Darwin Initiative Project Conservation of the Lowland Savannas of Belize. Herbarium Recuration Interim Report

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1 Darwin Initiative Project Conservation of the Lowland Savannas of Belize Herbarium Recuration Interim Report March 20

2 . Introduction Background Curation work as part of Darwin Initiative Project Herbarium recuration activities in project year Status before recuration Summary of herbarium recuration activities in May Summary of recommendations after first session of re-curation in May Summary of herbarium recuration activities in October December Materials and Methods Results Next Steps Anticipated work in project year Potential Issues Classification Specimen folders Specimen data capture, management and digitisation Bibliography...8 Zoë Goodwin (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh) German Lopez (Environmental Research Institute, University of Belize) Hector Mai (Forest Department) Elspeth Haston (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh) David Harris (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh) Neil Stuart (PI, Darwin Savanna Conservation Project) The work for this report was sponsored by the Darwin Initiative, Project

3 . Introduction.. Background The national herbarium of Belize is located at the Forest Department (FD), Belmopan. The herbarium contains approximately 0,000 specimens (Thiers, accessed September 200). The limited national capacity for taxonomy in Belize was identified in 2005 as a major constraint restricting Belize from meeting its target under the CBD (vi/9: Global Strategy for Plant Conservation). Part of the difficulty is that the national herbarium is under-resourced with the result that since 997 the specimens deposited have not been fully curated or entered into a database. Until this backlog is processed, it is difficult to assess which species are presently under-collected..2. Curation work as part of Darwin Initiative Project The main purpose of the Darwin Initiative Project 7-022, Conservation of the Lowland Savannas of Belize is to increase available data and enhance the capacity of local institutions to undertake taxonomic research and mapping, required to identify priority areas for conservation within lowland savannas of Belize. A key output of this project is to create an enhanced capacity within the country to conduct botanical surveys, to collect and name plants and to curate specimens within Belize. Ensuring that the existing collections are correctly named and properly curated is the first step in establishing this capacity, since without a well-maintained herbarium botanists cannot access the specimens or use them as a resource to aid further identification. For these reasons the recuration of the existing savanna specimens in the national herbarium at the Forest Department, Belmopan is one of the key in-country activities being carried out during the second year of the project. The recuration work is a specialised task and for this reason it is initially being undertaken by the UK Darwin Botanist, Zoë Goodwin who can call upon curation staff from RBGE with expert knowledge. The Belize Darwin Botanist German Lopez is working alongside Zoë Goodwin throughout the process, improving his identification skills and learning curation techniques that should enable him to continue this task more independently in year Herbarium recuration activities in project year Status before recuration The herbarium of the Forest Department Belmopan (Index Herbariorum code BRH) contained eleven cabinets of specimens (Appendix ); these were estimated to contain approximately 0,000 specimens (Thiers, accessed September 200). However this is probably an underestimate of the total number of specimens potentially to be kept at BRH as there are more than 33,000 Belizean specimen records in the Missouri Botanical Gardens online herbarium catalogue (Tropicos.org, 0 Sep 200) and there are probably several thousand specimens yet to be repatriated to BRH that have been collected over the years by foreign institutions. Prior to re-curation families were organised alphabetically at BRH and family delimitation did not appear to follow a single classification, such as APG III. Specimens were laid away by label name, without reference to a particular 3

4 classification or revision; this appeared to result in families being laid away in multiple locations as explained below. Classification Systems in Herbaria Family delimitation and nomenclature can differ between taxonomic systems accepted by herbaria worldwide. For example North American herbaria have traditionally favoured Englerian system, British collections have favoured Bentham & Hooker, now the LAPG III system (Haston et al., 2009) is increasingly being adopted by herbaria worldwide. Thus specimens of the same species may potentially have different family names depending on the institution from they are repatriated. For example the genus Ternstroemia may be included one of three families; Ternstroemiaceae, Theaceae or Pentaphylacaceae. Thus Ternstroemia specimens received by BRH from different non-belizean herbaria are potentially being laid away under any of these three different families. As in most herbaria, a two-tiered folder system has been used at BRH, with one to many thin paper folders being contained within a thicker cardboard folder. In many herbaria the inner folders are used to hold specimens of the same species and thus these are often called species folders; the outer folder are used to hold one to many species folders of the same genus and thus are called the genus folder. However, at BRH the inner folders contain specimens of many different species and the outer folders often contain multiple genera. Both covers are usually unlabelled with no family, genus or species name present. In addition, both species and genera are often out of order making the process of laying away or locating specimens very timeconsuming. Generic and specific names appeared not to have been updated to an appropriate revision, and specimens were laid away by label name without checking. Thus the herbarium contained many synonymous and invalid names. In 2008 approximately 3,000 repatriated plant specimens were mounted by University of Belize undergraduate students led by Rolando Caballero (University of Belize) at BRH, following a course in herbarium specimen mounting by Daniel Atha of New York Botanic Garden (NY). These specimens occupied three full size cabinets and had been sorted roughly by family, yet were still to be incorporated into the existing collection Summary of herbarium recuration activities in May 200 A total of five and half days were spent in the herbarium by Zoë Goodwin and Geman Lopez during the periods May 0-4 and June 2-4. Approximately 800 specimens in two families were re-curated. The small family Polygalaceae (3 genera) and two subfamilies in the Fabaceae, Mimosoideae and Caesalpinoideae, were completely recurated, the recuration of the Fabaceae subfamily Faboideae was started Summary of recommendations after first session of recuration in May 200 Following the results of recuration work that has been carried out on a single cabinet of 800 specimens by Zoë Goodwin and German Lopez, the project made these 4

5 recommendations as to how further recuration work, supported in the first instance by the Darwin Initiative, should proceed: Families to remain ordered alphabetically, however a specific classification for family and genera needs to be adopted; APG III is suggested as the system for angiosperms, using Haston et al (2009) and Mabberly (2008) as primary references for family and genera names; It is suggested that fern families should follow Smith et al. (2006); Species and infraspecific level specimen determinations and species names should continue to follow Balick et al. (2000) primarily; The savanna plant database being created as part of this Darwin project can be used to generate a comprehensive index of accepted names and synonyms for all families and genera for use in the herbarium. The purchase of additional outer and inner specimen covers is urgently recommended for the near future. It is recommended that the practise of placing a single genus within an individual outer cover and that of placing a single species within each inner cover should continue during further recuration. However this is reliant on the purchase of a sufficient number of further specimen covers. For a full summary of recommendations made see Goodwin et al. (200) Summary of herbarium recuration activities in October December 200 A total of thirty eight days or half days were spent in the herbarium by Zoë Goodwin and Geman Lopez during the period October 8 th to December 0 th. Approximately 3,800 specimens in all families (2) from Acanthaceae to Melastomataceae were recurated. This equated to the recuration of six full-size cabinets of specimens. 24 other families were partially re-curated as their specimens were encountered within the cabinets. In addition 200 recently mounted specimens were also recurated and incorporated into the cabinets. The seven cabinets re-curated (including the cabinet re-curated in FS2) were expanded to fill just over 3 cabinets (Appendix and 2) to reduce over crowding of specimens, to allow the incorporation of the additional mounted specimens and to allow spare room within cabinets for future additions to the collection. 5

6 3. Materials and Methods Genus and species folders were re-curated by updating names on folder covers in pencil; genera were placed into separate genus covers, species were placed into separate species covers. Determinations on all specimens were checked against species names and specimens cited in Balick et al. (2000) as a primary source and against specimen information from TROPICOS (Tropicos.org, 0 Sep 200) as a secondary source. As a result some of the determinations were updated by inserting a standardised citation slip (Figure ) designed for this purpose. Taxonomic judgements were generally not made except where the authors had full confidence; however synonymy was updated to the latest accepted name, following Balick et al. (2000) or other literature where appropriate (for example Pennington, 997). If there was doubt over whether a species name should be accepted or not, the name was kept (it was assigned a species folder, not sunk into another species). Specimens re-curated at BRH were all logged in the project s plant specimen database. Specimens encoutered that were duplicates of botanical records already present in the database, only the creation of the duplicate record at BRH with a filing name was needed. Partial data capture was performed for specimens not previously in the database; collector name, collection number, filing name and gazetteer location was recorded. Full data capture was performed for novel specimens only if the specimen was a type. 4. Results Figure Specimen (above) with determination updated using a standardised citation slip (below). Approximately 4670 specimens were re-curated in approximately 45 days of recuration. This equated to the recuration of seven full-size cabinet of specimens. 2 families from Acanthaceae to Melastomataceae in addition to Polygalaceae were fully re-curated, and the 24 other families were partially re-curated as their specimens were encountered within the cabinets (Table ). In addition 200 recently mounted specimens were also recurated and incorporated into the cabinets. A total of 720 citation and 405 determination slips were used (Table 2). The seven cabinets were expanded to fill 3 cabinets plus 3 shelves. A total of 5294 herbarium specimens have been recorded in the project database from the BRH herbarium during the recuration to date, some herbarium specimens are represented at BRH by more than one duplicate (herbarium sheet) so a larger number of total duplicates (5877) were recorded from BRH. Of these herbarium specimens 2266 specimens (42.8%) were new specimens to the database. 6

7 To cover the shortage of specimen folders in the herbarium the project funded the purchase of,900 archive quality inner specimen folders (species covers); 400 in September 200 and,500 in March 20. Table. Families re-curated during project year 2 and numbers of duplicates processed per family (A-Z by family). Count Family Count Family 32 Acanthaceae 93 Chrysobalanaceae 3 Achariaceae 7 Cleomaceae 9 Actinidiaceae Clethraceae Agavaceae 77 Clusiaceae 4 Aizoaceae 8 Cochlospermaceae 6 Alismataceae 23 Combretaceae 2 Altingiaceae 40 Commelinaceae 40 Amaranthaceae 5 Connaraceae 4 Amaryllidaceae 03 Convolvulaceae 73 Anacardiaceae 25 Costaceae 97 Annonaceae 7 Crassulaceae Apiaceae 28 Cucurbitaceae 205 Apocynaceae Cupressaceae 24 Aquifoliaceae 6 Cyatheaceae 98 Araceae 2 Cyclanthaceae 36 Araliaceae 7 Cymodoceaceae Araucariaceae 234 Cyperaceae 93 Arecaceae 2 Cyrillaceae 2 Aristolochiaceae 0 Dennstaedtiaceae 2 Asparagaceae 2 Dichapetalaceae 5 Asphodelaceae 48 Dilleniaceae Aspleniaceae 9 Dioscoreaceae 467 Asteraceae 5 Droseraceae 2 Balanophoraceae Dryopteridaceae 2 Balsaminaceae 7 Ebenaceae Basellaceae 3 Elaeocarpaceae 2 Bataceae 8 Ericaceae 5 Begoniaceae 8 Eriocaulaceae 24 Bignoniaceae 26 Erythroxylaceae 4 Bixaceae 269 Euphorbiaceae 6 Blechnaceae 5 Fabaceae 32 Boraginaceae 203 Fabaceae - Caesalpinioideae 4 Brassicaceae 44 Fabaceae - Faboideae 73 Bromeliaceae 226 Fabaceae - Mimosoideae 6 Burmanniaceae 34 Fagaceae 65 Burseraceae 33 Gentianaceae 2 Buxaceae 2 Gesneriaceae 3 Cactaceae 5 Gleicheniaceae 9 Campanulaceae 7 Haemodoraceae 6 Cannaceae Haloragidaceae 5 Capparaceae 37 Heliconiaceae 22 Caricaceae 7 Hydroleaceae 9 Casuarinaceae 5 Hymenophyllaceae 52 Celastraceae 6 Hypericaceae 2 Chloranthaceae 2 Hypoxidaceae 7

8 Count Family Count Family 3 Icacinaceae Philydraceae 0 Iridaceae 36 Phyllanthaceae 26 Lacistemataceae 7 Plantaginaceae 62 Lamiaceae 30 Polygalaceae 47 Lauraceae Potamogetonaceae 3 Lecythidaceae 60 Pteridaceae 25 Lentibulariaceae Rhamnaceae 3 Lindsaeaceae Rubiaceae 36 Loganiaceae Saccolomataceae 7 Lomariopsidaceae 83 Salicaceae 40 Loranthaceae 2 Santalaceae 8 Lycopodiaceae Sapindaceae 37 Lythraceae 3 Schlegeliaceae Magnoliaceae 4 Scrophulariaceae 27 Malpighiaceae Smilacaceae 260 Malvaceae Sphenocleaceae 47 Marantaceae 5 Tectariaceae 4 Marattiaceae 8 Thelypteridaceae 7 Marcgraviaceae 22 Urticaceae Mayacaceae 2 Verbenaceae 390 Melastomataceae 2 Woodsiaceae 5 Meliaceae 5 Zamiaceae Menyanthaceae 2 Undetermined Monimiaceae 8

9 Table 2. Families re-curated at BRH, with approximate numbers of citation and determination slips used per group, name(s) of included families that are no longer accepted or families that some or all of genera have been moved to noted in paranthesis. Herbarium Specimens Recently Mounted Specimens Family Citation Determination Citation Determination Total Droseraceae Acanthaceae Actinidaceae 4 4 Adiantaceae 3 4 (now Pteridaceae) Agavaceae Aizoaceae 0 Alismataceae 2 2 Amaranthaceae (incl. Chenopodiaceae) 9 9 Amaryllidaceae 0 Anacardiaceae 0 Annonaceae 3 Apiaceae 0 Apocynaceae (incl. Asclepiadaceae) Aquifoliaceae 2 Araceae Araliaceae Araucariaceae 0 Arecaceae Aristolochiaceae Aspleniaceae 9 0 (incl. Dryopteridaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Tectariaceae, Lomariopsidaceae) Asteraceae Athyriaceae 2 (now Woodsiaceae) Balanophoraceae 2 2 Balsaminaceae 0 Basellaceae Bataceae 0 Begoniaceae Bignoniaceae Blechnaceae Boraginaceae Brassicaceae 0 Bromeliaceae 2 Buddlejaceae 0 (now Scrophulariaceae) Burmanniaceae Burseraceae Cactaceae 4 4 Campanulaceae 2 2 Cannaceae 9

10 Capparaceae 2 2 Caricaceae 2 2 Casuarinaceae 0 Cecropiaceae 2 2 (now Urticaceae) Celastraceae (incl. Hippocrateaceae) Chrysobalanaceae Clethraceae Clusiaceae (incl. Hypericaceae) Cochlospermaceae 0 Combretaceae 0 0 Commelinaceae 9 Connaraceae Convolvulaceae Costaceae 3 3 Crassulaceae 3 3 Cruciferae 0 (now Brassicaceae) Cucurbitaceae Cuppressaceae 0 Cyatheaceae Cycadaceae (now Zamiaceae) Cyclanthaceae 0 Cymodaceae Cyperaceae Cyrillaceae Davalliaceae 0 (now Lomariopsidaceae) Dennstaediaceae 4 4 Dichapetalaceae 2 2 Dilleniaceae 8 9 Dioscoreaceae Droseraceae Ebenaceae Elaeocarpaceae 5 5 Ericaceae 0 Eriocaulaceae Erythroxylaceae Euphorbiaceae Fabaceae Caesalpinoideae Fabaceae Faboideae Fabaceae Mimosoideae Fagaceae Flacourtiaceae (now Salicaceae + others) Gentianaceae Gesneriaceae Gleichenaceae 0 Haemodoraceae 0 Haloragidaceae 0 0

11 Hamamelidaceae 0 Heliconiaceae 0 0 Hydrophyllaceae 0 Hymenophyllaceae 2 2 Hypoxidaceae 0 Icacinaceae 2 2 Iridaceae Lacistemataceae Lamiaceae Lauraceae Lecythidaceae 2 3 Lentibulariaceae Liliaceae 0 Loganiaceae Loranthaceae & Santalaceae Lycopodiaceae Lythraceae 4 5 Magnoliaceae Malpighiaceae Malvaceae Marantaceae Marattiaceae 0 Marcgraviaceae 2 4 Mayacaceae Melastomataceae Polygalaceae Total Citation Slips 720 Total Determination Slips 405

12 Table 3. Twenty collectors with most specimens at BRH. Count Collector Count Collector 90 Schipp, WA 44 Fosberg, FR 68 Balick, MJ 0 Holst, BK 43 Arvigo, R 08 Vargas, RI 376 Dwyer, JD 88 Nee, M 367 Proctor, GR 74 Peña Chocarro, M 25 Anonymous 69 Walker, JB 204 Davidse, G 66 Spellman, DL 9 Croat, TB 6 Hunt, DR 75 Monro, AK 57 Atha, DE 50 Gentry, AH 55 Brown, JL The most prolific collectors (Table 3) amongst the collections currently present in the herbarium are William August Schipp (>900), Michael Balick (>600) and Rosita Arvigo (>400). Several important collectors are noticeably lacking specimens at BRH including Percival Gentle, Cyrus Lundell and Caroline Whitefoord, Gentle and Lundell seem not to have had duplicates distributed to BRH and many Whitefoord specimens are in boxes in the herbarium waiting to be mounted and incorporated. 8 type specimens were among specimens re-curated at BRH (Table 4), five of these specimens were duplicates of types not previously indicated as types at BRH. It is anticipated that completion of the re-curation project will reveal more hidden types. 90% (73) of the type specimens curated to date at BRH are specimens collected by William Schipp, there are no types collected by Percival Gentle or Cyrus Lundell present in the collection. 2

13 Table 4. Type specimen information (collector name, collection number, family, filing name & type information) of types curated at BRH up to 0 th December 200. Main Collector Number Family Filing Name Type Information Balick, M.J Arecaceae Geonoma deversa Type of Geonoma deversa (Isotype BRH) Croat, T.B Convolvulaceae Ipomoea lindenii Type of Ipomoea lindenii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Davidse, G Asteraceae Acourtia belizeana Type of Acourtia belizeana (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Dwyer, J.D Araceae Philodendron dwyeri Type of Philodendron dwyeri (Holotype MO, Isotype BRH) Proctor, G.R Lauraceae Nectandra salicifolia Type of Nectandra cayoana (Isotype BRH) Proctor, G.R. 302 Euphorbiaceae Sapium lateriflorum Type of Sapium mammosum (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Proctor, G.R Asteraceae Critonia lanicaulis Type of Critonia belizeana (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Proctor, G.R Aquifoliaceae Ilex tectonica Type of Ilex tectonica (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 24 Fabaceae - Mimosoideae Inga belizensis Type of Inga belizensis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 63 Melastomataceae Conostegia caelestis Type of Conostegia caelestis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 75 Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia schippii Type of Aristolochia schippii (Isotype BRH) Schipp, W.A. 3 Fabaceae - Faboideae Machaerium cirrhiferum Type of Machaerium merrillii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 28 Celastraceae Cheiloclinium belizense Type of Salacia belizensis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 68 Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana arborea Type of Tabernaemontana schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 20 Euphorbiaceae Pera barbellata Type of Pera barbellata (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 220 Melastomataceae Miconia schippii Type of Miconia schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 232 Melastomataceae Conostegia plumosa Type of Conostegia plumosa (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 284 Bignoniaceae Arrabidaea verrucosa Type of Arrabidaea belizensis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 320 Melastomataceae Henriettea cuneata Type of Maieta cuneata (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 354 Acanthaceae Justicia ensiflora Type of Justicia ensiflora (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 388 Melastomataceae Henriettea succosa Type of Henriettella macrocalyx (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 395 Melastomataceae Miconia bubalina Type of Miconia belizensis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 467 Melastomataceae Miconia ochroleuca Type of Miconia ochroleuca (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 493 Fabaceae - Faboideae Crotalaria cajanifolia Type of Crotalaria vitellina var. schippii (Isotype BRH) Schipp, W.A. 538 Fabaceae - Mimosoideae Inga quaternata Type of Inga schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 584 Fabaceae - Faboideae Eriosema crinitum var. crinitum Type of Eriosema pinetorum (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 60 Plantaginaceae Benjaminia reflexa Type of Bacopa naias (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 64 Araliaceae Dendropanax arboreus Type of Gilibertia schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 647 Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon schippii Type of Eriocaulon schippii (Isotype BM, Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 674 Apocynaceae Metastelma stenomeres Type of Cynanchum stenomeres (Isotype BM, Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 75 Celastraceae Elachyptera floribunda Type of Hippocratea lancifolia (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 763 Plantaginaceae Bacopa lacertosa Type of Bacopa lacertosa (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 856 Lauraceae Nectandra belizensis Type of Nectandra schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) 3

14 Schipp, W.A. 960 Annonaceae Desmopsis schippii Type of Desmopsis schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 96 Acanthaceae Mendoncia lindavii Type of Mendoncia belizensis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 965 Cyrillaceae Purdiaea belizensis Type of Schizocardia belizensis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 973 Burseraceae Protium schippii Type of Protium schippii (Isotype BRH) Schipp, W.A. 04 Celastraceae Maytenus schippii Type of Maytenus schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 08 Euphorbiaceae Sebastiania tuerckheimiana Type of Sebastiania longicuspis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 03 Araliaceae Oreopanax obtusifolius Type of Oreopanax obtusifolius (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 040 Boraginaceae Cordia stellifera Type of Cordia stellifera (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 049 Euphorbiaceae Sapium glandulosum Type of Sapium schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 052 Fabaceae - Faboideae Ormosia macrocalyx Type of Ormosia toledoana (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 09 Fabaceae - Faboideae Machaerium floribundum Type of Machaerium rosescens (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 20 Fabaceae - Faboideae Vatairea lundellii Type of Lonchocarpus amarus (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 27 Bignoniaceae Clytostoma binatum Type of Clytostoma elegans (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 63 Elaeocarpaceae Sloanea schippii Type of Sloanea schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 68 Connaraceae Rourea schippii Type of Rourea schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 82 Salicaceae Homalium racemosum Type of Homalium riparium (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 96 Fabaceae - Mimosoideae Abarema idiopoda Type of Pithecellobium halogenes (Isotype BRH, Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 97 Fabaceae - Caesalpinioideae Bauhinia sericella Type of Bauhinia sericella (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 203 Annonaceae Unonopsis pittieri Type of Unonopsis schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 204 Phyllanthaceae Amanoa guianensis Type of Amanoa potamophila (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 205 Gentianaceae Lisianthius brevidentatus var. collinus Type of Lisianthius collinus (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 236 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea trifida Type of Ipomoea confertiflora (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 242 Clusiaceae Clusia belizensis Type of Clusia belizensis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 248 Fagaceae Quercus insignis Type of Quercus schippii (Isotype BM, Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 260 Fabaceae - Mimosoideae Pithecellobium peckii Type of Pithecellobium pistaciifolium (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 262 Lauraceae Beilschmiedia hondurensis Type of Beilschmiedia hondurensis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 272 Araliaceae Oreopanax geminatus Type of Oreopanax lachnocephalus (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 273 Marcgraviaceae Marcgravia schippii Type of Marcgravia schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 275 Clusiaceae Clusia salvinii Type of Clusia schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 277 Acanthaceae Justicia albobracteata Type of Justicia albobracteata (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 28 Ebenaceae Diospyros tetrasperma Type of Diospyros schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 282 Lauraceae Licaria misantlae Type of Chanekia coriacea (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 290 Euphorbiaceae Acalypha gummifera Type of Acalypha gummifera (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 297 Fabaceae - Faboideae Ormosia schippii Type of Ormosia schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 306 Fabaceae - Mimosoideae Mimosa ervendbergii Type of Mimosa scalpens (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) 4

15 Schipp, W.A. 34 Salicaceae Laetia procera Type of Casearia belizensis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 38 Fabaceae - Mimosoideae Cojoba graciliflora Type of Pithecellobium schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 320 Melastomataceae Topobea watsonii Type of Topobea rosea (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 330 Fabaceae - Faboideae Chaetocalyx brasiliensis Type of Chaetocalyx belizensis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. 353 Acanthaceae Odontonema tubaeforme Type of Odontonema amicorum (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. S89 Lentibulariaceae Utricularia amethystina Type of Utricularia adenantha (Isotype BM, Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. S569 Arecaceae Chamaedorea graminifolia Type of Chamaedorea schippii (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. S630 Fabaceae - Caesalpinioideae Bauhinia rubelcruziana Type of Bauhinia emarginella (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. S635 Celastraceae Maytenus guatemalensis Type of Maytenus guatemalensis (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. S66 Bignoniaceae Mussatia hyacinthina Type of Tynanthus hyacinthinus (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. S676 Fabaceae - Faboideae Machaerium riparium Type of Machaerium habroneurum (Isotype BRH, Isotype MO) Schipp, W.A. S694 Acanthaceae Justicia fimbriata Type of Beloperone crenata (Isotype BRH) Schipp, W.A. S899 Loganiaceae Strychnos brachistantha Type of Strychnos brachistantha (Isotype BRH) 5

16 5. Next Steps 5.. Anticipated work in project year 3 During project year 3 German Lopez will have sufficient experience to continue and complete the herbarium re-curation. At least 40 days (20%) of his time in year 3 will be allocated to this task, it is anticipated that he should be able to finish by the end of project in March 202. In case of queries he can call upon expertise from RBGE Potential Issues Classification Following completion of this re-curation project the angiosperm families and genera in the herbarium will follow the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III classification (2009), fern families will follow Smith et al. (2006) and species names will follow The Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Belize (Balick et al., 2000). However many of the species concepts utilised by Balick et al. (2000) are no longer accepted, thus following this first re-curation effort it is recommended that Forest Department in cooperation with the Environmental Research Institute continue to update species and generic names in the herbarium. The Savanna plant database currently being developed as part of this Darwin Project follows APG III and Smith et al. (2006) in its family delimitations. This database will be used to produce an index of accepted families, genera and their synonyms for use in the herbarium. It will also allow future updates of these indices to be produced as necessary Specimen folders As discussed in detail in Goodwin et al. (200) the supplies of inner and outer covers available within the herbarium are low and not sufficient for the numbers of specimens currently in the herbarium; there are many inner covers that contain too many specimens. We had estimated that there are currently 660 outer folders and 320 inner folders in the herbarium. The urgency of this issue will grow with the incorporation of recently mounted specimens into the herbarium and the repatriation of duplicates from overseas herbaria. The Darwin project has purchased,900 specimen folders for the BRH herbarium during year 2 to alleviate some of this pressure, however the the purchase of further supplies of archive quality outer and inner covers is still urgently recommended. More outer covers need to be purchased to allow genera to be placed separate genus covers as currently small genera share outer covers Specimen data capture, management and digitisation Specimens re-curated as part of this project have all been logged in the database developed by the project. Minimal data capture was performed for specimens not already registered in the database however the majority of specimens re-curated at BRH were already present in the database. This data set provides a perfect tool to aid the management of the herbarium. However the fine details of how this data will be managed by the Forest Department and the Environmental Research Institute needs to 6

17 be resolved. For example for this system to work specimens incorporated in the herbarium need to be continued to be logged in the database and any changes in specimen determinations or in nomenclature used in the herbarium must be updated in the database. The top copy of this database will be handed over to the Environmental Research Institute in early project year 3. 7

18 6. Bibliography Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III (2009). An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 6: Balick, M.J., Nee, M.H. & Atha, D.E. (2000). Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Belize. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 85: 246. Goodwin, Z.A., Lopez, G.N., Mai, H., Haston, E., Harris, D.J. & Stuart, N. (200). Herbarium Recuration Interim Report. In: Darwin Initiative Project 7-022: Conservation of the Lowland Savannas of Belize. pp. -9. Haston, E., Richardson, J.E., Stevens, P.F., Chase, M.W. & Harris, D.J. (2009). The Linear Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (LAPG) III: a linear sequence of the families in APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 6: Pennington, T.D. (997). The genus Inga. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Smith, A.R., Pryer, K.M., Schuettpelz, E., Korall, P., Schneider, H. & Wolf, P.G. (2006). A classification for extant ferns. Taxon 55(3): Thiers, B.M. (accessed September 200). Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. In: New York Botanical Garden's Virtual Herbarium. Tropicos.org (0 Sep 200). In: Missouri Botanical Garden < 8

19 Shelves Boxes Desk Refrigerator Empty Mounted F - M Mounted P Z + Ferns Sealed Mounted from RBGE (/3) Locked Desk Empty Mounted A - E Mounted N - P Sealed Sealed Locked Legend: Empty 9 Storage & Mounted Locked Mounted Desk New cabinet 33 shelves (3 x ) Locked Storage Empty Appendix A. Layout of herbarium cabinets at BRH prior to re-curation. Old cabinet 26 shelves (2 x 3)

20 Shelves Boxes Desk Desk Refrigerator Legend: Desk New cabinet 33 shelves (3 x ) Appendix B. Layout of herbarium cabinets at BRH after to re-curation. Old cabinet 26 shelves (2 x 3)

21 Appendix 2A. Organisation of families within cabinets at BRH prior to re-curation with approximate number of shelves occupied indicated Acanthaceae 2 Asteliaceae 0 Cabombaceae 0 Cyperaceae 6 Fabaceae 23 Achariaceae Asteraceae 0 Cactaceae 0.5 Cyrillaceae Actinidiaceae Aytoniaceae 0 Campanulaceae 0.5 Davalliaceae 0 Adiantaceae Balanophoraceae Cannabaceae 0 Dennstaedtiaceae Adoxaceae Balsaminaceae Cannaceae 0.5 Dichapetalaceae Agavaceae Basellaceae Capparaceae 0.5 Dilleniaceae 2 Aizoaceae Bataceae Caprifoliaceae 0 Dioscoreaceae Alismataceae Begoniaceae Caricaceae 0.5 Droseraceae 0.5 Alliaceae Bignoniaceae 5 Caryophyllaceae 0 Dryopteridaceae 0 Alstroemeriaceae Bixaceae Casuarinaceae 0.5 Ebenaceae Altingiaceae Blechnaceae Celastraceae Elaeocarpaceae Amaranthaceae Boraginaceae 3 Ceratophyllaceae Equisetaceae 0 Amaryllidaceae Brassicaceae 0.5 Chenopodiaceae 0 Ericaceae Anacardiaceae 2 Bromeliaceae 3 Chloranthaceae Eriocaulaceae Anemiaceae 0 Brunelliaceae 0 Chrysobalanaceae 3 Erythroxylaceae? Annonaceae 2 Buddlejaceae Cibotiaceae Euphorbiaceae 7 0 Anthericaceae 0 Burmanniaceae 0.5 Cistaceae Apiaceae 0.5 Burseraceae.5 Cleomaceae Apocynaceae 3.5 Butomaceae 0 Clethraceae Apodanthaceae Buxaceae 0.5 Clusiaceae 3 0 Aponogetonaceae Cochlospermaceae Aquifoliaceae Combretaceae 4 Araceae 3 Commelinaceae Araliaceae Connaraceae 0.5 Araucariaceae Convolvulaceae 2 Arecaceae 8 Costaceae Aristolochiaceae Crassulaceae 0.5 Asparagaceae Cucurbitaceae Asphodelaceae Culcitaceae 0 Aspleniaceae Cupressaceae Cyatheaceae Cyclanthaceae Cymodoceaceae 0.5

22 Fabaceae 9 Magnoliaceae 0 Melastomataceae 3 Poaceae 8 Rubiaceae 8 Fagaceae Malpighiaceae 4 Meliaceae 4 Podocarpaceae 0.5 Rutaceae Gentianaceae Malvaceae 7 Menispermaceae Polygalaceae Saccolomataceae Gesneriaceae Marantaceae 2 Menyanthaceae Polygonaceae 5 Salicaceae 2 Gleicheniaceae Marattiaceae Monimiaceae Polypodiaceae Salviniaceae 0.5 Haemodoraceae Marcgraviaceae Moraceae 3 Pontederiaceae Santalaceae 0.5 Haloragidaceae Mayacaceae Musaceae Portulacaceae Sapindaceae 3 Heliconiaceae Melastomataceae 9 Myricaceae Potamogetonaceae Sapotaceae 3 Hydrophyllaceae Myristicaceae Primulaceae Schizaeaceae 0.5 Hymenophyllaceae Myrsinaceae Proteaceae Schlegeliaceae 0.5? Hypericaceae Myrtaceae 3 Psilotaceae Scrophulariaceae Hypoxidaceae Najadaceae Pteridaceae Selaginellaceae 0.5 Icacinaceae Nyctaginaceae Punicaceae Simaroubaceae Iridaceae Nymphaeaceae Putranjivaceae Smilacaceae Isoetaceae Ochnaceae Quiinaceae Lacistemataceae Olacaceae Ranunculaceae 0.5 Lamiaceae 2 Oleaceae Rhamnaceae 0.5 Lauraceae 5 Onagraceae Rhizophoraceae Lecythidaceae Ophioglossaceae 0 Rosaceae 0.5 Lentibulariaceae Orchidaceae 2 Rubiaceae 6 Lindsaeaceae Oxalidaceae Loganiaceae Papaveraceae Lomariopsidaceae Passifloraceae Lophosoriaceae Phyllanthaceae Loranthaceae Phytolaccaceae 0.5 Lycopodiaceae Pinaceae Lygodiaceae Piperaceae 2 Lythraceae

23 Solanaceae 4 Sphenocleaceae Staphyleaceae Symplocaceae 0.5 Taxaceae Tectariaceae Theaceae Thelypteridaceae Theophrastaceae Turneraceae Typhaceae 0.5 Ulmaceae Urticaceae Verbenaceae 5 Violaceae Vitaceae Vochysiaceae Woodsiaceae Xyridaceae Zamiaceae Zingiberaceae Zygophyllaceae

24 Appendix 2B. Organisation of families within cabinets at BRH prior to re-curation with approximate number of shelves occupied indicated, cabinets 4 onwards are projected Acanthaceae 5 Apocynaceae 0 Arecaceae 6 Asteraceae Boraginaceae 4 Achariaceae Aquifoliaceae Aristolochiaceae Balanophoraceae Brassicaceae Actinidiaceae Araceae 7 Asparagaceae Balsaminaceae Bromeliaceae 5 Agavaceae Araliaceae 2 Asphodelaceae Basellaceae Burmanniaceae Aizoaceae Araucariaceae Aspleniaceae Bataceae Burseraceae 3 Alismataceae Spare 5 Spare 6 Begoniaceae Buxaceae Altingiaceae Bignoniaceae 5 Cactaceae Amaranthaceae Bixaceae Campanulaceae Amaryllidaceae Blechnaceae Cannaceae Anacardiaceae 5 Spare 5 Capparaceae Annonaceae 6 26 Caricaceae Apiaceae Casuarinaceae Spare 5 Spare Celastraceae 2 Crassulaceae Elaeocarpaceae Fabaceae 23 Fabaceae 23 Chloranthaceae Cucurbitaceae Ericaceae Spare 3 Spare 3 Chrysobalanaceae 2 Cupressaceae Eriocaulaceae Cleomaceae Cyatheaceae Erythroxylaceae Clethraceae Cyclanthaceae Euphorbiaceae 9 Clusiaceae 2 Cymodoceaceae Fabaceae 7 Cochlospermaceae Cyperaceae 8 Spare 6 Combretaceae 5 Cyrillaceae 26 Commelinaceae Dennstaedtiaceae Connaraceae Dichapetalaceae Convolvulaceae 3 Dilleniaceae 3 Costaceae Dioscoreaceae Spare 5 Droseraceae 26 Dryopteridaceae Ebenaceae Spare 5 26

25 Fagaceae 2 Lecythidaceae Malvaceae 4 Melastomataceae 3 Myrtaceae? Gentianaceae Lentibulariaceae Marantaceae 3 Meliaceae? Najadaceae? Gesneriaceae Lindsaeaceae Marattiaceae Menispermaceae? Nyctaginaceae? Gleicheniaceae Loganiaceae 2 Marcgraviaceae Menyanthaceae? Nymphaeaceae? Haemodoraceae Lomariopsidaceae Mayacaceae Monimiaceae? Ochnaceae? Haloragidaceae Loranthaceae 2 Melastomataceae 5 Moraceae? Olacaceae? Heliconiaceae 3 Lycopodiaceae Spare 3 Musaceae? Oleaceae? Hydrophyllaceae Lythraceae 26 Myricaceae? Onagraceae? Hymenophyllaceae Magnoliaceae 0.5 Myristicaceae? Ophioglossaceae? Hypericaceae Malpighiaceae 4.5 Myrsinaceae? Orchidaceae? Hypoxidaceae Malvaceae 8 Spare? Oxalidaceae? Icacinaceae Spare 5 Spare? Iridaceae 26 Lacistemataceae Lamiaceae 2 Lauraceae 7 Spare Papaveraceae? Podocarpaceae? Rubiaceae? Sapindaceae? Solanaceae? Passifloraceae? Polygalaceae? Rutaceae? Sapotaceae? Sphenocleaceae? Phyllanthaceae? Polygonaceae? Saccolomataceae? Schizaeaceae? Staphyleaceae? Phytolaccaceae? Polypodiaceae? Salicaceae? Schlegeliaceae? Symplocaceae? Pinaceae? Pontederiaceae? Salviniaceae? Scrophulariaceae? Taxaceae? Piperaceae? Portulacaceae? Santalaceae? Selaginellaceae? Tectariaceae? Poaceae? Potamogetonaceae? Spare? Simaroubaceae? Theaceae? Spare? Primulaceae? Smilacaceae? Thelypteridaceae? Proteaceae? Spare? Theophrastaceae? Psilotaceae? Turneraceae? Pteridaceae? Typhaceae? Punicaceae? Ulmaceae? Putranjivaceae? Urticaceae? Quiinaceae? Verbenaceae? Ranunculaceae? Violaceae? Rhamnaceae? Vitaceae? Rhizophoraceae? Vochysiaceae? Rosaceae? Woodsiaceae?

26 7 continued 20 continued Rubiaceae? Xyridaceae? Spare? Zamiaceae? Zingiberaceae? Zygophyllaceae? Spare?

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