arxiv:gr-qc/ v1 11 Nov 1999

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1 Regular Black Hole in General Relativity Coupled to Nonlinear Electrodynaics Eloy Ayón Beato and Alberto García Departaento de Física, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del IPN Apdo. Postal 4 74, 7 México DF, MEXICO The first regular exact black hole solution in General Relativity is presented. The source is a nonlinear electrodynaic field satisfying the weak energy condition, which in the liit of weak field becoes the Maxwell field. The solution corresponds to a charged black hole with q s c.6, having the etric, the curvature invariants, and the electric field regular everywhere. 4..Jb, 4.7.Bw, 4..Dw arxiv:gr-qc/9946v Nov 999 In General Relativity the existence of singularities appears to be a property inherent to ost of the physically relevant solutions of Einstein equations, in particular, to all known up to date black hole exact solutions []. The Penrose cosic censorship conjecture states that these singularities ust be dressed by event horizons; no causal connection could exist between the interior of a black hole with the exterior fields, thus pathologies occurring at the singular region would have no influence on the exterior region, and the Physics outside would be well behaved cf. [] for a review on the recent status of this conjecture). To avoid the black hole singularity proble, soe regular odels has been proposed [ 8]. All of the have been referred to as Bardeen black holes [9], since Bardeen was the first author producing a surprising regular black hole odel []. No one of these odels is an exact solution to Einstein equations; there are no known physical sources associated with any of the. The attepts to solve this proble have usually been addressed to the search of ore general gravity theories. The best candidate today to produce singularity free solutions, even at the classical level, due to its intrinsic non locality, is string theory []. There are exaples in other contexts, for instance, in N = supergravity doain wall solutions with horizons but no singularities have been found cf. [], and references therein), another exaple is given in exact conforal field theory []. We show in this Letter that in the fraework of the standard General Relativity one can find singularity free solutions of the Einstein field equations coupled to a suitable nonlinear electrodynaics, which in the weak field approxiation becoes the usual linear Maxwell theory. Previous efforts on this direction with nonlinear electrodynaics either have been totally unsuccessful or only partially solve the considered singularity proble [ 5]. We propose a new nonlinear electrodynaics which coupled to gravity actually produces a non singular exact black hole solution satisfying the weak energy condition. The gravitational field of our solution is described by the etric g = r r + q ) + q r ) / r + q ) dt + while the associated electric field E is given by r E = q r 4 5 q r + q ) r r + q ) + q r ) / r + q ) dr + r dω, ) ). ) r + q ) 7/ Notice that this solution asyptotically behaves as the Reissner Nordströ solution, i.e., g tt = /r + q /r + O/r ), E = q/r + O/r ), thus the paraeters and q are related correspondingly with the ass and the electric charge. For a certain range of the ass and charge our etric ) is a black hole, which in addition is regular everywhere. Accoplishing the substitutions x = r/ q and s = q /, we rewrite g tt as g tt = Ax, s) s x + x ) / + x + x ), ) which, for any nonvanishing value of s, has a single iniu; cf. Fig.. There exists a single real critical value of x, On leave fro Grupo de Física Teórica, CEMAFIT ICIMAF, Calle E # 9, esq. a 5, CP 4, Ciudad Habana, Cuba.

2 g tt q = s c r r + FIG.. Behavior of g tt for different values of charge. x c, and one of s, s c, to be deterined fro Ax c, s c ) = and x Ax c, s c ) =, naely t 4 t s + t + t s =, t s t t s + 4 =, where t x +. To solve these equations, one substitutes s = tt )/t 4) fro the second equation into the first one arriving at t 6 4t 4 + t =, which has only one real solution for t, thus the corresponding critical values are s c.7 and x c.58. For s < s c the quoted iniu is negative, for s = s c the iniu vanishes, and for s > s c the iniu is positive. Evaluating the curvature invariants R, R µν R µν, and R µναβ R µναβ for etric ) one establishes that they are all regular everywhere, cf. Fig. ; thus for s s c the singularities appearing in ) due to the vanishing of A are only coordinate singularities describing the existence of horizons, consequently, we are in the presence of black hole solutions for q s c.6. For these values of ass and charge we have, under q R q 4 R R q 4 R R q = s c q = s c q = s c FIG.. Regular behavior of the Ricci, q R, Ricci square, q 4 R µνr µν, and the Rieann square, q 4 R µναβ R µναβ, scalars for different values of charge; the abscissa is r/ q. the strict inequality q < s c, inner and event horizons for the Killing field k = / t, defined by the real solutions of the quartic equation k µ k µ = A =, which are given by r ± = q ) / fs) 6 4s + 9 ± s s s fs) 9s ) 6 fs) /, 4)

3 fs) = 6 4 s + s gs) / 4s s ) ), gs) / gs) = 4 9 s + 74 s + ) 74 s 6 s s 4). For q = s c, the horizons shrink into a single one, corresponding to an extree black hole ν k µ k µ ) = ). The extension of the etric beyond the horizons r ± becoes apparent by passing to the standard advanced and retarded Eddington Finkelstein coordinates, in ters of which the etric is sooth everywhere, even in the extree case. Following step by step the procedure presented in [6, Chap.V] to derive the global structure of the Reissner Nordströ black hole, one can arrive at the global structure of our solution and construct the Penrose diagras; nevertheless, because of journal length restrictions we oit here the corresponding calculations and diagras, leaving this issue for an extended publication. Briefly, what one encounters in the case of our non extree black hole solution, q < s c, is the splitting of the space tie into three regions, I: r > r +, II: r < r < r +, and III: r < r ; cf. Fig.. In each region one introduces advanced and retarded coordinates u and v, related with r through the so called tortoise coordinate r A dr, which in our case is quite involved. Further, by the inversion of u and v, u u, v v, one obtains the reaining regions I, II, and III. Introducing a new set of null coordinates one arrives at the axial extension of the non extree black hole. The Penrose diagra of the axial analytical extension of our solution is obtained by gluing appropriately copies of these six regions upward and downward ad infinitu. In the extree black hole case, q = s c, there arise two regions, I: r > r c and III: r < r c, cf. Fig., in which again one introduces advanced and retarded u and v coordinates to accoplish the axial analytical extension; these two region deterine the ain building block of the extension. To construct the Penrose diagra of the axial analytical extension, one glues copies of this block in a suitable way. In both cases, extree and non extree, there is no singularity at r =, which is now siply the origin of the spherical coordinates. Suarizing, our space tie possesses the sae global structure as the Reissner Nordströ black hole except that the singularity, at r =, of this last solution has been soothed out. For q > s c, there are no horizons and the corresponding exact solution represents a globally regular space tie. It is worthwhile to ention in this respect the existence of globally sooth solutions to the Einstein+atter Yang Mills, Yang Mills Higgs) equations; although there are deonstrations of the existence of these solutions [7,8], they are nuerically given and there are no analytical closed expressions for the [9]; cf. [], and references therein. The fields ) and ) arise as a solution of the Einstein nonlinear electrodynaic field equations derived fro the action proposed in Einstein dual nonlinear electrodynaic theory [], which in the studied case becoes S = dv 6π R ) 4π LF), 5) where R is scalar curvature, and L is a function of F 4 F µνf µν. Alternatively, one can describe the considered syste using another function obtained by eans of a Legendre transforation []: H F L F L. 6) Defining P µν L F F µν, it can be shown that H is a function of P 4 P µνp µν = L F ) F, i.e., dh = L F ) dl F ) F) = H P dp. With the help of H one expresses the nonlinear electroagnetic Lagrangian in the action 5) as L = P H P H, depending on the anti syetric tensor P µν. The specific function H, deterining the nonlinear electrodynaic source used, is given as ) HP) = P q P + q P ) q s q P + q P ) 5/, 7) where s = q / and the invariant P is a negative quantity. The corresponding Lagrangian occurs to be 8 ) q P 6 q P L = P + ) 4 q P) 5/4 ) q P q 4 q P s + ) 7/. 8) q P

4 The function 7) satisfies the plausible conditions, needed for a nonlinear electroagnetic odel, of i) correspondence to Maxwell theory, i.e., H P for weak fields P ), and ii) the weak energy condition, which requires H < and H P > ; cf. Fig.. We would like to point out that our solution, in addition to being regular and to satisfying the weak energy condition, is characterized by another feature: it does not adit a Cauchy surface. Hence, it does not contradict the Penrose singularity theore supported on the hypotheses of: fulfillent of the null energy condition, existence of a noncopact Cauchy surface, and existence of a closed trapped surface and concluding no null geodesically copleteness of the space tie q P H P - 4 q H q = s c q = s c q P FIG.. Behavior of q H and H P with respect to the positive abscissa q P for different values of charge. In what follows we shall briefly give the ain lines of the integration process yielding the studied solution. The Einstein and nonlinear electrodynaic equations arising fro action 5) are G ν µ = H PP µλ P νλ δ ν µ P H P H)), 9) µ P αµ =. ) In order to obtain the solution ), ), we consider the static and spherically syetric configuration g = r + Qr) ) r dt + r + Qr) ) r dr + r dω, ) and the following ansatz for the antisyetric field P µν = δ[µ t δr ν] Dr). With these choices the equations ) integrate as P µν = δ[µ t q δr ν] r P = D = q r 4, ) where we have chosen the integration constant as q since, as it was previously anticipated, it actually plays the role of the electric charge. The evaluation of the electric field E = F tr = H P D, using expression 7) for H, gives just the forula ). The t t coponent of Einstein equations 9) yields the basic equation Substituting H fro 7) with P = q /r 4 one can write the integral of ) as Q = q r r rq Q r 4 = HP). ) dy 6y y + q ) + y y q ) 5/ y + q ) ), 4) 4

5 the integrand above can be expressed as y y /q y + q ) / y /y + q ) ), thus one arrives at Q = r Substituting Q into g tt = /r + Q/r one finally gets Eq. ). r 4 r + q ) + q r 4 / r + q ). 5) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was partially supported by the CONACyT Grant 69P E967, and a fellowship fro the Sistea Nacional de Investigadores SNI). One of the authors E.A.B. thanks the staff of the Physics Departent at CINVESTAV for support. [] Hawking, S.W., Ellis, G.F., The Large Scale Structure of Space Tie Cabridge Univ. Press 97). [] Wald, R.M., Gravitational Collapse and Cosic Censorship, preprint gr-qc/ ). [] Bardeen, J., in Proceedings of GR5, Tiflis, U.S.S.R. 968). [4] Ayón Beato, E., Asyptotic Behavior of Scalar Fields Coupled to Gravity, Graduate Dissertation, Faculty of Physics, Havana Univ. 99). [5] Borde, A., Phys. Rev., D5, 9 994). [6] Barrabès, C., Frolov, V.P., Phys. Rev., D5, 5 996). [7] Mars, M., Martín Prats, M.M., Senovilla, J.M.M., Class. Quant. Grav.,, L5 996). [8] Cabo, A., Ayón Beato, E., Int. J. Mod. Phys., A4, 999). [9] Borde, A., Phys. Rev., D55, ). [] Tseytlin, A.A., Phys. Lett., B6, 995). [] Cvetic, M. Phys. Rev. Lett., 7, 85 99). [] Horne, J.H., Horowitz, G.T. Nucl. Phys., B68, ). [] Oliveira, H.P., Class. Quant. Grav.,, ). [4] Soleng, H., Phys. Rev., D5, ). [5] Palatnik, D., Phys. Lett., B4, ). [6] Chandrasekhar, S., The Matheatical Theory of Black Holes Oxford Univ. Press 98). [7] Soller, J.A., Wasseran, A.G., Coun. Math. Phys., 5, 99). [8] Breitenlohner, P., Forgács, P., Maison, D., Coun. Math. Phys., 6, 4 994). [9] Bartnik, R., McKinnon, J., Phys. Rev. Lett., 6, 4 988). [] Bizoń, P., Acta Phys. Polon., B5, ). [] Salazar, H., García, A., Plebański, J., J. Math. Phys., 8, 7 987). 5

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