Global English Starter Unit 1 Name & Address Module 1 Week 1 Level Descriptor Page

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Unit 1 N ame & Address M odue 1 Week 1 w hen s omeone s peaks s owy m e articuates carefuy, with ong pauses for me to assimiate meaning. a questionnai re ( entry p ermit f orm, h ote r egistration f orm) w e e nough g ive most i mportant formation mysef (name, surname, date of birth, nationaity). troduce s omebody u se b asic g reeting eave-t aking e xpressions., itiate s tatements pics. as eed h ande q uantities, c ost t ime. n o r o n f amiiar g ive p ersona formation ( address, t eephone n umber, nationaity, a, famiy, h obbies). s impy s omebody r epeat y s aid. f i a q uestionnaire my persona detais (job, a, a ddress, h obbies). 6 9 7 10, 11 8 6, 9, 11 9 9, 11

U nit 2 Me & You Modue 1 Week 2 w hen s omeone s peaks s owy m e articuates carefuy, with ong pauses for me to assimiate meaning. p rices t imes. underst formation ( pace r esidence, a, e tc) n ewspapers. h ande q uantities, c ost t ime. y ive, y k now, y h ave, e tc add ressed m e, provided they are articuated sowy and ceary. g ive p ersona formation ( address, t eephone n umber, nationaity, a, famiy, h obbies). f i a q uestionnaire my persona detais (job, a, a ddress, h obb ies). 15 15 13 15 13, 16 13, 14, 15 16

Unit 3 T hem & Us M odue 1 Week 2 formation ( pace r esidence, a, e tc) n ewspapers., itiate s tatements pics. as eed n o r o n f amiiar g ive p ersona formation ( address, t eephone n umber, nationaity, a, famiy, h obbies). sentences and simpe phrases abou t mysef, for exampe I ive I d o. g eneray i dentify pic d iscussion a round m e w hen s peak s owy c eary. 22 20, 21 18, 20, 22 22, 23 21

U nit 4 Big & Sma M odue 1 Week 3 p rices t imes. w ords p hrases o n s igns e ncountered e veryday ife ( for stance s tation, c ar park, no parking, no smoking, k eep eft). m ake p urchases p ointing o r o ther g estures c an support what I say. s entences and simpe phrases about mysef, for exampe I ive I d o. e ssentia formation s hort p assas d eaing predictabe e veryday matters s poken s owy c eary. s hort n arratives e veryday d eaing pics f amiiar angua. m e i f o rder s omething e at o r d rink. ext t i s w ritten s entences, c onnecting m w ords a s and, but because. 26 28 26 27 26, 29 27 26 27

U nit 5 Work & Pay M odue 1 Week 4 w hen s omeone s peaks s owy m e articuates carefuy, with ong pauses for me to assimiate meaning., itiate s tatements pics. as eed n o r o n f amiiar formation ( pace r esidence, a, e tc) n ewspapers. s ay I ike d isike. y d o a t w ork f ree t ime, m e. describe m y e ducationa b ackground m y r ecent j ob. a spects m y e veryday ife p resent o r m ost p hrases s entences (peope, p aces, j ob, s choo, famiy, h obbies). 34 33 30, 31 33 33 31 35

U ni t 6 Day & Night M odue 2 Week 1 p rices t imes. s impy s omebody r epeat y s aid. s ay w hen I d on t. sentences and simpe phrases abo ut mysef, for exampe I ive I d o. s hort n arratives e veryday d eaing pics f amiiar angua. s ay I ike d isike. bout a a spects m y m e i f ext t i s e veryday ife w ritten s entences (peope, p aces, j ob, s choo, famiy, h obbies). hrases p u se m ost i mportant c onnecting w ords dicate c hronoogica order of events (first, n, after, ater). 36, 38 36 36 37 37 39 37 36, 37

U nit 7 Paces & Peope M odue 2 Week 2, itiate s tatements as eed h ande q uantities, c ost t ime. n o r o n f amiiar pics. y ive, y k now, y h ave, e tc m e, provided they are articuated sowy and ceary. I ca n s entences and simpe phrases about mysef, for exampe I ive I d o. g eneray i dentify pic d iscussion a round m e w hen s peak s owy c eary. e ssentia formation s hort re corded p assas d eaing p redictabe everyday matters s poken s owy c eary. f ind m ost i mportant formation o n eisure t ime a ctivities, e xhibitions, e tc formation eafets. s hort n arratives e veryday d eaing pics f amiiar angua. m e i f g et formation t rave. ext t i s w ritten 43 46 44, 45 43 42, 43 43, 47 43, 44, 45 43, 44 43

U nit 8 In & Out M odue 2 Week 3 Descrip tor f or g ive., itiate s tatements pics. as eed n o r o n f amiiar dicate time by such phrases as next w eek, ast Friday, in N ovember, three o cock. s entences and simpe phrases about mysef, for exampe I ive I d o. f ind m ost i mportant formation o n eisure t ime a ctivities, e xhibitions, e tc info rmation eafets. s hort n arratives e veryday d eaing pics f amiiar angua. m e i f o rder s omething e at o r d rink. ext t i s w ritten a spects m y eday ife p hrases s entences (peope, p aces, j ob, s choo, famiy, h obbies). 49 52 50 51 51 49 49, 53 51

U nit M odue 9 Here & There 2 Week 3 d escribe I ive. un derstand formation ( pace r esidence, a, e tc) n ewspapers. y ive, y k now, y h ave, e tc m e, provided they are articuated sowy and ceary. s entences and simpe phrases about mysef, for exampe I ive I d o. e ssentia formation s hort p assas d eaing p redictabe everyday matters s poken sow y c eary. f ind m ost i mportant formation o n eisure t ime a ctivities, e xhibitions, e tc formation eafets. s ay I ike d isike. 55 55 56 57 55 56, 57, 58 58

U nit 10 Ancient & Mod ern M odue 2 Week 4 formation ( pace residence, a, e t c) in n ewspapers., itiate stat pics. e ments he as nee d o r o n f amiiar t e ssentia informati on s hort p assas d eaing predictabe everyday matter s are spoken s owy ce a ry. d escribe p ast activiti es perso na e xperiences ( for exam pe ast w eekend, m y ast h oiday). d escribe a n e vent entences s report wh at h appened w hen ( for ex ampe a p arty o r a n a ccident). 60, 61 63 61, 62, 64 63 65

U nit 11 Life & Times Modue 3 Week 1, itiate stat pics. on e ments m ake ysef as nee d o r o n f amiiar m under stood a w ay b ut I a m depen dent my partner being prepared to repeat more sowy, to rephrase I s ay he p m e s ay I w ant. h ande q uantities, c ost t ime. he t e ssentia informati on s hort p assas d eaing predictabe everyday matter s are spoken s owy ce a ry. i dentify im ortant p formation n ews summaries o r n ewspaper a rtices n umbers name s p ay a n r oe c eary str uctured ius t rated. i mportant d escribe p ast activiti es perso na e xperiences ( for e xampe ast w eekend, m y ast h oiday). bout a a spects m y eve r yday if e p hrases s entences (peope, p aces, j ob, s choo, famiy, h obbies). 70 69 68, 71 70 66, 67, 68, 69 66, 69 67

U nit 12 Question & Answer M odue 3 Week 1 formation ( pace residence, a, e t c) in n ewspapers. y ive, peope y k now, y h ave, e tc quest ions m e, provided they are articuated sowy and ceary. he t e ssentia informati on s hort p assas d eaing predictabe everyday matter s are s poken s owy ce a ry. hor to pics whi ch f amiiar angua. s t n arratives eve ryday dea ing m e i f t xt e i s writt en y d o a t w ork free t ime, m e. d escribe a n e vent entences s report wh at h appened w hen ( for ex ampe a p arty o r a n a ccident). 74, 76 73 75 72, 76 75 73

U nit 13 Business & Peasure Mo due 3 Week 2 U nit 13 B usiness & Peasure p rices t imes. uestions s owy m e q structions caref uy oow f s hort, structions. h ande n umb ers, q uantities, c ost t ime. a post card ( for e xampe h oiday g reetings). he t e ssentia informati on s hort p assas d eaing predictabe everyday matter s are spoken s owy ce a ry. f ind he t m ost i mportant formation o n e xhibitions, e tc formation eafets. g et impe s formation t rave. eisure time activit i es, y d o a t w ork free t ime, m e. g ive s hort, b asic d escriptions e vents. d escribe past activiti es perso na e xperiences ( the ast weeke n d, m y ast h oiday). d escribe a n e vent entences s and repo rt wh h appened w hen ( for ex ampe a p arty o r a n a ccident). at 78 78, 79 79 81 83, 84 80 78, 79, 83 82 81, 82 81, 82 81

U nit 14 Arts & Technoogy M odue 3 Week 3 y ive, y k now, y h ave, e tc quest ions m e, provided they are articuated sowy and ceary. g eneray i dentify pic d iscussion a round me w hen s peak s owy c eary. catch the main poin t in short, cear, messas and announcements. he t e ssentia informati on s hort p assas d eaing predictabe everyday matter s are spoken s owy ce a ry. hor to pics whi ch f amiiar angua. s ay ha s t n arratives about eve ryday dea ing w t I ike d isike. m e i f t xt e i s writt en s entences, c onnecting m wo rds a s and, but because. 86 85 87, 89 86 84 88, 89 87

U nit 15 Langua & Learning Modue 3 Weeks 3-4 A1 p rices t imes. 90, 95 A1, itiate stat pics. e ments as nee d o r o n amiiar f 91 A1 h ande q uantities, c ost t ime. 91 A2 he t e ssentia informati on s hort p assas d eaing predictabe everyday matter s are spoken 90, 92 s owy ce a ry. A2 s hort n arratives eve ryday dea ing to pics whi ch f amiiar angua. m e i f t xt e i s writt en 91, 93 A2 g ive s hort, b asic d escriptions e vents. 93