arxiv: v2 [math.dg] 9 Mar 2012

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1 arxiv: v [math.dg] 9 Mar 01 Some new examples with almost positive curvature MARTIN KERIN As a means to better understanding manifolds with positive curvature, there has been much recent interest in the study of non-negatively curved manifolds which contain points at which all planes have positive curvature. We show that there are generalisations of the well-known Eschenburg spaces and quotients of S 7 S 7 which admit metrics with this property. 53C0, 53C30; 57S5, 57T15 It is an unfortunate fact that for a simply connected manifold which admits a metric of non-negative curvature there are no known obstructions to admitting positive curvature. While there exist many examples of manifolds with non-negative curvature, the known examples with positive curvature are very sparse (see Ziller [34] for a comprehensive survey of both situations). Other than the rank-one symmetric spaces there are isolated examples in dimensions 6, 7, 1, 13 and 4 due to Wallach [30] and Berger [5], and two infinite families, one in dimension 7 (Eschenburg spaces; see Aloff and Wallach [], Eschenburg [10], [11]) and the other in dimension 13 (Bazaikin spaces; see Bazaikin [3]). In recent developments, two distinct metrics with positive curvature on a particular cohomogeneity-one manifold have been proposed (Grove, Verdiani and Ziller [17], Dearricott [9]), while in [5] Petersen and Wilhelm propose that the Gromoll Meyer exotic 7 sphere admits positive curvature, which would be the first exotic sphere known to exhibit this property. In this paper we are interested in the study of manifolds which lie between those with non-negative and those with positive sectional curvature. It is hoped that the study of such manifolds will yield a better understanding of the differences between these two classes. Recall that a Riemannian manifold (M,, ) is said to have quasi-positive curvature (resp. almost positive curvature) if (M,, ) has non-negative sectional curvature and there is a point (resp. an open dense set of points) at which all planes have positive sectional curvature. Theorem A (i) There exists a free circle action and a free S 3 action on S 7 S 7 such that each of the respective quotients M 13 := S 1 \(S 7 S 7 ) and N 11 := S 3 \(S 7 S 7 ) admits a metric with almost positive curvature. Published: XX Xxxember 0XX DOI: /gt.0XX.XX.1001

2 100 Martin Kerin (ii) If M 13 and N 11 are equipped with the metrics from (i), then there exist Riemannian submersions M 13 CP 3 and N 11 S 4 such that in each case the fibre is S 7 and the bundle is non-trivial but shares the same cohomology ring as the corresponding product. We use the Pontrjagin class to distinguish M 13 and N 11 from the respective products in Theorem A(ii). Moreover, in each case the induced metric on the base is positively curved. It has been conjectured by F Wilhelm that, if M is a positively curved Riemannian manifold, then the dimension of the fibre of a Riemannian submersion M B must be less than the dimension of the base. Theorem A shows that this is false when the hypothesis is weakened to almost positive curvature. Other than the Gromoll-Meyer exotic 7 sphere (Gromoll and Meyer [16], Wallach [3], Eschenburg and Kerin [1], Petersen and Wilhelm [5]), the only other previously known examples of manifolds with almost positive or quasi-positive curvature are given in Petersen and Wilhelm [4], Wilking [33], Tapp [8] and Kerin [1]. While Wilking [33] has shown that it is not possible in general to deform quasi-positive curvature to positive curvature, it is still unknown whether this can be achieved in the simply connected case or whether one can always deform quasi-positive curvature to almost positive curvature. Theorem B Let L p,q U(n+1) U(n+1), n, be defined by L p,q = {(diag(z p 1,...,z p n+1 ), diag(z q 1, z q, A)) z S 1, A U(n 1)} where p 1,..., p n+1, q 1, q Z. When the two-sided action of L p,q on U(n + 1) is free, denote the quotient U(n + 1)/L p,q by E 4n 1 p,q. All E 4n 1 p,q admit a metric with quasi-positive curvature. Observe that to allow p i = p j for all 1 i < j n+1 in Theorem B is equivalent to setting p i = 0 for all i, since the centre of U(n + 1) is given by multiples of the identity. Wilking [33] showed that these homogeneous spaces admit a metric with almost positive curvature whenever q 1 q < 0, while Tapp [8] subsequently showed that (q 1, q ) (0, 0) is sufficient to guarantee the existence of a metric with quasi-positive curvature. The biquotients E 4n 1 p,q in Theorem B should be thought of as generalisations of the Eschenburg spaces, which arise when n =. In Eschenburg [10] it is shown that

3 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 1003 infinitely many Eschenburg spaces admit positive curvature, while in Kerin [1] it is shown that all Eschenburg spaces admit a metric with quasi-positive curvature. The paper is organised as follows. In Section 1 we review some notation and geometric techniques for biquotients. In Section we review some facts about the Cayley numbers and the exceptional Lie group G. In Section 3 we describe the manifolds M 13 and N 11 of Theorem A as biquotients and as the total spaces of Riemannian submersions. We prove the curvature statements of Theorem A(i) in Section 4, while proof of the topological statements in (ii) is postponed until Section 6. Section 5 is devoted to establishing Theorem B. Acknowledgments: The majority of this work was completed as part of a Ph.D. thesis at the University of Pennsylvania under the supervision of Wolfgang Ziller. His constant advice, support and friendship were inspiring. Thanks also to Jost Eschenburg for useful comments. Finally, I wish to thank Burkhard Wilking for suggesting some improvements. 1 Biquotient actions and metrics In his Habilitation, [10], Eschenburg studied biquotients in great detail. The following section provides a review of the material in [10] and establishes the basic language, notation and results which will be used throughout the remainder of the paper. Let G be a compact Lie group, U G G a closed subgroup, and let U act on G via (u 1, u ) g = u 1 gu 1, g G, (u 1, u ) U. The action is free if and only if, for all non-trivial (u 1, u ) U, u 1 is never conjugate to u in G. The resulting manifold is called a biquotient. Let K G be a closed subgroup,, be a left-invariant, right K invariant metric on G, and U G K G G act freely on G as above. Let g G. Define U g L := {(gu 1g 1, u ) (u 1, u ) U}. Since U acts freely on G, so too does U g L, and G/U is isometric to G/Ug L. This follows from the fact that left-translation L g : G G is an isometry which satisfies gu 1 g 1 (L g g )u 1 = L g (u 1 g u 1 ). Therefore L g induces an isometry of the orbit spaces G/U and G/U g L. Consider a Riemannian submersion π : M n N n k. By O Neill s formula for Riemannian submersions, π is curvature non-decreasing. Therefore sec M 0 implies

4 1004 Martin Kerin sec N 0, and zero curvature planes on N lift to horizontal zero curvature planes on M. Because of the Lie bracket term in the O Neill formula the converse is not true in general, namely horizontal zero curvature planes in M cannot be expected to project to zero curvature planes on N. Let K G be Lie groups, k g the corresponding Lie algebras, and, a nonnegatively curved left-invariant metric on G which is right-invariant under K. We can write g = k p with respect to,. Given X g we will always use X k and X p to denote the k and p components of X respectively. Recall that G = (G K)/ K via (g, k) gk 1, where K is the free diagonal action of K on the right of G K. Notice that the restriction of, to K is bi-invariant. Equip G K with the metric, :=, t, k, t > 0. Thus we may define a new left-invariant, right K invariant metric, 1 (with sec 0) on G via the Riemannian submersion (1) with (G K,, ) (G,, 1 ) (g, k) gk 1 X, Y 1 = X,Φ(Y) where Φ(Y) = Y p + λy k, λ = t t+1 (0, 1). Furthermore, it is clear that the metric tensor Φ is invertible with inverse described by Φ 1 (Y) = Y p + 1 λ Y k. Suppose σ = Span{Φ 1 (X),Φ 1 (Y)} g is a zero curvature plane with respect to the metric, 1, i.e. sec 1 (σ) = 0. By the O Neill formula σ must therefore lift to a horizontal zero curvature plane σ g k with respect to,. It is easy to check that the horizontal lift of a vector Φ 1 (X) g to g k is given by ( X, 1 t X k). Then clearly {( σ = Span X, 1 ) ( t X k, Y, 1 )} t Y k. But, since, is a non-negatively curved product metric, it follows immediately by considering the unnormalised curvature that σ has zero curvature if and only if [X k, Y k ] = 0 and the plane Span{X, Y} g has zero curvature with respect to the original metric,, i.e. sec(x, Y) = 0. From Tapp [9], which generalizes similar results in Eschenburg [10] and Wilking [33], we know that if, is induced by a Riemannian submersion to G from a bi-invariant metric on some Lie group L, then in fact sec 1 (σ) = 0 if and only if sec( σ) = 0 with respect to,, i.e. if and only if sec(x, Y) = 0 and [X k, Y k ] = 0. We will always be in this situation as throughout the paper we will use only the metrics described in Examples (a) and (b) below.

5 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 1005 Example (a) Suppose that (G, K) is a symmetric pair and that the initial metric, =, 0 is a bi-invariant metric on G. As in (1), equip G with a new metric () X, Y 1 = X,Φ 1 (Y) 0 where g = k p with respect to, 0 and Φ 1 (Y) = Y p + λ 1 Y k. Then σ = Span{Φ 1 1 (X),Φ 1 1 (Y)} g has zero curvature with respect to, 1, i.e. sec 1 (σ) = 0, if and only if (3) 0 = [X, Y] = [X k, Y k ] = [X p, Y p ]. The proof of this follows immediately from our previous discussion together with the fact that [p, p] k whenever (G, K) is a symmetric pair. Example (b) Let G K H be a chain of subgroups and suppose that both (G, K) and (K, H) are symmetric pairs. Let g = k p and k = h m be the corresponding orthogonal decompositions with respect to the bi-invariant metric, 0 on G. Start with the metric, =, 1 defined by Example (a). Now define the metric, on G as in (1), where K is replaced by H, s > 0 takes the role of t, and Ψ replaces Φ: (4) (5) X, Y = X,Ψ(Y) 1 with Φ (Y) = Y p +λ 1 Y m +λ 1 λ Y h, λ = s λ Y h. = X,Φ (Y) 0 s+1, and Ψ(Y) = Φ 1 1 Φ (Y) = Y p + Y m + Let σ = Span{Ψ 1 (X),Ψ 1 (Y)} g. Then, by our discussion prior to Example (a), sec (σ) = 0 if and only if sec 1 (X, Y) = 0 and [X h, Y h ] = 0. By again considering horizontal lifts it is not difficult to check that sec 1 (X, Y) = 0 if and only if conditions (3) hold as for sec 1 (Φ 1 1 (X),Φ 1 1 (Y)) = 0. Hence sec (σ) = 0 if and only if (6) 0 = [X, Y] = [X k, Y k ] = [X p, Y p ] = [X m, Y m ] = [X h, Y h ] where we have used the fact that [m, m] h since (K, H) is a symmetric pair. Now that we have described how to induce new metrics on G from old ones and derived zero curvature conditions for these metrics, we proceed to consider biquotients G/U. Let G = {(g, g) g G}. Then, if the two-sided action of U on G is free, G U acts freely on G G via (7) ((g, g), (u 1, u )) (g 1, g ) = (gg 1 u 1 1, gg u 1 ) with (g, g) G, (u 1, u ) U, (g 1, g ) G G, and there is a canonical diffeomorphism (8) G\(G G)/U = G/U

6 1006 Martin Kerin induced by the map G G G (g 1, g ) g 1 1 g. Let K 1 and K be arbitrary subgroups of G. We define left-invariant metrics,, K1 and, K, on G as in (1). Equip G G with a left-invariant, right (K 1 K ) invariant product metric ((, )) =, K1, K. If U K 1 K then the G U action is by isometries and ((, )) induces a metric on G/U. Our goal is to determine when a plane tangent to G/U has zero curvature with respect to this induced metric. By (8) and our choice of metric, the quotient map (G G, ((, ))) G/U is a Riemannian submersion. O Neill s formula implies that a zero curvature plane tangent to G/U must lift to a horizontal zero curvature plane with respect to ((, )). As in the case of metrics on G, if ((, )) is induced from a bi-invariant metric on some Lie group L, then Tapp [9] implies that horizontal zero curvature planes with respect to ((, )) must project to zero curvature planes in G/U. For our purposes this will always be true since we will consider only metrics as in Examples (a) and (b). We must determine what it means for a plane to be horizontal with respect to ((, )) and the G U action. Since each G U orbit passes through some point of the form (g, e) G G, where e is the identity element of G, we may restrict our attention to such points. Recall that ((, )) is left-invariant. Therefore, letting u denote the Lie algebra of U, the vertical subspace at (g, e) G G is given by V g = {( Ad g 1 X Y 1, X Y ) X g, (Y1, Y ) u } after left-translation to (e, e) G G. Note that this is independent of the choice of left-invariant metric on G G. Thus, with respect to ((, )), the horizontal subspace at (g, e) is (9) H g = {( Ω 1 1 ( Ad g 1 X),Ω 1 (X)) X, Ad g Y 1 Y 0 = 0 (Y 1, Y ) u } where Ω 1 and Ω are the metric tensors relating the left-invariant metrics, K1 and, K respectively to a fixed bi-invariant metric, 0 on G, i.e. X, Y Ki = X,Ω i (Y) 0, i = 1,. We recall that the metric tensors in Examples (a) and (b) are given by Φ 1 and Φ respectively, as shown in () and (5). In particular, (9) shows that a horizontal plane σ in (G G, ((, ))) must project to a plane on each factor, denoted by ˇσ 1 and ˇσ respectively. Moreover, since ((, )) is a product metric, sec(σ) = 0 if and only if sec 1 ( ˇσ i ) = 0, i = 1,. Thus,

7 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 1007 for product metrics involving the metrics described by Examples (a) and (b), we may apply conditions (3) and (6) respectively in order to determine when a horizontal plane σ has zero curvature. The Cayley numbers, G and its Lie algebra We recall without proof some well known facts about Cayley numbers, the Lie group G and its Lie algebra. More details may be found in Gluck, Warner and Ziller [15] and Murakami [3]. We may write the Cayley numbers as Ca = H + Hl, where H is the algebra of quaternions. Thus we have a natural orthonormal basis {e 0 = 1, e 1 = i, e = j, e 3 = k, e 4 = l, e 5 = il, e 6 = jl, e 7 = kl} for Ca. Note that this description of Ca differs slightly from that given in Murakami [3], and accounts for the difference which occurs in the description of the Lie algebra g in Theorem.. Multiplication in Ca is non-associative and defined via (10) (a+bl)(c+dl) = (ac db)+(da+b c)l, a, b, c, d H. Hence we have the following multiplication table, where the order of multiplication is given by (row) (column): e 1 = i e = j e 3 = k e 4 = l e 5 = il e 6 = jl e 7 = kl e 1 = i 1 k j il l kl jl e = j k 1 i jl kl l il e 3 = k j i 1 kl jl il l e 4 = l il jl kl 1 i j k e 5 = il l kl jl i 1 k j e 6 = jl kl l il j k 1 i e 7 = kl jl il l k j i 1 Table 1: Multiplication table for Ca Recall that the Lie group G is the automorphism group of Ca = R 8. In fact G is a connected subgroup of SO(7) SO(8), where SO(8) acts on Ca = R 8 by orthogonal transformations and SO(7) is that subgroup consisting of elements which leave e 0 = 1 fixed. SO(8) also contains two copies of Spin(7) which are not conjugate in SO(8), and G is the intersection of these two subgroups.

8 1008 Martin Kerin As our eventual goal is to prove Theorem A(i) and (ii), it is useful to recall the fact that G appears in the descriptions of some interesting homogeneous spaces. The following statements are well-known and follow from applications of the triality principle for SO(8). More details may be found in, for example, Adams [1, Theorem 5.5], Murakami [3], Jacobson [0, page 79]. Theorem.1 (i) Spin(7)/G = S 7, which inherits constant positive curvature from the biinvariant metric on Spin(7). Moreover, the isotropy representation is transitive on the collection of pairs of orthogonal unit tangent vectors. (ii) Spin(8)/G = S 7 S 7 and SO(8)/G = (S 7 S 7 )/Z, where Z = {±(id, id)}. (iii) G / SU(3) = S 6. We now turn our attention to the Lie algebra of G. The proof of the following theorem follows exactly as in Murakami [3] except that we use the basis and multiplication conventions for Ca as in Table 1. Recall that so(n) = {A M n (R) A t = A}. Theorem. The Lie algebra of G, denoted by g, consists of matrices A = (a ij ) so(7) which satisfy a ij + a ji = 0 and the following equations: a 3 + a 45 + a 76 = 0 a 1 + a 47 + a 65 = 0 a 13 + a 64 + a 75 = 0 a 14 + a 7 + a 36 = 0 a 15 + a 6 + a 37 = 0 a 16 + a 5 + a 43 = 0 a 17 + a 4 + a 53 = 0 Hence g so(7) is 14 dimensional and consists of matrices of the form: 0 x 1 + x y 1 + y x 3 + x 4 y 3 + y 4 x 5 + x 6 y 5 + y 6 (x 1 + x ) 0 α 1 y 5 x 5 y 3 x 3 (y 1 + y ) α 1 0 x 6 y 6 x 4 y 4 (11) (x 3 + x 4 ) y 5 x 6 0 α y 1 x 1 (y 3 + y 4 ) x 5 y 6 α 0 x y (x 5 + x 6 ) y 3 x 4 y 1 x 0 α 1 +α (y 5 + y 6 ) x 3 y 4 x 1 y (α 1 +α ) 0

9 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 1009 Recall that G is a rank Lie group. Therefore an examination of the elements (11) of g reveals that the maximal torus of G is given by: 1 ( ) (1) T = R(θ) cosθ sinθ R(ϕ) R(θ) = sinθ cosθ R(θ+ϕ) 3 Free isometric actions on SO(8) Consider the rank one symmetric pair (G, K) = (SO(8), SO(7)) where SO(7) SO(8) ( ) 1 A A with Lie algebras g,k respectively. Let X, Y 0 = tr(xy) be a bi-invariant metric on G. With respect to, 0 we thus have g = p k. As in () we define a left-invariant, right K invariant metric, 1 on G by (13) X, Y 1 = X,Φ 1 (Y) 0 where Φ 1 (Y) = Y p +λ 1 Y k, λ 1 (0, 1). Recall that from Example (a) we know that a plane σ = Span{Φ 1 1 (X),Φ 1 1 (Y)} g has zero curvature with respect to, 1 if and only if (14) 0 = [X, Y] = [X p, Y p ] = [X k, Y k ]. We now equip G G with the product metric, 1, 0. Consider an isometric action of U := S 1 G K G on SO(8) defined by (15) A R(θ) A g 1 where A SO(8), g G, and I (16) R(θ) = R(p 1 θ) R(p θ) ( ) cosθ sinθ, R(θ) =. sinθ cosθ R(p 3 θ) From (8) we know that G\G G/U = G/U whenever the biquotient action of U on G is free.

10 1010 Martin Kerin Lemma 3.1 G U acts freely and isometrically on (G G,, 1, 0 ) if and only if (p 1, p, p 3 ) is equal to (0, 0, 1) (up to sign and permutations of the p i ). Proof Recall that conjugation of either factor of U by elements of G is a diffeomorphism, and that a biquotient action is free if and only if non-trivial elements in each factor are never conjugate to one another in G. Thus we need only show that non-trivial elements of S 1 and T are never conjugate in G if and only if (p 1, p, p 3 ) = (0, 0, 1) up to sign and permutations of the p i, where T is the maximal torus of G described in (1). This amounts to investigating when the sets of blocks on each side are equal up to conjugation by an element of the Weyl group of SO(8). We recall that the Weyl group of SO(n) acts via permutations of the blocks and changing an even number of signs, where by a change of sign we mean R(θ) R( θ). A simple calculation then yields the result. Note that there are many other free S 1 G actions on G. For example, there is a free S 1 action on the left of G/G by matrices of the form (17) R(θ) R(θ) R(θ) R(kθ) where (k, 3) = 1. However, it is clear that only the action in Lemma 3.1 is isometric with respect to the metric, 1, 0 on G G. It follows immediately from the long exact homotopy sequence for fibrations that a biquotient Spin(8)/(S 1 G ) = S 1 \(S 7 S 7 ) must be simply connected. By the lifting criterion for covering spaces the action by U on SO(8) described above lifts to some action by S 1 G on Spin(8). Therefore, together with Theorem.1, one might expect that the resulting simply connected biquotient Spin(8)/(S 1 G ) = S 1 \(S 7 S 7 ) is a non-trivial finite cover of SO(8)/(S 1 G ). In fact the lemma below will demonstrate that this covering map is a diffeomorphism. Lemma 3. M 13 := SO(8)/(S 1 G ) is simply connected and hence a quotient of S 7 S 7 by an S 1 action.

11 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 1011 Proof Consider a general embedding S 1 q SO(8) R(q 1 θ) R(θ) R(q θ) R(q 3 θ) R(q 4 θ) where q = (q 1, q, q 3, q 4 ) Z 4, where R(u) SO(). The long exact homotopy sequence for the fibration S 1 q G SO(8) SO(8)/S 1 q G yields... π 1 (S 1 q G ) = Z π 1 (SO(8)) = Z π 1 (SO(8)/S 1 q G ) 0. Thus to obtain the desired result we need only show that the mapz Z is surjective. Recall that the homomorphism ι : π 1 (S 1 q) π 1 (SO(n)) is determined by the weights q = (q 1,...,q m ), m = n, of the embedding, namely ι (1) = q i mod. Therefore ι is onto exactly when q i is odd. In our case we have q = (0, 0, 0, 1), and so ι is a surjection. Notice that the action of U on SO(8) given in Lemma 3.1 may be enlarged to an isometric action by SO(3) G, and the resulting biquotient we call N 11. Now recall that for all n we have a -fold cover Spin(n) SO(n) with π 1 (Spin(n)) = 0 and π 1 (SO(n)) = Z. Thus, by the lifting criterion for covering spaces, the inclusion SO(3) SO(8) must lift to Spin(3) = S 3 Spin(8). As in the case of U = S 1 G above we show that N 11 = SO(8)/(SO(3) G ) is simply connected and hence diffeomorphic to Spin(8)/S 3 G = S 3 \(S 7 S 7 ). Lemma 3.3 N 11 = SO(8)/(SO(3) G ) is simply connected and hence a quotient of S 7 S 7 by an S 3 action. Proof Consider the chain of embeddings j i : S 1 = SO() SO(3) SO(8) given by enlarging S 1 above to an SO(3) in SO(8). We thus have an induced homomorphism on fundamental groups (j i) = j i : Z Z Z. But i and (j i) are simply the homomorphism ι from Lemma 3.. Hence i (1) = 1 mod and (j i) (1) = 1 mod. This implies j (1) = 1 mod and therefore j is a surjection. An examination of the long exact homotopy sequence of the fibration SO(3) G SO(8) N 11 yields the result. Recall that G Spin(7) SO(8), where the second inclusion is via the spin embedding. By our choice of metric on G G we may therefore enlarge the actions of

12 101 Martin Kerin S 1 G and SO(3) G to isometric actions by S 1 Spin(7) and SO(3) Spin(7) respectively. It was shown in Eschenburg [10, Theorem 75, Table 101] that these actions are free and the resulting biquotients are CP 3 and S 4 respectively. It follows immediately that there are fibre bundles S 7 = Spin(7) /G M 13 CP 3 S 7 = Spin(7) /G N 11 S 4 for which the projections are Riemannian submersions. 4 Almost positive curvature on M 13 and N 11 We are now in a position to prove the curvature statements Theorem A(i). We will concentrate on the circle quotient of S 7 S 7, namely since the other case follows trivially. M 13 = SO(8)/(S 1 G ) = G/U, Consider the inclusions G = SO(8) K = SO(7) G. bi-invariant metric X, Y 0 = tr(xy) on G we have With respect to the g = p k and k = m g where (18) p = 0 w t w 0 w R 7 and, by (11): (19) m = v 1 v v 3 v 4 v 5 v 6 0 v 1 0 v 7 v 6 v 5 v 4 v 3 0 v v 7 0 v 5 v 6 v 3 v 4 0 v 3 v 6 v 5 0 v 7 v v 1 0 v 4 v 5 v 6 v 7 0 v 1 v 0 v 5 v 4 v 3 v v 1 0 v 7 0 v 6 v 3 v 4 v 1 v v 7 0 v i R

13 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 1013 Lemma 4.1 Let W i p, i = 1,, and V j m, j = 1,, be orthonormal vectors with respect to, 0. Then rank(w i ) =, rank(v j ) = 6, rank([w 1, W ]) = and rank([v 1, V ]) = 6. Proof Suppose P, Q and Z are real n n matrices. It is well-known (and not difficult to prove using the rank-nullity theorem) that: (i) (ii) If rank(p) = n, then rank(pz) = rank(z) If rank(q) = n, then rank(zq) = rank(z). In particular, if P and Q are invertible matrices then, for Z 0 = PZQ, it follows that rank(z) = rank(z 0 ). Choose arbitrary pairs of orthonormal vectors in p and m and show that the conclusions of the lemma hold. The result now follows from the facts that the isotropy representation of G SO(8) splits irreducibly as p m and, moreover, is transitive on the sets of pairs of orthonormal vectors in p and m respectively, i.e. G acts transitively on the unit tangent bundle to S 6. (Recall Theorem.1(i).) Let U = S 1 G K G be as in Lemma 3.1. Thus, equipping G G with the product metric, 1, 0 as before, we may induce a metric on G/U via the diffeomorphism G\G G/U G/U. As discussed in Section 1, we may restrict our attention to points of the form (A, I) G G. Let E 78 g denote the vector spanning the Lie algebra of the S 1 factor of U. By (9) the horizontal subspace at (A, I) with respect to, 1, 0 is given by Suppose that H A = {( Φ 1 1 (Ad A t W), W) W g = 0, W, Ad A E 78 0 = 0}. σ = Span{( Φ 1 1 (Ad At X), X), ( Φ 1 1 (Ad At Y), Y)} g g is a horizontal zero curvature plane at (A, I) G G. Since we have equipped G G with the product metric, 1, 0, our discussion in Section 1 shows that σ must project to zero curvature planes ˇσ i, i = 1,, on each factor. Considering ˇσ we find: Lemma 4. Suppose X, Y g are linearly independent vectors such that X g = Y g = 0 and [X, Y] = 0. Then it may be assumed without loss of generality that X p and Y m.

14 1014 Martin Kerin Proof Since [X, Y] = 0 and (G, K) is a symmetric pair, it follows that [X p, Y p ] = [X m, Y m ]. Suppose that [X m, Y m ] 0. Then, by Lemma 4.1, [X m, Y m ] is a matrix of rank 6. But [X p, Y p ] has rank no more than, so we have a contradiction. Therefore [X p, Y p ] = [X m, Y m ] = 0. [X p, Y p ] = 0 implies that, since (G, K) is a rank one symmetric pair, we may assume Y p = 0 without loss of generality. Hence X p m and Y m. On the other hand, by Theorem.1(i) there are no independent commuting vectors in m. Then, without loss of generality, X p and Y m. The horizontal zero curvature plane σ is thus determined by 0 w t 0 0 (0) X = w 0 p, Y = 0 (v ij ) m with [X, Y] = 0, where w R 7 and (v ij ) = (v ij i, j 8). By Lemma 4.1 we know that Y has rank 6, that is, the column space of Y is a six dimensional subspace of R 7. The condition [X, Y] = 0 is equivalent to w R 7 being perpendicular to each of the columns of Y. Therefore w, and hence X, is uniquely determined up to scaling by Y. Let ψ : m p be the (unique) map assigning X p to Y m such that, by abusing the notation of (18) and (19), X = ψ(y) is given by (1) w t = ψ(v 1,...,v 7 ) = (v 7, v, v 1, v 4, v 3, v 6, v 5 ) It is easy to check that [ψ(y), Y] = 0, and ψ is clearly a linear isomorphism. Moreover, ψ is G -equivariant since Ad g [X, Y] = [Ad g X, Ad g Y], for all g G, and by uniqueness. Therefore every horizontal zero curvature plane σ is determined by a pair (X, Y) = (ψ(y), Y), with X p, Y m. Given [X, Y] = 0, the conditions in (14) imply that ˇσ 1 has zero curvature if and only if [(Ad A t X) p, (Ad A t Y) p ] = 0. But (G, K) is a rank one symmetric pair and thus ˇσ 1 has zero curvature if and only if (Ad A t X) p, (Ad A t Y) p are linearly dependent, that is, if and only if either for some s R {0}. (Ad A t X) p = 0 or (Ad A t Y) p = 0 or (Ad A t X) p = s(ad A t Y) p Suppose that (Ad A t X) p = s(ad A t Y) p, for some s R {0}. Then Ad A t(x sy) p. Since elements of p = k = so(7) have vanishing determinant, it follows from the

15 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 1015 discussion on ranks in the proof of Lemma 4.1 that rank(x sy) = rank Ad A t(x sy) 6. But X and Y describe a horizontal zero curvature plane, so the vector w R 7 determining X is orthogonal to the columns of sy, which itself has rank 6. Hence rank(x sy) = 7, which is a contradiction. Therefore either (Ad A t X) p = 0 or (Ad A t Y) p = 0. Before we continue, we recall some simple facts about A SO(8). We may write A as a 11 a 1 a 18 a 1 A =. à a 81 where à is a 7 7 matrix. Since AA t = I, one can easily derive the following identities: () (3) (4) a 11 + a 1k = 1 a 11 (a k1 )+Ã(a 1k ) t = 0 (a k1 )(a k1 ) t + Ãà t = I 7 7 where (a 1k ) and (a k1 ) are row and column vectors respectively (with k 8). Consider X p as in (0) and suppose that (Ad A t X) p = 0. A simple computation shows that this is equivalent to a 11 w t à = (a k1 ) t w(a 1k ) = (a k1 ), w (a 1k ). If we multiply both sides by (a 1k ) t, then the identity (3) above yields a 11 (a k1 ), w = a 11w t (a k1 ) = (a k1 ), w (a 1k )(a 1k ) t = (a k1 ), w a 1k. By (), this reduces to (a k1 ) t w = (a k1 ), w = 0. Hence a 11 w t à = 0, i.e. either a 11 = 0 or w t à = 0. However, if w t à = 0, then Ad A t X = 0. Since X 0, this gives a contradiction. Therefore the condition (Ad A t X) p = 0 is satisfied if and only if a 11 = 0 and (a 1,..., a 81 ) t, w = 0. It is clear that the set of such w is six dimensional. For reasons of dimension we will therefore always be able to find a pair (X, Y) describing a zero curvature plane, since we need only ensure that Ad A t X, Ad A t Y S 1. On the other hand, consider Y m as in (0) such that (Ad A t Y) p = 0. It is again simple to show that this is equivalent to (a k1 ) t (v ij )à = 0.

16 1016 Martin Kerin If we multiply both sides by à t, then (4) gives 0 = (a k1 ) t (v ij )(I 7 7 (a k1 )(a k1 ) t ) = (a k1 ) t (v ij ) ((a k1 ) t (v ij )(a k1 ))(a k1 ) t = (a k1 ) t (v ij ) where the last equality follows from (a k1 ) t (v ij )(a k1 ) = 0, since all entries on the diagonal of Ad A t Y so(8) must be zero. Let X = ψ(y) p be given by w R 7. Now (a k1 ) t (v ij ) = 0 implies that the vector (a 1,..., a 81 ) t R 7 is perpendicular to each column of the rank 6 matrix (v ij ). Hence either a k1 = 0, for all k 8, or w = (a 1,..., a 81 ) t. If a k1 = 0, for all k 8, then by (), (3) and (4) A O(7) SO(8). Conversely, given A O(7), it is clear that Ad A t preserves the orthogonal decomposition p k. Thus Ad A t X, with X p, will always be orthogonal to S 1 and, for dimension reasons, there will always be a Y m such that Ad A t Y S 1. Therefore it is always possible to find a pair (X, Y) spanning a horizontal zero curvature plane. Finally, in the case w = (a 1,..., a 81 ) t, there is, up to scaling, a unique pair (X, Y) determined by the coordinates of A. Clearly X is determined by w while, by (1), Y is given by (v 1,..., v 7 ) = (a 41, a 31, a 61, a 51, a 81, a 71, a 1 ). It is easy to see that the condition X, Ad A E 78 0 = 0 is given by the algebraic expression: 8 (5) (a 18 a k7 a 17 a k8 )a k1 = 0 k= A straightforward computation shows that that condition Y, Ad A E 78 0 = 0 is given by 0 = (m 3 + m 58 m 67 )a 41 (m 4 m 57 m 68 )a 31 (6) + (m 5 m 38 + m 47 )a 61 (m 6 + m 37 + m 48 )a 51 (m 7 m 36 m 45 )a 81 + (m 8 + m 35 m 46 )a 71 + (m 34 + m 56 m 78 )a 1 where m kl = a k8 a l7 a k7 a l8. It is clear that if both (5) and (6) hold, then there is a horizontal zero curvature plane at (A, I). We have shown that a horizontal zero curvature plane occurs at (A, I) if and only if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

17 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 1017 (a) a 11 = 0 (b) (c) A O(7) SO(8) Equations (5) and (6) hold. The locus of such points is clearly lower dimensional. Moreover, extending the U action to an action by SO(3) G increases the number of conditions which must be satisfied in order for a zero curvature plane to be horizontal. Theorem A(i) now follows immediately. 5 Generalised Eschenburg spaces Consider the rank one symmetric pairs (G, K) = (U(n+1), U(1) U(n)) and (K, H) = (U(1) U(n), U(1) U(1) U(n 1)) where n and the inclusions K G and H K are given by ( ) z (z, B), z U(1), B U(n) and (z, w, C) ( ( w z, B )), z, w U(1), C U(n 1) C respectively. Let g,k and h be the Lie algebras of G, K and H respectively. Let X, Y 0 = Re tr(xy) be a bi-invariant metric on G. With respect to, 0 we thus have the orthogonal decompositions g = p k and k = m h, where: 0 x t p = x 0 0 m = 0 ȳ t y 0 x = x. x n+1 y = C n y 3. y n+1 and C n 1 As in Examples (a) and (b) we define a left-invariant, right K invariant metric, 1 on G by (7) X, Y 1 = X,Φ 1 (Y) 0

18 1018 Martin Kerin where Φ 1 (Y) = Y p +λ 1 Y k, λ 1 (0, 1), and a left-invariant, right H invariant metric, on G via (8) X, Y = X,Ψ(Y) 1 = X,Φ (Y) 0 where Φ (Y) = Y p + λ 1 Y m + λ 1 λ Y h, λ (0, 1), and Ψ(Y) = Φ 1 1 Φ (Y) = Y p + Y m +λ Y h. Equip G G with the left-invariant, right (K H) invariant product metric, 1,. Consider the subgroup L p,q K H defined by L p,q = {(diag(z p 1,..., z p n+1 ), diag(z q 1, z q, B)) z S 1, B U(n 1)} where p 1,..., p n+1, q 1, q Z. L p,q acts on G via G G A diag(z p 1,...,z p n+1 )A diag( z q 1, z q, B 1 ) where z U(1) and B U(n 1). It is not difficult to show that this action is free if and only if (9) (p σ(1) q 1, p σ() q ) = 1 for all σ S n+1. We denote the resulting biquotients G/L p,q by E 4n 1 p,q and remark that n = gives the usual Eschenburg spaces (see Eschenburg [10, Section 41]). Recall the canonical diffeomorphism E 4n 1 p,q = G/L p,q = G\G G/Lp,q given in (8). Now, since L p,q K H, there is a metric on E 4n 1 p,q product metric on G G. induced from the From (9) it is easy to show that the horizontal subspace at a point (A, I) G G is given by (30) H A = {( Φ 1 1 (Ad A W),Φ 1 (W)) W u(n 1) = 0, W, Ad A P Q 0 = 0} where A = Ā t, P = diag(ip 1,...,ip n+1 ), Q = diag(iq 1, iq, 0,..., 0), and h = u(1) u(1) u(n 1) as before. Proposition 5.1 Suppose that {( σ = Span Φ 1 1 ( Ad A X ) ( X)) (,Φ 1, Φ 1 1 is a horizontal zero curvature plane at (A, I) G G. Y = Φ 1 1 (Ỹ) can be written in one of the following forms: ( ) Ad A Ỹ (Ỹ))},Φ 1 Then X = Φ 1 1 ( X) and

19 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 1019 (i) X g and Y = diag(i, 0,..., 0) (ii) X p h and Y = diag(0, i, 0,..., 0) (iii) X p h and Y = diag(i, i, 0,..., 0) (iv) X = 0 x t x 0 and Y = i iβ ȳ t y 0 (v) where x 0, β = 1 n+1 j=3 y j, and x j = ix y j for j = 3,..., n+1 X = iα x t x 0 0 and Y = iβ ȳ t y 0 where x = (0, x 3,...,x n+1 ) t 0 C n and n+1 j=3 x jȳ j = 0. Proof From the discussion in Section 1 we know that the projections ˇσ i, i = 1,, onto the first and second factor must be two-dimensional zero curvature planes with respect to, 1 and, respectively. Consider { ˇσ = Span Φ 1 ( X) (Ỹ)},Φ 1 = Span { Ψ 1 (X),Ψ 1 (Y) } where Ψ = Φ 1 1 Φ. ˇσ has zero curvature with respect to, if and only if the equalities in (6) hold, namely if and only if 0 = [X, Y] = [X k, Y k ] = [X p, Y p ] = [X m, Y m ] = [X h, Y h ]. Since (G, K) is a rank-one symmetric pair, [X p, Y p ] = 0 if and only if X p and Y p are linearly dependent. Without loss of generality we may assume that Y p = 0. Similarly, (K, H) being a rank-one symmetric pair implies that [X m, Y m ] = 0 if and only if X m and Y m are linearly dependent. Without loss of generality we may assume that either X m = 0 or Y m = 0. Thus we have two possibilities: (31) (3) X = X p + X m + X h and Y = Y h or X = X p + X h and Y = Y m + Y h.

20 100 Martin Kerin Since σ is horizontal and Φ 1 simply scales k = m h by λ 1 (0, 1), then we must have X u(n 1) = Y u(n 1) = 0, where h = u(1) u(1) u(n 1). Therefore in both cases above we have X h = diag(ia, ib, 0,..., 0), Y h = diag(ic, id, 0,..., 0), some a, b, c, d R. Clearly [X h, Y h ] = 0. Then [X k, Y k ] = [X m, Y h ]+[X h, Y m ]. In the case of (31) our zero curvature condition is thus 0 = [X m, Y h ], while for case (3) we have 0 = [X h, Y m ]. Consider general vectors Z = diag(iα, iβ, 0,..., 0) h and W m. Then 0 = [Z, W] if and only if either β = 0 or W = 0. Applying this to case (31) we find (after rescaling) (33) (34) X = X p + X m + X h and Y = diag(i, 0,..., 0) or X = X p + X h and Y = Y h. On the other hand, case (3) yields the added possibility iα x t (35) X = x 0 p h and Y = Y m + Y h. As (33) is already of the form (i) in the proposition, we concentrate on cases (34) and (35). The only zero curvature condition remaining to us is [X, Y] = 0. Since Y p = 0, this is equivalent to [X p, Y k ] = 0. Consider the general vectors 0 ū t iγ iδ v t U = u 0 p and V = k v 0 where u = (u,..., u n+1 ) t C n, v = (v 3,..., v n+1 ) t C n 1, and γ,δ R. Then (36) [U, V] = 0 n+1 i(γ δ)u + u j v j = 0 and γu j = iu v j, j = 3,..., n+1. j=3 Suppose u = 0. Then (36) becomes γu j = 0, j = 3,..., n+1, and n+1 j=3 u j v j = 0.

21 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 101 This is satisfied if and only if either (37) (38) u j = 0 for all j =,..., n+1, or u = 0 and γ = 0 and n+1 u j v j = 0. On the other hand, if we assume u 0 then (36) becomes (39) j=3 u 0 and γu j = iu v j, j = 3,..., n+1, and δ = γ n+1 u u u j. Now, if we apply conditions (37), (38) and (39) to case (34) we arrive at (after rescaling where appropriate) (40) (41) (4) j=3 X = diag(ia, ib, 0,..., 0) and Y = diag(ic, id, 0,..., 0) or X p h and Y = diag(0, i, 0,..., 0) or X p h and Y = diag(i, i, 0,..., 0). Since X and Y must span a two-plane, it is clear that diag(i, 0,..., 0) must lie in the plane spanned by the X and Y given in (40). Therefore zero curvature planes described by (34) fall into one of the classes given by (i), (ii) and (iii) of the proposition. For case (35) conditions (37), (38) and (39) imply that X and Y must have one of the following forms (after rescaling): (43) or X = diag(i, 0,..., 0) and Y k iα x t 0 iβ ȳ t X = x 0 and Y = y 0 where x = (0, x 3,..., x n+1 ) t 0 C n and n+1 j=3 x jȳ j = 0, or finally iα x t i iβ ȳ t (44) X = x 0 and Y = y 0 where x 0, β = 1 n+1 j=3 y j, and x j = ix y j for j = 3,..., n+1.

22 10 Martin Kerin Therefore, in order to complete the proof we may restrict our attention to horizontal zero curvature planes for which X and Y are of the form (44). Without loss of generality we may assume that the vectors Ψ 1 (X) and Ψ 1 (Y) spanning ˇσ are orthogonal. By (8) and since Y k this is equivalent to X h, Y h 0 = 0, where we recall that V, W 0 = Re tr(vw). For (44) we get orthogonality if and only if α = 0. Hence, as desired, we may rewrite (44) as i X = 0 x t x 0 and Y = iβ ȳ t y 0 where x 0, β = 1 n+1 j=3 y j, and x j = ix y j for j = 3,..., n+1. In order to simplify the statements and computations to follow we fix cos t sin t sin t cos t A t := U(n+1), cos t Q I n 1 for the remainder of the proof, where I n 1 denotes the (n 1) (n 1) identity matrix. Lemma 5. If p 1 p and p 1 +p q 1 +q, then a vector ( Φ 1 1 (Ad A W),Φ 1 (W)) with W = diag(i, 0,..., 0), diag(0, i, 0,..., 0) or diag(i, i, 0,..., 0) cannot be horizontal at (A t, I) G G. Proof Consider V = diag(iθ, iϕ, 0,..., 0). From (30) we see that a vector of the form ( Φ 1 1 (Ad A V),Φ 1 t (V)) is horizontal if and only if V, Ad A t P Q 0 = 0. Since X, Y 0 = Re tr(xy), this is equivalent to the condition n+1 n+1 θq 1 +ϕq = θ a 1k p k +ϕ a k p k k=1 k=1 = (θ cos t+ϕ sin t)p 1 + (θ sin t+ϕ cos t)p. If (θ,ϕ) = (1, 0) this becomes q 1 = p 1 cos t + p sin t which is equivalent to (p 1 p ) cos t = q 1 p, that is cos t Q. This is impossible by definition of A t. Similarly, when (θ,ϕ) = (0, 1) we again have a contradiction. Finally, when (θ,ϕ) = (1, 1) we get q 1 + q = p 1 + p, which contradicts our hypothesis.

23 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 103 Recall that the projection ˇσ 1 of a plane σ as in Proposition 5.1 onto the first factor is given by { ( ) ( )} ˇσ 1 = Span Ad A X,Φ 1 1 Ad A Ỹ Φ 1 1 = Span { Φ 1 1 (Ad A (Φ 1 X)),Φ 1 1 (Ad A (Φ 1 Y)) }. (3) provides us with conditions for ˇσ 1 to have zero curvature with respect to, 1 but, if we assume that ˇσ has zero curvature, since (G, K) is a rank-one symmetric pair the conditions reduce to [ ] (45) (AdA (Φ 1 X)) p, (Ad A (Φ 1 Y)) p = 0. That is, the p components of Ad A (Φ 1 X) p and Ad A (Φ 1 Y) p must be linearly dependent. There are three possible cases: for some s R {0}. (Ad A (Φ 1 X)) p = 0 or (Ad A (Φ 1 Y)) p = 0 or (Ad A (Φ 1 X)) p = s (Ad A (Φ 1 Y)) p Recall that W = Φ 1 (W) = W p +λ 1 W k, λ 1 (0, 1), and that Ad A W = n+1 k,l=1 ā ki a lj w kl where W = ( w ij ) and W g. Then, since p is completely determined by the first row of vectors in g, we may abuse notation to write n+1 (46) (Ad A W) p = ā k1 a lj w kl j =,..., n+1. k,l=1 Lemma 5.3 Letσ be a zero curvature plane at (A t, I) G G as given by Proposition 5.1(iv). If p 1 p and p 1 + p q 1 + q then σ cannot be horizontal. Proof By (46) we have (Ad A t (Φ 1 X)) p = ( cos t x sin t x, cos t x 3,..., cos t x n+1 ) (Ad A t (Φ 1 Y)) p = ( iλ 1 (β 1) cos t sin t, λ 1 sin t ȳ 3,..., λ 1 sin t ȳ n+1 ). If (Ad A t (Φ 1 X)) p = 0 then x j = y j = 0 for all j = 3,..., n + 1, since x j = ix y j, j = 3,..., n+1. Thus β = 1 and Y = diag(i, i, 0,..., 0). By Lemma 5. Y cannot determine a horizontal vector.

24 104 Martin Kerin If (Ad A t (Φ 1 Y)) p = 0 then Y = diag(i, i, 0,..., 0) and, again, Lemma 5. shows that σ cannot be horizontal. Finally we examine the situation ( Ad A t (Φ 1 X) ) p = s( Ad A t (Φ 1 Y) ) for some nonzero s R. Then cos t x j = sλ 1 sin t y j implies that i cos t x y j = sλ 1 sin t y j, p j = 3,..., n+1, since x j = ix y j, j = 3,..., n+1. We have ( already ) shown that if σ is to be horizontal the y j cannot all be zero. Therefore x = i sλ1 sin t cos t ir. Now ( Φ 1 ( 1 AdA (Φ t 1 X) ),Φ 1 (Φ 1X) ) is a horizontal vector if and only if the equation X, Ad At P Q 0 = 0 is satisfied; that is, if and only if ( ) n+1 n+1 0 = Im a 1l ā kl x k p l l=1 k= = Im (a 11 ā 1 x ) p 1 + Im (a 1 ā x ) p = cos t sin t (p 1 p ) Im(x ) where again we recall that V, W 0 = Re tr(vw). By hypothesis and definition of A t we must have x = i Im(x ) = 0, which contradicts the assumption that x 0. Lemma 5.4 Let σ be a plane at (A t, I) G G as determined by Proposition 5.1(v). Then σ does not have zero curvature at (A t, I). Proof Following (46) we write (Ad A t (Φ 1 X)) p = ( iλ 1 α cos t sin t, cos t x 3,..., cos t x n+1 ) (Ad A t (Φ 1 Y)) p = ( iλ 1 β cos t sin t, λ 1 sin t ȳ 3,..., λ 1 sin t ȳ n+1 ). If (Ad A t (Φ 1 X)) p = 0 then X = 0, which is a contradiction since σ is two-dimensional. Similarly, (Ad A t (Φ 1 Y)) p = 0 gives a contradiction. On the other hand, if there is some non-zero s R such that ( Ad A t (Φ 1 X) ) p = s( Ad A t (Φ 1 Y) ) then we find p cos t x j = sλ 1 sin t y j, j = 3,..., n+1. However, since n+1 j=3 x jȳ j = 0, this implies that x j = y j = 0 for all j = 3,..., n + 1. But, by hypothesis, x j cannot all be zero for planes of this type, and so we have a contradiction. Therefore, by the discussion following (45), σ cannot admit zero curvature at (A t, I). Proof of Theorem B. If p 1 = = p n+1 then we may assume without loss of generality that p i = 0, for all i = 1,..., n+1. Since the action is free we must have (q 1, q ) (0, 0). Hence, by Tapp [8], we are done. As discussed in Section 1, a permutation of the integers p 1,..., p n+1 induces a diffeomorphism E 4n 1 p,q E 4n 1 p,q. Therefore, if p i p j for some i j, we may assume

25 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 105 that p 1 p. If p 1 + p q 1 + q then we are done by Proposition 5.1 and Lemmas 5., 5.3 and 5.4. Finally, if p 1 p but p 1 + p = q 1 + q, then the freeness condition (9) implies that either (p 1, p,...,p n+1 ) = (1,..., 1, 1,..., 1) and (q 1, q ) = (0, 0) (up to sign and permutations of the p i ), where #{i p i = 1} { } n+, n, or there is some p k {p 1, p }, k {3,..., n+1}. In the latter case we may permute and relabel the p i such that p 1 + p q 1 + q, in which case we are done as above. In the former case we may assume that p 1 = 1, p = 1 and p 3 = 1 (after reordering if necessary). Then, for A 0 := I n U(n+1), we may repeat the approaches used in the proofs of Lemmas 5., 5.3 and 5.4 to rule out the existence of any horizontal zero curvature planes at (A 0, I) G G. Note that, unlike in the proof of Lemma 5.4, it is necessary to show that a plane as determined by Proposition 5.1(v) cannot have zero curvature and be horizontal at the same time. 6 Topology of M 13 and N 11 We turn now to the topological assertions of Theorem A regarding the biquotients M 13 = SO(8)/(S 1 G ) and N 11 = SO(8)/(SO(3) G ), namely that they have the same cohomology rings but are not homeomorphic to CP 3 S 7 and S 4 S 7 respectively. Theorem 6.1 The biquotients M 13 and N 11 have the same cohomology rings as CP 3 S 7 and S 4 S 7 respectively. In particular M 13 and N 11 are not manifolds known to admit positive curvature. Proof In Section 3 we established that M 13 and N 11 are the total spaces of S 7 bundles over CP 3 and S 4 respectively. Given an arbitrary fibration S 7 E B, where B is a simply connected, compact manifold with dim B 7, the Euler class e is trivial since H 8 (B;Z) = 0 and so the Gysin sequence splits into short exact sequences, from

26 106 Martin Kerin which it immediately follows that H j (E;Z) = H j (B S 7 ;Z), for all j. Now M 13 and N 11 are quotients of S 7 S 7 by S 1 and S 3 respectively. A quick glance at the Serre spectral sequences of these fibrations shows that the ring structures of H (M 13 ;Z) and H (N 11 ;Z) agree with those of H (CP 3 S 7 ;Z) and H (S 4 S 7 ;Z) as desired. In order to distinguish M 13 and N 11 from the products CP 3 S 7 and S 4 S 7, respectively, we want to analyse their Pontrjagin classes. There is a general procedure (developed in Borel and Hirzebruch [6], Eschenburg [11] and Singhof [6]) for computing the R Pontrjagin class of a biquotient G/U, where R is a coefficient ring such that H (G; R) and H (U; R) have no torsion, and the action of U on G is (effectively) free. Let ι : U GG denote the embedding and assume that we have such an R. We adopt the following notation: For a compact, connected Lie group L, let T L denote the maximal torus and W L the Weyl group. Let E L be a contractible space on which L acts freely. The classifying space of L is the quotient B L := E L /L. A product of Lie groups L 1 and L is written L 1 L. Consider the following commutative diagram of fibrations G E GG G E GG ϕ G G U E GG G GG E GG = B G ϕ U B B U B B GG ι where ϕ G and ϕ U are the respective classifying maps, and : G GG denotes the diagonal embedding. Now, since projection onto the first factor in each case is a homotopy equivalence, we have G G E GG and G/U G U E GG. Thus, up to homotopy, we can consider the diagram above as (47) G G G/U ϕ G B G ϕ U B B U B B GG ι We would like to use the Serre spectral sequences of the fibrations on the left and right, as well as the commutativity of the diagram, to compute the Pontrjagin class of (the

27 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 107 tangent bundle of) G/U. We will need to know H (G; R), H (B U ; R), H (B GG ; R) and the homomorphisms (B ι ) : H (B GG ; R) H (B U ; R) and (ϕ U ) : H (B U ; R) H (G/U; R). Let L be a compact, connected Lie group and R a ring such that H (L; R) has no torsion. Then (48) H (L; R) = Λ(y 1,..., y r ) where r = rank(l). Hence, from the Serre spectral sequence of the universal bundle L E L B L, (49) H (B L ; R) = R[ȳ 1,...,ȳ r ] where ȳ j denotes the transgression of y j. Let (t 1,...,t r ) be coordinates of the maximal torus T L. By an abuse of notation we identify t j with the element t j H 1 (T L ; R). The corresponding transgression arising from the Serre spectral sequence for T L E TL B TL is t j H (B TG ; R). Since L does not have any torsion in its R-cohomology we have (50) H (B L ; R) = H (B TL ; R) W L = R[ t 1,..., t r ] W L Thus we have explicit well-defined generators of H (B L ; R) which we identify with ȳ j, j = 1,..., r. Suppose now that h : L 1 L is a homomorphism of Lie groups. Then the commutative diagram L 1 h L T L1 h T L induces a commutative diagram of classifying spaces (51) B L1 B h B L B TL1 B h which in turn induces the commutative diagram (5) H (B L1 ) (B h ) B TL H (B L ) H (B TL1 ) H (B TL ) (B h )

28 108 Martin Kerin In particular, by (50), we see that (B h ) can be determined by simply understanding h(t L1 ) T L. Consider again diagram (47). Recall that, since there is no torsion, H (B GG ; R) = H (B G ; R) H (B G ; R). Then H (B GG ; R) is generated by classes of the form ȳ j 1 and 1 ȳ j, j = 1,..., r = rank(g). Consider the diagonal embedding : G GG. In coordinates TG is given by t j (t j, t j ), j = 1,..., r. We have commutative diagrams as in (51) and (5). Now which in turn implies Therefore, by (50), : H 1 (T G ; R) H 1 (T G ; R) H 1 (T G ; R) t j 1 t j 1 t j t j (B ) : H (B TG ; R) H (B TG ; R) H (B TG ; R) t j 1 t j 1 t j t j. (B ) : H (B GG ; R) H (B G ; R) ȳ j 1 ȳ j 1 ȳ j ȳ j. Since the diagram (47) is commutative we see that (53) ϕ G (ȳ j) = ϕ G ((B ) (ȳ j 1)) = ϕ U ((B ι) (ȳ j 1)) ϕ G(ȳ j ) = ϕ G((B ) (1 ȳ j )) = ϕ U((B ι ) (1 ȳ j )). and We remark that, by naturality of spectral sequences, one can deduce from (47) that ( ) H (G/U; R) = H H (G; R) H (B U ; R) dyj = ϕ U ((B ι) (ȳ j 1)) ϕ U ((B ι) (1 ȳ j )). Let us now focus on computing the Pontrjagin class of G/U. Let τ be the tangent bundle of G/U. In analogue with Singhof [6], we introduce the following vector bundles over G/U: First, let α G := (GG/U) G g, where G acts on (GG/U) g via g ([g 1, g ], X) = ([gg 1, gg ], Ad g X)

29 Some new examples with almost positive curvature 109 with g, g 1, g G, [g 1, g ] = (g 1, g ) U GG/U, and X g. Second, let α U := G U u, where u g g is the Lie algebra of U and U acts on G u via (u 1, u ) (g, (Y 1, Y )) = (u 1 gu 1, (Ad u 1 Y 1, Ad u Y )) with g G, (u 1, u ) U and (Y 1, Y ) u. Then, as in Singhof [6, Proposition 3.]: Lemma 6. τ α U = α G. Proof Recall that, since U acts on G via (u 1, u ) g = u 1 gu 1, (u 1, u ) U, g G, the vertical subspace at g G (after left-translating back to e G) is given by V g = {Ad g 1 Y 1 Y (Y 1, Y ) u} g. Moreover, since the action of U on G is free, we have (54) {(Y 1, Y ) u Ad g 1 Y 1 = Y for some g G} = {0}. Given g G, consider the maps ψ g : g α G X [[g 1, e], X] and f : α U α G [g, (Y 1, Y )] [[g 1, e], Ad g 1 Y 1 Y ]. It is easy to check that f is well-defined and that f [g] ((α U ) [g] ) = ψ g (V g ), where (α U ) [g] is the fibre of the bundle α U over [g] = g U G/U. Furthermore, (54) allows us to deduce that f is injective. If we now equip G with a bi-invariant metric, then (after left-translation to the identity in G) the horizontal subspace at g is given by H g = {X X g, X V g } g. Note that U acts on the horizontal distribution by taking X H g to Ad u X H u1 gu 1, where (u 1, u ) U. Let Ȟ = H/U be the orbit space under the U action. In particular, τ = Ȟ and we can represent the tangent space at [g] G/U by Ȟ [g] = {[g, X] X g, X V g } where the g in [g, X] serves only to keep track of the base point. Recall that each point in α G may be represented as [[g 1, g ], Ad g X] = [[g 1 g 1, e], X], for some g 1, g G and X g. Consider the map q : α G Ȟ [g] = τ [[g 1, g ], Ad g X] [g 1 1 g, X ]

30 1030 Martin Kerin where X is the component of X g orthogonal to V g 1 1 g. Clearly q is surjective. The fact that q is well-defined follows from noticing that (Ad u X) = Ad u (X ) H u1 gu 1, for all X g, g G and (u 1, u ) U. Now q([[g 1, g ], Ad g X]) = 0 for some [[g 1, g ], Ad g X] α G if and only if X = 0 H g 1 1 g, i.e. X V g 1 1 g. Thus [[g 1, g ], Ad g X] = [[g 1 g 1, e], X] ( ) f [g 1 1 g ] (α U ) [g 1 1 g ] and we have ker q = f (α U ). Therefore α G /f (α U ) = τ. In other words, α G = τ α U as desired. Recall from Borel Hirzebruch [6] that, if V is a representation of a Lie group L, then the homogeneous vector bundle α L = P L V associated to the L principal bundle P B := P/L is the pullback under the classifying map ϕ L : B B L of the vector bundle E L L V associated to the universal L principal bundle E L B L, i.e. α L = ϕ L (E L L V). In particular, from Borel Hirzebruch [6] and Singhof [6] we know that the Pontrjagin class of the bundle α L B is given by p(α L ) = 1+p 1 (α L )+p (α L )+ = ϕ L (a), a := (1+ᾱ i ) α i + L where + L is the set of positive weights of the representation of L on V. We have identified α i H 1 (T L ; R) = H (B TL ; R), and so it follows that a H (B TL ; R) W L = H (B L ; R). The vector bundles α U andα G are associated to principal U and G bundles respectively and, in this case, the weights of the defining representations are the roots of the corresponding Lie groups. Since p(v W) = p(v) p(w), for vector bundles V and W over some manifold M, we have p(τ) p(α U ) = p(α G ). By our discussion above and since inverses are well-defined in the polynomial algebra H (B U ; R) it follows that p(τ) = ϕ G(a)ϕ U(b 1 ) where a := α i + (1+ᾱ i ) and b := G β j + (1+ β j ). In particular, U (55) p 1 (τ) = p 1 (α G ) p 1 (α U ) = ϕ G ᾱ i ϕ U β j. α i + G β j + U


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