KR-theory. Jean-Louis Tu. Lyon, septembre Université de Lorraine France. IECL, UMR 7502 du CNRS

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1 Jean-Louis Tu Université de Lorraine France Lyon, septembre 2013

2 Complex K -theory

3 Basic definition Definition Let M be a compact manifold. K (M) = {[E] [F] E, F vector bundles } [E] [F] [E ] [F ] if G, E F G = E F G. (Grothendieck group of vector bundles over M.)

4 Basic definition K (M) is an abelian group. K (pt) = Z by [E] [F] rk(e) rk(f). In fact, it is a ring for the product [E] [F] = [E F]. Functoriality : if f : M M then f : K (M ) K (M).

5 K -theory of non compact spaces First definition : let M be the one-point compactification of M. K (M) = ker(k ( M) i K ( )) where i : { } M is the inclusion. Second definition : K (M) = {(E, F, d) d : E F iso outside some compact subset} where two triples are equivalent if they are stably homotopic.

6 Basic properties Homotopy invariance : if f t : X Y then f0 = f 1 : K (Y ) K (X). Higher K -theory groups : K n (X) = K (X R n ). Bott periodicity : K n+2 (X) = K n (X). Exactness : if Y is closed in X then K n 1 (X) K n 1 (Y ) K n (X\Y ) K n (X) K n (Y ) is exact.

7 Examples K n (R m ) = 0 if n m odd, Z otherwise. If n even, K 0 (S n ) = Z 2, K 1 (S n ) = 0. If n is odd then K 0 (S n ) = K 1 (S n ) = Z.

8 Bott element Let S 2 = {(x, y, z) x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1}. The nontrivial generator of [p] = K (S 2 ) is the image of the projection ) p = ( 1+x 2 y iz 2 y+iz 2 1 x 2 i.e. E (x,y,z) = p x,y,z (C 2 ). [p] [1] is the image of a generator β K (R 2 ) = Z.

9 Historical motivation : Atiyah-Singer s index theorem

10 Elliptic operators Let M be a compact manifold. Let E and F be two vector bundles on M. Let D : C (M, E) C (M, F) be a differential operator. Let σ D : T (M) L(E, F) be its symbol. For instance, σ a(x) x (x, ξ) = a(x)(iξ). An operator is elliptic if its symbol is invertible outside some compact subset of T M. Examples : Laplacian, Dirac operator, signature operator,...

11 Index problem Problem : compute Index a (D) = dim(ker D) dim(cokerd) Z. (analytic index). Atiyah-Singer : Use K -theory to define a topological index Index t (D) ; Show that both indices coincide ; Compute Index t (D) in terms of differential forms.

12 First step : (E, F, σ D ) defines an element of K (T M) since D is elliptic. To obtain a topological index, one needs a map K (T M) Z.

13 Elliptic complexes Let 0 E 0 d E 1 d E n 0 a complex of vector bundles over a (non compact) manifold M such that d 2 = 0. It is elliptic if for x outside a compact subset of M, 0 E 0 x d E 1 x d E n x 0 is exact. Then (E even, E odd, d) determines a K -theory element of M.

14 Thom isomorphism Let π : E M be a complex vector bundle of dimension p. For all v E, exterior multiplication 0 Λ 0 E π(v) v Λ 1 E π(v) v v Λ p E π(v) 0 determines an elliptic complex over E, hence an element λ E K (E). Then x x λ E is an isomorphism K (M) = K (E).

15 Topological index Let i : X Y is an inclusion of manifolds, and N the normal bundle. Let π : TX X. π (N C ) = normal bundle of (i : TX TY ) = U. (U = tubular neighborhood of TX in TY.) Let i! : K (TX) Thom = K (U) K (TY ). Ind t : K (TX) i! K (TE) j! K (TP) = Z where i : X E embedding in vector space and j : P E.

16 Equality of indices Both Ind a and Ind t satisfy : If X = pt then Ind = Id Z. = Ind a = Ind t. i! K (TX) K (TY ) Ind Ind Z

17 Why does that help? Chern character : if E M complex vector bundle, then ch(e) = [Tr exp( 2 2πi )] Heven (M, Q) is a ring homomorphism. It can be extended to a ring isomorphism K (M) Z Q H (M, Q).

18 Chern and Thom isomorphism The Chern character behaves well with respect to the Thom isomorphisms : if E X is a complex vector bundle, then K (X) Thom K (E) ch ch H (X, Q) Thom H c (E, Q) commutes up to multiplication by an element of H (X, Q) that can be computed.

19 Chern and index It follows that K (TM) Ind K (P) = Z ch H c (TM, Q) ch Thom H (P, Q) = Q commutes up to multiplication by an element of H (TM, Q). In fact, Ind(D) = ( 1) n ch(σ D )Td(T C M) T M

20 Examples if dim(m) = 4k is spin then Â(M) = ind(dirac) Z if M is oriented then sign(m) = ind(d + d ) (index of the signature operator). Index theorems for foliations, singular spaces, etc. use K -theory of operator algebras

21 K -theory has many applications e.g. in topology : vector field problem on a sphere (Adams, 1962). If n = 2 c 16 d u (u odd, 0 c 3), then the maximal number of linearly independent continuous tangent vector fields on S n 1 is 2 c + 8d.

22 Some generalizations of complex K -theory

23 Equivariant K -theory If G is a compact group acting on M, the whole theory is unchanged. Use vector bundles with an action of G. (ring of representations of G). K G (pt) = R(G) If G is not compact, the above definition is not appropriate (KK G -theory is more adequate).

24 K -theory of algebras Let A be a unital algebra. Definition An A-module E is finitely generated projective if E, n, E E = A n. Theorem (Swan) If M is compact and E M is a vector bundle then C(M, E) is a finitely generated projective over C(M). ( E, E E trivial). More precisely, there is an equivalence of categories between vector bundles over E and f.g.p. modules over C(M).

25 K -theory of algebras Definition K (A) = {[E] [F] E, F f.g.p. modules over A} [E] [F] [E ] [F ] if G, E F G = E F G. Then K (M) = K (C(M)). Remark : one may assume F = A n for some n.

26 A f.g.p. is the image of a projection p M n (A) for some n. Definition p and p are similar if u GL(n, A), p = upu 1. Definition K (A) = {[p] [q] p, q projection in some M n(a)} [p] [q] [p ] [q ] if r, p q r and p q r similar. This definition agrees with the one using projective modules.

27 Other point of view K n (A) = π n 1 (GL (A)). For instance, K 1 (pt) corresponds to {[E] n rk(e) = n} where E is a vector bundle over S 1 = R/Z. The bundle E is trivial over [0, 1). The identification E 0 = E1 comes from an element u GL n (A). Thus, K 1 (A) = π 0 (GL (A)).

28 KO-theory Use real vector bundles instead of complex vector bundles. The theory is 8-periodic. N.B. KO-theory Real K -theory. Example : K n (pt) = Z, 0, Z, 0,... KO n (pt) = Z, Z/2, Z/2, 0, Z, 0, 0, 0,... For instance, KO 1 (pt) = π 0 (GL (R)) = Z/2. KO 2 (pt) = lim n π 1 (SO(n)) = Z/2.

29 Definition A Real space is a space endowed with an involution τ : X X. We write x = τ(x) for simplicity. Examples : R p,q = R q ir p with complex conjugation. R 1,1 = C. P n (C) with complex conjugation. Definition Real vector bundle : E x E x involution which is antilinear on each fiber.

30 Real groups Definition A Real group is a group which is a Real space such that gh = ḡ h. Actions of Real groups on Real spaces will satisfy g x = ḡ x for all (g, x) G X.

31 One defines in the same way. Definition Let M be a Real compact manifold. KR(M) = {[E] [F] E, F Real vector bundles } [E] [F] [E ] [F ] if G, E F G = E F G. (Can add an action of a Real group in the definition to get KR G (M).)

32 Real algebras Definition A Real algebra is a pair (A, τ) where A is a complex algebra, and τ : A A is an antilinear involution. e.g. A = C(M) where M is a Real space. A is Z/2Z-graded if A = A 0 A 1 with A i A j A i+j. Tensor products of graded algebras : A ˆ B is endowed with the product (a b)(a b ) = ( 1) b a aa bb. The definition of KR(A) is like the one of K (A) if A is not Z/2Z-graded.

33 generalizes KO-theory Let X R = {x X x = x}. Restriction of Real vector bundles to X R are complexifications of real vector bundles over X R, thus there is a map KR(X) KR(X R ) = KO(X R ). In particular, if τ is trivial then KR(X) = KO(X R ).

34 generalizes complex K -theory Let S p,q be the unit sphere in R p,q. S 1,0 consists of two conjugate points. Let X be a space (without involution). X S 1,0 consists of two copies of X which are conjugate. KR(X S 1,0 ) = K (X).

35 Example of element Let X = P(C n ) (the space of complex lines in C n ) with involution=complex conjugation. The Hopf bundle H is defined by H x = x. For n = 2, X = S 1,1 and [H] 1 KR(R 1,1 ) is a generator.

36 Basic properties Homotopy invariance : if f t : X Y (continuous, involution preserving) then f0 = f 1 : KR(Y ) KR(X). Higher groups : KR p, q (X) = KR(X R p,q ). KR p+r,q+r (X) = KR p,q (X). Denote this group by KR p q (X). Bott periodicity : KR n+8 (X) = KR n (X). Exactness : if Y is closed in X then is exact. KR n 1 (X) KR n 1 (Y ) KR n (X \ Y ) KR n (X) KR n (Y )

37 External product in Real K -theory For X, Y compact, KR(X) KR(Y ) KR(X Y ) is defined by [E] [F] [E F]. This extends to KR p,q (X) KR p,q (Y ) KR p+p,q+q (X Y ). This is still valid for X, Y noncompact (recall KR(X) KR( X)).

38 Description of KR(pt) Recall K n (pt) = Z, 0, Z, 0,... Denote by µ 2 = [H] [1] the Bott generator, then µ k 2 generates K 2k (pt). KR n (pt) = KO n (pt) = Z, Z/2, Z/2, 0, Z, 0, 0, 0,.... Let η 1 = [L] [1] where [L] is the Möbius band. Then η 1 and η 2 1 are 0. η 2 4 = 4.

39 The complexification operation c : KR(X) K (X) is the forgetful functor (forget the involution). Particular case : if X = X R then c : KO(X) K (X), [E] [E R C].

40 The realization operation r : K (X) KR(X) [E] [E τ Ē] where (τ Ē) x = E x. The Real structure on E τ Ē is τ(ξ x, η x ) = (η x, ξ x ).

41 cr(α) = α + α where : K (X) K (X), [E] [τ Ē]. rc(α) = 2α because of the isomorphism E x E x E x E x (ξ, η) (ξ + iη, ξ i η).

42 Case X = X R KO(X) c r K (X). c(ko(x)) {α K (X) α = α} =: K (X) 0. KO(X) Z Z[ 1 2 ] = K (X) 0 Z Z[ 1 2 ].

43 Case X = pt c([1]) = 1, c(η 1 ) = c(η 2 1 ) = 0, c(η 4) = 2µ 2 2, r([1]) = [2], r(µ 2 ) = η 2 1, r(µ2 2 ) = η 4.

44 Clifford algebras Let Q be a quadratic form on an R-vector space V. The Clifford algebra of (V, Q) is the quotient of the free algebra over V by the relations v v = Q(v). For instance, if Q = 0 then Cliff(V, Q) = ΛV has dimension 2 n. If V has a Q-orthogonal basis (e 1,..., e n ), then Cliff(V, Q) has basis (e i1 e i2 e ik ) 1 i1 <i 1 < i k n. Products can be computed by e 2 i = Q(e i )1 and e i e j + e j e i = 0 if i j. dim(cliff(v, Q)) = 2 n but Cliff(V, Q) = ΛV. Cliff(V, Q) is Z/2Z-graded.

45 Clifford algebras Consider Q(x 1,..., x q, x q+1,..., x q+p ) = x x 2 q (x 2 q+1 + +x 2 q+p) the quadratic form of signature (q, p) on R p+q. Denote by C p,q its Clifford algebra. C p,0 = R, C, H, H H, M 2 (H), M 4 (C), M 8 (R), M 8 (R) M 8 (R), M 16 (R),... C 0,q = R, R R, M 2 (R), M 2 (C), M 2 (H), M 2 (H) M 2 (H), M 4 (H), M 8 (C), M 16 (R),.... Using C p,q ˆ C p,q = C p+p,q+q, one can compute C p,q for all p, q.

46 K -theory of graded, unital algebras Let A = A 0 A 1 be a Real Z/2Z-graded algebra. A Real, Z/2Z-graded module over A is an A module of the form E = E 0 E 1, endowed with an antilinear involution τ, such that E i A j E i+j ; τ(ξa) = τ(ξ)τ(a) for all (ξ, a) E A.

47 K -theory of graded, unital algebras The algebra End(E) is again Z/2-graded and Real : deg(t ) = 1 if deg(t (ξ)) = deg(ξ) + 1 (mod 2) for all ξ E ; T (ξ) = T ( ξ). The (graded) of A is the set of graded, Real A-modules modulo degenerate ones. Degenerate means : T End A (E), T 2 = Id, deg(t ) = 1, T = T.

48 This is coherent with the def for ungraded algebras [E] = [E 0 E 1 ] graded [E 0 ] [E 1 ].

49 KO(C 0,1 ) = 0 C 0,1 = 1, ε with ε 2 = 1, ɛ of degree 1. If E = E 0 E 1 is a graded C 0,1 -module, then ε : E 0 = E 1. We can assume E = E 0 E 0 and ( ) 0 1 ε = 1 0 Take T = ε = E is degenerate.

50 KO(C 1,0 ) = Z/2Z C 1,0 = 1, e with e 2 = 1, e of degree 1. If E = E 0 E 1 is a graded C 1,0 -module, then e : E 0 = E 1. We can assume E = E 0 E 0 and ( ) 0 1 e = 1 0 ( ) 0 S 1 If T = is an endomorphism of E, it commutes with e S 0 so S 2 = 1. Possible iff dim(e 0 ) is even.

51 KO(C 2,0 ) = Z/2Z C 2,0 = 1, e 1, e 1, e 1 e 2 with e1 2 = e2 2 = 1, e 1e 2 = e 2 e 1, e j of degree 1, i.e. C 2,0 = H. Identify C with 1, e 1 e 2. If E = E 0 E 1 is a graded C 2,0 -module, then E j are C-vector spaces and e 1 : E 0 = E 1. We can assume E = E 0 E 0 and ( ) 0 1 e 1 = 1 0 ( ) 0 S 1 If T = is an endomorphism of E, then S is antilinear S 0 and S 2 = Id. Possible iff dim(e 0 ) is even.

52 KO(C 4,0 ) = Z graded by deg C 4,0 = C 0,4 = M2 (H) ( ) ( ) 0 0 = 0, deg = In general K (M n (A)) = K (A), so KO(C 4,0 ) = KO(C 0,4 ) = KO(H) = Z. The generator is [H] (H is a module over itself).

53 KO(C p,p ) = Z Cliff(V ) ˆ Cliff( V ) = L(Λ V ). Thus C p,p = M 2 p(r).

54 Relation between and Clifford algebras KR p,q (A) = KR(A ˆ C p,q ). η 1 = [C 1,0 ] KO(C 1,0 ) = KR 1,0 (pt) (C 1,0 is a module over itself). η 2 = [C 2,0 ] KO(C 2,0 ) = KR 2,0 (pt). η 4 = [H 2 ] KO(M 2 (H)) = KO(C 4,0 ) = KR 4,0 (pt). If this is granted, then KR p,q (A) = KR p+r,q+r (A) = K p q (A) and KR p+8 (A) = KR p (A).

55 Check that c(η 4 ) = 2µ 2 2 η 4 = [H] as an H-module. H C = M 2 (C) because ( ) a b H = { a, b C}, b ā and M 2 (C) = H ih. As a M 2 (C)-module, [M 2 (C)] = 2[C 2 ].

56 Check that η 2 4 = 4 H H = M 4 (R), which is isomorphic to 4[R 4 ] as a M 4 (R)-module.

57 KR n 4 (X) and KR n (X) Composition of multiplications by η 4 is 4 Id, thus KR n (X) KR n 4 (X) KR n 8 (X) = KR n (X) KR n (X) Z Z[ 1 2 ] = KR n 4 (X) Z Z[ 1 2 ]. Remark : KR 4 (X) = KR(C(X, H) C ) is quaternionic K -theory. A quaternionic vector bundle on (X, τ) is a complex vector bundle E X together with a conjugate linear map J : E E commuting with the Real structure on X, such that J 2 = Id.

58 KR(X S p,0 ) This group cannot always be identified with a known K -theory group but can be computed by means of a Gysin-type exact sequence. KR p q (X) ηp 1 KR q (X) p 1 KR q (X S p,0 )

59 KR(X S p,0 ) Recall KR(X S 1,0 ) = K (X). KR(X S 2,0 ) = KSC(X) (self-conjugate K -theory) is the Grothendieck group of homotopy classes of self-conjugate bundles over X. (A self-conjugate bundle over (X, τ) is a complex vector bundle E X together with an isomorphism α: E τ E.) For p 3, using η1 3 = 0 we have an exact sequence 0 KR q (X) p 1 KR q (X S p,0 ) KR p+1 q (X) 0

60 Remark : index theory for families If π : Y X is a Real fibration, E Y a Real vector bundle and D = (D x ) x X is a family of Real, elliptic differential operators, one can construct an index Ind(D) KR(X).

61 K -theory and Fredholm operators Elliptic operators on a manifold provide Fredholm operators on a Hilbert space. Hence, K -theory elements are often conveniently described in terms of Fredholm operators. (T is Fredholm S, TS Id and ST Id are of finite rank, S TS and S T are compact, ker T and coker(t ) are finite dimensional.) Example : π 0 (Fred) = K (pt) given by T [ker T ] [coker(t )]. The composition Fred K (pt) = Z is T ind(t ).

62 K -theory and Fredholm operators More generally, one can show that for X compact, K (X) = [X, Fred]. K (X) is the Grothendieck group of homotopy classes of families D = (D x ) x X of self-adjoint, degree 1 Fredholm operators. ( ) 0 T D x = x. T x 0 (If X is locally compact and not compact, one needs to add a condition of vanishing at infinity.)

63 Advantages of this definition No need of one-point compactifications Easily extends to (Z/2Z-graded) Clifford bundles The external product K (X) K (Y ) K (X Y ) is described by [D] [D ] = [D ˆ ˆ D ].

64 The Bott element Let (V, Q) be a (real) quadratic space. Let A = C 0 (V, Cliff(V, Q)). Then where [β] is the Bott element : KO(A) = [β] = Z β v = Clifford multiplication by v 1 + v 2. Note that β is indeed of degree 1, that 1 β 2 v = to 0 as v v 2 tends

65 For V = R p,q, this gives KR(X) = KR(C 0 (X R p,q, C p,q ) C ). More generally, if π : V X is a Real vector bundle, there is a Thom isomorphism KR n (X) = KR n (C 0 (V, π Cliff(V ) C )). If there exists a spin structure on V, then KR n (X) = KR n (V ). Otherwise, KR(X) is a twisted K -theory group of V.

66 A few references (On complex K -theory and index theory) Atiyah and Singer, The index of elliptic operators I, II, III,... Atiyah, K -theory and reality. Karoubi, K -theory, an introduction. Seymour, The Real K -theory of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces. (Not on Real K -theory) Karoubi, Twisted K -theory, old and new. (For operator algebraists :) Kasparov, The operator K -functor and extensions of C -algebras (For operator algebraists :) Moutuou, PhD thesis.

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