. Since the two electrons are in the same E 1 wave pattern, half the time a given electron is closer to the nucleus than its partner and feels the full force of the nuclear charge +2e. But half the time it is farther away, and the net charge attracting it toward the nucleus is +2e reduced by the other electron s charge 1e for a total +1e. Thus, on the average the electron sees an effective charge of approximately 1.5 e. This is greater than the charge +1e seen by the single electron in hydrogen, and thus results in a stronger binding energy. What we have done is to account for the repulsion of the other electron by saying that the other electron screens the nucleus, reducing the nuclear charge from +2e to an effective value of approximately 1.5e.

11 38-11 Z Element Binding energy of last electron in ev E 1 1 H Hydrogen He Helium E 2 E 3 E Energy level E n Angular momentum quantum number 3 Li Lithium Be Beryllium B Boron C Carbon N Nitrogen O Oxygen F Fluorine Ne Neon Helium core 11 Na Sodium Mg Magnesium Al Aluminum Si Silicon P Phosphorus Neon core S Sulfur Cl Chlorine A Argon K Potassium Ca Calcium Sc Scandium Ti Titanium V Vanadium Cr Chromium Mn Manganese Fe Iron Co Cobalt Ni Nickel 7.63 Argon core Cu Copper Zn Zinc Ga Gallium Ge Germanium As Arsenic Se Selenium Br Bromide Kr Krypton Table 1 Electron binding energies. Adapted from Charlotte E Moore, Atomic Energy Levels, Vol II, National Bureau of Standards Circular 467, Washington, D.C.,1952.

12 38-12 Atoms Effective Nuclear Charge To see what effect changing the nuclear charge has on the binding energy, we can go back to our Bohr theory calculations for different one electron atoms. In Exercises 9 and 10 of Chapter 35 we found that the ground state energy of a single electron in an atom where the nucleus had z protons was ground state E 1 =z ev energy in a single (6) electron atom While Equation 6 was derived from the Bohr theory, it gave results in excellent agreement with experiment as one can easily see from working Exercise 3. Exercise 3 Table 2 lists the binding energy for the last electron for the elements hydrogen through boron. This is the binding energy when all the other electrons have already been removed. For each element, check the prediction that the binding energy is given by Equation 6. Binding energy z Element of last electron 1 Hydrogen 13.6 ev 2 Helium ev 3 Lithium ev 4 Beryllium ev 5 Boron ev Table 2 Equation 6 suggests that if an electron in a multi electron atom sees an effective nuclear charge z eff e, the electron binding energy should be approximately z2 eff times the energy the electron would have in the same energy level in hydrogen. Trying out this idea on helium, where we estimated z eff to be about 1.5e, we get E 1 neutral helium =z eff ev = ev This estimate of 30.6 ev is about 25% too high since the experimental value is only 24.6 ev. We can take this to imply that our estimate of z eff = 1.5 e for helium was a bit too crude. Our simple arguments about screening are not a substitute for an accurate calculation using Schrödinger s equation. What we can do, however, is to turn our approach around and use the experimental values of the binding energy to calculate an effective nuclear charge z eff. Doing this for helium gives E 1 neutral helium =z eff ev 24.6 ev = z 2 eff 13.6 ev z eff = 24.6 = 1.34 (8) 13.6 The value of 1.34 is not too far off our original guess of 1.5. The result tells us that the electron screening is a bit more effective than we had predicted. Lithium We will now see that various features of the periodic table begin to make sense when viewed in terms of electron screening and the structure of the electron wave patterns. Let us start off with lithium where the last electron is in the E 2, =0 pattern and has a binding energy of 5.39 ev. Since this electron is in an E 2 energy level, our formula for z eff should be E 1 lithium =z 2 eff 3.40 ev 5.39 ev = z 2 eff 3.40 ev z eff = 5.39 = 1.26 (9) 3.40 where we used ev rather than ev because we are discussing an E 2 electron. = 30.6 ev = estimated binding energy of helium (7)

13 38-13 In a nucleus with 3 protons, why does the E 2 electron only see an effective charge of 1.26e? The answer lies in the shape of the E 1 and E 2 wave patterns. The first two electrons in lithium are in the E 1 pattern of Figure (1a) reproduced below. It consists of a small spherical ball centered on the nucleus. The third electron, the one whose binding energy we are discussing, is in the E 2, =0 pattern of Figure (1b). This pattern consists of a larger spherical ball surrounded by a spherical shell. The electron in this pattern spends a considerable amount of the time outside the smaller spherical ball of the two E 1 electrons. Thus much of the time the third electron sees only an effective nuclear charge of about (1.0e). Some of the time, however, the third electron is also down at the nucleus feeling the full nuclear charge of (3e). That the average nuclear charge seen by the third electron is (1.26e) is not too difficult to believe. Figure 1a E 1, = 0 Figure 1b E 2, = 0 Beryllium When we went from one E 1 electron in hydrogen to two E 1 electrons in helium, the binding energy about doubled, from 13.6 ev to 24.6 ev. In going from one E 2 electron in lithium to two E 2 electrons in beryllium, the binding energy increases from 5.39 ev to 9.32 ev. Again the electron binding energy almost doubled as we went from one to two electrons in the same energy level. Boron When we go from beryllium to boron, we add a third electron to the E 2 energy level. From our experience with beryllium, we expect another significant increase in binding energy, up to perhaps 13 ev or 14 ev. But instead the binding energy drops from 9.32 ev down to 8.30 ev. Something broke the pattern and caused this drop. At boron, both the E 2, =0 wave patterns are already full and the electron has to go into one of the E 2, =1 patterns. All the electron standing wave patterns with a non zero amount of angular momentum have a node at the origin. The more the angular momentum, the more spread out the node and the farther the electron is kept away from the nucleus. An electron in an 0 wave pattern will thus be effectively screened by electrons in =0 wave patterns where the electron spends a lot of time right down at the nucleus. Thus we expect that electrons in 0 patterns to be less tightly bound than those in the =0 pattern of the same energy level. This shows up with the drop in binding energy in going from beryllium to boron. Up to Neon For all atoms beyond helium, there is a core consisting of the nucleus and the two tightly bound E 1 electrons. As the charge on the nucleus increases, the size of the E 1 patterns shrink, and are penetrated less and less by the outer electrons. We can think of this helium core as acting as the effective nucleus for the larger atoms. As we go from boron to neon, the charge on the helium core increases from 3e to 8e as the E 2, =1 patterns fill up. This increase in the charge of the core causes a more or less gradual increase in the binding energy, from 8.30 ev up to ev. The one exception is the slight drop in binding energy as we go from nitrogen to oxygen. The arguments we have made so far are not detailed enough to explain this drop. Sodium to Argon We get the expected large drop in binding energy as we go from neon to sodium and start filling the E 3 patterns. The E 3, =0 patterns are full at magnesium and we get a small drop in binding energy as the non zero angular momentum patterns E 3, =1 start to fill at aluminum. Again the angular momentum keeps the electrons away from the nucleus and increases the screening. As the E 3, =1 patterns fill up, they are building a structure on the ever shrinking neon core. The charge on the neon core increases from (3e) at aluminum to (8e) at argon, again causing a gradual buildup of the electron binding energy from 5.98 ev to ev. There is even the slight glitch going from phosphorous to sulfur that mirrors the glitch from nitrogen to oxygen.

14 38-14 Atoms Potassium to Krypton The first major break in the pattern of filling the lower energy levels first occurs at potassium. At potassium the E 3, =2 levels remain unfilled while the last electron goes into the higher energy level E 4, =0 pattern. At this point the screening due to angular momentum has become more important than the energy level. The =2 patterns have such a big fat node at the nucleus that an =2 electron cannot get near the nucleus to feel the now large nuclear charge. Even though an E 4, =0 electron is in a higher energy level, its wave pattern has a non zero value right down at the nucleus. Some of the time this electron feels the full charge of (19e) for potassium, and this increases the binding beyond that of the E 3, =2 patterns. At calcium, the E 4, =0 pattern is full, and now the five E 3, =2, m = +2, +1, 0, patterns begin to fill up. There is room for 10 electrons in these 5 patterns, and that takes us down to zinc. As the E 3, =2 patterns fill up underneath the E 4, =0 pattern, there is little change in the outer electron structure and the binding energy increases slowly. The result is that the 10 elements from scandium to zinc have similar chemical properties all are metals. In some periodic tables, these elements are shown as the first set of transition elements. As we go from gallium to krypton we have the familiar pattern of the E 4, =1 states filling up. There is a gradual increase in binding energy from 6.00 ev at gallium to ev at the noble gas krypton. There is even the slight glitch in binding energy going from arsenic to selenium that mirrors the glitches from phosphorus to sulfur, and from nitrogen to oxygen. Summary At this point it should be clear that the structure of the periodic table of the elements arises from the allowed electron standing wave patterns. Because of the exclusion principle, no two electrons can be in the same state. But because electron spin has two allowed states, up to two electrons can fit into each standing wave pattern. In general, as we go to atoms with more electrons, the lowest energy patterns fill up first, and there is a significant change in chemical properties when a new energy level begins to fill. But the angular momentum of the wave pattern also plays a significant role. The =0 patterns can penetrate down to the nucleus, where the electron feels the full strength of the nuclear charge. The 0 patterns have a node at the nucleus, and the full nuclear charge is screened by =0 electrons. The effect of angular momentum shows up most noticeably at potassium and calcium, where the two E 4, =0 patterns fill before the E 3, =2 patterns. Because of the extra angular momentum of the =2 electrons, the =2 patterns have an extra large node at the nucleus, keeping these electrons farther away and more effectively screened. As we get to the heavier elements in the periodic table, those beyond krypton, the energy levels get closer together and the binding energy depends more on the detailed structure of the wave patterns. As a result it becomes more difficult to predict how the wave patterns will be filled and to estimate what the binding energies should be. But despite this, we have been able to go a long way in explaining the structure of the periodic table from a few simple arguments about the shape of the electron standing waves in hydrogen, and the idea of electron screening.

15 38-15 IONIC BONDING In 1871 the Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleyev worked out the periodic table of the elements from an analysis of the atomic weights and chemical reactions of the elements. Here we will reverse Mendeleyev s approach and use Table 1, our shortened version of the periodic table, to explain some of the typical chemical reactions and chemical compounds. As an example, suppose we placed a sodium atom next to a chlorine atom, what would happen? The sodium atom has one loosely bound electron in the E 2, =0 wave pattern. The binding energy of this electron is 5.14 ev. The chlorine atom has seven E 2 electrons all tightly bound because of the increase in the effective nuclear charge seen by these electrons. It requires ev to remove an electron from chlorine. If the sodium and the chlorine atom are brought close enough together, the loosely bound outer sodium electron can lose energy by moving into the remaining E 2 wave pattern in the chlorine atom. We end up with a negative chlorine ion Cl, where all the E 2 patterns are full, and a positively charged sodium ion Na + which has lost its outer electron. These charged ions then attract each other electrically to form a sodium chloride molecule NaCl which is common table salt. Sodium chloride is a typical example of ionic bonding. The class of elements like lithium, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, etc. that have one, two, or even three loosely bound electrons, tend to give up these electrons in a chemical reaction. These are called metals. Those elements like oxygen, fluorine and chlorine, which have nearly full wave patterns and tightly bound electrons, tend to take up electrons in a chemical reaction and are called non metals. When metals and non metals combine, held together by ionic bonding, you get a compound called a salt. By looking at the number of loosely bound electrons in a metal, or the number of empty slots in a non metal (the number of electrons required to get to the next noble gas), you can predict the kind of compounds an element can form. For example, sodium, magnesium, and aluminum have one, two and three loosely bound electrons respectively, while oxygen has two empty slots. (Oxygen has six E 2 electrons, and needs two more to fill up the E 2 standing wave patterns). When you completely burn the three metals, the oxides you end up with are Na 2 O, MgO and Al 2 O 3. In Na 2 O, two sodium atoms each contribute one electron to fill oxygen s two slots. In MgO magnesium s two loosely bound electrons are taken up by one oxygen atom. In Al 2 O 3, two aluminum atoms each supply three electrons, these six electrons are then taken up by three oxygen atoms. There is no simpler way for all the aluminum s loosely bound electrons to completely fill all of oxygen s empty slots. Hydrogen has one moderately bound electron which it can give up in some chemical reaction and act like a metal. An example is hydrochloric acid, HCl, where the chlorine ion has grabbed the hydrogen electron. Hydrogen can also behave as a non metal. When it combines with active metals like lithium and sodium, hydrogen grabs the metal s loosely bound electron to complete its E 1 standing wave pattern. The results are the compounds lithium and sodium hydride, LiH and NaH. More important to life are the bonds like those between hydrogen and carbon atoms which are not ionic in nature. Neither atom has a strong preference to give up or grab electrons. Instead the bonding results from the sharing of electrons. This is the covalent bonding that we described in our discussion of the hydrogen molecule in Chapter 18.

16 38-16 Atoms Index A Angular momentum Quantized projections 38-5 Quantum number 38-7 Atoms Angular momentum quantum number 38-7 Beryllium in periodic table Boron in periodic table Chapter on 38-1 Effective nuclear charge Electron binding energy Electron spin 38-9 Expanded energy level diagram 38-8 Ionic bonding L= 0 Patterns in hydrogen 38-4 Lithium Multi electron 38-9 Pauli exclusion principle 38-9 Periodic table Potassium to krypton Quantized projections of angular momentum 38-5 Schrödinger s equation for hydrogen 38-2 Sodium to argon Standing wave patterns in hydrogen 38-3 Up to neon B Beryllium Binding energy of last electron In periodic table Binding energy Of inner electrons Bonding Ionic Boron Binding energy of last electron In periodic table D Debye, on electron waves 38-2 E Effective nuclear charge, periodic table Electron Spin And hydrogen wave patterns 38-9 Electron binding energy And the periodic table Electron screening, periodic table Electron waves In hydrogen 38-1 Energy Electron binding and the periodic table Energy level diagram Expanded 38-8 Exclusion principle 38-1, 38-9 H Helium And electron spin 38-9 And the Pauli exclusion principle 38-9 Binding energy of last electron Energy to ionize 38-9 In periodic table Hydrogen atom Angular momentum quantum number 38-7 Binding energy of electron Expanded energy level diagram 38-8 Quantized projections of angular momentum 38-5 Solution of Schrödinger s equation 38-2 Standing wave patterns in 38-3 The L = 0 Patterns 38-4 The L 0 Patterns 38-5 Hydrogen wave patterns Intensity at the origin 38-5 L= 0 patterns 38-4 Lowest energy ones 38-3 Schrödinger s Equation 38-2 I Ionic Bonding L L = 0 Patterns, hydrogen standing waves 38-4 Lithium And the Pauli exclusion principle 38-9 Atom Binding energy of last electron In the periodic table M Multi Electron Atoms 38-9 N Neon, up to, periodic table Nuclear Charge, effective, in periodic table O Orbitals. See Hydrogen atom: Standing wave patterns in P Particle-wave nature Of electrons Electron waves in hydrogen 38-2 Pauli exclusion principle 38-9 Pauli exclusion principle 38-1, 38-9

17 38-17 Periodic table 38-1, Beryllium Boron Effective nuclear charge Electron binding energies Electron screening Lithium Potassium to krypton Sodium to argon Summary Potassium to krypton, periodic table Projections of angular momentum Quantized 38-5 Q Quantized angular momentum Angular momentum quantum number 38-7 Electron spin 38-9 In hydrogen wave patterns 38-3 Quantized projections 38-5 Quantum mechanics. See also Schrödinger s equation Schrodinger's equation applied to atoms 38-1 Quantum number, angular momentum 38-7 R Reactive metal, lithium 38-9 S Salt Ionic bonding Schrödinger wave equation Solution for hydrogen atom 38-2 Standing waves in fuzzy walled box 38-1 Sodium to argon, periodic table Spin Electron, introduction to 38-1 Electron, periodic table 38-9 Standing waves Hydrogen, L= 0 patterns 38-4 Patterns in hydrogen 38-3 The L= 0 patterns in hydrogen 38-4 W Wave Electron waves, in hydrogen 38-1 Standing waves Hydrogen L= 0 Patterns 38-4 Wave patterns Hydrogen Intensity at the Origin 38-5 Schrödinger s equation 38-2 Standing waves 38-3 X x-ch38 Exercise Exercise

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