Our Changing Earth: Plate Tectonics and Large-Scale System Interactions By Gabrielle Sierra

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1 Our Changing Earth: Plate Tectonics and Large-Scale System Interactions By Gabrielle Sierra! David!and!Charlie!were!setting!off!on!a!hiking!trip!with!their!uncle!Max.!!! They!had!packed!all!of!the!essential!items!they!would!need!for!their!day!of!hiking.!Inside!their! backpacks!were!sandwiches,!water,!sunscreen,!bug!spray,!a!long!sleeve!shirt!for!the!cold,!and! sunglasses!for!the!sun.!! Before! they! started! on! their! trip,! they! gathered! around! a! picnic! table! with! their! uncle.! He! showed!them!what!was!inside!his!own!backpack.!his!bag!was!heavier.!he!had!all!the!same! things!david!and!charlie!had!in!their!bags!except!he!also!had!a!first!aid!kit,!extra!water!bottles,! a!flashlight!and!a!bunch!of!folded!papers.!!

2 What! is! with! all! the! papers,! Uncle! Max?! asked! David.! Are! you! going! to! be! doing! some! homework!at!the!top!of!the!mountain?! Uncle!Max!and!the!boys!laughed.!! No,!said!Uncle!Max,!spreading!out!the!folded!papers.! These!are!all!maps.!They!will!show!us! where!we!are!headed.!! Why!don t!you!just!look!up!the!map!on!your!phone?!asked!charlie.!! Well,!we!can!do!that!too,!said!Uncle!Max.! But!just!in!case!the!phone!battery!dies!or!we!lose! service,!we!will!have!these!maps!on!paper.!plus!a!few!of!these!maps!show!specific!trails!for!the! park!that!may!not!be!listed!on!your!phone.!uncle!max!opened!one!of!the!maps!even!wider! and! pointed! to! a! spot! with! his! finger.! This! is! where! we! are,! he! said.! See! all! of! the! trees! around!us?!and!this!is!the!trail!we!are!going!to!take!up!the!mountain!and!then!back.!uncle! Max!pointed!at!a!mountain!to!the!right.!Sure!enough!it!was!on!the!map!in!the!same!spot.!! The!boys!adjusted!their!bags,!tied!their!shoes!tight,!and!started!off!down!the!trail!following! behind!uncle!max.!! How!do!the!people!who!make!the!maps!know!where!everything!is?!asked!Charlie.!! Well,!there!is!something!called!Cartography,!said!Uncle!Max.! Cartography!is!the!study!and! making!of!maps.!cartographers!use!science!and!exploration!to!establish!where!certain!parts!of! the!earth!are.! Uncle!Max!and!the!boys!hiked!around!a!bunch!of!trees!and!followed!a!path!over!a!small!river.!! Do!maps!tell!you!about!what!is!under!the!water!too?!asked!David.!! Some!of!them!do,!said!Uncle!Max.! Not!all!maps!show!all!bodies!of!water.!But!bigger!bodies! of!water!like!oceans!and!lakes!are!often!mapped!out.!if!you!are!exploring!in!the!ocean!and!you! want!to!find!some!coral!reef!or!a!sunken!ship,!then!that!would!be!included!on!a!map.!!

3 The!three!walked!for!another!hour.!As!they!went,!they!looked!at!all!the!trees!and!plants.!They! also!saw!a!deer!and!a!few!frogs.!! After!a!few!more!minutes,!the!boys!stopped!and!had!some!water,!while!Uncle!Max!showed! them!where!they!were!on!the!map.!they!were!almost!at!the!bottom!of!the!mountain they! could!see!it!right!up!in!front!of!them.!! In! school! we! learned! that! the! Earth s! surface! moves,! said! David,! as! they! started! walking! again.! Because!the!Earth!is!made!up!of!plates.! Plates?!asked!Charlie.! Like!the!plates!we!use!to!eat!lunch?! Uncle!Max!laughed.! Sort!of,!he!said.! More!like!puzzle!pieces!that!fit!together.!And!yes,!they! do!move,!but!usually!they!move!very!slowly.!if!you!look!at!maps!that!scientists!have!created!of! what!the!earth!looked!like!many,!many!years!ago,!you!can!see!that!countries!and!islands!on! the!earth!were!in!different!places.!land!masses!broke!apart!and!floated.!! So!then!maps!change,!said!Charlie.!! Yes,! they! have! to! be! updated! to! reflect! any! changes,! said! Uncle! Max.! Not! that! those! changes!happen!very!fast.! Earthquakes!happen!fast,!though,!said!David.!! Definitely,! said! Uncle! Max.! Very! fast.! An! earthquake! is! the! result! of! a! sudden! release! of! energy! in! the! Earth s! crust! that! creates! something! called! seismic! waves.! That! is! why! the! machine!used!to!measure!an!earthquake!is!called!a!seismometer.!this!machine!helps!scientists! figure!out!what!is!going!on!in!the!earth!and!helps!predict!any!future!earthquakes,!since!they! sometimes!come!in!patterns.!! That s!scary,!said!charlie.!! It!is.!But!that!shows!you!how!powerful!the!Earth s!movements!can!be,!said!uncle!max.!! The!three!hikers!reached!the!mountain.!!

4 David!looked!up.! We!are!going!all!the!way!up!there?!he!asked.!He!was!tired!from!his!first! hike!and!was!not!looking!forward!to!heading!up!the!mountain.!! Uncle!Max!laughed.! How!about!we!have!our!sandwiches!down!here!instead,!he!suggested.! Then!we!can!go!back!and!swim!in!the!lake.!! The! boys! agreed.! So! Uncle! Max! laid! a! blanket! on! a! big! flat! rock,! and! the! three! had! their! sandwiches!in!the!sun.!then!they!took!a!photo!in!front!of!the!mountain,!so!they!could!show! their!mom.!maybe!next!time!they!came!back,!they!could!use!the!map!to!climb!the!mountain.!

5 !! Questions:!Our!Changing!Earth:!Plate!Tectonics!and!Large8Scale!System!Interactions! Name: Date: 1. What is the name of the study and creation of maps? A circumnavigation B tectonics C cartography D exploration 2. In the passage, Uncle Max describes a number of things to the boys. How does he describe earthquakes? A a sudden release of energy in the Earth s crust that creates seismic waves B a slow event that occurs over many years C a gradual release in pressure that rarely causes problems D an unexpected natural disaster that could happen at any time 3. The movement of the Earth s plates has changed the way that the Earth looks over many years. What evidence from the text supports this conclusion? A Science and exploration is used to establish where certain parts of the Earth are. B Some maps show where a coral reef is located or where a sunken ship can be found. C Maps of the Earth many years ago show countries and islands in different places. D Earthquakes sometimes come in patterns. 4. Based on the information Uncle Max explains, what can be concluded about the impact of the movement of the Earth s plates? A The movement of the Earth s plates does not affect the location of lands and oceans. B The movement of the Earth s plates affects the location of lands and oceans. C The movement of the Earth s plates only affects the location of the oceans. D The movement of the Earth s plates only affects the location of islands. 5. What is the main idea of this story? A Maps can help predict the movement of Earth s plates. B Maps can help show you where you are and where you are headed. C Maps can replace your cell phone if it runs out of battery. D Maps can make hiking easier. 1

6 !! Questions:!Our!Changing!Earth:!Plate!Tectonics!and!Large8Scale!System!Interactions! 6. Uncle Max compares the Earth s plates to puzzle pieces. Why does Mr. Max compare the Earth s plates to puzzle pieces? A to show that the Earth s plates are as confusing as puzzle pieces B to show that the Earth s plates fit together like puzzle pieces C to show that the Earth s plates need to be put together by humans just like puzzle pieces D to show that the Earth s plates are made of the same material as puzzle pieces 7. While the Earth s plates move very slowly, some changes in the Earth happen very quickly, earthquakes. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. A consequently B notably C finally D initially 8. According to Uncle Max, what do maps show? 2

7 !! Questions:!Our!Changing!Earth:!Plate!Tectonics!and!Large8Scale!System!Interactions! 9. Describe the Earth s plates based on the information Uncle Max gives to David and Charlie. 10. Explain the reason that maps must change over time. Use information from the text. 3

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