UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS. Študijska smer Study field. Samost. delo Individ. work Lab. vaje Laboratory work

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1 UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Predmet: Course title: Fizika Physics Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Vrsta predmeta / Course type Študijska smer Study field 1st Letnik Academic year Obvezni/Obligatory st Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Aleš Fajmut Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / slovenski / slovene Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Ni pogojev. Prerequisits: None

2 Vsebina: Elektromagnetno valovanje: spektri, izvori, lastnosti, absorpcija, sevanje, ekesperimentalne metode, ki temeljijo na odboju / absorpciji / emisiji / fluorescenci / sipanju EM valovanja, Beer Lambertov zakon Termodinamika: pretok snovi (difuzija, osmoza) in toplote oz. energije (prevajanje, konvekcija, sevanje), energijski tok metabolizma, regulacija temperature v človeškem telesu. Mehanika: statika in dinamika točkastih in togih teles; kinematski in dinamski pristop k obravnavi gibanja točkastih teles v 1D; vrtenje; sila, tlak, navor (vzvodi v človeškem telesu), delo, energija, moč; energijski zakon; deformacije (kosti); hidrostatika in hidrodinamika; aplikacije Brnoullijeve enačbe, viskoznost, Hagen Poiseuilleov zakon, Reynoldsovo število; laminarni in turbulentni tokovi. Nihanje: harmonske oscilacije (HO), dušene oscilacije, periodično vzbujanje v HO, oscilacije v bioloških in kemijskih sistemih, samovzdrževane oscilacije, stabilnost Zvok: lastnosti zvočnega valovanja, spektri, interval slišnosti, občutljivost ušesa, intenziteta, analiza zvoka, ultrazvočno slikanje Moderna fizika: zgradba in model atoma, aplikacije radioaktivnosti in ionizirajočega sevanja, varnost pred sevanji Električno in magnetno polje: Električna sila, polje, potencial (aplikacije v biologiji in medicini) magnetna sila in polje, gibanje nabitih delcev v E in M polju, katodna cev, rentgenska cev, masni spektrometer Študent opravi 10 laboratorijskih vaj s Content (Syllabus outline): Electromagnetic waves: EM spectrum, sources, properties, absorption, emission; experimental methods based on the detection of reflected/emitted/ absorbed/scattered/fluoresced EM waves, Beer Lambert s law Thermodynamics: flow of matter (diffusion, osmosis) and heat/energy (conduction, convection, radiation); metabolic energy flow, regulation of body temperature Mechanics: statics and dynamics of particles. and rigid bodies; kinematic and dynamic approach to the study of motion in 1D; rotation; force; pressure; torque (levers in the human body), work, energy, power, conservation of energy, deformations (in bones); hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, applications of Bernoulli s equation, Hagen Poiseuille's law, Reynolds's number; laminar turbulent flow Oscillations: harmonic oscillations (HO), damped HO, periodically forced HO, oscillations in biological and chemical systems, self sustained oscillations, stability Sound: properties, spectra, interval of hearing, sensitivity of human ear, intensity, analysis of the sound, ultrasound imaging Modern physics: structure and model of the atom, applicability of radioactivity and ionizing radiation, safety Electric and magnetic (EM) field: electric force, field, potential (applications in biology and medicine), magnetic field, force; motion of charged particles in EM fields, cathode ray tube, roentgen apparatus and imaging, mass spectrometer Students carries out 10 laboratory exercises

3 področij mehanike, termodinamike, električnih in magnetnih pojavov, valovne in geometrijske optike, moderne fizike in radioaktivnosti. Vsebina vaj je aplicirana na biološke sisteme. from the fields of mechanics, thermodynamics, electric and magnetic phenomena, wave and geometric optics, modern physics and radioactivity. Lab work is applied to the study of biological systems. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: 1. Jay Newman (2000) Physics of the Life Sciences, Springer, New York 2. Douglas C. Giancoli (1998) Physics principles with applications (5th ed. ali višja), Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs 3. Klemen Bohinc (2014) Fizika človeškega telesa, Zdravstvena fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana 4. Interna skripta in navodila za laboratorijske vaje, izročki prosojnic s predavanj in druga dodatna interna študijska literatura, ki je v elektronski obliki dostopna na: mb.si/ oz. na: v okviru predmeta Fizika. Cilji in kompetence: Usvojiti osnovne fizikalne koncepte in zakonitosti, pomembne za razumevanje procesov v živi in neživi naravi Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študent razume osnovne fizikalne procese v naravi Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Študent zna kvalitativno in kvantitativno opisati nekatere osnovne fizikalne pojave v naravi in jih analizirati s preprostimi matematičnimi metodami in modeli. Objectives and competences: The main objective is to gain the knowledge of fundamental physical concepts and laws which are essential for understanding the processes in nature. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Students get understanding of fundamental physical processes in nature Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Students are able to describe basic physical processes in nature, qualitatively and quantitatively, and to analyze them with fundamental mathematical methods and models Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje (v celoti opravljene laboratorijske vaje so pogoj za pristop k nadaljnjim preizkusom znanja) Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory work (completed laboratory work is obligatory for the admittance to examination) Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Assessment: Weight (in %) Pisni kolokvij iz laboratorijskih vaj (pozitiven kolokvij iz laboratorijskih vaj (rezultat mora biti višji ali enak 50 %) je pogoj za pristop k pisnemu in ustnemu izpitu) 30 Written test within laboratory work (positive test (result should be larger or equal to 50 %) is a precondition for the admittance to written and oral examination)

4 Pisni izpit (pisni izpit je možno opraviti z dvema pisnima kolokvijema, pri čemer mora biti skupni rezultat višji ali enak 50%, posamezni kolokvij pa ne sme biti nižji od 30%) Ustni izpit Written exam (written test might be accomplished by two written tests, whereby the overall results should be equal or larger than 50 % and a single test should not be lower than 30 %) Oral exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: DOBOVIŠEK, Andrej, FAJMUT, Aleš, BRUMEN, Milan. Strategy for NSAID administration to aspirin intolerant asthmatics in combination with PGE [sub] 2 analogue: a theoretical approach. Medical & biological engineering & computing, ISSN [Print ed.], 2012, vol. 50, no. 1, str , doi: /s x. [COBISS.SI ID ] MBIKOU, Prisca, FAJMUT, Aleš, BRUMEN, Milan, ROUX, Etienne. Contribution of Rho kinase to the early phase of the calcium contraction coupling in airway smooth muscle. Experimental physiology, ISSN , 2011, vol. 96, issue 2, str , ilustr., doi: /expphysiol [COBISS.SI ID ] DOBOVIŠEK, Andrej, FAJMUT, Aleš, BRUMEN, Milan. Role of expression of prostaglandin synthases 1 and 2 and leukotriene C [sub] 4 synthase in aspirin intolerant asthma: a theoretical study. Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, ISSN X, 2011, vol. 38, no. 2, str , doi: /s [COBISS.SI ID ] FAJMUT, Aleš, BRUMEN, Milan. MLC kinase/phosphatase control of Ca[sup]2+ signal transduction in airway smooth muscles. Journal of theoretical biology, ISSN , 2008, vol. 252, no. 3, str doi: /j.jtbi [COBISS.SI ID ]

5 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Fiziologija rastlin Plant Physiology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Vrsta predmeta / Course type Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Obvezni/Obligatory 3.; 3rd 6.; 6th Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jana AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Pogojev ni. Prerequisits: None.

6 Vsebina: Predmet obravnava fiziološke procese v rastlinah, ki vključujejo rast in razvoj rastlin ter prilagojenost rastlin na vplive iz okolja. Poudarek je na medsebojni povezanosti zgradbe in delovanja rastlin od nivoja molekul do nivoja cele rastline. Predmet v prvem delu obravnava vodne razmere v rastlini, mehanizme sprejema, prenosa in premeščanja vode, ionov in raztopin, mineralno prehrano ter lastnosti membran in membranske procese. V drugem delu obravnava energetske pretvorbe v rastlini, metabolizem ogljika, fotosintezo, premeščanje asimilatov, dihanje, metabolizem dušika in žvepla ter sekundarni metabolizem. V tretjem delu obravnava rast in razvoj rastlin, biosintezo celične stene, hormonalno regulacijo, vplive zunanjih dejavnikov na rast in razvoj, zaznavanje in odzivanje na dražljaje iz okolja, cvetenje, embriogenezo, nastanek semen in plodov, kalitev semen, staranje in se zaključi z gibanji rastlin. Content (Syllabus outline): The course introduces the physiological processes of plants, growth, development and plant adaptations to the environment influences. Emphasis is on the relationship between structure and function from the molecular to the whole plant level. First part covers water relations (balance) in plants, uptake, transport and translocation mechanisms of water, ions and solutes, mineral nutrition, membrane properties and processes. Second part covers energy conversions in plants, photosynthesis, carbon metabolism, assimilates translocation, respiration, nitrogen and sulfur metabolism, and secondary metabolism. Third part covers plant growth and development, cell wall biosynthesis, hormonal regulation, influences of external factors on growth and development, sensing and responding to the environmental stimulii, flowering, embriogenesis, seed and fruit development, seed germination, senescence and plant movements. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Vodnik D Osnove fiziologije rastlin. Oddelek za agromijo, Biotehniška fakulteta Ljubljana. Taiz L., Zeiger E Plant Physiology. Sinauer Associatites, Inc., Publishers, Sunderland, Massachusetts. Taiz L., Zeiger E Plant Physiology. Sinauer Associatites, Inc., Publishers, Sunderland, Massachusetts. Bresinsky, A., Körner, C., Kadereit, J.W., Neuhaus, G., Sonnewald, U Strasburger's Plant Sciences, Including Prokaryotes and Fungi. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. Mohr H., Schopfer P Plant physiology, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. Sitte P., Weiler E.W., Kadereit J.W., Bresinsky A., Körner C Lehrbuch der Boranik für Hochsculen. Begründet von Strasburger E., Noll F., Schenck H., Schimper. Spectrum Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg, Berlin. Kutschera U Prinzipien der Pflantzenphysiologie. Spectrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin. Kutschera U Grundpraktikum zur Pflantzenphysiologie. UTB Quelle & Meyer Verlag,. 2

7 Cilji in kompetence: Prepoznavanje in razumevanje fizioloških procesov v rastlinah, ki vključujejo metabolizem rastlin, vodne razmere, prehrano in transport rastlin, rast in razvoj rastlin ter prilagojenost rastlin na okolje. Prepoznavanje in razumevanje fizioloških procesov in mehanizmov, ki vodijo v prilagajanje rastlin na spremembe v okolju. Prepoznavanje biotskih in abiotskih dejavnikov in mehanizmov, ki vplivajo na rastline. Prepoznavanje in razumevanje fizioloških procesov in mehanizmov na vseh ravneh organizacije rastlinskega telesa, ki vključuje znanje citologije, morfologije, biokemije, biofizike, molekularne biologije in genetike. Prepoznavanje rastlinske fiziologije kot eksperimentalne vede. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Osnovni fiziološki procesi in pojavi, pomembni za rastline Fiziološki procesi in mehanizmi, ki vodijo v prilagajanje rastlin izpostavljenih spremembam v okolju. Biotski in abiotski dejavniki, ki vplivajo na rastline. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Osnovne spretnosti pomembne za praktično eksperimentalno delo: opazovanje, merjenje, ravnanje z rastlinskim materialom, kemikalijami, steklovino, osnovnimi aparaturami, zbiranje rezultatov, načrtovanje poskusov, vrednotenje rezultatov, poročanje. Seznanjanje z izbranimi laboratorijskimi metodami dela. Varno delo v laboratoriju. Objectives and competences: Identification and understanding and of the physiological processes of plants, which includes plants metabolism, water relations, nutrition and transport in plants, growth and development of plants, and adjustment of plants to environment. Identification and understanding plant physiological processes leading to adjustment of plants exposed to changes in environment. Identification of the biotic and abiotic factors and mechanisms that influenced plants. Identification and understanding physiological mechanisms and processes, on all organization levels and includes knowledge of cytology, morphology, biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology and genetics. Recognition of the plant physiology as experimental science. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Basic physiological mechanisms and phenomena relevant for plants The physiological processes that result in adjustment of plants exposed to changes in their environment. The biotic and abiotic factors that influenced plants. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Basic skills important for practical experimental work: observations, measurements, manipulation with plant material, chemicals, glass wares and other equipments, collecting data, designing experiments, analyzing data, reporting. Qualification for work with selected laboratory methods. Safe working practice in laboratory. 3

8 Metode poučevanja in učenja: Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Načini ocenjevanja: Izpit, poročilo iz laboratorijskih vaj, pisni kolokvij iz vaj. Lectures Laboratory exercises. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: 50/12,5/37,5 Examination, laboratory report, written examination of exercises. Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK, Jana, KOVAČ, Maja, ŽEL, Jana, CAMLOH, Marjana. Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) from the northern Adriatic as a potential source of natural insecticide. Ann, Ser. hist. nat., 2007, letn. 17, št. 1, str AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK, Jana, CAMLOH, Marjana, ŽEL, Jana, KOVAČ, Maja, RAVNIKAR, Maja, CARRARO, Luigi, PETROVIČ, Nataša. Phytoplasma infection may affect morphology, regeneration and pyrethrin content in pyrethrum shoot culture. Sci. hortic.. [Print ed.], 2008, vol. 116, no. 2, str AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK, Jana, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ŽEL, Jana, DEMŠAR, Tina, CAMLOH, Marjana, CANKAR, Katarina, DREO, Tanja. Tissue culture of Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) and associated microbial contamination = Tkivna kultura bolhača (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) in z njo povezana okužba z mikroorganizmi. Acta biol. slov.. [Tiskana izd.], 2010, vol. 53, št. 1, str CAMLOH, Marjana, AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK, Jana. In vitro regeneration systems of Platycerium. V: FERNÁNDEZ, Helena (ur.), KUMAR, Ashwani (ur.), REVILLA, Maria Ángeles (ur.). Working with ferns : issues and applications. New York [etc.]: Springer, cop. 2011, str

9 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Fiziologija živali Animal Physiology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Vrsta predmeta / Course type Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 3.; 3rd 6.; 6th Obvezni/Obligatory ali Izbirni/Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Dušan DEVETAK Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Potrebno je znanje fizike, kemije in splošne zoologije Prerequisits: Knowledge of Physics, Chemistry and General Zoology is required

10 Vsebina: Zunanje in notranje okolje. Energetika celice. Energetika organizma. Temperatura in termoregulacija. Fiziologija membran: od zgradbe membrane do živčne integracije. Senzorična fiziologija: čutila in zaznavanje okolja. Hormoni in endokrini sistem. Celično gibanje, mišice in gibanje živali. Živčevje in vedenje. Kri in krvožilje. Izmenjava plinov dihanje. Ionsko in osmotsko ravnotežje. Prehrana in prebava. Organizacija vedenja in njegova raznolikost. Evolucija vedenja, adaptacij in komunikacije. Reprodukcija in spolno vedenje. Predatorstvo. Prehranjevalno vedenje. Skrb za potomce. Socialno vedenje. Content (Syllabus outline): External and internal environments. Cellular energetics. Animal energetics. Temperature and thermoregulation. Membrane physiology: from membrane structure to neural integration. Sensory physiology: sensorry organs and sensing the environment. Hormones and endocrine system. Cell movement, muscles and animal movement. Nervous system and behaviour. Blood and circulation. Gas exchange respiration. Ionic and osmotic balance. Feeding and digestion. Organisation of behaviour and its diversity. Evolution of behaviour, adaptations and communication. Reproduction, sexual behaviour. Predation. Feeding. Caring for offsprings. Social behaviour. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Alcock, J., 2005: Animal behavior: an evolutionary approach. 8th ed. Freeman, Suderland. Randall, D., W. Burggren, K. French, 2002: Eckert Animal Physiology. 5th Edition. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York. Withers, P. C., 2002: Comparative Animal Physiology. Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, New York. Schmidt Nielsen, K., 2010: Animal physiology : adaptation and environment. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. Cilji in kompetence: Obravnavati zveze živalski organizem zunanje okolje notranje okolje Pojasniti vlogo celičnih membran pri temeljnih fizioloških procesih Pojasniti integracijsko vlogo senzoričnega, hormonalnega in Objectives and competences: To discuss relations: animal organism internal environment external environment To explain the role of cell membranes in general physiological processes To explain integrative role of sensory, 2

11 živčnega sistema Predstaviti temeljne fiziološke procese v živalskem organizmu Predstaviti raznolikost vzorcev vedenja in njegovo kompleksnost Podati evolucijski pristop pri študiju vedenja živali hormonal and nervous system To present fundamental physiological processes in animal organisms. To present diversity and complexity of behaviour. To give an evolutionary approach to animal behaviour. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Razumevanje zvez živalski organizem zunanje okolje notranje okolje Vlogo celičnih membran pri temeljnih fizioloških procesih Vloga integracijskih sistemov senzoričnega, hormonalnega in živčnega sistema Osnovni procesi metabolizma od celičnega nivoja do mnogoceličnega organizma Kompleksnost vedenja živali Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Sposobnost načrtovati in izvesti preproste eksperimente za testiranje odzivov živali na kontrolirane spremembe v njenem okolju Sposobnost ovrednotiti rezultate fiziološkega in etološkega poskusa Metode poučevanja in učenja: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Understanding of relations: animal organism internal environment external environment The role of membranes in general physiological processes Integrative role of sensory system, hormonal and nervous systems Metabolic processes from cell to multicellular organism Complexity of animal behaviour Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Ability to arrange simple experiments testing responses of an animal to controlled changes in its environment Ability to evaluate results of an experiment in animal physiology and ethology Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje individualno eksperimentalno delo Lectures Laboratory excersises individual experimental practice Načini ocenjevanja: Kolokvij in poročilo iz vaj Pisni izpit Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: Partial exam and report of experimental practice Written exam 3

12 Opravljen kolokvij in poročilo sta pogoj za pristop k izpitu. Partial exam and laboratory report are a prerequisite for taking the exam. Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: DEVETAK, Dušan. Sand borne vibrations in prey detection and orientation of antlions. V: COCROFT, Reginald Bifield (ur.), et al. Studying vibrational communication, (Animal signals and communication, ISSN , vol. 3). Berlin: Springer, 2014, str , ilustr., doi: / _16. [COBISS.SI ID ] DEVETAK, Dušan. Effects of larval antlions Euroleon nostras (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae) and their pits on the escape time of ants. Physiological entomology, ISSN , 2005, 30, str , graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI ID ] KRAL, Karl, VERNIK, Martin, DEVETAK, Dušan. The visually controlled prey capture behaviour of the European mantispid Mantispa styriaca. Journal of Experimental Biology, ISSN , 2000, 203, str [COBISS.SI ID ] KRAL, Karl, DEVETAK, Dušan. The visual orientation strategies of Mantis religiosa and Empusa fasciata reflect differences in the structure of their visual surroundings.journal of insect behavior, ISSN , 1999, vol. 12, no. 6, str , ilustr., graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI ID ] DEVETAK, Dušan. Detection of substrate vibration in Neuropteroidea : a review. Acta zoologica Fennica, ISSN , 1998, 209, str , ilustr. [COBISS.SI ID ] DEVETAK, Dušan, AMON, Tomaž. Substrate vibration sensitivity of the leg scolopidial organs in the green lacewing, Chrysoperla carnea. Journal of Insect Physiology, ISSN [Print ed.], 1997, vol. 43, no. 5, str [COBISS.SI ID ] 4

13 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Genetika evkariotov Genetics of Eukaryotes Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Vrsta predmeta / Course type Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Obvezni/Obligatory 3.; 3rd 5.; 5th Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Metka Šiško Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Prerequisits: No.

14 Vsebina: Predmet obsega vsa ključna poglavja genetike (evkariotov): Molekulska genetika evkariotov molekularna struktura in replikacija genetskega materiala, molekularne lastnosti in funkcija genov. Citogenetika in fizikalne osnove dednosti evkariotov struktura in funkcija kromosomov, celična delitev, gametogeneza, oploditev. Kvalitativna genetika evkariotov nevezani geni, Mendlova pravila, dednost kvalitativnih lastnosti, genske interakcije, poliploidija (evploidija, anevploidija), statistično testiranje segregacijskih razmerij, vezani geni, crossing over,genetske mape, genetika spolnosti. Populacijska genetika evkariotov struktura populacij, populacijsko ravnotežje, migracije, mutacije, selekcija, inbreeding, incest. Kvantitativna genetika evkariotov srednje vrednosti in variance posameznih generacij, izračunavanje heritabilnosti.izobraževalni proces (še posebej eksperimentiranje) bo upošteval vse veljavne moralno etične omejitve. Content (Syllabus outline): The subject includes all essential parts of genetics (of eukaryotes): Molecular genetics of eukaryotes molecular structure and replication of the genetic material, molecular properties and function of genes. Cytogenetics and physical basis of heredity of eukaryotes chromosome structure and function, cell division, gametogenesis, fertilisation. Mendelian genetics inheritance of qualitative traits, Mendelian rules, genetic linkage, polyploidy (euploidy, aneuploidy), statistical testing of segregation ratios, genetic linkage, crossing over, genetic maps, genetics of sex. Population genetics of eukaryotes structure of populations, population equilibrium, migrations, mutations, selection, inbreeding. Quantitative genetics of eukaryotes generation mean values and variances, estimation of heritability. Teaching approach, especially practical experimentation, will consider all existing moral and ethical rules. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Brooker R. J Genetics analysis and principles. Fourth Edition. The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. New York. Pierce B. A Genetics. A conceptual approach. Second Edition. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York. Griffiths, A. J. F., S. R. Wessler, R. C. Lewontin, W. M. Gelbart, D. T. Suzuki, J. H. Miller, 2005: Introduction to genetic analysis. Eight Edition. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York. Stansfield D.W Theory and problems of Genetics. Schaum's Outlines series, McGraw Hill, INC., New York. 2

15 Cilji in kompetence: Osnovni cilj te učne enote je dati celovit in sistematičen pregled: molekulske genetike, citogenetike, kvalitativne in kvantitativne genetike evkariontov. Vključeni so teoretični in praktični problemi genetike rastlin, živali in ljudi. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Znanje in razumevanje, ki si ga štud entje pridobijo obsega naslednjo problematiko: načine funkcioniranja genetskega materiala, načine dedovanja in genetsko strukturo ter procese v populacijah evkariontov. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Oblikovanje generacijskega materiala za proučevanje dednosti in analiza segregacije v potomstvih. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Objectives and competences: The main purpose of this study unit is to give a complete and systematic overview of: molecular genetics, cytogenetics, qualitative and quantitative genetics of eukaryotes. It will include theoretical and practical hereditary problems of plants, animals and humans. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: It involves the following subjects: the function of the hereditary material, the most important ways of inheritance and the structure and processes within populations of eukaryotes. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Formation of generation material for inheritance studies, analysis of segregation within progenies. Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Lectures Laboratory practicals Delež (v %) / Načini ocenjevanja: Weight (in %) Assessment: Pisni izpit 100 Written exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: ŠIŠKO, Metka, JAVORNIK, Branka. Effectiveness of AFLP and SSR molecular markers in determination* of genetic relationship among pear (Pyrus spp.) genotypes. Agricultura, ISSN [Print ed.], 2007, letn. 5, št. 1, str [COBISS.SI ID ] VRŠIČ, Stanko, IVANČIČ, Anton, ŠUŠEK, Andrej, ZAGRADIŠNIK, Boris, VALDHUBER, Janez, ŠIŠKO, Metka. The World's oldest living grapevine specimen and its genetic relationships. Vitis, ISSN , 2011, letn. 50, št. 4, str [COBISS.SI ID ] 3

16 ŠIŠKO, Metka, JAVORNIK, Branka. Effectiveness of AFLP and SSR molecular markers in determination* of genetic relationship among pear (Pyrus spp.) genotypes. Agricultura, ISSN [Print ed.], 2007, letn. 5, št. 1, str [COBISS.SI ID ] 4

17 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Geografski informacijski sistemi Geographic Information Systems Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnje Ecology with nature protection, 1st. degree Vrsta predmeta / Course type Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year obvezni / obligatory 3 5 Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS /5 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Igor ŽIBERNA Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Slovenski /Slovenian Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski /Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: -Jih ni Prerequisits: -No Vsebina: Content (Syllabus outline):

18 1. Zgodovina geografskih informacijskih sistemov. 2. Računalniške osnove GIS. 3. Rastrski in vektorski podatki. 4. Koordinatni sistemi, georeferenciranje, vektorsko-rastrske pretvorbe. 5. Prikazovanje prostorskih podatkov. 6. Digitalni model reliefa. 7. Daljinsko zaznavanje. 8. Kvantitativna analiza zvez med pokrajinskimi sestavinami s pomočjo geografskih informacijskih sistemov. 9. Metode izdelave tematskih kart s pomočjo izbrane programske opreme. 10. Metode vrednotenja Zemljinega površja za izbrane človekove dejavnosti s pomočjo geografskega informacijskega sistema. 1. The history of geographic information systems. 2. Computer basics of GIS. 3. Raster and vector data. 4. Geographical systems of coordinates, geo-referencing. 5. Presentations of space data. 6. Digital elevation model. 7. Remote sensing. 8. Methods of numerical analysis of relationships between landscape elements. 9. Methods of thematical cartography. 10. Methods of landscape suitability analysis with GIS. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Dickmann, F., K. Zehner, 1999: Computerkartographie und GIS, Westerman, Braunschweig. Kvamme, K., K. Oštir, Z. Stančič, R. Šumrada, 1997: Geografski informacijski sistemi, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana. Longley,P. A., 2001: Geographic Information Systems And Science, Wiley, Chichester. Šumrada, R., M. Ferlan, 2005: Strukture podatkov in prostorske analize. Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Ljubljana. Wandsworth, R., J. Treweek, 1999: GIS For Ecology, Longman, Harlow. Cilji in kompetence: Študentje se seznanijo z osnovami geografskih informacijskih sistemov. Spoznajo razvoj geografskih informacijskih sistemov. Spoznajo glavne vrste prostorskih podatkov in načine njihovega zajemanja. Na primeru izbrane pokrajine izdelajo preprost GIS in v okviru tega analizirajo zveze med pokrajinskimi sestavinami, opravijo tipizacijo ali regionalizacijo te pokrajine ter rezultate prikažejo tabelarno in s pomočjo tematskih kart. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študenti so sposobni opredeliti ključne atribute prostorske analize in jih urediti v primerno obliko (sloje) Sposobni so opraviti analize zvez med posameznimi sloji in izdelati analitske ter sintezne karte Objectives and competences: Students acquaint with geographic information systems. They learn about the history of GIS applications, main types of space data and methods of acquiring them. On case studies, they carry out a simple GIS analysis, considering the relationship between geographical elements within the landscape. They also made some thematical geographic maps within GIS. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Students are able to point relevant geographical elementary atributes, and to range them into appropriate layers. They are capable of making analysis of relationships between geographical elements and producing analitical and

19 Študenti znajo pretvarjati vektorske podatke v rastrske Znajo uporabljati DMV pri prostorskih analizah S pomočjo relevantnih vhodnih podatkov so sposobni opraviti analize vplivov na okolje Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: - Študentje bodo znanje uporabili pri vseh prostorskih analizah in pri iskanju zvez med pokrajinotvornimi elementi, kakor pri ugotavljanju antropogenih vplivov na okolje in ugotavljanju stopnje ranljivosti posameznih delov izbrane pokrajine. synthetic maps. They know to translate vector data into the raster ones. They can use digital elevation model They rae able to make an environmental analysis upon relevant digital elevation data. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: - Students will be able to use knowledge about GIS in landscape analysis and landscape vulnerability studies as well. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Vaje Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Theoretical exercises Načini ocenjevanja: Praktični preizkus Ustni izpit Pisni izpit Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: Practical examination Oral examination Written examination Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: - ŽIBERNA, Igor. Geografske značilnosti občine Sveta Ana. V: TOŠ, Marjan (ur.), ZEMLJIČ, Igor (ur.). Sveta Ana skozi čas : zbornik občine Sveta Ana. Maribor: Ostroga, 2009, str. 9-28, ilustr., graf. prikazi. - ŽIBERNA, Igor. Izbrane naravnogeografske značilnosti občine Radlje ob Dravi = Selectedphysicalgeographicalcharacteristicsof Radlje ob Dravi Municipality. Revija za geografijo, 2011, 6, št. 1 - ŽIBERNA, Igor.Spreminjanje rabe zemljišč v Halozah v obdobju med letoma 2000 in Geografski obzornik, Vol.50. št.1-2, 2012.

20 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Geologija s paleontologijo Geology with Paleontology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Vrsta predmeta / Course type Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Obvezni / Obligatory 2.; 2nd 3.; 3rd Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Bojana Dolinar Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Naravoslovna znanja na nivoju splošne mature. Vsebina: Zgradba Zemlje, termodinamika Mineralogija: vrste in lastnosti mineralov Petrologija: nastanek, vrste in klasifikacija kamnin in zemljin, geološka zgradba in mineralne surovine v Sloveniji Geotektonika: teorija tektonike plošč Geodinamika: Prerequisits: Science knowledge at the level of the general baccalaureate. Content (Syllabus outline): Earth constitution, thermodynamics Mineralogy: types and properties of minerals Petrology: origin, types and classification of rocks and soils, geological structure and mineral resources in Slovenia Geotectonics: the theory of plate tectonics Geodynamics:

21 endodinamika: plutonizem, vulkanizem, seizmologija eksodinamika: preperevanje, erozija, abrazija, denudacija, kraški pojavi, plazovi Hidrogeologija Stratigrafija: starost kamnim Paleontologija: nastanek življenja na Zemlji, teorija evolucije, metode fosilizacije, zgodovinski pregled pestrosti življenja in masovna izumiranja. Endodynamics: plutonism, volcanism, seismology Exodynamic: weathering, erosion, abrasion, denudation, karst phenomena, landscapes Hydrogeology Stratigraphy: age of rocks Paleontology: Beginning of life on Earth, Theory of evolution, Methods of fossilization, Historical view of life variety and mass dying out. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Brown, G. C., Hawkesworth, C.J., Wilson, R.C.L. (1992) Understanding the Earth: a new synthesis. Cambridge University Press. Dolinar, B. (2012) Geologija s paleontologijo. Zapiski predavanj, UM, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo. Grafenauer, S., Duhovnik J. (1977) Sistematska mineralogija. Fakulteta za naravoslovje in tehnologijo, Ljubljana. Mirtič, B., Mladenovič, A., Vesel, J., Vižintin, N. (1999) Slovenski naravni kamen. Restavratorski center RS, Ljubljana. McGeary, D., Plummer, C.C. (2000) Physical Geology. Earth revealed. Wm. C. Brown Publishers (Dubuque, Iowa). Pavšič, J. (1995) Fosili. Tehniška založba Slovenije, Maribor. Pavšič, J. (1999) Osnove geologije. Filozfska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani. Pavšič, J. (2003) Paleontologija. Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani. Skinner, B.J., Porter, S.C., Park, J. (1992) The Dynamic Earth. John Willey & Sons. Cilji in kompetence: Cilj izbrane vsebine je pridobitev splošnih znanj o nastanku, spremembah, sestavi in lastnostih Zemljine skorje ter razvoju življenja. Snov predmeta je podlaga za razumevanje časovne percepcije današnjih procesov in pojavov, predvsem v zvezi z geomorfološkimi značilnostmi. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Razumevanje nastanka in sestave mineralov, kamnin in zemljin ter s tem povezanih fizikalnih in mehanskih lastnosti. Poznavanje in razumevanje procesov, ki oblikujejo Zemljino površje in vplivajo na atmosfero, biosfero in hidrosfero. Objectives and competences: The aim of the selected contents is gain of general knowledge about history, origin, composition and properties of earth's crust and evolution of life. The case of the subject should be the base of time perception of recent processes involved in geomorphological characteristics. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Understanding the origin and composition of minerals, rocks and soils and the associated physical and mechanical properties. Knowledge and understanding of the processes that shape the Earth's surface and affecting on the atmosphere, biosphere and 2

22 Spoznavanje osnov in pomena paleotologije v geologiji. Poznavanje geološke zgradbe Slovenije. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Študentje razumejo, kako različni procesi, ki neprestano potekajo v zemljini notranjosti in na njeni površini, vplivajo na okolje in s tem na evolucijo vseh živih bitij. Poznajo najbolj razširjene vrste kamnin in njihove okvirne fizikalne lastnosti. hydrosphere. Getting to know the basics and importance of paleontology in geology. Knowledge of the geological composition of Slovenia. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Students understand how the different processes that are constantly taking place in the Earth's interior and on its surface, affect the environment and thus the evolution of all living beings. They know the most prevalent types of rocks and their indicative physical properties. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Načini ocenjevanja: Pisni izpit Ustni izpit Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory exercises Assessment: Written exam Oral exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 1. DOLINAR, Bojana. Practical application of the results for optically measured total suspended solids concentrations in the Drava River. Journal of water resource and protection, ISSN [Online ed.], May 2014, vol. 6, no. 7, str doi: /jwarp [COBISS.SI ID ] 2. DOLINAR, Bojana. A simplified method for determining the external specific surface area of non swelling fine grained soils. Applied clay science, ISSN [Print ed.], Aug. 2012, vol. 64, str , doi: /j.clay [COBISS.SI ID ], [JCR, SNIP, WoS] 3. DOLINAR, Bojana, ŠKRABL, Stanislav. The matrix potential of fine grained soils at the liquid limit. Engineering geology, ISSN , 15 May 2012, vol , str , doi: /j.enggeo [COBISS.SI ID ], [JCR, SNIP, WoS] 4. DOLINAR, Bojana. Predicting the normalized, undrained shear strength of saturated finegrained soils using plasticity value correlations. Applied clay science, ISSN [Print ed.], Feb. 2010, vol. 47, iss. 3/4, str , doi: /j.clay [COBISS.SI ID ], [JCR, SNIP, WoS] 5. DOLINAR, Bojana. Predicting the hydraulic conductivity of saturated clays using plasticityvalue correlations. Applied clay science, ISSN [Print ed.], June 2009, vol. 45, iss. 1/2, str , doi: /j.clay [COBISS.SI ID ], [JCR, SNIP, WoS] 3

23 4

24 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Geomikrobiologija Geomicrobiology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 2. ali 3. 2nd or 3rd 3. ali 4. ali 5. ali 6. 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni/Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Klinične vaje work Druge oblike študija Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Janja TRČEK Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Slovenski Lectures: Slovene Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski/Slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Prerequisits: No. 1

25 Vsebina: Obravnavana bodo naslednja poglavja: Zemlja kot habitat za mikroorganizme: litosfera, hidrosfera in atmosfera Fiziološko pomembne skupine prokariontov, ki so vključene v geomikrobiološke procese Vloga mikroorganizmov pri konverziji anorganskih snovi v litosferi in hidrosferi Mikrobna mineralizacija organskih snovi Produkti mikrobnega metabolizma, ki lahko povzročijo geomikrobiološke transformacije Fizikalni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na geomikrobno aktivnost Tvorba in razgradnja karbonatov, ki jo vodijo mikroorganizmi Geomikrobne interakcije s fosforjem Pomembne geomikrobne interakcije z dušikom Geomikrobno kroženje železa Geomikrobno kroženje mangana Geomikrobno kroženje žvepla Geomikrobiologija fosilnih goriv Content (Syllabus outline): Topics in the following issues will be discussed: Earth as a microbial habitat: lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere Geomicrobially important physiological groups of prokaryotes Role of microbes in inorganic conversion in lithosphere and hydrosphere Microbial mineralization of organic matter Microbial products of metabolism that can cause geomicrobial transformations Physical parameters that influence geomicrobial activity Microbial formation and degradation of carbonates Geomicrobial interactions with phosphorus Geomicrobially important interactions with nitrogen Geomicrobiology of iron Geomicrobiology of manganese Geomicrobiology of sulfur Geomicrobiology of fossil fuels Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Madigan M.T., Martinko J.M., Bender K.S., Buckley D.H., Stahl D.A Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 14. izdaja, Benjamin Cummings, 1136 str. Ehrlich H.L. in Newman D.K Geomicrobiology, 5. izdaja, CRC Press, 606 str. Kirchman D.L Processes in Microbial Ecology, 1. izdaja, Oxford University Press, 328 str. Cilji in kompetence: Podrobno razložiti vlogo mikroorganizmov pri številnih geoloških procesih na Zemlji: kroženju organskih in nekaterih anorganskih snovi na in pod površino Zemlje, razgradnji kamnin, tvorbi in transformaciji zemlje in sedimentov in nastanku in razgradnji različnih mineralov in fosilnih goriv Podrobno razložiti biokemijske procese, ki jih vodijo mikroorganizmi v interakciji z neživimi deli narave in opisati njihove posledice na vizualne spremembe v okolju. Opisati skupine mikroorganizmov, ki so vključeni v gemikrobno kroženje ogljika, fosforja, dušika, železa, mangana in žvepla. Podrobno razložiti vlogo mikroorganizmov pri nastanku fosilnih goriv Objectives and competences: To give an advanced review of roles that microbes play on Earth in geologic processes: cycling of organic and some forms of inorganic matter at the surface and in the subsurface of Earth, the weathering of rocks, soil and sediment formation and transformation, and the genesis and degradation of various minerals and fossil fuels Explain in detail biochemical processes that the microbes perform in interactions with nonliving parts of nature and describe the visual effects of these processes on the environment Describe the groups of microorganisms involved in geomicrobial cycling of carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, iron, manganese and sulfur 2

26 Explain in detail the role of microbes in fossil fuels formation Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študenti dobijo izčrpen pregled nad interakcijami mikroorganizmov z neživimi deli Zemlje, kot je prst, sedimenti, minerali, kamni in atmosfera Rezultate geomikrobnih procesov znajo razložiti s pomočjo biokemijskih reakcij in jih tudi identificirati z natančnim opazovanjem v okolju Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Praktično znanje metod, ki jih uporabljamo pri študiju razumevanja interakcij mikroorganizmov z neživimi deli Zemlje Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Students get a comprehensive overview of the interactions between microbes and non living parts of Earth, such as soil, sediments, minerals, rocks and atmosphere Students are able to explain the results of geomicrobial processes by biochemical reactions and also to identify them in nature by precise observations of the environment Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Practical knowledge of methods applicable for studying interactions of microorganisms with non living parts of Earth Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Individualno delo s študenti Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory excersises Individual work with students Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt): Kolokvij Pisni izpit Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 50 % 50 % Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Partial exam Written exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 1. TRČEK, Janja Oksalotrofne bakterije s tvorbo kalcita prispevajo k zniževanju koncentracije ogljikovega dioksida v ozračju. Proteus, april, 76, 8, str TRČEK, Janja, SIMON, Lučka Microbial diversity in a deposition lake of industrial wastewater: has the iron selected for specific microbiota in the artificial lake?. V: 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, August 2014, Seoul. Abstract book: proceedings: ISME , str TRČEK, Janja, MATSUSHITA, Kazunobu A unique enzyme of acetic acid bacteria, PQQdependent alcohol dehydrogenase, is also present in Frateuria aurantia. Applied microbiology 3

27 and biotechnology, 97, 16, str CASTRO, Cristina, CLEENWERCK, Ilse, TRČEK, Janja, ZULUAGA, Robin, DE VOS, Paul, CARO, Gloria, AGUIRRE, Ricardo, PUTAUX, Jean Luc, GAÑÁN, Piedad Gluconacetobacter medellinensis sp. nov., cellulose and non cellulose producing acetic acid bacteria isolated from vinegar. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 63, 3, str TRČEK, Janja, FUCHS, Thilo M., TRÜLZSCH, Konrad Analysis of Yersinia enterocolitica invasin expression in vitro and in vivo using a novel luxcdabe reporter system. Microbiology, 156, 9, str

28 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Geomorfologija Geomorphology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Ecology with nature protection, 1st degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 2 zimski ali letni Vrsta predmeta / Course type izbirni Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS /6 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Igor ŽIBERNA Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Slovenski /Slovenian Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski /Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: -Jih ni Prerequisits: -No Vsebina: 1. Geomorfologija - uvod 2. Planet Zemlja v luči geomorfologije 3. Tektonska geomorfologija 4. Erozijska geomorfologija 5. Funkcijska geomorfologija Content (Syllabus outline): 1. Geomorphology introduction. 2. Planet Earth in context of geomorpholgy. 3. Tectonic geomorphology. 4. Erosion geomorphology. 5. Functional geomorphology.

29 Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Ahnert, F., 1996: Einführung in die Geomorphologie, Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. Ahnert, F., 1998: Introduction to Geomorphology, Arnold, London. Gams, I. (ur.), 1973: Slovenska kraška terminologija. Ljubljana. Gams, I., 1987: Omejitev Alpskega ozemlja v Sloveniji. GV, LIX, Ljubljana. Mitchell, C., 1991: Terrain Evaluation, Longman, New York. Petrović, D., 1977: Geomorfologija, Građevinska knjiga, Beograd. Šifrer, M., 1990: Razvoj reliefa v Sloveniji v luči klimatske geomorfologije. Geomorfologija in geoekologija, Zbornik referatov 5.znanstvenega posvetovanja geomorfologov Jugoslavije, Ljubljana. Skupina avtorjev, 1996: Geografija Slovenije, poglavja Relief (str ) in Kras (str ). Slovenska matica, Ljubljana. Summerfiled, M. A, 1991: Global Geomorphology, Longman. Zepp H., 2003, Geomorphologie, UTB, Wien. Cilji in kompetence: Študentje pridobivajo znanja o reliefu kot elementu pokrajine, o geomorfoloških procesih in pojavih na Zemljinem površju. Spoznavajo reliefne oblike na Zemljinem površju, njihovo razširjenost, vzroke in procese nastanka ter njihov vpliv na druge geografske dejavnike. Študenti se usposabljajo za vrednotenja reliefa za človekove dejavnosti. Študentje spoznavajo pomen geološke zgradbe in procesov v Zemljini notranjosti za relief, spoznajo glavne tipe kamnin in razvoj zemeljskega površja v geoloških dobah. Pri vajah se seznanijo z metodami geomorfološke analize zemeljskega površja in z metodami vrednotenja reliefa. Na terenskih vajah spoznajo metode geomorfološke analize (inklinacija, ekspozicija, relativna višina) na konkretnih primerih geomorfoloških oblik in tipov reliefa ter glavne recentne geomorfološke procese. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študentje so sposobni razložiti vzroke in posledice geomorfoloških procesov v pokrajini. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Študentje so sposobni opraviti vrednotenje reliefa za človeške dejavnosti v pokrajini. Objectives and competences: Students acquire the knowledge about relief as an landscape element, and geomorphological fenomena and processes on the Earth surface. They learn about geomorphological forms on the Earth surface, their distribution, causes and processes of their origin, and their impact on other geographic factors. Students learn about importance of the relief for human activities. They get knowledge of the impact of geological structure of the Earth on relief, of main rock types, and evolution of the Earth surface in the geological past. In practicum, they learn about methods of geomorphological analysis (inclination, exposition, relative heigh etc.) on case studies of geomorphological structures and relief types, as well as the principal recent geomorphological processes. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Students are able to explain reasons and results of geomorphological processes. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Students are able to made an evaluaton of some geomorphological elements for human activities.

30 Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Terenske vaje Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Field work Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: ska vaja - pisna Pisni Izpit Theoretical exercises - written Written examination Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: Izbrane naravnogeografske značilnosti občine Radlje ob Dravi = Selectedphysicalgeographicalcharacteristicsof Radlje ob Dravi Municipality. Revija za geografijo, 2011, 6, št. 1, str Naravnogeografske determinante razvoja Maribora s posebnim ozirom na reko Dravo. Naturalgeographicaldeterminantsofdevelopment Mariborwithparticular reference to the Drava River, Ekonomska i ekohistorija, Vol VII, št.7.

31 Predmet: Subject Title: Univerza v Mariboru University of Maribor Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics OPIS PREDMETA / SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Habitatni tipi in Natura 2000 Habitat Types and Natura 2000 Študijski program Study programme Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Študijska smer Study field Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Letnik Year 3 5 Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University subject code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Lab. work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Mitja KALIGARIČ Jeziki / Predavanja / slovenski/slovenian Languages: Lecture: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski/slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za Prerequisites: opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. No. Vsebina: Contents (Syllabus outline): 1. Opredelitev habitatov v kontekstu 1. Definition of habitats in the context of ekoloških znanosti ecological science 2. Opredelitev in praktični pomen 2. Definition and practical meaning of habitatnih tipov habitat types 3. Biogeografske regije Evrope 3. Biogeographic regions in Europe 4. Biogeografska razdelitev Slovenije 4. Biogeographical divisions of Slovenia 5. V EU utemeljene klasifikacije 5. EU-based classifications of habitatov/biotiopov: CORINE biotopi, habitats/biotopes: CORINE biotopes, EUNIS, PHYSIS, Nemške klasifikacije EUNIS, PHYSIS, German 6. Tipologija evropskih in slovenskih classifications habitatnih tipov: naravni habitati 6. Typology of European and Slovenian 7. Tipologija evropskih in slovenskih habitat types: natural habitat types habitatnih tipov: antropogeni habitati 7. Typology of European and Slovenian

32 8. FFH habitati (EU direktive in konvencije, ki se nanašajo na habitatne tipe) 9. Ogroženi habitati v EU in Sloveniji 10. Omrežje Natura 2000 zgodovinsko ozadje in evropska zakonodaja 11. Mreža območij Natura 2000 v Evropi 12. Ohranjanje ogroženih rastlinskih in živalskih vrst v območjih Natura Kratek pregled kvalifikacijskih kriterijev za omrežje Natura Natura 2000 v Sloveniji kratek pregled 15. Sobivanje človeka in narave v območjih Natura 2000 habitat types: anthropogenic habitat types 8. FFH habitats (EU directives and conventions regarding habitat types) 9. Endangered habitats in EU and Slovenia 10. Natura 2000 network historical background and European legislation. 11. Natura 2000 network throughout Europe. 12. Conservation of endangered plant and animal species within the Natura 2000 areas. 13. Short review of qualification criteria for the Natura 2000 network. 14. Natura 2000 in Slovenia: short overview. 15. Coexistance of man and nature within the Natura 2000 areas. Temeljni študijski viri / Textbooks: Broom, G., 1999: Socio-economic Benefits from Natura The Stationary Office Books. Čušin, B. (ur.), 2004: Natura 2000 v Sloveniji. Založba ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana. Davies, C., D. Moos, 1998: Eunis HABITAT CLASSIFICATION. Europaean Environmental Agency. Europaean TC on nature conservation. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Monks Wood, Huntingdon. Devilliers, P., J. Devilliers-Terchuren, 1996: A classification of palearctic habitats. Nature and Environment 78, Council of Europe, Strasbourg. Dierschke, H., 1994: Pflanzensoziologie. Verlag Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart. Dobson, A. P., 1996: Conservation and Biodiversity. New York, Scientific American Library. Ellenberg, H., 1996: Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit dem Alpen. 5. izd., Verlag Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart. Gellermann, M., 2003: Natura 2000: Europaeisches Habitatschutzrecht und seine Durchfuehrung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Springer. Jogan, N., M. Kaligarič, M., I. Leskovar, A. Seliškar, J. Dobravec, 2004: Habitatni tipi Slovenije HTS Tipologija. Agencija republike Slovenije za okolje. Ljubljana. Mertz, P., 2000: Pflanzengesellschaften Mitteleuropas und der Alpen. Ecomed. Nelson, J. G, R. Safarin (Eds.), 1996: National Parks and Protected Areas: Keystones to Conservation and Sustainable Development. Springer Verlag Pott, R., 1996: Biotoptypen. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart. Skoberne, P., 2004: Pregled mednarodnih organizacij in predpisov s področja varstva narave 2005, priročnik, inačica 9.1, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Ljubljana. Thompson, G., 2002:. Natura 2000: a partnership for nature. Kluwer Law International Cilji: Objectives:

33 1. Študenti se seznanijo z definicijami habitatov, habitatnih tipov in s palearktično klasifikacijo habitatnih tipov. 2. Seznanijo se z biogeografskimi delitvami EU in Slovenije ter različnimi klasifikacijami habitatov/biotopov: CORINE, EUNIS, PHYSIS. 3. Spoznajo glavne habitatne tipe v Evropi in Sloveniji, tako naravne kot antropogene. 4. Spoznajo ogrožene habitatne tipe v EU (FFH HT) in v Sloveniji. 5. Obvladati pomen Nature 2000 kot skupne evropske perspektive. Habitatna in»ptičja«direktiva 6. Seznanitev s podrobno vsebino območij Natura 2000 v Sloveniji 7. Usposobitev za so-organiziranje sobivanja človekovega razvoja in hkrati varovanja vrst in habitatov v omrežju Natura 2000 Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študent dobi pregled nad definicijami, tipologijo in razširjenostjo habitatnih tipov v EU in Sloveniji Nauči se glavne habitatne tipe Slovenije, tako naravne kot antropogene Seznani se z ogroženimi habitatnimi tipi v EU in Sloveniji Študent dobi pregled nad zakonodajo, ki predpisuje omrežje Natura 2000 v EU in v Sloveniji Je sposoben razumeti pomen in vsebino območij Natura 2000 in sodelovati pri reševanju naravovarstvenega managementa in vprašanjih sobivanja v območjih Natura 2000 Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi 1. Students learn the definitions of habitats and habitat types. They learn the palearctic typology of habitat types. 2. Students learn the biogeographic divisions of EU and Slovenia. They get insights of different classifications of habitats/biotopes: CORINE, PHYSIS, EUNIS. 3. Students learn the most important habitat types in Europe and Slovenia, both natural and anthropogenic. 4. Students learn about endangered habitat types in EU (FFH HT) and in Slovenia. To understand the meaning and purpuse of protected areas. 5. To learn about Natura 2000 network as common European perspective»habitat directive«and»bird«directive. 6. To get a short overview on the content of Natura 2000 in Slovenia. 7. To be able to co-organize coexistance of human developement, and protecton of species and their habitats within the Natura 2000 Network. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Student should get an overwiew on the definitions, typologies and distribution of habitat types within the EU and Slovenia He/she learns the most important habitat types in Slovenia, both anthropogenic and natural He/she gets knowledge about endangered habitat types in Slovenia and EU Student should get an overwiew on legislation, regulating the Natura 2000 network in EU and Slovenia. He/she should be able to understand the content and meaning of the Natura 2000 sites and to be capable to cooperate in conservational management and coexistance issues within the Natura 2000 areas. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes:

34 atributi: Študent usvoji znanje o habitatnih tipih, posebej še o ogroženih habitatnih tipih, ki so kriterij za definiranje območij Natura 2000 Študent usvoji nekaj glavnih metod in dobi prakso v upravljanju zavarovanih območij Metode poučevanja in učenja: Student capture the most important knowledge about habitat types, especially endangered habitat types, which represent the criteria for the Natura 2000 network definition Student captures the most important methods and practices management within protected areas. Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja Terenske vaje Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Praktični kolokvij 30 ska naloga - pisna 20 Ustni izpit 50 Lectures Field work Assessment: Practical examination exercise - written Oral examination Materialni pogoji za izvedbo predmeta : Multimedijska predavalnica Obveznosti študentov: (pisni, ustni izpit, naloge, projekti) Praktični kolokvij ska naloga Ustni izpit Material conditions for subject realization Lecture hall for multimedia presentations Students commitments: (written, oral examination, coursework, projects): Practical examination exercise written Oral examination

35 Predmet: Subject Title: Univerza v Mariboru University of Maribor Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics OPIS PREDMETA / SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Izbrane metode v biokemiji in molekularni biologiji Selected Methods in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Študijski program Study programme Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Študijska smer Study field Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Letnik Year 3 Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University subject code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Lab. work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Janja TRČEK Jeziki / Predavanja / slovenski/slovenian Languages: Lecture: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski/slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za Prerequisites: opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. No. Vsebina: Contents (Syllabus outline):

36 Razvoj modernih in učinkovitih biokemijskih in molekularno bioloških metod je v zadnjih desetletjih povzročil pravo revolucijo na številnih področjih naravoslovja. Številne tehnike, ki so se na začetku uporabljale v biokemiji, genetiki in molekularni biologiji, so prodrle tudi v klasične biološke discipline. Začetna predavanja so namenjena ponovitvi strukture genov in genomov. Predstavljene molekularno biološke tehnike so usmerjene v analizo proteinov (elektroforeza izoencimov), kromosomov (molekularna citogenetika) in predvsem nukleinskih kislin. Tehnikam vzorčenja in hranjenja rastlinskih in živalskih tkiv, metodam izolacije, čiščenja in kvantifikacije nukleinskih kislin sledi separacija DNA in RNA z elektroforezo na agaroznih in poliakrilamidnih gelih ter izolacija nukleinskih kislin iz gelov. Poudarek je na metodah encimskih modifikacij DNA kot so rezanje z restrikcijskimi nukleazami, lepljenje ali ligacija, fosforilacija in zaznamovanje nukleinskih kislin. Razloženi so principi kloniranja, priprava DNA knjižnic, izolacija pozitivnih klonov, izražanje rekombinantnih proteinov v različnih ekspresijskih sistemih kakor tudi uporaba različnih vektorjev za kloniranje in ekspresijo. Podane so metode hibridizacije nukleinskih kislin, pomembne za prečesavanje po DNA knjižnicah, za metodi Northern blot, Sauthern blot in za kvantitativno ocenjevanje sorodnosti biotskih vrst na osnovi jedrne DNA. Razloženi so tudi pricipi in možnosti uporabe tehnike polimerazne verižne reakcije (PCR) in principi sekvencioniranja DNA. Sledi podrobna predstavitev genetskih markerjev (kot so mitohondrijalna DNA, mikrosateliti, SNP-ji, zaporedja MHC in drugi), tehnik in analiz, ki se običajno uporabljajo pri študiju biodiverzitete, filogenije, filogeografije, populacijske genetike in ekologije. Razložene so njihove prednosti in slabosti. Nazadnje so podane osnove analize nukleinskih kislin s pomočjo različnih bioinformatskih orodij (kot so programi The development of modern and powerful methods in biochemistry and molecular biology have been revolutionized in many fields of natural science in the last decades. Many techniques used initially in biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology were adopted in classical biological disciplines as well. The introductory lectures are dedicated to a review in genes and genomes structures. Molecular biology techniques presented are focused on analyses of the proteins (isoenzyme electrophoresis), chromosomes (molecular cytogenetics) and first of all on nucleic acids analyses. Sampling techniques (collection and storage of plant and animal tissues), nucleic acids isolation, purification and quantification methods are followed with DNA and RNA resolution using electrophoresis methods on agarose and polyacrilamide gels and the resolution and recovery of DNA and RNA fragments from gels. Emphasized are methods for enzymatic manipulation of DNA such as digestion of DNA with restriction nucleases, ligation, phosphorilation and nucleic acids labeling.the principles of cloning DNA, construction of DNA libraries, isolating positive clones (screening), expression of recombinant proteins in different expression systems, the use of different cloning and expression vectors are explained. Nucleic acid hybridization methods, important for screening DNA libraries as well as for Northern and Southern blot methods and for quantitative assessment of relatedness of biotic species on the basis of nuclear DNA are given. The principles and possible applications of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the principles of sequencing are also explained. In following, detailed presentation of genetic markers (such as mitochondrial DNA, micro satellites, single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs, MHC sequences and others), and techniques and analyses commonly used in biodiversity and phylogenetic studies, phylogeography, population genetics and ecology are presented. Their strengths and limitations are discussed. Finally, the fundamentals of

37 BLAST, CLUSTAL, EXPASY...), vključno z osnovami različnih pristopov in bioinformatskih orodij pri analizi filogenetskih odnosov s pomočjo molekularno bioloških podatkov. Predavanja so namenjena tudi načrtovanju molekularno bioloških pristopov k problemom v molekularni evoluciji in ekologiji. nucleic acid analyses using different bioinformatics tools (such as BLAST, CLUSTAL, EXPASY...) are given, including the fundamentals and bioinformatics tools for the analyses of phylogenetic relationships from molecular data. Lectures are also dedicated to plan the molecular biology approaches to problems in molecular evolution and ecology. Temeljni študijski viri / Textbooks: Conner, J. K., D. L. A, Hartl, 2000: A primer of ecological genetics. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A. Griffits, A. J. F., W. M. Gellbart, 2002: Modern genetic analyses. W.H. Freeman and company, New York U.S.A. Hartl, D. L. A., 2000: A Primer of population genetics. Sinauer Associates,Inc. Publishers Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A. Hall, B. G., 2004: Phylogenetic Trees Made Easy. Sinauer Associates, Inc Publishers Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A. Hartl, D. L., E. W. Jones, 2005: Genetics. Analyses of Genes and Genomes. Johns and Bartlet Publishers International, London, UK. Hillis, D. M., C. Moritz, B. K. Mable, 1996: Molecular systematics. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers Sunderland, Massachusetts U.S.A Pierce, B. A., 2006:Genetics.A Conceptual Approach. W.H. Freeman and company, New York Sambrook, J. and D. W. Russell, 2001: Molecular cloning a laboratory manual.cold Spring Harbor Laboratory press, Cold Spring Harbor. New York Cilji: Namen predmeta je podati osnovne informacije kakor tudi spremljajočo teorijo, oziroma principe na katerih slonijo zelo številne molekularno biološke tehnike, med katerimi so mnoge aplicirane tudi v klasičnih bioloških disciplinah. Velik poudarek je na praktičnemu laboratorijskemu delu. Študenti naj bi obvladali številne tehnike, kot so: Izolacija RNA in DNA iz rastlinskih in živalskih tkiv Čiščenje nukleinskih kislin Kvantifikacija nukleinskih kislin Separacija RNA in DNA na poliakrilamidnih gelih Separacija proteinov na poliakrilamidnih Objectives: The aim of the subject is to give background information as well as underlying theory of the main molecular biology methods currenty used, many of them applied also in systematics, evolution and ecology. A great emphasis should be done on practical laboratory work. Students should be able to use many techniques, including: RNA and DNA isolation from plant and animal tissues Nucleic acid purification Nucleic acid quantification Separation of RNA and DNA on agarose and poliacrylamide gels Separation of proteins on poliacrylamide gels

38 gelih Encimske modifikacije Kloniranje DNA in priprava DNA knjižnic Transformacija DNA v različne celične sisteme Hibridizacija RNA in DNA Prečesavanje pozitivnih klonov Northern blot Sauthern blot Polimerazna verižna reakcija (PCR) Sekvencioniranje DNA Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študenti dobijo podroben vpogled v strukturo genov in genomov ter se zananijo z možnostmi in načini uporabe molekularno bioloških tehnik pri študiju biodiverzitete, filogenije, filogeografije, populacijske genetike in ekologije. Poleg poznavanja pricipov številnih molekularno bioloških metod in sposobnosti kritičnega ovrednotenja njihove uporabe v praksi dobro obvladajo laboratorijsko delo z različnimi aparaturami ter ravnanje z zdravju škodljivimi kemikalijami. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Obvladovanje številnih sodobnih metod v molekularni biologiji Poznavanje osnovnih pristopov in sposobnost uporabe bioinformatskih orodij pri analizi nukleinskih kislin kakor tudi filogenetskih povezav s pomočjo molekularno bioloških podatkov Metode poučevanja in učenja: Enzyme modifications DNA cloning and DNA library construction Transformation of DNA in different cell systems Hybridization of RNA and DNA Screening of positive clones Northern blot Sauthern blot Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) DNA sequencing Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Students get a detailed insight in gene and genomes structures, and about possibilities and ways of applications of molecular biology techniques in biodiversity, phylogenetic, phylogeography, population genetic and ecology studies. Besides the knowledge of principles of numerous molecular biology methods and the capacity of critical evaluations of their applications in practice, they are familiar with various laboratory instruments as well with handling with toxic materials. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Capacity of understanding and handling numerous currently used methods in molecular biology. Knowledge of basic approaches and the ability to use current software applications for analyses of nucleic acids as well as phylogenetic relationships using molecular biology data. Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Individualno delo s študenti Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Praktični izpit 50 Ustni izpit 50 Lectures Laboratory excersises Individual work with students Assessment: Practical examination Oral examination

39 Materialni pogoji za izvedbo predmeta : Multimedijska predavalnica Molekularno biološki laboratorij Možnost uporabe računalnikov in dostopa do interneta Obveznosti študentov: (pisni, ustni izpit, naloge, projekti) Praktični izpit Ustni izpit Material conditions for subject realization Lecture hall for multimedia presentations Molecular biology laboratory Availability of computers and access to internet Students commitments: (written, oral examination, coursework, projects): Practical examination Oral examination

40 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Kemija Chemistry Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Vrsta predmeta / Course type Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Obvezni/Obligatory 1. 1 st 1. 1 st Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Matjaž KRISTL Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Vsebina: Najprej so obravnavani osnovni pojmi inzakonitosti splošne kemije, v drugemdelu predmeta pa je več povedano oorganski kemiji in kemiji procesov v okolju. Prvi del vključuje: izgradnja periodnega sistema (aufbau princip) tipi vezi med atomi Prerequisits: None. Content (Syllabus outline): Firstly, basic principles and laws of general chemistry are discussed, in the continuation of the course the emphasis will be on organic chemistry and on thechemistry of environmental processes.the first part includes: Aufbau principle and the periodic table of elements

41 stehiometrija, kemijska nomenklatura kemijsko ravnotežje redoks reakcije kislost in bazičnost, ph, pufri V drugem sklopu pa je poudarek na naslednjih poglavjih: tipi organskih spojin, izomerija, stereokemija, biološko pomembne organske spojine: aminokisline, ogljikovi hidrati, lipidi organski polutanti Bonds between atoms Stoichiometry, Nomenclature Chemical equilibrium Redox reactions Acidity, ph, buffers In the continuation the emphasis is on the following: Types of organic compounds, isomerism, stereochemistry Biologically important organic compounds: amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids Organic pollutants Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Andrews J. E. P. Brimblecombe, T. Djickells, P. S. Liss, B. J. Reid, 2003: An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry, Blackwell Science (UK). Lazarini, F., J. Brenčič, 1984: Splošna in anorganska kemija, DZS, Ljubljana. K. P. C. Vollhardt, N. E. Schore, 1999: Organic Chemistry, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York Cilji in kompetence: Podati pregled splošne kemije Razložiti strukturne vplive spojin na reaktivnost in spreminjanje okolja Predstaviti kemizem najpogostejših onesnažil (polutantov) Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Povezovanje atomov v spojine Razumevanje osnovnih kemijskih procesov preoblikovanja molekul Razumevanje vplivov strukture spojine na reaktivnost Razumevanje povezanosti kemijskih ciklusov okolja Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Prepoznavanje spojin v okolju in njihovega pomena Poznavanje in predvidevanje vpliva Objectives and competences: To give the overview of general chemistry To explain the structural influences of compounds on the environment. To present the chemistry of the most common pollutants. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Molecule building Basic concepts of chemical reactions Understanding of structure reactivity relationships Understanding of environmental elemental cycles Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Recognition of compounds in the environment and their impact. Prediction of the influence of synthetic compounds on the environment 2

42 sintetičnih spojin na okolje Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory work Načini ocenjevanja: Kolokvij iz vaj Pisni izpit Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: Partial exam of laboratory exercises Written exam Opravljene laboratorijske vaje in pozitivna ocena kolokvija sta pogoja za pristop k izpitu. Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 1. HOJNIK, Nuša, KRISTL, Matjaž, GOLOBIČ, Amalija, JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko, DROFENIK, Mihael. Hydrolytic synthesis of novel lanthanide(iii) complexes with pyridine 2,6 dicarboxylic acid. Journal of molecular structure, ISSN [Print ed.], 5 Jan. 2015, vol. 1079, str , ilustr., doi: /j.molstruc [COBISS.SI ID ] 2. KRISTL, Matjaž, KRISTL, Janja. Sonochemical process for the preparation of nanosized copper selenides with deifferent phases. Chalcogenide letters, ISSN [Online ed.], Feb. 2014, vol. 11, no. 2, str [COBISS.SI ID ] 3. KRISTL, Matjaž, DOJER, Brina, HOJNIK, Nuša, GOLOBIČ, Amalija. Synthesis and characterization of new hydroxylammonium fluoromanganates and fluoroscandates. Journal of fluorine chemistry, ISSN [Print ed.], Sep. 2014, vol. 166, str , doi: /j.jfluchem [COBISS.SI ID ] 4. KRISTL, Matjaž, BAN, Irena, GYERGYEK, Sašo. Preparation of nanosized copper and cadmium chalcogenides by mechanochemical synthesis. Materials and manufacturing processes, ISSN , 2013, vol. 28, iss. 9, str , ilustr., doi: / [COBISS.SI ID ] 5. KRISTL, Matjaž, HOJNIK, Nuša, GYERGYEK, Sašo, DROFENIK, Mihael. Sonochemical preparation of copper sulfides with different phases in aqueous solutions. Materials research bulletin, ISSN [Print ed.], Mar. 2013, vol. 48, iss. 3, str , doi: /j.materresbull [COBISS.SI ID ] 3

43 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Klimatogeografija Climatogeography Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnje Ecology with nature protection, 1st. degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 2 poletni Vrsta predmeta / Course type izbirni Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS /6 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Igor ŽIBERNA Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Slovenski /Slovenian Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski /Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: -Jih ni Prerequisits: -No Vsebina: 1. Klimatogeografija uvod 2. Vreme in klima 3. Atmosfera 4. Transport energije v atmosferi 5. Temperatura zraka 6. Vlaga v zraku 7. Zračni tlak 8. Cirkulacija atmosfere in zračne mase 9. Klimatske tipizacije in regionalizacije 10. Antropogene klimatske spremembe 11. Globalne klimatske spremembe Content (Syllabus outline): 1. Climatology introduction. 2. Weather and climate. 3. Atmosphere. 4. Energy transportation in atmosphere. 5. Air temperature. 6. Air humidity. 7. Air pressure. 8. Circulation in atmosphere and weather fronts. 9. Climatological classification and regionalisation.

44 12. Antropogene klimatske spremembe lokalnih razsežnosti 10. Anthropogenous climatic changes. 11. Global climate changes. 12. Anthropogenic climate changes on the local level. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Geiger, R., R. H. Aron, P. Todhunter,1995: The Climate Near the Ground. Voeweg. Heyer, E., 1993: Witterung und Klima. Teubner, Stuttgart. Linacre, E.,1992: Climate Data and Resources. Routledge, London. Meteorološki terminološki slovar,1990: SAZU in DMS, Ljubljana. Oke, T. R.,1992: Boundary Layer Climate. Routledge, London. Rakovec, A., T. Vrhovec, 2000: Osnove meteorologije. DMFA, Ljubljana. Schönwiese, C. D., 1994: Klimatologie. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. Šegota, T.,1996: Klimatologija za geografe, Školska knjiga, Zagreb. Thompson, R.D., A. Perry, (ur.),1997: Applied Climatology. Principles and Practice. Routledge, London. Cilji in kompetence: Študenti usvojijo znanje o klimatskih elementih, ki oblikujejo podnebje. Seznanijo se z vremenskimi procesi in pojavi. Spoznajo vse pomembnejše zakone prenosa energije in materije v ozračju ter elemente energijskega ravnotežja. Spoznajo metodologijo klimatske analize pokrajine ter metode klimatske tipizacije in regionalizacije Zemljinega površja. Klimatske elemente in klimatske tipe obravnavajo v kontekstu drugih geografskih dejavnikov. Študentje v pisni vaji na osnovi različnih klimatskih kazalcev sami izdelajo klimatsko regionalizacijo izbranega dela Zemljinega površja in vrednotijo podnebje v luči drugih geografskih dejavnikov. Na meteorološki postaji se seznanijo z meteorološkimi instrumenti, metodami merjenja in opazovanja vremena. Na terenskem delu z meritvami in klimatskimi kvantitativnimi analizami ugotavljajo klimatske razmere v dani pokrajini, vzroke zanje in njihove posledice za pokrajino. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študenti so usposobljeni opraviti analize klimatskih značilnosti dane pokrajine, vzrokov zanje in vplivov danih klimatskih značilnosti na pokrajinotvorne elemente. Sposobni so opraviti oceno stopnje lokalnih klimatskih elementov zaradi človekove Objectives and competences: Students learn about climatological relevant elements, which modify the Earth climate. They learn about weather processes and phenomena. They consider laws of energy and mass transport within the air, and the relevant energy balance elements. They get knowledge of climate analytical methodologies, and learn to analyse climatic elements in relations with other geographical parameters. In written exercise, they analyse climatic elements of selected climatic stations. They consider the physical geographical causes for these climatic conditions. On meteorological station, students learn about meteorological instruments and their use by weather observations. During field work they practice measuring and observing meteorological elements within a landscape, analyse causes for them and their impact on the landscape. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Students are qualified to make field meteorological analysis, causes for them and their impact on the landscape. They are able to interprete the human impact on the local climate.

45 dejavnosti. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Sposobni so analizirati vplive podnebja na druge pokrajinotvorne elemente. Sposobni so oceniti posledice človekovih dejavnosti na lokalno podnebje. Usposobljeni so ugotavljati stopnjo primernosti podnebja za različne vrste človekove dejavnosti. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Students are qualified to analyse climate impact on the other landscape elements. They are capable to estimate the human impact on the local climate. They are capable to estimate the suitability of climate for selected human activities (agriculture, traffic, tourism etc.) Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory work Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: Praktični izpit Ustni izpit Pisni izpit Practical examination Oral examination Written examination Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: Podnebne spremembe v Sloveniji na primeru Ljubljane in Maribora.Klimatske promjene u Sloveniji na primjeru Ljubljane imaribora. Podravina. Vol.10. Št Trendi temperatur, višine padavin in vodne bilance v Mariboru v obdobju = Temperature, precipitationsandwaterbalancetrends in Maribor in the period Revija za geografijo, 2011, 6, št. 1 Klimawandel in Slowenien. V: ALBRECHT, Volker (ur.), DROZG, Vladimir (ur.), ALBRECHT, Volker. Slowenien : TransformationenundkleinräumigeVielfalt, (Natur - Raum - Gesellschaft, Bd. 5). Frankfurt am Main: Institut fürhumangeographie, 2008

46 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSEE SYLLABUS Matematikaa Mathematics Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Ekologija z naravovarstvom Ecology with Nature Conservation Študijska smer Study field Ekologija z naravovarstvom Ecology with Nature Conservation Letnik Academic year Vrsta predmeta / Course type Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures 30 Vaje Tutorial 30 Klinične vaje work Druge D oblike študija Samost. delo Individ. work 120 ECTS 6 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Marko JAKOVAC Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / SLOVENSKO/SLOVENE Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: SLOVENSKO/SLOVENE Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: / Prerequisits: / Vsebina: Osnove matematične logike. Temeljni matematični pojmi: definicija, izrek, dokaz. Množice. Preslikave. Naravna in cela števila. Racionalna števila. Realna števila. Kompleksna števila. Zaporedja. Limite in stekališča zaporedij. Številske vrste. Funkcije realnee spremenljivke. Limitaa in zveznost funkcije. Elementarne funkcije. Odvod. Odvodi elementarnih funkcij. Izreki o srednji vrednosti. Višji odvodi. Lokalni ekstremi in prevoji. L'Hospitalovo pravilo. Nedoločeni integral. Integracijske metode. Content (Syllabus outline): Basics off mathematical logic. Fundamental mathematical notions: definition, theorem, proof. Sets. Mappings. Integers. Rational numbers. Real numbers. Complex numbers. Sequences. Limits and accumulation points. Series. Real-valued functions of a single variable. Limits and continuity. Elementary functions. The derivative. Derivatives of elementary functions. Mean value theorems. Higher derivations. L Hospital rule. The indefinite integral. Integration

47 Določeni integral. Riemannove vsote. Leibniz-Newtonova formula. Uporaba določenega integrala. Vektorski prostor geometrijskih vektorjev. Osnove analitične geometrije. Matrike. Determinante. Sistemi linearnih enačb. techniques. The definite integral. Riemann sums. The Leibniz-Newton formula. Applications of the definite integral. Vector space of geometric vectors. Basics of analytic geometry. Matrices. Determinants. Systems of linear equations. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Šemrl P., 2009: Osnove višje matematike I, DMFA založništvo, Ljubljana. Cedilnik, A., Pavešić P., 1999: Zbirka rešenih nalog iz matematike, BTF Ljubljana. Demidovič, B.P., 1968: Zadaci i rješeni primjeri iz više matematike s primjenom na tehničke nauke, Zagreb. Kolar, M., Zgrablič B., 1996: Več kot nobena, a manj kot tisoč in ena rešena naloga iz linearne algebre, PeF, Ljubljana. Mizori-Oblak, P., 1986: Matematika za študente tehnike in naravoslovja (1. del), FS, Ljubljana. Polya, G., 1989: Kako rešujemo matematične probleme, DMFA založništvo, Ljubljana. Tomšič, G., Orel B., Mramor Kosta N., 1995: Matematika I, II, FE, Ljubljana. Cilji in kompetence: Spoznati temeljne matematične koncepte, osnove analize in osnove linearne algebre. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje temeljnih matematičnih konceptov, osnovnih pojmov in rezultatov analize ter linearne algebre. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Pridobljena znanja so podlaga za večino predmetov s področja naravoslovja in matematike. Objectives and competences: To know fundamental principles of mathematics, basics of calculus, and basics of linear algebra. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding of fundamental principles of mathematics, basic notions and results of calculus and linear algebra. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: The obtained knowledge is a basis for most of the courses in the field of natural sciences and mathematics. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Teoretične vaje Načini ocenjevanja: Izpit: Pisni izpit problemi Ustni izpit teorija Vsaka izmed naštetih obveznosti mora Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Theoretical excersises Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Exams: 50% Written exam problems 50% Oral exam theory Each of the mentioned assessments must

48 biti opravljena s pozitivno oceno. Opravljen pisni izpit problemi je pogoj za pristop k ustnemu izpitu teorija. Pisni izpit problemi se lahko nadomesti z dvema delnima testoma (sprotne obveznosti). be assessed with a passing grade. Passing grade of written exam problems is required to take the oral exam theory. Written exam problems can be replaced with two mid-term tests. Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 1. JAKOVAC, Marko. The k-path vertex cover of rooted product graphs. Discrete applied mathematics, ISSN X. [Print ed.], 2015, vol. 187, str , doi: /j.dam [COBISS.SI-ID ] 2. JAKOVAC, Marko. A 2-parametric generalization of Sierpiński gasket graphs. Ars combinatoria, ISSN , 2014, vol. 116, str [COBISS.SI-ID ] 3. YERO, Ismael G., JAKOVAC, Marko, KUZIAK, Dorota, TARANENKO, Andrej. The partition dimension of strong product graphs and Cartesian product graphs. Discrete Mathematics, ISSN X. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 331, str [COBISS.SI-ID ] 4. BREŠAR, Boštjan, JAKOVAC, Marko, KATRENIČ, Ján, SEMANIŠIN, Gabriel, TARANENKO, Andrej. On the vertex k-path cover. Discrete applied mathematics, ISSN X. [Print ed.], 2013, vol. 161, iss. 13/14, str [COBISS.SI-ID ] 5. JAKOVAC, Marko, TARANENKO, Andrej. On the k-path vertex cover of some graph products. Discrete Mathematics, ISSN X. [Print ed.], 2013, vol. 313, iss. 1, str doi: /j.disc [COBISS.SI-ID ]

49 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Mikrobna ekologija Microbial Ecology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 2. ali 3. 2nd or 3rd 3. ali 4. ali 5. ali 6. 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni/Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Klinične vaje work Druge oblike študija Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Janja TRČEK Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Slovenski Lectures: Slovene Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski/Slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Prerequisits: No. 1

50 Vsebina: V okviru predmeta bodo študenti spoznali: Vlogo mikroorganizmov v različnih naravnih (vodna in talna okolja, ekstremna okolja, prebavila vretenčarjev in nevretenčarjev) in industrijskih okoljih Metode za preučevanje mikrobnih aktivnosti Mikrobno raznolikost in mikrobno aktivnost v različnih naravnih okoljih Uporabo mikroorganizmov v biotehnologiji in mikroorganizmi kot viri industrijsko uporabnih encimov in drugih snovi Z vidiki tveganja vnosa mikroorganizmov v okolje (patogenih, rekombinantnih in industrijskih sevov) Z interakcijami bakterij s težkimi kovinami in ksenobiotiki ter možnosti za njihovo uporabo pri bioremediaciji. Z mikrobiološkimi vidiki delovanja čistilnih naprav Pri praktičnem delu bodo študenti izolirali mikroorganizme iz vod, tal in hrane, ter si ogledali izbrane industrijske objekte (prehrambena industrija, čistilne naprave) Content (Syllabus outline): Students will get familiar with: The role of microorganisms in different natural (water, soil, extreme environments, gut of vertebrates and nonvertebrates) and industrial environments. The methods for studying microbial activity will be presented. The microbial diversity and activities in different natural environments. Possible application of microorganisms in biotechnology as well as with microorganisms as sources of industrially important enzymes and other substances. A risk of microbial release into environment (pathogenic, recombinant and industrial strains). Interactions of prokaryotes with heavy metals and xenobiotics as well as their potential use in bioremediation. The microbiological aspects in waste treatment systems will be presented. In practical work, students will perform isolation of microorganisms from water, soil and food. Besides, they will visit selected industrial installations (food industry, waste treatment plants). Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Madigan M.T., Martinko J.M., Bender K.S., Buckley D.H., Stahl D.A Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 14. izdaja, Benjamin Cummings, 1136 str. Kirchman D.L Processes in Microbial Ecology, 1. izdaja, Oxford University Press, 328 str. Slonczewski J. in Foster J.W Microbiology: An Evolving Science, 3. izdaja, Norton WW & Company, 1408 str. Cilji in kompetence: Predstaviti raznolikost in vlogo mikroorganizmov v različnih okoljih. Predstaviti potencialno nevarnost vnosa mikroorganizmov v okolje. Predstaviti možno uporabo mikroorganizmov v industriji in drugih procesih. Objectives and competences: Familiarity with diversity and role of microorganism in different environments. Presentation of a potential risk of uncontrolled release of microorganisms into environment. Presentation of possible applications of microorganism in industry and other processes. 2

51 Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Ekološko pomembne skupine mikroorganizmov ter razumevanje njihove pozitivne in negativne vloge v različnih okoljih Njihova vloga pri biotehnoloških procesih Metode v mikrobni ekologiji Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Praktično znanje metod, ki jih uporabljamo pri študiju okoljsko pomembnih mikroorganizmov Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Individualno delo s študenti Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Ecologically important groups of microorganisms and their potential positive or negative effects within environments Their role in biotechnological processes Methods used in microbial ecology Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Practical knowledge of methods applicable for studying ecologically important groups of microorganisms Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory excersises Individual work with students Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt): Kolokvij Pisni izpit Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 50 % 50 % Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Partial exam Written exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 1. TRČEK, Janja Oksalotrofne bakterije s tvorbo kalcita prispevajo k zniževanju koncentracije ogljikovega dioksida v ozračju. Proteus, april, 76, 8, str PETRINIĆ, Irena, KORENAK, Jasmina, PLODER, Jana, TRČEK, Janja Decolorization and biodegradation of azo dye within a sequencing batch reactor followed by ultrafiltration. Magic world of textiles, book of proceedings, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology, 2014, str TRČEK, Janja, MATSUSHITA, Kazunobu A unique enzyme of acetic acid bacteria, PQQdependent alcohol dehydrogenase, is also present in Frateuria aurantia. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 97, 16, str SLAPŠAK, Nina, CLEENWERCK, Ilse, DE VOS, Paul, TRČEK, Janja Gluconacetobacter maltaceti sp. nov., a novel vinegar producing acetic acid bacterium. Systematic and applied microbiology, 36, 1, str TRČEK, Janja, FUCHS, Thilo M., TRÜLZSCH, Konrad Analysis of Yersinia enterocolitica invasin expression in vitro and in vivo using a novel luxcdabe reporter system. Microbiology, 156, 9, str

52 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Molekularne metode v botaniki Molecular methods in botany Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 2. ali 3.; 2nd or 3rd 3. ali 4. ali 5. ali 6.; 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni/Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Nataša Pipenbaher Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Opravljen izpit iz splošne botanike. Opravljen izpit iz biokemije. Prerequisits: Exam in General Botany Exam in Biochemistry

53 Vsebina: - Organizacija in ekspresija rastlinskega genoma. Analize genov in rekombinantne DNK tehnike pri rastlinah - Primarni in sekundarni rastlinski metaboliti. Primarni metaboliti: ogljikovi hidrati, lipidi, sprejem dušika, sinteza aminokislin in proteinov. - Sekundarni metaboliti: fenoli, alkaloidi, glikozidi - Genske mutacije rastlin (pomen, fenotipski učinki, vzroki mutacij) - Delovanje in kinetika rastlinskih encimov - Molekularni odzivi rastlin na abiotske in biotske dejavnike - Povezave med molekularno populacijsko genetiko in filogenijo - Fenotip kot rezultat interakcij med genotipom in okoljem Genski markerji: metode vrednotenja polimorfizmov in uporaba genskih markerjev za DNA fingerprinting, vrednotenje genske raznolikosti (PCR, RFLP, AFLP, kromatografije) Content (Syllabus outline): - Organization and expression of plant genome, Analysis of gen in recombinant DNA techniques in plants - Primary and secondary plant metabolites Primary metabolites: carbohydrate, lipids, accumulation of nitrogen, synthesis of nucleic acid and proteins Secondary metabolites: alkaloids, phenols, glycosides - Mutations in plants (importance, phenotype expression, causes of mutation) - Activity and kinetics of plant enzyme - Molecular reaction of plant on abiotic and biotic responses - The link between molecular population genetics and phylogeny - Phenotype as the results of the interactions between the genotype and environment Genetic markers: method of polymorphism and use of genetic markers for DNA fingerprinting, evaluation of genetic differences (PCR, AFLP, RFLP, chromatography) Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Buchanan, B.B., Gruissem W., Jones, L.R., 2000: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants.1367 pages, American Society of Plant Physiologists, 1 st edition Dermastia, M., 2010: Pogled v rastline. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo. Freeland, J.R., 2005: Molecular Ecology. John Wiley & Sons, USA. Futuyma, D.J., 2009: Evolution, second edition. Sunderland, USA. Heldt, H.W 1998: Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Oxford University Press. Hellis, D.M., C. Moritz., B.K. Mable,1996: Molecular systematic. Sunderland, USA. Mauseth, J.D., 2003: Botany; an introduction to plant biology. Jones and Barlett Publisher, USA. Raven, P.H., R.F. Evert, 2005: Biology of plant. W. H. Freeman and Company Publisher, New York. Simpson, M.G., 2006: Plant systematic. Elsevier, USA. Stuessy, T.F., 2009: Plant taxonomy. Columbia university press, New York. Cilji in kompetence: Cilj izbrane vsebine je pridobitev dodatnih znanj iz molekularne botanike. Objectives and competences: The aim of the selected contents is gain of advance knowledge about molecular botany. 2

54 Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanja in razumevanja, ki ga bodo študentje pridobili: - Vedenje o molekularnih metoda v botaniki - Pomen delovanja rastlin na molekularnem nivoju - Poglobili bodo razumevanje pomena genskih mutacij za rastline - Pridobljeno znanja bodo lahko aplicirali na naravovarstveno problematiko Poznavanje gensko in biokemijsko strukturo rastlin ter molekularne odzive rastlin na abiotske in biotske dejavnike Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding that students will get: - Understanding of molecular method in botany - The function of plants on molecular level - Knowledge that they will get they could use for Nature conservation - Understanding of genetic and biochemical structure of plant Capability of understanding of molecular response on biotic and abiotic factors Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory exercises Načini ocenjevanja: Kolokvij iz vaj Pisni izpit Pozitivno opravljen kolokvij iz laboratorijskih vaj je pogoj za pristop k izpitu. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: Exam of laboratory exercises Written examination Positive result of the exercise examination is a prerequisite for the written exame. Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: PIPENBAHER, Nataša, MOELLER LANGE, Peter, DOLINŠEK, Jan, JAKOBSEN, Mogens, WEINGARTL, Hana, CENCIČ, Avrelija. Nitric oxide (NO) production in mammalian nontumorigenic epithelial cells of the small intestine and macrophages induced by individual strains of lactobacili and bifidobacteria. International dairy journal, ISSN [Print ed.], 2009, vol. 19, iss. 3, str FILIPIČ, Bratko, GRADIŠNIK, Lidija, BOTIĆ, Tanja, SLADOLJEV, Srečko, TOTH, Sandor, SOMOGYVÁRI, Ferenc, PIPENBAHER, Nataša, CENCIČ, Avrelija, KOREN, Srečko. Use of calf intestinal epithelilal (CIEB) cells to measure the biological activity of human interferons. V: SCHWARZMEIER, Josef D. (ur.). 6th International Cytokine conference, Vienna (Austria), August 27 31, Bologna: Medimond International Proceedings, 2006 MASON, Norman W. H., PIPENBAHER, Nataša, ŠKORNIK, Sonja, KALIGARIČ, Mitja. Does 3

55 complementarity in leaf phenology and inclination promote co existence in a species rich meadow? : evidence from functional groups. Journal of vegetation science, ISSN [Print ed.], Jan. 2013, vol. 24, iss. 1, str PIPENBAHER, Nataša, KALIGARIČ, Mitja, MASON, Norman W. H., ŠKORNIK, Sonja. Dry calcareous grasslands from two neighboring biogeographic regions: relationship between plant traits and rarity. Biodiversity and conservation, ISSN , 2013, vol. 22, iss. 10, str PIPENBAHER, Nataša, ŠKORNIK, Sonja, CARVALHO, Gustavo Henrique de, BATALHA, Marco Antônio. Phylogenetic and functional relationships in pastures and meadows from the North Adriatic Karst. Plant ecology, ISSN , 2013, vol. 214, iss. 4, str

56 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Odzivi rastlinske celice na okoljske dejavnike Plant cell responses to environmental impacts Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 2. ali 3.; 2nd or 3rd 3. ali 4. ali 5. ali 6. / 3. or or 4. or 5. or 6. Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni/Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Andreja URBANEK KRAJNC, Saška LIPOVŠEK Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje Prerequisits: študijskih obveznosti: / / Vsebina: Content (Syllabus outline):

57 Uvodno predavanje (Zakaj proučujemo rastline, zgodovina in temelji mikroskopije) Vpliv okoljskih dejavnikov na rastlinsko celico, celične tipe in celične kompartimente Spremembe v strukturi celičnih organelov, spremembe v permeabilnosti membran, spremembe v vsebnosti snovi, aktivnosti encimov, celična smrt. Celična stena: Kemijska zgradba, rast v dolžino in vloga citoskeletnih elementov, plazmodezmezgradba in funkcija v patosistemih, obramba pred patogeni in škodljivci Vakuola: Zgradba, funkcija, biogeneza, transport skozi tonoplast (membranski proteini, glutationska črpalka), vakuola kot založni in litični kompartiment, strukturna vloga, turgorska gibanja, vektorska sinteza sladkorjev, vpliv nizkih temperatur (»low temperature sweetening«), solni stres, težke kovine in privzem v vakuolo, vakuola v obrambi pred patogeni in škodljivci (sekundarni metaboliti, hitinaza, mehanizmi preprečevanja avtotoksicitete) Plastidi: Zgradba, tipi plastidov, biogeneza, evolucija plastidov, plastidno dedovanje, import proteinov, signalna transdukcija, vpliv biotskih in abiotskih dejavnikov na ultrastrukturo plastidov (sušni stres, abscizinska kislinaprincip ionske kletke, radiacijski stres, biotski stres). Mitohondriji: Zgradba, evolucija mitohondrijev, mitohondrijsko dedovanje, vpliv biotskih in abiotskih dejavnikov na ultrastrukturo mitohondrijev (vročinski stres in hsp-proteini, radiacijski stres, sušni stres, hipoxia) Introduction (Why study plants, history and the basic principles of microscopy) The environmental impacts on plant cell, cell types and cell compartments substructural changes of cell organelles, changes in membrane permeability, alterations in chemical compounds, enzyme activity and metabolism, cell death. Cell wall: Chemical structure and plant cell wall growth, the significance of cytoskeleton, plasmodesmata-structure and function in different patosystems, the significance of cell wall in defense against pathogens and pests Vacuole: Structure and function, biogenesis, transport through tonoplast (membrane proteins, glutathione pump), vacuole as a storage and lytic organelle, structural function, turgor movements, tonoplast sugar transport and vector synthesis, low temperature sweetening, salt stress, heavy metals detoxification, significance of vacuole in defense against pathogens and pests (secondary metabolites, hitinase, mechanisms of avoiding autotoxicity) Plastids: Structure, different types of plastids, biogenesis, evolution, plastid inheritance, protein import, signal transduction, the impact of biotic and abiotic factors on plastid ultrastructure (drought stress, abscisic acidprinciple of ion cage, radiation stress, biotic stress) Mitochondria: Structure, evolution, mitochondrial inheritance, the impact of biotic and abiotic factors on mitochondria ultrastructure (heat shock proteins, radiation stress, drought stress, hipoxia) 2

58 Sinteza in vloga antioksidantov v celičnih organelih in odpravljanje reaktivnih kisikovih vrst(askorbatno-glutationska veriga, ksantofilni cikel, tokoferoli) Programirana celična smrt pri rastlinah (kategorije celične smrti v rastlinah) Povzetek stresnih dejavnikov na nivoju celice (sušni stres, radiacijski stres, vpliv visokih in nizkih temperatur, solni stres, hipoksijaanoksija, zračni polutanti, biotski stres) Laboratorijske vaje in mikroskopija določanje simptomov na nivoju celičnih organelov, celic in organov na podlagi TEM mikrografij, določanje in lokaliziranje akumuliranih strupenih snovi v celicah, standardizirani testi ugotavljanja genotoksičnosti (Allium-test, Tradescantiatest). priprava vzorcev in fiksiranje preparatov, izolacija protoplastov tehnike barvanja preparatov v svetlobni mikroskopiji, fluorescenčna barvila, imunohistokemijske in imunocitokemijske metode, histokemična lokalizacija glutationa The antioxidant synthesis and their significance in cell organelles, reactive oxigen removal (ascorbate-glutathione cycle, xanthophyll cycle, tocopherols) Programmed cell death in plants (many ways to exit, cell death categories in plants) Summary: abiotic and biotic stress factors at the cellular level (drought stress, radiation stress, high low temperature stress, salt stress, hipoxia-anoxia, air pollutants, biotic stress) Laboratory work and microscopy symptom characterization of altered life functions within cell organelles (TEM micrographs) determination and localization of accumulated toxic compounds in cells, standardized genotoxicology tests (Allium-Test, Tradescantia-Test). specimen preparation and fixation protocols isolation of protoplasts staining methods in light microscopy, fluorescent dyes, immunohistochemical and immunocytochemical methods, histochemical localization of glutathione Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: ALBERTS B., JOHNSON A., LEWIS J., RAFF M., ROBERTS K., WALTER P., Molecular Biology of the Cell. 3 th, edition, Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group, New York. Pollard T.D., Earnshaw W.C Cell biology, Second edition, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia. KLEINIG H., SITTE P., Zellbiologie. 4. Aufl., Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. Znanstvene revije: The Plant Cell Protoplasma Plant Cell and Environment Plant and Cell Physiology Journal of Plant Biotechnology Trends in Plant Science 3

59 Cilji in kompetence: 1. Predstavitev zgradbe rastlinske celice, kemične sestave in mehanizmi transporta snovi v celici. 2. Pregled vpliva okoljskih dejavnikov na celične tipe in celične kompartimente. 3. Ponazoritev mehanizmov sprejemanja dražljajev ter mehanizmov medceličnega in celičnega sporočanja. 4. Predstavitev nekaterih prilagoditev rastlinske celice na stresne dejavnike in predstavitev mehanizmov detoksifikacije. 5. Uporaba metod celične biologije na področju okoljskega monitoringa in ekotoksikologije. Objectives and competences: 1. Introduction to the structure, chemical composition and transport mechanisms 2. Overview of the impacts of environmental factors on cell types and cell compartments. 3. Insights about the mechanisms of signal perception and mechanisms of inter- and intracellular sensing. 4. Presentation of some adaptations to stress factors at the cellular level and mechanisms of detoxification. 5. Application of methods in environmental monitoring and ecotoxicology. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: 1. Razumevanje in prepoznavanje celičnih sprememb zaradi vpliva stresnih dejavnikov. 2. Osvojitev principov mikroskopije in osnovnih metod v rastlinski celični biologiji. 3. Poznavanje pomena celične biologije v okoljskem monitoringu in ekotoksikologiji. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: 1. Prepoznavanje vpliva okoljskih dejavnikov na strukturo in delovanje celic. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: 1. Understanding and recognition of alterations within cells affected by stress factors. 2. Capturing principles of microscopy and basic methods in plant cell biology. 3. Throughout knowledge about the significance of cell biology in environmental monitoring and ecotoxicology. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: 1. Identification of the impacts of environmental factors on the plant cell structure and function. 4

60 2. Sposobnost uporabe citoloških metod v okoljskem monitoringu in ekotoksikologiji. 2. Ability for using cytological methods in ecological monitoring and ecotoxicology. Metode poučevanja in učenja: predavanja z aplikativnimi primeri principov in metod celične biologije ob uporabi različnih AV sredstev, eksperimentalne vaje, priprava laboratorijskega poročila Načini ocenjevanja: pisni izpit poročilo laboratorijskih vaj Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Learning and teaching methods: lectures with special attention to principles and methods in cell biology by using audiovisual equipment, experimental work, laboratory report Assessment: written examination laboratory report Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: NOVAK, Metka, URBANEK KRAJNC, Andreja, LAH, Ljerka, ZUPANEC, Neja, KRAŠEVEC, Nada, KRIŽMAN, Mitja, BOHLMANN, Joerg, KOMEL, Radovan. Low-density Ceratocystis polonica inoculation of Norway spruce (Picea abies) triggers accumulation of monoterpenes with antifungal properties. European journal of forest research (Print), ISSN , Jul. 2014, vol. 133, no. 4, str , ilustr., doi: /s URBANEK KRAJNC, Andreja, NOVAK, Metka, FELICIJAN, Mateja, KRAŠEVEC, Nada, LEŠNIK, Mario, ZUPANEC, Neja, KOMEL, Radovan. Antioxidative response patterns of Norway spruce bark to lowdensity Ceratocystis polonica inoculation. Trees, ISSN , 2014, vol. 28, iss. 4, str , doi: /s y. URBANEK KRAJNC, Andreja, TURINEK, Maja, IVANČIČ, Anton. Morphological and physiological changes during adventitious root formation as affected by auxin metabolism : stimulatory effect of auxin containing seaweed extract treatment. Agricultura, ISSN [Print ed.], nov. 2013, vol. 10, no. 1/2, str , ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID ] URBANEK KRAJNC, Andreja, KRISTL, Janja, IVANČIČ, Anton. Application of salicylic acid induces antioxidant defense responses in the phloem of Picea abies and inhibits colonization by Ips typographus. Forest Ecology and Management, ISSN [Print ed.], 2011, letn. 261, št. 3, str , doi: /j.foreco [COBISS.SI-ID ] URBANEK KRAJNC, Andreja, ZECHMANN, Bernd, STABENTHEINER, Edith, MÜLLER, Maria. Artificial elevation of salicylic acid affects thiol contents in symptom development in Cucurbita pepo during Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) infection. Phyton, ISSN , 2008, letn. 48, št. 1, str [COBISS.SI-ID ] 5

61 MÜLLER, Maria, ZELLNIG, Günther, URBANEK KRAJNC, Andreja, ZECHMANN, Bernd. Recent developments in methods intracellulary localizing glutathione within plant tissue and cells : (a minireview). Phyton, ISSN , 2005, letn. 45, št. 3, str [COBISS.SI-ID ], 6

62 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Okoljsko izobraževanje Environmental education Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 2. ali 3.; 2nd or 3rd 3. ali 4. ali 5. ali 6.; 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni/Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Andrej ŠORGO Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene/ angleški / English Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene / angleški / English Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Ni pogojev Vsebina: opredelitev okoljskega izobraževanja kot izobraževanja za trajnostni razvoj; velike in male teme okoljskega izobraževanja; zastavljanje ciljev; teorije izobraževanja; subjekti okoljskega izobraževanja; strategije okoljskega izobraževanja; Prerequisits: No prerequisites Content (Syllabus outline): environmental education as education for sustainable development; big and small issues of environmental education; goals setting; educational theories; subjects of environmental education; strategies of environmental education;

63 načrtovanje okoljskih izobraževalnih aktivnosti; didaktična načela okoljskega izobraževanja; priprava izobraževalnih delavnic; priprava izobraževalnih gradiv; priprava predstavitev; tabori in ekskurzije; mentorstvo dejavnostim; e izobraževanje; ovrednotenje izobraževalnih aktivnosti; študije primerov planning of environmental educational activities; didactic principles of environmental education; environmental workshops; environmental leaflets; how to prepare a presentation; summer camps and excursions; mentorship to the activities; e education; assesment of environmental activities; case studies Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Izbrana poglavja iz: Handbook of Research on Science Education. Ed.Sandra K Abell, Norman G Lederman Routledge. International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education Routledge Cilji in kompetence: Po opravljenem kurzu bo študent ka: sposoben načrtovati različne oblike dejavnosti povezanih z okoljskim izobraževanjem; sposoben organizirati in izvesti različne oblike dejavnosti povezanih z okoljskim izobraževanjem; sposoben ovrednotiti različne oblike dejavnosti povezanih z okoljskim izobraževanjem; Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: temeljnih predpostavk okoljskega izobraževanja; načel okoljskega izobraževanja; načrtovanja ciljev; faz načrtovanja okoljskega izobraževanja; strategij okoljskega izobraževanja; Zahtev uspešnega izobraževanja; ovrednotenja kakovosti izvedenega izobraževanja; ovrednotenje znanja. Objectives and competences: After the course a student should: be able to plan different kinds of activities connected with environmental education; be able to organize and lead different kinds of activities connected with environmental education; be able to asses different kinds of activities connected with environmental education; Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Basics of environmental education; Principles of environmental education; Goal setting; Phases in planning of environmental educational activities; Strategies of environmental education; Basis of succesful environmental education; Assesment of quality of environmental education; Knowledge assesment. 2

64 Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Študent lahko znanja, strategije in spretnosti prenese v sorodne situacije Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Students can transfere gained knowledge, strategies and skills in other educational fields. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja; ; Samostojno kritično preučevanje literature; Individualne konzultacije pri pripravi seminarske naloge. Načini ocenjevanja: in predstavitev seminarja Ustni izpit Opravljen seminar je pogoj za pristop k ustnemu izpitu. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 50% 50% Learning and teaching methods: Lectures; Semminaire; Individual critical reading of written sources; Individual consultations by the semminaire preparation. Assessment: Defended semminaire Oral exam Passed semminaire is prerequisite to attend oral exam. Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: ŠORGO, Andrej, KAMENŠEK, Asja. Implementation of a curriculum for environmental education as education for sustainable development in Slovenian upper secondary schools. Energy education science and technology. Part B, Social and educational studies, 2012, vol. 4, iss. 2, str [COBISS.SI ID ], [SNIP] ŠORGO, Andrej, AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK, Jana. Knowlege of, attitudes toward, and acceptance of genetically modified organisms among prospective teachers of biology, home economics, and grade school in Slovenia. Biochemistry and molecular biology education, ISSN [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 38, no. 3, str doi: /bmb [COBISS.SI ID ], [JCR, SNIP] ŠORGO, Andrej, USAK, Muhammet, AYDOGDU, M., KELES, Ozgul, AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK, Jana. Biology teaching in upper secondary schools: comparative study between Slovenia and Turkey. Energy education science and technology. Part B, Social and educational studies, 2011, vol. 3, iss. 3, str [COBISS.SI ID ], [SNIP] ŠORGO, Andrej, USAK, Muhammet, KUBIATKO, Milan, FRANČOVIČOVA, Jana, PROKOP, Pavol, PUHEK, Miro, SKODA, Jiri, BAHAR, Mehmet. A cross cultural study on freshmen's knowledge of genetics, evolution, and the nature of science. Journal of Baltic science education, ISSN , 2014, vol. 13, no. 1, str [COBISS.SI ID ], [JCR, SNIP] OZDEN, M., USAK, Muhammet, ULKER, R., ŠORGO, Andrej. Effects of lesson preparation methods on prospective primary teachers pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of environmental protection and ecology, ISSN , 2013, vol. 14, no. 13A, str [COBISS.SI ID ], [JCR, SNIP] 3

65 4

66 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Osnove mikrobiologije Introduction to Microbiology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program: Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme: Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year rd 5th Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni/Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Klinične vaje work Druge oblike študija Samost. delo Individ. work 30-15LV ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Janja TRČEK Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Slovenski Lectures: Slovene Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski/Slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Prerequisits: No. 1

67 Vsebina: V okviru predmeta bodo študenti spoznali tri osnovne skupine, ki so predmet obravnave v mikrobiologiji (virusi, bakterije, glive deloma), značilnosti njihove zgradbe, osnove sistematike ter njihov ekološki pomen v različnih okoljih. Obnovili bodo osnove metabolnih reakcij (redoks reakcije, fermentacija, aerobna in anaerobna respiracija) ter spoznali metabolno raznolikost prokariotov - heterotrofni, avtotrofni in litotorofni metabolizem. Poudarek bo na nekaterih metabolnih posebnostih prokariotov (fiksacija dušika, redukcija sulfata, metanogeneza, razgradnja polimerov) in njihov pomen v primarni produkciji ter pri kroženju snovi v okolju. Spoznali bodo tudi interakcije bakterij s težkimi kovinami in ksenobiotiki ter možnosti za njihovo uporabo pri bioremediaciji. Nadalje bodo obravnavali povezave prokariotov z višjimi organizmi, ki so lahko pozitivne (pomen normalnih mikrobov pri človeku, živalih in rastlinah, pomen mikrobnih simbiotov) ali negativne (nalezljive bolezni ter vpliv ekoloških sprememb na njihov razvoj in širjenje). Pri praktičnem delu bodo študenti spoznali osnovne tehnike izolacije, gojenja ter identifikacije ekološko pomembnih mikroorganizmov iz različnih okolij. Content (Syllabus outline): Students will get familiar with the three large groups which are objectives of microbiology (viruses, bacteria, fungi partially), their structure, basic systematic and ecological importance within different ecosystems. Basic metabolic reactions (redox reactions, fermentation, aerobic and anaerobic respiration) and the metabolic diversity of prokaryotes will be addressed (heterotrophic, autotrophic and litotrophic metabolism). Some specific types of metabolisms (nitrate fixation, sulfate reduction, methanogenesis and polymer degradation) which all have substantial role in primary production and in cycling of elements will be studied into more detail. Interactions of prokaryotes with heavy metals and xenobiotics as well as their potential use in bioremediation will be addressed. Students will learn about mechanisms and the importance of interactions of microbes with higher organisms: the role of normal microbes in humans, animals and plants (positive effects) and effect of ecological changes on emergence and dispersion of infectious diseases (negative effects). In practical work, students will learn the basic techniques of isolation, cultivation and identification of ecologically important microorganisms. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Madigan MT, Martinko JM, Bender KS, Buckley DH, Stahl DA Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 14. izdaja, Benjamin Cummings, 1136 str. Tortora GJ, Funke BR, Case CL Microbiology: A Introduction, 11. izdaja, Benjamin Cummings, 960 str. Slonczewski JL, Foster JW Microbiology: An Evolving Science. 3. izdaja. Norton WW Company, 1408 str. 2

68 Cilji in kompetence: Predstaviti osnovne skupine mikroorganizmov, njihovo biologijo ter sistematiko Predstaviti vlogo mikroorganizmov pri naravnih procesih ter možnosti za njihovo uporabo v industriji in drugje Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: ekološko pomembnih skupin mikroorganizmov njihove vloge pri naravnih procesih Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: seznanjanje z osnovnimi pojmi v mikrobiologiji seznanjanje z osnovnimi mikrobiološkimi tehnikami Objectives and competences: Familiarity with the biology and systematic of main groups of microorganisms. To explain the role of microorganisms in natural processes and their potential use in industry and elsewhere. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: of ecologically important groups of microorganisms of their role in natural processes Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: understanding of basic terms in microbiology development of practical laboratory skills and basic microbiological techniques Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Individualno delo s študenti Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory excersises Individual work with students Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt): Kolokvij Pisni izpit Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 40 % 60 % Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Partial exam Written or oral exam 3

69 Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 1. LEE, Changhan, WIGREN, Edvard, TRČEK, Janja, PETERS, Verena, KIM, Jihong, HASNI, Muhammad Sharif, NIMTZ, Manfred, LINDQVIST, Ylva, PARK, Chankyu, CURTH, Ute, LÜNSDORF, Heinrich, RÖMLING, Ute A protein quality control mechanism might contribute to survival of world-wide distributed Pseudomonas aeruginosa clone C strains. Environmental Microbiology, 17, 11, str TRČEK, Janja, MATSUSHITA, Kazunobu A unique enzyme of acetic acid bacteria, PQQdependent alcohol dehydrogenase, is also present in Frateuria aurantia. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97, 16, str SLAPŠAK, Nina, CLEENWERCK, Ilse, DE VOS, Paul, TRČEK, Janja Gluconacetobacter maltaceti sp. nov., a novel vinegar producing acetic acid bacterium. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 36, 1, str CASTRO, Cristina, CLEENWERCK, Ilse, TRČEK, Janja, ZULUAGA, Robin, DE VOS, Paul, CARO, Gloria, AGUIRRE, Ricardo, PUTAUX, Jean-Luc, GAÑÁN, Piedad Gluconacetobacter medellinensis sp. nov., cellulose- and non-cellulose producing acetic acid bacteria isolated from vinegar. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 63, 3, str TRČEK, Janja, FUCHS, Thilo M., TRÜLZSCH, Konrad Analysis of Yersinia enterocolitica invasin expression in vitro and in vivo using a novel luxcdabe reporter system. Microbiology, 156, 9, str

70 Predmet: Subject Title: Univerza v Mariboru University of Maribor Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics OPIS PREDMETA / SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Osnove naravovarstvene zakonodaje EU in Slovenije Introduction to Nature Conservation Legislation in EU and in Slovenia Študijski program Study programme Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Študijska smer Study field Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Letnik Year 2 4 Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University subject code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Lab. work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Rajko KNEZ Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / slovenski/slovenian Lecture: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski/slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za Prerequisites: opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. No. Vsebina: Contents (Syllabus outline): Gre za predmet, v okviru katerega je The teaching subject Introduction in Nature predstavljena problematika conservation legislation will focus on issues naravovarstvene zakonodaje v povezavi z okoljevarstveno zakonodajo. Podana bo related to nature conservation in connection with environmental legislation. Differences razlika med okoljevarstveno in between environmental and nature naravovarstveno zakonodajo, pristop obeh zakonodaj in njun odnos. Predstavljene conservation legislation will be presented and their relation. Main features of the bodo poglavitne značilnosti nature conservation legislation will be dealt naravovarstvene zakonodaje po Zakonu o with, taking into account Law on nature ohranjanju narave in podzakonskimi conservation. Besides, a legislation predpisi ter podan bo primerjalni pregled, predvsem z vidika pristopa EU. Pristop je interdisciplinaren. Gre tudi za analizo pravno-sistemskih določb o ohranjanju comparison will be presented, especially from the point of view of EU law. It is a multidisciplinary approach. Analysis of legal rules on nature conservation will base on

71 narave, ki imajo svojo osnovo tudi v ekonomskih razlogih, političnih in etičnih vidikih (ekocentrična etika) itd. economic, political and ethical (eco-centric ethic) point of views. Temeljni študijski viri / Textbooks: Anonymus, 2000: Zakon o ohranjanju narave (ZON). Ur. List RS. Kubasek, N.K., Silverman, G.S., 2004: Environmental Law. 5th Ed., Prentice Hall Ed. Pličanič, S., 2003: Temelji ekološkega prava. CZ, Ljubljana. Rosendl, G.K., 2000: The Convention on BioogicalDiverity and Developing Contries (Environment and Policy). Springer Velag, Berlin and New York. Scheuer, S., 2006: EU Environmental Policy Handbook: A critical Analysis of EU Environmenta Legislation. International Books. Cilji: Spoznanje osnovnega pristopa varstvu okolja v razmerju do posameznika, gospodarstva in družbe v celoti Spoznati osnovna načela varstva okolja, ki jih družba sprejema in na podlagi katerih se ocenjujejo družbena ravnanja Oceniti vlogo naravovarstvene zakonodaje (skozi osnovni ekocentrični in ne skozi antropocentrični pristop) Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Objectives: Acquaintance with the basic approaches to environmental protection in relation to the individual and society as a whole. To be acquainted with the basic principles on the environmental protection based on which the action of society can be assessed. Assess the role of the environmental legislation (based on a basic eco-centric approach). Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: povezovanje pravil varstva okolja in narave z njihovimi učinki in pravno urejanje podrejati tem učinkom Razlikovanje med učinkom evropskih in nacionalnih pravil varstva okolja v državi članici in med državami članicami Uporabljati splošne institute varstva narave na posameznih specifičnih področjih Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: razumeti načine varstva pravic, ki jih določa zakonodaja na področju varstva narave in njihovega izvrševanja za naravo in za posameznika; vključujoč tudi pravice, ki imajo temelj v evropskih predpisih Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja ske in teoretske vaje Connection of environmental and nature conservation legislation in their effects in legal regulation subordinates to those effects. Make distinction between the effects of the rules of EC in national rules in the Member State and between Member States. To use general institutes of the nature conservation law on a specific areas. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: To understand the way of right's protections based on nature conservation legislation in the performance of such procedure on the behalf of the nature and for the individual also for the rights based on the EC law Learning and teaching methods: Lectures s and tutorials

72 Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Ustni izpit 50 % Pisni izpit 50 % Assessment: Oral examination Written examination Materialni pogoji za izvedbo predmeta : Predavalnica Obveznosti študentov: (pisni, ustni izpit, seminarske naloge) Ustni izpit Pisni izpit Material conditions for subject realization Lecture hall Students commitments: (written, oral examination, seminar work): Oral examination Written examination

73 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Osnove okoljske biotehnologije Introduction to environmental biotehnology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Ekologija z naravovarstvom 1. stopnje Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Vrsta predmeta / Course type Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Obvezni/obligatory 3 6 Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Janja Trček Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski/slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: - Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Vsebina: V okviru predmeta bo povdarek na uporabi mikroorganizmov za detoksifikacijo kontaminirane vode, zemlje, sedimentov in industrijskih odplak. Obravnavali bomo primere naravno prisotnih mikrobnih združb v različnih ekoških nišah za zmanjševanje količine odpadkov in toksičnih snovi v okolju. Predstavljene bodo tudi možnosti uporabe rekombinatnih mikroorganizmov, s povečanimi odpornostmi proti določenim ksenobiotikom, za razgradnjo odpadkov. Bioprocese bomo obravnavali z biokemijskega in energetskega vidika. Prerequisits: No. Content (Syllabus outline): Students will get familiar with possibilities for using microorganisms in decontaminating water, soil, sediments and industrial waste. They will learn about microbial communities present naturally in different ecological niches for decreasing the waste and toxic compounds in the environment. The possibilities and concerns of using the recombinant microorganisms with increased resistance against xenobiotics will be presented. They will get familiar with biochemical and energetic aspects of the bioprocesses.

74 Študenti bodo spoznali kako se lahko odpadne surovine iz različnih industrijskih procesov uporabijo kot substrat za namnoževanje in proizvodnjo uporabnih produktov (biogoriva, biološko razgradljivi izdelki, alternativni viri energije itd.). Predstavljene bodo različne čistilne naprave, aerobne in anaerobne za obdelavo tekočih in trdnih odpadnih snovi. Possibilities of using the industrial waste as substrates for microbial growth and conversion into useful products will be discussed (biogas, biologically degradable products, alternative sources of energy etc.). They will get familiar with different types of waste treatment bioreactors, aerobic and anaerobic for fluid and solid wastes. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Evans GM, Furlong JC Environmental Biotechnology, John Willey & Sons. Atlas RM, Bartha R Microbial Ecology Fundamentals and Applications, Benjamin & Commings. Cilji in kompetence: Predstaviti možnosti uporabe mikrobnih združb za zmanjševanje odpadkov in toksičnih snovi v okolju. Študente seznaniti z različnimi biološkimi čistilnimi napravami za čiščenje odpadkov. Predstaviti možnost uporabe odpadnih snovi v mikrobioloških procesih za proizvodnjo človeku koristnih produktov. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Razumevanje delovanja mikrobnih sistemov, ki se uporabljajo za čiščenje odpadkov in razgradnjo toksičnh snovi. Razmevanje vpliva abiotskih faktorjev na delovanje čistilnih naprav. Objectives and competences: Familiarity with possibilities of using natural microbial communities for decreasing the waste and diminish toxic compounds in the environment. Presentation of different waste treatment technologies. Presentation of possibilities of using waste as a substrate for production of important products. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Understanding biochemical principles of microbial bioprocesses for degrading waste in the envionment. Influence of the abiotic factors on the development of waste treatment microbial bioreactors. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja ji Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Learning and teaching methods: Lectures s Assessment: Pisni izpit Predstavitev projekta 50% 50% Written exam Project presentation Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: Trček, J., Berschl, K. and K. Trülzsch In vivo analysis of Yersinia enterocolitica infection using luxcdabe. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 307,

75 Bresolin, G., Trček, J., Scherer, S., and T.M. Fuchs Presence of a functional flagellar cluster Flag-2 and low-temperature expression of flagellar genes in Yersinia enterocolitica W Microbiology 154, Trček, J., Jernejc, K., and K. Matsushita The highly tolerant acetic acid bacterium Gluconacetobacter europaeus adapts to the presence of acetic acid by changes in lipid composition, morphological properties and PQQ-dependent ADH expression. Extremophiles 11, Trček, J., Toyama, H., Czuba, J., Misiewicz, A., and M. Matsushita Towards understanding the acetic acid resistance in Gluconacetobacter europeans. In: Modern Multidisciplinary Applied Microbiology, pp Editor: A. Mendez-Vilas, Wiley-VCH Verlag.


77 FAKULTETA ZA NARAVOSLOVJE IN MATEMATIKO Koroška cesta Maribor, Slovenija Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Osnove okoljske kemije Principles of Environmental Chemistry Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Ekologija z naravovarstvom / 1. stopnja Ecology with Nature Conservation / 1. level Študijska smer Study field / / Letnik Academic year 1 Poletni Spring Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni/ Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Peter KRAJNC Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Prerequisits: No. Vsebina: Content (Syllabus outline): 1

78 Najprej so utrdijo osnovni pojmi splošne kemije, ki so nujno potrebni za razumevanje okoljskih kemijskih procesov, v drugem delu predmeta pa je več povedano o kemiji procesov v okolju. Poudarek je na naslednjih poglavjih: Kaj je okoljska kemija Človeški vplivi na biogeokemijske cikluse Sestava atmosfere, urbana atmosfera Učinki onesnaženja zraka Procesi čiščenja zračnih polutantov Kemija stratosfere Mehanizmi kemijskega staranja materialov zaradi okoljskih procesov Organski polutanti Kemija celinskih in oceanskih voda Globalne spremembe Firstly, basic principles and laws of general chemistry, which are needed for the understanding of the environmental chemistry, are explained. In the continuation of the course, the emphasis is on the chemistry of environmental processes. The emphasis is on the following: What is environmental chemistry Human effects on biogeochemical cycles Effects of air pollution Processes of air purification Stratosphere chemistry Mechanisms of chemical weathering Organic pollutants Chemistry of continental waters and oceans Global changes Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: 1. Andrews, J. E., P. Brimblecombe, T. D. Jickells, P. S. Liss, 2003: An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry, Blackwell Science. 2. Connell, D. W., 2005: Basic Concepts of Environmental Chemistry, Lewis Publishers. 3. Lazarini, F., J. Brenčič, 1984: Splošna in anorganska kemija, DZS, Ljubljana. 4. Pine, S., 1996: Organic Chemistry 5th edition, McGraw Hill. 5. Tišler, M., 1982: Organska kemija, DZS, Ljubljana. Cilji in kompetence: Razložiti strukturne vplive spojin na reaktivnost in metabolizem v okolju Predstaviti kemizem najpogostejših spojin, ki onesnažujejo okolje (polutantov) Razložiti medsebojno povezanost ciklov elementov in njihov vpliv na ekosisteme Objectives and competences: To explain the structural influences of compounds on the environment To present the chemistry of the most common pollutants To explain interconnectivity of element cycles and their influence on ecosystems Predvideni študijski rezultati: Intended learning outcomes: 2

79 Znanje in razumevanje: Prepoznavanje polutantov in toksinov v okolju Razumevanje osnovnih kemijskih procesov preoblikovanja molekul Razumevanje povezanosti kemijskih ciklusov okolja Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Prepoznavanje spojin v okolju in njihovega pomena Jemanje vzorcev tal, vode in zraka za analizo Poznavanje in predvidevanje vpliva sintetičnih spojin na okolje Knowledge and understanding: Recognition of pollutants and toxins in environment Basic concepts of chemical reactions Understanding of environmental elemental cycles Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Recognition of compounds in the environment and their impact Sample collection for chemical analysis Prediction of the influence of synthetic compounds on the environment Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Terensko delo Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory work Field work Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Pisni izpit (ali kolokviji) 80 Laboratorijske vaje 20 Assessment: Written exam (or partial exams) Lab work Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 1. KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, JEŘÁBEK, Karel, KRAJNC, Peter, SLUGOVC, Christian. Ring opening metathesis polymerisation of emulsion templated dicyclopentadiene giving open porous materials with excellent mechanical properties. Polymer chemistry. [Print ed.], Feb. 2012, vol. 3, iss. 2, str , doi: /c2py00518b. 2. PALJEVAC, Muzafera, JEŘÁBEK, Karel, KRAJNC, Peter. Crosslinked poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) by emulsion templating : influence of crosslinker on microcellular structure. Journal of polymers and the environment, Dec. 2012, vol. 20, iss. 4, str , doi: /s

80 KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, FERK, Gregor, DROFENIK, Mihael, KRAJNC, Peter. Nanocomposite polyhipes with magnetic nanoparticles : preparation and heating effect. React. funct. polym.. [Print ed.], Available online 11 May 2012, doi: /j.reactfunctpolym PULKO, Irena, KRAJNC, Peter. High internal phase emulsion templating - a path to hierarchically porous functional polymers. Macromol. rapid commun., 2012, vol. 33, issue 20, str , doi: /marc PULKO, Irena, SANDHOLZER, Martina, KOLAR, Mitja, SLUGOVC, Christian, KRAJNC, Peter. Removal of an olefin metathesis catalyst using 4-nitrophenyl acrylate based polymer supports. Tetrahedron lett.. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 51, issue 44, str , doi: /j.tetlet Projekti/Projects: L Makroporozne polimerne membrane za separacijo biomakromolekul L Vpliv sestave polimerizacijske mešanice na latnosti poroznih monolitov J Separacija in formulacija biološko aktivnih snovi izoliranih iz rastlinskih materialov 4

81 Predmet: Subject Title: Univerza v Mariboru University of Maribor Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics OPIS PREDMETA / SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Osnove statistike Principles of Statistics Študijski program Study programme Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Študijska smer Study field Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Letnik Year 2 4 Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University subject code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Lab. work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Drago Bokal Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / slovenski/slovenian Lecture: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski/slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za Prerequisites: opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. No. Vsebina: Contents (Syllabus outline): Uvod v statistiko, statistične množice, statistične spremenljivke, prikazovanje statističnih podatkov, indeksi Basic principles of statistic - statistical sets, statistical variables, presentation of statistical data, indexes Frekvenčne porazdelitve, kako jih Frequency distribution, classification dobimo, grafično prikazovanje, data, grafical presentation, koncentracija pojava, parametri frekvenčnih porazdelitev Linearna korelacija Vzorčenje, veliki in mali vzorci, 2 test concentration, parameters of frequency distribution Linear correlation Sampling, large and small samples, chisquare Analiza variance test Analysis of variance Temeljni študijski viri / Textbooks:

82 Košmelj, B., J. Rovan, 2000: Statistično sklepanje, Ekonomska fakulteta, Ljubljana. Nemec, J., 2000: Statistika, Fakulteta za kmetijstvo, Maribor. Rovan, J., T. Turk, 2001: Analiza podatkov z SPSS za Windows, Ekonomska fakulteta, Ljubljana. Vasilj, Đ., 2000: Biometrika, Hrvatsko agronomsko društvo, Zagreb. Jamnik R., 1980: Matematična statistika, DZS, Ljubljana. Cilji: Objectives: Študent se pri predmetu seznani z matematičnimi in statističnimi metodami, ki so nujne za razumevanje strokovnih predmetov. Študent osvoji znanje uporabe teh metod na realnih podatkih, povezanih z biološkimi raziskavami. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Student learns of mathematical and statistical methods, requisite for understanding of professional subjects. The student obtains knowledge about how to apply these methods to real data from biological research. Intended learning outcomes: Znanje in razumevanje: Osnovne statistične metode Metode poučevanja in učenja: Knowledge and Understanding: Basic Statictical Methods Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja ske vaje Lectures Tutorial Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Assessment: Weight (in %) Pisni izpit Ustni izpit Projektna seminarska naloga Written examination Oral examination Project thesis Materialni pogoji za izvedbo predmeta : Predavalnica Računalniška učilnica Obveznosti študentov: (pisni, ustni izpit, naloge, projekti) Pisni izpit Ustni izpit Projektna seminarska naloga Material conditions for subject realization Lecture room Computer room Students commitments: (written, oral examination, coursework, projects): Written exam Oral examinaton Project thesis

83 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Osnove ekologije in ekologija živali Principal and Animal Ecology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Vrsta predmeta / Course type Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Obvezni / Obligatory 2.; 2nd 3.; 3rd Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Nina ŠAJNA Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Slovenščina/ Slovenian Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenščina/ Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Vsebina: Uvod v ekologijo Organizmi v okolju Pogoji in viri Življenjski cikli Ekološke aplikacije na nivoju organizmov in ene vrste Razširjanje, dormanca, metapopulacije Sobivanje in odnosi med vrstami (kompeticija, plenilstvo, parazitizem, Prerequisits: None. Content (Syllabus outline): Introduction to ecology Organisms in their environments Conditions and resources Life histories Ecological applications at the level of organisms and single species populations Dispersal, dormancy, metapopulations Species coexistence and interactions (competition, predation, parasitism, symbiosis, )

84 simbioze, ) Abundanca Ekološke aplikacije na nivoju populacij Združbe in ekosistemi Pretok energije, snovi skozi ekosistem Prehranjevalne verige Vzorci vrstne pestrosti Ekološke aplikacije na nivoju združbe in ekosistema Abundance Ecological applications at the level of population interactions Communities and ecosystems The flux of energy and matter through ecosystems Food webs Patterns in species richness Ecological applications at the level of communities and ecosystems Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Begon, M., Towsend C.R., Harper J.L., 2006: Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems. John Wiley & Sons. Cain M.L., Bowman W.D., Hacker S.D., 2014: Ecology. Sinauer Associates. Tarman, K., 1992: Osnove ekologije in ekologija živali. DZS. Tome, D., 2007: Ekologija. TZS. Dodatna literatura/ Additional literature: Gurevitch, J., Scheiner S., Fox G: 2002: Plant ecology. Sinauer Associates Inc. Publishers. Cilji in kompetence: Pregled osnovnih principov v ekologiji Poznavanje osnovnih abiotskih in biotskih dejavnikov Podati pregled osnovnih pravil, konceptov in teorij v ekologiji Pregled osnovnih relacij med osebkom in okoljem Podati osnove populacijske ekologije Razumevanje procesov in dejavnikov sobivanja osebkov in vrst Spodbujati zanimanje za ekološke raziskave in usposabljanje za načrtovanje takšnih raziskav Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študentje poznajo in razumejo temeljne ekološke zakonitosti. Poznajo glavne abiotske in biotske dejavnike v okolju. Razumejo koncept o pogojih in virih za preživetje in sobivanje. Poznajo s tem povezane prilagoditve osebkov. Spoznajo ekološke raziskave na nivoju organizma, nivoju ene vrste (avtekologija) in nivoju populacije. Objectives and competences: Overview of basic basic ecological principles To give an overview of abiotic and biotic environmental factors To give an overview of the basic ecological laws, concepts and theories To give an overview of the basic relations between the individual and its environment To introduce principles of population ecology Understanding the processes and factors enabling coexistence of individuals and species To increase the interest for ecological investigations and training of planning such investigations Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Students are familiar with and understand basic rules in ecology. They are familiar with main abiotic and biotic factors in environment. They understand the concept about conditions and resources for survival and coexistence. They are familiar with species adaptations in respect to environment. They get introduced into ecological investigations of individuals, single species, and

85 Razumejo koncept metapopulacije. Spoznajo medvrstne odnose. Poznajo definicije združb in ekosistema. Poznajo zakonitosti pretoka energije in snovi skozi ekosistem. Razumejo koncept prehranjevalne verige. Laboratorijske in terenske vaje: na primerih ekoloških raziskav razumejo proces znanstvene metode (metode vzorčenja, vzorčenje populacij, meritve okoljskih dejavnikov, ); prepoznajo in razumejo ekološke razmere v konkretnem okolju; znajo zastaviti bazično ekološko raziskavo na nivoju vrste, populacije, združbe. population. They understand the concept of metapopulation. They get to know different interspecific relationships. They know the definitions of communities and ecosystems. They familiar with the rule of energy and matter flow through ecosystem. They understand the concept of food webs. Laboratory and field work: They improve their understanding of the process of scientific research through solving ecological case studies involving sampling, measurements of environmental factors,.. They improve their skills how to plan a basic ecological study on the level of species, population or community investigation. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Terenske vaje Laboratorijske vaje Delež (v %) / Načini ocenjevanja: Weight (in %) Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt) Laboratorijsko/Terensko delo (prisotnost, dnevnik, pisni test) pogoj za pristop k izpitu Pisni izpit 100% Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Field work Laboratory work Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Lab/Field work (attendance, reports, written exam) mandatory for final exam Written exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: ŠAJNA, Nina, KUŠAR, Primož. (2014) Modeling species fitness in competitive environments. Ecological modelling, 2014, vol. 275, str NOVAK, Tone, ŠAJNA, Nina, ANTOLINC, Estera, LIPOVŠEK DELAKORDA, Saška, DEVETAK, Dušan, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc. (2014) Cold tolerance in terrestrial invertebrates inhabiting subterranean habitats. International journal of speleology, 2014, vol. 43, no. 3, str. ŠAJNA, Nina, MEISTER, Margit H., BOLHÁR NORDENKAMPF, Harald R., KALIGARIČ, Mitja. (2013) Response of semi natural wet meadow to natural geogenic CO2 enrichment. International journal of agriculture and biology, 15, no. 4, str ŠAJNA, Nina, KAVAR, Tatjana, ŠUŠTAR VOZLIČ, Jelka, KALIGARIČ, Mitja. (2012) Population genetics of the narrow endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb. (Apiaceae) indicates survival in situ during the Pleistocene. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica, 54, 1, KALIGARIČ, Mitja, MEISTER, Margit H., ŠKORNIK, Sonja, ŠAJNA, Nina, KRAMBERGER, Branko, BOLHÁR NORDENKAMPF, Harald R. (2011) Grassland succession is mediated by umbelliferous colonizers showing allelopathic potential. Plant Biosystems, 145, 3,

86 ŠAJNA, Nina, KUŠAR, Primož, SLANA NOVAK, Ljuba, NOVAK, Tone. (2011) Benefits of lowintensive grazing: co occurrence of umbelliferous plant (Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb.) and opilionid species (Phalangium opilio. L) in dry, calcareous grassland. Polish journal of ecology, vol. 59, issue 4, str ŠAJNA, Nina, KUŠAR, Primož, SLANA NOVAK, Ljuba, NOVAK, Tone. (2009) Notes on thermoand hygropreference in Leiobunum roseum C. L. Koch, 1839 (Opiliones: Sclerosomatidae) in a habitat of Hladnikia pastinacifolia Reichenbach, 1831 (Spermatophyta: Apiaceae). Contributions to natural history, no. 12, str ŠKORNIK, Sonja, ŠAJNA, Nina, KRAMBERGER, Branko, KALIGARIČ, Simona, KALIGARIČ, Mitja. (2008) Last remnants of riparian wooded meadows along the middle Drava River (Slovenia) : species composition is a response to light conditions and management. Folia geobotanica, vol. 43, no. 4, str KALIGARIČ, Mitja, SEDONJA, Jožef, ŠAJNA, Nina. (2008) Traditional agricultural landscape in Goričko Landscape Park (Slovenia) : distribution and variety of riparian stream corridors and patches. Landscape and urban planning, vol. 85, iss. 1, str , ŠAJNA, Nina, HALER, Maja, ŠKORNIK, Sonja, KALIGARIČ, Mitja (2007) Survival and expansion of Pistia stratiotes L. in a thermal stream in Slovenia. Aquatic botany, 87,

87 Predmet: Subject Title: Univerza v Mariboru University of Maribor Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics OPIS PREDMETA / SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Pedogeografija Pedogeography Študijski program Study programme Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Študijska smer Study field Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Letnik Year 2 Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University subject code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Lab. work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Ana VOVK KORŽE Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / slovenski/slovenian Lecture: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski/slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za Prerequisites: opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. No. Vsebina: Contents (Syllabus outline): Opredelitev prsti kot naravnega vira pokrajine. Definition of soils as natural potential in landscape. Dejavniki nastanka in razvoja prsti. Soil development and soil genesis Sestava prsti (mineralni in organski del). Fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti prsti. Profili prsti in horizonti. Značilnosti prsti na Zemlji in njihova sistematika. Prsti v Sloveniji. Preučevanje prsti v pokrajini. Sonaravno gospodarjenje s prstjo in sanacija tal z ekoremediacijami. factors. Soil structure (mineral and organic compartments) Physical and chemical properties of soils. Soil profil and soil horizon. Soils properties in the World and their clasification. Soils in Slovenia. Soil investigation in landscape.

88 Temeljni študijski viri / Textbooks: Sustainable management of soils and their sanitation with ecoremediation. Ellis, S., 1995: Soils and environment. Routledge, London. Lovrenčak, F., 1994: Pedobiogeografija. Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana. Vovk Korţ e, A., Lovrenčak, F., 2001: Priročnik za laboratorijske analize prsti v geografiji. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za geografijo; v Mariboru: Pedagoška fakulteta. Vovk Korţ e, A., Lovrenčak, F., 2004: Priročnik za spoznavanje prsti na terenu. FF, Ljubljana. Cilji: Objectives: Študentje spoznajo prsti kot naravno sestavino pokrajine, ki odločilno vpliva na način ţ ivljenja ljudi zlasti v ruralnih območjih sveta. Seznanijo se z naravnimi in druţ benimi dejavniki, ki vplivajo na nastajanje prsti. Analitično spoznajo sestavo prsti, pedogenetske dejavnike in procese, fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti prsti, klasifikacijo prsti in antropogene posege v prsti. Spoznajo ekoremediacije za sanacijo degradiranih tal. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Students have posibility to understand soil as national potential which has an important influence on living in rural areas. They learn about natural and social factors influencing the soil formation. They learn analitically the ways of soils structure, soil process, phisical and chemical properties, soil clasification and anthropogenous influence on soils. They provide knowledge about ecoremediations as a mean of natural sanitaton. Intended learning outcomes: Znanje in razumevanje: Poznavanje pomena prsti v pokrajini Prepoznavanje tipov prsti in njihovih lastnosti Razumevanje razprostranjenosti prsti v svetu in v Sloveniji Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: veščine pedološkega terenskega dela sinteza naravnih in druţ benih dejavnikov Metode poučevanja in učenja: Knowledge and Understanding: Knowladge of soil importance in landscape. Determination of soil types and their properties. Understanding of soil distribution in the World and in Slovenia. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: pedological field work skill syntesis of natural and social factors in landscape Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Terenske vaje Individualno delo Načini ocenjevanja: Deleţ (v %) / Weight (in %) Lectures Laboratory excersises Field excersises Individual work Assessment:

89 Pisni izpit 50 Ustni izpit 50 Materialni pogoji za izvedbo predmeta : Multimedijska predavalnica Terenska oprema Obveznosti študentov: (pisni, ustni izpit, naloge, projekti) Pisni izpit Ustni izpit Written examination Oral examination Material conditions for subject realization Lecture hall for multimedia presentations Field equipment Students commitments: (written, oral examination, coursework, projects): Written examination Oral examination

90 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Populacijska ekologija Population Ecology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnje Ecology with nature protection, 1st. degree Vrsta predmeta / Course type Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year obvezni / obligatory 3 5 Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Davorin TOME Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Slovenski /Slovenian Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski /Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni Vsebina: Čeprav ekologijo pogosto delimo na rastlinsko, živalsko, morsko itd., so v osnovi ekološki mehanizmi na vseh področjih enaki. Še posebej se to kaže pri mehanizmih delovanja populacij. Enake populacijske zakonitosti veljajo pri rastlinah, živalih, med populacijami globokomorskih združb ali med bakterijami ali glivami. Namen predmeta je predstaviti osnovne populacijske procese in pojasniti, Prerequisits: No Content (Syllabus outline): We frequently divide ecology to plant ecology, animal ecology, marine ecology etc., although basic ecological processes in all are the same. This is especially evident in populations. The same population principles rules among plants, animals, among populations of deep sea vent communities, among bacteria, fungi. Aim of the course is to present basic population processes, and

91 kako vplivajo na populacijsko dinamiko. Osrednji del predmeta bo namenjen spoznavanju populacijskih procesov: rodnost, smrtnost, od gostote odvisni ter od gostote neodvisni mehanizmi, kompenzacijska točka, razlike med populacijami s prekritimi in ločenimi generacijami, kako na populacijske procese vplivajo abiotski in biotski dejavniki itd. Teoretično znanje bo ilustrirano s praktičnimi primeri. to explain how do they influence the population dynamics. The central part of the lecture will be understanding of population processes: birth, mortality, density dependent, density independent processes, compensation point, differences among populations with discrete and overlapping generations, influence of abiotic and biotic conditions on population processes. Theoretical background will be throughout illustrated with practical examples. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Begon, M., J.L. Harper, C.R. Townsend, 1996: Ecology. Blackwell Science. Begon, M., M. Mortimer, D.J. Thompson, 1996: Population ecology. Blackwell Science Pianka, E.R., 2000: Evolutionary ecology. Addison Wesley Educational Publishers. Tarman, K., 1994: Osnove ekologije in ekologija živali. DZS Cilji in kompetence: Predstaviti populacijo kot osnovno ekološko enoto in njene lastnosti Predstaviti neposredne in posredne vzroke, mehanizme in procese, ki vplivajo na populacijsko dinamiko Objectives and competences: To present a population as a basic ecological unit, and its characteristics To present direct and indirect causes, mechanisms and processes influencing population dynamics Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študentje spoznajo ravnovesje med različnimi populacijskimi mehanizmi, ki določajo populacijsko velikost in dinamiko Spoznajo, da so kljub identičnim populacijskim mehanizmom reakcije različnih vrst na spremembe v okolju različne, kar je v veliki meri posledica razlik v življenjskih strategijah Naučijo se opisati lastnosti populacij Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Pridobljeno znanje bo mogoče aplicirati na naravovarstvene probleme, kdaj so problemi za populacijo lahko kritični, kdaj ne Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Students capture a balance between different population processes, resulting in the population size and dynamics Students understand that in spite of similar population rules, species differ in reactions to similar environmental changes as a consequence of different life history traits They learn to describe population characteristics Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: The knowledge will be applicable to conservation problems better understanding 2

92 of, when a problem is critical to a population and when is not Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja sko delo Načini ocenjevanja: sko delo pisno in ustno (predpogoj za udeležbo na izpitu) Pisni izpit Learning and teaching methods: Lectures work Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: work written and oral 20 presentation (obligatory before the exam) 80 Written exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 1. TOME, Davorin, DENAC, Damijan. Survival and development of predator avoidance in the postfledging period of the Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) : consequences for conservation measures. J. Ornithol., 2012, vol. 153, no. 1, str , doi: /s [COBISS.SI ID ] 2. TOME, Davorin. Post fledging survival and dynamics of dispersal in Long eared Owls Asio otus. Bird study, 2011, vol. 58, no. 2, str doi: / [COBISS.SI ID ] 3. DENAC, Damijan, KOCE, Urša, TOME, Davorin, VREZEC, Al. Lov in uravnavanje populacij ptic = Hunting and population regulation in birds. Varst. narave, 2010, št. 23, str [COBISS.SI ID ] 4. AL SAYEGH PETKOVŠEK, Samar, TOME, Davorin, POKORNY, Boštjan. Ocena tveganja zaradi prehoda svinca (Pb) iz tal prek prehranjevalne verige v male sesalce (na primeru pehotnih strelišč) = Risk assessment of lead contamination for small mammal food chains (case studyfor shooting ranges). Zb. gozd. lesar. (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], 2010, št. 91, str , ilustr. [COBISS.SI ID ] 5. TOME, Davorin, KROFEL, Miha, MIHELIČ, Tomaž. The diet of the raven Corvus corax in southwest Slovenia = Dieta del corvo imperiale Corvus corax in Slovenia sud occidentale = Prehrana krokarja Corvus corax v jugozahodni Sloveniji. Ann, Ser. hist. nat., 2009, vol. 19, no. 2, str [COBISS.SI ID ] 6. TOME, Davorin. Changes in the diet of long eared owl Asio otus: seasonal patterns of dependence on vole abundance = Cambios en la dieta del búho chico Asio otus: dependencia de la abundancia de topillos en los patrones estacionales. Ardeola, 2009, letn. 56, št. 1, str [COBISS.SI ID ] 7. VREZEC, Al, DENAC, Damijan, TOME, Davorin. Krokar Corvus corax na ozemlju Slovenije in bližnje okolice: analiza pojavljanja od pleistocena do danes ter odnos človeka do vrste = The 3

93 Common Raven Corvus corax within the territory of Slovenia and its neighbouring countries: an analysis of the species occurrence from the Pleistocene to the present time and human's relationship with this bird species. Scopolia, 2009, št. 66, str. 1 63, ilustr. [COBISS.SI ID ] 8. TOME, Davorin, DENAC, Damijan. Individualno barvno obročkanje kot metoda v varstveni biologiji preliminarni rezultati študije repaljščice (Saxicola rubetra) na Ljubljanskem barju = Individual colour ringing as a conservation biology method preliminary results of the Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) case study at Ljubljansko barje (Central Slovenia). V: GREGORI, Janez (ur.). Scopolia Supplementum , (Scopolia, Supplementum, 4). Ljubljana: Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije: = Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2009, str [COBISS.SI ID ] 4

94 Predmet: Subject Title: Univerza v Mariboru University of Maribor Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics OPIS PREDMETA / SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Populacijska genetika Population Genetics Študijski program Study programme Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Študijska smer Study field Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Letnik Year 3 Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University subject code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Lab. work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Uroš POTOČNIK Jeziki / Predavanja / slovenski/slovenian Languages: Lecture: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski/slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za Prerequisites: opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. No. Vsebina: Contents (Syllabus outline): Osnove molekularne genetike: DNA Basic molecular genetics: DNA structure struktura in lastnosti, replikacija and characteristics, replication (prokarioti, eukarioti), rekombinacija (prokaryotes, eukaryotes), DNA, popravljalni mehanizmi DNA, recombination, repair and mutations, mehanizem nastanka mutacij DNA, organization, structure and function of organizacija, struktura in funkcija genes and chromosomes, genome genov, struktura genoma (rastlinski, structure (plant, animal, human), živalski in človeški), transkripcija, transcription (prokaryotes, eukaryotes), translacija, regulacija genske translation, regulation of gene ekspresije expression Osnove dedovanja, kromosomska Chromosomal basis of heredity, teorija dednosti, Mendlovo dedovanje, Mendelian inheritance, polygenic poligensko dedovanje inheritance

95 Gensko mapiranje, mitohondrijski genom Mutacije, polimorfizmi v DNA in v proteinih, fenotip, genotip, alelna frekvenca, haplotipi, haplotiski bloki (projekt HapMap), Hardy-Weinbergov zakon, analiza genetske vezave, vezavno neravnotežje (linkage disequilibrium) Velikost in struktura populacije Naravni izbor, mutacije, genetski zdrs, genski pretok, parjenje v sorodstvu Molekularna evolucija, molekularna ura, nastanek genomov, genetika ogroženih vrst Kvantitativna genetika Genetsko testiranje posameznikov in populacije: metode genske tipizacije in določanja mutacij, genski testi v medicini (monogenske genetske bolezni, kompleksne genetske bolezni), preiskava DNA za tipizacijo tkiv in za osebno identifikacijo (forenzika) Vloga molekularne in populacijske genetike v sodobni družbi: etični, sociološki in ekonomski vidiki Gene mapping, mitochondrial genome Mutations, polymorphisms, phenotype, genotype, allele frequency, haplotypes, haplotype blocks (HapMap project), the Hardy-Weinberg law, linkage analysis, linkage disequilibrium Size and structure of population Natural selection, mutations, genetic drift, gene flow, inbreeding Molecular evolution, molecular clocks, how genomes evolve, conservation genetics Quantitative traits Gene testing in individuals and populations: mutation detection and genotyping methods, genetic testing in medicine (genetic diseases with classical Mendelian and complex inheritance), DNA analysis in forensics and bone marrow transplantation typing Molecular and population genetic and society: ethical, social and economical issues Temeljni študijski viri / Textbooks: Hedrick, P.W.2004: Genetics of Populations. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, Inc., 3rd ed. Klug, M., M. R. Cummings, 2003: Genetics: A Molecular Perspective. Pearson Education, Inc. New Jersey. Strachan, T., A. P. READ, 2004: Human Molecular genetics. Gerland Publish, Inc., New York, 3rd ed. Cilji: Študenti bodo seznanjeni z osnovnimi koncepti populacijske genetike. Poudarek v razumevanju genetske raznolikosti populacije in evolucijsko pomebnih genov bo na interpretaciji novih informacij, pridobljenih z modernimi pristopi molekularne genetike kot so sekvenciranje celotnih genomov in primerjalna genomika. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Objectives: Students will be provided with basic population genetics principles. The focus will be on new molecular data including genome projects that compare population samples to identify patterns of genetic diversity and genes that have been under selection which helps to understand molecular evolution. Intended learning outcomes:

96 Znanje in razumevanje: Zakonitosti prenosa genetske informacije med generacijami Povezave med genotipom in fenotipom Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na frekvenco DNA polimorfizmov in genetsko raznolikost v različnih populacijah Vloga mutacij in genetske raznolikosti v molekularni evoluciji Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Pristopi in orodja statistične genetike Metode poučevanja in učenja: Knowledge and Understanding: Principals of heredity and transfer of genetic information between generations Correlations genotype-phenotype Factors that influence frequency of DNA polymorphisms and genetic diversity in different populations The role of mutations and genetic diversity in evolution Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Approaches and program tools for statistical genetics Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja ske vaje Lectures Tutorial Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Assessment: Weight (in %) Pisni izpit Ustni izpit Written examination Oral examination Materialni pogoji za izvedbo predmeta : Računalniška učilnica Obveznosti študentov: (pisni, ustni izpit, naloge, projekti) Pisni izpit Ustni izpit Material conditions for subject realization Computer room Students commitments: (written, oral examination, coursework, projects): Written examination Oral examination

97 Predmet: Subject Title: Univerza v Mariboru University of Maribor Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics OPIS PREDMETA / SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Pregled gozdnih združb Slovenije Overview of Forest Communities in Slovenia Študijski program Study programme Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Študijska smer Study field Ekologija z naravovarstvom /Ecology with Nature Conservation Letnik Year 2 Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University subject code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Lab. work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Andraž ČARNI Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / slovenski/slovenian Lecture: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski/slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za Prerequisites: opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. No. Vsebina: Contents (Syllabus outline): V okviru predmeta bodo predstavljene gozdne združbe: njihova zgradba, dinamika, in ekološke razmere. Obravnavane bodo tudi različne metode opisa in obdelave gozdnih združb, s various methods of posebnim poudarkom na floristični metodi. Študenti se bodo seznanili s poglavitnimi tipi gozdne vegetacije v Sloveniji ter se spoznali z metodologijo vzorčenja in obdelave podatkov o gozdnih združbah. Poseben poudarek bo na pomenu gozdnih združb kot indikatorju za stanje okolja. Poleg tega se bodo seznanijo z načinom predstavitve gozdnih združb na In the frame of the subject, the forest communities will be elaborated: structure, dynamics and ecological circumstances. The subject deals with description and elaboration of communities, with special attention called to the floristical method. Students will make acquaintance with the principal types of forest vegetation and learn about methods of sampling and data elaboration in vegetation science. The possiblity of forest comunities as an indicator of ecological circumstances will be discussed. The

98 vegetacijski karti. Znanja, pridobljena na predavanjih, bodo študenti utrdili na praktičnih vajah in pri terenskem pouku. Pridobljeno znanje bodo preizkusili v okviru samostojnega dela. methodology of communities presentation in the vegetation map will be presented. The knowledge acquired on lectures will be used in practical and field work during their individual work. Temeljni študijski viri / Textbooks: Čarni, A., 1993: Bibliographia phytosociologica Slovenica. Excerpta botanica, sectio B. 29/4, 30/1. L. Marinček, A. Čarni, 2000: Die Unterverbände der Hainbuchenwälder des Verbandes Erythronio-Carpinion (Horvat 1938) Marinček in Wallnöfer, Mucina et Grass Scopolia 45. Marinček, L., 1987: Bukovi gozdovi na Slovenskem. Delavska enotnost, Ljubljana. Marinček, L., A. Čarni 2002: Komentar k vegetacijski karti gozdnih združb Slovenije 1: , karta, CD, Založba ZRC, Ljubljana. Marinček, L., A. Čarni, P. Košir, A. Marinšek, U. Šilc, I. Zelnik, 2003: Komentar k vegetacijski karti gozdnih združb Slovenije 1: list Novo mesto, karta, CD, Založba ZRC. Zupančič, M., 1999: Smrekovi gozdovi Slovenije. Dela SAZU. Bohn, U., G. Gollub, C. Hettwer, Z. Neuhäuslová, T. Raus, H. Schlüter, H. Weber, 2004: Map of Natural Vegetation of Europe, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn. Dierschke, H., 1994: Pflanzensoziologie. Ulmer, Stuttgart. Hennekens, S. M., J. H. J. Schamineé, 2001: Turboveg, a comprehensive data base management system for vegetation data. Journal of vegetation science 12. Mucina, L., G. Grabherr, S. Wallnöfer, 1993: Die Pflanzengesellschaften Österreichs. Teil III, Wälder und Gebüsche. Gustav Fisher, Jena. Pfadenauer, J., 1997: Vegetationsökologie. IHW, Eching. Pignatti, S., 1998: I boschi d'italia. Sinecologia e biodiversita, UTET, Torino. Rodwell, J., J. H. J. Schamineé, L. Mucina, S. Pignatti, J. Dring, D. Moss, 2002: The diversity of European vegetation. An overview of phytosociological alliances and their relationship to EUNIS habitats. Wageningen, NL. EC-LNV. Report EC-LNV nr. 2002/054. Tichy 2002: JUICE, software for vegetation classification. Journal of vegetation science 13. Van der Maarel, E., 2005: Vegetation ecology, Blackwell, Oxford. Vukelić, J., Đ. Rauš, 1998: Šumarska fitocenologija i šumske zajednice u Hrvatskoj. Sveućilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb. Cilji: Spoznati značilnosti gozdnih združb (morfologija, ekologija, dinamika, kronologija, horologija, sistematika) Podati pregled nad gozdno vegetacijo Evrope in Slovenije Predstaviti metode zajemanja podatkov za analizo gozdnih združb Obdelava podatkov o gozdnih združbah in njihova predstavitev Predstavitev gozdnih združb v krajini - vegetacijsko kartiranje Objectives: To know the characteristics of forest communities (morphology, ecology, dynamics, chronology, horology, sistematics) To give an overview of forest vegetation of Europe and of Slovenia Present the sampling methods for the vegetation analysis Elaboration of data and presetation of results Presentation of forest communities in the

99 Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Razumevanje gozdne vegetacije v krajini Prepoznavanje osnovnih gozdnih tipov Analize gozdnih združb Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Prepoznavanje združb na terenu Metologija vzorčenja in obdelave Seznanjanje s samostojo uporabo literature Kritično vrednotenje metodologije Pisanje poročila Uporaba strokovnega izrazoslovja Pridobivanje teoretičnega in praktičnega znanja o gozdnih združbah Poznavanje osnovnih tipov gozdne vegetacije Slovenije Metode poučevanja in učenja: landscape - vegetation mapping Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Comprehension of forest vegetation in landscape Recognition of basic forest types Analysis of forest communities Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Recognition of communities in the field Methodology of sampling and elaboration Use of literature sources Critical evaluation of methodogy Writting of reports Proper use of teminology Acquisition of teoretical and practical knowledge of forest communities; Knowledge of basic forest communties in the field Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Terenske vaje Individualno delo Izdelava naloge Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Ustni izpit 50 Pisni izpit 50 Lectures Laboratory excersises Field excersises Individual work Preparation of a report Assessment: Oral examination Written examination Materialni pogoji za izvedbo predmeta : Multimedijska predavalnica Računalniška učilnica Ekskurzije na terenu Obveznosti študentov: (pisni, ustni izpit, naloge, projekti) Pisno poročilo Ustni izpit Pisni izpit Material conditions for subject realization Lecture hall for multimedia presentations Laboratory with computers Field excursions Students commitments: (written, oral examination, coursework, projects): Written report Oral examination Written examination

100 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Rastlinska biotehnologija in okolje Plant Biotechnology and the Environment Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvomecology with Nature Conservation, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 2. ali 3.; 2nd or 3rd 3. ali 5.; 3rd or 5th Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni; Optional Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jana AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / slovenski / Slovene Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Pogojev ni. Prerequisits: None.

101 Vsebina: Predmet je pregledna predstavitev rastlinske biotehnologije s poudarkom na vplivih na okolje in človeško družbo. Podane so osnove različnih biotehnoloških metod s področij rastlinskih tkivnih kultur in genetskega inženirstva rastlin. Predmet omogoča osnovno razumevanje vpliva rastlinske biotehnologije na kmetijstvo, prehrano, medicino, industrijo in upravljanje z okoljem. Polemizira sporne vidike biotehnologije v zvezi z vplivi na okolje in človeško družbo. Content (Syllabus outline): The subject is an introductory course focusing on the impact of biotechnology on environments and human society. It introduces different biotechnological techniques, grouped in plant tissue culture, and plant genetic engineering. The subject enables basic understanding of impact of plant biotechnology on agriculture, food, medicine, industry, and environmental management. Controversial aspects of biotechnology are discussed in relation to their impact on environments and social community. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Bohanec, B.: 1992: Tehnike rastlinskih tkivnih kultur. Biotehniška fakulteta, Ljubljana. Chawla H.S Introduction To Plant Biotechnology. Oxford & IBH Publishing Company Pvt. Limited Chawla, H. S., 2003: Plant Biotechnology: practical approach. Science Publishers, Enfield Pierik, R. L. M., 1997: In vitro culture of higher plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht Raspor, P. (ur.), 1996: Biotehnologija, Osnovna znanja. BIA, Ljubljana Thomas B. (ur.), 2003: Encycopledia of applied plant sciences. Elsevier, Academic press, Amsterdam Thieman W. J. in Palladino M. A., Introduction to Biotechnology, Pearson.education, Inc, publishing as Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco George E.F Plant propagation by tissue culture: Part 1: The technology, Part 2: In practice. Exegenetics Limited, Edington. George E. F., Hall M. A. in De Klerk, G.J. (Eds.) Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture. Vol 1 and Vol 2. Exegetics, Basingstoke, UK Trigiano R.N. in Gray D.J Plant tissue culture concepts and laboratory. CRC Press, Boca Raton. Kleyn J., Scoggins H. in Bridgen M Plants from Test Tubes: An Introduction to Micropropogation. Timber Press Izbrani članki iz znanstvenih revij / Selected papers from scientific journals Cilji in kompetence: Predstaviti rastlinsko biotehnologijo Predstaviti vpliv rastlinske biotehnologije na okolje in človeško družbo. Predstaviti različne biotehnološke metode s področij rastlinskih tkivnih kultur in genetskega inženirstva rastlin. Predstaviti vpliv rastlinske biotehnologije na kmetijstvo, prehrano, medicino, industrijo in upravljanje z okoljem. Predstaviti nasprotujoče si vidike biotehnologije, zlasti v zvezi z vplivi na okolje in človeško družbo. Objectives and competences: Introduces plant biotechnology. Introduces the impact of plant biotechnology on environments and human society. Introduces different biotechnological techniques grouped in plant tissue culture and plant genetic engineering. Introduces the impact of biotechnology on agriculture, food, medicine, industry, and environmental management. Introduces controversial aspects of biotechnology, especially in the relation with environments and human society.

102 Predstaviti detekcijske in kvantifikacijske metode za spremljanje genetsko spremenjenih organizmov v surovinah in prehrambnih izdelkih. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Poznavanje osnov in uporabe rastlinskih tkivnih kultur. Biologija gojenja rastlinskih celic. Pregled genskega inženirstva rastlin. Zgradba rastlinskih genov in razlike z ostalimi evkariotskimi in prokariotskimi geni Kloniranje genov. Genetsko spreminjanje rastlin. Možnosti uporabe rastlinske biotehnologije. Možni vplivi rastlinske biotehnologije na življenje posameznika. Možni vplivi biotehnologije na okolje. Etični, pravni, ekonomski in socialni vidiki rastlinske biotehnologije. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Osnovne spretnosti, pomembne za praktično eksperimentalno delo: opazovanje, merjenje, ravnanje z rastlinskim materialom, kemikalijami, steklovino, osnovnimi aparaturami, zbiranje rezultatov, načrtovanje poskusov, vrednotenje rezultatov, poročanje. Sodelovalno delo, projektno delo. Poznavanje nekaterih laboratorijskih metod in tehnik dela. Varno delo v laboratoriju. Introduce detection of and quantification methods in genetically modified organism monitoring in row materials and food products. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Basic principles and application of plant tissue culture. Biology of cultured plant cells. An overview of genetic engineering of plants The structure of plant genes and differences with respect to other eukaryotic and prokaryotic genes. Cloning of a gene. Genetic modifications of plants. Abilities of using biotechnology. Potencial impacts of biotechnology on individual`s life. Potencial impacts of biotechnology on environments. Ethical, legacy, economics and social issues of plant biotechnology. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Basic skills important for practical experimental work: observations, measurements, manipulation with plant material, chemicals, glass wares and other equipments, collecting data, designing experiments, analyzing data, reporting. Collaborative learning, project work. Knowledge of selected laboratory methods and techniques. Safe working practice in laboratory. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja s študijami primerov Laboratorijske vaje Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Načini ocenjevanja: Izpit, seminarska naloga s predstavitvijo in zagovorom, poročilo iz laboratorijskega dela 50/50/0 Learning and teaching methods: Lectures with case studies Laboratory exercises Sesminar Assessment: Exam, seminar work with presentation, laboratory report,

103 Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK, Jana, KOVAČ, Maja, ŽEL, Jana, CAMLOH, Marjana. Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) from the northern Adriatic as a potential source of natural insecticide. Ann, Ser. hist. nat., 2007, letn. 17, št. 1, str AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK, Jana, CAMLOH, Marjana, ŽEL, Jana, KOVAČ, Maja, RAVNIKAR, Maja, CARRARO, Luigi, PETROVIČ, Nataša. Phytoplasma infection may affect morphology, regeneration and pyrethrin content in pyrethrum shoot culture. Sci. hortic.. [Print ed.], 2008, vol. 116, no. 2, str AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK, Jana, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ŽEL, Jana, DEMŠAR, Tina, CAMLOH, Marjana, CANKAR, Katarina, DREO, Tanja. Tissue culture of Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) and associated microbial contamination = Tkivna kultura bolhača (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) in z njo povezana okužba z mikroorganizmi. Acta biol. slov.. [Tiskana izd.], 2010, vol. 53, št. 1, str CAMLOH, Marjana, AMBROŽIČ DOLINŠEK, Jana. In vitro regeneration systems of Platycerium. V: FERNÁNDEZ, Helena (ur.), KUMAR, Ashwani (ur.), REVILLA, Maria Ángeles (ur.). Working with ferns : issues and applications. New York [etc.]: Springer, cop. 2011, str

104 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Raziskovalne metode v biologiji in ekologiji Scientific methods in biology and ecology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 3. 3rd 6. 6th Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni/Obligatory ali Izbirni/Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Sonja ŠKORNIK; Saška LIPOVŠEK Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Vsebina: V okviru predmeta bodo študentje spoznali različne metode dela z organizmi, združbami organizmov in habitati. Seznanili se bodo z načini uporabe različnih tehnik mikroskopiranja, eksperimentov z organizmi v laboratoriju in na prostem. Prerequisits: No. Content (Syllabus outline): Students will get familiar with different research methods with organisms, communities and habitats. They will get familiar with different techniques of using microscope, performing experiments with organisms in the laboratory and in teh nature. They will get familiar with different

105 Seznanili se bodo z različnimi raziskovalnimi metodami, vključno z obdelavo podatkov in predstavitvijo rezultatov in diskusijo. researchmethods, including elaboration and analysis of data, presenting the results and discussion. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Jones A., Reed R., Weyers J. Practical skills in biology. 1994, Longman, London Moore P.D., Chapman S.B. (Ur.) Methods in Plant Ecology. 1986, Blackwell, Oxford. Smith R.L., Smith T.M. Ecology and field biology. 2001, Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco Cilji in kompetence: Predstaviti več tehnik in aparatur za delo v biologiji in ekologiji. Predstaviti več metod, ki se uporabljajo v botaniki in ekologiji. Predstaviti obdelavo podatkov, predstavitev rezultatov in diskusijo. Objectives and competences: To learn the techniques and equipment for scientific research in biology and ecology. To learn methods, which are in use in biology and ecology. To learn how to elaborate the data, presentation of the results and discussion. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Poznavanje različnih metod dela v biologiji in ekologiji. Obvladovanje različnih metod obdelave in predstavitve rezultatov. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Seznanitev z metodami in obdelavo ter predstavitve rezultatov. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of different methods in biology and ecology. Understanding and knowledge of different metods for elaboration and presentation of data. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Getting familiar with the methods and data elaboration as well as with presentation of the results Metode poučevanja in učenja: Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja ji Laboratorijske vaje Lectures s Laboratory excersises 2

106 Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: ska naloga in njena javna predstavitev Pisni izpit work and public presentation on it Written exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: Sonja ŠKORNIK: PIPENBAHER, Nataša, KALIGARIČ, Mitja, MASON, Norman W. H., ŠKORNIK, Sonja. Dry calcareous grasslands from two neighboring biogeographic regions: relationship between plant traits and rarity. Biodiversity and conservation, ISSN , 2013, vol. 22, iss. 10, str , doi: /s [COBISS.SI ID ] PIPENBAHER, Nataša, ŠKORNIK, Sonja, CARVALHO, Gustavo Henrique de, BATALHA, Marco Antônio. Phylogenetic and functional relationships in pastures and meadows from the North Adriatic Karst. Plant ecology, ISSN , 2013, vol. 214, iss. 4, str , doi: /s y. [COBISS.SI ID ] ŠKORNIK, Sonja, HARTMAN, Klavdija, KALIGARIČ, Mitja. Relation between CSR functional signatures of dry grasslands from two contrasting geological substrates = Relazione tra sigle funzionali CSR di pascoli aridi su due substrati geologici contrastanti. Ann, Ser. hist. nat., 2010, vol. 20, št. 2, str ŠKORNIK, Sonja, VIDRIH, Matej, KALIGARIČ, Mitja. The effect of grazing pressure on species richness, composition and productivity in North Adriatic Karst pastures. Plant Biosyst. (Firenze, Testo stamp.), 2010, vol. 144, no. 2, str Saška LIPOVŠEK: LIPOVŠEK DELAKORDA, Saška, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc, NOVAK, Tone. Autophagic activity in the midgut gland of the overwintering harvestmen Gyas annulatus (Phalangiidae, Opiliones). Arthropod structure & development, ISSN , 2014, str. 1 8, ilustr., doi: /j.asd [COBISS.SI ID ] NOVAK, Tone, ŠAJNA, Nina, ANTOLINC, Estera, LIPOVŠEK DELAKORDA, Saška, DEVETAK, Dušan, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc. Cold tolerance in terrestrial invertebrates inhabiting subterranean habitats. International journal of speleology, ISSN , 2014, vol. 43, no. 3, str. r39 r X , doi: / X [COBISS.SI ID ] NOVAK, Tone, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc, LIPOVŠEK DELAKORDA, Saška. Contribution of non troglobiotic terrestrial invertebrates to carbon input in hypogean habitats = Prispevek prezimujočih 3

107 netroglobiontskih kopenskih nevretenčarjev k vnosu ogljika v podzemeljske habitate. Acta carsologica, ISSN , 2013, letn. 42, št. 2/3, str , tabele. doi: /ac.v42i [COBISS.SI ID ] LIPOVŠEK DELAKORDA, Saška, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc, LEITINGER, Gerd, RUPNIK, Marjan. Rab3a ablation related changes in morphology of secretory vesicles in major endocrine pancreatic cells, pituitary melanotroph cells and adrenal gland chromaffin cells in mice. General and comparative endocrinology, ISSN , 2013, vol. 185, str [COBISS.SI ID ] 4

108 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Sistematika in filogenija nevretenčarjev Systematycs and phylogeny of Invertebrates Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 2.; 2nd 3.; 3rd Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni/Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Dušan DEVETAK Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Vsebina: Principi živalske sistematike Protozoa, praživali Porifera, spužve. Placozoa, plakozoji Cnidaria, ožigalkarji. Ctenophora, rebrače Plathelminthes, ploskavci. Mesozoa. Aschelminthes : Cycloneuralia and Gnathifera Mollusca, mehkužci Prerequisits: No. Content (Syllabus outline): Coping with animal diversity Protozoa Porifera and Placozoa Cnidaria and Ctenophora Plathelminthes.Mesozoa Aschelminthes : Cycloneuralia and Gnathifera Mollusca

109 Nemertea, nitkarji Annelida, kolobarniki. Echiurida, zvezdaši Arthropoda, členonožci: Trilobitomorpha, Chelicerata, Mandibulata (Crustacea, Myriapoda, Hexapoda) Lophophorata, lofoforati. Chaetognatha, ščetinočeljustnice Hemichordata, polstrunarji. Chordata, strunarji Echinodermata, iglokožci Evolucija nevretenčarjev Nemertea Annelida. Echiurida. Arthropoda: Trilobitomorpha, Chelicerata, Mandibulata (Crustacea, Myriapoda, Hexapoda) Lophophorata Chaetognatha Hemichordata andchordata Echinodermata Patterns of Invertebrate Evolution Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Devetak, D., Klokočovnik, V. (2013). Praktikum iz zoologije nevretenčarjev. Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko. Maribor. Brusca, R. C., G. J. Brusca, 2002: Invertebrates. 2nd ed. Sinauer, Sunderland. Ruppert, E. E., R. D. Barnes, 2002: Invertebrate Zoology. 6th ed. Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, New York. Ruppert, E.E., Fox R.S., Barnes R.D. (2004). Invertebrate Zoology.A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Thomson, Victoria, Toronto, London. Sket, B., M. Gogala, V. Kuštor, 2003: Živalstvo Slovenije. Tehniška založba, Ljubljana Nielsen, C. (2012). Animal evolution : interrelationships of the living phyla. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Cilji in kompetence: Predstaviti temeljne skupine nevretenčarjev Podati povezavo med gradbenim planom in načinom življenja Predstaviti raznolikost in kompleksnost nevretenčarjev Podati evolucijski pristop pri študiju nevretenčarjev Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Povezava med organizacijo živalskega telesa in okoljem živali Kompleksnost živalskih skupin Poznavanje biodiverzitete na svetovnem nivoju Razumevanje glavnih evolucijskih trendov pri nevretenčarjih Objectives and competences: To present fundamental invertebrate groups To give the relations between animal Bauplan and its environment To present diversity and complexity of Animal Kingdom To give an evolutionary approach in the study of invertebrates Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Relation between animal organisation and its environment Complexity of animal groups Knowledge of biodiversity at the global level Understanding of the major evolutionary trends in invertebrates 2

110 Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Sposobnost načrtovati in izvesti preprosta opazovanja in eksperimente na nevretenčarjih Sposobnost ovrednotiti rezultate poskusa Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Ability to arrange simple observations and experiments with invertebrates Ability to evaluate results of an experiment Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje individualno eksperimentalno delo Terensko delo Načini ocenjevanja: Kolokvij iz vaj Pisni izpit Pozitivno opravljen kolokvij iz laboratorijskih vaj je je pogoj za pristop k izpitu. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory excersises individual experimental practice Field work Assessment: Examination of exercises Written examination Positive result of the exercise examination is a prerequisite for the written exame. Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: DEVETAK, D., KLOKOČOVNIK, V., LIPOVŠEK, S., BOCK, E., LEITINGER, G. (2013). Larval morphology of the antlion Myrmecaelurus trigrammus (Pallas, 1771) (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae), with notes on larval biology. Zootaxa, 3641(4): DEVETAK, D., OMERZU, M., CLOPTON, R. E. (2013). Notes on the gregarines (Protozoa: Apicomplexa: Eugregarinorida) of insects in Slovenia. Annales, Series historia naturalis, 23 (1): DEVETAK, D., PODLESNIK, J., KLOKOČOVNIK, V., JANŽEKOVIČ, F. (2013). Antlions (Insecta: Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) of Albania. Turkish journal of zoology, 37(3): DEVETAK, D., KLOKOČOVNIK, V., RAUSCH, H., JANŽEKOVIČ, F. (2014). Fauna of the Neuropterida (Raphidioptera, Neuroptera) of the Protected area Jasen, Macedonia : a summer flash. Turkish journal of zoology,

111 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Sistematika in filogenija nižjih rastlin Systematics and phylogeny of lower plants Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 1; 1st 2.; 2nd Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni/Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Sonja ŠKORNIK Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Vsebina: Uvod: razlaga pojmov, pomen in cilji sistematike in taksonomije, razvoj klasifikacije in sistemov, metode klasifikacije, sistematski nivoji in poimenovanja, botanično delovanje na Slovenskem. Predstavitev skupin organizmov po organizacijskih tipih. (1) prokariotske Prerequisits: No. Content (Syllabus outline): Introduction: explanation of basic term, meaning and aims of systematic and taxonomy, development of classification and systems, methods of classification, systematic categories and nomenclature, botanical activity in the past in Slovenia. Presentation of groups of plants

112 alge (modrozelene cepljivke), (2) glive (prave glive), lišaji (3) evkariotske alge (evglenofiti, dinofiti, heterokontofiti, rodofiti, klorofiti), (4) embriofiti (mahovi, praprotnice). Za vsako skupino so na primerih njenih najbolj tipičnih in/ali znanih predstavnikov predstavljene njene morfološke značilnosti, načini razmoževanja in ekologija. Poudarjena sta evolucijski aspekt in filogenija. according to organization types: (1) prokaryotic algae (Cynobacteriota), (2) fungi (Eumycota), lichens, (3) eukaryotic algae (Euglenophyta, Dinophyta, Heterokontophyta, Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta) (4) Embryophyta (Bryophyta, Pteridophyta). For each group the morphological characteristics, types of reproduction and ecology are presented on the basis of their typical and/or known representatives. The evolutionary aspect and phylogeny are stressed. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Reece, J.B., L.A. Urry, M.L. Cain, S.A. Wasserman, P.V. Minorsky, and R.B. Jackson Campbell Biology, Tenth Edition. Benjamin Cummings. San Francisco. Bresinsky, A., Körner, C., Kadereit, J.W., Neuhaus, G., Sonnewald U. Strasburger's Plant Sciences: Including Prokaryotes and Fungi. Springer Verlag. Raven, P.H Biology of Plants. W.H.Freeman and Company /Worth Publishers Cilji in kompetence: Razložiti osnovne pojme v povezavi s sistematiko in taksonomijo. Predstaviti razvoj sistematike skozi zgodovino in najbolj uporabljene metode. Predstaviti skupine organizmov (morfologijo, razmnoževanje, ekologijo), ki jih obravnavamo kot nižje»rastline«na osnovi njihovih najbolj tipičnih in znanih predstavnikov. Razložiti izvor in razvoj posameznih predstavljenih skupin. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Poznavanje osnovnih pojmov v povezavi s sistematiko in taksonomijo. Poznavanje razvoja klasifikacije in sistemov skozi zgodovino. Poznavanje nekaj najbolj uporabnih metod klasifikacije. Objectives and competences: To explain basic terms related to systematic and taxonomy. To present development of systematic through the history and the most often used methods. To present groups of organisms (morphology, reproduction, ecology), which are understood as the lower»plants«on the basis of their most typical and known representatives. To explain the origin and evolution of separate represented groups. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: To distinguish term systematic and taxonomy. To know the evolution of classification and systems through the history. To know some mostly used classification methods. 2

113 Poznavanje osnovnih skupin organizmov, ki jih obravnavamo v okviru sistematike rastlin in sicer na osnovi morfologije, razmnoževanja in ekologije najbolj tipičnih predstavnikov posameznih skupin. Razumevanje izvora in razvoja posameznih skupin. To know the basic groups of organisms, which we treat in the frame of plant systematic on the basis of the morphology, reproduction and ecology of the most typical representatives for the each group. To understand the origin and evolution of separate plant groups. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Prepoznavanje organizmov, ki jih obravnavamo v okviru sistematike nižjih rastlin in sicer na osnovi njihove morfologije, razvojnega cikla in ekologije. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Ability to identify organisms that are discussed in the context of the scheme of lower plants and on the basis of their morphology, life cycle and ecology. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Načini ocenjevanja: Pisni kolokvij in ustni zagovor kolokvija Pisni izpit (pogoj za opravljanje sta opravljena kolokvija) Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory excersises Assessment: Written practical examinations and oral defence of written practical examination Written examination (completed practical examination is prerequisite for taking the written examination) Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 1. PIPENBAHER, Nataša, MASON, Norman W. H., ŠKORNIK, Sonja. Floristic and functional diversity of meadows from two neighboring biogeographic regions. Annales, Series historia naturalis, ISSN X, 2014, letn. 24, št. 1, str , ilustr. 1/pipenbaher mason skornik.pdf. [COBISS.SI ID ] 2. PIPENBAHER, Nataša, KALIGARIČ, Mitja, MASON, Norman W. H., ŠKORNIK, Sonja. Dry calcareous grasslands from two neighboring biogeographic regions: relationship between plant traits and rarity. Biodiversity and conservation, ISSN , 2013, vol. 22, iss. 10, str , doi: /s [COBISS.SI ID ] 3. MASON, Norman W. H., PIPENBAHER, Nataša, ŠKORNIK, Sonja, KALIGARIČ, Mitja. Does complementarity in leaf phenology and inclination promote co existence in a species rich 3

114 meadow? : evidence from functional groups. Journal of vegetation science, ISSN [Print ed.], Jan. 2013, vol. 24, iss. 1, str , ilustr x/pdf, doi: /j x. [COBISS.SI ID ] 4. PIPENBAHER, Nataša, ŠKORNIK, Sonja, CARVALHO, Gustavo Henrique de, BATALHA, Marco Antônio. Phylogenetic and functional relationships in pastures and meadows from the North Adriatic Karst. Plant ecology, ISSN , 2013, vol. 214, iss. 4, str , doi: /s y. [COBISS.SI ID ] 5. ŠKORNIK, Sonja, HARTMAN, Klavdija, KALIGARIČ, Mitja. Relation between CSR functional signatures of dry grasslands from two contrasting geological substrates = Relazione tra sigle funzionali CSR di pascoli aridi su due substrati geologici contrastanti. Annales, Series historia naturalis, ISSN X, 2010, vol. 20, št. 2, str , ilustr. [COBISS.SI ID ] 4

115 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Sistematika in filogenija vretenčarjev Systematics and phylogeny of vertebrates Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 2. 2nd 3. 3rd Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni/Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Franc Janžekovič Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Prerequisits: No.

116 Vsebina: Diverziteta in diagnoza vretenčarjev, Vertebrata. Evolucijski nastanek strunarjev, filogenetski odnosi in adaptivna radiacija. Sistematika, nomenklatura in sistematski znaki. Funkcionalna anatomija vretenčarjev. Zgodnji razvoj in embriologija vretenčarjev. Biologija posameznih skupin vretenčarjev in njihova vloga v okolju. Content (Syllabus outline): Diversity and diagnosys of vertebrates. Origin of vertebrates, phylogenetic relationships and adaptive radiations. Systematics, nomenclature and systematic signs. Functional anatomy of vertebrates. Early development and embriology. Biology of vertebrate groups and their role within the environment. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Kent G., R. K. Carr, 2001: Comparative anatomy of the vertebrates. McGraw Hill Higher Educaton. NewYork. Liem, K. F., W. E. Bemis, W. F. Walker, L. Grande, 2001: Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates. An Evolutionary Perspective. Harcourt College Publishers. Orlando. Kardong, K. V., 2011: Vertebrates: comparative anatomy, function, evolution. McGraw Hill Companies. New York. Pough, F. H., C. M. Janis, J.B. Heiser, 2005: Vertebrate Life. Pearson Education International. New Jersey. Storch V., U. Welsch, 2004: Systematische Zoologie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg. Berlin. Dorit, R.L., W. F. Walker, R. D. Barnes, 1991: Zoology. Saunders College Publishing. Philadelphia. Kalezić, M., 2001: Osnovi morfologije kičmenjaka. Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva. Beograd. Kryštufek, B., F. Janžekovič, 1999: Ključ za določanje vretenčarjev Slovenije. DZS. Ljubljana. Cilji in kompetence: Podati pregled sistema vretenčarjev Podati biotsko ekološke značilnosti vretenčarjev Predstavitev evolucijskega nastanka vretenčarjev, filogenetskih odnosov in adaptivne radiacije Predstavitev metod dela in znanstvenih načel v sistematiki vretenčarjev Predstavitev ekomorfoloških ter funkcionalno anatomskih lastnosti vretenčarjev Predstavitev embriološkega razvoja vretenčarjev Objectives and competences: To give the systematic overview of vertebrates. To give biotic and ecological characteristics of vertebrates. Introduction of evolutionary origin of vertebrates, phylogenetic relationships and adaptive radiation. Introduction of methods and scientific principles in vertebrates systematics. Introduction of ecomorphological and functional anatomical characteristics of vertebrates. Introduction of embryological 2

117 development of vertrebrates. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Razumevanje filogenetskih odnosov med glavnimi skupinami vretenčarjev Prepoznavanje in določanje vretenčarjev Znanja in razumevanja ekološke vloge vretenčarjev v ekosistemih Znanja in razumevanja metod dela v sistematiki, taksonomiji in ekologiji vretenčarjev Razumevanje evolucijskih adaptacij ter njihove funkcionalne morfološko ekološke povezanosti Znanja embriološkega razvoja vretenčarjev Knowledge and Understanding: Understanding phylogenetic relationships among major vertebrates groups. Recognition and identification of vertebrates. Knowledge and understanding of ecological role in ecosytems. Knowledge and understanding of methods in systematics and ecology of vertebrates. Understanding of evolutionary adaptations and their functional morphological ecological relationships. Knowledge of embryologic development Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Determinacija evropskih vretenčarjev Presoja in interpretacija vloge vretenčarjev v ekosistemu Strokovno in raziskovalno delo iz ekologije in ekomorfologije vretenčarjev Metode poučevanja in učenja: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Determination of European vertebrates Judgement and interpretation of vertebrates role within an ecosystem Expert and research work in ecology and ecomorphology of vertebrates Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Načini ocenjevanja: Ustni izpit, kolokvij Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Lectures Laboratory excersises Assessment: Oral exam, Exercises exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: KLENOVŠEK, Tina, NOVAK, Tone, ČAS, Miran, TRILAR, Tomi, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc. Feeding ecology of three sympatric Sorex shrew species in montane forests of Slovenia. Folia Zoologica, ISSN , 2013, vol. 62, no. 3, str , ilustr. [COBISS.SI ID ] 3

118 LIPOVŠEK DELAKORDA, Saška, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc, LEITINGER, Gerd, RUPNIK, Marjan. Rab3a ablation related changes in morphology of secretory vesicles in major endocrine pancreatic cells, pituitary melanotroph cells and adrenal gland chromaffin cells in mice. General and comparative endocrinology, ISSN , 2013, vol. 185, str [COBISS.SI ID ] KRYŠTUFEK, Boris, KLENOVŠEK, Tina, VARLJEN BUŽAN, Elena, LOY, Anna, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc. Cranial divergence among evolutionary lineages of Martino's vole, Dinaromys bogdanovi, a rare Balkan paleoendemic rodent. Journal of mammalogy, ISSN , 2012, vol. 93, iss. 3, str , doi: /11 MAMM A [COBISS.SI ID ] 4

119 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Sistematika in filogenija višjih rastlin Systematics and phylogeny of higher plant Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Univerzitetni študijski program Ekologija z naravovarstvom, 1. stopnja Undergraduate university programme Ecology with Nature Conservation, 1st degree Vrsta predmeta / Course type Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Obvezni/Obligatory 1.; 1st 2.; 2nd Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Terenske vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Mitja KALIGARIČ Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Jih ni. Vsebina: Pod»višje rastline«razumemo semenke (Spermatophyta), razdeljene na skupine Coniferophytina, Cycadophytina (golosemenke) in Magnoliophytina (kritosemenke). Pri kritosemenkah ohranjamo tradicionalno delitev na Prerequisits: None. Content (Syllabus outline): As»higher plants«seed plants (spermatophytes, Spermatophyta) are understood, which contain three groups: Coniferophytina, Cycadophytina (gymnosperms) and Magnoliophytina (angiosperms). Among angiosperms the

120 dvokaličnice in enokaličnice. Pri golosemenkah je poudarek na filogeniji in evoluciji, predvsem primerjalno s praprotnicami. Sledi pregled taksonomskih skupin in njihove morfologije, reprodukcije in na kratko ekologije. Izpostavljeni so trendi razvoja kritosemenk. Pri kritosemenkah je na začetku poudarek na evolucijsko izvirnih znakih, nato pa sledi pregled sistema po redovih in družinah. Podan je filogenetski položaj redov, morfologija družin ter pregled pomembnejših rodov in vrst. traditional division to dicotyledons and monocotyledons is kept. Among gymnosperms phylogeny and evolution are emphasized, predominately in comparison with pteridophytes. Than follow a survey of their morphology, reproduction and briefly the ecology. The evolutionary trends of angiosperms are discussed. At the beginning of angiosperms, their evolutionary primitive characters are emphasized, than follows the survey of orders, families. The phylogenetic position of the orders is given, as well as the morphology of the families and most important genera and species. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Bresinsky A., Koerner, C., Kadereit JW, Neihaus, G., Sonnewald, U., 2013: Strassburger's Plant Sciences. Sprionger Verlag, New York. Graf, J., 1975: Tafelwerk zur Pflanzensystematik. J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, München. Heywood, V., 1995: Cvetnice. Kritosemenke sveta. DZS, Ljubljana. Martinčič, A. (ed.), 2007: Mala flora Slovenije. Tehniška založba, Ljubljana. Raven, P. H., Evert, R. F., Eichhorn S. E., 1999: Biology of Plants. W. H. Freeman and company Worth Publishers. Sitte, P., Weiler, E. W., Kadereit, J. W., Bresinsky, A., Körner, C., 2002: Lehrbuch der Botanik. 35. Auflage. Spektrum Akademischer verlag Heidelberg, Berlin. Cilji in kompetence: Podati pregled nad sistemom semenk. Razložiti evolucijo in filogenijo semenk. Pojasniti različne oblike razmnoževanja v povezavi z evolucijo in morfologijo. Utemeljiti sorodstvene odnose med rodovi, družinami in redovi. Primerno predstaviti najbolj značilne predstavnike. Primerno predstaviti floro Slovenije. Primerno predstaviti pogoste, gospodarsko uporabne, endemične ter na druge načine za človeka pomembne rastlinske vrste. Objectives and competences: To give the overview on the taxonomic system of seed plants. To explain the evolution of seed plants. To explain different reproduction cycles, based on evolution and morphology. To ground the relationships between the genera, families and orders. To present the most representative species. To present the flora of Slovenia. To present the most common, economically useful, endemic, or otherwise for man important plant species. 2

121 Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Evolucija in filogenija semenk. Sistematska delitev semenk. Osnovna morfologija in razmnoževanje semenk. Vedenje o najpogostejših, endemičnih in uporabnih rastlinah. Evolution and phylogeny of seed plants. Taxonomic system of seed plants. Basic morphology and reproduction cycles of seed plants. Knowledge about most common, endemic and useful plant species. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Prepoznavanje vseh lesnih vrst Slovenije. Določanje po dihotomnem ključu. Sposobnost prepoznavanja višjih taksonov. Sposobnost prepoznavanja družin in nekaterih rodov. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Recognition of all the woody species of Slovenia. Determination with dichotomic keys. Capability of recognition of higher taxa. Capability of recognition of families and selected genera. Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Terenske vaje Individualno določanje po dihotomnem ključu Izdelava herbarija min. 100 rastlinskih vrst Načini ocenjevanja: Kolokvij iz vaj (pogoj za pristop k izpitu) Izdelava herbarija; 100 vrst (pogoj za pristop k izpitu) Pisni izpit Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Lectures Laboratory excersises Field excersises Individual determination with dichotomic keys Preparation of herbarium with min. 100 plant species Assessment: Examination of exercises (precondition for examination) Herbarium; 100 species (precondition for examination) Written examination Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: ŠAJNA, Nina, KAVAR, Tatjana, ŠUŠTAR VOZLIČ, Jelka, KALIGARIČ, Mitja. Population genetics of the narrow endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb. (Apiaceae) indicates survival in situ during the Pleistocene. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica, ISSN , 2012, vol. 54, issue 1, str , doi: /v [COBISS.SI ID ], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do

122 2014: št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0.25, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 1, Scopus do : št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0.25, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 1] MASON, Norman W. H., PIPENBAHER, Nataša, ŠKORNIK, Sonja, KALIGARIČ, Mitja. Does complementarity in leaf phenology and inclination promote co existence in a species rich meadow? : evidence from functional groups. Journal of vegetation science, ISSN [Print ed.], Jan. 2013, vol. 24, iss. 1, str , ilustr x/pdf, doi: /j x. [COBISS.SI ID ], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do : št. citatov (TC): 3, čistih citatov (CI): 3, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0.75, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 2, Scopus do : št. citatov (TC): 3, čistih citatov (CI): 3, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0.75, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 2] kategorija: 1A1 (Z1, A', A1/2); uvrstitev: SCI, Scopus, MBP; tipologijo je verificiral OSICB točke: 38.34, št. avtorjev: 4 kategorija: 1A1 (Z1, A', A1/2); uvrstitev: SCI, Scopus, MBP; tipologijo je verificiral OSICB točke: 44.03, št. avtorjev: 4 ŠAJNA, Nina, REGVAR, Marjana, KALIGARIČ, Simona, ŠKVORC, Željko, KALIGARIČ, Mitja. Germination characteristics of Salicornia patula Duval Jouve, S. emerici Duval Jouve, and S. veneta Pign. et Lausi and their occurrence in Croatia. Acta botanica Croatica, ISSN , 2013, vol. 72, iss. 2, str , ilustr. ofprint/botcro /botcro xml, doi: /botcro [COBISS.SI ID ], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do : št. citatov (TC): 0, čistih citatov (CI): 0, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 0, Scopus do : št. citatov (TC): 0, čistih citatov (CI): 0, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 0] kategorija: 1A4 (Z1); uvrstitev: SCI, Scopus, MBP; tipologijo je verificiral OSICB točke: 10.54, št. avtorjev: 5 PIPENBAHER, Nataša, KALIGARIČ, Mitja, MASON, Norman W. H., ŠKORNIK, Sonja. Dry calcareous grasslands from two neighboring biogeographic regions: relationship between plant traits and rarity. Biodiversity and conservation, ISSN , 2013, vol. 22, iss. 10, str , doi: /s [COBISS.SI ID ], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do : št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0.25, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 1, Scopus do : št. citatov (TC): 2, čistih citatov (CI): 2, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0.50, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 1] kategorija: 1A2 (Z1, A1/2); uvrstitev: SCI, Scopus, MBP; tipologijo je verificiral OSICB točke: 23.47, št. avtorjev: 4 4

123 Univerza v Mariboru University of Maribor Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko / Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Predmet: Subject Title: OPIS PREDMETA / SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Speleobiologija Speleobiology Študijski program Study programme Ekologija z naravovarstvom/ecology with Nature Conservation Študijska smer Study field Letnik Year 3 zimski ali letni Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University subject code: Predavanja Lectures Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Lab. work Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Tone NOVAK Jeziki / Predavanja / Lecture: slovenski / Slovenian Languages: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje Prerequisites: študijskih obveznosti: Vsebina: Uvod v speleobiologijo Jame, špranje, umetni rovi, podzemeljsko površinsko okolje, tla Izviri, intersticialno okolje, hipotelminoreik, jezerske in morske globine, morske jame Troglomorfoze: velikost trupa in okončin, anoftalmija, depigmentiranost, apterizem, fizogastrija, psevdofizogastrija Troglobionti, troglofili, troglokseni; freatobionti; stigobionti Pregled organizmov v podzemlju: prokarioti; glive; rastline; živali Porifera, Protozoa, Cnidaria, Turbellaria, Nemertea, Nematoda, Mollusca, Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Chelicerata, Crustacea, Myriapoda, Insecta, Vertebrata Geografska razširjenost podzemeljskih živali Fiziologija in etologija podzemeljskih živali Evolucija podzemeljskih živali Slovenija kot država z največjo diverziteto podzemeljskih taksonov v svetovnem merilu Pregled najvažnejših podzemeljskih živali Contents (Syllabus outline): Introduction into speleobiology Caves, fissures, artificial tunnels, superficial hypogean environment, soils Springs, interstitial environment, hipothelminoreic environment, deep lake and deep sea regions, marine caves Troglomorphoses: body and appendages size, anophthalmy, apterism, physogastry, pseudophysogastry Troglobionts, troglophiles, trogloxenes; freatobionts; stygobionts Review of organisms in the hypogean environments: Procaryota, Fungi, Plants, Animals Porifera, Protozoa, Cnidaria, Turbellaria, Nemertea, Nematoda, Mollusca, Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Chelicerata, Crustacea, Myriapoda, Insecta, Vertebrata Geographical distribution of the hypogean organisms Physiology and ethology of the hypogean organisms Evolution of the hypogean organisms Slovenija as the state with the highest diversity

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