Learning in Depth-First Search: A Unified Approach to Heuristic Search in Deterministic, Non-Deterministic, Probabilistic, and Game Tree Settings

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1 Learning in Depth-First Search: A Unified Approach to Heuristic Search in Deterministic, Non-Deterministic, Probabilistic, and Game Tree Settings Blai Bonet and Héctor Geffner Abstract Dynamic Programming provides a convenient and unified framework for studying many state models used in AI but no algorithms for handling large spaces. Heuristic-search methods, on the other hand, can handle large spaces but lack a common foundation. In this work, we combine the benefits of a general dynamic programming formulation with the power of heuristic-search techniques for developing an algorithmic framework, that we call Learning in Depth-First Search, that aims to be both general and effective. The basic LDFS algorithm searches for solutions by combining iterative, bounded depth-first searches, with learning in the sense of Korf s LRTA* and Barto s et al. RTDP. In each iteration, if there is a solution with cost not exceeding a lower bound, then the solution is found, else the process restarts with the lower bound and the value function updated. LDFS reduces to IDA* with Transposition Tables over deterministic models, but solves also non-deterministic, probabilistic, and game tree models, over which a slight variation reduces to the stateof-the-art MTD algorithm. Over Max AND/OR graphs, on the other hand, LDFS is a new algorithm which appears to be quite competitive with AO*. Introduction Dynamic Programming provides a convenient and unified framework for studying many state models used in AI (Bellman 1957; Bertsekas 1995) but no algorithms for handling large spaces. Heuristic-search methods, on the other hand, can handle large spaces effectively, but lack a common foundation: algorithms like IDA* aim at deterministic models (Korf 1985), AO* at non-deterministic models (Martelli & Montanari 1973), Alpha-Beta at Game Trees (Newell, Shaw, & Simon 1963), and so on (see (Nilsson 1980; Pearl 1983)), and it is not always clear what these tasks and techniques have in common, nor how they can be generalized in a principled way to other models like nondeterministic models with cycles or Markov decision processes. In this work, we combine the benefits of a general dynamic programming formulation with the effectiveness of heuristic-search techniques for developing an algorithmic framework, that we call Learning in Depth-First Search, that aims to be both general and effective. The basic LDFS algorithm searches for solutions by combining iterative, bounded Copyright c 2005, American Association for Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved. depth-first searches, with learning in the sense (Korf 1990) and (Barto, Bradtke, & Singh 1995). In each iteration, if there is a solution with cost not exceeding a lower bound, then the solution is found and reported, else the process restarts with the lower bound and the value function updated. LDFS reduces to IDA* with Transposition Tables (Reinefeld & Marsland 1994) over deterministic models, but solves also non-deterministic, probabilistic, and game tree models, over which a slight variation reduces to the state-of-the-art MTD algorithm (Plaat et al. 1996). The LDFS framework makes explicit and generalizes two key ideas underlying a family of effective search algorithms across a variety of models: learning and lower bounds. We build on recent work that combines DP updates with the use of lower bounds and knowledge of the initial state for computing partial optimal policies for MDPs (Barto, Bradtke, & Singh 1995; Hansen & Zilberstein 2001; Bonet & Geffner 2003). However, rather than developing another algorithm for MDPs, we make use of these notions to lay out a general framework covering a wide range of models which we hope is transparent and useful. Preliminary experiments over Max AND/OR graphs, suggest indeed that LDFS is quite competitive with AO* (Bonet & Geffner 2005). 1 Models All the models can be defined in terms of the following common elements: 1. a discrete and finite state space S, 2. an initial state s 0 S, 3. a non-empty set of terminal states S T S, 4. actions A(s) A applicable in each non-terminal state, 5. a function mapping non-terminal states s and actions a A(s) into sets of states F (a, s) S, 6. action costs c(a, s) for non-terminal states s, and 7. terminal costs c T (s) for terminal states. We assume that both A(s) and F (a, s) are non-empty. The various models correspond to: 1 Note for reviewers: (Bonet & Geffner 2005) and this paper feature the LDFS algorithm, and both papers are submitted to AAAI-05 with ID s 294 and 296 respectively. This one introduces the algorithm and analyzes its scope and properties, while 294 evaluates performance over AND/OR graphs.

2 Deterministic Models (DET): F (a, s) = 1, Non-Deterministic Models (NON-DET): F (a, s) 1, Markov Decision Processes (MDPs): with probabilities P a (s s) for s F (a, s) s.t. s F (a,s) P a(s s) = 1. In addition, for DET, NON-DET, and MDPs action costs c(a, s) are all positive, and terminal costs c T (s) are non-negative. When terminal costs are all zero, terminal states are called goals. Finally, Game Trees (GT): are non-deterministic models (NON- DET) with zero action costs, arbitrary terminal costs, and a tree-structure. A model has a tree-structure when two different paths cannot lead to the same state. A path s 0, a 0, s 1, a 1,..., a n 1, s n is a sequence of states and actions starting in the initial state s 0, such that each action a i is applicable in s i, a i A(s i ), and each state s i+1 is a possible successor of s i given action a i, s i+1 F (a i, s i ). We also define the acyclic models as those which do not accommodate cyclic paths, i.e., paths s 0, a 0, s 1, a 1,..., a n 1, s n with s i = s j for i j. We write anon-det and amdps to refer to the subclass of acyclic NON-DET and MDPs models. For example, the type of problems in the scope of the AO* algorithm, are defined by those in anon-det. Solutions The solutions to the various models can be expressed in terms of the so-called Bellman equation that characterizes the optimal cost function (Bellman 1957; Bertsekas 1995): V (s) def = { ct (s) if s terminal min a A(s) Q V (a, s) otherwise where the Q V (a, s) values express the cost-to-go and are short-hand for: c(a, s) + V (s ), s F (a, s) for DET, c(a, s) + max s F (a,s) V (s ) for NON-DET-Max, c(a, s) + s F (a,s) V (s ) for NON-DET-Add, c(a, s) + s F (a,s) P a(s s)v (s ) for MDPs, max s F (a,s) V (s ) for Game Trees. We make a distinction between worst-case (Max) and additive (Add) non-deterministic models, as both are considered in AI, and yet, they have slightly different properties. We will refer to the models (NON-DET-Max and GT) whose Q- values are defined with Max as Max models, and to the rest of the models, defined with Sums, as Additive models. Under some conditions, there is a unique value function V (s), the optimal cost function, that solves the Bellman equation, and the optimal solutions to all the models can be expressed in terms of the policies π that are greedy with respect to V (s). A policy π is a function mapping states s S into actions a A(s), and a policy π V is greedy with respect to a value function V (s), or simply greedy in V, iff π V is the best policy assuming that the cost-to-go is given by V (s); i.e. (1) π V (s) = argmin Q V (a, s). (2) a A(s) Often, however, these conditions are not met, and the set of S Bellman equations have no solution. These happens for example in the presence of dead-s. Also, for Max models, as we will see, it is not the case that optimal solutions must be greedy with respect to V. For these reasons, we characterize optimal solutions in a slightly different way, taking into account the information about the initial state s 0 of the system which is assumed to be available and known. We deal then with partial policies that map some states into actions only. We say that a partial policy π is closed (relative to s 0 ) if π prescribes the action to be done in all the (non-terminal) states reachable from s 0 and π; this set S S is defined inductively as comprising s 0 and all the states s F (π(s), s) for s S. In particular, closed policies for deterministic models correspond to action sequences, for game trees, to actual trees, and so on. Any closed policy π relative to a state s has a cost V π (s) that expresses the cost of solving the problem starting from s. The costs V π (s) are given by the solution of (1) but with the operator min a A(s) removed and the action a replaced by π(s). These costs are thus well-defined when the resulting equations have a solution over the subset of states reachable from s 0 and π. Moreover, for all models above, except MDPs, it can be shown that (closed) policies π have a well-defined finite cost V π (s 0 ) when they are acyclic, and for MDPs, when they are proper. Otherwise V π (s 0 ) =. A closed policy π is cyclic if it gives rise to cyclic paths s 0, a 0, s 1, a 1,..., a n 1, s n where a i = π(s i ), and it is proper if a terminal state is reachable from every state s reachable from s 0 and π (Bertsekas 1995). For all models except for MDPs, since solutions π are acyclic, the costs V π (s 0 ) can be defined also recursively, starting with the terminal states s for which V π (s ) = c T (s ), and up to the non-terminal states s reachable from s 0 and π for which V π (s) = Q V π(π(s), s). In all cases, we are interested in computing a solution π that minimizes V π (s 0 ). The resulting value is the optimal problem cost V (s 0 ). A General Algorithm We assume throughout the paper that we have an initial value (or heuristic) function V that for all non-terminal states is a lower bound, V (s) V (s), and monotonic, V (s) min a A(s) Q V (a, s). Also for simplicity, we assume V (s) = c T (s) for all terminal states. We summarize these conditions by simply saying that V is admissible. This value function is then modified by learning in the sense of (Korf 1990) and (Barto, Bradtke, & Singh 1995), where the values of selected states are made consistent with the values of successor states; an operation that takes the form of a Bellman update: V (s) := min Q V (a, s). (3) a A(s) If the initial value function is admissible, it remains so after one or more updates. Methods like value iteration perform the iteration V (s) := min a A(s) Q V (a, s) until the difference between right and left does not exceed some ɛ 0. The difference min a A(s) Q V (a, s) V (s), which is nonnegative for monotonic value functions, is called the residual of V over s, denoted Res V (s). Clearly, a value function

3 V is a solution to Bellman equation and is thus equal to V if it has zero residuals over all states. Given a fixed initial state s 0, however, it is not actually necessary to eliminate all residuals for ensuring optimality: Proposition 1 Let V be an admissible value function and let π be a policy greedy in V. Then π minimizes V π (s 0 ) and hence is optimal if Res V (s) = 0 over all the states s reachable from s 0 and π. This suggests a simple and general schema for solving all the models, that avoids the strong assumptions required by standard DP methods and yields partial optimal policies. Since there may be many policies π greedy in V, we will assume an ordering on actions and let π V refer to the particular greedy policy obtained by selecting in each state the action greedy in V that is minimal with respect to this ordering. Then, in order to obtain a policy and a value function satisfying Proposition 1, it is sufficient to search for a state s reachable from s 0 and π V with residual Res V (s) > ɛ and update the state, keeping this iteration until there are no such states left. If ɛ = 0 and the initial value value function V is admissible, then the resulting (closed) greedy policy π V is optimal. This FIND-and-REVISE schema, shown in Fig. 1 and introduced in (Bonet & Geffner 2003) for solving MDPs, can be used to solve all the models, without the strong assumptions made by DP algorithms and without having to compute complete policies: 2 Proposition 2 Starting with an admissible value function V, the FIND-and-REVISE schema for ɛ = 0, solves all the models (DET, NON-DET, GT, MDPs) provided they have solution. For the non-probabilistic models with integer action and terminal costs, the number of iterations of FIND-and-REVISE with ɛ = 0 is bounded by s S [min(v (s), MaxV ) V (s)], where MaxV stands for any upper bound on the optimal costs V (s) of the states with finite cost. This is because updates increase the value function by at least one in some states, decrease it in none, and preserve its admissibility. In addition, states with values above M axv are not reachable from s 0 and the greedy policy. Since the Find procedure can implemented by a simple DFS procedure that keeps track of visited states in time O( S ), it follows that the time complexity of FIND-and-REVISE over those models can be bounded by the same expression times O( S ). For MDPs, the convergence of FIND-and-REVISE with ɛ = 0 is asymptotic and cannot be bounded in this way. However, for any ɛ > 0, the convergence is bounded by the same expression divided by ɛ. Learning DFS We have seen that all the models admit a common formulation and a common algorithm. This algorithm, while not practical, will be useful for understanding and proving the correctness of other, more effective approaches. We will say that an iterative algorithm is instance of FIND-and- REVISE[ɛ], if each iteration of the algorithm terminates, either identifying and updating a state reachable from s 0 and 2 It is assumed that the initial value function is represented intensionally and that the updated values are stored in a hash table. starting with an admissible V repeat FIND s reachable from s 0 and π V with Res V (s) > ɛ Update V (s) to min a A(s) Q V (a, s) until no such state is found return V Algorithm 1: The FIND-and-REVISE schema π V with residual Res V (s) > ɛ, or proving that no such state exists, and hence, that the model is solved. Such algorithms will inherit the correctness of FIND-and-REVISE, but by performing more updates per iteration will converge faster. We focus first on the models whose solutions are necessarily acyclic, excluding thus MDPs but not acyclic MDPs (amdps). We are not excluding models with cycles though; only models whose solutions may be cyclic. Hence the requirements are weaker than those of algorithms like AO*. We will say that a state s is consistent relative to a value function V if the residual of V over s is no greater than ɛ. Unless mentioned otherwise, we take ɛ to be 0. The first practical instance of FIND-and-REVISE that we consider, LDFS, implements the Find operation as a DFS that considers all the greedy actions in a state, backtracks on inconsistent states, and updates not only the inconsistent states that are found, but upon backtracking, their ancestors too. The code for LDFS is shown in Fig. 2. The Depth-First Search is achieved by means of two loops: one over the (greedy) actions a A(s) in s, the other, nested, over the possible successors s F (a, s). The tip nodes in this search are the the inconsistent states s, (where for all the actions Q V (a, s) > V (s)), the terminal states, and the states that are labeled as solved. A state s is labeled as solved when the search beneath s did not find any inconsistent state. This is captured by the boolean flag. If s is consistent, and flag is true after searching beneath the successors s F (a, s) of a greedy action a, then s is labeled as solved, π(s) is set to a, and no more actions are tried at s. Otherwise, the next greedy action is tried, and if no one is left, s is updated. Similarly, if the search beneath a successor state s F (a, s) reports an inconsistency or a no longer satisfies the greedy condition Q V (a, s) V (s), the rest of the successor states s F (a, s) are skipped. LDFS is called iteratively over s 0 from a driver routine that terminates when s 0 is solved, returning a value function V and a greedy policy π that satisfies Proposition 1, and hence is optimal. We show this by proving that LDFS is an instance of FIND-and-REVISE. First, since no model other than MDPs can accommodate a cycle of consistent states, we get that: Proposition 3 For DET, NON-DET, GT, and amdps, a call to LDFS cannot enter into a loop and thus terminates. Then, provided with the same ordering on actions as FINDand-REVISE, it is simple to show that the first state s that is updated by LDFS is inconsistent and reachable from s 0 and π V, and if there is not such state, LDFS terminates with π V. Proposition 4 Provided an initial admissible value function, LDFS is an instance of FIND-and-REVISE[ɛ = 0], and

4 LDFS-DRIVER(s 0) repeat solved := LDFS(s 0) until solved return (V, π) LDFS(s) if s is SOLVED or terminal then if s is terminal then V (s) := c T (s) Mark s as solved return true flag := false foreach a A(s) do if Q V (a, s) > V (s) then continue flag := true foreach s F (a, s) do flag := LDFS(s ) & [Q V (a, s) V (s)] if flag then break if flag then break if flag then π(s) := a Mark s as SOLVED else V (s) := min a A(s) Q V (a, s) return flag Algorithm 2: Learning DFS Algorithm (LDFS) hence, it terminates with a closed partial policy π that is optimal for DET, NON-DET, GT, and amdps. In addition, for the models that are additive, it can be shown that all the updates performed by LDFS are effective, in the sense that they are all done on states that are inconsistent, and which as a result, strictly increase their values: Proposition 5 Provided an initial admissible value function, all the updates in LDFS over the additive models DET, NON-DET-Add, and amdps, strictly increase the value function. An immediate consequence of this is that for DET and NON-DET-Add models with integer action and terminal costs, the bound on the number of iterations can be reduced to V (s 0 ) V (s 0 ), which corresponds to the maximum number of iterations in IDA* under the same conditions. Actually, provided that LDFS and IDA* (with transposition tables (Reinefeld & Marsland 1994)) consider the actions in the same order, it can be shown that they will both traverse the same paths, and maintain the same value (heuristic) function in memory: Proposition 6 Provided an admissible (and monotonic) value function V, and that actions are applied in the same order in every state, LDFS is equivalent to IDA* with Transposition Tables over the class of deterministic models (DET). Actually, for Additive Models, the workings of LDFS can be characterized as follows: Proposition 7 Over the Additive Models DET, Non-DET- Add, and amdps, LDFS tests whether there is solution π with cost V π (s 0 ) V (s 0 ) for an initial admissible value function V. If a solution exists, one such solution is found and reported; else V (s 0 ) is increased, and the test is run again, til a solution is found. Since V remains a lower bound, the solution found is optimal. This is indeed the idea underlying IDA* and the Memoryenhanced Test Driver algorithm or MTD( ) for Game Trees (Plaat et al. 1996). Interestingly, however, while LDFS solves Game Trees, it does not exhibit this pattern: the reason is that over Max models, like GT and NON-DET-Max, updates in LDFS are not always effective. We discuss this next. Local and Global Optimality An optimal solution is one that minimizes V π (s 0 ). If π also minimizes V π (s) for all the states s reachable from s 0 and π, we say that π is globally optimal. A characteristic of additive models is that the first condition implies the second. In Max models, however, this is not true. This distinction arises because while all arguments count in a sum, not all arguments count in a maximization. Game Tree algorithms make use of this difference for computing optimal policies that are not necessarily globally optimal. On the other hand, LDFS and FIND-and-REVISE, compute only globally optimal policies. This is because they keep updating V until all inconsistencies over the states reachable from s 0 and the greedy policy π V are eliminated. Some of these inconsistencies, however, are harmless in Max models. Interestingly, the AO* algorithm has the same limitation and computes globally optimal solutions even in models like anon-det-max where this is not required. Bounded LDFS The properties that LDFS exhibits over additive models, in particular the notion of effective updates, can be exted to Max models by adding an extra argument to LDFS: a Bound parameter. For simplicity, we will restrict our attention to Max models where no state can be reached through paths of different costs. This includes of course Game Trees and NON-DET-Max Tree models. For the general case, see (Bonet & Geffner 2005). The key observation is that while an increase in V (s ) for some s F (a, s) does not necessarily translate into an increase of Q V (a, s) in Max models, an increase of V (s ) above a certain bound will. Namely, Q V (a, s) Bound iff V (s ) Bound for Bound equal to Bound in Game Trees, to Bound c(a, s) in DET, to Bound c(a, s) s F (a,s)\{s } V (s ) in NON-DET-Add, etc. The procedure Bounded LDFS shown in Fig. 3 takes advantage of this, replacing the tests Q V (a, s) V (s) in LDFS with Q V (a, s) Bound where Bound is the extra parameter, which is initialized to V (s 0 ) in the driver routine, and passes as the Bound above in the recursive calls. For Additive models, this change has no effect because the following invariant holds before the loop over the actions: Proposition 8 For the additive models, in all LDFS-BOUND calls, the invariant V (s) = Bound holds before the A-loop.

5 LDFS-BOUND-DRIVER(s 0) repeat solved := LDFS-BOUND(s 0, V (s 0)) until solved return (V, π) LDFS-BOUND(s,Bound)... foreach a A(s) do if Q V (a, s) > Bound then continue flag := true foreach s F (a, s) do Bound := see text flag := LDFS-BOUND(s, Bound ) & [Q V (a, s) Bound] if flag then break... if flag then break Algorithm 3: LDFS-BOUND: fragment that differs from LDFS As a result, directly from the code, it can be established that Proposition 9 LDFS and LDFS-BOUND are equivalent over the Additive models. For Max models, however, a weaker invariant holds: Proposition 10 For Max models, in all LDFS-BOUND calls, the invariant V (s) Bound holds before the A-loop. The difference between LDFS and LDFS-BOUND over Max models is that while the former regards min a A(s) Q V (a, s) > V (s) as an inconsistency that needs to be removed, LDFS-BOUND removes this inconsistency only when min a A(s) Q V (a, s) > Bound holds, which is weaker due to the invariant V (s) Bound. As a result, LDFS-BOUND, unlike LDFS, is not an instance of FIND-and-REVISE over Max models, and thus termination and correctness need to be proved in a different way. First, a LDFS-BOUND call terminates over Game Trees as there cannot be cyclic paths, and over NON-DET-Max models, as the invariant 0 V (s) Bound holds and the Bound decreases monotonically along any path: Proposition 11 A call to LDFS-BOUND over Max models cannot enter into a loop and thus it always terminates. Then with arguments similar to the ones used for FIND-and- REVISE, one can bound the number of iterations, so that upon termination LDFS-BOUND returns a policy π and a value function V such that Q V (π(s), s) Bound holds in all the invocations LDFS-BOUND(s, Bound) over the states s reachable from s 0 and π. Yet since π must be acyclic, inductively once can prove that V π (s 0 ) V (s 0 ) and hence: Proposition 12 Provided an initial admissible value function, LDFS-BOUND terminates with a closed policy π that is optimal over the Max models GT and NON-DET-Max. In addition, like the updates in LDFS over the additive models, updates in LDFS-BOUND are effective over Max models: e 41 5 g b a c i p d f j l q r k m 36 o 35 s 50 t 36 Figure 1: Game Tree with MIN player playing first h 25 3 Proposition 13 Provided an initial admissible value function, all updates in LDFS-BOUND over Max models, strictly increase the value function. As result LDFS-BOUND over Max models can be also described as an algorithm that finds a solution π with cost V π (s 0 ) V (s 0 ) if there is one such solution, and else updates V (s 0 ) and other values, and tries again. It is thus not entirely surprising that over Game Trees, LDFS-BOUND reduces to the MTD( ) algorithm (Plaat et al. 1996); i.e., given the same ordering on actions and successor states, both algorithms traverse the same paths, and maintain the same value function: 3 Proposition 14 With the initial value function V (s) =, for all s, LDFS-BOUND is equivalent to MTD( ). The proof involves code transformations and invariants. For example, the MT algorithm works with both lower and upper bounds, yet it can be shown that when the initial value function is, upper bounds (from the perspective of the MIN player) play the same role as labels in LDFS-BOUND. For the equivalence, it is necessary to assume that both the top-nodes and the terminal nodes correspond to MIN-player moves. While MT is symmetric in this sense, LDFS-BOUND is not. Finally, for keeping the presentation simple, we have assumed that V (s) = c T (s) for terminal states, yet this condition is not required. The reader is encouraged to try the LDFS-BOUND algorithm on the Game Tree shown in Fig. 1, modified from (Plaat et al. 1996) so that it retains the same solution but with the MIN player moving first (thus payoffs have been made negative). The top node a is the initial state where there are two applicable actions, left and right. The action right in a has non-deterministic effects i and p, and so on (note that MAX nodes like b and h do not correspond to states but to And nodes). With an initial value function V =, LDFS-BOUND, like MTD( ), traverses the subtree formed by a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m in the first iteration and sets V (a) = 41. This value is used as the bound of the second iteration, which also returns unsuccessfully with a new bound V (a) = 36, updated in the third iteration to V (a) = 35. The fourth iteration s successfully proving this value optimal, with a solution π that chooses right at a and i, and left at p. 3 As in MTD, refers to a large negative number. Thus, < + k for positive k.

6 MDPs In order to handle MDPs, two features are needed: an ɛ > 0 bound on the size of the residuals allowed for avoiding asymptotic convergence, and a bookkeeping mechanism for avoiding loops and recognizing states that are solved. To illustrate the subtleties involved, let us assume that there is a single action π(s) applicable in each state. By performing a single depth-first pass over the descants of s, keeping track of visited states for not visiting them twice, we want to know when a state s can be labeled as solved. The subtlety arises due to the presence of cycles. In particular, it is no longer correct to label a state s as solved when the variable f lag indicates that all descants of s are consistent (i.e., have residuals no greater than ɛ); as there may be ancestors of s that are also reachable from s with unexplored descents. Yet, even in such case, there must be states s in the DFS tree spanned by LDFS-MDP (recall that no states are visited twice) such that all the states that are reachable from s and π are beneath s, and for those states, it is correct to label them as solved when flag is true. Moreover, the labeling scheme becomes complete if at that point not only s is labeled but also its descants. The question of course is how to recognize such top elements in the state graph during the depth-first search. The answer is given by Tarjan s strongly connected component algorithm (Tarjan 1972) that keeps track of two indices s.low and s.idx for each state s encountered. The top elements s are precisely those for which s.low = s.idx. The resulting algorithm for MDPs, LDFS-MDP, is LDFS+ ɛ-residuals + TARJAN. We lack the space to show it here but can prove that: Proposition 15 LDFS-MDP is an instance of FIND-and- REVISE[ɛ] and hence for a sufficiently small ɛ, solves MDPs provided they have a solution with finite (expected) cost. LDFS-MDP is similar to the HDP algorithm (Bonet & Geffner 2003) that introduced Tarjan s algorithm for labeling states in MDPs, yet by trying all greedy actions in every state LDFS-MDP ensures that all updates remain effective. Discussion We have developed a computational framework, LDFS, which makes explicit and generalizes two key ideas underlying a family of effective search algorithms across a variety of models: learning and lower bounds. 4 The same LDFS algorithm handles deterministic and non-deterministic models, with or without cycles, and a simple variation handles MDPs where solutions can be cyclic. The framework uncovers also a key distinction between Additive and Max models that has apparently gone unnoticed: optimal solutions to Additive models are globally optimal, but optimal solutions to Max models need not be. Still algorithms like AO* compute globally optimal solutions, which is adequate for Additive AND/OR graphs but is not required for Max AND/OR graphs. We have actually implemented the LDFS 4 For other works emphasizing the common ideas between single-agent and two-player search (DET and GTs in our terms); see (Marsland & Reinefeld 1993) and (Schaeffer, Plaat, & Junghanns 2001). and Bounded LDFS algorithms and compared them with AO* and Value Iteration over Max AND/OR Graphs. The results, reported in (Bonet & Geffner 2005), show that over a wide variety of instances and heuristic functions, LDFS and Bounded LDFS are almost never worse than either AO* or Value Iteration, and instead are often one or more orders of magnitude faster. We do not expect similar practical gains over DET and GTs where LDFS and Bounded LDFS reduce to well known algorithms. The value of the proposed framework, however, goes beyond the particular algorithms obtained for the various models. For example, since all LDFS algorithms can be understood as extensions of IDA* some of their limitations can be understood in terms of the limitations of IDA* itself. For example, it is well known that IDA* doesn t do well when action costs are real numbers. In MDPs, this problem arises even when action costs are integers because of the probabilities. We are thus currently exploring variations on the basic LDFS-MDP algorithm that exploit this parallelism. References Barto, A.; Bradtke, S.; and Singh, S Learning to act using real-time dynamic programming. Artificial Intelligence 72: Bellman, R Dynamic Programming. Princeton University Press. Bertsekas, D Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control, Vols 1 and 2. Athena Scientific. 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An Algorithm better than AO*?

An Algorithm better than AO*? An Algorithm better than? Blai Bonet Universidad Simón Boĺıvar Caracas, Venezuela Héctor Geffner ICREA and Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain 7/2005 An Algorithm Better than? B. Bonet and H. Geffner;

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Optimism in the Face of Uncertainty Should be Refutable Optimism in the Face of Uncertainty Should be Refutable Ronald ORTNER Montanuniversität Leoben Department Mathematik und Informationstechnolgie Franz-Josef-Strasse 18, 8700 Leoben, Austria, Phone number:

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