arxiv:math/ v2 [] 5 Jan 2005

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1 THE HOMOTOPY TYPE OF THE SPACE OF SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE arxiv:math/ v2 [] 5 Jan 2005 Abstract. We compute in this note the full homotopy type of the space of symplectic embeddings of the standard ball B 4 (c) R 4 (where c = πr 2 is the capacity of the standard ball of radius r) into the 4-dimensional rational symplectic manifold M µ = (S 2 S 2, µω 0 ω 0 ) where ω 0 is the area form on the sphere with total area 1 and µ belongs to the interval (1, 2]. We know, by the work of Lalonde-Pinsonnault, that this space retracts to the space of symplectic frames of M µ for any value of c smaller than the critical value µ 1, and that its homotopy type does change when c crosses that value. In this paper, we compute the homotopy type for the case c µ 1 and prove the claim announced in [5] that it does not have the type of a finite CW-complex. Subject classification: 53D35, 57R17, 55R20, 57S Introduction and preliminaries We first recall the background needed from [5]. Consider the rational symplectic manifold M µ = (S 2 S 2, µω 0 ω 0 ) where ω 0 is the area form on the sphere with total area 1 and where µ belongs to the interval (1, 2]. The restriction to the values µ 2 is mainly intended to simplify the exposition the methods of this paper apply to prove similar results in all other cases µ (n, n + 1] (see the forthcoming paper by Pinsonnault on this generalization [9]). Let B 4 (c) R 4 be the closed standard ball of radius r and capacity c = πr 2 equipped with the restriction of the symplectic structure ω st = dx 1 dy 1 + dx 2 dy 2 of R 4. Let Emb ω (c, µ) be the space, endowed with the C -topology, of all symplectic embeddings of B 4 (c) in M µ. Finally, let IEmb ω (c, µ) be the space of subsets of M that are images of maps belonging to Emb ω (c, µ) Date: October The first author is partially supported by FCT/POCTI/FEDER and by project POCTI/1999/MAT/ The second author is partially supported by a Canada Research Chair, NSERC grant OGP and FQRNT grant ER

2 2 defined as the topological quotient (1) Symp(B 4 (c)) Emb ω (c, µ) IEmb ω (c, µ) where Symp(B 4 (c)) is the group, endowed with the C -topology, of symplectic diffeomorphisms of the closed ball, with no restrictions on the behavior on the boundary (thus each such map extends to a symplectic diffeomorphism of a neighborhood of B 4 (c) that sends B 4 (c) to itself). We may view IEmb ω (c, µ) as the set of all unparametrized balls of capacity c of M. We know from [5] that Emb ω (µ, c) retracts to the space of symplectic frames of M = S 2 S 2 for all values c < µ 1 (hence the space IEmb ω (µ, c) retracts to S 2 S 2 in this range of c s). Recall that the Non-squeezing theorem implies that this space is empty for c 1. It is shown moreover in [5] that the homotopy type of IEmb ω (µ, c) changes only when c crosses the critical value µ 1 (and that it does change at that value). The goal of the paper is to compute the full homotopy type of IEmb ω (µ, c) for values µ 1 c < 1 and to prove, in particular, that it does not have the homotopy type of a finite dimensional CW-complex. The main results of this paper are summarised in the following theorem. Theorem 1.1. Let 0 < µ 1 c < 1. Then we have for IEmb ω (c, µ): 1a) The topological space IEmb ω (c, µ) is weakly homotopy equivalent to the total space E of a non-trivial fibration of base S 2 S 2 and fiber (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ), where the inclusion of the group ΩS 3 in ΩΣ 2 SO(3) is induced by the map S 3 Σ 2 SO(3) that corresponds to the generator of the fundamental group of SO(3). The definition of E and of the projection π : E S 2 S 2 is given in 5. This fibration satisfies the Leray-Hirsch condition, i.e it splits homologically for any coefficient ring Q, Z p, p any prime number. Actually, π has a continuous section and all its homotopy groups also split. 1b) The minimal model of IEmb ω (c, µ) is Λ(a, b, c, e, f, g) with generators in degrees 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4 and with differential d U a = e 2, d U b = f 2, d U c = d U e = d U f = d U g = 0, Thus its rational cohomology ring is equal to the algebra Λ(c, e, f, g)/e 2 = f 2 = 0: it is therefore not homotopy equivalent to a finite-dimensional CWcomplex. (See 3 for a geometric description of these generators.) Similarly we have for Emb ω (c, µ): 2a) The topological space Emb ω (c, µ) is weakly homotopy equivalent to the pull-back of the above fibration (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ) E π S 2 S 2

3 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 3 by the fibration F ω S 2 S 2 where F ω is the space of symplectic frames over M µ = S 2 S 2. 2b) A minimal model of Emb ω (c, µ) is (Λ( d e,f, ã, b, c, v, g), d 0 ) with generators of degrees 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4 and with differential given by d 0 de,f = d 0 b = d 0 c = d 0 v = d 0 g = 0 and d 0 ã = d e,f 2. Thus its cohomology is isomorphic to the algebra Λ( d e,f, b, c, v, g)/( d e,f 2 = 0). See 6 for the computations of the cohomology rings with any field coefficients of both IEmb ω (c, µ) and Emb ω (c, µ). We end this section with a brief description of the methods that we will use. Denote by ι c, c < 1, the standard symplectic embedding of B 4 (c) in M µ. It is defined as the composition B 4 (c) D 2 (µ ǫ) D 2 (1 ǫ) S 2 (µ) S 2 (1) = M µ where the parameters between parentheses represent the areas. Consider the following fibration (2) Symp(M µ, B c ) Symp(M µ ) IEmb ω (c, µ) where the space in the middle is the group of all symplectic diffeomorphisms of M µ, the one on the left is the subgroup of those that preserve (not necessarily pointwise) the image B c of ι c, and the right hand side arrow assigns to each diffeomorphism φ the image of the composition φ ι c. Denoting by M µ,c the blow-up of M µ at the ball ι c and by Symp( M µ,c ) the group of its symplectomorphisms, it is shown in [5] that Symp(M µ, B c ) is naturally homotopy equivalent to Symp( M µ,c ). There is therefore a homotopy fibration (3) Symp( M µ,c ) Symp(M µ ) IEmb ω (c, µ) The topology of the middle group has been computed by Abreu [1] and by Anjos and Anjos-Granja [3, 4], while the topology of the left one was computed in [5] which also provided the first steps in using that homotopy fibration for the computation of the space IEmb ω (c, µ). We will push further their methods to get a complete description of the full homotopy type of IEmb ω (c, µ) and of Emb ω (c, µ). We begin with the computation of the rational homotopy type (through minimal models) of these two spaces in 3 and 4, and then proceed in 5 to the calculation of their full homotopy type. Obviously, the results of this latter section implies those of the former, but it is useful to give the rational homotopy type approach here as it will be needed for the cohomology computations of these spaces in 6.

4 4 2. The minimal models of Symp(M µ ) and of Symp( M µ,c ) First recall that in order to be applicable to some given topological space, the theory of minimal models does not require that the space be simply connected. We just need that the space has a nilpotent homotopy system which means that π 1 is nilpotent and π n is a nilpotent π 1 module for n > 1. Since the groups of symplectomorphisms Symp(M µ ) and Symp( M µ,c ) are H spaces, it follows that they have a nilpotent homotopy system, because for a H space π 1 is abelian and is therefore nilpotent, and moreover π 1 acts trivially on all π n s. On the other hand, IEmb is simply connected because from computations in [3, 5] we know that the generators of π 1 (Symp(M µ )) lift to the generators of π 1 (Symp( M µ,c )). Therefore the theory of minimal models is applicable to all spaces under consideration. Recall that a model for a space X is a graded differential algebra which provides a complete rational homotopy invariant of the space. Its cohomology is the rational cohomology of the space. The model can be constructed from the rational homotopy groups of X. In this case, it is always minimal, which implies that there is no linear term in the differential of the model, i.e the first term is quadratic. When there are no higher order term (i.e all terms are quadratic), then Sullivan s duality can be expressed in the following way: db k = i,j < b k, [b i, b j ] > b i b j. where the < a, b > denotes the a-coefficient in the expression of b, and where the the brackets denote the Whitehead product. Finally, when X is a H- space, as it is the case of both Symp(M µ ) and Symp( M µ,c ), all Whitehead product vanish and the differential too. From these considerations and the computations of the rational homotopy groups of both Symp(M µ ) and of Symp( M µ,c ) in [1, 5], we have: The minimal model of Symp( M µ,c ) is Λ(t, x, y, w), the free graded algebra generated by the elements t, x, y, w with degrees deg t = deg x = deg y = 1 and deg w = 2. The minimal model of Symp(M µ ) is Λ(t, x, y, w ), the free graded algebra generated by the elements t, x, y, w with degrees deg t = 1, deg x = deg y = 3 and deg w = 4. Let s now explain what these generators are. Let s write B for the homology class of the base of the trivial fibration M = S 2 S 2, i.e for [S 2 {pt}], write F for the fiber, i.e. for the class [{pt} S 2 ]. We will also use the same letters B, F to represent the base and the fiber of S 2 S 2 = B F. Write E for the class of the exceptional divisor

5 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 5 of the space M µ,c. Recall that the Hirzebruch surface W i is given by W i = {([z 0, z 1 ], [w 0, w 1, w 2 ]) CP 1 CP 2 z i 0 w 1 = z i 1 w 0}. It is known that the restriction of the projection π 1 : CP 1 CP 2 CP 1 to W i endows W i with the structure of a Kähler CP 1 -bundle over CP 1. The element t in π 1 (Symp(M µ )) is the rotation in the fibers of the Hirzebruch surface W 2, once identified with W 0 = S 2 S 2 ; it is therefore the rotation in the fibers of W 0 = B F round the two fixed symplectic surfaces in classes B F, B + F represented by the graph of the ± identity map from the base B to the fiber F. The element t is the blow-up of t at the fixed point ([1, 0], [0, 0, 1]) W 2 identified with the center ι c (0) S 2 S 2 of the standard ball B c. The element x is the 3-dimensional sphere generating π 3 (SO(3)) where SO(3) is considered as acting on the first factor in the obvious way, the element y corresponds to the case when SO(3) acts on the second factor; the elements x, y are the blow-up of the S 1 part of that action that leaves the point ι c (0) S 2 S 2 invariant. Finally, both w and w are symplectic elements that do not correspond to Kählerian actions (i.e a symplectic action preserving an integrable complex structure compatible with the symplectic form): w is the Samelson product of t and x, while w is the Samelson product of t and x. 3. The minimal model of IEmb ω (c, µ) Any fibration V P U for which the theory of minimal models applies (i.e each space has a nilpotent homotopy system and the π 1 of the base acts trivially on the higher homotopy groups of the fiber) gives rise to a sequence (Λ(U), d U ) (Λ(U) Λ(V ), d) (Λ(V ), d V ). Let d U, d V represent the restriction of the differential d to U and V respectively. The theory of minimal models implies that d U = d U d V = d V + d where d is a perturbation with image not in Λ(V ) We have the fibration Symp( M µ,c ) Symp(M µ ) IEmb ω (c, µ) and want to find the model for IEmb ω (c, µ). We know its algebra since we know, from Lalonde-Pinsonnault [5], its rational homotopy groups for c µ 1: π 1 = 0, π 2 = Q 2, π 3 = Q 3, π 4 = Q, and π n = 0 for all n > 4.

6 6 Therefore the algebra is Λ(a, b, c, e, f, g) where deg a = deg b = deg c = 3, deg e = deg f = 2 and deg g = 4. Thus we get the following fibration Λ(a, b, c, e, f, g), d U Λ(a, b, c, e, f, g) Λ(t, x, y, w), d Λ(t, x, y, w), d V The differential d satisfies d U = d U and d V = d V + d = d. So in order to find the differential d U for Λ(a, b, c, e, f, g) it is sufficient to compute the differential d for the model Λ(a, b, c, e, f, g) Λ(t, x, y, w). We need to compare this model with the minimal model Λ(t, x, y, w ) of Symp(M µ ) given in the last section Computation of the differential d. Let us first apply the simplest method of dimension counting. That method yields easily the following partial results: Lemma 3.2. Without loss of generality, one may assume that the differential d satisfies: dt = 0, dx = e, dy = f, dw = c (and therefore the differentials of e, f, c vanish). Moreover da and db must be equal to one of the following elements e 2, f 2, ef and dg is a linear combination of the elements ec and fc. Proof. We need a generator of degree 1. There is no loss of generality in assuming that it is t: d t = 0. It follows that d x and d y must be different from 0 otherwise we would have too many generators in cohomology in dimension 1. We know that the perturbation d has image not in Λ(t, x, y, w). Therefore d x = e, d y = f which implies that d e = d f = 0. Now let s compute d w. It should be different from 0, because there is no generator in cohomology in dim 2. The possible results are: a, b, c, e t, f t, e x, f x, e y, f y. Since the last four elements are not closed then none of them can be d w. We cannot choose e t or f t because this would create a new generator in dim 2, namely w xt or w yt respectively. Therefore, it has to be a linear combination of linear terms. But the theory of rational models for fibrations implies that the perturbation d is dual to the boundary operator : π (B) Q π (F) Q. Since c = w, we conclude that d w = c, which means that dw = c and implies that dc = 0. In what follows it might be useful to have in mind the following differentials: d(e x) = e 2, d(f x) = ef, d(e y) = ef, and d(f y) = f 2

7 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 7 Now we need to determine the values of d a and d b. The possible values are 0, e 2, f 2, ef, and g. But all choices of e 2, f 2, ef for d a and d b lead to the same cohomology of (Λ Λ, d+d ), that is to say to the cohomology Λ(t, x, y, w ) with generators of dim 1,3,3,4 respectively. Indeed, one may quotient out (Λ Λ, d + d ) by the ideal generated by x, y, e, f, w, c, since all these elements kill each other. Note that this ideal contains e 2, f 2, ef. Thus we get Λ(t, a, b, g) with trivial differential, which is precisely what we are looking for, i.e it agrees with Λ(t, x, y, w ). This shows that, using the ranks in cohomology alone, one cannot decide (among the choices e 2, f 2, ef) where a, b are mapped to by the differential. And unfortunately, different choices lead to different cohomology for Λ(a, b, c, e, f, g), d. For instance, the choice da = e 2, db = f 2 is different from the choice da = e 2, db = e 2 because in the second case, we get the cycle a b in dim 3. Note that the same question arises for dg: we need three generators of the cohomology of (Λ(a, b, c, e, f, g) Λ(t, x, y, w), d) in dimension 4; because we have already (a +...) t and (b +...) t, we need one more, i.e dg must be equal to a boundary. Thus dg must be a linear combination of the elements ec, fc with coefficients to be determined below. To resolve the question, i.e to find the precise values of d a, d b and d g, let s first compute the Whitehead products [e, e], [e, f], [f, f] in the rational homotopy of IEmb ω (c, µ). If the total space of the fibration Symp( M µ,c ) Symp(M µ ) IEmb ω (c, µ) were contractible, computing such products would boil down to computing the Samelson product of corresponding elements of the fiber. But our total space is not contractible, and we have to take also into account an horizontal part in the Whitehead product. Let s us briefly describe the generators of Λ(U), i.e. the generators of the rational homotopy groups of IEmb ω (c, µ). The group Symp(M µ ) acts on IEmb ω (c, µ) by φ A = image (φ A ) with stabilizer equal to Symp(M µ, B c ), the subgroup of symplectic diffeomorphisms which preserve (not necessarily pointwise) B c, the image of the standard embedding of the ball of capacity c of R 2n in M µ. As we said in 1, this leads to the following homotopy fibration: (4) Symp( M µ,c ) Symp(M µ ) IEmb ω (c, µ) The element a, b and g are the images by the action of Symp(M µ ) on IEmb ω (µ, c) of the elements x, y and w of π (Symp(M µ )) Q. The elements e, f are uniquely defined as those spheres in the base of that fibration whose

8 8 lifts to the total space Symp(M µ ) are discs with boundary on the fiber equal to x and y respectively. These lifts are unique because π 2 (Symp(M µ )) Q vanishes. Finally, we choose the element c in the following way. Its lift to the total space is a class in π 3 (Symp(M µ ), Symp( M µ,c )) Q(= π 3 (IEmb ω (c, µ)) Q) whose boundary is equal to w = [t, x] S where [, ] S is the Samelson product. Such a lift is not unique, we define it by first taking the 2-disc D x SO(3) = x Symp(M µ ) whose boundary is equal to 2x, and then taking the commutator of t and D x. This yields a 3-disc D lying inside [t, x ] S = w, whose boundary is the Samelson product 2[t, x] = 2w. Set c = D/2 π 3 (Symp(M µ ), Symp( M µ,c )) Q. Lemma 3.3. The Whitehead product [e, f] vanishes, and [e, e] = a [f, f] = b. Proof. Consider the following commutative diagram: Symp( M µ,c ) Symp p (M µ ) Symp(M µ ) = Symp(M µ ) IEmb ω (c, µ) h where Symp p (M µ ) is the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms that fix a point p, the last horizontal map assigns to each unparametrised ball its center (well-defined up to homotopy), and where the last downward arrow is the evaluation map at the point p. Write Applying h to this equation yields M [e, e] = αa + βb + γc. [X 1, X 1 ] = αy 1 + βy 2 where X, Y are the generators of π (S 2 ) Q and X i, Y i their images in the i th factor of S 2 S 2. But [X, X] = Y in the rational homotopy of S 2, so α = 1 and β = 0. To compute γ, recall that e is defined as the element whose lift to Symp(M µ ) is x and similarly, c is the element whose lift is w. Hence the value of γ is given by: [x, x] S = γw. Because x commutes with itself, γ vanishes. Hence [e, e] = a. The case of [f, f] is similar, and the fact that [e, f] vanishes is proved by the same argument and the facts that [X 1, X 2 ] = 0 and [x, y] S = 0. The first fact obviously holds because [X 1, X 2 ] is the obstruction to extend the inclusion map (S 2 {pt}) ({pt} S 2 ) S 2 S 2 to a map defined on S 2 S 2. The

9 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 9 product [x, y] S vanishes because x, y are S 1 actions of the same 2-torus, and therefore commute. Recall that Sullivan s duality implies: db k = i,j < b k, [b i, b j ] > b i b j. Therefore, the last lemma implies that: d U (a) = e 2 and d U (b) = f 2. Finally, to compute d U (g), recall that g comes from the element w of the same degree in the rational homotopy of the total space Symp(M µ ). We must compute the Whitehead products of the Kahler element e or f with the non-kahler element c in the rational cohomology of IEmb ω (c, µ). In both cases, it must be a multiple of g. Lemma 3.4. The Whitehead products [e, c], [f, c] vanish. Proof. Recall that 2e is the projection on the base IEmb ω (c, µ) of the 2- disc D x D defined above, while 2c is the projection of the 3-disc D [t, x ] S = w. Therefore e c and their Whitehead product must vanish since π 4 (S 3 ) Q = 0. Consider now the Whitehead product [2f, 2c]. It lifts to a map φ : D 4 Symp(M µ ). whose image lies in the 3-dimensional subspace D y D. Assume by contradiction that the class [2f, 2c] is equal to g up to a non zero rational number. There would then be a homotopy φ t : (D 4, D 4 ) (Symp(M µ ), Symp( M µ,c ))) t [0, 1] with φ 0 = φ and [φ 1 ] = g. Because g is by definition the image of w in the rational homotopy of the total space, we may compose if necessary the homotopy φ t with a homotopy between φ 1 and a closed 4-sphere in Symp(M µ ) representing w. Thus we may assume that φ 1 collapses the boundary D 4 to a point and represents w. Since π 3 (Symp( M µ,c )) Q vanishes, there is a continuous 1-parameter family of maps ψ t : D 4 Symp( M µ,c ) with boundary equal to φ t for each t, and with ψ 1 equal to a point. This shows that there would exist a homotopy between g and φ 0 ψ 0. But the image of φ 0 is collapsed onto a 3-dimensional subspace. Therefore the 4- dimensional cycle φ 0 ψ 0 is homologous in Symp(M µ ) to a cycle living entirely

10 10 in the fiber, hence the same is true of g. But this is absurd because the inclusion map H (Symp( M µ,c )) H (Symp(M µ )) sends t to t and x, y, w to zero, which implies that the image of all the Pontrjagyn products of these elements and therefore of all 4-dimensional elements must vanish. This gives: Theorem 3.5. The minimal model of IEmb ω (c, µ) is Λ(a, b, c, e, f, g) with generators in degrees 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4 and with differential d U a = e 2, d U b = f 2, d U c = d U e = d U f = d U g = 0, Thus its rational cohomology ring is equal to the algebra Λ(c, e, f, g)/e 2 = f 2 = 0: it is therefore not homotopy equivalent to a finite-dimensional CWcomplex. 4. The minimal model of Emb ω (c, µ) In this section, we compute the minimal model of the space Emb ω (c, µ) of parametrised symplectic balls. Consider the fibration U(2) Emb ω (c, µ) IEmb ω (c, µ). First observe that this fibration is the restriction to B c of the fibration Symp( M µ,c ) Symp(M µ ) IEmb ω (c, µ). This can be expressed by the following commutative diagram: restr Symp id,bc (M µ ) Symp U(2) (M µ, B c ) U(2) Symp id,bc (M µ ) Symp(M µ ) restr Emb ω (c, µ) {B c } IEmb ω (c, µ) = IEmb ω (c, µ) where restr is the restriction to the standard embedded ball B c M µ, Symp U(2) (M µ, B c ) is the the subgroup of Symp(M µ ) formed of diffeomorphisms that preserve the ball B c and act in a U(2) linear way on it, and Symp id,bc (M µ ) is the subgroup of Symp(M µ ) formed of the elements that fix the ball B c pointwise. Recall that there is a natural homotopy equivalence between Symp U(2) (M µ, B c ) and Symp( M µ,c ), so the vertical fibration in the middle is equivalent to the fibration Symp( M µ,c ) Symp(M µ ) IEmb ω (c, µ) in [5].

11 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 11 We also have the commutative diagram: U(2) Emb ω (c, µ) IEmb ω (c, µ) j h U(2) UF r(m) where UFr(M) is the space of unitary frames of M, j is the 1-jet map evaluated at the origin (followed by the Gram-Schmidt process assigning a unitary frame to each symplectic one), and where the last horizontal map assigns to each unparametrised ball its center (well-defined up to homotopy). The minimal model for U(2) is Λ(u 0, v 0 ) where deg(u 0 ) = 1 and deg(v 0 ) = 3. We first show that the elements a, b, c, g π (IEmb ω (c, µ)) Q lift to π (Emb ω (c, µ)) Q, but not e, f. However the difference e f does lift. On the other hand only the element v 0 injects in π (Emb ω (c, µ)) Q, the element u 0 is killed. Proposition 4.1. The rational homotopy of Emb ω (c, µ) is generated, as module over Q, by a single element g in dimension 4, by four elements v, ã, b, c in dimension 3, and by a single element d e,f in dimension 2. The elements g, ã, b are the images by the restriction map of the elements w, x, y respectively. The element v is the image of v 0, d e,f is the unique lift of e f and c is a lift of c well-defined up to a multiple of v. Proof. Consider the following commutative diagram of long exact sequences... π k (U(2)) Q ι π k (Emb ω (c, µ)) Q ρ π k (IEmb ω (c, µ)) Q... id j h... π k (U(2)) Q π k (SFr(M)) Q π k (M) Q... Since π 4 (M) Q vanishes, h =4 (g) = 0, and therefore (g) = 0. Hence ρ =4 is an isomorphism between π 4 (Emb ω (c, µ)) Q and π 4 (IEmb ω (c, µ)) Q. Let s denote by g the lift of g. For k = 3, the short sequence π 3 (U(2)) Q ι π 3 (Emb ω (c, µ)) Q ρ π 3 (IEmb ω (c, µ)) Q splits because, as we just saw g is mapped to 0, and π 2 (U(2)) vanishes. Let s denote by v the image of v 0 and by ã, b, c the lifts of a, b, c, all are well-defined except c which is defined up to a multiple of the element v. Consider now the sequence 0 π 2 (Emb ω (c, µ)) Q ρ π 2 (IEmb ω (c, µ)) Q π 1 (U(2)). M

12 12 The elements e, f are by definition such that they lift to discs φ e, φ f : D 2 Symp(M µ ) with boundary equal to the elements x, y π 1 (Symp( M µ,c )) Q respectively. Therefore, their lifts to Emb ω (c, µ) Q are the 2-discs ψ e, ψ f : D 2 Emb ω (c, µ) defined by ψ e,f (z) = φ e,f Bc. Hence their boundaries are the restriction of the loops x, y π 1 (Symp(M µ, B c )) Q to the standard ball B c M µ. But each of these loops preserve B c (not pointwise) and correspond to the generator of π 1 (U(2)) Q through the identification B 4 (c)( R 4 ) B c. This proves that each of e and f is mapped to u 0 by the boundary operator of the above sequence. Denote by d e,f the lift to π 2 (Emb ω (c, µ)) Q of the element d e,f = e f. Finally, the map : π 2 (IEmb ω (c, µ)) Q π 1 (U(2)) Q being onto, the space π 1 (Emb ω (c, µ)) Q must vanish. Let s compute the minimal model of Emb ω (c, µ). By the last proposition, a model of Emb(c, µ) is given by (Λ( d e,f, ã, b, c, v, g), d 0 ). By minimality, there is no linear term in the differential, so d 0 ( d e,f ) = 0, while the constants in the expression d 0 (ã) = c 1 d 2 e,f, d 0 ( b) = c 2 d 2 e,f d 0 ( c) = c 3 d 2 e,f d 0 v = c 4 d 2 e,f are given, by duality, by [ d e,f, d e,f ] = c 1 ã + c 2 b + c3 c + c 4 v. Denoting by ρ the projection Emb ω (c, µ) IEmb(c, µ), we have: ρ ([ d e,f, d e,f ]) = [d e,f, d e,f ] = [e f, e f] = [e, e] + [f, f] = a + b. Therefore c 1 = c 2 = 1 and c 3 = 0, and we get [ d e,f, d e,f ] = ã + b + c 4 v. Now any value of this constant leads to the same model, up to isomorphism. Indeed, since d 0 ã = d 0 b = 2 2 d e,f and d 0 v = c 4 d e,f, this means that ã kills d e,f 2 and thus both b and v can be considered as cycles (up to a reparametrization of the basis of the algebra). Finally, the differential of g is given by the coefficient affecting the term g in the Whitehead products [ d e,f, ã], [ d e,f, b], [ d e,f, c], [ d e,f, v]. Projecting on the base of the fibration, we see that all these coefficients must vanish. Denoting by b and v the elements b ã and v c 4 ã respectively, the set {ã, b, c, v } is a basis of the 3-dimensional generators. This proves the following:

13 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 13 Theorem 4.2. A minimal model of Emb ω (c, µ) is (Λ( d e,f, ã, b, c, v, g), d 0 ) with generators of degrees 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4 and with differential given by d 0 de,f = d 0 b = d 0 c = d 0 v = d 0 g = 0 and d 0 ã = d e,f 2. Thus its cohomology is isomorphic to the algebra Λ( d e,f, b, c, v, g)/( d e,f 2 = 0). 5. The homotopy types of IEmb ω (c, µ) and Emb ω (c, µ) In order to find the homotopy type of IEmb = IEmb ω (c, µ) we now use the knowledge of the full homotopy types of Symp( M µ,c ) and Symp(M µ ) as topological groups. By definition, given topological groups G and G, G has the homotopy type of G as topological groups if there are H-maps f : G G and g : G G such that f g and g f are homotopic to the identity map through based maps. Therefore the product structure is preserved and the Pontryagin rings of the two topological groups are isomorphic. We first recall from [4] the background that will be needed. Let P denote the pushout of the diagram of topological groups (5) SO(3) SO(3) S 1 i SO(3) SO(3) where denotes the inclusion of the diagonal and i the inclusion of the first factor. This is also known as the amalgam (or amalgamated product, or free product with amalgamation) of the groups SO(3) SO(3) and SO(3) S 1 over the common subgroup SO(3) and it is characterized as the initial topological group admitting compatible homomorphisms from the diagram (5). Actually, the pushout construction is defined in any category (see [6], for instance) but we are mainly interested in the category of topological groups. This construction is characterized by having a universal property that, in our particular case, translates in the following statement. If G is any topological group sitting in the obvious square diagram with continuous homomorphisms

14 14 making the diagram commutative, then there is a unique continuous homomorphism ϕ : P G making the following diagram commutative: SO(3) SO(3) SO(3) i SO(3) S 1 P ϕ G In our particular example the group structure in the pushout can be described as follows. Consider the set S of finite sequences x 1 x 2...x n where x i SO(3) SO(3) or x i SO(3) S 1 and the equivalence relation generated by (i) x 1...x n x 1... ˆx i...x n if x i = 1, (ii) x 1...x i x i+1...x n x 1...(x i x i+1 )...x n when x i, x i+1 both belong to SO(3) SO(3) or SO(3) S 1. In particular, if x i is in the common subgroup SO(3) then x 1... (x i 1 x i )x i+1...x n x 1... x i 1 (x i x i+1 )...x n. S has an associative unital product defined by concatenation and it is easy to check that this descends to the set P = S/ of equivalence classes and that P together with the canonical maps SO(3) SO(3) P and SO(3) S 1 P, as a group, is the pushout of diagram (5). A good reference for the pushout of groups is [10]. In our example we also need to choose a topology on the space P so that P together with the maps is the pushout in the category of topological groups. It turns out that it is necessary to work in the category of compactly generated spaces. We say that X is compactly generated if a subset U X is closed iff for every compact Hausdorff space K and continuous map g : K X, g 1 (U) is closed. Given an arbitrary topological space X we can refine the topology in the obvious way so that it becomes compactly generated. Now endow S with the inductive limit of the inclusions S n S n+m, x 1...x n x 1...x n , and S/ with the quotient topology. Finally endow P with the refined topology induced by compact generation. With this topology, P is the push-out of the diagram (5) in the category of topological groups. A complete description of the pushout of topological groups is given in [4, 2]. The homotopy type of Symp(M µ ) was computed by Anjos Granja in [4]. For this, recall first that the group SO(3) SO(3) can be considered as a subgroup of Symp(M µ ) by letting each factor acts on the corresponding

15 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 15 factor of M µ and that the group SO(3) S 1 is also a subgroup of Symp(M µ ) by carrying through the symplectomorphism W 2 M µ the Kahler isometry group SO(3) S 1 of the Hirzebruch surface W 2 (see [1, 3, 5]). Here the S 1 -factor is the rotation in the fibers of W 2 it is therefore the rotation in M µ = S 2 S 2 of the fibers (of the projection onto the first factor) round symplectic surfaces in class B + F and B F, whereas SO(3) is a lift to W 2 CP 1 = S 2 of the group SO(3) on the base. This gives two subgroups of Symp(M µ ) and it turns out that the first factor of SO(3) S 1 can be identified with the diagonal in SO(3) SO(3). Thus the diagram (5) can be completed with Symp(M µ ) in fourth position. This induces a map from P = (SO(3) SO(3)) SO(3) (SO(3) S1 ) to Symp(M µ ) by the universal property of push-outs. Anjos Granja proved in [4] that Theorem 5.1. If 0 < µ 1 1 then the latter H-map P = (SO(3) SO(3)) (SO(3) S 1 ) Symp(M µ ) is a weak homotopy equivalence. SO(3) Next we compute the homotopy type of Symp( M µ,c ) as topological group. Using the same notations as in [5], let the 2-torus Ti 2 be the group of Kähler isometries of the blow up W i,c of the Hirzbruch surface W i at a standard ball of capacity c < 1 centered at a point on the zero section of W i [5, Prop 4.4 and Prop 4.5]. Each torus Ti 2 gives rise to an abelian subgroup of Symp( M µ,c ) that we will denote by T i 2. When µ (1, 2] and c µ 1, only the tori T 0 2 and T 1 2 are involved. It turns out that the first torus is the product S 1 S 1, that can be considered as subgroup of the group SO(3) SO(3) of the diagram (5) (when Symp( M µ,c ) is thought of as the subgroup of Symp(M µ ) that preserves not necessarily pointwise the ball of capacity c see [5]). The second torus may be viewed as the subgroup S 1 S 1 SO(3) S 1 where the second factors correspond and the first S 1 -factor is included in SO(3) as the subgroup of the Kahler isometries of W 2 that preserves a point on the section at infinity of W 2. This yields the diagram (6) S 1 T 2 0 T 2 1 i Symp( M µ,c )

16 16 The key point to find the homotopy type of Symp( M µ,c ) is to notice that the Pontryagin ring H (Symp( M µ,c )) is the pushout of H ( T 0 2) and H ( T 1 2) over H (S 1 ), i.e. Proposition 5.2. Let k be a field. The diagram (7) H (S 1 ; k) H ( T 2 0 ; k) H ( T 1 2 ; k) H (Symp( M µ,c ); k) is a pushout square in the category of k-algebras (there is an entirely analogous description of the pushout in the category of associative k algebras, see [4, 2]). Proof. As an extension of the results in [5], Pinsonnault proves in [8] that Symp( M µ,c ) has no torsion. This fact together with the computation in [5, Section 4.4] of the rational Pontryagin ring of Symp( M µ,c ) implies the following proposition. Denote by k z 1,..., z k the free non-commutative algebra over the field k generated by z 1,...,z k, and by Λ(z 1,...,z k ) the free graded commutative algebra over the same field generated by z 1,..., z k. Proposition 5.3. If 0 < µ 1 c < 1 then ( H (Symp( M µ,c ); k) = k t, x / R ) Λ(y) where R = t 2, x 2, deg y = deg x = deg t = 1 and k = Q or k = Z p with p prime. This completes the proof of Proposition 5.2. Remark 1. Notice that there is no torsion because H ( T i 2 ) has no torsion. Hence the generators in the homology rings with k = Q or k = Z p (with p prime) coefficients are the same. Let P be the pushout of the diagram of topological groups (8) S 1 T 2 1 i where is the inclusion onto the diagonal and i is the inclusion onto the first factor. We can now state the result for the group Symp( M µ,c ). T 2 0

17 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 17 Theorem 5.4. If 0 < µ 1 c < 1 then the H-map P = T 0 2 T 2 1 Symp( M µ,c ) is a weak homotopy equivalence of topological groups. S 1 Proof. First we need to recall Theorem 3.8 in [4]. It claims that under the assumption that the homomorphisms involved induce injections on homology, the following pushout of k algebras H (B 1 ; k) H (B 2 ; k) H (B 0 ;k) is isomorphic, as an algebra, to the Pontryagin ring H (G; k) where G is the amalgamated product of the topological groups B 1 and B 2 over the common subgroup B 0. It follows from this theorem and proposition 5.2 that the canonical map P Symp( M µ,c ) is a homology equivalence with any field coefficients. Hence it is an equivalence on integral homology. Since both spaces are H spaces it follows that it is in fact a weak equivalence. Therefore we obtain the following commutative diagram (9) T 2 0 S 1 T 2 1 Symp( M µ,c ) f (SO(3) SO(3)) SO(3) (SO(3) S1 ) f Symp(M µ ) where the vertical arrows are weak homotopy equivalences (as topological groups). We are now ready to state the main result of this section Theorem 5.5. If 0 < µ 1 c < 1, the topological space IEmb ω (c, µ) is weakly homotopy equivalent to the quotient P/ P of the two pushouts; moreover, this quotient space is the total space of non-trivial fibration with base S 2 S 2 and fiber ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 (here the inclusion of the group ΩS 3 in ΩΣ 2 SO(3) is induced by the map S 3 Σ 2 SO(3) that corresponds to the generator of the fundamental group of SO(3)). This fibration satisfies the Leray-Hirsch condition, i.e. it splits homologically, it has a continuous section, and all its homotopy groups also split. Proof. First we define a map h : P/ P IEmb. Let ā P/ P, i.e. ā = a P, where a P. Let B 4 (c) R 4 be the closed standard ball of radius r and

18 18 capacity c = πr 2 equipped with the restriction of the standard symplectic structure in R 4. We define h(ā) as the image of the composition f(a) i c where i c is the standard symplectic embedding of B 4 (c) in M µ. Next we will see that h is well defined because f is an H map and f P = f up to homotopy. In fact, if we choose another representative of the same class ā P/ P, for example, ab = ab P, with b P, then h(ab) is given by the image of the composition f(ab) i c. Because f is an H-map this composition is equal to f(a) f(b) i c f(a) f(b) i c up to homotopy. We know that f(b) Symp( M µ,c ) and this group is homotopy equivalent to the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms that preserve (not necessarily pointwise) the image B c of i c, Symp(M µ, B c ) (see [5, Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4]). It follows that up to homotopy f(b) Symp(M µ, B c ). Hence the image of the composition f(a) f(b) i c is the same as the image of f(a) i c and we can conclude that the map h is well defined up to homotopy. Therefore we obtain the following homotopy commutative diagram P P P/ P Symp( M µ,c ) f f Symp(M µ ) h IEmb By the 5-lemma, since the first two vertical arrows are weak homotopy equivalences, so is the last one. It remains to describe the quotient P/ P in more detail. Let X SO(3) SO(3) denote the image of a section (we require that this section be a homomorphism, so X is a subgroup of SO(3) SO(3)) of the principal fiber bundle SO(3) SO(3) SO(3) defined by quotienting SO(3) SO(3) by the diagonal SO(3)-action (for instance, {id} G is such a section of G G). Consider the following commutative diagram: SO(3) SO(3) SO(3) i SO(3) S 1 g 2 SO(3) SO(3) S 1 where g 1 (a, b) = (a, b, 1) and g 2 (c, d) = (c, c, d). The universal property of the pushout gives us a canonical continuous homomorphism (10) P SO(3) SO(3) S 1 g 1

19 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 19 which is explicitely defined by mapping a sequence x 1...x n to the usual product in SO(3) SO(3) S 1 of the elements x 1...x n where if x i is equal to (a, b) in SO(3) SO(3), then x i is (a, b, 1) and if x i is equal to (c, t) in SO(3) S 1, then x i is (c, c, t). Let [S 1, X] denote the set of commutators [c, x] = c 1 x 1 cx with c S 1 {1} and x X {1}. Using the description we gave of the pushout of groups as a set of finite sequences with a certain equivalence relation it is not hard to see that the set of commutators [S 1, X] (this set is independent of the choice of section) is contained in the kernel of the canonical group homorphism (10). Moreover, the kernel is the free group generated by this set of commutators (see a similar proof in [10, Chapter 1, 1]). Thus we have a short exact sequence of topological groups F[S 1, X] P SO(3) SO(3) S 1. Similarly let X S 1 S 1 denote the image of a section of the principal fiber bundle S 1 S 1 S 1 determined by quotienting S 1 S 1 by the diagonal S 1 action and consider the canonical group homomorphism P S 1 S 1 S 1. We obtain another short exact sequence of topological groups, in this case given by F[S 1, X] P S 1 S 1 S 1. We can therefore write the following commutative diagram (11) F[S 1, X] ĩ P π S 1 S 1 S 1 i F F[S 1, X] i P i P π i B SO(3) SO(3) S 1 π F F[S 1,X] F[S 1, X] ī π P P/ P π B π SO(3) SO(3) S 1 S 1 S 1 S 1 It is easy to check that the two upper squares commute: that is to say i P ĩ = i i F and i B π = π i P. The quotient spaces in the bottom row are Hausdorff spaces and the maps π B, π F and π P are open and continuous. The maps π and ī are induced by the maps π and i respectively. If [ a ] P/ P and [ c ] F[S 1, X]/F[S 1, X] then those maps are defined by π([ a ]) = π(a P) = (π B π)(a),

20 20 ī([ c ]) = ī(cf[s 1, X]) = (π P i)(c). They are well defined because π and i are group homomorphisms. Moreover, since the maps i, π, π F, π P and π B are continuous, it follows easily that the maps π and ī are continuous too. The bottom row in diagram (11) is the quotient of the two fibrations of groups on the first and second row. It is therefore a fibration too. We claim that there exists a continuous section σ of π. First note that both π and π have continuous sections σ and σ given by: σ(a, b, t) = (a, b) (1, t) σ(a, b, t) = (a, b) (1, t). This, by the way, implies that these two principal fibrations split topologically. However, the section σ is not a homomorphism and therefore does not immediatly descend to a section of π. But the restriction of σ to the first two factors, i.e to SO(3) SO(3) {1} is obviously a group homomorphism, and therefore descends to a section SO(3) SO(3) SO(3) SO(3) S1 σ : = P/ S 1 S 1 S 1 S 1 S P. 1 Hence the long exact homotopy sequence of the fibration π : P/ P SO(3) SO(3) S 1 S 1 breaks up into a family of short exact sequences 0 π k ( F[S 1, X] F[S 1, X] Each of these sequence splits and therefore ( ) π k (P/ P) F[S 1, X] π k F[S 1, X] ) π k (P/ P) π k ( SO(3) SO(3) S 1 S 1 π k ( SO(3) SO(3) S 1 S 1 ) 0. ), k N. In the quotient (SO(3) SO(3))/(S 1 S 1 ) each S 1 factor is contained in the corresponding SO(3) factor, hence the quotient is homeomorphic to the space SO(3)/S 1 SO(3)/S 1 S 2 S 2. Note that the quotient fibration in (11) is not a principal bundle; the existence of a section implies the splitting of homotopy groups but not the splitting of the fibration. This non-splitting is what we now examine. So, finally, let s show that the previous fibration (12) F[S 1, X]/F[S 1, X] P/ P S 2 S 2 is non trivial although the fibrations at the top and middle rows in diagram (11) are. It is sufficient to prove that the restriction of the fibration (12)

21 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 21 to the fibration over S 2 {pt} is non trivial. In order to show that, we are going to find trivializations of this restriction over the disks D 2 + and D2, which correspond to the north and south hemispheres of S 2, and will see that the clutching map yields a non trivial loop in the group of automorphisms of the fiber. It is easy to check that the total space of the fibration over S 2 {pt} is given by the quotient P r / P of pushouts, where P r is the pushout of the following diagram S 1 SO(3) S 1 i S 1 S 1 This is obtained from diagram (5) by restricting each obvious SO(3) factor to the corresponding S 1 inside it. Indeed, we obtain the following short exact sequence of topological groups (13) F[S 1, X] P r SO(3) S 1 S 1, and if we replace the middle row in diagram (11) by this fibration we obtain in the bottom row the desired restriction over S 2 {pt}. This sphere S 2 arises as the base of the S 1 -principal fibration S 1 SO(3) S 2. To fix notations, recall that each point u SO(3) can be identified with pairs (p, v) where p S 2 and v is a unit vector in the tangent space to S 2 at p, i.e. v T 1 p S2. Write SO(3) = SO(3) + SO(3) where SO(3) + D 2 + S1 and SO(3) D 2 S 1, i.e: Choices of sections σ + and σ SO(3) (D 2 + S 1 ) D 2 (D 2 S 1 ). SO(3) + D 2 + σ + SO(3) D 2 σ lead to trivializations of the principal bundles SO(3) + and SO(3) (where the typical fibers can be identified say to the north and south poles of S 2 ). Therefore the clutching map in the fibration S 1 SO(3) S 2 is given by γ t : S 1 SO(3) t σ + (t) σ (t) 1. The map γ t represents the non trivial loop in the fundamental group of SO(3), π 1 (SO(3)) = Z 2.

22 22 Using the decomposition SO(3) = SO(3) + SO(3) in the fibration (13) and the trivialization of SO(3) over the two disks D+ 2 and D2 we obtain trivializations of the fibration (F[S 1, X]/F[S 1, X]) P r / P S 2 {pt} over the disks. The clutching map γ t yields the loop of automorphisms of the fiber α t in Aut(F[S 1, X]) defined by α t : S 1 Aut(F[S 1, X]) t i [ϕ i, g i ] i [ϕ i, γ t g i ] where ϕ i S 1 and g i X for all i N. Note that the first S 1 factor in the base of the fibration F[S 1, X] P S 1 S 1 S 1 is identified with T 1 N S2 in SO(3) + and T 1 S S2 in SO(3). Therefore the loop γ t preserves the fiber F[S 1, X]. Hence the loop α t descends to a loop of automorphisms of the quotient F[S 1, X]/F[S 1, X]. It is easy to see that this is the clutching function of our fibration and we claim that this loop is non trivial in Aut(F[S 1, X]/F[S 1, X]). First we will prove that the loop α t π 1 (Aut(F[S 1, X])) is not trivial. We consider a larger space B defined in the following way: let [ϕ, g] F[S 1, X] where ϕ S 1 and g X. Then identify this commutator with the obvious element in S 1 SO(3) S 1 SO(3), namely (ϕ, g, ϕ 1, g 1 ). Now let A denote the product S 1 SO(3) S 1 SO(3) and let B 1 = A, B 2 = A A, B 3 = A A A and more generally B n = A n. We have B 1 B 2 B 3... B := lim i B i and clearly any element in F[S 1, X] can be identified with an element in the direct limit B. Moreover we can see the loop α t Aut(F[S 1, X]) as a loop of automorphisms of this larger space, i.e., α t : S 1 Aut(B) where in each factor A of B k B, k N, the loop γ t acts in the following way: (ϕ i, g i, ϕ 1 i, gi 1 ) (ϕ i, γ t g i, ϕ 1 i, gi 1 γt 1 ), 1 i k. If the loop α t in Aut(F[S 1, X]) were trivial, it would be trivial also as a loop of automorphisms of B. Therefore it would be contained in B k for some k N. However this would imply that the loop γ t π 1 (SO(3)) is trivial, a contradiction. The fact that the induced loop in the automorphisms of the quotient is also homotopically non-trivial follows functorially, as above, from the same

23 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 23 phenomenon in the spaces of automorphisms of each of the spaces of the fibration S 1 SO(3) S 2. Finally, it is well known that the spaces [S 1, X] P and [S 1, X] P are homeomorphic to ΣSO(3) and ΣS 1 respectively. Writing FY for the free topological group generated by the space Y, we have F Y ΩΣY. It follows that F[S 1, X]/F[S 1, X] ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3. This completes the proof, except for the Leray-Hirsch condition, which will be established in the next section. From Theorem 5.5 it follows easily that: Theorem 5.6. If 0 < µ 1 c < 1 then the topological space Emb ω (c, µ) is weakly homotopy equivalent to the pull-back of the fibration (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ) P/ P π S 2 S 2 by the fibered map F ω S 2 S 2 where F ω is the space of symplectic frames over M µ = S 2 S 2. We leave the details of the proof of this result to the reader. 6. Cohomology rings It is easy to describe the cohomology ring of IEmb with rational coefficients. This is an immediate consequence of the computation in section 3 of the minimal model of IEmb. Corollary 6.1. H (IEmb; Q) = Λ(e, f, c, g)/ e 2, f 2 where deg e = deg f = 2, deg c = 3 and deg g = 4. Using Theorem 5.5 we can compute the cohomology ring of IEmb with Z p coefficients with p prime. Let Γ Zp [x] denote the divided polynomial algebra on the generator x. This is defined to be the free ( Z p module ) with basis i + j x 0 = 1, x 1, x 2,... and multiplication defined by x i x j = x i i+j. Moreover, there is an isomorphism Γ Zp [x] Z p [x 1, x p, x p 2,...]/ x p 1, x p p, xp p,... = 2 i 0 Z p[x p i]/ x p p. i Corollary 6.2. If p 2 then H (IEmb; Z p ) = Λ(e, f, c)/ e 2, f 2 Γ Zp [g] where deg e = deg f = 2, deg c = 3 and deg g = 4.

24 24 Proof. It is known that if p 2 then H (ΩS 3 ; Z p ) = Γ Zp [w] where deg w = 2 and H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3); Z p ) = Γ Zp [z] where deg z = 4. Next we compute the cohomology ring H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ; Z p ) using the Serre spectral sequence for the fibration (14) ΩS 3 i F ΩΣ 2 SO(3) ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3. In the E 2 page of the spectral sequence the first column is H (ΩS 3 ; Z p ) = Γ Zp [w] and in the bottom row we will obtain the desired cohomology ring. The odd-numbered rows are zero, so d 2 must be zero and E 2 = E 3. Since there are no generators in dimension 2 in H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3); Z p ) the generator w 1 H 2 (ΩS 3 ; Z p ) must be killed at the E 3 array otherwise w 1 would survive to E as there are no nontrivial differentials which can hit it. Thus there must exist y H 3 (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ; Z p ) such that d 3 : Z p w 1 Z p y is an isomorphism. It is not hard to see that in fact d 3 is an isomorphism from the 0 to the 3 numbered columns and all elements in these columns are killed. Clearly H p (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ; Z p ) if p = 1 or 2 also must be zero. If there were no more generators in H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ; Z p ) then the E array would be trivial away from the Z p in the lower left corner. Therefore, in order to obtain H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3); Z p ) in the E array, we need to have H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ; Z p ) = Λ(y) Γ Zp [z]. Furthermore the spectral sequence collapses at E 4. Next we will use the Serre spectral sequence of the fibration (15) ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ī P/ P π S 2 S 2 to compute the cohomology ring H (P/ P; Z p ). Looking at the E 2 page of this spectral sequence it is clear that the differential d 2 vanishes on the generators e, f H (S 2 S 2 ; Z p ) and y H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ; Z p ). Since we should have dim H 4n (P/ P; Z p ) dim H 4n (P/ P; Q) (where dim H 4n (P/ P; k) is the dimension of H 4n (P/ P; k) as a vector space over the field k) it follows that d 2 also must vanish on the generators of the divided polynomial algebra Γ Zp [z]. It is not hard to see that in fact d r 0, r 2. Therefore the spectral sequence collapses at E 2 which implies that the homomorphism ī is surjective and we obtain the following isomorphism as vector spaces (16) H (P/ P; Z p ) = H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ; Z p ) H (S 2 S 2 ; Z p ). Moreover, H (P/ P; Z p ) has a subalgebra π (H (S 2 S 2 ; Z p )) = H (S 2 S 2 ; Z p ). Since ī is surjective there is c H 3 (P/ P; Z p ) such that ī (c) = y. Clearly c 2 = 0 because deg c = 3. Let g 1 H 4 (P/ P; Z p ) such that ī (g 1 ) = z 1. Then ī (g p 1 ) = zp 1 = 0. We need to show that gp 1 = 0. Note that dim H 4p (P/ P; Z p ) = 2 (corresponding to the elements z p 1 1 ef and z p ) and in this dimension we have the element g p 1 γδ where π (e) = γ and π (f) = δ.

25 SYMPLECTIC BALLS IN S 2 S 2 ABOVE THE CRITICAL VALUE 25 Since ī (γ) = ī (δ) = 0 it follows that ī (g p 1 γδ) = 0. Hence we need a generator g p H 4p (P/ P; Z p ) such that ī (g p ) = z p and g p 1 vanishes otherwise the dimension of the vector space H 4p (P/ P; Z p ) would be equal to 3 instead of 2. A similar argument works for the other generators of the divided polynomial algebra g p k, k 1. Therefore the isomorphism (16) is in fact an isomorphism as graded algebras and from Theorem 5.5 we obtain the desired result. Next we will see that IEmb has Z 2 torsion and therefore the cohomology ring with these coefficients is not as easy to describe as the previous ones. In fact we have Corollary 6.3. H (IEmb; Z 2 ) = Λ(e, f)/ e 2, f 2 A where deg e = deg f = 2 and A has an infinite number of generators. Proof. Since the inclusions i F, i P and i B of diagram (11) induce injective maps in homology with Z 2 coefficients, it follows from the Leray Hirsch Theorem that we have the following isomorphisms as vector spaces H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3); Z 2 ) = H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ; Z 2 ) H (ΩS 3 ; Z 2 ), H (P; Z 2 ) = H (P/ P; Z 2 ) H ( P; Z 2 ) and H (S 1 SO(3) SO(3); Z 2 ) = H (S 2 S 2 ; Z 2 ) H (S 1 S 1 S 1 ; Z 2 ). Moreover, since the fibrations π : P S 1 SO(3) SO(3) and π : P S 1 S 1 S 1 are (weak) homotopically trivial then we obtain the following isomorphisms as graded algebras H (P; Z 2 ) = H (S 1 SO(3) SO(3); Z 2 ) H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3); Z 2 ), H ( P; Z 2 ) = H (S 1 S 1 S 1 ; Z 2 ) H (ΩS 3 ; Z 2 ). The 5 previous isomorphisms yield the isomorphism (17) H (P/ P; Z 2 ) = H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ; Z 2 ) H (S 2 S 2 ; Z 2 ) as vector spaces. It follows that the homomorphism ī is surjective and the Serre spectral sequence of the fibration (15) collapses at E 2. Therefore E, = E, 2 = H (ΩΣ 2 SO(3)/ΩS 3 ; Z 2 ) H (S 2 S 2 ; Z 2 )


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