Aquarium Systems PCA Scenario Map, Results, and Scoring Rubrics

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1 Title: Aquarium Systems (2005 and 2006 Op Exam) Authors: SALTers Grade: High School Description: Students investigate how increasing the temperature of an aquarium affects the breathing rate of goldfish in an aquarium. Item Description WASL Evidence of Learning for the Grade Level Expectation Grade Level Expectation & Evidence of Learning Codes System of Science Properties of Systems Structure of Systems Changes in Systems Inquiry in Science Application of Science Answer & Results A B C D 1 Identify two controlled variables in an investigation. IN02b % 5% 3% 82% *2 Identify the manipulated variable in an investigation. IN02c % 62% 8% 24% *3 Identify the responding variable in an investigation. IN02d % 21% 7% 9% 4 Write a conclusion including supporting data from an investigation. IN03a SA Rubric 5 Identify how organisms sustain life by obtaining matter. CH08a % 3% 64% 17% *6 *7 Identify how genes (DNA segments) provide instructions for assembling protein molecules in cells. Analyze the relationship among organisms based on their shared physical characteristics and/or functional processes. PR06a ST06c % 16% 16% 28% 23% 17% 15% 45% *8 Describe how organisms sustain life by obtaining and transforming energy CH08a SA Rubric 9 10 Identify the effectiveness of a solution to a problem or challenge using scientific concepts/principles. Construct a logical plan for a systematic and complex scientific controlled investigation IN02e AP03b % 12% 56% ER Rubric MC=7pts, SA=4pts, Point Total = 15 33% 60% 7% ER=4pts Actual Science WASL = 62 pts. 40% 40% 20% 45%MC,36%SA,19%ER Note: Points on the WASL are balanced among the Systems of Science with 33% Physical Systems, 33% Earth/Space Systems, and 33% Living Systems. *Typical pilot results. These items were not part of the 2005 or 2006 High School Operational Science WASL. 22% Published by the Science Assessment Team of the Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction on November 17, 2006 Copyright 2006 by Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) All rights reserved. Educational institutions within the State of Washington have permission to reproduce this document. All other individuals wishing to reproduce this document must contact OSPI. 1 November 17, 2006

2 Scoring Rubric and Results for Item 4: Write a Conclusion Performance Description A 2-point response demonstrates the student understands the GLE: Explaining IN03a (2.1.3) Synthesize a revised scientific explanation using evidence, data, and inferential logic BY writing a scientific conclusion, including supporting from an investigation, using inferential logic. Example: As water temperature increased, the breathing rate of the goldfish increased. The lowest water temperature tested was 10 C and the goldfish breathed only 49 times per minute. The highest water temperature tested was 30 C and goldfish increased their breathing to 78 times per minute. So changing the temperature by 20 degrees caused the breathing rate to increase by 29 breaths per minute Value Results Points Mean = 0.80 pts 4 28% A 1-point response demonstrates the student has partial understanding of the GLE % 38% A 0-point response demonstrates the student has little or no understanding of the GLE. 0-1 Blank = 6% Water Temperature Aquarium System Water Temperature vs. Breathing Rate Temperature ( C) Breathing Rate (gill movements per minute) Fish 1 Fish 2 Fish 3 Average A* initial B initial B B B B B B initial * All data for Aquarium System A are not included in this table. The three goldfish had varied breathing rates but the average remained 66 gill movements per minute throughout the investigation. 2 November 17, 2006

3 Scoring Rubric and Results for Item 4: Write a Conclusion (continued) Description of Attribute Attributes of a Conclusion for Awarding Value Points Note: The italicized print is the part of the Example credited for the value point Conclusive statement ly answers the investigative question (or ly states whether the hypothesis/prediction was ): As water temperature increased, the breathing rate of the goldfish increased. Value Points 2006 Results Attribute Notes: 1. A vague conclusive statement (e.g. the temperature change did affect the breathing rate) cannot be credited, but other value points can be credited. 2. A response with an in conclusive statement or no conclusive statement may not be credited any value points. 1 78% Supporting data should at least be over the entire range of the conditions investigated. Thus, the minimum reported data are the lowest and highest conditions of the manipulated variable for quantitative data (responding variable when the manipulated variable information is descriptive). Supporting Data for 10 C: The lowest water temperature tested was 10 C and the goldfish breathed only 49 times per minute. Supporting Data for 30 C: The highest water temperature tested was 30 C and goldfish increased their breathing to 78 times per minute. Explanatory language, separate from the conclusive statement, is used to connect or compare the supporting data to the conclusive statement: So changing the temperature by 20 degrees caused the breathing rate to increase by 29 breaths per minute. Attribute Notes: 1. This point can only be credited when at least one numeric value (or the text from a descriptive data table) for the manipulated or responding variable is included in the response. 2. A copy of the conclusive statement cannot be credited for explanatory language. However, a re-phrased credited conclusive statement can be credited. 3. Explanatory language comparing the range of the manipulated and/or responding variables may be credited (e.g. When the temperature was 10º C, breathing rate was the lowest, 49 breaths per minute). 4. If a response misquotes trend data between the highest and lowest conditions, this value point cannot be credited. 5. Transitional words (e.g. however, therefore, because, so, then, clearly, but) cannot be credited as explanatory language even when added to a conclusive statement. 6. A compound sentence as a conclusive statement may be read as two separate sentences. 1 42% 1 48% 1 46% Total Possible Value Points 4 3 November 17, 2006

4 Scoring Rubric for Item 4: Write a Conclusion (continued) Notes: 1. Copying the Data Table: If a response just copies the whole data table verbatim, supporting data value points may not be credited even with a conclusive statement and explanatory language. a) For grades 3-5, a translation of the whole data table into sentences is acceptable. b) For grades 6-8 and high school, a discussion of the whole data table may be acceptable when the data table is minimal with a very small number of data cells. 2. Supporting Data: Responses must give the precise numerical values or precise descriptive language from the data table for both the manipulated and responding variables. a) Average data (if given) rather than trial data, or data from the end of the investigation, must be included for grades 6-8 and high school. b) For grades 3-5, consistent trial data, or data before the completion of the investigation when measuring a responding variable over time can be credited. c) Rounded numerical values cannot be credited. d) Units and significant figures are not necessary for credit. e) Minor language differences in descriptive data may be acceptable as decided in range finding (e.g. not applicable). f) For grades 3-5, the manipulated variable may be implied. 3. Derived Data: Responses giving their own derived data between conditions can be credited for supporting data and explanatory language (e.g. between 10º C and 30º C, the breathing rate increased by 29). a) When the derived data uses the lowest and/or highest conditions, one or both supporting data points can be credited. b) Minor arithmetic errors in derived values can be acceptable as decided in range finding (e.g. none). 4 November 17, 2006

5 Performance Description Scoring Rubric and Results for Item 8: Energy Transfers Typical Value Results Points Mean = 0.40 pts A 2-point response demonstrates the student understands the GLE: Life Processes and the Flow of Matter and Energy CH08a (1.3.8) Understand how organisms, including cells, use matter and energy to sustain life and that these processes are complex, integrated, and regulated BY describing how organisms sustain life by obtaining, transporting, transforming, releasing, and eliminating matter and energy. The response describes the energy transfers from the Sun to the fish in the Pond Ecosystem by Identifying the forms of energy before and after each transfer. AND Describing where the energy transfers and transformations happen. Example: Light energy from the Sun is transformed by plants into chemical energy. This chemical energy is transferred to insects as they eat the plants. The chemical energy or food is then transferred to fish when the fish eat the insects % Other examples of energy transfers in this system: Form(s) of energy before and after Light energy to heat energy Heat energy to heat energy Chemical energy to chemical energy Where the energy transfers happened In the water/fish From the water to the fish From the plants to the fish A 1-point response demonstrates the student has partial understanding of the GLE % A 0-point response demonstrates the student has little or no understanding of the GLE % Blank = 9% 5 November 17, 2006

6 Scoring Rubric for Item 8: Energy Transfers from the Sun to Fish (continued) Attributes of a Description for Awarding Value Points Note: The italicized print is the part of the Example credited for the value point. Value Description of Attribute Points Light energy to chemical energy: Light energy is transformed into chemical energy Where transformation took place (in plants): Light energy from the Sun is transformed by plants into chemical energy. Attribute Notes: 1. Leaves, plant cells, chloroplasts can be credited as the place. 2. This point may only be credited with an attempt to identify the energy forms involved in a transfer (e.g. there was an energy transfer in the plant). Chemical energy to chemical energy: This chemical energy is transferred to insects Attribute Note: Responses using the verbs eating or feeding cannot be credited as implying the name of the energy forms involved. Where transfer took place (plants to insects):... as they (insects) eat the plants. Attribute Note: This point may only be credited with an attempt to identify the energy forms involved in a transfer (e.g. there was an energy transfer from the plants to the insects). Typical Results 1 25% 1 80% 1 41% 1 73% Chemical energy to chemical energy: The chemical energy or food is then transferred to fish 1 33% Where transfer took place (insects to fish): when the fish eat the insects. Attribute Note: This point may only be credited with an attempt to identify the energy forms involved in a transfer (e.g. there was an energy transfer from the insects to the fish). Transfers/transformations are in the order Attribute Note: This point may only be credited when all three transfers are at least partially credited. Total Possible Value Points % 1 75% 6 November 17, 2006

7 Notes: Scoring Rubric and Results for Item 8: Energy Transfers (continued) 1. In Transfers/Transformations: Responses describing a clearly in energy transfer or transformation may not be credited 2 score points. However, responses may use the terms transfer and transformation interchangeably. 2. Transfers: Responses may be credited as ly describing energy being transferred from one object to another by identifying the two objects and the energy form (e.g. chemical energy from plants to fish) 3. Transformations: Responses may be credited as ly describing energy being transformed from one form to another by identifying one object, and identifying the energy forms before and after the transformation (e.g. light energy to chemical energy in plants). 4. Energy Terms as Verbs: Responses using a verb when describing an object s energy change may not be credited as identifying the energy form (e.g. sunlight heating the water cannot be credited for light to heat energy, fish eating insects cannot be credited for a transfer of chemical energy). 5. Unexpected Responses: Responses describing a possible single unexpected energy transformation from the input energy to energy in the specified part of the system may earn 2 score points. (E.g. When asked to describe energy transformations from the Sun to fish, a full-credit, unexpected response could be: Fish can be warmed as light energy from the Sun transforms into heat energy in the fish.) 6. Synonyms for Energy Forms: Responses may be credited as ly identifying an energy form when the following acceptable terms are used as nouns. a) heat energy: heat, thermal energy b) sound energy: sound, sound waves, vibration energy c) light energy: light, sunlight, light waves, light beams, radiant heat, light rays, solar energy, gamma/ultraviolet/infrared rays, electromagnetic waves d) electrical energy: electricity, voltage, electric current e) kinetic energy: energy of motion, mechanical energy f) potential energy: energy of position, elastic energy, gravitational energy, mechanical energy (work may be credited for mechanical energy when used appropriately) g) chemical energy: bond energy, food energy, food, glucose, ATP, energy-rich molecules, sugar, starch h) nuclear energy: radioactive energy i) wave energy: light energy, sound energy 7 November 17, 2006

8 Performance Description Scoring Rubric for Item 10: Plan an Investigation A 4-point response demonstrates the student understands the GLE Planning and Conducting Safe Investigations IN02e (2.1.2) Understand how to plan and conduct systematic and complex scientific investigations BY constructing a logical plan for a systematic and complex scientific controlled or field investigation Value Results Points Mean = 1.30 pts % A 3-point response demonstrates the student partially understands the GLE % A 2-point response demonstrates the student has limited understanding of the GLE % A 1-point response demonstrates the student has very little understanding of the GLE % A 0-point response demonstrates the student has almost no understanding of the GLE. 0-2 Blank = 13% Attributes of a Controlled Investigation for Awarding Value Points 39% Investigation Attributes Prediction Prediction Reason Materials Description of Attribute The prediction portion of the hypothesis must answer the given question including the effect of the manipulated (changed) variable (water temperature) on the responding (dependent) variable (amount of oxygen in the water). A hypothesis must give a cause-effect reason for the prediction (e.g. because colder water has less energy to make things dissolve.) Attribute Note: This point cannot be awarded without an attempt at a prediction. A list of the minimum materials needed to perform the procedure (e.g. container with water, water heater, thermometer, tool to measure oxygen in water.) Attribute Notes: 1. The right amount of ingredients (e.g. x ml or y grams) needed to carry out the procedure does not need to be given in the materials list. 2. A measuring device listed as minimum may not be needed in the materials list if the list includes pre-measured amounts of a material coupled with an appropriate procedure that does not call for using the device (e.g. adjust the heater to 20 C in procedure does not need a thermometer, some heaters have temperature settings). 3. Standard Classroom Materials do not need to be listed: paper, pencil, and safety equipment (e.g. goggles, aprons, gloves, tongs). 4. Fish tank, aquarium, and water tank are assumed to contain water. Aquarium system is assumed to include tank, water, and heater, may also include fish. Value Point 2006 Results 1 64% 1 15% 1 31% 8 November 17, 2006

9 Scoring Rubric for Item 10: Plan an Investigation (continued) Investigation Attributes Attributes of a Controlled Investigation for Awarding Value Points (continued) Description of Attribute Value Point 2006 Results Procedure The written or diagrammed procedure is evaluated as follows: up to 8 Controlled Variables Manipulated Variable Responding Variable Record Measurements Trials are Repeated Experimental Control Condition Extra Validity Measure Logical Steps At least two controlled variables are identified or implied in the procedure or the materials list (e.g. identical fish tanks, same thermometer, same oxygen tool). Attribute Note: A response that states identical aquariums implies at least two variables are controlled. Only one manipulated variable (water temperature) is identified or implied in the procedure or data table (if given). The manipulated variable must have at least three conditions to be credited. The responding variable (amount of oxygen in water) is identified or implied in the procedure or data table (if given). The procedure states or implies measurements are recorded periodically or gives a data table. Attribute Note: 1. If artificial data for the responding variable is given, no value point may be awarded. 2. The phrase take measurement cannot be used to mean record. More than one trial for all conditions is planned, or implied in a data table, to measure the responding variable. The procedure includes an additional setup in which the manipulated variable is not changed and the responding variable is measured for each condition in the experimental setup(s) (e.g. a separate aquarium system kept at a constant temperature with the amount of oxygen measured each time the water temperature is changed in the other aquarium). The procedure includes a validity measure not included in the scenario investigation (e.g. more controlled variables, better measuring technique, increased sample size, control for sample bias). The steps of the procedure are detailed enough to repeat the procedure effectively (examples of illogical steps: no ending time indicated; states Set up as diagrammed, but diagram is inadequate; recording vague data or results). Total Value Points Possible % 1 37% 1 47% 1 43% 1 19% 1 10% 1 5% 1 40% 9 November 17, 2006

10 Scoring Rubric for Item 10: Plan an Investigation (continued) Notes: 1. If the response does not plan an appropriate procedure for the given question, the response may not earn any of the possible procedure value points. Examples: a) Repeats the procedure from the scenario b) Measures only one condition (therefore cannot establish the controlled or manipulated variables) c) Purposefully changes more than one variable simultaneously d) Writes a procedure that is too vague to possibly be appropriate e) Writes a prediction instead of a procedure 2. If the response names a bulleted attribute listed after Procedure that includes: without including that attribute in the procedure, the attribute point cannot be credited. When a bulleted attribute is named and implied in the response, both must be to be credited. 3. Vagueness in procedural steps shall be clarified as follows: a) Vague materials used in the procedure (e.g. add 1mL) may be credited if the vagueness is clarified in the materials list (e.g. 1mL, 2mL, and 3mL of solution). b) Measuring a vague parameter (e.g. size of plant instead of height) may be credited as a manipulated or responding variable. However, a vague parameter is difficult to repeatedly measure, so the logical steps value point cannot be credited. c) The term repeat at the end of a step refers to that step only. d) The term repeat as a separate step (or in a new paragraph) refers to the whole procedure. e) The term repeat, when qualified, cannot be credited (e.g. repeat if necessary, repeat as desired). f) A vague action that calls for the manipulated variable to be changed (e.g. increase the temperature by 5 C) without indicating how many times, gives no end to the investigation so the logical steps value point cannot be credited. g) A vague action that calls for the manipulated variable to be changed (e.g. change the temperature by 5 C) without indicating how many times, cannot be credited for more than two conditions of the manipulated variable. h) When a procedure conflicts with the labeled diagram, the procedure is too illogical to be effectively repeated. Therefore, the logical steps value point cannot be credited, but the procedure can be scored for attributes that are not in conflict. 10 November 17, 2006

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