A Generalization of Komlós s Theorem on Random Matrices

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1 A Generalization of Komlós s Theorem on Random Matrices Arkadii Slinko Abstract: In this paper we prove that, for any subset ZZ, the probability, that a random n n matrix is singular, is of order O (1/ n). 1. Introduction Let M n =(a ij )bearandom n n (0, 1)-matrix, where 0, 1 IR, and every entry a ij is chosen independently with probabilities Prob (a ij =0) = Prob (a ij =1) = 1/2. P. Erdős conjectured and J. Komlós proved [9], that such a matrix is almost always regular, i.e., the probability of M n to be regular, approaches 1 as n approaches infinity. Komlós [10] sharpened his result by proving that Prob (M n is regular) > 1 O ( 1/ n ). (1) The key tool was the so-called Littlewood-Offord lemma, which was proved in full generality by Erdős [4]. Recently, Komlós s theorem was further improved by J. Kahn, J. Komlós and E. Szemerédi [7]: they showed that Prob (M n is regular) > 1 O ((1 ɛ) n ). (2) for some ɛ>0. The latter result was obtained by using some rather involved techniques from combinatorial number theory and Fourier analysis and combinatorics. Generalising his result, Komlós also proved [11] that a random n n matrix M n =(a ij ), where every entry a ij is chosen independently from an 1

2 arbitrary nondegenerate distribution, is almost always regular; but no estimates of the speed of the convergence of this probability to 1 were obtained. For, to obtain any estimates of this kind for more complicated alphabets than {0, 1}, we need to find a substitute for the Littlewood-Offord lemma. Here we suggest such a substitute and prove that the inequality (1) also holds for a random matrix M n =(a ij ) with a ij, when is an arbitrary finite set. The analogue of (2) is yet to be proved. It should be noted that the problem of estimating the probability of regularity of random (0, 1) matrices turned out to be closely related to questions in a surprising variety of areas, e.g. geometry of the unit cube [5], threshold logic [15], and associative memories [8]. The result of this paper might have similar applications in relation to geometry of grids and q-valued logic. 1. The Number of -Solutions to a Linear Diophantine Equation In the sequel, by n we denote the set of all vectors (x 1,...,x n ) t, x i, and by m n we denote the set of all m n matrices with entries from. In what follows, q = is the cardinality of and we will assume 2 q<. Theorem 1 Let N n,q be the maximal number of -solutions to the equation a 1 x 1 + a 2 x a n x n = b, (3) where a i,b ZZ, a i 0, i =1,...,n. Then there is a constant C>0 which does not depend on q or n, such that N n,q C qn 1 n. (4) Proof: Let I = {i a i > 0} and J = {j a j < 0}. Let us define the following partial order on vectors from n. For any two vectors x, y n,wewrite x y if x i y i for all i I and x j y j for all j J. Wealso write x < y if x y and x k y k for at least one k. An important observation is: if x, y n and x < y, then a 1 x 1 + a 2 x a n x n <a 1 y 1 + a 2 y a n y n, 2

3 whence x and y cannot be both solutions. Therefore the number of solutions of (3) is not greater than the maximum length of an antichain in ( n, ). Let us consider a multiset A n,q = {1,...,1, 2,...,2,...,n,...,n} (5) }{{}}{{}}{{} q q q with its subsets partially ordered by inclusion. Let (P(A n,q ), ) bethe poset of all subsets of A n,q. The posets ( n, ) and (P(A n,q 1 ), ) are isomorphic. Indeed, suppose = {δ 1,...,δ q } and δ 1 <δ 2 <...<δ q. Then (δ s1,δ s2,...,δ sn ) {1,...,1, 2,...,2,...,n,...,n}, (6) }{{}}{{}}{{} t 1 t n where t i = s i 1 for i I and t j = q s j for j J, isanisomorphism of these two posets. It is well-known that the collection of all subsets of A n,q of middle size, qn/2, isamaximal antichain in A n,q [1, 3]; if n and q are both odd, then the subsets of size qn/2 also form a maximal antichain. In [2] it was proved that the length s(n) ofamaximal antichain in A n,q 1 satisfies the inequality t 2 c qn 1 s(n) C qn 1, n n for some constants c, C, not depending on q or n. This implies the result. We will also need the following immediate corollary of this result. Corollary 1 Let N n,q,s be the maximal number of -solutions to the equation a 1 x 1 + a 2 x a n x n = b, (7) where a i,b ZZ, i =1,...,n, and where exactly s of the a i s are nonzero. Then N n,q,s C qn 2 s. (8) Throughout this paper, C will denote the constant featuring in inequalities (4) and (8). 3

4 2. Determinants of Random Matrices When speaking about random vectors from m,weassume that all vectors have the same probability q m. Similarly, when random matrices from m n are considered, it is assumed that all m n matrices have equal probabilities q mn. A random m n matrix can be viewed as consisting of m random rows or, equivalently, consisting of n random columns. The following result generalizes some results of Meshalkin [12] and Odlyzko [14]. Lemma 1 Let F be a field and be a finite subset of F.Let n be the set of all vectors of F n with coordinates from. Suppose that v 1,...,v k n. Then n Span {v 1,...,v k } q k. Proof: Since the result is trivial for k = n, wemay assume that k<n. Without loss of generality we may assume that the vectors v 1,...,v k form a linearly independent system of vectors, and that the first k rows of the matrix X =(v 1 v 2 v k ), composed of ( the ) vectors v 1,...,v k as columns, are also linearly independent. Y Then X =, where Y is an invertible k k matrix. Suppose now that Z ( ) b a n Span {v 1,...,v k }. Let us write a =, where b c k.as a = u 1 v 1 + u 2 v u k v k = Xu, for some u =(u 1,...,u k ) t F k,weget Y u = b and Zu = c. Since Y is invertible, we get c = ZY 1 b, and hence c is uniquely determined by b. But there are only q k possibilities to choose b k. Corollary 2 Let k m, and let A m k beamatrix of full rank, i.e., r (A) =k. Ifavector b m is taken at random, then for the augmented matrix B =(A b), Prob ( r (B)=k ) q m+k. Proof: Indeed, r (B) =k if and only if b is a linear combination of the columns of A. ByLemma 1 there are no more than q k such linear combinations. Thus the required probability is not greater than q k /q m =1/q m k. 4

5 Lemma 2 Let k m, and let A m k beamatrix taken at random. Then Prob ( r (A)<k ) < 2q m+k 1 q m+k. Proof: We will form A =(a 1 a 2 a k )bytaking subsequently k random columns a 1,...,a k.bycorollary 2, the probability that A has full rank, can be estimated as follows: k Prob ( r (A)=k )=Prob (a 1 / {0}) Prob (a i / Span {a 1,...,a i 1 }) i=2 k 1 i=0 ( ) 1 qi q m 1 1 k 1 q m i=0 q i =1 qk 1 q m (q 1) > 1 2q m+k 1. Corollary 3 Let k, m so that k/m γ<1. LetA be arandom m k matrix. Then Prob ( r (A)<k )=O (δ n ), (9) for some 0 <δ<1. Let S = {v 1,...,v n } be asystem of vectors. Let us define the strong rank of S, denoted sr (S), to be n if S is linearly independent; and k if any k of the v i s are linearly independent but some k+1 of the vectors are linearly dependent. For a matrix A, bysr c (A) and sr r (A) wedenote the strong rank of the system of columns and the strong rank of the system of rows of A, respectively. Lemma 3 (a) Let A be arandom m n matrix from m n. Then Prob ( sr c (A)<k ) (b) Let α, β be any positive real numbers satisfying ( ) n q m+k ; (10) k h(β) + β<α<1, (11) log 2 q 5

6 where h(x) = x log 2 x (1 x) log 2 (1 x) is the entropy function. Let k, m, n with m/n α, k/n β. Then for a random m n matrix A m n there exists 0 <δ<1 such that Prob ( sr c (A)<k )=O (δ n ). (12) (c) For every q 2 and 0 <α 1 there exists β>0 which satisfies (11). Proof: (a) Follows immediately from Lemma 2. (b) follows from (a). Indeed, since ( ) n βn < 2 nh(β) (see, for example, [13]), then ( ) n Prob ( sr c (A)<βn ) q (α β)n < 2 n[h(β) (α β) log 2 q] = O (γ n ), βn where γ =2 h(β) (α β) log 2 q < 1asaconsequence of (11). (c) Let g(x) = h(x) log 2 q + x. Since this function is continuous and g(0) = 0, a positive number β > 0 exists which satisfies (11). Lemma 4 Let v 1,...,v k m be linearly independent vectors, and let B = (v 1 v k ), and sr r (B) =s. Then for a random vector a m Prob ( r (v 1,...,v k, a) =k ) <C/q m k s. (13) Proof: Let B =(b 1 b m ) t, i.e., b t 1,...,b t m are the rows of B. Without loss of generality we assume that b 1,...,b k are linearly independent and that all other b i s for i>kare linearly dependent on these. In particular, we have k+1 i=1 β i b i =0 (14) for some β 1,...,β k and β k+1 =1. Assr r (B) =s, atleast s of the coefficients β 1,...,β k are nonzero. Let a =(a 1,...,a m ) t. In the event of a being dependent on v 1,...,v k, due to (14), we must have k+1 i=1 β i a i =0, (15) 6

7 hence by Corollary 1, a 1,...,a k+1 can be selected in at most Cq k / s ways. Once a 1,...,a k are determined, all coefficients a k+2,...,a m must be determined since the rows b k+2,...,b m are also dependent on the rows v 1,...,v k. Thus the probability to choose a so that it linearly depends on v 1,...,v k is at most (Cq k / s)/q m = C/q m k s. Theorem 2 Let A be arandom n n matrix from n n. Then as n Prob ( r (A)<n )=O ( 1/ n ). Proof: Let α and β be any real numbers satisfying (11), - they exist due to Lemma 3 (c). Let us view the first n 0 =[αn] columns of A as a separate random matrix B. Since the columns of A are statistically independent, we may assume that we fill B randomly first and then we fill the remaining n n 0 columns of A. ByLemmata 2 and 3 we may assume that B has full rank and that sr r (B) βn. Let us denote by A k, k n 0, the random matrix obtained by filling the first k columns of A. Then by Lemma 4 ( ) C Prob ( r (A k )=k) Prob ( r (A k 1 )=k 1) 1 q n k. βn Since A n0 = B has full rank and A = A n,q,weget that Prob ( r (A) =n) The theorem is proved. n n 0 i=1 3. Acknowledgements. ( 1 C ) q i βn 1 C β(q 1) n. I am grateful to Marston Conder and Paul Hafner who kindly provided me with the references [1 3] when I was travelling overseas. I am greatly indebted to the anonimous referee whose comments helped to improve the exposition. 7

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