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1 UN I FORM CUTTl NG AND METHODS OF MEASURING LAMB CARCASSES E J Wilford UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY I n my opinion t h e r e a r e two desirable methods of blocking out lamb carcasses f o r reaearch studies The first of these has been proposed by t h e U S D A workers i n Technical B u l l e t i n No 944 This method is outlined in Figure 1 The second method of c u t t i n g c l o s e l y follows t h a t recommended by t h e National Live Stock and Meat Board, as outlined i n Figure 2 This method gives a 5 r i b shoulder and l e e s stew meat A 5 r i b shoulder has more sales p o s s i b i l i t i e s than a 3 r i b shouldrib chops and a r m chops can be removed and s t i l l have a 3 r i b shoulder er It can be boned and r o l l e d i n t o an excellent r o a s t, o r t h i s r o l l may be s l i c e d i n t o Saratoga chops, Another p o s s i b i l i t y is t o make t h i s boneless piece i n t o a pillow r o a s t Perhaps 1 have been may& too much by the economical and commercial phase of t h i s method of cutting, but with bigh l i v i n g c o s t s and conservation much i n t h e limelight, it has merits worth considering If it is absolutely necessary t h a t f u t u r e work be compared w i t h t h a t which has been done, Method No 1 i s suggested But i f, as I believe, a more economical method of c u t t i n g needs t o be put i n t o practice, Method No 2 should be followed As you may have ascertained, I am somewhat i n favor of Method No, But which one of these methods of c u t t i n g is t o be adopted by t h i s group i s wholly up t o i t s members 2 Physical composition s t u d i e s should be considered t o determine the percent of lean, f a t and bone If t h e whole carcass i s not used, a f a i r l y a c c w a t e estimation can be made by determiniag t h e percentages of these physical f a c t o r s in the r i b section This recommendation is based upon r e p o r t s by t h e BA I, workers (1) A l l c u t s should be weighed t o t h e c l o s e s t ounce and t h e i r percentages of t h e carcass determined If f o r any reason only half carcasses a r e used f o r t h i s phase, o r f o r any other study involving percentages of t h e whole carcass, use one-half of the t o t a l weight of t h e carcass Thie weight, r a t h e r than t h e use of t h e weight of each half carca88, w i l l probably give more accurate data I n s p i t e of t h e f a c t t h a t it i s not too easy t o g e t accurate t r a c ings of t h e crose section areas of the r i b eyes and l e g s, and t h a t most transparent paper tends t o wrinkle, these t r a c i n g s are useful, M r M H Eazaleus s a i d t h a t he l i k e d a paper known as PTM, manufactured by t h e 3kederlck Post Co, Chicago, Illinois He a l s o s a i d, "I f e e l t h a t our measurements taken from the paper are perhaps more accurate than those taken

2 149 *om t h e cut 8urface" (2) These cross section axeas a r e of the 1 2 t h r i b and of the l e g made by cutting just back of and parallel t o the pelvic bone I n addition, pictures provide is especially true i f properly taken by l i g h t i n g are p a r t i c u l a r l y important A s e c t i o m, i s eseential These pictures useful records f o r future study This a good photographer Distance and good background, p l a i n o r with measured should include: 1 The cross section axea0 of t h e 12th r i b eye and of the leg 2 The inside and outside views of the caxcaeses 3, The trimmed legs Both black and white and colored p i c t u r e s should be taken,, The colored t o be made i n t o 2 x 2 slide6 which can be ueed f o r classwork and l e c t u r e s as well a8 f o r future reaearch Hankins & How, 1947 Technical Bulletin 944 Estimation of the Composition of Lamb Carcasses and Cuts M Reciprocal r M H Hazaleus, Meat Conference 1950 Proceeding, Third ~~n~~~ Page 80 IXG I U S D A Method of Cutting a8 Per Technical R u l l e t i n No 944 S t a r t i n g i n the flank, a s t r a i g h t - l i n e cut vas made, which touched the end of the t h i r teenth r i b and continued on t o cros6 t h e humerus bone a t the middle Thie cut removed the breast, includixg the foreleg, from t h e underside of the carcass The corresponding cut vas removed from the other aide of t h e carcaes i n t h e same manner Next a cut was made between t h e t h i r d and fourth r i b s, which resulted i n a piece consisting of a three-rib shoulder and the neck These two p a r t s were separated by c u t t i n g on a l i n e f l u s h with the top of the shoulder A c u t was than made between the twelfth and t h i r t e e n t h r i b s, thue removing a r i b cut t h a t InGluded nine r i b s The l o i n was separated from the legs a t the "small of t h e back", or t h e external angle of t h e ilium, t h e cut being made p a r a l l e l t o t h a t between t h e twelfth and t h i r t e e n t h r i b s The double shoulder, r i b, loin, and leg cuts were then cut i n t o the left-and right-side cut8 of each The legs were trimmed by removing t h e s a c r a l vertebrae w i t h the attached f a t and lean, rounding the flank corner and trimming off the loose f a t from t h e inside face, and remotrlng the lower p a r t of t h e l e g a t t h e hock Joint, The l e g was then Renche by c u t t i n g off the muscle and tendon f o r 15 inchee above the hock Joint i n a piece of average s i z e but w i t h a s l i g h t v a r i a t i o n i n t h i s distance, depending on the s i z e of t h e leg, As a f i n a l s t e p i n the preparation of t h e cut8 f o r &D&lyBia, t h e kidney axid kidney fat w e r e removed from the loin

3 150, FIG 2 Closely Patterned a f t e r the National Livestock and Meat Board Method S t a r t i n g i n the flank, a s t r a i g h t l i n e cut waa made, which touched the end of the t h i r t e e n t h rib i n l i n e w i t h the middle of t h e humerue, This cut continued t o a point between t h e f i f t h and s i x t h r i b The next cut was made f r o m t h e hollow where t h e fore l e g joins the body, p a r a l l e l t o the f i r s t cut t o a point betwoen the f i f t h and s i x t h r i b (These two using a sloping cut cuts are usually continuous startixg about t h e eighth r i b ) A similar cut waa made on t h e other side Next a cut was made between the f i f t h and s i x t h r i b, which r e s u l t e d i n a piece conaisting of five r i b s and the neck The neck i s then removed by cutting on a line f l u s h with the top of t h e shoulder (This cut can and is usually made f i r s t ) The next cut was made between t h e twelfth and t h i r t e e n t h r i b, thus removing the short rack containing seven r i b s The next cut t o remove t h e l e g s is obtional I f a short leg i s desired the cut i s made two Inches In f r o n t of the lower point of the pelvic bone p a r a l l e l t o t h e cut between t h e twelfth and t h i r t e e n t h r i b s If not, the procedure is The procedure ab recommended by USDA from here on is t h e same as recommended f o r Fig 1 -

4 151 CHAIRMAN VANLIER NOOT: It is unneces8e;ry t o add my more comment t o Professor Wilford's fine remarks* The Lamb Evaluation Committee w a s a t a decided disadvantage compared t o the committee on Beef and Pork Evaluation, because a much amaller amount of experimental work has been conducted with lamb, Perhap6 aone of you have something t o add, o r even advice t o offer MR MACKINTOSH: T h i s does not p e r t a i n p a r t i c u l a r l y t o lamb, but it does t o the question which Mr Wilford presented i n regard t o measurements, and recording weights, I would be i n favor of recommending t h a t a l l measurements be made in centimeters, and t h a t a l l weights be taken t o a tenth of a pound The question wae raised t h l s morning re-weighing t o a tenth of a pound I t h i n k p r a c t i c a l l y everybody has acomputing scale, and when you have a computing scale, all you have t o do i s read down t h e centimeter l i n e t o measure In tenths, which makes it very simple If you have that equipment I think p r a c t i c a l l y every laboratory has one I do believe t h a t i s one thing we might decide a t t h i s Conference, and t h a t i s measuring in centimeters, and t o a tenth of a pound, CHAIRMAN VANDER NCOT: Professor Mackintosh, do you think t h a t t h i s i s the appropriate time t o put t h a t In the form of a motion f o r t h e assembly t o vote on? MR, MACICINTOSB: 1 w i l l present it f o r discussion, a t least MR HEMP: Do you t h i n k it is n e c e s s a r y t o l i m i t the weight t o a tenth of a pound? We happen t o have a scale on which we can go t o a hundreth of a pound, or a t least t o a twentieth of a pound, so why l i m i t it t o a tenth of a pound which i s not a8 accurate as ounces MR, MACKCNTOSE: It f a c i l i t a t e s calculations very materially when we g e t over t o the second decimal place, the significance is of l i t t l e value, MR FRADY: I would suggest t h a t w e use the metric ~ystem, and leave the a c t u a l decimal point to t h e research worker CHAIRMUI VANllER NOT: A motion has been made t h a t we s h a l l measure i n centimeters, and weight t o a tenth of a pound, correct? MR MACKINTOSH: I t h i n k it is b e t t e r etated t h e way Bady etatea it, weights MR FRADY: I dld not want t o use the metric system on the I wanted It on the tenthe That 1s t h e correction m MAcp;zNTOsH: A l l right ME? RUTLER: What about carcaaaes t h a t weigh up t o f i v e hunb e d pounds The big cuts from such carcasses cannot be weighed on a l i t t l e computer scale,

5 152 M R LCIEFFEL: I would l i k e t o propose t h a t where 1anibsare t o be slaughtered f o r carcass studies, it is a good plan t o shear them before you slaughter them, i n t h a t way, you can g e t the d a t a on the wool yield, and you have samples f o r wool &nalysis That a l s o makes possible the accurate measuring of the l i v e animal before it i s slaughtered, a l s o it eliminates the v a r i a t i o n i n dressing yield, which, o f course, is g r e a t l y influonced by the amount of f l e e c e which t h e lamb is carrying I think f o r a standard procedure, it i s very desirable t o shear the lambs a day or two before they axe slaughtered, and base your yield on shorn weight CHAIRMAN V A m NOOT: We have a motion on the f l o o r which w e would l i k e t o c l e a r up before there is any f u r t h e r discussion The motion is t h a t we measure i n centimeters, and weight t o the tenth of a pound Is there f u r t h e r discussion on t h i s motion? M R PIERCE: I would l i k e t o r a i s e a question regarding the metric system f o r measurement How many i n t h i s room ban accurately 8stimate 37 millimeters, and use i n comparison with, say, an inch and a h a l f? If I say an inch and a h a l f, it mews a l o t more t o me than if somebody says something i s 37 millimeters; and I think a measurement would be b e t t e r understood if it were put i n inches, instead of the metric system MR SULZBACHER: One of the advantage of the metric system, t o t h e beginner, is t h a t he cannot estimate He has t o measure We do not w a n t estimates W e want measurements After you use the metric system f o r a period of time you a r e able t o estimate, I hope you w i l l keep on measuriq3 MR ERADY: I think there has been adequate support and data t o show t h a t f o r scientific inveetigatioae, there i s a good d e d of benefit i n t h e metric system For convenience and t h a t is t h e point Pierce i s making, we would like t o use our own language, but t h a t s t i l l does not change the value o f the system which i s designed t o do the job we want done MR HANKINS: May I add t h i s? With t h e metric system, i f you report a l l measurements i n millimeters, then you can simply add a l l your millimeters, and when you g e t through, you divide by ten, or 100, or t h e measurement you have and you g e t t h e correct figure You cannot do t h a t with inches and fractions, unless you decide t h a t you a r e going t o deal with sixteenths of an inch or eighths of an inch, or something of t h a t s o r t Perhaps I should not say you cannot do it, but the chances a r e you would not do it, when you axe dealing with the metric system, it i s t h e natural t h i % t o simply measure i n millimeters MI? Chairman, I would like t o report t o t h i s Conference on a l i t t l e work we have been doing t h e last two o r three years with the lambs a t B e l t s v i l l e It a c t u a l l y i s a breeding project, and involve8 considerable cross breeding, and we have t h e job, i n these laboratoriee, of evaluating the lambs

6 153 Referring t o t h e work we and some of the r e e t of you have been doing, with pigs, we have conceived the idea of combining the leg, l o i n and the r i b percentages i n t o a combined percentage, which we c a l l the yield index of preferred cuts We have called the five cuts of the pig, preferred cuts, eo we c a l l these three cuts In lamb preferred cute We think t h e results t h a t we have been g e t t i n g are p e r f e c t l y remarkable W e have now accumulated data on something over 200 lambs during t h i s period of time, and the percentage range is from about 17 percent, which is on the l i g h t weight, t o about 29 percent i n the heavy weight That is, we have about a twelve point range frmlaw t o high, and we think t h a t ie enough t o g e t excited about We have taken t h e m lambs a t 75 pounds, o r soon a f t e r 75 pounde, and g e t them t o the point where we can slaughter them We have not had them shorn Beginning t h i s year, they w i l l be shorn, and I agree thoroughly with what B i l l Loeffel said a f e w moments ago t h a t experimental lambs should be shorn before they are slaughtered CHAIRMAN ' Y m NOOT: We would l i k e t o g e t the motion before t h e house voted upon We were diecuesing the question of the metric system, and the weighing t o a t e n t h of a pound Is there any other discussion on t h a t matter? The motion has been made and seconded t o take a vote a t t h e ppeerent time I think it i s proper A l l those i n favor of the motion please signify by r a i s i n g your r i g h t hand Opposed? One The motion "that a l l measurements made on beef, pork and lamb w i l l be made i n the metric system, and weighed t o a tenth of a pound henceforth" is carried I think the other question t h a t Professor Loeffel presented ehould be discussed more thoroughly, because it i e a practice t h a t could be more uniform with regard t o whether lambs m e shorn before slaughter It seems t h a t erne shear before slaughter and others do not Mr Eankine explained that they d i d not previously, but begin- niqj t h i e year they w i l l shear before slaughtering MR BRATZLER: I would suggest if you are going t o s h e w them, and if the temperature i s near t h i r t y degrees, t h a t you do not wait too long before you dress them I am h e a r t i l y i n favor of the idea, and I also think t h a t our livestock Judges should JuQe them with the f l e e c e off r a t h e r than with the f l e e c e on point? CHAIRMAN VANCW N06T: MR WILFORD: method of' cutting? Is there f u r t h e r discueeion on t h i e Don't yw~think we had better decide on t h e

7 154 CHAIRMAN VANlSER NOOT: Would anybody care t o pass judgment on the recommendation of Professor Wilford re the method of cutting lamb? MR MACK1CNTOSH: I think it would be splendid i f we could make a decision, however, my own personal viewpoint on the committee reports t h i s year is t h a t these reports a r e of a preliminary type, t h a t they represent an endeavor t o bring material together i n the form of a suggestion or suggestione, and t h a t we a r e gathered here t o discuss t h a t, and I am q u i t e sure there is no one method t h a t has been suggested t h a t i s completely without flaws, and my thought has been t h a t the Committees should be continued the personnel mlght change but the Committees should be continued, and t h a t next year, the Committees would r e t u r n with something which they might present t o the Conference i n the form of a recommendation for accepemce On t h a t basis, I do not know t h a t we need t o a c t on whether we do it according t o one type, or another type, as there probably a r e some other suggestions For instance, on the measurements t h a t have been suggested, suggestions should be added before we have a completed report t h a t would be acted upon That is my personal viawpoint only MR WILFORD: I think that Mackintosh has a suggestion there I think t h a t Ens Kemp has gone i n t o t h i s a l i t t l e b i t I did not know it a t the time I f you w i l l note where he cuts off the l o i n, back next t o t h e a i t c h bone, he cuts across thtt vertebra there, and if you g e t some of these weatern lambs, t h i s t a i l bone and some of theso other bones from the hip w i l l extend up f u r t h e r than t h a t, and you w i l l l e a v e a p a r t of that on the l o i n if you c u t them off too close t o the a i t c h bone I have been leaving the first s t r a i g h t vertebra on the leg, aed I have been using some meaauremsnts t o g e t a more uniform l o i n, but they a r e very similar t o t h i s It i s a l i t t l e b i t d i f f e r e n t from Figure 2, but not too much MR MACKXNTOSH: I would suggest t h a t thoae measurements t h a t you have been making be submitted t o t h e committee and incorporated i n t h a t p a r t of t h e i r r e p o r t, CHAIRMAN VANJ3ER NOW: MR KEMP: port N o t today CHAIRMAN VANDER NOOT: M RKEMP: W i l l t h a t be possible? Oh, not today but f o r the f i n a l r e Yes MR EDINGER: I would suggest t h a t you have t h e chuck Cut r i g h t a t the f i f t h r i b, and t h a t you continue t o cut t h a t &cross and make it what you c a l l a short f o r e quarter, or EL short front

8 155 The reason I o f f e r t h i s i s t h a t t h i s data would not only be applicable f o r research, but it would give you a l o t of data t h a t is e~plicable t o cutting In t h e East, especially where you have a larger Kosher trade A l l of these bulky lambs go t o the e a s t, That method of cutting gives you a short fore-quarter as they call it, w d then you cut off the bri8ket and t h e shank as one piece With the other way we have staxted a t the flank and end up c l e a r through t h e brisket, what we call t h e breast, and tho shank, and you have flank, brisket and shank a l l i n one piece If you want to do t h a t, you can w e i g h those together afterward, We t a l k about the heavy shouldered lambs, and heavy b r i s k e t lambs This w i l l give you date showing what the d i f f e r e n t types end breeds a m doi n t h a t particular quarter MEL REMP: I have not been leaving t h e shank on the b r i s k e t and flank I have separated the shank as such, and removed the bone a t the break Joint and I have t h e breast and flank then i n one piece f o r my weights f o r experimental purposes O f course, for your sales purposes, you might want t o separate it CHAlRMAN VANDW NOOT: The Committee w i l l take these slz63gest i o m, and t r y t o put them together 80 OUT f i n a l report will be more complete I w i l l now turn t h e meetin$ back t o Mr, Tomhave CHAfRMAN TOMBAVE: Are t h e r e any other questions? If not, we w i l l proceed t o the next part of t h e program, Research Methods & G Hankins, of the Bureau of Animal Industry is the Chairman of t h e Research Methods MR BANKINS, w i l l you please take charge? (Mr 0, G Hankins, Bureau of Ani& Iridustry assumed the Chair)

The aecond method reviewed by Professor Wilford was that which i s recommended by t h e National Livestock and Meat Board.

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