私の好きな島根の色宍道湖の夕日色隠岐ジオパークのアースカラー雲南市の田んぼの苗私を潤わせてくれる宍道湖My Favorite Color. of Shimane. The Riches of Lake Shinji. Vol.68

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1 A magazine about Shimane Prefecture, Japan Vol.68 私の好きな島根の色宍道湖の夕日色隠岐ジオパークのアースカラー雲南市の田んぼの苗私を潤わせてくれる宍道湖My Favorite Color of Shimane Lake Shinji Sunset - A Stunning Sunset Spot Colours of the Earth Treasured Views of a Mountain Village The Riches of Lake Shinji

2 夕絶宍道湖の夕日日スポット Lake Shinji Sunset - A Stunning Sunset Spot 景の 絶景の夕日スポット Park Hyejung When I heard the theme for this magazine, Favorite Colors of Shimane, various colors sprung to mind. However, among all of these, I think the best is undoubtedly the sunset of Lake Shinji, one of the most celebrated views in Shimane. This sunset spot is so well known, it was selected as one of the Top 100 Sunsets of Japan. As soon as I arrived in Shimane my close friends told me about this beautiful sunset spot. Sunsets, huh I thought. As city dweller born and raised in Seoul, I never had time for enjoying sunsets in my busy daily life. I became excited at the thought that nature-blessed Shimane, this Shimane, had beautiful sunsets. Moreover, I discovered that this sunset spot is at the Shimane Art Museum not far from where I live, so I drove there right away with my friends. However, it seemed the sun was concealed by clouds because of the bleak weather, so there was nothing else to do but go home and see the beautiful sunset some other time. Whether you can see a sunset depends on the weather at the time, and as the rainy season here begins from June, I didn t quite have the chance to see it. On the 21st of July we had a weekend of perfect weather. Thinking to myself that I was sure to see the sunset in this weather, I checked the sunset index online. It confirmed that there was a 90% chance!! Great! The day that I would be able to see the beautiful sunset of Lake Shinji had finally arrived. The sun was due to set at 7:20pm, but thinking that I had better go early to secure a spot, I rode as fast as I could and arrived at the Shimane Art Museum by 6:40pm. As expected, many people had come to see the sunset thanks to the sunny weather and were seated on the grass outside museum. I felt myself being soothed by the sound of the waves of Lake Shinji as I waited for the moment that the sun would set. Among the lovers, families, and friends that had all come out to see the sunset, I suddenly thought that when I too fall in love, I d like to bring that person here to see the beautiful sunset. - 宍道湖の夕日 朴慧貞 私の好きな島根の色というこの情報誌の主題を聞いた時 頭の中にさまざま 7 月 21 日 とてもいい天気の週末な色が浮かんできたが その中でやはり一番だと言えるのは島根の自慢の一つだった このような天気ならきっとである宍道湖の夕日だった 宍道湖の夕日は日本夕陽百選にも選定されている夕日が見られるだろうと思って 夕ほど有名だ 日指数をサイトでチェックしてみた島根に来てからすぐ 親しくなった日本の友だちからここに美しい夕日スポッら なんと 90%!! トがあるということを初めて聞いた 夕日か ソウルで生まれて育ってきた私はやった! とうとう宍道湖の美しい夕日などを楽しむ余裕もなく忙しい日々を過ごしてきた 自然に恵まれている島夕日が見られる日が 日没予想時根 この島根に美しい夕日スポットがあるなんて 胸がわくわくしてきた 間は19 時 20 分になっていたが 前しかもその夕日スポットが私の住んでいるところからあまり遠くない島根県立もって行って良い場所を確保しておかないと と思って 自転車で一生懸命走っ美術館にあるということがわかって すぐに友達と一緒に夕日を見に 車で走って18 時 40 分ごろ島根県立美術館に到着! て行った 予想通り 晴れた天気のおかげで夕日を見に来ているたくさんの人たちが島しかし どんよりした天気のせいか太陽は雲に隠れていて 美しい夕日を見る根県立美術館の芝生に座っていた 私も夕日が沈む瞬間を見ようと芝生に座っのは次の機会にして 家に戻るしかなかった て待っていたら 穏やかな宍道湖の波の音にこころが癒されるようだった 夕日が見られるのはその時の天気によって影響されるから 6 月からの梅雨入恋人同士 家族同士 友達同士で夕日を見に来ている人たちの中で 私もいりで 夕日が見られる機会はなかなか私に与えられなかった つか好きな人ができたら 宍道湖の美しい夕日を見せてあげたいとふと思った 2

3 The sun was slowly beginning to turn Shimane orange and sundown was surely only moments away. The area suddenly became alive with people furiously taking pictures of the sunset to preserve this beautiful moment and happy memories with their loved ones. The sun gradually disappeared beyond the mountain in the distance. Even after it had disappeared, the area was still light with the remaining sunlight. It was only a brief moment, but I was lost for words at such a beautiful sight. On the grass in front of the museum there are twelve rabbit statues in a line facing towards Lake Shinji. If you look closely, the rabbits only have three poses. One with their back legs kicked out, and two with their front legs just landing on the ground. They are arranged alternately to appear in motion. It seems that the second rabbit is the most popular of these twelve rabbits. It is said that if you pet it you will receive happiness. 景 Here Map A magazine about Shimane Prefecture, Japan Apparently, it is more effective to face west whilst gently petting the rabbit. I tried it out too, and sitting down facing west, I petted it gently and prayed that I would receive happiness. But then, maybe I had already received it. Because gazing at the beautiful sunset at Lake Shinji I felt full of happiness. 絶景の夕日スポット 宍道湖の夕日 太陽がだんだんオレンジ色に変わっていき 日没はほんの一瞬だろうけど この美しい瞬間を愛する人たちとの幸せな思い出に残すため カメラのシャッターを押したり 一所懸命目に収めたりしている人で賑わっていた 太陽が徐々に山の向こうに姿を隠していった 太陽が姿を隠した後でも まだ光は残っていて辺りは十分明るかった 短い瞬間だったけど あまりにも美しい絶景で言葉が出なかった 宍道湖の夕日が見られる島根県立美術館の芝生には12 匹のウサギの彫刻物が宍道湖に向かって一列に並んでいる しかしよく見ると ウサギは三種類の形しかない 後ろ足で蹴っているポーズと 前足で着地しているだけの二種類の形を交互に配置させて動きをだしている この 12 匹のウサギの中で前から二番目のウサギが一番人気だそうだ 二番目のウサギを触ると幸せが訪れるとか 西の方向に向かって優しく撫でると効果がアップすると言われている 私も西の方向に向かって座って二番目のウサギを優しく撫でながらぜひ私にも幸せが訪れてくるように願ってみた いや もう幸せは訪れているかもしれない 美しい宍道湖の絶景の夕日を眺めながら幸せいっぱいな気持ちになったからだ 3

4 地 Colours of the Earth Teresa Sadkowsky Geoparks boast some of the world s most magnificent geological features and scenery. Not only that, in a geopark one feels somehow more in touch with the earth. The surrounding scenery presents a chance to deeply experience the connections that exist between us and the earth. The Oki Islands were designated as a member of the UNESCO supported Global Geoparks Network in September In these isolated islands, 地のカラー lying in the Sea of Japan 40-80km off the coast of the mainland, you can really indulge in the natural surroundings. Despite being accessible by boat or sea, embarking on a journey to islands brings a strong feeling of being a world apart, a sentiment enhanced by endless sea, mountainous land and distinct island ways of life. The island group consists of the three Shimane Dōzen Islands (Nishinoshima, Nakanoshima and Chiburijima) which form a caldera landscape, and the large circular Dōgo Island which lies several Here kilometers to the northeast. These islands were created by tectonic plate movements and volcanic activity that occurred 10-6 million years ago. Map Subsequent erosion from the sea and wind has carved incredible coastal scenery such as dramatic sea cliffs exposing cross-sections of former volcanoes, and all manner of uniquely shaped rocks. Aside from various types of volcanic rocks, the volcanic activity which created the islands also exposed the metamorphic rock gneiss, which was formed on the continent 250 million years ago, as well as green-tinged sedimentary rocks which record the formation of the Sea of Japan. This geological 大地のカラー テレサ サドカウスキー 地球を近くに感じられる場所 それがジオパークです ジオパークは世界有数の雄大な地質的な特徴や景観を誇る場所であるだけではありません ジオパークはその風景を通じて 私たちと地球のつながりを深く感じられる機会を提供してくれます 隠岐諸島は2013 年 9 月にUNESCOが支援している世界ジオパークネットワークに加盟しました 日本本土から40~80km離れている日本海に浮かぶ離島の隠岐では 自然を満喫できます 隠岐へのアクセスは船でも飛行機でも難しくありませんが ひとたび島に降り立つと 水平線の見える海と 起伏の多い地形 そして島らしい生活によって 世界から隔離されているような感覚を強く抱きます 隠岐はカルデラ地形の島前諸島を構成する西ノ島 ( にしのしま ) 中ノ島 ( なかのしま ) と知夫里島 ( ちぶりじま ) の3 島と そこから北東に数キロ離れている丸い島の島後 ( どうご ) からなります この島々は 1000 万年前から600 万年前の間に火山活動によってその原型が形成されました その後の海と風の侵食によって 堂々とした海食崖とそこに見える火山の断面 そして様々な奇岩の並ぶ海岸景観が生み出されました さまざまな種類の火山岩がある一方で 火山活 4

5 has given birth to beautiful and diverse landscapes everywhere the eye can see, and decorated it with many different colours. Coastlines composed of rocks of dark grey, pure white, vibrant red, or pale green and various other colours emphasise the colours of the sea and surrounding vegetation, and also illustrate the story of the creation of the land. One such impressive and visually stunning location is the dramatically red streaked cliff, Sekiheki, (literally red cliff ) in Chiburijima. The cows that graze quietly in the salty breeze around the cliff-side live luxuriously enjoying this fantastic vista. Sekiheki Cliff is the eroded cross-section of a volcano that erupted six million years ago. The layers of bright red rock became so due to oxidization of the iron content within splashes of basaltic lava. You can see a white intrusive rock running vertically up the cliff which did not turn red due to differences in the composition and formation of the rock. Other beautiful rocks such as this that are coloured with reds, various greys and amber can be admired along the Akiya Coast in Nakanoshima and Kuniga Coast in Nishinoshima. On the other hand, the northwest coast of Dōgo Island is almost entirely composed of a white rock. This white rock is formed by two different types of igneous rock called rhyolite and trachyte. The white colour accentuates the aqua blue to emerald green sea. These coasts are also home to all manner of creatures carved from the rocks by coastal erosion, such as elephants, sphinx, and candle sticks. What better way to 動によって地下から押し上げられてきた隠岐片麻岩 ( おきへんまがん ) という 2.5 億年前に大陸で形成された変成岩や日本海の形成を記録する堆積岩も露出しています この地質の多様性が どこを見ても素晴らしい多様な地形を生み出しています そして この大地はさまざまな色で彩られています 暗灰色 純白 真紅 薄緑などの石から構成される海岸が海の色 そして植生の緑とのコントラストをなして 島の成り立ちのストーリーに彩を加えています とくに印象的で鮮やかな場所のひとつに 知夫里島の赤壁 ( せきへき ) という赤い海食崖があります この雄大な景色と潮風を放牧の牛が毎日贅沢に楽しんでいます 赤壁は約 600 万年前に噴火した火山の断面で まぶしい赤色の縞模様は 玄武岩のマグマのしぶきにある鉄分が酸化されたものです 縦に走る溶岩の岩脈はその成分が違うために赤くはありません このような美しい赤と何色もの灰色と黄色で着彩された石は同じ島前にある中ノ島の明屋 ( あきや ) 海岸や西ノ島の国賀 ( くにが ) 海岸でも見られます 一方 近くの島後の北西海岸のほとんどは白い岩石でできています この白い石は流紋岩 あるいは粗面岩という違う種類の溶岩からなり アクアブルーと緑 A magazine about Shimane Prefecture, Japan experience them than sea kayaking along the coast? Lastly, in various places around the islands you can find a different kind of pale green tinged rock aptly named green tuff. This is not an igneous rock, but rather a sedimentary rock that formed from layers of sand and dirt at the bottom of rivers and lakes on the continent before the Sea of Japan was formed, and long before the islands themselves were created. This rock is used as a building material in Oki and can be seen in garden walls and pavements around the islands. The beautiful scenery of the Oki Islands is decorated by a multitude of different colours, all of which tell a story of the earth. Why not take a journey to Oki to discover them? 色の海の色とのコントラストが一層際立っています これらの海岸では侵食を受けてゾウや スフィンクス またはロウソクのような形をした石がたくさんあります シーカヤックに乗って近くからみて楽しむことがお勧めです 最後になりますが これまでに紹介した石とはまた違う感じの薄い緑色の石 グリーンタフ もあちこちにあります この石は火山岩ではなく 島ができるよりもはるか昔 日本海ができる前の時代に湖や川の底に溜まった土砂からなる地層です 隠岐では建材として使われており 庭の石壁や遊歩道の敷石などに見ることができます 無数の色で彩られている美しい隠岐の景観は地球のストーリーを語ってくれます どんな色があるか探しに 隠岐へ旅立ちましょう! 大地のカラーdiversity 5

6 貴重な眺め里山のTreasured Views of a Mountain Village Daniel Broderick Unnan City is filled with abundant nature. The mountains loom overhead like giant green waves. If you separate yourself from the city even a little bit you soon become swallowed up in those mountains, but this is certainly not a bad thing. There are many small villages and hamlets where you can witness traditional Japanese rural agricultural life. Among these villages is San ouji, which is ranked in the top 100 of terraced rice fields in Japan. 100 people, or approximately 35 households collectively tend to the fields, and if that is not enough then regional volunteers will work to plant and maintain them. Mr. Atsushi Takuwa has been managing the terraces at San ouji for three years, and as the representative for the Mountain Living Research Center, Managing Director of the Japan Ecovillage Research Society, and Forest Instructor for Shimane Prefecture, his knowledge runs deep. According to Mr. Takuwa, the 7 billion people living on Earth are consuming more than 1.5 times the amount of resources the planet can provide. Naturally there is a discrepancy with developed countries consuming much more than undeveloped countries. If this persists, the world s resources will run dry so we must come to understand the value of these resources and return to a balance with nature. Instead of seeing money as the only capital we must also see natural resources as capital and strive to live in nature. This is called Village Capitalism. In other words, instead of seeking material happiness we should find happiness found in a life of cooperation with each other and nature. I personally learned many valuable lessons about the balance between 里 里山の貴重な眺め 自然あふれる雲南市 ここでは山が緑の波のように見える 町から少しでも離れるとその波に飲み込まれるが 決して悪いことではない 山奥には里山がたくさんあり そこでは典型的な日本の生活を見ることができる その中のひとつは棚田百選に選ばれた山王寺 ( さんおうじ ) である およそ 100 人 35 世帯がこの棚田を管理しているが それでも手が足りない田んぼは地域の方々が田植えや雑草取りなどの作業に取り組んでいる 里山暮らし研究所代表 日本エコビレッジ研究会理事 島根県森林インストラクターである多久和厚 ( たくわあつし ) さんは3 年間山王寺の棚田を管理してきて 里山の暮らしや生活に関して知識が深い 多久和さんによると 今地球に住んでいる70 億の人間は 地球自体が供給できる限度の 1.5 倍のスピードで地球の資源を浪費している いうまでもなく先進国がその大半を占めている このままだと地球の資源は枯渇してしまうので 地球の資源の価値を理解し 自然とのバランスを取り戻さなければならない お金が唯一の資本だと考える代わりに地球の資源を資本だと認め 自然の中で生きることを心掛けなければならない これを 里山資本主義 という つまり 物質的な幸福より他人と自然と協 ダニエル ブロドリック 力し合う生き方による幸せを求めるべきという考え方である 私は山王寺に行くことによって人間と自然の力関係のバランスをとることの重要性を学んだ 例えば竹のような植物が非常に速いペースで生え続け土地を占領していくが 人間がその竹を切って道具などにしたりすれば問題解決になるし 農業に使う貴重なスペースを保つこともできる こうした例が自然にはたくさんあるが 日本の田舎では自然の勢いの方が勝り 多大な土地が耕作放棄されている ではどうやって人々にこの問題の深刻さを伝えるべきか 多久和さんによるとその答えは 幸せはお金では買えないという古来の言葉にある 大勢の人は自然とのつながりを忘れ 例え必要になったとしても自然だけを使った暮らし方を支えられなくなっている 更にその生き方の満足を知らない 知るようになるためには体験が最適だ 山王寺は学生や障がい者を招き お米や豆を植えてそれを収穫する体験を提供している そういう活動によって障害者の癒しになり 成長と教育の機会にもなる 回りの緑から得るエネルギーは自然にしか存在しない 6

7 A magazine about Shimane Prefecture, Japan and nature. Plants such as bamboo grow very quickly, and swiftly take over unused land. However, if people cut down and use that bamboo it can stave off problems and preserve the precious space that can be used for agriculture. Multiple examples of this exist in nature, and in many rural areas in Japan nature is winning at the expense of useable land already scarce due to the mountainous terrain. The question is how to convince people of the severity of the problem. Mr. Takuwa says the answer lies in the age old quote money can t buy happiness. Part of the issue lies in the fact that many have forgotten their ties to nature and would not know how to sustain themselves were the need to arise. By extension, they do not know the satisfaction in such agricultural activities. Experience is the best way to learn such satisfaction. San ouji is often host to student groups and groups of the mentally disabled who can experience agriculture, such as planting rice and beans, and maintaining and harvesting crops. Such activities, Takuwa suggests, have a profound healing effect and offer opportunities for education and personal growth. This green energy can only be found in nature. Gazing at the seedlings of rice for a short while is a beautiful sight, but I decided to ask Mr. Takuwa about how the view changes over time. When one seedling multiplies into 30, the green color becomes darker. The view changes every time I look at it. However, I was cautioned to not only look at the fields, but to look at the surrounding scenery as well to appreciate it properly. According to Mr. Takuwa, the most beautiful time is on certain mornings when clouds descend from the mountains to cover the fields in mist. This is called the sea of clouds. I was also taught that the long, deep green of the seedlings prior to harvest make for a wonderful view as well. I wanted to see it too. The views and lifestyle of San ouji cannot be preserved by one person, but if everyone were to learn about mountain villages and nurture their consciousness, there just may be hope left. Shimane Here 里humans 山の貴重な眺めMap 一時の間田んぼの苗を眺めるのは美しいが 毎日見ていたらどういう風に変わるかを多久和さんに尋ねてみることにした 田植えが終わって1 本の苗が30 本に増え 色が濃くなる 見るたびに変化すると言う しかも苗だけを見るのではなく ちゃんと感謝するために周りの景色も見たほうがいいとも言われた 多久和さんによると最も美しいのは朝で 雲が山々から下り田んぼが霧に覆われるところだそうだ それを雲海という 稲刈り前の長くて濃い緑色の苗も素晴らしい眺めだということが分かった 私も見てみたいと思った 山王寺の景色と生活は一人では保てないが みんなが勉強して意識を養えば里山に希望は残るだろうと思う 7

8 与えてくれる宍道The Riches of Lake Shinji Shen Haiting Lake Shinji expands between Matsue and Izumo in Shimane Prefecture. It is a brackish Map lake, where freshwater and seawater are mixed together. A great number of rivers, including the Hii River, flow in to the lake and connect to the Sea of Japan via the Ohashi River, Nakaumi, and Sakai Passage.. Blessed with distinctive marshes, the lake is host to a wealth of fish species and various animals, including the Seven Treasures of Lake Shinji. Yamato shijimi clams are the most famous specialty, and are farmed in great numbers. The distance from my house to Lake Shinji is less than 10 minutes by foot, so I am greatly enriched by its wonderful benefits. On weekday mornings in the faint light of dawn clam fishermen begin their work early, and countless small boats float on the water s surface. Yamato shijimi clams live in brackish waters, the bigger ones processed and packaged into gifts to hit shelves in Tokyo and markets in other large cities so they are widely known. The ones set out in local stores are small, but their flavor is not incomparable. Clam soup is light and delicious, good hangover relief, and an effective health food that is an indispensable presence on local dining room tables that domestic and foreign tourists who come to Shimane will definitely enjoy. Apart from the abundant seafood, the hot springs around Lake Shinji are also famous. Matsue Shinjiko Onsen Station and Shijimikan both have foot baths right next door that are free to use for both local citizens and tourists. People waiting 湖私に潤いをShimane Here more than that I like to watch the sunrise while jogging on the small quiet path along the lake. Seeing the lights of the Shinji Ohashi Bridge that expands over the water s surface, the reflection of the flickering lights of the houses on the shore in the water, the tide rising and falling, listening to the resonating sound of water hitting rock, and breathing in the fresh, salty air riding the wind really enriches me. Often there are families that bring headlights and flashlights to search for the shrimp and crabs stuck to the rocks, or get riled up playing with fireworks. One would be hard pressed to experience such tranquil happiness in a large city. According to more elderly locals, Lake Shinji was much more beautiful and bountiful before the war than it is now. Children and adults alike enjoyed swimming, scooping up shrimp, and fishing. After a period of high economic growth, people in various places in Japan are suffering from pollution. Lake Shinji also experienced unprecedented degradation. In the 70s, residents consciousness about water quality rose, and for the last 40 years they have worked hard to promote preservation initiatives. Water quality has still not reached the prewar levels that allow for swimming, but the lake is in the process of returning to its original state. Many volunteers, one person per 10 meters of beach, are working hard to preserve its beauty as lovingly as if it were their own child. If the people living around Lake Shinji take care of it in this way, it will 湖for the bus can enjoy the foot baths and relax from their travels. One day I spoke with an elderly woman who has been using the baths every day for three years, and she told me that the nerve pain in her feet that had been troubling her for years healed completely after just two weeks. Sure enough, the skin below her knees was clearly red from being in the hot water. I heard that she has started talking to people to bring attention to the benefits of the foot baths. The beauty of the setting sun at Lake Shinji is a must see in Japan. However, surely be admired and provide comfort and blessings to generations of people. 私に潤いを与えてくれる宍道湖沈海婷 宍道湖は島根県松江市 出雲市にまたがる湖 斐伊川を始め数多くの河川が流入し 大橋川 中海 境水道を介して外海日本海と接続があり 淡水と海水が入り混じる汽水湖となっている 特有の湖沼に恵まれて魚類が豊富で宍道湖七珍をはじめとするさまざまな生物が生息している 特産物として 漁獲高を誇るヤマトシジミが一番有名である 私の住まいから宍道湖まで歩行で10 分もかからない距離だから この湖は私をすごく潤わせてくれている 平日のほの暗い明け方 シジミを採る漁師らが早々と作業を始め 数えきれないほどの小舟が水上に漂っている シジミ汁はあっさりしておいしいし 二日酔い解消にも効果的な健康食品として地元の食卓に欠かせない存在である 島根に足を運んだ日本国内外の観光客も必ず椀一杯をすするだろう ヤマトシジミは汽水域の生物 やや大きなものは往々にしてギフトに加工 パッキングされ 東京など大都会の市場に出回り 人々に広く親しまれている 地元の店先に並ぶのは小さいとはいえ 味はいささかも遜色がない 豊かな魚介類の他に 宍道湖の周りの温泉も有名である 湖畔の松江しんじ湖温泉駅とシジミ館それぞれのすぐそばに一般市民や観光客が無料で利用できる足湯が設置されている バスを待つ人々が足湯を楽しんで旅の疲れをとる ある日 三年間毎日欠かさず足湯に入り続けているおばあさんに出会い 長年にわたり悩まれた足の神経痛が2 週間の足湯治療を行ってなんと全快してしまったとの話を聞いた 果たしてそのとおりで膝下の皮膚が湯焼けのため明らかに赤く見え る その後おばあさんが足湯の良さの周知を図り人々にアピールし始めたらしい 宍道湖に夕日が沈む美しさは日本の絶景である しかし それより夕暮れどき宍道湖沿いの静かなジョギング小路のほうが私は好きだ 水上をまたがる宍道湖大橋のライトアップと水に映った揺らめく岸辺の家々の明かりを目にしたり 潮が満ちたり引いたり 水が岩にぶつかった音が響いてきたり 風に乗って吹いてくる生臭さのない潤った空気を吸ったりして本当に私を潤わせてくれる また ヘッドライトや懐中電灯で照らしながら石にくっついているエビやカニを探したり 線香花火で盛り上がる家族がよくいる このようなのどかな幸せは大都会ではなかなか経験できないだろう 地元の高齢者の話によると 戦前の宍道湖は今よりずっときれいかつ豊かだった 子供はもちろん大人も水泳 エビ掬い 魚釣りなどを楽しんでいた 高度経済成長期を経て 公害に苦しむ人々が日本の各地にいる 宍道湖の水質もかつて一度悪化した 70 年代ごろ県民らは水質保全の意識が高まり 40 年間保全政策に努め 水質はまだ戦前の水泳できる標準にいたらないが 本来の姿を取り戻しつつある 多くのボランティアが一人 10メートルの浜辺をまるで自分の子供のように愛で きれいさを保つように頑張っている 宍道湖の周りに暮らす人々がこのように宍道湖を大切にすれば 宍道湖もきっと代々の人々に感動や安らぎを与え さまざまな恵みをもたらすだろう A magazine about Shimane Prefecture, Japan Editor: Teresa Sadkowsky, Daniel Broderick Publisher: Culture and International Affairs Division, Department of Environment and Civic Affairs, Shimane Prefectural Government. If you have any questions or comments about this magazine please contact us at: 1 Tonomachi, Matsue-shi, Shimane-ken , JAPAN 発行 : 島根県環境生活部文化国際課 Du Chunhong Park Hyejung Shen Haiting Teresa Sadkowsky Daniel Broderick

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