East-West Technology and Development Institute INFOTFCH. Quarterly Newsletter. stage a n d i n t o a phase t h a t n o w lays.

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1 East-West Technology Development Institute INFOTFCH EAST-WEST C E N T E R Vol. 1 2 Director's Note Institute Activities 6-7 Staff Activities 8 Degree S c h o l a r s N e w s After A special 8-page s u p p l e m e n t on Institute program Fall 1974 Institute Marks Fifth Year With Growth Plans IN T H I S ISSUE Quarterly Newsletter No. 1 s. four a half years main problem mate i t s e l f - " t e c h n o l o g y devel- n o l o g y a n d D e v e l o p m e n t I n s t i t u t e has opment"-are gone beyond critical mative mative stress o n program planning growth while comprehensively a c c o r d i n g l y, stage a n d i n t o a phase t h a t n o w lays sharpening specifications sis. s has been efts concerned at substantive around matic primarily sharpening a concerns problem framework. problem its revolve subdivision or The mes or subdivisions mulated with foci as originally broad Institute's first t w o years were d e v o t e d s t r e n g t h e n i n g k e y areas o f e m p h a In past t w o y e a r s, I n s t i t u t e Developmental Plans RATC's Director Manuel S. Alba addresses a conference university presidents deans held to mulate developmental plans establishment Regional Adaptive Technology Centers (RATC) in three universities in Korea, Indonesia Philippines. From left: Dr. Young-Whan Hahn, past director RATC TDI, Dr. Alba, Chancellor Everett Kleinjans, Assistant Director Louis Goodman, mer TDI Director Hahn-Been Lee, Chancellor Edward Weidner, University Wisconsin, Green Bay. developed p r o b l e m - o r i e n t e d e x i s t e n c e, T e c h - or called some program to operational activities. With eleven p r o f e s s i o n a l staff, t h e I n s t i t u t e had evolved package o f an initial programmatic research a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l development activities are now b e t t e r r a t i o n a l i z e d, o n g o i n g, a n d serving as t a k e - o f f bases f o r c o n t e m p l a t e d program e x p a n s i o n plans. by Institute under With start fiscal year f o r m e r d i r e c t o r s h i p D r. H a h n - B e e n , Lee are: a d o p t e d a " p r o j e c t f r a m e w o r k " f o r its a. E m p l o y m e n t - O r i e n t e d Develop- ment Planning c. I n s t i t u t i o n - B u i l d i n g mes Center activities, a f r a m e w o r k Public development programs, Development as se have s h a r p e n i n g all r e s e a r c h, p r o f e s s i o n a l Policy, The programmatic East-West encourages better d e f i n i t i o n b. T e c h n o l o g y A d a p t a t i o n d. Entrepreneurship been while graduate at studies same time generating a m u c h better criteria p e r f o r m a n c e e v a l u a t i o n. It also a l l o w s much better substantive, planning from administrative fiscal stpoints. It is o n this framework I n s t i t u t e n o w bases its p l a n f o r g r o w t h consists mass in attaining staffing, a adequate critical f u n d i n g, e x p a n s i o n o f an i n t e r n a t i o n a l network cooperating institutions, most importantly, development new program foci direct attention to technology development p r o b l e m s o f East a n d W e s t. C u r r e n t notes on ongoing activities are h i g h l i g h t e d in f o l l o w i n g pages. A more substantive d e s c r i p t i o n program s Institute is given on inside pages.

2 j DIRECTOR'S NOTE It gives us great pleasure to be able to put out INFO-TECH as a quarterly newsletter East-West Technology Development Institute. It is one more eft on our part, long overdue, to strengn our links not only with our exping network cooperating institutions but also with enlarging more widely dispersed alumni groups all over geographic East West. It is in fact inquiries from se two audiences made us feel urgency publishing a newsletter can be more current in reporting varied activities Institute pursues. And indeed, re is much to report as we carry out our problem-oriented mate "seeking to increase understing development process as a whole, with particular emphasis on roles interactions people, institutions, policies technological change as development proceeds in both East West." Looking ward to entering a lmark fifth year problem-oriented existence, Institute labors through its growth plans pains. The Institute has behind it, in course its young institutional life, four a half years programmatic development has resulted in a number research pressional development s are in various stages implementation comprehending some 18 countries active cooperative participation at least 23 institutions. Many such s are reported in this inaugural issue. The accent this first issue is program inmation status reporting; hence a special section on Institute program description supplement. It is also inmative to highlight activities specific participants or permance elements, namely: Institute staff, fellows, consultants resource persons, pressional development doctoral research interns, graduate degree scholars pressional development participants. Forthcoming issues are planned to accommodate "feedback from field" in terms what alumni cooperating institutions are doing. INFO-TECH will, course, continue to highlight Institute activities 2 INFOTECH. FALL 1974 with capsule reports on research pressional development permance results. In addition, views from appropriate quarters on current issues relating to technology development will find a corner in newsletter. On this note, it is hoped this medium will attain its purpose serving as a link to our various publics in furrance Center's goal promotion better understing better relations among peoples East West. Published quarterly by East-West Technology Development* Institute, East-West Center, 1777 East-West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii Copies are available free charge from Institute's Resource Materials Collection, Lincoln 425. News editorial contributions are welcomed. All correspondence should be addressed to Newsletter Editor, at above address. Manual S. Alba, Director Fred J. Burian, TRIAD* Project Director Macaria A. Agtane, Newsletter Editor ('Technology Resource Inmation Acquisition Dissemination) THE EAST-WEST CENTER is a national educational institution established in Hawaii by United States Congress in Formally known as "The Center Cultural Technical Interchange Between East West," federally-funded Center is administered in cooperation with University Hawaii. Its mated goal is "to promote better relations between United States nations Asia Pacific through cooperative study, training research." Each year about 1,500 men women from United States more than 40 countries in Asian/Pacific area exchange ideas cultural insights in Former TDI Director Visits Institute Dr. Hahn-Been Lee, president Soong Jun University in Korea mer Technology Development Institute Director, visited briefly with current Director Manuel S. Alba rest staff October 1. Lee was returning to Korea from U.S. mainl where he visited a number science centers under auspices National Academy Sciences. Inmal discussions were held on a variety topics. Dr. Lee was impressed with great strides being made by Institute in exping developing its programs creating new ones. He also gave credit to Institute's concepts which he has infused in his p'resent job. He pointed out two current innovations at Soong Jun University (Seoul Taejon Campuses) which are being pursued se are: (1) leadership in national program experimenting with core-curriculum, double majors, methods encouraging in-depth study, (2) community outreach by assisting small scale industry through a cooperative agreement with Georgia Institute Technology under a USID grant. The concept bringing university to needs community, or "relevancy" in Institute lingo, is a concept is unique in Korea but Dr. Lee said Soong Jun's outreach program is very timely has strong support public policy. programs conducted by a multinational East-West Center staff dealing with problems mutual East-West concern. Participants are supported by federal scholarships grants, supplemented by contributions from Asian/Pacific governments, private foundations or agencies. Center programs are conducted by East-West Communication Institute, East-West Culture Learning Institute, East- West Food Institute, East- West Population Institute, East-West Technology Development Institute. Open Grants are awarded to provide scope educational research innovation.

3 Two-Level Eft Proposed at TDI-CLI Workshop on Tourism Last May, East-West Technology Development Institute, jointly with East-West Culture Learning Institute, held a workshop on tourism's impact in Pacific. The idea behind workshop was re must be a local capability in Pacific planning tourism development if isls are to channel tourism growth so it provides maximum net economic, social cultural benefits Isl populations. The workshop, which was coordinated by Dr. Ben R. Finney, Institute Research Associate, Two International Conferences See Center, Institute Participation Karen Watson Culture Learning Institute brought toger staff members from universities research institutions in Pacific who were engaged in, or were interested in conducting research on tourism, toger with Pacific isl policymakers, planners administrators national tourism programs. Their task was to (1) identify what kinds research are required to provide Pacific Isl leaders, planners administrators with data necessary to fully plan utilize tourist industry maximum local benefit, (2) design a strategy carrying out research, on a cooperative basis, n communicating research so it will be useful to policy makers, planners administrators concerned with tourism development. During first week, participants who came from seven Pacific countries as well as Hawaii Florida, presented research position papers. A three-day field trip to Maui Hawaii followed so participants could see first h Hawaiian tourism developments were more relevant to Pacific Isls than massive tourism factory Waikiki. Upon returning to Honolulu, participants spent second week writing a proposal cooperative s research exchange inmation on Pacific tourism. The participation East-West Technology Development Institute in international conferences is a recognition its contributions to sharing knowledge about technology-oriented aspects social economic development. The Institute brought its expertise to two se international conferences held at East-West Center in April November, Pan Pacific Small Business Conference Representatives business industry from 15 countries assembled at East-West Center November 4 6 during first Pan Pacific Small Business Conference. Primary emphasis was on discussion small business industry in U.S. Japan but businessmen government representatives from Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Republic China, Canada, Australia, Papua, New Guinea, Micronesia, Fiji, Guam, American Samoa India identified problems opportunities small business. Keynote speakers at opening session were Taichi Sato, administrator, Japan Agency Small Medium Enterprises Ministry International Trade Industry, Thomas S. Kleppe, administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Dr. Manuel S. Alba, discussed developmental mula small business at closing session. Institute staff members Richard Morse, participated in panel presentation on subject creating markets by small business in selected Pacific countries; Fred Burian assisted in close circuit video transmission conference proceedings Harold Ajirogi engaged in planning organizing meetings in coordination with conference secretariat. Pacific Public Works Conference The Pacific Public Works Conference held April 3-6, 1974 had its me: "Costs Benefits Public Facilities." Sponsored by American Public Works Association (APWA) East-West Center, with cooperation International Union Local Authorities, International Federation Municipal Engineers, International Solid Wastes Public Cleansing Association, conference was hosted by APWA Hawaii Chapter. Planning development experts from U.S., Mexico, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Canada Hawaii gared four days to identify discuss problems environment related to water resources, urban rural development, solid wastes trends ir management control. Institute Director Manuel S. Alba spoke on intergovernmental cooperation in Souast Asia Assistant Director Louis Goodman presided at sixth plenary session on engineering aspects public works construction. Dr. Everett Kleinjans, Chancellor East-West Center, presided at opening ceremonies at Kennedy Theater. Director Chief Engineer Edward Y. Hirata, Honolulu Department Public Works, acted as general chairman conference. Guiding Premise To implement call cooperative research inmation exchange, participants proposed a two-level eft be initiated. First, y called establishment a Pacific Tourism Studies Center in Fiji or some or central place in South Pacific. The guiding premise behind proposed center is Pacific Islers should be ones to design conduct research, as well as to organize conduct workshops or efts to inm Isl governments public about tourism development its impact. Second, y proposed universities research institutions in Pacific conduct sponsor research on tourism, institutions such as The South Pacific Commission East-West Center provide grants or training opportunities Isl researchers. The Institute has already begun to implement this proposal through an internship program scheduled to begin in March, A group young researchers planners active in various aspects Pacific tourism will come to East-West Center a four-month program involving on--job training with Hawaii agencies concerned with tourism, such as State Hawaii Department Planning Economic Development, a private planning firm or a citizen's ecology organization, as well as seminars on tourism impact research methodology at Institute. FALL INFOTECH 3

4 Workshop Establishes Regional Adaptive Technology Centers Creation Regional Adaptive Technology Centers ( R A T C ) at non-metropolitan universities is one innovative institution-building s East-West Technology Development Institute. Initiated two years ago conceived as a five-year action research program, it is designed to link technological capabilities nonmetropolitan educational institutions with needs small medium industries in communities regions y serve. T h e R A T C program is a cooperative venture among Mindanao State University (MSU), Philippines; Yeungnam University ( Y U ), Korea Hasanuddin University (HU), Indonesia. Financial grants from A I D Bangkok through Regional Research Office which had been prearranged by Institute, A I D cooperating universities supported facilitated field survey activities necessary to determine potential feasibility establishing regional adaptive technology centers at each university. T o examine progress program, a seminar cum workshop was held at East-West Center from May 27 to June 14, 1974 where feasibility reports were presented by three universities. Dr. Manuel S. Alba said feasibility instituting such a program was clearly demonstrated by competent insightful feasibility study reports prepared by university teams. Preliminary Outlines The workshop resulted in mulation preliminary outlines plans programs as R A T C s begin to operate, direction y will move in next three years, spelling out requirements institutional viability. Anor significant result workshop noted by Dr. Alba was successful "marketing" R A T C concept to foundations or government agencies within R A T C countries. T h e International Development Research Center (IDRC) Canada had expressed unreserved interest in funding possibilities. Likewise, encouragement expressed backing from delegated government ficials were indicated during seminar. Representatives educational institutions from U.S. or Asian countries also readily accepted applicability 4 I N F O T E C H. F A L L 1974 R A T C within ir institutional frameworks. As a logical follow-up to this latest workshop re is now continuing cooperative efts between Institute three universities with latter, concentrating on operational programming. The Institute-RATC team is composed Dr. Bruce K o p p e l, Pr. Louis G o o d m a n Mr. Fred Burian, headed by Dr. Young-Whan Hahn. T h e R A T C team heads universities are Dean Rufino Ignacio (MSU), Pr. Gyong-chan K i m (YU) Dean Samuel Sangka (HU). For Low-Cost Houses Goodman inspects pile blocks. With him is Ignacio Mindanao sity. Pr. Louis soil cement Dean Rufino State Univer- Philippine Village Named After Goodman A new Philippine village now undergoing construction on campus Mindanao State University in Marawi City, Philippines has been named after Institute Assistant Director Louis G o o d m a n. According to communication received from Mindanao State University, village represents a research construction College Engineering. It will consist a group low-cost housing units, roadways pathways utilizing soil-cement as building materials. T h e development was stimulated by G o o d m a n during his tenure as F o r d Foundation Project Specialist in Engineering Education at M S U from It was a direct result an initial research investigating use soil-cement as a low-cost building material housing, barrio or secondary roads, sidewalks playcourts. A pilot two-bedroom house was designed constructed soilcement building blocks tiles. T h e total cost house excluding l was $600 in This particular house has a floor area 45 square meters can accommodate a family five to six persons rar comtably. A significant feature is durability structure which will resist a number natural hazards such as typhoons earthquakes moderate intensity. This represents second time M S U has honored G o o d m a n, first being a lifetime appointment as Visiting Pressor when he left his Ford assignment in Since joining Institute, G o o d man has written a number papers which have been published in T E C H N O S, journal International Division American Association Engineering Education. He has also presented invited seminars at both Massachusetts Institute Technology Georgia Institute Technology based on his research activities at East-West Center. He is a recipient many citations honors his contributions to engineering education in Egypt Ecuador but se. Pr. G o o d m a n said he treasures mostly two aementioned recent honors he received from Philippines. N E W TDI S T A F F M E M B E R D R. K E N N E T H R U D D L E, until recently assistant director Latin American Center, University Calinia, Los Angeles, joined Technology Development Institute as a Research Associate November 1. He is a graduate University Manchester, Engl, University Oregon, University Calinia, Los Angeles. Ruddle's academic specialization is economic geography his major interest is in "behavioral aspects directed change implicit in developmental situations." Recently, however, he has been interested in Asian problems such as what happens to man-induced hazards introduced by technology into natural environment. He has extensive publications focused on behavioral aspects geography its environment upon cultures primitive people.

5 UP President Lopez Visits Center, Institute D r. S a l v a d o r P. L o p e z, P r e s i d e n t o f U n i v e r s i t y P h i l i p p i n e s (UP) w e l l - k n o w n Philippine d i p l o m a t w h o d e l i v e r e d O c t o b e r 3 0 D i l l i n g h a m Lecture, visited East-West T e c h n o l o g y Development Instit u t e b r i e f l y O c t o b e r 3 0 t o give s t a f f an o v e r v i e w o f U P p r o g r a m s, p a r t i c u l a r l y in e n g i n e e r i n g, a g r i c u l t u r e, e c o n o m i c s a n d m a n a g e m e n t. U P is o n e Institute's c o o p e r a t i n g institut i o n s. W h e n he a s s u m e d t h e p r e s i d e n c y o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y, L o p e z said he f o u n d it American-oriented. Most PhD's, e s p e c i a l l y those in t h e f i e l d s o f t h e " h a r d " s c i e n c e s ( e x a m p l e, m i c r o b i o l o g y or p l a s m a - p h y s i c s ) w e r e u n happy because insufficient res o u r c e s or f a c i l i t i e s. H o w e v e r, L o p e z said t h e U n i v e r s i t y is s t r o n g in t h e f i e l d a g r i c u l t u r e a n d e c o n o m i c s, a n d its g r a d u a t e s in s o c i a l s c i e n c e s, h u m a n ities a n d t h e arts are " a l o t h a p p i e r. " " W e have t h e best S c h o o l o f E c o n o m i c s in A s i a, a n d o n e best a n d most complete libraries. But our o b s e s s i o n n o w is t o d e v e l o p t h e m a r i n e s c i e n c e s, " said L o p e z. D i s c u s s i n g a U P sister u n i v e r s i t y, M i n d a n a o State University (MSU), L o p e z observed regional university is h a v i n g a h a r d t i m e r e l a t i n g t o t h e c o m m u n i t y w h e r e it is l o c a t e d. T h u s it has also set u p c o m m u n i t y high s c h o o l s in h o p e t h a t s u c h s c h o o l s will produce a steady supply students M S U programs. Consultants Dr. Ernesto Tabujara (left) University Philippines College Engineering 'Dr. Peter Ho, Civil Engineering, University Hawaii served as consultants Low-Cost Housing Workshop. Action-Oriented-Project Concerns Low-Cost Housing The East-West T e c h n o l o g y D e v e l o p m e n t I n s t i t u t e has s t i m u l a t e d establishment a n e t w o r k c o o p e r a t i n g i n s t i t u t i o n s in A s i a a n d t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s t o u n d e r t a k e an Indonesian Educator Returns To Institute Discussions Dr. Ir. Filino Harahap, acting director Development Technology Center, Institute o f T e c h n o l o g y Bung (ITB), Indonesia, met with Institute D i r e c t o r M a n u e l S. A l b a, Research Associates Dr. Gary Hansen, Dr. Bruce K o p p e l R i c h a r d Morse N o v e m b e r 4 t o e x c h a n g e ideas r e l a t e d t o his n e w p o s i t i o n at I T B. H a r a h a p w a s here as a p a r t i c i p a n t o f " S i m p l e T o o l s E q u i p m e n t Design a n d P r o d u c t i o n W o r k s h o p " in J u n e T h e n, he w a s h e a d o f t h e mechanical engineering department ITB. " T r u e, to a lot developing c o u n t r i e s, t e c h n o l o g y i n f o r m a t i o n is q u i t e s c a r c e, " H a r a h a p s a i d. " T h a t is why I came back to exchange k n o w l e d g e a n d c o m p a r e w h a t we are d o i n g w i t h w h a t y o u have h e r e, a n d go h o m e w i t h fresh i d e a s. " H a r a h a p was impressed w i t h important developm e n t s in t h e U H C o l l e g e o f E n g i neering, specifically establishment o f a N a t u r a l E n e r g y I n s t i t u t e, a n d he l a u d e d I n s t i t u t e ' s e f f o r t s t o i n s t i t u tionalize regional adaptive t e c h n o l o g y c e n t e r s a n d c o n n e c t t h e m w i t h research c e n t e r s a n d s c i e n t i f i c c o m m u n i ties. action-oriented concerning low-cost construction materials design c o n c e p t s f o r l o w - i n c o m e f a m i l y h o u s i n g u n i t s in a v a r i e t y s o c i o e c o n o m i c settings. T h i s p r o j e c t i n cludes activities c o m p r i s i n g research, pressional development graduate degree s t u d y. T h e objective this cooperative is t h e p r o v i s i o n o f better housing l o w - i n c o m e f a m i l y groups. T h e c o s t h o u s i n g t o be s t u d i e d is based o n a general " r u l e o f t h u m b " a d o p t e d b y a n u m b e r o f agencies c o n c e r n e d w i t h this p r o b l e m, w h i c h states t h a t c o s t s h o u l d n o t e x c e e d 2 t o 2. 5 t i m e s a n n u a l i n c o m e o f a family. E a c h c o o p e r a t i n g i n s t i t u t i o n w i l l be able t o d r a w u p o n t h e e x p e r i e n c e o f t h e o t h e r s in n e t w o r k t h r o u g h (a) on--spot observations on on-going R & D activities (including d o c u m e n t a t i o n t h r o u g h v i d e o t a p i n g, etc.) a n d (b) systematic inmation dissemination linkages. V i a b l e in-country linkages w i t h relevant g r o u p s s u c h as n a t i o n a l housing authorities construction i n d u s t r i e s w i l l be d e v e l o p e d. F i n a l l y, t h e necessary f o r c e s f r o m p u b l i c / p r i vate s e c t o r s a n d f i n a n c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n s w i l l begin to pull toger to implem e n t t h e results o f t h e research a n d d e v e l o p m e n t i n s t i t u t i o n s in a m o r e effective m a n n e r t h a n is g e n e r a l l y possible. F A L L I N F O T E C H 5

6 Staff Activity Includes Developing Com mqn Instituti ona I Cooper at i on Technology Development Institute Director Manuel S. Alba presented a. paper on technological cooperation in a ONE WORLD CON FERENCE "Foreign Investment Technological Cooperation" sponsored by German Foundation, Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES). The conference, held in Singapore September 22-28, was tenth such conference in ONE WORLD series regularly sponsored by FES, attended by participants from 18 countries a number international development research technical assistance/agencies. While in Singapore, Alba visited Technonet, inmation research dissemination center International Development Research Center (IDRC), Regional Institute Higher Education (RIHED). Among major s FES is Asian Clearing House Social Development, a in which Dr. Alba is involved in conceptual design. It is expected to be set up in 1975 a core staff is now being constituted to be made up Asians Germans... Speaking bee student leaders from East Asia Pacific area at East-West Center October 9 on Institute programs at non-metropolitan universities, Dr. Alba described various areas TDI's research pressionaldevelopment programs emphasizing' Regional Adaptive Technology Center (RATC).' He pointed out RATC program's potential as a source an international flow inmation useful in breaking development bottlenecks common in many countries stimulated 'discussion among visitors Institute scholars ^'staff who were present rap session. The student leaders were on a 70-day tour U.S. mainl campuses under auspices State Department's visitor exchange program. Assistant Director Louis Goodman went on a two-week, trip to -U.S. mainl on November 1. He met with members United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in New York City to discuss possible interaction.as regards Institute's on Low-Cost Housing,...Technology. UNEP. is presently making preparations an- international conference in Vancouver in 1976 on Human Settlements, has approached TDI inmally regarding possibility 6 INFOTECH. FALL 1974 Institute presenting a videotape 1976 conference. The particular videotape would document research development in low-cost housing at each five cooperating institutions at University Philippines, Asian Institute Technology-Thail, Institute Technology-Bung, Korea Institute Science Technology University Hawaii. Goodman presented a paper at an International Symposium held at Florida International University November The me Symposium is: "Engineering Technology Engineering An Identity Crisis?" Goodman co-authored paper with Pr. Felisberto ; Reyes, chairman Civil Engineering department, University Philippines Dean Rufino Ignacio Mindanao State University College Engineering. The paper is entitled: "An Overview Needs Engineering Engineering Technology in Philippines." Dr. Ben Finney, Research Associate, made a one-week visit to Washington, D.C. Miami, Florida last October. Finney is a member serving on examining committee Luu Kiem Tran, joint doctoral research intern from South Vietnam, who has completed research his PhD degree from George Washington University's School Government Business Administration. Finney spent a few more days at Florida International University in Miami as a follow-up to Tourism Workshop Pacific Isl Countries held last May by Institute.. Dr. Gary-Hansen, Research Program Officer, attended a meeting Study Group on Approaches to Rural Development in Asia, sponsored by Asian Centre Development Administration in Kuaja Lumpur recently.'the meeting was 'composed a small, group scholars- from a number Asian countries who focused discussion on development a comparative analytic framework. study evaluation rural development programs in Asia. The study group will reconvene in March next year where participants will present a series papers examining various dimensions rural development programs currently underway in Asia. Dr. Bruce Koppel, Research Associate, was on a visit Asian countries U.S. mainl from August 26 to October 9 to engage in collaborative planning in research training programs Regional Adaptive Technology Centers (RATC) examining feedback from non-metropolitan universities related to organizational problems at particular RATC's. Of his university visits, he calls particular attention to two universities he visited which are not on RATC programs: Khon Kaen University in Thail Alabama A & M (Agriculture Mining) in U.S. Koppel observed re are a number highly educated young staff members committed to KKU sensitive to university's potential role in region. He reports it has med an RATC study team recommends KKU be included in Institute's training program FY 75. At Alabama A & M Koppel noted in terms both institutional problems regional context, situation obtaining re is similar to RATC universities. This requires furr cultivation, he said, recommends a participant from Alabama be identified Institute's RATC workshops. At this writing, Koppel is laying but details a research program which he is slated to fake up with Institute degree students soon this will be in area developing entrepreneurship training courses small-scale business. Richard Morse, Research Associate, left Institute November 10 a five-week trip to Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thail India to invite participation in thcoming conferences on entrepreneurship development planned next year. Morse is Project Director TDI in ' Light Engineering Study covering Philippines. He visited individuals institutions who may be prospective fellows, interns staff consultants at Institute possible cooperative involvement in area entrepreneurship. Harold Ajirogi, Senior Program Officer, left Honolulu November 5 Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thail Taiwan on a three-week assignment to explore field placement possibilities mid-management level trainees ah Institute manpower development program planned Fall, Ajirogi will tap identify managers in various academic institutions. The government private sectors may be invited.to (Continued at Right)*

7 Staff Activities (Continued from Page 6) receive t r a i n i n g f r o m I n s t i t u t e s t a f f f o r t w o m o n t h s t o participate in a m o n t h o f f i e l d s t u d y in an A s i a n c o u n t r y or U. S. m a i n l a n d. T h e m a j o r a i m s o f t h i s t r a i n i n g p r o g r a m are a m a c r o - o r i e n t a t i o n f o r t r a i n e e s t h a t w i l l relate t h e i r l o c a l d e v e l o p m e n t s w i t h n a t i o n a l goals a n d a s p i r a t i o n s, a n d t r a i n i n g in s p e c i f i c m a n a g e m e n t s k i l l s s u c h as b u d g e t i n g a n d staffing a. A j i r o g i will consider persons inv o l v e d in l o c a l d e v e l o p m e n t p r o j e c t s in e d u c a t i o n, agriculture small-scale i n d u s t r y b u s i n e s s. A f t e r his A s i a n v i s i t, he w i l l go t o t h e U. S. m a i n l a n d t o t a p A m e r i c a n counterparts A s i a n trainees. Fred Burian, D o c u m e n t a t i o n S p e cialist, w e n t on a two-week d o c u m e n t a t i o n a s s i g n m e n t t o K o r e a at t h e i n v i t a t i o n o f S o o n g J u n U n i v e r s i t y last O c t o b e r. O n e Korea's pilot universities, S o o n g J u n o p e r a t e s f r o m two c a m p u s e s, at S e o u l a n d at T a e j o n. B u r i a n used portable video to d o c u m e n t several i n n o v a t i v e community o u t r e a c h p r o j e c t s b e i n g d e v e l o p e d at U n i v e r s i t y. S p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n was given to small-scale industry e x t e n s i o n activities U n i v e r s i t y ' s Industrial D e v e l o p m e n t Center ( I D C ). S o o n g J u n ' s I D C receives s u p p o r t f r o m Industrial D e v e l o p m e n t D i v i s i o n, Georgia Institute T e c h n o l o g y under an A I D grant. T h e documentation strategies e m p l o y e d i n c l u d e d v i d e o taping discussions among appropriate Soong Jun University Georgia T e c h p e r s o n n e l as t h e y e v a l u a t e d plans subsequent year. In-plant i n s p e c t i o n s a n d i n t e r v i e w s w i t h pers o n n e l at s e l e c t e d s m a l l - s c a l e i n d u s t r i a l f i r m s w e r e also v i d e o t a p e d. W h i l e in K o r e a, B u r i a n s p e n t an additional week d o c u m e n t i n g a petroc h e m i c a l alternative fertilizer research F o o d Institute, a p o p u l a t i o n e d u c a t i o n seminar C o m m u n i c a t i o n Institute updating Y e u n g n a m R A T C m u l t i - m e d i a file f o r I n s t i t u t e. Harriet Kusuhara, S e n i o r A d m i n i s t r a t i v e A s s i s t a n t o f t h e I n s t i t u t e, has b e e n d e e p l y i n v o l v e d in an ad-hoc c o m m i t t e e study on e m p l o y e e benefits. S h e is c h a i r p e r s o n o f S u b c o m mittee on E m p l o y e e Benefits E a s t - W e s t C e n t e r C o m m i t t e e o n Pers o n n e l w h i c h has b e e n m a n d a t e d t o s t u d y t h e i m p l i c a t i o n s o f p r o p o s e d i n c o r p o r a t i o n t h e E a s t - W e s t C e n t e r. Mendl Djunaidy, P r o g r a m O f f i c e r E d u c a t i o n, is o n m a t e r n i t y leave. H e r s e c o n d c h i l d, a g i r l, was b o r n in S e p t e m b e r. M e n d l joined Institute f u l l t i m e last O c t o b e r, S h e has since t h e n d i r e c t e d h e r e f f o r t s t o w a r d s effecting a m u c h better integration graduate studies w i t h Institute program activities helping to w o r k o u t a more active participation graduate s c h o l a r s in T D I p r o j e c t e f f o r t s. Marian Inouye, R e s o u r c e M a t e r i a l s S p e c i a l i s t, has a s s u m e d greater p a r t i c i p a t i o n in I n s t i t u t e p r o j e c t a c t i v i t i e s. P r i m a r i l y, outside supervising I n s t i t u t e ' s g r o w i n g c o l l e c t i o n, she has been m o n i t o r i n g e x p e d i t i o u s c o m pletion a backlog publications, proceedings, reports. S u c h activities are n o w c o m p r e h e n d e d by a n e w activity framework Institute: T e c h n o l o g y Resource Inmation Dissemination A c q u i s i t i o n ( T R I A D ) under c o o r d i n a t i o n o f Fred Burian. SOVIET E N E R G Y EXPERT SPEAKS AT INSTITUTE S E M I N A R " W o r l d E n e r g y P r o b l e m s a n d R o l e I n t e r n a t i o n a l O r g a n i z a t i o n s " w a s t o p i c a s e m i n a r - f o r u m h e l d S e p t e m b e r 1 3 at t h e E a s t - W e s t C e n t e r. Principal speaker was Dr. Boris M i c h a i lavich B e r k o v s k y, energy e x p e r t f r o m U S S R, c u r r e n t l y o f f i c e r, Science S e c t o r D i v i s i o n Technological Research Higher Education, U N E S C O, w h o spoke on long-range strategies f o r s o l v i n g w o r l d e n e r g y p r o b l e m s. T h e s e m i n a r was sponsored by East-West T e c h n o logy D e v e l o p m e n t Institute College Engineering, University H a w a i i. Degree Scholars Serve As Workshop Discussion Leaders C o r t K l o k e, D w a y n e Y o s h i n a G e n e W a r d, I n s t i t u t e degree s c h o l a r s, served as d i s c u s s i o n leaders in t h e Manpower Development Project Management Workshop completed on A u g T h e y were responsible g a t h e r i n g s m a l l g r o u p sessions t h a t d e a l t w i t h " a s s e s s m e n t o f n e e d s " as it r e l a t e d t o p r o j e c t s f o r t h e e l d e r l y in t h e P a c i f i c Isl c o u n t r i e s. T w e n t y five p r o j e c t p l a n n e r s a n d managers f r o m A m e r i c a n S a m o a T r u s t T e r r i t o r y P a c i f i c participated in w o r k s h o p. T h e w o r k s h o p was l a u d e d as a m e a n i n g f u l a n d m u t u a l l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e by t h e participants. A strong r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s m a d e f o r t r a i n i n g o f staff involved in planning management. Kloke Yoshina Ward Heine Book on Sale T D I Degree S c h o l a r C A R L H E I N E r e c e n t l y w a s t h e guest o f h o n o r at a U n i v e r s i t y Press o f H a w a i i r e c e p t i o n a n n o u n c i n g p u b l i c a t i o n o f his b o o k Micronesia at Crossroads. A " m u s t " f o r t h o s e i n t e r e s t e d in P a c i f i c a f f a i r s, t h e b o o k is d e s c r i b e d as " a straightward discussion dil e m m a by a M i c r o n e s i a n, first b o o k l e n g t h t r e a t m e n t t h i s p o t e n tially explosive political situation by an i n s i d e r. A s t h e a u t h o r c o m m e n t s, t h e r e are t h o s e in M i c r o n e s i a w h o prefer C o c a - C o l a t o c o c o n u t s, a n d ors w h o prefer c o c o n u t s to C o c a C o l a. Whatever final resolution, b o t h o f se p r e f e r e n c e s m u s t be respected a c c o m m o d a t e d. " T h e b o o k is a v a i l a b l e f o r $ in paperback $ 1 0 c l o t h b o u n d. F A L L I N F O T E C H 7

8 Visitors Discuss Institute Programs, Cooperative Projects Hon. C. A. Paul Southwell, deputy prime minister Finance, Trade, Development Tourism St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla in West Indies. Exchanged ideas on tourism as between West Indies Pacific Isl countries. The Technology Development Institute is undertaking research on role impact tourism on regional development Pacific Isl countries. Joseph Stepanek, currently with Asian Institute Technology, Bangkok, coordinating Asian Industrialization Project based at AIT. Discussed need complementary efts among Asian institutions Institute in research in area industrialization, technology adaptation entrepreneurship development. Institute Director Dr. Manuel A l b a is a member steering committee Asian Industrialization Project. Dr. James F. Mcdewitt, director U N E S CO Regional Science Office, in Indonesia. Explored possible coordination Institute U N E S C O regional efts in research s related to alternative energy sources decentralized power systems. Dr. Anent R. Neghi, director Management Research Dr. Donald R. Domini, chairman Administrative Sciences, Kent State University, Ohio. Discussed ongoing research on Asian development administration complemental efts in research programs. Macapanton Abbas, Jr. Michael Mastura, legal specialists special assistants Muslim Development Affairs, Philippines. Discussed role minority entrepreneurship minority cultures in both national regional development. Abbas Mastura visited minority development programs in U.S. mainl Hawaii. personality research. Explored potential areas mutual interest interaction New Technologies Task Force, a sub group Conference on Alternative Economic Factors Hawaii. James E. Ellison, administrator, Department Education Research, A I A based in Washington, D.C.; David M. Scott, chairman. Department Architecture, Washington State University; Don P. Schlegel, chairman. Department Architecture, University New Mexico, Albuquerque. The group composed national committee sent by American Institute Architects (AIA) to University Hawaii on a three-day visit to review U H Department Architecture's programs to suggest improvements in order to move department toward school status. A t request Pr. A. Bruce Erington, chairman UH Department Architecture, A I A team visited with Institute Assistant Director Louis Goodman on September 30 to learn more about Institute's programs objectives, relationship between Department TDI. Alvaro Ortega Minimum Cost Housing Group, School Architecture, M c G i l l University, Montreal, Canada. His visit was arranged through Dr. Eric Carlson United Nations Environment Programme, who requested Ortega visit Institute to learn status low-cost housing technology to inm Institute his work using sulphur as a substitute cement in production low-cost construction materials building purposes. He also discussed his work in sanitary engineering as related to low-cost housing, an area which is an integral part Institute housing. Pressor Kikutaro Takisawa TDI's Richard Morse, research associate, participated in an inmal discussion arranged by Food Institute with Pressor Emeritus Kazushi Ohkawa Hitotsubashi University September 27. Ohkawa made several points particular relevance to Institute, among which was remarkable flexibility Japan's choice technology in each period industrial history, with numerous combinations reflecting different capital labor proportions different relationships among large small-scale production. Dr. Vernon Crawd, vice president Academic Affairs, Georgia Institute Technology; Ross Hammond, chief, Georgia Tech Industrial Development Division; Dr. David Fyffe, pressor Industrial Systems Engineering William Stud still, IDD Albany, Georgia field fice. The Georgia Tech contingent enroute home from visits in Bangkok, Philippines Korea was briefed by Dr. Alba Pr. Goodman in a mini-staff meeting at TDI on objectives programmatic activities Institute. This was ir first visit to East-West Center. Dr. S. S. Saluja, director Institute Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanash, India. Discussed graduate degree study programs, research areas training programs mutual interest concern with TDI staff. Saluja was enroute to Vancouver where he was scheduled to deliver a lecture at University British Columbia. Dr. Hans C. Blaise, advisor on Development Administration with Ford Foundation in Manila, Philippines. Discussed with TDI staff a number problem areas mutual interest concern. Dr. Robert Olson University Calinia-Livermore. A physicist currently engaged in research related to petroleum aspects energy problem. Dr. Olson met with Assistant Director Louis Goodman, Dr. Kikutaro Takisawa, senior fellow Dr. Marshal Merriam, short-term consultant. Dr. Jerry Mark Silverman, specialist in Social Sciences, Ford Foundation, Saigon. A specialist in public administration public policy. Dr. Silverman was interested in learning more about Institute's various s involving cooperative networking institutions in Asia, Pacific U.S. prior to assuming his new assignment with Ford Foundation in South Vietnam. George Gallagher, a psychologist who has devoted his career on U.S. mainl to 8 I N F O T E C H F A L L 1974 Collaborative Planning Bob Ichord, a PhD cidate in Political Science, discusses procedures using area photos in village planning with Dr. Bruce Koppel, TDI Research Associate (right).

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