J d a f f a ^ s L n T i ' i! k t F ^ K i T i n f r - N p w s p n p v r TWIN FALLS, IPAHQ, THURSDAY, JULY 2 ^ J9 7 1 _.

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1 J d a f f a ^ s L n T i ' i! k t F ^ K i T i n f r - N p w s p n p v r ivol. 68 NO. 88 B u c k l e y V i e t n a m - TWIN FALLS, IPAHQ, THURSDAY, JULY 2 ^ J9 7 1 ct.enxenr,s ute M ciiiud rca^onablu. Biickloy, editor of tlie weekly murnzino, Jiaid the nrtlclea woro-u'rittan-hitit'wfiok-^in'uiti- Nntiofiat Hovicw officcs and wore coiii;>0!{ed "ex n lh llo " out of nothltij'. inont docmncnts" which were rbald;:,tflakad. who wanted to show the other nuio of the Pcntai^on papora piibllkhed In thq press. Btiokloy, tneetirih-wluj-nows^ men.oil his relurn Wa.Hli., Kald Ufe articlci) wore printed In the National Rovlow to prove that forrcd docurnents-"wmild be - widely accepted iih ([enulnc provldod Uieir cdntent was inherently. ausiblc. Uio ma^'nzine's current edition jncant to «how tliat "tho country, but nol ito the an hikhly claiwified I'ovcrn- Pcntimon and Ujo CIA (Central extent -Uie Pentaf'on pnijcr.-} were reported. S t r i k e I r r e a k ; MaiUmalkcmt-settlejrtent hopes rise with niew pact deaths official of the b^nvironmcntal Protecllon Agency told the " Timos-Ncwa today; Ulnt Dr. Kt'nost J.' istornglass. In cfaiminr ; tliat----- higher'^ radioactivity is causitiii Infant.deaths in Idaho Is u.nln^; fal.<u> flgiirpft,.;. Dr. Edythalena Tompkins, an epidemiologist with the.bpa's rct(lonal oiflce in Seattle, said t^ y -U ia t '*He is usintf fnl^ flkures'mn claiming tjie doadliy " cffccts of radioactivity In Idaho, OroKon an4 Montana. Dr. Tompkin<i.said StfimelBBS quoted, fallout flt>uru.s -fof-the Tlrsl quarter of 107(>-7l," whlch applied to the previous year, and that statistics he reviewed, have not been published. "Ho Is not uslnii the figures he Is stating ho Is using, Dr. Tompkins said. Both SternRlaiss and Dr. Tompkins addressed a sym> poslum on mathematical statistics and probability on the N K W Y O n K ( U P n - w illia m - y. BmiUtfY-Jr.- Bfllti WtfUntiaiiuy,- docutncntii oti Uio Victnntii Wui> In Uio NuUonjil Rovluw were n hoax printed to ahow Iho public would accupt~-us cliuuiilicd- CUDDLED UP cbm to mother U thlf t wttmiu»( the PorUind, Ore.t xoo. which utulzei water tn the hlppoi pool Bi u mean! of keeping cool oa a warm day. Weighing 10 (o 100 poimds, the Infant If the offiprtng of mother. Salome, and father, WASHINGTON-'(UPI) -^ lie Western lujllway because of this fjictor it Freddy. Zoo attendant! don't know yet U it It male or female. It C o o l c h i l d first break ip a (ll«pute lliat has n>e CI(NW»iii(i It would would not be known until late WBi bom Joly 19. WhOe hlppof can luhmerge to fight tern- Borkoloy campus of'-, the-.>ihi>t down two railroads and reveal,detailh of the proposed whether the negotiated peraturef b the 90 degree range, humani have to rely on ah* University of Callfomla. Uireatciis to clo.se elijht more contract covering wa({cs, agreement wps likely to set a coodltlonhik and iwhnmbg poou to keep cool. (UPI) According-to-Dr. Tompkins, -TnajTTiaVe With the* fringe btsne/lutand^vorkl'ulcfl ruwirnhmtryr- Bmaniiniste^'TireTroteveirtho states which aro ll^ed anjjounceinent. today of an at a news'conference at noon " Feiiernl' mediators cnllcd.' ". ' aj recmont fjetweeii tlie United KDT today in Qiicaf'o. representatives of the UTU and w^t «i In our official report as having lyansportatiun Union (UTU) A court order restricted tho tho Industry Into ' Exiles. War s any fallout." and the : iiicako & North union from striking the CitNW, meeting today In.anoUicr Filibuster set I>r. t'rompkins also wrote a attempt to solve Uie lonk* report on Stcrngluss for the stiindink work rules dispute., Department of Health, llie rule.'! trljuiered the Htrike I grabtbed to ll Education and Welfare, which Friday aralnst the Southern. siio served as an epidemiologist T F c e n t e r s and Union Pacific railroads. '. * low er against bailout m -tn 1flfiftrbefore;betny-4rai>aferre<l Tiie ifnn^asr ssvcd notice i f xnrterr. SAIGON (UPI)--Tlie'. U.S. " WASIimOTON (UPI)-WIU> l>^5?lnkt^~blll~kwiir«tfie ib tko EiM. she teclaredlhar' will strike the Soutliern Pacific eommund said today 11 Amcri- Mtschulrinon keeping tabs from government authority to gua- tho official posluon of HEWWas JiUtiiliC-NorfQlMnd-Wciitcnuit- can.y^efe4(ine<rinuma'touian>»-<^»pltflumlcaway,-juckhccd runtofl-repayment-of-up-to-tt-ajvat-^we-eaiuwit-aupport-tha-., Da.m. Saturday. Tlio union Is War Inst week. It was tho Aircraft Corp. has won Impres- billion worth of loans to ailing position of Dr. Stcmglass s b u n - l i m i l s flrhtlna work rules the roll- flrures In the recent Sndanc.ie slve House and Senate victories corporations such as Lockheed,r^r ronda wnnl to nearly s{x yoars. Anothw III tld (of thrrovunuiuilli- Ihb nation's 33ril l«r jc«l llrm. News toaav that ground TWIN FALKS - The tw«i Tyson'H Coinor Shonnlnu GU wcro wounded. (jiuirantced»26i million loan It Uickhedd would probably gel radlauon <«vel«in Idaho have *.... aro needed to cut wuslo and Kliar^uin-bomid airliner to^y 5,x,kosmon iiaul 19 needs to forestall bankruptcy. the tlrst loan H the bill passes Increased aboutien limes (rom ihopplnn renjerfi In Twin F.nll«. Center In the t orthern suburbs oxponse.h but t,,. union claim., a^ncv n.oro u L dljd from nonhostllo But Sen.; Wjlllana Proxmlre but 11 say. It must have the S T o ^ r ly T w r Lynwood and Blue l,uke.s,^ omlionallolrra^ apparently will not come under larj'e department stores lo... A!P*jtJllgJ?JL^L**i^Jt-MH15^n[ii^piiit->iiirh.ah-ngcldfiiiLs..and_DiWi8.^Lockheo<l.g. fqrgmpat_mon6v-bi.thfl-neit-weflk-qf_m H fl-iald groiind-radtbt(»nthe scrutiny of Jiie fl4'<!eral appfov e ' gr. dlaopprove A(tor Uic strike beiian'last W1 I. n,, I l l n e s s. - foe In Conw«M. threatmed to avert bankruptcy.. levels Jumped from one to about week tho remaininb rnllroad.i " Khaitoum. Sudanino commands said today to mastermind a flllbus- ; 10 nanocursoer aauare meler. Traile Coinmi.s;ilon, which has pros[>ectlve tenants, thus In Instituted Uio now rules, 1.' lacked by or- ter abned at preventing a (Inal A second crucial victory for one l»otoorcra?um 1J7 He filed n price-fixini;- complaint effect cohlrolllng prices for tho reaultln«in widespread Inyoffs. ' S. S ' i i ' w a s at IL, lowest ebb-in suc Sente vote before CongreM Uleaeros^ce giant came In the d radlauon ievelil of cesium a({aiast an IvJist Coast.shiipj)lni; entire complex. 'Ilio PrC luid Tlmt situation trlmcred ' S qulu Aug. 8 for a month s Hoiue Banldng Committee/ j j, ^ - complex. claimed the practlcc was walkout akalnst the Cl.Icaco,, 1? Lpped to the lowest point ta vacauon. ^ which outvoted Its chairman, 32 picocurles per W r to about M ' - -~-fipokehnh.n-for-lhw -two--widu.proad,-limlting^oom._;; ;ns,» m irp «ci;iv R ;ils -K lu irto m ^^ _shopplni{ shoppuii' centers said their pctulon atul raising prices. -,-ln -llie _ Cn««rin - c o rlfl.^iii,, in nrnu nr«,. Iraai Iraqi news nowa aiiency aiicncy said. aalil. P ^ Rjtjin l«l l a"'l «Pt»-'>v«l-a-blll--^,c-5^ji5-*'au-rliig^lhe JiaHis vaja v, Wodnosday in In hi«hln Idcntlcol to tho Scnnto moa- dcvclopcrflrwho^utt'ihe- land J «c «l u l d o o n, o p w «lo r of Wodno.«lay. UTU ~ T ««e no n.m «l ate North v. ^ J period. ' Wedne.wlay....v v>.w.,.. und rent llie property, have no Penny*Wise Drug In Lynwood, the fewest In nearly six monuis. Thd 1071' figures were 85 members left their jobs to explanation, but he action restrlction.i on the nature of the said the merchants all l^dong to ^.S. HiM»kesmcn uald Uiat of recorded In January and protest the new work rules and occujtcd soon after nows businesses ijoing into either n loosely knit merchants February of this year. Uieir picket lines halted traffic reached Kluirtoiim lluil two Df Uie 11 GIs listed a^ killed last complex. -.-4JHsocijitlon, which Is conweek, four.soldiers previously He said the readings were in Uie area, Including U)c line's Uio new regime's leaders luul John C.' liihhop, owner o f. ceniml ihainly wlui advertising. were sliowii -as missing in published In the U.S. En> once-a-<lay passenf'er train between Clilcago and Peoria. overseas Airways ihoacl e r been taken off a i^ritish 131IVIAII. I B u h l collision fifui died of Lynwood Hcnlty^.silld.tlie only - MerdmnLt rolato cluilrnianihip viroranontal Protection Agency criterion for stores In the plane In Bengluizl, Ubya. April issue o f ' Health Lynwood Shopping Center Is fighting. Radiological Data and Reports. "Htorefi wlio can do busine.ss and Libya, Egypt and Syria arc Tiie deaut toll was Uio lowest cuts o ff pow er Ho said another Important pay the rent, Merchants K e t c h u m Uio tliroe meml)(?r states of a... fllnco'aug. 2a. I0C5, Uicy said, measurement of radiation was. presently leasing property have projected federation of'arab when six Americans were BUHL Residents soutli of illd not see the car. When she in tho air, as measured In Bolae. no autliority to queiition new states wiiich Sudan's toppled killed, and wo» 18 bolow tlie y,j,.o wltliout power for hoard tho other vehicle, driven He said similar increases, businesses, Hisiiop said. president, MaJ. Gen. Jaafnr number killed in tlie week iy,u( hours Wednesday by Randy K. Bingham, IB, she were reported Yor radiation b o y d i e s hi Washlnf'ton, D.-C. the F'FC cndiid July 10. night after a powor polo was sfrolbhlcncaher car oiifinstead levels and infant mnrtallty In_ complaint said the defendant, Tlie 11 (lentils and 81 wounded shoartid off In a two-ear of completing tho turn. Washington, Montana and of Uie association everv few months, with Sallie Turner now holding the chairmanship, Muldoon sold. Tlie Blue Uikes Shopping Center on Blue Lakes Boulevard Nortli is owned by Numeiry..was planrilng lo join. Daum Iiulustrles of Nampa, a llie new rulers who seized development company wl» also power in a t&*mlnute coup was tlio lowest combined collision. rtio car driven by Blngnam Oregon, developed Uie lnu;e Karcher i n m i Monday are not supporters of casualty toll since Oct. M, 1005, twi p ns County sheriff's came over a hill and collided Ho said the UiCTeased levels Mall between Nampa and Hanoi -UjC-icdcraUon -wlu!jfji-tolalot.m_mcn-weni_of(l54^fjp(,i.h)(l_, seriou»-wilhth«l«iuront^ot.the4lodlg-r Kilt*Wrom-»-nucl«rT<Uvlat- Caldwell. Harry Daum of Daum Industries said tiiut iiis firm Is KETCHUM - Patrick In Beirut, the Iraqi news casualties of Uio " war. Injuries In tho accident, but said car, knocking off the. tiro and exploded underground In interested only In "businesses Murphy, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs.. agency, quoting official.sources Mrs. Vernon Rodig, 33, Buhl, wheel. Officers said If Mrs. Nevada. The ghat, named stubborn which can qualify. Patrick Murt^y Sr., Ketchum, In Khartoum, said Ubyan and her daughter, age 2, could Rodlg had tried to complete the Balnberry, unexpectedly PARIS (UPI)-Ilnnol'a chief was killed Wednesday af- authorities have detained two I r a q i have been seriously hurt If It turn, the Bingham car probably vented radioactive gaises By qualify, Daum.said tiie ncj'ollator Xuan lim y said ternoon when ho darted Into the Jcaders of tlie new RevoluUpnopaUi of 0car on Highway 93 In ry Coinmmid Council which quick thinking. with her car,.serlously Injuring feet and drifted over the autes had not boon for Mrs. Uodlg's would have collided broadside which rose to a helghtrof «,000 shopping center should contjiin today Uio Viotnamese conflict flrtns which do not conflict In 'will be-atitled-ptwvefuhyo»tly lf- _fravit_nf_htc hnmp W?i7e<j_ power In the Sudim a i r l i n e r Offlcors said Mrs. Rpdlg was the woman and child. Involved., ' President Nixon sets u deadline products uue. offered, eu, i.ui Juit, i tluit no Mondliy. It rinmod Uiem at Lt. iravoiln^ soutti... tnc NClUier... BlllglllUM lu - Mail»----11ie sliut, -ull D»f, H, IWD, for a complete U.S. military P S t a t o Police, said tlio youngster Col. tabakr al Nour tonrum, CasUeford Rood Just souut of Back, Ifl, a paiasenger In Uie car preceded the higher radlauon wllhtawnl, and stops support.. run from tlui west side of thu ^uncll pre.s dent, and M)iJ, Buhl when she attempted to owned by Elwood Wing,-wafl^readinga recorded the fou w lnglni(souiii.vlelnnme«l"presidcnt I.<!noy Gelflt, mjiriager of Wgliway In front of n.nor- Moliamoied Aluned Mnhjoub.) e x p l o d e s make 0loft turn. She told of- Injured. MrsiTlodig Wai» taken two monthsrhe said Uwro was fleers site hoard another vehicle to a Buhl physician for treat* on Immediate rise In Infant NBuynrVmrThlctr Hottrey's-store in the Blue tlibound-eaimlnlwuv-by-mary-j, A-BOAG-«pok»«mim-aal<l-Uu!. -CAlKO-(JJC»-niii.l',Vn[i:i»if,. _, -npprobchlng-frdm U»-raar^but~,ment deaths. Simultaneously, Viet Cong Lakes center, said the mor- Iligbee, 20,. of Ketchum. two left tile plane at IlengluttiV tliy Arabs'! radio said a Hiwclal nckotialor Mndame Nguyen'Hii chanu of tile shopping complex Tlie boy was taken to the Sun Hi.nlim-Alruorl.aflei^Ui8-VGI0-lmi]rillHIKw~?iirrvlnil^iatlr ninh aceiwuimikon'of liitejw- t^crclse no conlrorwhatsoever Vfllley^loapltni7Tvhere 1ie was jyi made an unscheduled described as, an Important ' -- fylng military operations not over pro.spoctlvo competitors, -dead on arrival. landirit; on the Insistence of'»rsonallty oxplode<l In tho ulr only In South Vietnam, but nto and tlmt Damrt rnduiitrira Is the t'unoral services nre pending- ijbyan autliorltlca. : toilny over Samll Arabla^ In Ijios and Ciunbodia. sole renuil agent. at Bird Funeral Home,... Earlier, Arab plltlca) source., sald Uie military offlcors u ' Crim e lihus to ld wlio soiled power, have post- EgyptlanalrrirtauthorlUes.lt. ponod uhy' further decisions unul Osman and Maj. Furouk?, Hamadallah rotumid ' frbm on way to Khartoum, the capital of *- -the-sudan..it eii^oded. Uireo WASHINGT'ON (UPI) - A ucuviiy m tmuncml circles, it 'JJio two officers liave been in jn ile s norui of Jeddah. myatorrwltneb-teslltledtodiiyh»-t»«<>n«very;cten-te-mo exile sinm.lllnywfro dismissed PHuaanlo of the.personalltythat ovganlzed crime has made Ui»t there has been substantial "V former 1 resldent Jaafar waa not revealed. -^,1l l»lanllbl -Inflilratloii'' Into-lnfllirail nt- Ih«-^iu.ni.inK,»Iillimiltt..wll0^wi3 ovcruirowa~4n.baiihd«d-latef.^th«=fullng= l-ilie-nauen'ihlnanclsl-coiniiiuiili-lii'oliei'ege.-lnmii'anee.aiid-otlier - lh-mimilny'n I'Mlil llanthlst regime aald twn hlghi >" finnnclnl communities by mimv... "> ln(( Iraqi Baath -party nwwwwwm*' ConUnulng his testlnwny bo' persons' Who ore directly or fore tho Senate's Pprmanent IndlrccUy connected with orga* FLY ON InvesUgaUons sub - n S iis ts ; YO U R HAT Appearing under'the assumed Hie subcommittee, which Is name of "Ooorge White" and in the second monui of hearings testifying for a second d«y on underworld actlvitlesi u u n imag eour JosUee Mlcbell Soheltier was from prosecuuon. Uie witness aamed la secret testimony said he could not have before.a Seoate lubcemmlttee succeededinmulumulion<douar - i m i i r beihnd i* m w y eib airatflwkhflutstich haip> buy. (ypi) "During *my 20 years M th * rm d n > h at w ith mfton«hc h«lbar\(l to twid trout diet. And AVid ' f lih a r m in w oo ld do v«*ll, to h«ck Tlrno* Nowi C s u itle d Ach wh»n'ik«v.^''«thb m arktt jq i^ fish in o M mblnfl hmhn JliiJ k Un A statement issued by the official Iraqi.. news, agency named thevn as Mohammed Suleiman, a member of the vparty'a. r Wn>Arah..oommaftd,- and Salah &leh, a member of U)o militaiy bureau of the regional command. ' GMilrug addicts limited i Joimsoo s cenfereiicfl that the number X)! berofai addicts ameag Vietnam veterans may be even lower «k ^ i - Ntxen*s drag adviser estlmntea.. Johnion mu that of the m,m to U0«000 bmdln addkrts Ip (be U. 8. surveys Indicate U to XS.per cent art veteiims. (UPI)

2 I 2 ll mes-4^ewi, Twtn PaIIs. Idaho Thursday, July ) F i n a l A cleared up S p eed y arrangem ent b /R e k ih ^ tr ip seen to avoid p o ssib le sabotage WASHINGTON{UPI) 11» Nrxon uilinlnistrntionis expect* od to try to urrunko tho l^esldent's Peking trip as soon iistpossibtc to' nvold tho pukslbillty Komo International accidcnt might sabotage Uio confrontation. '.... It is impossible to tell, facilities and the people.. Anotlier reason for- holding Nixon's meeting with Chinese leadcrs as smn as possible Is to provide the hilhlit^uin allotfid; time for opponents of tho confrontntion hero and abroad to crltlciic It. Tho administration Is not nuthorltlos said, just how soon "Very concerned"wlth the ad-.cape_kenne5dy._tupi) Jo mnko,ccrtoln_il tlio. meeting _can_ bo ' held,.vcrso..commcnta. comlng_from: I^ojcct engineers reported to- wnsn t a symptom -of u inoro because tlje United Stales has the remnants. of the once*.day they bcllovo they havo sorioiu problem, yet to send advance teams to powerful China Lobby, which solveti the one remaining Apollo "IU(»ht-now, wo'ro in Uio Vvork'out Uie various logistic strongly backs Chiang Kal- 15 testlnk problem, clearing Uie proccss of isolating tlio prob- and security problems..shek's Nationalist regime and is W?y for the launch as planned lem," said Richard C. I^roffitt, However, past experience has skeptical of the value of. next Monday'of America's most the spacecraft tost controller, shown the technical and physlr meeting with tho Conununlsts. flmhluqimmflohfllght.- during -a- countdown Btatw Uios In-conhcction "Things have been proceeding report at tlie launch very well," reported Jaiiies, center. "Wo feel tliat wo havo Harrington, space vehicle test Isolated It to a ^ 40&<yclo supervisor. Inverter.' rxalfonfluirn3avia::nn:scottrrc=tlw(rfnrf:thntrwo'ro^w«u.-f Alfred M. W.orden and James Uie track of it and* it s not a - B. Irwin were winding up more constraint to launch." _than-two years. of - training. Thc_invcrtcr,_a_d&Yico-that today for the l^day mission by converts direct current to brushing up on procedures for alternating' current in Uie walking -on the moon and command ship, was removed walking In space 48,000 mlles Jmd studied in,,a testing - BUHhKV Tho probldm that apparently engineers were able to duplicate was solved centered around a a' drop In power that fluctuation in tlie command accounted for tho fluctuation. Maffic Valley Hospitals Cufitfiii M e m o r iiil Admitted Scott Beck, Mrs. Donald - Nelwert, Gayle Richins, Uurio- Allen, Mlcluill Toner and Mrs. -TVlbert Smlthrnn"nurloy; Mrs., George H. Tonbr, Kenneth Craytliorn lind Marty Thorpe, all Heyburnf Oscar Joncs,_ Almo; Rufus Burroughs, Cleo Burroiiglis, boui St. I^uis, III.; Arnold Harper, and Rebi;cca Marin, boui Oakjey^ and Robby Ung, Rupert. Dismissed Scott Beck. Gayle Richins and Mrs. Patrick Campbell and dauiiliter, Mrs. Don C. Asher, Alonya Hadley and Justin Wilson, all Burley: Tawny. Wallers, Malta; Rebecca Marin, Oakley; Mrs. Dennls- Erickson and twin sons; Roger Wageman Jr., all Heyburn; Michael Higgins, RupcrL M in id o k a IV feniorinl Admitted Mrs. Marjorie Mai, Mrs. Camillc'Apple, Jerry Cantu Jr7," Ira Gockley, Clarence Fuller, Speed Wall and Grace Jones, all Rupert; Michelle Hlgley, Burley. DlHmlsscd Alexandra Banquet, Mrs. Drent Catmull and daughter; Ronald Gibosn, Antonio Mendoza, Douglas Stronk. Margarei. Sloan, Mrs. Gary Mai, Jerry Cantu Jr., Terrystocklng and Tommy Gray, all Rupert; Barbara Wilson, Burley, and Matilda Barbee, Waco, Tex. Births. Sons were borntfl Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mai'am! Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Apple, all Rupert; and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kelley, Albion. a visit to a Communist country can usually bo settled rather quickly because of tlie state s complete control of tlie ^Q wa bolter to give opponents of the Poking mooting tho least jwsslblo llm'* fo rrltirl7c It. njo only comment fron> the -nothlng-to-do-wltli-r7genulnecare for pohoe or. international understanding among nations." Tho United States Is making 'fl~strenii(iiis'offorflo~convlncc tlie' Russians that It-Is not ganging - up on them by cohukioii" with tho Chinese.: Tlic Aiucrlcan. view Is' tlmt 5r. J. Uoyd out for morning stroll..,.. Penny Stephens rounding up children' for departure for summer camp... Jerome Fiscus, Jerome,. not betlj*!' uiulfvslhndinu Iwtween Whether the io-emlln, locked offprlng to-unload^hohvily" Washington on and Peking that in a bitter ideological and packed trailer... '. Chad ^0 possible settlement of some geographical struggle with China which has caused It to bee? traveling down Shoshone. Street Browning and Howard Johnson bf^the perilous Issues Is Asia, -wlirconlribut<r to; stability in uplts military mlghtalo/ig iho -la-statlw-wagon-.-..-rontlio'area dnd bo of as much 4,5O0^nlle border, will ice tlie Goodman glued to desk... Bob value to*' Moscow. as io merit In Washington s argument, is not yet dear. and Sue Bllllngton with display Harney l^olplng daughter, Pam, Washington. of awards... Fritz Wonderllch V a l l e y l l r l c r s Corps cites -Duke' TWIN KAI.I.S - Tho Swinging Sixties will.rneot Friday nl tho loof Hall. T1m^e; attending are asked to bring four Bflndwlchcs and Ihelr table Mr^lco. iiicre will bo live music featured. All persons (10 years-of-age or older are welconte. -discussing future school plansv.. Prank Uarnolt walking across ' patkln«-tottt7-jav WlUlams loading equipment Into back of SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (U PD- Marino on Parris Island, S.C., cattle truck Judy Brooks l1io Marino Corps I.«ague has will bo presented Aug. 13. wolrlcd about fire In Slwshono named John Woyno ti)o next Wayne was chosen "since in Palls area.,. L. James Koutnlk recipient of tlie "Iron Mlko" his screen portrayals and in his i giving views on local happenings... Joe Wagner visiting. to tho flybrvdav Hie lie Ima Blavctl man "who best exemplifies Uie Uiose traits of charucter Utal..B Tiueblui word American." i make him ah outstanding entering local cafe with several TIjo award, named after a American, the lengue said friends... Moe Sagers and Joe nlno-foot stjiluu of h fighting Wednesday. Sagers, Gooding, lunching in.tffilt in Kamils, _ iti)l Wb»<.m'an._ Ham Hansen,' being Introduced. R e g io n a l O b itu a rie s ^ - L. II.D r a n c y Ernesj )l*arkg A nna H y llo ii C lara Bronson F uneral Services (Jerry) Draney, 07, a former KETCHUM Ernest F. HAILEY -y. Mrs. Anna E. Cjisjira;Coumy aeputy~khcrlff'-pnrksr'70;^kolchum died Hylton. - 77, -Hailey,- died iindbuslne.w man In Hurley and Tuesday of «/> apparent heart Tuesday in the Blaine County.. ship s ciccirlcalpawer-systcm _ Jvlcanwhilc, Jf-'lorida police and -Stanley, died Wednesday at Qtt^ick while on an outing on Hospital of a short illness. during a countdown test last civil defense I auuiorities prepared for as many as an Hospital following a brief. He was born April IB, lfl92 at 1004 la Dunlap, Kan. Slie was Magic Valley Memorial IVnll Creek. Slio was born September. 5, week. Engineers never considered the problem serious but estimated 1.5 million vis itors to Illness. Sawtooth City; His family married to William W. Hylton Uie cai)o area to watch Uio ^ r. Draney was born Jan. Ifl, moved to, Kolchum in 1000 March 12, 1010 at Emporia, launching. Twenty extra staito 1004 at Farr West, Utah, and where ho had lived sln'ce. Kan. He died In loflfl. Slie lit^d Kennedy. troopers have been ordered into came to Idaho with his parents As a young man lie had l>een a resident of Hailey since U)e area. In 1017 when tlioy moved tp worked in a nmnber of mines in 1040 coming from Buhl. Burley. He lived In Burley most area and was in Uie Army In Survivors include five.sons, matriarch of his life until 19S4, when lie World War I. In 1027 he went to Clark.Hylton, IVlneville, Ore.; No inquest moved to Arizomi. work at Bald Momitiiln Hot Ijjiand Hylton, Medford, Ore;; He served as a deputy sheriff Springs until it was sold In lofio,. Marion Hylton, MUton 81 today for Cussia County nnd assisted He was a member Aituras Freewater, Ore.; Ross Hylton, to be held Uie Idaho State Police as a "fixlgc loof, Ketchum. Redmond, Ore., and^i'vnnk HYANNiS POUT, Mass. special investigator while living Surviving is one brouier, Joe Hylton, Ilailey; one hrbuier, (UPD Mrs. Rose Kennedy TWIN FA U ^ - Sheriff Paul -in-purk»it^h^><;^^n<^«l-jit»l_park s ^p lg h u m. -Hc_wjis. one sister and 15 5 grantlchlldren. celebrated, hw. Blst biruitjiiy Corder, acting county coroner operated Draney s Texaco preceded In death by one sister T)ne soii^ two ^ouiers, two U>day. said today Mrs. H. Verncss Service for several years. find three IjroUiera., sisters also preceded her in Friends said the mother of a Tanner, Twin'Fiilb. died of Mr. Draney also built the Graveside services will be death. President and two. Sccators natural causes and no lnque.st Redwood Motel In Stanley and, Held at 10 a.m. Friday In the Funeral servlce.s will be held fanned to spend it quietly with will be held. miinaged it for four ye;iry Ketchum Cemetery wltlj Rev. at 2 p.m. Friday at the Bird Mrs. Ethel Kennedy, wife of Uio llio woman became ill while before.selling the property. W. D. ElJway officiating. Funeral Homo wlui Rev. W. D. la ^ Sen. Robert F. Kennedy., D- sheandherhiujband were In tlwj Ho.served in the U.S. Navy for Friends may call Bird Funeral Ellway officiating. Final rites NlY., and her daughter;, Mrs. SoiUh Fork of tho Boise River one year ln102l. 1 onie Tluir.sday evening. will bo held at the Buhl _^mcqls!eiy.cl amcrils!eiy.ct^ : nroa'al)out nrofl aiw it.10,mllos_j!ottn_px--- north of He-marrie«l^roa-Em p>^ili--- -: ccmrtwy-amjfl.p.m -Frida; -OnlY-onc?3f hcra>na..ts^t n FHlrtltiig. Tuystitiy-.,. siieriff^ggr, divorced Friends may call at the mor alive sen. live-bcn. Edward M. Kcnne- Kenne- Corder ssd said she was pronounced ^pttfl. 1044,'he nuirrle'd Elle'ii t^pt t T hd n1044 s l'lie T amarried TrSC II Elleii' 4 uftry TOhrsdrry ^ dy. D-Mass. Her oldest son, dead on arrivnl back in TVin LcuiisoiUliuolton. : until 10:^0 FrMny Joseph. was-kn^d Uf W^rT^aWlXuTsdaT-^^^^ Mr. Draney was a member of JEROME - Bradley Scott War H and bou\ President John she suffered from a Koart the LDS C)uirch. «orvlni! a two- n^ri.tt»n.;nn mnnf y. Kennedy- ~lil.^ brutlicr~^hfi\;nftmiratsm!nyn5'prdbnt3lr year mission in New Mexico, former area residents Dennis LlVERPOOL,Englond(UPI) Robert were assassinated. due to a heart attack. and the Burley Elks Lodge. and Linda Hess QirlsUansen, Paul Hughes, 13, claimed a Survivors include his wife, died Wednesday at Valle]o, world record Wednesday after Phoenix, Arlz.; three Calif. eating 7R slices of bread and dfiuglilcr«, Mrs. J.MV. (Lila) Jam in an iiour. A son was born to Mr. and IVIa^ic Valley M em oriiil Mrs. Donald Nelwert. Burley. Admitted- Rae Whatcott. Jerald Brady, Gooding C'.oiinly Mrs. Robert Gray. Roy Adams. Cora SmiUi, Claudia Brumbach. Admitted Valory Evans. William Arness, I 11 <1 * *< «. mim. uuiwin wuoujuuu, led Wilson and Mrs. A1 Russ and Garth Turnipsuod and Hagen and son, all-goodlng. LeRoy Thompson, all Jerome; Mrs. Warran McLoy, Kimberly; Mrs. Waltef Roberts, One of the most beautiful -toworrin*tho-world-1s-iit-the -Mrs._Lyim-Lungdon-aiul-l^uU;- Glralda at Seville, Spain Fullerton, all Buhl; Mrs. Albert. Mlchnla, nnd Slmri Hardman.!i!rv:i!?^iz:boUi..Goodlng;-Tlmne Meridian Michael Stevens. c u m c n t p r io N M A T ia i.bliss; _ Shawn Crowley, T H E T IM E S - N E W S Castleford; Laura Vincent, Twin P»IU, Idaho Filer, and, Robertji Thomas, -Dy C*r^l*r Nnmpn. - P *r By M«n 13.^6 ' BIsmlilfied Clara Collins, Wanda. Asoy,,P«ld In A dv«nct (Dtliy I. Sunday) Mrs. Lawrence Grower, Everett laadnlh U7S Lukflsh, Harry Stltca, Robert- 3AAonth» l?.7s Glenn Evans; Sean Freeman, ' 4 Month* ---- tu.so 'WtiT Mrs. Dimny-G«)r((o Todd-nnti- ' M *llio b*c rlp lktn i«cc*p -pimoniv f*don lv (ilrl, Mrii. Gilrv... OIbqii ison ami... son, TIMES-NEW S SUBSCRIBERS C all y o u tc a rtle r or B«tor«A p.m.'d»u yor.(w4or«l9«-m.oo 6und»v» PHONE Buhl-C*»tl««erd S4S-.4MI p fui%sj «i^'und yiiarhafliw Hwinntr-M rgyy Ooedlno H*o«rm*(f ' S3i-aS3S nll?rwln Fall.i; OcarHiLKiaato.- Eden; Mrs. James Brlxey. Mrs. Edward ^^^o6ro, Mrtu Earl U n h lih iri^ r'rn ffn rflita rtiir- ' PtSlirson and James Boll. all Buhl; KaUiryn CrmikT Joro^ne; Barton Henson, rkitpbetlkrhf!l)3l<m^r.ww^htr Mrs. Kennctli Knight nnd JaCy Alldaffer, botli Rurlby; James Boston, Filer; Mrs. Orall* Gullard, Elko, Nev., and Rulli Muaser, Tucson, Ariz. Hlrih- A son wus. born to Mr. und Mrs. Gerwln Woodland, Jerome.., About 8(M) pairs of nesting eagles remain' tn tho United Stt4JS. 'mill,'snrt^6.s(57callf.: Mi*s. Don' (Jerri Lynn) Stapley, Mesa, Arlz., and- Pamela Jessie Draney, Provo, Utah; two -brouiers, Sherman-P.- Draney nnd. L. Leo Draney. l)otli of Warden, Wash.; four sisters, Mrs. Earl (Hazel) Stanger, He was born Feb. 2H. 1071, nl Newport. 'R,T."IIis.parents moved to Vallejo recently. Survivors Include his parents and one sister,.. Sherrie Chriatianncn. Vallejo; his m(\tcrtml_ grpndmothcr._mr.s. Harold Hess, Jerome, and his paternal grandmother, Mrs. IJlly Brlezze, Menan, Idaho. Graveside services will l>e conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday nt the Wendell Cemetery by Robert E. Williams..Arrangcmcnts-are-by-Hovo- Burley; Mrs. Carlos (Gay) Moffett. Bell. Calif.; Mrs. Bill (Delora) Fergu.son, Pocatello, and Mrs. Frank (Donna) Deane, Cliatswortli, Calif., six grandchildren ond four greatgrandchildren. Ho was jo^iagol.-... preceded in death' by^ one'- daughter and two brothers. \ Funeral services will be Vonducted at I p.m. Friday at,ulc Burley LDS Flfth-SevenUi Ward Chapel. Final rites will follow at the Pleasant View Cemetefy. Friends may call at the Payne Mortuary this afternoon and evening and Friday, prior to NOTTINGHAM, ' England (UPI) Pollcewomeiiliave iwen so tough on panly hose that the Nottinghamshire Combined Police Authority ha.^ obtained home ofdco permission to raise each glh's annual allowance from 12 to IB free pairs, a police spokesman said Wednes- S w e e /b r /a r... s p e c ia l v a lu e s f o r T~r~large:group o f spring and summer dresses - pant sjjjts sportswear U J M A I ^ A V E, It s dangerous-for farmer's operating maciilnery to give children rides. S E L E C T... OGDEN - Mrs. Clara RuUr -Hrori^h 83, died- We<lnfls<lj»ymorning of natural cailses In Ogden. S^ie was born April 13. IWW, In Almo. She was preceded In death by lierhilsband, Lucian E, Dron.son and her p^irents Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor. She lived in Almo until her marriage Uien moved to Oakley. Slio later spent some time' In Burley,l)cforo moving to Ogden, UtJih. Slie has resided the past twenty years In Ogden and was a member of the LDS Church and Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. Surviving are three sons and two (laugliters, Boyd Bronson, Ogden? I^eo Bron.son, Hurley, and Eldon Bronson, Ashton; Mrs.- Grant.(Vota, Catmull, Rupert, and Mrs. Jack (Violet) Wilson, Roy, Utah. Also surviving arc 12 grandchildren and 20 great'/'randchlldren. quest and Sons Colonial Mortuary, Ogden, from 10 a.m. to U a.m. Friday. It I.S lllogfil now In Peru to make~or " sell-vieuriti^cloui because members of the llama family are'-threatened with exunction. ' VyHITE T h e -C h a p o l-b y -th 'o -P a rk 136 <1th AVE. EAST-TWIN FALLS PHONE 733 G E. O R R E R V T C E PKHSON.AI.SKRVICKhy prinn fill sp rcifi(' wishes and financial i:ii'i'iiiiis la iii- e s... P H O K I''S - S I O N i t y ( t n r f i j hy an oul.standin); 46-yeur old firm rom pnscd o f licoiiaed personnel w jlh yeiirs^jff ru iiu xyl aerviee exp e rie n e c... C O M l ltfti'l'; S l'll> VICIO at W l i i l i i s e q u ip p e d w illi every m odern co nve n ience and fjic.ilily, -, T-Wm FALIi; Services for Ora Klncheloe will be held nt lo - a.m. Friday at IVln ' Fallii Mortuary. Final rites will be in Sun.set Memorial Park. TWIN FALUS - Services for Mrs. R. Verncss Tanner will be lield at 2 p.m. Saturday nt tho Harrison Street LDS Clmrch with Bishop Stanley Snowi conducting. Final rites will be in Sim.set Memorial Park. Friends may call at White Mortuary Cliapel today, and Friiiay, and Sjiturday unull:30 p.m. "No parking; Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Jones talking ;to-rrlonds- -. andovcrheard, "Slay away from ) tliat water fountain. I don t have time to take you to tho bnthroom again." Now you knovr^ Tlio U. S., second only to Great Britain in Uio Western world as an Importer of tea, gets 00 per cent of Its supply from India, Ceylon, East Africa and Brazil. * S a le s m e n! S e ll m o re! M a k e m o re! HOUSTON, Tex. (UP/) - H A I C ^ A R M E a i E Parking in a shopping center U A M W C U I C fire lane while on U quick dash S A L E S C O U R S E Into a store could become an (>hon«733-33bl. expensive trip. A recenuy PRESENTED BY passed city ordinance ho longer. tt I. ilowmiiin oncl Auo<iot allows Just a warning. It'll cost 2f)l3 Gronila* tl'p nfriinflrr* ffam (loito, Idol o throupout the store

3 . NB c m v FAIIItlCS' k :m i (istoiu:s llllttkvs AlllliniliKiliCN'.S^ ' S T E R l W n t W E M i r AMtKltrSDN'S iiiiiisiin \ssiiiu;stiiiii: o s n m iiii; SlIMMERFItlD S B Si B wist; DltliC.S -SF,W-«AVmBRIfr,SIIOI>- VANSIIfl'T-.SIOItt WARD SCATAlOfiSKRVICK Sill,I,IVAN'S MUSIC l i:ttll.s(in'sllari)waiii: TlllpSON'.UVNWIIoii' nmm IIRttNAWAITS Tlli:TIIIII'IOIIAItli:M IIANNHt n! INIT i tt: CU V Hill'd ANNfS CASUALS, MAClt'S BOOTS SWi:i;iBRIAR SKlNNtRStWINfi SllOri t^ MARTVSKIA ji;nsi:n'sjkw ei,f.rs BONNIE'S WKiS Wlll,SMOTOR AIEXANDKR S I EDFRSON'ii RflfKR'S FIRF.STONrS - KRFNfitl'S SAFEWAY STORES S'-V1,LIKS GiFTS & DOOKS SEARS ROEBUCK ii CO. Slil-RWOCDS SE O RT S CENTliR- IDAHO IJEPT, STORE SE ASO NS 3-JPPLY I) av siipplv PAY d PACK CIIIICK'S SHOES DRAKE 6. PETROLEUM PETERSEN'S WESTERN APPAREl»- puic e hardware SHEIBV'S MARKET' XINDBLOOMS ^ SWENSEN'SMARKET ' V MEL QUALE WILLIAM'S SHOES KENS MAGNAVOX, FARM &CITV DIST. D uring the^jnext 2 days... Twin Falls m,e rch afits:^ offering the greatest savings o f the year! ^ : No D'oiiht ahoitl it.. The Year's liiggcsl Promolional Event! in every departm ent.. * in every participate,-i v: ing store... youhl fin d selected nierchan'-^^ Our Q U.F a,h io ^ d P',alueH Are Shou^in^ turn the pages and take a TTT?

4 \ STim e D e v o t e d T n T h c C i t i z e n t ^ O J M e ^ i c P 'a U c y etnjs Thurtdayf. J u ly 23, 1971 Al Wt«le/gr«n, Publiih«r PHONE ONicI*! C M yw do xii M «m b«rof Audit Bur*M o(clreula«lon feik^ Upt Pur»o«nt le Section 40-1M id»ho Cod*, Thwr*d*y li h«r«by d«ilgn»t*d «th «of fh» WmK on which ' IflOSi M tic M U(lll tm puw IUtM ; P u b llih M d tliv M d & im d «y;«l(c ^V S «lufyay;*( laatthlrd U r W W t i r Twin F»IU< Idaho, ISM1, by M»glc V/tlity ^^«w tpap«rt, Inc. Eflt«r*d» M cond c im t m all m allar April I, lfh,b <m *po«lom c#<n Twrin Fa((i. < d ah b.fjm I,o od *< m»»cfofm arch f, IIW. Jobs A n d Politics, President Nixon vetoed the $5.0 billion public works b ill aimed by th e D e m o c r a t jc - c o n t r o lle d Congress at-crfeatjng-zoo.ooo iobsbecause of the long lead tim e required, fo r a huge construction program and the Jtiw jjpbs that w ould-resuh -qulcldy, Instead, h d 's ig n e ^ $2.25 billion emergency a c tj h a t w ould create more than 150,000 jobs over tfie next tw o ye a i^ in public service. It is s till up to Congress to app ropriate tho money. Nixon said uongressional leaders haa pledged as p o lic e w o rk, re c re a tio n, education and parks and highways m ain te n a nce. H ow eyer, N ixon -urged a Congresslonal'studv of his plan to elim inate the need fo r any m agic local funds. JlLxonls jvisc_voto_ ofjhe^public -w orks-program r^w hich-he-saw -as creating a "deadend entrapment iti permanent public subsidy," brought tirades from labor leaders a n d D em o cra ts in Congress. George M e in y, President of the AFL-CIO, said_tho_adminlslratlon blames unem plpym cni "on thtee the Initial $I b llllo n ^o u ld be-votcd------who ere-loeing their jobs " and high I prom ptly. The m easure not only would have an im m ediate im pact upon the hardest h it areas b ut Nfixon said, "tra n s itio n a r em ploym ent would lead people into perm anent jobs and not be a substitute fo r th e m. I t also would give preferential treatm ent to veterans who have served in Korea or Vietnam since Jobless rates among re tu r-. ning servicem en have been substa n tia lly higher thart the 5.6 per cent national average, w ith about 350,000. looking fo r w o rk T Under the present biu, states and cities would share 10 per cent of the cost of providing jobs in such fields F o r the firs t tim e in its 114-ycar history, the National Education -A s s n.-is -g o in g -to -o p e n ly -u s o -its ~ p olitica l power in a presidential election. An association leader "m ade~it~clear a t the annual conve n tio n in.d e tro it th a t tho organizotion w ill probably w ork to oppose the re-election o f R ichard M - N ix o n r "T h e association s Unprecedented entry into presidential politics was launched by outgoing President Helen Bain w ith 'a fie ry attack on the Nixon adm inistrationthat received two standing ovations from the 7,000 delegates. M rs. Bain charged th a t tliis is the m o s t' a n ti-e d u c a tio n adm inistration this country has had in m any years,', i Executive Secretary Sam M, L am bert followed up by declaring that... Nixon is a hear nothing, sa y-no thin gh o -no thin g-e d u catio n - president, who had better lend a iiand o r we are moving two m illio n voters and a ll th e ir husbands, wives and friends to th^s support of a n o th e r and d iffe re n t ad m inid r atlon; j N a tio n a l School P u b lic Relations Assn. news release. " P re s id e n t N ixo n y e ste rd a y prices on those who cannot afford -to pay-u iem Houso Speaker C a rl A lb e rt, Dem ocrat-oklahoma, asserted the. President was engineering tho current epidem ic of joblessness" in an e ffo rt to "tra d e jobs fo r defla tio n." N either Congress nor tho labor unions appeared to be concerned w ith infla tio n, w hich clearly is the number one enemy of the w orking man. We believe most Idahoans w ill support the President In his d if fic u lt... ta sk ot co m b a tin g unem ploym ent w ithout p erm ittin g wages and prices to go through the roof. signed the la rg e s t e d u catio n a l appropriation b ill in history and prodded Congress, to w ork speedilyon fo u r a d d itio n a l e d u catio n a l proposals he has submitted. The new ivieasuro provides $5;i billio n fo r the fiscal year that b c g a n y u ly l7nearly $l billion more than was voted in the last fiscal ^(!ai^fio=buikt3fthflr ncytv111 g o -. fo r ejem entary and s c o o n ^ ry e du ca tio n and fo r va rio u s p ro g ra m s in a id of h ig h e r education... W hile Congress voted $7 m illionless fo r education than N ixon requested, it made a num ber of significant changes in program s he reogmmended. These changes w ill result in an increase o f spending in. the cu rren t fiscal year of $275 m illio n o ver th ff am ouhts estim ated in m y January budget, he s a id... i^ T h is - in c r e a B e - w ill- r e q u ir o - offsetting reductions elsewhere in the budget to m aintain fiscal stability,' he soid." News w ire item. -N ntai^rnntrnry tn pfi-tnin nncty rum ors, Uic National Education ' Assn. has not adopted as its.official campaign song the ballad More. W atck Your Language T h e.-n a tio n a l A s s o c ia tio n - of L a ym e n, a R om an C a th o lic organization founded several years, ago to help c a rry out the reform program of the Second Vatican -Com rcilj^has - alreadyr:amii.~oucr-_ *'We need to 'b o sonsitlve to the little th ln g b 'in o iir liv e s," explained retirin g president W illiam Caldw e ll; re fe rrin g to the countiess_ s ^ a n t i c slings and atrow s and little puldowns women are subp vprv tim e the English language is sp ' Women ^ v io u a ly a re sensitive. Fortunately in this case there was humankind. A t its recent m ooting In New Y o rk, tho a ssacia tio n voted o v e rw h e lm in g ly to change Its name to the Natiortal AssoclBtion of L a ltv in order to-^ di!inlnv cniian alternative, n eutral- word lo hand. The solution is not so easy, w ith re g a rd to w ord s lik e "c h a irm a n " or foron[ianv and fiundreds of others w hich reflect -thc-fact-that:?>ncn, hnve.^been it h a i^ e n if-^him ffi~~for so m any centuries. C h a irw o m a n, q r fo r e la d y lim e ro ly serve to s e x u a lly categorize tho titleholder and tjius In.n-Wny nrn even wnrae than the society promises to>l>e a long, long process; I t s hard enough to get people to change th e ir attitudes practipes, much less the language K e y.use. \ ^ t the National Association of T C a i^ d id m y ^ h a v rb e e jn r for them hut.it.w a s really lust,b' BOWIAND EVANS trobert NOVAK^ T h e H ouse A n d CBS WASHINGTON - Tho abrupt prosoculo CBS- and Its *lth equally unexpected op- mntempt-cltnuons sponmra; Rcoijan«ald^ ^ switch by nep.oemld Fort ot presldent. Dr.vFrank Stanton/ PMtlloff from... JJouae-Jtap. J ta d «y _ ^ C S _ a U ^ ^ MIchlRan, tho ' House tor relualni! to glvd the House Democratic Jeaders, killed the Vlrslnln, chairman ot th ^ ^ o s H llp M ^ H 'Hepubllcan loader, Uiut doomed Conrnierce Commlltee unused contempt citation wwch had Commerce Commltieo, and unbeotoble In tho contempt of Congress ' Him Bhot for tlie documentary, boon considered o certainty.. Rep/ William. SprinKor of. Republican primary, citation aknln.«jt tho Columbia "'nio Soiling of tho Pentagon, ilemmlng from this la deep 2**?! * But: inal reason nuiy be Ur.oadcastlng-Syatem-was-Conflequentlyi-they-convlno«l -Wtternm.among.raolc^nd.fUe-RepubUcan. 5 Finch's wife, dlctiited by the Whltfi House. Ford ho should oppose the Congressmen of both paruea cloakroom, the bitterness Is 2l,?h[nJflMdwiStato^^^^^ Senior Hrc.«)WenllnI HidM folt citation ho Imd earlier en- who feel tholr Jeadors injxod with ^urprlsor conit would be most unwlso to dorsed; Tliat switch, combined nccdloasly humlliuted tho.sld?rlng >ords establlshod to t^o (^oast^ tonsequenuy, ^ ^ ^ ^ - '-pflutrn':of'backlnk"rcpubiican -Unch Finch maventer-a- may enter-a-crowded ^ ^ V ',....commlttee-leaderb/' Governor ^ raco whl(^ could On tlie night before the votei Include Lt. Gov. Edwiird 'Y o u See A n y th in g T h a t.looks L ike Kord and^lnk iir spent nearly Ilolnocke, State Atty. Gen. two hours totiother lit Uie White ICvclle Vounijor, and State a Job on th e H o riz o n? " House durlnjj a meeting on Controller Houston Flournoy all another matter. Ford,said sookink tho Republican ' nouilnk uliout tlie contoinpt nomination., " citation. Nor did White Hou. A footnote; Finch privately aides Indicate tholr opposition. Uilks about a m4 ticket that JIutriha~naTtrjnnrnl'nii-»na-=Wlllllli G another matter.'"tlio guya at Venomim, I, Undeler Secretary of Uto White Houso don't feel this Heiilth, r:ducatlon, arid ahouia.uo_u u'oildi. K o rd_e«l._w el(aro, f o r ^ lie u to n a n t pliilhcd to tollouiiue.l on tho i overnor and Ilobert I Moyer, Ilouse flmr tirsttmoi'tljjrin' KH'AngttBs; Sprln (or protestod, con- for attorney Rcrieral (assumlnk ;iendln(j-lia-wu3.1ntormcilwoi!k!i.. VounBcr nins_for Governor). i. -aiioi-at-thc hlifhcst level, Unit President Nixon had no objection to tlio contempt citation. At a rccent aecrct conforcnce in Nixon reelectlon Iluj Mr, Wxoit hcjidquiirtera In SjiJ. at 1701 PcnnaenWite"IiT«r woelt, SprlilKcr sylvunia Avo, hero, Prcslilenl could not appeal the sum'fi,nlxon's top political bpeiullvcs decision. tried wluiout succoss to Ford's switch may have muilo tiilk con.iorvallvo Hobert'lliiBef tlie illffcronce, All,but one of his out of WflSlnB a 1»72 third-party follow Mlcbliian nepubllcans campalun In Mlchl«an OKolnst TOtcil ii(!uliisrtiiircltntlonrln Sen,-Roberl-GrUllnrthe Senate cludlni! some who had been majority whip, most vocal in the cloakrooms Huber, a tpllllonaire Deb-olt Invclfjblpft agalreit CBS. A footnote; De.iplto tho defeat of the contempt citation, antl- CIIS fcellnu Is runnlni! hlijh In Conuress particularly after what was rej;arded as an arrogant victory statement by the network. Whether this becomes a Vendetta between Uic Hou-Ke Commerce Commlltee and CnS may lilnbo on a Industrialist wlio nearly upset Unoro Romnoy In the, 1070 Republican primary for tlie.senate, Is orkanlilnk a now state Conservntlvo Party. Its. first project may b^ lliiber s candidacy for the Senate, bllrhtlnr Griffin's uphill race for reclcctlon.,in response to tho Nixon men, Huber conceded that Griffin secret pence mectln [-to-bc had been-a-loyal-rcpublleon but scheduled soon between Dr. InslsttHl that systemntlc ex- Stanton and, Clialrman elusion of con.scrvotlves Irom.StafiKers, Mlchluan Republican parly Sluirpiy roverslnu past plans, leadersliip made a new party fvcsldcntlal counsellor Robert essential, Hlneh Is now tolllnr close A footnote: Contacted by alsoclates he la more likely In Huber for advice, leaders of tlio itf/1-trr-ni... l)7<-tfr-niit -fiiw limiii'jmi' Ilf How Vei'll Ooiiaei'iratl' h ;e = P a rtj> a^ CJiTfffornln than against (which elected Son. JamosJnvB; Democrntic Sen. AJan Cran- Buckley last year) discouraged icouraaod 1 6ton ibqtllformnllqn<)f l}joparty und, Tlie main political.reason; «ciimpaign against Grl/fln on gt^'wdft-timt-tho-nwv-vork^mdfirst time are taking seriously Michigan, sltiuitlons are wholly talk from Gov. Ronald dissimilar., WASinNGTON - No one from nto Now York Times or were right, Joe said. aeema to be more dsltrauglit over Uio relonso of Uie Pentagon Post Is on that Tl)o Wa.Hhlngton list. Tlint makes sense. Wouldn't tlie government be wise to list Papers than tho fumed Hawk ""cdluinnlst Jo.woh Wnllstop. I can understand why you re Uio newapapermen they were mad, Joe. But is U»ere anything leaking papers to-so the public Wlien ' I viiiitcd Joe In his bunkiir undernoatli his hoiiao In you can do about it?" "I certainly can. Since tlie knows who to trust?" " I d ^ t think you have to go Georgetown, Joo was' fr'otlilng' Pentagon Papers were printed I tliat far,* J6o said, G E O R G E C v T H O S T E S p N, M. D. ^ Unwanted Tattoo at tho'mouth. have received hundrecb of top Tlie best test for the public Dcjir Dr. Tliosteson; I would under conditions comparable lo. my papers," Joe "Tfioy woro secret clahslfled documents when reading a - like to remove a large tattoo Uiose of a liospltal operating secret cried. "Tlio New York Tlmcg from sources I cannot reveal, document Is; If It su[)[>orta-tlie_ fromtnv chnst. Your mention of room. And ' after tliat, banand Woalilnttton Post had no proving the Pentagon Popcrs government It's-nn^autliorizcd- dermabrasion prnmpts-mv -diinini[~wllin>e required ior righl to use tliem." are wrong. leak, and if ( 4ocsn't, it s a Inquiry^Could Uils technique for periods on tlio order of two or I look confused. "How could "But liow does tlio-reader matter for Uic^ Justice Depart- removing superficial*, skin Uiree-weeks, until tho n^mtskin they be your papers, Joe? I know your top secret papersurc ment and grand Jury." blemishes be used for a tattoo? surface Is safely established, odminlstratlons-to- get- first crack at all top Secret classified documents," "Wliy you. Joo.?" "Because I am a friend of Ute Pentagon, because I believe In tlio war, because when tliey leak a document' to^me they know it will be printed the way Uiey Wrote It. Now everyone has access to top-secret materials It s not (air." ' Aro-you-tryliig-to-tell-mor Job, Uiat U»o Pentagon Papers aren't tho first cuissiflod documents that got into, Uie papers?" "You must bo a fool," Joo thought tjiey belonged (o Uie more accurate than Ellsbcrg s Tlio doorbell rang and a four- Will you outline various. In sliort, dermabrasion Isn't a Pentagon." top socrot papers?", _ star general handed Joe a largo meuiods for removing a largo simple little process that you "rhavo had a deal wltli Uireo "Because mine were leaked brown envelope. "Tlicso are tattoo? D. C. R, ' can liave done In a free afto mo by.responsible men who your columns for next, week, _Flrst let s qualify your, tcrnoon. have no ax to grind except to Mr. Wallstop. Please sign mention of dermabrasion as Dermabrasion, however, Is prove the decisions Uiey made here." being for superficial skin being usecl to remove tatlooa, _. ^ blemlslios." It is too intrfcate a but- since a tattoo involves f.,, process to use for superficial coloring mutter tlial iwitbocn ~ tilings like pimples or the like, driven Into tlie skin, tho depth of Dormabraslon (ai.so called penetration has a bearing on R A Y C R O M L ^ Y skln-planlng) entails tho liow fully tlie tattoo can be removal of outer layers of tho eradicated. I Imvo seen eases of skin, but leaving Uie deeper complete removal, but nm not' The Supply Line layers from which newskfn will willing to say nll''cases can bo grow. tliht successful.* You d do better 'WASHINGT-ONH-N&A-) and-tli&~ueoislon-to-mako-ll>a Itlu a procoduro-of-proclslon;.0_dccmatnloglsl Despite tlio blockade of tlie major road>bpund Incursion rotary steel brushes or com' plaauc surgeon evoluato the Cambodian coast, tlio per- woro U.S. rcsponsjblliuos, not parnbioin.strumcnl.9nrei«edlo prospects in your parucular sbitent, hefty bombing of tlio Ho SouUi Vietnamese. remove os much of tlio surface cas6. i Oil Mlnh trails and tlio mujor Tho South Vietnamese as can be spared, wltliout. Otlwr motliods arc removal of supply-llne-cuttlng expodltlon generala wanted a different dostroylng the necos.'uiry layers tho colored area (followed by ropllod contomptuously. Into Uic Laos panliandlo of a fow typo of operauon 0sorlos of below. skin graftbig)..on(l retattobing "Kvory ono of mv columns Is _months_bnck - t)ie t^orth_ rihort. quick materiel- It has to bo done under wlui colors Uiat mask tho tatdestroylng thrusts into tho anestiiesia, and under' a'sopue' based on topsocroflntormatlon. Vlotnampse and Viet Cong now '. Tho Adm inistration's. quarrol wlui Uie leaking of tho Pentagon Paiiors Is not with... wlio printed tliem.' "Joo, If I hear you right, Uio liavo-no-lnok-of war material and food In South Vietnam. U. S. government officials whoso Job it is to assess tho Bovominonl has been lea kliib»>"y PP'V classlhotltlociimentslo.rrloodly To mal«mattera jyorso, iiowspapcrracnjor.jicors.!^.- -PoklnBhasrocenHysruneJwitli "1 don't know how I can mnko Ilanol a now and more exit any clearer," Joe said In Ills.,.tensive supply agreement Uian panhandlerdioso moves would (completelyrstcrlivj^ onditlons, luivo given Uio Nortli-Vlet-r else Uio row surface would pick iqiacaa-iime-duinco-to-infllot-up^flll-sflfts-of^lrfectlons- Vlotnamoso forces, and would or, for small skin areas, have mado possible tho destruction of a groat deal mo^ of tho Communlst'fiuppliesr As tor Intolllijenco, tlie Intenslvo " pro-lnvaslfln air roconnalasanco was not carried luunl.irritated voice tlio one made during tlio.. visit. of. on long enough or tlwroughly Then what- did Tlio Now_ailna a-eromlcr Clu)U--'fin-lfll.^-onouHh-to-dls^or tho largo York Times and Washington WlUi U.S. troops moving out number of tanks which Nortli Post do that was so wrong?", of SouUi Vietnam ot tho rato of Vietnam hod cmplac<^, hlddeit "Ttioy {M-lntod unauuiorlzed 14,300 a month, thl^ moans tliat undor fako "thatchod huta.". -Ioal«-of-cIaBalf(od-doomncnlfl. the SouU» Vlotnamew army and -N or, apparently,-was - tho Tlio looks tliat I liavo prlntod sou-dofonso corps c^ld have a roconnalssanco sufflclont have boon autlioflzod by tlio rough road ahead.- " during tho campaign It^ lf to In- govommuiitr Th^fo arc a numbot^ r ' T kpwr ^ ^ - track of Uio paper J know Inoyivahrib 8oo~lt~0iio was tho way in which the four flratllno ^visions which Jn.tlio papors. lfor ono Uilng it Laos panhandle operation was Hanoi throw into tho batues. shows them in Agood llglit conducted. It waa Uieso surprises which which Is very Important If It has been customary to forced the South Vietnamese you re a high govornhient official. Tho Pentagon Papers generals (or "the poor In- early in tho invasion* blamo the South Vletnameso Into Uiose unexplained halts which whwr -dwrtr rrlendrna'mottop>-mov«monlinto'ijmw^ba0^r-----it- ^ ^ "Btrttnri'trfliiBDir**'~^ch"rB8ulted-tft-Traclr heavy~^htclp6arvlrcea^qtir^6t^j Moybo Danlol Ellaberg casualties. nam s Presl^nt'Thleu not.to didn t know Ttio. New Yoyc It has* also boen popular to commit more men to the Ttmea and Washington - Post blame the South Vietnamese operauon but. to move rapidly were unauthorized to receive generals for moving Into laos hi back into SouUi Vietnam. As a government secrets." a conventional, roadbound r«sult Uie SouUi Vietnamese did '41$ knew It all right, '_Job oporatlon whlcji _left them~notdeit?pynrtnuamiteriel s^d. ^ And If Uiere w o s.^y venerable to sneak atlacks. A planned.. question hd should have. Masoned officer does not move' It must be emphasized that Staff. Itiby have a top secret list unknown Whlto Houso sources nov s^y Uiat the Intelligence mistakes /ietnamese sources, but rauier official: nuaklngan after^ction chuqiiie of 'the operauon. vssr I understand tliat tho laaur beam also has been usod for -rcmovalof'tattoolngrbuldo noton how successful It Is or how available that toclinlque Is.. lomefiody-e/se-jyof/y.- ocouf theenvuonmeht, ahfrxurhon' thealrxmdhhiw sowecanget somesitepi"

5 'i' ' ''5 General tickets #. oirsale T h u rs d a y, J u ly 33; 1971 T lm w - N e w i. T w in F a lli, Id a h o 5 P ATIO FURNITURE TWIN F A L li - General admission t'ickots aro still available for all 11 performances of tho National )Iigh & I100I Hodco at Filer Aujj. 3 ^ HayTHoslron, manager oflhe Twin Falls Chamber of Commercc_which Is sponsoring tho rodeo, Mld'jjenefarfldmiflslon tickets uro on advanco salo at tho chamber offic<) or at tho 'Twin Falls County FalrKrounds at Filer. Members of tlio Twin Falla Toiistmistress Club arc in chariio of ticket sales at tho :ohainber.^-^. - _ - Box seats, the ottly reserved ~^>ats belnu sold, also t\rc still avalkblorho saldr-tltoy-oun-becommerce. ass charges denied- Bertsch nam ed firm m anager trash heap was dlimped In the park w «t of tho Uwanis Nook. TWIN I- A U,!i IJOIilSl'--- Thr-npirotntmmt-nrBcrtedr TWIN FAI.LS - Jnmoa Uorlsdi, of/lcc rarnint cr tor rcaultocl from Uio (IoilUi Uila Fctlerly, -tl, and Barharo I'win Falls Feed ami Ice Co. tlie Fetterly, 35, pleaded Innocent pant throe ahd onc-linlf yenni, Wednesday In ma«lslratc court was named nlana^er of tlic to trespass charges. business operation, effective no expansion' or chanko In Landfill to take liquids Agency sets-u^ o f f i c e s TWINFAUii-OponlnBOla # new real estate office ln.<'rwin A. Fall.1, a branch of the world s ^ larkmi real esuito corporation, J Strout Realty, was announced W 10(h y by tho local manager. 0 Ualie F. Tljompson has been a \ i / A k l * r -mipnltilail-innntihnr_f(ir V /y A ^ I officc to be located at 691 T l I D C the firm, a multiple sales a J U K U organization from coast to ^ ' coast, deals in ranches, farros V piiiil May 27 of Jcrro Cover, twin FAI.LS - By AuK. 1 Sl\o.siioneSt,N. Tlwmpsonsaid 0 principnl owner and manlincr. Ijquid wnalos will bo uccepled ot BoUi Bcrtsdi and Slilelds sold u,,, xwm Falls sanllary landdll of town, Oly Manaucr -MuiMUidy^UiUolosumd. jipccatloiljj-ulc-[inn_l8_con- Joan-MUar-sakl-loday. and biiiinessos witli IGO branch # her own rccoknlzance and bond tcmplolcd.tlio Twin Falls Feed DItchbs have bien conand Ice Co. was started In IVIn atructod to carry liquid waste.. Thompson saiu many olflces'itttlw western sliites. nerbich, a resident of Twin of J3(M1 was continued for Fetr tirly whi) was remanded lo Falls since 1017, said Uiere will Fulls by the late A. M. Sando as v,i,oy (rom SwKl and Co., in ii pros]>ecls. wlui tiu) company county.c\isto(ly In Ilou of Uie be no changc in >eruonncl or an Ice supply company and a method which will spread It have expressed an Interest in bond. policies and the firm will Fn1l«fiii-mcr service operation. It over land auhe site. tlie Magic Valley area and tho. Maj istrate Reed P* Maufjlian operate as a Twin continued this type o( operation Mlhir wild the whey has (ircat office herejs a re.4ult of the.. gave Fetlti'iy time to obtain busino.hh. since, cxpapdlns Into several valuo n«lortlllzer and when tbo prosperous add progressive CTnen{'*^of^ lwunh*»-. ^id<thi<wiil-llnon (ivor-tlio-i.'iinrt l. mt>imtln-«"->r,vt-wllli-.llrt-lt-jgqmtllqfjlilsjocalitv'.nppolntment wa;i made* by nerl*ich served 10 years a's will be seeded and returned to. trial. Ilic parents, tilong wiui A Uieir nine cliildren, four dogs, James Slilelds, Buhl, who-haa sccretary-mnnager of tho Twin Uie owner fororazinh. r.n Rood, " rv «----- safe non-polluting Uirce'cals iindseveral horses' becomenprincipal.ildckhdliler Falls ElksMftoJa/orcJolnlns---- Mltar-OTfd-- t-wtiral.?ir-thr-fs[j ^ f ;P f ^ ^ -BOISE-(UPll-Soven-of 11-aIto'rhntchlnn, -- Whooping crane eggs - taken Tills was the fourtli expedi- from Uie Canadhfti wilds in May _for-incubating at Patuxent Wildlife 'Rfiscarch Center in Mary- _Jand havehfltc}»ed wncccmfuijy. hod re?rdlng~' wlthout IfTthG^i-iVtrShiPldirnnttrhtnJoL'rt UioTwn Falls Feed and Ice Co., possible for septic tank cleaning which are being taken off tho market is a pre-wash soak In o ptfr4niiadoh-4m^pnipttrty-owuodr>nnuplfln- tn»lml.iirilvf^, in- l lin-,imfl prlnr^tntlmtwn.'in;l odjitd..oomp;^ iok-lt>./jutiii>'-thnlr-wabta by Cluirlolte Crockett on Rock buainess and full operation will with fieveral automobile jjt tile site, TnrntfarDfwumrwiterTplkud- Creek, a complaint chioiges. be under dlrccllon of BerUich. with' 1-3 cup of wa.shlng soda. ngenclcn.bere. Companies such as Swift have Sodn Boftons tho wator and such a large exceja of whey it loosens oily soli. cannot l)c put Into the city sewage system, Milar said, and othcr.prqyiaipns.mu.stjxi.mnde,^ Stolen b i c y c l e s L o c a t e d rrrw IN T A L L i w o bicyclw stolen earlier this montli while Uielr riders wfcre eating at a Twin Fails restaurant have been recovered by Twin Falls Police. Capt.-'Tlm QiuilLs saul the bicycles owned by Alan ParedDH, 19, and Don Hales, 20, both Ogden, Utah, were Tccovcrcd^ uesdny-nloi.. two sleeping bags and a back jihck owne(( by the two young men. He said, four other stolen bicyclcs and ouier items also fuive teen recovered fromtwo Juvonllo boys who wore taken into custody and relenflod pending fnrtiier at^uon, Captain.Qualls said the two boys, ages U and 14, are^ bouj ff-om Twin I' nlls. Hales and Parades were IMisslng through Twin Fnils on a bicycle trip to Coeur d'alene when their bikes, sleeping n m n n irclrwcrc-ntol young men continued thoir journey by 'hitchhiking iih d 'A ' walking. They come back ^ ik roiw?w lr^^ luplng tlie blcyctes had beeii w 7 crane eggs hatch The Interior Depftptment s fish and wildlife service nmde Uie announcement. The achieve' ment brings tho number of caption to the* cranes summer grounds In Canada s Wood Buf«r::::-::":,... ^ falo Nptional Park In search of n/", eggs. Canadian and U.S. wild- Ca c, flo-j Main Avenue West, lifo^>f{lclols who.arc coopcrflt- will open Friday morning a ter Ing in these ventures hope to on extensive remodeling build flocks of tiiese endan- program, gered birds so Uiat some of Considerable damage was tlvo wbooners to a Uielr descendunts may be re- iiom ta Uie cafe this past weok b u T t i : " Z r c l y s r S m : turned,0u.^wjr _ by anautomobfe«creased if Uic remaining Uircc eggs, still in incubation', hatch in coming days. One of Uie h; an intestinal infection shortly FINAL ROUND-UP 1G% OVER COST. HURRY ON THIS FINE PATIO FURNITURE. WE DON'T. XO^^CARRY.IH IS FURNI- VER.. -. SO YOU GAIN FURN ITURE A ' A. ' i r CraryJtalues APPLIAN CES. 251 ^AAIN AVE. WE^ ^T.F. program mooltor In the Great ^ Lakei otflce. ' * '*

6 6 T jm e» -N «W»,.T w ln F a H ijj c ta h o T ( iu r id a y, J u y _ 3 2,j^ 7.1.^ _ '/ A s t j r o s s e e k e a r l y l u r i a r. CAPfi KENNEDY (U P I)- Time is rapidly running out ' to a lanfling inside the large underway, WlUiln NASA and,in the two years since the The highland cover throe- two miles norui of the Aponnino -Apcrtld^l6'8'a3lf6hailtS'Pl«n-to--«n-the-bold-proj«t-that'WBs -artdwlontcrat^nalphoniu»ln^-^among--a6rogpao»-<}6mpani*»r- 4n«n-oi-ApoUa-H-fintt-landed, quarurs-of-th9-moon-and-th«y-iront^thb.-apenninet-!ine.^the. land in some of -Uie moat started 10 years ago to send December, looking at the possibility of majestic terrain, on tiio moon men to another world; "nien}. Tliat will c l ^ out the,apollo exploring- -! M istrial declared r o ilt I ^ D (UPl) - Circuit Court Jw e John J, Murchl^ti -dadarei^mlhtrlbl Ute-Tuag- --- day night in the first degrcg murder trial of Michael J. scientists have answered some are older than the seas.- Tlioy southeastern 6(lge of the great 4he-megt baalo-queahong may represent-a primitive circular sea of rains wijicii was next'week In quest of ovldence are only two missions left after project and the United States, unmanned spacecraft in a few about the moon. And they have, cruiit dating back to tho moon a gouged out by tlie collision of a (Bobby) Wriftht after a jury i that-may- turn the - pages-of - ApoUp Ifr ond some.of. the-key._.has no plans to Bcnd.men-to.,the_^Barsi-FletcheE.flaId-thcrc-WlU found-that _the great )unar infancy., ^ n lle thick meteorite an said it was unable to reach a I lunaf; Milstory bock' *lo 'U»o' pleces to the luriar puzzle Btlll n^min again,^ccftalnly'^not bo enougtrmo^ dotfl BVflllablo- plalns'whlch'corrbrbcefrbytho--apollol3astronautsdavldh; estimated 4 billion yeara ago? 'verdict: r'...' bftglnnlng. are missing. ' before Uie 1060s. But Dr. James at the conclusion of Apollo 17,to, unaided eye from earth are ScoU and James B. Irwin, set Geologists believe tlie forces The jurors deliberated 11 ; ThelrmlsHlon"reprcsents tho rapollo-lfi-aatfonauts-wlll-twl - ^ F ptr hr>i^thcw-at minlatrat0l-heep-the-scieduflc-c0nutiunlty. vast seas of lava that hardened f y launch next Monday-.with of that collision split and lifted ' hours before announcing Uiey ; first and probably only Chance out next March toward.8 of the National Aeronautics and bljsy for a decadd; 3 to 4 billion years ago.! Alfred MT Wordenrvvlirattcmpt-up oboutio^ooo feet of the lunar- -could not riach agreement Americana will have this landing in the rugged Central ^ace Administration (NASA), our activluea won t But there have' been only a to search for chunks o f, that frust to form tljo Apennines. In Wright, 24, w ik charged with, "deca(le ofsanipllng"mlne'ofui6 "Hlghland3 on the moon and said the agerifcy. will not be c«ase, -ho-8nidhju Is only-our. - fcw.tantallzlng,bits of evddence early crust at the base of tlio addition, material from, deep the gbngland~?fyle shoolitik highest and oldest mounuilns on A^llo 17's sull-unnamcd crew- abandoning Its lunar research; vjslts to the moon that will bo' ' to Indicate what tjie more 12,000-foot Apennlne MounlalnH.:-wlthln"tho moon,wns nplashed ~dcath-ot-carlos..mendq;t{u 'Its, the moon. r men will pfob^bly be directed There are!ow*key studies (watponed for a while." rugged highlands are Inade of. Their landing alte is about out of tho crater. *4n April ' ' NEW YORK (UPI)-Conalder the worker who la never sick, ^j i avefctot%e(»nple fly-oba<aentr nonuloon,,«eta no vacation nor fringe, benefits, can handle parts weighing 150 pounda hour a fl» hour. Andj^ie cost is as Tlow u'issz i^ r monlfir They have many applications, Point-to-point Qpntrolled robots R o b o t s w o r k i n i k ia n y i n d u s t r i e s -apj-bood_at_hol._and-cqld- forging, metal stamping, die tasting, inj<5ctlon moulding, machine tool loading and unloading, ware trinsfcftflal" Thyriday, July 32, 1971 TImM-N, Twin F«lli, Ijtoho-T? Serviceman glass transfer, palletizing and incentive ijo put In hutomatlpn, welding operation. It also considered in any move toward to machines. (General Motor s TWIN FAIJ^ _ ^avv d«paueuzlng, spot welding, said E. J. Van Home, vice claims th9 Unimate has a 20 itwln P^alls, ha^ returned to his _ConUJOUoufl.palt.centroU8d ^ro*i-prealdent-miirke«hj,-bf'amp -percent^hlghc!f>^pivductlon'rbt6r..lmebort_^f,sandi gft_ife^^ bou are used in spray painting, Versatran, Warroi, Mich, than the live worker. the anti-submarine warfare.given-as another reason, the tors, /.,Vq1vo, 0^1..'BWW, Abundls Sr Twin^Kalls -continuous welding, plasma arc Cast Ifl-anolher facwr.' The Unimalion will lease or rent aircraft carrier USS Ticonderorotot Industry as Merpedei-^^ Nissan Motors, p a rts to d * in d S and other torch cutting, glasa average price of a Vtfsatran, its fobot on ^'hourly basis, $4 ga after a four-month fast as one might think. Van Toyota and Flat also use or are mlssiontna coremonies of the cutting and filament winding. including tooling, la slightly per hour on tho fhrst ahlft and deployment to the Indian Ocean Home of Versatran doesn t experimenting with robots. Fuji a t t S alrcraft USS B ^ Why,-then7slnMTarporfltl6JlB under' 2O;O00."Tlie Unlmale.' 2 fin hoqr -thfi-taftci'. The ' and Western Paoiflo. During the - always look for waysito cut soldby Unimation, Inc., Dancosts and Increasp productivity, bury, Qjnn., sells for around between $552 to 1,000 per Versatran robot rents for crulsd, Webb's ship operat^ in tlons with the unions," he said, employs robots. At the Rex wash. His ship was a 26-year the Philippine Sea, the South "Aftw, all, the robot does the Forge division of- Connrex veteran of World War II. Korea don t they **hlre" more robots? t2fl.000, lnpluding^thc_- 3,0M...monUii-on a 0(klay minlinum- China and luaat China aeas, tne hot, dlrtyt heavy, drudmryjobs-corp;rb'vefsatrenrobot^used-and'vlotnam: The currentn)usbic8s reces- maintenance. contract. SoaofJaponTovcnnactnirthefew workers want. ' in a drop hammer forging. ^ slon Is one reason. "If a Unimalion says lla robot pays ll>o costs of peripheral Northern Pacific. It Is the only Autd' companies have been operation involving auto paru, TWIN FALI S Navy Airconjpuny la operating at only 50 for itself in labor savings within ' equipment and rcallgmnent of nnti-aubmarine w'arfare aircraft.carrier In the Pacific Uie big robot users so far;, their carries the hot bars once' mandoyle G Webb ion of Mr -per ct nl-chpadty it has-uttlo -18 -months -on- a two-alilft Jhp plant also muat bo assembly lines lend Utanselves handled by three men. and Mra^ Jloward,'* p Wehb* -Fleet t u t n u n i - 4-f PPmAV 9. QATIIDHilV a i t i i / n I l A w n i u i t i / n i aaaa a a a a J U L Y Z J I- Z 4 NATIONAL HUMt APKLIANUt SA Lt WASHERS-DRYERS FLOORMODELS, DAMAGED CABINETS OR SCRATCHED I of a Kind--SaveTo $6tr WASHER 2-l".widc, 10 lbs., No. IGIOO Rog. $ n s 8 JHfASHER- - 2^spccd. 3-cycle^No_2^0 Rog. J, ^ 7 8 WASiiH 2-jpood, <l-cyclo, No. 2 03B (?= tlo57t n(w 5 iv78= WASHER AVOCADO C0L0I»214 LIMITED QUANTITY, No Rog. $ WASHER ' ' tl'mlted QUANriTY: N Rog. $299:99"...i DRYER N o m a lh i!a l S.C o l d A ir, Mo Ri)(i DRYER No Roaular $ DRYER Heol & Wfinklo Guard Reg. $169,99»98 *138 *148 TV s-stereos COLORRoundTube 19 TV l 6N L ^li.po.>it..<)= lie G U»II COLOR TV REGULAR " COIOB W 52Si»_ ConUmporary Styjo, 1 only :/^ Romef* Conhvl ^SAVl R«gutar ==23?^E0R=^rV^ ^ 528:0031 REGULAR ' 25 COLOR TV :: CONTEMPORARY S T Y IE ^»iouisr479: S COIOR TV conrcmfodaiiy s iv ie r e g u ia d s99>oa-' ^^STEREO 238.0P SPANISH CTEDENZA STYU RBGUIAII 2/ STCTEO CONtEf «l>oiiary DEMONSTRATOR REG. S I CONSOLECOLORTV COtONIAl STYLE, REG, «39.99 I ONLY -^tym»ortable TV 199^99- V.~ RECUIAR 33^.99 CONSOLE COLOR TV contim rb«a «r sivie, 3 only, reg. *99.99 CONSOLE COLOR TV M U U U 4SR.00 - I =.=^gqh)rtadle4?olorjv--281)loo- RANGES DISHWASHERS Cleaning 30 Range Automatic Dishwasher Sftt<k>Jo^^QO,. llght.damage, Reg RortDbl...^WWl«-Rog';j69,9? Self Cleaning^30-Range Auloniatic-Distwasnet 13918_ Slock No , Gold, Rog Self Cleaning 30 Range Soars Beil S*ocI( No , Reg. 40V.99.«ic iullwa.vejuml-moa bomonstrotor modol, Rog LCUSSIC RA "lifmirro7w400rd50bln5v»hr»»87'404.»» REFRIGERATORS 7.7 Cu^njtEFRiliERATOR J68.00^ Slock No. 90S10 Rog Cu. Ft. Refrigerator Slock No, Auto. Dftfroil Rog. 339^ Cu^Ft. Refrigerator stock No , Ad ui abu Rog Cu. Ft. Refrigerator Sl0fj< No. *T 680, Hoo/mod.l, R cu. ft. Refrigerator stock No,_61720=:Flooniiod.l, Rtg. 349,99 17t1 CurFt^Refrigerator Stock No with Icomokor, Rog CU. ft. Frig. Freezer stock No , Sldo by ild., R.g, FREEZERS Stock No Reg CU. ft. 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Whilo Rog JEfiMMCTOR_ BUILT-IN OVEN Whllfl, Self cuanlng Rogulof Lot KITCHENCABINETS 45%Off I.Cuitoni mado odd* and ond< _ - SEWING MACHINES VACUUMS Sewing Machine Head Slock No. 1/SS, Head only Rofl. 18/.00 Sewing Machine Head stock No. 1750, Hoad only Rog Portable Sewing Machine stock No. 1601/9708 Reg PortableSewing Machine ^98.00^ Slock No ^R«gular Central VacuumSystem' Only Rogulor Umltacf OuantltU»- ^Used-Sewing-Machines CONSOLE AND PGRtmCE Llmlled Q inhllll.r PLUMBING-HEATING - S 0, B T U - W a l l F u r n a d * Slight Darififl* Regular , B T U O H F u r n a c e NOW Rooulai '299. ^ , ; R<«ular I3'9.90 I H P S u b m e r s i b l e P u m p Rogulaii I V 2 M P s u b m e r s l P lb p u ^ p, t T O l o o R>gular W A T E R S O F T E N E R ' R«sular 289.^ ' I W A T E R S O F T E N E R Ragulor SAVE :sr SOME QUANTiTiES LilniTED VALUtS U rtn FKIUAT FREE J>ONY RIDES C O K E ^ ^ O F F E E ^ 10 CORNiOGS 10 W SNO GHES '-c o n» i» N o r 2o 10.2 cu. ft. Chest Freezer ^ = cu. ft. Chest Freezer Stock No. 1044, Rog CU. ftchesffreezer: ii^ k Mo. 114/, R.^ ' --- ; 2Icu. ft. Chest Freezer: =:22*8.00- PAINT- 1 0 " ' B e n c h S a w n o w o n l y with okt. Molor & Slartd 8*flUlsr l O ' R a d i a l A r m S a w Now oniy WITH STAND'' REGULAR IM.tS > 2 0 " R o t a r y L a w n M o w e r J t w REGULAR R o t a r y L a w n W o w e r n o w REGULAR J : ^ I n t e r i o r E r t e r l o r f a i n t REGULAR 4.99 GALLON I n t e r i o r " E x t e r i o r P a i n t Y«ur choieo$ REGULAR /.99 GALLON n U q t i l n g - K i t s bidw-3, 9 7 _ REGULAR 5.99 a n d /.9 9 ' --- ELECTRICAL FIREPLACE SCREEM 20 sclcli e lu t Joor, 31 X 3» f.oulor ElECTRIC nieiuce ' 13«)ck ^ Wall hung i.g«ur i UaH ilxt Regular 2.99T HREPUCE $eheii Wall Hung, lioodtd GARBAGE CANr ^0 5 5 llo n.iic in lm H ««W 8 ri;9 ^ BAR STOOLS 30 ',iinert* d.lyl.i5a V em J : i m W LAWNBLDS. ROTO SPADERS POWER SPRAYER 7».97 1>only u«od,1o>gal.'cap0clty Regular HP TRACTOR only Sou. 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Stylls and Colors $AVEUPT0 50% BATH TOWELS^ STBIPES, SOLIDS AND PATTERNS Now 2/1.00 F lo tw -x 110" Whl»«x>n y «#fl, 4.49 I Q U E E N S I Z E P E R C A L E NQW, flltoil <^0'!» B0"..Whll«.nlilv.r.,>B«)-4-4!?.^ q u e e n s i z e p e r c a l e n o w 3 -JCwlilflhLEJoWer-TlHed bottomrblu!r««ivrr»&r6.99^-- ^ q U E E N S I Z E p e r c a l e ^ o w ^ g j r Pilled BoHom Green * Blue oni^ R*fl ' ~ ^ d H L IN G S I Z E ^ - P E R C A L K ^ N o w.4. 7 : ^ 3'S"-7B" «80" FllUd WWI. only R.g. r.99 K I N G S I Z E P E R C A L E n o w '» 120" Floi; W hll. only R.g./.99 K I N G S I Z E P E R C A L E n o w s. 7 7 Pailel Bluo only, Flat 108'* x 170" Rog Twilight Flower Flat 108" x 120 * groen pnly->rog Q u e e n S i z e 1^11 l o w C a s e s n o w White only Rogular 2.69 B j i t t o o o m S p a c e S a w e a L f l l -. R.gular ^ ^ o u M e ~ K n l t ~ P o l y e s ^ e r - P a s te ls - ^ r ic S c is s o r s 3-s< «b lular 10.99' n o w A D D f N ^ I M A C t i l k E N bw T T R«oulor A D D I N G M A C H I N E n o w Rogular ^ NOW TiB.ft7 - ^ «H l t D R E N ' S - S H O E» - - FLATS AND SANDALS RoQular lo 7.99 L A D I E S F L A T S Rogular ( tlco up lo 8.99 M E N ' S - S I I «f S " SLIP-ONS, LACE AND BUCKLE Rogulcir lo l : ; : B O Y S ' S H O E S ' LACE AND BUCKLE STYLES Roo'jio' '9 >I L A D I E S D R E S S Y R L A T S As»oftod itylbs and colof^ Rop. to L A D I E S S A N D A L S 150 pair otiortod stylot ond coloft " C H I L D R E N 'S S A N D A L S MEN S BOVS-WEAR - I W E N S ^ S W I M - W E A R J t f l,. «? j ^ M E N S S W I M s u r r s " s ' w NOW 5. 97: M E N S S W I M S U I T S i<«a S99 n o w M E jn S W A L K S H O R T S " s ' Now 3,9 7 M E N S W A L K S H O R T S n»w M E N S J E A N S H O R T S»-b s Now B O Y S. S W I M W E A R n o w S I» «lo 12 l(«gularlo ^ B O Y S S W I M W e a r n o w Slio 14 to 20 Regular lo 5.00 ' B O Y S W A L K S H O R T S n o w t.97 S ll. 8 lo 12 t.gular lo 3.49 B O Y S W A L K S H O R T S n o w " lo 29" walil D.gular 4.S0 B O Y S W A L K S H O R T S n o w _2S!lloJI9^walil.=.Rtgulor-3.99 M o c k t u r t l e n e c k K n i t S h i r t 3 / B o y s S p o r t S h i r t *'>»'* 3 /S.OO B o y s d o u b l e k n e e J e a n s Now 2 / Rogular 2.99 CKILORENS WEAR 3 n f a n t s ^ n S i l t s " ^ f ''* ' ^ N o w ^. 9 7 ^ ' T o d d l e r s S u n S u i t s 1*9 ^ «n o w ^ J u v e n i l e P a n l S e t s - - ^ : ^ N0W X 9 7. J u v e n i l e S h o r t S e t s " «S; n o w 2 = 9 7 " = -. B o y» - S w lm w e a r -? - M ^ R! fll J L ^» 9,N o w _ 9 7 c ^ 's * G i r l s S h o r t s - * ^ '»» * ^ B o y s J e a n s? t» *x - R.g- ' O Irls D re s s e s 3 u 6X' now 3 / 9:b o B o y s S p o r t S h ir t s >» < MW Si/AM Mdt* R«flr. 3,9^ NOW l l f t T - G i r l s S k i r t s >' ' ' V NOW 3 / r a i r l * U u i h p i» r r» " > * ^ Q l r l s : D r e s s e s " ' " - 3 / : '>i^ " Q l r l s ^ 'i6 l r i» P «> r m ^ P r» r t S h l r t e

7 fl T lm o «-N o w *, T w in F u ll*. Id a h o T h u r» d a y, J u ly 23, I 9 ; i JTaiwan courts lour opponents M ANILA (U PI)~ N ntlon«list a i l t i n i) ciunpjjijjn amony n(m>0>iiuiiunl8l >Asl«n rtuuons WccUitMljiy to build up.opposition to IVosldent N ixon s nrolixncd 'v is it to innlnland Q iiiu rim il~ ltii~ n (lm lssio n ~ o f IV klni; Into Uiu United NatlonJi. 'llic Tjilwjint'jio courittt-offen- ~ S lv p t'to " th c n e w Sln o-amerlcitn {lipionuicy WHS cxpccted to biilid up to full forcc during tho foiir*<lay, ntmujil inectink of Die Worlil Aiiti-Cotninunlsl Ixaj{uo (WAOL). bo^innuu* *niursday In MJinlu. 'Hu! Nulionallsts, together with.tlio dclckhtlons~from..iiipan, Uie Philipplne.i, South rcfloct offlclnl pollclos. Dr. Ku 0)cnK i<an({, Uio' lonbuo'shpnornry chairman' from Taipei, told nowsmon. his. doickutlori nnd others also planned to ilo a Joint resolution '-urbing Nixon to oano«l-hlbplans to visit mainland..diina. Uy. docidink to visit Uic Oiina mainland, Mr^NUon hns^ obviously departed from his stand nnd principles and is now Kointi ak^lnst morality and Justice." Ku said. "Not only is he KolnK not to benefit from triis... -trip,- tp.-tit hc-ts-... also-... KolnH -tosuffer Iny Mnsequcnces not only for tho United States but for tlio rest of tho free world." that if 'admitted to the world fd' body it and 'niiilland, filed draft will not work for iwaco of tho roiohitlons on the ovo of Uic world but destroy It. confcrcncc, urj{lnj{ U»c Inlcrnu- In Tokyo, Japanese Premier tional comnmnity to "smash all Kisaku Sato, addresalnk Uio sdieines. to lntro<luce tho lower hous^^tho diet, Japan s Qiinew) Comnumlstfi-into-Uve- ~parliament, called'nixon s 'an- Unitod Notions. nounccment of his fortlicominj; vers scheduled to attend th.. "We are ready to keep a cotifercucc do not speak offlcl; secret. Tfiere syi ould have been -ally for their-i'overnmentflr^full-<»nsultahbn3-(wilii-japm») although some of them do in advance, he said. Scarpa silent HKFUSING (u coopcratv wiui..senate Bubcom m ltt.ee In ^ vestlgatlnk mob uctivltles Wednesdoy was Gre((ury Scorpo, 43,.descrlbbd as dangerous. member of New York underworld ' family" of menh Cnlnmbfl; Jic laygkm Fifth Amendment 80. limes before Bubcommlttoc, rcfuslnk to soy where he wos boni or If a-*-*toyal^i***»*"" nf StfttcsTScarpB *cartlapel ptn ol Coldntbfl'u Itallnn-Amerlcan Civil Klghts longue. (UI»D Television Schedules Thuririay, Ju lv }M «7 1 A1 8;30 p.m. on cunnnoli 7%l (3 on 4 _ CnvoM ' Hic Cftbln); NUT Pl.iv»'Out(i, "Tho Oiiprn.inM tlir Wrl^hm.in " A 1Sth- < Mniffm "flijilninf " C c tit u r v ^ o v o 'H n ili. h oclm si Oorolhy Tutin-glvufc >t tuntilivi* pcflorm iincr a i Cfllhi-rine (If V.ilois. wiuow ol Ht-nry V. Tho tiramii rcnlerv on (. fforls lo preserve the royal line ol <.uccc;^sion. CvttnlMU?M, 4 -- Trulh 71) H.rtl'*. -:yp Viow L.tncrf I 4:30 W Aii.ini 12?t> - Fnmil.y Atlair 3 'fltwitchotj 4 Tom 5(iecl.il 5 - My T iir ^ Sons 7sl MisloroQcrs 7:00. 2al. 5 Ironside JU, 3, II - Movie Lovers" -jaj a i.a i'i n»u 7: fl«;wiidll~d._ 7sl - liook [ir.1t 8:00 71). ft V ic D.inione Jil. 4, 5 -- M.«ke Room for Gr.m' d^lclv 7sl -- Wrtstiihfllon: Woek In IJcv.t 8:10- ' 2sl, 4, 5 Diin Auoust 7sl - N tt PMyhoose»:00?sl, 7b, 0 NflC AclKin Pl.iyhool 21) - Ic f P.ili^ce 3, - Lnnrer II ViC O.imone i. i - 10:00 J}1. 3' 5, -71., 0, H Ni'ws. W ciithcr, Sports Tcihes i) Thiof _7sl riq u nn o It Out. 10:1^ 2vl. 7t). u.,- Johiiriy Cfl'rion Jb Movie; ' The Mudlrtrk" 3 Ciinorron Strip II SIr.ihge Rcporf 10: UOKino f-rom the ro run i 11: News, We.itiii'r, Sporls Alnmanac Yly U nited PrcNS International Today is Tlmrstlay, Ju ly 22, Uie 203rd-day of 107L The moon is new. Tlip m orning stiirs are Venus, -Mara and Saturn. - llie evening stairs are Mercury and Jupiter. * n io se b o n r o n tliis day are under the sign of I. o. Amerieaiiv psychialri.st Karl M enninger was born July 22, i r " rin tluii day in history: In IWH- Confedcrnte troopsunder Gen. John Hood were defeated by Ticn. W illiam SliL rninn*«i_union forcijj ^in the battle for Atlanta. In 1032 Conj'ross passed th e. firs t H om e Loan B ank A ct, IM ovidlnr fw loral fuiidii.. to _ private mort^'ago-iending insti- tutlons. - - : In l'j34 notorious gangster John DiUlngep-was killed when -27.Eni,men trappedji.bo com ing out of a'dih'agotfieatcr. - <i - legatek_from_4^ nalibns approved an intcnlational reennfitructloii bank witli capital olmore than SO billion. Farm Salftt d«por(m«nt for-.,complel«odvarhiing covar- > oflg of y.auf farm >ol>, hdnd '^ b n U, n # v ( '»p a p»r ^ c o v «f O B «<oy#r 70,600 rea'deri - In Magic Voll«v) odvane. bllu ing. All at en«ipaclai low f<tl«.- Ev«ry MiU-tUlad In * rhu Form CoUndar for, 10 d o y tb c fo rv v c ^ U, \ JUIY 3I ' - I WOODBIVES COMMUNIfY AUCTION AUvorilMmsnti July 39 Wal 4 Mfimlth. 1J;W)?sl Mati to Womdn 13:0S 2SL Wovio: "Too Lftle Olufti" dofly" 7sl W.isliiiigton: Wouk in Rovluw 71) Love. AruTiCitn Style 0 M.iku Room for CrAnriclaiKly 1:10 7sl NET Playiiouio n Smilli F.iniily F rld iv, July 3), 1»7I At 7 p.m on chnnnol 4 Movio: "A u lum n Lunvos.".Joan Cr<iwlord - l;<s --- l^^r^t^!r^»tr^troh l ^ rllm ^^flb &5n^~ 7n7^^^^ -Apolltrrrrvti lonely wom Ao who mnrrlo& n p&ycaj)ani. Clift Roborfton playt Iho psycoprtlh. Lome Grunno nnil Voro Milps niso turn in crndlljin pcffnrm<irco&. Tlils d im run& for two hours. ' I, EvMlno ' 3il. D. S - Nows, Weatlior, Sporls?i>, 4 - Truth or Consufluonccs n " Arnlo 4:30?il -- N^m o o( Iho 0<)nie. - V caciftiastcr 4, 5 - lir.iuy lluncli?sl Misloroofirs ~7B, II - I'.irfricIoo'T^iniiry LffiU "Thif Disorderly Orderly" 4 Movie. "Autumn Lenves" 5 M.)w.- li.flvc 0 7 J - WIiAl'S Now 71), 0 - Th.sf Girl 7:30 7sl 30 Mlnufes 7b OtltJ Couple S Room 32? HOW A I 7! i l 0 p. m. : ^ JANE iohoa /iherlqind, k^nncy leuu-o iorv.cc fhonr5t3^633a TOHITtfe -I A a ' a K L i W i i a UNCASTER ' JEANSEBERG -JAGOUEUNEBISSET IMMtUlhCIM lultkmif-lftijcw U'lDM» Ploi at 14i30 Dim Rob«rf Rvo/orJ /li 1 3b, 3, n Inlorn*. 4. D-- Love, Ami'ric 7U St.ir Truk «;4$ 5 Apollo Preview. 10:60?t.l. Jb, 3, i, JD, D, Weiittier, Sporli 4 It T.iWoi nthief 10:30 2il, 71), n - Johnny CflrsOn,,'ei^ - iunuin "Yiiiinuifctfmfl-t 3 - Movie i0;40 i - MnviL-:-.;:uriqiuiiii Youna f-roniiersin.in' 11: Nt-ws, We.Uher. Sports U:10 4 "M ovie; "Vov.ige lo Prehistoric Plnnct" 13:00 7*1 M.in fo W om,jn :0} 3<t Movie; "Drolton A rrow " Positively last "6 " Da ys I O p e n 7 ; I S p. m. * * g y Q n " a t 8 ; 0 0 p. m. I A sto ry q ( love. i R I m e d by D a v id L e a n ^ Daughter J t-\. naigrt Min>OM ^ ; TREVOn HTWWPO ' OlftjsioftHcn JONOS JOHNMIHS LEOMrJOinN wjwwlmiles loi*l GUF<(Hni I PHONE n UNOW A»9.30 GEORGE HAMILTON Opan '- ^ E u e i. V E V E C Nothing usual happenstd him - L E W IS T O N..Id a h o.c U P I),-, "Nothing usual over happens to mo," was the way Ray Hatfield, Lewlstonj explained tlie way things have been going tlie t)asl few weeks. Hocently Hatfield was held up and-tled by men burglarizing _his_hquso and lejt lylng^n tho floor. July 10 his ballered lofio Volkswagen dii^appearcd. However, Tuewlay morning whpn_he_gbt. upjhp_bug was back and In much better condition than when it left. All four fenders had been repaired and painted to mateii Uie rest of Uio car, tlie seats had been sewn and a tiro had been repaired. In addition, tho vehicle had l>ccn cleaned. lukhirpollce'wo'irrv^sllptlng' tho case of Uie mysterious repalnnan. ^ ^ P a n e l O K ^ s r e p e a l WASHINGTON {UPI) -The Senate Foreign Relations Commltteo voted Wednesday to roneal "the 1055^- Formosa resolution, whicli approved dlscrotionary power ' for the Prtisidont to use armed force to defend Formosa and offshore i.slandfl.from Communist-Qil nose attack. Son. J. William Fulbright, D- Ark.rtald a><m«ouj«-vofa>-ttotu by his committee.reflected a feeling that this step wa.s -consistcnt-wlth tho nrfmlntbtrn~ tlon i>ositlon of Kecking a -N ew fo r m fo r newsm an Hy RIC K D U im O W H O L LY W O O D (U P I) - 'Hie,.!hinllpy.nr.lnkh»y.<Tn onflt>m.nrip, -niuhtly-n<^w«i rf>port, nnh Jhnt year nj;o, in the m ldsum m or Jo hn D m ncellor, witli w hom he of 1D70, w hen C h e t JIu n tle y had been sharing this chore for decided to quit aa anchorman.some tim e w ill handle Uie Job of NIJC-TV s n f?htly report. alone starting Aug. Ifl or Since them, those in the U)ereal)oul i. On Uie one hand, it television Industry witli book- 1.S a bit sad to see a flguro as L'lMir m inds have pondered irinkley unhl over the trivial question of how h im self from a fam iliar post. Uie nuings have lieen affected. On the ouier, if.nuc-tv s plans M uch m ore im portant, by all for Uie Hui>erb newsmim are o<ld.s, lias been tlie question of fully successful, viewers will how best to exploit, In soloist have the pleasure of sam pling form again,' the rare nnd his delightful, Inclislvo talent in CANDY MARSHMEUOW Pannuft 1? d i.. 1 lb. Bag Gum Drops 59-1 lb. Bag Orange slices.. Freezer sticks... as a writer iind communicator. Now comes wbrd that f3rlnkley, Is also going lo call it a day as anchorm an of NOC-TV's 'Ilio noti^ork says B rinkley Is tired of his ancliorm an duties. He has, after a ll; been at it a long time. -Tl»» pi a ^ uiv<{ n riptwnrlf spokesman, are for the nightly ncwscasls lo stnrt Including, fivo tlmos a week, a segment called "D av id Brinkley's Jo urn a l" nam ed after Ills memora- ^>l«?-.,acrk 3.. Q L - D clm c_tim e _ program s some years back, llio se p ro f^am s were lengthy film features, ranging from drollery to hard news W ialever Brinkley's dl-u'ernlng eye caught and got interested In but NDC news chief Heuven Frank lgu P~ ^ojit of Brinklcy^s Journjil pieces, on tho nfghtly new-scast.*! w ill be analyses.,. 3, SALE22' sale 47', sale37 sale27' JEWELRY Beaded Ropes... m. si oo sale2/$l00 Ear Rings ' a r«0 S KecKlace, Ear rings, Bracelet, asst... n 0057' GIRLS WEAR ' Hot pants 3-6x...;....asale 97' Hot Pants c «sale $L27 Scooter skirts 3-6x....» sale 97' restoration of nornlril relations withqilna." ; Tlie Joint resolution^ was p i^()v6a nt PresTrient howor's roquosl'atirilmo wlfen Formosa or Taiwan, home o f' tl)u Nationalist Gilnese and tlie Pescadoro islandn In the FormosatJ Strait wore- under- Communlst nlr, artillery and naval assi^ult. -Prom -Qiou E:n.lal xuas- Uireatening to conquer an "occupied" Formosa, and -KlsenhDwcrrTclrlforccd~thjrYth Fleet and U.S. Air Force in the ariia. 'Ilic repealer would have to, 1)0 approved by the House a.s well as,the Senate to become effectlye. * ciwcuicrutin FiLui^eiHiaiuM DAILY ~ : y M f f Z i n W Y S i m r Deadline announced i o T _ t a x e s _ BOISE.(UPI)-.Aug. 2ls Uie last day In Idaho for reporting-- and paying botli Social Security and withhold incomo taxes for the quarter endjng Junc 30,'ac- cordlng.to John C. Andului, Internal Revenuo Service public information officer. Andulwj said employers have -unlll-aug.-12-to-flle-thelr-re turns if tlig entire quarterly t^ix liability has been deposited on 'timc in n-fcdcral rcwrvc bnnkor auuiorlzed commercial bank. MOVIE RATINQ8 EDRm RENTBANO T O D N D T H J P C r r«>^ o< ^ NM It/ m J C*Mr«l M'MM Six* NOONEUNDER I a ADMITTED SIEVE McQUEEN a t M P H! - 2 n d G R E A T W E E K!! LADIES WEAR Pant s h i f t s,...*3 9, 'safe $2.00 Shifts Ladis Blouses- $1.50 ;salp Asst. Nylon Tops...» sale $1.27 INFANTS T^dlers Sleepwear s><>9sale $L27 HOUSEHOLD GOODS Throw Rugs Asst... sale $3.88 Towel ensemble: o.i, w. i. $, i. sale 77' Hand Towal rag. SQ' sale 2 for 77' Denim Hot P^nts^-6x,.^. tao.»1.09 saift$1.77 Throw Pillows , sale $1.27 Denim Hot Pants » «sale $1.50 B u b b le ^ u n ^ u its -,.^ ^ _ ^,.d J U 2 s _ s a le il!_ -ShorlSfcts 3-6x......»i 39sale 77' Short sets ti 79sale 97' lilc T ifls im E A R : Frayed cut Off Jeans 4-7 <399 sale $1.27 Frayed Cut Off Jeans r..Tr,..t3,99$L50 Polo Shirts *199 sale $1.27 P o l o s h i r t s ^ v - r, ^ ^ r T ^ :, B r i J i r ^ a l ^ ^ ^ Flared Pants^48^^;T-rnr.or^^»-sal^^ Flared Pants... 99sale 2/$7.00 Short Sieeve Sport Shirt sale $1.00 -p ie C E -T o a o D s - "flssfrcmtons,:;r^7t i7nsalr2-yd. $L00r Summer Fabric Asst. sale 3 yd. $ t o y s ; \ San<l Ptillt, Butkal w/i)iov«l. and liadth i«lt. rag. 4Q'-il.39 1/2 pil(«badmitton-se ts ^...,.g «rw-sale43 j8 - l P S cc ara sst.7^...^.9.-sale 7 7 ^ yo<ymachail. rag. Tale$2:9r Onmai, du<iitlonanoy«, Btdi a n Bae #*1- CA Blowyour CmI, Raygady AimApron. lag. S3.i3-$3.44 Sdl6 SHOES AAISC. ITEAAS L^dies'TinniyOxfordsr -sale 9 7 ^ Y e llp w Bug tiglits 60watlt. '...'3 for 70' -2^757' G irfs T e iin is O x fo rd s...!$139 sale87' SingleHibachi...oss» sale$3.00 Mens Depk.Oxfords {>99 sale $2.27 Boys Tennis Shoes...,.,«i,99 ^ate 2 for $ ct. 7 oz. Foam Cups sale 44' 250 ct. White Paper N a p k ' m s 39 IV Boys Racer Oxfords. M J) >r«fl, S3.V9 sale $3.47 Mens Sandals M.. M.. I.', ni. HI.. rafl. $3.39 sale $1.50 Foam Ice Chest......d 39 sale 07' Plastic Bird Bath i39» sale $L97 (i :: Endi Soon^

8 Th^day, July 22, 1971 TlmM'N«wi, Twin FalU,.Idaho 9 S p e e d s a i d c r a ^ c a u s e MUeI l HEIM, Germany. Police said at least 25 persons (UPI)-A railways spokesman were killed and were :::aaliindar^icbi»lotpaodontr^jui«r»h5nr5t^^^ curve may have, cauwa the^express (TEE) train Unking dctflnmehl near the Swiss- Basel, Switzerland, with Cbpen- German border Wednesday of a hagen plunged down a 15-foot transcontinental express train embankment Into trackside "crammed with vwatlonerb; houses hear the~vlil^e or Official determination of the Ilhelnwoiler about '15- miles cause of tm crash was pending, north of the Swiss border! an Investigation.---- ' American, BHUah and Scandinavian tourists were among u ir. The train, one of doxens o! TEE expresses which crisscross Western Europe, Swerved off a right-hand curve, forcing me'tdtsa^imbmouvfl, to~rou down the ^bankment until it slammed upside down against a house. Most of the 14 passenger cars followed, damaging. several other houses. At least four of the dead, a u u n r r ^ r w t f r i n w houses, police said. A TEE railways spokesman said the train probably was traveling too fast on the curve. Police'Bflld lh6"^et"ca u ^ 'dr the crash would not be known until an. investigation completed by the. Freiburg prosecutor,. Reds blamed C h airm an named SELECTED chalnuan of the Atomic Energy Commission by IVjesldcnt Nixon Is James R. Schleslnger. a member of the commission, right His choice came after resignation of Glenn T. Seaborg, left, who had served as chalnnan since IMl. Schleslnger was assistant director of office of management and budget. Beaborg will return to University of. Callfomla,' Berkeley, ai faculty member. (UPI) P p o s e e H t a i ^ p r a i s e s b i d if.(-up4) guilty- AnRclii Davis argued her Innoccht. motion to act as her own Hie black militant and lawyer at her murdor-kldnap former UCIA in.strucbr is "7~trin!'W <an^w iri~dl8<^bu aecu«od-.of buyink RunT^ Uio prosecutor described as hclpln^p1fl tho" Auir^. lwflt" "lawycr-llko. Impressive and orderly." TEI. AVIV (UPI)-An larooll wonted to toll Iho story now Htl7f»n Bflyq It wng thi* Riigglnr^^ti boforo ho ^loh. nnd not thfl NbtIb ni' the Wvdra said at the start of the, Russians claim _ w h o -m a s -In te rn e d In the sacred ^12,000 Polish army Starobyelsky labor camp gear otflccrs during World War II In whore tho kllungs occurrod and tho-kntyn-korost -near- tho'wm told of,the-inddent by a Soviet city of Smolensk.. Malor Sorokin who saw the German soldiers imcovored a t l d ' thd major Hot n>^.grnvo in 11M3 containing pw m i the- bodies and said Soviet I (roorvi irnifth kn P«!«d Ho sald.'tho. v*orld wjll ^ wh'at"niy eyes shooung each ono in the back behold, -mo Poles hdve all been of the head.... ''lia o c m e d a s llh o w a s s o In K We n r r ^ n L l.» nt of convulsions as The U.S. Congress investlgat- i^,»«ii,n,i > wuhrfl wilrl Ha ed the >"cldent and ta 1M2 Russian tr S ^ had ldued h2 &» K o'f: Sp^H} pm\'i^^rtsltnd _ Wednesday, Israeli cltlxen Ho said ono of tho officers Avraham Wydra, M, «ild the Identified as 1st Lt. Alexander Russians were responsible for Suslov told him, "I want to toll tho massacre. A Polish Jew by you tho story of my life. years in Soviet labor camps and I are the two most durlng-the-war unfortunate peoplc- n-thfi-wholo_ Wydra told tho Israeli nows- world. I killed tho Tolacks paper Malariv that three Soviet wltli my -own hands. I shot Jewish officers who either them, pnrucipaled in or witnessed the "There were some Russian. killings told him of -the soldiers who couldn t stand i t - massacrerhe snid ^^ho wnir^ojrthrcw^cmsolvas'lntirthff.sworn to secrecy at Uic..time attempt by,convicts to oscoiw t h r e a t e a s e s o f f from tlic Marin County court- a»o didn't cull mo u mnd house, dog. sho didn t' call me n Arnason allowed Miss Dovis MOREHEAD, Ky. (U PI)- Five consecutive days of rain - racist,!'. Assistant- Attorney-to-argue-the-motion-oyer-the- of ^ gpnjover from a had caused the Ucking River to General Albert W. Harris said, objections of Harris, who said temporary earthen dam eased rise to an unusually high level Miw Davis said sho should be Uio Judge, by allowing today, it, but was the Army - - Corps of And filled the mlle -long allowed to act as her own Engineers accwling to aakad the very residents-of-'reservolr request lie --behind the - dan> ~c6counsev"^~krounds bu cks tobacco was supposed firming to 'Animunltles decide... almost to overflowing, are rallroaded>to Jail by.white below Wlten the slio dam finished not to return Harristo Ihousands of acres of tobacco Ju^es, white Juries and white their complimented homes yet. l»cr pre.sentatlon farmland at the foot of the court-appointcd attorneys. ' butsaid Waters tluit from if tho sho uiin-swollcn actcdas her Allegheny Mountains In north- She citod as cxhmplcs Ruch- Licking' own cocounsol River leveled it would off blur about tlw eastern Kentucky were thrcaa foot from the new, makeshift tened. ell MagL^}, who is accuscd along. lino between lawyer and with her In tho 1970 Morin defendant top of to the Uie dam point lato where Wednesday U Officials, said Wednesday M County shootout, J«mo.«j Mc-»,\*ould bo difficult to cross-' ' per cent, of the persons who Oaln, wlu) was killed taking oxnmliio. Workmen, using, bulldojcrs lived In'the valley left their part In it, and George Jackson, Speaking in a low voice which and piling iindliaga', had raised homes, whoso freedom Uic state says m MmeUmos nearly inoudi- ^ tho temporary dam - Hw earthen dam was built to was one of' Its objectives. b o. Miss Davis argued that tto seven feet by Wednesday night, hold back tho water while the "I would like to draw for tho n... - t! IndicaUng Just how serious tho permanent Cave Run danf was court a picture of what a black Constitution guarnntmd tho original tjiroat of a'spillover under construction. Hie work defendant finds In an American right to counsel but U did not haj been - scheduled to be completed courtroom," Mias DaVia told vitiate -tho. Superior.Judge Richard E. Amason. "He finds a white Judge, a white prosecutor, and overwhelmingly white Jury and often is urged to plead guilty by a white _ public defender or a. whito court-appointed attorney. "It's my belief that B5 per ccnt of black defendants plead No change in Rpd aim right to selfrcpresenlation. Judicial decisions denying tho right to cocounsol seem tio be overly concerned with decorum in the courtroom, she said, sometimes for expedlpnt rca' sons "which raise grave. questions about tiie American Judicial system." She' said Magee, a San Quentin prisoner at the time of tlio shootout, hod been sentenced to life In \m for a $10 robbery nnd'kldnaplng ln l/>s Angcle^for ~whtch n"tntddl(y-' class white youth would have nrobflblv received probation or TAIPEI, Taiwan (U P l)- a upended sonftnce. President Chlnn«KoUhck of,,>» r tholr plan to divldo and' So «lnd Sta o Prison, wps conquor" the froo world, no oriblnally sent to prison for lilo S y.c t.a m M u i..... $3./S NOW * 1 * * U nj.f Mnk.un l«ll.n... IlM. H.50-N O W 3 Rffller how fr io n T n rth e rm a r -^ rt ^ ^ i'* u r-*^ appear. robbery after pleading guilty on In- a mossako to tho current <» >««' " "''I', fifth conference of tlie World,,, *., AnU-CommunUt Uague In Ma- - "Hlarehlani(-«ald-tho-Conunu>J!<!^JjLW!5 ni«u "will under no clrcyiit^ ^''^lefvsaim feithan a stances alter tlielr plan to white man would hove. communize tho whole world and I enslave all of mankind.". ^ ^== No mattjjr~x»hbt~offensivttit; I-Giant-plane- _o amlles-oilunucd-front JacUcft TmlmilrM ogle d «i i Jn0 UlCH n s S T *? " Now _ said, **they (tho CunmunUts)...will never deviate from their nttnmpt ts dmh' U Aircraft official said Wednes- ^0 ftmdom camp throuah,he firm Is considering niough niaklng -no dirert i^gj^xliod 747 piano which referent to President NUon» ^ p, ^, 1118 design would remove the miply clear that I n ^ opinion, rs tio n "Zdei, n ilt p l^.n tan s tour of ComAu^l J t<,hl g u,, superjef. Dl-.Oilna wul tmt change MM 'h*- ^y a f«* feet, would, tung sanu-amerlcan policy.. ^ permit doubllii Ihe current». «' paaaenger Qipadty, be said.... L i n e l o s e s ttt>wn said the studies of the ' NEW YORK (UPI) Anieri- prqpo8edtwo4ecl(er were made can Airlines reported a loss of in anticipating the potslbu use t23.2 million for the first six between Ja0an a two major nmiuts uf'tlilg yeu! rt'unipm<hl" WaCT; Tdcyo BU."UUUT to a lota of 11.7 mlulon for the because this,.was the likely ' same period last year. It place for introduction of ^onper 'toiui BnnounEM't<9iy. imd fa ^ r 747 st^jeta. in SAVE ^ BEAUTY CENTER REVtOH Touch and Glow Spatial. Rollon Rag. $2.50 Uquld......Rag. $1.85 Creme Souffla.... Rag. $2.50 TrMlmaat MMatarbMa SB ' L U u M C lm lm w R.a.» NOW -MoUtur* itmnwnlght Cram* bt^st)'s NOW- 3 ly^>ycd- -iv.igu,i:r...; ^

9 JO in Fall*, Idaho Thursday, ' July 22, J?7l ' I... 1 Nikbii sees Viet war sce^e in larger drama WASHINGTON(UPI)-Pres- ident Nixon always hiu regard- -ed-the-confliohn-vi«tn«ro-a scene In a much larger dram*; demands of Senate doves and unknown, the Soviet Union. House has purposely sought to others to set a date for But it Is fraught with dangers For this reason, the Wlilto (lowngrade Its own expectations withdrawing AmerlcarJ troons. and nobody realizes this better.. ilfles than the President a ^ Ift In the power structure In He remembers, for instance, AJtliouKli no 6no tolks about it much onvmore, Uio main "''Ich lutcrnoyonal t-olallons Uio humlllouon suffered by his r^ n h S c S s B o V a b c c. h»7,»een conducled for the old mentor Presldonl M g h l Involved In that-trakle connicl-pm two.decadea. opcntog new.d. EUcnhoWcr-wlien a,u2 spy wilf i<i Ahlaln Oilna and the «venuea for negouauons ;and- plane Incident resulted In wars of UMrHllon II espouses. ^ ThiN tins led many to concludc tlint there cap be no Instlnjj- Mttlemont on-vletnam. ' without t)ie Hs-wnt of aiina, the -... mnin supplier- of-arrns~andldi!olo [icnl support to Hanoi iirjfl tlio Vlot Con«. And here, IK'rhaps njore than nriywhere. cl.hu, lies tlio hope of the IVcsldent'.i fortlicomlnk trip to Pokln« ririnlly.' iiirm n irr Bctors^i- Uic drama have entered the Bt4iKc..... Tim Invltijtion to nteel with nnilrman ' Mflo " Pst'4unfr^nd'*...iVemlcr Qiou!?n'-lol Is 'n coup of enormous coiiscquences for Iho Prcaidcnt, botli at homo anil iibrtlhd. Pollticnliy, It Is l)ound to raise his populurlty and take tjie focus of public attention ' where tlw* Viet Con«have put. f6rth rt'di.'yikrccnble pcace plan- Nlxon hiis been under increasv ^n^{ pressure lo accept; It gives him more freedom to resist the H le C D R A TO R P L A S T IC % f t, J Ah -I.coIoij, r «4 'A 3' «4' _ ; / W ^ y i l P A IH ta H D S J A IH S $ ^ 5 0. OddtondEnctft mku Gal. A S S T PREFIN ISH ED M n iiin iy p. ^ 3 / 0 O f f PREFIHISHED PANELING 4 x 7 Shea)t... Ea.j R Y LO C K W IN D O W S? f l % n f J Enlln Sloch, %lngu & Iniulolad.. ; f c V /V UTl CEDAR GRAPE S TA K E S $ ^ 6' Lengths Rag. $6.00/bundl«. bundu M thoustonlbrvcq. 301 Second! Street South, Twin Falls 1 ^ T w i n F a l l s C H y - W - > d e ^ f r id a ^ & s^ u r d a y w 8 T R A C K T A P E S $J99 Your Choice Special Group L.P. 's Camdon Harmony Choico of Favorite ArtItU.. HELEN'S RECORDSHOP 221 Main Ave. E G a l l o n AQUARIUM With Full Rafleclor. A l b in o L y r «- la ile d MOLLIES Reg. $ * The TROPIOUARIUM In tw in FolU 618 North Main MARBLE ANGELS fhome grown) R0.$1.47 SPECIAL.. O # Baby Cage-H ai*od, RACCOONS *35 ^ In Boite 716 North Orchard Summer Patio Furniture Close-Out Prices! H u r r y! Only a Fow Left & Up ;^RTED PIERCED EARRINGS 1 4 k $ P o s t s.... dxtewatghie Gents Wc^tch Bands ^ ^ Years Supply i h o d i n g ^ JEWELRY COi SIDEWALKSPECIALS S a n d a l s - a s e r a I s T e n n i s S h o e s D r e s s S h o e s 9 9 AND J C R A X ^ S M ^ C J A L S M E N ' S S A N D A L S & ' T' ^ DRESS SHOES Special Sale! While They Last 3 L E G G E D M IL K S IO O L $ Now /2 l?fice E A R L Y B I R D S A L E! AMMUNITION SALE! Ri7/o P/sfb/ Shofgun, BuyNow&Sav* for Fall M U S T L I Q U I D A T E S T O C K A T D E A L E R 'S W H O L E S A L E Bushmell 4x Rifle Scope R e g. $ t : x t r a K r a x y S p e c i a l * 2 4 FOR OUTSTANDING CRAZYDAZE VALUES ' 'SBB O UR AD ON PAGE U Cusfomor/ P/ease... I It inio On the eornbr of Moln & Second St. ^, t Twin Falli, Idaho Slie nal pricel 6n(y.,:.99«i H R a w D iscontinued carpet «clfwpl»<it- W» wtlarful selection o f expensive ccrp«it sam ple} going K R A Z Y! ASSORTED GIFTWARE bno Table... ~iims7sitvsr~ S la ln la s s S te e l R e d u t e j d i ^ 5 0 % : Jageiiy^SlveiJhisters. Special Price * RECdRl>$AlC! C O N T I N U E S P k q. o H O C P 9 P B C I A L 9! One Group -ReB-$4.9B., 33 One Group Reg.,$ * amon0ofhers "Whan Vou'ra Hof, Vou'ra Hoi" Jorry Re«</ HELEN'S RECORDSHOP -_22i-MAINJLVE^E Men's Ladios'. Bpys' Girls' BIRTHSTONE RINGS " F a m o u s N A M E b r a n d mirist W ATCHES OFF On tho cornar of Moln & Sacond St, W. Tvt/ln FoHi, Idaho.

10 Crews battle water cotler dam July 20 In Uanpt to hold back waten threataiiiig Ip ^ipul over, flooding hundred* of acrea of tobacco land near MSr'dieiarKy. Crcwi began iandbaggfaig top of dam after It grew too narrow for heavy eqnlpneat (o work safely. Dam s spillway was unable to drabi oh -waters rapidly enotigh to prevent danger of flooding. (UPI) Study chief preparing booe Thuriday, July TlmM-N«wi ' Twin F a llt/ld a h o 11 WASHINGTON(UPI) Leslie Ife haa been worung on'the ble to the nation^s policy didn't affect my^hlstdry at all," proach. The H. Gelb, who supervised the history* at the Brookinga makers Is the same for niost of he said in an interview. **As far he sal^ conc flowpilji>g,ej_ toe^bgw; - 'l-,1, ^ >h ^ n «tltiitb m» «- n ^ v iu e 8. > I, iir.-t^-wluit.. I, nail ~ Pent; st^y ofthe Viefeam' he ISr the Pwila^h In"April, flthoiigh^bro5hnbrcarbfupy''thb^ ^^^ War, working on what he 1969, after saving in the shuns partisan politics, the 4i- use those documents -for Hia ^ k, he saidr will hopes will be an even ^ r e transition between the Jc^nson yeal -old bistltute Is a haven for footnotes but that Is about all." concentrate on '*the * basic thorough and lasting history of and Nixon administration. some inteuectu ds who s^e d He said the Pentagon papers forces and how they Impacted that l(kycar>old;conflict Gdb s - proiect is more the -Kennedy..and Jt^nson and t^ book he is writing are on Vietnam. ' Gelb said his book>-«tlll more drama tlo thw the - research work administrations.- Uke Gelb, dlff< in...^ their ap- ' than a year away from being done by nu>st of the 90 their work at Brookings paral> publication will center on the staff members at Brookings. lels their work for the basic forces that contributed to But the objective of increaaing government. 'the dedaions of four presidents., the base of information availa-.brooungfl President Kermit Gordon, himself budget dlrccptor In thekennedy Bnd"Johnson BdmlnlBtratbns, concedes that O f f i c i a l e n d o r s e s the staff Is loaded with. refugees from the New Frontier, r e g i o n a l a i r p o r t and the Great Society.,Gelb was In a curbus position Jreg^-dingJhe.P^tMon.pPperiL nrjecrr nu dlrultthl, IJOISK (UPI) - A HuKhos» W",,,,, bolire parts of the 47-volumo Air West official told tho sccond Altman said cnrko lmd boon hlalory wore published by Tho.jmmiiil mooting of company ofd-. Krowlnu substsnllally out of Uio m Vork Times the Washlneclab-^alrportBtaUon- niaua- Twin Palls olnwrt, with latest -Ion'Port and clhw^newpmyrffr licrs Tucsdayr^proposod l-e- fluurcs attlio 100,000pounds per lutmiiok h» um n-llnluii*-!. dnnni nimnrt ln,fl'jlil-p.ll..h n'gnth i p, ^ Although he-waa-laibulai-^ with the contents of the papers, "opening tho door to on nrou "I yucss yoitcnn l-cally'sco" He Witt^-TrtlC' f^ee io use tho -we haven't been able to really Ujo diversity of Idaho when you hformation in. preparing his rouch before. * rcullzo "most of tho cargo conown history of U.S. participation tin Vietnam from 1954 to Kd Allmnn,.vlco prc.sulont In slsta of fish and panly hose," char^o of operationh for U)o re- ho said. the present. He now may use ' Hionol atrhno, said cnrrlor had AUmnn crcdltod-strcnmllnlng ier>, Umlled In "Uio past be*r of tho airline s a^inlstral' causo It wn? unable to u-no iti as an example of changes which newspapers. u- ««,.m blktier Jots In U,o Twin Falls were undertaken sinc? tho air- S area. line was purchased by Howard no major diange. In hu "Wo hnvo been rondy to fly Hu«h(!s. job Into Twin Falls since 1068, The Pentagon papers reauy U N B ELIEV A B LE!!! BRAND NEW A D M IR A L - I M O U K L 9P 267 S E U V I C E C O M P A N Y I 2 K 2 n d A v c. N o. T w i n F a l l s TWIN FALLS CITY-WIDE SALE! FRIDAY & SATURDAY JULY loopair p i M i ^ R e g. t o * W h i t e B a b y BOOTS $150 lo sixe 8 R e g. * MACIE S BOOTS W

11 la TlmBi-Nowi, Twin Foll«. Idaho Thur«d»y, July M, 1971 Y e a r - r o u n d M OI^l-l-A. Or«. (U P I)^^«^ of 7:.i0 Monday inortiui}'. -Juno ' Molnlln'a elctncnthry,'»chooj (Ustrict convcru'd ILs sysusni from ' the tuirtiijil nliio-inonth ncndetiilc yunr ty ;i miltiuo --- ycnr-flr«njn«l pliui Wlmt iiiukos llio cvunt unique Is UiJit il is tlif first cleinciiury --- s c h o n rin th cstn ic'tn 'in n k e 'tlio Uic Kunimer torm slwwed up, ho.<uiid. - ()neenlhu.'?in.sticpnr«nlcalled Up after the first day's classes and'sald, My kuls can hardly wait to KO. hack to bchooi -t<)inorrow.^^ Wilson is lia )py alw ut the succo.hs. "W o col off to Ji iiood st^irt^'*- h o' Baidr "W o "dulrt't SCOTCHTArt LAWNFERTILIZER m 1/2" X. 300' Reg o r t h o Coveri 6,000»g. j l. Was S j^ 'i ~ m ROSE FOOD «WADiNG POOLS 5 lb. DAWN" By SCOTT Rog,$ CLOSE OUTsBIG savings Many Sizes and Typos Valuos to. for classes M oiulay, as they Kooriiod Just us cnthtlsia.stic as earlier f cneraijoiis'wort! w hm r sum m er vacation rolled around. One tjiird urader was even ht^ard to say, "G ee,.scliool's' rcnlly jjreat." Sam W ilson,.superintendent of the school district and ardent ' Huppartcr of the p lan, iuiul the sliow of confidence from Uie parents in Uie district wa.s overwhleminu. "K von kids whq.iic parents.«yild tlmy woiilrln't send them to trips apd outing s wliero tliey can.study l!eoi;raphy, science, and History. In fact. W llsoa attributes tlio se»!niln(j popularity of tlio Kununer se-ssion amon { the kids lo the fact that the prof'ram Is jjeared to the outdoors. M any of the teachers, Wilson KuUl, w ill find a closer reljitlonship between teacher-' and student' l>ccau.so of Uie sinaller class-load. Said W ilson. "N ow we can rap M)orc on ii personn! basis." cliaiu!0. nitlioukli uxpuctxtinnh encounter any' problems wo are It Aon't Ix; llie lust. Ilisiru! didn't oxjmjct," costs ff and Uixpay- In brief, t)ie new system *!rs rolin- latico t(v foot hlf'licr o )oralo.«j on a scbedulo of four Uixes, eouplod with iiicroa.sliif;' continuous quarters which will Liubcn ul s,ludc nta and. <n-p>nccranrm m «rf-tim'aink-nr<rt!jm5inhnntrir and 250 pupils on vacation schunl.s to look Into the during each of tlie four periods. feiiklhllity of ycnr-around cdu* cation. In Addition to regular boll*" days dttflnk-emch-termrfnailty Mnliillii,I2lcineiUi^ fy School did and stwlonts will receive "one ' it with apparent support and wccc of-v4ication at the ehd of enthililnsm not"only from^tho" each term. / tiiachor.s, and paronto, but, Hie Kreat outdoors which. in c r o d ltly «I«n -fm ni t l i c. >^:)upi{sters enjoyed each sum* yo un i'g llt s! jner, won't bo missed entirely No Slid (aces slood' out unwni«- by.-amiunur session studenlfl. -Road^open-now- MACKAY Gartli Buxter, Mackay district ranger of the Challls Notional Forest, said today all roads on the district aro now open exccpt the rood JcfldiniiJram-MackuY.t^.Altlcr-, Oeok. nio bridge across Cope lilom -draw_wim» wasljod-out thls- spring? he said. but snow bonks allu torder elovallon lakes, much of the road, making it wet and narrow. On tii'j} Burma' Hoad, Uiere is a soft spot where it crosscs tiie East Fork of the Big Lost Biver. Anotlier soft aroq Ison bio Copper Basin loop, road botween Uie guard statjon * and Loko.-. Croek, Uio-ranger aaid- Whllo. roods aro generally good und passable for pickups and puffsongcr cars, forest service officials rccomm«nd iieavily loaded veliicles and th n sn p n lh n {> _ trn lw.«i tn n n t attempt su^ roods os Antelope Summit. : TVails-are-fllso-open-on-lKedistrictnlthoughTomcBnow and another DOUBLE STAMPS LENIENCE 9 FOODS 2-Woods,. 5 Irons, Bag. Morf's &Women's Rog. $59.95 Valuo CRAZY DAZE SPECIAL O D D S & I N D S T a k e n f r o m o u r M o u s e w a r e s - D e p K V a l u e s t o $ o i i i i a I i M l i ' M fca tong PLAY RECORD: 3 3 ^ / 3 Hi fn2"7*^usic orsprtn^op Arltist.. " KUBBEITHOSr to 10 foot Longthi Brass Coupling $2.90 Value... COFFEE MUGS Stonowafo and Patforns Values to $ from $J^99 25 PEATMOSS $099 4 cu. ft. Bog Compact $4.00 Value... Redwood Planters J /3 Hangers and Tubs. o f f MOTOROIL PENMZOIL, QUAKER STATE! HAVOLINE-2dwt. & 30 wt.... WILD SAVIN G S!!!! A n A s s o r t m e n t ^ o f H o u s e w a r e s - a n d - O d d f e - a n d E n d s V a l u e s t o $ ILEMAN4ENT ijc iio ; 5 3 tlnpainted Furniture 7tiVn Many pieces, Pino-Stools fronn $ SAVE E L E C T R I C C H A R C O A L LIGHTER CHARCOAL BRIQUETS Hardwood 10;(( Bag ROTO TILLERS C / w qt. $J * ^A% 5hp. Ro^. $ hp. Reg ' SAVE \ M \ M / V D O U B LIC O ID S T B IM BTAMPS Thit W«eU*nd on all ordert of * or moro D O U B L E Your savings at Marty s Ftyth Grade A P a n R ^ d y Fryers KRAZY HOUSEWARE TABLE -S p ecialg ra u ps-of- H o u s e w a r e s t a l < e n f r o m o u r r e g u l a r s t o c k V a l u e s t o $ $ M AD DOG TABLE. S p e c i a l B u y s - f r o m ^ - T h r o u g h o u t t h e S t o r e. T o o n u m e r o u s t o m e n t i o n. H r F A N T A S T I C S A V I N G S Falli Brand -Franks- New, Red or White '2-IbT" P o fa lo te s... lo'ibs. t g a i r B r e a d... 1ib. 4' loovet ' T I W c V t ie iin f i S a u s a g e J N o v e ll 91 ox. P o r k «B e a n s '...25 ' Ct>totful7firaided T^^flirogEttuy $ f 4 9 ; a 4 ^ - x 4 5 '. ^ ^ ORTHO^GRO 12«. liquid Plant Food for Azealea and Evergreen Rog. $4.98. ^3. Barn and Fence Paint $i ss -ALMONDROCA Pound Bucket $1.95 Valuo.... ^ MIXED NUTS fi1«canyocots $i;95 Vacuum Pock 13 oz... \ f ^ Cf1 h 2x6, Green BrowrrrlFoldlnQ'Aluminum Framb Wor5' Er93. ASSORTED CANDLES S0% COLEMAN FUEL Q 7 c One Gallon Slie Reg. $1.29 Volu#.... V ' SUNGLASSES qn% LAUNDRY^ASKET FOSTER GBASmAony-Stylw-FKMW-^'..... Sovoral Loiors, Kiastic, Large Lcyaacity Were-J I. IV... 4AARI IN SOUTH PARK WILD M OOSE TABLE A s s o r t e d H a r d w a r e I t e m s a n d T o o l s T ' s a n d ' ^ ' s o f i t f e m s t o b 6 C l e a r e d TANTASTfc Sa v in g s " ' i LIGHT FIXTURES G i a n t A s s o r t m e n t o f L i g h t F i x t u r e s D e c o r a t i v e d s w e l l - a s U t i l i t y ~ V a l u F T o * $ S : 9! r t ^ $ 3 9 : y i

12 Dignitaries visit. E. FRITZ DEHREN, executive BimliitBnt (iie Iilnlm ^cretary of Agriculture vlxllfl with Harold WIIrou, mayor of Paul durldj; the dedication of the uew Pnul l4il>or houbliik projcct Wcdaeftdoy. area plan complete -1 pnilicmive-puin-for <lovolop- mcnt of tlui-cntlrc Yankc(Lli!ork -- i area to preserve historical lias been completed by the U.S. / Forest Service, Wuti Curl«on,,j supervisor of the CiwillU National Forest aj>id today. Development of Uie plan, he.said, will proceed as.soon as finiuiclng becomuh available. Clayton Dlatricl lumgor Dun Pence said the volume of. visitors in tite area this year lias reached new,records. The foroht service maintaliw a mu.sem in the our school lioiisc in DiKter. area. On July 4 of this year, lie said 782 persons visited Uic museum and durlhr Die week in vyhich.. tho holiday was obseryod almost 1,GOOvl.silors renistero(l - at tlio museum;-it contain.'? n collection of relics of the early days of tlio nclkliborink gold, mining townn of Cunter and Bonanza and is now iruuntained for public in8pectio9by tlie U.S. Forest Service. Pence said Uie heavy flow of 'vtaltors ls severely taxing facilities of Uie small mu.seuni. Slieriff checks xe&er-voij^ BELLEVUE - Blaine County Slierlff Orville Drexlcr conducted water-temperalure te.>ith at Magic Reservoir on TluirfidajTIh an erfort to detltmlne 'wlien tliu body of a drowning _vlctinunlfthtrl3tto-tlic.aur acc- -_:_Shoriff.'fl.dcputica luive been, searching the reservoir for Leonard Collln.s, 40, Twin Falls, wluj fell from a boat Sunday Dragging operations con' tinued U n r d Sunday ''a a T evening nhd v e n " d Monday^wlthout suecobsr 0 ; /Issistant I f % SPEAKING.Mug the dedlcatlnn^of ^ e ue\ Paul l i W Camp,' Louise Shadduck, odmlnlstratlve bsslstunt to CouRressmaii Orval Hansen, was one of many dignitaries ea hand.,.. _ Aide says officials igvindicated by e\:ants P ^ u r i a b o r c a m ] p T m t t s d e d i c a t e d a t c e r e i n o n y Hy GEORGIA LAYTON Timcs-Ncws Writer PAUri-----About 126 persons (ittcndcd Um dedlcutlon of the Pnul Ijibor HJousinK Project Wodnesduy nftornoon, l\vo tniles east of Puul'. Dbmil d TTT^Iirdor, hihio" cilroctordf Knrmorfr:HoiTio- Admlnlstriition welcomed the ^roup imd introduced Kucflt;). He iilso served iis m«stok* of ccremoriles during the hour^' lonj{ event. Harold Wilson, mayor of Paul, fliiid the city of Paul was proititif ilmli pai I IH liu pi u jb if and of the liuitalliitlon in tho community." Mayor Wilson, "IValsud the hoiliinti l^oard, the ite-and"f^crnilnncnctcs for thoir cooperation., in the project." Clytle Greenwellrchnirmnn oftlie Paul Labor llounlnf' Kuve tlio brief hi.story of the Paul Ul)or Cainp^,. 'riio Paul HoukUu; board luul npph< fi.fnr-«.lnan.ln-.snpt^lflfi()- luul within. 13 montiis the i'armor«home Administration iipproved a loan in tlie amount of $250,050 and n Kcnnt of t:tnt.l50 for the prolect. An nddltional I'rant.of $20,000 was upproved hist montli to complete the project of 20 all electric "four-ploc units (two iwdroom apnrtmont^o- Uiwns and trees are yet tp be planted. Grccnwell said. Mrs. Gladys lilhquibcl, Hurley, former executive director Idaho Citizens for Migrant Affairs, expressed -"Uianka to-j)er»3ns and arencles who have taken part In providing tho new farm labor lioa^inij project a;, Paul In bcluiif of Uie migrant laborers.'' boglnri1nt!,.bho said. volvcd.' and -eollectlvely they K. Fritz pchrens. cxeputlvo..resolved them to create what asslgtani to secretary of - wo are convlnoeii is the most agriculturo was tho final modern labor housing facility In speakcr'at the dedication. Ujo. United States,' Hehrens "nils projcct represents a said. truly classic example of Tlje project here ha.s 20 alli_ 'coopefutionbolweerriho federal electric foui -p.lox units govemmentplocnl'govemmcnt -oshenlinlly two-bedroom' nnd private interests. Full credit mustijo to tlw Paul City Council, tho Minidoka V,County nnd sewer system, block'topped street, and other features keyed ^ to"tho"lde«that'many of the farm labor families W li become pennancnt residents," Behrens said. r^tho-faot-u-that-idaho-hab one o! Hmj best farm labor hnustnk~prjrrntns lir-th e country," ho'sald. "Kven now, other states are studying Idaho's program as a pattern for tholr use," he added. ' McssaKoa of congratulations were read from J. B. Smith, - apartments..they WUre 'struciuraily planne<l so that wluiln each four- )lox Uie simple Commissioners,- tho ': throe act of locklnk a door cmi convert an apartment ln(o a ono, fa rm o r-o w n o ti - liib o r associations Involved, and tho two, or three bo<lroom unit, Dopartmont _of_ depetklink on the needs of tho -admlniatrator---- of----- FHA,- TiKilLullw» u n je' fwmil; Adminlstration," Hehrens said. "Hie project also includes a "Individually, each yroup <l^*y taro center, recreational rccoknlzed tho problems In- fucllltles, land-scaplnk, water l l l a l n e C a m n M C a N fjia - i 5 h m n v IS o o d ln is J o r o i t i o I J n c o l n ~ M f n l ^ o k a t w i n r a ll N Thursday, July Boards clash o y er expenses. WashlnKt^' DT t'tr Son. I-en Jordim, Sen. Frank Chyrch, Hep. 'Hiunes A. McClure and _QmiLHiini$9n- Director accord lacking lloisr (UPl) - Tlic past presluent of tho Idaho Wildlife atlon said Wedncsdaythe~ ({roup s directors failed lust weekend to reach akreemont on the best manngoment plan for tlie Whlto Clouds area of cen* tral Idulio. Franklin Jones, Boise, said a "aubstantinl mnjorlty of those attendlnt{ tabled a resolution fa> vorink a natlotuil recreation area for tho roklon. 'Jones callcd it a "50-50 split" overwhetherto accept a nation- al recreation area program in< Ucirof-n-nntionnl~paHr-rccnrn - noise. (UPII -.T h e state.tho probimn iirom Tu's-tay.. Mrs.... ITsqulbel said " Hiis. Is. Uonrd ol.loxnmlncra and tho wlicn the Uoiird of E x iim lncra [«'< )ii»l II lniblnnlnu" o l (nrm liilior Stale Hoard o f Educatlon have held up a r«ucht from.hobo toililnir ilcvclopinonl which she chmo Uito conrllct over which Slate Collciio lor»1,000 In mov-. said has boon hccdhl for m any board.... has tlic authority to ap- ln«expenses for a staff mem- "Tlm v t<,.l lhl«l«nrf the tim e yoarh." prove movink expenses for edu- bor pendlnk an expliination ^ Vern W. Ycatos, former cation personnel hired from out- from HSC as to why tho school just vvhlch way It should flnalitafe! T a t e! V, n(iiti r onoi t l8cek cckirriarauthovl^iufln prior i \ county liualui.super toiitor oth.chunho ji>t. BunnlU W1HII< ' uio exmniners " -C e department regdlationfl. He dlrec^tor oflhe Office of HlglTor promising payinehtt" miid the Wiliion I.al)or Camp JSducatlon.saUI Wednesdnvtliat Kljpe said In nrder_tfl-i:loar» ' loan for lmnro\^ment.»» was since Nov. 2fl-19fl9.-the Stute un tho conflict ho had sent tho _ ~re]ected T)y the local people lloard of Kducatlon luis assum- libard of Kxamliwrs a lottor! ' despite Uie critical nee<l for ed It had the autliority wfui Wednesday containing Uto ori- Improved lal»r housing. the stipulation tlmt If the out- ginal request transferring tho c5 'in July logostate and county of-state person did not fullflu approval autltorlty to tho Edu- > KIIA officials met witli local his contract, ho would 1» liable cation Qoard. d * 0 V C C l government groups which was for moving oxpensos. Kline said the original request S'Mr the beginning of the Paul' "nutstato Auditor Joe H. WII- was subinltted to the Board of boi«e VuPIl RewoaentalioQsIng project we see today," llama said asearch of Hoard Examiners Nov. 19, IMO and Cotleae and Vcates. Uiid. of Examiners'minutes indlcat- tlic exominora approved tlio ro- k tvb Television Inc suned Iu)ui.se Shadduck, assistant to ed U>e autliorlty luul not been quest subject to resubmission, ^ aijreemcnt W^nesday^U- Congressman Orval Hansen, turned'over to Uio education for a final approval. Imi for KTVH to maintflui and cxprossod uroetl^a and best Ixiard. Khool'. educationwl.hho.s from nc r. Haaiiin on.lhe - - ~ nl ful^i/liilnn_of tiuilsing project congressman Himsen has worked witli local iigencles on tiie project from tlie Broader criminal probe set Humboldt water ruling pending KAID-TV.. Jack Schaefly, formerly of Denver, will direct the new facility. 'Hie new statjmi will be broadcast on channel i Schaefley said consthictlon is scheduled to begin today oh an addition to tho KTVB transmit' tor sit4) at Doer Point north of Boise. Mra.Georgiabavldaort, KTVB president, and Robert E. Krueger, vice president, signed the agreementalongwlth BSC President Dr. John Barnes. WINNEMUCCA, Nov. (UPI) gronted permits to store - A decision will be made "surplus" water in upstream "within a few weeks" whether dams on the South Fork, North there Is surplus water In tlie Fork and Mary's Ulver all Humboldt niver ayatem, part of. tho Humboldt system. District Judge Grant Bowen Stewart Wilson, an Elko atsaid Wednesday after hearing torney ropresentbig tho ran- IV WAfiHINffl»N-H)PH K«l courl urgumenu.. ato investigators, delving into Bowen, of Reno, said "Some said tho Humboldt River decree oriianized crime plan to widen importint, unusual, and holds tho river U fully ap- ^ Qii! Uioscopo scnnn of Uielr Uip r probe, nrflbe. cnllino ca l ng tai/reaua points were ralmd,_-j in proprlated now and..n>t Ujero is no «a iia witnc.hsea "rcspeeljiblo~u, r - l l e r - S C ;. l S M '»ii'i)on«-«uch as bankers and ^jvo a lot of work to "Our position Uirouijhout Is Iittornoys who help make crime Jo.'. Ti,o appeal hoarlnii was on the matter of surplus water, not c i v i t T l t T l i t l t K,.^-a-rultoe-^-StiS^-lLginoer-rccreatlon-or anythlng else," S W I l T i m i n g ii)urcc., In tho. Senate per- Poland Westeraard who Wilson areued. Ho said a ',, mnnent investigations subcom- decision that there is surplus The swimming mlttefi iald today Uie subcom- ' water" would trigger a new program for tlio Filer Summer ** inlttee waa expecto<i to follow 1 % ^ ^ ^ ^ r>r iithmflnn * Recreation AsBoclation will Wjug^Hflon of Son. Charles. T l X ) Wilson said If M million we* z^anit all ^ihose II. Percy. R-Ill., who said the Somite should subpoena "ony> one, wlioever Uiey ore, and wherever tliey arc, who have mndirposslblirthfndpcmtii organized crime." trip cut modi his-stfltemoi I i ^ n e - d a y - Wodne^y after an^on^mi WASHINGTON (UPI)-WlUl- durln«'u,e last year, of World his rl«hl,.... wltncas'ubsuflodlic pa: w S o T u b r o m e ir t o T ta ^ - S. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ wiuj leii ir^m a Doai suniiay TOn'SI^lJm ^ o m n tli^ a t uls r " r l " " M " 'se4unii'» Ho has been worklnif aa an out of JalPTho witness said the sons dictated by tho bloody ovonlns nnd (ll»app«nr«(l into S, o? rulin«-olisouro iibrarlan-for Uio & nle r_ jj Indudiid-sauaral thou.' attempt'. ta- \)Mtliro-CT{iiig u,e wnii.r., ui ^ «' ' ^-fw '-aiinobe ( paid i Halsan H. Vic«President Solro ~Collins I liadljech - * fishing wltli ftppolnlment. Kal-ahek struggled for domln- University of Californio In San... Mitchell Schweitter, - - r* a New... T. Agnew... decided Wednesday r* Reuben Rodriguez nnd was Tills time It was different. ajico while fighting the Japa- Francisco. Dressed In a York supreme couj*t Justice.^^ to cut short his visit to ijj: attempting to untangle fish line A history professor accompa- nese in their homeland. Both checked sport coat, he seemed Schweitzer denied tho charge, Morocco. % from Die boat motor when ho nled them, not a lauryer. Itie- men were outspoken opponents nervous when reporters apsaybig there was "not a Agnew's press secretary, Vic fell overboard, deputies ^aid. Satchels Uiey carried contained of diiang, contending his proached him at tho end of tho BClntlllu,. of_truth In -Iho- GoUi.-conflrmed-Agnew's -viait'^ not defense briefs but the Qdminlatralion was corrupt and clos^i meetlns. tndlcirtbff temperature,, the aooncr Mr. Collins body should rise to the. surface. z~e$enrsec=: BIoACKFOOT (UPl) Hio ^eighth onnunu Shoshone- Bannock Indian. Festival is scheduled at Fort Hall Aug. M at the now festival grounds... south of the WBoncy. Contest^ts for the title of this year's Miss Shoshone-Ilanpock will 'l>e presented during the testimony." to the capital of Rabat will be ~ T t. e s s, a «.year-.«tr^st oscovtghl: ^ : ^ ^ ^ ^ lq_knaw_wmt_hflddened_jtu,mao^pvicft^>-cabla^r<n«otftd-roaker ' i herc*rntn ud8trttrne«ryork~'that~aan<5w~miglin;aiil gmdg^ _...».... C3ilna, Instead of who lost It. Jong, cordial conversations with I couldn't reach. White ^ id he stop in Morocco-skce the i Jol)n Stewart Service and Mao and Chou En-lal In which constantly was in trouble with.bloody but unsuccessful attempt ; John Paton Davies, 20 years the two Communist. lea^rs the Securities, and Exchange to overthrew Hassan there 10-i after tholr-fall from official acuvely l>ld. for coopwauon Ju ry rules.ccunmission.becatise ;of,hls days ago. (trace during tho McCarthy era, with the Americana and tried ta history of siock manipulations. * With the change in plans. : if aunea rwrtimrksiiiytueadav arni tu-.i mans "XKi Ih* " senate '* Foreign they were not acting In consort DUtrlct Court Jury dotted tor Relations Conamltlee.ttachair- with the Soviet Union. "KISS about nine hours Wednesday; K L f c r is T i. w ltli a c^se Irlenaiy contacls wllli M o t ion gouln.lhe morning luid Communist leaders before the: : Wedn«Klay.ap >»arknc in a diath of Sammy Joe Smith, 28, 1M9 takeover Of Odna, had closed sesslw. of the ^ K Ci.nt«n,.in..I White said he started cooper- National City Bank of New Sentencing was set tor 3.M attag with govwimieat offidau York. TliO house Is liicaled ol spent to build Uie dams, there to take the lessons would be great pressure to fill ^ould register no laler^uw them regardless of whether Ju y nccording to Charles there was enough water to Gill, director. saiury,ajl me oariier rigni^..., capacity of acre feet of ^ntrfom the Hler City Park. w a te r ^*nibt0will be two Msalons-per day. A ir, pollution index - C>nl(ul al lh«twin ralucityholl. 1K«(toil; ing il lk«nunt i)«r of m\oq>a<n*ol portuu lala m'awflol p*r tublf m*»«rot olf lor 34'kour p«ii(xi luolih IndiutUi tk«obiliiy o( tk«otmoiph«f«to'dlip«>m Forecast OM*uy pollukon U k*pl t»tow 75 wttfogromt ovtraiiy 74 hour ptflod. and th«uld not b«paimittad lo obo*«3w lor v«no tk«il pariodol lim«. Today: O o o d Tonifihn - P o o r rpmorrow; G o o i' Ihlt 1 Burning at permit- lajmsu whin Ihi Olf U'pocJf ditpart* air polmank.,

13 U TImM-NeW», Twin Fall>, Idaho Th^»rs'day, Ju ly 32, 1971 E d t i c M o f s, e x a m i n e r s d i s a g r e e BOISE (UPD-Thoro ap- -pcars.tabcaionu: tandltu>mi)l,^ understanding between the ntato board of oxamlncrs and tlio state board of education ns to.which body has autliority lo authorize moving oxpensor for education personnel hired out-._of^tate^ director o f the office of hljjher education, said Wodnesciny sincc Nov. 20, loflo, thp?<i»to board of oducauon.haa nmumod' it could' approve mivinji nivin«cxof state with tho stipulation that pcnses for personnel nlrcd out If thc person did-not fulfill hl^ -adopte<l-tho-pollcy. services contract ho M(0uld~b<} liable for movint' cxpcnscii. - Burstato Auditor Joe R.'-Willlwmq gflld n examiners minutes in<llcatcd the state board of examiners had not turned Its nutljorlty in that.area over to'tlio ouicr _board. The problem arose Tuesday when the board of examiners held a request from Boise StJite College for $1,000 In movink expenses for a staff member hired out of state pending; an ex- [JanBtion from BSC as to why the school did not seek prior authorization before promi.ilng to make tho payment. At that time. Gov. Cecil D.. Andrus said it was n loni'-suind- Intf pouqy of Uie board of examinera to rogulro prior npreturned to tho board of bxam- Inprs for its final approval. ' Wllllnros said the policy was nevofbrouiht back to tho imard of oxamlncrs. The,next day, Nov. 20, 19(19, Klino said, the board of e<luca- ~7'Wc did not.undcrst^md that ' we wore to return to the board of examiners for any stib.4c' Admittedly, all members of t{)c [>oard have chanf'cd except Mr. Williams and it mny l>o Uint wo have n conuniinlcatlons ^p^bultliatls;4ilut-would-boa' To clear thini's up, Klino said, ho sent to Uto board of examiners Wednesday a letter containinf{ tlie orli'lnal request for tho policy ehan({o and a copy of the resolution i]pproved by the stjite board of education. Ife wild tho letter indicated if they (the board of examiners) tiad any further questions about clunifjo in policy,* we would be more than happy to t/ilk to tliom nlwut it, Secretary invited on project tour U i H ^ n O n E S I... AN AKAB guerrilla drinks water from ocantecn offered by QQ Isracfl soldier after crossing Into Israel from battle-tora Jordatt Peking envoy a r r iv ^ OTTAWA (UPH-Huung Ilua, one of Cliina s most experienced diplomats, arrives in Ottawa Friday to begin his work ns Peking s first ambassador to North America and po.<udbly to play n key rote In UiawlnR tlie 22-year freeze in relations between his country and tlie Utiltbd Stalbii. ~ llimng Is at least seven weeks was one of tho Dilnese officials Involved It) negotiations leading up to last week s surprise announcement that President Nixon would visit. Peking by next spring. News pictures from Poking showed Iluang ns one of tho Oilnese officials meeting will) U.S. Presidential adviser Henry Kl.sslngcr during Kl.salnger s relations will) the United Nations in New York City and, Uie U.S. govommont. Considering U)e relatively small amount of, trade and travel U)nl China can expect from Canada a nation of only 21 million It appears that the C})rncsc expect other, more substimllnl benefits from *^nn oinbassy only BOmllos from tho lalq.geltj.na,here-tachnlcaljy,_sm ylsll lo Uio_ UhU)ese. U.S. Iwrder. 14 weeks later Umn originally capital Jilly 0 to 11. sclje<luled-but Canadian offl- Tl)erc have been Incrcjulng _ T1)ere also Is a large U.S.' embassy in Ottawa which could deal directly with tlie Chlne.se delegation here, wiuiout going Uirougl) Canada or other intcnnedlaries. Anotl)cr posslblq role' for the cialsnrenol at all concenied at Indications that tl)o Chinese U)0delay. In fact, Uie delays Intend to make Uleir.Ottawa have Iwlstcred Huang s rcputa- embassy an important diplomation and ex )cctnlion.s about his tic headquarters.. possible rote here. It not only will be Peking s,»w AS»iMGTnbJ.fliPiU-Jl^u a - llcans^iutid-:i^u)c-nralccuiair_i:jjlg: - mmn roasoif for the flrsa ba.so In North America, embassy could be lo increase Utah congcessmen Wedne^ty been the suiij^ Af )>(trmit hs-arrjjmljmvw tikftlytitoging whw»h}mkm.i*»-ooverago-of-tl»- I. Invitod Interior Secretary Rbi*;. of_ controversy _as lo wheuier_nppeam to hnve been that 'he era C.B. Morton to accompany the economic benofils Its'con- theni! on 0tour oltllq, sltq to nrf -pro* strnctlon would, brinit lo 'Utah ~po»«l'ror the controver8lalknr~ parowlts power project in souuiem Utah. In B letter lo Morton, Sen. Wallecc F. Bennett and Uep. Sherman P. Lloyd, both Ilepub- IIKLKNA, Mont. (UPI) A Other provlslon.s, he said, would P ark grant world, generating about 5,000 yo-memhcr... union., bargaining.,, not be made public until locals mccnwnlls or oloclriclly «l,,.j- mmitim moh,oro y u. <!ny l Butte^ Hut have a clmnce to exlo Gem town peak, nccordinfi to Bcnnclt nml to vol^ on n. proposed. scltlcmcnl nmlne the package. IJoyd witli wlu) flu* tlie Anrirnnfin Anaconda Tn Co. Ifnin Union people here expressed WASHINGTON (UPI)-Sen.. - A Uhlted Steelworkers J jf..surprise Ql.Uie turndown ot the -Lon-B Jordan R-Idfth&rT»n ~ It Would have an operating American spokbinan saih final Magnm Copper Co. contract ofcmployn)entof2,500indivldunls, ratification on the agreement fer in Arizona, but said they nounced Wednesday tlie buroau of outdoor recreation has including those working in the for a new three-year contract U)ou'ght ti)e final word would be awarded a $5,000 grant to Don- mines supplying fuel to the would come at non-ferrolu In- forthcoming at the Salt Lake ners Ferry, Ida)». plunl. duslry conference Saturday in City meeting... Jordan said the funds will bo used to construct picnic and playground facilities, parking area and - lnstallatlon ~of a' sprbikllng system at Uie nonners Ferry City Park. would outweigh aifty po-ssibie cri* vironmental damage. Because of our state's great interest In Uie project, we feel a visit to U)o site would be most helpful... Kalparowils would be the largest power plant in the Settlement vote taken by union Salt Lake City. Meanwhile, Anaconda vice A source tlie Environment- Details of Uie proposed settle- president William Kirkpatrick, al Protection Agency contended ment were not relea'ied, but the sjiid in New York that'slhking U)c major environmental dan- USW spokeaman hinted that the workers sl)ould be back on the ger resulting from Uie plant wage offer in the proposed con- job by no later tlian next week, would be air pollution. tract mlghl be relen.sod soon. 1 TABLE of LADIES SHOES 'Dors lo Compare at a buck a peiir anywhere At *hu price even your huiband will love 'em; SHOES 116 Main North, Iwin hjtts 9193, * U)C- -wcstcni--nijwfl_juedla4_by._. serving as a clearing house for.informiillon on Clilna and fo r. visits there by western newsmen. /..V Migrdnt housing told as big local problem UOISE-(UPI)- ^Tho-pxecu. UV6 assstant^to -Sccrctanr-of Agriculture Clifford Hardin described tho pr'qblem of migrant )u)uslng Wednesday as^a local one that needed local Input and local action." Fritz liehrens, Washington, ' D.C., in Idaho to attend dedlca- tian"ccrrtnonic5"for»~houflingprojcjct at Paul, told a news conforenco local effort at Paul' was tho way it's'got to be done." We have the programs available from Washington, but it's got to bo done here," Behrens said. He also said migrant labor problems were '^iiioro easily" and naturally solved at state and local levels. China CUPSSrSAUCERS Reg. $1 2- pdtt«rns 4 4 ea 45 Piece DINNERWARE SETS V p m Reg. $39^95. L., also-saul. he-could rol'^ustuy bhngmg'fiow land under cultivation. when such programs as diversion and land retirement are in existence., "S T EA M W A Y " OwnM*tindOpvratvdby EDDIE ENGELHART SliAMCMiriTdiANMSi S W E E T eh ERRIES^ B i n g & L a m G e r t CRYSTAL SPRINGS ORCHARp PerJLug 2 Mi1o» West and-s^le»-north of Deadman's Corner, Filer 32^-5495 Stanley Stainless Steel BOTTtES PINT B.g. tlb.50.. * 1 0 * * QUART R g.j20.50 f 2» COLEMAN COOLER. 7 quart.. m i C E L I K E 9 9 t24 *14 99: Charcoal BAR-B-QllE KETTLE fit j 4tLm a i n a v e. w _ T W J N T C O IIE C T T 8S HARDWARE i i;xwtpanrr^ In Cbnj,unction with our July Clearance E v e r y i t e m l i s t e d h e r e i s C o s t / B e l o w C o s t, o r t a r B e l o w c o s t. Y o u w o u l d h a v e t o b e C r a z y t o p a s s u p t h e s e 2 d a y V a l u e s. Bedroom: Appliances; i" *..Volvoi bedroom clioirt Rod, Gold rcfl.m. $5995$ , 0BTUrn(kbk«AkC«A>tMf... (S9.S$ Qitdlullliod. «09.9s$ ^-piofo b«d* t, draiisr, niitior, bad. cliait, ni()hl itond. >sa9.»$ $ 'plsc» Wcilnut badroom t, 72" 9 ilrowor. d x tiif, inirroi, and paiial bed,-- H5.g5$$ Twin liio hoadboardi. modern. Early American...^ npo lwlilulmiujmwulitjiw..---., iltui^$ $ Modilerfaiiean, French... I $ Soaly Supar Peluni* King me ilgapar lolo a. ^ ovacodo v alw e t......j $ luvtolmuliccliw tih.k$69.00»!uliui.l*ilulrhm... lti.k$ Livingi'opm; B.g. d' «... imk$ )j4).)s$ im.s$329,00 MiiilV.lnltoiuiyaiS.li.lM'lM... S<I.IS$ rilpjilmmi MlrMm.lia.l.li»mli«l..»ll.li $ OtiiiJauliluir.unnVihilkatIbull«iill4I.K$88.00 riwutilio«lnlfilrl Sd«J... IU.M. $ ^ Cofp«t I*mnanli, doi«n 0MJ»«ni, b*low to»t. R»dv*lv«lMdfrut «drmclirwidm)ltcaikulektir}.u»$$36.95 ' '» v*.iiu..imtk.n.iitk>...^iismi $98^.00 TV & SVereo; n^......i si.ts$26.00.owtwnwi. iuiei»i,wm«<«i.j....-»in.tr-$ 39;00 W»IMMHi.^W,wiitiiT7T7!TT. litcurll.luhimh-l«ii*si«k tiiiis $79.95, llll.k'$2?8'ill0' imtit Cim! «dwi.. - ' mu. VVHMIS WIWH MiHs$338,00 Udv*ilcWr>fc-i*U,,.,.. $ _ «M.«$548,00 CvaMV -M a p le Shop^ ««.- "Dci>«-iwai'ik«iu.tHi«.c«j.iv.-V-.-~jmH~$T98,Q0~ Ial)lMi{uiCUiCUr«l.dit.^tbuJi. SI1).IS$89,95... Calk tbbi uu TVCm. b rri>ud aflii twii. cuii.1 uh.is. $49B.00- Cn»iud(ui)«Mi[inuri.ij,i.txkita.-... vii.is $198;00^ 7lMbMlUiW^U:U1tli<:Sili,Dglfc.«.d.' tkms' $1 88;00 Miscel^aneous; ' Craay PJllUaluclMli.... r... ;,. J l.ll,,7 8 [nl«lwltiai>li Ul4l.l»vl.... tlt.is $ I44lM<l«WI>KU«il.HUl.»K.^ IW....tll.lS $4,88 Lamps;, _ S r:, $13,66-^ Xdd UUl UW cra=fn=>rr=irrnrr,3=;rrb=15!.h=$=19i.95=... ;':"rim;h^$=8f SM.M-$ llik$hwh I<lTtlir <WMi»lr>UtiUrla«...28T0D Clu«.lllulwklH«yH.UiTU.rKW)li H...., $ 1 4,9 5..., I4.IS$19,95..,., IS.B$10,50.1 S h o p t h e. ===the^coocm^stgretln-tgwn for Thousands of July Clearance Speclahl FRff ICE COLD DRINKS OPEN MON. NITES ^TIU9:00

14 TOKYO (UPI) J*rlmo Minis-. iioscd on the maintenance of ter Kljujku'&ito, imdor mount- closo'flllianco with Uio United :;-:dng':pressurcj:iiwthe»ws)c0^f=statesiind'of-frten(lly reibuwib Proaidont Nlxon-'s' imrv)unco* wijli Nationalist.China and mcnt on hl» -plnnned''visit to Soutii Korea. I*okiri Mnay tiilco n now look'at Sato is already under pres* will not bo confused (by the 1964'..., his Cliinii.policy but doos not sure from a group of parlia- 8^oiincem_ent) and.that it w ill. Th^. Pekintf_govemraent.haa 7 ^HecTn7(o -i)c-in any";huity"in" mentary rncmbcra'bcekink the carefu]ly study (its.'china not trusted Sato's-pollcy of ' nonnnlirim'sltukjupimckorclh* tmirinautauon relations be- policy)." separation of trade and politics. tionw. tween Pekinft and Tokyo. Mainland C3iina, for its part, Sato'^ government has not.nlxon'(iku(i(lonnljitcn)c'tit last f'onner Foreign Minister also.dq03_-ji0t_atfem_tq_bfl_trrnnt^_any Rxport»Import. ' '""WCOlT"Hllinnod Sato, whoso 'I'akeo Mlk'i, ah influential anxious to improve its relations Bdnk-funds to Japanese firms foroij'n. >ollcy slijcu,l)ec()rnln«factional leader of Sato s rulink jvitli Japan as long' as the wishing to trade with Mainland prlmuininistorin 10C4 iias bcen~ljberal Democrallc partyrsaid- Thlirid«y, Jul/ 3J, 1971 tirtim-newi, Twin F«IH, Idaho 15 e x a n r t n e S i n o - J a p a n e s e r e l a t i o n s Sino-Japanese relations cannot conservative leader Rolda the be improved while the premier reins of govemment ^ Remains In power; ;r ^SaW Tias b ^ " 5 r a d s With Sato said after hearing Chinese leaders ever since he Nixon s statement that "Japan became premlei^in November, China en-credjtr Warren asksrtj^n expand UNITED NATIONS (U P I)-. Knrl WHrrcnr'formop chlefjustico of the United States, called-loday forjho admission -of_c;ommimlat Clilim,^thc_lwfl_ Gcrmanys, tlw two Koreas and tlio two Viotnnm.*! to tlio United Nntton! Warren, in n speech prepared for deilvory lo 4,000 lawyers anil Jurists at tho opening sohsion of tlie 5tli InternaUonol World Peace Through Ij»w Conference in Belgrado, Yugoslavia, also urged Its members to provide standing peacekeeping forces for tho United Nations. In u tliird major point, Warron, now chairman of tho U.N. Association of tho United States, deplored tlie fpilure of world powers to take di.'jpu fes to tho Interniitlomil Court of JuflUcc. '"nie early admiasion (to tljo TNT-)^)f-mfllnlandGhlna7^thctwo Genn/nvs, the two Korens and tlie ^f/ovietnnms regardle.*^ of^hat may later evolve in Uieln own Internal relation* ^h ii^aro essential steps tliat mtist bo taken to bring the world and the internaqonal MOTHER of Angela UavU, Mrs. Sallye Dsvist Blrmln^BTOi system together," Wurrcn wilil -AlafT-told-PrrtvldNwerHr-l;r-... daughter's only crime ih dcdlc^lou to 11ber7tlfliTw~retted - Warren advocated greater ik>«h**-»very^^ercfiftriippcaredwitern>rbgrt^^ ^vit ib' ^*M«-of-tl»traecuritrComidl-taraiue $2S0,000 defcqbc find for 27>year-old daughter, wbdie trli^ -^;<^cd-tlu&aa-kflfaij;::ciuif^p.j i.:duuted^'with tattler, Udimping and conspiracy la conuediou with courthouse shooting In Sao llafacl In Augukt, (UPI) promote agreements between countrl^ ratlior Uian' waltingiintirvlolcncottupts'foritrto'bacalled into action. X0W R3 LADIE S SPORTSWEAR SUMMER All First Q u a lily F a m o u s B ra n d s From O urr e^l^st^l^o jf S p rin g & S u m m e r Item s N O W 1 / 3 O F F S um m fir D re sssi Pant Drossos Slacks kirU Jam aicqs KnitPanTs Knit Tops & Skirts Shorts-Bras Blouses long tiedve 8. ti«ev«lel( tlylst ^^to hm government of National nese President Chlang Kal-ehek and by saying that Taiwan and South Korea are Importint to Ihe - Peking [Jo Nailonallst China and Soi)th.'(The government intends to recognized.the Oilna our two countries (China and problem as one of the biggest Japan) with care, based on the Usues"^ facing 'Jajian In the undersunding thah the attitude People s Ropublic of.should tacwe:ilwlth.prudfince.-chlna will have greal-lnfltwnctj In his policy speech to the on the casing of tensions in the. Diet (parliament) the day after Far East." regime ' has retaliated wltli the policy qc trading with Japaitese firms ilpresldent Nixon sald_be had '^*I tljink it is important for.whlch-lt-considcrs-idendly-to.-occiipted_j«iui_plcaalire_choiu.lhu purpapn-for-boui-countrica China and'^rwusing transactions En-lal s InvlUitlon to vlsu.,lo rcapoct Mch ou.er's position with any company which has likin g before May. 1B72, Sato'and to striie to deepen mutual buslnomdcalings.wlth-fuinfl-ln..widf understanding throuj^h talks B S U M M E R l f i between i various quarters The premier's statement on his government's stance on CSiina was nothing new* CONWED*^ IS HERE P«ol«<t youf roil ond birdti wilh ConMtd B i g ^ o v w i g s - o n f i r s t. q u a l i t y f a m o t j s b r a n d c b t h r f i g a p d ' s h i & e s f r o T f T "Hart SchaHner and Marx" SUITS Reg. $ $7985 Rug. $115,00 $ r>b. $ B Hendrii Square - FRIENDMAKER look. WoolJ.ply Tw0.Treut«r StHTSwUH two trout«ri ^---->NOW w ith 7 p a n t t. I I X ma^ mm^ L _.IIX_l^_._ I... I I l f u r u s b a l l t a k e n f r o l k a l o o f a m o r a n d s, m r e g u a r s t o c. M O R E S U I T S ^ O N ^ A L E T H A N E V E R B E F O R E. ''K ingsridge'' SUITS Reg. $ ^ T p z Hart Schaffner and Mam" -- Top Qualily <POPT eoafs -»ti«uuri75.00t«-t95^^00 Now only * 5 9 ^. W HundreSt of Pdli's MEN'SSHOES EM Cell«nt la le c lio n, m a n y t iy le t a n d c o in, B ro k e n liz e r u m a n d o d d lo tt, c a iu a l. W e y e n b e r g a n d J a r m a n Valu««from $13.95 to $25.95 «Q 8 S to I T " BOY'S SUITS Reg to $39.95 D re tt ar> d.. Florsheim SHOES B.fl. to $39;«5' Men's $ o «2 4 «'* S O C K S P E C IA L S Sirtkh Banlon qnd Oflon nylon Cfiur 79* V a l u. F a m o u s B r a n d M e n ' s 3 R J R T COATS by Mngitidgs, tundrln S<)Udra, loui< OoUinJttv MtinckMlw : Jekww Cflnen end Pwidleton- Reg. $ Reg. $ IT «iolinny Carson SUITS R«g. $ Now 7 4 " Rag. $ n o w :.... s 7 9 «* ll«g. $ $ 8 4 ^ 3 Louis Goldsmitli and- Hendrix Square SUITS Reg. $75.00 $ Now Reg. $89.95 Now S P O R T S H IR T S ARROW a n d O th e r F a m o u t B r a n d t, K e g. ^. u i r R e g * 2 3 '» & 2 7 «Reg. $ ^_Heg4 Sp.OO- JL * 3 Q *»,Reg. $60.00 a $ * 3 9 * * & * 4 4 * * Reg, $ * 5 9 & * 6 4 * * Boyf' long & thorl (leaved-^ SPORTSHIRTS R e g r ^ r v v. ; ^ * l ^ Reg , Reg * 3 * * F a m o u s B r a n d ' B O Y S ' SPORT COATS Reg, $19.98 to $ " o * 2 3 " Short and long R e g R e g & VOUNp MEN'S Famqu< Brand FLARE JEANS Permanent-Prefi R e g u l a r $ * 6 > - A n x > w W h h e i a n d ^ c o io r i, io n g o n d i h o r t - -» e e v «* r N w lo n o e r a rtd b U M p n - d 6 W n c o llo r t. P e rm o P r «it D b c ro n o n d C o H o n Reg. $7.50 & $8:S0.. 5 «9 Beg. $ *4* Reg. $ 6.0 0!...* 3 * * Ment Famous Brand.. PERMA-PRESS ---- StACKS^ E o d ly w a ih o b le - n o lro n ln g _R e g. l^oo ond^r^b -Reg. J 1.00 F a m o u s B r a n d Reg, 10,00 * 6 RegT9,S0 and * * In c lu d in g n e w p la ld i a n d m u te d it r lp e i. One g r o u p o f F a m o u a B ro n d SUITS AND SPORTCOATS N O W r * d u e «d to G L O B E.,:?o im in fa U S, IDAHO J R E M E M I B E R. 1.. No Sole At ROPER'S li Final Until Use Your I ROPER'S Op«onj:liiufle Of your Bank Cards A L L O F O U R F a m o u s B r a n i J s Swimsuits n o p t K s Twin Fans, Burley, Rupert, Buhl It it s from I ROPER S...It s. I RIGHT! By Haii Schaffnor and Marx, t^ingiridge/ Champion, S«curos ax, and Reiton R e g. $ 2 9, R e g. $ * 2 1 R e g. $ R e g. $ , R e g : $ R e g. $ P)us one group of fine slacks, al-oni/ *S S H I R T S ^ Banton, Dacron/Cotton, 100% Colton Stripes, Trims, Solids,SIJ«-Hl.C re w gnj- Foshlon Collaiir^ irigular $4.00 lb $«To J i! L s 3 IL. USE YOUR ROPER S - OPTION CHARGE ORYOUR -^ B IW ItC JW D S ^ SatlifledI I f i t ' 5 F r o m R O P E R S BURLEY BUHL R U P E R T T W I N F A L U

15 16 Tlm«l N»w«, twin Falli, Idaho Thuriday, July n, 1971 M a r k e t R e v i e m I d a h o : J T e m p. c r a l u r e s V a i l l e y I f e a t h e r R e p o r l : N a t i o n a l T e m p j e r a t u r e s.new^iryorkhuri^ were lower on light turnover as trading rounded tho halfway mark lyiursday. J Volume at I p.rn. amounted --to-8i«0,000 sharea^ down 'from' 7,600,000 shares traded at f comparable period the previoiiri ^ o n. -.»' ~T\)e Dow Jones Industrial average was off nearly, 3 points at B87X white declines led advances by around 175 Issues. - Standard -&-Poor s i^lt index showed a loss of 0.1$ at Aanlysts attributed the softer tone to continued worry about high. unemployment.. inflation, and the economy In general. TIjo Commerce Department reported a drop In now durable goods-orders last-month.-nie 36cnhVTiTTfiIs~Tcoy bftromcter was regarded os a setback for the Nixon Adminis' tration's claim that tlie economy is in the midst of u broad r^ y e ry. Among Uie day s most acuve issues were Ihternational Nickel -unohanged-on- a86 60Q-aharogr Plessey down M. on 154,900 shares, General Electric 1^^ lower on shares. SouUiem Co. Ml higher on^d5;000~ -shares, and Penn Central higher on sliares. Less.acUve and down a point/ or so ti'ere IBM, NaUonal Cas)i Register, and Rheingold. Tlie last reported lower first half earnings. Superior Oil climbed 3h. -Bauscb-it-Lomb-2V P.M. PRICES NfW YORK STOCK IXCHANOI NCW VORK (UPI> SclMI* N»w Vofk SiMk L'xchafH)* ' S<l»» hdl) Hloh 1.0W U»i... IJ»» H 5$ JM» 3J' i S V 403*'-, il J4'< 41 f V<a * 1 17 u';. u^- '1. 5 «AS'.i W'.li. u jj'k itiw jtc-- V M>'i JJll. JJ'li- 4* IM. iv> o. o II) 1; U U'1- ' t iio l*u uij Ulk--, -'4 U W l- '-I»» ihi w U tj'i 4fV.> 34 J>*i IJ'i. J/t.+ V* IIM ' an u 3J*»- M U»* W34 f I) 'j JfU.-- is 3)'k 33'* 33 «31»V. *11- W O T U I.S )1. 33(^ 33>»- U C*n Tlf» I(j 34 V 3*1* 34U-- C»n*(C 1.10 >t 3}l^ 31V. 3IU - W C i.too- 141 Sl». JIW il'- jf <-1 C fh» f c»itv i.n u. M 1 ClIUII*..asj..J m 3ll» 3*»'i+ V GIWT-Aluti * - -*» HoniHa 1.40 U6M Cp.10 HoyilCC.14 Hoyl D ).(W> S«l*wy 1.30 SIJoMln l'< SIHcgli 1.40 I.' Santitr Atto 4* JOV.»>»» U 71'-; U B.H '^ J J 'i- J 37l» ]«««1*'.- S33 3S ]4>. 14'il 41 IV. I'l-i- 33 n u 3JS 31H- A4 U tjti itu't 310 U<i 43>i 41 J3'<. 3J'» 3)'-<*«I 10»'-> IM '/ IM S )»x, M7 37'< 33 I3W 33 3 i'i IIU 3JW* UH Ut) 11*.. 11'.- U ^. IJ»»> Warm^irtcreased chance showers Atlanta cy Uostcii pc 78 M ihwruauvnat r High Low Pep liuffalo c % r Charleston.S.C.cy 83 Diicago pc 87 Columbus. 0. c 79 Denver c 64 -Dofl-Moines-po E\ Pmocy Houston pc Indianapolis c Kansas CItyc 7 ~ Anticles cy Mfim ihls"c... Miami Beach pc 79 MnDjSt^uUic_fiO B7l -New-Vorkpc ^ Portland, Mo. cy nnlolijh c Ulchmond pc Sail Lake Clty^c B a - ^ SJniErantlscocy 62, 55'... Suattlo cy N 85 57'...' Spokuno c Tiimpii DC Twin Palls, NorUisido, Burley* Probability of meusurablo variable clouds and chance of derahowors yesterday were Rupert area: precipitation 10perccnt,toniglit Uiundcrshowers., mainly dry ^is evidenced by tho FairtonlghtandFrldayexcept and 5 per cent Friday... Synopsis: 48 miles per hour gust recorded. ^ aftemoon^and-ovenlng-clouds Camas-Pralrlo. Halloy-and. Drler-alr-from-Uio-norUiwcst-at-BoIfto-Wwlnesday-ovening and chancy of Uiundersliowers lower Wood luvcr Valley: is flowing over Iho state Tho extended outlook for '* * 0118 over'southern mountains Uils Fair tonight and Friday decreasing tho chances of -Saturday through Monday rp evening. Afternoon winds exccpt afternoon and evening thunderstorms but the flow Is jndicates variable clouds and i Cmperdtiires westerly to souuiwesterly 10to clouds and slight chance of light ond is taking much longer chance of thundershowers 15 mijcs per hour. Highs war> thundershower. Afternoon than briglnally expected. Saturday and Sundiiy clearing. mer In ods daj's. Overnight lows wlndn westerly 10to 15 miles Wednesday scattered, thun- by Monday. Hlgli temperatures High Low Pr.. 55 lo 05. per hour. Warmer wiui highs 83 Outlook for Saturday, to 0.1 days. Overnight lows 47 lo -Vudablc_dQuda-imd_dnmcc-oL_5Ii Uiundcrshowers. Outlook for M u t u a l F u n d s Saturday, Milv'i Cp 13OS n o t Mdv» ri}.n.*4 w.*4 M Fd Cv MIF l-d H i 9.11 M ir cro s MuOmol S.9S *47 MuOm In $4 Mul Shri I*.40 U.40 derahowers developed oyor the are expected to ren\aln warm in Ycsterdiiy souuieasl wiui only Isolated Uie upp<!r 80s and. tws wlui Uie LnstVear thundccahQwccs-Ovcc_soulh«ovornlglit-lowa-mld-50#-to-mld Normal ^ western Idatio. The thun- 60s. I'm* SI ll.4i n.44 I'lon tint I tonr Md 11.9$ l»l»nnd 11.S3 13.J» rttlc I ROWBi Crwth Mw era 10.4S 10 4S Nw Mor 30 *3 3d.*7 Pro Fd IVoMorll (tl If) I'rourii (il (I) Provldl 4.91 S37 Mru<l SIP BlirUAU Vlll* P (.11 «.V4 inw Voyau 7*7 I H SK 0««n Hav*rt F 10 > SI(Js FiJ 10 U RInlrl IS 39 IS.7S IIOMA l>undti tcuddhr l>di: l«lf Inv 111 (I) naunc IS 13 IS.I3 CorA 10.*S 10.*S S(>k VI 3{0«3S.D«IKClidlTY l<dti ntjuiiv liw I1.SSI343 Trti 904»»* Smith n Swit Inv ;... _ '.41».ofl Savr In I] >aclra 7.37 I.M Slat* Sir ttsadmam PDI MS VIkna C... - C*nM * WallSI gr l.»4 '9.77 GfwHt 7 *4 139 Whlh4l 13 O-W.U W»lh Mo U.13 IM3>3.19 UNIYID funoti VWIILIHOTOH TMri Ap 13 S Cont InC 11 J7 13tJ 'vatl Taachri Iniom IS.47...M(XUn.. II 4* I3.S l. 3 Tthnlw T*fhnc Sclmc TampI G (il ill Uangd T'ui' Tow*r C S I4 * 31 Un I UCn Wcllly Tr.nCip 7.9J 1*3 USAACa W.llln 11 a Travl 12a VALUK LIMB CDf: Wlndir Todor M V*l Un» 4 j r 7 S3 W*«l Ind *13 * 70 30th CG V«l Inc S.30:i ll Winctn J.43 S 93 }Otlt Cl 4.0* 4.4S V«l SpC S.*4 *.11 WInl Glh Uniflail ) Vane* 9.S WUconi * Unlfund Vndrtill Worth Fd S...OM.SBRVICb-- l/«n<ird.r 4.II-(^3-21»OIk -- IQ.J4.UUJ OBOU»»:. Va>< H H-I1.7S wa u jlm lla iu J :' Hr(f S Iv Varied'I f:94^j7 i-upavallatil*. I, MaylQ *<> 3*^ 3*l»-- L, McCfDv.i.M 4] *«-McDnU 40a S4 33i«33 33'.+ CVIWUtMtl 143 3SW 3S'i 3* 3I»» 31 3»** >«*S 43t«43'* 4)U>^> '... - C o m r n o d l t y F u t u r e s T <» l u y llloo prtv; high low ja. May Idaho potatms May Maine potatoes AMg. Uve catue ' , Feb. Uve patue \ ' S ept,?ig5, A' \ com fa 142^4.if5 141V* Sept. wheal, < '152% mvi 1S2H 'il53^^!' July ailver ' ' Dec. silver \ * ' U w tal*«lwl«) HloM " ' Lail Cho lit. ' AlWConlrol l l " V l3 ti'1 3U '*- Am l*»l.ish SI 33»» 33'T..T 33i^ U l Tfl 37>/.i. 3* 31 l3'/< 13'» 13l». ) ] 19^4!«'«19««tlundy Cp I Clary Corp II *lk «<1 1 'IU«IbU Cr*oi«* 3*0«39 33 ^ 33S 33H M» Dav Mina* DlMlun rnrn 9'.( '«m m Can Cp.QSd r>nl IB.}0a Ford Can 3.'roAilaf Air <3*fl Raliarv >lr»«r Hydri MutkyOUU ittavco OH KaUtf In ) h ' Kh i x ; L*«Nall Cp Maant f W I M«hwh Alrl achw l.(h Cniln ow * ConMI In 3. 3 Var 1 mv 7.13 I.SI Conlrall 1Q '"v Hat S.30 S.79 Grwlh 4, Ii'com t Cwn Olv *09 * U -Trit Ul 331 OMLAWARB ---I3.t3 I3.*9 ONOUPl Ut*l Pnd Dacal I *vy 'vy Fund Pund 14* 1.41 Dalw r -Li v'l LU.S* Li IJHan u l h r w i u Oalta Tr - - ^ E C J A lrn O T lc E -'^ S3 UK IU, M O T IC B T O C R B D IT O irt 11 J9«, >9'/. THU DISTHICT COURT OP IN i THE FM'TM JU D IC IA L DISTRICT l i i s i : i u V u O f THE STATC OF IDAHO, IN n«* n u 1iv! AND FOR THE COUNTV OP TWIN»0» }0«V»'t-- FAUL^; i hvt y»su.. 1 No. IM. 3 17»» 17V. 17<»" In Ih* M«Mer ol lh«e ita la.ol - a * _ t )SH ist^ u 4 4aV. 4«<V UVi-f u n ain 7»% ahiv u. 40 llw ll« i\k 4U. \U I 4M 4 ^ 4H MubCOPI -It use Ind Inc Uiaituck On kolllron D*v Malham Int lynlax C.40 Y«<^nl(lr l(^i thought for today: American philosopher WlUiam James said: "Do4K»t be afraid of life. and yourbfluerwulhelp creale that fact, Counly.'SIMftor IdAho. thl2>haino1l>a placfl IlKod (or Dio traniacllon ot llio bu(li>m»-o(.ml(j Ditlod llilt 6111 >^y d r^ u lv R O U lir T W. RING CMOCulor of (tie La ii W ill 0^ Annn Mny - RIno, (jeceaietf. P U B L IS H : July IS anu Auouit 3, c»**4io^iei _NQIl BJCa H nlioill m -T H H -O tatr K T -C OUHT-OF THE FIFTH JU D IC IA L DISTRICT O F THE STATE OF IDAHO. IN AND FOR TWIN FALLS COUNTY. M AGISTRATES DIVISION- IN' T H E M AT T ER lo F THE ESTATE o r CLEO H. nart II, D «ceaud., lha underilgned. G w «v «D i'flar.lh, Execulrlu ol Ih* L ail W ill and T e ila m a n I of Clao H. Ih I*. im oariionaa darilonad ak*(;utrih ak«;utrlm w.. lha....«n kwhihit «h>m uiitk w d llo c t.e l and all p a rio n i havino n e c a ita r y v ouchara-w lthin four c la lm i aoalnsi E m m a W aalhari, m onltii aftar Itia fir il pubilcallon ol dacm tad. or har aila la. lo akhlbll lliam w llh th«nacaiiary* voutfters w llhin four m on lh i aflar the first (Wbllcation of (hit nolica to Itta aald B anko f Idaho Bldg. P.O. Dox 331. tn th«city of Twiri, F atli. Coonty ol Twin F a lli, Stataof Idatio, ttili U ln a lha ptaca )luad (or lha Irsnaactlon el lha b iilln a ti of ttia u i d aatata. D alad ttili «lh day of July. )» n, A LIC E W. BLAKE y&^acuttiiux-biuu-o* E m m a W aathart, dacaasad. PU B LISH ) July a. IS. 17,1 9, IV7K ltil«nolica lo ttia lil d Bxaculrlx at the olfica o( W illiam J. Langlay. AttornaV a l Law, 34«Ttiird Avanua B a il, Twin P allt, Idatio. ttili baing Itia placa flxad for tlia trantacllon o( Iti0 builneti ol lald aitala. executrix P U B LISH : July IS S. Aug. S. W}. 'NapoWbn- -defta Waterloo June 18, ^815.. V. : - ' Simply bring your BankAmericard* into our bank, and'ask fp r a ca^h advancc. W ith in minutes you'll have ' the extra money you neid up to the line of credit extended on your card. You'll get the cash in a lump _^um.^ iiiifcy titp:alii-imy.jyaack-in-iimaller mottthly;.unoljfit^fo suitlionr budgctr- If you're not alrclidy.cnjbvlnk'thc many conveniences o f a BankAmericard credit card, come in and vi.sit uifsoon.' ' W t know everybody cun' iisga llwle ' ~ instant mondy. jomctlmcs. F ir s t S e c u r it y B a n k Member F irst Security C orporation.sy«t«;m o f Bankn IlE S Q U R C E S O V E R ON.E B IL L IO N d O L L A U S r.<u IWflr<u<iiyEUnln«/Ul*KN*ll*rt4lAu«i»i*un ' '&KU<iiy^*U... «.--»-> lunk -«*---- o(sf«.n«mll4, >i. i U»K...l I'UMSMuriiy lunk ef 1/' KifU S«UIIV lu nw R<Xll Wyomtr^ Fuu S«(uriiy S4*UlUnb M«mb4i» F»J»»*I D«pn»ii.Infuiam* & plh*ik

16 ^. Burloy EloAn G row ori' Rnnoen, Inc. 1 S iiljdt TrlnldSd... Burivy flobn Cruwuri l-ondort Jr/ilii Union S(H)d Area Produce Y e ste rd ay s 3 p.m. P rices < ' Oecio Mnr«nn 1lMfK,->u - Maiolton U«/in r.rowcfi Coodia wnrol^ur.c IliJ.iir Crowcrt. M.Kthnll wrjisi-s - Mrtruan [.IntJsnv Kimborlv-Hdnton Uiii-in Growers Hnnum l^icinor*. Hlov.. Mfloic-Vallcy-Ucfln-Cn.' Morofln ljns.-»v Chustijr li. iirown FlovcJ Idip, Wrslio MurJauoh i( Stmiliono HAokon Hthn Twin OloUo SuciJ ond. ruml honn Growers 1 Hanoy Scud ddaho llu.'>n & Uluv.. Intormtn. llvan -LDuUk-Sid*i-Uujii-Co_--- T.F. rpod (L I WcnJcll Elov Hanry's Product hujjorj Holl.iiul Jooob Produce Max Hnrlinid, Inc. Carl Gilt) Co- l:. S. Harpur V,, WflOBt < I.4B 1.4S I.4B ).4I9' NQ barloy 7.3S ' 3.3S NQ NQ NQ JJS 3.35 NQ NQ NQ in lx o f ornln NQ NQ NO corn NQ. NO NO e.oo 7.50 e.so NQ NQ fwrth NO NQ NO p in k i NQ B.OO 7.40 B.OO NQ -NQ NO n q NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ -NQ- NQ HO NQ NQ - N Q --- NO^---NQ7r N Q - -N Q--- N Q--- N Q - NO. NO NO NQ ;.J5 1.4U S 3.35 f.oo,^7 5 NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ ^ NQ o.so S.SO NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ N E G O T I A H L C - NQ NO - -NQ NQ- NQ NQ NO NO f Rti-----fro-----RTJT* NQ NQ NQ NQ n.oo ' NQ NO NO NO NQ NQ NO NO NQ NO NO NO 7,35 V Tlm«-N«ws, Twin Falli, Idaho L a r g e r G e m c r o p s f o r e c a s t In 1971 in Idaho Is o'xpocled to be about 3 por cent above last year, accordlnii to James Olson, chief stotlsuclari for Iho Unltod Slbtes ' Deportmeni of Aurlculturo, Boise. ' The Idaho Crop and UvoRtock HcpoHin({ Service noted Increased ncreagcfl of barley,. spring w]jcal7^dry~bean.4~l. brn~.year's crop.ofj;i.600..tflwc1tie::.: J970. Growers ' In l}\6 other 'cdnim'ercidr'a^le croitw ex- counties are oxp<ictcd to her- pect«d to total 90 million vest 293,000 acrcs,'the same as * pounds, compared with- last last year's record acreage amf.2 - year s 60 million pounds and 1S4 per cent' more'than the 1^ million plninds two ybbfa aso.' acrcflho of 287,000 acres. Pcach production la estimated Planting of this year's, crop gol lit 15 million pounds compared off an cjtcellent start.,. with 0million pounds last year Su«ar IJecU: Idaho is'ex- and the saipe as the 1969 crop. ^ _pcctcd-to-hurycsl.l(i5.000-acrcs compared with 1M.900 in 1070 All hay: 'rho acroako of hay and 1B5.B00 in forbriilnamlnllhiiy.dccrooscs Wheat; Uio 1071 Idaho crop Is fui uu;. i.m hviuuku ui nuy.um m imj. oals,mlio Krnin.l7. urypons of July 1. This Is up 10 ptr cent tobol.441,oooacros,up3i)<!rccnt with the oxccptlnn ol chorrlos im lsugarbocts;!^^ list year,'but-2:per--ccnt. from last ycor and 8per cent iiruinko«icondition.iliosweet IS niso Slliuitly down, ju,551, production, above All states bordcrlnii chctry. crop wiis dnmakod by A 1 Winter wheat production ot, Idaho, oicept WyondnK and rain tlio last week of Juno. The compioiou-jay^y_yu<i^uiiu> 55Hi^51H normal', pnrtlculnrly-ln-she from last year'but 10por cent hanicst more ocreubo of huy at 2,000tons compakjwltivlast' - KOU(hw «t.,r Kouthweslurn area,.v. wl,er whoro plnntltik wii.s delayed bocau. ic of forecast at 48.0 bu^els com- ' Com for grain: Acreiigo for " I U, 40,0 bu.*els last harvest as'iiruln Hi Wuho at ~ypur r spriiitrwii ; ^ igm:proaucpdtr~m.-000t! Is up'st^>rpirfronr Above norinul tinowfall In all i.«) forecast nt'l3,728,o6o bushels' Irtst year's 30,000 acrus. area.4. GRASSHOPPERS Winter ujh.,,,1... a hrrtui.h y * Commercial dry behtis: TIjo Vinter whpat tmn6through,,d 25 per cent nbovo l9c9. This Idaho dry bean acreage for tlio wint J ' S " II I- tlli.iuu;>u lit >»r«oly luiuuiy due UUU to lu In- Ui* harvest ilill VUtil at Ul 110,0(» l U,«fW acres U' Is 5 per dmm ill" ocreako for harvest, ceill above last yeai dflinau - about..normal.. Yield per acre is expected to bo cent.above the loi Moisture siipplles are mnplo [> 45.0bushels compared wlui «.0 harvested Plantln all areas of the state for botli wns gpnerjlly-la*,x uryiunci and imghtea crops. Oats: Pros'pectlve production year.' bushels Is 29 per Dry peas and lentils: Acreage Uinn nornial^causo of thjj cool* cenlbclow-last.year-aml-23.per ot-dry-pcas-for harvttst at -wet sprlns. Most spring planted F A R M E R S A N D R A N C H I R S ^ crops arc a week to 10 'days behind normal, development P R O T E C T Y O U R V A L U A B L E except in the ROuUiwcst, where C R O P S B Y S P R A Y I N G N O W crop development Is near nornuil. Meet called on housing QUOTATIONS AlUi! provided as a service to both farmers and buyers. Quotations arc no only discum ^^Ib le leglsglvcnthc nmcs-ncwadallybyeachbuycr.tboncwspaper.lnaadiuon.ro-checkseachfirm latlve proposals, but would ex' ~~twic<uwodtlvrrcst»nslbiutv-forthe-t^ce-li9tcd-lfl-flolely-th9-buytf-ju-nq-in4tcates-the ~tf^-imeanflj)uuianclnit Oatnp. buyer doc.4not w i^ to quote a price. Hardin concurs with proposals Xivestocl< 100,000acres Is down 11 percent year's crop is expected to be from last year and 13 per cent^ harvested from 7(1,000 acres, below Idaho's lentil' compared wlui acrca- acreago at acres'is up last year. from 21,000last year and 18,000 narley: Expectcd production acres In at 38,&10,000 bushels Is up 7 per ' Potatoos; Idaho potato cent from last year's crop, growers expect to harvest Acreage for harvest Is placed at acres of potatoes In ,000acres,up7percentfrom Acreoge at.this level is 1,000 last'ycar. Yield per aero at 65.0 acres below last year s record bushels equals last year's yield acreage and 3 per cent more and 3 bushels above the 1969 I than the 1969 level. 'Hio 10 southwest,counties' acreage for harvest Is estimated at 33,000 W ILD E n (U P I)-A housing "Zxod urahr Production li ndmnluitloncommllteoofuie ( -b.ot.ooo bllshel.s. Pood-Producenrirf-Idah^ll!l wn lti«7"cent fom last year mee soon to discus., problems j,3 r«latui ( to labor camp houslnn g, j j anij sanltauon accordlnii to ^ Seo-etary.rankE.Merccr., t yield per aca Is Mercer Mid the group would ( eca.,l- at 00J) bushels, Ulo ~'^^ur-ctbi!r J >iit^ n - iir init P r o d u wf e j P i m u b " trying to mav UUnga app^iii. Chicago '(Ui»ir'--'pr«iu *: JIOHOME - Fat hogs sold fully Htoady. and slaughter cows steady wu i lo.^t week s sale at BOISE (UPI) - Farm the' Jerome Producer's workers In Idaho during Uie livestock Commission Co. week of Juno 20-2A 'louiied iuv SOUTH SIOUX CITY, Neb. small farmers credit program, Slaughter bulls sold stropg, Ol.OM,,, up 1,000 from,, a - year (UPD-Sflcrelary of Agrlcul particularly for Uiose -young Hol.stcln feedec steers, w e a k - to.o c c o r d in g to Uicjdaho ^ d a h o 3»- Irack tu/ damifid moof la fntrktl ture_cllkqi:djiardin.imld-today-farmers trying-lo get ft-sta rtin -2 5 'lo w c rrc h o ic o -f6 6 d e r-s te o rs ^liv e s to c k Hoiwrting Track lalm n u ib. U. t. I a 'i : Call' he agrees wlui two recommcn- agriculture. Hardin said U»o amuielfers, active and steady. Service. lorn!* long whllt*. (air condlllon, " 4 10; Calllornia round radi. fair condition ]M. dations presented by farm state administration already has choice steer and heifer calves. The report family governors at the Midwest takenjhe celling off farm loans workers oicountod for 30,000, _!-.-(^vcrnorfl Conference horct"' and has a bill In Congress for up 1,000 from last your, and Track ul»«u>'i Calllo/nia yallow Uroa Hardin spoke at a news Insured operating loans Uirough hired workora reached 22,000 l U J )Si lair condition 3.31/ madlumi nd prapacki Iniutddanl to quota. conforencc preceding tjic windup se.hslon of the 10th annual tlon. the Farmers Homo Atlmlnlstra- tlie same as In conference. He said he had Tlie 14 governors at the scarce. Fat hogs, ; sows :-'commorcinl and utility heifers, ; commercial cows, ; utility COWS/ JW; canner particular Intcreatin a suggcfi- conference concluded tlie ses- and cutler cows, ; tlon Gy Gov. J. B. Exon of sion this morning with a two- utility and commercial bulls, Nobraaka for Improved market hour discussion of trnnsporta- ^.00-2fl.50; with an extreme top reporting. - ' tion problems. of 30.00; Holstein feeder steers, "Tljcre Is n'fibcd to got ; light IldlHtoin Information to the farmers and ^ steers, ; cholcj). a now Information service, like, O T Q feeder steers, ; one ---^ recently rv^n't f Inaugurated A\Tr\1 /T in*. by. V, ^ common ii:cu feeder ci steers, ii.u 27.00' V the American Cnttlemcn ff-a aso^i^k iljln U (U II) Casli choietr^eirlc^^ clotloa^ would Imj desirable," he Iffnln, coast delivery basld: ' said. Wliitc wheat I.5B Ilardln snuj ho also agreed Soft Wliile wiuij U»o rocflnunondflllon, by Wilte club _ Iowa Gov. Rol>ert D. Ra^ for a-hard red winter '1.63 iftjutfltf ir\gnlulrigpffihli>m«lthat n l.l llm 43'I /O; jlxorni «]i ' exist," Mercer said. (I' lilockt iw lu Wliealil loo law to quol*; IbkKki lo ' 1 urad* A JO'iUVjj grad* B '»i oraci* C 4I'i *ri. ^»ii hl h law iaut< **l««f o rc e up Liva dattla )} 10.M U.ot SJ.IO )).00 4M 3M0 ]).00 3t.M )1.M 3I.M UO M.ir-.71 M.ir M.ri M ir iii JI.M Jl.Ji 31,30 31.M»0 froiaii thtk «allu«37.1] 31Si n l } }}.)i ts }0,X).f0 :0 I7 M W )0.4l SO 3I.M J IM 31)} })] Molaloi«: TdUI ihlpm tnii ISI, trrlvalt T H E B O S S IS O N V A C A T I O N W «or* m aking eur ow n ^ 'tr A Z Y PRICES" XSicpantic W ornen's and~ c h ild re n 's SHOE CLOSE-OUT Vqlu.es fro m $ to $ N o w As Low As F O R G R A S S H O P P E R S FAST RESULTS coll REEDER F L Y I N G S E R V I C E Super Special! ^C A M P IN G " B L A N K E T S 6 0 x B 0 3 t / 4 Lb. J U S T

17 IB,T lm n-n ew t, Twio Falls, Idaho T huriday, July 22, 1971 B a l a i z p o i n t s w i l l w t o r - A 8olo homer Ijy. John Balaz decision over the MagicVailey, Over to Thursday night when the two: orrors"and"ravc Idaho: on the first pitch from rciiovink Cowboys Wednesday night. tcaftis>ineet for tho Uiird and Falls two runs. and loslni? 0«ry Hudson - The result, whtch came last time. Tlw defeat came as But before the gaitie became broke a 3^1 tie and pointed tho Idaho ioano Fails rails Angois Aiigcis to lu q a.. M t)oforo 1,173 people, kept tho- tho result of.bomo nonchalant close, leflhendor Jim Officer 'guaranteed Kuuiuiiiuuu win" carryiiig carrying uuuiuiu outfield -{jiuy -play uiui thot lusuiwu resulted in was looking for'a no-hitter. Ho.hail-it_golna-foiLfiYfi-antLtw.Q*. allowed five hll^ to I'aln his lioyalh 7, OrioleH 2 second victory sinco bcing- mniii lo.f mnntl. nniciio Pinlclid nomcrco homered ana and iripioa tripled i»o d..h ^piin last monlll. ^ Qwkio-Rolas drove In n.... loi o i o... ii. T ho S e n a to r.'), sco red U ioll' curu ii i o i o odo... nt o i o o walked. ", U»r<50*runs-wilh-a~sacri lcc- ly j.o.oji_m*«an-uj 0.5.0o nrst run for Brobcrg in 20,,,i n«iti»nmn»*s 010 Ton*c«n»i oflotr But~Balaa WiOn--gi colcdinnlnwr mnings uihrn wnen Dick uick Iliilllnifji iiiijiihh.h a i double Wednesday Vnnnns night, Cilv Ou..nino c p 3n Mond.v lumw n> «jj t00 j Hudson with Ills homer and Earl singled, stole second and Ncored Ho<ia«p» loooouncanc Austin followed wltli a single. on two errors In in.uio Kocond RoValS WSl. thc Balllmoro Minuorip H.nmu«n p 0000oiua 0000Of»«n p Jl> ('4010 <010 He flew all Uie way around In n in g.. u t i o i l s, / - z f*rm«r p ^ ^00 when Frank George s hit was I Baltimore Kant»«Cllv knowlat p Wathlnglan > ab r h b l a b rh b t Telali 43 ) l ) Tstali over run by a Cowboy outfielder. ' h bl llufnrd II S I I 0 I'alsk it Two out wlisn.winninu (for»<l. ' Marpar cl liuni^r rl ]li ClavaUnd HI HO e»»-3 Tnvobald )li 4 O 0 0 UamUs 7i) I ) I I 0 I lliair cl Sclukl IIMnliltiin nil] 0 t I Oil* Cl 2 1 )0 4 7 ) 0 Oakland 81* M«H i Ml 4 Four' walks' guvo Magic n ) Mlnchvr 11) I 0 0 l-'hoiilrun lit] Hapkint ] I 2 0 lu 1: Dunnlno. Suarai. nanilo. Dl' Clavn land I. Oakland 1. LOU ClavalamI 4. Valley Uie r\in Umt estjibllshcd BMuOt II HowariJ II ) } 0 U.ilnmnd rl Ollvtr II) TapMino lb McCraw It 0 0 MaiKlrlckt c ] I I 0 Hojat 3t) Oakland n HU Suarai III. Nollloi lu ). lundo tho final margin but it appeared Elllt 31)' (llllinar rl Halllll c Madtkm cl } joimur> } > I'Inltlla II ll«lanu«t v» Kpouoh fl } (171. Sil Poiwan. Monday. Uie wind held up a long drive by~ 1110 illlhrxui C } 0 l'alin»r p May C &llrown, Davit. SI- llanilo.. Patttn p Nalton 31) 7 7 Motion pir Flt/tiiof fu p Ip h r t r b b t a pinch hitting Efralm Plza Uiot Paoa pit CulUo II 7 0 liotwtll p llurumoltr p I Dunnlno «4' 3 7 S 10 MorrU p nrolm'g p 00 i*ln»on ptt llsnnluan L could have turned Uio game Hanitan p Tsiali 341 IS I-Telali ] f ; is «Mlnearl tt # > Tftlali Tolalt 34 1,11 «- alllmsrt IM )M M«-7 Farmafl around. Instead, his drive was Mllwauha* 1* Ml 1 Kantai Cllv SIlW SM l-p niua II I caught at tho base of Uie fence Wattil«al»fl ftll IM U>- * Ul IMIIimors 3. Kaniat Clly 7 C0(l Knowlit W $ Hsnnigan pllcliad lo Iwo liattari in I7li< for tho Uiird out. THM ^ A t S ^ ^ e W S Me ovey-s-grand&lam=in^^^ lifts Giants past Pirates Braves.w in two ATLANTA (UPI) - Darrel Evans hit an llth inning homer in,tho first game and Pat Jarvis pitched a three-hlttcr and scored from first on a hit by Felix Mlllan and an error by outfielder -Clarence -Oftstoi}^ in < Uie nlntl] innlnji of the second giune enabling the Atlanta Bravos to sweep a doublehcader-froih-the-son Diego-Padres- Wodnesday night,"fl-7, and Millar u Q-UUlla»-t--- thirds innings but Itafaol PITTSBURGH(UPI),-Willie i I homo run jljst In a wliul-))lown M»rrt-ll )li I I 0 0 Aariwi II) ^ vprliuvo po I U0 Evant Ih >771. Ainlama.-cndcd-that.and-UiQ- -McQ)vey,-startlng-for-onlytlio- -n-7-triuinpli ovor-tliu NowVork- Ointnfi tr I o o 'uum r i --- r<illi«rl III 4 ) 00 Willi»ii>«c Washington bonus baby hurk shutout bid with \a solo second tlnje In 6lght dilys, Mels. siixko ;i) s I 7 0 i>«r«r i«nfw Yofk ChlcaBo ^ llrnwii rl 4 I I ) c»i>»da pli homerun. blasled tho 13th Brand dam ot IC xp s S, X'slroK.'} a b r h b t a b r h b l ilarloii c V>rull*«lUrfBluifi I 3 0 Ki.«ii>uer.ti» I 1 0 Idaho Falls built up a 3-0 load MiUin or 0 I 0 0 Jackuwi cl IlMW.II llixl.«rl }ii kvnilall c I Senators past Brewers 6-1 over tlie first four Innings. t T m W y Aiiix cl Wllllaiiil II S 11 7 CaoiiiDell 7u i Jnii«< II S.M 7 I > lll0il«ii) Darrell Darrow l)cltgd a solo nliilit.rallvlnil the San Francis- jt» n ji-crry on a bad-ljop - WASHINGTON WARHIMr.THM (.UPI) -j^ to Johftlton di>\ A \*H4 4., /,»/J Indiantt.7 hoihcr off starter Jim Uruburu S^BIants U. an W victory over tx)uncortvl^-tho basm loaded CUo Aitirninnt 31)1 0 I 0 Davit.cl -VCIIBV P ' Broberg, Washington's'IJ In tho first and hits by Bob tho HtUburgh Plratoa. l! Dy»*' c S 7 1 rcaniiliiar. SUhl It Wllllaih» p lundi p Tolalt 41 I f 4 Telali 14 1 lot bonus rookie, took advantage of Beu*r OAKIjVND (UPI) ~ Slump- Allietta, Ron Marquez and H,0 Giants trallod 4-i going M w 'lr^l Kxpos two run.s Taylor p llonhain P ii'i* <uil wlikn winiii»u run icorvd hlfl n js fint n r s ;. onpfcnqlvn r ic n s iv o R s u im p nnrt p o rt in m ' ci.ic«oo i, nouw. j, Lonchic*uo R»i(haro(. OP- ridden Sal Bando smakliod a Mariliall pl< I G 1 0 U<<cki<r i Darrow delivered another run tan Ul»«a : A7l7Moa)Qft I Mtiiraw p llank«in AlUnIa )S1 3MBM 01 I thrt?<?: egmcs _ to... two-run homer to, tie tho score In tlie Uilrd. A dropped fly in tho JOfUNIlil )ll I4>UA» p I: l.varn, Urt^wn, LOIl San Ptauu >. M^wa^ke<, Browcr^'M, woii;. ouineld lorfrank George gain Johnson and Dave GliistlT ninhtr ToMli «Tnlals '7H tliriiui >IU Aaron 7 177, 3tJ. liar Ion ncsdny niblil for Uio S«n»l(ira' ' fo V?! second basd in tho fourth'and ho; McCovoyrplllng most of the a<----- Hsuilon Ntw-Varh- -JM JO IM I-J tlipw*i.'l'«lrkvnn<~iilt S NleKrn 7. ab.rh bl Clilcauo ilpft>jnilb», UjHliaw. Slalil. Dulmr fourth consecutive victory. o"' n o o o o o wltli one out In Ujo 12tli eventually scored on a hit by season with two Injured knees, 3 0 U 0 Mollunr i ni' Nflw.York 1, Cli.V.dianit, 4iiC..irf SiilhorlrMi 31)1 OQ 0 Mnrgan 71) Naw York 10, C»iic«un _JBtobcrg.^whQ,_lm_iiuti:iai^L;r;.-w^,,^ J ^ t _?^(ln ca d uy_ n ia il:_ l(l J!L vii. -OUlccc.. Jcnocked a (^ustl pitch over the tj»y cl Wynn rl 3 I 1 1 ' 711 Kfnn»,H>nl. Cln.u Jrvcj ( dcred.oniy dcr<>d,dnly three runs In Ills last > Oakland a 4-3 win ovor r l ^ t field fence- afw i'^ho' Cidwvo tl- r.iju - l. Talrly neponl (VI7 Wllti.^iniTlIh -AlUnlA-.... a(tfirci~ 25 Innings, ' struck.. out. seven imd. '-, - i CToveleland, Pirate reliever hod come wllhln liallay 3li Mtnk^ ID u> llnnki 171, Cannl;iaro <4) Ma^on }li MilUn 71) Lalioy 31) Aloil II '^1 AU.IW. Kantlt. Ilcckfrl Sl- llr.ivo II Jackion cl 7 0 DQ CUw4Und Ojkltnd on out of workln 4.put of a I'airsy II rtiwartii c Itoiwall.. k b rh b l ab r h bl C»4lon cl l.uni rl j o 1 0 Uuccatjalla c3 I 1 0 llllllihjiwn p UhU»»<lr 0 I 0 nrown t i basesrloaded Jam. r < Cnlhi-rt 11), lupetla 111 T 0 OcO Wino Clillct pli WllllAini t SMMI rl WllliAin«C uziiumr Tn*otuilil,'R»lllll, H»rp»f. ni iin«r. luiiiniars I. K^niat City S. tcai-v Ion 1. Lon-'Miiwaukta «. Watliinuiui 7D Harpaf. Brluu*. CulUn. Howard. lb--bllllrh)t. SP-'Uamlla İl» h r ir bb M. PaMin L I I) Mo/rl» Hannan Brebafg W 7 3 V S I Wl' -Mannan. T 7 3J. A 7,313 I'inlalla IlUt IMiltlla (7): &II lllalr. OII». Mophlnt. sr- Holai, Kaouuit. _T-]:72^A ; Tiffurs^ Cal. Split ANAHEIM, Calif. (U P D - Pinchhltter Ken Derry s shallow sacrifice fly <lrovc in Syd Aminma s iiomor got the, Cowboys going fora while In Uie sixth and they managed to tie It in the seventh when pinch ir-dort-ofnidlftso-belted-ehomer after Bill John had Ip b )>ar bb to Jackion J K*lu>n ' Palmtr L M i t «7 7 t i mat Amkiia Ihiiwtll Aullln !*nnllti riu.t.0fri»w7 1 J I 7 7 ) J r.mrga lluruiiialar nriggi J Tliomat rium orrii pttcliwl lo 7 hatur* In tlli. Alitalia Lonu &avp nur(jnml»r (I) Wl'Palrfter. lulk. Ollictr J I 1 0 Slinpio I'almcr. Poltrton Uruliuru O'Qrlen with U)o winning run in Twins 2, Yanks I the bottom of the ninth ' HCTf vo hit r w t r 'TTVedhcsany'iilflfll'flrintJ'CJlllIor' -M in nla-angel»'e<igo<l-detro(t-7-6'l» Uie ninth' Inning to defeat U>o tc vallay - OOO New York Yankees. M. Wed- Darrow, Polarion, Sancion header aftcc Uio Tigers won Uie...ama.'TI<nma»-0^ M V L O il IP ) --n e s d a y;a 8 -Jim -K n a t:p ltch cd T i-l-n i-^l^t^ H -y- -Dpon rtp T irnr inlnklt wvnr-jb :c;.-o-ru«7ts;57iftrtnfr _atmuig 41)^oo4iitl«t' rt:)r liih- -WlUr o u t- ^ n U le - ^ 1 in ^ h ^ ^ ] :^ ^,^ «^'-" seventh victory of Uie y.car. plnch h ltter O 'B rien had sing led oiiic#nwj 7 n ^ ^ * ' 4 'V I Steve Kwine was almout as play set a n d B ill C o w a n fo llo w e d w iu i a, 7" 2 S S 1 i cffoctlyo as ho allowed sin hiti p irl Rs and tce.otf times tor s in g le. S a n d y A lo m a r w a s lludinnll) UirouBl. elkh InnInijs but wlui i ter-clty women's wnlked Intentionally to load the 'Vuii. ii> ur»i, r'» inrttoji.pu one out In the ninth.! iirmnn on(!' Matjlc Valley b as e s b e fo re B e rry lif te d o fly if"'"' t a -- ).)?3 railebrow doubled and- nlch^. sj cl,lo s r o,inccd by ItMM.ran for lilm. Ijm ta t I>ro Nate no,m. Stan ding s lilt uanib) *= Cardoniis siniile advanced, p rin«s Include 9 a.m., Roeso to third and Klino was b. oovis, S. Strauihan, D. - tcplaced_by_lindy_mcdqiilcl.^wlliion,-m-5tfu(her«-^9;q7 S StoVo Braun'Breoted McDimleT' ^ uulm, N. Lowe and J.... wlui-a single Uint drove in l^eiie'wiui tlie winning run. MlnnaMla br Naw.York Tovar Ii 4 0 i ) Ciarka 7i) Cartw 7b 4 0 ) 0 Muntoi c Oliva rt Murcar -c< Klllal>raw 1D4 0 ) 0 Whiia II U*«t«lb Catar 7U Csrdana^ Swolulda rl Braun 3b 4 O T l IIwlU lb 7 0 I i- NallUt cl Miciiail II 1000 Mlllarwald c Klino p Kaal p McDanial p QD 0 Total! )i I f 7 TotaU 7f 1) I MlnnatAta H «e ifl»l- 7 Ywk Olfl MO C Caler. Mlnnetola ) LOIl DP Mlnnatoia'7. Now York 4. 7G-'MI l*rwald. Ktliobrcw ^11 -KAAt. tp-bllli. Ip t) r ar lib to Kaat W Klint U t< McDanlfl T 7 13, 10,7»1 ISoslon 6, Sox / T L 7,, Snow: 9il5, U. Henry, II. Spradling, J. Gasser.and H. -Bent; 0:22, V. Coiner, M. Messgrsr/ilUi, h. Commonder, L. Hodges; 0:30, E. Toolson, E. Androwfl, L. Kasworm, L. Aland, and 0:37, P. Cliurch, J. Henderson, R. CamozzUund I. -DalSoglio :45, M. Sonner, P. Shoclcey, G. Tschannen, C. Saunders; 0:52j E. Chrlstoffersen, E; Barry, F. Ward and L. Harbaugh; 10 a.m., J. DoDloquiers, F. Hiomsen, M. Carter, M. O'Harrow; 10:07, C. Uobertson, M. GoiUandla, I. Sharpe, E. MurUn; 10:15, K. Erb, B. Grant. ^tt-droy Jn twqjujw wiuu_^<_jj^pan ^de?]^n, R, J L,n; a three singles uid a sacrifice ny Gardner, V. Detwollet^, L. to help Sonny Slebert to his HUi Wakewood, and 10:37, win and flfui straight Wednesday night In a 0-1 Boston Red airistensen, W. Hiockey,- Kendrick, A. Burgcs-s. Son' victory over Uie Clilcago White Sox. Slebert, now 14-4, Uirew u bix - ^ WtttFT)Qt~loit-u 'bld^of m- fouru) sliutout on a solo liomcr by Rldi McKinney In Uio eighui Inning as the lied Sox wi^n for Uie sixui time In seven games 'and scored Uiclr nlnui Qtralglu 0VH^QilcHgar~durlng the-pn5t- -Roz&lXe^^ set value on Olsen twobcasons. ' AMIIEUST, Mass. (U PI)- Scott singled ' after Rico 'llio ' New England PaU*lotd - Potrocelll douiiisrt6v:il IriDrUr^-Wcdnesday-^akod Football tho second bining off (luirtor CQmmlsaloner Pete Rotello to Joel llorlen and delivered liis arbib-ate with Uio Los Angeles Ba'crlficb fly for tho lied Sox.'_ luuns Uie exchange6f players' final run bl tho sevtiith. for stroyed defpnslvo end PhU CWca*o- - Betloii Botloii -----Q I.»U*n 4 b rh b t ab rh b l Kally rl GlglUno 7b Olsen, a standout from Utah. MCKInny 71) 4 I I I Anartcm It May II Smith cl Stale, fjdvcr played wlui the. Malton 3b Yitriiiuk it I Patriots. Ho was Uio team's No.' HiUhafHI cl Patrocalll JU llarrtiann c Scott 1b droft choice In 1060 but Alvarado pr O Lai'oud rl Injured his kne«whllo practic- lb Monlgmry c oralai i» - j Q i o Sinwfr 4n«ior Uifljm:QUcgaAlL&taiL. Margiigi Darrow »nclnn i 1 y 3 Maniv Oatrolt Calila/nia Plonaar Laaou* abrhbl abrhbl w I pel. at Slanl#/ Ct Alomar ]a lllhtntji. 14 V Taylor 71) Uiveri cl 4 I 10 Groal'i-alli 17 V 4S3 ' J Mao«w*llay--- X-U 4J-.U llfjnkman tt Wr^giit p AmarltUn Laagu* Handlnei Colaman, S LaRocho p Schtrman. By Unllid Qratt Inlarnallanat..Batt. ^ p l. Telali Tolalt W I ob 34 D*lr«ll Hfl 01-4 nalllmpr - Calllarnia ]H Ml»H H 1 notion ' i» S 417.S9I DP Dalrail I. Calllofnia 7 LOIi Oal'ol) Dalrott SO 4t.574 I 'l 4. Calllornla J. - How York )]'i 7I> Drlnknun. Cor^ialai.3Ii Slanlay.HB- tlbv»lar>u )«Catu (771, Spencer (1)1 l Kaiina. wngiirt waihington W.H J1» 1I'1_ Conialat. Watt <P ar bb to w I pel. Ob ' Colaman W 10 4 SclitrmAl). WrlQhl t 9 9 LaUociia Colaman pllcliad lo SavB Sctiarman 114) T 3 07! 1 i * Oakland g. Kaniai Clly ' * ' ^ Caiiiornta, Minnewla In llttii Chicago V 43^.533 ) J J).457 IJ V Mliwaukea Wadn«tdiy-4 RatuHt Mlnnatola 7 N*w York ) (7nd Kantat Clly 7 Dalllmora 7 (night) Datroi) Calllornla Wathlnglon 4 Mllwauhaa \ {night) a b r h b l - a b r h b l notion 4 Chicago ) Inlohl) Jonot II Alomar 7U lqhl> )(allns rl 0000 Ulvort cl o«iroi nlnot Hndrlgiij 31) 5 I. 0 " 00 " 0 Iwlllohl) Northrup rl (larry i Calllornla 7 Oatrolt 4 i7nu niohl) Treahan c Stapliantn c McAullKa 3b2.) 0 0 McMulln 3U (Irlnkman tt4 0 I 7 Hapoi rl.. -. Chancs p ' UaynoUii rl 4 0 ~7 1 Ciliirelh p Chrltlntn t i 4 ) ) 0 PDItlmroh Kilkenny p Q-Orlan ph 1 ) 1 0 Chicago TImmrmn p Murphy p S'. Loult Schorman p 7 0 I 0 Allan p New York Cowan II J 0 J ) Ptiiladalphla Total* Totali 1*7 114 Monlraal Two oul when winning run tcorad. Datrsll 000 ) Calllornla I'rancltco San LJiU«n-Qi;.niilrnU-l,C>lltnniH -l II Dalrolt ' 'i. 5. caliion nta ^ noutlon l» b f 'a r b b M ' AlUnia ) 0 Cincinnati Chance ~. Cllbralh Kllkanny' Timmerman Sctiarman L 4 Murphy HlihDr W 4 T 3.04, A : I4atl«ntl L«4eut llattdlhfli llv-unllmi-prh»-utarnalla«a> Bait I pci. gb lo'i ) ) )]'i ') ft 101.^ 44 5].445 )3>> ) 7 1 S*" DI*0O J 1 ) - Chicago ir 'l^ a V V o r V y " Atlanta l's4n Ditgo 7 ()) '51145^4' 0«'"* ''lahtl KRAZY GLOSE-ODTSH A L L l 9 7 l ADMIRALCOtOWs- '"' r" LOW-PRICES " ^ = a w E a r? n n b K - ~ = TKKKIFIC I1AIU;AINH ON MISCKM/ANKOIIS KLKCTIlON^C. _ - n i..m g - UKCOHDKIIS - CASSKTI'ICS TG b r h b l ab rh b l SpalH It ' S 0 10 Maiarotk 71)3 0,0 0 1 uanlst 71) } I 7 0 -Cllnat cl Mayi cl 1111 Ollvsr cl Mt ovov_lijj_li-l.clejntiilb,ll.ll» llondl rl ' Slargall If J Oiatt c Sanoulllon c 4 I 7 1 Mi>nd«r»on Uoiiarltn lli 3 I I 1 Callaulior 1U I auno 3i> R«l>cruar )r 0 I 0 0 lltlingr 31) Lanltr Jb Alley i» nryaiil > I (UMintnn Q p Glutll p JJolinton p Uotarlo pii 0 I 0 0 Marndlon p 0000 Talal( 311(1 Tsialt U n PranclKO ll0l>qeb«4-l PIKtburBh ' OMOIOllfr-^ Ii May», Hohnor. DP San l-raniuco 1. Pllltliuruli 1. LOU!>Air TrancUco 7, Plllil)uruh Dioli. i t u i Callaul'or 13). HODarlton (IV). Sanuulllhn (4). McCovoy 117) S HJoluiton, Maiarotkl. SH llonu», Ip h r ar bb «o (irvanl JJoliiivon W 10 4' 17 3 ) llamdion ) 7 BJQIinu)n Cluitl L lijr>jin\on pltchdd to }-UaMerk in flii. (:a r < ls,6, H i i l s I ST. LOUIS (-UPI)-Regglo Cleveland pltdied a flve-lilttor, struck out nlno jind singled in two runs Wednesday night os Uie St. Louis Cardinals scored a Brand t i (il4dillno II Hpnko p 4 0 )1 TDlaU 3717) TelaU Montraal DOS 079 )0 S i: Uooko, MoruAn Dl' lloukixi 7 ' Monlrual 4, Houtlon S 711 lloccalitflu, Wino, Morgan. C 311. II.1 I I 0 y. * Sll Cuiliiiio, V Henko W 8 lo 9 (lilllngliain ,1.. Claildmo L 34 I I 7 0)7 0 PH llnccaliulla.» T7.10. A 17.7BO H e < ls6, K.A.2 CINCINNATI (UPI) -G ory Nolan climaxed a five-run Uiird Inning wiui a two-run single while pitching Uie Clnclnnali 'Hcdfl to n G-2 victory over Ihe Los Angeles Dodgers Wodncs-. day ni^it. 010 UDiS rl CariM) II May III t'erai 31) OOO lltncli C 0 0 I Honor cl Conccpcn S Wondwrd v nticknar t Davit Cl AIIki ] j Crawlord i Parkirr lii bltiii c Uuilsll 71) AienAniior p 1 0 I 0 Nolan p CrUrkwlI ph thophilw (lolnhia Phillies. Phlladalphia SI. Loult abrh tfi Doyip 7t) llrock II 71) AlUn S F'ei Mnnlaiist cl Ciimiilo rl Money rl Viikovicli 71 Ityaii c t.bricli p Clifim(ilon I Cru; cl Siienwto 71) 4 0 I 0.) Molcnilpi. rl 4 1 I MaKvill It ClavDland p >0 0 1*0 00 ilunning p Tolalt 17 ) n Tolalt -34 t II 4 Phlladalphia OOO-l oai > 4 tt. Leult DP Phlladalplila 7. St. Loult 1. LOn PliiUdnlplila 4, SI. Louit V. 711 M.iKvHI. Alou 3tl Torre IIH Camlilfr Ulti) SI- Clovolaiid Ip h r ar bb ta Lortcn L49 S Alu<iin(lvr L I Cuhs I I, Mels 7 CHICAGO (UPI) Ernie Bonka hit his 511tli career home.. run as part of a four-homer.splurge by Uio Chicago Cuba Wednc.sduy to advance to a tie for eighth place onuio olutimo McGraw, McAndrow Hanoi llonham UMJ.m llonliam pllclinil to 3 IiaIIi SavB Houitn 14) C O M E O N U R I I 0 \«lll*ii 71) I 0 0 e.ktr II lur:on c Veriallot 7 D«.ini» 7 rf 0 0 I orajiv Toialt 7* 0 a o'yolalt^ tiono Out wlien wmninn rur 5.tnD,D<,0. OC AlUnla OC D o m i^ O V C R O R jo m s s - iriwrci'or yoit hail fromyonro. olmiys wrlcoino nl otir fiivuu'ry. Uv. Iitn etours (HI every tlay fromuto4:30. So drop in, up or ovor, i'ic. Olympia lirvivin^ ('onipariy Niiwcvli'briiliitft 7HyriininthvstmivInculiitit, Tiiiiiwalrr,ll'uthmtti<»t- *Oly G rand O pening Continues Hundred»,of Bargaln».Throughout^e Store ' r"'** " IWallpaper Clearance H u n d r e d s o f P a t t e r n s R e d o c e d t d ^ r r T T : ' 6 9 P c ib c o A c r y l i c Qutside-Poiht- I S fi BIKES R e g. 9 9 ; j E i l g l i * h - S ty lo. Boys or Girls '.. i IM ib ittlg M Reg.»49«F50 >In cdrlon oil base P a b c o % P u r e Hotise-Palnt- *5 **' LinseedOir i n f a c t o r y s e a l e d c a n s : j. 9 9 : _ p e r g a l. i n 5 g a l. l o t s USEDCOIOR TVCONSOLES / T S T O IT A S 7<)..';0 W ith W orrnim ;^ DUItmG Tim ^A'LE ONLY UUCK WHITE OONKOLES & PORTABLES A S LO W A S Formerly State Hardware On The isaqll Main at 3rd S.t^East

18 Chuy files $1 m illion suit against national loop s injury clause PHIUDELPHIA' iljpr) - Fonner yuiird DouOiuy of Ihc PhiladelpliiB IChkIc's jiiui I4,)B Angelca Rains Hllacki'd tho _lnjury c]nus _lii_ihe-nationul- Kootball iu jjkuo S stiuuljird plnyct contrnct WoibiVwIiiy ntt IImlllinnfetlfnil wiiri suit, ^ Chuy 'lutkwl U.S. DisJricl exaniines Coiirl to (ii i'lare tiie L'Iimsi> an lokmnstilullonal violjitloii of tlio aicnium /\jititrus( Atl bccuusc il alhtwh II fih)(ball club to -detennliie-whellnir- iu. ajiuultl cumiuiouitu* oiii' of.,i(s players foriin lnirio^^ T^ie suit, st'i'kitij: II iniuion in (lainii^'.c's fruin Mil* r li^jos iuul th f ciiiiina_c liuy._w asfiirci'd lo end a seven-year pro ear»vr in bi'c ause the provuitsi "inadthnmte 'm edieal treatm ent" for a (Oionlder injury suffere<l a^ialnst llic New.York Giants on Nov. 2. 1(H50. Oujy tuud the lcat;lea then iijuiis to Uie Kactes in livosin Norih Hollywood. Cidif.. juid- siijnhirl* liijniieh on bit [Nirts In'movies and his wife'ti eanilngs as u st'tuuil leaclu>r, ^ I n t i «ild. All 3veijjhs ---- tn~sinmr*footbalt~ttnnt in-.iid i -4iu-uuii_ ouj ----»rarai.ori;ia-ivch. - suslnlnml m mi in icrfnlly dant;erous occupjition. Qiiiy.?!l,-mtded~iromithoinad Ah weighed a hefty 21!-t " r.lif - HAY,,,pn lit hls rontn icl... [joui uls at tlie prefijjht jiltyhical I.IILLN llav His, illj lt - Q, y 1,^, exmninaiion WiHlnesday while Conch Dm IX'vliif said,'i, p. Jimmy Kills, his op x>nent ln_ -Uiy^UtroduinV-illinday-'ni^thty Burl SInrr's linn. Tlii' roiiijiicjil J'luji'nl' weliihed only 192 M All wants' to fip.ht at :2l5-:i2 luid. tnid he still h( pe<l lo make cnnsuu with our doclors and i\ decisiotj will Ik? made. Hevine Kiid, "He catue back ^^rom Hocliester, Minn.) quicker than 1 thovii ht,", Stjirr was not here for the mortiinf drills. said. w it h P iu h t 's H i S ' Clntv s p er son al p\iy si cian. Dr. John W. Perry of Hollywiwd. C^tlif,. determine<l Clniy ex{v'riwk ed clotting In his pulm onary ^iirtery becaiisfc ofj tho sliouldor injury, the suit Oiarle.s V. Quinn, local attorney for Cliuy. sjtit! the suit altacke<l jvirakraph l4 "o f the league's st.'indard player contract, whicli liouli that an ATI.ANTA D>i.lish,thc,iU.U,HeGoUlo nov W... inw its- is- dctennm ed-by the. 3f-Gron;in-hrRlrschnol-fnotbnllr W «lno.«tay sl ;ned i. pro bascbll " ' X u h c c o m ra ch o r a tomi., o( ".no rc ' f '! 'I'f " " ' I Uian»in,000" wllh' (he flin, D ifi;o Padrea of,u,o N a liin a l ' U a jue. violates tiic Slicrnuui /Vntltruiit Dndish In IWW) wa^ drallcd by " ">l'-'l>rivnlu.n &in Frnnrisco but lii' turned l o K afj;les CHICAGO lupd- - Veteran runnini; back Ronnie Bull of the Cliica^o nears has boen traded to tlie Philadelphia Fables for an undisclosed figure, the Bears announced Wednesday..Tlie National Football U*anue rookie of the-yeftr-in;!9fl2-and one-time all-american back from Baylor was placed on waivers Insl week,, Alley. Hoyal eollcel wins P«cc-setter.<i Royal I^ounye and Oie Alley took victories Wednesday night in Twin FaH?} slowpitch action. noynl IwOunge hlj)ped Turf Club 8-7 and tlie Valley, jjetllnk four>for-four hitting and n l»m er (rom Don McKnlgbt, Uiutiiped Master-Slieet Met^U EEE 12-a. In other piny, L nnd L Roofing topped Seller's Electric B-S ifnd ~I.ucky~ I.ag«r bombod Independent Meat CulllKan- Caswoll manhandled Varsity Barbershop 15-0 and Depot Grill defeale d Dllti Boer 7-4. pounds HOUS-IX^N daysremaininj;. He still weighed 219 after worki;ii^out^, AiTwcnl in the set\>nd roimd of sparrihj! vvitb loddle Brooks, but it wasn't a le^itimateknockdouii. All faked it'whon Brook.'i hit him with a rinht hand to Ute body.. II was Uic fifut time vvli lias been on Uie floor while sparrinn with Brooks in 10 djjys, EllLHjuiid Ali jnij;ht Iry la ilse his Wcij:hl to ndvantftije. during; Uiefinht. "Hctni^ht lay on me or punh m e," Kllis said. He won't dance 12 rounds, 'niat imajje of him i.siri true.^lknifts'always -walkw!-arount!-«-!ol-in-lhe like he did witjj i.loe) Frasier; blit pi\)plo didn't notice It before," Kllis said he diitn'l care what All weii'jj.s, "Getiriie OmvaKvweijiheil 210 and I hmuluhl him. I'llis said. "Ali linn t Oust /\li iuiid h.^lanmul iir South Africa alter his ' -Ellis^ KRAZEEKi^.: H I T N O W I S T I I K U K S T T I M K T O U I J Y SNOW MOBILE OIL -(^iiiibrr Sluir or ' ---- T K L A R or ZEK E X /il^tifkek/.k- AlTO-LinTllNE-lTKITS,\r ro - l,it L S I'A K K I'l,lI(iS P O Small-Knjrincsi vl'u I )UI'K iiiin;.mcclillogii CHAIN SAWS AIMOOr C O U H S K... K V E H Y T II IIM O I 'O H I I I I A K r ^ A N D A L L K I N D & O F o n / BRAKE mtroleijm 2 1 :$ 1 1ll,VVL>. W o K i T w i l l F a l l s / Thundfly. July V. wn TJme* New», Twin Idaho \f Thomas accuses Dallas o f lying and exploiting. DAI.IAS lufiwduane Tliopias. whose SMisjilioiml rih)kie - wnson -flf-fl lu'lp^'illlie HalUu CowU>ya Into their first Super lk>wl t'luiu' Uut season, bitterly attacked I ouboy officials Wednesday anil /eopanli/eil Juk pro football earivr In tlie ptocoss. nuimas. dtvked out in an Mrv'-jvtyUnl pullavcr s!\lrl.» (udr of blue Jeans and (uuidals, t'jillim a ncuit ayifiteniv. al -whielt-hi»i^----- : v'iiiid rou'lviy eoaeh Tout Uuulry was' "m plastie, Jiwt not a man al all. " ' r/illeil nil Mrandt. Ulreeiot' of pliiyer ivrfu>nnel. "a liar." rree C h r i s t m a s A l b u m s with each pair of SnowTjrw sold during Cfozy Days -A t t POSITION SNOW l = n R E» AP Town & Country White wall F.E.T m F78-14 &15 -AP Town & Country While Wall F.E.T, 65' 2 I'2 5 G78-14 &15 AP Town & Country While Wall F.E.T W > H7B-14&15 AP Town & Country While Wall F.E.T. 75< ' &»ld nenerid numa*{cr Tex Schrnnun wi^ "dishonest wltlt Dauimded n salary of , of which he said hc< would t^ive - most to. blaukneit;ltl>i)r uh*d programs... -^«Td the towbi>y ori;anlzatlon exploltihl black players. sjiid Pallas would never hhve jnaiie it io U\e Super Ikiwl a>j«li>rl Baltimore last seajum without hhn and will never yel Ihere n^.aln-lf-lu* does not-play.- "If he luul a lot of ntopey. I'd sue him;" fuiid Brandt at the Cowlvy_trnliiliiii -cainp liu 'nuiuwuul Oaks, Calif. Urandt said DalUis would not trade now." sjjid Waril. Tlwnutf look tjirfn.. way, ' &U(i umclry. "But In* season as a rookie after Calvin dialionest with me all along. GU was expreasupu his opinion, luiii Hill developt«d various aibnenls. Brnndt Is a liar. It d o ^ 't da he is entitled to Utat, As for He fijjitres ho had such a nood Jmy ^ood to talk to Tom blacks and white-1 know tlmt 1-yoar tho Cn.wUtys sliould forj;>t Unilry. because he s so ^la*- I'^r8i>nidly a8jlcoach.a^)l(ln'tl«bouluic. lust two years of-his -llci.hcls-iust nut a man.al au. tell you what color my players ihree-year ixintract luul ni'»:o- "They keep telllnr' me to, liateanew(\intfact. wail. Wiilt for what? HeU. I ve As for the ix)ssibility of his "I'm asking for WO.OW)/' sjiid tliine tiie job already." retun\b\i«to Uk leiun. iws W l 'iwmas. "I Uiink,, uvi*rythln«'i jiki year Thomas galnod NO «nyfhltu;,weciuj discuss now. If t'onsidite<l. WO,(HWiKi-heap, ' yards In 151 carries and scored" he came lo ciuiip I would sil "lueontirf CowU)v»r»:anl7a- five llntos. He alsti served as a <l»wn iuu! talk lo him." tii'n is totally-chminntink lhe kieknff return specinliif late in " Al Ward, a Cowboy vjiy fad that 1 lun an nrilst. After the Keas*in. presidenl. ImliciUeil llu«na» -jillr'tlie y - never- would have ' " Hify have <k)ne_uils_lo.au._.outbursl-ended-ufjy- lmpe-of-hti- mnde i l ' to tlu' Sunfr RowOiIaclTplayi'rs. lujdhnve exploitanrivmenl. wiijjoiil me. luid U>ey never will eil black players nil along. Tills makes It a real breach make il an'mn tuilexs I play for T h e M i l e a g e S p e c ia l is t We've gone so crazy thot we have gone topsie-turvy... for real tire prices turn this'advrupsidellowrrand get the best ' tire buys in town. IFREE choice of S o f t D r i n k s with each pair of Tires sold during Craiy Days ihivd Had 8 Z. 0103,3AVS I 1 s'19 samx aovaim onoi HH> H J>WJ» iinj Jttil o uo JHJ ji u «.4WIW0 aaxiaa-aiaiioa aaim (».»»» p.ij snid) 3 3 j d a 9 u 6 i 9 x a j e f n S a j j r n o ) b 9 J H 48 a m A i q y i o A u a q M a j» p u o o a s m o m a M ^ % 8 2 5, f.l.t * i 3 ^ I ^ ' 43 I*.I.Y. 2 i * i r ^ rrrrr B 9

19 30 TImos Nows, Twin Falls, Idaho Thursday, July 23, 1971 B o i s e t e e r i T i a c h l e b i g p u z z l e By UNDY HIGH. 'nioflextmnnon duty 8lm^v Were i 70 ^ MnLihft-hni thraugh tha ahrad. : Bul.Coni3tQCK-.j?g^Ptpa. ) t _ ^ I Ihe task of ro* Workham t teenagers workinti at What may der ^ th trash and still later will take three lo five nrwrerttwas a sltuailon Iralleledno^llier - as many diecks aa finally, the colors are divldedl hothe world's largest\jlgsaw another, employe who came weeks to do the repair work, the history of ig"and possible, then seek Identification into pues representing the type puzzle Arc trying to piece to- looking for the box found mil- "nje shredding occurred the said with no precedents to fol- on the remainder so they can Straight or right or gethcr'rcinalnsof worth lions of pieces of multi-colored night o! JuJy 8. low he and Nelson simply asked bo replaced. left diagonal. of chocks accidentally- sent paper slashed into long strips.-----uosaid the bank plana, to, tape sons and daughlera ol bmk -S^hcrew hasank dtlcjob. a UiroUgh n paper.. ajjrcdder..."nii.ui4 remains are oro being sorted, the Ihe bulk of ot the IhB checks back ciccuuves ^ to pilch In. Sonie divide u,o pieces Into h" h fj. one b a ^ officials "It s just or^o of those un- by &5 to 70 teenagers working on together, but bi^ said "eventually "ewntually sqoj, soon, he s^d, said, they began what they hope are businefts Uubeto or' *tl, riffungjhr riffllngjhroj«h..another " bclievuble experiences that you tlie top floor - of... a building nexf you reach... the point -.. where It s bringing friends and, as word motrna oftajw.' keep thinking you re going to Jo the bank. Tho pieces of paper just.not economically feasible - filtered through the city, more wnke up from," said Ilalph are spread over large tables anymore." and more youths began calling _Comstock Jr_^, president of First throughout several rooms and...wickham saldhe^ and _b(mk tohelp.-'they-flre.paid.u.tb.per- Securlly Hjink. When freali pieces are needed Vfc ^ Pr^alAlont Scoll Nelson hpur and work In six-hour shifts. "You Uiink you ve seen every- workers delve Into lft^ge, plastic... ' ' Uiln^ happen and Utcn something bags. ' CARPET new hnppcnojouilnstikdtrilji A^of loaflyrwo'flf Y C UUiB R 8,000 ID E A S hii.«j ever happened before." checkshaveboenreconstructed, 10 Rolls diccks 8,000 of them according Cto AJerry N Wickham, B n im a C 3 Y O U ^wero ln~n~lnr^e tx)x awnliing Hpocinl assistant t/i Cnmstnrk., lie nexpdaylo area -nio tot-al worth of the 779 Is o n l y - bjinka. A cuistodlnn who, about D$3,000. O L L A R S Incidentally, is no longer Wickham said It took three R e g. * 6 employed by the bank picked days to reconstruci the first ^0, -- r-otvoo-wjttr+ak of a shredding macjilnu. and uventually ho hopes to get Y OUIl PnOOUCT AND TURN IT INVO A I'nODUCT FOR PEOPLE AND PHOFU FOR VOU -M iit d crr^ w at rat il o u t Your idea or invonlion, if proven worlhwhiio In our evaluohon, con bo placed for manulac- ~Turlh'^ffd~moKlf6rtngrW<rofftfraT;flmpt'oh'en~ jive service that irk ludoi. research, design, development, marketing and.plocomqnt. Don't let that spark of invention go to was\fi. hn- ni,ackfoo r, Idaho (U P D - Pasture, n sechided farmink An.urrg^t_u iirriinf wjim issiipd nroii 17mll<!iLnart}iwn<iLnr,hnrj^ Weilneadiiy for Piiiincho'F. An autopsy revealed tlie vic-.sandiez*_cliueuiniuilm-willi_jiln_wiis-sholllu:cc.tlracsan-tljcttrsrdcnrptjnmtinlcrlrr tlirnun headtjndfourtimcs'irrthp'bwiy.^ shot.slayiri) of <i youtii; fartn Cliapa was an Irrlj'atlon pipe worker. mover who lived in a trailer Ilini;hatn County prokocutor house nlwul a mile. from Uio Kenneth F. Cliirko.said area murder.scenc.' ' aiitlmrltic.s luu! the FBI were Sjinchez, who also used first seoklnj; Sjinchez in tlie death of name of PVank, dlwippoarod Victor.Diapji, who was shot from the aron after the sliooting,.seven times witli a.22 caliber Clnrko sidd. He said Sanchez «un. wasa Mexican national who was hi.h uncle July 0 at Morgan s. country Illegally. c6us«f1hat new. rd<ra coufd'birdarning7 dutnon6y r DIStnillUTlNG COMI'aTj V or AMiiniCA 1935 Soufh Main Sireel Suite 407 SoH lol<«cily, Utoh Phonei,(801) CLOSE OUT T»brdt VOLCO BUILDERS SUPPLY SWEMSEN'S MAGIC MARKETS PLAN STORE IN RED CHINA lenvt^^6"gtit7i^aikef$~kav5niegbtidl4rdj3iiii'hrtl$$ioti-fo establish-the-- ' first American'grocery store on the Chinese Mainland since the Ming dynasty. Manv_details are^stillbeing. finalized with Chinese rulers- Mao Tse TunQ. lnowti qtfflciiqnately by.the_chlne<p people os_muq_ se Tung (pronountarf Mous'y Tongue - Mod»e Tung it famous throughout the world for his ODominablethoughtswhich ho is always mousey tongueing wherever he goes) and Chow En Lai, (pronounced Chow and lie). Certain items which Swenson'* normally carry would not bo allowed Sigmon's Summit Brand BACON SlUed 1pound packages 3 9 c lb Krispie«r-oncl-hair-tprav-u/iiich-arft expect to do a big busjness in lentils, yak bu.ilcir,.rice (of. QUrse), Ideho nuts> Chinese cabbage, and especially... ping pong balls. MnrlflU firil^ptimi»tlgally-tgylng_tq_n\/^rlnftl tho for the Idst twenty years, the "mousy tongue" Chinese leader has taught all the Chinese people to hate Ariiericans and American grocery stores, but in cose any of the Sweinsen's decide ic run for ohice^ in 1972, RED China is probably Ihe best place to build a glocery"! store. In the m edntim e, until thoy m ake it big in C hina, Sw ensen's have prepared some outstanding bargains to keep a ll their Am eliean customers h a p p y Please lead belo w : PORK STEAK 4 9,i For Chinese Cherry Pie Lovers Frozen PIE CHERRIES lb. tin I pilled and tugar«d.. Wirtnmn'dwHvrSOntTr APPLESAUCE F CasMf24 $ N E W RED POTATOES m illj f lo - Fdlli Brond WIENERS 2 lb. pl(g., $J09 TOMATOES :49 GRAPEFRUITJUICE 4 ^ _-RIR_ STEAK 9 S ib Fallf Brand SAUSAGr 2 /2 ^ j CUCUMBERS Wvttvrn Himlly SALADDRESSING Libby's Fam ily SixB Pined 300 can OLIVES Falli Brand ihihced- HAM ZUCCHINI SQUASH Zee TISSUE 4 roll package SHASTA P O P ^ Animal Brttdlng LAntlqutl ^ _ A p an m a n li.f u rn lth ad i----- Ap»rtm «nu'unfurnifti*d AppllM Cai I. HH equipm ent Auctlftni AutoiW antad AutaiforSaJa B«bvChlelti BAbySlHari-ChlldCart MAirty talo n i UkM&M J B oalifflr... to a ll Want *d I tuudlno M atarlali»uijnau>o t(let Rant all utlnctio pportunltlat M. BtulaiuPrapartV- Cam»r«.Ph«to Supply CamiMri *9 C srde lt ban k i 3 CattI* 103 CMrt«UryU)l Cwll>lsw«r» IM rth Mawlnti C q u ip m tn l *J mpuymant A««ftcla«-VUMtMofk-WAAlwi. ttf fa r m t lor Rani» rn \ lu p p lla t l>«rm S««d ( r tlllia r M d SMd ^ lo r liti. ' l^ralflrt C «ri l<u«landw o«d l>urtillurtandh H G o «di Oaraaa Salai H alpw anlad HaatlrtoequJprnanf InturMCfl In v atlm an li, Lleht Ihduilrlal equlpm anl l.lv*il0c k.a ec*turla«llvaitack Wantad U ita n d F a u n d Lota and Aeraagai M lacailanaoutlm 'U la M lualla na auiw anla d M im allanaouisarvica M obllah om ai.m o b lla H e m a P irk ln o - Monay TsLoan M oriiv Wanted ' M ^«reyclai M uileal In tlrum ap ti M u ilc L a iu n * Olhar In»lruell6rt o«i#nimr«itwi othar Ranlali W haru vm loeu Oot el Town Homai PartMtal P a ll and Pal Suppllai Po ullrv M d Rabblli Radio and TV Salt R a il B ilala Loani R aareilfelafart rada R aalb ilalaw an ta d Raa«Ha Hftonii-Boerill,BM m S ch M li. Shaap Airu^ary-PlanU -BuIbi - 4 p»cla lc lan # i S0 «el»l Nolleat S ^ r lln g Ocodi imowmobllai Swina TranMMrlallMi-Car Mooli - T ru c k i Trallari Vaeallon Proparty Vacall«n R anlali W anladto Ra«il W orkw anlad FOR YOUR FAST WORKING WANT AD... PHONE OR C A ll 1 OF THESE TtJCtrrRerNOMBERSIC DIAL B u hl, C a itld lo r d DIAi: u.UyirWu(.*»trD«lo,--- P a u l, N o rla n d DIAL W o n iid ll. G o o d in a. H a g e rm o n. Ju ro m ij D i A n z i r s s r s " r F ile r, H o lliil* r, R o g o rip n, J o c ltfj o l, N a v.' D E A D M N E S " i F O l f :. C L A S S I F I E D A D V E R T I S I N G llic hrit Whnn pliomnu m.t Cl.milx d jqil raiwfl y casooqiiiirwrwrhrnoilrr: rii()r.iliij l)ock 10 you. lli.- curi.uqjj) chock ll>«lir*;l d.iy.id 'o nirtuc lu fo tl n o h l - li4 )(^c<i>hv chuck phone tiumdrr.ttui rtddri**.!. All "Mi-lp W.ltilrd" (idi m ult it,tic Iht. lialu''* o( hit* work "S.ilfV Help" lids niutit n^ittiu thu product to l}i.' iold.iiul il ttio p.»y, IS s.il.iry or COHHTiission or liotii Tlin pulihsliur ii'jsu<n<'*. no lln.incl.ll ri>sponsiliility lor tvpooriipivic.ll e rfo rs, error-, m dur.itin n ol pw bllc.iiion, wronir Cl.iMitiC.itiOf'',, lho,0fni^'.(0n o( copy pinir omiision ol the lotnl.»d m pllhor Ih e cin i.ilird or display nd vortisii U seciioni ol ilic p.iptr. Liiihlllly lor errors or omission sh.iii TWi nutrril com 'o H'U.iiWrrli'.rr Ol Ihiit porlion ol sp.icc occupicd Dy *ueh-wror: Cl.iims lor.idiustmrnl ol the cosi d.iys ol piihlic flilowrd 'or»'! Ufcuipls muit 1 refimds ilion T I M E S J s J E W S - W A H T - A D S Loti and Found rdit 450 poondi, Wundell Nortfiwo»t, Jo ro m o aron. Phono 324-^021, Jeromo- LO ST: L ad V 'l LOST -POG. MO rowrtrdi Fiimftlu Enolliti pointer, whilo wllh brown. Collar Uul no taq or oania plaia. Answora to "T w iuu v ' - Lost norm ol rlvor And o a ii of Highway 93. Call colloci 714: Spactdl~N^U««HYPNOSIS lor woiohl. tmoklno'.- and mornnry. For appointment, call 713'04!k}. CLARK M ILLE R GUEST RANCH. HoOiekoopIno cabins- l^or inlormation and rosccvmlons ptiono P«r»onat RE DU C E wllh RE DO O SE, t.os Rem ove ek ceit fluids w ith FLU1DEX,*L49. flolh at PENNY- W ISE DRUG. O PEN 'TILL «owofv <lav. 'CT C ETERA SHOP, 430 Soutti Main_ Local,^,rl& R C A LSIL k A PPA RE LS, flack to acjiool orders. F. W. Nelion. Phono ;>53-5a/»: ^ ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Twin f^allt Couriiibuso,'W ednesday al 0;DO p.m. Al Anon 3rd Floor MJ, Ftw lurltior inlorm^llon Q30, E X E R C ISE the now way. Rent OKorclio and tioalth oquipmont, speed bike, massage roller, boll wibrator, actloncycle. DANNER I^URNITURE. 713 U2). U N W E D M A T E ftn JT Y care, doctor. Iiospilnl and llulno plan^n AAounlaIn Manor. Inc., P, O. I»ok 310, Mountain Homo. Idaho 83447, Phope S C o n c c llo lio n, In ^ o r tio n, a n d c o n l l n u o l l o n o ( T r a n t ig n S W E N S E N ' S MAGIC MARKETS a r^ l SOUTH PARK Ju (l ocroct the Bridge. StORS HOUUSt 8 o.m; lo-io p.rar^jon. Tlito4AT. CtOSBD I!VeiIY SUNDAY PBIC6S EfFECriVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ahd MONDAY n m i N i r f e e s - ( w a n l- a d t ) a n d ( jb m m B rc la l A d i n o la r g e r Ih o n )0 lne ho (. If y o u w o n t y o u r a d lo o p - ponr, or btt cancelled oni T U E S D A Y A d * m u il b e re c e iv e d o r con -' c e lle d b y A.M. M o n d p y W E D N E S D A Y. A d f'm u s I b e 'r e c a lv e d 'o r cn n -' c e lle d b y H.3 Q A.M. T u e id o y,. D A T IN G nv co m p u la r, S ln fllt fldulu onlvu lor luni frlandthlp or mnrrlao*. For Irae, conlidenlial Inlormnllon send nam e, add rati and aga lo CCMMAT, P. O. 3U13, Olttlna>> Monta/u. 59)0}. ' HOTLINU amw-9:00 p m, 7J3-0U3. ^ W HArS COIN'IN' m M l M ain A v e h u e W *il? Boby Sltlar* Child Cnr» 16 JA CK a. JIL L N u ru ry. LIcaniad Child CBl^. Children'. 3Vi preachool. n04 lom Ave. Bail. >» " T F T O R S D ' A Y r ~ CH ILD R EN 'S Village child car*. A d i m o d b e re c e iv e d o r co n - LIcertaad. 91^up. 441 North lo cu st, c «ll«d t y. ) Ii'a p A.M, W.d n e i- ^ yea^^vnwmd Sbopftlnfl CwUar. > f : X

20 I-' fmploymani AgandM 17 P er SO N N B L SERVICE of AA«glc V«lltV, i U Blue L«kM North, phone 733'55i3. AAAN f o r o^neral farm work, nice modern home. Good w agei, 432. J764. _ H Q U S E W iv E il_ r < it» n lc io i.- P «t.!lme< averaoe o per hour. No. experience neceuery We Iraln ^ p p o ln fm e n i Phone Vanda Beauty.Countelor, 73412SV. C A R E E R -OPENtNC'-'for ca lle r- ecretarlai poim lon (o ih a r p, aggreulve wom an. Please apply...ln.d Br»on-at. A FULL OH PART TIM E mmi.. woft^eo wllllna <o work. Complole i a i e i? r» in m g ^ ie f ld in o - 'to, m an ag e m e n t poiu lo n, 73i-3]'aS between 4 and 7 p.m.. weekday*- HQW ARD AND ASSQC. _ YAL'E5 C C E R»fr~ M u»rh ave i«.' cellent knowledge of fabrlct and, lew lng. Sday week: Preferably over 90 yeart old. Send resume lo Box L-11. C «TImet Newi. G l r L " F o R ' JS?f7irin& *c'leanln'g. Salurdayt and Sundayi. Apply In -.v..per»on at.1837 Kimberly Road, V E R Y GOOD E A RN IN GS. Fuller B ru ih n e e d i good people In QUtllnlno tow ni. In Twin, work on crew t al I1.7S per hour. Contact David Sw enun 7:00 a.m. lo 9:00»,m For people needing Futter Products u m e number. STR U H O UTkL S TEEL fabrlcato. need layout men and llttert. Equal Jsr-MfOorapplv In penoit. FouotiT 8. Company. Oldg. 12, Pocatellc Induitrlal Park. Pocatello. M ED IC A L b F F IC E a iilita n l to do general office work, except booki. Some n u r iln g okperlencq deilrable. Starting salary depends on qualifications. Write Box L-9, c- o TImes-News. g iv in g full qualifications. D R IV E R AND warohouio m an to work out of Haaer'mfln. Salary open. Call U7-4S9A for application in tfap p o ln tm ent; ~ CLEAN, COURTEOUS m an for general grocery work. Apply at Persons Food Llnw, Kimberly, idaho. No phone calls. W HY PINCH PE N N IE S wtien you UQJdm-dollBU-jelllng^ayKfiQ:- teed Avon products? And it Is easy ' to get started right In your own com m unity. Calt now; or write to Phyllis M cinturf, Route No. 7. K imberly. Idaho. SECRETARY Who is etflcient iri bookkeeping, typing and shorthand. Jo b Is full tim e from Sep- tember "1 throuoh December 31, part tim e (m orim os) for the rest o (he year. Send resume to United... -Jiiacliu- HalpWantad 18 DRIVERS or helpers wanted on hay EXCELLENT O PPORTUNITY.for yoimo m an wanting a bufeinmi ^ tu re and career with a nation* school ' o rad u ate. college ^ ^ ^ r ^ b ie. For Information call T U PPERW A RE Dealers ne«fed. Full or part lim e. No talcs ex- pertence necessary. Soto only «MI home party plan. Will not bo sold af new-fectoryrpnonrfat spahr, Manager, 733 M40, ",X......E D ; Genaral.farm hand and Irrigator. Phone 4J3 S m or 4J3- S8S8, Kimberly. Farm Work Wanlad 23 DON M CDOW ELL cuilom awathlng whhconditloner. Ptione534 J 4 «o r _QBlle«ua-7M-3i HAY HAULING and hand Blacking. Phone 734-3MI. CUSTOM~"SWATHfNO with conditldner, Jerom e area. Phone 3J4 S3«, CUSTOM GREEN CHOPPING -----L e O S ^ G U S T O M F A R M I N G Your hylaoe forage w ve r dealer M4 H O U 5E R~ B R O T H B RS-C U 5T O M - roto'tllllng and blade work U7, CUSTOM G R E E N hay chopping. Dale Rower. S43 4T3S, nohl. CUSTOM 3WATHING.:Call G «r g e w aril _Z 3 Jj»2. ^ : cbrrctottorwowrw'sta'ckln'bt' FOR SA LE by owner. Year old brick new 3 wide. Ron Kaercher, Buhl. 3 bedroom, 3 baths, full basement, 543 AOS4. fam ily room. Excellent location CUSTOM HAY stacking, anywhere. Messenger and Lewis, Phone , BY O W N ER. 3 bedroom home with basement aparlm ent, *13, H A Y '"U a C K IN G,'3 autom atic 3- wlde m achines. Phone 473-S434, RAY T IL L E Y L SONS. HAY STACKING baling, swathing. Call Jerry Wilcox, C USTOM ~SW A THINC* 8 h d - h * V ' b alin g w ith M assey Ferguson baler. Hay trucking , 334- $007. H AY S T A C K IN G W ITH 3-wlde harrow bed, , lin o answh-,' call , G R E E N HAY CHOPPING L llllbrldgec utlom Farm ing CUSTOM G R A IN tiirashlno and custom hay h au lin g, 3-wlde harrow bed, M ark Theener, 334- ^ M 3. Byiinatt Opportunlllat ' 30 Homaa For Sola 50 P R O S P e n o U S left drink bottllna fr a n c b U t. > retlrlnfl. A C g cu it ro M BRA d i s t r i b u t o r V Secured Inves tm e n t,, R ap id ly ground floor opportunity. 733-A540. FQR SALE by owner.; 4-f bfctroom' apartm ents, V3 bedroom 'apart* m ent, ' - - Monay-Wonlad- WANT TO borrow from private p arly, U,000. Excellent references and Mcurtty.-Write Boh 1079/Twin P a lli. Homat For Sola NICE LA R G E older home. Well located. 114,500, SoNie term s SMALL HOUSE lor sale. Can be built onto. 313 Sth Avenue East,,_Tw ln,baui B E D R O O M house, OArage. fireplace, air conditioning, fenced y a r d, ex ceiteal neighborh o o d. t1«, S. RV n uu y p Q. r\iipum carpeted. Ideal for retired couple. Consider.trade, 7p BRICK 4 bedrooms, 3 In lull basement; new carpet, carport, near park.-j'/ti per cent FtHA-ioan. H 7,500, ' D O U G V O LLM ER G E M STATE R E ALT Y I, RETmiNGTT? CWyT-CIMn J.'BW fw W, 1-MTT> home, sm all yard. *11,350. FELDTMAN-REALTORS after 4, Thursdays, Sundays. 3 B ED R O O M HOME East of City on large lot wlih additional ground available. Steel siding, attached garage. Your own well water and ditch water for Irrigating. Priced a t- o n lv - *17;iOCr.- C ail 'N ad lh ir Koepnick or LA ND O F F IC E O F IDAHO RE A LT O R S, B ED R O O M S. balhs, fam ily room, carpeted.'carport,' 114,500." A CE REALTY N E W L IS T IN G I A cre ag e, 3 bedroom hom e, 3 b a th a, 3 fire p la c e s, bulll-ln ap p lia n c e s, lorm al dining room. Completely ca rp e te d an d d ra p ed. F a m ily room In basement. Double garaoe. Lovely landscaplntf. Call Eunice Cooper or LA ND O F F IC E O P to A H O REALTORS, 73307U. BY O W N E R : 3 bedroom,'carpeted, fireplace, excellent locml.on< iwq.tii.o c i a - 7 B ED R O O M on M artin Slrtef. 0 ««fu m sca. All repainted. Im m adlate pouetsio n. 1 ^ B BDROOA^ full basemant. Gas f u r n a c i, ca rp e t. Im m td la te M B B J S-BEDROOM BRICK, larga llvino room. Buy equity, a u u m a lew m onthly payments. 370 Caswell. U S T IN O S il IS T m O S ^ L IS T IN W. W E w ant lisllnos. if you want it»u «l-w lllt Globe ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom hom e In Hagerman Valley. Silualed on water and septic tank for trailer, T oom #or * * m o r* t r a lte r i Pro ected Income w ill pay out large SW per cent per annum G.l. loan. Price 113,500. LOBE R E A L T Y "733-3J40~ itij-sms 73^5045, Out oi.i:own Homat 51 TAYLOR A G E N C Y.K IM B E R L Y 423-S399e- 433 S '^ ^ R O O M house at 700 Idaho Street, Flterr733;5* i-b EDRO O M Java venee^ home, 3 fireplaces, full finished basement on'4 lots with small apple orchard. ceni loanspell or seeal 933 C aillom lfl Slreetj_Goodlng. 9 BeDR00M$r>mniieuif«7buiii'-i^ oven an d range, carpetlno> lireplace. dead end street, large lenced yard, patio, garagu. close In. Assume per cent loan Paysee. Buhl. S M OVING lo Boise or Nam pa? Have new 4-bedroom home square leet, IV^ acres located outside Nam pa city lim its IS m inutes from Boise. W ill trade lor Twin Falls hom e or property. W rite R- Hanson, Route 1, Box 34, Nam pa, Idaho 83451/ o r phone 44^7)81. H A G E R A A A N V A L L E Y Good 3 bedroom home, balhs, full basem ent, carport, on ap-.proxjmalely-3-aeres-land r WENDELL REALTY nfttta Out of Town Hemai i 6 E D R 0 0 M In Kim berly on Ut acra. Shown by appointm ent only. Phono < NEED LOTS OP room? 5,bedrooms Forma For Solo' OAVRV-'6iT6r-49-*Cf*»-4iKl-n«W _jw p.9 i-bi.nw ne>. Phene wewtnq«^«3-4a A C R E R A N C H, 1)0 acros Irrig a te d., re m a in in g a c r e i -In pasturei now running-85 head or cattle. All good buildings. MaOOO. -wittt fermircocbtad 3 mites North of Shoshone on Highway 93. BM ' 173 ACR ES Close to Gooding, a fair 3- bedroom home, outbuildings, good stock farm with lots of water,»so,000. M U F F L E Y R E A L T Y A N D INSURA NCE Ken M alone , 40 A C RESi 3'bedroom- house, lu ll basement 40 Inches water. 137,500. j'f A R M E R 'S R E A L T Y, or , 377 a c r e stock ranclt, 135 Irrigated, fenced.-4'b^room home. STOCK M E N 'S R E A L T Y. 400 South Lincoln, Jerom e Rodney Pauls 374 S73S, Carlyle Butler, A C RE S of choice ground. Lays beautiful. Very higt) stale of fertiflty. Good home. Full Tywin Falls water right plus 100 Indies from well. See this and you will love it. per Cent interest. Calj today. Gene.Hopkins, or LA ND OP- - F IC E - O F - ID A H O - R C A L T O R 6, l i t.acres farm land In Lincoln County. OM ier wilting lo consider contract- *35,800. GEM STATE REALTY 433 Blue Lakes North D jckm essersm lth. Broker Mrs. B;30'4:00 S at.9:00-4:00 B U S IN E S S O p p o rtu n ity L& N REAL ESTATE a00,331 So. Lincoln, Jerome EVENINGS: DIckGreoorv 'trd^fo ckro ir M i i u o " Forma For Solo 53 TWIN FALLS, 39 acres. S-badroom modarn home, firetilace. parlor bam, ACE REAL T Y, R IV E R F R O N T A G E on, the -. baeullful-finak*:^(»var. noriti- of - B uh t;-t<9-«u ai - VPHn-THaBTflBmhome. See to believel * Good term s. F A R M E R 'S RE ALT Y or, Buhl,. 454 ACRES row crop, less than *300 A ILtprlnkled. m«a>lnb. -*hadj^hei>r-»k C T H ant*-ttom *r W ESTERN R E A L T Y CO, Don Wallace ,.300.HEAp.cattle.ranch4 good rwrih side w etw right. 400 deeded acres. 190lrrlgMed. 485 A.U.M-Well fenced wtttroood-serof oirralsrex«ellenl-3 bedroom home. DRYDEN AGENCY So. Lincoln Evenings; 334<4B33or 534^3404 j e r o m e j d a h o -80ACRES- In Hagerman Valley with tina ol«ler home. Call Barnes Really for further Information. w farmn Earl HANriKi, I Laan J043{ili>e.LaKei North. _1_7J3M77 Lots ond Acraogai u s X 300' LOT. Located on Madrona. HUHL ACREAGE- 0 acres, all in' grass; A b u n d a n c r T o f water.- Modorn-^-DiwrMM~ii6m«~3«'U 1 A C R E, 3 bedrooms, by owner. Large garden, fruit trees, partial basement NEW ALL electric 3 bedroom, U i balhs, on Bor toacres, you pick Ihrf location'. Phone , Buflrtata S p o rty 8 NEW 3 bedroom units, superb, good return- 1117,000, FELDTM AN-REALTORS 733-1»«l Commercial Property A S P E C IA LTY T#lBfmS»t-ffMlfors 733-if«B U Vocotton Proporty I T lm e y je w s. Twin ^alli, Idaho JJ p r i v a t e. «acres of w g W w d River frontaoe iv, mllae crabln*alles. ranches. a c r «, For Information write Wayne Patterson. your Saw tooth VaRey Realtor. Lynwood Realty Branch, Star Route, Ketchum, or phone or evenings. C lau lfled Ads will get voii what you want. Place on* today for fast resultal Othartaol fatota -6 0 OH THE COLORADO RIV ER in WilloW V iliav. A flm M rt U W M 'V " too Im proved' lots with mobile hornet, Clyde H aw k, K etdium. Raol Eatota Wonlod W ANTED; 900to 440acre farm With or without Improvementi W ANTED TO BUY! 3 bedroom modern home with dining area- Garage. Price range *18,000 t- 130,000, Phone C o m e r s 15 FOOT CAM P trailer, lurnack, oven, dual tanks, gas liuht, ex- cellertt condition C HEVY bus camper. *500 or trade for small cam p trailer or 433 Condeniary Roadr Buhl. vacation trailer' or camper now. C le a n, coml>leteiy servlced- - W IL K IN ^ - T R A t L B R - S A L E S / Oooqtno7 ^<-t>55. " i ' ' BUY THE BEST. All models Travel Queen campers. Now In stock. Sportsman Lodge, 1000 Springs, Hagerman, Idaho. VACATION T R A IL E R S and campers. Q uallly for Ih s. We service our salesi Kit Dealer W IL K IN S T R A IL E R SA LES, Gooding., 1970 MOTOR H O M E, 19 loot sell contained, only 4,000 mltes,-llke new, C A ^^P E R. T R A ILER. Nice Inside knd out. 13 x 7. See to appreciate. Sell or trade for late model car M, Jerome. C OLLAPSIBLE CAMP trailer, glass -flbar-body^lsl c la u condition t CompM 63 IS FOOT camper trailer with fur. nace, *700.'733-llM after S p,m. -U U LM nkflnou- The Q uality Buy -atb udoelp dces- -Ifi'-Tf allaf i i 3 «_ 1971 irself< on taln ed '-sell<ontalnM * 'tellcontalned *3495 PLU SP R BIG H T VACATIONSPeCIALS' ' K it C om p an io n, self contained, tandem axles, very Clean, *3,195-3)' Shasla, u l f cenlainedi fully equipped. * WILKINS TRAILER SALES- ' Moblla Hamaa 64 W OULD L IK E lo buyoood used 34- ~ 3 0'V iiller house, equipped. Phone FOOT Roadmasler iraiier.houte, 544 SIh Avenue Estt, > , 1953 COLUMBIA 8 X 35 price «95. Phone 3J COL1-T6^U: talned. Dual wheels, double tank. *3, Stn-Av*nue-Bast.~ Phone X 55 WITH 8 X.11 EXPANDO. F u lly carpeted. I'.'J b a th i, 3 bedroomr-'sfrace 35, Grandview 1945 MARLETTE 10 X 53'. 3 bedroom. *3,500. Phone Jerom* FLEETW OOD 13x 45expando- 3 bedrooms- baths. Washer, dry ^ furnished $. Gooding. 14' FLEETW OOD * Furnished..Carpeted ---- Delivered t. Set J p ^ ' *6995 G X P C R IB N C C D AUTOMOQILC m echanic desiring good clean air, excellent hunting and flihlng. «nd.. qaod,p tj c a - J flz r jlu.^ ^ la m lj w Excellent pay scale and fringe benefits , HYLA ND C H EVRO LET, O LD SM O H ILE, Ely, Nevada. S M EN OR wbmeo per hour plus car expense, full or part tim e. For private interview call t between 10 and 9. PE ST LI W E D I ST-R-l Q U X O (LSneeded. Y ellow Pages un d e r housewares, retail, part or full -tim e, 733-1M CUST^ TPWATHtN'G- T. e. 'H od^ r, 3J4-5(M4, Jerome. A X, H CUSTOM FARMING lor all V pn~ ni ~u r> HAY STACKING. Phone No Saturday calls- CUSTOM HAY stacking. Phone Charles F a ico n b u ro, , Jerome. M ake up a "s e ll" Hit and sell everylhlng with a Ciatslfisd Adi Work Wanted BY O W N E R : 3-bedroom brick home ln-ehceilent-lo«atlon_ll/s -balhi<_ fireplace, double garage. *31,500.,7H.Biaua3.Lawndma-Drlvt. BY O W N E R. 3 bedrooms. Carpeted, gas h eal, corner lot. edge of town B E D R O O M HOME on M adison SIrael. Y ou can m ake a real pood buy on this as owner needs casi m ake olfer. Call Harold Kelthly - 7J or-LANp-OFP IC e-o F- ID A HO REALTORS L E V E L Gold Medallion brick and fram e,.3 bedroomi. IVt baih*.. utility, carport, clean Steady em plovmenf for-about U m onths a y e ar, s ta rtlo g la te August - e a rly Septem ber. R e q u ir e m e n t s ; p e r m a n e n t ' residence In Ulalne County or southern Idaho lor at least the last five years. A record with past employers as a diligent, dependable, conscientious worker. A record as a-responslble citlien In the co m n»u nlly w hore you've. JIvfld.A com m itm ent to itav-on the job when winter comes and skiing starts. Starting tiours will be live 8 hour -day»_w c-m ay aojo-1hr.m J2.houc days, with a second crew working the oilier three IJ.hour Closed Sunday. (Jays. Experienco In factorv-assomblv line type-umfk preferred but not nech sary. You must be quick, neat, accurate In working wllli your hands. You must take pride In both the quality and quantity ol work you can turn out. You must -show -up-ort Umei w ithout absenteeism, and In condition to put out a day's work. No boards or ionghalrs wanted. Apply NOW al SCOTT USA, Inc., on Wast Sun Valley Road, Ketchum. P M N<T trtnrn rtn or QACKHOC SERV IC E call T IR E D O F M OVIN G'TldSE? ihttall an underground lawn sprlnklk. Free estimates. Cali Jim Qrawiey IU-9413, or T R U V A L L E Y tr RIG A T IO N CUSTOM P A IN T IN G. Q u a lity m a te ria a n d w o rk ansh ip. ls m Rollnlshing cabinets a specially, Froeestlm nles, Plu>ne all or. S p.m. 4M W E E D CONTROL, mowing or rototilling. Floyd Gambroi, p e r m a n e n t S E C R E T A R IA L work, 7 years experience with Sram e c o m p an y. S tart immediately »69, Buiinast Opparlunlliat 30 A T T C m i6 N " e r tu «M o"r s «l S r clubs. Concession wagon for sale snowcones, popcorn, candled apples, prontopups Kimberly Road. H a lp W a n la d 18 WANTED- GIRLS & BOYS ~hor llmos'fjews Newspaper Routes Hailey - -Burley Rupert Buhl Jerome, Gooding.. /fjaiamj/cd-c6//ir;mey=wows " " C i r c u l a i i o n D o p t. NO FOO LIN G.. - Classified Ads work fast. Call 73 ) 0931 and see for ydurtelll O W N ER W ILL SELL 3 bedroom brick hom e on acre lot or will trade for 40 to 80 acra pasture setup. Home has 3 balhs, 3 llre ^ac e s, carpeted and draped. Call Eunice Cooper 73349M or L A N D. O f F ic E.- O F - -ID A H O RE A LT O R S, BY O W N E R. U.5O0. 3 bedru^m house, Jerom e on 3 lots, Carpelea front room. W ith e r, dryer hookup CLOSE TO shopping. Ideal for older couple. 3 bedroom home. Nice kitehio ground floor, uililty room, gara ge, part basem ent. Im m ediate possmslont Out of stale owner anxious lo have fast u ie. Call Harold Kellhley or L A N D O F F IC E O F ID A H O R E A L T O R S, SPA C IO U S& LO V ELY 4'bedroom. 3-bath home, fam ily room, line features. *33,900. FELDTM AN-REALTORS LO V E LY 4'bedroom home near Lincoln school. 3 b a th s, full basement. *13,000. M E W p R ^ M Q D P L g P h n m p. carpeted. 3 bedrooms, new baih and kitchen fixtures. *11,900. E L E G A N T G O L D M edallio n Ketchum home. 3 bedrooms. 3 baths, lireplace, built-ins. *45,000. 4» E M - S. T A W ^ A L : P V Blue Lakes North Dick AAessermlth, Broker H r*.8:30.4: s * f.9:00.4:00 - N E W - L IS T IN O I -Oxtra -n Ca-r3:r bedroom home w liit^lu x uriou s - c a r p e tlr ^. Gas fu rn a c a and ga'rage. Top locallon and excellent landscaping. Would you believe ~ ALM A H A R D IN Chiropractor. 157 North W ashlnofon,.t w ln Falls. Phone W A GlC ^ X L L d Y concrete, w alls, slabs an d cu rb s, e tc. F rea estimalm. Phona I H ip /M B LAWN M O W E R S and sm all engine re p a ir a t reaso nable prices. Pickup and delivery E xcavatfi^ and concrete form ing. Dick's EMcavalkm and Concrete. D ICK PO O LE R I. SONS, a X P IR T T R E E SERVIC81 T R E E T rim m in g, re m o va l an d topping, Shrubbery trim m ed. Free eimmete, fully Insured. No job too lywhere. Phone ^1, _ R E P A IR S o h all makes and model*. Work fully guaranteed. Aids for ^ Paint contracting and roof Ireatm enl. Free estimates- Call Jerome. rc O L T W Y M O C «l» I M O._ PO U LTRY PROCESSIN G. Poultry Supply. ai3 am Avenue West. Phnne 733-3<4l- SBWBfjt SIRVICV ROTO ROOTER seww w rvlce. Sewer lin es an d s eptic tank cleaning. Also, all typee of ex- C RA VEN'S Sewer Sarvlcai Septic tank lew er lk i«cieanlna. PoWer equipm ent, free Inspection. 733* HOSPITAL BEDS.-W heal c h a lri. walkers, crutches, convalescent -.aid*. and karcl*ir>g. e t ^ j j i m i For-rent-or-aell t , C RO W LE Y PH A RM A C Y ' ~ ~ TwIn'Falls tpbavima HAVE your prlie calch mounted. Displays and Information at JB's Restaurant. Twin Falls. Sob's AAoblle TV Repair. Service' Calls * day* week. No m ileage. 433-S75I. VACUUM CLIANIRI VACUUM SER V ICE Center, parts, repair* on KIrbv com paci. Most VACUUM C LEA N E R S O P IDAHO Dealer for Kirby, Hoover and Plltex. Bags and service for most m akes. 7U P O RTABLE field or shop, pumps and Irrigation. Phone JU-ViSo, - ^ B u O - ljm ^ C a....- WOOD PANELINO^h o m a. R easonable r h te i, esilm alm..d ick Robinson, 733- C o lla o e S p e c ia l 1 2 x B a d,.,.. J H A C IE N D A MOBILE HOME SALES W a tf A d d lfo n - T w ln F a lls ^ ' - 13'wldei, l4 wld«t,doublei Also LOTS IN BURLEY, JEROME, G O O D IN G, BELLEVUE L I Q U I p A T I O N SALE A l l M o d e l s nnsm -rn S T Ge i- SPECIAL -A(h*-».i.ACA0EM2t Sbmlroom ' S6495"...: l A G / C V A U B Y - S P H A V I N U _ ^ e H ^ B 7M-4J06, M O B IL E H O M " Ik t wilh Jk* E S ^ ^ Wia«i Double W U«i 3 U «JI«W.*lo lw *il5 P fti,,h, -Open9-d.ui»Ui»b od*o«*, Pfco«.733,aM

21 Mobil* Hornet 64 k a T p o o t trailer w ith now ihag C«rp«t and<new llnol»um. Si3-470}> Buhl. O r o n 'f tf K t t r m o k ir 'i Dloka At A d d lio n,.. T w in F alu -.MOBILE-HOMESj(y MdiUlls-CcitlufytumiirncltMialli/ TUmofocliM T R A V P I T R A IIP R 5 ; nvenvthinginsgrvice MOrilUt: HOMES AND TWAVCL TRAILCMS - MAKE YOUH KIR5T STOP THi: LASTI I X T K C K I T Y ' B/tftER-S ^.r.ln E H O M E S a n d PLEASURE C R AFT ( ciili Ssfvic* M UfOViNC MAGIC VMKY Aparlmanli Furnithod 70 3 HOOMS AND privnto bath, Tool, ciulot and coniplole privacy. ^ m alure adull. tss, all ulllltim furnitlicd. n ] 5SB0 Miytlmo.' Apaitmantt Unfurn. 71 W A tu R t ADULT only','omlcloocv a p d rtm o n l, ap p lia n c e s, fully carpclcd. moai and water (urnilliod, 733?30J. Houiai Unfurnithed 7 4 ro H LEZASl:: 7 bedroom 4plev. Stovfl, rn lrlo o ra to r. new carn nlino Near Lynw ood. tu O 713 'J«31 a a v i or 7J3 S4ST, Dvmino&. T W CrilE PROOM houta, carpok d, ''oaraub.laroo lot, ront or loaio, 149 SoOlh nrackcn, inquire Salurday and-suiitlav i)l OPOOM unfurniihed country home, Joromc area. Phono ItEO RO O M (luplok, oarago and covcri>d pniio. lt50. Piiono 731 lono. tioni0 with (amily room and (Ingle DnrjigprAVJitrnDiimunusnirrtiM' montti. Pfrtern>cos and dopotit. 733 C031, B u t i n e t i - O l l t c * R c n l a li 8 0 au»«--r^atr tl>*p nrt~ohc»lt*«llocation. Alio, lully equipped body and palnl ihop. Will lease above - tooaraioiy. -3}4 3}«i, aftor. 7:00 dm. call 374-4A(U. V V a n le d T o R s tit 8B 3 ttcd RO OM liomo In outskirts o( Twin r-alh, p ro to rabty p a rliy lurnluicd A6. Mobile Hom«i USt-D W G L D E H S.'IM lo 3S0 amp AC. All In lopthapa- Induilrlal. 300 an)p DC w«ldor, 3 ph M» wltn romolo contrni «cu». Excallenl contjitroo!- ovefilngi, bolora B:30 m ornlngt,!^ro Al «00 Idaho Slr««t, f Hoc. USED INDUSTRIAL - -EQUIPMENT^----- untrtvrtrmlsrwiitrdtniit CAr>i: Moilel 310 TrnMA> '. 1S(X) CAT G<ci(l<> MAKli O n ih me MODEUIOO, 4 wl>«jilti $0,000 ut'.u ELLIOTT'S I I I Ov.il(in<l Av«.. HufUy, Itloliu PUn»(«tA7ft'It4H^ ^ O b hjoyston - Horn. I'liono 73.1-U'<?0 MOUIIE I HONt. nuilny Ainii Twin l-nllt Arnci U.>(l.SI57 Uini Ea*m4mt>l» 3010 JO H N D C E R C with MJO kit. Good condition. -PlioiM Wwidellr 53433S1. ' IDAHOJlRAC.T.QRialyafl'VCatMft^. used traclors, Uind parts a f wiu discounts , W C. HUY, sell or soli tor you all kinds o l (jsiid larm m achlntry. m o l v n c u x m a c m i n h r y, i m Floral Avu 733-7S47, C O M IIIN E 105 Jot»n 0«wjre. Pertect condition. Only 430 hours, t hone 733 3SU or 734 3IMI. TWO ACG GLEANtZtt combine*, w ith cabs. P r a c tic a lly now, lla r g a ln l noist; or Orovada. Nov/ad.i. Ilox A3. Farm SuppU* 4favy Equlpmont HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT rr, o:jw, eng(»fw*r - Gobd condition H9,500 -H auat^oadifr-laurt3,.750 EQUIPMENTCO. FOULGER Phono: 343 3^3 Dolse Hoy, Qf'otn anrf faod 94 CQASS-WAV-^Tlmolhi»-lor-hor*ai^ appromimaleiy 100 ion In Held. Good. Webb EAR CORN. approvimately 400 buuiels. Herman Krueger, 334, 404a.-Jcromc.. W A N T E D : lo buy h a y flroen chopped,ureen weight. Phono 543- S895 or M IX E D GRAIN and Inctory bulil. lono wide camper sleeper. B , Eden, 64 MoblU Hemoi 64 Bill Workman Ford light Indutlrlol Equip. 69 Animol Brooding 10Pisti and Pot SuppL oi 110 Furniturn.& HH Ooodi A IJT IP rcia L Breeding to ABS oreal proven ilr e t. nation * highest type production ilres. Aiso all breeds of -available. Buhl. S43 «t03; 'W L 'E C T ~Slns~"tncBrp q raibp: breeds/dairy,beet. W aller Lo\Uh SI>- R E O IS T E M E D A LL A rab ian service t3s. call attof «:30 p.rr, Auctions 101 GOODINGLIVESTOCK. COMMISSIONCO. SaleEveryFriday12:30 SnIIInu All Typos ol Llviritock Evory Wonk, Shipping attd Taking Orders I'or All Types 01 LIVMlock Every Day *25 Head good light Holsteln'holfor - calvoi weighing 3&0 Ihs, 50 Hoad good light ileor and holfei' calv'os ' 75 Hoad good Holstein. crossbrod ;»tocrs *. 100 Hoad good yparllng sloors anil 60 Hoad (at.)ind looder cows CallU n U Y, S E L L, T R A D E, D alrv springer cnws and hohcra. cloioup to t'owv «. So*' Ufl. 334 SlBfl. C HAROLAIG HULLS tor sale. 3U) ' lo ISO Holtlnin hollers on ii.md. Weight ).000 to 1,350 pognds, two w a^s lo llnancn. Oo<> lo four years. Cows liisurixj against'doath. All h a liu r t o u a ra n io o d HUGHE5.' , Jerome. Good baby and pasluru calvus lor sale. All kinds. Phone or , Joronio. F RE SH or Sprlngor cows or hollers. C uaranleod. Uuy or trade lor ipringers or boel. Hap or Clyde ' Hughes, lluhl or , C ALVES, ALL SIZES! All local ttolstein W hilolaco, Angus Cross. Larry Flnnoy. 3 West, ' j Soulh, ' i W est, ol Ouhl, Idaho. 103 W CANER pigstor sale B5, H o rjtm ALL T Y P E S o l horses, tjought. lold. trartpfi-ptmty oi rartcti geldings. _RmHamv^73 R A N C H A N O R-tDI NO-^hor^Brr Severaj young goidings s la rtn l on barrels and roping. Como look. 3 'W est. ] Souiii. < 4 West Duhl. - PO N IE S, colls and older, sired by -broke. Re«ion«bl0r3)4.SI59atlor7 Shoop CHOICE yeariing owes, ail tam o earmark- Deliver August I. 9 yoarlirg and 3-yoar old Columbia and P anam a ram s. Phone Kollh Munsoe, Haielton, B. P O» ^ A L C : 3300 W hllefaced e w «, 5-yoarsold, Lam bs just taken oil and In good shape to buck , Carey, ovenlngs. Your Recroationol Vetiicle Hoadquartors Poultty gnd Pabblu loa Big Selection Of Ford Truclts *^ E ld o ra d o "C a m p e rs _ *-Tillon Hil*5ILCcu»pors Month^Bank^Financing -On yoim^iow''p1chu~p~dri(j Cfnyipar C om bination o f Dill W o rk m a n p o r d.y o u r io le i letfjottn Magic V alley. ~. F O R D -OPENEl/ENINGpiL9, - B ill- W a c im a n F O R D - ^ tsmes:iadek:it^ Cia.miEV:, ACHES AND ACHES O f fsee PARKINGI. 134] luuii loli«i Bi»d~ Marih A T T E N T to N S P O ftt S M C N l Chucker Partridge oggs, 25 cenis each. Order now lor m ature birds starting September each , K A M A R 'K m ^ H E C rt w a U n n rirt H rt boarding, itud service, vico, pup n io s. Chert M lllo r, Kennels, W oif Redcap corner, Kimberly, 433 5)04, llo il's KEN N ELS; Gun dogs -- _ O b o d lo n c o tra in in g. H oarding, Hftvo'^ome (iqtls fqf i flk» , M IN IA T U RE PIN SC H E tfs, called King ol Toys. June ntlur now ready to go. 733 A384, FOR SALE: IW nuliliil lull grown peacocks, ts each H. 0 ijivu~aw7cv, ' jnsnrl Hounir ''1 Dingo puppies, dill h in si, 334 SA M O Y E D M A L E, AKC, iovt'ahlit fam ily do j. Also 5'irionlh oid pul uwo lamb AKC MINIATU'RE Schnau^er, Also, orovjn M nhfis, 6?<l-7943, nurloy. ro H S A L trr 3 year old Goldun, Rotrievor. M aiu. Uujjulilul dog. TItE LA.S'r ol inv regiilorod-wt'lte toy poodle p u p p ie s and Dachshunds. Cheap. 733-Q009. IIASSET HOUND puppioi, AKC iu-dlur«t <l and rl'uiilur-<hl. Prom ch^iiuplon blood lines. Adnrobie l.im iiv pots,.t Jifir t.ilk ore w aggini/ in aniiclp.ilion ol your iclt)» iiprft-jta A7nii-.Ttli'r_«i.nm- met wookpnds O U E E N S L a Ki D aiuo Hexiitr pupe lor sale. M arvin DuggAn, pho<iu 543 A02II..CWGLI6H.4iET-TEB-pupwU2S.-AKCregistered Gorm an Shepherd pups «S. t'hohew * S\Q7, Gooding, amw 5 p.m. please. G C IjfllL S lor s.iio, t2.00 a pair. C le an, neat, good hobby lor children. 73X5453, and ask lor Darrtyi., P O O D LES - puppies and grown dogs, oiigihle lor rcyislr.tlion. C h ih uah u ii p uppies Kimberlv, MAC'S KENNELr., Wendell, W. Ready lor training. AKC G reat D anes, N o rw egia n E lk H o unds, Sam nyeos. Heagles, Poo dles. G e rm a n Slwphfcrds,- G e rm n n Shorthitirs, Pointer-- Shorthair cross, Aiso, Uriitanys. Soon Collies and Spill. livotlocu Wanted F R E E Z E R 6 years oid. Large ^ ii-si type. US. Goortino O" HOTPOIN'f iloo.? W ESTINGMOUSE 311 Inch range. Ninnly day w arranty. Only J4V.50, m&velectric Terms to suit YOU. 441 MainEast -Opert-Mofldays-'THl'V-pTm'. SPOT CASH For F um iluro Appliances Thingsoi Value BANNER F U RN IT U RE 177 ^ d Avenue Wosi ' MS. YELECTRIC 41MainEast Open Mondays 'Till 9p.m. M2 OUTDOOR carpet, avocado'dark green or ispphlre, t3.99 square yard Caln i 733 7U1. PR E M IU M S P A ID loi-round-dlnino tablet ^ roll top desks ~ Dras* Beds China closets baby CHINA CUPBOARD S, Unllnlshed. various sliot and models, Oannor t-urnllurei t. U N F IN IS H E D F U R N IT U R E - highest -aualllv, -good-sel«cilon.- b e rly Road , N AUGAHYDE R IIC L IN E R S, big si)o, black, gold or avocado, ta9,9s ; ' 3 ^ le C C beige nylon frleie sectional, very nicn, t u a a l Cain's 733- J-ai ^ HQUSECUEANING? J.el ClassillntJ Ads tielp lind new owners lor "don't neo<ls( M u t ic o l In it r u t T ie n li NEW Y AM AHA pianos, used pianos. Y a m a h a g u ita rs, KLt^ stereo record players, W A R N E R M USIC.,j ;»! Shoilione North, GOOD UPRIGHT practice piano. FOR SALE; Parlor Grand Baldwin piano. Phono 733 3H0 lor details. Garugo Salot F R ID A Y E V E N IN G, Saturd.iy.-and r.iindav, at 242 fllli Avrniir EasI, Twin' FfllK, YARD SA LE.' Ciolhej, lurnilure. and miscellaneous, Friday and Saturday, July 33 and 34, 2A0-9th Avenuo East. G o o d ^ it iln g * f o 'E a t t a r IIING AND Lam bert sweet cherries, aisopio cherries, ready a l Gourley Orchard. 3 m iles west. 4 nohh Doadm,in's Corner, Filer, Good Thing* To Eot 133 PIE C H E R R IE S ready at Me- -'Cotium-simpioT orctiara in canyon' north of Twin F a lli. 733'7t53. Arm cherriet now readv. Crystal C M E R RIESO O oounds Chorrlei lo f' ;^S3, ChOAp.ple. Also, lots.of. Royal Anns» n d * B IK irg tb n m * ftr PO W E R'S O R CH A R D. 33^49' POTATOES: I plow up, you pick up. Mew e a rly r e d s h allow eye- Norland, a to 13 o m. Wednesday through Snluntay, n rin g bmies of basknis. No salo under M pounds At 5 cch«ts txir pound, POW ER'S O R C H A R D, P U o i n i r j r a : M O N T M O R E N C Y s o m ls w e e t _iche<rlps, you.pick: Call, ,A lte h 4 p.m. PlcKlng lor-cannery will start July 34. Timm Orchard. - r a r ALL T Y P E S a n n q u e fu rn itu re, c locks, som e glassw are. RnB tonabre p ric e s. SA LLV 'S ANTIQUUS S0. %NTiou nr-nrcanrn'ct i rr nf?t' laryn variety, btjy-sell. Chalet Antiques. Shoshone, Idaho, n , HELP E io L O G Y recycle our ilu»i!_p e lc _Jo h illto i1,.30^ South Washington (Airport Hoad), , Mi»c«llan«out For Salo 140 N E A RL Y NEW G oiden Crosslire TV.flnlunna, *75 with m asl. lllil pioyd, (1. - > u 1} LIN O LE U M rugs, assorted p atlornt. *7.95. HANNEH FUR. -MI-TURC,-Twln-i:alU,-733-l lla ttle S LOVE clean carpets lo craw l on. N E W HOST lels Ihem crawl right alter cleaning! Rent our m achino 11. W ILSON BATES. Twin Falls and Jerome. Mltcollonoout For SaU 140 MUcoltanooui For Solo '140 A U X IL IA R Y P IC K U P g a»tan k *. up ABBOTT'S AUTO SUPPLY..Shoshone Street -South. X O U N S - C A M e R A S T O O L S '^ N E W F IB E R G L A S S panels lor - e>ufi x^cirfioriu.ttcjl. enla.oer.^ -iqoareiootrcworr^nffn.'wntli:: Vellow. blue, peach, Iransparc e, foot leng/hs, WE5TE H I.N EIG H B O RU T rlado lue-lustre. -< lor-cleanino c«r >el«7 it's super! Renf-fctectrlc shem poeen t l r K RE N G C L'S. 8UPBR STUPP, sure n u ll That** Oloeri:\nlrirfoi^clBBning'cnrpeli.'' Rent ele ctric sham po o er SI. g h e h n a w a l t s. FOR SALE: Sample unilorms tjiro «~ rm a c T in i pritn«7 PT" Nelson, Phone , W ED D IN G 9. ekc;ellent condiuon- Toastmaster t ll m assager. e 3 speed. t35. H um an tiair sait-andpepper wig. UO. 733-ia94, M ISC. Now In our new tocallon 15J7 Kimberly Road. Jeck's Pawn P IS H IN G P O L E S, reels, larg e selection, low prices. R E D 'S T RADING POST. 315 Shoshone Sireel South, wb-rebuild'hvdi'winridckratr ABBOTT'S a U t O SU PP LY, 3^5 ~5hosl>6nb'S t. south. STOkV-A-WAY bed lor rent. ti.oo a - _w e«k._o A N N E R _E.U R N IX U R E i_ M U FFLERS Inslnlled while you. W ilt. Complete m uffief service ^«^lu^*^r^o-eu om-^iual^-*» -ca^ ^- an^l pickups, ABBOTT'S AUTO SUPPLY, k s Shoshone SI. SoUlh,- DOITYOURSELF! SHAM PO O your own c a rp e l. sham pooer w llh c o m p anion vacuum. BANNER FURN ITU RE H Bu)lding-Motorloli- EXTERIOR PLYWOOD BARGAINS 3/16' pkiooflrl..... J2.59 1/3" C D lecondi. P/n" itjnddil rbjrtu /H C-D iliop '3/4'' A-n 1 lylorm (O.iadi 'i? 9V EXTER ORjrj^l_StDlNG_, 'i"»4'm0'fl" gfoovo.... J6 49 5/H"«'4'«ll 4 " o '^ Sti I PRE-FINISytD WALIPANEIING innl( n»iy»(iwn 4'<ll' O Q O _1.PfpilJjrfi-n4'>Qy -i (latk Utown 4'*U' DoIqo 4'>n'... S5 Vi' S? f'i LUM BER A'tl..(U Dni)oiiU fir (lid, A lil^.),. 35' on<l. >P2 5/i)"«o..n-il.»jv '*' U'Uudv NORTHWEST PLYWOOD SALES?050 KIMIIEHIY HOAD IWiN FAU^. IDAHO fl hlocl Wall ol Gu/f SidlionI '. Opiin 9 o.m. lo 6 p.m., Mnndny llitu Saluicloy Aulol For Sale 200 Autos For Salo 200 Auto* For Salo 200 Autoi For Solo % MEW CA P S mstock.... N.L laustqo! 1971 BU ICK LobABR E = = Sloclt No SAVE ^ C uilem 3 door, 3S0 e,l. V-B engine, (lulomntic tro ntm liilon, rcidio, renr spanliir, w hile w nll tirei, oir ceniiillon* irtg, speei) nurt, tinted le m o li mirror, eucldc Irunk release, w iie wli«eu, vinyl top. lis t Prico...$ BU ICK ESTATE W A G O N SlotL No JL a Z L O ld S M O B IL E TO RONADO S I«il.N «;7.3 0 B SAVE n Cutlom. <(uite centroi, air (ondillon* Ing, tinted windows, belled tirei, lilt ileeflng, radio, power trunk reieqie, new'.r windows, 6 w ay pewer seal. -uro'ogtium lilm, padded leeftep, list Prico... $ OLDSMOBILE 98 Sto(l< Ne SAVE SAVE n G O O D - U S & D - G A A r B t - N t S " C lm rtih co Pneo... '."$ 2353 C learance P ric e $ 2 7 T 0 Clearance Pdco,'$T688 O liv o r M o d a l lo o t w ith g r a in a tta c h tn o n t T o h n t> e e r o M o d e l fo o l g r a ir i a n d sood - IH C M o d e l io b t^ ra In - < itlo c l» H J o h n Oeor'o M o d e l 5 5 \ 2 fo o l g ra iit o n d 4 io a n J o h n D o o ro M o d e l fo o t o r a in a n d b e a n J o h n P^caro M o d e l lo o t o r o in a n d b e a n John D ooro 1954 M o d a l fo o t J. (. C a t * la f o W O ^ o fio O 10 fo o t a r n in a n d b o o n J:l. C o io L o lo M o d e l fo o l g r a in a n d b e a n w ill* c a b J o h n P o o ro AAodel fo o l wi»l> b e o n n lln c h m e n t J o h n P o o ro ~ M o d u l fo o t Q ra in a n d b o o n - J o h n D o o ro ~ M o d o l fo o l g r a in a n d b o o n J o h n P o e ro M o d e l fo o l g r a in a n d le o d - G M ^ E Q k j J : B M. E N - T 7 z lm, T w in F a lli D ulil i r.*ie1sh»rreu733 i26u Doe.dotioci ; 1; Hoo«' N#wlon 733\604 Town sedan, linlid gloii. A way power-teal, air conditioning, tilt sleer- 3 senli, nouli-bndi front sent, aulemnllc Irantmltilon, rndio, rear speaker, w liilpw all lirei, till iteerinq, nc- Ing, w hile w all tires, rodlo/ilereo <om- _iiinn i9fl._o ««isoiy.paikooa elatiilcwint{ow>,»«le(lilc liurtk release, vinyl <eorvurewprluoo«ia» ra«lfrtohgoli~ door, } tone p ainl. lop, (orner lomps. UbI Prico.... $ List Prico...$ 'i -. ' U S E D C ^ R B U Y S 1969 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 1969 OLDSMOBILE f l o p, a ir c o n d it io n in g. Retail pr-do $2795 Retail Price $3595- SAVEM CHEVRO LET - NOVA' O d e e rs e d n n Rotail Price... $14?f5 SAVE 645 j:lo a r'in e e Price.. $850 _ A B B I E SAVE^ OLDSMOBILE 88 3 door hardtop, ulr conditioning, - R etail Price.-,,-$ SAVE«607 Clearance Price.-$1888 S A V E S Radio, rear speabtr, w hitewall tires, - Sf»e*d-ole»trtlnled flid tl,'6 Way pow-. erseal, power w indew i, pewer trunk le leaie, chrome wheels, vinyl lop, cuilem trim, air conditioning. List Prico...$ BU ICK, SKYLARK S lo itn o,7 1 - JI SAVE V-0 englrie, ollemnlic tranim ii* lion, power steering, rodie, while wall _!illl J* m 5 ll.m illo U llu lia r in o.- iu p e r _ '' sport wheels, 3 tone paint. List Price...$ BUICK 4 deer hardtop Retail Price... $2295 SAVE ^607 ^,1966 CADILLAC 4 deer hardlep^plf.tondillanino, -R e ta il P ric e -..., $2495 SAVE^507- Clearance Price. $1988 U R I G U E N ~ m G I C VALLErs^FINESr,.. IDAhRyZ-L-ARGEST J D L D S U I G K ~ Q P B L - D E A L E R -! -! - l - ~ T f7 7 1 T T T M A IF r T r ^ m O F S U D T n rw IN K A L L 'S " OPEN EVENINGS'III 9 P.M.. '. r a a s a M M n O = O D r T O 1 tlttt1 T O T

22 ---MBT»L-OflB>-aiIirtnMponVrv# ilm pino bap. ouldoorj umbrelln clolhw lin t, n a - jn a ovening^.pf O LD COlMs Doutilil»nd told' Qov e03< Twin' Falli, Idaho. M It QBrdon vqtllpmon) lltno. DuVi loll- of_.ren!_wlih_a_iou/^tr -- -ClaM i(l*d-ad.ir-- - ^ I L L BUV cllf-ect or Aucllon vour lurnltur*-«ppllancm-oddi a. i>nd>. Snake Rlw#r Auction. 73J7/W., CASH FOR SCHAP MCTAU Copped, D raft, Aluminum. _E # dlalora* QflHarlas, Kter H. k O P P E L C O. ISJJnd Avenuv SouHi, 'Spoiiing Goetit d L d C T H IC GO L(: Cflrl With cliarg o r. no batlc rle s. :-Oqoi1 condition. See Ya Io, Durloy. Boots For Sale FOH SALE: )}' Lnnn Stnr alum inum boat. 10 horiepownr motor. Son nt 390 rilor Avenufl, aflor 4 p.m. \9J\ N liw A n niv A l.5 ; nijorlorm --- anct. Sidewjllilflr linait. Civlnroiln and Morcurv ifiotori. HUD A N D ' M A U K 'S. Your H v lo rudo-and' M orcurv Donlw. lu J Oluo LflltDS CMRYSUUM boats an d m olors. Slnrcrnll boali, Campor ti'flilert. Harloy-Dnvldson niolocvclos. J t H O M e IM P L E M /IN T 8. M ARINA. 40 MORSE molor, ejeciric sl>irt. Wood l»n t w ith ' ttterina and irailur. W i J1, FOOT FIHERCUASS lioal, «Jiorsopowor Morcury m olor, A llai trailer, far taltror trado. S43'^;oo. \6 ' F ID E R G L A S S conoc with paddlos fliul lil«p ro irrv o rf < f31W nltpr 6 p.m......r S E R V IC E on Jolinion or any brand oullmjardonolno &cu Century -A uto-m «chlno_al D «tur-v_cilv \No»1 AtKlivoii, Twin SOJO- Fnlls,. J MolouycUl >80 *fiucits~ ) 9 6 A u t e i For S a le cc MOTOCnOSS MON- TESSA: W Inl condition. Sold now (or H035, SncrHlcu 73<-70ll4. rn tu M P H -4SQ, tt9s. Good PGR SALE: 1970 HONDA CT 70 trail Ne\y condition, fh o n e 7M. FOR SALE: 1940 SuiukI 305. USO.., P*X>00.^!l75»._Dlfl»rl.ch.//. - GOOD M OTORCYCLE trallef, 140 or bo»t.oher, YAMAHA, 1W1 model, after 4rp.tn. trailer. FOR SALE OR Ford C MO. 'I I I! cab Witt) 5 and 3, voox 30 rubbw w lui-u'-w llliamm n-combination lock and grain bad with ho lit *1, Auidrforfoti^ VOLKSWAGEN. ditlon, 30,000 mile* on factory rebuilt m olor. 1395, Call FOR SALE or trade,)94«citovrolef 1^44 INTERNATIONAL 1900 Mrle«Im p a la. 3door h ard to p. *307' r5oinmotnimanm»m oriv»;' ~imoinonnjtdm»tlc tninimt ilon7 good rubtisr, rlow mileaue,' uood condition. In service, m utt tell DODGE V B, 3 tonr cab and cliai&lt. now onuino and t lr n. J f-or «;ai V- 10/1 r.kar pifwiip_\/ A _ Willi roof lop campor. Now molor.ovcrrhaulod. S750. Cat) be seen at Clt)dy t Cafe, Joromo, between 8 A.(n. and 4 p.m. Woekdavt l-ord W 'ton, long Wide bo)<; nph-d', 340 V B, hoqw.dutv-wticbla., \vs\-vnan- Cl)(vvrolot pickup. No m olor, tb5. 4lli houio Sottlli of Modern T.V. Shop, (luhl dlle V R O L E T W Ton. plckuj) Auton)atic fra n im is s io n, camper. ISOO aflsr 4 p.m PlCiCUt* C A M P C R, « Scout. 4'Whoel drive Dodge, $ ;03. Huhl CHfiVR.QLGT ClCamino. Very _( nofi coniljlqiuls.oooactuflljililcs 7J4^^5lV0, allor 4:00 p.m ''j TON f o r d, long wide bod. V fli 4 spnoci, new paint. t1, , WANT TO HIRI- singlo AKlo trucks to work in polnlo l>afvos1. Wo will furni&li buds, Jeromo , If no an?.wor Xfl DODO E TRA DdSM A N. Will trade for older car or molorcvcle or tell H I N E I G H B O R Prm _Alillk-And. 'Sdvo A loh N E W T R U C K S 1971 DODGE 2 to n, 2-vp«od ax lo, 5-tpead t r o n s m ijjio n. Q 2 5 k ) 0 ph tjic i. S p e cial.... $ 4 ' ' 1933 FORD SEDAN, roitorablo. (or la lo or trade for tm a ll Iraller liouio. & COUGAR. 30,000'ml!e»t'»1^9S.,TI)1* i«a below wtiolcrtale price M E R C U R Y M ET E O R. Call after Sp.m MUSTANG 39b, tpotlets Make o((er. 1^45 CADILLAC, 4-door, (uu power, new overt)bul. DuhJ, FORD GALAXie 500, 3 door PLV M O U T H. G T X U(^ amomallc. pow#r tieerlno. air a u to m a tic, r fa c to r y a ir ( low- _condli oninui excellenl-condltlon., Il.m-423J133^ " m lta s o «/im SSI Lincoln,,733'6430. IW -A itu: tlv t. lt V. V*, -t 1943 C H E V R O L E T kedan. good - condition. tl O LDSM OOILE. good running «49 PLYM OUTH Fury II ttallon ^*Oflrt7»W6riTief-Tngand^brfckeC~ (actbry alncondillonlng. excellent condition. «1.950, Durlev. 47a W?1. MUST SELL 1949 NOVA SS, bucket te att. 4 tpoed. new tire l, excellent condition ?6Q-RL YMflltTH MBf.tianif,a, good,i DOOR HARDTOP Pontiac. V' 0. power brakes, power tleering, -alr-w ndlllonlng. Will.trBHe ,' / R e a d Ih e T im ei-h ow t Cic H ad p o g o t ro g u la rly a n d w h en y o u w a n t to * p la c e o fast* ac ting a d, [uit d ia l Auiof For Sa)«, 300 Auloi For Sole ' 1970 DODGE CH>\LLENGER R-T. 303automatic Ifanimljtlon. stereo tape, After 6p.m;., PONTIAxr STOCK REDUCTION - 5 A L E - - I N - F U t L - S W i N G -.!'W e w a n t to tra d e y o u r w a y '' J O H N C H R I S M O T O H ^ m a d e J l! _ - Q o r - T h a n k s A c e H a n s e n C h e v r o l e t Open Evanfnp* 7331D33 3)3MomW«i( DRIVE A BRAND N EW 1971 FOR V o l k s w a g e n H 9 j u s t!,,. PERMONTHUNDER OUR new leating plan 1970 TRIUMPH CT mlle«, I700o(( original price.'ptione after 6p.nr ici 1948 QUICK Riviera. Asking Pt)one.i33.3ti2-mornlnot G F IfrT - Coupe. Iiucket ledli, 4 ip ^ d (rcn Kiiiiioii; tcidio, $ FORD $ DSM0BILE CUTIASS, violint) wogon, V-H i lt»«rlnjj7noykntr bi oviirtafff^y' cnndiliunliig, one owner, low mile. $ CHRYSLER hjiwporl, 4 door lioidtnp, nutninnlic lronimiiiian.-po)ver-itagriiiu>-i>o^i)' litnlibi, 6 woy power leol, loclory STTS'---- '1969 CHRYSLER Town & Country ilution wagon, full $ DODGE CORONET 500 4'door tloliort woqon, V-H. oulo- mdlic troncminion. power tleerinq, tnc)o«y oi' tondivioning, $ FORD MUSTANG 2 door liardlop, V-[ engine, nutomolic tronimiition, power ileering. J2195 '64 CHEVROLET -long'wuj*-pi<l>iip V'B~«nQlne~4~ tpeed trontmiitioi). Iroiler liilch, $ '68 FORD 1/2 Ton Pickup long wide bo>, V-B engine, nulo- niolic Irontmitiiort, lu-tone point,..l.aoood, $2095 Aulol For Sale»94*CAMARO,350cublc Inct). Rally Crterj^4 ^ed, ct^rome wt>e«li, Dflisiiir HOAMt WMON-PCKur MOflTlCAMS fleol (nf/ation A#... DEAN MOTOR CO. i09 3ndAva;s:, _,4.tptt(J..tranimUilun.-now«>.UM<.:i inp, Mi(hel<n Tirvt, lha((>., $ DODGE DART ', CUSTOM, 4 door tedun, powhr "$ PLYMOUTH FURY III, 4 (loot hnrdioi). V-i) gine/(iutomolic tron«ml«tlo $ CHRYSLER NEWPOKT. 4 door kwdlor). V H ngini, ODlonialic Iraiiim itiion. power ileering, power Ixaket. oil nyl interior. vm (l. covered 'top. loclory (I ' conditionino power, ioctorv olrrcondilioning. new belled tirei. luqaogt rncli Show- _$ DODGE POIARA 4 door Uilott, V-B engine, oulomot' ic trohimiiiiort. power tleering. power brcikei, new while wall ny-... _$J MERCURY Monlcloir, 4 doilr tedon. V.R en- Oine, aulbmotic Ironiminion. power tteenng. power diic hrnltei, A- wny power»eot. (octory nir condi.,$ CHEVROLET IMPAIA, 4 door Kordlop. 32? Vfl engine, oulomatic lriinimi«tion, power luerirtn, power brolei, tnclory air coitdilioriing, $ iorto-wtd* bo«, A 4 Ipeed Irontmldion, 6 ply lirei. Ouni.an(l lookii good. J ] '6B DODGE ^ Ton Pickup, V-0 engine. 4 ipeed troni- niiition. beovy 'duly iptlngi, lire^ yitd wb«eli. equipped (or comoer, $1895 Auto» For SoU f^llac'cadillac. OMC PONTIACS BUICKS CHEVROLerS OLDSMOBiLeS M leoricemotors... ooqbtfiq. tqano aoo 1967 CHRYSLER T^rWPOBTrM7iT5?ir~4~d5S7~U8affr -V*B aix^ine.-uulumalic-lionuiuiuon^ Cower.( vriiig, power brokai. tpl'l' n(li hunt leot, dll vinyl inlefiof. $ '. J,?<^Zpi-Vmouth ' $1,595 foot Hordfop. V-8 tic -iromrtillllort. * power brokt tpeed lionimiumn, lo'w m.leag*- lucellanl (iinditinn. $ DODGE MONACO. 4 doo, hn.dlop, V 8 ngine. nulomolic Itunimittiort, w)wer ileeniia, onwer bfoiei, vinyl $ FORD MUSTAMG FaUli(»tl<, 390y-B, / ip e. d tron»- fiiliiion, top rubber. Shorp,, $ MERCURY M O N!E H il(_i_doii.j,o idlo p, v.a- nglr'e, notomotic IronimKtion. power Ileering, dilc broket, oir condilmning. vinyl top, Shoip. $SAVE 1967 CHRYSLER $ OLDSMOBILE 98 4-c ooriedon, V-H, nulomoijc tronimitiion. power tleering, broliet. $1395. long wide ton pickup, 6 cyli^' 'der engine, 4 ipeed tronimliiioor^ trailer hiuh, ' '68 JEEP Wcjgoneer. V-8 engine, Automatic tranimlition. 4 wtieel drive, lo<k- Out-luibt. one owner, low tniuoq«. $ new, 1250, Piiot T R A IL 1V67. like S4i:i7^3nrotiT~ 1955 H A R L E Y D A V ID SO N motorcycle, * or sc 4J2 Condcnsary Road. Uuhl, \94B tao YAfAAHA USO. ^949 )(>0 " ' Uill>-0*- T.V. Sl)Op, Uuhl 1970 HON PA lofl StfiN>l mfxln l. * cmccii^t^ cundilton, Plioiiu 7 3 ^ 1970 H O N D A SL-175 M o losporl, under 3500 m llcs. Mako offer, Ptwno 433 S930, HONDA AND CARS Now and Utod, Sales piirls sorvlce. We b o v toll trn d o r^ p o n Sun day t. Open 'evoningti by i\p polnlmont,. M IL L E R HONDASALES ttansen , Truck* )naii-nt>r'.infin buio. ( ooj V.OO 7 ir^n im I9A6 Cltov.60 ituos Mon. Itig \Tfl unum.i, 5'R 7.' l75'lwliftcl,bujp_ouuil U.25 luoi. Now pnim. T R U C K S - 95<!rDOD6E-.2 ton, V-8, 2 tpnod, 5-ipead t/ansmiiiion...$ INTERNATIONAL Scout, lull cab, 4 w i8ol drivo $ CHEVROLET 56-ton, 4 wl)ool drive. $895 -Kr-torrrihnrp-piclajp". ' $995 -.Sovord 1<» Domonstralors Chrysler, Plymoulhs^ ond Dodges HARBAOGH M O T O R Gooding 934-4,112 USED TRUCK VALUES me Col)ov.if 196A Tnndom Dic'iil 'tuck, NIC 335 Cummim, 4 II 4. -.ao.doo* foui cmh, powej ileetinq. Ha\ 10'.f - i C 0 ^ bull>ar findlo' 4'wlmrl bull>r» Iftnlo'... I ^, 7 0 \ J SOPD'l, Jiikn lirokn in> diinol IfucL NH 250 Cunimini, 5 (I 4, _Li-27500fia IHC f IU50 lunti'i-n iliool irutl 1)7462/105 Jt.P, 5 A 4, I CiHIii'o?05"WQ 1967 IHC 1600 «n.25 tdc. ' Now i(iinl... I960 IHC n 1H2 IIHI o l*. 5 A y ~ 175-' wl.»tl- ;)0-1 V fl, 5 «, " wlie«uini«, floo 1 i V lt. 5 A 2. Air lljok**. Fottofy :;TCT,ur", Doddu 3.ii)ii du»(> Tiuil. 311) V-U. 5 K 7. ' 5 l>«(j (liiii linitl... 19A7 fonl J lofi (lump tfucl. (lio * S A 3. 5'yntd (lum > (> <! nncl t i o i t l r9*tpm7jil1300 tdo n.lo tfi.cl 3A0 V II,' 5 A 3i uooij n.25 li'si New poi.ii tvrttnm: n147 liifl iuibiruft CMC 6i6 tiikl wiili ()oo(i plnllotm.,,, t9s7c I... 3 Ion V'll, 4- >Mii). 2'iproii, WroMl 2.1 -vtttrr ro..t2 td«v n.5 A 'l.m ll)b < i... I954IMC';-Ion.6cylimi0(. '5 1 2 ^ i.rti*«tiw d B Autocnr tondtm <lidi«l. 2A2 Ciimmlni, 4 & 3, Timkin wocm dtiva... ' M AGIC VALLEY i n c - i - Truck Lane Wait S A L E BUY NOW WHILE THE COLOR 8. MODEL, SELECTION IS BESTI 2 door Spo»fCoup«, 225 ci.d. tn- Oina, radio, >>*ot<r, color liaynd corpall, deluae wlioel covori. wliita wall )ic0t. SlocW Number? \7. *T:ro5noor8rt arcciai aar r-$ V awyl ' ^ D S E D C A R V A L U E S 1966 MERCURY MONTCLAIR 4 door lednri, V O enaine, nuloiiuilic trnnimitiion.' power ttiarino, roillo, Thiaterrnirconditioniogr s A v r r, ",.,. $j T PLYMOUTH FURY, 4 door imdon, V O ejiqine, nutomolic linieu wmuiniaiii. uii under conlinq, (ouio, power»l**fina, 2 to«. pninl. l)ody iide moldlnoi i and niorel 1967 RAMBLER AMCRICAt^ door liordlop, V O enfline, 4 ipeed trontrtiiition. rodiol N o w. ;.... $ FORD LTD 2 door hntillop, V-U ertulne, outomot- liomraluion,. ic Iranvmiitinn, power ileedno, lr\di- S p e c l d l ", f, : ~ ; $ MG tlaos Con..Mlbl.. 4 ip..d lrn...,iion..... j l i o r j -wlf# wheelcrndlo. ' ; MUSTANG 7 door hoicltop, rodio, h#ol*r. iloor- O n ly $ itiill. n?45 VOIKSWAOEN^^^ =Now^"rr7T=^m 75^ radio. Just $1, , ford MUSTANG Convartlbitf, V-0 r)o1n«. power ileer " W69 PLYMOUTH FURY mlitlon, oowtr tivaring, rodlo< i brakkt.. ^ Cleoran<fl S pecial. $ VWBUG ^ ip««<l trnnimiulon. rodio. $ MERCURY COME V e ry C leah 1964 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR,^ door. V-fi.. $ ' rodio, hwter, Ueorancfl opeoai,. ^ $ 68 6 WILLS imtor CO Shothone St; W. & th Ava. W. : r3 «91 «f-7 3 a ^ Plui lout lok, lif»ni«. D*liv*i^«<i in Twin Folli. - Y O U R E E -MOTOR GO: A u lh o iijtd Vo/Jttwoo«n D tau r...?03;2v Mnin Eoil. T^in fulit litev. in eiicilleni condillon. '66 FORDN-700 2W Ton V-H engine. 5 ipeed Irontmittion, 2 ipeed rear oxte, 900 V 30 tiiei. :&1CS HEARTED T H IN K T H E IS E N Idaho's Oldest Lincloln'Mercury Dealer '67 DODGE 3 Ton, lilt cob, 3A1 V-tl engi'^*, ^ tperfd Irontmiition, 2 ipeed reor ~<mle7"tiowbr ileeiingv 900 BOB-REESE'S 500fllo<l<3ndAv«, S. T w In W U MAKE OFFER 1969 FORD F-100 1/2 Ton Pickup _.. _ 1 own*^ Quarontee you cotinol teh'irom btand r)ew. Ui» Ihon milei, bug 6 engine, 4 ipeed trnnimiiiion, power tteering, long wide box, camper iliell, equiliier bilcb, excellent lirei, vita gal lank, believe me.il'i u ibatp one. Turquoiie, oil vinyl interior, low mileage, il'ii i» o nice one, 1966 MERCURY / $ Monterey <Door Sedan... I ^ O O Turquoiie, on vinyl inlerior, oil vinyl inlerior, low mileooe. ' RAMBLER ' $ REBEL 4 DOOR SEDAN BigAcylinder.«noin«. ilondord tronimiition, tad froni itoti, axcillenl lint 1969DATSUN ' A 4 Door S e d a n... la 'O U While, block vinyl Inlerior, good tirei. 4 cylinder enginf, ttandord ibiit, low mileage, real iborp, 1969MERCURY <f A \ / r ' MARQUIS BROUGHM..., Cp A V C 4 door hdrdlop, thii one it unbelievable, brorid new Micltelin tirei,. if'ld n»u/. t*m thnn If) fww r>ill«i_hi.i vinyl lop. completely looded. you muit.iee lliii to appceeiale II. Heal ihorp. ligm blue enurior, molcbmg blue oil nylon Iniertor, (ompletely equipped at you would eupect including air com ' ~i96yo -i967 OlOS-98- S-9e -TUXORVSmW....T TTT',,...T ^ Z - 1 O.U 4 door, maroon wilh block vinyl lop, moioon nylon inlerior, completely looded, Kcelleni tirei FORD -EALCDbtmCHERQ Pickup, 6 cyimder vnglne, tl tiandurd li in, reni tlean,-runi liu o top.' 196B TORINO. Sl>4Q Q 2 DOOR HARDTOP... l ^ - O O Medium llmt metallic liniih, fully vquipped including oir condilioning, Q O ^ tirei, cut down wav below book ntice. rn966'llncoln - CONTINENTAL COUPE'. ;.. * _ Vou (6nnot tell tki* one Ifom brand oew, Inilde and out, beoutilul unmarred linllih, tpolleii inlerior, excellent tirei CHEVROLET < n A A H IMPALA HARDTOP COUPE Z H O K J R»dlol tw i-2 o«^rcrw<o-)rt»erior,t)nwr- teerlnart)ow»rbroli»r'<<»t«6f7 oif fonilillonlng, twi Itn'ntTo orte, ' ) ipeed reor oiile, 900 X 20 ttrei. ^Menvy duty tbrougb out, 1966 INTERNATIONAL 2 Ton 345.V B.tngm t. 3-iBMd-- Town A Counlry tiolion wouon. (all power, Inctory n>r cortdilianing, e>- njvto work, Ed Efor?ta * 7o*~BuiI«r * WJnntllir Open Evenings 'til 6 p.m. m m m m.... a n d ' h e r e is o u r B i r t h d a y g i f t t o y o u w i t h e v e r y n e w c a r s o l d Regardless o f N ew C ar Discount A CARLOAD OF C A N N E D G O O D S ^ YO U I?STRtrA TTH rrim e OT----- PURCHASE O F AWY N E W MERCURY OR COM ET DURING THIS.TODAY'S SPECIAL IWJllNqOlNCONTINENTAl... 4 doo,..doo, <om pl.l.l, o uln o.j; M 5 0 iiiiff eii II llihulli, pflwf^r blue with oti blue leather interior. _ hlalwrt quqljty, your lovorih brilldl, on. lor Mch ot oti» P J? ---- hoim f fwji y lirbdiln«il In Tyin FalU. M«*»of ul«r o( (mill, v«oplol>i«. ca«oh*r COM In IhU unuuiol and ipaclocular o(l«, IrM al th> llim of purchou of your nmr warranty, itkker COMET $-i r ^ I C CAPRI HARDTOP.COUPE.... ; I ood. I intid* ond out, KonoAleoHy cjulppcd, imoll 'V-p inglm, -Mt4«ftail«MuMmiMlon, p6w«r»l««rlno, xelunt qoi miua^*, cor hard Thli It our way ol ikonklng you (or 18 ivknttlul ; yrariurvins pwopio o(, Magic Valloy. W* oppr«lolt_^.:. your patronoo*, ond wii want your bwlnott. Cow* In o n ^ ; M p u«foubratol TWi big twnt ll fo * youl....pro S siasmto OH nnt'uatfre^vtoot 701 Main Ava. E. ThmCatlii Fhc9ln 7h4 World To 3uy A Car.

23 34 Timet'Newt. Twin.falls, Idaho Thursday, 'July 32, 1?^1 I W IN K A L I S t r e h i e h i m u s B ftr G A IN S ^ B O T t t 2 D A Y S ONt ^ FRIDAY&SATURDAY p J i n r a T O W COMKIN S A V E L I K E... KRAZY BARGAINS M ILL DEPARTMENTS W O M E N S S T U F F S E C O N D F L O O R R E A D Y - T O - W E A R ;; ( W O M E N S & J U N I O R S C L A D R A G S ) v.^ COTTON SHORTS Hog COTTON KNIT TOPS Hog N O W Cotton Flare LeqJ*ants _ j3 c fl,j,p Q ^ t:t:zn Q W NYLON KNIT SHORTS NYLON KNIT TOPS Rog. to 6.00 BLOUSES oli^p~ondtiloevci»»rr«>g'~^'0 ' WOMEN S JEANS N O W Broken sizes limlled quantity Reg to 8.00 Limited q janluy. Rog 4.00 to 4.SO T RACKT)RESSES Ualuos (o In broken sizes P ^ T SUITS Values to CD.DO. N O W DRESSES ^ Missy. Jr. and Hall Sizes. Values to SPORTS WEAR Ladies and Junior SWEATERS HOT PANTS Reg. lo HOT PANTS Reg. lo 4.00 & 4.50 GRAB TABLE Great Values 50-^ ONE GROUP JUNK -ODIHJ-ANCHEND&-FOR-MLADY- N O W V 2 PRIC E. Y l P R IG E 1 4 P R IC E J ^ _ P R I C E _ T O " ^ 5 j j G R E A S Y K I D S S T I J F T i G irls C u lo H e s-s le e p /FI^ r* n. o o G)HLS TODDLEHS infants BOYS - SWEATEBS, SUPPEHS. KNtE-Hlr^CAPfir a n k l e t s - BIBrSUMMEH HATS, BABY BONNETS SOaABLfe -CmiS-CUr-OFFS KNIT-BlOUSeS=INPANT-JAMAS Sttifl'KD TOV5 1*ANTIES MANY wiokitlfc'mb' $1.00 T A B LE _ GIRLS TODDLERS INFANTS BOYS r DRE.SSES.-PI,aV-T0GS,-SPQ»T8WEAHr SLA C K S, SHORTS. K NIT BLOUSES, SHIRTS, PANT DRESSES, SLIP BLOUSES. SHORT SETS, ^ SUN SUnM * ^KlATS. BLOUSES, 1 /2 Price Tables and Rack^ A ll G irls Swimwear 1/2 Price L4-14 M CELLAR l i O T T O M O F T H E B A R R E L LIMITED Q U A N TITIES FABRIC OiWfr-i.iCmJw^«oi-i60-rtiU h^valuano-i8:00 DOUBLE KNITS Value* to'5.99 Some-Good Ones.. some bad SUMMER FABRICS G 4 9 $^99 N O W V l P R IC E r e a t S e l e c t i o n o f A s s o r t e d l i i i e i i &~ TOWELS N d w l ^ ' P R i a Terrible colors Bath size on ly Few holes a u d - E tc ^ H o q.- U B _ TMPORViEDr COTTON-FANe^RUGS- 6» 9 _ Hog, $30.00 SIIOI'; l)kji*ai{ I M KN'I' CRAZIEST PLACE IN TOWN ' L A C E C A N V A S S A N D A L S. REG LIMITED-QUANTITY- N O W N O W CHILDRENSCANVAS S H O E S Clearance Price $1.88 LIMITED b U A N IIIY -CRAZEE^ -PRICE LADIES* C A S U A L S -Ww^5i97=NOW=^3;9 ^CADIES^ASUALS W ere 3.97 N O W ^2.66 la D IE S Z H E E L S BY PERSONALITY ond BEVEBLY J R e g. J o m ' " iqow ~nt> M E N S ^ H O E S VALUES TO $U.99 j^ow *3.^8 M A N Y M O R E KRAZEE PR IC ES TO n u m e r a b l e t o M ENTION MUST SEE IT TO.BELIEVE IT M C i M E N S & B O Y S J U N K MENS COLORED JEANS $^88 RUST R E G. To O MENS UNlOh^ SUITS Colton, small sizes. Rog I GHOUP MENS SHIRTS Di essrsport and knit. Rag. to $ GROUP MENS PULL OVER VESTS Rod ottly, Rog GROUP MENS SWEATERS JI«a-l..-7.S.nO... -fc ibo U P TrnmiESNs -Reg. 13.9S... 1 GROUP CASl/AL SLACKS Broken sizes. Rog. lo 14.0D MEN'S CUT OFFS $ ' $ g B $^88 $1 so ^:SO-Vnlnn... ; I MENS DRESS SLACKS Wool and Wool bundi Reg. to rroup M ENS KNIT DRESS SLACKS Colors I G R O U P SUMMER HATS MEN'S JUNK S O im E IH ln G - E Q IL T H E - O L C - M A JL I G R O U P BOY S PANTS 1/- lo flm, llro lc h l la c k s... ' * I GH OU P BOYS SPORT SH IRTS$ ^5, Rea..Z.9B : PRICE * 1 G R O U P ' BOYS SUITS BOYS SWIM WEAR H09. 3, V 2 P R I C E V 2 P R I C E 999 V 2 PRICE $188 J U N K A N D S T U F F M A L N F I. O O R flose,o d d «a n d ends, fam ous nam es. Reg. lo 1.7S... TATITIETind HOSE^ ^ S m a ll size only. Rog w as 9'9c ^ 9 PANTIE HOSE O ur ow n^k athy O 'Brien. Reg, JEWELRY Eorrlngs.jijni and neckl_^ces. Voluas to JEWELRir Onft-labl«rasserleil-lunk«Hd-ftlul( ^ 9 GIFTS LARGE G R O U P...Y 2 price STAINLESS STEEL o /yr^ WIdeal ollli, g bowl> l* and m d fray, trayl «lc. etc, STAINLESS STEEL ^ alware< real value al $0 piece» e l... LINGERE < ' \ / ^ One table of ossl oiir famous names al... ' ^ P R I C E. One Table You Will Never Guess f»8 99

24 L Toug^hrTexas bih n u n bosses n u c AMailTKA. Alas(ca(UPI)- half of his 45 years luiocklng n»e!men 6n this Aleutian IslancJ about the fields of WMt -iwmrihff^^^3upnndia'gnniia±^ajb^^ nuclear test next fall come In North Africa and South Amerlall shapes and sizes from old ca, he took up with the Atomic V ^ e r s tqmod kids with long Energy Conunisslon (AEC) "Pm a co^structlomnbn;*-ho said proudly, folding hb muscuj chest. Ae added that he knows. ' One of the things Stafford is problems, the main one being The 28 men In the crew only the things he has to inow most proud of is the safety water leakage. He estimated below ground work In three about the "thing'* that will bo record' among the 600 or so the flow at about 45 gallon a shifts around the clock -aeven araong IhU crew Jrf- Tho Boss," surface Qf the earth. rock 6,000fc^t below the surface* deaths, but both from heart handling It. ^ s e.camp, ranges from 78 to hair and sideburns. But the man who three jears ago to help test BtanUs-out nuclear devices below theplaced In a mined room hb employes on the Cannikin minute, but added (he pumps men to a shift. The total work -m«n-are'0arving"0ut^ of-.soild -; Project.-There'have'been -two were )iaving no problem* force at the site.-10miles from Glen Stafford. Unlike most of the other of the island. ailmenta/-, Surprisingly, the water Is BO.., He came out of the Texas executive types on this barren lliis is the heart of Project "There have been the normal fresh, although the Bering Sea What do the men-who work Panhandle by way of Oklahoma piece of basalt real estate, -AtMTrnid-BfteTBpendinreboul Blafford-lB-rolAtt-aoUmtM Cannikin, which will be a amount of injuries," ho said, is only a mile away.. "It's below have to say about their BOmBWhftPe' But-tha-numW-ls-waU-balow bettar than mast In.West -jqhr. around 5 megatons. the national level and far below Texas," Stafford said U'ith a I vo dohe this kind of work Stafford is sito manager for the AEC level." laugh. so long I never, think about the this AEC project. It Is his job to- Consiilcrlnf^'~the condltron Tho room its o lfls shored danger," said Bob Brown, 37, of ^ named~^ make.s^y;g- thq..u!3t flroalla-.dqwn ln tho_*'hqlo."-thls rccprd up with wire mesh and rock Juneau. " It makes no differ- MOSCOW (UPI) ' The Uni' legeof business and economics. properly prepared on time Is amazing. The cavity In which wiis. IlTs Being carved out o f encc.to mo-whether it's 6,o6b ' versity of Idaho announced lo- TTie appointment Is effective witliout -a waste'of'the.tax'.the device '-speculation says it pure basalt of which tlio island feet or 100 feet. It's all the May thnt Dr. NnrrnHH C. Qlson. Sept. 1. payers' money. Is a nuclear- warhead for a Is formed, the result,of It,of volcanic same.' -xprosldently-dean-of-the-bchool Dr^^Olson succeeds Dr. ~&lncot»o s beep wlih tile Ai!,ur 5oartnn miaatlo -^wul- bo acuon many ccpturtos ftgo, of business at Wisconsin State Russell L. Chrysler who has StafforJPhas seen 'm'dny Innovations developed by atomic 52 foot In diameter af^the *7.38 an hour plus a 10per cent work. - -* detonaied is a globe-llke room tiio hilners, who are paid field, Calif., said he liked the College has been named dean been serving as acting dean of the University of Idaho col- since May, test hole drillers-which have bottom of the 6,000-foot shaft, ^nus for eight-hour shifts, "For one thing, it feeds my been uuuied in oil well drilling. Stafford said the w6rk will be work three weeks and then take family ~-that*s why I'm l?ere, ' parffcjllarly'sdme of IfTose corripleled by the niiddle-tf euiokls UMd InjUask July If everyuilng goes well. -irithw i- a week off off the inland, as a matter of fact, ^e y stay down Erank_Uuah._Al»_fiLJlakfir8^ he said, "ft s hot down th^e,.cent) but this is what we cto f (W degrees fahrenheit with a living. K I M B E R L Y B R E N T W O O D r S U B D I V I S I O N - N O W R E A, D Y F O R S A L E - M O ' D E R A T E - I N G G M E - H e U S I N G - LOW, l6 w. -d o w n -p a y m e n t s - Low Monthly Payments ^ _ FH A'financing o r trctk CIRCLE A. W E A R pants - suits - shirts e lt. Vi o f f V a m I V jwntnwamtjir '109 S p ra y... ' ^ T rrj>7 81 :i<) nine I..UKlrc CInKB CIcnner... H e g. Oft' 1 pint Floor Wax Kleur ^ Dainty Maid Kill; Sli»iii io».. * I kui. ' K<;i>. S.TO1I... Itisscll Dry Rug Cleaner. 'At l * p i c c Wood Expanding MUG Hack * ' Itv)!. S1..'^0 OiilHidc House P a in i... P e t e r s e n H a r d w a r e IrynwwTrtI ' ~ ---- One group - -Ladies-Hosc= L a d i e s a n d r h i l d r < > n» i - Shop our sidewalk S P E O A t l P R I C E S r L A D I E S - M I S S E S - V z S I Z E S o D R m U S O P A N T S U I T S SIIO S TOPS o PANTS c ^ ^ v-o coats... «> foundations" OJEWEIM o handbags $ J 9 9 CMMECK TM M ESEPRM CES Cra*y 0azc LYlNWOOn E D S a M S D O W N T O W N - L Y N W O O D C R A Z Y D A Y VAM.UES T w is P a n t s ZS cans -V uluch -IO -llill!---- CriuyJ)ny Jewelry $ Off ' " P S ^ ^ $ 0 «S h o r t i i Vuluemo *1 I** Crazy Day II Hack Dresses '/4 Off S p a l d i n g ~ rncwkhorl r<;>moviil)locjoiilo' Paddedlop, sixvh5thru12 R e g. * n S P E C I A L '^oocoirtn L i n o l e u m 2 rollt.only - A L. O O - S q r A ' d - A l l W c B t i n g h o u s e R a d i o s P r i c e Clock, Table &Tranftinlor JCINC'S LYN W O O D S H O PPIN G CENTER G IFTS BOOKS LYN W O O D SH O PPING CENTER

25 M TlmM-N«,wi, Twin F«Ni, Idaho Tttutidsy,'julyi 33, l?7l R ogers says chances good to reopen Suez WASHINGTON (U pl)-in a Ubonon. Egypt and Isrool, cautiously optimistic that Admittedly, time flnd pa-... _pljne_high Qvet_lhe_AtlanU L^no^;cta-slrcascd-that he was a ^there ya* ro«*on to beliovo tho tience are ebbing.. For some 0 «anr Secrtlary. of ' Stale realist. -' Hq ' was not' bvor-v differences between tho'-:two--diplomat5, tto opening of- the William P. Rogers relaxed in a esumaling the chances, sides, had been narrowed ns a U.N. General Assembly session yellow cashmere ^sweater he Ho know, ho said, that such a fc.qult o( his trip. In New York in September may ha^l bouj^t In Ireland. HomflW' ma or forward movo towards a Now, two months'wt«r, no represent sombtwng of n ard. bouh(l..frobi-a..whirlwind. Middle-East peace sottlonianat n^jor ohange Is evident In U»e--de«dline.-At'that - timer if' no tour of the Middle East, ho could bo frustrated by Uie situation. In Dilro, particularly, accord Is reached,'tho Middle reflected that tliero was a fair immense complexities of tho impaticnco is cx(>ros.scd by East situation ' rish.4 being ch;inco an agreement could bo Arab-Isracli dispute.. But he.president Anwar, el Sadat and tlirown Into acrimonious debatoi. ' "reached to roopon tho Suez insisted tlint it was import^mt otljers.. Tho 1072 iircsldentlal.election Caniil.. to- try to. reach a Suer JniC-fucUs.U.S.^lplomacy-ou-oatn utikn-al60ml(jht divert Uie Thls~wnfi~MajT~g: In an. «Krccmont rather ilmnto do t)io Middle East' has. now attention of tlio Nixon admlnls-. extended chut wltli nowsmcif nouilng out of despair.. entered a very quiet but deeply tratlon fropi tlip Middle East. who had accompnnlcd_hlin..on ^Rcporting to President Nixpn- significant starer'dils could bc~problem;" 'T Kls IS.OCKKnlte Journey across on Monday. May 11, the Europe, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, secretary'of state said ho was a n)ake-or>break [xirlod In To divert attention from tlie current Midenst history. very real and acute differences, U.S. officials have^ tried to maintain a positive, front; nogcrs listed genet'al areas of ' commiujallty" current State Depiirtment Jargon-^t a news conlerenco June ThcrUnltcd'StatflS, the Soviet Union, France, Britain, Egypt and Israel would like to see the cunal-operating-again,' after being blocked since Uio 1067 Arnb-Isrneli war.-ahagreo that" Egypt should administer the canal, tliat there sliould jm_a_ partial Tsraell witlidrawal, that" tile cease-fire slwuld bo oxtended, and Uuit ^ Suez accord would be a step towards an overall'pcflcewttlcmcni.' But the weeks have dragged on and frustrations have been bubbli/ig at the surface. Sadat hiu caued on the United Stales * to bring Israel inlb line. Israeli diplomats have fumed' over UlS. refusal to answer a variety of requests for military eqiupment. 'nio~nusslhiis; \n press';- articles, have l)ocn critical of.yis:_off<jrtfl_to-act-as-inintermediary and Interested party. Tlio Sovlot-Egyptlan friendslilp treaty of May 27 intro; duced an additional complica- sought to mlnlmlie the effects tionr U.S.' dip!omflts~:jibvo~o!fth0l*-yfhrtreaty. WE'RE OPEII! WATim H i...a.b.u C H.. bunicatimo AND CO^YINO FtOOUCTS M M IN G TO IM IAND ADMNO MACHINES, CAICUIATORS, TY^EWRirERS m U O N ^ O N U ACCOUNTING SUmiES ElECTRONIC CAtCUlATORS tvmiything Pmttalning C O i y OFFICE SUPPLY WITHROYAlOPTfCAl AT 1S1 HAIM AW. W.. TWIN falls C udohy Holiday 7-.Fully Cookod W aslo Froo Wholo or Half Buy A ny S)20 Package You Nood. At. This-Prico Por Pound U-S.D.A. inspoctod A nd U.S.D.A. GradedB C ud ah y Skinless Franks Groat For Barbecuing Family Pack- First & Confer Cuts lb. Sofvwoy Tl.» Pi lb. 59' chunk Bolognci or Mnctuoni Potato Salad Sofvvvuy BrontI Cailsn Canned Hams ct 4.78 Canned Hams ^"2.98 New York Steaks 2.39 everyday discount prices filur Keebler Coolcies Pnltar Keebler Pecan Sandies ^ Keebler Cookies SZ'c...'V:.' 54 Hydrox Cooties 58 Fig Bars ' 38 _ S a i e o w. a L y L D J s c o u n l - S l o r e s J n A l l *Boite *Joromo Blackfoot *Payot^ J^PocatoIlo Mdaho FalU WoUor Gooding Monlpolior Rupert ^Coldwoll Twin Fall. Burioy /Nampd *Mln. Homo And '^Ontario, Oregon * Theto Stor««- Open-Sunday Thli Ad»erlU<, July^lfirtrSunday July 25, 1971 y) CDPVIlOHf IPAO SAHWAV ITOMS INCOIfOIATIO Beef Short Ribs Chuck Roast Round Steaks c,.,. Freshly Ground ChUck Busy Baker Cookies Lucerne Buttermilk Lucerne Yogurt -L ircernb -Y oprr BurgerSllws^c;:! Lucerne Puddings Cheese Sljce^AniBilcnn Wisk Detergent Hot Dog Buns " H om burqor or Sesame Soqd ib. 49 Fryer Breasts S C " 76 Sterling Weiners. i ' 69 Fryer Drumsticks iz, 56 Sliced Bacoin u, 1.29 Fryer Thighs 56 Sliced Bacon o ir 1.39 leg 0 ' Lamb 1.19 Sliced Bacon iirrl 73 Lamb Rib Chops, a 1.29 Link Sausage 'izi... Mission Bread. Skylark Bread r r Skylark Tea Rolls Jjjgar Deughnuts wr'ioi- Mb. n v. 59 l-lb. Pko. 59 M b. M.O. 69».lb, l*ko I. riq. 58 Pepsodent Toothpaste Family Sizo Spocial Pack Chocolate Brownies Apple Pie Squares Cinnomon Rolls m''; T Sugar Doughnats "O luihtl Buuglniuls lb. S.O.A. Top Round Steaks Cl>oIc* U.SD.A. Top Sirloin Steoks Party Roast Fish Slicks Turbot Fish Fillet Si:"'' Lb. everyday discount prices Kool-Aid Pow d.r.d Drink Mix -lte d 4 e a ^ M ix - ^ ^ ^ r Paper Plates S. Bean SproutrtI;;" H, < ^ loo^oum l i d Packaoa 14 ' 'V.; 2 2 ARFAT RAKP CHOP njcmiimtc DctUloui SlfMji*! Caramel Nut Cakds Twu-Multrtuyeri af CaromflrCak~WI?Tr ' Caror^ol Bulte»rcr«om Icino and Chopped Pecan* Sprinlclod On Tlie SIdet 2 Layer 8-lrt<h is ia r Apple turn6v«?7il:,i;;t;rr18 ' Oven Fresh Hard Rolfs loch 4 French Bread 38L 5 Mary Ann Cu^ Flavor -S" Be»te «Cre«96** ^ (Avalloblo Only Al Slorei With Bake Shop SecHont) S A F E W A Y L O W D I S C O U N T P R I C E BathroomTissue BrocuJii S A F E W A Y L O W d is c o u n t P R I C E S A F E W A Y L O W D I S C O U N T P R I C E S A F E W A Y L O W D I S C O U N T P R I C E Kodak Instamatic e x t26*^ 12 Expoiur«Coloc Film S A F E W A Y L O W D I S C O U N T P R I C E Cracker Jacks Siip«r S(z0Packagtt -4-rotJ-i Pack Roll 9 T (IH-ox. p k g, 9 e )

26 " '.'..I: Thursday, July' Times Newa, Twin Falls, Idaho 37 Apollo astros to camp three days on mooii QAPE_kennedx:;(uei)-. UEI) l-mountaliur-^ <Ur«oUi>n-a-canyon-illin<»t-a-.A{w<i>iiu -.Apewilne {rant. &ont.- Mount-Hadlay, Hadley, iclenuit wh^ lniprovwi the oelmted scientist wb» improved tha eelected ln Uie the Apollo p^ra^ n im m ;; OnHii»)(Hn«p»rth»T^poUo13'3lllniltra On*ir.. ^ -ApoUo 16 astrwiauts David R. - " I e^i^ect e! l ^ It t M be \n^v very, Very mu«mile imd a tluiisaild feet one of the Iho tallest poiiki peaks bii on the (he reflftctof- reflectof telescope telekot» design and-'r- ond'=il is' l» 4fl5- <65 miles' north ot the Iho aroi areii lj is iat t!fltjtude"2fl UotUds M degrees depoe's S 5 'Agrees degrees 39minutes east. Scott and James B. Irwin rln plan tiddressive." Impressive," Scott said. *'To "To be deeo.mhat's' deep, got ^ bo some- moon, rises 15, feet raven Mven Invented an ancestor of the lunar equator eaiiator and 660 fifio miles to camp tor three days In a. In an area where you can look thing.* miles ^ the northeast. And the mariner's sextant, northeast o f. the Apollo ' 14 moon basin cut by a winding ' In one direction and aee 15,000 R is probably some of the canyon, called Hadley Rllle, is Scientists don t know what landing site. Cflnyon andjlanked b y -b ^e d.foettir mounuin and InVnothw: ^most rugged terrain -o r lurain about fl half mile to the west. - formed the canyon^but there is - C W 7>: ^ U^ln W" : as Scott calls it men will ever The Apennines, named after some agreement that It was O l a t e S l i r i n e explore on the moon. a moun^ln rhnge In Italy, rise The touchdown site itself, on higher above the basin floor News O f Servicemen Mldahipmen- TUchard W. Fife, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton D. Fife, H&Uoy. and. WidaKlpman Ronald D. Fife, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omest E. Fife, Holley, arc now receiving.three weeks aviation In* doctrinatlon at the Nava^ Air the fringe of what is called the than the towering east (ace of Stntion, Corpus Christl. Tex. _ Marsh -of-decay,-ls-relatlv«ly -the Slerra-Nevadas In California or the Great Himalayan HichaM FUo Is from Iho smooth as seen from photographs-takenby-mo(m satel front thafjuti above Uio plains.naval Reacr-V-0 -Officers Training Corps at ^Ihe lites. Rresembles the''^ratered of India. University of Idaho, Moscow, flatlands visited by the ApoUo Hadley Rllle, like Moii/it and Ronald Fife is from the 11 and 12 astronauts In 1969, Hadley and several craters In NROTC at the University of But two miles to the south la the area, was named after John Colorado, Boulder. the base of the 12,000 feet high Hadlfty, an 18th century British probamy fonnod by. volcanic FRANKFORT, Ky. (UPI) action, and posslbly-was a lava The State of Kentucky hos channel. TTiere has been purchased the glrllwod homo of -speculation-ln-tho- past-that'^-mary -Todd-Uncoln.^wlfe'of ^uch rilles were formed by, President Abraham Uncoln, for Water bocauso' Uioy "rommblo n state sltflne,, river bods on eartli. Ttio house In downtown Tho Apollo 15 landing site, l^xlngton, Ky., w ill bo dlsnamed Hadloy-/pcnnine after mantled and.reconstructed at its most prominent features, is Waveland, a state-museum. the most northern landing area near Lexington. S a f e w a y S t o r e s W i l l B e a p E M ALL DAY S a t u r d a y Day's Of '47 Parade L i v e O n T e l e v i s i o n Stghl Si. 5=1; Late City 9,00 A.M. July 24lh KSl-TV KID-TV I d a h o F c l lj KBOI-TV KMVT-TV T w in F a lls fn /o y The G reat Spectacle B ro u g h t T o Y o u B y S a fe w a y Cantaloupes everyday discount prices Each 3 8 Clorox Liquid Bleach rj'ri" 63" Phase m Soap ^ 25" Wisk Detergent "ct; 86" HR2 Rug Cleaner 1.32 Lucerne Potato Salad 32-01, ---- Corioti- ( 1 6 'o i. c in. - 35c) 6 9 l Cragmont Canned Pop W a termelons Faacy Bananas C alifornia G reat Big Jum bos From A Brond N ew G ro w ing Area Ccillforn a.red,-ripo &. Swool- -Safeway Produce.... A lw ays Best Horn* Gtown 10" 38" Green Cabbage M tdlum H«oJ Ui. C ulire rnlu't Fancy Peaches r in iil Lb. Green Onions Russet Potatoes 10 5" 78" Pascal Celery «... 30" E g g s O n e o f Y o u r B e s t B u y s R i g h t N o w! H a v e - y o u - n o t i c e d - w h o t - o - b o r g a i n - o o o r r i g h t n o w? a lo n g, lo n g t im e. T h e y 'r e a t t h e i r l o w o t l p ^ o» in A n d w h a t b a t t e r t im e to e n jo y e g g i th a n d u r in g th e w a r m t u m m o r m o n t h *. S e rv e t h e m in t a l a d i, in l o n d w i c h e i. S e rv e th e m d e O lle d o r i l u f f e d w i t h h o m o r o t h e r m e o li. Tiipy*iv n j»w ir " f ur - t jrbu1fftnt-t»rrtt' h a r d 'b o l l e d, f o r «n a c l( t a n d f o r lu n c h e i. EVERYDAY^EEMS LIKE CRAZY DAZE WITITCMjR ALL d a y ;: EVERYDAY -id i^tin t lb. Bell Peppers Golden Carrots Yellow Onions, CarJan CanUn Fruit. Fresh Squash ; l t ' Seedless Grapes Grade AA Eggs i 38" 2:^38" 4:!; 38" u. 19" u. 48" _Xtaam_QlClop-=^Laroo-AA-. I Y H K. A L b A j F k W A Y lb. Red Potatoes Orange Juice Orange Juice igrapefruit Juice BreakfasrPrunes Pu>* look Po««1 0 ::, 68" Odll«N 94" Oo«r»- i *mu- 48" 48" OUdft S«hU 3.1b. everyday discount prices 68" Konda Lemon Drpps "X" 3T' Cabell's Pork,& Beans'c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 'Z 38" T.'; 37" U l b L U U N l BAND-AIDPlastic Strips Pierce's PorkSTBeans ^ : r ^ L - * ^ r J U l s i i i ^ G k u n K ln ci:ty.vl d e i^^. V I I V W fw p il" Chicken, Bciof or Mushroom ChunKing fried Rice ChowMemNoddies ChunKina Soy Sauc^ with P drk C huii King Large Size 6 f t ' i 16^ ' "C 52^ -- - ' ''5^01!. i l r FROZENFOODS At Discount Prices Fried Cliickeii _^uliy Coo.kod_ Just Heat 'n Serve 2>t ound Box TV Dinners JmZ " ' S a ra -i6 «-B o lis -S = is? };r Sara Lee Rolls ^ull Aparti Sara Lee Rolls Bel-air Spinach Bel-air Strawberries Bel-air Peaches S 'X 58" - "X-: 86" 12^(. Swanson Entree M eat Loaf or M eat Balls & G ravy Paper Plates Brocade W hito 9-Inch 150-count Package (/ r> I I 'J I '* <1 c 1) 'J" H M'j l< STAINI.KSS I'LATVVAKI'; I n i i T ' i raatore: ^ T O IS WKEKI

27 J«T lm ei-n«w i, Twin Falls, Idaho I f y j n S L j t t Mind g Thur.d*y July n, 1971 TImM-N.wi, Twin Falls. Idaho» Demos Money By PETER WEAVER Q Thunder and lightning storms have caused con> sidcrablo surging of electricity In our area. We hove a central air-conditioning unit which, as a result of these drastic voltage chimgcs, has blown out. Is there any kind of inexpensive lightnink protection?.mrs. J. (X Media. Pa. A When lightning strikes a ~t»w cn(nc' cancauma surge of^octrcity way above normal voltage. Hilscan wreak havoc with elec* tri(^a1 equipment such as air -cflnditioncra,... Your best bet for lightning protection against equipment damiigo is called a-- llghtnlngurrostcr" or sorvico' arrester." These relatively small dovices are made by General Electric. Joslyn -ManiilqcUiring CiL antl Keystone; You can got one Installed for around $25 by an Underwriters^ -!Jjbomtory'npproy«l"llghlnlhg protection contractor (under "llghtnlni! rods" in the pltone* book yellow poges).. The arresters act as a safety valve. When a nearby lightning strike runs up the voltage, the momentary surge is channeled into the ground. Q I saw an ad in one of ti)c fashion magazines which promised to remove wrinkles with athree-week peei nuisk. I wonder if it works? G. B., Menlo Park. CalU; A Dermatologists say wrinkles con only be removed permanently by surgery. Tills is expemrive and is not foolproof. The peel mask method, the doctors say, may Improve a person s appearance temporarily by slightly Irritatiflg the skin. It puffs out. - wrinkles, Any_.PLQ<lMct_ tlm^ piuiiil.^us ' ^rmancnt removal of wrinkles may bo violating the law and should be rfaported to the Fcdcml'TnidjrCumintastow: Q Iboughtudlnettcsetlna - warehouse sale and later '* dlstiovercd some ink murktngu on several of tl«vinyl choirs. -Any-vvoy-to-renwv»-U>»-fttflitw^ - Mrs. C. H,; Miami, Fla. A Tlie Notional Institute of Dry Cleaning soys this Is a difficult stain to remove witlwut -danfiflglng the vinyl. 11ic-ln* -Btitulcla flnlyj^ug^;m^ionl ^tot^^y working on the stains with rubbing alcohol. Q I nm ncflrsighted and liavcto wear very thicu Kla?ses. - Tills docs notliing for my- up* pcorancc. 1 rcad_your report about eye care and wonder if plastic lenses oppeor as thick os Rlosa lenses. Mrs. T. M., PlUlndelplilii, Pfl. A The American Optometflc Assn. says any lense ^oss'or plastic must be thin ot the centcr and thick at tl>e edges to corrcct your problem. Plastic lenses will hove about Italf tho weiglit for glass lenses <and may bo more comforti (but Uiey scratch easier). -Eor-CflHnictic-purposes-AOA siiys you sljouldn t use rimless glotuics or mctnl rim frames. A smaller, plosuc frame wltl» lenses BTound with a short front bevel ohd'i) long bevel In bock, ; sliould present..a bctter appearance. "Vmr* lensea.-tliey are llgliter and do_ not have thick edges, but require,o^ fotrly lengthy ud- Juatment'period. - _Q...=a_JlowLcan-I-pfy~oponwimlows' tlmt ore stuck or pointed in? - Mrs. n. h. C.. ^ a d ls ^ ^ r N r : A Tlioro s r. or device. You hove I ^ p u tty knife and work around tho window until tho oid-palnt hus a - bettrrwppisd'out.".. TAKETNOTE - Only a few 'insecfrepellentfl ore effective end jiafo. Repellents with diethyl toluamicle arc probably the best because tliey last n llttlo longer, Brands such as JWosqultono-and,Offlrlu»Vo-U»l»- -chomio»ltt^qnb -calkd -(Ul.?.- (contatns iu iy l' tfexahedlol alsd good. Check'cans for these ^ (Peter Weaver welcomea questions fcom rj>o<jor^ for possible use in his column. Please send letters to him In care of thia newspaper.) TWIN FAU^ - The Twin Falls' County Democratic cholrman today replied to accusations made-by Doug... Kramer, Tw n Falls County Uepublican'Ffarty chairman, when Krarrier attributed a - 4Q5.Q0Q_defidLtQ_the_Andr^8_ odmlnistrotlon In a Times-News article, July 0. Vincent A. Smazal, county J*thE state had drlftcd into spwdthrift habits durlnu 26 years of Uepubllcan indifference and not bccause of Governor Andrus' financial policy.. SmoiaUolS/'The difference between tho $2.1 mlllloo carryover. - accompushod by "'the. prtjdentoction taken by Andrus when he took office on Jan. 4, 1071, and n $405,000 doflch.'the result of Hpendlnjj by agencies and denjtrtinpnts th»t Awlnu inhorlted from the Samuclson odministration must bo noted by,the public." It'should'be'fufiher'iwlnlby'* out to Kramer thot It was a Republican dominated legislature. Including 'a Kood portion of the leadership of the jeglslature* that authorized the expenditure^ for, the first sbc months of 1071, not Andrus, as Kramer has incorrectly ex- Smazal said Kramer s typical n e p i b llc a n fin a n c ia l background and educational expertise showed fn the article. Dmg^ firms yaldo_gray._ chalnmn ot the Gooding In-*-*' dustrial Development Corp., rc[wledtto chamber ol commercc members Tuesday 140 letters have been sent prospective pharmaceutical companies to see If any ot them miglit be liilmiamu ill mam Hospital buildings here. The corporation headed by i_:~cray i8*attemptinff'ta fin d 'a '' - useful purpose for the hospital ~wwch has beoi vacant for some Commerce and Development is assisting by furnishing the names of prospective users and the chamber Is assisting in financing the effort Mayor Harley Crippen met with chamber members,^ remhfiding them Aug. 7 will be Gooding Day In the National High School Rodeo Finals at gilen Btid rnlhngfotjull support of the event. Severt Swensen, chamber president, reminded members of the present membership drive and aske^ for an all-out effort. Andy JamtiS and Ed Koester, Gooding County Fair board m«nbot.agkcdthedyunbff to, s t i p ^ the annual event by donating parade prizes. The chamber has made donations in prewbus ye&ra. Few file to campaign a t y Council elmtion, a tl not u far u running (or offic* la conamad. Th«flvMUiy m ing inrlod fcr Ui«t2,40l>p<ryurpoiitloniniiu (rom nait Monday through Friday but 10 far only IhrM coub> - afinrtibera and oo«o u t i j y - *hav««nnou«wilnl5itniii or p r Ingjorlholoba, Th«other councilman up for r===m *aiiiiriw -srjn «O ioss z ImHcatad whathar m l ha will aeakr«4l«cuoa; JoiM ) Dm lo lo r mcmbtr ol Uiireo«cg, havliig b««n Hi the M r ' ildco itwwtan thedir cbnfml. o«<r (ran ( troog mayor o( govemmnt to the amiih- rtemr-

28 . a- Dirigibles renewed A NEW AGE" of airships may be la the works If plans of -m ohbr-d-cnimda\> hief oafllnmr-for-b-probper^s-jipichartagfirm in Mulheim,.Germany, work out. Gniender has dpfllgned a Qcw qoii-hkid llghter-than-alr ship, below, which ho thinks will -^ork-mu^-bctter-thou- tho-iliadonburkr-top-photo,-whiehcrashed at Ukchurst, N. J.. on May 7, 1937, when Its gas exploded. Devcloimicnt of tlte rigid, steel-framed (llrlgibleg was abandoned as bad risk after the crawh of the Illndenburg. (UPI) German designer plans new dirigible design MUnnKIMTGermnny <UPir Uichard Gruendor Is trying to stiirt a now ii ;o of airships and Uiinks that even inctiic day of tlic Jumbo Jet and Uie Kii'iHsraonlFtransport plnnerilie chnncch are go(^. As chiof engineer for a prosperous air charlcr firm here, Gruendor is in a poslllon Readers put trust ir t n e m sp a ffer ad s Ij T7cr who want to-reau about events which interest tliem, want niore details on compllcnted stories ed" ntlvet;msin { Uit; trust turn lo«cw. ;p«i)cra rothcr television, the burcnii ofndvertl,4lng fuild Wedne.^dny. The bureau, in a booklet entitled News about tlie News Media," sjild Uie stiitlstlcs on questions named newspapers as tlie medium in which Uiey would be most likely to find iout-8torlcs~1ir: P i t c a i r n s j a i l - o u t o f o r d e r Antarctic trips gain pjopularity U)NbONA"Great God: This case someone (alls dowii an Ice, i QLBNDA J!rClUI(/ 4UPi[>.="Hi.T.nth.t>ay l^ w. enforcement o( Pitcalm to which most of the Islanders reaction of Captain Robert gets «W«In the ice. Island, the tiny South Pacific bolon^. Thoy are the descen- Scott, the British explorer, islo matje, famous by tho dants of the Brltlah sailors who when he Anally reached the AntarctlM? Take picture, st^ - M utiny on the HMS Bounty,-has-BtaKed-the-famous mutiny-ln-south-pole-in-jftnuary-wll-dy-th^.wild.llfe. Iheae include- -^a problem. ' ' ' tho IBth century, and Island Since: then::(»naitl6n8 hbvo_ s««l». bi **nd^alesi And Tromgn: somewhat Improved. So much of course the penguins. Visitors to tho Island found It Is true tjmt we haven't ao that several hundred tourists For tourists who are able to tlto door of tho Jail had rusted had n u u M anyone uyono m in tho u io jail la ii except o x c e p i to u) \;«ii can now iw w k claim i«u i i w to have i i «i spent» - - a -... include McMurdo Sound ln4helr- _lnto n rlklj^sltlon~<) ^n,tom j holiday In AntarcUca. program there is the unusual Si! r n i,. 1,1r rcm»tnb«'r, bil tohnvoihodjor "Ot^aittgoaRra»«ay volcano, Ml. omcor.siildinhis weeklyrodio sluckoponcouldboaihroal tolldays tor theiravel-jadedis n &obus, trailing plumes o( ttio day when It nilnht be growing business In America, white smoke from tho top of Its Tlie report la broadcast hero nbedod," Qirlstlan said. No longer are many Americans 12,000 feet-hlgh Icq cone, to U)o Voice of Prophecy, There arc 92 persons living content to spend their annual..it beats Vesuvius,or Mt. Etna official broadcast arm of tho on tho Island. - vacation in Mexico or M o n te any day, Carlo. Ihey are bored with They now lookfoi*«)methlng- more exotic and exdting->and -for )he really off-beat holiday, one to boast about to the nelghbot-s when you get back ^homotthcrrtrprobablytiothlng' to beat a trip to Antarctica. Gettlng-thcro-thcsc.dnyfl..ls_ Negro m ilitant changes yiews LONDON (UPI)-aortly before Malcblm X died, ho gavo up his belief that all white men were evil and said ho had been.ulnd hatred of white s k ^ M a lc o lm X knew that hev going lo-lie killed by ike very' Uack brotliers that ho had brought from agliotto life of drugs and alcohol lo tho Black Muslim faith. And before his death, ho told his friends Uiat much of what ho had done ho - would Jiko to undo. In Dead Level, a book to bo published In Britain July 22, Hakim Jamal recounts mcanorles of Malcolm X from tho black loador a boyhood In Boston until-he was sliot to death wlillo addressing a rally in Now York In Jamal recounts how Malcolm, to^io sotnetliing iil)out~[ir^tc" Slnte.s lui well a» Germany.see wlio was bom Malcobn Llttlo and Ills collcni'uc.s recently U)c po i iibltlty of a re-birth of and spent most of his life an bo«an construction of the lll'hter-than-nlr craft. Tltey say orphan, instilled pride In Uiouprototype for a 300-fonl, snu- today s teclinplo^'y, plus the sands of broken-down ghetto &a {o-sliapcd <llrl{ lblu tlioy are abundance of cheap, nonconvlnccd will be plying the explosive helium, can make Uie blacks by teaching them to sock vengeance on tlic "white world s airlnncs by the hundreds In a few ycars^ 7.epplln a practical -means of dovol." But after Malcolm spilt trnn,snort. wtin l*-iit1rih~mu)fttfnmad'h uia'ck" Ai4WjH*nw-fnntna5^^lirtioM ~ P4(j-t)ni?~expeclfl-alrahip9-tflr dor said a.s he displayed the com )etc with passenger Jebi. Muslims, ho began td turn jno(lern new building?, which Is With aj^op sim»ed of around 100 away froq^jils own teachbigs. 1 the "airaliip construction center forthe^w e^eut.sche whlto people were not bad began to realize thflt'.all' and Jirtwerl)un( Uinipiinyr * As a carrier of frelf'ht nnjl perhaps even passennera over sliort and middle distance.'i, tl)c Uiey are interehted, compared again.. to per ccnt to-tliose who - In tjioir i^eydiiy during thenamed television, llio bureau 102lb and 10.1&>, floo-foot lonfj said Uio figure rose to 5fl per ''silver clgars Vpf the air took cent for tho.>u) wlui high scliool )iundrod.s of thoiuuind.^ of diplomas. Among tlio.w with DasscnL>cra.alLavciLEucQnc.and. miles per hour, a dirigible would tlecd more tlian two day^ croiis' llic Atlanll c an only if tlie winds were favorable. Instead, tiie re-born dlriglt]ll>*!f~fntnrl»-li{- lhut>rht-ttriitr miiinly in liaiiling freight. - :.**llin bcst to think^of thtmow airnhlp.s as having tho same rclottonahip.to pinnc.'j.o.s Ijarjica. do to ships, Gruender said. public use o flljc me'uia were' fan^ly incomes above $10,000, across Uio Atlantic, 'llie Graf DirTtTiblea, the experls argue, tbo- iguro-was~*>5-por'cont, I Zoppolln-filono-mado~140-trHnt;> need no airports, so could fly sample of 2,023 men nnd women 18 years old and older. For complicated nows, 3fl per Atlantic croilslngs. direct from factory to factory. To environmentall.sts, tho experts point out that the-dirlgible cenrof'tto're7pon"d7nt;rn e'd, Tlie study was done by Opinion newsnnncrs as Urn nreforred Wes-taown also n.l Zeppelins Rcscnrch Corp. flies almost nol.«iole.«isly and S Ercompared ts 10 ps?. after the German tount Zeppecenl who mentioned televl,rn. 1 * a Z l - X Improve wlui Uio development Tlie bureau said newspapers exhauiit-free, ' and that will were favored by persons v/itji higher. education and better In reply t6 Uio question about following a series of accidents of the atomic engine. incomes. Newspapers were olso where they might find advertis- climaxed by the fatal crasli of Some esumatcs claim big fnvorcd thrcc-to*-one for advertising facts Uiat can be tnusted, need. 34 per cent replied N.J.,-on May 7, * much as 500 tons of freight at ing to give them the facts-tliey Uie llindenburg at fjikehurst, new airships could carry os tlie bureau said.' newspapers nnd 0 per cent ' Nowgroupaln Japan, Britain, le.ss Uian one Uilrd of present 'Tfie bboklet said 50 per cent named telovl.qlonr ' Ujc Soviet Union and the United air.shipping rates. i r Geraniums «e n. G l i r iftt m a s -G a r d s - V z V r t c e ^ Fondue Plates K e f.. * : I must look for and find some of tho brothers wlio hato unintelllgently. I caused a lot of Jliia. Muslims* began when two of Ell jal) Muliammod's secret orles became pregnant. Malcolm, who tried to lie because ho rhu"wus"protoctlniri -not Uiat-diffioult. Il-ontallB a-34>^ hour jplane flight from Now York^then a three-day sea trip from tho tbiy port of Ushuai* on the KOuUiernmoflt tip of SouUt America. Muslim leader, eventually be- Of courso tinr presence in came thd object of blame.for Antarctica of tho Navy makes "thom dalmedt'duhammad tho visit a lot less hazardous. could not be at fault. ' The United States, as well as From that point on Jamal several other nations,.has says, Malcolm was marked for maintained a baso In Antarctica death. A month before he was since Uie International Geophysical Year bi shot ho told Jamal "Tho last message I received Jrom my Although some of tlio American Navy men arc said to vlow source In Qilcago waa that they wanted my tongue mailed to the growing Influx of tourists them by Feb. 2fllh." with misgivings, they ore a Jamal tells how Malcolm, reaksurbig preoenco Just In oven as a Junkie and a Juvenile deluiquent In Boston's Negro Roxbury section, was able to make his 'black brothers feel proud of themselves. When he became! converted to- tho Black Muslim religion, Jamal says, Malcolm was aue to succced In tho black ghetto conrununlty where Jail sentences and social workers had failed. Wo needed his words, his -wannuuiiajiytlngiufhiclutasloaded with kidness and fueling for usjhat very few of us had lover McpcrUsiccd," Jamal flald. "I.becamo drunk on hbn, Just iikd he'wad B bltoitdog'of putt" wine." Jamal s own story Is a toucliing one and told with.clirftrtnem and hon>\«rtv. Bnm "Wlicn a mnn block or while, Alien Donnidaon ol B broken jrcadica-ouuiiiijiimd to alialie_bijmi!jn-noibury,-lic-was-ayour hand, you ajiako hu junklo, an alcoholic, n womanlzl'»n<i." cr, and an o*-convict until h«- -Jomal says that tho-spill jolnsi Uio BlailfMualKia under between Malcolm and the Black iho lutflagii of Mnl yi)m X. N o w! Pepsi-Cola irto ne-w ay, N o-d eposit BotHes! T «i t «t h a t b «a l t Ih e o t h e r * c o ld! AoMod^b y_p> pi LC o _a_ Bottling Company o( Twin Fall* under oppoinlmenl fr'om Poptlco, Inc., N. Y."" ^ n r H E t p m ta. VOUR DOCTOR, _H0SeiTAL.-fiMtE8,- UNDtORD, FINHNCE.COMPINY... l*t iliow you how Mutual ol. Om nlia't Wide-Range Pny- Prolaclion con ptiy you (dill witiin you're laid up by a licknoii or accidani and can t wntk, <il home or in llia lioipilul. GARY HAYCOCK Pl»on«733^716 r MUrUAl O f OMAHA I R.R. 1. BOX 35! 833IQ I mahii'. L 'lc.ln s u fjn to A lh lu lv United o l O t n jh j Craly d AyS SpeCi'AI Men's Knit Shprt Sleeve S H I R T S. All colors siros S m a ll, M e d iu m, L argo, E xira la rg e S C R A Z Y DAYS m S P E C I A L 99 R e g. $ AAen's e o if ^ H O E r R e g. $ N O W. Jantzen.- PERMA-PRESS S L A C K S With contrasting bolt Colorsi white, yollow, lilo bluo Sizosi 32 thru. 42 C R A I Y -D A T S S P E C I A L R e g. $ H ^ ie s G 0 E :F ] H 0 E S N O W L all sales final - I N T H E l Y N W b O D s h o p p i n g ; C E N T E R - S P O R T S C E N T E R LVNWOOiB SHOPPING C E N T H T ^

29 1 I r I A g r e a l g r o u p o f M e n s a n d B o y s W e a r R e g u l a r & H a l f. S i z e s Suits - Permanent Press Slucks Ties ' Sweaters Spl>rl<M)iilK Shirts^Long & Short Sleeve Wool Sliickj, Itell Uollom Jeans N O W R E D U C E D T O * / 2 P r i c c FABRICS and DOMESTICS T h r e e E x t r a V a l u e C r o u p s 1. Valucft-lo-2.0«. r.... N ow 6 7 * y d. 3. V a l u e s l o N o w 9 7 * y d. Values to Values lo Values to L I N G E R I E L o u n g e w e a r - I 'a i u. D rc ««c» - v u i i.. «lo k >.o o... M a i d e n f o r m & K a y s e r B r a s - i)i.c m.ti» m.is t,i.. C o t t o n P a j a m a s & G o w n s...,...n o w M '. 8 8 Now * 8.««Now«5.88 >/2 P r i c e & n. 2 2 « < > I 1 II 3. V a l u e s t o 7. 9, ' i ;....N o w * 1 * y d. Pom 1*01.1 IIjiII»ebl>rii - Sin Colorit. K «i;iilur 70- yd. Now 4 3 * y d. DaMESTICS Towels - First Quality - Regular Stock ^ ljulli Size... Itegular Now $ l> r O U p 1 Hand Towels... Kegulnr 2.9«Now $ Wusli Cloth... Regular.97 Now 67*' S l i p s, G o w n s - l.iin itw l Si/eii m ill C.olors. ; O i ^ ^ - O u lll«*< l i i m l H r u d h e d N y l o n ' S h o r t l. \ O D 6 S n m n. < n i t I. m n il m. V a liic u t o S h o r t y - P u j n m a s ^riiiilmmrnylom - l.inillril Viiru**** to KliOO « » N o w» ^ - * M a i d e n f o r m B r a & B i k i n i S e t s..... P r i c e LOOK FOR CRAZY DAYS BARGAINS I TG r O V ip H n n a T o w c ls -rr.... i R e g u ln t-m 8 -N o w -9 7' ash Cloth"..TT.. jregular ICTTlSow ^ Hath S ize..... Regular 1.98 Now $ l > r O U p i> Hand Towels Regular 1.29 Now 77*' W a s h -T Perrale-Shcels - All PerinnpresH,. Printed Percale" - > King Size Regular Now $ Queen Size Regular 9.95 Now $ : Full-Size Regular <k 9,?-Now-'$4".47 f I I I C o v e r u p s... I -X -W iii-s izc- JKcgulur 5.95 Now _$3.A7- ('hemille Sculptured Bedspreads. Regular Now CHILDRENS.WEAR G i r l s S w i m w e a r... j ^.... C u t O f f s, J e a n s, S l a c k s Toddler Boy s - Sizes 2-4 P l a y s u i t s & S u n s u i l s.....,>/4price $ J 88 ^ $2 ^ 8... Price...M Price IG i r l s S h o r t s W i n d b r c a k e r J a c k e t s - S ii o 7 - u. iic g N o w $ j 8 8 $ < ^ 8 8 IJEWEIR V- ACCESSORIES-HANDBAGS Fii8t-FasliioU-&.Mod Slyles_.Rcgulnr ^ 7, K u y u t t r C u t ilr u c u S h r c r J I o H c. ' A h k lc lh, K y ^ M n H k t T i g l t l n, S i - u r v r i, l[* u n ly I I ohv 7 : 4 ; 7.. K u y u f r lliik «r (»-NiiOrii«Nhri>r A ruiilrna) W oitivirs ll f < h u, S r n r v c ft, S h n w ttr SPORTSW EAR C ill-o ffn m id D enim S horlu, W o o l S horllt aud-sl»cks,-4lstrttoh.cnilrik «iu1j1!oil»< X.2 2 : & ( rtllo n, C o llo n K n if«. Hcf? ^ «.O rt N o w :» 3. « N o w - * ^ 0 B l f T l l T ^ V e S t S - K c B iiia i' ;... Now^3i88- G r a n n y D r e s s e s - n c K n i u r i i N o w ^ S h i n S lo c v c, l.o n K S Ic c v o, SlecvcIehB - I'o ly vh lnr S h i f t D r e s s e s - S ho rt.s lo c v i!, l.onk Sleeve. Slecvelc «8- l*oly -iyr J M 8. y c s t r & C o lt o n. C o lt o n iii < )r li> ii- jn n io r S iz e s, l le g J e a n s - IV i-m iipreb S......l l e g. l i. O O i N o W 0. * 0 0 ' D e n im Jt)u n» S.O&6.00Now *3.8 8 i - S tr c lc h Jlcuiiii - S m iille r S i z e s N o w >*' All Swimwear...l/!^P ricie_ S w e a te r s ( I J a m a i c a S h o r t s - P erm iip ruk U " SiaioH 5 / / 1 6 ^ « H o t P a n t S h o r t s - 1(M»%Aeetttlo... : : ^ r : ^ : ^ i N o w Tank T o p ss S S S ^,.00- B.OO P a i f l S k i r t E d B «i! J > & < i : L 9. < ^ N«wr > *a.8 8 ^ I f - T <ilyehler KnhundPolyeBler CollonBlondu. ohorts - SizcR7/8-15/16- AftsortedColora. Heg N o w * ^ BloUSfiS-- «ck»hir f>.««- _ N o w ^ 3 * 8 8 l * l n i l u r U r U t> n n r ll,< * tn v «ft, S r a r v n i, l l i n f M d i i, S a l ln C nita ft ^ h M o b a g s S t r a w s, - F a b r i c s, V i n y l s, L e a j h c r s N o ^ ^ : ^

30 ' 32 T lm e t'n flw s, T w in F a llt, Tdaho, T h u rs d a y. J u ly 33, 1971 ^Tled Chinese )3uil4ing j ^bea c h h eadz-iiijeairof^ :. 'V IE N ^ 'if^o - ^hlnd the Moscow. by (he cultural revolution, when : headlines about i^ g pong When Moscow looks cast all of Peking s ambtmudora dlplocnaoy, mainland.china has-these-d^s,-lt-8m~lu-aroh>-u)are-wer«recalled. Mort haw -i-faeen quietly building a beadi< eoemle8,-the-qilnem), making return^ to their posts now and head In eastern Europe friends with Its other major diplomacy ' has returned to RusalB'sown.bACkyard. adversary, the Americana, rormal. Ihe Kremlin s reaction to this Hence, tho fr^uent-^u ajv Burther e la more lo ll Ihaii has, been the same as Us liarently serious comments by that. Cklna has aimed Its re a ^ n to the new Slno- Soviet diplomats about a "Slno* oitensive at the two mavericks American'wntact»^-«UBplclon7 American collusion against in-eastem Europe=Rom{nla. Communist sources, here and RuSaln." and Yugoslavia, in eastern Europo» say Russia When Moscow looks west, It sent $20 million 200 times has an emotional fear of China, toward Its own ficfdom' In tho Soviet contrlbution-:lo Rodating back to tho 13th century oastern EUropo, It boos tho when It was overrun by the most active Chlncso^lplomacy "yellow hordcalloltbejtahns ln-a-dccado_it-worrlcs-thdl nouqitn«be-«t-aur-china may-bo trying (o'looso) Mlrko Tepavacs jum returned" but Mongols. the strings that tie eastern from Peking and said relations This historical memory, Europe to Russia. arc Improving. Albania, China's many analysts'bcliovp, has a In part, the Oilnese diploma- faithful European ally, has -lo t to do with the S in ^ v ie t He - offensive In gflbtmi jj^uropc _.rcccnuv been Imnmvlng Jta dl^uf6. BecauM of this,. any, Is lubtlcss no more than.. relations with Yugoslavia, ^ once. wind from China blows cold in patchlng-up of tho damage ck>no its leading enemy apparently-, on orders from Poking. Romania claims role M Nixori - China falks EPollution foe J strikes again.. CHICAGO (UPI) -Tlio Fox met The Thing Tuesday/ "The Fox" is the mysterious pollution foe wa{{in({ guerrilla warfare against business firms for being less tlian fastidious about the environment. Ttio nting ^ is. u S4*stflry.-li gh VIENNA (UPI) -Homaniu offered cnutiou.'i confirmation today to speculation Uint its president,nlcolae -Coauses' cu, was a middleman in arranging. President Nixon s forthcoming visit to China. A 2,4(KVword commentary on China's InvltaLion in Uio Romanian Communist party newspn* per Sclnteln said Uiat Uomania mnkcs her own contrlbu' lion to tho normnllwitlon and IntonsifyInK of^links among nil states, regardless of system." Ttie article Romania s first substantial cotmnentary on Uie Invitation -nlid not sj^cify womnn, p baboon or something, else, but which inbst Dilcagoans call "1110 llilng. It wim broad dayiif{ht. Severol people iaw 'Ilio Kox, including a newspaper pliotographcr...the Fox s sign sljowed Mayor Richard J. Daiey^whose office torw arrns^ghrk.sirftclla ti>e contribution. But, In tho context, it was seei^ os support for published sr^culbtion that CoAusoscu iiad helped arrange Uio meotint; during his own visit to China last montli. U.S. officials have said that Ceuusescu who gets on well wiu) botli Chinn and the Nixon administration had carried me.uakcs between Uie two In Uio past. RoUi Romanian and American officials had refused to confinn or deny any Oauscscu -role-ln-u>o-ni*on-vifilt.-but newspaper stories Had said that Ceausescu told - Uie Oilncso lenders in Poking that U\o United States wanted better relations. According to Uiese reports, tlio Qilnese replied tliat Uiey were ready to meet with U.Sleaders. G o l d t r a d i n g UNDER GLARE of television IlghU, trading In gold fatures begins on floor of West Coast Commodltlei Exchange in Lot Augelef Tuesday. Trading Is first of Its kind Ifl UnltM States since Gold-Act-of-19M prohibited private clthens from'holdldg^ gold, but did allow keeping of certain British coliu. Thoie coins are being used in trading. (UPI) E l n a - W h i t e mg Machine i T r a d e - i n W o r e h o u s e 2 ig Z flg llo ile b Mor««with $ C A K bultonheur.. 3 ^ K«nmor«wlth -S C A K Like N «w - S lig litly U u d Machines traded in on the N e w Super Elna i A35 Slngvr Touch & S«w wuh.buhonhouf #730 Barnina Op«n arm # 259 PfoW with built In datlant - ><'Aora'Vlllln^ Ijp«n aim wuhjluhh.ltltch M Conpletely Recooditioiied - M Must Co We merf Uw spme far Ne«r Mk Mws cwning in- O v e r 7 5 m o re lo ch o o s e fro m P o r ta b le a n d C a b in e t M o d e ls R E D H O T S P E C I A L S i n o u r F a b r i c D e p t. S E W I N G S H O P P E In th e S A V E -O N S H O P P IN G T C E N T E R ^

31 ttie fashiombte Way To ^oo! A s B la c k e r s get ready fo f their fall I ~TTTgrehant)t5B~Tg~gTpive w e ttove lo mottb ro om by m o vin g p u t a lo t o f present I stock o f merchandise. So we bring you I some te rrific v o lu e i r ' There are Bdrgains in - every department. THE S A L E S M E N -A R B H A V IN G A C O N T E S T A M O N G I T H E M S E IV E S 5 0 A S K FOR Y O U R -FAVO H ITE S A LE S M A N. W A L T B E L V E A L TERRY M c K N E W ^ ED D IE H E A T H o r ROSS C O O K SUMNVER.C^ARANCE OF B.E_*PRIlAMCtS----, -M a n y. r te w..m o d e li.ln W a th e r.'o r y a r i, D U h w a ih a rt.-t s U «. v is io n, S is re o, R s fr lg a r a to r i a n d R a n g v t a r e utl co m iriq I o rt th e m a r k e t fo r W «w o u ld IJke io c le a r o u r V 1 lin e o f G*}4E. a p p lla n c e t lo m a ke ro o m (o r th e n e w o n e t. I -.Mustard gas disarnicd A ONE TONfaiDfUrd agent conulner! dtecked for leaks by died, mldenhfled worker at the U. S. Army Rocky MoonUln.Artenal. The A m y will begin operation Taik Force Eagle late In August to decontaminate the m uitard agent ctored there. (UPI) - A stros to 6 e exp o sed SPACE CENTEn, Iloujiton pliyhiclan ukfccd nouilng on tlio modulo pilot, sjiid. "I Uiought it P^iyslcinn wild.! (UPI) Tlic Apollo 15 nhtro- moon could harm llfo on cartli, would be oh excellent opportu- Ho said experiences with : nouta will bo exposed to moro but tliey said In Intorvlcwfl nlty to Kot Ujo dobricfinr over previous crowa sliowod rotum- ; Junar material tlian all previous before tlio flirht a voluntary in as an efficient and timely InR astronauts easily became moonjanding crews combined, pcrlod'orquasi-lsolfluon mlrht manner as possible, when Uiat Infocted with onrui diseases bulilicjasill ita n'n>{mr iiniyi[t' would-bc-thc only-twnkiytover-nftcc-scvcral-daya-of isolation -^ ~ tha-quhriintl»»-origliwlly~ro'- day. miafllon^t thlnkina-alw U>.-«th^ m iwilon- fculha-l lraited ptivkffl *' aulred lo nrotect eartlj from > TIjo contamination.com- and whnt you observad:* U'oir spaco capsules. unknown spucc Kcrms; ' mitttnrtm^tink'cridcd'l t 'UayirTrf-... Pf ichftrlea A.-Derry, twfef of - '-VfiH hayo no oth Tlireo m'bnlha^o78clentl.^ts~qunrantlno'forrotumlng^oon~medica!operatlons-at-thc-spaee-nlsnifi-cominfl^li;r-80-you In- z-anti-mfldical-expecta-on-the landlnt{-crews4n-mobii^faciu* Ccnteiyflaid-holiad-pcopotf Intcragoncy Committee on Con- tics and the IWanned Spacecraft modified plan to fill tlio gap left status of an individual,* Berry tamination decided on Uie basis Center s Lunar Receiving La- when quarantine was dropped, said. "But, if you bring them of tests on Uie crowmen and boratory. But, it retained There will be some kind of n (astronauts) back and expose moon rocks and soli.of Apollog provisions to protect lunar plan we don t know the tliem Immediately on the earth ; 11, 12 and H Uicre was no samples from contamination by details yot whert we have a to large numbers of people, the ' ~haeard to~mfln~linlmal~or~cartlrborms; reduction"of tho"numborof~*^«ult-is-they-tend-to-not-have- _plants in the' lunar matehal."'* *I was a little disappointed contacts between Individuals the rcslstanco to handle all that 'rfio two moonwnlklnh"a]^ir~thcy endodtlifqoarlintlnev tf: and crowmen lirthe Immediate''<w"*nr»nd-you-wlil-end-up ; "15 astronauts ahd'uiolr chief "Col. Jame.*! B. Irwin, lunar postftirht period," the chief witli somo postflight Illnesses." S U t B a r g a i n s G a l o r e Get New Outfits fdr thes High School Rodeo Now! MEN'S SPORT COATS Sizes Reg. $50 ;. 2 5 One O nly M e n 'i Black & W lille 00 i O A T - ( i>» - 3 a -w o th o b U only Ladies lo Matcti ^ m a A b < iv e «l* e 1 4 M 6 ^ 5 0 Regular $ M M MEN'S SLA CKS Perm anent Press W ashable R«g. $12.95 to $ ; - KNIT^HIRTS^ ihorl >U«v«-- R*fl^8.95 to $10.00-^ T,.u r:...:m"* Suntan JEANS -----DKlohllnWd--- $ B. f l. tr.vb ~ S n i A l - H A I S - R«0. $4.$0/$S.00 BO0. $A.95/$9.95' JEANS WHITE leahs BOY'S^SUITS WaihabU 3 only R«g. $1S.S0 8 MEN'SBOOTS «=MoeeosiNs 25% o f f LEATHER Fringed Vests Reg. *19 to_'25!^ _ Fringed Jumpers $ 8 5 Mini Skirts... I I Fringed C O A T S Be SHIRTS 5 only Reg. * » " LADIES PANTS a ito rfe d color* & fn a le ria lt >l>e>22 to 29 n < rg r$ i2 :» 5 T o $ 2o:oo To C le a r... LADIES BtOOSES » h o rt» le v o tji'lo n a -» rw v e _,^._ l L ^ 'lo n g H * g, $ tp $ J6IIILS 3 PC. 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32 ! TlmM-N«w«, Twin F«lli, Idaho Thur»d«y, 'July 27, 1»7I rey wmghs N ix o h rem atch in , WASHINGTON (U P I)-^ n. rhetoric than action," hifl 1968'runnlng mate. exi»nm of thom who need to has lost moat of-the-ftipport of youth, ho. replied sharply: Humphrey f«eu his aasociauon - a tnan who Is what ho Jack Miller, R*Iowa, stood on o While denying.. any. campaign - Wo are rtmnlng about the make bids In the early labor... Well, that^s becauao they are with Johnson ia sull a poilucal appears to be.,. -^catwauchigh above a atockvard.activity ^at -presant.- he..la aame.'*. Humphrey.aald.. The. g lm y les^ - *,.»He s much more vulnerable wrnngthnt/vflufrhna.- niittnnn llnhintu... Thnf ii n»h..mnhr«v qom ' in siloujtuly, Iowa, a vlslung carefiilo keep trie door paruy perwriallues aren^i~c6mmg "Inara cra3rsfi7 ^umphh6y Jhain In '68 and the^^ubllcan <*][^ ^7think la evervutllng Je letterdo^ coueague from Minnesota by ajar, explaining that I keep a through yet. Tlicre is no-.said of the report. Tlie only Party has deteriorated since : ' fully rid of that," he aald. " I m Ing his cuffs and leaning back Wsslde. lltuo light through, the door." dominating personality." ' money I, talk about on the 1070," Humphrey said. Despite Humphrey s fooling proild of a lot of things we did In his chair, his hands folded. There.were no calls of hi, He promises a final doclsl6n by While he doesn t soy so In so telephone is to try to raise As I. travel around the that NUon will be vulnerable In...'but I don t think you can behind his head Jack^ or,_! Hcy:itherg.-JtykL'-theitnd of:the^year many_trorda.:humdhrcy^vea.iwntributlona:to_thrparty.!i::-jzzrjxmntrv.jnorc:nnd-jnorb:t>mhir:ig77-hft-ai6rtr^f(awrnthr~hp^ My'>^^ Tf ngfi H irdopendf ^ fro m the men working In the " I am' comfortablo and the'improssion-hc wlll- et-tho l!umphr0y fftrqvels'0b5uttjl0~how*l6w tntjpmfln 8 p0pmaflty lnciirnbenl Pr c8rdenrishar(i'lo He bellbvtathowev^thaftie' on how you wear it. I'm pens, below. Instead It was pltensod wltli -my position," other.half dozen Democratic country have-indicated to him, really Is." beat. * would have a better second- healthy. I feel good " "Hey» Hubert" or Hoy there Humphrey sold In an Interview. hopefuu work one another over trie Kennedy mysuquo Is. sull Describing what he cdnsld^rs He puta luue atock In the round chance against Nixon And If he never makes the Hubert, wonuo buy a steer?" "It Is not necessary for me to, (n the first three months of very much alive, ho said, wliich another personal plus, Hum- threatened attempt by Uepa. than Adlal E. Stflvenaon had WhltoHouso? Asked about the Instant bo pushing or bo overly primaries next year and save leads him to conclude tlmt Ted_phrey said his mall indicates PanLN.J. P«tp".Mrnn«ikpy. n, against PrMlHfnt irtnanhnui/t m_fcel-vcrv-comfortablo-ln recognitionh'erocolvca whorov^cttvc:" ^ i^scif'^or-jimomf hc deddes'-kcnncdy canhave thonomlnn*-that people-conslder-him--the -CaIlf.~flnd~Don ''ni(hjlev n- ln"lb56'becaum Nlir6ir d6e8nh~th Senatorif, atlh e '^d of the er ho Kocs, Hubert- H. The finnl.doclslon, ho added, to run. _.tlon If he wants It." voice of the loyal opposition. 'Mich., to fjrab the GOP have Elsenhower s overwhelm- year I decide Uie presidency Is -..Humphrcygrinsand»ayaBOflly,_.'^ll be_bnsod, onjwo-fnj^rs^ I h^e no plans to enter any Humphrey did not got around I gel 1,200 to 1,600 letters a nomination next summer unless Ing popularity. totally a closed door his Ifsnlco." ^ ix^rfnally r^lmary," ho ^Id. "ri^nev<5--to-mont!6nlnk'lhoouier D^ tjay to:0.w0 riweek, and I Nixonn:haHges~hls ' VlelTTam~TTicMlmiQsolh'Dim 5S 'rara rw!m ~fr^lle"d-off ' whlk ho H tocognltion-and on Hblllly-about it (Uio prokld«ncy). Do-I-Uie primaries tjmt-wlll-bc the-ocrauc-possiblos:--scns.-lblrdi_.get_.40_to---60-rcquests -for policy bo Sl-next-yearrolderthan any-rothourht the sentence; to hold a crowd were Ujo only really want It, mcnuilly, most significant wi» 1m tho Bayh of Indiana, Harold ^oches every day,", he said. Tliey will him- of the other possible candidates criteria for winning tho Demo- pliysicully.sfiirltuhlly, jwlilical- New York and California Hughes of Iowa, Henry Jackson 'I got 100 letters a 4ay from some yatie-presldentinl-nominntiotr-lyy- -primarlmihlrhlyslgniflcantt*^-----of Wnshingtpnr Minncsota-urBirigHhat-I-nin-for ' 'Hu touch up irey8ald."lt will and 22 years older than B iiiiu im T m y i George Sr^minncsowrurgingTnat-mm-toi fl^nr'hirn~a liip ^Kcr idyr itumpnrconjtjnbljr-wonwbo zrd5~rthtninrcould w!nt- m O o A H a tn--bddltlon-to-hnvlnr-lho-mi!g5wrors6uoroabitat«lir-iffc5l Ho likened the sltluiuon lo- Wiinfphroy: wi.8 p paro liichard M. Nixon's chiil]cn((cr That will bo conditioned on blkkcal baks of dolcsatm, tho only announced candldato, or Ho accopts many ot tho loes whon Lyndon B. Johnson ' t Wsllon. Ho reached again In whether Uie people accept mo." Now York and California Rep. Wilbur Mills of Arkansas. spenklnk Invitations, usually hurt In tho primaries, "cross his desk and picked up n Nominntlons are made of Kxcopt for potshots at tho -ou?er4l»lngsr;«f' i)uh»r4w?uhi Nlxon ndmlnl»l> fttl<«rr ' fhotrnl ro1md f prllz ^ D T f llltah ncunt ^ ^Phi'oy.said ho was certain letter h o '^w p ^troin,l'a very \ttnum... i*ui.rt. -ing primary victories, winning. )l)roy'n public political ucllvlty n t t t n f t m r r r n v y i i r f t which llumphroy feels will bo Presldertl Nixon In natlo_n,. ' nos "to^vc h otals s^*(r Ho rwd-'tho'olur aloud. It Uio.hearts and minds of so far has been confined to Inconcliulvo -have boon held. Polntlnu to' the weakness, of At ono point,, Humphrey,o souuht ro-elecuon dosollo W "» tt'c Democrat Is. convention delegates and do- denying tho vnrious roporte uiu uimmry ruvcraos...k-... ii^tratlm 'JitU ihility to win. nl>out his candulncy and )ooh- man working on delegates and promised would bo turning desk and remarked: "I'm right Althouuh throe vears have ljy_li>72.votcrs-wlllwant-a- But Humphrey feels jels he can nn/tiilnx poohlnjr eru>alllnhnn ^pcculatlon'lhwunns l)j>rtv party Blrhrlliro structure hnn has n a leg tin. lip. nf-min>> around Kit>l(<ln by'tl^s tti«nfnnh auinraer, ho nnl/l said nnvl next-to -.T<ul l^anna/l<r Ted-Kennedy in (hm---4 the- I his"unsuccossfui. c^^'^u^...un who can offer age,... TWO COMPLETED - _i_'_afford. Uic^luxury. -of-w«lung-strenrth-vi.s-n*vls the ouier nut It will bo a wide-open ho believed Nixon's situation polls of tho youtli." Ho ijjj for tho Wliito House oxporlenco,stability,credibility becau.se ' of tlio recognition liopofuls. convention," ho said.,"is not very promising In tcrmij' considers this particularly Im- ' HOMES FOR.SALE I InJIght-nf-j Many-bcljcvc-tl»iIom)cr-Vlce_/Lplircy-sald, thcrc-arc_ou-cc_ulaljjuinphrey-,wafl_jnakliig_huraphrojr-ompl»aalicd-i'us-of Gallup-Poll_that-ahowed-ihe pre.sldent already is running \i1ui Ujo lop identity," meaning telepljono^ calls around tho now.^ Democrats have tho 1&-20 ago hard again for tlio presidency, ' himself. Sen. Kdward M. country to w t potential contrl-" Ho n^so sees tluj young and group, 5 to 2." S a v e l i k e but Humphrey distnisses such Kennedy^ D-Mass,. anti,sen, butors to hold onto their monov blnrkg ««>'^gulln pptggonistlr"_askcjl why,, spme pcoplo_ "Talk wllli': "nierc s more Kdmund S,'Muslclc, D^Malne, until this time next year, at tl>o to Nixon and said tho President believe ho is unpopular with At this particular time tho the economy, which Nixon had pulled a recont poll out of his primary reverses *^ >"8 onoueh at this point and 2 X 4 S 1 9 * %. CASV TO INSTALL-Can bt cu( wllh a ra in r bladt. knift or sharp diasri. STORAGE SHELVING ^^^RogT-^7".' I T P, w Z i I. I - C TILES r x r ' - s i a i N and M iu aw R v su la iii.faam Rukbir CitikloH 2 9 V a lu e 1 3 ^ PLASTIC HOUSEWARES 7 9 ' V a lu e ^RECIALE«RGHASE=M^li^^me^ 3 P i c k u p s - B i g s b y V i b m t o R e g ; $ 3 5 o ; o o 7 7 : 7. 7 ^ V! 7 7 $J98 VOX GUITAR STRINGS R e g u l a r $ S e t O n l y. S e t UP TdSlOOO OOOFF ON ALL THOMAS ORGANS IN STOCK C O N G O R D F 5 0 C A S S E T T E R E C O R D E R. B a t t e r y o r A C CHILDREN'S SPRING & SUMMER P L A Y CLOTHES V a lu e s to $ i BEACH BALL 2 9 ' V a lu e 1 0 * LIVE GOLDFISH STYROFOAM ICE CHEST R eg. $ * 1800 RKORDINQTAPE- $6.00 Value ONLY ^ \ ^ M A N Y O TH ER U N A D V ER TISED SPECIALS S M U S IC L Y N W O O P S H O P P I N G C E N T E R, T W I N F A I L S - E H O N E - Z 3 4 ^ K I N G ' S _ L Y - N W 0 0 D - & - C

33 Nathan Leopold makes debut at 66. SAN JUAN. P.R. (UPI) Nathan Leopold Jr., and 1ft- pur of ji«wsn>en, can attachment stlu is to the perspiring under the klelg two^onth Elfropean vacation Tlie Hollywood Haywood film -le ^ had year-old Richard Loeb, two and the combination of unac* Castaner Hospital, where he ^ghts, and analyzed a life that, he is planning this summer, taken ra ~a~lunch'ljfearw~th^ lunchnijfeair^i] the brlluant iipper-mlddle-c iy>per-inlddle<ta8s customed fro ^ m and speed administers S(«lal Service In balance,'he Judged to have after Mfhlch. he ho^s thej subject of their documentary^ a University of Chicago students, was too much for Leopold, who Fund, but the Hollywood been go6d. Oiurchof the Brethren will find I dmurdered 14-year- had to. have the car stoppm^camerg-crew-found-an-,even, ;rr-tr'i^.~imn)fk;ulat«-thr««rb«d*:z4)lman«vejrsea&9^g^e^ thlmilng^rr7nioved among'the old Bobby FrahKs and left hs pifl^c ally up/ dfflimauc setti^ i'oom MndominiumVpaiiment, ' While'He is one year teyondwith one of the bedrooms normal retirement age, a camera crew' gathering up 'body in a culvert of Chicago's Today,'afreedom-accustomed their subject on a typical Job.. chlckbn bones for a dog named South Side., I^eopold drives his own car at Ihoy ^o t scenes at the Island s converted Into an office, is a diabetic, and was, during the Brownie. Ihe two youths were caught no.mean speeds, and grumbles 23>patlent leprosy hospital, on kind of museum of the lives of shooting of the film, Just two ;=TTio-man-waB^aUum::UoJ -and Mntcnccd-TtoillfBzplusrM mildiy^when lhe~drlver df^"lhff=^uuklrt6~of metr^. Lcop<nd nnd7hlii-trtfe,~: IVudlr^>Teek3 recoveredrrfrom his pold. At thelage of 6fi, he Was years In prison. They were camera crew car foubwlng his San Juan, where Leopold was whom he married 10 ^ears ago second heart attack, Leopold making a new public debut saved from execution, and in cannot keep up.. once in charge of making caqd and who has refund to bo does not talk of retirement. '. after 13 years of studied Leopold's case from suicide as Wlien Leopold left Statesvlllo, studies omeprosy.sufferers for cowed- either by luiopold's.%ha does talk, however, of obscurity. well, by tlio eloquence of their he sought anonymity at a Ilttlo the University of Puerto Rico strong persontdity or Ills where he might be today if he -i Nolhtng - gives-nw glvfls - mor«=:famoufl mor«=:famou..<?ouimlri^ nc«.-jqar^h03pltil.opcratcd.!iy-thb;aiiii di~raedlcai:school;... ^'IcUlg - -Had nottbccncaughtin -.-n ploasuro than to bo Introduced row,, who convinped botli the of the Urothren In tlio remote Almost all of Ws Jobs In estimated to be^iround 200). He speculates that he would to someone to whom my name Jury and hid young clients tliat central mountains of Puerto Puerto Rico have been research ^_*.'1 wpul(l_say..lhati- on the_.havc_qttended Harvard -Law..._.mcans-nQlhlng,!lUopo tlbflld*_doolh wa8_not...u)o.solution. Rico^Thoro-lw-worked-in-the projectaforgovcmmentdepart- wholo, I have had a good life, a School for his last two Tlils,- ho 'has discovered I^ b \Vas murdered In prison In laboratory, using skills ho had ments, ranging from tracing satisfactory life." he said, academic years, graduating In superlatives were n way of life, riding'nped off at-90 miles an On-May 21, 1024, ld>yoar-otd' hour In an attempt to Hhako a Two sturs I d a h c k ^ b o m - - Thurfday, July?2, 1971 TImes-Naws, TwIn.Falli, Idaho 13 '. L enormity of the chihe But he adds, the memory would never have left me. ' v YOUR IDEAS C A M B R I I V G Y O U DO LLARS DEVC O W IL L T A K E v rfu R ID ^ A.Y O U R IN V E N T IO N. YO U R PRODUCT A N D TU RN IT IN TQ A PRODUCT FOR PEOPLE AND PROF IT FOR YOU' ^Yo«r"»deo-or-jnv nfio^rif provisn worthwh}le^-----^ placed for manufacturing and marketing. We offor a comprohon*' slye service fhat includes rosearfch, design, includes-most-of-uie youngcr_ll)3l) ,-learned In prison-whcn-he-had-tlie-transmlmlon.of.parasitca.ln. Even many parts of the prison June, ^ d evolo p m e ntrm a rkbting ahd pld C em e hfrd b 'n't generation.. Tho specter of publicity that ^lorved aa a human guinea pig slum dwellers,to. studying the years. How many people " I had already been asked to There Is still Uie ouier surrounded the case has for a U.S. government project Island's penal institutions to let that spark of Invention go to wasio, be- _outaide_pr.son him. time_to_joln.a..promipent_chlcago_law ~i?6ngrflton, hotfflvcr, whlch~huunt^'!a!fdpold~»vur~h[nctpho''~~t^flnd~a c»ro~~ior^ma1nrl^^taklng~c15n.sus or PiHirto kichit pursue_such purgly_nnn.rn._flrnijnjqm.-'aftgr- I had spent -----iause-thol-new'idea-touw-be-wmr remembers Uio man wlio describes hts Ueparturo. from during World. War IL Ho piirrots. muncratlvo subjects as Egyp- a few years in the law bfnce,l committed what was ballyhooed nildois Statovlllo^ Penitentiary earnc^d, 10 a month plus room "Helping others has' become tian hieroglyphics and the my father's firm would have I as Tho Crime Of Hio in. fosfl ^hen he was paroled and, i>oard_ot uie Castaner my chlef lwl)by. It is Itow 1 get -theory of relativity? 1 did.' been'large'on6ugh l6 requlre Century" in the days when tlic.~ after jjcrvlhg more Umn 33 llbspltiil, until his Income was my kicks," said I..eopold, wlw HOLLYWOOD (UP!) - IIow many motion picture and television stars were born in your own native state? If you're from New York or California you arc virtually swamped by celebrities. Other large'population states nrecradles of talent: Illinois, Pennsylvania and Texas. Here Is a partial list of tjic 50 states' contribution.^ to the. screen: Alabimia: Doan "JonesrJiJ^ Nabors, IJoncI Hampton. Alaska: Unreported, but few if any. Arizona: Andy Devine, Ro.scmnry DeCamp Arkansas: Glenn Campl>cll, Johnny Cash. California: Yvette Mlmicux. T Williams, Ryan O'Neal, Greg Pock, Mlri Farrow, Candy Bergen,-Richard Boone and a scorc of otliers. Colorado: Ralph"fSdward-ir Barbara Raili, Debra Paget. Connecticut: Ernest Borgnine, Katharine Hepburn, Ho )o Lange, Robert Mltchum. Delawuro: Unaccountedfor. Florida: Pat Boone, Burt S Dunaway. Georgia: Melvyn' Douglas, Sterling 'irollbway, Joanne iwoffllwonh Hawaii; Don Ho, Karen Steele. Idaho: IjmaTurner, Marjorie Raynolds.' ' ' Illinois: Eddie Albert, Buddy Eb.wn, Fred MacMurray, Dor- -ouiy-malone, Robert Young, George Gobel, William Holden, Rock Hudson, Jack Benny,- Charlton Heston and many* more. Indiana; Leon Ames, Anno Baxter, Karl Malden, Stove McQueen. Iowa; Jolmny Carson, Siitf l^on, Marilyn Maxwell, Donna Rood. John Wayne, Don do Fore. Nevada: Dawn Wells. N6w Hampshire; Not a word. Now 'Jersey: Frank Sinatra,1 Eva Mario Saint; Joan Ilennett, Sandra Dee, Jolm Forsytlio, Brian Keltli, Jerry luiwls. New Mexico: Bruce Cabot, 'I^ri-NeJnon; New York: Everyone from All McGraw and 'Bjirbra Stroimmd to Omck Connors, AInn Arkin, Lucille Ball, Milton Berle, 'James Cagney. NortliGirollnai^Ava Gardner,- Katliryn Grayson, Andy Grlf- flth, Anne Jeffreys.... Nortli Dakota: Angle Dickinson, Peggy Ixe, Ann SoUjcrn, IjiWrence Wulk. Ohio: Doris Day, Pliyllis Dlller, Dean Martin, Paul _ Newman,_ George Clmklrls, -Jomtthnn-Winfcrr Parker, Jim Backus, William Boyd. - Okliihoma;- James-Gamer,- Van Heflin, - Jennifer.. Jonea,-. Vera Miles; Tony Randall, Dale Robertson. Oret/on: Jane Powell, Jeff Richards. ; i. Pennsylvania: James Stow-. art, Janet Blair, Perry Como, Bill Cosby, Slilrley Jones, KoUy».laeU Palancer Imogene Coca, Brod Crawford, Janet do Gore. ' Rliode Island: RiiUi Hu.'iscy, GlobnsonrDavldiHnrtniorTT: SouUi Carolina: EarUia Kltt. South Dakota; Dorotliy Provino, Mamie Van Doren. Tennesseel Polly Bergen, George Hamilton, Dinah Slioro. Texas: Gene Autry, Carol Burnott, Cyd diarlaso, Joan Crawford, Mary Martin, MarUm Hyer, Debbie Reynolds., Utah: Iju'ralrio Day, KelU) Larsen. Vermont: Rudy Valleo. Virginia: Pearl Bailey, Warren Beatty, Shirley MacLaIno', Josopli.Cottcn^ Georgo C. Scott, Richard Arlpn, Wayne Newton. Waflhington: Bing Crosby, Howard Duff, June Havoc, Kansas: Dennis Hopper, Mll- Carol Channing. burn Wc.st Stone. Virginia: Joanne,Dru, Kentucky: Rosemary Doo-. Don Knotts, ney, Irene Dunne, Patficla Wisconsin: Don Ameche, Neal, Vic Mature. Frodrlc March, Uberace, Or- Louislana: ^aul Durke, Faitli son WeUes. Domergue, DorothyLamour.... Wyoming: Oops. Maine: Phyllis Tliaxter, Jef/. Ttie list Is, necessarily, Donnell., incomplete. B ill an astbnlshlriri i~a3tin- Bddlu~~muntH}nJt~7cmcnpffrr eura hvts ^yehoff, Garry Moore;' foreign born with scorcs Massachusetts: Robert Gou- coming from England and let, Jack Lemmon, Robert Canada. Morse, Walter Brennan, Betto_. Davis, Lee Rcmick, Ray BolgorrMlko-AnsaPft: Michigan: Wally Cox. I^lm. HunterrBetty-Hutton-Goorgo I _EflOpacd, Donny. _Thomaflr Robert Wagner. Minnesota: Jim ^ness, P^ter - draves. A r j^ DoHl, luchard -----MisaUalppJi Dana Andrews. Steve Forrest, Elvis Presley, James Earl Jones, Missouri:'. Bob Cummlnga, Betty Grable, Virginia Mayo, Ginger Rogers, Dick Van dyke. Monlamii GMrge Montgome-~ Lry»-Marth^ Rave, Myma-U y ;- Nebraska: FWd" Astaire, Marlon. hraniki.-hftnry-fnnrtfl.- euuuiii, cuviii i Dorothy McGuire. Sandy nifl.. his best seller, Ufe.Plus 09 Yeara," which relates his oxperlencoji In prison. Tlio sequel to that book Is now-in U)e works. Iu>opold s fondest Puerto III- h-uwt-bo- has, become a post-prlkon paragon. And since my release, If Uio full-time services,-of 'havchad'tji. ^ - ^ ion~t:ounselr*nilir~wair mimyu>inj{s which persons wiuj' 'to havo'been my Job."^ a normal life never get to do. He adds that he' probably I ve traveled extensively; I would have married and raised Moro-faceLs -of-tl»o-ixoi>old '^avc jfirkcd only at jobs 'thnt~a famlly^ln Chicago" and Uved personality emergcd' as he sat really Interest mo." out my days as a thoroughly in his San Juan apartment, Evldenco of his point Is tho respectable member of socle- tttvri-ol'mrnt Cnill-OtlATION AND ' 1935 S6u(h Mtiin StrBot Suite ^07. Solt.lokc.City, Ulah Phorie. (001) S E L L a n d T R A D E G U N S U t f O r l a n k C a n h RED's:'?:;?!'

34 I ', ' 34 Tlmo^.Nrw», Twin Falli. tctoho Thur»d«y, July 23, 1971 Local idelegqtps to attend intet'national convention fi ' - TWIN FALLS Locnl display's by members who have (IcIegjiliH* of Alpha Delta received sorority scholarshlpa -KappnrTniomairanBt'itoTTDrury-^oKcthpf wuii ffigtehaff Sorority f6r Womor> Kduciitorfl. Uoveloped through two years of will attend Uie InlcrnnUonal research by Emily Dennis, the Convention in Now York City nrst recipient' of tho Arts and AuKj B lhrough-13, aooording-to-humanltica-grailt Huth-.LrGatearpresldenl of the OU»er aollvlues will Include a DEAR 'AIIDY: I hove been badly shaken at times, but 'l\vln Kails chapter., seminar on memberahlp and a nol quhp ro much as^wljon I discovered blrtli control pills in the purses of both my daufshtors. fono is 21 and cngakod and. More.Umnl/iOamemberswllI seminarrepresent over l.hoo dmpter? publlchtlons. on sorority the other Is 19 and RoinR staady.l with membership of np- Tiloctlon of^ international -proximntcly^43;330 IncludlnKTgrand-offlcfcrs fof-iwo-yearchaptors in Canailn, IHierto term.q will be held Monday, The ^did norcauso'b Meno7nor"hi^ ^^lol(l'thel^fa^hnr. (Ho woiim'probably throw them both out.) I fool ns tlio I have been completely wrung out. luco, Ar«entln«, Mexico and bcominy ^rand president Ift the Jatnalca. Tl)i» fs the seventh preslilorit-elect, Marnarot C.. I told tho Rirlii of my discovery and thdy wore embnr>' -internutlonauconvcntion-,of_orilch.,duluth,.minn rassedr-i dldn'l'blvo thcm'a"«ermon7tsimifljrioh (Horn they lio n o ra ry o d u c a to rs * were fools. Of course they said It wak commoft practicc thcsu orf{anl74ition. days. t«ih Abbv7_ - - T..nannot-punigh-thcm-by-dlBeonneetln {-(hcir-tclcphc r tinjii icrn; imnirn or uroundlni! Ih«m from dndng any more. What con I do? D1^PI>0INTED DKAK blsappointei); Vou could throw Uien 6ui; bat ' 'whtfrvronrnnrrictois Iho-piirilTdolT^iilmon p r a c tic e a u o n it y o u n g ^ 'u n m a r r ie d w o m e n, b u t s in c e y o u r d a u g h tr- r * h a v e a p p a r e n tly a lr r a d y m a d e th e ir d e c lu o n to ^ n f i s e. l n p r e u a r i U l - K X. Is n t I t b «lte r th a t th e y p r o te c t U ic m s e lv e i a f^ a ln s t u n w a n t ^ p r o K n a u c lm th a ti to {a m b l«a n d lo te T 1 d o Dot c o n d o n r p r e m a r ita l l e x, { io r do I a p p r o v e o f Mhcir.damthkrflLpgracs. i. _ H-l- -lynsidunt-stcun-h-dcnntko Sluiwnce, Okla., will pro.sldo at tlio»e.hslon. Mrs. Mary Janu Ilcddinc.ton and Mrs. Gcrtrudu T. lutloln. New Hochclle. N.Y.. arc Keneral co-chainnon of Ujo co'nvetition which opens wiui t'ct'i.htralion Sunday, Aug. 0, at thd"aifioriuaifa. rtio iflenmrial will be in tho afternoon followed hy Hrecoption at 0 p.m. Ah auxiliary fjroup attendin({ IpcludoH apprqxlmately loq under way mtdulnn tfthank Thot^paon and ' iiust^aiulb and friends lieaueu by tho Brazos* Bpys;- Archie ^,,.0. pillbn l^eal, Wichita. Knn., ' -D E A R AUDY: Yesterday a friend of m ine cam e to yi.qlt Campbell and Mary Taylor of president of tho nusbanda Jelevislon a Hoo-Haw" show _^*uid-brought-ufong-hcr-po5dlc-that-shc-trcats-liko-a-nioiiwr- 'Afl/oclntlonrMiinyTictivitioa- wiiii>rreaipcd;.. would treat a child. Well, m y 4-year-old son was playinh with Additional seating for tho her poodle, and the powlle licked Hto boy on his mouth. cstbnated 4,000 to 6,000 persons I bccanie very upset over thi.s and tojd m y friend 16 please hold her dofj so ho wouldn^ do it agnln. 'Stic said tlint - she was the one who should have l>cen up.«5et as her veterinarian told her a dog's'm outh is.cleonor Ihan n hitm an s, and. expocted to attend will bo provldod in tho rodoo arena. Ted Didil, president of tho Tiger Boosters, said a ticket she actually said she hoped her do{( wouldn't catch anythins' solo booth will set up in each from my child! Was she serious? IRRITATED DI-'AR IIU IIT A T K D : film wait wxlous. Am! also correct. D E ^ R ADBY; When people write to you ol>out vnsec* tomy, plearo give them somo'up-tcmlate inform ation. Tlio operation should not cokt $250 or require overnight hospitnli- - zatlo n. Horo in Colorado (as in most oilier plftcesl-it-can-bodone for 7S or $100 in a doctor's office in le.ss than 20 minutc5. M any health Insurance policies cover the cost, too. Anyone who doesn't know wliere to got n sterilizatlbii, cither m ale or fem ale, can contact his local Zero PopulaHon G rowth chapter, or PIanne<l Parcnthoo*!, or wrilo to As.so* ci^tion for Voluntary Sterilization Inc., 14. W. 40(h St., New York, ;fof InformnHon and a list of doctors and clinics In -thdoccaa-wltcre.it^n,{y, yrform>>d ^ PTUllflW ParcrtthowJ will do it for only, a fcv dollnrs if -tlwt'8-all-yflu ean-afford? Or for* nothing, if-you-ro really ' broke. BEV ERLEE IN BQULDEK -ZD EflO iniucim im iiiiukuitcliiu i-tliiie-iiu: tcach carelcss overnight guests a lesson, slu! gives everything they leavo bcliitid to tlie Snlvatlon Army, and you replied, "What can the Salvation Army do with the top half of a pair of pajamas?" ffnoxrwhni i do with mlitbttktbp it UHdir my pinow m case of fire. And Iho bottom part? Why, it s under hers, for *ho same reason. Pi2TE IN WESTPORT are planned for the men In* eluding a breakfast Aug. 10., Highlighting convention actlvitie.4 will l)e an evening of entertainment, '"IVaveloguo in Sound, featuring talented Alpha Deltii Kappn members representing nine sdatos. _ Debbitt-Slierwood will speak at Uio Aug. 11 lunchcon and her' topic is "Who Sjiys Blondes Have More Fun?" lltere will be an exhibit of sorority.mombors work In tlio fields of art, literature and irandcrafl^tlterctwiinilsobcm^. jcholarahlp center featuring - p f e o p l i e - you k n o w -JEROMJEl- rhc Jcrmnc. Tiger Boosters ticket sales for tlio Hank thompson cjiow hero Aug. 27 are being conducted with Jack Allison {^airman. njo event is scheduled for tho third night of tho Jerome County Kalr und Rodoo. In Magic Valley town with tickel'j on sale in tliose boouis oarly In August. New York State provides Til)Oiil 20 pei* certl^flf the nation'. i.«uilt. L iv in g WrMoY^mdrSiainrdc^^ B R E S S E S ^ : O ik! g r o u p o f H liiftk n iid p a n t d ressck. H it 'll p r iiilh irw(l p liiiiir. K c ( ; iilu r ly to $ )n c liir(!;e ({ro u p. I t e g i il i ir u iid - lia ll s iz c ia.j le B u lu r - lo :S 2 < L 9 5 D R E S S E S & C O STU M E S V i IVibe O ii<! g r o u p o f b c t lu r drvr scs a n d c o s tiim c s. R e g u la r ly p r ic c d f r o m lo $ FAMOUS BRAND SWIM SUITS */^ iw O u r e n t ir e» l«c k. S u its a n d c o v e r u p s H e g u ln r ly p r ic c d f r o m ^ 0 0 TO S H O R T S & K N IT T O P S $ 2 * * rvr /^iin. IlfrkL -oii ci-a^c K iil O n e g r o u p. B r o k e n siavq b u t - H s i^ c s. R e i> u la rlv lo! ;9.9 «. si.\ck si n s " T U ir ^ a e k s u its in sizes f r o m a lh ro u (;!;li 1 6. H e ( ;iiln rly $ W D M E N S T m S E S ^ : F in a l c le a n u p. _ R!!K )ll» rj y p r ic e d to $ 2 ( ) «s-' t a 9».... '^4'** B A R G A IN T A B L E... * 1 ** R Io u s e s, L in g e r ie. R e g u la r ly p r ic e d lo $ n o w CRAZY BARGAINS A T THE TOP OF THE STAIR E N l I K E S t L l i U i IO N O F C L O G S ' ' K e g. U>. m i ^ 8. 9 ^ JPALIZZ.IQ^^R<^f,^.f35.oo.=7^Now='$-9^r95" = - G A P E Z I 0 v. Keg: i(rih ;2 ().0 ()rr.... : S 5 t 9 '5 '- A - tjd IT IO N S... Keg. lo.$22.00 $ O N F, RARr.ATN TART.F,... H r o k e n siz e s in J u n io r A c tiv e S p o rts w e a r. R e g u la r lo $ JU N IO R SW IM -S-tIJTS O u r e n t ir e s lo c k. R e g u la r to $ JXlNIOR-SPORTSWEAR^tlOT-P^NT- S E T S A N D H J N I O R D B E S S K S.... O iie g ro u p." R e g u la r ly p r ic c d lo.$ SUBTEEN SHORTS- SKIRTS O n e g r o u p. B r ig h t c o lo r s. S i/e s.6 lo l 4. R c g u lilr ly $ 9. 9 B., 99 $ S A N E ffle S... iieg. lo $ t o o I» a i r FOLDING SHOES Many «i«f. chlom ref(.to$7.00. S2-.99 $ t k ' r? (''0IA4-

35 FlatteringTrio Koy WoocI, St6ven Mci)<:well Girdle 90lyieback? Printed^attern r i exchange nuptial promise designer says yes BLISS - tho Hagerman LDS' Church was tho setting for the July 10 wedding ot Kay Wood and Steven J. Maxwell, Boise, -ffwttipr Thg bride 1b tho daughter, of Mrs. Henry Wood. Dllas, and tho bridegroom la the son of Mr. -and Mrg. Harvey MaswoUr Gooding. The double ring nuptials were performed by Floyd Marah, Beauty boskets of purple chrysanthemums and lavender gladioli entwined with lavender ribbon decorated tho chapel. Mrs. t.vnn Wood. Tcrreton. lm I_ M r8._ D o u g la 8 _,w ^ Gooding, fiislers-ln-law of the bride, sang, accompanied l>y Mrs. James BHzendlne, Boise, sister of the bride. Kristi ftinp1t>a ed_& piano solo. Tho traditional wedding music was played by Mrs.. Floyd Marsh, organist. "MR. AND MRS. SreVBN J. MAXWELL - (Mike's photo) Given In marriage by hor. vlng a^ ushers wore.bob the-valley and net topped tho brother, Douglaa H. Wood, Maxwell, brother of tho caltc. Hoart-shpped cakes Gooding, tlie bride.wore a floor- bridegroom, and Jeff Thomp- enscrlbed with tlio bride's and length gown o f. tullo and son, BlUa, cousin of tho bridegroom s names flanked rhnntm^yjnrp Th» 1flCfl_bofilco MH«igf-nrtm ^. thp'tlfiroh mkfl TbB-cnkp-w»a.,-----fonm«d*a"pctal polnt-walslline -- A reccptlon was held ln tbe baked and'docorated"by Mr8r emphasizing tho bouffant tiered LDS Cultural Hall immediately Gerald Duncombe, Hagerman, skirt. J-The skirt tiers were after the wedding. Attending -who auo served it. AssiflUnR fashioned of tulle with a^eep^ the^^gueat-book -waa-'undff'with the rofroshmonts and edtdng'of thc'lacc7tt10 SQuared Stroud, Bliss. Gifts ; wero serving were Kristi Clioules and Ittj Hf/ irt pocklinc was edged Vith lace., arranged by Barbara Wood, Katie Choulea, Hagerman, and V enhanced with seed peralq and Fremont, Calif., sister of tho Dcbbio Thompson and Marion sequins. Tlireo rows of tho lace bride; Mrs. Barry Wood, Rigby,. Rathko, both Bliss.,.... completed the Icng slooves at Bister-In-law of tho bride; and Quartet tables rorjlho_guests button trim - t^ie touil cffect Is cascading full aaron Maxwell, Boise, aunt of were covered with while clouia ^ ^ bridegroom. decorated with silver belu and T K L, in T ' i L. J r The bridal party grooted ccnlered with a doul)lota^rt,o( S m? fnr n switc 1to Uic drew for a smart shoulclcr-longth vcll of gucstfl bcforo wwlo trellis ar- lavender and purple not cen- illusion, was hold by chway backed with a white tered with tiny silver bells and S?i i 1 D i4«, M.;7 boaile*! faljrlc rose peuls. The Austrian drilt)o. Lavender Ullea^f.the-Valley. i.«ir ins tju iflit veil was borrowed from a sister, chryaanthemums and ribbon Special guests wore the inil ortii in-law, Mrs. Rlionde Wood, bows were entwined Uirough tlie bridegroom s grandparents, whiteloavcaoflhetrellla. Three Mr. and Mra. Joel lliompson,- Scvonty.fivo-conta for~cach--.shc.woro a pcurl.nccklnncq, a._whito bells tied with long rlbbon_blisa..and. Mrs.. Evelyn. Maxpattern add 25 cenlh for each (jlft from the bridegroom. streamers hung from tlie cpnter well, Gooding. Otlicr guests pattern for Air Mall and Special She carried a cascading o^ tho arch. attended from Fremont and Handling. Send to Marian bouquet of lavender-edged 'Lavender aatln cloths fonned Antioch, Calif., Walla Walla, Martin, (Tlmoa-NewH).105; feathered carnations tied with a tho covering for tho bride s Salt Lake City, Ulgby, Hexburg, Pattern Dept., 2.12 West IBU) St., lavender ribbon and centered - table and the gift table, draping Torreton, Boise, Gooding, New York, N.Y. looll- Print white roses. - over floor-length lace skirts. Shoalione, Hagerman and BlLss. -name, addreas, with zip, hizo Matron of Iwnor was Mrs. Small bow^ held the drape In Tho bride_wb9 fotod ut n nrcand Htvle number.tflnj^irnrltnn/tlnivbfllga^tntaii i hkia v,..t. non. mipfjbl flti/an by ; i: of-tite-i^ld&r-bridftaw&uto-were (ered^'tvilh ^lavendei and7bcvchy"lliomp.sorr-and Judy Sprlng-Summer faiihlons!.beverly Thompson,- Bliss and purple net umbrella tied ivlth- Tachannon at Bliss and.a Our Pattern Catalog has Judy Tachannen,,SaJt Lake-* tiny allvfcr bells and bows. personal shower hosted by :trome: (UBD^Borooco ahoerj -bodyr-r*d-dotiu«fsc«d~^roou-^ homed women.back into girdles were teamed with dark green Tuesday night In a slim and or black, or the colora were' tight-wduted collection ho combined in windowpano plaids. called fl.'.'nq"-toj>atl:tasto_nnd On coals,.fqbric_collara-were_ masa fashion.' ' Borocco aald his anug. fiip> defining little:: black dressea, and suits and coats of red and small "and fur ones ' huge. Daytime length'was at mldkneo. Some skirts had.knife pleats and dreaaes had padded deep" 'groon, were a~fnhntun ' Biioulders which will give Uie woman ijttle black dresses In velvet back her downtrodden feinlninl- or crepe came back under tight ty.*' Jackets. Coots and many dreasea Swiss native Heinz luva liked camo.wlth belts arid sa.shts that plain white, goomotrlp weaves rfrewinormarked'tho'narrow arid~brlghl ^lald.^ ln his' wai.*jt. Hata by partner Mon- collection, which features aleur Giles had huge chrtwheol sleeves cut on tlio blijs. Tliev brima, tllted_upward-ata 45^ hung-ip^ond- full reaching degree angle to tlio crowrf. For Uidr greatest width Just below evening tiny head-hugger ho- the elbow, where tliey -were mlspheres wero covered by net seamed and tapered In again to velung^whtch the wrist. T h u rs d a y, J u ly ^ Garpet-Samples ASSORTED sizes... :... X 4 -CoaUi all wero nine-tenths dfosses. For evening ho put length, letting tho hems of Hllm bng JnckeU^vct^jklliifl^Uiat. dre.'wos peek oul' beneauj., Htopped Ju.st liibove shorts which Wlietlier aull«j had sklru or reached kneetop. Tliey came in F U R N I T U R E pants, Uie Jackets were hip- p 1 n k-g r ccn-orang'e-and-black length and tightly encascd Uio Hmull checks. "is /a n d Avo.W, Ph.733-M2T i-ju y FILER Lutheran Women a Missionary Lc^ue members will gather for their annual retreat at Camp Perkins July 28.Bnd-r main-until.july.29y niemo of this year's retreat will be Talcs of CbnfUct," a Bible study on tho parables of Jfeaua, led by Rev..Floyd Dueabig, Provo, Utah. Tho camp committee Includes Mra. Herbert Zaff, general retreat chairman; Mrs. Louis Relrike. devotions; Mrs. R. W. Mauth, banquet; Mrs. Boyd Degn, song leader; Mrs. Lester Relnke, recreation^ and Mrs. Derniis Daniels, publicity. O r g a n i z a t i o n a l - KING in U T A ' gfoop-of senior dtlzcna met this ^veek at Gre^ Hall ot organize a apodal^ -BojMirateHrJumpHulU, alimmlng- City." ^ Th'o" brldo*8^blc Tro»n:en- Betty- Rowbury and^mrs; clul) for acfllor citlzerisrmra. sliapch, free pattern coupon. 50 Vaneaaa -Wood,' Gooding, t^>n>dwltliafour-tleredweddlng Brizendlno, Boise. ^ Flny ljiwrmnfl nnd Mra._C._E._ nlac4-of-tjjo-brlderwflfl-flonver cakcrko\irhearcshflu5dtiflke3-,- n»c-couplc-rcstdcs-in Jlolao. ^Spence were- elected co Tn fnnf Cn,.,in., Hftnir cfiu/ Summors, Rigby, formed tlie bottom tier. Shaded wlier'e they arc employed, (^airman for Uiree monthb. fjfo t «L r ti nopljow of thc brldo, was- lavender, purple and pink roses the bride by tho Rocky Mra. Lawrence waa appobtod today, wear tomorrow. $1. Hngbcorer. decorated tho cake along with Mountain Bank Note Co.. and to repreacnt tho Glcnna Ferry Instant Fashion Book Rhone Wood, Bllas, brother of doves and bells. Tliree satin tlio bridegroom witli Miller aenlor citizens at tlie meeting of _Hundro(Li of fnahlon fnctij. 1. tho brldo, was beat man. Set- bolls entwined with Lillcs-of- Construction. ttifl TTItYinrn P/il>ntv twnril In Mountain flomo. B o b & B o! W I G S A K H O U U ^ O N L Y B U S I M E S S! luu IIS card for yourn... P r o fe s s io n a l S t y l e s B o n n i e ^ s W IGM ION K R A Z Y 2:1s MAtN A vyu. OWEST i - IN TIIE.KTfl BIIII,D1N«P R I C K S! L O N G G Y P S Y» R i;v t it s ib i,n 'A ix s $ W IG BOXES " A R E P L E A S E D T O A N N O U N C E T H E O P E N I N G O F. A u g i i s t ^, L o c a t e d i n t h e N e w C o t i t j t i o n H a l i e 130 Main I m ili»^t.> ^-<*f-.ttip-gtair ahpye the Parish L CHEESE, SAUSAGE AND GOURMET ITEMS - - BOmOMESTIG AND IMPORTED. J t Home of the Idaho Gift Rack,

36 TlmM-Newt, Twl^ Falls, Idaho Thursday. July 72, 1971 Anniversaries B a r r a c k s, li/in FALLsI - Magic Volley Shrine,(3ub members auxiliary. observed".will contrlbule a glfnt-elied trophy lo-uib PILER-4 AfamUyplailcwiui trophy ca«e when the Shrlnera picnic held held this week in Filer In honor meet thla (all in BoUe.. of the birthday anniversaries 0?'. 1116trophy 5»a8won by the El JEROME - The Jerome _Mra. Shannon DevaU and he^korah Magic.Mini ; Patrol, a ~ :B a rra ^ and AuxUlvy hdd.daiighur,mr8. liuldikeaalen-^uolgf.l7mlnl:^kerldotl^ their ;annual picnic Tues^y.Pocatello. putted off. with first place afternoon at the Shoshone Park. Other fannlly menxbers at- honors In competition In the A potluck dinntf, ^thjtho_tended_fron»_,yakima, Wash.; Pacific Northwest_Shrine bairradks providing the! ham,' Livermore, Calif.; Rlbhland. Assodalion» convention in Juno was served. Jack Smith, Wash.; Fresno, Calif.; Boise, In Vancouver, British Columcommander. Introduced the and Twin Falls. Ua. officials guests, Harold Cheline, Guests at the Willard Slater James Olson, president of the Gooding, past department home in Twin Fi^ls are Mrs.' group, said their sis the newest commander, and Mrs. Cheline, Margaret _ Wallace,, Mildred drill or parade unit In the Kl past fifth.district presidenl;~~pottbr, ' Phoenix, Ail*., andlptr. KoraJprSn^e and~rnembei's Charles Shadduck, Burley, and Mrs. Warren Potter, were competing in their first -<topartmant~ohlef-ofhrtatfr w d Vaklina. Mrs Shadduck. fifth district they won the first place trophy. president! Sam Garrett, The Magic-Mlni Patrol was Burley, past fifth district February and is conunander. and Mrs. Garrett; O Q U O r C O O n C Q comprise{l«of Magic Valley. H. H. Judd, Rup^, fifth district ' -Shrinemembera. In Vancouver, P0mmandBrrOrant~Kimfcler'-cSf~^7=rfTrV?-l7HY/-----Oison-saldrtho unlt-was-judged- Kimberly, past department O L I i y i l J U y on drill performance as a grdup '. Jcommstnder, and Mrs. Kunkle, as Well ab Individual perpast department president; flnoning The Melodv fonnance of two members, one Charles McAnulty, Twin Falls oouare* duh of Goodlnff Is obstacle course at a Barracks commander, and ^naorimt a sauare dan«at hlghrateof speed and the olhor Mrs. McAnulty. ihe Goodinfl Grance Hall speed. During the bi^ess session Saturday at 8:30. p.m., with.,*7 president, pr\> tem AUdfa Swason, Richflcid, presented a qu'ut lop'to tho aiixillaryr^' Elsie Shadduck, fifth district prestdent, announced the fifth district meeting Is Mt for Aug. 1 at Salmon Park, Burley. A TJotluck dinner Is set for 1 p.m. Mahala Rowbottom and La Rue Sm(th were reported llt Lillian Armga served as secretary-treasurer pro tem. iirerf rnllw C ll(., as featured caucr. West hm called extensively throughout California and calls regularly for four clubs In his area, as well as teaches several classes throughout the yiiar. AU square dancers are in- ^rcd7~th08e attending' asked to bring sandwiches or dessert. Magic Valley Favorites VBRLA DODSON 845 Easlland Dr rvo, Twin Folk Magic-Mini Patrol places first It r rj ^ I from wcstem Canada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mo l aha ^ Eight of the 17 members made lhe'trip 'l6*vakcfluvor' including Dave Wheeler, Rupert; H. L Ramsey, and Oison, both Twin Falls; Ed Stockton and Leon Stockton, 'both Jerome; DrTWHWrnCeTfdall an Ivan Johnson, both Twin Falls, and Bowman Vcrtrees, CaldwGlln3otcntattnrf-the Bl- Korah Temple, Boise, and grandmaster of Masons In Idaho. Other mtsnbers include Fred McCoy, Paul DetweUor and Stan Detwcller; all Twin Falla; Harold Menser. Murtaugh; D. W. Benkula and Jack Wegclln,. GREEN BEAN CASSEIIOLK onions. Hcscrvo enough onions 1 can green beans, to top cnsscrole. Bnko at can mushroom soup decrees for 20 to 30 minutes both Twin Falls and Art V* teaspoon celery powder until hot and bubbly. Reinstoln, Kimberly. Ivan V4teaspoon soy sauce Ihe TimeS'News will pay 15 Jolmson is drulmaster. 1 3V4-ounco can french each week for Magic Valley - P o v v d e r showor frudhmiion E aundtfia^if YOU have a lx>ralnj)cans;jrcscrvlnoneijayodicirsi5ze2im intl!r7^^^ half cup liquid. Place beans the. Recipe Department, * hy powdor^jowcrs When alternately' with onions. Women's Page l^ t o r "^ te regularshowcr faculties aren't -Combine~llqttid,-mu»hr-oom-^:wipe-beconies4hft-pirdpecty-flL A. soup, celery powder, and soy the Tlmes-News and cannot be liberal heaa^too sprinkling Btfuce." Po... 4eavM-ev«ybad)i-4»6lin^H«=»dv and-sinootlk - ^ I h l i E J A L E B U Y 2 - G A L P A I L S A N D - S A V E! * w Trophy _wiriner-s M E h ^ ^ S % P O L V E S X E R SLAeKS O r i g r $ 1 ^ T O O - N o w... - Green, gold colors.' _B r o k p n_s i ZQS_ B o y 's SPORTCOATS Sizes 12(0 IS Grig, to $19.95 u.won for the El Korah Temple during Pacific Northwest cqmpefi^ion lait month in Vancouv^i^ B rig h t c o lo rs t a k e s p o tlig h t ^ _ jbrighirciear colirs take the m l onloh; a Wdtened red that sm tught-in-the- now. Jail goes with all the dark redj In hosiery, deslgn?d,to go with liot shoes and coehme., pother, pants, shortle ' skirts Md front rurmer U hot red to go. culottes. Betty Curry, Tashlon with the bright shadfj nf Brtd -'toiwear, and in the sag»,family ^ one of the. strong now colors is are tne wine tg.«ij>. '" r I I I I I C o m e o n o o f to BERTIES HEN HOUSE and try our REGnBTPIECFBOX 2-1/416^5 - t A R G E t B r e H i e i «N " S P E C I A L T I E S I TKrilty 9 Ploce Box..o... IS PiaeaBorn m ' > 1 i 1! Aik About Our ^ K 1 ' 1 Do-Il-Yourtelf Cil«rlng S«i^lc«P 1 '.irtotir^irtprrffftfflwidnfinqnofidnqndniinqnfindnfindfnv^irsnt 1 FRESH SALADS, HOT ROLLS, I BrCi7 CanadaJ Fronl le/i are frvan Jo/inJon, drill' i -AMMRKH44ES^L^VAPBL mojlor,,onc/ Jim 6/stfn, pfoi/c/en^ bo^/i Twin Falls, I ^ P H O N E - O R D E R S - T O \ and Bowman Verli'6&s, Caldwell, po^onfofo of Bl Korah' Temfyle, and grand master of Alosons in I Idaho. The group is the Magic-Mlni Patrol, a Imini- 20B8.4lh Ava. Ea«t Twin Fall* I bike riding drill unit. «6 O N L Y ispottcffirts: O r i a. ^ 1 5 N o w.. J M E N 'S Western Shirts O r i g. $ N o w... «5 Broken tizet T r e m e n d o u s 4 MEN S Back to schoorboys B O Y S ' WALKSHORTS O r i g. $ > T r e m e n d o u s b u y! r T V o rt t 7 :' M gtt*r Tropical- $ % Polyeilar 45% Wool Cool Comfort, Deep tones 5izBr3a-40' B O Y S ' ^ Symtner Pajamas O r i g. $ D r a s t i c a l l y i z f i s a i w a c t Z B o n IN JACKETS O n ^ N o w... $J44 I I I I I WOMEN S - SHORTS 727^ V *1 ORIG. TO $5 Now. ORIG. TO $4 Now -... Good telection Sizes Irom 8 to 40 FUL-EX LATEX HOUSE PAINT Usu o n nil bxlinior S u rln c u s Mltdow Rofiictnnt film Doaiiltlul Colof Soloclion L!ldV 16 A p p iy It U o A h iif)! S M A L L J FU L-EX S p o c ln l P ric e In 1' o o l' fiiio. J u til S5.Q WHITE GLOSS HOUSE PAINT - Touflh. L o no LaaluMj Finiul) Hi-Hldino ---- Form uliilou for All W o o d 5u(Fiict)u - G ood on S m oo lh S p o c la i o n 1 gat. n izo to o. JuD i $ E X T E R IO R -F U U r - T A IN ^ 0 F R E R ^ "Bulldi Bsaiily Into Wood". Buy 2 Qnlo.'of' Moro o( Ful-Staln nnd Gol Ari' A PPL 'cato R ^:BAD ^FO R JUST,99vJ, SEMI-TRANSPAnENT,ji-R ;o a m A /o ft-lh o -N a lu tjil jfffilro l-m w w Of C la iiiu d W o o 'd l» -W o n 'l Pool o r D ila to r 1 G ooo o n Q u ic k ly, E naily t j^jn d ro d a o l C o lo rs OOtf whti 9 ofll' Pufctinoo. > \ FU1.-C0ATEH FUL-aPClfD Slnlnlng P n d. T ho p o ifo c l w ny to >1010. n»9$3.49 SOLlD-COTe ;J lld u filflu U n la b ^ ^ --M iltlqw _nob lfllnnl F llm ^ H l-h ld in o M iin d ffld o O f C o lo ffl OOti w ith 2*nn l. PurcliAS o; F^0rC'dXTEnT0i::BP6ED13uT^ A p p llc n io r. T n a lo r th n n n D n io K. W O M E N 'S Coordinate.Groups T a n l f T o p S h o r t *... "Shortf^.TT... C u l o lk S k ir l... S h o r t S I«e V 0 T o p L o n g P a n t!.,,.. I. U «<.««t «. 9 9 tl.o O t 1. l l t l. «9 Women s Sh'ifts O r l g. «S.O O... 3 " Orlg. $ * 2 " S ilti S -M 'l-xl XXI W o m a n '. Slf«lcuiEANS Oria. J09 9 TO $s.oo...:. L - M - A - rn - F T c rc rir DORM TRUNKS Boy*' ShlrU VannPrait Eotyci. tii.iain _ ^ $ a _ ; B«y«' KnII Skoilt M»<lcTurll«n*<li Slil >««A w l ld i... S 9 Womon'i BiMnI - PaiillM... 2/Jl.OO M«n i Slnekl. --- Good SaUclion dilg'. JOM j7,ga Now-;. o M en'ijeant --Novy-t-UiiAA &PMUI WoUliliei I 3I L Man's Socb«t«(i A com loilablo.. 2 / * r WorVien f HANDBAGS A u l'd.ity U i ^ OlrU^'DirvtMa Many ilyut A <olntt Otin, la 00 Klnw Wdman'i Pant Suits Oflo. m i I f Orig. to W o n u n 'i Short Cuts Orig. $17.00 $Q99 to $33.00 O Cl«v«r{y Turbo Acrylic Fabric 4 / 5. lo W Olrl»' JciilloH Wid«<waU Cord lloiilwoiohl tiiti 7-14 Orig. Si^.OOMow lot /... _Ru0_R^mrtan>«, GlrU'Short S«l» - I j n 37" «48 Ooott-3ll»c1ion.. -5im7'14,,-,.. WOMEN'S VINYL SANDALS.Yinirl.URphi»^GQod-UiUc»on.oLtlylBUi]m.A.<aloa WOMEN S PANTS «5.99 ^1003u Polytiicr-in-IUaulilul----- Colon fin rt lag Women's Uniforms Pont Suit Style T T T st M...J e n t SQ33 y.. 99'^ : 2 / 5 SIMI Jfl" H30" 4H' M34" Volot«.i53"i.l3 '.... ja.oq -S H G E rg L E A R A N G E- N Q W R E D U C E D l- LIMITED SELECTION! Woman'iFobrkSttoaiCoHon O AA Duck uppom. Mhito only... B O A T S H O E S - FORTHEENTIREFAMIIVI MEN'S^HOES ~ Graol Saltcllon o< ityui and colori, good fanga of v.-. W 6^ '-WOMEN ^SHIOM SHOES Craal SalacllonBf ityl«<r«avatol cok>f«avollabu.?lx«n*w... $3.88 WOMEN'S SANDALS WOMEN S DRESSES M liu «Orio- to $11,00.. Jum p «ii Orig. I0 S I3.OO... Half-Slioi Otlg.loS , V e l v «n o u c h C u r l a l n i 6D" K30" An" * 34" a»igtn:a9 : Now ' Vaioneoi OdgJl.lS- -Now--- i Dfokan liiai ' M o y a n C u r t a lr t i. 40"» 30" 48-» 34" Odg.»3.49. Now ^ 2 ^ ^ VolartC*!--- - " t H I ' Oilg. $3.S9.Now i Rioliin iliti ^ A n t 'd N o t i e n i ' Frogt * ZIppar Rapalr ^^KI^P^lMtrSTPAHKin- - - O tlg-1«79 N«*r 30 A n t 'd U c o f., a.. ". * ^ 3 9 vj.. D E C O R A T O R W A IL C O V E R IN G S The values ^ hie^ every day. W EST 5 P O IN T S T W IN FALLS

37 Thur»djy, Mjy, l,71'tlmw-n5«anwlirf»lli, ld«lla~~m E N D L E S S H A I R P R O B L E M S M s r y 8 u» c H U l e r. Hair problems never cease, St^ino Koem to wdrscn in Bummor weather. The current puzzlers Involve b»th holr care and groojnlng. In this rundown on them, you may ; rind an answer 1o a pet perploxivy: ~Q7'Wh7irBlV0K lim p hair moro_l)ody7 A. Pcr- 'manent WHVCK, thc curly or uncurly kind, pravide body for - throo munlhii or more.- C orrective treatments for your type o f hu i r cun a 1no be recommended. P rotbin -» h»-m p o o»- a h d-h u i i*- {liz/le the hnlr. Vrequent iiluimpobti are indicated; medicated anti deteri'ent sudk proml,';e lo stem the condilion. Q. Doe.<3 dimdruff affect, tho tikin a» well iih the hair? A. Treatment of dandruff is coniiidered an c i»ic?nliul part of acne manai'emenl," m:cordinj( to dormaioloj'ical. experta, An nnti-dnndruff shnmpoo w illi the ph factor hnn trenlment vahie. So do renl, fr<>sh air, exerciiie and a oaun-tt^tudo Q. IH there a completely i;afe hair lint? A. Inr.iedicntK in,tints come under j'overnmenl rei'ulation and lue tljereroro "Kafe" iirilie'bruad(iehkgrcnrcle!:s»*pplication the human element in responhiljh) for most difficultiesi. ' <). What Ktops fallinj: hair? A. Kxccniilve fall-aut requlren thc advice of a doctor... the day before yohlerdayl H O W TO H AVE LOVCLIER H A IR O v«rm m» -ya tu ^ -liiir- > ro b ]e m H l S «n tl~ fo r-tu y -ih M klfll, H O W -M O H A V E I.O V E L IE K H A lk. A<lvlco In c ln iifli; ro rro n livn cur«o f «lry, bumii, o liy a n il hird -lo -m a in K o l u i r ; ex ie r( ro ln rliift in n tlio ili m id tre d n ia itl o f tin te d l i i i r : lia lrtty la fo n u iiu i'; ilp * ni> io r fr rlin ii cut- - llnjf, permancnt»,-mnilimonln {'Bnd'Brt><)mliiK.-Wrlt«-l«-Mflry-Siifl M ille r In.f^are t i l l l i l i n«w ipap«r fo r y o itr roj>y, nticlosink a ddr««ied, lampod envolopa and 2'* c rn i* In coin ; A public iiervice fibn about tho role of school libraries in quality education, enllued *'Llbrary-Leamlng Centers: Wliat s Happening" is available from Encyclopaedia Urltannlca, Inc., Chicago , Puhliflhflrd-Hall Syn(li(;iilfl TWIN f a l l s ' - n je 1 Do persons between the ages of 30 -(ESP) Research Center, 519_ pnd 9Qare^welcome, akmg^with Main' A've. Wm lir m tlit la r t' ahirf i>if j n M ib e c g r, ' : to the public from 7 to 8 p.m> Thursday.., TWIN ipalls^ The KnuU- Grange will meet Friday at 8:30 p.m. Iji the Community Hall. KING HILL The Jaycees and the Jay-Q-Ettes and families will hold a social picnie' at 6 p.m. 01} July 29, at the Sand. Dunes, south of the Snake Ulvor toward Bruneau. TWIN FALLS- Tho...MountainJViow_DulLwiU mee^ FILER - The Peace foi' Its annual picnic ai (1p.m. ' Lutheran Charch will sponsor a- Sunday at the Hairy Ilayl vacation Bible School for residence. Those attending are I nursery and kindergarten asked to bring their own table classes beginning Aiig. Z and ^flcrvico.j L ending Aug. 13. Sessions will bo hold"each"morjiing'frdm"0' tdsprayii aid the ciiusio. ' _lq ^W jiy-lg-oilv-^hair- TWIN F A U ^ - The Sin«le- 11:30 a.m. " j t ^ Q u b w l i r h a v o atdaju5jr Fionr=rTTnr o ilie r ih Kummer? A. Heat and Nun trl«kor Saturday night at the Odd exceshcb. A lim ite d Fellows Hall, Twin Palls. 'Hiero will be live miuic for dartdhg amount of Hunnini!! i» from 9 p.m. to i H.m. All sliislo coniiidered helpful to oily- tu>ui))<-iiui-^iv4< r. Tlie average family income In tlio United States rose by nearly 75 per ccnt during tlio decade , reports Dr. David I. Verway, a Michigan Stato University economist. Summer art' festival set SUN VALLEY - UPI) - 'nio H iliil n iiiin l nil ntfitn Media, scheduled at Sun Valley. July and Aug. I, will include 'dflmonstratlons by profeaalonalartists, Mary Holland, chairman of tho Summer Art Festival, said artists will show processes for pottery making, acrylic palntimj^ weaving, macrame, ' jewelry making' a'nd leather*' craft. She said somo 200'artlata fi*om throughout-the state are-expected to exhibit their works during tho twohlay show. A 20 per ccnt commission clvarged on all sales will be given to thc Sun Valley Creative Art Center, Inc., sponsor of Uic show. Only the- female mosquito bites because mouui parts of tho male are not equipped for biting. Order of Eastern Star picnic will'be held at 1 p.m. July 25 at thotuer fairgrounds. Members are asked to brin^f table sctvico and covered dishes. All Ea.stern Star-mcnibcmind'Masonrandtljcir famllic.s arc lnvitc<! to attend. Best lo^r HANSEN - Mrs. Ann Aclmlro was best loser for the week attho Slim and Trim TOPS Qub meeting this week at tho homo of Mrs. Thomas Steobmlth. Mrs. ^ e d Lyons and Mrs. George H. Golay were 10-pound losers. All received gifts. The GTcky'Bucks cbnlesl was started at,tho evening meeting and will end Aug. 23. " M rs.- Paul Bowman was elected co-lcoder to replace ' ' Mrs. Bob Niven, 'jvho has taken a leave o^ absence. Mrs. Marjorie Lake was hostess and program chairman. She introduced Terry McKlnflier,- Greta Sharp. and Jean Glodowski, guest speakers from the Idaho Department Storo, Twin Falls. Theyt demonstrated and displayed proper undergarment wear for women. A l^ N U A L D O f f ] ^ T O W ] \ F U N F E S T I V A L S y i i. i r ^ T m T s ^ : 3 0 A : M : m i D y f O P E N M O N D ^ i Y N I G H T S ^ T I L 9 : 0 0 P. M. FANTASTICSAVINGSorSOO DRESSES^ A r e a l C ra z y D a y s S p e c la c u la r^... Y o u w o n t b e lie v e th e s a v in ;s o n m a r v e lo u s s p r in g & s u m m e r d re s s e s in m is s e s a n d h a l f s iz e s. A ll m o d e r a te a n d -b rttc rt lrc s» e 9 r-v «l«e» ^ le «r-lo -S -l^ l0.< )0.-V o u M l-h i» v «-l«4» u rty, ^ * * * 4 4 CruzyDays Special H O T P A N T S E T S E v e ry tliin g w ifh h o t p o n l i jo c k e lt, b lo u t«t. tu n lc t, d r e ii«i, ih ir t t. F o n t o it ic. V a lu a t In a ll tiz e t, «(y l«t. B U D G E T D R E S S E S ' * DfalUi, thklt. ponl tiratml. loll ol toloft both lloht and ciatlt. s ii.t B-ie.Hrx. t o t i o m C O n O N T O l ' S a good MUctlon In lank lopi, pullov«(i, (dlor SolIJi ond llripai. S, M, I. Valum hi III.IM). I ' A N T \ H O S E «> 3 9.» S 0 Cliooia r»oulor lop ot bikini lop lomoutbrond lioi*. Good colon. AllliMI. $C oo SlIM lm SW IM W EA R * All 7 pc. un1of tuilt In lolidt or bold prinlt. A Uw covafupt loo. l6o»ly. Sii«i Krtf- lo 'IV * - PATIOIOUNCEWEAR pet. only in lomoui Huwolion coiual w*o/. All long»»hl(u in l»lol<l, bold prinlt. Kvit. In '.'t')**. J U N I O R D R E S S E S CuU, «lytith lor winring riglil now <ind bock lo tchool. hjici lauclion. SilBf 313. llrkr'- I.. C to.ikt. (Iriizyi)ayHSpociiil P A N T,. S U I T S ^. S u m m e r c le a ra n c e o n e v e ry o n e o f p u r g r e a t te a -. to n a l p a n t l u U ^ T o p it y le i, ' b e o u lk u l ( o b r lc t, ( p tt o t tim e le ft to w o o r them '. A ll tiy c t re p re te n te d,!{«(( ios7r>.uq. I I O T P A N T S ^ ^ All klndt of Fabrlct, ttyu», color*. Including Ualh«r. Gr»ot Mlaclion, li x i Urn. A T - H O M E W E A R * long lolmi ond loung«w«ar ol many blndi. Brokan ilia t but good t«uclion. Ii> StO.IMt. RALI SLIPS»4«0 _ # g o o Holl dipt IU k. lo tit.m t. Ch«' mil* iliptu«k. to Whil«nnd Colort- CompUl# lungt ol tii«i. Sliort Itnglki. ~ N O V E lt Y JE A N S ~ * Solidt, Dripat, piinll in a plol* uu dion tli*t 30 lo 34. A lf wml.obu. Urn. " N O - B R A " B R A S * Slill u good i*uction of fatnoui brand iltp in bfot Whil«ond colort. Ilm. lo S.'l.IMt. B L O U S E S * only In tfiit group. lu g. lu in w hli.t and colon ^oltan tiiat. Ttrrilic.voluai. D O W N T O W N L Y N D O O D t o S fttfbtgr t o S I 6 J ) 0. & onlyr ^0yUt-qitd-col<M4 W H E R E B A N K C A R D S A R E W E L C O M E ED B R A S...* , : o D E C O R A T E D B A G S.... ;.. * l l r K. I..» 7.( M ). ' U ««. u. t 2 l l.» 0. 3 l only. brol(vn tliet. lo mout brond, >m>lttybtaclc-- 4 oiuyrvouulr*cqq n li».th«.t<ifrltif.inwing i o W O O L S L A C K S... * P 1 N I C K E R. S E T S...* o n ly, l o l i d t o n d p l o i d i, g r e o t fo r c a m p in g, l i z e i 0-1 6, 7 o n ly, b r o k e n ju n io r li z e i, lo c lc e t/ltn ic k e ri, o w fu ll A M i s s e s & 1 / 2 S i z e s, J D K b o o tb - f r t D c c c G r o u p 1 1 Hog.to $ Now S e l e c t e d G r o u p A 1 j r. f T o p c ; * 1 F a m o u s a m e A 1 N. $ a d R e g. n $ o ^ B O U D O I R «S, R e g. $ ' p r. o n ly, p o ita l c o lo r t a n d tilv 'e r, b r o k e n i i i e i. '12 only, for b«och or bdtii, S, M, t, wiilte, colon. ^ - i A S I I I O N - C l O - V E S - J L X. 0 0 f O A N I l P A I I L l l O S E / G I R D l E S, K «K. t o S i. ( H ). lo 5 0 p r. In d a r k c o lo n, m o tt ly n y lo n i, to v «B ig! 5 0 o n ly, y o u r c h o ic e In h o M o r g i r d l e i, o d d c o lo r t, o d d ilz «i. o P O P L I N J A C K E T S * A S S T. - J E W E L R Y / * n» K. * I l f i B. l o» n. «0. 3 o n l /, p in k o n ly, t l i a i S, M, w a ilio b U, b a lla d. A l i l. n a ck c h o lie tl, t o ih lo n t l n g i, n lta o i i o r t m. n l. ^ f C o t t o n a n d P o l y e s t e r i P A N T S ^ a l l s i z e s 7 J R. & M i s s e s 1 D R ESSES x ^ r o o p II A R e g. $ f o $ , L.. n 0 - J ' F a m o u s N o m e ^ P o T J a d c T tip h s S W I M W E A R ] ' * ' r e d u c e d t o 1 / 2 Price. 1 o p r i i i y. 0(.!. C O A T S * 1 / 2 - p r l c e r j JewelryV;HAMDBAGS f and accessory O D U S T E R R O B E S : * o P E A R L T I E S * K r g. t o f I f.. V 11 o n ly. I f t t o l i d t a n d p r ln n ilz «t, i a v «l 1 0 o ly F a ih lo n p e a r lt le j, p o it e l c o lo r t, c u te. t t, b r o k e. n o P E A S A N T D R E S S E S... 0 F O R M A L S...*/4 * 4. 0, o f f H e g. l o $ 4 0. ( M ). H «*. t o f H M ). 0 «. 1 3 o n ly, ju n io r i i i «i, w e 'v e te e n th e t«l ^ o j o n g l... N ic e te le c tlo n l o r M lt ie t a n d J u n io r*. Sl'OKTSWKAU CI.KAKANCE y e F y t h i n g g o e s I n s p r i n g a n d s g m m e r s p p r ^ ^ ^ E b r a n d s y o u k n o w ^ S i z e s a n c o l r s e g i n n i n g J o. d o b - b e b r o k e n b u t ^ - j G R E A T s e l e c t i o r i 3 - p q n t s, - 5 k i r t s, j a c k e t s, t u n i c s, _ b! o j j s e s.4 h i r t s, s ^ ^ ^ c l a m d i g g e r s, s h o r t s, e t c. S o m ^ s l c i r t s a n d p a n t s p r o p o r t i o n e d. A H i t e j r i s d t t e r r i f i c s a v i n g s. S h o p j p a r l y i ' 1 / 2 price Downtown On T h e PANT SUITS J r ' s. & M i s s e S ' ~40%~to 75%-0FF- Lynw ood Shopping r p n t e r

38 40 Tlme*-N«W8, Twin fall*. Irt/«hn Thur»d«v.'July IJ. 1WV A s t r o n a u t s I p d k f o r w a r d t o ^ w h e e l i n g o v e r m o o n CAPB KENNEDY (UPI) - ' Apollo 15's astronauts will exploro up to 22-milos of 'lunar surrac^ ai>oard a now $8' ~moon. ;. million moon biikkv that drives! " ' like an ainusoment park bumper car. ^^T>^four^he%te 3 7 ^ a U ^ powered car will- make t. possible for David H. Scott and Uieir spacocra/t so Uioy can and tia'jo' a 02-lnch wheelbaro., - Jamos H.-Irwln-lo-cover--fflr- -walk-back if neoesflory Tfio-lunar-vorslon.-built-byl moro territory than li\o ilral llio aatronaulhlmven't driven Uoeinii Co. and General MotorH, three moon-lanaing_cro.w8.put- _tlicir- moon car-bocauko tlj«y- "to;rcth^!r ami Vuimplo five and all Iheir equipment are six separate areas of hi {li scientific Interest. The lunar Hover was foldtid times heavier on eartli Uian on tlie moon and cn >ineers weren t sure tijo Rover could take it. So. and stowed 1» U>e moon landing. craft falcon in.aprlt. Itii two 3dvolt sllvcr-7.1nc batteries will bo "'InstallL d MojJiiay and the car woift'bo seen a((aln until Irwin pullifthe cord that will open itd storage compartment on the. Scott and Irwin are confident ti»eii( space aae roadster will work. Hut just in case ItJ^oakfl clo>m,~thcy "will drive it no farther than five miles from instead, tliey have been practicing wltii.a beefed up trainer tliat duplicatoh virtually overytliinf( but tljfl moon's vonk jfravity. ' _Kxcept for li stronkor frame and Hust^sion syatemv!ou (hcrvdro mosli' wheels and more, powerful motors, Uio oarth trainer Is a ^afbon copy of the "actual mobn"chr'. RoU» 'a rolb ' fret 2inches lon}{, si* feet wide --woikiik 470 (Miunds of aarui. Scott and Irwin have l>con drlvlni{ the trainer acrosh a iilmulated moon.hoace of yellow ' sjmtl juid scasliells carved out of u paltnoitod field Iwhind the astronaul>i' tniinink building at tlte Kennedy Space Center. This reporter tried it q^t with itistructor John Olmsted and the bu{^ry handled as Ihvin saidit would. like an electric bumper car Bometimes found In _amu.somont._p_arj«j It was easier to drive than the family tar. '. ' '... TJjo Hover has no steerln^r -whool, clutch, ^oarshlft orbrako i>cdn\. Hioy re ou ro- )lapu<] by a T-flha >ed - suclc mounted between tlie bukkv's two.seatq. Push it forward and U)e car Koes tl>at way. Pull it imjck, the Rover stops. Push to tlie rlf;ht or left anti the buyyy turns. Makes Noisy Buu wheel power steering, was easy Olmsted flipped two rows of to master and we soon buzzed switches at the bottom of. a. smoothly around the training small wmsolft between the two- C<hir80^ r* (seata and the Rover hummed t6 The speedometer goes up to life: He pushed^the stick 20 kilometers per hour (12.4 forward and the car moved miles per hpiu-).,.. but the ahead smoothly,- making ' 9 - astj^nouts expect to hold their' noisy 'buzz. top speed on tho'moon to~hfllf. After we cleared n group of that. tyatanders, Olmsted let m«try- 'Irthlnk-we'll-approach-lt- It.. 1 grabbed the stick and vory cautiously as far as speed pushed forward and we aoooler- and immpuverlng go -until- wo ated along a well worn patli got a feel for the one-aixtli between two small craters. gravity," Irwin said In an Turning was a bit Jerky and intorviow. " I don t expect any tliere was a tendency to problems. We've been building ovcrsl<!cr,:nut Uie Roveri.with wheeled vchlclcs.a lot Ipnger iu.four wheel drive and four tlian spacecraft." PAY & PA CK ELECTRIC & PLUM BING SUPPLY C O. ID A H O STATE R A M SALE G O L D E N A N N IV E R S A R Y _ ^ jfolrgrouixl* A.iW. A»t«mbl*d lor ln»(>*etlon, Comporlion and S*l»etlon z ^ S U W O IK S Sul(«lb HaMp>, C»ril*4tU«mJ Br*»5Uf ond Buy*f Spon»of*«l I d a h o W o o l G r o w e r s A s s o c i a t i o n S c o t t t r i m s d o w n f o r m o o n j a u n t SPACir"CKNTEn7~YIousion. nanulng to end Amerlcn's first (UPD-Col. David R. Scott space emergency. wnnts to be 1 good shnpo when He wa.«j command pilot in lie goes to Uie moon this month IMS for Apollo 0, tho smooui* -us-hiikti inmian-tnainani~iiur almost three miles before groundwork for moon-landing ikcakfast each iiwrning. Ini.twions.Ilkfl-ApoUoJO^-^ Scdtti 39, feels the excrcljto will keep him in top shape for the 20 hours he and U. Col. James B. Irwin will spend exploring tlie rugged Hadloy- Apennlne. area, using their _lam er "1*^11000 '^^ a base., MaJ. Al'fred M. Worden wlil circle overhead In tho command ship Endeavour." Preparing for space missions Is nothing new for Scott. Apollo 15, which is scheduled to blast off July 20, willbe his-uiird space fliglit since Joining tlie asb-onaut corps in He ran to get in shapo for a spacewalk that was cancclled in 1003 after the Ill-fated Gemini 8 achieved tlie first space docking with an Agena rocket only to spin out of control when a steering rocket began firing Apoilo 0 Uiicd n rendezvous technique Scott developed to dock tl)o lunamander witji tho command and service modules. Ho worked out U\o maneuver for a masters degree in.acronauticfl _and_nstronautlca from Massachusetts In.stltuto of Technology. Scott was every inch the AIN American boy athlete, West Point scholar and son of an Air Force general. He overcame boyhood allergy problem.^ to follow Ills fatlier in an Air Force flight career. "All he ever wanted from Uie time ho was a tiny baby was to fly a piano llko his fatlier," his mother, Mrs. Tom W. Scott of La Jolla, Calif., recalled. His fatlier is retired. All Scott wants now is to get jy liiu w ^ - on-wluj-what-hft-^feel.ihjr-thc _J_&Qtt.'lxQiil_UilQking- helped most Jntoi estlng,' challenging avernrai.nm?tgr~lind-farpabht and i wtimtinllytcwardink-whhm tlie Gemini down foc-aa. early mission yet.. ~^ctor speaks in T louse^ ' LONDON (UPi)-Actor Uu- As befita his calling, Lord rence Olivier made his maiden Olivier spoke wlui Shnkespea sncecli icch Tucwlav night in the ri»nn nntc Uls touow HOUSO ) of Lords, his first since applauded him warmly and bebig created a life peer two tljen voted to defeat tlib _ycara..dbq».. to,.defcnd-an..amendment.ho had supported, amendment concerning actors lq7r66. In an industrial relations bin: rnieedenveryjoh^forders=i 8 IvE M arket BLUELAKESBlVD&athAVE. 73*3505 FREEDELIVERYONS5. ORDERS SAIE PRICES EFFECTIVE _ THURSDAY-FRIDAY-iSATURDAVI B onelex, rolled porksh6ulder Pork SHouldor STEftKS t b - -Fieeih lean MHITBEEP m Tattsw ell 1 lb. MARGARINE : ^.3 Ib. Westarn Fdmlly VEGETABLE SHORTENIMC 4 oz. Dr«am W hip m TOPPING... W e d ern Shoret I2 " x 2 5 ' ALUwikmyiroii... MASHED POTATOES i»7 CUCUMBERS m fea 1 0 C e a T5~ 1 lb. cello bag 1 4 " P o r t a b l e 2 Speed Control All Purpose FAN B o r g W a r n e r C L O S E C O U P L E D T O in T S l lhfi-m ost-funclionalaa - to m a in ta in faucet w e can e ll you.,. W hy N ot replace your old faucet th ii week. - U»t $21.95 ENJOY CONTROLLED HEATING IN EACH ROOM E L E C T R I C B A S E B O A R D H E A I E R S 1,000 W a tt 1,500 W a tt ^O O T W a tt * 2 4 * 2,500 W a tt 2 8 * GREATFORTHEWHQIF_Hnil.SF_np --T H A H IA R P ^G -H & A -r& X T R -A -R O O W P B R A S S I M P A C T SPRINKLER HEADS C o v *riu p l«./o 'c lr< l. MUUSTABURJUNTItOl PMNKUB AND BAH NON ADJUSTABLE MODEL *3' WITH BASE BA " lift $ " liti $ SALE $27.45 The following have PLAT Glass Mirrors 1645-p 18" liti $ SALE $16.85 l645-p24"tlst $ saIE $ p 30" liti $ SAIE $ p 36" lilt $ :... SAIE $ S-p47'US ( $ SAIE $ P48" llil $ SALE $ I650-P14" lilt $43.09 StlF-$ Z U S q p 36" ll'il $ ! SAIE $29.50 PLUM BIN G SPECIALS 4 " Spray hose...,.....og. DAP Kw ik-soal. v.. tub**-.dap Paintors caulk * Roly-on caulk... tub 3 i «shower head, AUon's ad uita^e.. * X ** 1/2 " Galvonliad taa,.us Majn.. _tutnetjto»ch-ku,,,.,.,, T f 4 «1/2 " Oalvaniitad alli. US Mclda 1 0 fo r* I 3 / 4 " Rellof V alve, lamp, p rau,. see o ur C to iy Day(. USigaliTBBskefs S A L E _ P M I I I G I L , ^ Saturdoy.8:30 to t K T w i» r P a ; l l is i960 t(im b.iiy noaj R h o n e ^ 7 3 t ^ b l S E, 710 N. Orchcird ' NAM PA, 8 24 (C liv.la n.) R lird ]

39 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NQTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOT IC E ' Thurid»y, July M, m l -nmm Ntwi, Twin F«lll, ld»ho 41 NOTICE OP lalh NOTICE OP PUBLIC HBARINO C IT V O P T W IN FA LLS,ID A H O NOTICE IS H E R E B Y GIV E N by N O T IC E IS O IV E N th *»th *C H vo f Planning tn d Zoolnfl Com- Twin Pallt, Idaho: will g<f*r for u le m ltilon, Twin F «lli Counly< Stale ol. p u b l ic aucllon to the.hlohakf Idaho, thal a Public H tarlng will b e. INVITATION F O R B IO * TWIN PA LLS H O U IIN O AUTHORITY^.N O R T H ' B LM PROVINOWILL ANDI... I ^ T H B O js T R I c V ^ W ^ O F THE ^ ^ I N PA LLS rio T IC H O P H B A R IN O 9 W IL L A N 0 bidder In a turn at teatl d the ao- pralied valge of u i d real properrv " r L lll - y Avenue E a tl. Twin Palli, Idaho, the rotlowjno d«m rlbed reel properly, tow it! ^ T ^ n jh lp 10_Swlh._ Range U E.. held upon a petlllon llled by Greater Idaho,,ln«j lo r«one. m e lohowim. detcrlbm prttperiy (rom Iti p m e n t ' '^...1 fq ^ FOR P R O V IN O FOR LBTTBRSTaiTAMBNTARY IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE F IFTH JU D IC IA L DISTRICT O P THE STATE OP IDAHO. N O T ic I TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT O F T ^E F IFTH JU D IC IA L DtSTRICT OF THE STATE OP IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS LEG AL NOTICE LEG AL NOTICE In the AAatter of the E itate of C rortt. M < >< ^ t h e m a t t e r O P THE De<ea*ed. 0AI5Y.U. ROBEt^TS. DeceaUd. T P h ^ ESTATE OP O, W. DANIELS, Notice l» hereby given by the located In Twin PaM i. Idaho, Pha»* p t c a jn d.' - undbrihm Bd E x e c u to r.- to the PURSUANT TO O R D E R of the ' PURSUANT TO O R D fir ol the creditor! of and all pertoni having...lo r al P. o..box 433. Twin Fall», Idaho, County of Twin P allt, State of Idaho. Ihlt being the place fiiud -ier- ttiartrvinction -«r m«butlnett of w ld edate. ' Above entitled Coon, NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV EN that plumbing thelo M idayol AuQUil. W l, at 10:00»no-. ' a.m. ol u I d data at the TwInf'Falli ' ' i j ^ h P l «* PPotnted for proving the L a it F a lli Housing Authority at wtilch 1^ ^ f.h ^ ^ ' ' " n «T >n»m *nr-w -D iilv L r tim # -ind -place- all bidi Will be per claim* agalnit Ray Nell...- decmied, or hl» etiate, to'entilbll "«. ^ the 37lh day ol July. l»m. at 10;00 them Wllh the neceuary voucheri, Bida wljl be received until JlOO «.«. o» tald date ellh* Twin Fall* wv»lhln.lour..moolht aller Ih* firm Judicial Building, iwln Lota 71, 79, BO. ai. of the O rchatara... v... Subdivision and Including that part Twin. Falli County. Idaho of the SW /ineui of Section 4. Tp jn 33: That part of the South. Range IX E., B.M., lying -tibw NW 'A'-Oeicrm ed a i- fw lo w ii" south and' W ait or the Perrtne B EG IN N IN G AT THE Northweil,. Coulee, d e ic rlb e d aa fo llo w i: corner of the Northeast Ouarler of B EG IN N IN G at the center of said - the Northwest Quarter of K«cll0n-93/^~&*0 i-'<rand-runntng ihenc*~n0rth.... I.,--. >1 ^.. i u - I I. >Miere any_ person interested m ey Falls Housing AuinoriTV. tot n tr m n-fm n n M»u-*Bnwir-»nd-- Daled June.J»,» n 7 s. C R K i o H, N E IL. Craig H. Neils«>. EMecutor NEILSEN ol the Last Will and. Testament o f^ a y Nallsen, Deeaaied..P U D L ls H :.jm y.l,t..u NOTICE O P s Al E Notice it hereby given that N.F. highest bidder one \9iA Indian Enlleld Motorcycle No. 7TM1A. Bids wiil b e r e c e lu ^ until Augyst The advertiser reserve* the right to re»ct any or all bids. PUBLISHi July «. 3Sr l»;ir~ - Falls, Idaho, has been Ihe lime and S lace appointed lor proving Ihe Last /III and Testament ol O.W^^ Daniels, E eil 335 feelj T h «c, West along the South line, a ap p a.r a n d 'c o n litt the'svmv. ' " ef ^'sirev t. tw in Falis'.'ldaho, 6 a Ihence Soulh 48 degrees 45 minutes Bast 53 leelj thence No* lh 10/3 leet lo Section line; Ihence West 444 leet '-to plaee of beginning AND, T hai p a ri of It^e N W '^N W '/i distance of 373 leet.lo Ihe point of beginning. ----EXCEPTING'lhal part of l0t"78 described a t follows: B EG IN N IN G at a point on the East line ol said desa'lbedas-rollow s:-ascinninc~subdlvlslon-m A-lael.-Norm -of-the^. a ta p o ln lo n th e N o rlh llneol.s«ctlon center of ta ld Section 4. and running 33 In Towvnihip rio South. Range 17 Ihence N. SI degrees 30 m inutes W-, E., D.M,. which la id point Is 76 fdel a distance of 419 feelj Thence Nocith Westerly Irom the Northeast corner 3Sdegrees lomlnutes W.,a dlslance- of Ihe Norlhwest Quarter of Ihe of 340 feelj Thence North B9 degrees Norlhwett Quarter ol Ihe said Sectlott 33J Ihence Westerly along- *ato-wcttwnm»r43» Mif to-b ATEDthIt l4lhdayof July SA D IE D eg LEE -D epuly Clerk- A cerlllled check or bank drall. payable to Ihe Twin Falls Housing. U >( r-co V er nm eni - bond I r~ Iheqce Southerly parallel to Ihe East line of said NWi/<NWi^ ol said Section 33, a distance ol 397 leet; Thence Easterly parallel lo the North line of u i d Section 33. rof-jioo' Ihe point ol beglr\ning. NOTICE IS FURTH EH GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Twin F a lls County or a satlslactory bid bond executed b y the b idde r a n d acceptable turellet In an am ount to live per cent of the bid ihall'be-subm ltted M. ' T 'ii.'*iu c c «.(u l b ld d - '.^ lll b.' T h. City ol Twin f «l li Urban, d p.y lor R e n t a l Agency of Clly ol Tw n la tiif a c lo r y p e rfo rm an ce and Fa ii w ill receive Bids for Twin paym ent bonds or bond. Falls Cenlral Ouslneis - Dlstrlc.-.- ihentlonlscblted to lhefaci thfft h9 «th day ol August, at Clly specifications m ust be paid on Ihls Hall, Twin Falls, Idaho al ^ o le c t which lim a and place all Bids w ill be The Twin F allt H ouiing A-jlhorlly PuWlc'V 0P«n«d «nd read *loud. ' re s e rv is lh e rig h tto re le ct anyor alt I bids are Invited upon several^ bid* or lo waive any IniormallllM In PUUUISH: July B, 15, 33, 1971 Civil Case No ANOTHER SUMMONS IN THE DISTHICr COURT OF THE l-if-tm JU D IC IA L DISTRICT OF THU STATE OP ID A HO, IN AND fo R -T W IN FALLS COUNTY T:c5rtrcrwADi:cY PlAlntlli; vs. NOHMAN LeHOY W A DLUY, Dofcudnnl.,, u.vkvii j j, ' Unit Olds are Invited upon severali* kihc or lotujilua anv Iniorm allllm In t-ta-cbni*rtjft Plennlno**«*a*«J«oCommis*lon-al Jlema-and-quanlltle*-of-work -as_*he bidding THU.JTATt Ot^lDAHO send*.dllchi-lhencb_lh**>our ^_9 :(»P,m. on the JJfh dav follows: Oemollllon, EKcavatlon L fjg wllt»drawn for a urootingt lo Norman U R oy Wadlev along cenler. line ol said ditch South, o i August, W7), In Ihe Twin Fftlll Backfill, Asphail Paving, Irrigation- p,rioij of ihirty (M ) days subsequent the ' to the openinu ol. bids with! contenl of Ihe Twin Falls Housing Aulhorit' You are hereby notified that a degrees 58 rhlnutei East, _ distance of 43«f eel to cenler ol "Low Line" Canal as at present con- County Ju d ic ia l B uild in g, Twin Falls, Idaho, upon said Petlllon. Any and all persons Interested System, Plants & Planting, Concrete Curb (, C uller, Precast Concrete, Driveways & Concrete Slabs, Drick, ll»ence Northerly alonu last men- '«V the their w rittm lloned line 844 feel; lltence Westerly oblecllont to said lone change with U feel; Itience Northerly 41 leet to Commission, or at 434 Addison the point olbflolnnlng Aveoue West, Twin Fall*, Idaho, on E n c e p lln g and reserving Ihe or belore date ol said hearing. - lollowing two parcels wllhin which Dated this 13 day ol July. 1971, are located City wells. ^ STUART SWAN Parcel No. 1i Commencing at the Chairman corner commo*«lo Sections 38, 39, 33 Planning and Zoning and S3, Township 10 Soulh, Range 17 Commission. Twin Fallir B.M.r-Twln Falls Counlyrldaho;- '' ' Ihence South 89 degrees 50 minutes liast along the North line ol.section 33 a distance ol leet to a point; Ihence South 0 degrees 14 minutes West along Ihe pipeline a distance of 35 feel to Ihe Soulti side of the.road rlghl-of'way; thence Soulli 0 decrees 14 m inutes West along tlte pipsllna a distance ol feel lo Ihe true point of b e g in n in g ; Itience Soullt 89 degrees 44 minutes East a distance Contract Documents, Including D raw in gs and T echnical It the.lly t A R C H IT E C T S - C N G IN E C R S PLANNERS al 343 Blue Lakes nivd. North. Twin Falls, Idaho Cooles ol Ihe Contract Documents may be obtained by deposilino... * - CHrTECTS a<)d plead to the said complaint w ilhln twenty days ol the this sum m ons; and you are further notified that unless you so appear and plead to said com plaint wiihin Iho tim e h e re in. ip e c lh e d, the p la ln llll will lake judgment agalnit tioo.oo with the CTA ARCHM ATTEST; ' H. A. LANCARTCR Clerk P U B LISH : JuJy-15-* ^ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICl! IS H C R G O Y G IV E N by Ihe IMannlno and Zoning C om mission, Twin Falls County, Stale ol Idalw), Ihat a Public Hearing w ill be of 34.0 leel; Ihence South 0 degrees»'»'d lo consider live granting of a 14 m inutes West a dlsunce ol 54.0 feel; thence North 89 degrees 44 m inutes West a distance of 48.0 leel; Ihence North 0 degrees 14 minutes East a distance ol 54.0 leel; Ihence South 89 degrees 44 minutes East a distance ol 34.0 leel to tiie true point of beginning, Parcel No. 3: Commencing at Ihe corner common lo Sections 38, 39, J3 and 33. Township 10 South, Range 17 variance applied for by M r. Harold H u m p h ro y lor the p urpo se ol e s ta b lis h in g nn electronics m anufacturing lirm al Ihe site ol Ihe old Twin Fafls Clly Water Filler Planl further described as: That pari ol llie NW'/* ol Section 33 Township 10 SoUlh, Range 17 East, llolse M eridian commencing ap-.proxlm alely 875 leet Cast ol the trmtttwfn-raftrcjon'tvndahot thence South 89 degrees 50 m ln ulh East along the North lino of Section 38, 39, 37 and 3) Ihence feel East ttjence 397,0 feel South, further doscrhiixl as t]^ jm g ^ n lm a le * the «ppll S l H S Case N s. 138 N O T IC E O P H E A R >M O OF P E T IT IO N F O R D E T E R M INATION O F H E IR S H IP AND v V A o r * THE H lp T M ^ ju D IC U U ^ r s T m?? u. l W ' o r i ' m l " cwl5 G R ISH A M, D«COfltod. NOTICE IS H E R E B Y CilVEN Thai Irene N, G risham Dye has liied in Ihe above enlilled Court her Petition selling forth Ihe tact that Ihe above named decedent died on Ihe 15th day ol M ay, 1949, In Twin Falls. Idaho; tiial at the lim e ol his death he was a resident of Twin F ails C ou nty, Id a h o, an d said decedent and Irene N, Grisham Dye owned real property situated within the Stale ol Idaho; that said decedent died Intoslate: that no petition for Ihe adm inistration of his sta le has ever been llled within llte Stale of Idaiio; that the ronl properly own«d bv tlie docndnnt was ills com munity property interest in -litfl toliaw lflq _dp Scrlhi>d real oroperly, to wli: Lot-1 ol ST A N FIELO & W A KEM Did opening, A certified check or bank drall. payable to Ihe order ol City ol Twin Fall* & Urban Renewal Agency ol City ol Twin Falls, negotiable U-S, Government bond* (at par value), or a talislaclorv Did Bond executed by the,b idder and an acceptable surety. In an am ouhl equal to live per cent (5 per cent) of the total ol Hid for Site Preparation shall be submltled with each i>id, Allentlon I* called lo Ihe fact that not tasi than tlie m inim um salaries and wages as sel lorth In Ihe Contract. Documents must be paid on ilicants for em ployment are not r i^ ln a le d against because ol )W?rr«iotDn7*tW7T)r ".... race, national origin. P u rsu ant to E x ecutiv e O rder» J3 a-aniancn Di_i3ig./D Ihpnre.nwi uu,.... \ r / ' r S...7 SUIiniVlSiON, Twm i-ails couniy, «Noiice is nerooy given uy isaoeiie '^ S o u lh 3 degrees 34 minutes lasv a e r r t^ i^ r r T d jy i/'^ - U lib T r ^ r f itn rj anst yrm a W T'Ttr mg p ia i lilweu i fthn k L itilh...cl i r,k. ' elong flp Jp n lin fla d U fa n jto f 35»eel build in g s and *»ruclures B K ls t P lo y m * n l O p p o ^ recorded in Volume 5 ol Plats, page R oborh on, E xecutrices lo the, to Ihe south side of tlie road rlgih of ^ record»"of said" County: crfdltorrofitnd air por*dn»*tiavlng. way; ihence South 3 (limroos 34 Falls filter plant. ^ '0^* conirac^, Ip,e agalnjj Collie 0. CUrk, w ay; ihence South 3 (legt ->iinuie*nrast'tn5nirtrw distance of 53S.0 loel; Ihence North 84degrees 10 minute* E a il along the pipeline a distance of 187,0 leel lo Ihe Irue point ol beginning; thence North 3 degrees 50 minutes West a NOTICE-15 FU RT H ER GIV E N that public Hearing w ill be held before the Tw in F alls C ouniy Planning and Zoning Commission at V v w v the hour of 9:30 p,m, on the 13th day dlstanceof35.q leel; Ihence North 84 August, 1971, in Ihe Twin Falls of 44.0 feet; thence Soulh 3 degrees 50 m inutes East a distance ol 50,0 feet; thence South 84 degrees 10 aiiu U d..canclrucllon-pro act- requlred to lake affirm ative action tow ard equal em p lo y ip e n l op- porlunlly and are required under certain condillont to present w rillen A tllrm allve Action Programs. At pre-conslruclion conferences, the successful bidder and his known - ilia iu ifl. 1971, notice is iiereby given fhat h earing w ill be held T uesday, August ,-at llte hour ol 10:00 a.m. upon Ihe aliowe petition lor. d e te rm in a tlo n ol h e irs h ip and sellement ol estate alter lapstr ol Iwo years, when and where any persons Any and all persons Interested required to present and discus* tt«feet; thence South 84 degrees 10 m ay appear at said hearing and minutes WesI adlstanceof 44.0 te e tr -» « «0. thi>nco Norlh 3 dwrees 50 minutes Uls«PP*'oual and commenw 'on-any ' ^ West a dislance.ol 35.0 feel to the «nd all o» the matters above slated,_ Trut-peinr^nr^fiuinrnu^ " »rtintibv^»v~«ii«m*i'' wriiion Further reserving use ol un- objections losald variance w itli said derground water rovlded by said Commission, or at 434 Addl»on Wells lo9?lher_wu^w 4lLeouiDment A Y «U ft.w «fj:«ln JIa lls A - ld a tio ^ fi_ creditors and heirs, may appear and canlest the same, DAXUO.-Thls-l'sth div- o f-july. 1971,.LAUCA5TER,-Clerk Dy SADIE D eg L E E. Deputy Clerk P U B L IS H : July and August 5, 197,1,---? above Courl. ' W IT N E S S M yhandand Ihesealol r H>a-Dlslrlct-Courl-lhJs-15lh-dav-ol_ July. 1971, 'I- H. A, LANCASTER. Clork H. N. JE W E L L, AMornoy for Plaintlll, Residing al Twin Falis, Idaho No. 107 N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE rif T H JU D IC IA L DISTRICT IN THE STATE o r IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS, MAGISTRATE DIVISION :tbte-of-nl-blrie- '... Docoated with the necessary vouchers, -within lour m onlhi alter the llrsi publication bl Ihls notice, lo Ihe laid Execulrlcos at llte ollice ol Parry. Robnriton. Daly 8, Larson, Idslto Firsi National Hank ttuilding. Twin Fails, Stale of Idaho, this being the : July B, IS, 33, and 39, F urth e r excepting p erm anent easements as herealtor described lor the maintenance, operation and transmission of water from said ^ -WoH8.-.tQgethflf w lih.tiib rlohf of.. ^ngv ess and egress: Easement No. 1: Commencing al' Ihe corner common to Sections , 33 and 33, Township 10 Soulh, R a n g e '17 E., B.M., Twin Falls. C ou niy,. Id a h o ;. thence South B9 degrees-50 minutes Eait along Ihe ---- w arttntm rpr5»cnot n r r «n i»tinr of loot 10 a point; thence South Dated Ihls 13 day of July, 1971, STUART SWAN CHAIRMAN Planning and Zoning Com_miiilon, TwIn F dlls --- "coonfy, Idatio ATTEST; H. A, LANCASTER Clork PU B LISH : July 15, July 33, 19?rr O RDINANCE NO. 1S30 AN O R D IN A N C E OF THE CITY... - COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TWIN degrees t4-minules West-along Ihe FALL6rlD AH O rskt.tjng FOR.TH, pipeline a distance ol 35 feet to the THE TOTAL AMOUNT O K M O N E Y... South side o rth e road right-ol way N E C E S S A R Y TO B E R A IS E D By ED YTH D. KOONTZ wiilcli I* the irue point ol beginning; F R O M TAXI S ASSESSED ON THE Clly Clerk licence Soulh 89 degrees 50 minutes TAXABLE P R O P E R T Y W IT H IN. Date July 15, 1971 East along Ihe pipeline a distance ol THE C ITY OF TWIN -FALLS, P U B L IS H E D : Ju ly 3}, 3 35 (eel io-the Soulh side ol Ihe road IDAHO F O R THE FISCAL Y E A R Augdst-5,-I97K -righl-ol-way which I* the true point OEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1971, ol beginning; Ihence South 19 and ENDING DECEMBER 31, degrees 50 minutes C all along the A N D P R O V ID IN G THAT THE Soulhroadrlght'of-w ayadislanceof CITY C L E R K SHALL F IL E A c p R T ip jc Q COPY OF THIS O R D INANCE WITH THE COUNTY A U D IT O R O F TW IN F A L LS COUNTY. IDAHO. HE IT O R D A IN E D D Y. THE M A Y O R AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TWIN FALLS. IDAHO: Section 1. There I* hereby levied upon all Ihe taxable properly wilhln ^ R V n w v a l^ ^ 'o M c y ' o f ^ l l y " ^ T w i n u n r i r e n c t u p T i u e Fall* reserve the right to reject any NOTICE OF THE TIME ' " D T d. 1 " ' b. ' t a b T li i. Clly.1,',^ ;t ^ 'V,P :,U m C la L ''S l5 T R l?? I AND FOR THE COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS- M AG ISTRATE D IVISIO N. In the Matter of the Estate of HAROLD HIGENS, Deceased, Pursuant lo.an Order ol said Courl, made on the T4th day ol July, ' 1971, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thai.Tuesday,-the lolh day ol_auguil(_l -1971,-al.fBfVOfclOCk-fl.m^Ol_*ald,day, I at the Courl Room ol salu Court, a f^ l the Twin Falls County Judicial Building, in Ihe City of Twin Fall*. Agency Ol City of Twin Falls for. period not to exceed thirty (30) days from m e aaie of the opening oi DIds for Ihe purpose of reviewing the Bids a n d In v e s lig a tln g ' tlie _Q uallflcaflonj_of_d lddcta,_nrlor J o awarding of the Conlrack City ol Twin,Falls a. Urbaa Renewal -- Agency-ol-Clly of Y ^ n P a i r i ' leel; tlience Soulh 0 degrees 14 minutes West along a line parallel to and 7.5 leel East ol the water line a distance of IBLS feel lo a point; thence North B9 degrees 44 minutes West a distance of 15.0 leet; thence North 0 degrees 14 minules East along a line parallel to and 7,5 feet West of the water line a distance ol leel; Ihence North 89 degree* 44 m inules West a dlitance ol 18.0 the c o ru r a te llm lls of the City of feel; thence North 0 degrefti.'-14' Twin Fall Twin Fall*, Twin F allt County. inulet y.u8fl, to defray tt^^^ EasI a distance ol 35.5 (eel to tl»e current ex pe nm of M id City for the true point ol beginning. tlscai year beginning on the llrsi day Easement No, 3: Commencing at o( January, 1971, and ending on IIib,, Range 17 E., H.M., Twin Falls Code). i*.h «ii h. ORDINANCE NO. ISIf AN O R D IN A N C E OF THE CITY OF TW IN F A L L S, ID A H O, PR O V ID IN G FOR SECTION 37. OF ARTtCUC I OF CHAPTER X, CITY O F.T W IN, FALLS. IDAHO, CODE TO PR O V ID E FOR RULES AND R E G U L A T IO N S F O R P U B L IC P A R K S O F S A ID C IT Y, AND PR O V ID IN G FOR PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. BE IT O R D A IN E D BY THE M AYOR A N D CITY COUNCIL OF THE C t T V O F TWt.Hit FALLS, Thai Section 37 o l Article I ol Chapter X, C lly of Twin Falls, Idaho, Code shall provide a t foliowt: - -- R U L E S AND fonh- Counly of Twin F alls, Idaho, ha* -been appointed as Ihe tim e and plac* for proving the W lirg f said Harold Higens, deceased, and for hearing thb application of M ary Alice Hlgent for Ihe issuance lo M ary Alice HIgerM of Leltert Testamentary, when and where any person In- tere*led m ay appear and contest samb. Dated July 14th, SA D IE D eg LE E Deputy Clerk' PU B LISH : July and Aug, S, e ita te N e.ls I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION OP T HB T IM B A P P O IN T B D P O R IN THE D ISTRICT COURT OF. THE FIFT H -JU D IC IA L DISTRICT OF THE STATE OP toaho, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OR TWIN.Cou/ilv,.-idaho; Ihence Soulh 89 degrees 50 minules EasI along the Norlli line ol Section 33 a distance of feel; thence Soulh 3 degrees ilpeltnj.. «l8s,345,00-to-defray the expenses ol street im provem ent* Including lighting, sbrlnkling, fiuthlng and oiling, repairs, m alnlenance, construction of slr«et«; of said city 34 minutes East along a pipelti ai taher6l35leeftoihesoutbtldeof- d u rin g s aid s h a ll be u n la w fu l and punishable a* herein provided tor any person w ithin the lim it* of any public park of th» City of TWirt F»lli, Idaho, to com m it any of the following acts: l - t t u _ E 4 l4 t t _ p L l ZB R. D e c e a s ^. I C 4 0 S E O O T the road right-ol way w hich'l* "the Umltatlon -of-beginnlnfl;"lfienc# -Code); A RTHUR V. S W IT Z E R. P u n u a n t lo an order of said Court made on the 19ltt day of July. J971,.. NOTICE IS H E R E B Y O lv E N. That Tuesday. Ihe 10th day of August. 1971, al ten o'clock a.m, of -To-xall.or t/>llc t for sale any u i d day, at the Courl Room ta ld l< A.i... ill,! I i~i II I_^._.A.II.._l_. Soulh'B9 degreet 50 rniniilh East 3, 197, lo m aintain a free along the Soulh road rloht-of-wav a public library In said city during distance ol 7.5 leel; thence South 3 ^ s a ld fiscal year, (m ill lim itation ^,5 degrees 34 minutes East along a m ills; Idaho Code), pipeline a distance of 537.S (eel; 4, t39.000,00 to provide (or a I i S i r ' Sfe.71IX-."rr. drlnk,-(06d or other.good* of-ahy naturk without permission of Ihe Department of Park*, :,j.t o - cam p I. and prior lo 4:00 a.m., except as Is tiereln provided. 3. To cam p evem lghl except In C oortvarfktcburr^court Hovs* In' the City of Twin Falls, C ounty o( Twin Falls, Stale of Idaho, be, and th e.,sam e -It- h e reby., ap p o in ted,, the tim e and place ol prov;lng the I last W ill and Testamenl ol Arthur V.S w llier, deceased, andfo rhearlno Ihe application of T h ereu Switier, - *- tier of letter! and where any Plication of T I. U a u W e.lg entary, when M degre**50m inuie*e aif«'longttie Code). ' "'5 YS * ^ M ra U a n v ^ o lo rlie d boat, lo u ih robtt--rlght-of-wav- tnr-»--- * - W.W C.o o - lo - > fo W ld i- fo r- arw - T,.^ ^ 41ttan ca-o(.7 J.(e e l.to.lhe-tr^e-point C flautata^c tefttlo O fl^ jlofltljg a J O said city during satd^(lscal wear. In illl llm llallon 3 m ills; S0303i Idaho Code). 7.»17S,500,00 for m a ln lilr '---- o( beginning. Further excepting and reserving to Ihe City all mechanical apparatus Ihat m ay be deilred lo be removed from any and all of the'above de*cribed real properly bv the Clly. t liirth-y of the Department of Parks. 4. To tcub a dive In DIerkes L a M In ny de*lonated twlm area. ^ t Couft _ H y SA D IE D ^_L E _e _ M p u ty Clerk w r a r BIG DISCOUNT equipping the Fire Departm ent of * nitl recori All bids are subject to confirm ation by Ihe' Clty Council. Any and all bids m ay be rejected by Ihe said clly In aaid fiscal year, (m ill l ^ l ^ " a i - y m lil.l M -w, ld.l«i authorlied diamonds. «. To play golf. d for the county of Twin Fallt. The sum bid m ay be paid In cash at the lim e of acceptance or m ay ba.ln.fiv e e q ual an n ual Installm ents togelher with Interest I»IH w th o rlie d ro ad, or drlveu-ayt.. 5 ii^an!» i td.t operm ltorhavepom estlonof assessed *«V animal except on of*r< c / iy - p ( ^ ln Fail*I. Idaho. SecMon a. The Clly Clerk of the a ^ ^ 01 n.v o v e on destroy -ix of Twin Palls, Idaho it hereby...d to certify to 4n (he A ^tte r o l Ihe estate of THOMAS e..h U G HES, D eceasa^ NOTICE IS H B R E B Y GIV EN J h a, im idt ilgnid, P v f ntor to iiia credltora of and a ll ptriona 'havlno d a im t against T hom at B, Hughas, decaatad, or h it M late, to axhlbltthe n e c a s ta r y V u d The (Irtt Installment to be paid 0 ccaplance of bid and the remaining'- fo ur InttaM m ents of p rincipal together With Interest payable each year ttiareafter. In the event of In- ttallm ent payments. Contract of onoa rtv or n it M iaie«to axhlblt K ; CO..VV Aidllor i. ft. Coonti.1 ' t t i. ' S illollrhtx W l «m is ordinance Immediately affet- Ita Article II of Chapter X t, 5? r ^. SaleshallbeeM*cotedreserving title In Ihe City unlll>qavment I been made. serving t In (i{ll It' h«s jly 1... S IO N ^D BY THE M A Y O R. July 19, FRANK H. FELDTMAM BDVTHB' 6, K O ^ T Z Clerk' City Cl. PUBLISH I July IS, 33 City Clerk _ r K o o w i z " ' city clerk * ' ' publish! July 33. 1»71. provided Iri A rticle City of Twin Falls. Idaho Code. P A U E D BY THB CITY COUN-, CIL July ', SIG N E D BY THE M AY O R July 19, M7t. - PRANK H. pbldtaaan. AAayor ^ J E S. T ;. S a - a W ^ j notice to...w Exewtor at (h«office* of R «yborn/ Bank w Idaho Bidg., P.O. Box 331. Ctty Of Twin P a llt, County of T w h Pallt, State of Iddho, Ihlt btlna m * ^ac«l xad for th tlran ucdon o f tti* ' b u iln att of u i d estata. Dated Ih lt 20th d ay of July, m i. L4V E RN B HUOHe S : ' V,B D Y T H 6 D. KOORTZ. City ClarIt PU B LISH i July t h 'T h m a t E. H ughm, decaatad " I J U B L IS H, July A * ;? ; ' is OurSpftiaUjM^4

40 r, ^ TIq>M'Ncwi«Twin F^alli. Idah5 Thurtday, July 33, )97l le g a L No tic e LEGAL n o t ic e LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ' LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICB OP T H B T IM e A P P 0 IN T 6 D P 0 R ROVINO WILL? o t i c b t o c r b o / t o r i IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE F IFTH JU D IC IA L DISTRICT IN THE STATE OP loaho; IN AND FOR THE C O U N T Y 'O F TWIN e ila l* No. fj NOTICE OPSALB INTHEDisTRlcT 'courtof THE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FALLS, FOR THE COUNTY OF TWIN 5R A IL S F O R D, D *C M i*d. FALLS N otlc* Is hereby alv ep MAGISTRATE DIVISION FrederickM.rSralltford dtid Jline 0. ' In Iho Mflller Ihe E ilflle o< W llhlion, Execulor* of Ihe above CTHEL SPENCER. Deceaied..j* etiale. lo Ihe credlfort of «hd all gerioni jiavlnq claims agalnit N O T ic B O P B X IS T IN O W A TBR PBRM tt Nollce li hereby given that Ralph S chnall, R o g e rto n, Id a h o, h a i received and approved Perm it NO. LEGAL NOTICE N O T IC a O P T H «T I M I AND P L A C V O P H IA R IN O P IT IT IO N N O T ic e o p s A L e Notice It hereby g iven fhat N O T IC «T O C R «D IT O R * IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF C «l«n o.3 M ll A N O T H IR tu M M O N I IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP m s m F O R t h e COUNTY OP TWIN FALLS, M A G IST R A T E D IV ISiO N In the M aile r of Ihe E ila t0u>< R USSELL C. LA RSEN, Deceaied. p urto an l lo an o rder ot la ld C oo rl, - m»d«o n Ih * f t h da y o l J^.ly,»?», 0 3» «^7-2 4 M lu u e d b v th e Idaho j'"c U T O (l Iraller end one m o o t camo tr a ll^. PALLS m a o is t d ^ b m u iij X lr AND POR THE COUNTY OP TWIN ^ ver.loa ol.8j cubic»*el per second - THE STATE OP IDAHO, IN l9 n. The a d v tr l^ S re! «?v* ^ D e c.a S J S A V ^ B E R O. CLEVELAND JO N ES, DHendant. water irom a oround water BV* s ou rce; The p rio rity to b'e eslabllthbd under Ihit perm it li June 9, I9M. and Ihe perm it was approved June 34, )9M. f O R,f w in p * i.l iit 6 u N f v W IL L IA M A. BASS, n ---- Deceased. 6 state No. t ) NOTICB TOCRBOITORS persons having claims agalnit Water Is tobe diverted by well and - NOTICB TOCRBDITORS rni«nijnihl.r»liifiiiirfm*lnir voir NOTICE IS HErEbV GIVEN. bealrkee, Brallsford, deceased, or pu p from a point within the Pursuant to Ihe order ol Ihe above IN THE DISTRICT COURT o r with Ihe neceuary voucheri. S,^hJ Thai the undersigned «eculor will her eelate, to exhibit Ihem wllh Ihe sb'/ine«<i XB<'r5^~rrT457TrnsPr~«t**^ Court made on ttiw ISm Oav THE PIPTH'JUDICIAL DISTRICT" *!!*!!»»e«-m>r IllHlrTkl matrix* tha O a l* ft l' ' frw vff* UffV J4,IV. tvf ll? * * Wt.WV* ««U**VW W... W *> ot >tt«k Ub ir^ c af -Jl l V«*uc I rilbuvuvi IMV m fl UflV...,, i. 17 * «> >>*V --rw. r I Af A notice Is hereby given that Tuesday, sellat private sale.lo Ihe highesi and necessary vouchers, w ithin lour n.m., Twin Tails County, to be used Notice Is hereby given O'* ^*^2 STATE O P ID A HO. IN O' Idato In 'M ftin r Tuitn C klti County 2- the 57ih day ot July, 19M, a M 0:00 best blikler, sublecu o contlrmatlon months alter the ttrst publication ot (or Irrigation artd stockwater pur- Tuesday the loth day ol August. AND FOR THE COUNTY OF TWIN "'^ e r ilg n e d Adm inistratrix at the the a ^ v e n a m ^ ou lntllf, end.s o'cmkh-a^m -o^-mld-iuyr-al-the-bv-lh. above entlllbd.courl.-«h-jho_thls.nollc«ijo.mb.»ald-executor«-at_doiei-ln-lha-swli.swu.-s«: lj» 'OiOO A.M. Ihareof In Ihe PALLS. MAGISTRATE DIVISION. Horneys, May, May, : I._^...H.. t i l l. ni n«n ^ r r v / ' M, i u...t r.v ^ V " rniiv»r«n«. b i.. - _i B * n n a t l _ *.. S u f h i j. «i, «...«_ V ' ' " ' ^ b y oirecieo 10 appw r courtroom o< said Court, In Ihe right, lltio and Inleresl and estate ot Iti** ntlirr of n ^rry Pohfrl'.ofi, O jly Judicial Building of Ihe County the»ald Ctliel Sponcef, deceased, 1 Larso n, Idaho PIrst N atio n al CouWroom'of»ai'dr«byi n7h#tw I.I--- tn'the-m atter-if-the-estate ot P*^***-*-SU * *» -A tfo rn e y t.*l- ' rt-m,,- Courthouse In Ihe city of TwIn'Falis, anti ah 'the rtght,'title and Interest Dank Building, Twin Falls. Stale Proijf of the BODllcatlon of the City and County of Twin Pali's, State, NOTICE IS H EREBY^O IV EN, To Twin F«lls, County of Twin County of Twin Fails, Idaho, has sand Ihnt said M talo has of, In and to of Ida ho,th ls^ln g th e plac eflx ed for wale to ben^lclal Sfo was?/ Idaho, has been appointed as the [he creditors of and all p e r ^ s of Idaho, this being Ihe,»3r V u m m ^? v w are been appointed as Ihe time and place thal certain real property shualodln the tran sa ctio n of,the business m ltfed lo Ihe Deoartment on June placeof hw rln g petition lo h av in g c la im s a g a in s t E the l for the transaction of the iu,4h«f nniiiia/t «h&t imin** von ia J o f Droving the W ill.ol sald-hussall-tw ln-l alli-counly. Sla}. of l ^ h o, of said estate u! W l r n y - 7? «r.g ain s t ts I ^ of tha abova n am ed.sp«nc«r, deceased, or her estate, to «!*», a p p «? and pi^ad to sa7d csm ^lalm c L a r w n, deceased, and tor hearing and dcrlb<td as follows,'to w it; Dated June 39, l9;i- Issuance of the license lor Ihe Above ' "''WI Ihe ap- enhlblt, them with Ihe necesiat'v,o?i Within ttie time herein loeclf led. the. jr hearing the application ol M arla Maxine -Larxei.Letters Teslameolary, when and where any person Inlerettml m ay appear and conletl sniiie. DATED, Ju lm, lv ;i. H, A, LANCA5TIIH Clerk Dy s 'S A D IU D ecli:i; Deputy Ck-rk Publish: July B, IS, ar\dl?}, jQlJU23-juid-2Un-nl0Ck- F H E D E R IC K W hile and ^Cnllnhnn Addition to Twin F a lls, Idaho ( 44S Addison Avmiuol. All bids or offers m ust be In wrulnu Ai\d w ill be received by the undersigned omecutor at the law M. re l.;;" ^ 1-lc.llon of Wlnlfr;;d r:' o ; a^^^^ vouchers within four'months aft^^^ ---- wltn-tnirtbjihiroadrrorwat8r Atr uenco l»'«flrsl-fhibllcatlon of this notice h>-----» ^R C A H E T - T ^P E l,t O N N O T IC E O P T H 8 TIM B ' A P P O IN T eo P O ft P R O V tf/o W ILL IN TUG d i s t r i c t COURT OF ofllcnsof Payborn, Hayborn, Webb andt*lk«. Hank ol Idaho O ldo, P.O. JU D IC M L DISTRICT Dox 321, Twin ra ils. In th«county of In ls tratlo n, Stalehouse. Dolsei L W illiam A. Bass III of Letters the undersigned executor at the idalto. S370/. within ten ( 10) davs ol Testamentary, wtien and where any 'Offices of Rayborn, Rayborn, Webb ' BENNETT & SUDihe la u d S i; of pubm^al^^ «P P «r and L Pike. Dank of Idaho Dldg, P.O. noijcn contest Ihe same. Box 331, Twin Falls, County ol Twin OV ' JAM ES J. MAY Falls. Slate of Idaho, this being the Attorneys for Administratrix p lftc e tu e d lo rih e tran sa ctlo n o H h e. S '* S»cond SWeet East business of said estale.?-p- Bo>c,_10S OF THU STATE O F IDAHO, AN D FOR THE COUNTY O F TWIN- PA LLSr - -TwinJIalls,. Stale.of-ldaho.-or I 5 * S l ^ S 7 e r? f '^ t h e ^ c i late o( AND CODICIL THERBTO. m «d ^ W ALTER H. LARSON. Deceased. N THU DISTtirCT^COUHT OF c i r l ^ S e on ite B^hlls^ of j!? 1C FIFTH JU D IC IA L DISTRICT '9M. R. K EITH MIGGINSON Director Publlslted In Iho Tlm oi Nowsi Twin l-alli, Idalio, on July IM h a n d July Dated this 15th day of July, 19M H. A. LANCASTER Clerk ny SADIE D eglge Deputy Clerk PUULISH: July 33, 39 s, August, 5, isiness of said estale. w x.i u i Dated this 39th day of June. i»7l. ' Twin Pallli, Idaho F R E D OYMON SPE N C E R, - PU B LISH! July 15, W, 39 fc August 5. executor t«l- ~ P U B L I6Mt-Jyly J, B,-15-4i-33,-t»n, :---^ witnin tna time hereln spe^lfled, the--- You are furlher notified that Ihe Complaint filed against you Is for divorce and attorney's fees. W ITNESS My hand and the seal of the District Court this \3d«yof July. 19M. H.A. LANCASTER, Clerk s LUCILLE WILCOCK Deputy Clerk A t^pther SUMMONS! ' ^ ijwlhh:-1iilv M Aii>^ < n o t i c e is H E B C IIV O lv C N ' f c ' ' T " u 'M A T fe H O r ' ^ n i E..., -, IN. THL_-MATTLK_0F- _ THL -*iifnith -?ltie~ ln~ ** Court Room of siild Court, at AT3 50 Per Cent nf M id CITY O f TWIN FALLS, IDAHO RECEIPTS, EXPENDITURES AND PERCENTAGE OF ESTIMATES FOR THE PERIOD, <. JANUARY 1 THRU JUNE 30, 1971 Percent. Estim ated' Rev. Reed. Per Cent 1971 Estimated Bwpandltures 1971,-Notice is hereby glven.t h a t. «J o m p in y l/ c h l i T U - 'M r n M Tuesday, the 3/m oay or ju iy. W /t. ih. X, Larson, deceased, and for hear no at ten o'clock a.m.ol said day. at th. theappllcationolthetwin Falls Dank.> 1.1 r/.i,.-».«10 re *ci any atiil all uias..i._ i Oatvd tnit iih day of July F R E D D YRON Sf>E2NCER Cnecutor of estate of Ethel Spencer, deceased, PUHLtSH; July 15 « Court Room ol laid Cobrt, at >ne County Court House in the Cily of Twin Falls, County ol Twin Falls, Idalto, has been appointed as <he liitfo and place for proving ttie Will and Codicil thereto of said E;va M iller, deceased, and for hearing the application of Archie Dick Miller and Irene Merbst lor the Issuance to IhM t ol Lellers-Teslamentary, when Revonun i - O fu M n fl.: ^ Translors i Total Personal Serv ice Maintonanco Capital Outlaw Toinl bnd where any person inl«>resipd struckon of concrete curb and gutter & Trust Company for the Issuance to the Twin Palls (lank ' Trust Company of Letters Testamentary, when and wl<ere any person In- leresied m ay appear and conlest W ATER & SEW C R M A ln T C N A N C Ii A O PO H at IO N. - Hovenue - Dated July On Hand SA D IE DeGLC C Transfers D r -jty Clerk Total PU O U lah t'juty-tj.-n'c --- I 1.139, , «9;3ifl:oo 1, , t o t ;713:oo , U.00 1,805, l.49fl.00 ' 13B S , , , , m ay appear and contest the same, _Dalfid-JUlV-iltl SA D Ili DeCLEiti Deputy Clerk NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEAR i;go NOTICE IS IIC H C IIY GIVEN by the noardof County Commissioners. Twin Falls-County, Slale of Idaho, that a public hearing w ill be held to consider a recommendation Irom t h f Twin Falls t'lanning and Zoning Commission that the following area be reioned R-3 Residential Irom Ihe present c lassificatio n of A l A g ric u ltu ra l Zone and R A I Residential Agricultural Zone: The West 330 feet of Section 3B and jownslttplowuuvhflnoe 17 U.iil. and concrete valley gutters w ill be -racaluad-unllljjia.o^^m^.ljr^ July 33rd, 1971, In-the office.ol the City Clerk and ttien wui be publicly opened and read in Ihe Council Chambers of llie Twin F alls Clly Hall. The work contemplated Includes Ihe construction of approxim alely 3,500 L. F. of concrete curb and.gutter and approximately 300 L. F. of concrete valley gulters, The work il prim arily In conjunction w ith the City of Twin Falls Local Im provement District No. 84. Contract d o cum ents. In clu din g specifications are on file at the office of Iho City Clerk and are open'for inspection. Copies m ay be obtained Irom the City Engineer. All biciders shall be licensed as public works contraclors under the laws ol Ihq State ol Idaho. Illddort w ill hiueaulrsd.tq furnish TjliFsiicurliv In llio form o>^cai»i," certllled check or bid bond, in Ihe o f- November, 1971, at the Itour of 10:00 o'clock a.m., of said day. at the East front door of the Twin Falls Counly Court Mouse, Twin Falls, Stale of Idaho (lo O N C L A N D T IT LE C O M PA N Y, a sole proprietorship, as Trustee, w ill sell at public aoc Hon. lo llte tilghest bidder lor cash. In lawful money of Ihe United States, ail payable at the tim e ol sale, the followed described real properly, situate In lha'counly ol Twin flails. State of Idaho, and described as tollows. to wlt: Lot 3 In Block S ol South Park Addition to Twin Falls. Twin Falls County, State of Idalio. according to Ihe official plat thereof, recorded in Hook 3ol Plats, Page 18. Records ol Twin Palls County, Idaho. Said sale w ill be m ade w llhout covenant or.w arranty regardina ---- T W»m H n T a n n m m tm im c 6r t o ^ Por»6nnrSorvlce4 Maintenance Capital Outlay ~Toint < ; 50, ,00 - M ija i.o o - I - A IR PO R T Revenue On Hand Total Personal Services M aintenance Capital Outlay Total STREET LIGH T IN G Revenue.* On Hand ' Total L IH R A R Y Revonuo On Hand Total W ATER L SEW ER R E V E N U E Revenue Tr.msfors Reserve Total. WAT6 R l^ a tiw B n H 6 V tw U f^»0n t> , I.OBO.OO _499,I4LQQ_ satisfyttieobllgalionsecured by and am ount ol five percent (5) of the pursuant to the power of sale con-. J i J U Said property l& furlmor described ^he successful biddbr w ill be by Julia M. JIm enei, a t Grantor, to m_belng-n[hnfent_tfl.n i 0iuw.t, t*.. rpqulrpd JQ - fu rn lili;a _lflq p«ljentz!:ilhe:nqong:tiiind*tlttb-<:qnip«nyr.w7 tietween Oi'chard Drive and 3400 N PorlOrmance Itondand a 100 per cent Trustee, for the benefit and security Reserve 135, ,070,00 00,M0.00- (Old riher Ptnni roa«\. NOTICJ:,15-PURTHER GIVEN lhal a public hearing will bn hotel before Iho Hoard of Counly Com missloners at Iho hour ol 10:00 o'clock a.m., on Friday. tho30lhday of July. 1971, In the Twin Fails ICPUrHy. labor and mbl«rlals bond lor <hiu\4ui ol LoUle M. UUck, s widow, perlorm ance of the Contract in the recorded M ay -3S as Inlull amount ol Ihe Conlract price, strument No. 5S14S9, In Book 304 of The right Is reserved by Ihe City to Mortuaoes at Mage 448. Records ol relect any and all proposals and to -Twin Falls County. Idaho, postpone the award ol Ihe Conlract - TIiedefAull tor which this sale Is to lor a period not to oxce»d Itilrty (30) be made Is that Ihe Grantor, Julia days, and to accept Ihe proposal lhat M. Jlmenex has failed to pay thv- _lsjn_thb-qnlnlnn nmha rit / raiinrll intliljr 1945 WAT^n-nONI3nJEDEMPTiON INT:' Trnnslcr* Revenue On Hand & Roscrvc Total CAPITAL IM PROyEM E N T S Revenue On Hand Total , B ' 175,000'00 33, , , ,00 55, , ,0. 330, , , , , ,00 10, , , ,6ill, Idaho,' on th^oreurvi- fim ^ ir) lire 'he besr.jnlerests of the City ol laid Deed of Trust and Promissory Total, i - Office of Ihe County CommHslo*»ers Twin F a lil Nole secured, thereby as lollows: F E D E R A L AVI ATiON A G E N C Y PROJECT In and for Ihe Counly ol Twin Falls, submitted on the tso.oo due on September On Viand State of Idaho upon ^aid-retlttorf.-"^*'*''*^*' ^-*'*^*o* <*-*" '«'- 6 «'«*op** '* ** «-like sum-due and-payabla.on ncderalgranls-. Any and all persons interested conlainlrnj bids m ust be sealed, the 32nd day of each jind every Tolal may appear a l's a ld hearing and " '" '' d and addressed as follows: month thereafter through the month 1971 T R U N k S E W E R CONSTRUC^TION ' maetino lo register thelr-approual, CONSTRUCTION OF of June, 1971, no part of which tm Transfer 5,170.00'------! ' 4.054,00 X 3 7 ii x r property to be sold, to satisfy said obligation, Wtilch Installm ents in- elude principal and Interest. - The prlncipet-betancenowed-bvof this date on the obligation secured ^ --Id Deed of Trust Is POUR and they m ay fife thetr wriit'en IDAHO objections to iald {one change with.cdythe D. Koonti ' UidCommissioners at th 'place and. City Clerk '; lim e heralnabove-appolnled-before PUBLISH;-July-B, IS, said hearing;...! Dated this 13 day ol July. 1071, INVITATION TO HID Board or County schools, Blaine Counly School Commissioners. Twin District No. 41 W a te d at' (11 East Falls County, Idaho - Croy atreet, Hatteyrtdaho-Untlt 5 ATTEST: o'clock p.m. July M, 1971 for the H. A. LANCASTER. following Clerk Federal Grant Total 1971 DOWNTOWN IM PRO VEM EN T T r a n s fe r s Urban Renowal Agency Ofl Street Parklno Corp ,100,00- PUUCiSH; July 15 & , SE V E N T Y N IN E a n d It ) with Interest at the rate of six (4 per cent] per cent per a n num from and a lte r Septem ber i, and for&4o(ur«costs. Dated this 36lh day ol Juno, operated by the district as noted. Case No. 34)53 ANOTHER SUMMONS IN THE- DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JU D IC IA L DISTRICT OF THE STATE O F IDAHO. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS JA C K L Y N I, W IC K L U N D. P ta ln lilf, vs, E D W A R D I. W ICKLUND, Delendanl. THE STATE OF ID AHO SENDS G R E E T IN G S TO E D W A R D R. WICKLUND THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT; You are hereby notllled that a Complaint has been tiled.ngalnil you In the District Court ol the Fltlh Judicial District ol Iht- Stato ol tdalw. in and lor Twin Falla Counly, by Iho above named Ptalnlilf --- Bodily Ih iu r y lia b ility. *100, Each person JSOO.OOO.W). each occurronco. - 3 Property libbillty, I each occurrence. 3. Medical paym ent, tsoo.oo each person 4. Uninsured AAotorlst 5. Comprehensive, No deductible. 6. Collision, Fleet coverage lor follow in g PANV Trustee ny T,W, STIVERS, Owner PUBUtSH: July 0, , 1971, 1971 RUNW AY IM PROVEM E N T Transfers T.F. County Partlclpatlofi Fedornl O m n i Tolal.STJXIE.0C-4OAHO ,00 70, )54, , , PUQLISH: July I, JA M ES H. D A R N H A lltrtre a s u r e r of the City o^ Twin Falls, ldal\o. horoby corthy that the toreoolr>a report Is true and correct to the belt ol m y knowlsdfle and belief. JA M E S R. B ARNHART.Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 30th day of July E D Y T H E D. koontz,. Notary Public Residing at Twin Falls, Idaho vehicles: Chev. 48 Pass Pord 34 Pass Che\/. 48 PaiS Ford 34 Pass J0 Ford 66 Pass GMC 34 Pass Cliev. 44 Pass, fl. I9A4 Chev. S4 Pais. 9. 1V70 Ford 40 Pass Q58 Ctiev. 48 Pass. J O I N T R E P O R T O F O P E R A T I O N S I N F U N D S of iwiii filhcounly, TWINFALLS, IDAHO Fr<»mApril 12, 1071, tojuly0, 1971, bolli inclimivo, nsfollowa, to-wii: Qiinrlerly. FUND Slateot Idaho Current Expense General Scliool Snowmot>llns Court dlssblving the bonds ol nifllrlmonv pow existing between Plalnlltl and Delendanl on the cruelty; also lor general relief as Chev.- 48 Pass Ford 44 Pais F ord'30 Pass. IS 1954 Chev. 54 P ass. ~re~t97o Ford 64 P a n, 17, 1955 Ford 54 Pass. Hospital Airport P a rk s 8,R ec. CQiaU: On Hand Last Report S 101, , , JU 2AQ- Recelved On Auditor's Certlf. 138, , Received fly Tranifer On Hand And Received 375, , ' Paid Dy W arrants 193, Paid ny ' Transfer Rulh K. Jones, Co. T reai, Current tax Ruth K. Jo n a i, Co. T reai, Delinquent tax Rulh K. Jonei. Co. Treat. Inheritance Tax Chev. 6(TPbss." Ford 4 Pass Ford 4C Paw, Ford 34 Pass. 33. JOJO Plym,' 3 door fury Merc. Station Wagon Falcon 4 door Sedan reference Is hgpeby made. YOU ars h d /e b y d lrw le Jlo appear and plea<} to the tald Comniaini within twenty (30) days ol Ihe ser vice ol th ii.sum m o n s; and you are furlher nollfled that unless you so appeat-*ikl.plead.lq-iald-comdlnlnt -- -Within thfi.llrao tureln.ipeclfled, tiiozrzz7^»4>'veiianf--«door-tadan Plaintltl will take ludgmenl ngalnst Chev. 44 Pass you as prayed In said Complaint... WITNESS m yjia nd and the seat ol the District Court this Alh day ol July. 1971, H.A. LANCASTER VCierk of imb D H tric fc Q u rt'... -b y ; i.uni.i F?waLCQCK Noxious Wood Eradication Weed Revolving Fund Agriculture Fair Conllni ,134, ,1 _lia.2i9-lq_ /31 13, , , , , , t i U l U 1.0 ).IU. Deputy PUOLISH: July 8, 15, 33, 39, Aug, Chev. 44 Pass. The Ooard of Trustees reserves the right lo accept the bid deemed twit or relect any and-or all bids and to waive any technicality. LOUISE BOWLDBN Clerk-SchfloL01it-No..ii_ PUULlSHi July 1$ ft 33, ^inth^?j!"f7rcfcsui w H O Y ic B O P w n a o p ATTACHMBNT -C asen orl T W IhPalls Highway Ou»\l Hlgtiwav Filer Highway M urlaugh Highway Twin F allsc ity lluhlc lly _ F llo r Village KTWUflVtV^lttage ^ HolllsterVlllage HansonVlltaao M urlaugh Village C asttelordvlllaoe ClassA411 C la& sa4u-. ClassA413 ^ C I a s s A ~ C lasin415 Class A 151 Class B 333 ' MAM... ~ D r n n o ~ 3, , , )il54.m &4.3S 7,V , S07.S6 1, , , , , , , , S , , ,073,94 1, , , , , _ ii.0 M.a 5 _ 43, ,13 353, ?09, _ 4.00, ,470.47, 1, ,30 340, ,584,4] 8i,034,07 37,348, SS8.&0-3,534,33 38,444,11- POR THE. COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS. M AG IST R AT E SD IV ISIO N Estate ol ETHEL M. AS5EN- 14.Q , ,97 4,984,M , , , , ,189,31 a9.94»,«37,439,19 1,I _^ 3, ,817.S ,341.05» ^n?t4<f , , , A3 8, l,887.w- Amount 1,434, , , W iS , ^H aw W Laneaalar.Xo.-Audllorr^ala'TaHJrruat J9COM Harold Lancaster, Co. Auditor, Social Security 185, Io!s H aroldu ncaster.c o. Auditor. Pees 5.553, Harold Lancaster.Co. Auditor, Copiesof Instruments "O n H a n d.. * Above Date 83, lijiiijs! u i i u L j M i t i ;. c L i t M i j ^ u K. Jones, Co. Treat., W aterm asler 34,139'S4 Rulh K. Jones. Co. Treat, Co. Licenses Janet, Co. Traat. Personal Tax 39, *^blh K. Jonei, Co. Treat, Public AdmK-Salabf Estate Aulo 100, Harold Lancaster, Co. Auditor, Court Tru^t I I..^ 1^ I :V.5J1t W ,344.4] 19, »1i9*4,W. 4, , S3 4, i m :75~ 33, , M 199,573,30 31, Harold U incatrer, Co. Auditor, R efundoverpym t AAaglitrate t^arojd Lancatter,refund Changeover TelaF^one FOR TtlE COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS M AO IST R A T nsd l(/lsio N F A R M E R S IN S U R A N C E EX-* C HANGE, Plaintill, C A M P B E L L,. - 1<V the M IT C H E L L E kecutor u n d ifrilg n e d to the Defendant' N O T IC C IS M U H D lly O IV en IH i.1 a*1ate, lo.exhibit ttierri wllh the above entitled Court In the above Unapporlloned DellnquantTax Unapporlloned Real Revenue Court Trust Fund Sheriff's Reuolvinu Fund - iir l f in E i llih a ii 39, ,93 5, , j-ooo.bo 185,194,34. 15, ,434, , , ,49 1,440, H no - - 3,1 0 8 ^ ^.17 Harold Lancaster, Co. Board O utild a Prlionart Harold Lancaster, Co. AudWor, Balance of Attactiment Clifford Thompton, Co. A u e te o r. Motor Vehicle License - t 4i}-4} -Clifford Thempeoni Co.-AuMwrrAtatorVehicle Trahtier Fee -. S 035'4fl ' Clifford Thompurtf Co. A ueetor, Boat Ident.No'B s n 't / ' C liffo rd T tio m p c ^.o rx U a ik o r.t ra ile r HoUseLIc.-St. 1.4U I3. CHHordThompton< Co. A u e a io r, Trailer HoutaLIc.-Co. l. i n 's f Clifford Tbompton. Reflector Paint im '4 I Clifford T h o m p u n, Co. A u e ta o r, Snowmobllat 9)4Sm'*4 Clifford Tttompaon. Co. A ttm to r. Co. Share Title Service 9o!i59.33 Clifford Thompson, Co. Share Salat Tak ^ Clifford Thompton,/Motor BoatIlcente.rCur.-EKp. " m w IS- :CI }tekd'tli5m&*6n7countvboat Co..2onlno-Bloo-**«rmlta ^ sa M W allacau vao «<W eedd (r.,& au of NUlerlat Wallace Savage. Weed Dir., Relmburta Weed Rev.-frelght ,14. 3&4.00 uia.oo ,915.50, 1,IH } 5»» ' W allace Savage. Weed D ir., R elm burta We S:S-gl5ll!-SS!Sl3S5 c?vi,?2ka(- ' ,440, , aT54?.S4» -SarinM---- ra.r e f.t ra n ip o rlallo n X re n t p»*_ciwvri «t«rnp»j.pmcet:lat J,719.0*- 1, U34.9S m m.s j J ^ - necastary vouchers, within four months afler the first publication of. t h il notlce< to tha talc/ Executor of her L ait W ill and Teslameni, at Ihe o ffu e a o f B enoit, Benoit.ft Alexander. Bank ft Trust BIdg,, OMJntyof.TwIn Palls. S late of ld)iho.' ttili M n g ttie place flked for the ira ntac tlon of the butlnets of said ita ta. Datad Juna 19, GAICALeXANOeR SINCLAin exaci;tor Of the Last Will - and Taafamant of pthel Aiaandrup...Unapportioned InherltanceTax. Pending Escheat V Counly Road Fund nuhl Bridge Unapoodloiied.Heei Unapportloned Personal T av 48, entitled a c tion a tta c h in g tha p ro p erty of the ahove n am e d Defendant for the tiim of S83.47, plus' Inleretl In the am ount o f 84.75, and attorney's fees In Ihe am ount of an d costs ol suit. IN W ITNESS W H E R E O F, I hav# hereunto set my hend and the seal of this Court this U lh d a y o l July, H. A. LANCASTER, Clerk of Ihe District Court Dy (tl. SA D IE DeGLEC, Deputy ^ -Magistrates Division PUBLISH ; July 31, , 34.ft 37, TralierHousaYai/ W mermasler Q lslrlctt G raiing Q lslrlctt Jr. College. Stale Tax Fund Waterways Twin Pallit County Health Departm ent. A dv aloram V aluktlon , , ,190,81 10, , ,538,37. 4, , ,5S»; , , , , ' 1, , ,705,93-35, Co, Com m., State In t. Pund Dividend Co. C om m., Candy fc Cigarette collection C o.g om m.it ak Sale USJM a5^43 yio,oo T O T A p I 415, t 3, t - 1, a,3;«4,u ,885, ,69 4,450,84 3, , , , , l,7s2.as 10, * , , , , , , , , ,35,557;48' U, , '4,474.4M.90 t ,345,51 t 1,439, PaulC ordar.o peratorallcenae.stata PaulCordertOperatoraLlcanta-Counly r3 M 44 ' Paul Corder. Co. Stterlff, Identification Cardt P a u l5 rd e r,q >.S h e rlw,re fu n d fra n ip o rta lk > n 45F7 44 Tel.l.Tel..PaV 'Statk )nrte., it*cor#«ent-. I. a n w r r iw T O v,. state Auditor Co. Road Fund State Auditor. Lli PeaaP lnea.c ' Jt. school No, Jt,- Jt, 1S.AA5.8d- 3.U4.30 I.SO L49 r%wwiiui nvmu r ' Auditor. Liquor AMMrtlonment, FInea. Coat, CasA Bond M agletrata Codrt ^ o o l No. 4ia-KU>rronl i Del. Taxea School»4o.4l^-A prll Apportionment State Pundi School No.4ia-*Spaclal ^ a o l Aatlttance School No. 4ia-CHko Tuition ft State Int. Dlv, 134,m.48 43, ,730,44 ' , i9.40 Ih arabyc a rtlfy th a lth e a b o v a tta te m e n llttru e a n d o o rre c ti * ' - sfate OP IDAHO ) BUTHK;J0NB5 Twin P a llt County, )tt. * s.treasurer We. Ruth K, Jonet, Treasurer, and H.A. Lancaster, Audited of 8«ld.XflUfllV*ii6aoUmnlwaweeHhBttftHereeelrtoetatementTrm)#"*hif Mrhect '. H. A. L * N C «T B «TreaiUrer -

41 BRIDGE ' B y Jacoby ^orihes^bid WmhrFo0 N O i m i ( D ) * A K 2 VQJO - A j ; i - - *A C 5 i wvsr 4 > Q J II)(Ci vn4 - -»2 «K J I) K S O U T H * i>hri 4 V A K K1H7 K A S T At V ri 2 MTnrrr * Q I 0 7 L l lo lh vultu TithK; W<-U N li r l i i S o ilili, I *,.Pi.nn I V 1! 4 Pan,. :i V 'JNT. I'ar.fi ;i 4 r>n.t. Pavi fi V P 111.S Pit,*;!. 0 M*nin(?Irnil, liy OhvviiIiI H; Jinm^s Jacfthy 'T nor' P n r lh o s. s.-iid D Ar- "IIc! will never lojirn how. silly ij. is fo bid when the only nrn- you L'litv heli) rii't'. yon (ippoiu-nis; Look nt lii.s.-{pjtdu overenll. - tico-tnplpr -s ;inra (Ii^ *Air 11 c o u ld d o W oiiu f h e to helt> y o u. O ld i t? Y e s," s jiid b A r t a i'im n. H ;^Jiye A r a n iis a c h a n c e to c u e h id. It m a d e it oa.sy fo r us to r e a c h.six h e a r t s. W h n t.s m o r e, i jo k l m e h o w to p la y th e s la m, ' _, _ I _ s [ iiiile tl - w jtli ij_ < > a v y TonArs-QUFSTiniv^ t r lc k s n iid tuc h o st w a y to j'o a f te r t h e 12lh w a s lo W tin t d n y o u bi<l n:. d i'u k r w o r k o u t n.sixth t r ic k in wllh;"' - IriiTnn.'i. W ilh o n f th e over- 4*i A K H 7 V A 2 i K O D * K n 4 3 c a ll. I w o u ld h a v e )layed one O U T O U R W A Y round of Iriirnps' and fhon «pno -after Bpndos with Iho Idea of rnfflntj my fourth.lipado-lh-dumnfiy. -Thls-play.would nul have worked. cause ICa.st would ruff the «econd Kpado." T h e o v o r c u ll h a d w arn«t(( O A.r t n u n n n n b u u t thi.s n n d ' h o n iu d e th e lia n d h y m e a n s ( 'f» (I II n i in y lo v e r s u l. A t i; ic k tw o. he c a s h e d d u m m y.s a c e o f c liih s. 'I'la^n he I l i ffl d..a-ciub-hihh'i^<>iitenvdd u i n m y w ith a t r u n jp, r u ffo d a n o th e r c lu b h ij'h, ent«-rod d u m m y w ith a n o th e r t r u m p a n d r u f f e d d u m m y H hi-st. c lu h, T h e n h o w e n t o v e r to d u m m y s Jice of d la n io n d s, p ln y e d d u n u n y 's la s t t r u m p to pid l K a s l s l a s t o n e a n d - co n c c d e d a lip a d e a t th e en ti. he p la y w o u U l'n o t have w o r k e d H il'a in s t a t r u m p s p lit, h u t. i t wa.s h is o n ly c h a n c e.. (HtWSPAI l«cmtbpbist A55N.) - 9 ^ C R R D S e / n e 4 i * l-iatil S o u th. 1*. 2 N. T. _.p a s -i?^, Y«iu, S o iilh, h o ld : A A lc n V A 1 0 R 5 i K O ' l 4. K Q 3 W lia l (In yo u dn now? A H id ki k V<iur p u r ln c r httn K M 5 nn d y o u Ijn vo 10 h ic lt- r a n l ix tliiti.. A ijs u c r T o n iu rro w GASOLINE ALLEY Thurtday, July Tlmet.N«w*, Twin 1d«ho INQUIRES I cuont: Who uid, *A'man nevericnowi how to i*y goodbye; 1 woman never knowtjvhen to Hy That -Was-Helen-Rowb nd.-shf-<uo u id 1. "A- huibtnd-b-what-ii loft of the lover ifter the nerve has been extracted." 2. Love, the queiti marriage, the conquest; divorce, (he inquest." S. A bachelor never quite gets over the vdet> that he tr» thing ofboauty and Bbdy rorbver?' ^ ^ ', s.he WAS a traveling man. Out of St. I aul- And almost every, time ha ^ent into a rfitaurani, ho looked with loathing at the_ -poorly washed-cups and gloimi.'gerinsr.irgofto'b'e» regular 0bM8810n-With-thj3_0ld.boy. His name was David F. Martin. lu - invenled paper du )8, iherofore, and made Dfortune. ' TirAT COLLI'GU GIRL who Inovitably gets the most marrlago proposals, it's knowni is the Chinese-American cped. Nothing complicated obont why. Her ilk li'p e atly outnumbered on cainpui by Chinese American men. So those..iq'is.. of..oriental ancestry compete tnightily.. How is mvito'oiigibie young lodios. Thereat, a meat-dumplingi'artut hiay-battle it out with; uy, a stewed<shrimp specialist for feminine fuvor., CUSTOMER SERV CE"Q. How Uttle IS on alligator at Iti - httlest?" A. Ahout nme inches long. When it's hatched.... Q. Don't they have television In Saudi Arabia?" A. Television,^ yt!s~moviiji, non^.."q *Vou-^n^ight^ point out the brighter SHB-eAN4 CAL-L-her«tlf B'prqfp«ional-secretary unttl site's been on the job five yoari. Such Is the claim of an employment expert. Career of the average secretary lasts three years. Best of them' are about SO years old. Usually, they woiked about two yeaic before maniage, raised youngsters for IS years, and returned to the office In (heir late 30s. To qualify among-th*-b*s(r-uiay nm«-n*ver-en(«rtain-any romandc in(erest in the boss. ^ WHAT BURNS UP this gentleman' subscriber are the car-wreck statistics that indicate women are better drivers than are men. "The girls," he ddntends, "drive short hauls mostly. At low speeds. They bspd fenderl,' scrape doors, batter bumpers, but don't report these accidents. So the statistics are wrong." Somelhlng to that, maybe. He.msists the best drivers, are middle-aged salestheii I f YOU DONT want the grease (o ipa(ter, our Household. Hints specialist suggests you toss a little uu into the frying pan, young lajy... DONT BELIEVE 1yet mentioned that town in Missouri called Rolla was named after that town in North Carolins called Raleigh by an illiterate with a Southern drawl.

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