PU I Year Trigonometry

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1 PU I Year Trigonometry

2 Remember: 1. Angle between Minute hand and Hour hand in X Hr. andy min. is 30X- 11 Y 2

3 2. The maximum value of acosθ+ bsinθ+ c, is c+ a 2 + b 2 and the minimum value is c a + b 2 2

4 2 2 then A+ B = π If asinx + bcosx = c, then 3. If Cos A + Cos B = 1 = Sin 2 A + Sin 2 B bsinx -acosx = ± a 2 + b 2 c 2

5 1. The angle between Hr.hand and Min. hand of a clock when the time is 3 : ) 10 2) 20 3)30 4)22 2

6 11 Solution: Req. = 30(3)- (20) 2 = = 20 Ans : (2)

7 2. The vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is 45 then the base angle in circular measure is (1) (2) (3) 3π (4) 3π 8 16

8 Solution: A+ B+ C= 180 A+ B= 180-C= = 135 B= A 2A = 135 =3π3 4 A =3π3 8 Ans: (3)

9 3.If the length of a chord of a circle is equal to that of the radius of the circle, then the angle subtended in radians at the centre of the circle by chord is π π π 1) 1 2) 3) 4) 2 3 4

10 Solution: OAB is an equilateral triangle = π Ans:(3) AOB 3 o r r A r B

11 4. If SinA + 1 = 5 and A is SinA 2 acute then A is π π 1) 2) 6 4 π 3 ) 4) None of these 3

12 1 1 Solution SinA + = 2+ : SinA 2 1 π SinA = A = Ans: (1)

13 5.If Sec θ + tan θ = 2, then the values of Sec θ & tan θ are respectively ), 2), 3), 4)None

14 Solution : Sec θ - tan θ = 1 2 Q( Sec θ + tanθ)( Sec θ tanθ) = 1 adding and Simplifying 5 3 Sec θ = and tanθ = 4 4 Ans : (2)

15 6. The value of Cos Cos 2 5, is 1 1)0 2) -1 3)1 4) 2

16 Solution : Cos 2 A + Cos 2 B= 1 when A + B = 90 Ans.(3)1

17 7. The maximum value of 4Sin θ + 3Cos θ + 2, is 1)7 2)4 3)6 4)5

18 Solution : Max.value = c + a 2 + b 2 Ans.(1)7 = = 7

19 8. Sin θ + Cos θ = 1, then Sin2θθ = 1)1 2) -1 3)0 4)2

20 Solution : Sq. both sides, 2 2 Sin θ + Cos θ + 2Sin θ Cos θ = 1 = Sin2θ 0 Ans.(3)0

21 9. If Cos θ + Sec θ = 2, then the value of Cos 100 θ Sec 100 θ = 1)0 2)1 3)2 4) -1

22 Solution: Cosθ + 1 = Cosθ Cosθ = 1 = Secθ G.E. = 1-1 = 0

23 10. If Sec θ + tanθ = 4 then Cos θ = ) 2) 3) 4)

24 1 Solution : Sec θ tan θ = 4 1 adding, we get 2Sec θ = Sec θ = 8 8 Cos θ = 17

25 11. The value of tan20 + tan40 + tan tan180, is 1)0 2)1 3)2 4)4

26 Solution : If A +B =180 then tana = -tanb or tana + tanb = 0 tan20+ t tan160+ tan40+ tan tan180 = =0 Ans : (1) 0

27 12.The value of 2 2 α α Sin tan + + Cos 1+ Cot 2 (1+ tan ) 2 α α 2 α 1) -1 2)0 3)1 4)2

28 Solution : Put α = G.E. = (1+1) 2 2 =1 Ans : (3) 1

29 13. A,B,C are the angles of a ABC, then 3A + 2B+C A - C Cos +Cos = 2 2 1)1 2)0 3)CosA 4)CosC

30 Solution : Put A = B = C G.E. = Cos180+Cos0 = -1+1= 0 Ans : (2) 0

31 14. If x =Cos1 and y =Cos1 then 1) x = y 2) x < y 3) x > y 4) 2x = y

32 Sl Solution : Cos θ is decreasing π for 0< θ < 2 Cos1 > Cos1 Ans : (3)x>y

33 15. In a ABC, C=90,then the equation whose roots are tana & tan B is )abx + c x + ab = 0 2)abx + c x - ab = )abx - c x - ab = 0 3)abx - c x +ab = 0

34 Solution : C=90 A+B= (a + b = c ) tanatanb=1 αβ =1 a b α+ β =tana + tanb = + b a a + b -c = - Ans:(4) ab ab ab Vikasana - CET 2012

35 16. If 5Sinx + 4Cosx = 3, then 4Sinx - 5Cosx = 1)4 2)4 2 3)3 2 4) 2

36 Solution : GE G.E. = a + b -c = = 32 = 4 2 Ans : (2)

37 17. If a = Sin1 and b = Sin1 then 1)a = b 2)a < b 3)a > b 4)a = 2b

38 Solution : Sinθ is increasing in 0 < θ < 90 Ans : (2)a<b

39 18. IF CosA = acosb and SinA = bsinb, then (b - a )Sin B = 1) 1+ a 2 2) 2+a 2 3) 1- a 2 4) 2 - a 2

40 Solution : squaring we get Cos A = a Cos B = a (1- Sin B) = a - a Sin B...(1) & Sin A = b Sin B...(2)

41 adding g( (1)&(2) ( ) = a - a Sin B+b Sin B (b 2 - a 2 )Sin 2 B =1- a 2 Ans : (3)

42 19. The maximum value of 2 2 4Sin x + 3Cos x is 1)3 2)4 3)5 4)None

43 Solution : G.E. = Sin x + 3(Sin x +Cos x) 2 = Sin x = 4 Ans : (2)4

44 20. The value of tan100+ tan125 + tan100tan125 = 1 1)2 2)3 3) 4) 1 3

45 Sol : tan225 = tan( ) =1 tan100+ tan125 tan100+ tan125 =1 1- tan100 tan125 G.E. =1 Ans : ( 4) 1

46 21. If ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral then 1) Sin(A+C) =1 2)Cos(A+C) =-1 3) Sin(B+D) =1 4) Cos(A +C) =1

47 Solution : Sum of opp.angles =180 A+C =180 Cos(A+C)=-1 Ans : (2)

48 1 a b 22. For a ABC, 1 c a = 0 then the value of b c Cos A +Cos B+Cos C = ) 2) 3) 4)

49 Solution : = 0 if any two rows / columns are identical a = b = c (by inspection) A=B=C= G.E. = 3Cos 60 = Ans : (2)

50 Cos 10 +Cos 110 +Cos 130 = ) 2) 3) 4)

51 Solution : If α = 60 or 120 or 240 or θ ( α θ)+ ( α θ) θ then, Cos +Cos + Cos - = Cos x2 8 3 G.E. = Cos (3x10 ) = = Ans : (3) ()

52 24. Cos Cos Cos 2 70 = 1 3 1) 2) 1 3) 4)2 2 2

53 Solution : when α = 60 or 120 or 240 or then Cos θ +Cos ( α - θ)+cos ( α +θ) = 3 2 Ans : (3)

54 1-Cosθ 2x 25. If x =, then, = 1+Cosθ 1- x 2 1) Sin θ 2)Cosθ 3)tan θ 4) Cotθ

55 θ Solution : x = tan 2 G.E. = θ 2tan 2 θ 1- tan 2 2 = tan θ Ans : (3)

56 π π Cos 2 - A - Sin 2 -A = π π Cos 2 + A + Sin 2 + A 4 4 1)Cos2A 2)tan2A 3)Sin2A 4)Cot2A

57 Solution : G.E. = Ans : (3) Cos2θ 1 π = Cos - 2A = Sin2A 2

58 27. If tanβ β =2SinαSinγCosec(α γ + γ), then Cotα, Cotβ, Cotγ are in 1)A.P. 2)G.P. 3)H.P. 4)A.G.P.

59 Solution : Taking reciprocals, Sin(α + γ) ) Cotγ +Cotα Cotβ = = 2SinαSinγγ 2 They are in A.P. Ans : (1)

60 28. If Cos(x-y)+ -3 Cos(y -z)+cos(z-x) ) = 2 then, Cosx = 1)0 2)1 3)2 4)3

61 Solution : Cos(x-y) = -3 2(CosxCosy + SinxSiny) = (CosxCosy + SinxSiny) = 0 i.e.,(cosx +Cosy +Cosz) + (Sinx + Siny + Sinz) = 0 Cosx = 0 = 2 Sinx 2 2

62 2 2 Minimum of (Sin x +Cos x) 29. = x x Maximum m of Cos 2 + Sin ) -1 2)1 3)2 4) -2

63 Min.of 1 Solution : G.E. = Max. of 1 1 = =1 1 Ans : (2)

64 30. 3Sin 2 x + 4Cos 2 x 1) [ 0,3 ] 2) [ 0,4 ] [ ] [ ] 3) 3,4 4) -4,-3-3

65 2 2 2 G.E. = 3(Sin x +Cos x)+cos x 2 [ ] = 3 +Cos x 3,4 2 [ ] QCos x 0,1 Ans :(3)

66 31.The maximum value of 3 5Sinx -12Cosx +19 is ) 1 2) 3) 4) 2 3 4

67 n Sol : G.E. is maximum when Denominator is Minimum and Min.value of Dr. = = GE G.E. = = Ans.(2) Ans(2) 6 2

68 If tanθ = then, Sinθ = ) but not 2) or ) but not 4)None of these 5 5

69 -4 Sol n : tanθ θ = 3 θ II or IV quadrant Sinθ =± 4 5 Ans:(2)

70 33. The value of 3Cosec20 - Sec20 is 1) 2 2) 4 2Sin20 3) 4) Sin40 4Sin20 Sin40

71 n 3 1 Sol : G.E. = - Sin20 Cos20 3Cos20 - Sin20 = Sin20 Cos20

72 = Cos20 - Sin Sin20 Cos20 2 Sin(60-20) =4 Sin40 = 4 1= 4 Ans : (2)

73 34. If A = Cos 2 θ +Sin 4 θ, then for all the values of θ 13 1)1 A 2 2) A ) A 4) A

74 n 2 4 Sol : A =1- Sin θ +Sin θ =1-Sin θ(1- Sin θ)=1-sin θcos θ 2 Sin2θ =1- =1-0 if Sin2θ is least or = 1- =, if Sin2θ is greatest A 1 Ans : (4) 4 4

75 35. tan20 +tan40 + tan40 3tan20 tan40 = tan ) 2) 3 3) 4) 3 3 3

76 n Sol : We have, tan(40+20) = 3 tan40+ tan20 = 3 1- tan40 tan20 G.E. = 3 Ans : (2)

77 If Cos(α +β) =, Sin(α - β) = 5 13 and α and β lies between π 0and,then tan2α α = ) 2) 3) 4)None

78 n Sol : tan2α = tan(α +β + α - β) tan(α +β)+tan(α - β) = 1- tan(α +β) tan(α - β) = = Ans : (2)

79 37. The value of π 3π 5π 7π Sin 2 +Sin 2 +Sin 2 +Sin )1 2)2 3)1 4)2 8 8

80 7π π Sol n : Sin = Sin and 8 8 5π 3π Sin = Sin 8 8 π 3π G.E. = Sin +Sin 8 8 π π = Sin +Cos = 2 1= 2 8 8

81 tan70 - tan = tan50 1) 3 2) 0 3) 1 4) 2

82 n Sol : tana - tanb =1+ tana tanb tan(a - B) tan70 - tan20 G.E. = tan(70-20) =1+ tan70.tan20 =1+ tan70.cot70 t70 =1+1= 2

83 39. If CosACosB+SinASinBSinC =1 then a : b : c = 1) 1:1:1 2) 2 :1:1 3)1: 2 :1 4)1:1: 2

84 n Sol : 1= CosACosB+SinASinBSinC CosA CosB+SinA SinB =Cos(A-B) ( Q SinC 1) 1 Cos(A - B) Cos(A - B) =1

85 A - B=0 A=B By given expression we get C = 90 A =B = 45. Hence a:b :c=sina : SinB : SinC = 1 : 1 :1=1:1: Ans:(4) 2 2

86 40. In a ABC, A > B and if the measures of A and B satisfy 3Sinx - 4Sin 3 x - k = 0, 0 < k <1 then C = 1)30 2)45 3)120 4)None

87 n 3 Sol : 3Sinx - 4Sin x = k Sin3x = k. Given that Sin3A = k and Sin3B = k Sin3A = Sin3B 3A = 3B or 3A =180-3B But A > B means A B 3A =180-3B A +B = 60 C =120 Ans : (3)

88 41. ABC is right angled at C, then tana + tanb = b 2 a 2 c 2 1) 2) a+b 3) 4) ac bc ab

89 a b Sol n : tana =, tanb = b a 2 2 a b a +b GE G.E. = + = b a ab B c 2 = QC=90 ab a C Ans : (4) b c A

90 42. If P,P,P are altitudes of a triangleabc, from the vertices A,B,C, and, the area of a triangle, then P -1 +P -1 +P -1 is ) s a s b s c s 2) 3) 4)

91 1 2 Sol n : = ap P = a a P P -1 = 1 2 b c P -1 = and P -1 = a+b + c 2s s Hence G.E. = = = 2 2 Ans : (4)

92 43. If in a ABC, CosACosB+SinASinBSinC =1, then the triangle is 1) isosceles 2) right angled 3)isosceles right angled 4)equilateral

93 n Sol : By Que.No.39 A =B = 45 and C = 90 Ans : (3)

94 44. If two sides a,b and angle A be such that t 2 triangles are formed then the sum of two values of third side is 1) 2b SinA 2) 2b CosA 3) b CosA 4)(c+b)CosA a

95 a 2 =b 2 +c2-2bccosa c -(2bCosA)c+(b -a )=0 which is Quad. in c, if c &c be two roots then 1 2 c +c =2bCosA 1 2

96 45. log y = log z = log x, then x y z 1)x=y=z 2) x>y>z 3)x=y>z 4)x<y<z

97 k Sol n: y=x, z=y k and x=z xyz=(xyz) k k=1 x = y = z k Ans:(1)

98 46. If log 2, log(2x-1) and log(2x+3) are in A.P. then x = 1) -1 2) 1 3)1 4) None 2 2

99 n Sol : 2log(2x-1) = log2+log(2x+3) +3) (2x-1) 2=2(2x+3) x= 5 or -1 but, when x= log(2x-1) is not difined. Ans(4)

100 47. If x, y, z are in G.P. and y a x =b =c z, then 1) log cb= log ac 2)log ab= log cb 3) logac= log a 4)log a= logcb b b

101 Sol n: a x= b y= c z= k (say) x=log k, y=log k, z=log k a b c x,y,z are in G.P. y = x z y log k log k b = c log a=log b log k log k b c a b Ans:(4)

102 48. If loga + logb= log(a+b) then a= 1) b 2) b 3) b-1 4) b b1 b-1 b b+1

103 Sol n: log(ab) = log(a+b) ab=a+b a = b b-1 Ans:(2)

104 2n is divisible by 1) 10 2) 9 3) 20 4) 24

105 n Sol : By inspection, put n=1 2(1) we get 5-1 = 24 which is divisible by 24 Ans: (4)

106 2 50. If x + bx+c =0 and 2 x + cx+ b = 0, have a common root and b c then b + c = 1) 0 2) -1 3) 2 4) 1

107 n Sol : If α be the common root 2 2 then, α +bα+c=0 and α +cα+b=0 solving we get, α = 1 & α = -b-1 -b-c = 1 b + c = -1

108 51. The value of is 1) 3 2) 2 3) 4 4) 5

109 n Sol : x= = 6+x 2 2 x = 6+x x -x-6=0 x = 3 or -2, but x -2 x = 3 Ans : (1)

110 52. If a,b,c are the roots of 3 2 x - 6x +2x-7=0 then, = ab bc ca 1) 2 2) -7 3) 6 4)

111 Sl Sol n : GE G.E.= a+b+c = abc = 6 7 a abc Ans: (3)

112 53. Remainder when x + x + 1 is divided by x + 1 is 1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) -1

113 n Sol : When f(x) is divided by y( (x-a) the remainder = f(a) = f(-1) = = 1

114 2 54. The domain of 4x-x is 1) [0, 4] 2) (0, 4) 3) R-(0,4) 4) R-[0,4]

115 n 2 2 Sol : 4x-x 0 i.e., x -4x 0 Ans: (1) 2 (x-2) 4 x x-2 2, 0 x 4

116 55. The range of the function f(x)= x-2, x 2 is 2-x 1)1 2) -1 3) {1} 4){ -1}

117 ( ) n Sol : f(x)= - x-2 x2 = -1 x-2 Range (f) = { -1} Ans : (4)

118 56. The range of the function Sin([x]π), (where [x] is greatest integer function) is 1) 0 2){0} 3)[-1, 1] 4)(0,1)

119 n Sol : [x]=integer Sin(kπ) =0 k Z Range ={0} Ans: (2)

120 57. A set A has 6 elements. Then the number of possible relations on A is ) 6 2) 2 3)2 4)6

121 n Sol : No. of possible relations mn from A to B is 2 where m=o(a) and n=o(b) 36 Hence Req.=2 Ans : (3)

122 58. The number of functions from a set A containing 7 elements into a set B containing 3 elements is 7 3 1) 3 2) 7 3) 3 4) 7

123 n Sol : No. of functions from a finite set A into a finite set B is [ n(b) ] n(a) 7 Req. No. of functions = 3 Ans : (3)

124 59. If 3x = (x-6)(x+a) (x-6) x+a then a = 1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1

125 n Sol : Put x = 6 in Nr. of LHS and Dr. of II term 3(6) we get, = 2 a=3 6+a Ans: (2)

126 60. In the expansion of 50 (1 + x), the sum of the coefficients i odd powers of x is ) 0 2) 2 3) 2 4) 2

127 n Sol : Req. Sum = C +C +C +...+C+C = 2 = 2 Ans : (3)

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