arxiv: v1 [math.ds] 10 Mar 2018

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1 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON arxiv: v [mathds] 0 Mar 208 Abstract In this paper, we study the dimension theory of a class of piecewise affine systems in euclidean spaces suggested by Michael Barnsley, with some applications to the fractal image compression It is a more general version of the class considered in the work of Keane, Simon and Solomyak [35] and can be considered as the continuation of the works [5, 6] by the authors We also present some applications of our results for the generalized Takagi functions Introduction and Statements A monochrome picture can be imagined as a function G : [0, ] 2 R, where G(x, y) represents the tone at the point (x, y) One way to encode the picture is the fractal image compression method, which concept was first introduced by Barnsley, see [7, 8] and Barnsley and Hurd [0] and Barnsley and Elton [9] Later, the theory developed widely, see for example Fisher [2], Keane, Simon and Solomyak [35], Chung and Hsu [4], Jorgensen and Song [33] The fractal image compression decomposes [0, ] 2 into axes parallel rectangles {I i } and finds uniformly expanding linear functions f i : I i [0, ] 2 and F i : I i R [0, ] 2 R such that F i ({(x, y, G(x, y)) : (x, y) I i }) is close to the set {(x, y, G(x, y)) : (x, y) f i (I i )} Then repeller Λ of F i is close to the set graph(g), which had to be approximated This paper was motivated by the question of Michael Barnsley Question (Barnsley) What is the Hausdorff dimension of the set Λ? Now, we describe the setup of our paper in more details Let d and let {I i } M i= be a partition of the unit cube I := [0, ] d Assume that all the elements are regular sets in the sense that Ii o = I i for every i =,, M, where A o denotes the interior and A denotes the closure of the set A For simplicity, we assume that all the sets of the partition are simply connected Moreover, for every i =,, M let f i be a uniformly expanding similitude of the form f i (x) = γ i U i x + v i, where γ i >, U i O(d) and v i R d, such that f i : I i I and f i can be extended to I i, and we consider the uniformly, piecewise expanding dynamical system f : I I, where () f(x) = f i (x) if x I i Date: March 3, Mathematics Subject Classification Primary 28A80 Secondary 28A78 Key words and phrases Self-affine measures, self-affine sets, Hausdorff dimension The research of Bárány and Simon was partially supported by the grant OTKA K23782 Bárány acknowledges support also from NKFI PD23970 and the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Michał Rams was supported by National Science Centre grant 204/3/B/ST/0033 (Poland) This work was partially supported by the grant for IMPAN from the Simons Foundation and the matching Polish MNiSW fund

2 2 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON We say that f is Markov if f(i i ) is equal to a finite union of elements in {I i } M i= for every i =,, M We call the set S = M i= I i the singularity set and let S = n=0 f n (S) We define an skew-product dynamics in the following way Let F i : I i R k I R k be such that (2) F i (x, z) = (f i (x), g i (x, z)), where g i : I R k R k is an affine mapping such that for every x I, the function g i (x, ): R k R k is a similitude of the form g i (x, z) = A i x + λ i O i z + t i, where A i R k d, O i O(k), λ i > and t i R k We can define an uniformly expanding map F on the whole region I R in the natural way, (3) F (x, z) = F i (x, z) if x I i We call the dynamical system f : I I the base system of F For an example with base system on the real line, see Figure (,) (,) (,) (,) J f f 2 J2 f 3 I I 2 I 3 (0,0) J3 K (0,0) z g (x, z), x J K2 (0,0) z g 2 (x, z), x J 2 K3 (0,0) z g 3 (x, z), x J 3 J 3 J J 2 R := I K R2 = I2 K2 R3 = I3 K3 (a) R i = g i (J i [0, ]) Λ := 3 i= R i (b) Λ 2 := 3 i= g i ((J i [0, ]) Λ ) (c) Λ 3 := 3 i= g i ((J i [0, ]) Λ 2 ) Figure The dynamics of f and the local inverses of F with non- Markovian base system

3 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP 3 (,) (,) (,) (,) J = I2 I3 f (0,0) f 2 J2 = I I2 I3 f 3 I I 2 I 3 J3 = I I2 K (0,0) z g (x, z), x J K2 (0,0) z g 2 (x, z), x J 2 K3 (0,0) z g 3 (x, z), x J 3 J 3 J J 2 R := I K R2 = I2 K2 R3 = I3 K3 (a) R i = g i (J i [0, ]) Λ := 3 i= R i (b) Λ 2 := 3 i= g i ((J i [0, ]) Λ ) (c) Λ 3 := 3 i= g i ((J i [0, ]) Λ 2 ) Figure 2 The dynamics of f and the local inverses of F with Markov base system The system F has a unique, nonempty and compact repeller Λ It is easy to see by the construction that Λ is a graph of a function G: I \ S R k That is, G is the function for which G(x) = z, where {F n (x, z)} n= is bounded The dimension theory of non-conformal repellers (like Λ) is a widely developing topic in fractal geometry, see for example Chen and Pesin [3] and Falconer [8] In our setup, the dimension of Λ can be approximated by the dimension of self-affine sets (see precise details later) Falconer [9] showed a general upper bound on the dimension in terms of the singular values, called affinity dimension Many authors have obtained matching lower bounds in special cases Falconer [9], Solomyak [42] and Jordan, Pollicott and Simon [3] studied the case of self-affine sets in which the translation parameters are chosen Lebesgue-typically Hueter and Lalley [30] and Käenmäki and Shmerkin [34] showed that the dimension is equal to the affinity dimension for special classes, such as those satisfying bunching conditions Later, it was shown that under the assumption that the Furstenberg measure of the associated matrix random walk is sufficiently large, the Hausdorff dimension equals to the affinity dimension, see Morris and Shmerkin [38], Rapaport [39], and Bárány and Käenmäki [4] Most recently, Bárány, Hochman and Rapaport [3] solved the

4 4 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON problem under separation condition and positivity of the dimension of the Furstenberg measure This paper highly relies on these results Throughout the paper, the Hausdorff dimension of a set A is denoted by dim H A, and the (lower) Hausdorff dimension of a measure µ is denoted by dim H µ too For the definition and properties of the Hausdorff dimension, see Falconer [7] and Mattila [37] Let µ be a F -invariant, ergodic measure on I R k Let us denote by χ (µ) the Lyapunov exponent of f wrt measure (proj) µ, where proj : I R k I Moreover, let χ 2 (µ) be the Lyapunov exponent wrt the skew product That is, M χ (µ) = log D proj(x) f dµ(x) = µ(i i R k ) log γ i and χ 2 (µ) = log 2 g(x) dµ(x) = i= M µ(i i R k ) log λ i, where and 2 denotes the derivative matrix wrt the x and z coordinates respectively If 0 < χ (µ) χ 2 (µ) then i= dim µ = h µ χ (µ), without any further restriction Indeed, the upper bound is trivial and the lower bound follows from the fact that proj µ is f-invariant and ergodic and the result of Hofbauer and Raith [27, Theorem ] Let us define the Lyapunov dimension D of an ergodic measure µ for which χ (µ) > χ 2 (µ) > 0 in the usual way, { hµ (4) D(µ) := min χ 2 (µ), k + h } µ χ 2 (µ) χ (µ) This definition corresponds to [3, Definition 6] We note that for our system D(µ) < d + k Unfortunately, our methods do not allow us to handle the case χ (µ) > χ 2 (µ) for some ergodic, invariant measure, in complete generality Throughout the paper, we every time assume that D proj(x) f > 2 g(x) for every x I R k, that is, the expansion is much stronger on the base system than in the second coordinate Let us denote the pressure function induced by the potential { (5) ϕ s s log ( 2 g(x)) if 0 s k, (x) = k log ( 2 g(x)) + (s k) log (D proj(x) f) if k < s d + k by P Hof : [0, d + k) R This pressure P Hof is defined in the same way as the pressure given by Hofbauer [26, Section 3] We give the precise definition and further properties of this pressure later in Section 23 Finally, before we state our main results, we need a generalised version of Hochman s exponential separation condition (see [5] and [22]), which was introduced in Hochman [23] Definition We say that an iterated function system (IFS) of similitudes {h i : x λ i O i x + t i } M i= on R k satisfies the Hochman s exponential separation condition (HESC) if log h i n (0) h j n (0) () lim sup n min i n j n >, n

5 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP 5 (2) the group S({O i } M i=) generated by the orthogonal parts is strongly irreducible, that is, there is no finite collection W of non-trivial subspaces of R k such that OV W for every V W and O S({O i } M i=) Observe that part 2 of the condition is relevant only in the case when k 2 Now, we are ready to state the main theorems of this paper We consider the Hausdorff dimension of Λ in four cases Although, the statements of the theorems are quite similar, the proofs differ significantly, thus, it is natural to state them into separate theorems First, we discuss the case of non-markovian -dimensional base Theorem 2 (Diagonal, non-markov) Let f be a piecewise linear expanding map as in () with d = Suppose that k = and g i has the form g i (x, z) = g i (z) = λ i z + t i, λ i >, t i R, and γ i > λ i for every i =,, M If the IFS {g i } M i= satisfy HESC then dim H Λ = dim B Λ = where s 0 is the unique number such that P Hof (s 0 ) = 0 sup D(µ) = s 0, µ M erg(λ) We call the system F : I R k I R k essentially non-diagonal if d = k = and the matrices {DF i } M i= are not simultaneously diagonalisable along the dynamics More precisely, there exists finite length words ı, j and such that () ı j and ı j is admissible, (2) the functions f ı and f j have fixed points, and (6) g ı f ı 2g ı g j f j and (f ı 2 g ı ) g + f 2g g ı 2g j f (f ı 2g ı ) g j f j 2g j We note that since that f i and g i are linear function, thus, the place of evaluation is redundant In particular, (6) implies that the eigenspaces corresponding to the eigenvalues λ ı and λ j are different and there exists a path connecting ı and j so that the eigenspaces are not mapped into each other by the matrix DF Theorem 3 (Triangular, non-markov) Assume that d = k = and F is essentially non-diagonal and f is a topologically transitive, piecewise linear expanding map If γ i > λ i for every i =,, M then dim H Λ = dim B Λ = where s 0 is the unique number such that P Hof (s 0 ) = 0 sup D(µ) = s 0, µ M erg(λ) We have to treat the diagonal and the triangular cases in very different ways, the proof of the diagonal case is not a special case of the triangular situation In particular, in the triangular situation we strongly rely on the assumption that the system is essentially non-diagonal, and in the diagonal case we use heavily the property that the projections are self-similar, which is not the case in the general triangular situation Also, the previous results strongly rely on the work of Hofbauer [25, 26], Hofbauer and Raith [27] and Hofbauer and Urbański [29] on piecewise monotone interval maps, which techniques allows to approximate the set Λ with Markov-subsets In the next theorems, we focus on the cases when d is not necessarily equals to but then we require that the base system f is Markov In this case, the pressure P Mar corresponding to the potential defined in (5) is the usual pressure function defined over subshifts of finite type For precise definition, see Section 22

6 6 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON Theorem 4 (Diagonal, Markov) Let f be a piecewise linear expanding Markov map as in () with d Suppose that g i has the form g i (x, z) = g i (z) = λ i O i z + t i, λ i >, O i O(k), t i R k, and γ i > λ i for every i =,, M If the IFS {g i } M i= satisfies HESC then dim H Λ = dim B Λ = where s 0 is the unique number such that P Mar (s 0 ) = 0 sup D(µ) = s 0, µ M erg(λ) Theorem 5 (Triangular,Markov) Let f be a piecewise linear expanding Markov map as in () with d Suppose that k = and g i has the form g i (x, z) = λ i z + A i x + t i, λ i >, t i R, and γ i > λ i for every i =,, M If F satisfy Rapaport s condition then dim H Λ = dim B Λ = where s 0 is the unique number such that P Mar (s 0 ) = 0 sup D(µ) = s 0, µ M erg(λ) We will specify the Rapaport s condition later in Section 24 In particular, Rapaport s condition holds if the Furstenberg-Kifer IFS, which can be deduced from the matrices {DF i } M i= (see precise definition later in (220)), satisfies the HESC and s 0 is large (see Corollary 22) Organisation In the second section, we collect all the tools we require for the proofs, namely, notations on the symbolic dynamics; the basic properties of the subadditive pressure function; Hofbauer s result on piecewise monote interval maps and the definition of the pressure P Hof, especially the approximation with Markov subsystems; recent results on the dimension theory of self-affine sets Also, we present a method (following Jordan and Rams) how to approximate Markov subsystems with n-step full shifts In Section 3, we prove the upper bound of the Hausdorff dimension of Λ for general systems, with non-markovian piecewise monote expanding interval maps In Section 4, we prove the lower bound for systems with Markov base system, and by using this result, we prove the general base case in Section 5 Finally, in Section 6, we present some applications of our results, namely, for fractal interpolation functions, for the multivariable- and the β-takagi functions 2 Preliminaries 2 Symbolic dynamics In this section, we define the corresponding symbolic space to the dynamics in () and (4) Let d and let {I i } M i= be a partition of the unit cube [0, ] d into cubes Moreover, let f i : I i [0, ] d and f be defined as in Section Let Σ = {,, M} N be the set of all infinite sequences of symbols {,, M} Denote Σ the finite sequences Let σ be the usual left-shift operator on Σ, that is, σ(i 0, i, ) = (i, i 2, ) For a word i = (i 0, i, ), let i n = (i 0,, i n ), and for i Σ let us denote the length of i by i Moreover, for a finite word j = (j 0,, j n ) Σ let [j] = {i Σ : i k = j k for k = 0,, n } For two finite or infinite words i and j, let i j denote the common part of i and j, that is, i j = (k,, k n ), where k l = i l = j l for every l =,, n and i n+ j n+ We note that whenever we refer to a probability measure on Σ, it is measurable with respect to the Borel σ-algebra generated by the cylinder sets We call Y Σ a subshift

7 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP 7 if it is compact wrt the topology generated by the cylinder sets and σ-invariant For a subshift Y, let Y n = {i {,, M} n : [i] Y } We define the topological entropy, h top (σ Y ) = lim n n log #Y n, see [43, Theorem 7 and Theorem 7] Let us define the set of admissible words wrt the map f : [0, ] d [0, ] d That is, let X be the closure of the set { } (2) (i0, i, ) Σ : x I such that n 0, f n (x) Ii o n It is easy to see that X is a subshift In order to connect the symbolic dynamics on X with the dynamics of the map f, we define the natural projection π : X [0, ] d so that (22) π(i) = f ( ) n I in n=0 It is clear from the definition that f and σ are conjugated, that is, for every i X, π σ(i) = f π(i) We say that a subshift Y is a subshift of finite type, if there exists a finite set of forbidden words T Σ such that i Y if and only if for every k, n 0, (σ k i) n / T We note that the set of forbidden words is not unique We say that Y is a type-n subshift if n is the smallest integer for which there exists a set of forbidden words such that the longest word has length at most n + Remark 2 We note that if Y is a subshifts of type-n, then we can define a new alphabet A = {,, M n }, and Ψ: {,, M} n {,, M n } (defined in the most natural way) and Ψ : Σ A N such that for i = (i 0, i, ) then Ψ (i) = (Ψ(i 0,, i n ), Ψ(i,, i n+ ), ) Moreover, there exists an M n M n matrix Q with elements 0, such that j Ψ(Y ) if and only if Q jl,j l+ = for every l = 0,, We call Q the transition matrix 22 Subadditive pressure on R d Let d and let {I i } M i= be a partition of the unit cube I := [0, ] d into cubes Moreover, let f i : I i I and f be defined as in Section We call a set A [0, ] d invariant if f(a) A Let us also define F i and F as in Section First, let us define a pressure, which is called the subadditive pressure introduced by Falconer [9], which will be used in the Markov situation That is, for any compact invariant set B [0, ] d, let (23) P (s, B) := lim n n log sup x B R y:f n (x)=y ( ( ) ) φ s D y F n, where φ s denotes the singular value function: for a matrix A { φ s α s (A) s s s j= (A) = α j(a) if 0 s rank(a), det(a) s/rank(a) if rank(a) < s, where α i (A) denotes the ith singular value of A We define the singularity dimension over B as the unique root of the equation (24) P (s, B) = 0

8 8 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON Let us denote the unique root by s 0 (B) The singularity dimension plays a natural role in the covering of the cylinder sets, which are ellipsoids, with balls, see Falconer [9] For completeness, we verify here the upper bounds By hyperbolicity, there exists open, bounded and simply connected set U R d+k and a uniformly contracting functions F i, defined on R d+k such that for every i =,, M and (25) F i (x) = F i (x) for x I i R k, M F i (U) U i= We call the functions F i the local inverses of F We say that a rectangle R is axes parallel, if R = R x R z, where R x R d and R z R k are cubes Without loss of generality, we may assume that the set U in (25) can be chosen an axes parallel rectangle Let X be as in Section 2 For a word i X, we call F i n (U) the nth level cylinder set It is easy to see that since F i are in skew product form then F i has also a skew product form That is, F i = ( f i, g i ), where f i is a conformal, unif contracting mapping on R d such that f i (x) = f i (x) for x I i, and g i : R d+k R k is an affine map such that for every x I, the mapping g i (x, ): R k R k is a strictly contracting similitude for every i =,, M For the visualisation of the local inverses F i, f i, see Figure For i Σ, let F i = F i0 F in, and let D F i be the linear part of the affine mapping F i It is easy to see that F i (U) is a parallelepiped Similarly to π, we define the natural projection Π: X R d+k so that Π(i) = F i n (U) n= It is easy to see that by using the symbolic expansion, P (s, B) can be expressed in the following form (26) P (s, B) = lim n n log (D F ) i, i π (B) n φ s where π is the natural projection defined in (22), and thus, π (B) n denotes all the admissible words with length n in B The pressure s P (s, B), defined in (26), is the pressure we referred as s P Mar (s) in Theorem 4 and Theorem 5 Lemma 22 Let f i, f and F i, F be as defined in Section such that D proj(x) f > 2 g(x) for every x Then, (27) dim H {x : {F n (x)} n=0 is bounded} s 0 ([0, ] d ), where s 0 ([0, ] d ) is the root of the pressure defined in (26) Moreover, for every s > 0 (28) P (s, B) = lim n n log, i π (B) n e Snϕs(π(i))

9 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP 9 where ϕ s is the potential defined in (5) Proof First, let us introduce an intermediate pressure Let R(i, U) be the smallest closed axes parallel rectangle, which contains F i (U) Moreover, let { φ s R(i, U) z s, if s k R(i, U) := R(i, U) z k R(i, U) x s k, if k < s d + k For a compact invariant set B, let (29) P R (s, B) := lim inf n n log φ s R (i, U) i π (B) n Because of the skew-product structure of F of conformal maps both in the base and in the fiber and because D proj(x) f > 2 g(x) for every i =,, M and x I i, there exists a constant c > 0 such that for every n 0 and i X n, where the constant Thus, c φ s (D F i ) φ s R(i, U) cφ s (D F i ), c = max x min x g(x) 2 g(x) 2 g(x) D proj(x) f P (s, B) = P R (s, B) for every s 0 Observe that for every i X and n, the cylinder set F i n (U) can be covered by at most φ s R (i, U) many squares of side length at most γn, where γ = max i 2 g i Hence, Hγ s n(λ) (D F ) i n i X n φ s Thus, the proof of (27) can be finished by letting n Finally, by using again the skew product structure of F and the assumption that D proj(x) f > 2 g(x) for every i =,, M and x I i, there exists a constant c > 0, which can be chosen as the same constant in the previous estimate, such that for every i X n and every n the ratio of the eigenvalues of D F i and the side lengths of the rectangle R(i, U) is bounded away from 0 and infinity with c In other words, (20) c e Snϕs (π(i)) φ s ( D F i n ) ce Snϕs (π(i)), which finishes the proof 23 Piecewise monotone maps A priori, the upper bound given in the previous section may be heavily suboptimal in the case of non-markovian base systems However, in our setup this is not the case In order to present this, let us present here the basic notions and results for piecewise monotone interval maps following Hofbauer [26] Let f : [0, ] [0, ] be a uniformly hyperbolic, piecewise monotone interval map We call a collection of connected intervals D a partition of [0, ], if for every I, J D either I J = or I = J, and I D I = [0, ] Let us denote by I = {I i} the partition of [0, ] wrt the monotonicity intervals of f For two partitions D, D of [0, ], we say that D is finer than D if for every I D there exists J D such that I J We define the common refinement D D of two partitions D, D in the usual way, that is, D D = {I J : I D, J D } We say that a partition I of monotonicity intervals

10 0 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON is generating if n=0 I I f n ( I) is dense in [0, ] Equivalently, if i=0 f i I generates the Borel σ-algebra on [0, ] If A is a f-invariant, compact set then let h top (f A ) := h top (σ π (A)) Now, we introduce a special family of compact invariant sets A compact invariant set B is called Markov subset if there exists a finite collection D of closed intervals such that () J I i for every J D and some i =,, M, (2) J o J2 o =, (3) J D J B = B, (4) either f(j B) J 2 B = or J 2 B f(j B) for every J, J 2 D We call D the Markov partition of B For a compact invariant set A, let us denote all the Markov subsets of A by M(A) For a Markov subset B with Markov partition D, let D n denote the nth refinement of D with respect to f B That is, { n } D n = f i (J i B) : J i D i=0 Let ϕ: I R be a piecewise continuous potential function such that its continuity intervals contained in a refinement of I We define the pressure of ϕ with respect to a Markov subset B such that (2) P (f B, ϕ) = lim n n log e supx J Snϕ(x) J D n Also, we can represent the pressure P (f B, ϕ) in a symbolic way Observe that D defines a finite partition of π (B) wrt cylinder sets (22) P (f B, ϕ) = lim n n log e supj [i] π (B) Snϕ(π(j)) i π (B) n We note that for a given Markov subset B, there are plenty of choice of the Markov partition but the value of the pressure does not depend on this choice Proposition 23 Let f : [0, ] [0, ] be a uniformly hyperbolic, piecewise monotone interval map Let A be a compact invariant, uncountable set such that f A is topologically transitive and h top (f A ) > 0 If B, B 2 A are topologically transitive Markov subsets then there exists B such that B B2 B A and f B is topologically transitive The proof of the proposition can be found in [25, Lemma 7 and Lemma 8] We define the pressure of ϕ over a compact invariant set A as the supremum over all Markov subsets That is, (23) P (f A, ϕ) = sup P (f B, ϕ) B M(A) For a compact invariant set A, let µ be a probability measure such that supp(µ) = A For a point x [0, ] set Let N ρ (A, µ) = {x A : # ρ (x) < } ρ (x) := {n : µ(f n (I n (x))) > ρ} Proposition 24 Let f : [0, ] [0, ] be a uniformly hyperbolic, piecewise monotone interval map Let A be a compact invariant, uncountable set such that f A is top transitive Then for every µ probability measure with supp(µ) = A, lim dim H N ρ (A, µ) = 0 ρ 0+

11 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP The proof the proposition is the application of [26, Lemma 4] for uniformly hyperbolic, piecewise monotone maps We say that a probability measure µ is ϕ-conformal over a compact invariant set A if supp(µ) = A and (24) µ(f(i)) = e P (f A,ϕ) ϕ dµ for every I I n, I where ϕ: I R is a piecewise continuous potential such that the continuity intervals contained in a refinement of I Since f is hyperbolic, the partition I is generating Thus, we get µ(f n (I)) = e np (f A,ϕ) S nϕ dµ for every I I n I Theorem 25 Let f : [0, ] [0, ] be a uniformly hyperbolic, piecewise monotone interval map with monotonicity intervals I Let ϕ: [0, ] R be a piecewise continuous potential function such that its continuity intervals contained in a refinement of I Then for every compact invariant, uncountable set A, for which f A topologically transitive, there exists a ϕ-conformal, non-atomic probability measure over A This theorem is a special version of [29, Theorem 2] in the uniformly hyperbolic setting The proof of the theorem coincides with the verification on [26, p 8] Throughout the paper, we usually work with the potential ϕ s defined in (5) By reformulating (28), we get P (f B, ϕ s ) = P (s, B) for every Markov subset B and s [0, ), where P (s, B) is defined in (23) Moreover, the pressure s P (f I, ϕ s ), defined in (23), is the pressure we referred as s P Hof (s) in Theorem 2 and Theorem 3 Remark 26 Let B be a Markov subset such that π (B) is a subshift of type-, and for every I i B let x i (I i B) R k Then we can define a matrix A (s) such that { A (s) i,j = ( 2 g(x i )) k (D proj(xi )f) s k if I j B f(i i B) 0 otherwise Then P (s, B) = ρ(a (s) ), where ρ(a) denotes the spectral radius of A By Remark 2, every subshifts of type-n can be corresponded to a type- subshift by defining a new alphabet, and subdividing the monotonicity intervals into smaller intervals Let us finish this subsection with the variational principle over Markov subsets For a compact invariant set B, let us denote collection of all σ-invariant measures on π (B) by P inv (B), and similarly, the set of ergodic σ-invariant measures by P erg (B) Lemma 27 Let f : [0, ] d [0, ] d be a uniformly hyperbolic, piecewise linear and conformal map and let B be a Markov set Let s 0 be the root of the pressure s P (s, B), defined in (24) Then s 0 (B) = max D(µ), µ P erg(b) where D(µ) is the Lyapunov dimension of µ Proof It is straightforward that sup D(µ) s 0 (B) µ P erg(b) Thus, it is enough to show that there exists a measure µ, for which equality holds n=0 n=0

12 2 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON However, the potential i ϕ s (π(i)) is piecewise constant and thus, Hölder continuous on π (B) Hence, by [2, Theorem 2] and Lemma 22(28), there exist a constant C > 0 and a unique ergodic measure such that By [2, Theorem 22], (25) P (s, B) = h µs + C µ s [i n ] C e P (s,b)n+sn(i) ϕ s (π(i))dµ s (i) = h µs min{s, d}χ (µ s ) max{s d, 0}χ 2 (µ s ) Thus, by using the definition of s 0 (B), we get s 0 (B) = D(µ s0 (B)) 24 Tools for the dimension theory of self-affine sets In this section, we state the results in the dimension theory of triangular self-affine iterated function systems (IFS), which we are going to use later Let Φ = { F i : R d R k R d R k } N i= be a finite collection of contracting affine transformations such that (26) Fi (x, z) = (γ i U i x + v i, λ i O i z + B i x + w i ), where > λ i > γ i > 0, U i O(d), O i O(k), A i R k d, v i R d and w i R k for every i =,, N Denote the attractor of Φ by Λ Moreover, for a probability vector p = (p i ) N i= let µ be the self-affine measure In the study of the dimension theory of self-affine measures, the Furstenberg-Kifer measure and Ledrappier-Young formula plays an important role In this section, we state the corresponding definitions and theorems First, let us define the Furstenberg-Kifer measure, which is supported in the Grassmannian manifold of d-dimensional subspaces of R d+k Let us denote the Grassmannian manifold by G(d, d + k) Let ν be a Bernoulli measure on Σ with probability vector p It is easy to see that in this case there are only two Lyapunov exponents χ 2 = i p i log γ i > χ = i p i log λ i > 0 By Oseledets multiplicative theorem [2, Theorem 34] there exists a unique measurable map V : Σ G(d, d + k) such that (27) lim n V (i) = A i 0 V (σi) (28) n log A i n A i0 v = χ 2, for ν-almost every i Σ and v V (i) We call the measure µ F = V ν the Furstenberg- Kifer measure We show that in the case of IFS of the form (26), the mapping V : Σ G(d, d + k) is Hölder continuous, everywhere defined mapping We give the heuristic way to define it in the simplest case d = k =, where G(, 2) = RP For matrices A i of the form ( ) γi 0 (29) A i =, b i λ i we have A i ( ) ( = γi x γ i λ i x b i λ i Since γ i /λ i <, the IFS {h i : x γ i λ i x b i λ i } is strictly contracting, and the limit ) v(i) = lim n h i0 h in (0)

13 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP 3 is well defined for every i Σ Moreover, v : Σ R is Hölder continuous In other words, the action of A i is contracting on RP \{ ( 0 ) } with respect to a well chosen metric Thus, by using the invariance of V (i) and the uniqueness, V (i) = span{ ( v(i)) } In the general situation, the Furstenberg-Kifer measure can be associated with a selfsimilar measure on R dk Let E = {V G(d, d + k) : dim V W }, where W is the k dimensional invariant subspace wrt the matrices A i That is, W = span{ê l } d+k l=d+, where ê l is the lth element of the natural basis of R d+k One can associate the set G(d, d+k)\e with the set { d ( ) } el : x l R k, l =,, d d R d+k, l= x l which can be associated with R dk Let Ui T Oi T denote the usual Kronecker product of the matrices Ui T, Oi T That is, Ui T Oi T is the dk dk blockmatrix defined as u (i),oi T u (i) 2,Oi T u (i) d, OT i u (i) Ui T Oi T =,2Oi T u (i) 2,2Oi T u (i) d,2 OT i, u (i),d OT i u (i) 2,d OT i u (i) d,d OT i where U i = (u (i) m,l )d m,l= It is easy to see that U T i O T i is also an orthogonal matrix Associated to the system defined in (26), let (220) h i (x) = γ i λ i U T i O T i x + t i, for i =,, M and x R dk, where t i = λ i O T i B i e, Oi T B i e d where e l is the lth element of the natural basis of R d We call the IFS {h i } M i= the Furstenberg-Kifer IFS Similarly, to the previous calculations, ( ) d ( ) d A el i = d ( ) el, x l γi d z l l= where h i (x T,, x T d )T = (z T,, z T d )T Since γ i /λ i <, the IFS {h i } M i= is strictly contracting on R dk, hence v (i) = lim h i0 h in (0) n v d (i) { ( is well defined, and by the uniqueness of V (i), we have V (i) = span el ) } d v l The (i) l= measure µ F = V ν is called the Furstenberg-Kifer measure Let us define the orthogonal projection from R d+k along a subspace V G(d, d + k) by proj V Theorem 28 [4, Corollary 27] Let Φ = { F i } M i= be the IFS of the form (26) with > λ i > γ i > 0 and with SOSC Then for every µ self-affine measure dim µ = D(µ) if and only if dim(proj V ) µ = min {k, D(µ)} for µ F -ae V l=

14 4 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON In the literature, this condition has been confirmed in the following two situations We note that in Theorem 28 we do not require that B i 0 for some i =,, M Theorem 29 [3, Proposition 66] Let Φ = { F i } M i= be the IFS of the form (26) with > λ i > γ i > 0 and with SOSC Assume that d = k = If the maps h i do not have a common fixed point then dim µ = D(µ) In higher dimensions, we have to add an extra condition on the Furstenberg-Kifer measure Theorem 20 [39, Section 2] Let Φ = { F i } M i= be the IFS of the form (26) with > λ i > γ i > 0 and with SOSC If then D(µ) + dim µ F > (d + )k dim µ = D(µ) In general, the dimension theory of the Furstenberg-Kifer measure is far from being well understood For the case of general SL 2 (R) matrices, Hochman and Solomyak [24] gave a condition, which allows us to calculate the dimension of the measure However, in higher dimension, it is unknown whether the Furstenberg-Kifer measure is exact dimensional In our case, the Furstenberg-Kifer measure can be associated with a self-similar measure, thus, by using the result of Hochman [23], we can compute the dimension of the measure under some conditions Theorem 2 [23, Corollary 6] Let {h i : R dk R dk } M i= be a IFS of similarities of the form (220), and let p = (p i ) M i= be a probability vector with p i > 0 for every i =,, M If HESC holds (see Definition ) and µ F = V p N then dim µ F = min { dk, M i= p i log p i M i= p i log γ i /λ i Corollary 22 Let Φ = { F i } M i= be the IFS of the form (26) with > λ i > γ i > 0 and with SOSC Let s be the unique root of the pressure defined in (26) If the IFS {h i : R dk R dk } M i= defined in (220) satisfies HESC, then s > (d + 2)k 2 dim H Λ = s Proof Observe that if s is the unique root of the pressure defined in (26), M M if s < k then λ s i = else λ k i γ s k i = i= Observe that our assumption implies s > k Let ν be the Bernoulli measure associated to the prob vector p = (λ k i γ s k i ) M i= and let µ F = V ν and µ = Π ν Thus, M i= D(µ) = s and p i log p i M i= p s k i log γ i /λ i Hence, by Theorem 2, dim µ F > s k, and therefore D(µ)+dim µ F 2s k > (d+)k Thus, by applying Theorem 20, the statement follows i= }

15 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP 5 Remark 23 We note that the condition s > (d + )k/2 given in Corollary 22 holds if k = and d 2 For k 2, we have (d + 2)k/2 d + k s On the other hand, in our case s > d d/ Approximating Markov systems with IFSs In this section, we approximate the subshifts Y of finite type with full-shifts in the sense of weak*+entropy topology By Remark 2, we may assume that Y is of type-, that is, Y is a Markov-shift Throughout the section, we use the method given by Jordan and Rams [32] Let Q be the M M transition matrix corresponding to the subshift Y of type- Let us denote the set of allowed words of length q by Σ (q) Q We say that a measure µ is Markov if there exists an M M stochastic matrix P such that if P i,j 0 then Q i,j 0 and µ([i 0,, i n ]) = p i0 P i0,i P in i n, where (p i ) M i= is a left-eigenvector of P of eigenvalue We say that µ is generalized Markov, if there exist q and M q M q stochastic matrix P such that if P ı,ı 2 0 then ı, ı 2 Σ (q) Q and (ı ) q = (ı 2 ), moreover, µ([i 0,, i qn ]) = µ([ı 0,, ı n ]) = p ı0 P ı0,ı P ın ı n, where (p ı ) (q) ı Σ is a left eigenvector of P with eigenvalue We note that generalised Q Markov measures are not necessarily σ-invariant, but they are σ q -invariant By taking q k=0 µ σ k, one can show that µ is σ-invariant µ = q We say that a symbol j {,, M} is recurrent if there exist n and (i,, i n ) that Q j,i Q i,i 2 Q in,j 0 Denote R Q the set of recurrent symbols Let us define a new alphabet for all j R Q Namely, { (22) Ω (q) j,q = ı Σ (q) Q : i 0 = i q = j Each element of Ω (q) j,q corresponds to a q-step loop with source and target j in our Markov system, and we may concatenate such loops Let us denote the set of such infinite words by L (q) j In that way we obtain a σ q -invariant subset, which we can identify with Ω := ( ) N, (q) that is (Ω, σ) is conjugated to (L Ω (q) j,q ϕ q : L (q) j } j, σ q ) Let us denote the conjugation by Ω We can define Bernoulli measures on it by attaching to each ω Ω (q) j,q a probabilistic weight p ω Denote this Bernoulli measure by µ The measure (ϕ q ) µ is only σ q -invariant and ergodic, to make it σ-invariant and ergodic, we need to consider (222) µ := q (ϕ q ) µ σ k q k=0 We call the measure µ as q-step Bernoulli measure for the recurrent element j Let us denote the set of q-step Bernoulli measures for the recurrent symbol j by B j,q Moreover, let B Q = j R Q q= Now, we state a modified version of Bernoulli approximation, proven in [32, Lemma 6], for Markov systems We say that a sequence µ n P inv (Q) converges to µ P inv (Q) in the entropy plus weak*-topology if µ n converges to µ in weak*-topology and h µn h µ as n B j,q

16 6 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON Lemma 24 For any matrix Q, B Q is dense in P erg (Q) in the entropy plus weak*- topology In particular, the convex hull of B Q is dense in P inv (Q) in the entropy plus weak*-topology Proof Let us observe that without loss of generality, we may assume that Q is primitive Let k be such that all elements of Q k are positive Let µ be an arbitrary ergodic measure and q > 2k Let i R Q be arbitrary but fixed Let us define a q-step Bernoulli measure ν q for i as follows: for any ı Ω (q) j,q we decompose ı = ı jı 2 for which ı = ı 2 = k It is easy to see by the positivity of Q k that there exist ı, ı 2 with length k such that for every j Σ (q 2k) Q, ı jı 2 Ω (q) j,q Let { µ(j) ı = ı jı 2 ν q (ı) := 0 otherwise Let ν q be as defined in (222) First, we show that one can find a sequence ν q B Q such that h νq h µ as q Thus, (223) h νq = q h (ϕ q) ν q = q h ν q = µ([j]) log µ([j]) q j Σ (q 2k) Q Now we show that ν q µ in weak*-topology Let η : Y R be a Hölder-continuous test function That is, there exists a constant 0 < κ < such that for every i, j Y We have η(i) η(j) κ i j η(i)dν q (i) η(i)dµ(i) q q η(σ n ϕ q (i))d ν q (i) η(σ n i)dµ(i) n=0 Ω 2k q sup η(i) + q k i Y q η(σ n ϕ q (i))d ν q (i) j Σ (q 2k) Q n=k 2k q max η(i) + 2 q k κ q k n + i Y q n=k q k η(σ n k jj)µ([j]) q n=k = 2k q sup η(i) + 2 i Y q Ω q k κ q k n n=k j Σ (q 2k) Q η(σ n i)dµ(i) η(σ n k jj)µ([j]) Thus, ηdν q ηdµ as q Since this holds for every Hölder-continuous test function, ν q µ in weak*-topology 3 Upper bound for the general case with one dimensional base In this section, we give a more sophisticated upper bound for the Hausdorff dimension of the repeller Λ of the system F, defined in (3), in the case when d = Let us recall some definitions

17 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP 7 Let I = {I i } M i= be a partition of the unit interval [0, ] into proper intervals Moreover, for every i =,, M let f i be a uniformly expanding similitude such that f i : I i [0, ], and we consider the uniformly, piecewise expanding dynamical system f : [0, ] [0, ], where (3) f(x) = f i (x) if x I i We denote the nth refinement of the partition I wrt f by I n We define F : [0, ] R [0, ] R as (32) F (x, z) = (f i (x), g i (x, z)) if x I i, where g i : [0, ] R R is an affine mapping such that for every x [0, ], the function g i (x, ): R R is a similitude and f i(x) > 2 g i (x, z) > λ > for every (x, z) [0, ] R and i =,, M Denote the local inverses of f and F by f i and F i as in Section 22 We may assume without loss of generality, that there exists a closed and bounded interval J R such that F i ([0, ] J) [0, ] J Let s 0 be the unique root of the pressure P (f, ϕ s ) = 0, where ϕ s is defined in (5) and P is defined in (23) Let s > s 0 and let µ be a ϕ s -conformal measure on [0, ], that is, µ(f n (I)) = e np Snϕs dµ for every I I n By Theorem 25, there exists such measure µ For ρ > 0, let Moreover, let Lemma 3 I G ρ (n) = {I I n : µ(f n (I)) > ρ} M ρ = N= n=n I G ρ(n) I lim dim H Λ \ (M ρ R) ρ 0 Proof Since Λ\(M ρ R) ([0, ]\M ρ ) R, the statement follows by Proposition 24 Lemma 32 dim H Λ max{, s 0 }, where s 0 is the unique root of the pressure defined in (23) Proof For every ρ > 0 we have n=0 dim H Λ max{dim H Λ \ (M ρ R), dim H Λ (M ρ R)} Thus, it is enough to show that lim dim H Λ (M ρ R) s 0 ρ Observe that the Birkhoff sum S n ϕ s is constant over the intervals in I n So with a slight abuse of notation, we write S n ϕ s : I n R for every s > 0 Let s > s 0 and µ be the ϕ s -conformal measure We note that in this case, P = P (f, ϕ s ) < 0 Since µ is non-atomic and compactly supported, we get that there exists κ = κ(ρ) such that f n (I) > κ for every n and I G ρ (n) Hence, by the piecewise linearity of f κe Sn log f I e Sn log f

18 8 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON Let i X n the word which corresponds to f n (I) Since f i > 2 g i, then F i ([0, ] J) can be covered by ( J + ) e Sn log 2g +S n log f many balls with radius e Sn log f Hence, the impact of F i ([0, ] J) in the s-dimensional Hausdorff measure is at most e Snϕs (I) Thus, H s (M ρ J Λ) C lim e Snϕs (I) N n=n I G ρ(n) But by using the ϕ s conformality of the measure µ, and hence, µ(f n (I)) = e np Snϕs (I) µ(i) H s (M ρ J Λ) C lim N n=n I G ρ(n) C lim N n=n I G ρ(n) C lim N n=n Since s > s 0 was arbitrary, the statement follows e np ρ = 0 e np µ(i) µ(f n (I)) e np µ(i) ρ Fact 33 Let f : [0, ] [0, ] be a uniformly hyperbolic, piecewise C +α, piecewise monotone interval map with set of monotonicity intervals I Then there exists a constant K > such that for every n, every I I n and for every x, y I, K < (f n ) (x) (f n ) (y) < K Indeed, the branch of f n f n (I) is a composition of contracting uniformly C +α maps, hence it has distortion uniformly bounded by a constant depending only on α, the Hölderconstant and the uniform contraction ratio Lemma 34 Let f : [0, ] [0, ] be a uniformly hyperbolic, piecewise C +α, piecewise monotone interval map with monotonicity intervals I Let s 0 be the unique root of the pressure defined in (23) with respect to the potential s log f Then = s 0 Proof To prove the claim of the lemma, it is enough to construct a Markov-subsystem B such that the root of P (f B, s log f ) = 0 is arbitrary close to one In order to construct such a system, we apply a modification of the construction in Hofbauer, Raith and Simon [28] First, let us fix N large Since f is uniformly hyperbolic, by taking a sufficiently high k we may assume that (f k ) (x) > N for every x [0, ] By subdividing the intervals in I k into smaller pieces, we can define a partition J refinement of I k such that I / I 2 < 2 for every I I 2 J For every I J we define a subinterval J I to be the maximal interval such that f k (J) is a union of intervals contained in J It is easy to see that f k (I) \ f k (J) consists of at most two intervals, both contained in intervals in J Since f k (I) > N I, f k (J) is formed by at least N/2 2 many intervals from J Moreover, f k (I) \ f k (J) f k (I) 4 N

19 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP 9 Let K denote the set of intervals J defined above Let B k = {x [0, ] : for every l 0 there exists J K such that f lk (x) J} It is easy to see that B k is a Markov subset for f k and hence, k m=0 f m (B k ) is a Markov subset for f Denote K n the nth refinement of the intervals in K by the map f k Bk Let K > be the distortion constant from Fact 33 So, for every n () L( J K n J) > ( ) n, 4K N (2) J ( ) n N for every J Kn By Fact 33, for s = log(n 4K) and for all n log N K max log (f k ) (x) x J e Sn J s = J J s J K n J K n J K n ( 4K N ) n ( N ) (s )n Hence, P (f Bk, s log f ) 0 Thus, by taking N, s and we get s 0 The upper bound for s 0 is obvious We note that an immediate corollary of Lemma 34 is (33) s 0, where s 0 is the unique root of the pressure defined in (23) with respect to the potential ϕ s Indeed, P (f B, ϕ s ) P (f B, s log f ), since ϕ s s log f 4 conformal base with Markov structure Let f : [0, ] d [0, ] d be as in () Markov with d such that f i are similitudes Let F i : I i R [0, ] d R be such that F i (x, z) = (f i (x), g i (x, z)), where g i : I R R is an affine mapping such that for every x [0, ] d, the function g i (x, ): R R is a similitude and (4) Df i > 2 g i > Theorem 4 Let us assume that one of the following conditions holds (i) The functions g i has the form g i (x, z) = g i (z) = λ i z + t i, λ i >, t i R for every i =,, M, and the IFS {g i } M i= satisfies HESC (see Definition ); (ii) d 2, and {h i } M i= (defined in (220)) satisfies HESC; (iii) d =, F is essentially non-diagonal and the base system f is topologically transitive If (4) holds then dim H Λ = s 0, where s 0 is the root of the pressure defined in (28) Proof In all the three cases, the upper bound follows by Lemma 22 For the lower bound, it is enough to show that there exists an IFS, which attractor is contained in Λ and has dimension arbitrary close to s 0 As a combination of Lemma 27 and Lemma 24, for every ε > 0 there exists an IFS Φ with attractor Λ and invariant measure µ such that D(µ) > s 0 ε, Λ Λ and dim H Λ dim H µ

20 20 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON Moreover, the functions of Φ are finite compositions of the local inverses F i of F i Hence, it is enough to prove that dim H µ = D(µ) By Theorem 28, it is enough to show that is the Furstenberg-Kifer measure corresponding to µ and Φ, defined in Sec- where µ F tion 24 dim(proj V ) µ = min {, D(µ)} for µ F -ae V, It is easy to see that if the IFS {g i } M i= or {h i } M i= satisfies the HESC then every finite subsystem, which is formed by finite compositions of the functions, remains to satisfy the HESC Hence, in case (i), µ F supported on one point of G(d, d+) and the claim dim(proj V ) µ = min {, D(µ)} follows by [22, Theorem ], and the case (ii) follows by Corollary 22 Finally, we turn to the case (iii) In order to show this we use Theorem 29 So, it is enough to show the following claim holds, which is the remaining part of the proof Claim If (iii) holds then the IFS Φ can be chosen such that the corresponding Furstenberg system {h ı } ı: Fı Φ has at least two distinct fixed points By the construction of Φ in Lemma 24, there exist finite words ı and ı 2 such that F ı Φ if and only if ı = ı jı 2, where ı jı 2 is admissible and j = n with some large n chosen according to the precision of the approximation Let us argue by contradiction That is, assume that A ı A j A ı2 can be simultaneously diagonalised for every n and every j = n, for which ı jı 2 is admissible That is, there exists Q GL 2 (R) such that Q is triangular matrix with diagonal entries and QA ı A j A ı2 Q = D ı jı 2, where D ı jı 2 is a diagonal matrix with the diagonal elements of A ı A j A ı2 By the essentially non-diagonal property of F, there exist, 2 and a finite admissible words so that f and f 2 have fixed points, A and A 2 are not simultaneously diagonalisable, a 2 is admissible and A a v 2 v, where v and v 2 denote the eigenvector of the matrix A and v 2 respectively, different from (0, ) and with first coordinate (see (6)) Let R i be the triangular matrix, with diagonal entries so that R i A i R i = D i That is R i = [v i, (0, ) T ] Since f is topologically transitive, there exists j, j 2 and j, j 2 such that ı j, j 2 ı 2, ı j 2 and 2 j 2ı 2 are admissible By the fixed point property, ı j j 2 ı 2 is admissible too Hence, D ı j j 2 ı 2 = QA ı A j A A A j2 A ı2 Q = QA ı A j A A j2 A ı2 Q QA ı 2 A j 2 A A j2 A ı2 Q = D ı j j 2 ı 2 QAı 2 Aj 2 A A j2 A ı2 Q Thus, (42) D = ( A j2 A ı2 Q ) A ( Aj2 A ı2 Q ) and similarly, D = ( QA ı A j ) A ( QAı A j ) Moreover, similar argument shows that (43) D = ( A j 2 A ı2 Q ) A 2 ( Aj 2 A ı2 Q ) = ( QA ı A j ) A 2 ( QAı A j )

21 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP 2 Therefore, the matrices R A j2 A ı2 Q, R 2 A j 2 A ı2 Q, QA ı A j R and QA ı A j R 2 are diagonal matrices Hence, D ı j a 2 j 2 ı 2 = QA ı A j A A a A 2 A j 2 A ı2 Q = QA ı A j R R A R R A a R 2 R 2 A 2 R 2 A j 2 A ı2 Q = D R A a R 2 D 2, where D and D 2 are diagonal matrices Thus A a maps the eigendirection v 2 to v, which is a contradiction Theorem 4 and Theorem 5 are immediate corollaries of Theorem 4 5 Lower bound for the general case with one dimensional base In this section we give the two remaining proofs Proof of Theorem 2 The upper bound follows by the combination of Lemma 32 and equation (33) To show that the lower bound holds, let B be a Markov subset of f such that P (f B, ϕ s ) is sufficiently close to P (f, ϕ s ) Since k =, if {g i } M i= satisfies the HESC then every subsystem, formed by composition of functions in {g i } M i=, satisfies it too Thus, by applying Theorem 4, we get the assertion Proof of Theorem 3 Similarly to the previous case, the upper bound follows by the combination of Lemma 32 and equation (33) To show that the lower bound holds, let B be a Markov subset of f such that P (f B, ϕ s ) is sufficiently close to P (f, ϕ s ) Without loss of generality, we may assume that F B R is essentially non-diagonal Indeed, let ı and j be the finite length words corresponding to the essentially nondiagonal condition in (6), and let x ı and x j be the two corresponding fixed points Since {x ı } and {x j } are trivially Markov subsets of f, we can find a Markov subset B such that {x ı, x j } B B by Proposition 23 Trivially, P (f B, ϕ s ) P (f B, ϕ s ) and F B R is essentially non diagonal Thus, the assertion for the lower bound follows by Theorem 4 6 Examples: Fractal functions Let a data set {(x i, y i ) [0, ] R : i = 0,,, N} be given so that x 0 = 0 and x N = Barnsley [7] introduced a family of iterated function systems whose attractors Λ are graphs of continuous functions G: [0, ] R, which interpolate the data according to G(x i ) = y i for i {0,,, N} This IFS contains only affine transformations with triangular matrices The dimension theory of the interpolation functions was studied in several papers, see for example Keane, Simon and Solomyak [35] and Ruan, Su and Yao [4] Here we present a generalised version of fractal interpolation functions G: [0, ] R constructed with Markov systems, similar to Deniz and Özdemir [6] Another generalisation of the fractal interpolation functions are the fractal interpolation surfaces For precise definitions, see Feng [20] or Bouboulis and Dalla [], Dalla [5] For d 2, the defining IFS contains non-linear functions in general Thus, our method is not suitable for the general case So, in the next application of our main theorems, we consider an important special case of fractal interpolation surfaces, the graph of multivariable Takagi function

22 22 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON For the parameters /2 < λ <, the Takagi function G λ : [0, ] R is a well known example for a continuous, but nowhere differentiable function, introduced by Takagi, where G λ (x) = λ n d (2 n x, Z), n=0 and d (x, y) = x y It is easy to see that the graph of G λ is the repeller of the dynamics {( ) 2x, y x F (x, y) = λ, if 0 x < ( ) 2 2x, y+x if x, 2 which is a Markov system The dimension of the graph of the Takagi function was studied in several papers, see for example Ledrappier [36] and Solomyak [42], and the complete answer was given in the recent paper [3] For further properties, see Allaart and Kawamura [] In our last example, we consider a generalized version of the Takagi function from [0, ] to R, which is not associated to a Markovian system 6 Fractal interpolation functions Let {(x i, y i ) [0, ] R : i = 0,,, N} be a data set such that 0 = x 0 < x < < x N < x N = and let I i = [x i, x i ] For every i =,, N, let us choose 0 k i < l i N such that λ x li x ki x i x i > We define the base system f : [0, ] [0, ] such that (6) f(x) = x l i x ki x i x i (x x i ) + x ki if x I i It is easy to see that f is Markov with respect to the Markov partition {I i } N i= For every i =,, N, let us choose real numbers λ i such that (62) Let x li x ki x i x i > λ i > (63) a i = y l i y ki y i y i λ i and d i = y k i x i y li x i y i x i y i x i + λ i, x i x i x i x i x i x i x i x i and let us define g i (x, y) = a i x + λ i y + d i Simple calculations show that the system F (x, y) = (f(x), g i (x, y)) if x I i has a unique repeller Λ, which is a graph of a continuous function G such that G(x i ) = y i for i = 0,, N For an example, see Figure 3 Finally, by using Remark 26, we define the matrix A (s) so that ( ) s xi x i (64) A (s) i,j = λ i if k i j l i x li x ki 0 otherwise Hence, the root s 0 of the pressure defined in (2) satisfies ρ(a (s 0) ) =, where ρ(a) denotes the spectral radius of A

23 DIMENSION OF THE REPELLER FOR A PIECEWISE EXPANDING AFFINE MAP 23 Figure 3 The graph of fractal interpolation functions with data set {(0, 0), (/3, 2/3), (2/3, /3), (, )}, and parameters λ = 3/2, λ 2 = 2 and λ 3 = 3/2 The colors represents which interval is mapped onto which interval by the base system By Theorem 6, since ( + λ 2 )/( λ 2 ) ( 2λ 3 )/(2 λ 3 ) the Hausdorff dimension of the graphs are approximately and 4556 Theorem 6 Let {(x i, y i ) [0, ] R : i = 0,,, N} and F be such that all the assumptions hold above If λ,, λ N are chosen such that there exist i, j {,, N} such that y li y ki λ i (y i y i ) x li x ki λ i (x i x i ) y l j y kj λ j (y j y j ) x lj x kj λ j (x j x j ) then dim H Λ = s 0, where ρ(a (s0) ) = and A (s) is the matrix defined in (64) The proof of the theorem follows by Theorem 3 62 Multivariable Takagi function For /2 < λ < and d, let G λ : [0, ] d R be such that G λ (x) = λ n d (2 n x, Z d ), where d (x, y) = d i= x i y i Denote graph(g λ ) the graph of G λ, ie n=0 graph(g λ ) = { (x, y) [0, ] d R : G λ (x) = y } See Figure 4, for an example of the multivariable Takagi function The main statement of this section is the following Theorem 62 Let d 2 There exists a set E ( 2, ) such that dim P E = 0 and dim H graph(g λ ) = d + + log λ log 2 for every λ (/2, ) \ E Moreover, if 5 < λ < then dim H graph(g λ ) = d + + log λ log 2

24 24 BALÁZS BÁRÁNY, MICHAŁ RAMS, AND KÁROLY SIMON Figure 4 The graph of the Takagi function with parameters d = 2 and λ = 2/3 Let us observe that graph(g λ ) is the attractor of the IFS /2 0 0 i /2 (65) Φ = F ı (x) = /2 0 x + i n /2 ( ) i /2 ( ) in /2 λ d k= i k ı {0,} d By using the definition of the pressure (28) and (2), we get for the root of the pressure that s 0 = d + + log λ log 2 Moreover, the equilibirum measure µ (defined in Lemma 27) is the uniform Bernoulli measure on the symbolic space Σ = ( {0, } d) N According to Section 24 and to (220), the Furstenberg-Kifer measure µ F on R d is associated to the uniform Bernoulli measure with the IFS Φ F = h ı(x) = ( ) i /2 2λ x + ( ) in /2 ı {0,} d It is easy to see that Φ F does not satisfy Definition (2) for d 2 So, we cannot apply Theorem 5 and we need a more sophisticated analysis By Theorem 20, it is enough to show that s 0 + dim H µ F > d + Since s 0 d, in order to prove Theorem 62, it is enough to show the following lemma Lemma 63 Let µ F be the Furstenberg-Kifer measure defined above That is, µ F = 2 µ d F h ı ı {0,} d Then there exists a set E (/2, ) such that dim P E = 0 and dim H µ F for every λ (/2, ) \ E Moreover, dim H µ F > for λ (/( 5 ), )

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