Logic and cryptography

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1 Charles University in Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics MASTER THESIS Bc. Vojtěch Wagner Logic and cryptography Department of Algebra Supervisor of the master thesis: prof. RNDr. Jan Krajíček, DrSc. Study programme: Mathematics Specialization: Mathematical Methods of Information Security Prague 015

2 I would like to thank the supervisor of my master thesis, prof. RNDr. Jan Krajíček, DrSc. for interesting topic, for lot of patience, for willingness to help and advise and for his valuable advices provided during this work.

3 I declare that I carried out this master thesis independently, and only with the cited sources, literature and other professional sources. I understand that my work relates to the rights and obligations under the Act No. 11/000 Coll., the Copyright Act, as amended, in particular the fact that the Charles University in Prague has the right to conclude a license agreement on the use of this work as a school work pursuant to Section 60 paragraph 1 of the Copyright Act. In Prague date Bc. Vojtěch Wagner

4 Název práce: Logika a kryptografie Autor: Bc. Vojtěch Wagner Katedra: Katedra algebry Vedoucí diplomové práce: prof. RNDr. Jan Krajíček, DrSc. Abstrakt: Práce se zabývá studiem metod pro formalizaci kryptografických konstrukcí. Konkrétně metodou, která je založena na definování logické teorie T, která obsahuje řetězce, čísla a objekty třídy k - k-ární funkce. Povolíme jim určité operace a formulujeme axiomy, termy a formule. Budeme používat speciální typ termů - počítající term, který označuje počet prvků x v daném intervalu splňujících formuli ϕ(x). Díky nim můžeme mluvit o pravděpodobnostech a používat další pojmy z teorie pravděpodobnosti. Práce nejprve popisuje detailně tuto teorii. Poté přináší formalizaci Goldreich-Levinovy věty. Cílem práce je předložit potřebné kryptografické pojmy a konstrukce v jazyce teorie T a následně dokázat větu pomocí objektů, pravidel a axiomů teorie T. Uvedené definice a principy jsou ilustrovány na příkladech. Cílem práce je ukázat, že takováto teorie je dostatečně silná, aby dokázala správnost a bezpečnost podobné kryptografické konstrukce. Klíčová slova: kryptografie, ověřování protokolů, věta o správnosti, formální logická teorie, Goldreich-Levinova věta Title: Logic and cryptography Author: Bc.Vojtěch Wagner Department: Department of Algebra Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Jan Krajíček, DrSc. Abstract: This work is devoted to a study of a formal method of formalization of cryptographic constructions. It is based on defining a multi-sorted formal logic theory T composed of strings, integers and objects of sort k - k-ary functions. We allow some operations on them, formulate axioms, terms and formulas. We also have a special type of integers called the counting integers. It denotes the number of x from a given interval satisfying formula ϕ(x). It allows us to talk about probabilities and use terms of probability theory. The work first describes this theory and then it brings a formalization of the Goldreich-Levin theorem. The goal of this work is to adapt all needed cryptographic terms into the language of T and then prove the theorem using objects, rules and axioms of T. Presented definitions and principles are ilustrated on examples. The purpose of this work is to show that such theory is sufficiently strong to prove such cryptographic constructions and verify its correctness and security. Keywords: cryptography, protocol verifying, Soundness theorem, formal logic theory, the Goldreich-Levin theorem

5 Contents Introduction 1 Formal system for cryptographic protocols verification General introduction Elements of the system The language Terms and formulas Axioms of the theory Properties of counting terms Soundness of the theory The Goldreich-Levin theorem 15.1 Hard-Core predicate The Goldreich-Levin theorem Adaptation in our theory Cryptographic terms Inner product The theorem Proof of the Goldreich-Levin theorem Idea of the original proof Idea of the formalized proof Steps of the proof Formalization of ϕ Formalization of ϕ Formalization of ψ Construction of the Goldreich-Levin algorithm Preparation The algorithm The correctness and the success probability of the algorithm Final step Conclusion 36 Bibliography 37 Appendix 38 1

6 Introduction With the masive expansion of interchange network protocols, big data storages and ICT technologies in general, there comes also a question regarding their security and correctness. Because of huge and continuously growing technological possibilities and opportunities, it is not sufficient to just provide some service but more and more attention goes to the quality of the provided service. Nowadays many companies have their data stored in some kind of ICT services. That immediately implies the question regarding correctness, security, integrity and availability of those services to protect and correctly store the data. In general, we deal with two things. One is the construction of a correct and a secure protocol. Although this is the main task in cryptography, we will not deal with this task in this work. In fact, the construction of a secure protocol is just the first part. We also need the possibility to verify that our constructed protocol is correct and secure enough. To do that, we can define a formal logic system. We allow as objects just strings and integers that are the length of some string. We allow specific operations on them and present some axioms. To be able to verify protocols, we present functions, terms and formulas and special terms that give us a number of elements from a given interval satisfying some formula. We will call them counting integers and having them, we can talk about probablities. Such theory was introduced by Russel Impagliazzo and Bruce Kapron in [IK03]. The idea is to present formal logic system that can be easily implemented for automated protocol verifying. The goal of this work is to show how this theory can be used for proving some cryptologic construction. Namely we will try to formalize and prove the wellknown Goldreich-Levin theorem using this logic theory. The first chapter is devoted to a description of this formal system of logic. We define objects we will work with - strings and integers and a special way how to view string as integers and vice versa. We present operations on them and define axioms, terms and formulas. We allow functions of arity k > 0. This will give us a strong enough tool to present the Soundness theorem - a general way how to prove cryptographic properties. We present this theorem at the end of the chapter. This chapter is closely based on the original work [IK03]. Besides that, we show the presented principles on some examples. In the second chapter we present a formalization of the Goldreich-Levin theorem in our theory. We show how to transform the cryptographic primitives that are used in the theorem into our formal system of logic and finally we transform the theorem itself to our theory. In the third chapter we try to prove the adapted Goldreich-Levin theorem using objects, axioms and rules from the defined theory. By giving the exact proof of the theorem, we will show that the theory is strong enough to prove such cryptographic constructions. This proof uses ideas from the original proof (as presented for example in [G01b]), but the whole composition and transformation into the language of the theory is the result of my work.

7 1. Formal system for cryptographic protocols verification 1.1 General introduction To create a secure and a correct protocol which solves one or more tasks regarding privacy of data, integrity of data, availability of data or authentication is one of the most fundamental and important tasks in cryptography. But it is also one of the most difficult ones. A simple straightforward solution comes to our mind immediately. We could take cryptographic primitives which are considered secure and correct and put them simply together - let every single task be solved by an appropriate primitive. Although every particular primitive is secure and correct, the resulting protocol may not be secure and correct. In fact, with a high probability such protocol will not be secure and correct unless we took care of the right connection of primitives together and a correct usage of them. This makes from a cryptographic protocol construction very difficult task. Naturally there arises a question how to correctly verify that some protocol is sound and secure enough. To have a possibility to verify protocols generally enough and independently on all factors, we need some formal system of axioms, rules, variables and functions in which we can interpret the whole protocol and prove the soundness easily by using axioms from this system. Such system was proposed by Russel Impagliazzo and Bruce Kapron and we will describe it in detail in the first chapter. The description is closely based on work of R. Impagliazzo and B. Kapron presented in [IK03]. We then present some examples for better understanding. At first, we will give a description of this system and at the end of this chapter we will also show that this system allows us to verify cryptographical constructions within the Soundness theorem. 1. Elements of the system We consider a formal logic system which uses syntax of first order logic. It means we have elements of propositional logic (i.e. syntax, derivation rules and axioms) and also quantifiers and predicates. We also have the use of function symbols. Having all this, we get strong enough tool to talk about probabilities, polynomial functions and asymptotical properties. For complete introduction of the system, we have to define axioms, objects of the system and rules which we will use. Let us start with the primary objects of the system, i.e. objects that system takes as basic. 3

8 Security parameter. Let us suppose that we have some property which is asymptotically true. For example, we can look for the number of primes less than or equal to some value x. As we know, this number is asymptotically equal to Π(x). But it is clear that taking some particular number x, the formula x log x may not holds exactly. But it always holds that lim n Π(n) log n n = 1. Considering the situation that our goal is to create a tool which could be used for automatic protocols verifying, we surely need to have a value such that all asymptotically true statements are true at this value. Let us fix a variable name n for such value and call it the security parameter. Next, denote s a string such that s =n (by x we mean the length of x in a specific representation which will be described later). Strings. Next objects, that we will work with, are strings. I.e. constant s, inputs and outputs from (probabilistic) algorithms, outputs from functions applied to strings. We denote ɛ the empty string. Other string variables we denote by letters a, b, c,.... Integers. The next category of objects, which we will use in our system, are integers. We consider only those which are the length of some string. We denote t, meaning length of a string t. So we have numbers n for s (the security parameter), 0 for string ɛ, 1 for strings 0, 1 etc. Using the dyadic representation we can also view strings as numbers and vice versa. The dyadic notation can be created as follows. We assign 0 to the empty string ɛ, 1 to a string 0, to a string 1, 3 to a string in the form of 00, 4 to a string 01 etc. In general, having some string b 1 b b 3... b k, we prepend 1, i.e. we have string 1b 1 b... b k. String 1b 1 b... b k represents some number m using standard binary notation. We get appropriate dyadic number by taking value m 1. This procedure can also be inverted to get an appropriate dyadic string from a number. Having some integer m, we write down a binary representation of m + 1 and to get the dyadic notation we substract the leading 1. Having this representation, we can naturally use standard arithmetical operations on strings - we can add, substract or compare them. For example having x = 10011, y = 0110 we know that x corresponds to number 50 and y corresponds to. So x + y = 7 which is in dyadic, y x etc. Functions. We also need objects of the first order logic representing k-ary functions applied to variables x 1, x,..., x k. For these functions we require to be polynomial time computable in the secutiry parameter n to take strings as inputs to output strings For each such function we have a function symbol, i.e. variable, which represents such function. That allows to quantify - we quantify over these function variables. Using function variables we will be able to denote adversaries to a cryptosystem or to some security property. 4

9 We also find usefull next properties - a composition of functions, an application of arithmetical operations. We define the composition of functions using a special type of recursion. This will be described later. Counting terms. In cryptography we often use terms of probality theory and their properties. To have the possibility to use such terms, we need one more type of objects, the so-called counting terms. A counting term denotes integer determining the number of elements of some set of strings. By the statement # ( x 1 = m 1 x = m x k = m k ) ϕ(x 1,..., x k ) we denote the number of vectors x = (x 1,..., x k ) (with lengths of coordinates m 1,..., m k ) satisfying formula ϕ(x 1,..., x k ). The exact calculation of this value may not be trivial, even it may not be polynomial time computable. Because of that, we suppose that a counting integer is not an input to functions. And how can we use this term for probabilities? As we know, according to the classic definition of probability, we calculate the probability of some event as the number of cases favorable for the event divided by the total number of all possible cases of event. As we said, calculation of both values may not be trivial at all. But counting integers belong to the primary objects of our system, therefore the fraction #( x =t)ϕ(x) (which represents the probability that x satisfies ϕ(x)) is #( x =t)(x=x) a permitted calculation. 1.3 The language Constants. We assume the existence of the following constants: 0 corresponds to an empty string ɛ 1 corresponds to a string 0 in the dyadic notation corresponds to a string 1 in the dyadic notation n N is the security parameter string s {0, 1} such that s =n Variables. In the system we have two sorts of variables. We have function variables, representing k-ary functions. We will usually use symbols f k, g k, h k,... for function variables. The second sort of variables is for integers and strings. As we said, using dyadic notation we can represent integers by strings and vice versa. So we can use just one variable for a couple string integer. We will usually use symbols such x, y, z, i, j, k,... for integers/strings. Operations. We allow the following operations in our theory. The addition x + y defined for integers. Having the unique correspondation between integers and strings, we can also view this operation as an operation on strings. The multiplication x y, similarly as in the previous case we can view this operation as multiplying of strings. 5

10 The length function x representing the length of string x. The smash function x y defined as x y. x y, where x y = max{x y, 0}. The operations x y, x = y defined for integers. Again, we can view this as an operation on strings. A k p for k 1 stands for an application of k-ary function. Formally we denote it as A k p(f k, t 1,..., t k ) meaning the aplication of k-ary function f k to an inputs t 1,..., t k. Mostly we will use more usual notation f(t 1,..., t k ). 1.4 Terms and formulas Now let us describe terms and formulas, which we will use later. We define terms from objects of the theory using operations defined in the previous pararaph. Using operations from first-order logic we then define also formulas in our theory. Terms. 0, 1,, s, n are terms. Every variable representing string is a term. Let t 1,..., t k are terms, f k a function variable. Then Ap k (f k, t 1,..., t k ) is a term. Let r, s are two terms. Then r + s, r s, r s, r, r s are terms. Formulas. We define formulas from terms. Let r, s are terms. Then r s, r = s are formulas. If ϕ, ψ are formulas, then ϕ, ϕ ψ, ϕ ψ, ϕ ψ, ϕ ψ are formulas. If ϕ is a formula and x is a string variable, then xϕ a xϕ are formulas. If ϕ is a formula and f is a function variable, then fϕ a fϕ are formulas. Counting terms. Counting terms represent a number of x s of length t satisfying a formula ϕ. We denote it as #( x = t )ϕ, eventually x 1 = t 1 # x k = t k ϕ Counting terms are defined recursively - ϕ can contain another counting term. Counting term is a term. 6

11 1.5 Axioms of the theory We divide axioms into several categories. Axioms of the security parameter. In the paragraph describing objects of the theory we introduced the security parameter s - a string of length n such that each asymptotically true statement is true in n. We can axiomatize this parameter as follows. Denote by k term in the form of } {{ + 1 }. Then for k each k 0 there exists the axiom Sk in the form s k. In other words, length n of the security parameter s is greater than all k 0. Basic Axioms. Basic axioms is set of basic rules defining how we can work with variables and integers in our theory using the operations described above. They introduce properties, which are obvious, as well as properties, which may not be clear on the first view. Complete list of them can be found in the appendix, here we show just those which will be useful later. B10: x+1 = x +1 x+ = x +1. To clearly understand this axiom, it is sufficient to realize how we defined the correspondance between strings and integers. Let for example have a string x =1001, wich corresponds to a number 4. Then x + 1 = 49, x + = 50. These values correspond to strings a 10011, i.e. the string x extended by one bit from the right. Therefore x + 1 is a string x0 and x + is a string x1. This axiom is very important and we will use it later in definitions of functions. B1: (x 0 y 0) x y = x y. We have to just realize how we defined the operation and then use the correspondance strings integers. We have x y = x y. This value has in binary representation x y + 1 bits. Therefore using the dyadic notation the resulting string will have x y bits. B3: x 0 x = x What does this axiom say? Let have x in the form of x = b 1 b... b k. Then x 1 is a string in the form of b 1b... b k 1, i.e. string of length k 1. Thus this axiom says that by adding one bit the length of a string increases by 1. ( ) B33: y 0 x = y 1 (x + 1 = y x + = y) This axiom specifies the axiom B3. It says that, having two strings x,y of lengths k 1 and k which agree on first k 1 bits, then y is made from x by adding 0 or 1 to x. Again, very important axiom which will be used later for function definitions. Function axioms. For the possibility to work with polynomial functions, we need to have polynomial functions as values of function variables. The intended range of function variables is the class of non-uniform polynomial time functions. This can not be enforced by a first order theory, so we need to add enough axioms which will enforce some closure properties of this class. Let us now formulate these axioms. We define the axiom of projection (denote it PROJ(k, i)), which guarantees 7

12 existence of a function that returns projection to a given coordinate i: k i f k (x 1,..., x k ) (f(x 1,..., x k ) = x i ) We shall have the existence of the zero function - function, which returns the constant value 0, no matter on the input: k f k (x 1,..., x k ) (f(x 1,..., x k ) = 0) We then need to define the axiom of composition of functions (denote as COMP(k, l)). For each k, l we have g k+1 h k+l f k+l x y (f( x, y) = g ( x, h( x, y))) Thanks to this axiom we get the closure of polynomial function variables under the composition. The following axiom will also be very helpful in further text. It describes limited recursion on notation (we denote it as LRN axiom) and gives us an excelent way how to easily define many kinds of functions. We define it as follows: g k h k+ 1 h k+ b k+1 f k+1 x y( f( x, 0) = g( x) h 1 ( x, y, f( x, y))) b( x, y + 1) (f( x, y + 1) = h 1 ( x, y, f( x, y)))) h 1 ( x, y, f( x, y))) > b( x, y + 1) (f( x, y + 1) = b( x, y + 1)) h ( x, y, f( x, y))) b( x, y + ) (f( x, y + ) = h ( x, y, f( x, y)))) h ( x, y, f( x, y))) > b( x, y + ) (f( x, y + ) = b( x, y + ))) The axiom gives us a procedure how to expand strings by adding bits. We have some bounding function b, which gives us a value that cannot be exceeded. Each time we try to add one bit to actual string (0 or 1 to the string, denote that bit by a) and if it is possible (i.e. the value of function h a does not exceed b), we can use the recursion rule. Otherwise we use the bounding function b. We need to add one more axiom which is not explicitely presented in the original theory [IK03] but it is used there. This was first noticed by Emil Jeřábek in [J05]. The original theory does not involve functions that return a constant value, i.e. function c x = x. Thus we add also the axiom CONST(x) in the form x f f(0) = x This axiom also causes that the range of function variables is not the class of uniform polynomial time functions, but the class of non-uniform polynomial time functions. That is because it allows to substitute parameters into functions. The axiom will be very useful in further study, because it will allow us to replace in the formalization the class of adversaries that are randomized polynomial time algorithms by a larger class of non-uniform polynomial time algorithms (i.e.circuits). 8

13 Induction axiom. To have the possibility of using an induction proof technique, we need to define suitable axioms. We admit induction just for open formulas without quantifiers. We define induction using the length of dyadic notation of given induction variable. Denote induction axioms by a symbol LIND and define it for each open formula ϕ(x) and for each polynomial p as follows (ϕ(0) ( x < p( y ) (ϕ(x) ϕ(x + 1)))) x p( y ) ϕ(x). Counting axioms. We now formulate several axioms for using counting terms. First three of them are some sort of modification of the Kolmogorov axioms of probability. Kolmogorov s probabilistic approach says that for discrete probability space Ω we have at most countably many elements ω Ω. So the Kolmogorov axiom of normality which says that Pr[Ω] = 1, can be translated into our theory as (C1) #( x = y )(ϕ(x) ϕ(x)) = y 1. Next Kolmogorov axiom tells us that Pr[ω] 0 pro ω Ω. In our theory we can rewrite it as (C) #( x = y )ϕ(x) 0. For the next counting axiom let us realize that for any formula ϕ it holds that { x; ϕ( x)} { x; ϕ( x)} =. So we can interpret the Kolmogorov axiom of aditivity as (C3) #( x = y )ϕ(x) = #( x = y )(ϕ(x) ψ(x))+#( x = y )(ϕ(x) ψ(x)). We have some straightforward corrolaries of these axioms. In classic probability theory we can derive from Kolmogorov axioms that for any event ω Ω it holds Pr[ω ] [0, 1]. Similarly from (C1), (C) it follows that #( x = y )ϕ(x) 0 #( x = y )ϕ(x) y 1. As a corrolary of the Kolmogorov axioms is often stated the monotony property. It means for two events ω 1, ω such that ω 1 ω it holds that Pr[ω 1 ] Pr[ω ]. For an interpretation in our theory let denote R := { x; ϕ(x)}, S := { x; ψ(x)}. We would like to have an analogous property ideally in the form #( x = r ) ϕ #( x = r ) ψ if R S. But to make it correct, we need to take into account two things: there has to exist the graph of an injective map M between x R and y S. This can be done within defining function r such that (x, y) M r( x, y) = 0. If such function exists, then we know that there exists a relation between x and y. this relation (between values from R and values from S) has to be injective We can formalize this by the formula INJ( u, v, r), where r is a function variable, saying that r is an injective mapping. ( x = u ) ( z = u ) ( y = v ) (r( x, y) = 0 r( z, y) = 0 x = y). 9

14 Then we can formulate the monotony property in our theory as follows: (C4) r(inj( u, v, r) ( x = u ) (ϕ( x) ( y = v ) (ψ( y) r( x, y) = 0))) #( x = u ) ϕ(x) #( y = v ) ψ(y). Encoding theory into first order logic. Let us make one important diggresion now. We would like to encode T into first-order logic. How can we do that? Let us realize that we can index polynomial functions of arity k using clocked Turing machine. Having that we can view application of k-ary function as a function ap k ([i, k], s 1,..., s k ). Such function then represents an application of Turing machine i with bound n k to inputs s 1,..., s k. In this way we can translate all function variables from T. Counting terms can be translated as follows. For every formula ϕ and for every k > 0 we can take a function ct k ϕ(s 1,..., s k ) representing the number of tuples [x 1,..., x k ] with lengths x i s i which satisfies ϕ. 1.6 Properties of counting terms We have presented basic counting axioms needed to think about probabilities in our model. Let us make one abbreviation now. By a symbol T we mean the theory we just presented, i.e. objects along with the language, terms, formulas and axioms. For the next part we need the notion deriving in T. For formulas ϕ, ψ in T we denote T, ϕ ψ a statement that ψ can be derived from ϕ using basic, function, induction and counting axioms of T along with the rules and operations of T. Now we present some other properties of counting terms, which can be derived in T. We will use the following abbreviations. Let C be a counting term in the form of #( x = t )ϕ. By a term #( y = u )C we mean the term #( y = u x = t )ϕ. By a symbol ϕ[t/x] we mean the substitution by t for all free occurances of x in a formula ϕ. Lemma 1.1. ([IK03]). T x = 0 x = 0. Proof: Let suppose for contradiction that x 0. According to (B3) we have x = x Denote k := x 1. Then x = k + 1. We also have x = 0. Hence k + 1 = 0. By (B3) is k + 1 = 0 k, therefore k + 1 k. By (B6) is k + 1 k k k + 1. If k > k + 1, then we would get contradiction with (B1), because k k. Hence k k + 1. Thus using (B7) we get y = y + 1, which leads to contradiction with (B). Lemma 1.. (C5)([IK03]). For any counting term C it holds that T #( x = 0)C = C(0). Proof: Let take a term C = #( x = t )ϕ. Then we have #( x = 0)C = #( x = 0 x = t )ϕ, C(0) = #( x = t )ϕ[0/x]. For any x, x such that x = 0 x = t ϕ we have from Lemma 1.1 x = 0, so x satisfies ϕ[0/x]. Therefore from (C4) follows, that #( x = 0)C C [0/x]. 10

15 It also holds reverse inequality, because by (B9) is 0 = 0 and we get ( x = t )(ϕ[0/x] ( y = 0 )C(y)). Tedy #( x = t )ϕ[0/x] #( y = 0)C, which we wanted. Lemma 1.3. (C6)([IK03]). For any counting term C it holds that T #( x = y + 1)C = #( x = y )C[x + 1/x] + #( x = y )C[x + /x] Proof: Let take C in the form #( x = t )ϕ. We show at first the inequality, in other words #( x = y )C[x + 1/x] + #( x = y )C[x + /x] #( x = y + 1 x = y )ϕ. Suppose that x = y x = t ϕ[x + 1/x], x = y x = y ϕ[x + /x]. Let take z 1 = x + 1, z = x +. Then z1 1 z 1 = y + 1 x = y ϕ[z 1 /x] z 1 = + 1 z 1 z = y + 1 x = y ϕ[z /x] z = + 1. We then take r 1 ({x, x}, {z 1, y}) = 0 z 1 = x + 1 x = y r ({x, x}, {z, y}) = 0 z = x + x = y. From axiom (C4) (using functions r 1, r ) we get that #( x = y )C[x + 1/x] #( x = y + 1 x = y ) ( ϕ x = ( #( x = y )C[x + /x] #( x = y + 1 x = y ) ϕ x = Using axiom (B33) we get #( x = y )C[x+/x] #( x = y +1 x = y ) ( ( ϕ x = The requested inequality then follows directly from axiom (C3). x 1 x 1 x 1 ) + 1 ) +. By axiom (C3) we have ( ) x 1 #( x = y + 1)C #( x = y + 1 x y ) ϕ x = ( ( )) x 1 #( x = y + 1 x y ) ϕ x = + 1. Using (C4) we have #( x = y + 1 x y ) ( ϕ x = 11 x 1 ) + 1 C[x + 1/x]. )) + 1.

16 And finally, accorging to (B33) and (C4), we get ( ( x 1 #( x = y + 1 x y ) ϕ x = That is what we wanted. )) + 1 C[x + /x]. Lemma 1.4. (C7)([IK03]). For every counting term C which contains x but not as a free variable it holds #( x = y )C = (y 1) C. Proof: We prove this by induction using the axiom LIND. At first by property (C5) we have #( x = 0)C = C[0/x]. By assumption x is not free in C, hence C[0/x] = C = (0 1)C. For the induction step let suppose that for y = k it holds that #( x = y )C = (y 1) C. Then by (C6) we have #( x = y + 1 )C = #( x = y )C[x + 1/x] + #( x = y )C[x + /x]. But x is not free in C, so we can write #( x = y )C[x + 1/x] + #( x = y )C[x + /x] =#( x = y )C+ By induction assumption +#( x = y )C. #( x = y )C + #( x = y )C = (y 1) C + (y 1)C = (y 1) C. By axiom (B14) we can write (y 1) C = ((y + 1) 1) C. Lemma then directly follows by LIND axiom. Lemma 1.5. (C8) T z = y #( x = y x = y )(x = z ϕ) = #( x = y )ϕ[z/x]. Proof: It follows from (C4) that for any z #( x = y x = y )(x = z ϕ) #( x = y )ϕ[z/x]. From (C4) we also have z = y #( x = y )ϕ[z/x] #( x = y x = y )(x = z ϕ), which gives us the requested equality. 1

17 1.7 Soundness of the theory The main reason for introducing the theory is to have some formal system for verifying the soundness of cryptographic constructions and protocols based on some known cryptographic primitive. In the last chapter we will also present an example how to use this theory for a specific cryptographic construction. Now let us describe the way how we can verify constructions in general. Let us suppose that we have some cryptographic primitive, which can be expressed as a polynomial function f. Let us also suppose that we have another polynomial function f, which is defined from f. Our goal is to prove some cryptographic property of f. For example, f describes security of some well-known cryptographic primitive or cryptographic protocol, which is considered secure, and f then describes analogous security in a protocol that we are constructing. Let formula ϕ with inputs f, f (occuring as free variables) describes a relation between f and f. Suppose next that a formula ϕ 1 formalizes some cryptographic property of f. Usually it will be some cryptographic property of the primitive, for example that no polynomial time adversary on f has the probability better than negligible of breaking f. We can represent adversary as a polynomial function g. Then we can write that security property as a formula g zϕ 1 (f, g, z, s), where z are some (random) strings. We then want to prove that function f satisfies a cryptographic property expressed by a formula ψ. Usually it will be some cryptographical property in the constructed protocol similar to ϕ 1. For example, it could be again security of f, meaning that no polynomial adverory attacking on f has probability better than negligible of breaking f. We can again write down this property as a formula g zψ(f, g, z, s). If we can derive in T formula ψ from ϕ 1, ϕ with rules of T, then function f has the required property. That is the main idea of the soundness theorem. formulation, we need few more definitions. Before we present a formal Definition 1.1. We say that formula ϕ is bounded if it contains only bounded quantifiers, it means quantifiers in the form x( x y ϕ) or x( x y ϕ), where x is a string(or integer) variable, and no function quantifiers. Definition 1.. Let have formula ϕ( f, z, x) with free variables f, z, x. For any sequence of non-uniform polynomial functions α we say that ϕ holds asymptotically in N if for all sequences of polynomials p ( n 0 N s, t N : t > n 0 s i = p i ( x i ) ϕ[ α/ f, ) s/ z, t/x] holds in N. We now formulate the Soundness theorem. But the problem is that the theorem does not hold as stated in [IK03] with the new axiom CONST. The reason is that the original theorem holds only for class of uniform functions, but we have the possibility of non-uniform functions with CONST axiom. To make the Soundness theorem holds, we need to change the formulation little bit. The following 13

18 formulation comes from Emil Jeřábek s work [J05]. In this work the theorem is formulated for circuits, not for algorithms. But a polynomial sized circuit is equivalent to a non-uniform polynomial time algorithm. So we can talk about circuits instead of non-uniform polynomial time algorithms. In the following C denotes the size of circuit C. Theorem 1.6. (Soundness theorem)([j05]). Let ϕ and ψ be bounded formulas. Assume that T g zϕ( f, g, z, s) g zψ( f, g, z, s). Lef f FP/poly. If for every polynomial q(n), the formula ϕ( f, C, z, x) holds for all sufficiently large x and all z, C q( x ), then the same is true of ψ. The proof of the Soundness theorem is based on model theory by defining a little bit changed theory, for which there exists some model. It then uses properties of this model which implies that the theorem holds. Complete proof of the original theorem can be found in [IK03]. The proof of the modified theorem as we stated here can be found in [J05]. 14

19 . The Goldreich-Levin theorem In the previous chapter we presented the formal logic system, theory T, for formal reasoning about cryptographic constructions. We also promised to show an application of the theory for some well-known cryptographic concept. In the rest of this work we will try to formalize the Goldreich-Levin theorem and its proof in theory T. The theorem deals with classic cryptographic concepts such as hard-core predicates or one-way functions. Proof of the theorem uses some other concepts and terms from cryptography and probability theory. Let us start with a quick introduction into this field of cryptology..1 Hard-Core predicate One of the most important concepts in constructing pseudorandom generators and secure cryptographical protocols are hard-core predicates and one-way functions. Consider at first a function ε : N N. This function is called negligible if and only if k 1 n k n n k ɛ(n) < 1 n k. For instance functions n, n log n are negligible functions, but n 100 is not. Next consider a function f : {0, 1} n {0, 1} m. We call it one-way if f(x), for x {0, 1} n, can be computed by a polynomial time algorithm but for every randomized algorithm A, that runs in time polynomial in n, there exists a negligible function ε(n) such that n N P r x Un [ A(1 n, f(x)) f 1 (f(x)) ] ε(n), where U n is the uniform distribution on inputs of length n. In other words, function f is one-way if we can compute it easily, but given an y from the range of f it is hard to compute value x such that f(x) = y. We can state some examples: the factoring problem (given a value pq determine one of the values p, q for chosen primes p, q satisfying some condition), the discrete logarithm problem (determine x from given values {p, g, g x mod p}, where g is a generator of Zp). It is also fair to say that these functions are just assumed to be one-way. In fact, we don t even know whether any one-way function exists or not. But we know that their existence relates with the well-known P vs. NP problem. In particular, we know that the existence of a one-way function implies P NP. It can be showed by a contradiction argument. If P = NP then the class of deterministic polynomial time functions equals the class of nondeterministic polynomial time 15

20 functions. But there exists a nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm that inverts any polynomial-time computable function. It implies that no one-way function exists. However, we can not prove the opposite direction (that the existence of a one way function follows from P NP ). One could expect that if some function is hard to invert there should be some specific bits in input x, which are hard to compute given value f(x). But consider this example. Let us have a one-way function f and for any i = 0,..., n, define f i as f i (x) = x i f(x 0... x i 1 x i+1... x n 1 ). We see that f i is also one-way for each i, but we can easily determine i-th bit of the input. So after n iterations we can determine the whole input. Thus there is an obvious question: Is there some bit that can be extracted from x and is hard to compute given f(x)? We formalize this as follows: Definition.1. (Hard-Core bit) Let us have a one-way function f : {0, 1} {0, 1} and a predicate b : {0, 1} {0, 1}. We say that b is a hard-core predicate for the function f if for every probabilistic polynomial algorithm A P r x [A(f(x)) = b(x)] 1 + ε(n) where ε(n) is a negligible function and x U n is taken uniformly at random. At the end of this paragraph let us see one interesting theorem. See, for example, [P09] for a proof. Theorem.1. ([G01a]). Let f is a one-way permutation and b is a hard-core predicate of f. Then the function g : {0, 1} n {0, 1} n+1 defined as g(x) = f(x) b(x) is a pseudorandom generator. So it gives us a manual how to find a proper pseudorandom generator. Of course, only under the assumption that we have some one-way permutation.. The Goldreich-Levin theorem Another question which can come to mind is if there exists a hard-core bit for every one-way function. Answer is again unknown. But the situation is not so bad since Oded Goldreich and Leonid Levin have proved that every one-way function f can be transformed into another function g such that g is still one way function and g has a hard-core bit. We denote a, b the inner product modulo. Theorem.. ([GL89]). Let f is an one-way function. Let us define function g as g(x, r) = f(x) r for (x, r) {0, 1} n {0, 1} n. Then function b defined as b(x, r) = x, r is a hard-core predicate for the function g. 16

21 .3 Adaptation in our theory.3.1 Cryptographic terms In the previous paragraphs we showed the main ideas and concepts leading to the Goldreich-Levin theorem. We presented definitions in classic complexity theory. But we would like to use these concepts in automated systems. So we will now try to adapt these constructions in our formal logic system presented in the previous chapter. We will start with a negligible function. Recall that we have a formal logic system with a special constant n N, which we call the security parameter. We also have strings which can be viewed as integers using dyadic notation and function symbols for k ary functions, where k > 0. Because of the basic property of the security parameter that each asymptotically true statement is true in n and our intuition that (and some models have this property) all strings have the length bounded by a polynomial in n, we can transform the classic definition of a negligible function into the following one: Definition.. Function q : {0, 1} n {0, 1} n is negligible if and only if z x with x = n, q(x) 1 z. For the definition of a one-way fuction we need one more object from our theory - a counting integer #( x = k)ϕ(x). It denotes the number of strings x with length k satisfying ϕ(x). As we stated before, using this object we can reason about probabilities. We will use this idea right now. Definition.3. We say that function f : {0, 1} {0, 1} is one-way if A : {0, 1} {0, 1} z k N : #( x = k)(f(a(1 k, f(x))) = f(x)) #( x = k)(x = x) 1 z, where function variable A ranges non-uniform polynomial time algortihms (thanks to the CONST axiom). Similarily we can transform the definition of the hard-core predicate. Definition.4. Let f be a one-way function. Function b : {0, 1} {0, 1} is a hard core predicate for the function f if A : {0, 1} {0, 1} z k N : #( x = k)(a(1 k, f(x)) = b(x)) #( x = k)(x = x) z..3. Inner product Our current goal is to present an adaptation of the Goldreich-Levin theorem in our formal system. Theorem shows us how to find a hard-core predicate for a 17

22 specific type of one-way function. It says that a hard-core predicate has the form of the inner product modulo. So our first task is to find an interpretation of a function calculating the inner product modulo. Let us describe what does it really mean in our system. Ordinarily the inner product of two k-coordinated tuples is defined as the sum of products of the corresponding coordinates. Binary inner product modulo is defined identically using arithmetic modulo. In our theory we do not have binary representation, but dyadic representation. However, we will use the same logic. By the dyadic inner product we mean the number of ones modulo, which are common in both dyadic representation of the two numbers. In paricular, if we have two numbers x, y with dyadic representations x = a 1 a... a k, y = b 1 b... b l, min{k,l} we define their dyadic inner product as a k i+1 b l i+1 mod. How can we do that? Let us have numbers 0,0 which corresponds to ε, ε. Obviously the resulting inner product is ε. The same is for the inner product of 0 and any other number. Let now have strings b 1 b... b r and c 1 c... c r. We denote their inner product as d. Then the inner product of b 1 b... b r b r+1 and c 1 c... c r c r+1 is equal to d + 1 mod if and only if b r+1 = c r+1 = 1. In other cases the inner product will be equal to d. In other words we can compute the inner product recursively by induction on the notation of two numbers. If we have two numbers k, l, represented by strings k 1 k... k r, l 1 l... l s in dyadic notation, we can compute their inner product as inner product of k 1 and l 1 i=1 added by 1 if k r = l r = 1 and by 0 in other cases. We can continue in this way until we end up with the inner product of 0 and any number which is, as we noticed, 0. We can summarize this procedure in the following definition. Definition.5. Let k, l are numbers in our theory in the form of k = x + c, l = y + d, where c, d {1, }. Then we define their inner product (denoted as k l or IP (k, l)) as follows: Example: 0 0 = 0 0 y = 0 y 0 = 0 x + 1 y + 1 = x y x + 1 y + = x y x + y + 1 = x y x + y + = x y + 1 Let us show this definition on some example. For instance we take 18

23 k = 14, l = 1. Then k l = ( 6 + ) ( 5 + ) = = ( + ) ( + 1) + 1 = + 1 = ( 0 + ) ( 0 + ) + 1 = = 0 + = The definition holds also for numbers which have dyadic representations with different lengths. Then their inner product is the inner product on their common part. In particular, it means that if we have k = k 1 k... k r, l = l 1 l... l s, where r < s, then IP (k, l) = IP (k 1 k... k r, l s r+1... l s ). That is because we count it recursively starting at the last bit. For example 10 9 = ( 4+) ( 14+1) = 4 14 = ( 1+) ( 6+) = = ( 0+1) ( +)+1 = 0 +1 = 1. Note: Let us realize some properties of inner product: IP (k, l) 0. Moreover IP (k, l) 1 k and l are both even. IP (k, k) denotes number of ones in dyadic representation of k. Now we are able to compute the inner product of arbitrary two numbers. This value is a number between 0 and a length of the smaller of these two numbers. But we would like to simulate calculation of inner product modulo - to use it later for defining a hard-core predicate. So we need to restrict range of inner product just to numbers, 1 (in dyadic bits 1,0). To achieve this, we construct function which makes from number m value (m mod ). Definition.6. Using LRN axiom we define function symbol drop as follows: drop(x, 0) = x drop(x, y + 1) = drop(x,y) 1 drop(x, y + ) = drop(x,y) 1 drop(x, y) x. What does drop exactly do? Denote r the number of bits in dyadic notation of y. Function drop(x, y) extracts last r bits from the dyadic representation of x and returns the remaining part. If y has in dyadic more bits than x, then drop(x, y) returns ε. Example: Let us show on an example how this function works. Let k = 1, l = 3. Then drop(k, l) = drop(1, 3) = drop(1, 1 + 1) drop(1, 1) 1 drop(1, 0 + 1) 1 = = drop(1,0) = 1 = 4 = = 19

24 In dyadic k =101. Length of l is, so drop(1, 3) should return string 1 which fits. Note: We can see that drop(x, y) does not depend on value y. The only thing on which drop(x, y) depends is the number of bits in dyadic representation of y, not its concrete value. It means that for instance drop(1, 3) = drop(1, 4) = drop(1, 5) = drop(1, 6) =. Now we would like to define a function which returns the last bit in the dyadic representation of some number. This operation can be defined using the drop function. At first define the inverse function to drop. Definition.7. Function Iv is defined as follows: Iv(x, y) = x drop(x, y) (1 y). Example: Function Iv is inverse of the function drop. For example let us take x = 0, y = 11. Then drop(x, y) = 1. Meaning that if we extract from , the remainings is 1 0. We also have Iv(x, y) = Iv(0, 11) = 0 drop(0, 11) (1 11) = = 1 101, which is exactly that part of x, which we extracted using drop. Using these two functions we are now able to find any particular part of the dyadic representation of arbitrary number. If we have string x with length k, then we denote { x if i k y {1...i} = drop(x, (k i) 1) otherwise y {i...k} = { 0 if i > k Iv(x, (k (i 1)) 1) otherwise Our goal is to extract the last bit from the dyadic representation which can be easily done using previous notation: x k = Iv(x, (k (k 1)) 1 = Iv(x, 1 1) = Iv(x, ). Now we are able to determine whether the last bit of some string is 0 or 1. We need this to compute the inner product mod. The problem is that using the above calculation for inner product we get just some string. If we would compute last bit of its dyadic representation, we get 0 or 1, but this would not be value, which we wanted to get. To get mod value, we need to determine the last bit of binary representation not dyadic representation. So our task now is to find a way how to get the binary representation of some string. For example, for x = 3, which corresponds to 00 in dyadic, we would like to get binary representation of x, i.e. 11, which corresponds to 6. The following table specifies the situation. 0

25 number string binary number 0 ε Definition.8. We define function Ib as follows: Ib(x) = x + (x 1) 1. Such a function does exactly what we would like to achieve. For example for x = 8 we have Ib(x) = 8 + ( 8 ) 1 = = 3. 8 corresponds to 001 and 3 corresponds to 1000, which is 8 in binary. Now we can sumarize the whole calculation of inner product mod. Definition.9. We define function symbol IP (also denoted ) as follows: IP (x, y) = { 0 if Iv(Ib(IP(x, y)), 1) = 0 1 if Iv(Ib(IP(x, y)), 1) = The theorem To formalize the Golreich-Levin theorem we need one more function. Definition.10. Function is defined using LRN as follows: x 0 = x x (y + 1) = (x y) + 1 x (y + ) = (x y) + x y x + y This function returns the concatenation of strings x and y. For example let x = 9, y = 13. Then x y = 9 ( 6 + 1) = (9 6) + 1 = (9 ( + )) + 1 = ( (9 ) + ) + 1 = ( (9 ( 0 + )) + ) + 1 = ( ( (9 0) + ) + ) + 1 = 85 We have x =010 and y =110. Concatenation of x and y is which corresponds to 85. 1

26 Now we can present a formalization of the Goldreich-Levin theorem in our logic system. Theorem.3. (The Goldreich-Levin theorem) Let f be a one-way function. Define function g as and define function b as g(x, r) = f(x) r for (x, r) {0, 1} n {0, 1} n, b(x, r) = IP (x, r). Then b(x, r) is a hard-core predicate for the one-way function g. We now have the formalization of the statement of the Golreich-Levin theorem in our theory. Our next task is to show that such statement can be proved in the theory as well. This will be the subject of the next chapter.

27 3. Proof of the Goldreich-Levin theorem In this chapter we will try to prove the Goldreich-Levin theorem in our formal system of logic. The proof will be based on the classic proof of the Goldreich- Levin theorem as presented in [G01b], but adapted to our system. 3.1 Idea of the original proof Let us recall the original proof first. We assume that there exists u {0, 1} n and function h : {0, 1} n {0, 1} such that Pr r [h(r)= u, r ] 1 + ε, where r is taken uniformly at random. We then want to construct a probabilistic polynomial time (in (ε 1, n)) algorithm (called the Goldreich-Levin algorithm), which uses the funcion h as an oracle and its task is to return u with probability at least Ω( ε ). n Then we can easily show that if such an algorithm exists, the Goldreich-Levin theorem holds. The main idea of constructing the algorithm can be described as follows. At first suppose the most simple situation when Pr r [h(r)= u, r ] = 1. In this case we can just ask for values h(e i ), i = 1... n, where e i is a vector, which has 1 on i th place and 0 otherwise. Then h(e i ) = u i. Next suppose that Pr r [h(r)= u, r ] > 3 + ε. 4 In this case we choose r and ask for h(r) h(r e i ). If h(r) = u, r and h(r e i ) = u, r e i, then h(r) h(r e i ) = x, e i = x i. We also have ( ) 1 P r r [h(r) = x, r h(r e i ) = x, r e i ] 1 4 ε = 1 + ε. We can now repeate this procedure sufficiently many times for random r to receive u i with high enough probability - by taking majority of the resulting values. This procedure is convenient for this case but not for the original assumption Pr r [h(r)= u, r ] 1 + ε. If we compute such probability as in the previous case, we get ( ) 1 P r r [h(r) = x, r h(r e i ) = x, r e i ] 1 ε = ε. We can not use the same argument as before because amplifying this process will not give us better probability. The reason for that is that we double the probability of error during each turn. A convenient solution is to ask just once for a value of h during each turn. We will ask just for h(r e i ) and we will guess values u, r. Denote these guesses as b i. We do this for some particular number of strings and take the majority value of results. At the end we will get the succes probability at least 1 1 4n. Combining this with the probability that all our guesses are right, we get sufficiently good probability that the algorithm outputs u. We will give more details later in this chapter. Now our task is to transform this proof to our system. 3

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