arxiv: v2 [nucl-th] 3 May 2018

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1 DAMTP An Alpha Particle Model for Carbon-2 J. I. Rawlinon arxiv: v2 [nucl-th] 3 May 208 Department of Applied Mathematic and Theoretical Phyic, Univerity of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, U.K. Abtract We introduce a new model for the Carbon-2 nucleu and compute it lowet energy level. Our model i inpired by previou work on the rigid body approximation in the B = 2 ector of the Skyrme model. We go beyond thi approximation and treat the nucleu a a deformable body, finding everal new tate. A retricted et of deformation i conidered, leading to a configuration pace C which ha a graph-like tructure. We ue idea from quantum graph theory in order to make ene of quantum mechanic on C even though it i not a manifold. Thi i a new approach to Skyrmion quantiation and the method preented in thi paper could be applied to a variety of other problem. Keyword: Carbon-2; Alpha Particle Model; Quantum Graph Theory

2 Motivation The Skyrme model ha two well-known Skyrmion olution with Baryon number B = 2. They have ymmetry group D3h and D4h and can be viewed a three B = 4 Skyrmion (analogou to alpha particle) arranged in an equilateral triangle and in a linear chain repectively (Figure ). When quantized individually a rigid bodie, each contribute a rotational band to the energy pectrum. The allowed pin and parity combination of the quantum tate appearing in each band are determined by the correponding ymmetry group (D3h or D4h ). Figure : B = 2 Skyrmion with D3h ymmetry (left) and D4h ymmetry (right). Figure courtey of Dankrad Feit. The energy level found by thi approach [] match ome of the experimentally oberved Carbon-2 tate [2]. The D3h -ymmetric Skyrmion give rie to a rotational band with pin and parity combination 0+, 2+, 3, 4, 4+ (and higher pin). Thi i a feature of any model baed on an equilateral triangle of alpha particle. A particular ucce of the Skyrme model prediction i the characteritic pattern 0+, 2+, 4+ of the Hoyle band [3], which arie from rotational excitation of the D4h -ymmetric linear chain. An alternative poibility i to identify the Hoyle band with rotational excitation of a breathing (ymmetrically vibrating) equilateral triangle, a ha been done within the context of the algebraic cluter model (ACM) [4]. However, thi would imply the exitence of additional 3 and 4 tate within the rotational band which have not been oberved. It i the D4h ymmetry group of the Skyrmion which exclude uch tate. Thi ugget that a linear chain configuration of alpha particle could play an important role in the tructure of the low-lying tate of Carbon-2, a well a the more familiar equilateral triangular configuration. However, the rigid body picture i overly retrictive: everal low-lying tate (een in addition to the rigid body rotational band) are completely miing a all of the configuration conidered have a lot of ymmetry. Large ymmetry group lead to evere retriction

3 on the poible pin and parity combination. It i clear that we need to go beyond rigid body quantization: we need to allow the nucleu to deform. Such an approach ha been ucceful in tudying the excited tate of other nuclei uch a Oxygen-6 [5]. We propoe a implified model for the Carbon-2 nucleu, viewed a three point particle. Building on the idea outlined above, we allow both the equilateral triangle and the linear chain. The difference i that they it within a larger configuration pace which include hape that interpolate between thee two highly ymmetric configuration. Thi extra degree of freedom allow more pin and parity combination than rigid body quantization. A key aumption i that the potential energy landcape i quite flat in the hapedeforming direction where the equilateral triangle become a linear chain. If it i not o flat, then for ufficiently low energie an analyi of mall vibration about the equilateral triangle (or about the linear chain) hould be appropriate. Thi approximation lead to far more low-lying tate than have been experimentally oberved. We propoe that thi approximation i inappropriate: at the energie we are intereted in, the triangle can deform ignificantly and a global approach i required. 2 The Configuration Space, C We tart with the configuration pace for three point particle, {(x, x 2, x 3 ) R 9 } equipped with the Euclidean metric. We can eparate out the centre of ma motion a uual, retricting to 3 i= x i = 0. We further retrict to configuration where the area of the triangle formed by the three particle ha a particular hape-dependent value. Phyically, thi i reaonable if we aume that the energy aociated with the triangle expanding compared to ome equilibrium ize i large compared to the energie we are intereted in. The equilbrium ize will be taken to vary in uch a way that the ratio of the moment of inertia for the equilateral triangle and the linear chain (which determine the ratio of lope of the correponding rotational band) reproduce the reult from the Skyrme model. Finally, we make one further retriction: we will conider only a certain ubet of configuration, in which the three particle lie at the vertice of an iocele triangle. The hape we retrict to are preciely thoe iocele triangle which interpolate between an equilateral triangle and a linear chain. Thu we only include the direction in which the equilateral triangle become an obtue triangle, auming that changing hape in the other direction correpond to a harp increae in potential energy due to trying to bring two alpha particle very cloe together. The reulting configuration pace, denoted C, i bet pictured a the union of three 4-manifold, C = i C i. Here C i correpond to thoe iocele configuration with particle number i lying in the plane of reflection ymmetry. Thi i 2

4 x 2 x x 3 reflection plane Figure 2: C i conit of iocele configuration with particle number i lying in the plane of reflection ymmetry. Thu C 2 contain the above configuration. C 3 x C 2 x 2 x 3 x x 2 x 3 x x 2 x 3 x 2 x C x 3 S 3 Figure 3: Graph tructure of C = i C i. 3

5 illutrated in Figure 2 and 3. The C i interect at a 3-manifold correponding to the equilateral triangle (thi interection can be thought of a a copy of the group manifold SO(3), ince thi group act on the et of equilateral triangular configuration). The particle hould be inditinguihable: thi will be impoed at the quantum level by demanding that tate are taken to lie in the trivial repreentation of the group S 3 which act on C by permuting the three particle. The tructure of C i reminicent of configuration pace appearing in quantum graph theory. We will therefore ue idea from that area to motivate our definition of quantum mechanic on C, thinking of the C i a edge which interect at a vertex [6]. Approximating a quantum ytem a a graph i an idea that date back to Pauling [7], who tudied the dynamic of free electron in hydrocarbon by conidering motion in a network with edge correponding to carbon-carbon bond and vertice correponding to carbon atom. 3 The Metric on C We begin by focuing on C. Thi i the only part of C that we need to think about ince all point in C are generated by the action of S 3 on C. The group of rotation in phyical pace act on C a a ymmetry, o we pick coordinate (, θ, φ, ψ) coniting of a hape parameter together with Euler angle θ, φ, ψ pecifying the orientation of the hape. Correponding to θ = φ = ψ = 0, we need to pick a et of reference orientation for each SO(3) orbit. Thee reference configuration give a ubmanifold C hape which we will often refer to a hape pace. We define C hape a follow: let the choice (, 0, 0, 0) correpond to the configuration x = (0,, 0), x 2 = ( 2 32, ) 2 2, 0, x 3 = ( 2 32, ) 2 2, 0. (3.) i.e. we rotate the triangle o that particle lie on the poitive y-axi with the plane of reflection ymmetry being the y z-plane. The range we conider i [0, max ] where max = 3. Note that = 0 give a linear chain and a we increae we approach an equilateral triangle at = max. Thi particular choice of reference orientation ha the nice property that the metric on C, in thee coordinate, take the imple block-diagonal form ) ( g 0 g C =. (3.2) 0 g rot The reaon for thi implification can be een a follow: a we move through the reference configuration, there i enough ymmetry (reflection in the xy-plane and in the yz-plane) that no angular momentum i generated by the correponding motion of the particle. Therefore the motion in hape pace decouple from the rotational motion (no cro-term in the metric) and it only effect i through the hape-dependent moment of inertia which 4

6 appear in g rot. The function g correpond to the pull-back of the Euclidean metric on R 9 ariing from the incluion C hape R 9. Once we have thi metric, we can compute the aociated Laplace-Beltrami operator, which i expreed in local coordinate a 2 f = ( ) gc i gc g ij C j f. (3.3) 4 Computing the Laplace-Beltrami Operator The formula for the Laplace-Beltrami operator involve the determinant g C = g g rot. Computing g rot take a little work. Let I ij denote the component of the moment of inertia tenor relative to the body frame of the configuration (the body frame being fixed by the tandard choice of orientation a explained in the previou ection). Notice that I i diagonal with repect to thi frame, and o the matrix form for g rot with repect to coordinate (θ, φ, ψ) take the implified form I co 2 ψ + I 22 in 2 ψ (I I 22 ) in θ co ψ in ψ 0 (I I 22 ) in θ co ψ in ψ (I in 2 ψ + I 22 co 2 ψ) in 2 θ + I 33 co 2 θ I 33 co θ 0 I 33 co θ I 33 (4.) All the configuration we are conidering are planar, which implie that I 33 = I + I 22. Thi implifie the computation of the determinant of the metric and, after applying ome baic trigonometric identitie, we arrive at g rot = I I 22 I 33 in 2 θ = I in 2 θ. (4.2). Putting everything together, 2 ) f = g grot i ( g grot g ij C j f = ( ) )) ( g grot g g grot f + α ( g grot grot αβ β f = g I ) ( g I g f + = 2 f + ( log ) I g f + 2 rotf ( ) grot α grot grot αβ β f (4.3) where 2 i defined by 2 f = ( ) g g f g (4.4) 5

7 and 2 rot i defined by 2 rotf = ( ) grot α grot grot αβ β f. (4.5) Roughly peaking, the firt and third contribution 2 and 2 rot can be undertood a kinetic energy operator aociated to change in hape and orientation repectively. They are the Laplace-Beltrami operator aociated to ubmanifold compriing configuration of fixed orientation and of fixed hape. The econd contribution i the manifetation of the dependence of the moment of inertia tenor I. It i conventional to expre the operator 2 rot in term of the vector L of body-fixed angular momentum operator: 2 rotf = L T I Lf. (4.6) 5 Quantum Mechanic on C 5. Schrödinger equation and ymmetrie We are now in a poition to write down the form of the Schrödinger equation, at leat on C : HΨ 2 2 Ψ + V Ψ = EΨ. (5.) A decribed in the previou ection, it i mot convenient to expre the Laplace-Beltrami operator with repect to coordinate (, θ, φ, ψ). In thee coordinate, the Schrödinger equation i ( 2 LT I L 2 2 ( log ) I ) g Ψ = (E V )Ψ. (5.2) 2 We can ue rotational ymmetry to implify the problem coniderably. Since (pace-fixed) angular momentum J i conerved, we can expand Ψ in a bai of tate of fixed J and j 3 : Ψ(, θ, φ, ψ) = l 3 =J l 3 = J χ l3 () J, j 3, l 3 (5.3) where l 3, j 3 denote the projection of angular momentum onto the body-fixed and pacefixed 3-axe, i.e. the eigenvalue of the operator L 3, J 3. So tate with fixed J and j 3 lie in a ubpace panned by the et { J, j 3, J,..., J, j 3, J }. We will denote thi ubpace V J, from here on uppreing the label j 3. In fact we can go further ince there are additional dicrete ymmetrie preent: the ytem i ymmetric under permutation of the three particle and under the action of parity. Note that parity i realied by a rotation through π about the body-fixed 3-axi 6

8 ince the configuration are planar. The parity tranformation commute with the permutation and o together thee tranformation generate a ymmetry group iomorphic to S 3 C 2 which act on V J. Thu we can further claify tate into irreducible repreentation of the dicrete group S 3 C 2. Thee are preciely the tenor product ρ S3 ρ C2 of irreducible repreentation ρ S3 and ρ C2 of S 3 and C 2 repectively. We want the particle to be inditinguihable, o we chooe thoe repreentation for which the firt factor i the trivial repreentation: ρ S3 =. If we let ρ trivial and ρ ign denote the (familiar) irreducible repreentation of C 2, then thi mean that tate within V J can be taken to lie in repreentation iomorphic to ρ trivial or ρ ign. Thoe tranforming in the repreentation ρ trivial will be referred to a poitive parity tate, J +, and thoe tranforming in ρ ign a negative parity tate J. Subtituting expreion (5.3) into the Schrödinger equation lead to a ytem of coupled equation for the effective one-dimenional problem on hape pace. The implet cae to conider i J = 0. Note that in thi ubpace only poitive parity tate 0 + exit. L act on thee tate a the zero operator which leave u with a ingle ordinary differential equation in : ( 2 2 ( log ) I ) g χ 0 = (E V )χ 0. (5.4) 2 Solving thi equation for χ 0 give the total wavefunction Ψ(, θ, ψ, ψ) = χ 0 () 0, 0. (5.5) For higher J the term of the form (L T I ()L)Ψ appearing in the Schrödinger equation will mix tate with different l 3 value, leading to ytem of coupled ordinary differential equation. Let u conider J = 2 a an example. We begin by writing down the mot general element of V 2 : Ψ = χ 2 2, 2 + χ 2, + χ 0 2, 0 + χ 2, + χ 2 2, 2. (5.6) Suppoe we are intereted in poitive parity tate 2 +. Such tate lie in V 2 and tranform in the repreentation ρ trivial of S 3 C 2. In particular, they hould tranform trivially under the action of both exp(iπl 2 ) (wapping particle 2 and 3) and exp(iπl 3 ) (parity). So they lie in a 2 dimenional ubpace panned by the et { 2, 0, 2, 2 + 2, 2 }. In other word, the 2 + tate have the retricted form Ψ = χ 0 2, 0 + χ 2 ( 2, 2 + 2, 2 ). (5.7) ( ) χ0 It i convenient to write Ψ = a a column vector with repect to the above bai. χ 2 It can be checked uing the explicit matrix repreentation of L T I L with repect to thi bai that ( ) ( ) 3(I (L T I + I22 ) 6(I I22 ) χ0 L)Ψ = 6 2 (I I22 ) I + I22 + 4I33. (5.8) χ 2 7

9 The off-diagonal term in the matrix are non-zero o we have a coupled ytem for the two function χ 0 and χ 2. More generally, for pin J tate the operator exp(iπl 2 ) ha the following diagonal matrix form with repect to the bai { J, J,..., J, J }: exp(iπl 2 ) = ( ) J ( ) J ( ) J. (5.9) Thi obervation make it very eay to compute a bai for allowed tate of a given pin and parity, ummaried in Table. J P bai J P bai 0 + 0, 0 0 +, +, 2 + 2, 2 + 2, 2 2 2, 2, 2, , 2 3, 2 3 3, 3 + 3, 3 3, + 3, 4 + 4, 4 + 4, 4 4 4, 3 4, 3 4, 2 + 4, 2 4, 4, 4, , 4 5, 4 5 5, 5 + 5, 5 5, 2 5, 2 5, 3 + 5, 3 5, + 5, Table : Bae for allowed tate. 5.2 Boundary condition We can olve thee equation numerically, once we have pecified uitable boundary condition on the wavefunction. The appropriate boundary condition to impoe at the interection of the C i are not immediately obviou: following the quantum graph literature, we demand that the wavefunction i continuou at the equilateral triangle ( = max = 3 8

10 0.58) with outgoing derivative along the three edge (the C i ) umming to zero. The latter condition enure conervation of the probability current [8]. By the outgoing derivative along an edge we mean the derivative in the direction orthogonal to the fibre generated by the action of the rotation group: in the cae of C, for which we have contructed explicit coordinate, thi jut mean the partial derivative with repect to the coordinate (the block-diagonal form of the metric g C make it clear that thi direction i orthogonal to the action of rotation). In our problem we have the additional requirement of inditinguihability: S 3 mut act trivially on our olution. Thi mean that the wavefunction on C 2 and C 3 i determined by the wavefunction on C, and o thee boundary condition are in every cae equivalent to ome boundary condition on the χ l3 (which are function defined only on the maller et C ). To make thi clearer, conider Figure 4. C 3 y x 2 x 3 x x t = 0 x x 2 x 3 = t = 3 = 0 x 2 x C x 3 Figure 4: Cro-ection of part of C with θ = φ = ψ = 0. Suppoe we have contructed local coordinate (t, θ, φ, ψ) on C 3 jut a on C and that the illutrated configuration correpond to the cro-ection of C given by θ = φ = ψ = 0. It i clear from the diagram that inditinguihability implie that the wavefunction on C 3 hould be related to the wavefunction on C by ( Ψ C 3 = exp i 2π ) 3 L 3 Ψ C, (5.0) 9

11 i.e. if we rotate the configuration hown in C by 2π then they agree with the configuration 3 hown in C 3 up to relabelling of particle number and o are phyically inditinguihable. Going back to our 2 + example, we had that Ψ C = χ 0 2, 0 + χ 2 ( 2, 2 + 2, 2 ). (5.) So ( exp i 2π ) ( 3 L 3 Ψ C = χ 0 2, 0 + χ 2 (exp i 4π 3 ) ( 2, 2 + exp i 4π 3 ) 2, 2 ). (5.2) Continuity of the wavefunction then implie χ 2 vanihe at the equilateral triangle while the derivative condition implie the derivative of χ 0 vanihe at the equilateral triangle. An example of uch a olution can be een later in Figure 7. 6 Wavefunction and Energy Level We want a potential V () which ha local minima at the linear chain and at the equilateral triangle. A imple choice i a quartic polynomial (Figure 5). Thi involve picking five coefficient, but the two condition jut mentioned together with the freedom to pecify a zero point energy mean that uch a potential ha only two free parameter. Thee can be thought of a the energy difference between the two minima and the height of the potential barrier between them. 2 V Figure 5: Potential V (). Thi particular V correpond to our final choice of parameter, and i expreed in MeV. We fix our energy unit by matching the energy difference between the lowet-lying 0 + and 2 + tate of Carbon-2 to experiment, and adjut the value of the two parameter in the potential to give a pectrum which i cloet to the experimentally oberved energie. 0

12 6. Aymptotic rigid body regime When we pick parameter uch that there i a large potential barrier between the equilateral triangle and the linear chain, we recover the uual rigid body picture [], whoe pectrum i hown in Figure 6. Energy (MeV) Figure 6: Energy pectrum in the rigid body regime. J (J + ) In thi aymptotic regime, the wavefunction become concentrated on either the equilateral triangle (blue, often referred to a the ground tate band) or the linear chain (yellow, often referred to a the Hoyle band) for pin and paritie that are allowed at thoe hape. Recall that the energy level of a ymmetric ( top )(having moment of inertia V = V 22, V 33 ) are given by E = 2V J(J + ) + 2V 33 2V l3. 2 The Hoyle band tate in the plot all have body-fixed pin projection l 3 = 0 and o the correponding energy value lie on a traight line. The ground tate band include tate with l 3 = 0 and l 3 = 3, with the l 3 = 0 tate lying on a traight line and the l 3 = 3 tate jut below thi line. Some example of thee wavefunction are in Figure 7. A hortcoming of the rigid body pectrum i the abence of the experimentally oberved low-lying and 2 tate, both of which are known to have energie le than 5 MeV. There are additional tate which are allowed in our model, including ome new pin and parity combination uch a, 2 and 3 +. Thee new tate have the ame quantum number a (ome of) thoe found by the ACM approach [4]. However, in the rigid body regime they have high energy (outide of the range hown in Figure 6) ince they mut

13 vanih at both the equilateral triangle and linear chain. They are peaked at intermediate configuration which have very high energy..2.0 χ 0.0 χ 2,χ χ 2,χ χ 0 Figure 7: Wavefunction of the lowet-lying 2 + tate in the rigid body regime, concentrated on the equilateral triangle (left) and the linear chain (right). 6.2 Relaxing the rigid body aumption.0.5 χ 2,χ χ χ χ 2,χ Figure 8: Wavefunction of the lowet-lying 2 + tate: thee correpond to uperpoition of the equilateral triangle and linear chain tate in Figure 7, reflecting the relaxation of the rigid body aumption. Starting from parameter correponding to the rigid body regime, we conider the effect of lowering the ize of the barrier. State concentrated at the equilateral triangle or the linear chain tart to mix with one another if they have the ame quantum number. Thi mean that the 0 + and 2 + tate concentrated at the equilateral triangle become a uperpoition of triangular and linear chain tate (Figure 8). Very little mixing can occur 2

14 for tate uch a the 3 and 5, however, a they are only allowed at the equilateral triangle and not at the linear chain (Figure 9)..2.0 χ 5,χ -5.0 χ 3,χ χ, χ χ 3, χ χ,χ Figure 9: Wavefunction of the 3 tate and the 5 tate. Note that they mut vanih at the linear chain = 0. The energy of the new tate decreae and we top lowering the barrier when the experimental value i reached. The final pectrum i diplayed in Figure 0. Energy (MeV) J (J + ) Figure 0: Spectrum of our model (blue point) compared to experimental data (red point). 3

15 Thi i a ignificant improvement on the rigid body pectrum previouly dicued. Many oberved tate that were miing are now preent. Thee include the low-lying and 2 tate a well a a econd 3 tate and a third 2 + tate lightly higher up (Figure ). The pectrum alo include a 3 + tate and a 4, 4 + pair (at energie 9.8 MeV, 2.3 MeV and 22.2 MeV), which have not yet been oberved experimentally. There i an approximate ( ) correpondence between thee tate and the ACM rotational band labeled by v, v l 2 2 = (0, ), which ha the ame equence of allowed pin and parity combination. In the ACM picture, thee tate are aociated with the doubly degenerate vibration of the equilateral triangle with E ymmetry (with v 2 = denoting one unit of vibrational excitation). χ 3,χ -3 χ 0.0 χ 2,χ -2 χ,χ Figure : Wavefunction of the econd 3 tate and the third 2 + tate. Our wavefunction give further inight into the nature of the excited tate. The, 2 and 3 + are concentrated at a bent arm configuration (Figure 2), a hape between the equilateral triangle and the linear chain in our configuration pace. They vanih at the equilateral triangle and the linear chain. The different pin correpond to rotational excitation of uch a tate. The remaining low-lying tate do involve the equilateral triangle and the linear chain. The wavefunction of the 0 + ground tate and the 0 + Hoyle tate are plotted in Figure 3. It i intereting to compare thee wavefunction with the finding of recent lattice calculation [9] which ugget the 0+ ground tate and the 0 + Hoyle tate have trong overlap with a compact triangular and a bent arm configuration repectively. Our wavefunction are conitent with thi picture: the ground tate wavefunction peak at the equilateral triangle and fall away fairly rapidly toward the linear chain, while the Hoyle tate wavefunction peak at the linear chain and i more pread out, remaining ignificant over a range of bent arm configuration. 4

16 .2 χ,χ -.0 χ,-χ χ 2,-χ Figure 2: Wavefunction of the lowet, 2 and 3 + tate χ 0.0 χ Figure 3: Wavefunction of the 0 + ground tate (left) and the 0 + Hoyle tate (right). 5

17 7 Concluion We have improved upon a previou analyi which attempted to explain the low-lying pectrum of Carbon-2 in term of a rigidly rotating equilateral triangle or linear chain []. Thi analyi aumed a high degree of ymmetry for the configuration relevant at low energie, leading to very few low-lying tate and miing out everal pin and parity combination. By contrat, a model baed on a local analyi of mall vibration lead to a pectrum with too many low-lying tate [4]. Thee problem are reolved once we allow hape which interpolate between the equilateral triangle and the linear chain. The model preented in thi paper, which utilie quantum graph theory, take larger deformation eriouly and give u a different picture of the excited tate. State which were conidered independent in the rigid body picture can mix in our model, leading to uperpoition of equilateral triangular and linear chain tate. Other tate which were not preent in the rigid body picture have wavefunction peaked at an intermediate bent arm configuration, rather than looking like a vibrational excitation of an equilateral triangle. We alo predict three new energy level for the Carbon-2 nucleu at around 20 MeV, with pin and parity combination 3 +, 4 and 4 +. The approach ued in thi paper i widely applicable, being of ue in any ituation where low-energy tate have wavefunction focued on particular line in hape pace of enhanced ymmetry. For example, it would be worth reviiting previou work on quantiation of the B = 7 Skyrmion [0]. The quantum graph picture clarifie how one can conitently define a global wavefunction on a configuration pace which i not a manifold (but a graph) and reolve difficultie which were encountered in that work. Acknowledgement I am grateful to my upervior Profeor Nick Manton and alo to Chri King and Chri Halcrow for many ueful dicuion and guidance. I would like to thank Dr David Foter for howing u numerical imulation of claically pinning B = 2 Skyrmion. I am upported by an EPSRC tudenthip. 6

18 Reference [] P. H. C. Lau and N. S. Manton, Phy. Rev. Lett. 3, (204). [2] TUNL Nuclear Data Evaluation Project, Energy Level of Light Nuclei, A=3-20, [3] M. Freer and H. O. U. Fynbo, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phy. 78, (204). [4] D. J. Marin-Lambarri et al, Phy. Rev. Lett. 3, (204). [5] C. J. Halcrow, C. King and N. S. Manton, Phy. Rev. C 95, (207). [6] P. Kuchment, Analyi on Graph and it Application, Proc. Symp. Pure. Math., AMS 2008, pp [7] L. Pauling, J. Chem. Phy. 4, 673 (936). [8] M. J. Richardon and N. L. Baláz, Annal of Phy. 73, 308 (972). [9] E. Epelbaum et al, Phy. Rev. Lett. 09, (202). [0] C. J. Halcrow, Nucl. Phy. B 904, 06 (206). 7

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