arxiv: v3 [math-ph] 11 Feb 2015

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1 General Nth order integrals of the motion arxiv: v3 [math-ph] 11 Feb Introduction S. Post 1 and P. Winternitz 1 Department of Mathematics, University of Hawai i at Mānoa 65 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu HI 968, USA Département de Mathématiques et de Statistique and Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Montréal. CP618, Succursale Centre-Ville, Montréal QC H3C 3J7, Canada, Abstract. The general form of an integral of motion that is a polynomial of order N in the momenta is presented for a Hamiltonian system in twodimensional Euclidean space. The classical and the quantum cases are treated separately, emphasizing both the similarities and the differences between the two. The main application will be to study Nth order superintegrable systems that allow separation of variables in the Hamilton-Jacobi and Schrödinger equations, respectively. PACS numbers: 0.30.Ik 45.0.Jj The purpose of this article is to provide a framework for systematically studying finite-dimensional integrable and superintegrable systems with integrals of motion that are polynomials of arbitrary finite order, N, in the momenta. In the process, we also establish some basic properties of the integrals of the motion and study some differences between the integrals in classical and quantum mechanics. We restrict ourselves to a two-dimensional real Euclidean plane and to Hamiltonians of the form H = p 1 +p +Vx,y. 1 In classicalmechanics p 1 and p are the components of the linear momentum, to which we add for use below the angular momentum L 3 = xp yp 1. In quantum mechanics, p 1 and p as well as H and L 3 will be Hermitian operators with ˆp 1 = i x, ˆp = i y. In classical mechanics an Nth order integral of the motion can be written as N N k X = f j,k x,yp j 1 pn k j, f j,k x,y R, 3 k=0 On Sabbatical at Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università di Roma Tre, Via della Vasca Navale 84, 00146, Roma, Italy

2 General Nth order integrals of the motion or simply X = j,k f j,k x,yp j 1 pn k j, 4 with f j,k = 0 for j < 0, k < 0 and k + j > N. The leading terms of order N are obtained by restricting the summation to k = 0. In quantum mechanics we also take the integral of the form 3 or 4 but the p i are operators as in and we must symmetrize in order for X to be Hermitian see Section 3 below. We recall that a Hamiltonian with n degrees of freedom in classical mechanics is integrable Liouville integrable if it allows n integrals of motion including the Hamiltonian that are well defined functions on phase space, are in involutionpoisson commute and are functionally independent. The system is superintegrable if it allows more than n integrals that are functionally independent and commute with the Hamiltonian. The system is maximally superintegrable [49] if it allows n 1 functionally independent, well defined integrals, though at most n of them can be in involution. In quantum mechanics the definitions are similar. The integrals are operators in the enveloping algebra of the Heisenberg algebra H n {x 1,...,x n,p 1,...,p n, } that are either polynomials or convergent power series. A set of integrals is algebraically independent if no Jordan polynomial formed using only anti-commutators in the operators vanishes. The best known superintegrable systems are the Kepler-Coulomb system [4, 1] with the potential V = α/r and the harmonic oscillator [5,50] with V = αr. According to Bertrand s theorem [5], the only rotationally invariant potentials in which all bounded trajectories are closed are precisely these two potentials. A theorem proven by Nekhoroshev [51] states that, away from singular points, if a Hamiltonian system in n dimensions is maximally superintegrable n 1 integrals of motion then all bounded trajectories are periodic. It follows that there are no other rotationally invariant maximally superintegrable systems in a Euclidean space E n. A systematic study of other superintegrable systems started with the construction of all quadratically superintegrable systems in E and E 3 [13,39,63]. Superintegrable systems with second-order integrals of motion are by now well understood both in spaces of constant curvature and in more general spaces [9 11, 7 3, 34, 58, 59]. Second-order superintegrability is related to multi-separability in the Hamilton-Jacobi equations and the Schrödinger equation. The superintegrable potentials are the same in classical and quantum mechanics. When commuted amongst each other, the integrals of motion form quadratic algebras [6 8, 15, 16, 8, 34, 35]. Superintegrable systems involving one third-order and one lower order integral of motion in E have been studied more recently [17,18,48,5,6]. The connection with multiple separation of variables is lost. The quantum potentials are not necessarily the same as the classical ones, i.e. quantum potentials that depend on the Planck constant appear. Some of the quantum potentials obtained involve elliptic functions or Painlevé transcendents. The integrals of motion form polynomial algebras and these can be used to calculate energy spectra and wave functions [41,43,48]. A relation with supersymmetry has been established [4, 44, 46, 56]. It was recently shown that infinite families of two-dimensional superintegrable systems exist with integrals of arbitrary order [6, 33, 36, 44, 53, 54, 60, 61]. Superintegrable systems not allowing separation of variables have been constructed [37, 38, 55]

3 General Nth order integrals of the motion 3 The present article is to be viewed in the context of a systematic study of integrable and superintegrable systems with integrals that are polynomials in the momenta, especially for those of degree higher than two. Here we concentrate on the properties of one integral of order N in two-dimensional Euclidean space. The remainder of the article is organized as follows. Section is devoted to N- th order integrals of motion in classical mechanics and includes a derivation of the classical determining equations. The determining equations for quantum integrals are derived in Section 3. They are shown to have the same form as the classical ones, up to quantum corrections. These corrections are shown to be polynomials in the square of the Planck constant and are presented explicitly. The general formulas are specialized to low order cases N=,...,5 in Section 4. Different possible quantization procedures are compared and special cases are considered in Section 5. Conclusions and a future outlook are presented in Section 6.. Classical Nth order integrals of the motion Let us consider the classical Hamiltonian 1 and the Nth order integral 4 where f j,k x,y are real functions. Since X of 4 is assumed to be an integral of the motion, it must Poisson commute with the Hamiltonian {H,X} PB = 0. 5 The commutation relation 5 leads directly to a simple but powerful theorem. Theorem 1 A classical Nth order integral for the Hamiltonian 1 has the form [ N ] X = l=0 N l f j,l p j 1 pn j l, 6 where f j,l are real functions that are identically 0 for j,l < 0 or j > N l, with the following properties: i The functions f j,l and the potential Vx,y satisfy the determining equations 0 = x f j 1,l + y f j,l j+1f j+1,l x V+N l+ jf j,l y V.7 ii As indicated in 6, all terms in the polynomial X have the same parity. iii The leading terms in 6 of order N obtained for l = 0 are polynomials of order N in the enveloping algebra of the Euclidean Lie algebra e with basis {p 1,p,L 3 }. Proof We calculate the Poisson commutator 5 for H as in 1 and X as in 4 {H,X} PB = j,k 0 = j,k x f j,k x pj+1 1 p N k j f j,k y pj 1 pn k j+1 +j V x f j,kp j 1 1 p N k j +N k j V y f j,kp j 1 pn k j 1. 8 The first two terms are of order N k +1, the second of order N k 1. We shift j j 1 in the first term and j j +1 in the third to obtain fj 1,k p j 1 pn k j f j,k y j +1 V x f j+1,k +N k j V y f j,k p j 1 pn k j 1. 9

4 General Nth order integrals of the motion 4 The terms of order N +1 in the momenta, in 9, correspond to k = 0 and are f j 1,0 x + f j,0 y = Eq. 10 is the condition for the highest order terms of X to Poisson commute with the free Hamiltonian H 0 = p 1 + p, thus proving the third statement in Theorem 1. From the form of 9, we see that even and odd terms in X are independent. This proves statement of the theorem. Finally, we shift k k + in the second term of 9. The coefficient of p j 1 pn k j+1 after the shift must vanish independently for all j, k and we obtained the determining equations 7. Corollary 1 The classical integral 6 can be rewritten as X = 0 m+n N A N m n,m,n L N m n 3 p m 1 p n + where A N m n,m,n are constants. N l=1 N l f j,l p j 1 pn j l, 11 Proof: Asnotedabove,thedeterminingequationsforf j,0 givenby10donotdepend on the potential. The solutions of 10 are f j,0 = N j j n=0 m=0 N n m AN n m,m,n x N j n y j m, 1 j m which give the form of the integral 11. Thus for all N the solutions of 7 for l = 0 are known in terms of the N +1N +/ constants A N n m,m,n figuring in 11. Let us add some comments. i For physical reasonstime reversal invariance we have assumed that the functions f j,k x,y R from the beginning. This is actually no restriction. If X were complex, its real and imaginary parts would Poisson commute with H separately for Vx,y R and hence each complex integral would provide two real ones. ii The number of determining equations 7 is equal to { 1 N l+ = 4 N +3 N odd [ N+1 ] l=0 1 4 N +N +4 N even. 13 For a given potential Vx, y the equations are linear first-order partial differential equations for the unknowns f j,l x,y. The number of unknowns is [ N+1 ] N l+1 = l=0 { N+1N+3 4 N odd 1 4 N + N even. As is clear from Corollary 1, the determining equations for f j,0 can be solved without knowledge of the potential and the solutions depend on N + 1N + / constants. Thus, N + 1 of the functions f j,l, namely f j,0, are known in terms of N + 1N + / constants. The remaining system is overdetermined and subject to further compatibility conditions. If the potential Vx, y is not a priori known, then the system 7 becomes nonlinear and Vx, y must be determined from the compatibility conditions. We present the first set of compatibility conditions as a corollary. 14

5 General Nth order integrals of the motion 5 Corollary If the Hamiltonian 1 admits X as an integral then the potential function Vx, y satisfies the following linear partial differential equation PDE 0 = N 1 N 1 j x j y 1j [j +1f j+1,0 x V +N jf j,0 y V]. 15 Proof: This linear PDE is determined by the compatibility conditions for the l = 1 set of determining equations, namely x f j 1, + y f j, [j +1f j+1,0 x V +N jf j,0 y V] = 0.16 Therefore when X is an integral, the functions f j, exist and satisfy 16 and so the potential satisfies 15. This PDE depends only on the constants A j,k,l in the highest order terms of X, 11. iii For N odd, the lowest-order determining equations are f 1,N 1 V x +f 0,N 1 V y = In particular, for the N = 3 case, the compatibility conditions of 17 with the determining equations for f j, lead to nonlinear equations for the potential [18,6]. 3. Quantum Nth order integrals of the motion Inthissection, weshallpresentatheoremanalogoustotheclassicaloneoftheprevious section, but applied instead to quantum systems. That is, we would like to show that given an Nth order differential operator X that is formally self-adjoint with respect to the Euclidean metric and that commutes with a given Hamiltonian, then the number of independent functions and determining equations are equal to that of the classical caseandthedeterminingequationsarethesameasintheclassicalcase,uptoquantum corrections which are polynomial in. Specifically, we have the following theorem. Theorem A quantum Nth order integral for the Hamiltonian 1 has the form X = 1 N N l l=0 {f j,l, ˆp j 1ˆpN l j }, 18 where f j,l are real functions that are identically 0 for j,l < 0 or j > N l, with the following properties: i The functions f j,l and the potential Vx,y satisfy the determining equations with M j,l x f j 1,l + y f j,l 0 = M j,l, 19 j +1f j+1,l x V +N l+ jf j,l y V + Q j,l, where Q j,l is a quantum correction term given by Q j,l x φ j 1,l + y φ j,l + xφ j,l 1 + yφ j,l 1 l n+3 n=0 m=0 l 1 n=1 m=0 n j +m m N l+n+4 j m n+3 m m x n+3 m y Vf j+m,l n 4 0 n n 1/ j +m N l+n+1+j m m n m m x y n m Vφ j+m,l n 1,

6 General Nth order integrals of the motion 6 where the φ j,k are defined for k > 0 as l b ǫ b 1 φ j,l ǫ = j +a N l+b j a a b ǫ a a x y b ǫ a f j+a,l b, 1 b=1 a=0 with ǫ = 0,1. In particular φ j,0 = 0, hence Q j,0 = 0 so the l = 0 determining are the same as in the classical case. ii As indicated in 18, the symmetrized integral will have terms which are differential operators of the same parity. iii The leading terms in 18 of order N obtained for l = 0 are polynomials of order N in the enveloping algebra of the Euclidean Lie algebra e with basis {ˆp 1, ˆp, ˆL 3 }. Notice that the parity constraint on the integral 18 reduces the number of possible functional coefficients by about half. Indeed, if the integral is expanded out with the derivatives moved to the left then the integral would be of form X = l,j fj,l φ j,l ˆp j 1ˆpN l j i l,j φ j,l 1ˆp j 1ˆpN l+1 j. Thus, for a general, self-adjoint N th-order integral that commutes with H, approximately half of the coefficient functions depend only on derivatives of the functions f j,l, these are the φ j,l 1. In general, the functions φ j,k 1 are polynomial in. We begin the proofs by showing that, modulo lower order integrals of motion, X can be taken to be self-adjoint. Lemma 1 Given X an Nth order differential operator that commutes with a selfadjoint Hamiltonian H, then X can be assumed to be self-adjoint. Proof. We can always write X = X+X + X X. Using this, we obtain 0 = [ X +X,H]+[ X X,H] and its Hermitian conjugate 0 = [ X +X,H]+[ X X,H] which together show that the self-adjoint and skew-adjoint part of the operator X must simultaneously commute with H. Since, X X commutes with H so will i X X and hence it is possible to assume, without loss of generality, that the integral is already in self-adjoint form. Q.E.D. Next, we show that a commutator of the form [f, x j y 1+k j ] can be written as a sum of lower order anti-commutators which differ in degree by. We assume for convenience that all of the functions are smooth but of course this could be reduced to require only the number of necessary derivatives, in this case k +1. Lemma Given a real f C R, there exist real functions, f m,n C R, that satisfy the equality [f, j x 1+k j y ] = k min{j,n+1} n=0m=max{0,n k+j} {f m,n, j m x k n j+m y } 3 and furthermore the functions with odd second index, f m,l+1, are identically 0.

7 General Nth order integrals of the motion 7 Proof. We define the f m,n inductively on n. Notice that the summation indices on the right-hand side of the identity 3 lie within the following regime Λ = {m,n 0 j m j, 0 k n j +m k j +1}. 4 Furthermore, the index n determines the total degree of the monomial x j m y k n j m. We define the identity operator to be x 0 0 y = Id. Consider the quantity U = [f, x j 1+k j y ] {f m,n, x j m y k j n+m }. 5 n,m Λ Expanding out U gives U = with U n,m + 1 n,m Λ U n,m x j m y k n j+m, f m,n + 1 j k j +1 m 1+n m m x y 1+n m f 6 n 1 b=0 a σ j m+a a k n j +m+1+b a 1+b a a x y 1+b a f m a,n 1 b, where σ = {max{0,b n+m}...min{m,k j n+b+1+m}}. Hence for a fixed m,n we have a recurrence relation on the f m,n s which will make each U m,n = 0 this relation is a recurrence on n given by f m,n = 1 j m 1 n 1 b=0 a σ k j +1 1+n m j m+a a m x y 1+n m f 7 k n j +m+1+b a 1+b a a x y 1+b a f m a,n 1 b. By induction on n, the functions f m,n exist and are real. The first two functions n = 0 are f 0,0 = 1 yf, f 1,0 = 1 xf, j > 0, 1+k j > 0. If j = 0 or 1+k j = 0, then either f 1,0 = 0 or f 0,0 = 0, respectively. The summation over a and b ensures that m a,n 1 b Λ and so the functions are well-defined recursively on n for all m,n Λ. Finally, we see that if k is even then k + 1 will be odd and so the operator [f, j x 1+k j y ] will be self-adjoint which gives the requirements that the sum k n=0m=0 j {f m,n, x j m y k n j+m } contains only even terms in k n and hence only terms with n = l can be non-zero. Similarly, for k odd, k +1 is even and so both sides must be skew-adjoint and hence k n must be odd which again gives the requirement that n = l. Q.E.D. Next, we use the previous lemma to show that any self-adjoint operator X can be put into symmetric form so that the functional coefficients are real.

8 General Nth order integrals of the motion 8 Lemma 3 Given a general, self-adjoint N th order differential operator, X, there exist real functions f j,k such that X = 1 {f j,k, ˆp j 1ˆpN k j } 8 k j Proof. Given a self-adjoint Nth-order differential operator X, we can always move all of the functional coefficients to the left to obtain X = F j,k i N k x j y N k j, 9 k j F j,k 0, j < 0,k < 0,j > k,k > N, where the functions F j,k are possibly complex; we write F j,k = Fj,k R +ifi j,k. Since X is self-adjoint, it can be expressed as X = 1 X +X = 1 {F R j,k, x j N k j y }+i[fj,k I, j x N k j y ] i N k. 30 k j Next, weusethepreviouslemmatoshowthatforagivenj,k thereexistsrealfunctions, call them g j,k m,n such that i[f I j,k j x N k j y ] i N k = N k 1 n=0 j { 1 n n+1 g j,k m=0 m,n, ˆpj m 1 ˆp N k 1 n j+m }. For simplicity, we defined g j,k m,n 0 whenever m,n / Λ 4. Thus, there exist real functions f j,k such that X can be written as X = 1 {f j,k, ˆp j 1ˆpN k j }. 31 where Q.E.D. k [k 1/] f j,k = Fj,k R + j n=0 j 1 n n+1 g j+n,k 1 n m=0 Proof of Theorem First, we prove that, modulo lower-order integrals of the motion, X contains only even or odd terms. By Lemma 1, modulo lower order terms, X can be taken to be self-adjoint. Then, by Lemma 3 we know that X can be written in the symmetrized form X = X e +X o X e = 1 X o = 1 [ N ] N l l=0 [ N 1 ] N l 1 l=0 m,n i N l {f j,l, j x N l j y } i N l 1 {f j,l+1, j x N l j 1 y } 3 where the X e and X o have the opposite parity under time reversal complex conjugation. Thus, since H is completely real, we know that X e and X o must

9 General Nth order integrals of the motion 9 independently commute with H and so, modulo the lower-order integral X o, X can be written as X = 1 [ N ] N l l=0 i N l {f j,l, j x N l j y }. 33 Next, we consider the determining equations for the functions f j,k and the potential V making X a quantum integral. Take X and H as above both self-adjoint and write [X,H] 1+N k=0 1+N k M j,k j x 1+N k j y i +N k. 34 We will show that the terms M j,l+1 can be written as differential consequences of the M j,l andthattherequirements0 = M j,l aregivenby19, whicharethedetermining equations for the system. We begin by showing that the terms M j,l+1 can be written as differential consequences of the M j,l. We know that [X,H] is skew-adjoint and so we have the requirement that 1+N k=0 1+N k Mj,k x j y 1+N k j i 1+N k +Mj,k x j y 1+N k j i 1+N k = 0.35 Now, from33weknowthat i N X willbeevenwithrespecttocomplexconjugation time reversal and so we can see that [ i N X,H] will be real. Thus, since we have the equality [ i N X,H] = 1+N k=0 1+N k i N M j,k j x 1+N k j y i +N k, we see that both side will be real differential operators which implies that the even terms, M j,l, are completely imaginary and the odd terms, M j,l+1, are real. Hence, we can compute 35 0 = 1+N k=0 = j,l 1+N k Mj,k j x 1+N k j y i +N k +Mj,k x j 1+N k j y i +N k [M j,l, x j 1+N l j y i +N l ]+{M j,l+1, x j N l j y i 1+N l }. 36 The coefficient of x j N l j y i 1+N l in 36 gives 0 = M j,l+1 + i l n+1 n=0 m=0 l 1 n+ n=0 m=0 n n j +m m N l+n+1 j +m n+1 m j +m m N l+n+ j +m n+ m m x n+1 m y M j+m,l n m x y n+ m M j+m,l n 1. For the case, l = 0 we obtain M j,1 = i j +1 xm j+1,0 +N j +1 y M j,0 andsobyinductiononl,wecanseethattheoddtermsm j,l+1 arelinearcombinations of derivatives of the M j,l.

10 General Nth order integrals of the motion 10 The quantity M j,l can then be directly computed using the expansion of X, as in with the functions φ j,k given as in 1, to obtain 19. Notice that this equation agrees with 7 modulo terms which are polynomial in and which vanish in the classical limit 0. Finally, as discussed above, if the requirements M j,l = 0 and their compatibility equations are satisfied then so too will be M j,l+1 = 0 and so the requirement [H,X] = 0 will also be satisfied. To finish the proof of Theorem, we show that the highest order terms of X are in the enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra generated by ˆp 1, ˆp and ˆL 3 yˆp 1 xˆp. The determining equations for the f j,0 are the same as in the classical case 10 and hence their solutions are the same1. Thus, if such a symmetry operator exists, then the highest order terms agree with those of an Nth-order operator in the enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra generated by ˆp 1, ˆp and ˆL 3 and so it is always possible to express the highest order terms as operators in the enveloping algebra, with suitable modification of the lower order terms. Q. E. D. Just as in the classical case, the highest-order determining equations 10 can be solved directly and the functions f j,0 are given by 1. However, as will be discussed in Section 4 below, the choice of symmetrization of the leading order terms will lead to -dependent correction terms in the lower-order functions. The quantum version of Corollary still holds and, remarkably, the linear compatibility condition is the same. This does not imply that the quantum and classical potentials are necessarily the same since further nonlinear compatibility conditions exist. They are in general different in the two cases. Corollary 3 If the quantum Hamiltonian 1 admits X as an integral then the potential function Vx,y satisfies the same linear PDE as in the classical case, namely 15. Proof: The l = 1 set of determining equations are with M j, = M j, = x f j 1, + y f j, [ j +1f j+1,0 x V +N jf j,0 y V + Q j, ], with quantum correction term Q j, = x φ j 1, + y φ j, + x φ j,1 + y φ j,1. The functions φ j,k, coming from expanding out the highest order terms are φ j,1 = j +1 xf j+1,0 + N j y f j,0, 1 j +a N j a φ j, = a a a=0 The linear compatibility condition of 37 is obtained from 0 = = N 1 N 1 a x a y f j+a,0. N 1 j y j x 1j 1 M j, 38 N 1 j x j y 1 j [ j +1 x Vf j+1,0 +N j y Vf j,0 + Q j, ].

11 General Nth order integrals of the motion 11 The coefficient of in this equation vanish, as the relevant terms are zero, i.e. N 1 j x j y Q j, = 0, since the functions f j,0 are polynomials of total degree at most N, see 1. Thus, the potential satisfies the linear compatibility condition 15, as in the classical case. In fact, this result can be obtain directly by considering instead the following form of the integral. Consider a general, homogeneous polynomial of degree N in the operators ˆp 1, ˆp and ˆL 3 that is self-adjoint, call it P N ˆp 1, ˆp, ˆL 3. By Lemma above, this operator can be expanded out as P N ˆp 1, ˆp, ˆL 3 = 1 N/ {f j,0, ˆp j 1 1ˆpN j }+ {ψ j,l, ˆp j 1ˆpN l j }. Thus, the operator X given in 18 can instead be expressed as N/ X = P N ˆp 1, ˆp, ˆL { f j,l, ˆp j 1ˆpN l j }. 39 l=1 l=1 In practice P N ˆp 1, ˆp, ˆM is often chosen as P N ˆp 1, ˆp, ˆL 3 = 1 A N m n,m,n {ˆp m 1 ˆp n, m,n ˆL N m n 3 }, 40 although this choice is not necessary for what follows. Different possible choices of symmetrization will be discussed in Section 4. Let us now consider the determining equations for the f j,l. Recall the j,l determining equation is obtained from the coefficient of ˆp j 1ˆpN l+1 j in [X,H]. Expanding [X,H] gives [X,H] = [P N,H 0 ]+[P N,V]+ N/ l=1 N l 1 { f j,l, ˆp j 1ˆpN l j },H.41 By definition, the first commutator is 0. The third commutator will give exactly the determining equations 19 with f j,l replaced by f j,l except that there will be no f j,0 terms in the φ j,k s. To be precise, expanding out all the terms of X except P N gives N/ l=1 where N l 1 { f j,l, ˆp j 1ˆpN l j } = N/ l=1 i N l N/ l=1 fj,l φj,l N l j ˆp jˆp N l 1 φ j,l 1 p j 1 pn l+1 j, 4 l ǫ φ j,l ǫ = φ j,l ǫ l 1 j +a N j a a l ǫ a a x y l ǫ a f j+a,0. a=0 Therefore, the coefficient of ˆp j 1ˆpN l j+1 coming from the third commutator in 41 are i M j,l 19 with f j,k replaced by f j,k and φ j,k replaced by φ j,k, call these M j,l. To finish the determining equations, we would need to compute the coefficient of ˆp j 1ˆpN l+1 j in [P N,V]. These equations would clearly depend on the choice

12 General Nth order integrals of the motion 1 of symmetrization, discussed later, and even in the case 40 are not particularly illuminating. More interesting to consider is the dependence on of the determining equations for f j,l. Notice that the highest order terms in are absent from the φ j,l ǫ s and so, whereas in general the functions φ k,l ǫ have terms of order l in, the functions φ k,l ǫ will have terms of only l 1. Therefore, while the functions M j,l and hence the determining equations for f j,l have at most order l in, the functions Mj,l depend at most l 1. As mentioned above the determining equations for f j,l coming from the coefficient of ˆp j 1ˆpN l+1 j will be i M j,l plus the coefficients coming from [P N,V]. These coefficients will be at most order l 1 and so will not add to the degree of in the determining equations for the adjusted functions f j,l, which will be at most order l 1. In particular the second set of equations, those for f j,, will have no quantum correction terms at all and will be the same as in the classical case. This is in agreement with the previous corollary since the compatibility conditions are independent of the functions f j, or f j,. 4. Special Cases: N from to Case N = This is the most well-known and researched case because of its connection with separation of variables. However, it proves illustrative for future examples. After expanding, the integral of motion 18 becomes with X = f j,0ˆp j 1ˆp j i 1 φ 0,1 = y f 0,0 + 1 xf 1,0, φ 1,1 = x f,0 + 1 yf 1,0 φ 0, = 1 a=0 a x a y f a,0, φ j,1ˆp j 1ˆp1 j +f 0, φ 0,, 43 in agreement with 1. Notice that these all depend on the highest-order terms f j,0 which lie in the enveloping algebra of E and are given by 1. From these solutions we can immediately see that any third-order derivative of a function f j,0 is identically zero. The final determining equations are M j, = 0 with M j, = x f j 1, + y f j, j +1f j+1,0 x V jf j,0 y V x φ j 1, + y φ j, + xφ j,1 + yφ j,1. 44 Note that the quantum correction term the second line depends on third derivatives of the f j,0 and hence vanish on solutions 1. Thus, the determining equations for second-order integrals of the motion are equivalent in both the classical and quantum cases. They reduce to M 0, = y f 0, f 1,0 x V f 0,0 y V = 0 45 M 1, = x f 0, f,0 x V f 1,0 y V = 0. 46

13 General Nth order integrals of the motion Case N = 3 We now turn to the case N = 3. This case was investigated in [17,18], where the determining equations were given. Here we obtain the same results, presented in the notation of this paper. As for all N, the φ j,0 are identically 0. There are thus essentially two families of the φ s : those that depend only on f j,0 φ j,1 = φ j, = 1 a=0 a=0 1 1 j +a a j +a a and one that also depends on f j,, φ 0,3 = b 1 b=1 a=0 b 1 3 j a 1 a 3 j a a a x 1 a y f j+a,0 47 a x a y f j+a,0. 48 a x b 1 a y f a,4 b. 49 Let us now consider the quantum correction terms. As always we have Q j,0 = 0 1. The determining equations M j,0 = 0 are given by 10 with solutions 1. The next set of quantum corrections are Q j, = x φ j 1, + y φ j, + x φ j,1 + y φ j,1. 50 While it is not immediately clear that these vanish on solutions of 10, one need only observe that each of these terms involve third-order derivatives of the f j,0 all of which vanish except for 3 x f 0,0 = x yf 1,0 = x y f,0 = 3 y f 3,0 = 6A From these, it is straightforward to compute the only non-trivial terms { x φ j 1, = x 0 j = 0 φ j,1 = 6A 300 j = 1, 5 { y φ j, = y 0 j = 0 φ j,1 = 6A 300 j = Thus, Q j, = 0 on solutions of 10 and so the next set of determining equations are again independent of and given by y f 0, = 1 f 1,0 x V + 3 f 0,0 y V 54 x f 0, + y f 1, = f,0 x V +f 1,0 y V 55 x f 1, = 3 f 3,0 x V + 1 f,0 y V. 56 To compare these equations to those of Gravel [17], the potential is multiplied by a factor of to make up for the choice of a factor of 1 in the kinetic energy term in 1 and the functions f j,0 are related to f k via f 3,0 = f 1, f,0 = f, f 1,0 = f 3 and f 0,0 = f 4. The other set of functions are related via g 1 = f 1, 5 ya A 10 and g = f 0, +5 xa A 01. The quantum correction terms are related to the choice of symmetrization, as discussed in Section 5.

14 General Nth order integrals of the motion 14 Turning now to the final determining equation. The quantum correction term is Q 0,4 = x φ 0,3 + y φ 0,3 3 1 x m y 3 m Vf m,0 x m y m Vφ m,1 x m y 1 m Vφ m,. m=0 m=0 Note that from this expression it appears that Q 0,4 has a term depending on from φ 0,3 which would lead to an 4 term to the final determining equation M 0,4. However, if we inspect this term, we can see that it contains only fifth-order derivatives of the functions f j,0 and so will vanish, see 1. This leads to the simplification m=0 0 = f 1, x V f 0, y V 1 3 x m y 3 m Vf m,0 1 4 x y f,0 x V 1 x y f 1,0 y V. m=0 Note that this equation is linear and homogeneous in derivative of the potential V. Summarizing the results from this section, there are three families of determining equations. The first ensures that the leading order terms are in the enveloping algebra. Thissetaswellasthesecondsetofequationsarethesameintheclassicalandquantum case. The final set of equations in this case one equation does have a quantum correction term, linear in which is also linear and homogeneous in the derivatives of the potential V Case N = 4 The structureofthe fourth-orderintegralsis similarto that forn = 3,except thatthe number of equations in each set will be different. These determining equations were obtained in Ref. [55], for completeness we present them here. There are 4 equations for the f j, functions. 57 y f 0, = 1 f 1,0 x V +f 0,0 y V + 6yA A x f 0, + y f 1, = f,0 x V + 3 f 1,0 y V + 6xA A x f 1, + y f, = 3 f 3,0 x V +f,0 y V + 6yA A x f, = f 4,0 x V + 1 f 3,0 y V + 6xA A Notice that, unlike the case N = 3, the quantum corrections Q j, are not identically 0. However, the equivalent computations obtained in [55] do not have any quantum corrections. As described above, this is due to the fact that the integral in [55] was not assumed to be of the form 18 but instead as in 39 X = P 4 ˆp 1, ˆp, ˆL { f,, ˆp 1 }+ 1 { f 1,, ˆp 1 p }+ 1 { f 0,, ˆp }+ f 0,4, 6 with f 0, = f 0, 3y A A 310y + 1 c 1x +c x+c 3 63 f 1, = f 1, 6yxA 400 c 1 xy 3xA 310 c 4 x+ 3 ya 301 c y +c 5 64 f, = f, 3x A A c 1y +c 4 y +c 6, 65

15 General Nth order integrals of the motion 15 where the coefficients c j depend on the choice of symmetrization. For the final set of determining equations, there are two that need to be satisfied, instead of one as in the case N = 3. They are given by with 0 = x f 0,4 f, x V +f 1, y V + Q 1,4, 66 0 = y f 0,4 f 1, x V +f 0, y V + Q 0,4, 67 Q 1,4 = V yyy f 1,0 V xyy f,0 3V xxy f 3,0 4V xxx f 4,0 V yy 6x 3 +1xyA xyA x 3y A 301 ya 11 3xA 0 +xa 0 3 A 103 +A 11 V xy 1x y 6y 3 A 400 3x 9 y A xyA 301 +ya 0 3yA 0 xa A 130 A 11 3V xx 6xyA xyA A 301 xa 0 +ya 11 1 A 11 V y 48xyA yA 301 1xA 310 4A 11 V x 6x 18y A yA xA 301 +A 0 3A 0 + y xf 0, + 3 y x f 1, + 3 x f, y f 1, + y xf, Q 0,4 = 4V yyy f 0,0 3V xyy f 1,0 V xxy f,0 V xxx f 3,0 3V yy 6x ya x A 310 3xyA 301 +xa 11 ya A 11 V xy 6x 3 +1xy A x 3y A 301 6xyA 310 3xA 0 +xa 0 ya 11 3 A 103 +A 11 V xx 1x y 6y 3 A xyA 301 3x 9 y A 310 +ya 0 3yA 0 xa A 130 A 11 +V y 18x 6y A xA yA A 0 A 0 V x 48xyA 400 1xA yA 301 4A y f 0, + 3 y xf 1, + y x f, + y x f 0, x f 1, Again, these determining equations could have quantum corrections quartic in but instead depend only on. To compare these determining equations with those of [55], we use the differential consequences of Case N = 5 The integral we would like to investigate is X = 1 5 l i 5 l {f j,l, x j 5 l j y }. 68 l=0 The highest-order determining equations are the same as in the all cases 10, with solutions 1. However, unlike previous cases, the next family of determining equations M j, = 0 contain non-trivial quantum correction terms, given by Q j, = x φ j 1, + y φ j, + x φ j,1 + y φ j,1. 69

16 General Nth order integrals of the motion 16 Unlike the lower-order cases, these quantum correction terms do not vanish and the determining equations are y f 0, = 1 f 1,0 x V f 0,0 y V A A 410 x 30A 500 xy 6A 401 y x f 0, + y f 1, = f,0 x V +f 1,0 y V 30A 500 y 30A 500 x 1A 410 y 1A 401 x+3a 30 3A 30 x f 1, + y f, = 3 f 3,0 x V + 3 f,0 y V, x f, + y f 3, = f 4,0 x V +f 3,0 y V 30A 500 y 30A 500 x 1A 410 y 1A 401 x+3a 30 3A 30, x f 3, = 5 f 5,0 x V + 1 f 4,0 y V 6A 401 y +30A 500 xy 3 A 311 6A 410 x. Note that while these equations contain possibly non-trivial quantum corrections, they can be removed by taking the form of X as in 39. We omit the remainder of the equations as they quickly become unmanageable, although it is interesting to note that in both M j,4 and M 0,6 the highest degree of is and 4 respectively; that is, as in the cases for N 3, the highest-order terms in are missing from the two lowest families of equations. 5. Quantizing Classical Operators In this section, we would like to make a few comments and observations about the relationship between classical and quantum integrals. It is clear from the previous sections that, given a quantum integral of motion of the form in 18 that commutes with a Hamiltonian H, and assuming that both the potential V and the functions f j,l are independent of, then the classical integral [ N ] X = l=0 N l f j,l,p j 1 pn l j, 70 will be an integral of the motion for a classical Hamiltonian with the same potential. However, the implication is clearly not reversible. This observation and the general question of quantizing a classical system has received much interest over the years, see for example [ 4]. One of the first questions that appear in the transition from the classical to the quantum case is the choice of symmetrization, assuming cannonical quantization. Clearly, the symmetrization used in 18 is not unique. Indeed, there are many possible choices. The most general choice would be with Sf j,l,c a,b f j,l p j 1 pn l j Sf j,l,c a,b 71 N l b=0 j a=0 c a,b ˆp a 1ˆpb a f j,lˆp j a 1 ˆp N l j b+a + ˆp j a 1 ˆp N l j b+a f j,lˆp a 1ˆpb a, with a,b c a,b = 1. It is true, however, that the choice of symmetrization does not affect the general form of the integral and furthermore the different choices will lead to quantum correction terms in the f j,l as polynomials in. In particular, given a choice of symmetrization as in 71, we shall show that this choice is equivalent to

17 General Nth order integrals of the motion 17 the standard one chosen in 18 with quantum corrections to the coefficient functions. The determining equations for any choice of symmetrization in 71 are equivalent to the standard one chosen in 18 up to appropriate modifications in the quantum corrections Q j,l. The formulas given in Theorem only hold for for the canonical choice 18. Theorem 3 Let f j,l C R be polynomial in, then the self-adjoint differential operator Sf j,l,c a,b defined in 71 can be expressed as Sf j,l,c a,b = 1 {f j,l, ˆp j 1ˆpN l j } where the g j,l+k are polynomial in. [N l] k=0 1 {g j,l+k, ˆp j 1ˆpN l k j }, 7 By Lemma 3, the differential operator Sf j,l,c a,b can be expressed as the sum Sf j,l,c a,b = 1 {g n,l+m, ˆp n 1ˆpN l m n }. 73 m n Becauseoftherequirement c a,b = 1, theleadingordertermswillagree,g j,l = f j,l. The next order term will have a different parity under time reversal complex conjugation and so will vanish identically leaving a differential operator of degree less multiplied by a factor of. Thus, by induction, we see that 7 holds. Note that the case of quantizing classical integrals would correspond to the functions f j,l being independent of, in the theorem. In what follows we give an example of a classical system where the choice of symmetrization is slightly nonintuitive Example I Let us consider an example of a potential that allows separation of variables in polar coordinate [6], has a nonzero ˆp ˆL 3 term, and has a non-zero classical limit. This example is in fact second order superintegrable and the third order integral given below can be obtained from the lower order integrals. The potential is V = a x +y + α 1 x + α y x x +y 74 and it allows separation of variables in polar and parabolic coordinates. The classical third-order integral is given by with X = p L 3 +f 1,p 1 +f 0, p 75 f 1, = xay α x +y f 0, = ax +α y x +y + α y 3 x x +y + α 1x +y x. The correct symmetrization which keeps f 1, and f 0, fixed is given by X = 1 8 ˆp ˆL 3 +ˆL 3ˆp ˆL 3 + ˆL 3ˆp + 1 {f 1,, ˆp 1 }+ 1 {f 0,, ˆp }. 76

18 General Nth order integrals of the motion 18 This integral can be expressed in the standard form 18 via f 0,0 = x, f 1,0 = xy, f,0 = y, f 3,0 = 0 and a quantum correction to f 0, of 7/4 so that 76 becomes 3 1 X = {f j,0, ˆp j 1ˆp3 j }+ 1 {f 1,, ˆp 1 }+ 1 {f 0, + 7 4, ˆp }. 77 Note that the appropriate symmetrization keeping the lower order-terms free of dependent terms is neither {L 3,p } as in [17,6] nor simply {f j,0, j x 3 j y } as in Example II In this section, we consider quantum Hamiltonian systems associated with exceptional Hermite polynomials of Marquette and Quesne [46]. We mention also that these systems are composed of 1D exactly solvable Hamiltonians for exceptional Hermite polynomials discovered and analyzed by Gómez-Ullate, Grandati, and Milson [14]. The first example of a rational extension of a simple Harmonic oscillator is given by H = x + y +ω x +y + 8 ωωx ωx The Hamiltonian admits separation of variables in Cartesian coordinates and hence a second-order integral of the motion X 1 = ˆp +ω y. 79 Additionally, there are two, third-order integral of the motion given by X = 1 {L 3, ˆp 1ˆp }+{ω x, ˆL 3 } 80 + {ωy+ 1 ωyωx ωx +, ˆp 1 } {ωx+ 1 ωyωx ωx +, ˆp }, X 3 = ˆL [ 1 ω {ˆL 3,X 1 } 81 + L 3 { 8 ω y 3 ωx + ωx +, ˆp 1 }+{ 8 ω xy ωx ] +3 ωx +, ˆp }. This system can thus be considered as a quantum deformation of the harmonic oscillator. As demonstrated by the existence of the third-order integrals, this system falls in the classification of Gravel [17]. The connection can be directly obtained by setting ω = /α to obtain the potential V e in the classification [17]. Another example is based on the fourth Hermite polynomial. The associated superintegrable Hamiltonian is given by H = x y + +ω x +y ω x + 4ω x 4 +1ωx +3h + 16 ω ωx 3 4ω x 4 +1ωx +3. The Hamiltonian admits X 1, as in 79, as well as the following third-order integral X = {ˆL 3, ˆp 1 }+{ω x, ˆL 3 } [ { 4 ωy8ω x 6 +1 ω x ωx 9 3 } + 6ωˆL 3 4ω x 4 +1 ωx +3, ˆp 1 { 8 ωy8ω x 6 1 ω x 4 6 ωx 7 3 }] + 4ω x 4 +1 ωx +3, ˆp. 8

19 General Nth order integrals of the motion 19 Unlike the previous case, this potential is not immediately recognizable in Gravel s classification. A remarkable fact is that this potential is associated with the fourth Painlevé equation. Indeed, the x-dependent part of the potential Wx = Vx,y ω y +4ω satisfies W 4 1ω xw +3W ω x W +4ω 4 x = 0, which is equivalent to Eq. 17 of the paper [17] by scaling the potential and the variable. It can also be shown that the potential of the previous Hamiltonian 78 is also a solution of this non-linear equation. Thus, these two systems whose wave functions are given by exceptional Hermite polynomials have potentials that can be expressed in terms of rational solutions to the fourth Painlevé equation [19, 0]. Of course, many such particular solutions to the Painlevé equations exist but their connection to exceptional orthogonal polynomials as well as the harmonic oscillator is quite remarkable and will be investigated in future work. 6. Conclusions The main results of this article are summed up in Theorems 1 and. They present the determining equations for the coefficients of an Nth order integral of the motion X in the Euclidean plane E in classical and quantum mechanics, respectively. Both the similarities and differences between the two cases are striking. The number of determining equations M j,l = 0 to solve and the number of coefficient functions F j,l x,y to determine is the same in the classical and quantum cases see 13 and 14. If the potential Vx,y is known, the determining equations are linear. If the potential is not known a priori then in both cases we have a coupled system of nonlinear PDE for the potential Vx,y and the coefficients f j,l 0 l N 0 j N l. In both cases the functions f j,l are real, if the potential is real and the quantum integral is assumed to be a Hermitian operator. In both cases the integral X contains only terms of the same parity as the leading terms obtained for l = 0. The leading terms in the polynomial lie in the enveloping algebra of the Euclidean Lie algebra. This is a consequence of the fact that the determining equations M j,l = 0 for l = 0 do not depend on the potential and are the same in both the classical and quantum case. For N 3 the quantum determining equations with l 1 have quantum corrections. For l = 1 the determining equations M j, = 0 for j in the interval 0 j N must satisfy a compatibility condition. This linear compatibility condition 15 for the potential to allow and Nth order integral is the same in the classical and quantum case. However, if we consider the determining equations7and19respectivelyforl theywilldifferinthetwocases. Moreover, new compatibility conditions on the potential arise for each higher value of l. They will be nonlinear equations for Vx, y and will be considerably more complicated in the quantum case than in the classical one see [17,18,40,48,5,6] for the case N = 3 and Section 3 of this article for N 3. As mentioned above, the number of determining equations to solve for any given N isactuallysmallerthangivenby13sincethoseforf j,0 havebeensolvedforgeneral N there are N + such equations. Even so, solving the determining equations for N > isaformidabletask,evenforn = 3. Amuchmoremanageabletaskistousethe determining equations in the context of superintegrability. In a two-dimensional space a Hamiltonian system is superintegrable if it allows two integrals of motion X and Y, in addition to the Hamiltonian. They satisfy [X,H] = [Y,H] = 0. Assuming that X

20 General Nth order integrals of the motion 0 and Y are polynomials in the momenta and that the system considered is defined on E, both will have the form studied in this article. The integrals H, X and Y are assumed to be polynomially independent. The integrals X and Y do not commute, [X,Y] 0, and hence generate a non-abelian polynomial algebra of integrals of the motion. The casethat hasrecentlybeen the subjectofmuchinvestigationisthat whenone of the integrals is of order one or two and hence the potential will have a specific form that allows separation of variables in the Hamilton-Jacobi and Schrödinger equations. The potential Vx,y will then be written in terms of two functions of one variable each, the variables being either Cartesian, polar, parabolic or elliptic coordinates. Once such a potential is inserted into the determining equations, they become much more manageable. For N = 3 and N = 4 [17, 18, 40, 47, 48, 5, 6] this procedure, at least for Cartesian and polar coordinates leads to new superintegrable systems, not obtained when both integrals X and Y are of order N. In classical mechanics these potentials are expressed in terms of elementary functions or solutions of algebraic equations [18, 48, 6]. In quantum mechanics one also obtains exotic potentials that do not satisfy any linear PDE, i.e. the linear compatibility condition 15 is solved trivially, see [40]. These exotic potentials are expressed in terms of elliptic functions or Painlevé transcendents [17, 18, 48, 6]. This has so far been done systematically for N = 3 and N = 4. The formalism presented in this article makes it possible to investigate superintegrable separable potentials for all N. Another application of the presented formalism is to make assumptions about the form of the potential and then look for possible integrals of the motion. Hypotheses about integrability or superintegrability of a given potential can then be verified or refuted by solving a system of linear PDEs. Alternative approaches to the construction of superintegrable systems in two or more dimensions exist. In quantum mechanics they typically start from a onedimensional Hamiltionian H 1 = p 1+V 1 x and a Hermitian operator X 1 that satisfies some predetermined commutation relation with the Hamiltonian. A very recent article [1] was devoted to the Heisenberg symmetries, when the commutation relation was chosen to be [H 1,X 1 ] = 1. Combined with a similar relation in the y coordinate [H,X ] = 1, this leads to interesting superintegrable systems. For other assumptions, e.g. that X 1 is a one-dimensional ladder operator, see [45,46] and references therein. There are many avenues open for further research. In addition to the already discussed applications to Nth order superintegrability already in progress, we mention the extension of the theory to spaces of non-zero curvature [1 3] and to higher dimensions [53, 57]. Acknowledgments S.P. thanks the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques for their hospitality over several visits to complete this research. The research of PW was partially supported by NSERC of Canada. He thanks the European Union Research Executive Agency for the award of a Marie Curie International Incoming Research Fellowship making his stay at Università Roma Tre possible. He thanks the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the Università Roma Tre and especially Professor Decio Levi for hospitality.

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General N-th Order Integrals of Motion

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