arxiv: v2 [] 15 Jul 2015

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1 Limitation of the Least Squae Method in the Evaluation of Dimension of Factal Bownian Motions BINGQIANG QIAO,, SIMING LIU, OUDUN ZENG, XIANG LI, and BENZONG DAI Depatment of Physics, Yunnan Univesity, Kunming, China, 69. Key Laboatoy of Dak Matte and Space Astonomy, Puple Mountain Obsevatoy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, 8, China, axiv:7.3v [] Jul With the standad deviation fo the logaithm of the e-scaled ange F(t+τ) of simulated factal Bownian motions givenin apeviouspape [], themethodofleast squaesis adoptedto deteminetheslope, S, andintecept, I, ofthelog( F(t+τ) )vslog(τ)plot toinvestigate the limitation of this pocedue. It is found that the educed χ of the fitting deceases with the incease oftheustindex, (theexpectationvalue ofs), which maybe attibutedtothecoelation among thee-scaled anges. Similaly, it isfoundthattheeos ofthefittingpaametes S andi aeusually smalle than thei coesponding standad deviations. These esults show the limitation of using the simple least squae method to detemine the dimension of a factal time seies. Nevetheless, they may be used to eintepet the fitting esults of the least squae method to detemine the dimension of factal Bownian motions moe self-consistently. The cuency exchange ate between Euo and Dolla is used as an example to demonstate this pocedue and a factal dimension of. is obtained fo spans geate than 3 tansactions. Keywods: Coelation; Cuency Exchange; Factal Bownian Motion; ust Exponent; Least Squae Fitting; Limitation I. INTRODUCTION The popeties of factional Bownian motions (fbms) have been investigated by eseaches in diffeent fields, e.g. statistics, hydology, biology, finance, public tanspotation and so on, which has helped us to bette undestand many complex time seies obseved in natue [ ]. The ust exponent ( < < ) is the most impotant paamete chaacteizing any given time seies, whee t epesents the time steps, and the factal dimension D is detemined via the elation D =. The ust exponent is defined with the following expession[]: log( F(t+τ) ) log(τ), () whee epesents aveaging ove t. Using the Lowen method fo < <. and the ciculant embedding method fo. < <, Qiao & Liu (3) caied out extensive simulations of fbms with diffeent to obtain the standad deviation of the e-scaled ange F τ = F(t + τ) fo diffeent sampling methods. This pape extends this study to investigate the limitation of applying the commonly used least squae (LS) method to the log( F(t+τ) ) vs log(τ) plot fo the evaluation of. This pape is oganized as follows. With the sampling method 4 of Qiao & Liu (3), the standad LS method with weight is applied to the log( F(t+τ) ) vs log(τ) plot fo a few fbms with diffeent in Section, and the esults of the fitting ae analyzed. In Section 3, a simila wok is caied out fo the thid sampling method of Qiao & Liu (3). Finally, we give ou conclusion and a bief discussion in Section 4. II. TE LS FITTING FOR ONE SAMPLING METOD In the following, we use discete-time fbms to obtain the dependence of the escaled ange F t = F(t + t) on the time span t. The sampling method coesponds to the case 4 of Qiao, B.Q and Liu, S.M, (3), which has the lowest standad deviation fo the escaled ange and can be expessed as F t = Int(N / t) i= [ F( t+ t i) F( t i) ] Int(N / t) () wheen = and tisapositiveintege. Accodingtooupeviouswok[], thestandaddeviationoflog( F t ) is given by: σ = N log(e)(π/ ) / ( t) / fo <.

2 and σ = N β log(e)(π/ ) / ( t) β/ fo. < <. whee β = +.6 / [(.) +.] /. It should be noted that all of the measuement eos ae only in the log( F t ) vaiable and the values of t ae all exact without eos. Then the standad LS method with weight (e.g. [6]; chapte of Pess et al. [7]) can be applied to the log( F(t + t) ) vs log( t) plot to obtain the slope S, the intecept I, and thei coesponding eos S e,, espectively. Figue shows these esults fo seveal values of Factal Bownian Motion =.8 =. = t log( F t =.8 S =.83+/-.9 I = /-.3 =. S =.4+/-.7 I = -.98+/-.9 =. S =.3+/-.7 I = -.97+/ =.8 - =. - = log( t).. FIG. : Left: examples of a few fbms with diffeent values of. Right: dependence of the e-scaled ange F t on the time span t fo =.8 (magenta), =. (geen), =. (ed). The thee black solid lines give the best fit obtained with the standad LS method. The fitting paametes and eos ae indicated in the figue. The nomalized esiduals of log( F t ) fo diffeent values ae shown in the thee panels below. 8 6 =. =.4+/.9 3 =. =.4+/.974 =.8 =.7+/.3 4 Numbe Numbe Numbe FIG. : Distibution of the nomalized esidual fo =.8,.,. shown in FIG. and the Gaussian fitting is indicated by the ed solid line with the fitting paametes also given in the figue. We fist note that the nomalized esiduals = ( F t Fˆ t )/σ, whee Fˆ t coesponds to the best fit model, do not follow the standad Gaussian distibution as expected. Figue shows the distibution of these esiduals and the coesponding fit with a Gaussian model. The width of the Gaussian fit is less than fo the thee values of studied hee. The expectation values of S and I ae and log(/π)/(.98), espectively []. Although the best-fit values ae close to these expectations, consideing the small eos of these fitting paametes, the deviation of the best-fit values fom thei expectation appeas to be significant. To bette undestand these issues, fo 9 diffeent unifomly sampled values of between and, the simulation and fitting above ae epeated times. Figue 3 shows the dependence of the squae-oot of the educed χ on

3 3, ( ) / and ( ) / ( ) / ( ) / FIG. 3: The dependence of the squae-oot of the educed χ and the Gaussian width of the nomalized esidual, σ, fo uns andomly selected fom uns. The solid squaes indicate the mean value of the squae-oot of the educed χ fo the uns. 9 8 =.8 S =.797+/.34 3 =.8 I =.978+/.3 Numbe S Numbe I FIG. 4: Left: the distibution of the best-fit slope fo uns with =.8 and the Gaussian fit. Right: same as the left panel but fo the intecept. fo andomly selected simulations fom the uns fo each value of. The stas show the coesponding widths of the Gaussian fits to the nomalized esidual, σ, as shown in FIG., which ae consistent with the value of the educed χ. We note that both the educed χ and the width of the distibution of the nomalized esidual deceases with the incease of. Figue 4 show the distibutions of the best-fit intecept and slope and thei coesponding Gaussian fit fo =.8. The distibutions of S and I do not necessaily follow Gaussian distibutions, especially fo values of close to o. In the following, we use the standad deviation of S (denoted with σ S ) and I (σ I ) to chaacteize the widths of these distibutions. Figue shows the dependence of and S e on. The widths σ S and σ I ae usually geate thei eos S e and shown in FIG., espectively. We note that S e and ae detemined by the standad deviation σ and theefoe do not change fo the simulations and fittings with a given value of [7]. Figue also shows the coelation coefficient R between and S e, which coesponds to the non-diagonal tem of the covaiance matix of the fitting paametes S and I. The fact that R is close to implies that the two fitting paametes ae not independent. The anomalous behavio of and S e fo >.7 may be elated to the incease of the coelation between and S e as shown with R. The above esults clealy show inconsistency in the evaluation of with the LS method applying to the log( F(t+ t) ) vs log( t) plot. The stong coelation between the eos of the fitting paametes suggests that coelations among log( F(t + t) ) may play a ole. Fo the simple LS method to be applicable, each escaled ange F t needs to be independent of the othes, which does not appea to be the case in ou analysis since the escaled anges ae deived fom a given fbms. The uppe panels of Figue 6 show the coelation between log( F ) and log( F 3 ) fo seveal values of. The lowe panel shows the dependence of the coelation coefficient γ on. The coelation inceases with the incease of, eminiscent of the dependence of the educed χ

4 4. S e coelation coefficients R of and S e. o S e o R FIG. : Dependence of the, S e and R on fo uns of each..8 =. = log( F =. = log( F =.8 = log( F. γ FIG.6: Uppe: coelation betweenlog( F(t+) )andlog( F(t+3) )founsoffbms with =.8,.,.. The coesponding coelation coefficients ae indicated on the figue. Lowe: dependence of the coelation coefficient γ in the uppe panel on. of the fitting on shown in Figue 3. III. RESULTS FOR ANOTER SAMPLING METOD Qiao and Liu (3) showed that the standad deviation of the escale ange has elatively simple expession fo the following sampling method (case 3 of []): F t = N [ F( t+i t) F(i t) ] i=. (3) N

5 The standad deviation of log( F t ) is given by σ = N / log(e)(π/ ) / fo <., σ = N β/ log(e)(π/ ) / fo. < <., which ae lage than those fo the sampling method in Section. Figues 7-9 show the coesponding esults, which ae vey simila to those in Section. The most notable diffeence appeas in R and γ. With the cuent sampling method, the (anti-)coelation between the eos of the fitting paametes S e and is even stonge, while the coelation between log( F ) and log( F 3 ) deceases slightly Factal Bownian Motion =.8 =. = t log( F t =.8 S =.8+/-.6 I = -.49+/-. =. S =.49+/-.3 I = -.96+/-.63 =. S =.36+/-.3 I = -.99+/ =.8 - =. - = log( t) FIG. 7: Same as FIG. but fo the sampling method given by equation 3., ( ) / and ( ) / ( ) / ( ) / o S e o R.... S e coelation coefficients R of and S e FIG. 8: Left: same as Fig 3 but fo the sampling method given by equation 3. Right: same as FIG. fo the sampling method given by equation 3. IV. CURRENCY EXCANGE RATE BETWEEN EURO AND DOLLAR The esults above show the limitation of the least squae method in the evaluation of the dimension of factal time seies. oweve, we notice that the nomalized esidual of the LS fit shown in Figues. and 7 does not appea to

6 =. = =. = =.8 = log( F log( F log( F. γ FIG. 9: Same as FIG. 6 but fo the sampling method given by equation 3. depend on the time span, which also suggests the soundness of this pocedue. One theefoe may eintepet the fitting paametes to obtain moe self-consistent esults. In this section, we use the cuency exchange ate between euo and dolla in May and June of 8 as an example to demonstate how to obtain the dimension of factal time seies self-consistently. The top-left panel of Figue shows the exchange ate as a function of the numbe of tansaction t. It coves a duation fom May to June 3. The maket was closed duing the weekends. In total we have 43 days with extensive tansactions. Since the sampling method coesponds to the case 4 of Qiao, B.Q and Liu, S.M, (3) has the lowest standad deviation fo the escaled ange, we will only conside this case in the following analysis Nomalization Residual Days FIG. : Left: Exchange ate between Euo and Dolla between May and June 3 and its ust index analysis. The ed open cicles show the dependence of the squae oot of the educed χ (indicated by the scale on the ight) on the lowe bound of the fitting ange. The pink line indicates the best fit esult with a lowe bound of 3; Right: The ust index of exchange ate between Euo and Dolla fo 43 days with extensive tansactions. The bottom-left panel of Figue shows the dependence of the escaled exchange ate ange on the span of the tansactions t. Because the eo bas ae vey small, they ae almost invisible in the figue. It is evident that the escaled exchange ate ange has some cuvatue below a few tens of tansactions. Within 4 tansactions, the

7 escaled ange does not appea to vay with the tansaction span, implying complete andomness simila to white noises. oweve, aboveatansactionspan of 3, the escale angecan be fitted linealy with a slope of.489±., coespondingto a factal dimension of.. The educed χ =.48, which is consistent with esults shown in Figue 3. To futhe demonstate the consistency of the above pocedue, we analyze the data fo the 43 days sepaately. The top-ight panel of Figue shows ust indexes, whee the eos have been coected using esults in Figue. The bottom-ight panel of Figue shows the nomalized esidual, which is consistent with a standad Gaussian distibution. 7 V. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION The scaling of the escaled ange F τ with the time span τ plays an impotant ole in quantitative analysis of factal time seies. The ust exponent is defined as the exponent of a powe-law scaling. oweve, the consistency of methods of the ust exponent measuement has not been exploed. One of the commonly used method is to apply the lease squae method to the log( F τ ) vs log(τ) plot. Using the mathematically well-defined factal Bownian motions as a standad model, we investigate the limitation of the LS method. It is shown that, due to the coelation among the escale ange fo the sampling methods adopted in the pape, the LS method does not give self-consistent esults. The two sampling methods have the most compehensive usage of the available data and elatively simple expessions fo the standad deviation of the escale ange. Othe sampling methods ae elatively less pactical and less efficient. In pinciple, one may emedy the above pocedue by taking into account the coelation among the escale ange into account in the fitting pocess. In that case, instead of fitting a simple function log( F τ ) vs log(τ), one also needs to know the covaiance matix of log( F τ ) in advance. These calculations ae above the scope of the cuent investigation. The fact that the nomalized esidual of the LS fit does not appea to depend on the time span also suggests the soundness of this pocedue. The LS method may still be adopted in pactical application by modifying the intepetation of the fitting esult slightly with the esults in this pape. Fist the educed χ should have a best fit value given in figues 3 and 8 instead of in the simplest LS method. Second the eos of the fitting paametes need to be coected with the esults shown in figues and 8. Acknowledgements This wok is patially suppoted by the NSFC gants 7364, 33, 338 and 633. [] Qiao,B.Q and Liu, S. M, Eo assessment in modeling with factal Bownian motions, Factals (3 & 4), (3)38- [] B. B. Mandelbot and J. W. van Ness, Factional bownian motions, factional noises and applications SIAM Review (4),(968)437 [3] W.. Pess, Flicke noises in astonomy and elsewhee, Comments on Astophysics 7, (978)3-9 [4] M. J. Aschwanden and C. E. Panell, Nanoflae statistics fom fist pinciples: factal geomety and tempeatue synthesis The Astophysical Jounal 7. ()48-7 [] S. B. Lowen, Efficient geneation of factional bownian motion fo simulation of infaed focal-plane aay calibation dift, Methodology and Computing in Applied Pobability :4, (999)446 [6] C. A. Cantell, Technical Note: Review of methods fo linea least-squaes fitting of data and application to atmospheic chemisty poblems Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8, (8)477C487 [7] W. Pess, S. Teukolsky, W. Vetteling, and B. Flanney, 7, Numeical Recipes (3nd ed.; Cambidge: Cambidge Univ. Pess), 78

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