(w ater resou rces stress) [1 ]

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6 : 545 cato rs and indicato r system fo r regional w ater resou rces secu rity app raisem en ṫ W ater re2 sou rces secu rity m ean s that every person has the righ t to get safe w ater supp ly w ith ac2 cep tab le p rice. In fact, there are 3 layers o r aspects of w ater resou rces secu rity. T he first is the social aspect of w ater resou rces secu rity w h ich m ean s hou seho ld w ater dem and, es2 pecially that of poo r fam ily as a basic hum an righ t, shou ld be satisfied. T he second is the econom ic aspect of w ater resou rces secu rity w h ich m ean s w ater supp ly shou ld m eet ratio2 nal dem and of econom ic developm en ṫ T he th ird is the eco logical aspect of w ater resou rce secu rity w h ich m ean s the m in im um w ater dem and of eco logical system shou ld be m et to p ro tect eco logical in tegrity. Per cap ita w ater resou rces and w ater u se in ten sity are u sed u2 n iversally to m easu re w ater resou rces stresṡ T hese tw o indicato rs are simp le and conve2 n ien t to show general situation of w ater resou rces and w ater u se, bu t they can t reveal all aspects of w ater resou rces secu rity. W ater resou rces secu rity is a very in tegrated concep t and can t be m easu red by one o r tw o simp le indicato rs. To app raise regional w ater re2 sou rces secu rity, a system of indicato rs shou ld be developed. Fo llow ing 5 indicato rs are suggested to app raise general situation of w ater resou rces secu rity: satisfied level of to tal w ater dem and, ratio of hum an w ater con summ ation to to tal w ater quan tity con sum ab le by hum an being, p robab ility of draugh t, ratio of hou seho ld w ater satisfaction w hen draugh t, and GD P lo ss w hen draugh ṫ 5 indicato rs are u sed to m easu re w ater resou rces secu rity lev2 el on the aspect of social secu rity: ratio of w ater really supp lied to standard w ater dem and in city and tow n, ratio of w ater really supp lied to standard w ater dem and in village, ratio of hou seho ld w ater supp ly to safe quality w ith to tal hou seho ld w ater supp ly, ratio of hou seho ld expenditu re fo r w ater to to tal expendab le incom e, and ratio of safe w ater supp ly to poo r peop le. Fo llow ing indicato rs are selected to app raise w ater resou rces secu rity in the aspect of econom y: average tim e of no w ater supp ly to en terp rises, ratio of w ater quan tity really irrigated to rational quan tity of irrigation w ater, ratio of land area irrigated to po llu ted w ater to to tal irrigated land area, and percen tage of w ater u se expenditu re in to tal p roduction co sṫ A s to the eco logical aspect of w ater resou rces secu rity, w e select fo llow ing indicato rs: satisfied level of eco logical w ater requ irem en t, w ater u se in ten sity, ratio of river length po llu ted to to tal river length, ratio of accum u lative quan tity of ground w ater over2w ithdraw al to average annual ground w ater recharge, ratio of real area of lakes to expected lake area, and percen tage of aviation canal sho rting. Key words: W ater resou rces secu rity; W ater resou rces stress; W ater resou rces stress indi2 cato rs; W ater resou rces secu rity indicato r system