arxiv:physics/ v1 [physics.atom-ph] 30 Apr 2001

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1 Collective Modes in a Dilute Bose-Fermi Mixture arxiv:physics/1489v1 [physics.atom-ph] 3 Apr 21 S. K. Yip Institute o Physics, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan Abstract We here study the collective excitations o a dilute spin-polarized Bose-Fermi mixture at zero temperature, considering in particular the eatures arising rom the interaction between the two species. We show that a propagating zero-sound mode is possible or the ermions even when they do not interact among themselves. PACS numbers: 3.75.Fi, g, Jd Recent experimental progress in atomically trapped gases has led to a resurgence o interest in uantum luids. A particular notable eature is the number o systems available, ranging rom single component bose gas in the original experiments where Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) was irst achieved [1] to binary bose mixture [2], spinor condensate in optical traps[3] and degenerate ermi gas[4,5]. Other systems have also received much recent attention, in particular bose-ermi mixture. This last mentioned system occurs naturally i sympathetic cooling is employed to reduce the kinetic energy o the ermions [6]. There have already been several studies on the properties o this system. Questions addressed include stability against phase separation [7,8] and collective excitations [8]. Although Bose-Fermi mixtures have been studied intensively in low temperature physics in the context o 3 He- 4 He mixtures [9], the atomically trapped gases oer many additional possibilities. By the choice o atoms, concentration o the various components, or the control o interaction strength among them by external ields [1], one can unmask phenomena previously unobservable. In this paper, we shall study one example o this by considering the density oscillations o a bose-ermi mixture at low temperatures. We shall show that a variety o novel phenomena can arise due to the coupling between the two components or suitable parameters such as the ratio o the sound velocity o the bose gas to the ermi velocity o the ermions. In particular, we shall show that it is possible to have a propagating ermionic sound mode even in the absence o interaction among the ermions themselves. Sound propagation has also been considered in re [8] which however did not investigate the eects being studied here. We shall comment on this later. We shall then consider a mixture o weakly interacting bose and ermi gases at zero temperature. Both gases are assumed to be spin-polarized such as would be the case usually in magnetic traps. For a dilute mixture, interaction among the bosons themselves and between the bosons and ermions can be characterised by the scattering lengths a bb and a b in the s-wave channels. The ermions however do not interact among themselves since they are spin-polarized. For simplicity we shall consider a uniorm system. We shall urther assume that the gas is stable against phase-separation unless explicitly speciied. We are interested in the density waves o this system. As we shall see in general the modes may be damped. Also since the density oscillations are likely to be studied by exciting the systems 1

2 with external potentials, we shall instead consider the density responses o the system under external perturbing potentials. Collective modes o the system will show up as resonances o these responses. The Hamiltonian density is given by H = h2 2m b ψ b ψ b µ b ψ b ψ b + h2 2m ψ ψ µ ψ ψ g bbψ b ψ b ψ bψ b +g b ψ b ψ ψ ψ b +ψ b ψ bv ext b +ψ ψ V ext (1) where the subscripts b and denote bosons and ermions respectively, ψ, ψ b are the ield operators, m b, m the masses, µ b, µ are the chemical potentials, Vb ext and V ext the external potentials. All ψ s and V ext s are implicitly at the same physical point r in space. The interaction parameters g bb and g b are related to the scattering lengths a bb and a b by g bb = 4π h 2 a bb /m bb and g b = 2π h 2 a b /m r where m r is the reduced mass [ m 1 r m 1 +m 1 b ]. We shall treat the interaction g bb and g b within the Bogoliubov and random phase approximation respectively [11]. The results can be written in the physically transparent orm: δn b (,ω) = χ b [g b δn +V ext b ] (2) δn (,ω) = χ [g b δn b +V ext ] expressing the response o the bosons and ermions to the potentials due to the other species and the external perturbations (the terms in the suare brackets). Here δn b (,ω), δn (,ω) are the deviations o the bosonic and ermionic densities rom euilibrium at wavevector and reuency ω, χ b = 1 g bb [ c 2 ] b 2 ω 2 c 2 b 2 ( 2 /2m b ) 2 (3) and χ = N [ 1 ω 2v ln(ω +v ] ω v ) (4) are the ( and ω dependent) responses o the pure bosons and ermions systems respectively to eective external potentials. N p m /2π 2 is the density o states or the ermions. (p = (6π 2 n ) 1/3 is the ermi momentum, v = p /m ) For simplicity, in e (4) I have already let out terms that are small i << p. ω should be interpreted as having a small and positive part. e(3) can be re-arranged as Then inally ( 1 gb χ b g b χ 1 )( ) δnb δn 2 = ( χb Vb ext ) χ V ext (5)

3 ( ) δnb δn = 1 1 g 2 b χ bχ ( 1 g b χ b g b χ 1 )( χb Vb ext ) χ V ext (6) In the case where g b =, δn b = χ b V ext b and δn = χ V ext and the responses thus reduce to those o the pure bose and ermi gases. The corresponding ormulas or χ b and χ were already given in e (3) and e (4) above. Beore we proceed we shall recall the behavior o these responses[11] and thus the collective modes. For simplicity we shall restrict ourselves to small wavevectors, i.e. << m b c b and p, and without loss o generality ω >. The bosonic response Imχ b consists o a delta unction at the excitation reuency ω = c b. This is due to the Bogoliubov mode which is purely propagating and undamped. For the ermions however, there is no collective behavior. The absorptive part, Imχ, is inite or a whole range o reuencies ω < v, known as the particle-hole continuum, arising rom the many possibilities o independent particle-hole excitations. Re χ b is simple. It is given by gbb 1 at ω = and diverges to ± as ω c b rom below and above respectively. Reχ is given by N at ω =. It decreases with increasing ω, changes sign at around ω.83v and approaches as ω v rom both above and below. For ω > v, it remains negative with its magnitude gradually approaching zero as ω. Now we return to the bose-ermi mixture. The response δn b to an external potential Vb ext actingonthebosonsonlyisgivenbyχ b /(1 gb 2 χ bχ ). Theexistenceandthedispersionothe bosonic collective mode are determined by the solution to the euation (χ b ) 1 gbχ 2 =, i.e. ( ) [ ω 2 +c 2 b 2 +( 2 g 2 ) 2 ] b (c 2 b 2m b g 2 )χ = (7) bb It will be convenient to discuss the normalized response χ b g bb χ b /(1 g 2 b χ bχ ) (8) χ b = 1 in the static limit (ω =, ) when there is no boson-ermion interaction (g b = ). Similiarly the ermionic response to an external potential acting on the ermions alone is χ /(1 g 2 b χ bχ ). We shall discuss the behavior o the normalized uantity χ N 1 χ /(1 g 2 bχ b χ ) (9) The normalization is chosen such that χ = 1 in the static limit (ω =, ) when there is no boson-ermion interaction (g b = ). Beore proceeding let us irst examine the responses at ω =. Stability reuires that the density responses χ b /(1 gbχ 2 b χ ) and χ /(1 gbχ 2 b χ ) be positive. Using the ω = values o χ b and χ above, these necessary conditions can be rewritten as g bb > and W N gb 2 /g bb < 1. Using the expression o N given earlier, the last ineuality gives n 1/3 gb 2 < 2Ag 3 bb where A h2 2m (6π 2 ) 2/3 as deined in [7]. These conditions were derived earlier in [7] and [8] using slightly dierent considerations. For bosons and ermions with similar masses, we shall see shortly that W, a dimensionless parameter, serves as a useul measure o the coupling between the bosons and ermions. I the bosons and ermions have 3

4 similar masses, W is o order a 2 b/a bb n 1/3 and thus typically small or dilute gases unless a b >> a bb. We shall limit ourselves only to the cases where W s are small. We shall discuss now the behavior o χ b and χ in turn. The results are ualitatively > dierent depending on whether c b v <. The velocity ratio u c b /v can be re-expressed as u = m (4/3) 1/3 (n b a bb ) 1/2 m b. The value o u can basically be arbitrary without violating any π 1/6 n 1/3 stability criterion (not only the linear stability condition above but also others derived in [7]) Bosonic Response: 1. c b > v : In this regime a propagating bosonic mode exists. It can be easily veriied (e.g. graphically) that the mode reuency ω satisies ω > c b ( > v ). The original bosonic mode at ω = c b is pushed upwards by the particle-hole modes lying below. Some examples are shown in Fig 1. This mode repulsion is generally expected (c.. coupled harmonic oscillators). It is however o interest to examine the microscopic nature o the mode. At the mode reuency both χ b and χ are negative. Thus, e.g., i g b >, δn b and δn are o the same sign (see en (5)). The repulsion between the two species provides the enhanced restoring orce and oscillation reuency. This reuency shit is typically small since usually W << c b < v : In this case the original bosonic mode lies inside the particle-hole continuum o the ermions. The bosonic mode is thus Landau damped. For weak-coupling the[ damping, ] thus the width o the response, can be estimated easily using e(7) to be πn gb 2 [cb ] (cb 4g bb v ). Examples are shown in Fig 2. There is a small shit o the mode due to Reχ. The shit is towards higher reuency or u suiciently close to 1 but opposite otherwise (Reχ < (>) or ω/v > (<).83. ) 3. It is also o interest to study the bosonic mode or g bb <. This is in act the case or the 6 Li- 7 Li mixture investigated in re [6], where the 7 Li bosons have a negative scattering length o 1.5nm. In this case the original bosonic system is unstable, and the Bogoliubov mode has an imaginary reuency or suiciently small wavevector ( < c = 2m b c b / h, here c b [ g bb n b /m b ] 1/2 ). Since N gb 2 > > g bb, the system is still unstable in the presence o the ermions [7] (see also above). O interest is the eect o the ermions on the unstable mode. Now or imaginary reuencies ω = iα, χ (,iα) = N {1 α v [π 2 tan 1 α v ]} is purely real and positive. χ decreases monotonically with α rom χ = N at α = to as α. It can be easily veriied that there is a real solution or α to the dispersion relation (c.. e (7) ) [α 2 c b 2 2 ] ( ) g 2 b ( c b 2 2 )χ (,iα) = (1) g bb or suiciently small (which includes the physically most relevant region where α attains its maximum, i.e., the astest growing instability). Thus the instability is not damped by the particle-hole degree o reedom. In act it can be veriied easily that, or given, α is increased in the presence o the ermions. The system has become even more unstable. This mode has δn b and δn o opposite signs and corresponds to phase-separation as expected. Fermionic Response: 1. c b > v : In this case the ermionic response or < ω < v is only slightly modiied. 4

5 A new eature appears near ω c b > v due to the coupling to the bosonic mode. An example is as shown in Fig c b < v : In this regime there are two important eatures o the ermionic response. I u = c b v is suiciently close to 1, the imaginary part contains a sharp resonance at ω above the particle-hole continuum (Fig 4). There are two ways o understanding this mode. It can be regarded as the continuation o the situation rom c b > v, i.e., it is due to the bosonic mode which is itsel slightly pushed up in reuency (c.., Fig 3, note in particular the result or u = 1). Alternatively, this mode can be considered as a zero-sound mode induced by the bosons. The orm or χ in e (9) is precisely that o an interacting ermi gas with s-wave interaction g (and thereore necessary with more than one spin species, where the response is given by χ /(1+g χ )) thoughwith aneective reuency dependentinteraction g gbχ 2 b, i.e. an eective s-wave Landau parameter given by F W/[ ( ) ω 2 1]. c b The bosonic mode ω c b or c b suiciently close to but below v will thus induce a zero-sound mode or the ermions just like an interaction among the ermions will. [12] Note however therecannotbeareals-wave interactionamongtheermionsastheyareoeual spins. Thus this mode cannot be obtained by considering the eective interaction among the ermions as in re [8]. The reuency o this propagating mode can be estimated by using the well-known dispersion relation o the zeroth sound ω/v 1+2e 2(1+ 1 F ) with the eective F W/[( 1 u )2 1] as suggested above. In order or the velocity o the mode to be say 1% above v, then c b has to be within around 7% o v i W =.1. This estimate agrees with the numerical results o Fig 4. The second interesting eature is that near the original bosonic mode reuency ω c b, there is a reduction in the absorptive part Im χ (see Fig 6). In act Im χ as ω c b. This, as well as the corresponding behavior o Re χ, can be seen easily mathematically rom e(5) due to the resonance nature o χ b at this reuency. Physically this can be regarded as due to mode-mode repulsion the bosonic mode has pushed away the particle-hole modes nearω c b. Thiseatureispresent even orsmallcoupling W. AlargerW mainlyincreases the width o this transparent region. Thus in act the reuency dependence o Re χ is actually stronger or smaller W s. The energy absorption by the bose-ermi mixture rom an external perturbation acting on the ermions is thus substantially reduced or reuencies within this transparent region. The width o this region can be estimated by using the observation that the ermionic response is roughly reduced by the actor 1 + W (c b) 2 ω 2 (c b ) 2 or these reuencies. For the ermionic response to be reduced to say 1/2 o its bare value, then ω c b /c b < W/2. This estimate agrees very roughly with the numerical results in Fig. 6. In conclusion, I have investigated the collective modes o a Bose-Fermi mixture, and have shown that there is important mode-mode coupling eects, especially i v c b. I thank David Edwards or helpul correspondences. This research was supported by the National Science Council o Taiwan under grant number M

6 REFERENCES [1] M.H. Anderson, J. R. Ensher, M. R. Matthews, C. E. Wieman, E. A. Cornell, Science 269, 198 (1995). [2] see, e.g., M. R. Matthews, B. P. Anderson, P. C. Haljan, D. S. Hall, M. J. Holland, J. E. Williams, C. E. Wieman and E. A. Cornell, Phys. Rev. Lett., 83, 3358 (1999) [3] J. Stenger, S. Inouye, D. M. Stamper-Kurn, H.-J. Miesner, A. P. Chikkatur and W. Ketterle, Nature (London) 396, 345 (1998) [4] B. DeMarco and D. S. Jin, Science 285, 173 (1999) [5] B. DeMarco, J. L. Bohn, J. P. Burke Jr., M. Holland and D. S. Jin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 428 (1999) [6] M.-O. Mewes, G. Ferrari, F. Schreck, A. Sinatra, C. Salomon, Phys. Rev. A61, 1143(R) (2). [7] L. Viverit, C. J. Pethick and H. Smith, Phys. Rev. A, 61, 5365 (2) [8] M. J. Bijlsma, B. A. Heringa and H. T. C. Stoo, Phys. Rev. A, 61, 5361 (2) [9] D. O. Edwards and M. Pettersen, J. Low Temp. Phys., 87, 473 (1992) [1] see, e.g., S. L. Cornish, N. R. Claussen, J. L. Roberts, E. A. Cornell and C. E. Wieman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1795 (2) [11] see, e.g., A. L. Fetter and J. D. Walecka, McGraw Hill, [12] One can check (e.g., graphically) that there is a real solution or ω to the euation χ 1 gb 2 χ b, i.e., the mode is undamped. 6

7 FIGURES 4 u = 1.1 u = ω/c 1.1 b FIG. 1. Dimensionless bosonic responses Re χ b and Im χ b or u c b /v > 1, W =.1. Lines or the imaginary parts are decorated with circles. 2 1 u =.9 u = ω/c 1.5 b FIG. 2. Same as Fig. 1 but or u c b /v < 1, W =.1. 7

8 u = 1. u = 1.1 u = ω/v 1.3 FIG. 3. Dimensionless ermionic responses Re χ and Im χ or u c b /v 1, W =.1. The imaginary parts (lines decorated with circles) contain the particle-hole continua ω < v and sharp spikes at the bosonic mode reuencies. 2 g b = u =.9 u = ω/v 1.5 FIG. 4. Dimensionless ermionic response Im χ or u c b /v < 1 showing the zero-sound modes induced by the bosons. W =.1. Also shown is Imχ or the pure ermi gas (g b = ) or comparison. 8

9 2 g b = u =.9 u = ω/v 1.5 FIG. 5. Same as Fig 4 except that now Re χ is shown. 4 W=.1, u=.9 W=.1, u=.95 o ω/v 1. FIG. 6. Imaginary part o dimensionless ermionic response Im χ or u c b /v < 1, showing mainly the region ω < v. 9

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