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2 Why Make the Most of Meat: Uncle Sam's 44 Share the Meat" plan will make certain that our armed forces and our allies are adequately supplied... and that the balance remaining is distributed fairly among civilians. Which Meats You Share: Restricted meats are pork, beef, veal, lamb, mutton, and canned meats. Meat cuts are to be figured with both bones and fat included. Your Fair Share: Your government has worked out a just share of meat for each person in the country, based on the amount available for civilian consumption. Make every pound count. Know More Cuts of Meat: Your dealer will, from time to time, have available certain meat cuts unfamiliar to you. Try them. All can be prepared in appetizing ways. All are good sources of nutritive values necessary to a balanced diet. Making Meat Go Farther: Meat, one of the "protective" foods, should appear on your table every day. "Meat extender" recipes like these tell you how to combine meats and meat flavors with other foods so that you can make the most of your meat allowance. Recipes Classified: You will find just below the names of each of the 3 "meat extender" recipes the food used as an extender. Below "Meat Pie" you find the word "Vegetable." This makes it easy to select a recipe either for the meat or for the extender food. Meat Means America: In no other country do people enjoy so much meat of such high quality. Even under restrictions, meat can and should continue to be a nutritious part of our everyday diet. I hope these recipes will assist you in keeping meat a part of most meals you serve. Home Economist SWIFT & COMPANY

3 Extending Meat with Vegetables, Dumplings, Bread Crumbs, Cornmeal, Bice, Beans, Potatoes, Toast, Cheese, Hominy. t ( 'Extending'* m e a t m e a n s combining it with other foods, like v e g e t a b l e s or b r e a d, into a dish which retains the meat f l a v o r yet yields a g r e a t e r number of s e r v i n g s. M e a t Pie (Vegetable) Cooking time: 30 c u p diced cooked beef, l a m b, or veal S a l t, pepper t a b l e s p o o n s flour t a b l e s p o o n s lard medium-sized onions c u p cooked diced p o t a t o e s J/ c u p c a n n e d p e a s Yi c u p cooked, diced carrots H o t water Biscuit dough S e a s o n m e a t. D r e d g e in flour. B r o w n in hot lard. A d d minced onion a n d brown. A d d v e g e t a b l e s a n d hot w a t e r or g r a v y to cover. P o u r into a deep a n d wide casserole. C o v e r t o p with r o u n d s or d i a m o n d s h a p e s of b a k i n g powder biscuit dough, Yi inch thick. B a k e in a hot oven (450 F. ) a b o u t 0 m i n u t e s or until biscuits are well browned. Veal S t e w (Dumplings) Cooking time: hours p o u n d veal shoulder or neck or s h a n k Seasoning Flour t a b l e s p o o n s lard 4 carrots 4 onions Water 4 medium potatoes W i p e veal with a d a m p cloth. C u t into serving pieces (about 4 c h u n k s ). S e a s o n. R o l l in flour. B r o w n in hot lard. A d d a b o u t. c u p s water. C o v e r a n d cook slowly hour. P a r e the p o t a t o e s, s c r a p e carrots, a n d peel onions. A d d to veal. A d d more w a t e r to prevent burning a n d to keep c u p s of stock. Cover. C o o k slowly another hour. S e r v e veal in center of platter. A r r a n g e vegetables a r o u n d. S e r v e slightly thickened g r a v y in bowl. T h i s m a y be b a k e d in a casserole in the oven a n d served a t the t a b l e f r o m the casserole. Dumplings c u p sifted flour Yi t e a s p o o n s b a k i n g powder J/ t e a s p o o n salt t a b l e s p o o n s melted f a t y c u p milk S i f t flour, b a k i n g powder, salt. A d d milk a n d f a t. S t i r into flour to blend. D r o p b y s p o o n f u l s into hot s t o c k f r o m stew. C o v e r kettle tightly. S t e a m. S e r v e a t once with v e g e t a b l e s a n d veal. Liver L o a f (Bread Crumbs) 8 servings Baking time: hour p o u n d pork, l a m b, or beef liver s m a l l onion cup g r o u n d raw c a r r o t s egg c u p s o f t bread c r u m b s t e a s p o o n salt J4 c u p c a t s u p S c a l d the liver. Grind. Peel onion. Grind. C o m b i n e all ingredients except c a t s u p. Pack into a n oiled loaf p a n or s m a l l casserole. B r u s h with c a t s u p. B a k e in a m o d e r a t e oven (350 F. ) a b o u t hour. S e r v e hot or cold. U s e pork or beef h e a r t s in place of liver. T a ñ í a l e Pie (Cornmeal) 4 to 6 servings Cooking time: 3 hours Yi p o u n d diced pork shoulder Yi p o u n d diced veal shoulder Yi c u p chopped celery t e a s p o o n s salt slice f a t b a c o n or pork t a b l e s p o o n s diced onions cup cornmeal J/ c u p cooked t o m a t o e s J/ c u p canned corn J/ t e a s p o o n chili powder egg S i m m e r pork, veal, celery, a n d s a l t in water t o cover until m e a t is t e n d e r a b o u t hours. B r o w n diced bacon. B r o w n onion in the b a c o n f a t. C o o k cornmeal in 3 c u p s of the m e a t broth, stirring c o n s t a n t l y until thick. Combine meat, onions, cornmeal, t o m a t o e s, corn, b e a t e n egg, chili powder, a n d other seasoning a s desired. P o u r into greased - q u a r t casserole. B a k e in a m o d e r a t e oven (350 F. ) a b o u t hour. (Vegetable) cup diced cooked m e a t J/ c u p diced celery t a b l e s p o o n s minced t a r t pickles t a b l e s p o o n minced onion or r a w g r a t e d carrot J/ c u p F r e n c h dressing S a l a d dressing Lettuce C o m b i n e m e a t, vegetables, a n d F r e n c h dressing. S e a s o n to t a s t e. Chill. S e r v e on lettuce with s a l a d dressing. Cooking time: hour J/ p o u n d ground beef 8 large c a b b a g e leaves YL c u p cooked rice egg c u p milk t e a s p o o n salt J4 t e a s p o o n pepper t a b l e s p o o n s chopped onion tablespoons fat y<i c u p cooked t o m a t o e s y± c u p chopped onion b a y leaf (optional) 4 whole cloves (optional) P a r b o i l c a b b a g e leaves 5. C o m b i n e beef, rice, egg, milk, seasoning, a n d onion. Place s p o o n f u l of m e a t m i x t u r e in each leaf a n d fold t o cover m e a t. F a s t e n with toothpick. B r o w n in f a t in large skillet. A d d t o m a t o e s, x/i c u p onion, b a y leaf, a n d cloves. C o v e r a n d s i m m e r 45. Chili Con C a r n e (Beans) Cooking time: hour J4 p o u n d ground beef, r o u n d, or chuck J4 p o u n d ground p o r k shoulder t a b l e s p o o n s lard m e d i u m onion t e a s p o o n salt y<i t e a s p o o n chili powder y± t e a s p o o n pepper c u p cooked t o m a t o e s c u p s cooked red or kidney b e a n s B r o w n g r o u n d beef, pork, a n d diced onions in the lard. S e a s o n m e a t well. A d d t o m a t o e s a n d b e a n s. C o v e r a n d cook slowly 45. T h i s is good reheated. C u t in thick slices. C o v e r with g r a t e d cheese a n d h e a t in m o d e r a t e oven. Meat Salad Hot M e a t S a n d w i c h C a b b a g e Holls (Rice) Pan-Browned Hash (Potatoes) Cooking time: 0 c u p ground or minced cooked beef small onion tablespoons fat c u p finely diced, cooked p o t a t o t e a s p o o n salt M i n c e onion a n d brown in l f a t in h e a v y frying p a n. M i x p o t a t o, beef, a n d /salt. A d d t o f r y i n g p a n a n d press down into p a n. R e d u c e h e a t a n d cook to brown the hash. P l a c e r o u n d platter over f r y i n g p a n a n d invert t o t u r n h a s h brown side u p on platter. S e r v e hot. Variations: U s e corned beef, l a m b, h a m, or other cooked m e a t in place of beef. (Toast) Cooking time: 5 cup diced cooked m e a t t a b l e s p o o n minced onion tablespoon fat t a b l e s p o o n s flour Yi c u p s milk or w a t e r Buttered toast B r o w n onion in melted f a t. A d d flour. S t i r a n d brown. A d d liquid slowly. S t i r a n d cook t o m a k e a sauce. A d d diced m e a t. C o o k slowly 0. S e a s o n with c a t s u p or other sauce. S e r v e on hot t o a s t, rice, b a k e d p o t a t o, or spaghetti. Rarebit Frankfurts (Cheese) Cooking time: 5 cup g r a t e d cheese (J^ p o u n d ) J4 c u p e v a p o r a t e d milk t e a s p o o n Worcestershire s a u c e 4 frankfurts 4 slices b u t t e r e d t o a s t C o m b i n e cheese a n d milk. S t i r a n d cook slowly until cheese is melted. A d d sliced f r a n k f u r t s a n d seasonings. S e r v e on t o a s t. S e r v e on broiled thick onion slices in place of t o a s t. Salt Pork Scrapple (Cornmeal) -lb. loaf Cooking time: 5 p o u n d salt pork q u a r t water c u p cornmeal J/ t e a s p o o n salt Slice pork a n d c u t into s m a l l strips. Pan-fry until light brown. A d d cornmeal slowly t o boiling water. Stir well. A d d p o r k a n d half the drippings. Stir a n d cook until m u s h is thick. P o u r into loaf pan. W h e n solid, slice J^-inch thick. F r y in drippings until well browned. S a u s a g e and Hominy (Hominy) Cooking time: 5 J/ p o u n d pork s a u s a g e links t a b l e s p o o n minced green pepper t a b l e s p o o n minced onion c u p cooked p e a s tablespoons drippings c u p s cooked hominy P l a c e s a u s a g e in a frying p a n. A d d J4 c u p water. Cover. S t e a m 5. D r a i n, cook slowly. T u r n to brown evenly. H e a t green p e p p e r a n d onion in drippings. A d d hominy. Heat. S e r v e s a u s a g e on m o u n d of hominy.

4 Meat Is a Perishable Product... Care for It Properly Unwrap fresh meat immediately. Wipe and store in a loosely covered dish. Place all meats in coldest part of the refrigerator. Ground meat darkens upon standing. Cook as soon as possible. Cover cooked and leftover meats before storing in the refrigerator. Whenever possible, store meat separately from leftover potatoes and other foods to avoid a transfer of food odors and flavors. Make the Most of Meat... Leftover meat makes delicious stews, meat pies, hash, and casserole dishes. Simmer bones and bits of trimming slowly in water for an hour or two. With diced vegetables and a dash of seasoning, this makes a delicious soup. Or the broth may be used as liquid in gravies and meat sauces. > Strain meat drippings, store in a cool place. Use strained, light drippings from ham, beef, pork roast, bacon and sausage for muffins, vegetables and for frying purposes. Turn in all unusable drippings to the fat salvage campaign. If We Share Alike, Everyone Can Have Meat Every Day

5 Extending illeat with Vegetables, Potatoes, Bread, Bread Crumbs, Spaghetti, Noodles, Eggs, Macaroni, Beans. Stuffed Beef Flank French Toastwiches (Vegetable) (Bread) 4 to 6 servings Cooking time: hours beef flank s t e a k teaspoon salt c u p ground carrots t a b l e s p o o n s lard Y c u p ground onion c u p s cooked t o m a t o e s Y c u p ground celery S e a s o n i n g S e a s o n s t e a k. S c o r e to cut fibers. M i x carrot, onion, celery, a n d salt. S p r e a d over s t e a k. R o l l u p a n d skewer or tie into shape. B r o w n in hot lard. A d d t o m a t o e s. C o v e r. C o o k slowly or b a k e in m o d e r a t e oven (350 F. ) a b o u t hours. 0 C o m b i n e m e a t a n d sauce. S p r e a d on four slices of bread. F a s t e n on t o p slice of b r e a d with toothpicks. D i p in egg b e a t e n with milk. B r o w n b o t h sides in hot b u t t e r. S e r v e very hot. U s e bread or rice dressing for stuffing. Glazed Pork Casserole (Sweet Potatoes) (Potatoes) Cooking time: 0 p o u n d ground beef cup mashed potatoes t a b l e s p o o n minced onion Seasoning t a b l e s p o o n lard C o m b i n e beef, p o t a t o e s, onion, a n d S h a p e into 4 patties, -inch thick. seasoning. M e l t lard in h e a v y frying p a n. B r o w n p a t t i e s slowly. T u r n a n d finish cooking a n d browning. S e r v e very hot. Southern Beef Boll time: 30 c u p diced cooked pork cooked sweet p o t a t o e s t a b l e s p o o n s honey Yi c u p orange j u i c e P l a c e p o r k in a b u t t e r e d casserole. A d d diced sweet p o t a t o e s. C o v e r with honey. A d d orange juice. B a k e in a m o d e r a t e o v e n (350 F. ) a b o u t 30 m i n u t e s to h e a t a n d brown. 0- servings Baking time: Y hours p o u n d s g r o u n d beef chuck m e d i u m onion % c u p diced celery Y c u p lard Y c u p diced green pepper (optional) tablespoon salt eggs 3 cups soft bread crumbs Yi c u p w a t e r Yi c u p t o m a t o juice t a b l e s p o o n s b u t t e r or m a r g a r i n e Baking time: 30 cup ground cooked corned beef % cup gravy t a b l e s p o o n s minced onion t a b l e s p o o n s c h o p p e d green p e p p e r % c u p s sifted flour t e a s p o o n s b a k i n g powder Yz t e a s p o o n salt 3 t a b l e s p o o n s lard Yi c u p (about) milk, g r a v y, or s a u c e Combine meat, gravy, and vegetables. Make b a k i n g powder biscuit d o u g h using flour, b a k i n g powder, salt, lard, a n d milk. R o l l d o u g h into rectangular sheet a b o u t Y inch thick. Spread with beef m i x t u r e ; roll u p a s for a jelly roll. B a k e in a hot oven (400 F. ) for a b o u t 30 m i n u t e s or until well browned. Slice in thick slices a n d s e r v e with e x t r a g r a v y or t o m a t o sauce. B r o w n onion a n d celery in lard. C o m b i n e with green pepper, salt, eggs, b r e a d c r u m b s, a n d water to m a k e a dressing. A d d half of the dressing ( Yi c u p s ) to the m e a t, mixing well. P a t o u t half the m e a t m i x t u r e in a - q u a r t loaf p a n. C o v e r with remaining dressing, then t o p with remaining m e a t mixture. B a k e in a m o d e r a t e o v e n (350 F. ) \ Y hours. B a s t e twice with t o m a t o juice a n d melted b u t t e r or m a r g a r i n e t o keep loaf m o i s t. Variations: G r o u n d cooked h a m m a y b e u s e d in place of corned beef. Cooking time: Y hours U s e p o u n d g r o u n d heart, liver, or beef s h a n k with p o u n d beef chuck. 4 to 6 servings Sauce s m a l l onion clove garlic t a b l e s p o o n lard c u p cooked t o m a t o e s Yi cup w a t e r t a b l e s p o o n horseradish teaspoon mustard B r o w n diced onion a n d sliced garlic in f a t. other ingredients. Cover. S i m m e r hour. Add Yi p o u n d ground beef ounce ground beef s u e t t e a s p o o n salt t a b l e s p o o n flour t a b l e s p o o n lard C o m b i n e beef, suet, a n d salt thoroughly. S h a p e into -inch balls. R o l l in flour a n d brown in hot lard. A d d t o m a t o sauce. C o v e r a n d cook 0. S e r v e on hot s p a g h e t t i. S e r v e with g r a t e d s h a r p cheese. Ins t e a d of beef use ground cooked liver or B r a u n s c h w e i g e r. Mock Chicken Noodles Cooking time: % hours Yi p o u n d veal shoulder Y p o u n d pork shoulder Y p a c k a g e (4 oz.) egg noodles t e a s p o o n s salt t a b l e s p o o n s b u t t e r or m a r g a r i n e C u t veal a n d pork into -inch pieces. Season. C o v e r with water. S i m m e r until tender, \ y hours. A d d noodles a n d cook until noodles are tender, a b o u t 5. A d d seasoning a n d butter. Blend. A d d c u p cooked p e a s or celery. Scrambled Eggs with Dried Beef Cooking time: hour Meat Balls 4 to 6 servings ( B r e a d Crumbs) (Noodles) Western Ranch Meat Loaf U s e ground l a m b in place of beef. ( B a k i n g P o w d e r Biscuits) Baking (Macaroni) (Spaghetti) Yi c u p g r o u n d cooked m e a t t a b l e s p o o n s chili s a u c e or g r a v y 8 slices day-old b r e a d egg y c u p milk 4 t a b l e s p o o n s b u t t e r or m a r g a r i n e Beef Dinlier Patties Cooking time: Scalloped Macaroni and Hani Spaghetti and Meat Balls (Eggs) Cooking time: 5 4 eggs 4 ounces dried beef Y c u p e v a p o r a t e d milk tablespoons fat t e a s p o o n salt B e a t together eggs, milk, a n d salt. C u t dried beef in shreds. B r o w n lightly in melted fat. A d d egg mixture. S t i r gently while cooking. When set, serve a t once. Variations: I n place of browned dried beef use diced cooked chicken, veal, or beef. c u p diced cooked h a m t a b l e s p o o n s b u t t e r or m a r g a r i n e t a b l e s p o o n s flour teaspoon salt c u p s milk (or c u p e v a p o r a t e d milk a n d c u p water) c u p s (4 oz.) m a c a r o n i Y c u p g r a t e d s h a r p cheese Paprika M a k e a white s a u c e of the butter, flour, salt, a n d milk. Boil small pieces of m a c a r o n i in salted water until tender. D r a i n. I n a b u t t e r e d casserole place half the m a c a r o n i. A d d diced h a m a n d half the white sauce. C o v e r with macaroni, then white sauce. T o p with cheese a n d p a p r i k a. B a k e in a m o d e r a t e oven (350 F. ) a b o u t 45. I n place of h a m use picnic or a tabler e a d y cured pork loaf. Pork Liver with Spanish Sauce (Lima B e a n s ) Cooking time: 30 Yi p o u n d pork liver small onion Salt tablespoons lard Flour cup cooked t o m a t o e s c u p s cooked l i m a b e a n s Note: If dried lima b e a n s a r e used, s o a k in water for hours, then boil until tender. Slice liver in J^-mch slices. C u t in -inch pieces. S e a s o n a n d dredge with flour. B r o w n sliced onion a n d liver in lard (or bacon drippings). A d d t o m a t o e s. C o v e r a n d cook slowly 0 to 30. S e r v e over the hot lima beans. U s e t o a s t, rice, s p a g h e t t i, or b e a n s in place of lima beans. red Baked Beans and Sausage Loaf (Baked Beans) 6 servings Cooking time: 50 Yi p o u n d pork s a u s a g e m e a t t a b l e s p o o n s minced onion cup fine bread c r u m b s cup baked beans egg Seasoning P a n - f r y s a u s a g e a n d onion until lightly browned. C r u m b l e it a n d drain off f a t. A d d c r u m b s. M a s h b e a n s a n d a d d beaten egg. C o m b i n e all ingredients. S e a s o n to taste. B a k e in m u f f i n p a n s or gmall loaf p a n in m o d e r a t e oven (350 F. ) 45.

6 THE RIGHT FOODS HELP YOU FEEL BETTER AND WORK RETTER Serve a food from each group every day. Meat,Poultry,Fish Even with reduced quantities available, you should serve meat, poultry, or fish at least once every day. Many people make the most of meat by using meat extender recipes. Other Vegetables, Fruit Each day serve two or more vegetables such as beets, cauliflower, potatoes, onions, radishes, celery. Fruits apples, peaches, pears, grapes, berries, raisins, prunes, dates. Milk, Milk Products A child needs %to quart of milk per day. Grownups, too, should drink milk daily. Serve cheese frequently. Oranges, Grapefruit, Tomatoes Each day at least one serving. Store fruits in cool place. Air destroys vitamin C so wherever practical do not squeeze juice or open cans until just before serving. Cereals, Bread At least two servings whole-grain products, enriched bread daily. Leafy, Green, or Yellow Vegetables Each day one or more servings; some raw, some cooked. Leafy vegetables: lettuce, cabbage, spinach, beet, and other greens. Green vegetables green lima beans, peas, string beans, Brussels sprouts, etc. Yellow vegetables - carrots, squash, yellow corn, pumpkin, etc. Uggs Each day every one should eat an egg or at least three eggs a week. Butter, Margarine, Fats Each week everyone should eat to pound of fat. Fats furnish concentrated food energy. Sweets Use sweets and sweet desserts in moderation. Litho. in U.S.A

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