Timevarying VARs. Wouter J. Den Haan London School of Economics. c Wouter J. Den Haan

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1 Timevarying VARs Wouter J. Den Haan London School of Economics c Wouter J. Den Haan

2 Time-Varying VARs Gibbs-Sampler general idea probit regression application (Inverted Wishart distribution Drawing from a multi-variate Normal in Matlab Time-varying VAR model specification Gibbs sampler 2 / 38

3 Gibbs Sampler Suppose x, y, and z are distributed according to f (x, y, z Suppose that drawing x, y, and z from f (x, y, z is diffi cult but you can draw x from f (x y, z and you can draw y from f (y x, z and you can draw y from f (z x, y 3 / 38

4 Gibbs Sampler - how it works Start with y 0, z 0 Draw x 1 from f (x y 0, z 0, Draw y 1 from f (y x 1, z 0, Draw z 1 from f (z x 1, y 1, Draw x 2 from f (x y 1, z 1 (x i, y i, z i is one draw from the joint density f (x, y, z Although series are constructed recursively, they are not time series 4 / 38

5 Gibbs Sampler - convergence The idea is that this sequence converges to a sequence drawn from f (x, y, z. Since convergence is not immediate, you have to discard beginning of sequence (burn-in period. See Casella and George (1992 for a discussion on why and when this works. 5 / 38

6 Gibbs Sampler - probit regression This example is from Lancaster (2004 y i is the i th observation of a binary variable, i.e., y i {0, 1} y i is an unobservable and given by y i = x i β + ε i, ε i N(0, 1 { 1 if y y = i 0 0 o.w. 6 / 38

7 Probit regression Parameters: β and y = [y 1, y 2,, y n] Data: X = [x 1, x 2,, x n ], Y = {y i, x i } n i=1 Objective: get p ( β Y, i.e., the distribution of β given Y. With the Gibbs sample we can get a sequence of obervations for ( β, y distributed according to p ( β, ŷ Y, from which we can get p ( β Y 7 / 38

8 Probit - Gibb sampler step 1 We need to draw from p ( β y, Y Given y and X β N ( (X X 1 X y, ( X X 1, since the standard deviation of ε i is known and equal to 1. 8 / 38

9 Probit - Gibb sampler step 2 We need to draw from p (y β, Y Since the y i s are independent, we can do this separately for each i y i N >0 (x i β, 1 if y i = 1 y i N <0 (x i β, 1 if y i = 0, where N >0 ( is a Normal distribution truncated on the left at 0 N <0 ( is a Normal distribution truncated on the right at 0 9 / 38

10 Wishart distribution generalization of Chi-square distribution to more variables X : n p matrix; each row drawn from N p (0, Σ, where Σ is the p p variance-covariance matrix W = X X W p (Σ, n, i.e., the p-dimensional Wishart with scale matrix Σ and degrees of freedom n You get the Chi-square if p = 1 and Σ = 1 10 / 38

11 Inverse Wishart distribution If W has a Wishart distribution with parameters Σ and n, then W 1 has an inverse Wishart with scale matrix Σ 1 and degrees of freedom n!!! In the assignment, the input of the Matlab Inverse Wishart function is Σ not Σ / 38

12 Inverse Wishart in Bayesian statistics Data: x t is a p 1 vector with i.i.d. random observations with distribution N (0, V prior of V : ( p (V = IW V 1, n posterior of V : p ( V X T ( = IW W 1, n + T W = V + V T V T = T x tx t t=1 Note that V T is like a sum of squares 12 / 38

13 Multivariate normal in Matlab x t is a p 1 vector and we want x t N(0, Σ C=chol(Σ Thus C is an upper-triangular matrix and C C = Σ e t is a p 1 vector with draws from N(0, I p E [ C e t e tc ] = Σ Thus, C e t is a p 1 vector with draws from N(0, Σ 13 / 38

14 Time-varying VARs - intro Idea: capture changes in model specification in a flexible way The analysis here is based on Cogley and Sargent (2002, CS 14 / 38

15 Model specification y t = X tθ t + ε t X t = [ 1, y t 1, y t 2,, y t p ] θ t = θ t 1 + v t ε t N(0, R v t N(0, Q 15 / 38

16 Model specification E t [ εt v t ] [ εt v t ] = V = ( R C C Q θ t : "parameters" R, C, and Q are the "hyperparameters" 16 / 38

17 Model specification - details Simplifying assumptions: CS impose that θ t is such that y t would be stationary if θ t+τ = θ t for all τ 0. This stationarity requirement is left out for transparency. C = / 38

18 Notation Y T = [ y 1,, ] y T θ T = [ θ 0, θ 1,, ] θ T 18 / 38

19 Priors Prior for initial condition: θ 0 N ( θ, P Prior for hyperparameters: p(v = IW (V 1, T 0 θ, P, V, T 0 are taken as given 19 / 38

20 Posterior The posterior is given by p (θ T, V Y T We can use the Gibbs sampler if we can draw from ( P θ T Y T, V and from P (V Y T, θ T 20 / 38

21 Stationarity CS exclude draws of θ t for which the dgp of y t is nonstationary: p (θ t is density without imposing stationarity and f (θ t is density with imposing stationarity This restriction is ignored in these slides 21 / 38

22 Gibbs part I: Posterior of theta given V Since f (A, B = f (A B f (B, we have ( ( p θ T Y T, V = f θ T Y T, V ( ( = f θ T 1 θ T, Y T, V f θ T Y T, V ( ( = f θ T 2 θ T, θ T 1, Y T, V f θ T 1 θ T, Y T, V ( f θ T Y T, V ( ( = f θ T 3 θ T, θ T 1, θ T 2, Y T, V f θ t 2 θ T, θ T 1, Y T, V ( ( f θ T 1 θ T, Y T, V f θ T Y T, V 22 / 38

23 Posterior of theta given V Since θ t = θ t 1 + v t, θ t+τ has no predictive power for θ t 1 for all τ 1 given Y T and θ t, Thus ( f θ T 2 θ T, θ T 1, Y T, V ( f θ T 3 θ T, θ T 1, θ T 2, Y T, V ( = f θ T 2 θ T 1, Y T, V ( = f θ T 3 θ T 2, Y T, V etc. 23 / 38

24 Posterior of theta given V Combining gives ( ( p θ T Y T, V = f θ T Y T T 1 (, V f θ t θ t+1, Y T, V t=1 All the densities are Gaussian = if we( know the means and the variances, then we can draw from p θ T Y T, V 24 / 38

25 Posterior of theta given V We need to find the means and variances of ( ( f θ T Y T, V & f θ t θ t+1, Y T, V Notation θ t t = E ( θ t Y t, V ( P t t 1 = VAR θ t Y t 1, V P t t = VAR ( θ t Y t, V θ t t+1 = E ( θ t θ t+1, Y t, V ( = E θ t θ t+1, Y T, V P t t+1 = VAR ( θ t θ t+1, Y t, V ( = VAR θ t θ t+1, Y T, V 25 / 38

26 Posterior of theta given V First, use Kalman filter to go forward start with θ 0 and P 0 0 Next, go backwards to get draws for θ t given θ t+1 26 / 38

27 Posterior of theta given V Kalman filter part: y t = X tθ t + ε t X t = [ 1, y t 1, y t 2,, y t p ] θ t = θ t 1 + v t ε t N(0, R v t N(0, Q Here: the p + 1 elements of X t are the known (time-varying coeffi cients of the state-space represenation the elements of θ t are the unobserved underlying state variables 27 / 38

28 Posterior of theta given V Kalman filter in the first period: and then iterate P 1 0 = P Q 1 K 1 = P 1 0 X 1 (X 1 P 1 0X 1 + R θ 1 1 = θ K 1 (y 1 X 1 θ 0 0 P t t 1 = P t 1 t 1 + Q 1 K t = P t t 1 X t (X tp t t 1 X t + R ( θ t t = θ t 1 t 1 + K t y t X tθ t 1 t 1 P t t = P t t 1 K t X tp t t 1 28 / 38

29 Posterior of theta given V In the Kalman filter part of the assignment: and we go up to TH(:,1 = θ 0 TH(:,t+1 = θ t t Pe(:,:,t = P t 1 t 1 Po(:,:,t = P t t 1 TH(:,T+1 = θ T T Pe(:,:,T+1 = P T T Po(:,:,T = P T T 1 29 / 38

30 Posterior of theta given V Distribution terminal state: ( f θ T Y T, V = N (θ T T, P T T From this we get a draw θ T 30 / 38

31 Posterior of theta given V Draws for θ T 1, θ T 2,, θ 1 are obtained recursively from ( f θ t θ t+1, Y T, V = N (θ t t+1, P t t+1 θ t t+1 = θ t t + P t t P (θ 1 t+1 t t+1 θ t t P t t+1 = P t t P t t P 1 t+1 t P t t The terms needed to calculate θ t t+1 and P t t+1 are generated by the Kalman filter (that is, from going forward and the standard projection formulas (and note that the covariance of θ t+1 and θ t is the variance of θ t 31 / 38

32 Details for previous slide E [y x] = µ y + Σ yx Σxx 1 (x µ x = E [θ t θ t+1 ; ] = E [θ t ] + Σ θt θ t+1 Σ 1 θ t+1 θ t+1 (θ t+1 E [θ t+1 ] = E [θ t ] + Σ θt θ t Σ 1 θ t+1 θ t+1 (θ t+1 E [θ t+1 ] = θ t t+1 = θ t t + P t t P 1 t+1 t (θ t+1 E [θ t + v t ] = θ t t + P t t P 1 t+1 t (θ t+1 E [θ t ] = θ t t + P t t P (θ 1 t+1 t t+1 θ t t Suppressing the dependence on Y t and V to simplify notation 32 / 38

33 Posterior of theta given V In the backward part of the assignment: Draw from TH(t-1 t In the for loop below t goes from high to low. At a particular t: 1 TH(:,t+1 it is a random draw from a normal that has already been determined (either in this loop or for T above 2 TH(:,t on the RHS of the mean equation is equal to theta_(t-1 (t-1 3 TH(:,t what we end up with is a random draw for theta(t-1 conditional on knowning theta in the next period 33 / 38

34 Why go forward & backward? The Kalman filter gives us E ( θ t Y t, V and VAR(θ t Y t, V With this information, we can also obtain draws for θ t ( However, we need draws from f θ T Y T, V not from ( f θ T Y t, V. The analysis above showed how to get draws ( from f θ T Y T, V recursively by going backward. 34 / 38

35 Relation to Kalman Smoother The Kalman smoother also goes backwards and resembles the procedure here. However, there is a difference. The Kalman smoother computes the mean and variance for f ( θ t Y T, V We need the mean and variance for f ( θ t θ t+1, Y T, V Since ( f θ t θ t+1, Y T, V = f ( θ t θ t+1, Y t, V, we can calculate these from Kalman filter without using the Kalman smoother 35 / 38

36 Gibbs part II: Posterior of V given theta Next step is to draw from the posterior given Y T and θ T, that is get a draw from p (V Y T, θ T The posterior combines the prior and information from the data = in each Gibbs iteration the prior is the same but the data set (i.e., θ T is different 36 / 38

37 Gibbs part II: Posterior of V given theta Given Y T and θ T, we can calcluate ε t and ν t. Both have mean zero and a Normal distribution Thus ( p V Y T, θ T = IW(V1 1, T 1 T 1 = T 0 + T V 1 = V + V T V T = T ( εt v t=1 t (ε t v t!!! Note that V, V T, &V 1 are like a sum of squares, whereas V (and R&Q are like a sum of squares divided by number of observations (same notation as in CS 37 / 38

38 References Casella, G., and E.I. George, 1992, Explaining the Gibbs Sampler, The American Statistician, Cogley, T. and T.J. Sargent, 2001, Evolving Post-World War II U.S. Inflation Dynamics, NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2001, volume 16, De Wind, J, 2014, Accounting for time-varying and nonlinear relationships in macroeconomic models, dissertation, University of Amsterdam. Available at Lancaster, T., 2004, An introduction to modern Bayesian econometrics, Blackwell Publishing. very nice textbook covering lots of stuff in an understandable way 38 / 38

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