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1 S. DIOCESE: St. Helena PARISH: SrP aul Regi st e r.-. f e u g l f t L. DATED: y i-\v.*



4 n INSTI 5 I. The separate Boo* numbered wii CoLOOltCb II. Every made iu a fair and shall be sij from the bcgiij i r ji S '.v. * Ij ' III. Ever and shall be of each other: shall be signe^ after, to thej 7th Septemfi IV. Thai] formed within I of such Pnrislij own distinct Church-distric day, transmit ( Burial, in thcl such CercmoiJ Parish, ccrtiij Church of Enj such Certificaj Memorandun the proper following W] transmitted' V. ThiS parochial Pli Minister oiti Minister of i Baptism or respects to shall be hen be] in the mentioned or sent to transcribed Minister eu in th n * added N o t e. 5* of England a HS District or '...V 3- ' vl'avi

5 INSTRUCTIONS for the keeping of Registers of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials in the Diocese of Capetown. I. The Registers of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, respectively, are to bo kept in separate Books, according to the Forms provided; and the Pages of every such Book shall be numbered with progressive Numbers, the first Page being marked with the Number I. II. Every Entry of a Baptism (whether public or private) and Burial, respectively, shall be EnlricJ, >e ralds made in a fair and legible hand as soon as possible after the Ceremony shall have taken place, aud shall be signed by the Officiating Minister ;* and every Entry shall be numbered progressively from the beginning to the end of such Book, the first Entry to be distinguished by Number I. III. Every Entry of a Marriage shall be made immediately upon the solemnization thereof, Duplicate* of and shall be signed at the time by the Parties, the Witnesses, and the Minister, in the presence u'^umiacdtatilo ofeiudithlier. and at the same time, and in like manner and form, a Duplicate of such Entry cmernmoit shall be signed by all the Parties, for the purpose of being transmitted, within ouo Month thereafter, to the Honorable the Secretary to Government, according to the Order in Council of tile 7th September 838. IV. That if (under peculiar circumstances) the Ceremony of Baptism or Burial shall be per- Baptism or iiur-iai. formed within nny Parish or Church-district in any other Place than the Church or Burial-ground *n of such Parish or Church-district (not being a Church or the Burial-ground of a Church having its cho^h-vard'io i,«- own distinct Registers) by any Minister, not being the Officiating Minister of such Parish or MinUiM-orUw Church-district, the Minister who shall perform such Ceremony shall, on the same or on the next Parish. ami rntcrrd day, transmit to the Minister of such Parish or Church-district a Memorandum of such Baptism or lr«niinsiiy.,v Burial, in the like form provided in the Register Books respectively, and the Minister performing such Ceremony shall append to such Memorandum a Certificate, addressed to the Minister ol such Parish, certifying that he performed such Baptism or Burial according to the Rites of the United Church of England and Ireland, on the Day in such Memorandum stated, and shall sign and date such Certificate: and the Minister of such Parish or Church-district shall, upon receipt of such Memorandum and Certificate, enter such Baptism or Burial, according to such Certificate, in the proper Register Book of his Parish or Church-district, and shall add to such Entry tho following Words, According to the Certificate of the Reverend transmitted to me on the Day of V. That in all cases of the Baptism of any Child, or the Burial of any Person, in any extra- i <.,(,«parochial Place, according to the Rites of the Church, where there is no Church or Chapel, the ch«eh Minister officiating shall, within one week after such Baptism or Burial, send or deliver to the Minister of the Church nearest adjoining, within the same Division, to the Place in which such certified nyhr Baptism or Burial shall lake place, a Memorandum of such Baptism or Burial, similar in all nrar<*»t Church in respects to that directed by tho lost Section (No. IV) with the exception that such Memorandum shall be headed Baptism [or Burial] solemnized extra- parochial at A [as the ease may be] in the Division o f B and shall append to such Memorandum -the like Certificate mentioned in the last Section, and sign the same: And every such Memorandum, delivered or sent to the Minister of any such nearest adjoining Church, shall by him be thereupon transcribed into the Register of his Parish or Church-district, aud form a part thereof; and the Minister entering such Memorandum shall add to such Entry the like Words directed to be added in the last-mentioned Section. Nora. Tho word Minister in these Instructions, although referring primarily to a Clergyman of the United Church of England and Ireland licensed to a Cure ill the Diocese, is to bo understood as including the licensed Catechist of any District or Place, with respect to Baptisms and Burial., within such District.

6 Ml Ir;i»iir UiaiIj VI. All Register Books.shall be deemed tin- Properly of the Parish or Church-district to In In- lr >< " which they relate, and shall be kept under the Custody of the Officiating'! Minister of each 0u«tody **( thr Mii.Utff, i»,l0u respective Parish or Church-district, and be deposited in nu Iron Chest, which shall be kept Chr>t. constantly locked, in some dry mid secure Place within the usual Residence of the Minister, or in the Church or Chapel, or the Vestry-room thereof; and the Register Hooks shall not be taken out of the said Chest, except for the purpose of making Entries or Searches therein, or of obtaining Copies therefrom, or to be produced as Evidence in a Court of Law or Equity, or to be inspected ns to the State and Condition thereof; and the said Hooks shall, immediately after being used for any j urposc above-mentioned, be forthwith returned to the said Chest. VII. Within Two Months after the Thirty-first Day of December in every Year, fair Copies Anirnul C# *I» of B30** * or Transcripts of nil Ihe Entries of the several Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, which shall have he mmsf. * tj >* T frili.-) bjr lli*. been solemnized, or have taken place, within the Year previously, shall be made by the Minister OlEcwliutf Mimucr. of every Church, in the same Form as contained in the said Registers; and the Contents of such Copies shall be verified and signed in the Form following, by the Minister to whose Church the respective Register Books shall appertain:, A. B., Minister [or Officiating Minister, as the case may be] o f the Parish [or Church-district] o f C------, in the Division of D-----, do hereby solemnly declare, That the several U'ritinys hereunto annexed, arc true Copies o f the several Dairies contained in Ihe. several Register Books o f Baptisms, Marriages, and Buriats, respectively, o f the Parish [or Church-district] aforesaid, from the Day o f u to the Day o f ; and that no other Entry, during such Period, is Contained in any o f such Books respectively; and that the several Entries arc truly made, according to the best o f my knowledge and belief. Signed, A. B. which Declaration shall be fairly written on the said Copy immediately nfter the last Entry therein; and the Signature to such Declaration shall be attested by the Churchwardens, or one of them, of the Parish or Church-district to which such Register Books shall belong. Ar.tmi»l Copie* of llrgistct Hotik* to I* fofwartlru by of (Ijnljiocrsc on or before ihe MMarch every Year. Errors fonnd in the ca«r, in the prcseucc of the l artirs concerned, by Entry ia the Margin. VIII. That Copies of the said Register Booli3, verified and attested as aforesaid, shall be transmitted by such Churchwardens, after they or one of them shall have signed the same, by the Post, to the Registrar of the Diocese, on or before the st Day of March in each Year. IX. If any Error he found to have been committed in the Form or Substance of any Entryin the Register Books respectively, such Error shall and may, within One Month after the discovery thereof, be altered and corrected, according to the Truth of the case, by tne Minister who made such Entry, and solemnized the Ceremony to which the same relates, in the presence of the Parents of the Child whose Baptism may have been en tered in such Register, -or of the Parties married, or in the presence of the Parties who shall have attended at any Burial, to which such erroneous Entry shall relate; or, in case of the Death or Absence of the respective Parties aforesaid, then in the presence of the Churchwardens (who shall respectively attest the same); and such Alteration and Correction shall be made in the Margin of the Book in which such erroneous Entry shall have been made, without any Alteration or Obliteration of the original Entry; uad the Minister shall sign such Correction, and add to sucli Signature the Day of the Month and Year when such Correction shall be made ; and the fair Copy of the Registers which shall be transmitted to the Registrar of the Dioceso shall contain an exact Transcript of the original Entry, and of such Correction. Registry of the Diocese o f Capetown, Capetown, 3rd August 8-8. BURIALS in No. No. y No. sa - No. y. < Nnine. By Direction of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, J. C. DAVIDSON, Registrar.

7 fv Jistriel to of each lie kopt kiisler, or l>c taken Jin, or of I i ty, or to itelv after v7 BURIALS in the Parish of in the^l3ivistoiv-l>f, Abode. * j <"' iu the Year 8 J. Whenburied. Aj-r. Bywholit the Cert monr was performed. jir Copies til)all have i: Minister of such fiurch the L < A? e. No. v V A&Y St t) i ^ A* < rs * "..T'. Vnrish [or That contained \cty> o f the \rin" such tl Entries L. B. Just Entry s, or one A ca A '? ' fr fir-. *raiivyiyj'i;"'' No.^ a No. v>- ',.. ; J 'fo C c V j'f A y '. jyy y J. V A^ A A -A ~ A? A J, shall be same, by fear. tiny Entry i after the Minister e presence or of the purial, to Respective attest the [k. in which Ihcoriginal Pay of the titers which Iript of No. No-t Yi 6. a yjrt. f *. C, ' - X -- jz ej, ' ts?* -' '*'f ' ' No. y y A > - A s * >A y A A * ' K - No. y i».,yr~*'. -'..? l Aty.-C- ska,\ y y fs & A j J A : $ ', y ;.<. j ) (Ys+j J J \ 'V.- Z ^ f y r J % - A Wm? ( &, sjfc'y e, '6»\ < J. J a Registrar. No. P" > U. )SV(^V Jr, --si e % X,o J J. a n

8 BURIALS BURIALS iu the Abode, Hjr whom this ( Vrcraony was performed. When tinnedr<<-. f jr_ ' c -'6 f?* > > i y " : i r ~ P U * ~ ~ S - ''C M l ' ' ' v» I s - y

9 i*ihe Ceremony *performed. BURIALS in the Parish of cs'fefjl** in the Division of ' ^ _,,.., N.imo. AI»Jc. When buried. Ace. j N o. 7 2 ^ ^ * \ r ' ~! AsytfL ^ 7 i<u* r~» y k s z i s k y V ^ c' No- t y ~ -<S.SZix?,. rty*y j f>sh ',, s, y y ^ t X v,., ' z r A N o. 7wz cnc: 0~ f l s t. z.t ee c w 4 t ' t C - 4* ~~ I ft. T " * - Z ' j '

10 P a g e BURIALS in the Pari sll of v Sfi-<? iu'tlretjivi'stotr-o f in the Year 8^ ^. Nome. Abode. When lurictl. Age. By whom tho Ceremony was performed. P > 0 ft'? r s ".NO. JS: 7 f V t, ' tr.'fi y. ^ ; y - L a y a r y? J - fit C f {, 5vV;' r c^- tfi t (rs sy> > * ' A. No. ct ttt. ft? At ts 3. fi r s ts A C c y. r j u Y ts ryu A sy7 ** r 3 y * r t r * s? \ x * *' i #-* # No. fi?. y y> y.< S%s r*,, ^ f I r r fi r v, # 4 trs A L T ~ A»r*-Ay y fi? A xo- 3 3 f.f.sf t s T V # ;,. A, Afifit f is 3 J A a A. A - f i A U - (Z > s- v tz U l^ L (P y r V {l <^v No. *:» i li-c ^ u A L ie ' 4 ^ r - N > % y y j p N V ' v A LZlfrp'. '<J. fificfitf i f: No..? f> Ls \,s A s f A A F & s i S f i ' Z M ' (! * A, > A ',-cx A A $ s p y 7 ~ y y, 3 k * y f i 'r.-.y y * '>!. ' l A -

11 Pa<*e A BURIALS in the Parish of t s s > S A f Z y'z in the Division of _ i n the Year Name. Abode. When buried. Age. Bv whom the Ceremony ira* performed. x.. * j ' r t l - ; ' - N o. J j ^ r :y r Z, y, X ' i L VS x, Zyf.CC. A > % i f a z z p N o - J y ^ Y ' W a.' L SSL Y < Y ity c Y Y 4 sy t A < <}, «* J t r C yz y A y? f Y ^ s s s s ' Y \ : ^ \ <? & es A J S.- A y - f i - S. Y.'sy 'A j- Y?. Y vs. Y, K o.jj ' V. ' y : A. c Cy : ;..? Y Y A s L xy :. ~ N o.. z s y ' t y t ' a ~LYA' Y.' r 'z W >- Vff?c. z w A y? ; > N o. Y L ( O,? ; A V A y?? -, xv. r Y S f ' ~ - A N o. i r SA. i Y \ >. V 'fz'sz. 'S '? ef-ft. Z. S - ys-faze, tv y 0 yft -, Zfrsi < jy Y '..'.fra r & ~ f c z - u. j «t f j \. j X N o. f - >

12 BURIALS in the Parish of m. the. IHvisipiv-oi. J3URIA Name. Abode. When buried. Age. lly whom the Ceremony was performed. V, > " ' V * * r > K, * ^ ( ' s. r s t f t ' S N ^ <7 l r'vv' 'ry.

13 m m m P:age Jjt rf, BURIALS in the Paris ill of. r ' L ' iu the Division ~o ^in the Year 8 - no Ceremony (formed. Name. Abode. Whenburied. Age. Uy whomthe Ceremony wuj performed.... t fl v:ji' * c&>c*>.'' XJfrA,SyJ No. w No. - 'i2 j mtf is. lo! j % Z [N\ $ o l V ' $ V, %.,. * No..;. - j j y c ' z I ' r J 7. : e ' (Zsmfit- -v ^ ' No.. y^'s -«; s ** f [s'- < ' z < ^ -- y.. ',-Z-, ZZ s 2 No. ( '?* : a & j7 L ' -!. ^ z Z 2 $ \ z ' K?i - r4toe46&r*!** ov» No. S,7 y? *, v^f'.^.pay^ z S **J * > r m m y Y f. a?-t * y- d.. *.S i? S*?d. No. c?«' \ i\^ if* *. A FT y v y...' i * ' fctttrs AyCs L- 'y 'ts-'s ' - > No. o fi <y Z y J j ~tj < T x V Z j y t m m m mm

14 BURIALS in the Parish of V f '. V A VVs in the Division of in the Yeai 8 j V '. Name. Abode. Wlicn buried. Age. IJy whom the Ceremony was (icrforracd. j f & P J Z C? a A A v A A ^ z V fa c & * -* s t V? t ' y c 0 t? s <- *? yy. ' M - { f W ' N o. d y. # <? * D ^ c A < 0, j, X 'f ^ f > ' V r s f s s > ' t r A s ' " s * t ' " ' * M y j > s 'r? r i h t A t A t N o. A V p A f V 0 ' "r. S s No. t f y V < C V < ^ \ V ). y «& \ H, x y. m i; r d f s s S '? N o. J d? V A a S a s f? V 2 s > S. * V I i. d A? A y i S y < z V ~*> - s g ^ _ - > - = *= > v ^ v r - A y? * y : ; s d v. ' - S ' S S I S l " V ' p y v y? r s A ' y ^ V y, y r f. A l A f N o. y J - V A j ( J X z a.fl C c t *'L! L Y. - <*C'a =*T r V & r i N o. V v ^ i V '~J J y y Q,y V 3 S S * - z f ' ' W j i f. No. y g A Z.-r

15 BU R IA LS in tlie Parish of (' i V s ; [,. in the Division of Abode. When buried. X S r ' s so. j J jt; s! x, i -v ^ ' f X + A # ' * C% {at< sts a<+,\ < ) " Aj-' <? * * >? ; i No. 2 x < 2 y ^ ' f f S y \ A?. 6 X s S i.it' A? > \, i \lvv ' y ' r A f (> ' <». >? X f'v-' : '. f, V 7 : -? X 9 -U.- & e ' a * 4 f e r J '. X ^! : ^ A :i A y V 3! '.» H '» JA i I ^ <2J e s t X c j X?e. c X J X r X L &x> r, -, '- > ( 2 X y i X > o *.< { & * - 7 j s &? t T Z l S t f - X S c r y - H

16 v*'-: *-<; > r- if 'ill B U R I A L S i n t h e P a r i s h o f '* i n the Division o f... in the Year 8 S S. i a- Ko. ps J f N o. ^ ' Name. Abode* When burial. Aye. liy whom (lie Ceremony was performed. e >Lf.S ry^f *& - \Y z. S ' y r 'O 'S.3?.? * ' Z '. 9> t* s?. J, I I # > If PI BURIALS in tip in the Div j ; Name. j j " 7 > 'tis ^ c, f n < 7 \ N o, d l l Q % J ^ < f Z a S rfl'ti- }y S l- t,, <<f j? y? S yst-xc^^, m ir c i & U X o.y j r s 4. k l i K r» i S S r y i fe A \ *». <? :H ; f :. k : r4 ~ - r * * V s v t f - y S s a N o., N - 7 f > 7 -vfer* y j *. v < t ' V N T _. l! J T. & d m y U' I j i u,? ^y>?, r r (7.?c m. r y 3 % ' r P f r y g t v f a v l j ' fe % % u $» c y y ^ k : - i ^ M ;!!. t ' '.' i I No. R y? v'! \i; '! i H si I» I * No. :. - Vi f, : & J No. &,

17 Collection Number: AB2073 CPSA Diocese of St. Helena, Registers, PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg 203 LEGAL NOTICES: Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: Provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained therein, you may download material (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal andor educational non-commercial use only. People using these records relating to the archives of Historical Papers, The Library, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, are reminded that such records sometimes contain material which is uncorroborated, inaccurate, distorted or untrue. While these digital records are true facsimiles of paper documents and the information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable, Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand has not independently verified their content. Consequently, the University is not responsible for any errors or omissions and excludes any and all liability for any errors in or omissions from the information on the website or any related information on third party websites accessible from this website. This document is part of the archive of the Anglican Church in Southern Africa and is held at the Historical Papers Research Archive, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Abode. When buried, lly wlmm the Ceremony was performed.

Abode. When buried, lly wlmm the Ceremony was performed. Abode. When buried, lly wlmm the Ceremony was performed. 13UKIAL'' in tli i vhom the Ceremony t was performed. lly whom the Ceremony m performed. s t f ' ' J '7lM ****u ttfa-atou* No. 'js? '(fliii. No.

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