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1 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Psychology 334 (0101) Fall, 2017 This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. INSTRUCTOR: Ryan Curtis BPS 3147E Office hours: Mon. and Wed. 11:00 AM; Mon., Tues., and Thurs. 4:00 Feel free to stop by my office at other times, or me and I will set an appointment with you. TEACHING ASSISTANTS: Grad. TA: Noah Wolf COURSE WEBSITES: CLASS MEETINGS: Class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-10:45 AM in room ESJ The last day of class is Dec. 7, The final exam will be on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2017 at 8:00 AM. See the course schedule at the end of this syllabus for other dates. REQUIRED TEXT: REQUIRED TECHNOLOGY: Miller, R. (2015). Intimate relationships. (7 th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. A click er is requ ired fo r t h is co u r se Fo r m o r e in fo r m a t io n go t o : h t t p :/ / er s.u m d.ed u PREREQUISITE FOR THIS COURSE: Successful completion of PSYC 100 Syllabus - Page 1

2 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Th r o u gh o u t t h is co u r se y o u will lea r n a b o u t so m e o f t h e m o st im p o r t a n t t h eo r ies a n d r esea r ch in t h e field o f In t er p er so n a l Rela t io n sh ip s a n d, p er h a p s m o r e im p o r t a n t ly, h o w t o a p p ly t h is k n o wled ge t o y o u r o wn life. As y o u will q u ick ly see, u n d er st a n d in g t h e fu n d a m en t a l n a t u r e o f h u m a n r ela t io n sh ip s gives y o u a t r em en d o u s a d va n t a ge wh en it co m es t o u n d er st a n d in g o t h er s, u n d er st a n d in g y o u r self, a n d st r a t egizin g t o a ch ieve y o u r o wn p er so n a l r ela t io n sh ip go a ls. Learn in g o u tco m es: Th e lea r n in g o u t co m es fo r t h is co u r se a r e b a sed o n t h e Dep a r t m en t o f Psy ch o lo gy s Lea r n in g Ou t co m es wh ich in clu d e d evelo p in g st u d en t s a b ilit ies in t h e fo llo win g: Resea r ch Meth o d s Cr it ica l Th in k in g Co m m u n ica t io n Co n t en t Sp ecific learn in g o bjective s in clu d e: Un d er st a n d in g im p o r t a n t t h eo r ies b eh in d r ela t io n sh ip s r esea r ch Be a b le t o d ist in gu ish b etween go o d a n d b a d r esea r ch / wr it in gs a b o u t r ela t io n sh ip s Be a b le t o a p p ly r esea r ch t o exa m p les (p er so n a l o r o t h er ) o f r ela t io n sh ip s Lea r n t o o ls fo r b etter in g/ d ea lin g wit h r ela t io n sh ip s Be a b le t o co m m u n ica t e k n o wled ge a n d u n d er st a n d in g o f co u r se co n t en t a n d a p p lica t io n COURSE FORMAT CLASSROOM DISCUSSION Cla sses will b e lect u r es wit h co n t r ib u t io n s fr o m y o u. Yo u will r egu la r ly b e a sk ed t o p a r t icip a t e in cla ssr o o m d iscu ssio n b y wa y o f click er s. Per io d ica lly y o u will b e a sk ed t o d o sm a ll gr o u p exa m p les/ d iscu ssio n s in cla ss. Th e lect u r es will b e co n d u ct ed m a in ly b y y o u r in st r u ct o r. So m e t o p ics m a y b e t a u gh t b y in vit ed lect u r er s. Th e lect u r es will b e d esign ed t o p r o vid e y o u wit h a n u n d er st a n d in g o f t h e m a jo r t h eo r etica l id ea s in r ela t io n sh ip p sy ch o lo gy a n d t h e r esea r ch t h a t su p p o r t s t h em. Besid es p r o vid in g y o u wit h in fo r m a t io n a b o u t t h e m a jo r id ea s in r ela t io n sh ip p sy ch o lo gy, t h is co u r se a im s t o en ga ge y o u in cr it ica l t h in k in g a b o u t a ll t h ese id ea s a n d in sp ecific a ct ivit ies t h a t will p u t y o u r k n o wled ge in t o p r a ct ice. Cla ssr o o m d iscu ssio n is en co u r a ged t h r o u gh o u t t h e cla ss. Th er e will b e so m e a ct ivit ies t h r o u gh o u t t h e t er m en co u r a gin g d iscu ssio n a n d u n d er st a n d in g o f co n cep t s. ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION At t en d a n ce, p er se, will n o t b e t a k en. Ho wever, t h er e will b e p a r t icip a t io n p o in t s t a k en. Th ese will b e r eco r d ed via click er s. Wh eth er in a t t en d a n ce o r n o t, h o wever, y o u a r e r esp o n sib le fo r a ll m a t er ia l co ver ed in cla ss, in clu d in g n o t es a n d a n n o u n cem en t s (in clu d in g ch a n ges in d ea d lin es a n d t o t h e list o f t o p ics). DO NOT EXPECT YOUR INSTRUCTOR OR TA TO BRING YOU UP TO DATE IF YOU MISSED CLASS, UNLESS THE ABSENCE WAS DUE TO AN EMERGENCY!!!! GRADING Th e fin a l gr a d e in t h is cla ss will b e b a sed o n a p er cen t a ge o f p o in t s. 1. Mid term Exam s: (2 Mid term s, e ach wo rth p o in ts) Ea ch exa m will co n sist o f m u lt ip le ch o ice it em s a n d sh o r t a n swer it em s. Ch a p t er s t h a t will b e in clu d ed o n ea ch exa m a r e list ed in t h is sy lla b u s. All t h e m a t er ia l in t h e t ext a n d in lect u r e is fa ir ga m e fo r t h e exa m. All exa m s will fo cu s o n t h e ch a p t er s n o t ed o n t h e sch ed u le, b u t co n cep t s t h a t a r e im p o r t a n t t o t h e cla ss t h a t ca n b e in t egr a t ed wit h cu r r en t m a t er ia l m a y Syllabus - Page 2

3 a p p ea r o n t h e 2 nd m id t er m a n d will d efin it ely a p p ea r o n t h e fin a l. Th e m id t er m exa m s a r e n o t in t en d ed t o b e cu m u la t iv e, b u t t h ey a r e in t en d ed t o b e in t egr a t ive. We will m a k e a n n o u n cem en t s in cla ss a b o u t a n y ch a n ges in t h e exa m in a t io n sch ed u le. All exa m s m u st b e t a k en d u r in g t h e r egu la r ly sch ed u led t im e p er io d. Ta k in g a n exa m a t a t im e/ d a t e o t h er t h a n t h a t p o st ed in t h e sy lla b u s is p er m it t ed o n ly u n d er ext r em e cir cu m st a n ces a n d wit h a p p r o p r ia t e d o cu m en t a t io n (See DSS, Religio u s h o lid a y s, etc. b elo w). No exa m s will b e h a n d ed o u t a ft er a n o t h er st u d en t h a s co m p leted t h e exa m a n d left t h e r o o m. Id en t ifica t io n will b e r eq u ir ed wh en y o u t u r n in y o u r exa m (a TA wit h a cla ss r o st er in clu d in g p ict u r es will a sk y o u fo r y o u r n a m e a n d ver ify y o u r id en t it y ). 2. Exam Fo llo w-u p s (5 p ts. each ) Du r in g t h e cla ss fo llo win g m id t er m exa m s, y o u will d o a n exa m fo llo w -u p. Yo u will co m p lete t h e m u lt ip le ch o ice p a r t o f t h e exa m s a ga in in gr o u p s wit h n o t es. If y o u get a ll t h e q u est io n s co r r ect, y o u will get 5 p o in t s. On e p o in t o ff p er q u est io n in co r r ect. 3. Fin al Exam (1 5 0 p ts.) Th e fin a l exa m will b e c u m u la t ive. Th er e will b e fo u r ch a p t er s t h a t wer e n o t co ver ed in t h e o t h er exa m s t h a t will b e a sk ed a b o u t m o r e sp ecifica lly, b u t t h e r em a in d er will b e cu m u la t ive. Th e Fin a l will co n sist o f m u lt ip le -ch o ice, sh o r t a n swer, a n d fill in t h e b la n k q u est io n s. 4. Gro u p p ap er: (100 p ts) In st ea d o f a t r a d it io n a l t er m p a p er, y o u will b e p a r t icip a t in g in co m p letin g a co lla b o r a t ive r ep o r t (see h a n d o u t ). Yo u will ch o o se t o co m p lete t h is a ssign m en t in d ivid u a lly o r a s a gr o u p. Yo u o r y o u r gr o u p will co m e u p wit h a q u est io n a b o u t r ela t io n sh ip s. Yo u sh o u ld w r it e y o u r r ep o r t a s a r esp o n se t o t h is q u est io n. Yo u r a u d ien ce sh o u ld b e a 2 0 y ea r -o ld co llege st u d en t. All t h e in fo r m a t io n p r o vid ed m u st co m e fr o m sch o la r ly r esea r ch a n d m u st b e a ccu r a t ely cit ed a cco r d in g t o APA st y le. Ea ch m em b er o f t h e gr o u p m u st fin d sch o la r ly so u r ces o u t sid e t h e t ext b o o k t o wr it e a b o u t in t h e gr o u p r ep o r t. Th e n u m b er o f so u r ces a n d len gt h o f t h e gr o u p r ep o r t d ep en d s o n t h e size o f t h e gr o u p y o u ch o o se. Yo u m u st m a k e a t lea st o n e co n t r ib u t io n t o t h e gr o u p r ep o r t cit in g a n ew so u r ce o n ce p er m o n t h a cco r d in g t o t h e sch ed u le (see sch ed u le). If y o u a r e in a gr o u p, ever y m em b er will r eceive t h e sa m e gr a d e o n t h e gr o u p r ep o r t. 5. Preparatio n wo rksh e ets an d Gen o gram (5 0 p ts) Th e p u r p o se o f t h e Pr ep a r a t io n Wo r k sh eets is t o h elp y o u in y o u r p r ep a r a t io n fo r cla ss. Th ese wo r k sh eets will a sk y o u q u est io n s a b o u t t h e r ea d in gs in t h e b o o k t h a t will b e d iscu ssin g in cla ss. Th er e will b e o n e wo r k sh eet p er ch a p t er a ssign ed in t h e b o o k. Ea ch wo r k sh eet will co n sist o f 1 0 q u est io n s (gen er a lly m u lt ip le ch o ice). Th ese q u est io n s will b e r a n d o m ly p ick ed fr o m a p o o l o f q u est io n s fr o m t h a t ch a p t er. All t h e wo r k sh eets will b e p o st ed o n Ca n va s a n d m u st b e su b m it t ed o n Ca n va s b efo r e cla ss b egin s o n t h e d a y we b egin t a lk in g a b o u t t h a t ch a p t er (see sch ed u le ). All o f t h e a n swer s t o t h e q u est io n s ca n b e fo u n d in t h e r ea d in gs d u e t h a t week. Th e wo r k sh eets a r e wo r t h 3 p o in t s a p iece. A gen o gr a m is a gr a p h ica l r ep r esen t a t io n o f y o u r r ela t io n sh ip s. Yo u will b e r eq u ir ed t o cr ea t e a n d su b m it y o u r gen o gr a m in p r ep a r a t io n fo r o n e o f t h e cla ss p er io d s (see sch ed u le). 6. Go al Measu rem en t Pap er(s) (70 p ts to tal: 2 0 p ts fo r th e p retest p ap er, 5 0 p o in ts fo r th e co m p lete p ap er) On e o f t h e m a in p u r p o ses o f t h is cla ss is t o a p p ly r esea r ch t o im p r o ve y o u r o wn r ela t io n sh ip s. Yo u a r e r eq u ir ed t o m a k e o n e go a l a p p ly in g p r in cip les fr o m t h e cla ss t o y o u r o wn life. Yo u will m ea su r e y o u r p r o gr ess o n t h e go a ls t h a t y o u r ep o r t a b o u t. Yo u will u se a r esea r ch m eth o d t o m ea su r e a p r etest o f y o u r go a l a s well a s a p o st t est o f y o u r go a l. Yo u will b e Syllabus - Page 3

4 r eq u ir ed t o su b m it a p a p er r ep o r t in g t h e p r etest o f y o u r go a l. La t er in t h e sem est er, y o u will su b m it a p a p er r ep o r t in g t h e r esu lt s o f b o t h t h e p r etest a n d t h e p o st t est m ea su r e o f t h e go a l. 7. Particip atio n (20 p ts) Pa r t icip a t in g in cla ss, a n d sp ecifica lly t h e click er q u est io n s, m a k es t h e cla ss m u ch m o r e en jo y a b le a n d in fo r m a t ive. St a r t in g o n t h e seco n d d a y o f cla ss, y o u will r eceiv e o n e p o in t (m a xim u m 2 0 ) fo r ea ch cla ss in wh ich y o u p a r t icip a t e, exclu d in g exa m d a y s, a n d gr o u p r ep o r t d a y s. Th er e a r e 2 3 o f t h ese cla sses. Pa r t icip a t io n will b e d eter m in ed b y a n swer in g o n e sp ecific click er q u est io n. An y o n e wh o a n swer s will b e co u n t ed a s p a r t icip a t in g t h a t d a y. Beca u se o f t h e p er so n a l n a t u r e o f t h e o t h er click er q u est io n s, o n ly t h e p a r t icip a t io n q u est io n will n o t b e a n o n y m o u s. Usin g so m eo n e s click er t h a t is n o t r egist er ed t o y o u r n a m e (su ch a s b r in gin g a fr ien d s click er a n d click in g fo r h im / h er wh en sh e is n o t p r esen t ) is co n sid er ed a ca d em ic d ish o n est y. As t h e in st r u ct o r, I r eser ve t h e r igh t t o t a k e a t t en d a n ce b y h a n d a ft er t h e p a r t icip a t io n q u est io n s h a ve b een a sk ed t o ver ify t h a t t h e list o f st u d en t s a t t en d in g m a t ch es t h o se wh o p a r t icip a t ed. An y o n e wh o wa s n o t in a t t en d a n ce a n d p a r t icip a t ed, a s well a s t h e p er so n click in g fo r t h em, will b e r ep o r t ed t o t h e Ho n o r Co u n cil. 8. Class Extra Cred it Yo u ca n ea r n 3 p o in t s ext r a cr ed it o n y o u r n ext exa m fo r p a r t icip a t in g in eit h er Tin a Tu r n er Ka r a o k e d a y (Sin gin g in fr o n t o f t h e cla ss) o r t h e Po etr y sla m (wr it in g a p o em a b o u t b r ea k u p s a n d r ea d in g it in fr o n t o f t h e cla ss). See sch ed u le fo r d a y s. 9. Late Wo rk Beca u se a ll a ssign m en t s a r e t u r n ed in o n Ca n va s, n o la t e a ssign m en t s ca n b e a ccep t ed u n less t h e la t en ess wa s d u e t o a n excu sed a b sen ce r eco gn ized b y t h e in st r u ct o r, in wh ich ca se a n a lt er n a t ive a ssign m en t m a y b e given. La t e gr o u p r ep o r t p o st in gs will b e p en a lized 5 p o in t s (fo r t h a t in d ivid u a l o n ly ) p er la t e p o st in g. 10. Ro u n d in g u p y o u r grad e Beca u se I o ffer y o u ext r a cr ed it o p p o r t u n it ies, I will n o t r o u n d u p y o u r fin a l p er cen t a ge gr a d e. I will r o u n d y o u r gr a d e t o t h e n ea r est p o in t, b u t n o t t o t h e n ea r est wh o le p er cen t. Gr a d in g sca le: % = A % = A 90-93% = A- (9 0 % = Po in t s) % = B % = B 80-83% = B- (8 0 % = Po in t s) % = C % = C 70-73% = C- (7 0 % = Po in t s) % = D % = D 60-63% = D- (6 0 % = Po in t s) b elo w 5 9 % = F IMPORTANT POLICIES FOR STUDENTS Several of the important policies for the class are listed here. For a complete list of university policies for class see: EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENTS IN THIS CLASS Investment of time and energy: While I believe that learning can be fun, and I certainly hope that you have fun, this class does require a substantial investment of time and energy for the typical student to be successful. University guidelines suggest that, for a 3-credit class during a Fall or Spring semester, you should be working/studying about 6 hours a week outside of class time. Syllabus - Page 4

5 Taking responsibility for your own learning: I expect all students to take responsibility for their own learning. Your responsibilities include (but are not limited to): being aware of all course policies in this syllabus. coming prepared for all class meetings. asking questions about material and/or assignments that you do not understand. (Note that I will not discuss all topics of importance that I deem sufficiently covered in the text; it is your job to read the text before coming to class and to ask questions about topics that are not clear to you.) Class etiquette: This is a large class, and I need your help in limiting the number of distractions. I ask that you abide by the following guidelines: No talking or whispering during lectures or when others are talking. Turn off all cell phones and other distracting electronic devices. If you need to be contacted in case of an emergency, set the phone to vibrate, and leave immediately if you need to take a call. Please arrive to class on time and wait until the end of the class to leave. If you need to arrive late or leave early, please inform me ahead of time. No sleeping during class. MY RESPONSIBILITIES AS AN INSTRUCTOR I recognize that there are many things that a teacher can do to enhance student learning. My role in this course is to facilitate your learning by: communicating clear expectations, so that you do not have to guess what I want. designing and managing the learning experience in order to help you meet course objectives. staying up to date on the material for this course. providing frequent and timely feedback. answering your questions to the best of my ability, and acknowledging if I don t know the answer. GRADE DISPUTE POLICY Grade disputes for all assignments and exams must be in writing and initiated no later than one week after the grades are returned. Please note that the instructor and TAs are always willing to discuss grades in order to help students improve in the future; however, grades are rarely changed unless there was a mistake in the scoring of the exam or paper. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY EXPECTATIONS My interactions with you are based on the expectation of mutual trust and honor. You are expected to do your own work on exams and assignments (unless I explicitly say otherwise) and to adhere to the University of Maryland Honor Pledge ( The Honor Pledge is a statement undergraduate and graduate students are asked to write by hand and sign on examinations, papers, or other academic assignments not specifically exempted by the instructor. The Pledge reads: I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment/examination. Although it is often helpful to discuss assignments and course materials with other students, your written work must represent your own ideas in your own words. Acts of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course. Any behavior that appears to be academic dishonesty will be referred immediately to the Honor Council and may result in a grade of XF for the course. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following acts: Purchasing or copying an article or paper from any source(s) and turning it in as your own. Failing to cite or improperly citing the ideas of others. Working with other students on assignments, unless the instructor has explicitly said that you may work together. For example: you should not work with others on completing the worksheets. All responses to short answer/essay questions should be in your own words and should not be directly copied from any source. Lying about reasons for turning an assignment in late or missing class. Clicking in for someone else on a clicker. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Students requesting accommodations in classroom seating, test taking, and the like should give the instructor a Disability Support Services (DSS) accommodation form early in the semester. The accommodation form is proof of the student's eligibility for services, such as extended time on exams. The form indicates the specific accommodations as determined by Syllabus - Page 5

6 DSS. The University offers professor's the choice of providing equivalent accommodations OR sending exams to DSS. Either way DSS recommends that professor and student discuss these choices. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS University policy provides that students should not be penalized because of observances of their religious beliefs; students shall be given an opportunity, whenever feasible, to make up within a reasonable time any academic assignment that is missed due to individual participation in religious is the student's responsibility to inform the instructor of any intended absences for religious observances in advance. Notice should be provided as soon as possible but no later than the end of the schedule adjustment period. If you plan to miss class for a religious holiday, notify the instructor at the beginning of the semester. PROBLEMS If you are experiencing a problem with the course or if you foresee a problem, PLEASE talk to your instructor before it gets any worse. We will be much more sympathetic if the problem is small and if we have forewarning. Syllabus - Page 6

7 WEEK DATE TOPICS TO BE COVERED READINGS/ASSIGNMENTS All assign m en t s d u e at 9 :0 0 AM u n less o t h erw ise sp ecified 1. Tu e sd a y Au g. 2 9 Introduction Au g. 3 1 Chapter 1: The Building Blocks of 2. Tu e sd a y Se p t. 5 Chapter 2: Research Methods Se p t. 7 Chapter 3: Attraction 3. Tu e sd a y Se p t. 1 2 Chapter 3: Attraction Speed Dating Day Preparation worksheet 1 due Preparation worksheet 2 due Preparation worksheet 3 due Se p t. 1 4 Chapter 4: Social Cognition Preparation worksheet 4 due 4. Tu e sd a y Se p t. 1 9 Group report Day Group report group form due at 11:59 PM Se p t. 2 1 Chapter 4: Social Cognition 5. Tu e sd a y Se p t. 26 Chapter 5: Communication Preparation worksheet 5 due Goals Measurement Pretest due Se p t. 2 8 Chapter 5: Communication Group report question form due at 11:59 PM Group report Outline due at 11:59 PM 6. Tu e sd a y Oct. 3 Exam 1 Oct. 5 Exam Follow-up and Group report Day 7. Tu e sd a y Oct. 1 0 Chapter 6: Interdependency Preparation worksheet 6 due Syllabus - Page 7

8 Oct. 1 2 Chapter 6: Interdependency 8. Tu e sd a y Oct. 1 7 Chapter 7: Friendship Preparation worksheet 7 due Oct. 1 9 Chapter 8: Love Tina Turner Karaoke Day Preparation worksheet 8 due 9. Tu e sd a y Oct. 2 4 Chapter 8: Love Oct. 2 6 Chapter 9: Sexuality Preparation worksheet 9 due Oct. 31: Group report Entry due at 11:59 PM 10. Tu e sd a y Oct. 3 1 Chapter 10: Stresses and Strains Preparation worksheet 10 due First Day to dump group members No v. 2 Chapter 10: Stresses and Strains Completed Goals Measurement Report due 11. Tu e sd a y No v. 7 Exam 2 No v. 9 Exam Follow-up and Group report Day 12. Tu e sd a y No v. 1 4 Chapter 11: Conflict Preparation worksheet 11 due Last day to dump a group member No v. 1 6 Chapter 12: Power and Violence Preparation worksheet 12 due 13. Tu e sd a y No v. 2 1 Chapter 12: Power and Violence No v. 2 3 Th an ksgivin g 14. Tu e sd a y. No v. 2 8 Chapter 13: The Dissolution and Loss of Preparation worksheet 13 due Group report due at 11:59 PM Syllabus - Page 8

9 No v Tu e sd a y De c. 5 Chapter 13: The Dissolution and Loss of Poetry Slam Chapter 14: Maintaining and Repairing Genogram Due Preparation worksheet 14 due De c. 7 Chapter 14: Maintaining and Repairing 16. De c. 1 4 Final Exam 8:00 AM-10:00 AM In our classroom Syllabus - Page 9

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