Middle Aged Men and Suicide

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Middle Aged Men and Suicide

C o m m u n i t y H e a l t h N e t w o r k 2 Table of Contents I. M i d d le Aged M e n and Suicide a. T h e S ilent Epidemi c II. D e a t h by Suicide Statistics a. L o c a l b. N a t i onal III. R i s k Factors a. H e a l th b. E n v i ron me n t a l c. F a mi l i a l H i s tory I V. P r o t e c t iv e F actors V. W a r n i ng Signs V I. S u p p o r t a. N a t i onal Suicid e P r ev en t io n Hotline b. C o mmu n i t y Behavioral Health R ef e r r al lin e c. N E W Text line

C o m m u n i t y H e a l t h N e t w o r k 3 Middle Aged Men and Suicide The Silent Epidemic * P e r B C M J. o r g ( B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a M e d i c a l J o u r n a l ) A l a c k of p ublic awaren e ss of suicid e a mo n g mi d d l e - a g ed me n h a s made this issue largely invisible o r a s i l en t ep id e mic. Statistically speak ing on a local and n a t ional level, the rate of d eath b y suicid e amo n g mi d d l e - a g ed me n h a s d r a s tically risen especially in th e l ast d e c ad e. T h e r e a r e f e w p r e ventativ e efforts/policies i n p l a c e d e signed to h elp me n s t r u ggling with suicid a l id e atio n (SI). A mo n g U S wh i t e me n, mi d d l e ag e h a s h istorically b e en a t i me o f r e l atively lower risk of comp l e t e d suicid e, c o mp a r e d w ith elderly me n, Y e t b y 2005, th e suicide rate of w h i t e me n a g ed 4 5-4 9 years was not only higher th a n the rate for me n a g e d less th an 4 0 years but also s l ightly h ig h e r t h an th e r a t e for me n a g ed 70 to 74 years suicide - p r e vention efforts h av e focused mo s t h e avily on the groups c o nsid e r ed to b e a t mo s t r i sk: teens and yo u ng adults of b oth g en ders as well as eld e rly white me n S u i cide in th e middle-adult years has n ot been studied as exten sively.

C o m m u n i t y H e a l t h N e t w o r k 4 Death by Suicide Statistics INDIANA NATIONAL * P e r I N. g o v 2 0 1 3 * P e r C D C. o r g 2 0 1 3 Men 15-24 years 3rd leading cause of death Men 25-34 years 2rd leading cause of death Men 35-44 years 3rd leading cause of death Men 45-54 Years 4th leading cause of death Men 20-34 years 2nd leading cause of death Men 35-44 years 3rd leading cause of death Men 45-54 years 4th leading cause of death Men 55-64 Years 8th leading cause of death

C o m m u n i t y H e a l t h N e t w o r k 5 Health Factors Risk Factors * P e r A F S P. o r g [Physical] o Chronic Debilitating Disease (i.e.: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, COPD, Muscular Dy strophy, Rheumatoid, Arthritis, Diabetes, Chronic Migraines/Pain, etc.) [Mental] o Depression o Bipolar Disorder

C o m m u n i t y H e a l t h N e t w o r k 6 o Schizophrenia o Borderline Personality Disorder o Antisocial Personality Disorder o Conduct Disorder o Anxiety o Addiction Environmental Factors o Contagion otherwise known as exposure to another person s suicide. o Access to lethal means (i.e.: firearms, knives, prescription drugs, etc.) o Prolonged exposure to stress (i.e.: bullying, relationship issues, rejection, difficulty at work, etc.) o Stressful life events (i.e.: death or anniversary of a loss, divorce, unemployment, etc.) Personal/Familial History Factors o Family history of suicide and/or mental health conditions o Childhood abuse (i.e.: physical, emotional, sexual, verbal, etc.) o Previous suicide attempts o History of impulsivity

C o m m u n i t y H e a l t h N e t w o r k 7 Protective Factors * P e r C - S S R S ( C o l u m b i a S u i c i d e S e v e r i t y R a t i n g S c a l e ) o Religious/Spiritual beliefs o Pregnant partner o Children in the home o Positive coping skills o Positive problem solving skills o Positive social support from family & friends o Sense of responsibility Warning Signs o Giving away person po s s essio ns o Organizin g a will o Physical ex p r essio n of h opelessness, having no p u rpose, and being in p ain. o Displays an xio usness, agitation, sleep l e ssness, and d r a s tic mo o d ch a nges o General recklessness or engag in g in risky activities w i t hout f e a r of co nseq u en c es. o Loss of in t e r est in regular hobbies o r a c t iv i ties o Increased d r ug and alco hol use o Withdrawn f rom fami l y and friends

C o m m u n i t y H e a l t h N e t w o r k 8 Support National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: [1-800-273-8255] o If you or so me o n e yo u know is in c r i sis, call th e L i f eline to g et support. You will b e c onnected to a t r a i n ed r esponder in your area. This serv ice is offered 24/7, free of ch a r g e and is co mp l e t e l y c o nfiden tial. Community s Behavioral Health Referral Line: [317-621-5700] o The ref e r r a l lin e offers a ssessme n t, c r i sis s t ab i l ization, evalu a tions, an d r ef e r r als to me n t a l h e a lth resources availab l e through Co mmu n i t y H e a l th N e t wo rk. T h is servi ce i s o f f e r e d 24/7, f r e e of charge and is co mp l e t e l y confiden tial. NEW Text Line: Text HELPNOW to [20121]