Velocity (Kalman Filter) Velocity (knots) Time (sec) Kalman Filter Accelerations 2.5. Acceleration (m/s2)

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2 50 Velocity (Kalman Filter) Velocity (nots) ime (sec) 3 Kalman Filter Accelerations 2.5 Acceleration (m/s2) ime 2

3 Kalman Filtering is a least squares estimation process to determine the state of a system from a sequence of measurements at discrete intervals of time. In the previous images the system is the yacht Macquarie Innovation (attempting to brea the World Sailing Speed Record) and the state is the yacht s position, velocity and acceleration. he measurements were GPS positions (E,N) at 0.1 sec time intervals. A Kalman Filter is a set of (matrix) equations applied in a recursive sequence. 3

4 References for these lectures available at in the folder Least Squares: [1] Least Squares and Kalman Filtering (91 pages) [2] Notes on Least Squares (224 pages) [3] Combined Least Squares (21 pages) [4] Kalman Filter and Surveying Applications (30 pages) Matrix algebra is used extensively in least squares and Kalman filtering. A useful summary is contained in Appendix A of [2]. 4

5 REVIEW OF LEAS SQUARES Least Squares developed by C.F. Gauss in the late 18th century (1795). Gauss concluded: the most probable system of values of the quantities will be that in which the sum of the squares of the differences between actually observed and computed values multiplied by numbers that measure the degrees of precision, is a minimum. his proposition is often stated as: the best estimate is that which maes the sum of the squares of the weighted residuals a minimum. 5

6 Here s how this least squares principle wors. Consider a set of measurements of a quantity as x1, x2,, x n each having weight w1, w2,, w n. Denote the best estimate of this quantity as q and according to the measurement model: measurement + residual = best estimate we write x1 + v1 = q, x2 + v2 = q,, xn + vn = q which can be re-arranged as v1 = q x1, v2 = q x2,, vn = q x n 6

7 Now define a function and ϕ = sum of squares of weighted residials = w v 2 n ϕ = 2 w v = w1 q x1 + w2 q x2 + w q x = 1 n = ( ) ( ) ( ) n n We say that ϕ is a function of q, or ϕ = ϕ ( q ) and the minimum value of this function can be found by dϕ equating the derivative to zero. dq 7

8 dϕ = 2w ( ) + ( ) + ( ) 1 q x1 2w2 q x2 2wn q xn = 0 dq Cancelling the 2 s, expanding and re-arranging gives the equation for q q w x + w x + + w x = = n n = 1 n w1 + w2 + + wn n = 1 w x his is the formula for the weighted mean and q is a best estimate (or a least squares estimate) w 8

9 Using matrix algebra we write ϕ = sum of squares of weighted residials = v Wv v is a vector of residuals W is a symmetric weight matrix. For the weighted mean, W is an n,n diagonal matrix with weights w on the leading diagonal. he superscript as in v denotes the transpose of the vector (or matrix). he least squares principle is: ϕ = v Wv min 9

10 he process of minimizing the function ϕ by equating derivatives to zero is common to all least squares estimations, including Kalman Filtering, yielding equations that can be solved for best estimates. his example of the weighted mean is taen from [2] Ch. 2 A more general treatment of adjustment problems where measurements (or observations) and parameters (or unnowns) are lined by non-linear relationships follows. Detailed explanations are given in [1], [2] and [3]. 10

11 Suppose the following set of non-linear equations represent the mathematical model in an adjustment F ˆl, xˆ 0 ( ) = (A) l is a vector of n observations, x is a vector of u parameters. ˆl and ˆv refer to estimates derived from a least squares process such that ˆl = l+ v and xˆ = x +δx (B) v and δx are vectors of small corrections (or residuals). 11

12 he observations l have a priori cofactor matrix Q containing estimates of variances and covariances and the parameters x are treated as observables with a priori cofactor matrix Q xx. (he idea of treating parameters as observable quantities allows sequential processing). Cofactor matrices Q, covariance matrices Σ and weight matrices W are related as follows where σ 2 0 Σ = σ0 Q and W = Q is the variance factor

13 Linearizing (A) using aylor s theorem and ignoring 2nd and higher-order terms gives ( ˆ ) F ( ) ( ) = + ˆ F F l, xˆ F l, x l l + ( xˆ δx) = 0 ˆl xˆ l, x l, x Using (B) we write this linearized equation as A v + B δx = f (C) ( m, n) ( n,1 ) ( m, u) ( u,1 ) ( m,1) his equation represents a system of m equations that will be used to estimate u parameters from n observations. n m u 13

14 A F F = and B = ˆl ˆ l x x f ( m, n) ( m, u), l, x of partial derivatives and ( ) ( ) are coefficient matrices = { F }, m,1 l x is a vector of numeric terms. he least squares solution of equations (C) can be obtained by minimizing the function ϕ = v Wv + δx W δx 2 Av + Bδx f xx ( ) are a vector of Lagrange multipliers (at present unnown) and the 2 is added for convenience. 14

15 ϕ = ϕ ( v, δx ) and the partial derivatives equated to zero are ϕ ϕ = 2v W 2 A = 0 and = 2δx W 2 = xx B 0 v δx hese equations can be simplified by dividing both sides by 2, transposing and changing signs to give Note that ( ABC) = Wv + A = 0 and W δx + B = 0 C B A Combining these equations with (C) and arranging in a matrix gives xx 15

16 W A 0 v 0 = A 0 B f (D) 0 B W xx δx 0 Equation (D) can be solved by the following matrix reduction process. Consider the partitioned matrix equation Py = u given as P11 P12 y 1 u1 = (i) P 21 P22 y 2 u 2 16

17 which can be expanded to give = 1 y = P 1 u P y Eliminating y 1 by substituting (ii) into (i) gives 1 P ( ) 11 P12 P 11 u1 P12y u 2 1 = P 21 P22 y 2 u 2 Expanding the matrix equation gives 1 P P u P y + P y = u P y P y u or ( ) ( ) P P u P P P y + P y = u and an expression for y 2 is given by (ii) 17

18 ( ) P P P P y = u P P u Applying this matrix reduction process to (D) see [1] and [3] yields the following equations where ( ) 1 (iii) δx = N+ W t (x) xx = W f Bδx e ( ) v = QA xˆ = x + δx, ˆl = l + v Q = AQA W = Q N = B WB t = B W f 1 e, e e, e, e (y) (z) 18

19 Equations (x), (y) and (z) are the solutions to Combined Least Squares problems. If the problems involve nonlinear functions (as they often do in surveying) then the process of solution may be iterative and repeated until corrections δx become negligible. References [1], [2] and [3] have examples of iterative solutions. An important and useful property of least squares solutions is that estimates of the precisions of parameters ˆx, observations ˆl and residuals v are easily obtained. hese estimates are contained in the cofactor matrices 19

20 Q = N+ W xx ˆˆ ( ) Q = Q + QA WBQ B WAQ QA WAQ ˆˆ ll xx e xx ˆˆ e e Q vv = Q Q ˆˆ he matrix reduction process outlined above (a matrix partitioning solution to a set of equations) is important. It is used in the development of the Kalman Filter equations where a large hyper-matrix is reduced by repeated applications of the reduction process (see reference [1]) ll 1 20

21 he cofactor matrices Qxx ˆˆ, Qˆˆ and Q ll vv are obtained using Propagation of Variances (or cofactors) which is an important tool in analysis of measurements. Suppose that computed quantities y are linear functions of variables x (with cofactor matrix Q xx) and constant terms b (A is a coefficient matrix) y = Ax + b then, Propagation of Variances gives Q = AQ A (*) yy xx 21

22 If y are non-linear functions of x then Propagation of Variances gives Q = J Q J (**) yy yx xx yx where yx J is the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives. For most of the cofactor propagation used in least squares we are dealing with linear or linearized functions so (*) is most often used. Cofactor propagation is very important in the development of the Kalman Filter equations. 22

23 he general case of Combined Least Squares [see solutions (x),(y) and (z) above] may be simplified into the following three cases: [1] Combined Least Squares For most least squares problems, the parameters x are not observables and W = 0. XX he system of equations is and the solutions are Av + Bδx = f 23

24 1 δx = N t = W f Bδx e ( ) v = QA 0 xˆ = x + δx, ˆl = l + v where Q AQA W Q N B WB t B W f 1 e =, e = e, = e, = e [See reference [1] Example 2] 24

25 [2] Indirect Least Squares (Parametric case) In this case W = 0 and = xx A I (the Identity matrix). he system of equations is and the solutions are v + Bδx = f δ 1 x = N t v = f Bδx 0 xˆ = x + δx, ˆl = l + v where N = B WB, t = B Wf [See reference [1] Examples 1, 3 and 4] 25

26 [3] Observations Only Least Squares (Condition case) In this case W = 0 xx and B = 0. he system of equations is Av = f and the solutions are = W f e v = QA ˆ = + l l v [See reference [1], Example 3] 26

27 KALMAN FILER he Kalman Filter is an estimation process developed by Rudolf E. Kalman in the early 1960 s. It s first practical use was in the navigation system of the Apollo space craft. he Kalman Filter can be regarded as a logical extension of Gauss original least squares technique and the derivation of the equations of the Filter set out below follows the usual surveying development of minimizing a function of sums of squares of weighted residuals. 27

28 For this development it is useful to consider a ship moving in a navigation channel. At regular intervals of time (epochs t ) a measurement system on board determines the distances to nown navigation beacons. We wish to determine the position and velocity of the ship as it moves down the channel. Suppose we write a system of equations as v + Bx = f primary at t v + Bx = f 1 m primary at x = x + v t secondary or dynamic (a) 28

29 x is the state vector containing the parameters of the system, in this case, the position ( E, N ) and the E, N, four parameters velocity ( ) v is the vector of residuals associated with the measurements l such that ˆ l = l+ v B is a coefficient matrix f is a vector of numeric terms derived from the measurements l is the ransition matrix v m is a vector of residuals associated with the dynamic or secondary model 29

30 he measurements l and the model corrections v m have associated cofactor matrices Q and Q m and weight 1 matrices W = Q It is useful to assume the vector v m is the product of two matrices v = Hw (b) m where H is a coefficient matrix and w is vector of quantities nown as the system driving noise. Assuming the system driving noise w has a cofactor matrix Q w, applying Propagation of Variances to (b) 30

31 gives the cofactor matrix of the system of the secondary model Q m = HQ H Applying the least squares principle to equations (a), the function ϕ to be minimized is = v W v + v Wv + v W v ϕ m m m 2 v + B x f w ( ) v + B x f 2 ( ) 2 x x v ( ) 3 1 m 31

32 Now (,,,, ) ϕ = ϕ v 1 v vm x 1 x and differentiating ϕ with respect to the variables gives ϕ ϕ = 2v 1W 1 21 = 0 = 2vW 22 = 0 v v 1 ϕ v m ϕ x ϕ = 2v W + 2 = 0 = 2 B + 2 = 0 m m x 1 = 2 B 2 =

33 ransposing, re-arranging and dividing by 2 gives W v = 0 B + = W v = 0 B = 0 W v + = 0 m m Combining these equations with equations (a) the primary and secondary model equations in the form of a hyper-matrix gives 33

34 W 0 0 I v W 0 0 I v W 0 0 I 0 0 m vm B = B I I B 0 f I B x f I I x 0 hyper-matrix (c) 34

35 Partial solution x 1 Using only the observations l 1 at time t 1a partial solution x 1 can be obtained from the hyper-matrix (c) by deleting all matrices associated with the primary model at t and the secondary model. his gives (after some re-arrangement) W 1 I 0 v 1 0 I 0 B 1 1 = f 1 0 B 1 0 x

36 his is identical in form to previous equation (D) and the solution is 1 x = N t (d) where N = B W B t = B W f with the cofactor matrix of the partial solution Q = N 1 x

37 Solution for x ˆ he hyper-matrix (c) is partitioned in a way that allows for the elimination of the vectors v,, 1 v v by the m reduction process set out previously. And after this the parameters x 1 are eliminated (by the same process) yielding 1 1 Qm + N 1 I 0 3 N 1t 1 I 0 B x = 0 0 B Q f 2 (e) 37

38 Now, following equations (a) we write the predicted state vector x = x 1and substituting (d) gives 1 x = N t 1 1 And applying Propagation of Variances gives (after some reduction) the cofactor matrix of the predicted residuals x x m 1 (f) Q = Q + Q (g) he quantities in (f) and (g) appear in (e) and we may write 38

39 Q I 0 x = 0 B Q 2 f We may apply the matrix reduction process to this matrix to obtain (after some manipulation) x 3 I 0 B x 0 1 = + x + x x x Q B Q B Q B ( ) ( f B x ) 39

40 In Kalman Filtering, the expression ( ) K = Q B Q + B Q B 1 x x is called the gain matrix Using this result gives the filtered state vector x = x + K( f B x ) ˆ Applying Propagation of Variances to this equation gives (after some manipulation) ( ) ( ) Qx = I KB ˆ Qx I KB + KQK = I KB Q ( ) x 40

41 HE KALMAN FILER (1) Compute the predicted state vector at t x = x ˆ 1 (2) Compute the predicted state cofactor matrix at t Q = Q ˆ + Q x x m 1 (3) Compute the Kalman Gain matrix ( ) 1 K = Q B Q + B Q B x x 41

42 (4) Compute the filtered state vector by updating the predicted state with the measurements at t x = x + K f B x ( ) (5) Compute the filtered state cofactor matrix Q = I KB Q ˆ ( ) x x Go to step (1) and repeat the process for the next measurement epoch t

43 MARIX REDUCION EXERCISE If a matrix can be partitioned as follows P11 P12 y 1 u1 = P 21 P22 y 2 u 2 then (after some manipulation) y 1 is eliminated and ( ) P P P P y = u P P u (i) (ii) Use this matrix reduction process to obtain an expression for δx from the system of equations expressed in matrix form as 43

44 W A 0 v 0 = A 0 B f 0 B W xx δx 0 (A) 44

45 SOLUION Partitioning (A) in the same way as (i) W A 0 v 0 = A 0 B f 0 B W xx δx 0 then eliminating v by applying (ii) gives 0 B A f A 1 1 W A 0 = W B W 0 δx 0 0 xx 45 [ 0]

46 Remembering that simplified as 1 Q = W the equation can be AQA B f = δ (B) B W x 0 xx Again, applying (ii) to the partitioned equation (B) gives ( ( ) ) ( ) xx δ = 1 1 W B AQA B x 0 B AQA f and re-arranging gives the normal equations ( ( ) ) ( + ) xx δ = 1 1 B AQA B W x B AQA f 46

47 LINE OF BES FI EXERCISE he diagram overleaf shows part of an Abstract of Field Notes with offsets from occupation to a traverse line in Whitten Street. he bearing of the traverse line is Use Indirect Least Squares (and least_squares.m) to determine the bearing of the line of best fit through the occupation in Whitten Street. You may consider the chainages (linear distances along Whitten Street) to be free of error. 47

48 N ABSRAC OF FIELDNOES Distances in metres post & wire post & wire post & wire post & wire post & wire A post and wire B WHIEN ROAD

49 SOLUION he equation of the Line of Best Fit is: y bx c = +. he y-values are the offsets, the x-values are derived from the chainages and c is a constant. Reverse the chainages to create distances from B. hese will be the x-values (considered error free). he offsets (the y-values) are the measurements, considered to be affected by small random errors, and assumed to be of equal precision. A able of values is shown overleaf. 49

50 Point x (m) y (m) weight w 1 (B) (A) he observation equation (or measurement model) is y + v = bx + c 50

51 he set of equations for each measurement are y + v = bx + c y + v = bx + c y + v = bx + c y + v = bx + c y + v = bx + c his equations can be re-arranged in the matrix form form v + Bx = f where the residuals v and the unnowns (b, c) in x and the coefficient matrix B are on the left-hand-side of the equals sign. 51

52 he measurements (or functions of measurements) are on the right-hand-side forming the vector of numeric terms f. v1 x1 1 y1 v 2 x2 1 y 2 b v3 + x3 1 y3 c = v 4 x4 1 y 4 v5 x5 1 y5 52

53 Now create an ASCII text file that can be used in MALAB function least_squares.m his text file has a standard format Save the text file as best_fit_exercise.txt % Data file for function "least_squares.m" % Line of Best Fit Exercise % B(1) B(2) f w

54 MALAB function least_squares.m uses the standard solution for Indirect Least Squares 1 x = N t v = f Bx ˆ l = l + v where N = B WB, t = B Wf he function will read the data text file and place the results in another text file with the extension.out In this case: best_fit_exercise.out 54

55 Part of the output file is shown below Vector of solutions x e e+00 Vector of residuals v

56 he slope of the line is b = tanθ = e 03 0 and θ = (angles are considered + tve anticlocwise from the x-axis) and the bearing of the line of 0 best fit will be he offset from the traverse to the line of best fit at B is m (the value of c) he offset from the traverse to the line of best fit at A is m 56

57 Part of MALAB function least_squares.m Read the data file into memory filepath = strcat('d:\temp\','*.txt'); [infilename,inpathname] = uigetfile(filepath); infilepath = strcat(inpathname,infilename); rootname = strto(infilename,'.'); outfilename = strcat(rootname,'.out'); outfilepath = strcat(inpathname,outfilename); % % 1. Load the data into an array whose name is the rootname % 2. set fileemp = rootname % 3. Copy columns of data into individual arrays % load(infilepath); fileemp = eval(rootname); 57

58 Establish the matrices B, f and W % get the number of rows (n) and the number of columns (m) [n,m] = size(fileemp); % set the number of unnowns u = m-2; % copy the data into B, f and w B = fileemp(:,1:u); f = fileemp(:,u+1); w = fileemp(:,m); % set the elements of the weight matrix W W = zeros(n,n); for = 1:n W(,) = w(); end 58

59 Form the normal equations Nx = t % form the normal equation coefficient matrix N N = B'*W*B; % form the vector of numeric terms t t = B'*W*f; Solve the normal equations 1 x = N t % solve the system Nx = t for the unnown parameters x Ninv = inv(n); x = Ninv*t; Compute the residuals v = Bx f % compute residuals v = f - (B*x); 59

60 2 Compute the variance factor σ 0 and the cofactor matrices Qxx, Qvv, Q ll % compute the variance factor vfact = (f'*w*f - x'*t)/(n-u); % compute the cofactor matrix of the adjusted quantities Qxx = Ninv; % compute the cofactor matrix of the residuals Qvv = inv(w)-b*ninv*b'; % compute the cofactor matrix of the adjusted quantities Qll = inv(w)-qvv; Open the data file and print out results % open the output file print the data fidout = fopen(outfilepath,'wt'); 60


62 he diagram shows the path of a ship in a navigation channel at a constant speed and heading. Navigation equipment on board automatically measures distances to transponders at three navigation beacons A, B and C. he measured distances have an estimated standard deviation of 1 metre and each set of measurements occur at 60-second time intervals. he coordinates of the navigation beacons are A: E B: E C: E N N N 62

63 ransponder measurements at 60-second intervals ransponder measurements to Measurement navigation beacons Epoch A B C ransponder measurements to Measurement navigation beacons Epoch A B C he exercise is to establish the matrix forms of the primary and secondary measurement models suitable for processing the measurements in a Kalman Filter. 63

64 Primary Measurement Model v + B xˆ = f he measurements can be written as l + v = ˆl where l is the m,1 vector of measurements (transponder distances), v is the m,1 vector of residuals and ˆ l are estimates of the true (but unnown) value of the measurements. m = 3 is the number of measurements at each epoch. (a) 64

65 ˆ l are non-linear functions of the coordinates of the ship and the beacons and coordinates E,N of the beacons A, B and C and the filtered state coordinates Eˆ, ˆ N of the ship at time t lˆ = lˆ Eˆ, Nˆ, E, N ( ) j j j 2 2 = Eˆ E + Nˆ N for j = A, B, C ( ) ( ) j j Expanding this equation into a series using aylor's theorem, and ignoring higher-order terms gives 65

66 ˆ ˆ ˆ l ˆ l l = l + E E + Nˆ N Eˆ Nˆ ( ) ( ) where E, N are approximate coordinates of the ship at t, l is an approximate distance computed using E, N and the coordinates of the beacon, and the partial derivatives are lˆ E Ej = = dj Eˆ l lˆ Nˆ j N Nj = = cj for j = A, B, C l j 66

67 For a single distance we may re-arrange (a) as v lˆ = l and substituting the aylor series approximation for ˆl and re-arranging gives v d Eˆ c Nˆ = l l + d E c N for j = A, B, C ( ) j j j j j j j his primary measurement model can be expressed in terms of the filtered state vector x ˆ at time t in the matrix form as 67

68 or Eˆ va da ca 0 0 ˆ N v B + db cb 0 0 E vc dc cc 0 0 N E l A la da ca 0 0 N = l B l B + db cb 0 0 E l C lc dc cc 0 0 N v + B xˆ = l l + B x = f (b) 68

69 Secondary (or dynamic) model x = x + v (c) 1 m he model corrections v m can be written as the product of two matrices as v = Hw m (d) where w is the system driving noise and H is a coefficient matrix. Applying Propagation of Variances to (d) gives the cofactor matrix of the system driving noise Qm = HQwH (e) 69

70 o determine the elements of the transition matrix consider the position of the ship as a simple function of time, say y = y( t). Now, expand the function y( t ) into a series about the point t = t using aylor s theorem ( t t ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) y t = y t + t t y t + y t 2! 3 2 ( ) ( t t ) + y ( t ) + 3! where y ( t ), y ( t ), y ( t ), etc. are derivatives of y with respect to t evaluated at t = t 70

71 Letting = + δt and then t t t t = δt then y ( t ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 y t ( ) 3 y t + δt = y t + y t δt + δt + δt + 2! 3! We now have a power series expression for the y t at the point t = t + δt continuous function ( ) Similarly, assuming y ( t), y( t) functions of t then ( + δ ) = ( ) + ( ), etc. to be continuous y t y t t y t y t t t 2! y t t y t y t δt ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 + δ = + δ + δ + 71

72 Now considering two time epochs t and t 1separated by a time interval δ t we may combine the equations into general matrix forms and ( ) 2 y 1 δt y 1 2 δt [ y] y = y δt 1 ( ) 2 1 ( ) 3 1 y 1 δt 2 δt y 6 δt y = 0 1 δt y + t y y y δt ( ) 2 [ ] 2 δ 1 (f) 72

73 For this exercise, the state vector of the ship in the, E, N channel contains position ( ) E N and velocity ( ) and we choose equation (f) as representative of the secondary (or dynamic) model [see(c) and (d)] x = x + Hw 1 1 ( ) 2 E 1 0 t 0 E 2 t 0 1 ( ) 2 N t N 0 E 2 t = + E E t 0 N N N 1 0 t 1 73

74 In this exercise it is assumed that the system driving noise w contains small random accelerations caused by the sea and wind conditions, the steering of the ship, the engine speed variation, etc. For this exercise assume that the estimates of the 2 2 variances of the system driving noise are s and E sn and the cofactor matrix of the system driving noise is Q w 2 s 0 E = 2 0 sn 74

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