arxiv: v1 [quant-ph] 30 Jan 2019

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1 Universal logial gates with onstant overhea: instantaneous Dehn twists for hyperoli quantum oes Ali Lavasani, Guanyu Zhu, an Maissam Barkeshli Department of Physis, Conense Matter Theory Center, University of Marylan, College Park, Marylan 20742, USA an Joint Quantum Institute, University of Marylan, College Park, Marylan 20742, USA arxiv: v1 [quant-ph] 30 Jan 2019 A asi question in the theory of fault-tolerant quantum omputation is to unerstan the funamental resoure osts for performing a universal logial set of gates on enoe quits to aritrary auray. Here we onsier quits enoe with onstant spae overhea (i.e. finite enoing rate) in the limit of aritrarily large oe istane through the use of topologial oes assoiate to triangulations of hyperoli surfaes. We introue expliit protools to emonstrate how Dehn twists of the hyperoli surfae an e implemente on the oe through onstant epth unitary iruits, without inreasing the spae overhea. The iruit for a given Dehn twist onsists of a permutation of physial quits, followe y a onstant epth loal unitary iruit, where loality here is efine with respet to a hyperoli metri that efines the oe. Applying our results to the hyperoli Fionai Turaev-Viro oe implies the possiility of applying universal logial gate sets on enoe quits through onstant epth unitary iruits an with onstant spae overhea. Our iruits are inherently protete from errors as they map loal operators to loal operators while hanging the size of their support y at most a onstant fator; in the presene of noisy synrome measurements, our results suggest the possiility of universal fault tolerant quantum omputation with onstant spae overhea an time overhea of O(/ log ). For quantum iruits that allow parallel gate operations, this yiels the optimal saling of spae-time overhea known to ate. I. INTRODUCTION The signifiant effets of eoherene on quantum systems require that a fault-tolerant quantum omputer appropriately enoe logial quantum information an furthermore apply logial gates iretly on the enoe quits [1, 2]. However it is urrently an open question to unerstan the ultimate asymptoti resoure osts require for performing quantum error orretion an fault-tolerant quantum omputation. A quantum error orreting oe (QECC) enoes k logial quits using n physial quits, suh that a logial error ours if an only if errors our on at least /2 istint physial quits, where is referre to as the oe istane. The ratio k/n is alle the enoing rate. If a family of [[n, k, ]] QECCs possess a finite error threshol p th an errors on physial quits are inepenent an our with proaility p then a logial error will our with proaility p L (p/p th ) /2. Therefore as long as p < p th, the logial error rate an e mae exponentially small as is inrease. In orer to ahieve fault-tolerant quantum omputation, it must further e possile to implement an aurate universal set of logial gates on the enoe quits. The fault-tolerant storage an proessing of quantum information ome at signifiant resoure osts in oth spae overhea, n/k, an the time overhea for implementing logial gates. Families of QECCs that are known to possess a finite error threshol, oe istane growing with n, an onstant spae overhea, where n/k is Current affiliation: IBM T.J. Watson Researh Center, Yorktown Heights, NY a onstant inepenent of oe istane, have een propose through two asi onstrutions. The first is in terms of topologial oes efine on ellulations of hyperoli spae [3, 4]. The seon is the hypergraph prout oe onstrution[5, 6][7]. While onstant spae overhea is known to e possile, it is unlear what the funamental time overhea must e for performing a universal set of logial gates. Universal logial gate sets on enoe quits an in general e implemente through three known methos: (1) state istillation an gate implementation through measurements [1, 8], (2) oe swithing [9], an (3) raiing or Dehn twist operations in appropriate lasses of topologial oes [10 16]. The methos (1) - (3) neessarily require either (a) measurements, whih are non-trivial to take faulttolerantly, together with follow-up operations that epen on the results of those measurements, or () unitary iruits whose epth grows linearly with the oe istane. An exeption is the lass of protools reently introue in Ref. [17, 18], whih emonstrate how universal gate sets an e applie through onstant epth unitary iruits (with the epth inepenent of n an ). To ate, it has not een emonstrate how methos (2) or (3) an e omine with QECCs that have onstant spae overhea. Moreover, to our knowlege the optimal spae-time overhea ahieve using metho (1) is ue to a proposal of Gottesman [19], who showe that onstant spae an time overhea are simultaneously ahievale for sequential quantum iruits. This means that a generi quantum iruit of epth D, whih an e implemente in O(D) time using parallel gate operations, oul take up to time O(kD) if implemente sequentially. In this paper we onsier the most general lass of

2 2 topologial oes, whih we refer to as Turaev-Viro oes. These are ase on Turaev-Viro-Barrett-Westury topologial quantum fiel theories (TQFTs) [20, 21] an are stailize y the Levin-Wen string-net Hamiltonians [12]. This lass of TQFTs inlue, as speial ases, the theories that esrie the Kitaev surfae oe an quantum oule moels [11]. The use of these TQFTs an the assoiate Levin-Wen Hamiltonians as quantum oes was isusse expliitly in Ref. 14. Here we onsier Turaev-Viro oes efine on triangulations of hyperoli surfaes. As we review elow, the onstant negative urvature of the hyperoli surfae allows for a finite enoing rate an thus onstant spae overhea for the assoiate topologial oe [3]. Suh hyperoli oes an e implemente in a flat twoimensional layout of physial quits y allowing longrange ouplings etween the physial quits a possiility allowe y a variety of quantum omputing arhitetures (e.g. ion traps [22, 23], moular arhitetures of superonuting avity networks [24 27], Ryerg atoms [28 31] an silion photonis [32]), an a neessary requirement for any QECC with onstant spae overhea. In partiular, a reent experimental realization of hyperoli iruit QED latties [33] is ahieve y utilizing the feature that the avity quantum us (use to onnet superonuting quits) an have a wie range of length sales. The main result of our paper is an expliit protool for implementing Dehn twist operations in hyperoli Turaev-Viro oes through onstant epth unitary iruits. Here onstant epth refers to the fat that the epth of the iruit is inepenent of n an. We note that throughout this paper, y onstant epth unitary iruit, we assume impliitly that every gate in the iruit also ats on a onstant numer (inepenent of an n) of physial quits. Our iruit takes the form of a permutation on quits, followe y a onstant epth iruit whih is loal with respet to the hyperoli metri that astratly efines the oe. The permutation an e implemente with a epth-two iruit y applying long-range SWAP operations in parallel throughout the oe. These results generalize our earlier work [17, 18, 34] emonstrating that rais an Dehn twists in general topologial oes assoiate with triangulations of Euliean spae an e implemente y similar onstant epth unitary iruits. The extension to hyperoli spae esrie here implies that these protools are also ompatile with having onstant spae overhea. Our results emonstrate expliitly an avantage in terms of spae omplexity for implementing the mapping lass group of lose manifols in topologial oes, as ompare with the more well-stuie rai group of puntures. Our protools are inherently protete from errors in the sense that all error strings that are introue to the system y faulty physial operations have O(1) length; moreover, all pre-existing error strings grow y at most an O(1) fator. State ifferently, our iruits map loal operators to loal operators: an operator with support in a loal region R is mappe to an operator with support in a loal region R, suh that the area of R an R are relate y a onstant fator inepenent of. However, sine this onstant fator is greater than unity, our iruits may grow error strings y a onstant fator that is larger than unity. In the presene of synrome measurement errors we thus require O() rouns of error orretion for every O(log ) logial gates that are applie. Our protools emonstrate how to apply logial gate operations in hyperoli oes without inreasing the spae overhea. For non-aelian topologial oes, this is the first example of suh protools. For Aelian topologial oes, suh as the Z 2 hyperoli surfae oe (the extension of the Kitaev Z 2 tori oe to hyperoli spae), a measurement-ase approah using twist efet anillas was esrie in Ref. 35. The onstant epth logial gates evelope here for the general hyperoli Turaev-Viro oe also e applie to the hyperoli surfae oe as a speifi ase, where a suset of Cliffor logial gates [34] an e implemente through onstant epth unitary iruits. We note that Ref. 36 also isusse Dehn twists in hyperoli stailizer oes, however onstant epth protools that an preserve the onstant spae overhea were not presente. As we isuss, our protools have important impliations for improving the asymptoti saling of the spaetime overhea require for fault-tolerant universal quantum omputation. In partiular, they suggest that universal fault-tolerant quantum omputation with onstant spae overhea an a time ost of O(D/ log ) is possile for a logial quantum iruit of epth D. For ertain highly parallel logial quantum iruits, this yiels the est asymptoti saling known to ate. This paper is organize as follows. In Se. II, we review the onstrution of hyperoli Turaev-Viro oes. In Se. III, we sketh the two key steps for how to implement logial operations orresponing to Dehn twists in hyperoli Turaev-Viro oes. The first step requires expliit maps representing Dehn twists on hyperoli surfaes, whih we present in Se. IV. The seon step, explaine in Se. V emonstrates how Turaev-Viro oes assoiate with ifferent triangulations of hyperoli spae an e relate to eah other through loal onstant epth iruits. In Se. VI we isuss the fault-tolerane of these protools an an their impliations for asymptoti spae-time resoure osts for universal fault-tolerant quantum omputation. We onlue with a isussion in Se. VII. II. HYPERBOLIC TURAEV-VIRO CODE The Turaev Viro oe [12, 14] is a quantum error orreting oe whih is efine ase on a given unitary fusion ategory C an is onstrute using quits that resie on the eges of a triangulation Λ of a surfae Σ. Below we riefly review the onstrution of suh oes.

3 3 Q v B p Λ is a triangulation of the surfae, ˆΛ is a trivalent graph. If a quit is in state a, we say a type a string is passing through the orresponing ege on ˆΛ an lael the ege y a. The wave funtions of the oe spae then an e seen as superpositions of string-net onfigurations that are onsistent with ertain string ranhing rules[12]. The oe spae H Λ (Σ) is a suspae of the full Hilert spae of the physial quits. The topologial nature of the oe guarantees that ifferent hoies of triangulations Λ an ranhing strutures yiel isomorphi oe suspaes. In partiular H Λ (Σ) orrespons to the groun state suspae of a loal Levin-Wen Hamiltonian [12]: HˆΛ = v Q v p B p, (4) FIG. 1. A triangulation Λ rawn y light gray soli lines an its ual trivalent graph ˆΛ rawn y ark lue lines. The arrows on the eges efine the ranhing struture. Blak ots represent the physial quits. Examples of vertex operators Q v an flux operators B p an their support are also illustrate. Consier a unitary fusion ategory [13] C with N simple ojets. We assoiate a vetor spae Va to any triplet of simple ojets (a,, ), whose imension orrespons to the fusion rules: N a = im V a. (1) We may write fusion rules formally as: a = N a. (2) Assoiativity of the fusion rules gives a onstraint on the fusion oeffiients Na. In partiular, the vetor spaes e V a e V e an f V f V af are isomorphi. The unitary map etween these two vetor spaes are the F - symols of the theory, F a : e V e a V e f V f V af (3) Consier a surfae Σ together with a triangulation Λ (see Fig. 1) of Σ. The triangulation is also equippe with a ranhing struture (i.e. a loal orering of verties). To eah ege of the triangulation we assign an N-state quit with states laele a i, where a i are the simple ojets in C. For simpliity of the onstrution we assume that the fusion rules Na are 0 or 1, although this an e easily generalize y inluing aitional egrees of freeom at the verties. To efine the oe, it is simpler to work with the ellulation ual to Λ, whih we enote y ˆΛ. Note that sine where v an p sum over all verties an plaquettes of ˆΛ respetively (see Fig. 1). All Q v an B p operators ommute with eah other. One an think of this moel as a generalization from the aelian surfae oe to aritrary (aelian an non-aelian) non-hiral topologial orers in 2D. We note that the Levin-Wen Hamiltonian as efine in Ref. 12 requires a ertain tetraheral symmetry for the F -symols, whih makes the ranhing struture of the triangulation unneessary, although the onstrution an e generalize to relax this onition. The vertex operator Q v is a loal projetion operator whih ensures that the groun state wave funtion is onsistent with the ranhing rules of the theory. The ation of Q v on a state ψ epens only on the states of quits that resie on the eges whih are inient to v an is efine as: Q v v a = N a v a (5) The ation of the flux operator B p on a wave funtion epens only on the eges whih are inient on the verties of p an is efine using the F -symols. It an e thought of as the generalization of the loal plaquette operators in Z 2 surfae oes. Its exat form is rather ompliate an we refer the intereste reaer to Referenes [12, 14] for a omplete an through review of the Turaev-Viro oes. Just like the surfae oe, the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian (4) an e realize in an ative error orretion approah y repeate measurement of all Q v an B p operators, eah of whih an e performe y a loal onstant epth iruit together with an anilla. The measurement results are then use to etet an orret possile errors. Designing expliit quantum iruits for synrome measurements an fining fault tolerant error orretion shemes for speifi variants of Turaev Viro oes are sujets of ongoing researh [37 39]. A hyperoli Turaev-Viro oe is a Turaev-Viro oe whih is efine on a triangulation of a lose hyperoli surfae Σ. A lose hyperoli surfae is a lose surfae

4 4 enowe with a Riemannian metri of onstant urvature 1. Due to the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, the area of suh a surfae an e foun from its genus g: A Σ = 4π(g 1). (6) The numer of logial quits (i.e. log[im H Λ (Σ)]) for a topologial quantum oe on a lose genus g surfae is proportional to g. On the other han, for a fine triangulation with oune geometry, where y oune geometry we mean that the ege lengths an angles are oune from aove an elow, the numer of physial quits n is proportional to the surfae area A Σ an the oe istane sales as log(n) [3]. Therefore, aoring to (6), y using hyperoli surfaes of inreasing genus we an onstrut a family of hyperoli Turaev-Viro oes with onstant enoing rate an inreasing oe istane. Note that the enoing rate for a quantum oe efine on an Euliean surfae is O(1/ 2 ) an goes to 0 as one goes to large istanes [40]. We further note that the existene of a lower oun on the angles in the fine triangulation also ensures that the assoiate error-orreting oe is in essene a lowensity parity hek (LDPC) oe, whih has a lowweight (upper-oune) plaquette synrome B p on the ual trivalent graph ˆΛ (the vertex operator Q v is always weight-3 ue to the efinition of a triangulation or equivalently the trivalent struture of its ual graph). As is the ase with stailizer oes [41], the LDPC property is important for the possiility of an error threshol in the presene of noise uring the synrome measurements. A partiular type of triangulation satisfying this property is the Delaunay triangulation, whih is a unique triangulation for a given set of verties that maximizes the smallest angle among all possile triangulations [42]. The hyperoli Delaunay triangulation an e onstrute numerially starting from a ranomly pike istriution of verties with a given average ensity in hyperoli spae. Then stanar lassial omputer algorithms generating a Delaunay triangulation, suh as the raial-sweep algorithm, an e applie [42]. Some etaile stuies of hyperoli Delaunay triangulations an also e foun in Ref. 43 an 44. We note that numerial eviene for a finite error threshol in hyperoli surfae (stailizer) oes was estalishe in Ref. [36, 45]. III. GEOMETRIC GATE SETS FOR HYPERBOLIC TURAEV-VIRO CODES Consier a Turaev-Viro oe efine using a unitary fusion ategory C on a triangulation Λ of a lose surfae Σ with genus g. It is well-known that the oe spae H Λ (Σ) forms a non-trivial representation of the mapping lass group (MCG) of the surfae Σ. In other wors, elements of the MCG implement ertain non-trivial operations on the oe spae. Reall that the MCG is the group of homeomorphisms of the surfae moulo those homeomorphisms that are ontinuously onnete to the ientity [46]. We all the set of suh operations the geometri gate set. Gates orresponing to MCG operations are naturally topologially protete (an thus an e mae fault-tolerant) an an e implemente through a variety of methos [13, 14, 16, 17, 34, 47]. For ertain oes, suh as the Fionai Turaev-Viro oe, the geometri gate set forms a universal gate set [10]. Here we onsier a way of implementing MCG elements in terms of onstant epth unitary iruits that is losely relate to the metho propose in [17], although our presentation elow is somewhat ifferent an more general. This metho an then e applie to the ase of hyperoli oes whih yiel onstant spae overhea. Let U e a mapping lass group element of the surfae Σ. We enote its representation on the oe spae H Λ (Σ) y U. For a given U, one an implement U using the following proeure: (Step 1) Let f U : Σ Σ e a speifi homeomorphism representing U. We move the verties of Λ using f U, an onnet them as they were onnete originally to get a new triangulation of Σ whih we enote y Λ. This operation orrespons to a permutation of the physial quits. If the quits are moile, this transformation an e arrie out y shuttling the quits aroun. Otherwise, it an e implemente as a epth-two iruit y using longrange SWAPs in parallel throughout the system [17]. (Step 2) Sine the Turaev-Viro oe was efine using the triangulation Λ, after the first step the wave funtion of the system woul no longer e in the original oe spae H Λ (Σ). Rather it woul e assoiate to the oe spae H Λ (Σ) of a ifferent triangulation Λ. To remey this, we apply a loal quantum iruit that effetively implements a loal geometry eformation an transforms the oe efine on the Λ triangulation ak to the one efine on the original Λ triangulation. We will show in susequent setions that this retriangulation an e performe via a onstant epth loal quantum iruit. If we regar this transformation as a homeomorphism of the surfae Σ, it woul e equivalent to the trivial element of MCG, whih ensures that it will not result in another nontrivial transformation on top of the map U. Details of the geometry eformation iruit are explaine in Setion V. As an example, take Σ to e the torus T 2 with a regular triangulation Λ whih is use to efine the Turaev-Viro oe. To onstrut the torus, we an take a square of sie 1 an ientify the opposite sies. Alternatively, we an start with the omplex plane C an ientify points aoring to equivalene relations z z + 1 an z z + i. We an use these ientifiation rules to efine a universal overing map from C to T 2. A

5 5 α α β β (a) () α α β β () () In Ref [17, 18], the aove proeure has een use extensively to implement MCG elements y finite epth quantum iruits in QECCs whih are efine on Euliean surfaes. The main result of this work is that the same asi iea an e use to implement logial gates in QECCs whih are efine on a hyperoli surfae. In the following we are going to explain in etail how one an implement geometri gates in hyperoli Turaev-Viro oes. Let Σ enote a hyperoli surfae that is use to efine the hyperoli Turaev-Viro oe. Sine the MCG an e generate y the Dehn twists aroun the hanles of Σ, to implement an aritrary geometri gate it suffies to e ale to implement Dehn twists aroun the hanles of Σ [17]. In Setion IV, we onstrut speifi iffeomorphisms that orrespon to the asi Dehn twists, whih then an e use to arry out Step 1 of the aove proeure. Next, in Setion V, we introue the loal finite epth quantum iruit that onverts two given triangulations to one another. By omining the results of these two setions an following the aove proeure, one an implement the representation of any asi Dehn twists on the oe spae H Λ (Σ), an hene implement any geometri gate y a onstant epth unitary iruit. FIG. 2. (a) The omplex plane C as the universal over of the torus T 2. Blue an re lines orrespon to the anonial loops on the torus. The triangulation Λ of the torus is shown as well. The shae region an e taken as the funamental omain of the overing. By applying f U (x + iy) = x + i(x + y) (green arrows), the shae region in (a) maps to the sheare region in () an the β loop maps to β while the α loop remains intat. By looking at the original funamental omain as in () it eomes lear that β goes aroun oth hanles. Appliation of the loal geometry eformation iruit then reovers the original triangulation as shown in () an maps the wave funtion ak into the original oe spae. triangulation of T 2 then translates to a triangulation of the omplex plane (see Fig. 2a). Let U = D α e the Dehn twist along α, the meriional loop of the torus(for a rief review of Dehn twists, see Appenix A). Consier the shearing map f D (x + iy) = x + i(x + y). It is easy to verify that this map respets the equivalene relations an orrespons to a Dehn twist along the α loop. If we move (permute) the quits aoring to f D, we get the onfiguration shown in Fig. 2. Note that as a result of this map, the string along the β loop now enirles oth hanles while the string along the α loop remains unhange, as one woul expet form a Dehn twist along α. As a result of the previous step, the triangulation of the torus has een hange, as one an see y omparing Fig. 2() an Fig. 2(a). To ompensate for that, we will apply a loal unitary iruit, whih orrespons to the trivial element of the MCG, to restore the original triangulation without applying any further logial gate. The final result is shown in Fig. 2(). IV. CONTINUOUS MAPS FOR DEHN TWISTS First we onentrate on the g = 2 ase. After eveloping the maps for the simplest ase, we show how these maps an e generalize for a surfae of aritrary genus. A. Dehn Twists on a Doule torus Let Σ 2 e an aritrary genus 2 surfae. As a surfae with negative Euler harateristi, χ( Σ 2 ) = 2, it amits a hyperoli metri, i.e. a omplete finite area Riemannian metri of onstant negative urvature 1. One way to efine a hyperoli metri on Σ 2 is to start with the regular hyperoli otagon on H 2 whose interior angles sum to 2π, known as the Frike anonial polygon [48, 49]. If we ientify every other ege as shown in Fig. 3a with the arrows speifying how the eges shoul e line up, we otain a genus g = 2 hyperoli surfae Σ 2 shown in Fig. 3, whih is homeomorphi to Σ 2. Aoring to Ref. [50], the homeomorphism an e upgrae to a iffeomorphism an thus inues a hyperoli metri on Σ 2. From now on, we onentrate on Σ 2, knowing that our statements aout Σ 2 an e generalize to the Σ 2 surfae using the aforementione iffeomorphism. If we instea onsier moving the verties of the otagon to more general loations on the hyperoli plane to otain an irregular otagon, we move through Teihmuller spae, whih is the spae of hyperoli metris of the lose hyperoli surfae.

6 6 β 2 α 1 β 1 β 1 α 2 α 2 α 1 α 2 β 1 β 2 β 2 α 1 H 2 (a) () () H 2 FIG. 3. (a) The anonial otagon plotte on the Poinare isk moel of the hyperoli plane. Eges with the same olor (lael) have to e ientifie suh that the arrows on the two eges line up to eah other. () The Σ 2 surfae resulting from ientifying the eges of the anonial otagon. () Tilling of the hyperoli plane y the anonial otagon. As a result of the ientifiation sheme, all verties of the anonial polygon represent a single point on Σ 2 an thus the sies of the polygon orrespon to lose loops with a ommon ase point on Σ 2 (see Fig. 3). Conversely, if we start with the oule torus in Fig. 3 an ut the surfae along these loops, we will otain the otagon in Fig. 3a. In fat, these loops an e taken as the generators of the funamental group π 1 (Σ 2 ), π 1 (Σ 2 ) = α 1, β 1, α 2, β 2 2 i=1 α i β i α 1 i β 1 i = 1. (7) An element of the MCG will take these loops to some other loops on Σ 2, an thus naturally inues a map over π 1 (Σ 2 ). More preisely, it an e shown [51, 52] that the mapping lass group is isomorphi to the group of outer automorphisms of the funamental group, MCG(Σ 2 ) Out(π 1 (Σ 2 )) = Aut(π 1 (Σ 2 ))/Inn(π 1 (Σ 2 )), (8) where Aut(G) an Inn(G) enote the automorphism group an inner automorphism group of G respetively. The equivalene uner Inn(π 1 (Σ 2 )) is relate to the fat that in general, homeomorphisms of Σ 2 will not keep the ase point of the loops in π 1 (Σ 2 ) fixe. Let U enote an aritrary element of the mapping lass group an hene an equivalene lass of homeomorphisms on Σ 2. Due to Eq. (8), U also orrespons to an equivalene lass of automorphisms of π 1 (Σ 2 ). In the rest of this paper, in an ause of notation we use the same symol U to enote oth the equivalene lasses of homeomorphisms an Out(π 1 (Σ 2 )) an also representatives of these lasses. Consier the anonial otagon on the hyperoli plane. By attahing a opy of the otagon on eah ege aoring to the ientifiation rules an ontinuing this proeure inefinitely for the eges of the newly ae otagons, one will en up with the {8, 8} tiling of the hyperoli plane (see Fig. 3). The result an e use to efine a overing map p : H 2 Σ 2 whih along with H 2 makes up the universal over of Σ 2. In what follows we provie expliit expressions for the homeomorphisms of Σ 2 to itself orresponing to the Dehn twists along the primary loops of Σ Dehn twists along the α an β loops We start with the Dehn twist along α 1. D : Σ 2 Σ 2 (9) To fin an element of Aut(π 1 (Σ 2 )) whih represents D, it is enough to see how it ats on the anonial loops of the Σ 2 surfae. To this en we an use the Dehn surgery metho esrie in Appenix A. However, for simpliity, first we push the α 1 slightly to the left to etah it from the α 2 an β 2 loops an onsier the twist map along this new loop. Note that the Dehn twist D epens only on the isotopy lass of α 1. Then, as one an verify y looking at Fig. 3 an using the Dehn surgery metho, D maps β 1 to β 1 1 an leaves all the other anonial loops invariant. Note that we use the left to right onvention for loop multipliation; if f an g are two loops with a ommon ase point, fg orrespons to a loop that traes f first an then g. Instea of speifying D, we provie an expliit form for its lift to the overing spae Dα 1 : H 2 H 2 suh that the iagram elow ommutes: D α 1 H 2 H 2 Σ 2 D Σ 2 p p (10) To this en, we efine how Dα 1 ats on the points of a funamental omain. Its ation on the other points of

7 7 H 2 are efine aoringly to ensure ommutativity of the iagram in Eq.(10). We take the funamental omain to e the anonial otagon (shae region in Fig. 4a). The ation of Dα 1 on the funamental omain gives the sheare otagon shown in Fig. 4. As one an easily verify, it transforms the β 1 loop to β 1 1 as esire, while all the other loops remain unhange. In partiular note that the α 1 loop is mappe to itself an thus has not hange. We efine the map Dα 1 more preisely as follows. We map ABC in Fig. 4 to ACE an ACD to AED, where ABC enotes the hyperoli triangle mae y onneting A,B an C via geoesis on H 2. All the other regions in the otagon are left untouhe. Mapping ABC to ACE is one as follows. Consier an aritrary point, x, insie ABC (see Fig. 4). To fin its image x = Dα 1 (x), first raw the geoesi line that passes through A an x, an ontinue it to fin its rossing point M with the line BC. Now hoose M on line CE suh that CM / CE = BM / BC. By P Q we mean the length of the geoesi line onneting P an Q, measure using the hyperoli metri. Finally, we hoose x on the AM line suh that Ax / AM = Ax / AM. ACD is mappe similarly to AED. It is lear that this map is ontinuous for the points insie the funamental omain. It is also straightforwar to hek that this map is onsistent with ege ientifiation rules an thus is ontinuous throughout the H 2 plane. Moreover, the iagram in Eq.(10) ommutes y onstrution an hene D is ontinuous on Σ 2. Furthermore, as we expliitly verify in Appenix B, this map oes not hange the area of any region y more than a onstant fator. This is an important property whih allows the seon step of our Dehn twist protool, as we explain in susequent setions. Dehn twists along β 1, α 2 an β 2 are efine in a similar manner. 2. Dehn twists along the γ loop To generate all elements of the MCG we nee the Dehn twist along the γ loop as well (see Fig. 5a). The anonial otagon whih we use to efine D has two important features: first, D only hanges the β 1 sies while leaving other sies of the otagon invariant; seon, α 1 an β 1 were neighoring sies of the otagon. However, sine oth β 1 an β 2 transform non-trivially uner D γ an sine the γ loop is not one of the polygon s sies, the ation of D γ on the anonial otagon is not as simple as D an looks rather ompliate. Therefore to onstrut D γ, it is easier to work with a ifferent funamental omain. To fin the appropriate funamental omain, we ut Σ 2 along a new set of loops rather than the stanar α s an β s. Let α i enote the α i loop translate through β i : α i = β i α i β 1 i. (11) α 1 is illustrate in Fig. 5a. Note that we an write γ as: We also efine δ as: γ = α 1 2 α 1 = α 1 2 β 1α 1 β 1 1. (12) δ = β 2 β 1, (13) whih represents a loop that enirles oth holes of Σ 2. As was the ase for the α 1 Dehn twist, to fin an automorphism of π 1 (Σ 2 ) orresponing to D γ first we push the γ loop shown in Fig. 5a slightly to the right an then use the Dehn surgery metho to fin its ation on various loops. We remark that if we use another loop, e.g. if we pushe the γ loop slightly to the left instea, we woul fin the same automorphism up to an ation of Inn(π 1 ). Note that ue to Eq. (8), all suh maps represent the same element of the mapping lass group. The representative automorphism inue y D γ on π 1 (Σ 2 ) an then e summarize in the following four equations: D γ (α 1 ) = α 1, D γ (β 1 ) = γ 1 β 1, D γ ( α 2 ) = α 2, D γ (β 2 ) = β 2 γ. (14) Note that D γ leaves the δ loop invariant. To fin the appropriate funamental omain, we trae the {α 1, β 1, α 2, β 2 } loops with {γ, β 1, α 2, δ}. The group relation in Eq.(7) an e expresse in terms of these loops as well: α 1 2 δ 1 α 2 δβ 1 1 γβ 1γ 1 = 1. (15) Note that {γ 1, β 1 } as well as { α 2, δ} have algerai intersetion 1 while the two sets are mutually etahe, i.e. the algerai intersetion numer of a loop from the first set an a loop from the seon set is 0. So the {γ, β 1, α 2, δ} loops oul have een taken as the primary loops of Σ 2 in the first plae. This in turn suggests using an otagon with its sies following the δ, α 2,β 1 an γ loops. Suh an irregular otagon is shown in Fig. 5. As one an easily verify, this an e taken as the funamental omain of the mapping p. Moreover, it has the features we are looking for: uner the ation of D γ, only the β 1 loop gets eforme an, furthermore, the γ an β 1 loops are represente y neighoring sies of the polygon. Dγ (the lift of D γ to H 2 ) shears the otagon shown in Fig.5 to the one shown in Fig.5. More preisely, F GA is mappe to F AH an F AB is eforme to F HB. Mapping the triangles is one through the same proeure esrie in Setion IV A 1. The ation of Dγ on the other points of H 2 is then efine aoring to the ientifiation rules. It is straightforwar to verify ontinuity of the map. Moreover, as we verify in Appenix B, these maps o not hange the area of any region of the surfae y more than a onstant fator. Any element of the MCG of the oule torus an e generate using D αi, D βi an D γ. In the next setion we isuss how these onstrutions generalize to higher genus surfaes.

8 8 A B A A B 1 B x M x C E M E 1 D C C D D (a) E () () FIG. 4. (a) The funamental omain (the shae region) an e ientifie with Σ2. We efine the ation of the shearing map on the points in this region. The ation of the map on the other points is efine aoring to the ientifiation sheme. (). () Example of the ation of the map: the point x insie the Image of the funamental omain uner the shearing map Dα 1 0 triangle ABC maps to the point x insie ACE. See the text for etails. H γ A α 1 B γ γ γ G F (a) α 2 δ γ 1 H A γ 1 α 2 G F α 2 δ δ B γ α 2 δ () () FIG. 5. (a) α 1 = 1 an γ loops on the Σ2 surfae. () The shae region an e taken as the funamental omain of the overing map. () Image of the the shae region in () uner the shearing map Dγ. B. Dehn Twists on Genus g surfae an e written as, 1 γi = αi+1 α i. A hyperoli genus g surfae an e otaine y ientifying every other ege of a 4g-gon, whose angles sum to 2π, in hyperoli spae. The spae of ifferent hyperoli metris, Teihmuller spae, orrespons to inequivalent hoies of the loations of the verties of the 4g-gon [53]. Here we onsier the anonial 4g-gon, i.e. a regular 4g-gon on H2. The sies of the polygon an e use to generate the funamental group of the Σg surfae: π1 (Σg ) = h,,, αg, βg g Y αi βi αi 1 βi 1 = 1i. i=1 (16) The MCG of Σg an e generate y Dehn twists along αi an βi for i = 1,, g an γi for i = 1,, g 1. γi (17) where α i is efine as in (11). Sine our maps for the Dehn twists on the oule torus moify only a speifi orner of the polygon while leaving the other parts of it fixe, they generalize naturally to maps on the 4g-gons. Also as in the previous g = 2 ase, to onstrut Dγi, it is easier to work with an irregular g-gon. As an example, the g = 3 ase is analyze in more etail in the Appenix C. Furthermore, in Appenix B we show that this map oes not hange the area of any region y more than a onstant oune fator, even in the limit g. As explaine in the next setion, this feature is important to ensure that the epth of the loal geometry hange iruit remains onstant as one inreases the oe istane (see Se V).

9 9 V. CHANGE OF TRIANGULATION As esrie in Se. III, step (1) of our protool permutes the quits y applying the ontinuous shear map of Se. IV to the triangulation Λ. After the permutation, the original triangulation Λ is hange to a sheare triangulation Λ. In orer to return to the original Hilert spae H Λ an hene reah a non-trivial unitary map preserving the oe spae, we nee to swith the triangulation ak from Λ to Λ. In this setion, we evise a loal unitary iruit to swith a Turaev-Viro oe etween two aritrary triangulations Λ an Λ. We onsier Λ an Λ to have the same numer of verties an eges for any given region, up to at most a onstant fator, [as illustrate in Fig. 6(a)]. Sine the swithing iruit an e parallelize y ating throughout the whole spae at one, the epth of the iruit only epens on. To present our algorithm it is more onvenient to show the swith etween the two ual trivalent graphs instea, as iniate y the thik lue lines in Fig. 6(a). For larity, we rop the ranhing struture (previously iniate y arrows on the eges) of the graphs in this setion. Many theories of interest, suh as the Ising oe an the Fionai oe, o not require the ranhing struture. A. Gagets The elementary re-triangulation gagets we use are assoiate with the 2-2 an 1-3 Pahner moves, shown in Fig. 6() an (). They orrespon to unitary transformations that take the wave funtion efine on a triangulation Λ I to the wave funtion efine on a ifferent triangulation Λ II, whih iffers loally: ΨˆΛI ΨˆΛI a e = f F a ef ΨˆΛII e f = [Ffe a ] f a ΨˆΛII a f (18) a, (19) where Fef a is the F-symol that efines the Turaev-Viro oe, an,, an f are the quantum imensions of anyons laele y, an f. For the 2-2 Pahner move [Eq. (18)], the state laels on the four external legs (a,, an ) are fixe, while the internal ege is flippe (oth in the triangulation an trivalent graph) with the state laels hanging from e to f. The 2-2 Pahner move an e implemente y unitary gates ating on physial quits as will e illustrate elow. For the 1-3 Pahner move [Eq. (19)], the state laels on the three external legs (a,, an ) are fixe, while a triangle with three new eges (e, an f) is ae at the enter of the trivalent graph (from ˆΛ I to ˆΛ II ). Corresponingly, in the original triangulation, a three-legge vertex is ae in the enter of a triangle (from Λ I to Λ II ) [see Fig. 6()]. These new eges ome from anilla quits initialize at 0, whih then get entangle into the oe y the 1-3 Pahner move, whih an e onsiere as a fine graining proeure. The reverse of this proess is a oarse graining proeure. The 1-3 Pahner move an also e implemente y unitary gates, whih an e eompose into 2-2 Pahner moves an two other simple unitary gates (see Ref. [17, 18] for etails). In the ase of the Fionai Turaev-Viro oe, we have two simple ojets in the unitary fusion ategory, laele 0 an 1, with fusion rules 1 1 = 0 + 1, an the only non-trivial F -matrix is: ( ) F1 111 φ 1 φ = 1 2, (20) φ 1 2 φ 1 where φ = is the golen ratio. All other F - symols are either 1 or 0, epening on whether they are onsistent with the fusion rules an Eq. (18). A speifi quantum iruit implementing the 2-2 Pahner move (F -operations) in the Fionai oe was presente in Ref. [37] an is shown in Fig. 6(). The iruit insie the ashe ox is ompose of a 5-quit Toffoli gate sanwihe y two single-quit rotations, whih implements the F -matrix in (20). Here, R y (±θ) = e ±iθσy/2 represents single-quit rotations aout the y-axis with angle θ=tan 1 (φ 1 2 ). All the other maps are taken are of y the rest of the quantum iruit in panel (). For the other wiely onsiere ase, the Z 2 hyperoli surfae oes, the F-symols an Pahner moves an e implemente via only CNOTs (see Ref. [17] for etails). Base on these gagets, we introue the following two lemmas aout the trivalent graphs, whih serve as aitional gagets for the main algorithm. Lemma 0.1 Two ege-sharing plaquettes on a trivalent graph an e merge into a single plaquette using s 2 steps of Pahner moves, where here s is the numer of eges in the smaller plaquette (i.e., plaquette with fewer eges). An ege-sweeping algorithm implements the aove statement as shown in Fig. 6(e) with s 3 steps of 2-2 Pahner moves an a 1 3 Pahner move in the en. Using the aove plaquette-merging gaget, we an also emonstrate the following lemma when onsiering merging many plaquettes in parallel, as illustrate in Fig. 6(f). In partiular, one merges all mergeale neighoring pairs in eah step. Lemma 0.2 A olletion of m ontiguous plaquettes an e merge with O (log 2 (m)) rouns of merging of the ege-sharing plaquettes. The epth of the algorithm is upper oune y O (l log 2 (m)) steps of Pahner moves. Here, l is hosen to e the numer of eges of the largest plaquette in this olletion.

10 10 (a) () 2-2 Pahner move () 1-3 Pahner move swith () F operation F-matrix (e) 2-2 Pahner move 2-2 Pahner move a e = = 1-3 Pahner move (f) FIG. 6. (a) Example of two ifferent triangulations Λ an Λ (an their ual graphs) with the same average vertex ensity, whih we wish to swith etween. (,) Elementary gagets: 2-2 an 1-3 Pahner moves on the triangulation (represente y ˆΛ I to ˆΛ II in the top row) an its ual trivalent graph (represente y ˆΛ I to ˆΛ II in the ottom row). The lak ots represent ata quits, while the white ots represent anilla quits initialize to 0. () The quantum iruit implementing the 2-2 Pahner move (F operation) in the Fionai moel. (e) The ege-sweep algorithm to merge two ege-sharing plaquettes on a trivalent graph y s 3 steps of 2-2 Pahner moves followe y a 1-3 Pahner move in the en. (f) A parallel merging algorithm. (a) introue a oarser akgroun graph () math verties () math eges () oarse graining (e) math new verties an eges (f) = FIG. 7. The main swithing algorithm etween trivalent graphs ˆΛ an ˆΛ. B. The main algorithm Here, we present the main algorithm to swith etween the triangulations Λ an Λ (an equivalently the ual graphs ˆΛ an ˆΛ ). For the larity of presentation, we hoose a partiular orer y swithing from ˆΛ to ˆΛ, although the algorithm an orresponing quantum iruit is reversile. The etaile algorithm is as follows: 1. We first introue a trivalent graph ˆΛ C oarser than the two fine trivalent graphs ˆΛ (starting graph) an ˆΛ (target graph) we want to swith etween. In partiular, we onsier a oarser graph ˆΛ C that enirles at most m plaquettes of the starting finer graph ˆΛ. We note that m nees to e oune an inepenent of oe istane. We also require that any plaquette in the oarser graph

11 11 ˆΛ C ontains at least one plaquette of the finer graphs, as illustrate in Fig. 7(a). Now the oarser graph ˆΛ C also enirles at most m plaquettes of the target finer graph ˆΛ. As isusse in Se. IV an Appenix B, the area ratio for a given infinitesimal oe path efore an after the appliation of the shear maps (elonging to ˆΛ an ˆΛ respetively) is a oune onstant inepenent of (an thus also inepenent of the numer of physial quits n). This ensures that the ratio m/m is also oune an inepenent of. Sine m is oune an inepenent of, m is also a oune onstant inepenent of. The is a ruial property to ensure the O(1) epth of the swithing iruit an the logial gates. 2. We now math the verties (v C ) of the oarser graph ˆΛ C with verties (v) on the starting graph ˆΛ y pinning the verties of ˆΛ C to the losest verties to them on ˆΛ, as shown in Fig. 7(). We an now en eah ege (e C ) on the oarser graph ˆΛ C to math with multiple eges (e) on the starting graph, as shown in Fig. 7(). In this way, eah plaquette in the fine graph ˆΛ is stritly enlose in only one plaquette in the oarser graph ˆΛ C. This step oes not require any quantum operations an is one entirely in the lassial software. Note that the eformation of the oarser graph ˆΛ C leas to a slight hange of the maximal numer of enlose fine plaquettes in any oarser plaquette, i.e., m an m, into O(m) an O(m ). 3. We oarse grain the finer graph ˆΛ into the oarser graph ˆΛ C y using the parallel plaquette merging algorithms introue in Lemma 0.2, as shown in Fig. 7(). This proeure takes O(log 2 (m)) merging steps with O(l log 2 (m)) time steps of Pahner moves, where l is the largest numer of eges among all plaquettes in the starting finer graph ˆΛ. 4. We math verties (v C ) an the eges (e C ) of the oarser graph ˆΛ C with those (v an e ) in the finer graph ˆΛ using the same proeure as aove, as shown in Fig. 7(e). 5. We fine grain the oarser graph ˆΛ C into the target finer graph ˆΛ y reversing the parallel merging algorithms in Lemma 0.2, as shown in Fig. 7(f). This proeures takes O(log 2 (m )) splitting steps with O(l log 2 (m )) time steps of Pahner moves, where l is the largest numer of eges among all plaquettes in the target finer graph ˆΛ. As we see the total time omplexity of the swithing algorithm is O[max(l log 2 (m), l log 2 (m ))], i.e., ominate y the larger omplexity from the oarse graining an fine graining proess. Sine m, m, l, l an all e oune values inepenent of the oe istane (or equivalently graph size), we reah the following theorem: Theorem 1 If two triangulations Λ an Λ have oune ratios in terms of their verties, eges, an plaquettes per unit area, then there exists a oune epth iruit to onvert etween them with Pahner moves. The epth of the iruit is inepenent of the area of the surfae, an therefore inepenent of the oe istane. We emphasize again that the requirement of the oune ratios of verties, eges an plaquettes per unit area is ensure y the oune ratio of the areas orresponing to the infinitesimal oe pathes efore an after the shearing maps, as isusse in Se. IV an Appenix B. We also note that in the aove isussions, we fouse on proving the existene of a onstant epth loal unitary iruit, rather than giving the most effiient swithing algorithm. To e more effiient, one oes not nee to follow the fine oarse fine pattern, ut an rather iretly fin the shortest iruit to iretly swith etween the two fine graphs via Pahner moves. VI. FAULT TOLERANCE AND SPACE-TIME OVERHEAD So far we have shown that a generating set of Dehn twists for the MCG of a genus g hyperoli surfae an e implemente y a onstant epth unitary iruit, where the epth is inepenent of the oe istane an therefore also the numer of physial an logial quits, n an k. In this setion, we riefly isuss fault tolerane of these iruits. Our iruit reaks up into two asi piees: A permutation of the physial quits an a loal onstant epth iruit that implements the retriangulation. Sine loal unitary iruits have a linear light one, the latter, i.e. the loal onstant epth iruit, is intrinsially fault tolerant. So, to ensure the fault tolerane of our proeure, we onentrate on the first part whih permutes the physial quits. The permutation in our maps requires quits to e permute over long istanes. Due to its non-loal nature, there are two main onerns in regar to the propagation of errors that we nee to aress: (1) What happens to the pre-existing loal error strings? Is it possile for them to e enlarge to lengths of O()? (2) Is it possile to introue new non-loal (O() long) error strings y a noisy implementation of the permutation iruit, e.g. noisy SWAP gates? For a generi non-loal permutation, oth issues mentione aove oul possily arise. Nevertheless the permutations that we utilize have a speial struture. To aress the first issue, note that the ontinuous maps introue in Se. IV, take two points whih are O(1) apart to new points whih are still O(1) apart. This an e seen from the analysis arrie out in Appenix B as well. However, to enlarge a loal error string to a large error string of length O() we have to separate its en points y a fator of O(). Thus, we an onlue that after the permutation, all pre-existing loal

12 12 error strings woul remain loal; at worst their length will e inrease y a onstant fator inepenent of. State ifferently, our onstant epth iruits map any operator with support in a spatial region R to an operator with support in a spatial region R, where the area of R an R are relate y a onstant (inepenent of oe istane) fator. Here the areas are with respet to the hyperoli metri. In this sense, the whole iruit is also loality-preserving, although stritly speaking the phrase loality-preserving is often reserve for the ase where the onstant fator is unity [54, 55]. Now we onsier the possiility of introuing new non-loal error strings uring a noisy implementation of the permutation. Let s say the permutation is implemente y a set of noisy long range SWAPs. The important point to note is that while the SWAP operations are long range, they are still low weight operators. In partiular, eah SWAP operation ats on 2 quits. On the other han, a logial error string is a high weight operator, onsisting of O() single quit errors. So, if we assume the errors our inepenently on ifferent SWAPs, the possiility of introuing a logial error y a set of noisy SWAPs is still exponentially small in. Therefore the seon question an e answere in the negative as well. Therefore, our Dehn twists an the orresponing logial gates are inherently protete from errors, in the sense that they o not streth error strings y more than a onstant fator, nor an they introue error strings that have length more than a onstant, inepenent of oe istane. However, if we apply the same olletion of Dehn twists (logial gates) repetitively in the same region of the manifol, in the worst ase the length of error strings oul grow exponentially with the numer of logial gates eing applie. In the asene of measurement noise, the error string an e eoe an orrete in O(1) time [39] immeiately after the appliation of a single logial gate (here we have ignore the lassial omputation time of the eoer whih still typially sales with system size). Hene the quantum omputation sheme will have an O(1) (onstant) time overhea. However, in the presene of measurement noise, the error string annot e immeiately eoe an orrete in O(1) time, so the growth of suh a string woul e inevitale. After performing O(log ) logial gates in the same region without any measurement or error orretion in etween, the error string may grow to a length of O(), whih will ause the eoer to fail. Therefore, one has to insert O() rouns of measurements, eoing, an error orretions for every O(log ) of logial gates in the same region. This suggests a su-linear overhea O(/ log ) in the omputational time when repetitively applying logial gates in the same region, if the measurement error is taken into aount. It may e possile to further reue suh overhea y some aitional triks, at least for ertain types of logial iruits, ut there may still e suh a su-linear overhea in the most generi situation. We note that the aove O(/ log ) time overhea is an estimate suggeste y the onsierations state aove; further work is require to evelop effiient eoers to onretely emonstrate the valiity of this estimate. The aove statements for the asymptoti spae-time resoure osts have assume that the oes have a finite error threshol an that an effiient eoer exists an requires O() rouns of synrome measurements to eoe errors. For the Ising anyon oe, this has een onfirme in the reent theoretial stuy in the presene of measurement error [56]. For the Fionai anyon oe, a eoing sheme showing a finite error threshol has only een evelope for the ase without measurement noise [39]. We expet that the Fionai anyon oe an also e use for fault-tolerant quantum omputation using O() rouns of error orretion in the presene of measurement errors. However the evelopment of onrete eoing algorithms, expliit emonstrations of a finite error threshol, an effiient error reovery operations for the Fionai anyon oe requires further work. VII. DISCUSSION We have shown that Dehn twists in hyperoli Turaev- Viro oes, whih are the most general types of topologial oes, an e implemente y onstant epth unitary iruits while preserving the onstant spae overhea of the oes. We have presente expliit representative maps for Dehn twists on hyperoli surfaes, whih we use to efine the first step of our protools, whih orrespon to the permutation of the quits. As we expliitly verify, our maps o not inrease or shrink any infinitesimal area y more than a onstant fator even in the g limit. This fat implies that the seon step of our protool, the loal unitary iruit that implements the retriangulation ak to the original oe spae, is of onstant epth. Sine generi permutations an e implemente as a epth-2 iruit onsisting of long-range SWAP operations applie in parallel, it follows that our entire protools are onstant epth unitary iruits. Beause our iruits for a given Dehn twist only at within a loal region assoiate with a given hanle or pair of hanles, they an e applie in ifferent regions simultaneously, in parallel (again while still keeping the onstant spae overhea), whih makes our protools amenale to parallel quantum omputation. The simplest example of the oes that we stuy is the Z 2 hyperoli surfae oe. Our results emonstrate that Dehn twists, whih generate a sugroup of the Cliffor group ating on the logial quits in this ase, an e implemente y onstant epth unitary iruits. In Appenix D we emonstrate expliitly how our retriangulation iruit in this ase an e implemente using CNOT operations on the physial quits. When applying our results to the Fionai Turaev- Viro oe, our results imply that a universal set of gates an e implemente through onstant epth unitary ir-

13 13 uits in a oe with finite enoing rate (onstant spae overhea). Reent numerial stuy has shown the existene of a finite error threshol for a eoing sheme in the Fionai anyon oe without onsiering measurement noise [39]. We expet, though it has not yet een expliitly emonstrate, that the Fionai Turaev-Viro oe possesses a finite error threshol, effiient eoing algorithms an error reovery proeures even in the presene of measurement noise (similar statements for other non-aelian oes have een emonstrate [56]). Assuming this, an inserting O() rouns of error orretion for every O(log ) logial gates to ensure faulttolerane in the presene of noisy synrome measurements, our results suggest that universal fault-tolerant quantum omputation with onstant spae overhea an time overhea of O(/ log ) per logial gate is possile. This suggests that a generi logial quantum iruit of epth D with k logial quits woul require O(D/ log ) time steps an O(k) physial quits. To our knowlege, the only propose sheme with omparale spae-time overhea for universal quantum omputation is the one propose y Gottesman in Ref. [19] whih also uses onstant spae overhea. In Gottesman s sheme, the time overhea per logial gate is onstant for sequential quantum iruits, where one logial gate is applie at eah time step. This means that a highly parallel iruit of epth D woul take time O(kD) [57]. In the regime of interest for large-sale universal faulttolerant quantum omputation, k, an therefore our sheme woul have an orer O(/(k log )) improvement over the proposal of Ref. [19] for parallel quantum iruits. We note that k is also the natural setting for the hyperoli oe, sine log n log k suggests an exponential growth of logial quit numer k as a funtion of the oe istane. Our protools allowing for implementation of mapping lass group elements via onstant epth iruits shoul e straightforwarly generalizale to higher imensional topologial oes. We note that a numer of oes in three an four imensions (suh as the four-imensional tori oe) allow for single-shot error orretion [58]. This woul potentially allow any numer of our type of logial gates to e applie with onstant time overhea, even in the presene of measurement errors. In this paper we stuie hyperoli oes for twoimensional topologial states, where log n. However etter oes exist, suh as the hypergraph prout oes [5, 6] or homologial oes assoiate with fourimensional hyperoli manifols [4]. These oes also have onstant spae overhea (an finite error threshols eause they are LDPC), ut with the improve saling of n for the hypergraph prout oes an n ɛ (ɛ < 0.3) for the four-imensional hyperoli oes. However, ue to Mostow rigiity, the mapping lass group of higher imensional hyperoli manifols is neessarily finite. It is therefore a funamental question whether there exist oes with onstant spae overhea an n α (with α > 0), an whih also amit a uni- α (a) β () () D α (β) FIG. 8. (a) Annulus A with a typial line onneting its ounaries together. () Image of the region A uner the twist map. () an () show the β loop an its image uner the Dehn twist aroun the α loop, respetively. () versal logial gate set through onstant epth unitary iruits. VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank M. Freeman, J. Haah, an M. Hastings for isussions. We are espeially grateful to M. Freeman for helpful suggestions regaring the retriangulation protools. This work is supporte y NSF CAREER (DMR ), Alfre P. Sloan Researh Fellowship, an JQI- PFC-UMD. G.Z. was also supporte y ARO-MURI. Appenix A: Dehn Twist Consier the annulus A shown in Fig. 8a whih onsists of the points in the (r, θ)-plane with 1 r 2 an 0 θ < 2π. Let T : A A enote the twist map given as: T (r, θ) = (r, θ + 2π(r 1)). (A1) Note that T is an orientation preserving homeomorphism whih reues to the ientity map on the ounaries of A. Fig. 8 shows the image of a line in A uner T. Now, let Σ enote an aritrary oriente surfae an let α e a simple lose urve on Σ. To efine the Dehn twist aroun α, first we hoose a regular neighorhoo A

14 14 of α on Σ whih is homeomorphi to A. Let φ : A A enote an orientation preserving homeomorphism from A to A. We efine the twist map aroun α y the following homeomorphism T α : Σ Σ { φ T φ 1 (x) x A T α (x) = (A2) x x / A T α learly epens on the hoie of N, φ an α. We efine the Dehn Twist aroun α, enote y D α to e the isotopy lass of T α, i.e. the lass of homeomorphisms of Σ to itself that an e eforme ontinuously to T α. We remark that D α epens only on the isotopy lass of α. As an example, one an onsier the Dehn twist aroun the α loop on the simple torus shown in Fig.8. Figure 8 shows how the β loop gets eforme y the ation of D α. A simple way to fin the image of a given loop like β uner the ation of the Dehn twist aroun another loop like α, alle the Dehn surgery, is as follows: We start y traing out the β loop until we hit an intersetion with the α loop. Then we turn left to trae out the α loop until we return to the intersetion point, where we turn right to ontinue traing out the β loop. We nee to o the same at any intersetion of α an β until we get ak to the starting point. Note that with the aove efinition the Dehn twist aroun α oes not epen on any iretion that the α loop might have. Appenix B: Area saling alulation In this appenix we analyze the shearing maps introue in Setion IV to see y how muh they sale the area loally. Beause these maps o not have any singularity on a genus g surfae, the loal area saling is oune from elow an aove as one onsiers a fixe g. But more importantly, we will show that if we onsier a family of maps on surfaes with inreasing genus g, the loal area saling remains finite an oune from elow. Note that this result is ruial for the retriangulation iruit esrie in Se. V to e onstant epth. As in the rest of the paper, we use the Poinare isk moel for H 2, namely the open unit isk in C with the Reimannian metri: s 2 = 4 x2 + y 2 (1 r 2 ) 2. (B1) In this moel, the geoesis onneting two points woul e either irular ars perpeniular to the unit isk or straight lines passing through the origin. It woul e useful to note that a line refletion in H 2 looks like irle inversion in the unit isk moel. A genus g hyperoli surfae an e otaine y ompatifying a anonial N-gon for N = 4g. A anonial N-gon plotte in the Poinare isk moel an entere at the origin woul have its verties at points: ( ) 2π z j = os e i2πj/n, j = 0,, N 1. (B2) N The length of the sies, as measure using the hyperoli metri, woul e (see Fig.9a): AB = 4 tanh ( os(π/n) sin(π/n) os(2π/n) ). (B3) The {N, N}-tiling of H 2 an e otaine y refleting the anonial N-gon with respet to its sies an repeating this proeure inefinitely. We start y analyzing the α 1 Dehn twist in etail. With minor moifiations, the same alulation applies to the other maps as well, so we will only mention the en results for the other maps. For the points in the shae region ut outsie the ABCD hyperoli 4-gon in Fig. 4, D ats as ientity an hene it is preserves area loally. Next we onsier the points insie ABC whih are mappe to points insie ACE (See Fig.9). We start y alulating some lengths an angles. As in the main text, enotes the hyperoli length. AC an e otaine using the hyperoli law of osines (see Fig.9a): osh( AC ) = osh( AB ) 2 sinh( AB ) 2 os(2π/n), (B4) where we use the fat BC = AB. Then, we an alulate the angle Φ BAC = BCA y the hyperoli law of sines: sin(φ) = sinh( AB ) sinh( AC ) sin(2π/n). (B5) Note that CE = AB an ECD = 2π/N. Therefore, AE an Φ CAE an e ompute using the hyperoli laws of osines an sines respetively: osh( AE ) = osh( AB ) osh( AC ) sinh( AB ) sinh( AC ) os(4π/n Φ) (B6) sin(φ ) = sinh( AB ) sin(4π/n Φ). sinh( AE ) (B7) To make alulations simpler, we plae the origin of the Poinarè isk on point A; y oing so, the geoesis that ome out of the point A will look like straight lines on the isk. In Fig. 9, ABC an ACE are plotte in this new oorinate frame. Consier an infinitesimal area element s at x = (r, θ) insie ABC whih is mappe to the area element s at x = (r, θ ) insie ACE; r an r are the Euliean istane from origin in Fig. 9 an the θ an θ angles are measure with respet the lines AB an AC respetively.

15 15 low: A B L < λ N (r, θ) < U, (B10) Φ Φ C D E for some real positive L an U. First, we nee to fin r an θ in terms of r an θ. Using the law of osines for the angles in ABM (see Fig. 9) gives: ( ) 2π os( AMB) = os(θ) os N ( ) 2π + sin(θ) sin osh( AB ) (B11) N An we an use this result to fin BM an AM : (a) D α 1 sinh( AM ) = sin(2π/n) sin( AMB) sinh( AB ) sin(θ) sinh( BM ) = sin( AMB) sinh( AB ) is efine suh that: (B12) (B13) B CM = BM BC CE. Note that in this ase BC = CE an hene: (B14) A θ Φ Φ x θ M x C M E CM = BM. (B15) We an fin AM y using the law of osines in ACM : osh( AM ) = osh( CM ) osh( AC ) (B16) ( ) 4π sinh( CM ) sinh( AC ) os N Φ. (B17) It is then straight forwar to fin r an θ. Aoring to the way the map Dα 1 is efine, we have: () FIG. 9. (a) D α 1 maps the ABC an ACD triangles to the ACE an AED triangles respetively. () By moving the origin of the Poinarè isk to the point A, the geoesis AB, AC an AE turn into straight lines while the angles etween them remains the same. A typial area element at point x alongsie its image at x is shown on the figure. we efine λ(r, θ) as the sale fator of the area: λ N (r, θ) s s = g(r ) r r θ g(r) rr θ, (B8) where g(r) is the eterminant of the hyperoli metri: g(r) = 16r2 (1 r 2 ) 4. (B9) We want to show that λ is oune from aove an e- Ax = AM AM Ax. (B18) Note that r = tanh( Ax /2) an Ax = 2 artanh(r). So we have: r = tanh(ρ artanh(r)), (B19) where ρ is equal to AM AM an epens only on θ(not r). By taking the erivative of (B19) with respet to r we get: r r = ρ(θ)1 r 2 1 r 2 (B20) θ an also e otaine y using the hyperoli law of sines in ACM : sin(θ ) = sinh( CM ( ) ) 4π sinh( AM ) sin N Φ (B21) By plugging (B19),(B20) an (B9) into (B8) we fin:

16 16 ( ) 2 ( )( tanh(ρ artanh(r)) 1 + r λ N (r, θ) = r 1 + tanh(ρ artanh(r)) 1 r 1 tanh(ρ artanh(r)) )ρ(θ) θ θ (B22) First, we fix θ an see how λ hanges as one varies r in the range [0, r max = tanh( AM /2)]. It is straight forwar to show that tanh(ρ artanh(r))/r is oune y 1 an ρ. The seon parentheses in (B22), whih is equal to (1+r)/(1+r ), also is oune y 1/2 an 2. The thir parenthesis in (B22) is a monotoni funtion of r, as one an verify y taking the erivative, an so is oune y 1 an (1 tanh( AM /2))/(1 tanh( AM /2)). Therefore, to make sure that λ N (r, θ) is oune, it suffies to show that ρ(θ) = AM AM, (1 tanh( AM /2))/(1 tanh( AM /2)) an θ θ remain finite as one hanges θ from 0 to Φ. So far, all expressions were exat. But, sine we are intereste in the N limit, the alulation an e simplifie greatly y omputing the large N expansion of eah expression. In partiular, (B3),(B4),(B6),(B5) an (B7) have the following asymptoti forms: ( π ) AB = 2 ln 7π2 2N 6N 2 487π4 720N 4 + O(1/N 5 ) ( π ) AC = 2 ln 61π2 4N 24N 2 + O(1/N 3 ) ( π ) AE = 2 ln + O(1/N) 14N Φ = π 2N + 3π3 8N 3 + O(1/N 4 ) Φ = π 14N + O(1/N 2 ) (B23) To fin the asymptoti form of funtions that involve θ, first we trae θ for η θ Φ. The reason is that θ varies in the range [0, Φ] an so has an impliit 1/N epenene eause of Φ. By using η instea of θ, the only small parameter of our expressions woul e 1/N. Note that 0 η 1. In terms of η, we get the following asymptoti forms for the expressions in B12,B16 an B21: ( π ) η(1 η) AM = ln + O(1/N) (B24) 4N ( AM π ) η(1 η) = ln + O(1/N) (B25) ( η)N θ = 7πη ( η)N + O(1/N 2 ) (B26) The first two expressions are only vali for 0 < η < 1; for η = 0, 1 we have to use the expressions liste in (B23) instea. Note that for η = 0, we have AM = AB an AM = AC. Similarly, AM = AC an AM = AE when η = 1. It follows then, lim ρ(η) = 1 N lim N 1 tanh( AM /2) 1 tanh( AM /2) = η θ lim N θ = 122 ( η) 2, (B27) an learly all of them are oune as a funtion of η. Thus we onlue that the inequality (B10) hols an therefore, when mapping ABC to ACE, loal area saling is finite an oune form aove an elllow. It remains to show that the same hols when mapping ACD to AED. The steps are quite the same. First we alulate the sie lengths an angles of these triangles. Note that DE = AC, CD = AB an ACD = 2π/N Φ. AD an Φ CAD an then e otaine using the hyperoli law of osines an sines respetively: osh( AD ) = osh( AC ) osh( AB ) ( ) 2π sinh( AC ) sinh( AB ) os N Φ, (B28) sin(φ ) = sinh( AB ) ( ) 2π sinh( AD ) sin N Φ. (B29) Let M e a point on the sie CD an M its image whih will e on ED. Aoring to the efinition of the map, EM = DE AC CM = CD AB CM (B30) We efine ρ, θ, θ, an η similar to the previous ase: θ MAC, θ M AE, ρ(θ) AM / AM an η θ/φ. As in the previous setion, we only nee to ompute the orresponing limits liste in (B27). The alulation follows the same steps an at the en we will fin that: lim ρ(η) = 1 N lim N 1 tanh( AM /2) 1 tanh( AM /2) = η (B31) (B32) θ lim N θ = 112 (49 45η) 2. (B33) Sine all of them are oune for 0 η 1 it follows that the area elements in ACD also expan or shrink y a finite fator uner this transformation. Putting everything together, we onlue that D α 1 has finite loal area saling over the entire polygon an this ens the proof.

17 17 β 2 twists along γ 1 an γ 2 loops, where: γ i = α 1 i+1 α i, i = 1, 2 (C2) an where α i is the α i ut transporte along β i : α 2 α 3 α i = β i α i β 1 i (C3) β 1 FIG. 10. Σ 3 surfae an generators of its funamental group. The situation for β Dehn twists are exatly the same up to some relaeling an nees no more analysis. One an also arry out similar alulations to hek that the same remains true for the γ Dehn twists. Note that D γ is essentially the same as D α; the only ifferene is that the polygon is no longer regular. α 1 Appenix C: Dehn Twists on Σ 3 Although we use a g = 2 hyperoli surfae to esrie our proeure, as we mentione in the main text the protools an e easily generalize to higher genus surfaes. In this setion, we riefly explain how the generalization applies in the g = 3 ase. The genus 3 surfae Σ 3, shown in Fig. 10, an e onstrute y ientifying every other ege of a 12-gon (see Fig. 11a). The spae of possile hyperoli metris Teihmuller spae orrespons to inequivalent hoies for the loations of the verties of the 12-gon. Here we onsier a regular 12-gon for simpliity. The sies of the 12-gon then orrespon to the anonial lose loops of the lose surfae whih generate the funamental group of Σ 3 : π 1 (Σ 3 ) = α 1, β 1,, α 3, β 3 3 i=1 β 3 α i β i α 1 i β 1 i = 1. (C1) Similar to the genus 2 ase, we an tile the hyperoli plane y attahing opies of the stanar 12-gon appropriately together, whih then speifies a universal overing for Σ 3. We an hoose one of the stanar 12-gons as the funamental omain of the overing. Suh a tiling is plotte in Fig.11a. The mapping lass group of Σ 3 an e generate y the Dehn twists aroun the α an β loops plus the Dehn To implement the Dehn twists, it suffies to fin appropriate shearing maps to permute the quits aoringly. The susequent step, whih is the re-triangulation, has alreay een esrie in the general ase in Setion V. The representative maps for the Dehn twists along α an β loops are essentially the same as the ones esrie in Setion IV for the g = 2 ase. As an example, Fig. 11 shows how the funamental omain is transforme y Dα 1 in this ase. The representative maps for Dehn twists along γ i s are also straightforwar generalizations of the map esrie in Setion IV; the trik is to hoose a 12-gon as the funamental omain suh that it has the γ i loop as two of its sies an only the sies neighoring γ i transform nontrivially y the representative Dehn twist map. Here we onsier the Dehn twist along γ 1. The Dehn twist along γ 2 follows similarly. The ation of D γ1 on α 1, α 2, β 1 an β 2 follows from the expressions in (14) y replaing γ with γ 1. Furthermore, it keeps α 3 an β 3 invariant. The loop δ 2 = β 2 β 1 also remains invariant uner D γ1. Just like (15) for the g = 2 ase, we an rewrite the group relation in (C1) as: δ 1 2 α 2 δ 2 β 1 1 γ 1β 1 γ 1 1 α 1 2 α 3β 3 α 1 3 β 3 = 1. (C4) This form then suggests traing {α 1, β 1 } with {γ 1, β 1 } an {α 2, β 2 } with { α 2, δ 2 }. Fig. 11 shows these new set of loops on the surfae of Σ 3. If we ut Σ 3 along these loops, we en up with the the shae irregular 12-gon shown in Fig. 11, whih an e taken as the funamental omain of the overing map. Note that in this 12-gon all sies remain invariant y D γ1 exept the two sies laele y β 1. Moreover, the β 1 sies are neighoring the γ 1 sies as was the ase in g = 2. Therefore a shearing map iretly analogous to Dγ in Setion IV woul work here as well. Appenix D: Logial gates on the hyperoli Z 2 surfae oe In this appenix, we isuss the speifi ase of applying our logial gate sets to the hyperoli Z 2 surfae oe, i.e. the oe otaine y plaing the Kitaev Z 2 tori oe on a hyperoli surfae. This is the simplest aelian ase of the general Turaev-Viro oe. In this ase, the ontinuous shear map is exatly the same as what isusse for the general Turaev-Viro oe in Se. IV in the main text. The retriangulation part also implements the same sequene of 2-2 an 1-3 Pahner moves. The implementation of the Pahner moves in terms unitary gates on

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