GE Qualitative Methods in Social Research

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1 GE Qualitative Methods in Social Research View Online 1. Barbour, R.S.: Introducing qualitative research: a student s guide. SAGE, Los Angeles (2014). 2. Bauer, M.W., Gaskell, G. eds: Qualitative researching with text, image and sound: a practical handbook. Sage, London (2000). 3. Bryman, A.: Social research methods. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 4. Creswell, J.W.: Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage, Los Angeles, Calif (2014). 5. Davies, M.B.: Doing a successful research project: using qualitative or quantative methods. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke (2007). 6. Denzin, N.K., Lincoln, Y.S.: Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials. SAGE Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks (2013). 1/22

2 7. Denzin, N.K., Lincoln, Y.S. eds: The Sage handbook of qualitative research. Sage, Thousand Oaks (2011). 8. Desai, Vandana and Potter, R.B. (ed..: Doing development research. Sage (2006). 9. Flick, U.: An introduction to qualitative research. Sage, London (2014). 10. Hay, I. ed: Qualitative research methods in human geography. Oxford University Press, Don Mills, Ontario (2016). 11. Holliday, A.: Doing and writing qualitative research. Sage, London (2007). 12. Creswell, J.W.: Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage, Los Angeles, Calif (2014). 13. Lapan, S.D., Quartaroli, M.T., Riemer, F.J. eds: Qualitative research: an introduction to methods and designs. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, Calif (2012). 14. Mohammad, R.: Insiders and/or outsiders : positionality, theory and praxis. In: Limb, M. and Dwyer, C. (eds.) Qualitative methodologies for geographers: issues and debates. pp. 2/22

3 Arnold, London (2001). 15. Kitchin, R., Tate, N.J.: Conducting research in human geography: theory, methodology and practice. Prentice Hall, Harlow (2000). 16. May, T. ed: Qualitative research in action. Sage, London (2002). 17. Scheyvens, R., Storey, D.: Development fieldwork: a practical guide. SAGE, London (2003). 18. Silverman, D.: Doing qualitative research. SAGE Publications Ltd, London (2013). 19. Lapan, S.D., Quartaroli, M.T., Riemer, F.J. eds: Chapter 1 - Introduction to Qualitative Research. In: Qualitative research: an introduction to methods and designs. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, Calif (2012). 20. Carter, S.M., Little, M.: Justifying Knowledge, Justifying Method, Taking Action: Epistemologies, Methodologies, and Methods in Qualitative Research. Qualitative Health Research. 17, (2007). 21. Davies, D., Dodd, J.: Qualitative Research and the Question of Rigor. Qualitative Health Research. 12, (2002). 3/22

4 22. Madge, C.: Methods and methodologies in feminist geographies: politics, practice and power. In: Feminist geographies: explorations in diversity and difference. pp Longman, Harlow (1997). 23. Association of American Geographers: Professional Geographer. 47, (1995). 24. Rose, G.: Situating knowledges: positionality, reflexivities and other tactics. Progress in Human Geography. 21, (1997). 25. Smith, S.: Doing qualitative research: from interpretation to action. In: Limb, M. and Dwyer, C. (eds.) Qualitative methodologies for geographers: issues and debates. pp Arnold, London (2001). 26. Valentine, G.: At the drawing board: developing a research design. In: Limb, M. and Dwyer, C. (eds.) Qualitative methodologies for geographers: issues and debates. pp Arnold, London (2001). 27. Anderson, K.: Engendering race research. In: Duncan, N. (ed.) Bodyspace: destabilising geographies of gender and sexuality. Routledge, London (1996). 28. Haggerty, K.D.: Ethics Creep: Governing Social Science Research in the Name of Ethics. Qualitative Sociology. 27, (2004) /22

5 Haraway, D.: Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies. 14, (1988). 30. Hay, I., Foley, P.: Ethics, Geography and Responsible Citizenship. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 22, (1998). 31. McDowell, L.: Doing Gender: Feminism, Feminists and Research Methods in Human Geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 17, (1992). 32. Mohammad, R.: Insiders and/or outsiders : positionality, theory and praxis. In: Limb, M. and Dwyer, C. (eds.) Qualitative methodologies for geographers: issues and debates. pp Arnold, London (2001). 33. Mullings, B.: Insider or outsider, both or neither: some dilemmas of interviewing in a cross-cultural setting. Geoforum. 30, (1999). 34. Scheyvens, R., Leslie, H.: Gender, ethics and empowerment. Women s Studies International Forum. 23, (2000). 35. Skelton, T.: Cross-cultural research: issues of power, positionality and race. In: Limb, M. and Dwyer, C. (eds.) Qualitative methodologies for geographers: issues and debates. pp Arnold, London (2001). 36. Smith, D.M.: Moral progress in human geography: transcending the place of good fortune. 5/22

6 Progress in Human Geography. 24, 1 18 (2000). 37. Crang, P.: Introduction: Field Cultures. Cultural Geographies. 10, (2003). 38. DeLyser, D., Starrs, P.F.: Doing Fieldwork: Editors Introduction. Geographical Review. 91, (2001). 39. De Soto, H.G., Dudwick, N. eds: Fieldwork dilemmas: anthropologists in postsocialist states. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wis (2000). 40. Phillips, R., Johns, J.: Fieldwork for human geography. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, Calif (2013). 41. Bryman, A.: Social research methods. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 42. Limb, M., Dwyer, C. eds: Qualitative methodologies for geographers: issues and debates. Arnold, London (2001). 43. Valentine, G.: Tell me about using interviews as a research methodology. In: Flowerdew, R. and Martin, D. (eds.) Methods in human geography: a guide for students doing a research project. Pearson Prentice Hall, Harlow (2005). 6/22

7 44. Valentine, G.: Doing household research: interviewing couples together and apart. Area. 31, (1999). 45. Winchester, H.P.M.: Ethical issues in interviewing as a research method in human geography. Australian Geographer. 27, (1996). 46. Bujra, J.: Lost in translation? The use of interpreters in fieldwork. In: Desai, V. and Potter, R.B. (eds.) Doing development research. pp SAGE, London (2006). 47. Mullings, B.: Insider or outsider, both or neither: some dilemmas of interviewing in a cross-cultural setting. Geoforum. 30, (1999). 48. Rice, G.: Reflections on interviewing elites. Area. 42, (2010). 49. Wengraf, T.: Qualitative research interviewing: biographic narrative and semi-structured methods. Sage, London (2001). 50. Wengraf, T.: Interviewing for life-histories, lived situations and ongoing personal experiencing: The Biographic-Narrative Interpretive Method (BNIM). Guide to BNIM interviewing and interpretation. Version 8.04d., (2008). 51. Hennink, M.M.: Focus group discussions. Oxford University Press, New York (2014). 7/22

8 52. Bedford, T., Burgess, J.: The focus group experience. In: Limb, M. and Dwyer, C. (eds.) Qualitative methodologies for geographers: issues and debates. pp Arnold, London (2001). 53. Bryman, A.: Social research methods. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 54. Burgess, J.: Focusing on fear: the use of focus groups in a project for the Community Forestry Unit, Countryside Commission. Area. 28, (1996). 55. Goss, J.: Focus groups as alternative research practice: experience with transmigrants in Indonesia. Area. 28, (1996). 56. Holbrook, B., Jackson, P.: Shopping around: focus group research in North London. Area. 28, (1996). 57. Hopkins, P.E.: Thinking critically and creatively about focus groups. Area. 39, (2007). 58. Kneale, J.: Working with groups. In: Limb, M. and Dwyer, C. (eds.) Qualitative methodologies for geographers: issues and debates. pp Arnold, London (2001). 8/22

9 59. Koch, N.: Technologising the opinion: focus groups, performance and free speech. Area. 45, (2013). 60. Longhurst, R.: Refocusing groups: pregnant women s geographical experiences of Hamilton, New Zealand/Aotearoa. Area. 28, (1996). 61. McGregor, A.: Negotiating nature: exploring discourse through small group research. Area. 37, (2005). 62. Starkweather, S.: Telling family stories: collaborative storytelling, taking precedence and giving precedence in family group interviews with Americans in Singapore. Area. 44, (2012). 63. Rose, G.: Visual methodologies: an introduction to researching with visual materials. SAGE, London (2012). 64. Rose, G.: Visual/Method/Culture, Cravey, A.J.: Media Geographies in the Oaxacan Uprising: Documenting the People s Guelagetza. Aether: The Journal of Media Geography. 6, (2010). 66. Zimmerman, S.: Media Geographies: Always Part of the Game. Aether: The Journal of 9/22

10 Media Geography. 1, (2007). 67. Crang, M., Cook, I.: Doing ethnographies. SAGE, Los Angeles (2007). 68. Herbert, S.: For ethnography. Progress in Human Geography. 24, (2000). 69. Laurier, E.: An ethnography of a neighbourhood café: informality, table arrangements and back ground noise. Journal of Mundane Behaviour. 2, Gielis, R.: The value of single-site ethnography in the global era: studying transnational experiences in the migrant house. Area. 43, (2011). 71. Davies, A.D.: Ethnography, space and politics: interrogating the process of protest in the Tibetan Freedom Movement. Area. 41, (2009). 72. Hall, S.M.: Private life and work life : difficulties and dilemmas when making and maintaining friendships with ethnographic participants. Area. 41, (2009). 73. Bryman, A.: Social research methods. Oxford University Press, Oxford /22

11 Fink, A.: How to conduct surveys: a step-by-step guide. SAGE Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks (2016). 75. Fowler, F.J.: Survey research methods. SAGE, Los Angeles (2014). 76. Desai, V., Potter, R.B.: Doing development research. SAGE, London (2006). 77. Hewson, C., Vogel, C., Laurent, D.: Internet research methods. SAGE, London (2016). 78. Imrie, R.: Urban Geography, Relevance, and Resistance to the Policy Turn. Urban Geography. 25, (2004). 79. Martin, R.: Geography and public policy: the case of the missing agenda. Progress in Human Geography. 25, (2001). 80. Korgen, K.O., White, J.M.: The engaged sociologist: connecting the classroom to the community. SAGE, Los Angeles (2015). 81. Pain, R.: Social geography: seven deadly myths in policy research. Progress in Human Geography. 30, (2006) /22

12 Editorial: Grey Geography? Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 24, (1999). 83. Pain, R., Kesby, M., Askins, K.: Geographies of impact: power, participation and potential. Area. 43, (2011). 84. Slater, T.: Impacted geographers: a response to Pain, Kesby and Askins. Area. 44, (2012). 85. Pain, R., Kesby, M., Askins, K.: The politics of social justice in neoliberal times: a reply to Slater. Area. 44, (2012). 86. ACME. 13, (2014). 87. Bastow, S., Dunleavy, P., Tinkler, J.: The impact of the social sciences: how academics and their research make a difference. SAGE, London (2014). 88. Martin, R.: Geography and public policy: the case of the missing agenda. Progress in Human Geography. 25, (2001). 89. Imrie, R.: Urban Geography, Relevance, and Resistance to the Policy Turn. Urban Geography. 25, (2004). 12/22

13 90. Peck, J.: Geographies of policy: From transfer-diffusion to mobility-mutation. Progress in Human Geography. 35, (2011). 91. REF 2014, Kindon, S.L., Pain, R., Kesby, M. eds: Participatory action research approaches and methods: connecting people, participation, and place. Routledge, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon (2007). 93. Reason, P., Bradbury, H. eds: Handbook of action research: the concise paperback edition. Sage, London (2006). 94. Breitbart, M.: Participatory research methods. In: Clifford, N.J., French, S., and Valentine, G. (eds.) Key methods in geography. London, Los Angeles, Calif (2010). 95. Kesby, M., Kindon, S., Pain, R.: Participatory approaches and diagramming techniques. In: Flowerdew, R. and Martin, D. (eds.) Methods in human geography: a guide for students doing a research project. pp Pearson Prentice Hall, Harlow (2005). 96. Ansell, N., Robson, E., Hajdu, F., van Blerk, L.: Learning from young people about their lives: using participatory methods to research the impacts of AIDS in southern Africa. Children s Geographies. 10, (2012) /22

14 Cooke, B., Kothari, U. eds: Participation: the new tyranny? Zed Books, London (2001). 98. Hickey, S., Mohan, G. eds: Participation, from tyranny to transformation?: exploring new approaches to participation in development. ZED Books, London (2004). 99. Kesby, M.: Retheorizing Empowerment through Participation as a Performance in Space: Beyond Tyranny to Transformation. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 30, (2005) Kesby, M.: Spatialising participatory approaches: the contribution of geography to a mature debate. Environment and Planning A. 39, (2007) Mohan, G.: Participatory Development: From Epistemological Reversals to Active Citizenship. Geography Compass. 1, (2007) Pain, R.: Social geography: participatory research. Progress in Human Geography. 28, (2004) Pain, R., Francis, P.: Reflections on participatory research. Area. 35, (2003) Blazek, M., Hraňová, P.: Emerging relationships and diverse motivations and benefits in participatory video with young people. Children s Geographies. 10, (2012). 14/22

15 105. Blazek, M., Smith, F.M., Lemešová, M., Hricová, P.: Ethics of care across professional and everyday positionalities: The (un)expected impacts of participatory video with young female carers in Slovakia. Geoforum. 61, (2015) Kelley, M.J., Pendras, M., Minnella, H.: Sketching culture, sketching nature: uncovering anchors of everyday nature for urban youth. Social & Cultural Geography. 13, (2012) Children s Geographies. 10, (2012) Breitbart, M.: Dana s mystical tunnel : young people s designs for survival and change in the city. In: Skelton, T. and Valentine, G. (eds.) Cool places: geographies of youth cultures. pp Routledge, London (1998) Elwood, S.: Participatory GIS: the Humboldt/West Humboldt Park Community GIS project, Chicago, USA. In: Kindon, S.L., Pain, R., and Kesby, M. (eds.) Participatory action research approaches and methods: connecting people, participation, and place. pp Routledge, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon (2007) Kesby, M.: Participatory diagramming: deploying qualitative methods through an action research epistemology. Area. 32, (2000) Kindon, S.: Participatory video in geographic research: a feminist practice of looking? Area. 35, (2003). 15/22

16 112. Parr, H.: Collaborative film-making as process, method and text in mental health research. Cultural Geographies. 14, (2007) Smith, F.M.: Working in different cultures. In: Clifford, N.J., French, S., and Valentine, G. (eds.) Key methods in geography. London, Los Angeles, Calif (2010) Twyman, C., Morrison, J., Sporton, D.: The final fifth: autobiography, reflexivity and interpretation in cross-cultural research. Area. 31, (1999) Skelton, T.: Cross-cultural research: issues of power, positionality and "race. In: Limb, M. and Dwyer, C. (eds.) Qualitative methodologies for geographers: issues and debates. pp Arnold, London (2001) Williams, C.: Doing international research. Sage Publications Ltd, Thousand Oaks, CA (2015) Hewson, C., Vogel, C., Laurent, D.: Internet research methods. SAGE, London (2016) Hewson, C.: Internet research methods: a practical guide for the social and behavioural sciences. Sage, London (2003) Callegaro, M.: Web survey methodology. Sage Publications Ltd, Thousand Oaks, CA (2015). 16/22

17 120. Consalvo, M., Ess, C.: The handbook of internet studies. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA (2011) Lee, R.M., Blank, G., Fielding, N. eds: The Sage handbook of online research methods. Sage, London (2008) Hine, C.: Virtual methods: issues in social research on the Internet. Berg, Oxford (2005) Markham, A.N., Baym, N.K.: Internet inquiry: conversations about method. Sage Publications, Los Angeles Exploring online research methods - Incorporating TRI-ORM, O Connor, H., Madge, C.: Cyber-Mothers: Online Synchronous Interviewing using Conferencing Software. Sociological Research Online. 5, (2001) Stewart, K., Williams, M.: Researching online populations: the use of online focus groups for social research. Qualitative Research. 5, (2005). 17/22

18 127. Bonilla, Y., Rosa, J.: #Ferguson: Digital protest, hashtag ethnography, and the racial politics of social media in the United States. American Ethnologist. 42, 4 17 (2015) Boyd, D.: it s complicated: the social lives of networked teens, Driscoll, C., Gregg, M.: My profile: The ethics of virtual ethnography. Emotion, Space and Society. 3, (2010) Hine, C.: Virtual ethnography. SAGE, London (2000) Kozinets, R.V.: Netnography: doing ethnographic research online. SAGE, London (2010) Murthy, D.: Digital Ethnography: An Examination of the Use of New Technologies for Social Research. Sociology. 42, (2008) Parr, H.: Virtual communities: the internet and online geographies of self-help. In: Mental health and social space: towards inclusionary geographies? Blackwell Pub, Malden, Mass (2008) Pink, S.: Digital ethnography: principles and practice. Sage Publication, Thousand Oaks, CA 18/22

19 (2015) Bonilla, Y., Rosa, J.: #Ferguson: Digital protest, hashtag ethnography, and the racial politics of social media in the United States. American Ethnologist. 42, 4 17 (2015) Brown, B., McGregor, M., Laurier, E.: iphone in vivo: video analysis of mobile device use. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 13. ACM Press (2013) Davidson, J.: Autistic culture online: virtual communication and cultural expression on the spectrum. Social & Cultural Geography. 9, (2008) Ferreira, E., Salvador, R.: Lesbian collaborative web mapping: disrupting heteronormativity in Portugal. Gender, Place & Culture (2014) Maddrell, A.: Online memorials: the virtual as the new vernacular. Bereavement Care. 31, (2012) Parr, H.: Virtual communities: the internet and online geographies of self-help. In: Mental health and social space: towards inclusionary geographies? Blackwell Pub, Malden, Mass (2008) Parr, H., Davidson, J.: Enabling Cultures of Dis/order Online. In: Chouinard, V., Hall, E., and Wilton, R. (eds.) Towards enabling geographies: disabled bodies and minds in society and 19/22

20 space. pp Ashgate, Farnham (2010) Somolu, O.: Telling our own stories : African women blogging for social change. Gender & Development. 15, (2007) Valentine, G., Holloway, S.L.: Cyberkids? Exploring Children s Identities and Social Networks in On-line and Off-line Worlds. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 92, (2002) Zook, M.A.: Underground globalization: mapping the space of flows of the Internet adult industry. Environment and Planning A. 35, (2003) Driscoll, C., Gregg, M.: My profile: The ethics of virtual ethnography. Emotion, Space and Society. 3, (2010) Madge, C.: Developing a geographers agenda for online research ethics. Progress in Human Geography. 31, (2007) Morrow, O., Hawkins, R., Kern, L.: Feminist research in online spaces. Gender, Place & Culture. 22, (2015) Cloke, P.J.: Practising human geography. Sage, London (2004). 20/22

21 149. Cope, M.: Coding transcripts and diaries. In: Clifford, N.J., French, S., and Valentine, G. (eds.) Key methods in geography. London, Los Angeles, Calif (2010) Richards, L.: Handling qualitative data: a practical guide. (2014) Berg, B.L.: Qualitative research methods for the social sciences. Pearson, Boston, Mass (2007) Bryman, A.: Social research methods. Oxford University Press, Oxford Lapan, S.D., Quartaroli, M.T., Riemer, F.J. eds: Qualitative research: an introduction to methods and designs. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, Calif (2012) Limb, M., Dwyer, C. eds: Qualitative methodologies for geographers: issues and debates. Arnold, London (2001) Hay, I. ed: Qualitative research methods in human geography. Oxford University Press, Don Mills, Ontario (2016) Qualitative Research Data Analysis Software NVivo, 21/22

22 157. Silver, C., Lewins, A.: Using software in qualitative research: a step-by-step guide. SAGE, Los Angeles (2014) Bradford, M.: Writing essays, reports and dissertations. In: Clifford, N.J., French, S., and Valentine, G. (eds.) Key methods in geography. London, Los Angeles, Calif (2010) Cloke, P.J.: Representing Human Geographies. In: Practising human geography. Sage, London (2004) Kitchin, R., Tate, N.J.: Conducting research in human geography: theory, methodology and practice. Prentice Hall, Harlow (2000) Limb, M., Dwyer, C. eds: Qualitative methodologies for geographers: issues and debates. Arnold, London (2001). 22/22

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