Lecture 12: 2 k Factorial Design Montgomery: Chapter 6

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1 Lecture 12: 2 k Factorial Design Montgomery: Chapter 6 1 Lecture 12 Page 1

2 2 k Factorial Design Involvingk factors: each has two levels (often labeled+and ) Very useful design for preliminary study Can weed out unimportant factors Identify important factors and their interactions Each main/interaction effect (of any order) has ONE degree of freedom Factors need not be on numeric scale For general two-factor factorial model y ijk = µ+α i +β j +(αβ) ij +ǫ ijk There are 1+(a-1)+(b-1)+(a-1)(b-1) model parameters (excludingσ 2 ) 2 2 factorial design has only four parameters (excludingσ 2 ) α 1 = α 2 β 1 = β 2 (αβ) 11 = (αβ) 22 (αβ) 12 = (αβ) 22 (αβ) 21 = (αβ) 22 2 Lecture 12 Page 2

3 Example: 2 2 Factorial Design factor replicate A B treatment mean (1) /3 + a /3 + b /3 + + ab /3 Reparametrization with treatment meanµ ij = µ+α i +β j +(αβ) ij Main effect of A:A = µ + µ = α + α = 2α + (zero-sum constraint) Main effect of B:B = µ + µ = β + β = 2β + (zero-sum constraint) Interaction effect: AB = {(µ ++ µ + ) (µ + µ )}/2 = {(αβ) ++ (αβ) + (αβ) + +(αβ) }/2 = 2(αβ) = 2(αβ) ++ 3 Lecture 12 Page 3

4 Main effect of A: Reparametrization via Constrasts A = µ + µ = (µ + +µ ++ )/2 (µ +µ + )/2 = ( µ +µ + µ + +µ ++ )/2 = C A /2 ContrastC A = µ +µ + µ + +µ ++ = ( 1,1, 1,1) ĈA = = Â = 8.33 Main effect of B: B = µ + µ = (µ + +µ ++ )/2 (µ +µ + )/2 = ( µ µ + +µ + +µ ++ )/2 = C B /2 ContrastC B = µ µ + +µ + +µ ++ = ( 1, 1,1,1) ĈB = = ˆB = Lecture 12 Page 4

5 Interaction effect: AB = (µ µ + µ + +µ )/2 = C AB /2 ContrastC AB = µ µ + µ + +µ = (1, 1, 1,1) ĈAB = 3.33 = ÂB = 1.67 Notice that effects are defined in a different way than Chapter 5. But they are connected and equivalent. 5 Lecture 12 Page 5

6 Effects and Contrasts factor contrast of effect A B total mean I A B AB 80 80/ / / / There is a one-to-one correspondence between effects and contrasts, and contrasts can be directly used to estimate the effects. For a effect corresponding to contrastc = (c 1,c 2,...) in2 2 design êffect = 1 2 c i ȳ i whereiis an index for treatments and the summation is over all treatments. i 6 Lecture 12 Page 6

7 Sum of Squares Due to Effect Because effects are defined using contrasts, their sum of squares can also be calculated through contrasts. Recall for contrastc = (c 1,c 2,...), its sum of squares is SS Contrast = ( c i ȳ i ) 2 c 2 i /n So SS A = ( ȳ +ȳ + ȳ + +ȳ ++ ) 2 4/n SS B = ( ȳ ȳ + +ȳ + +ȳ ++ ) 2 4/n SS AB = (ȳ ȳ + ȳ + +ȳ ++ ) 2 4/n = = = Lecture 12 Page 7

8 Sum of Squares and ANOVA Total sum of squares: SS T = i,j,k y2 ijk y2... N Error sum of squares: SS E = SS T SS A SS B SS AB ANOVA Table Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Variation Squares Freedom Square F 0 A SS A 1 MS A B SS B 1 MS B AB SS AB 1 MS AB Error SS E N 4 MS E Total SS T N 1 8 Lecture 12 Page 8

9 Using SAS data one; input A B resp; datalines; ; proc glm data=one; class A B; model resp=a B; run; quit; Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model Error Cor Total A <.0001 B A*B Lecture 12 Page 9

10 Analyzing2 2 Experiment Using Regression Model Because every effect in2 2 design, or its sum of squares, has one degree of freedom, it can be equivalently represented by a numerical variable, and regression analysis can be directly used to analyze the data. The original factors are not necessarily continuous. Code the levels of factor A and B as follows Fit regression model A x1 B x y = β 0 +β 1 x 1 +β 2 x 2 +β 12 x 1 x 2 +ǫ The fitted model should be y = ȳ.. + Â 2 x 1 + ˆB 2 x 2 + ÂB 2 x 1x 2 i.e. the estimated coefficients are half of the effects, respectively. 10 Lecture 12 Page 10

11 SAS Code and Output data one; input x1 x2 resp; x1x2=x1*x2; datalines; ; proc reg data=one; model resp=x1 x2 x1x2; run; quit; Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F Model Error Corrected Total Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > t Intercept <.0001 x <.0001 x x1x Lecture 12 Page 11

12 Bottling Experiment: 2 3 Factorial Design factor response A B C treatment 1 2 total (1) a b ab c ac bc abc Lecture 12 Page 12

13 Main effects A = µ + ȳ Factorial Effects and Contrasts = 1 4 ( µ + µ + µ + + µ ++ µ + + µ + + µ ++ + µ +++ ) A: contrastc A = ( 1,1, 1,1, 1,1, 1,1), = 3.00 B: contrastc B = ( 1, 1,1,1, 1, 1,1,1), ˆB = 2.25 C: contrastc C = ( 1, 1, 1, 1,1,1,1,1),Ĉ = factor interactions AB: A B componentwise,âb =.75 AC: A C componentwise,âc =.25 BC: B C componentwise, BC =.50 3-factor interaction ABC = 1 (int(ab C+) int(ab C )) 2 = 1 4 ( µ + µ + + µ + µ ++ + µ + µ + + µ ++ + µ +++ ) ABC: C ABC = ( 1,1,1, 1,1, 1, 1,1) = A B C,ÂBC = Lecture 12 Page 13

14 Contrasts for Calculating Effects in2 3 Design factorial effects A B C treatment I A B AB C AC BC ABC (1) a b ab c ac bc abc Lecture 12 Page 14

15 Estimates grand mean : ȳi. 2 3 Contrast Sum of Squares effect : ci ȳ i SS effect = ( c i ȳ i. ) /n = 2n(êffect) 2 Variance of Estimate Var(êffect) = σ2 n2 3 2 t-test for effects (confidence interval approach) êffect±t α/2,2 k (n 1)S.E.(êffect) 15 Lecture 12 Page 15

16 Regression Model Code the levels of factor A and B as follows Fit regression model A x1 B x2 C x y = β 0 +β 1 x 1 +β 2 x 2 +β 3 x 3 +β 12 x 1 x 2 +β 13 x 1 x 3 +β 23 x 2 x 3 +β 123 x 1 x 2 x 3 +ǫ The fitted model should be y = ȳ.. +Â 2 x 1+ ˆB 2 x 2+Ĉ 2 x3+âb 2 x 1x 2 +ÂC 2 x 1x 3 + BC 2 x 2x 3 +ÂBC x 1 x 2 x 3 2 That is, ˆβ = êffect, and 2 Var(ˆβ) = σ2 n2 k = σ2 n Lecture 12 Page 16

17 Bottling Experiment: Using SAS data bottle; input A B C devi; datalines; ; proc glm data=bottle; class A B C; model devi=a B C; output out=botone r=res p=pred; run; proc univariate data=botone pctldef=4; var res; qqplot res/normal (L=1 mu=est sigma=est); histogram res/normal; run; proc gplot; plot res*pred/frame; run; data bottlenew; set bottle; x1=a; x2=b; x3=c; x1x2=x1*x2; x1x3=x1*x3; x2x3=x2*x3; x1x2x3=x1*x2*x3; drop A B C; proc reg data=bottlenew; model devi=x1 x2 x3 x1x2 x1x3 x2x3 x1x2x3; run; quit; 17 Lecture 12 Page 17

18 ANOVA Model: SAS Output for Bottling Experiment Dependent Variable: devi Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model Error CorTotal A <.0001 B A*B C A*C B*C A*B*C Lecture 12 Page 18

19 Regression Model: Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > t Intercept x <.0001 x x x1x x1x x2x x1x2x Lecture 12 Page 19

20 General2 k Design k factors: A,B,...,K each with 2 levels (+, ) consists of all possible level combinations (2 k treatments) each withnreplicates Classify factorial effects: type of effect label the number of effects main effects (of order 1) A,B,C,...,K k 2-factor interactions (of order 2) 3-factor interactions (of order 3) AB,AC,...,JK k 2 ABC,ABD,...,IJK k k-factor interaction (of orderk) ABC K k k 20 Lecture 12 Page 20

21 In total, how many effects? Each effect (main or interaction) has 1 degree of freedom full model (i.e. model consisting of all the effects) has2 k 1degrees of freedom. Error component has2 k (n 1) degrees of freedom (why?). One-to-one correspondence between effects and contrasts: For main effect: convert the level column of a factor using 1 and + 1 For interactions: multiply the contrasts of the main effects of the involved factors, componentwisely. 21 Lecture 12 Page 21

22 General2 k Design: Analysis Estimates: grand mean : ȳi. 2 k For effect with contrastc = (c 1,c 2,...,c 2 k), its estimate is êffect = ci ȳ i 2 k 1 Variance what is the standard error of the effect? Var(êffect) = σ2 n2 k 2 t-test forh 0 : effect=0. Using the confidence interval approach, êffect±t α/2,2 k (n 1) S.E.(êffect) 22 Lecture 12 Page 22

23 Using ANOVA model: Sum of Squares due to an effect, using its contrast, SS effect = ( c i ȳ i. ) 2 2 k /n = n2 k 2 (êffect) 2 SS T andss E can be calculated as before and a ANOVA table including SS due to the effects andss E can be constructed and the effects can be tested byf -tests. Using regression: Introducing variablesx 1,...,x k for main effects, their products are used for interactions, the following regression model can be fitted y = β 0 +β 1 x β k x k +...+β 12 k x 1 x 2 x k +ǫ The coefficients are estimated by half of effects they represent, that is, ˆβ = êffect 2 23 Lecture 12 Page 23

24 Unreplicated2 k Design: Filtration Rate Experiment factor A B C D filtration Lecture 12 Page 24

25 Unreplicated2 k Design No degree of freedom left for error component if full model is fitted. Formulas used for estimates and contrast sum of squares are given in Slides with n=1 No error sum of squares available, cannot estimateσ 2 and test effects in both the ANOVA and Regression approaches. Approach 1: pooling high-order interactions Often assume 3 or higher interactions do not occur Pool estimates together for error Warning: may pool significant interaction 25 Lecture 12 Page 25

26 Unreplicated2 k Design Approach 2: Using the normal probability plot (QQ plot) to identify significant effects. Recall Var(êffect) = σ2 2 k 2 If the effect is not significant (=0), then the effect estimate follows N(0, σ 2 2 k 2 ) Assume all effects not significant, their estimates can be considered as a random sample fromn(0, σ 2 2 k 2 ) QQ plot of the estimates is expected to be a linear line ( ) Plot effect j v.s. Φ 1 rj 3/8 n+1/4 optionnormal=blom inproc RANK in SAS). wherer j is the rank of effect j (using Deviation from a linear line indicates significant effects 26 Lecture 12 Page 26

27 Statistics 514:2 k Factorial Design Summer 2018 Using SAS to Generate QQ Plot for Effects data filter; do D = -1 to 1 by 2; do C = -1 to 1 by 2; do B = -1 to 1 by 2; do A = -1 to 1 by 2; input output; end; end; end; end; datalines; ; data inter; /* Define Interaction Terms */ set filter; AB=A*B; AC=A*C; AD=A*D; BC=B*C; BD=B*D; CD=C*D; ABC=AB*C; ABD=AB*D; ACD=AC*D; BCD=BC*D; ABCD=ABC*D; proc glm data=inter; /* GLM Proc to Obtain Effects */ class A B C D AB AC AD BC BD CD ABC ABD ACD BCD ABCD; model y=a B C D AB AC AD BC BD CD ABC ABD ACD BCD ABCD; estimate A A 1-1; estimate AC AC 1-1; run; 27 Lecture 12 Page 27

28 proc reg outest=effects data=inter; /* REG Proc to Obtain Effects */ model y=a B C D AB AC AD BC BD CD ABC ABD ACD BCD ABCD; data effect2; set effects; drop y intercept _RMSE_; proc transpose data=effect2 out=effect3; data effect4; set effect3; effect=col1*2; proc sort data=effect4; by effect; proc print data=effect4; /*Generate the QQ plot */ proc rank data=effect4 out=effect5 normal=blom; var effect; ranks neff; proc print data=effect5; symbol1 v=circle; proc gplot data=effect5; plot effect*neff=_name_; run; quit; 28 Lecture 12 Page 28

29 Ranked Effects Obs _NAME_ COL1 effect neff 1 AC BCD ACD CD BD AB ABCD ABC BC B ABD C D AD A Lecture 12 Page 29

30 QQ plot 30 Lecture 12 Page 30

31 Filtration Experiment Analysis Fit a linear line based on small effects, identify the effects which are potentially significant, then use ANOVA or regression fit a sub-model with those effects. 1. Potentially significant effects: A, AD, C, D, AC. 2. Use main effect plot and interaction plot. 3. ANOVA model involving onlya,c,dand their interactions (projecting the original unreplicated2 4 experiment onto a replicated2 3 experiment). 4. regression model only involvinga,c,d,ac andad. 5. Diagnostics using residuals. 31 Lecture 12 Page 31

32 /* data step is the same */ proc sort; by A C; proc means noprint; var y; by A C; output out=ymeanac mean=mn; Interaction Plots forac symbol1 v=circle i=join; symbol2 v=square i=join; proc gplot data=ymeanac; plot mn*a=c; run; 32 Lecture 12 Page 32

33 /* data step is the same */ proc sort; by A D; proc means noprint; var y; by A D; output out=ymeanad mean=mn; Interaction Plots forad symbol1 v=circle i=join; symbol2 v=square i=join; proc gplot data=ymeanad; plot mn*a=d; run; 33 Lecture 12 Page 33

34 ANOVA witha,c andd and Their Interactions proc glm data=filter; class A C D; model y=a C D; run; quit; Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model <.0001 Error Cor Total Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F A <.0001 C A*C <.0001 D A*D C*D A*C*D ANOVA confirms that A, C, D, AC and AD are significant effects 34 Lecture 12 Page 34

35 Statistics 514:2 k Factorial Design Summer 2018 /* the same date step */ Regression Model data inter; set filter; AC=A*C; AD=A*D; proc reg data=inter; model y=a C D AC AD; output out=outres r=res p=pred; proc gplot data=outres; plot res*pred; run; quit; Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F Model <.0001 Error Corrected Total Lecture 12 Page 35

36 Root MSE R-Square Dependent Mean Adj R-Sq Coeff Var Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > t Intercept <.0001 A <.0001 C D <.0001 AC <.0001 AD < Lecture 12 Page 36

37 Response Optimization / Best Setting Selection Usex 1,x 3,x 4 fora,c,d; andx 1 x 3,x 1 x 4 forac,ad respectively. The regression model gives the following function for the response (filtration rate): y = x x x x 1 x x 1 x 4 Want to maximize the response. LetD be set at high level (x 4 = 1) y = x x x 1 x 3 37 Lecture 12 Page 37

38 Contour Plot for Response GivenD: Using SAS data one; do x1 = -1 to 1 by.1; do x3 = -1 to 1 by.1; y= *x *x3-9.06*x1*x3 ; output; end; end; proc gcontour data=one; plot x3*x1=y; run; quit; 38 Lecture 12 Page 38

39 Half normal plot for(x i ),i = 1,...,n: let x i be the absolute values ofx i sort the( x i ): x (1)... x (n) Some Other Issues calculateu i = Φ 1 ( n+i ),i = 1,...,n 2n+1 plot x (i) againstu i look for a straight line Half normal plot can also be used for identifying important factorial effects Alternatives: Hamada & Balakrishnan (1998) Analyzing unreplicated factorial experiments: a review with some new proposals, Statistica Sinica 8: Detect dispersion effects Experiment with duplicate measurements for each treatment combination: n responses from duplicate measurements calculate meanȳ and standard deviations. Useȳ and treat the experiment as unreplicated in analysis 39 Lecture 12 Page 39

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