Sholing Infant School. Measurement Progression Guide

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1 Sholing Infant School Measurement Progression Guide September

2 Measurement at Sholing Infant School The stages within this document have been designed to reflect progression across all year groups. However, these may be adapted depending on the readiness of pupils and their prior knowledge and understanding of Measurement. While money is also a unit of measure, this has been omitted from this guide; see separate document Progression in the teaching of money. It should be recognised that a pupil s mathematical ability may vary across the programmes of mathematical study, and that pupils who may be particularly high or low achieving within number and calculating may be attaining at a different level within Measurement, which should be planned for accordingly. Good Websites to try- Mathematical definitions- Printable activities, games for laminating, price tags etc- Interactive games for laptops-

3 Measurement Ordering and comparing- length/height Orders 2 or 3 items by length or height Compare, describe and solve practical problems for: [for example, long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, double/half] Measure and begin to record the following: Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers Compare and order lengths and record the results using >, < and = Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm); Measure the perimeter of simple 2-D shapes The comparison of measures includes simple scaling by integers (for example, a given quantity or measure is twice as long or five times as high) and this connects to multiplication. LENGTH length, width, height, depth long, short, tall high, low wide, narrow deep, shallow thick, thin longer, shorter, taller, higher and so on longest, shortest, tallest, highest and so on far, near, close MEASURES (GENERAL) measure size compare guess, estimate enough, not enough too much, too little too many, too few nearly, roughly, close to, about the same as just over, just under LENGTH As per Reception, plus; metre ruler, metre stick MEASURES (GENERAL) As per Year 1, plus; measuring scale nearly, roughly, about, close to, about the same as just over, just under LENGTH As per Year 1, plus; far, further, furthest, near, close metre (m), centimetre (cm) ruler, metre stick, tape measure MEASURES(GENERAL) As per KS1, plus; division approximately LENGTH As per KS1, plus; distance apart/between, distance to from kilometre (km), metre (m), centimetre (cm) mile ruler, metre stick, tape measure Activities Understand and use the language associated with length, eg long/short, longer/shorter, the same length as, taller/tallest, thick/thin, about the same as, just less than. Compare and talk about the length/height of two objects. Talk about and order three objects of different lengths. Measure length using non-standard units, eg straws, cubes, pencils Choose, initially with help, and use suitable non-standard units to begin to estimate and measure the length of an object. Through using nonstandard units, eg body parts, straws, pencils, appreciate the need for a standard unit of length. Begin to measure using the standard unit of cm, using a standard cm ruler Estimate and measure in metres and centimetres using a variety of instruments: discuss and select the appropriate unit and instrument; know how to use these instruments with reasonable accuracy, eg using a dead length or waste end ruler; use a ruler to draw and measure lines to the nearest half centimetre. measure a length to the nearest 1/2 cm read simple scales, e.g. increments of 2, 5 or 10 begin to understand area as a measure of surface and perimeter as a measure of length

4 Ordering and comparing- weight/mass Orders 2 items by weight or capacity Compare, describe and solve practical problems for: example, heavy/light, heavier than, lighter than] Measure and begin to record the following: Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure mass (kg/g); to the nearest appropriate unit, using scales, Compare and order mass, and record the results using >, < and = Measure, compare, add and subtract: mass (kg/g); The comparison of measures includes simple scaling by integers (for example, a given quantity or measure is twice as long or five times as high) and this connects to multiplication. MASS weigh, weighs, balances heavy/light, heavier/lighter, heaviest/lightest balance, scales, weight MASS weigh, weighs, balances heavy/light, heavier/lighter, heaviest/lightest balance, scales, weight MASS As per Year 1, plus; kilogram (kg), halfkilogram, gram (g) balance, scales, weight MASS As per KS1, plus; kilogram (kg), halfkilogram, gram (g) balance, scales, weight Activities Understand and use the language associated with weight, eg heavy/light,heavier/li ghter, the same as, lightest, almost the same as. Compare and talk about the weight of two objects by handling using balance scales Talk about and order three objects of different weights. Measure using nonstandard units: weigh the same object using a variety of nonstandard units, eg cotton reels,marbles. use the same nonstandard unit to weigh different objects. Choose, initially with help, and use suitable non-standard units to begin to estimate and measure the weight of an object. Through using nonstandard units, appreciate the conservation of "weight" and the need for a standard unit of weight. Develop an appreciation of a kilogram, eg by sorting objects into those that are heavier/lighter than/about 1 kilogram. Measure using the kilogram as the standard unit. Estimate and compare weights in relation to a kilogram. Explore weights less than one kilogram, half a kilogram, 100 grams to introduce grams. Estimate and measure in kilograms and grams using a variety of instruments: discuss and select the appropriate unit and instrument; know how to use these instruments with reasonable accuracy. Read simple scales, e.g. increments of 2, 5 or 10 A sack of rice weighs 5 kg. How many grams is this? Compare the weight of this book with this bag of sugar and with this 100 g weight. Suggest an estimate for the weight of the book. Which is a newborn baby more likely to weigh? A 30 g B 3 kg C 30 kg What measurement is shown on these scales? Explain how you worked this out. What is each division on this scale worth? How did you work this out? How could you check that you are right?

5 Ordering and comparing- capacity/volume Orders 2 items by weight or capacity Compare, describe and solve practical problems for: [for example, full/empty, more than, less than, half, half full, quarter] Measure and begin to record the following: Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using measuring vessels Compare and order volume/capacity and record the results using >, < and = Measure, compare, add and subtract: volume/capacity (l/ml) The comparison of measures includes simple scaling by integers (for example, a given quantity or measure is twice as long or five times as high) and this connects to multiplication. CAPACITY full half full empty holds container CAPACITY full half full empty holds container CAPACITY capacity full, half full empty holds, contains litre (l ), half-litre, millilitre (ml) container CAPACITY capacity full, half full empty holds, contains litre (l ), half-litre, millilitre (ml) container Activities Understand and use the language associated with capacity, eg empty/full, pour/fill, holds more/holds less, holds the same as. Compare and talk about the capacity of two containers. Talk about and order three containers in relation to capacity. Measure capacity using non-standard units, eg egg-cups, yoghurt pots, using: multiple units of the same capacity; a single unit. Select and use different single nonstandard units to measure the capacity of a container. Through using nonstandard units, appreciate the need for a standard unit of capacity. Develop an appreciation of a litre, eg by sorting containers into those that hold more/less than/about a litre. Measure using the litre as a standard unit. Estimate and compare capacity in litres, eg Does the bucket hold more than 2 litres or less than 2 litres?. Introduce smaller capacities, eg half litre and quarter litre. Appreciate the conservation of volume through practical investigations, eg water poured from one container to another can take on a different shape but the volume remains the same. Explore the capacity of smaller containers to introduce the millilitre. Estimate and measure the capacity of a range of containers in litres and millilitres. read simple scales, e.g. increments of 2, 5 or 10 Pupils continue to measure using the appropriate tools and units, progressing to using a wider range of measures, including comparing and using mixed units (for example, 1 kg and 200g) and simple equivalents of mixed units (for example, 5m = 500cm). The comparison of measures includes simple scaling by integers (for example, a given quantity or measure is twice as long or five times as high) and this connects to multiplication.

6 Ordering and comparing- Temperature NON STATUTORY NON STATUTORY Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure temperature ( C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using thermometers NON STATUTORY Temperature Hot Cold C Degrees Centigrade Thermometer Positive, Negative Activities Measure using the C as a standard unit. Classroom thermometers, wall charts, individual thermometers Links to weather and data collection (KS1 science), seasons, indoor and outdoor temperature Temperature logs

7 Time Uses language related to time Orders and sequences familiar events Measures short periods of time in simple ways Recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks, months and years Sequence events in chronological order using language [for example, before and after, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon and evening] Measure and begin to record the following: seconds) Compare and sequence intervals of time Know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day. Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks Estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. Tell and write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times Know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year Compare, describe and solve practical problems for: quicker, slower, earlier, later] Compare durations of events [for example to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks]. time days of the week: Monday, Tuesday day, week birthday, holiday morning, afternoon, evening, night bedtime, dinnertime, playtime today, yesterday, tomorrow before, after next, last now, soon, early, late quick, quicker, quickest, quickly slow, slower, slowest, slowly old, older, oldest new, newer, newest takes longer, takes As per Reception, plus- seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter day, week, month, year weekend, birthday, holiday morning, afternoon, evening night, midnight fast, faster, fastest hour, o clock, half past clock, watch, hands how long ago? how long will it be to? how long will it take to? how often? always, never, often, sometimes, usually once, twice As per Year 1, plus- months of the year: January, February seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter day, week, fortnight, hour, minute, second o clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past clock, watch, hands digital/analogue clock/watch, timer As per ks1, plus- am, pm bedtime, dinnertime, playtime today, yesterday, tomorrow

8 less time hour, o clock clock, watch, hands Understand and use language associated with time eg now, later, soon, morning, evening, before, after, yesterday, day, night. Activities Talk about and sequence 2 or 3 familiar events eg using pictures of activities of the school day. Talk about events now, past and future. Recognise special times on the clock face eg lunch time, home time. Know the names of the days of the week. Develop an understanding of the passing of time through practical activities. Use simple timers where: the time is fixed and the output is measured; the task is fixed and the time is measured. Develop further vocabulary for time, eg sooner, earlier, just a minute, now and again. Sequence the days of the week. Know, talk about and order the seasons and the months of the year. Tell the time in hours on the analogue clock. Tell the time in half hours. Explore and count minute intervals on a clock face. Tell the time in minutes past the hour (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30). Relate to half past and quarter past. Carry out practical activities to appreciate duration by estimating 1 min, 2 min, 5 min. Tell the time in minutes to the hour on the analogue clock (25, 20, 15, 10 and 5). Relate to quarter to. Appreciate and talk about important dates on the calendar, eg make a calendar array for December. Read and interpret information from a calendar month. Know the number of days in each month, year and leap year. Discuss the months generally associated with each season. Reinforce key ideas of time on a regular basis throughout the year. Detail and display key facts e.g. there are 60 minutes in an hour, 12 months in a year. Spot the mistake 2 days= 40 hrs. Snap, dominoes, pelmanism -linking time to equivalent, matching analogue / digital / written times. Using white boards, fans, unit card e.g. week, day, hour respond to questions relating to equivalence. Earlier or later? Using laminated clock faces or white boards respond to questions e.g. show me ten minutes or two hours earlier or later than a given time. Relate hours and halfhours on analogue and digital clocks. Understand and explain the relationships between units of time eg minute/hour, hour/day, day/week/fortnight, month/year. Washing line order times in different units e.g. half an hour, fifteen minutes, day Higher / lower cards using different times e.g. five past three, ten to four, nine thirty-five, which card will be earlier / later. Once all of the cards are turned over the children can order. Estimating the amount of time it will take to do something or how many things

9 can you do in a minute? Equivalent bingo children choose from a selection of digital times, cross off as they match analogue time displayed. Investigation calculate age of younger siblings, school pet in different units of time e.g. 3 years = 36 months. Use calculator as appropriate.

The pairs of terms: mass and weight, volume and capacity, are used interchangeably at this stage.

The pairs of terms: mass and weight, volume and capacity, are used interchangeably at this stage. MEASUREMENT 2014 and 2006 COMPARISON PROGRESSION DOCUMENT YEAR 1 NC 2014 Programme of study (statutory requirements) NC 2014 Notes and Guidance (non-statutory) PNS 2006 Compare, describe and solve practical

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