Studies on the Cla ssif ica tion of M a tur ity Groups of Soybean s in Ch ina

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27 3 V ol. 27, N o. 3 2001 5 A CTA A GRONOM ICA S IN ICA M ay, 2001 Ξ 1 1 2 3 4 ( 1,, 210095; 2, 050031; 3, 150031; 4, 100081) 13 48 256 18,, : (1) 000 12, ; (2), 0, 000 00 01 02 1 2 12 16 ; (3) ; (4) ; ; ; Studies on the Cla ssif ica tion of M a tur ity Groups of Soybean s in Ch ina GA I Jun2Yi 1 WAN G Yue2Shen 1 ZHAN G M en2chen 2 WAN G J i an 3 CHAN G R u2zhen 4 ( 1 S oy bean R esearch Institute, N anj in A ricultural U niversity, and N ational Center f or soy bean Im p rovem ent, M inistry of A ri2 culture, N anj in 210095; 2 Cereal and O il C rops Institute, H ebei A cad em y of A ricultural S ciences, S hij iazhuan 050031; 3 S oy bean R esearch Institute, N ortheast A ricultural U niversity, H arbin 150030; 4 C rop Germ p lasm Institute, Chinese A cad em y of A ricultural S ciences, B eij in 100081, China) Abstract T he U S m aturity roup s system has been extensively accep ted, but w as not used in Ch ina due to the comp lexity of m aturity types and row in seasonṡ To link the Ch inese system w ith the U S m aturity roup s system, forty2eih t varieties of 13 M Gs (M aturity roup s) from the U S and 256 land races from all of the soybean p roducin areas in Ch ina w ere tested under the sp rin p lantin and extended day2lenth conditions, and som e of the m aterialsw ere also tested in Baodin, H ebei p rovince and H arbin, H eilonjian p rovince. A ccordin to the U S check s of the M Gs, the Ch inese varieties w ere rouped into 000, 00, 0,,,,, total 12 roup s of m aturity, w ithout Group w h ich m ih t not exist in Ch ina. W ith in the roup s of 0,,, and, there existed different structure of row th periodṡ T hose from the north of Q inlin M ountain2h uai R iver w ith relatively short period of days to flow erin w ere further classified as 01, 1, 1, and 1; those from the south of it w ith relatively short period of flow erin to m a2 turity w ere further classified as 02, 2, 2, and 2. In th is w ay, 12 roup s includin eih t Ξ (9390013) : 2000206212, : 2000210211 Received on: 2000206212, A ccep ted on: 2000210211

3 : 287 sub2roup s w ere classified in Ch ina. A set of U S and Ch inese check s for each of the roup s as w ell as sub2roup s w ere nom inated and can be used for identification of M G of any m aterial. In addition, the eoraph ic distribution of M Gs in Ch ina w as also p resented. Key words Soybean; M atu rity roup; Standard variety; Georaph ic d istribu tion,,,,, (1956) [ 1 ] 24 7, (1981) [ 2 ] 80 12 (1992) [ 3 ] 96 [ 4 12 ], 72, 9 18 [ 5 ] 121, [ 1 5 8 21 ], R eional Soybean L aboratory Carter, 7,, 00 0 12 (H artw i, 1973 [ 6 7 ] ),, 000 13, 10 15 [ 7 ],,,,,,,, 1 1. 1 1996 450 256, 48 1. 2 (1) 4 (418 518 618 718),,,, 0. 7m 0. 7m 0. 6m 0. 5m, 5 ; (2), 418 (18 hd) ; (3) 418 718, 11 hd ; (58) ; (4) (510), (5), Feh r Caviness [ 8 ] ; (6) (1) 418 (2) (4),

2 88 27 [ 9 ] 2 2. 1 1, 3, 4 18 000 4,, 18,,, 000 18 1 (4 18 ) Table 1 Ranes of numbers of days to matuity of USM Gs in Nanjin under spr in plantin (Apr il 18th) M G Standard variety 18 N atural day2lenth 18h liht 000 M ap le P resto, P I548594 78 83 00 M ap le Glen, OAC Scorp io, P I548592, P I562372, P I592523 81 90 93 107 0 P I548615, P I548560, Glenwood, P roto 83 97 106 119 Bell, Kato, P I548526 93 107 121 132 P I518669, N ew ton, HP202, P I533655, Am cor89, Kenwood 109 124 P I548523, Kunitz, GR 8836, P I518671, Dunbar 121 134 Delsoy 4500, Sp ry, P I548541, A very 133 150 Hartw i, P I548974, P I518664, Camp 155 164 P I508266, Sharkey, L am ar, P I548975 167 180 P I548659, P I548970, Padre, Haood 180 194 Perrin, Dow lin, P I548663, Crockett 192 208 Jup iter R, P I548973 215 219 P I274454 (Not naturally m atured) m in m ax m in m ax 13 17,,,, R 5 R 6, 18h 2. 2 2. 2. 1 18h, 256, 78 107 000 00 0 4,, 18h, 80 90d 000, 91 105d 00, 106 120d 0, 121 132d 108 120d 209 220d, 2 10 15,, 18h 4 2, H artw i [ 6 ]

3 : 289 2 ( ) Table 2 Critical values of M Gs classif ication of soybeans in China (Sprin plantin, Nanjin) 000 00 01 02 1 2 1 2 1 2 N atural M in 78 78 78 78 78 78 108 108 121 121 136 151 166 181 194 209 Days to day M ax 107 107 107 107 107 107 120 120 135 135 150 165 180 193 208 220 m aturity 18h liht M in 80 91 106 106 121 121 M ax 91 105 120 120 132 132 N atural M in 32 39 33 48 32 51 34 56 Days to day M ax 38 50 47 62 50 69 55 70 flow erin 256, 3 a b c 3 2. 2. 2 0 1,,,,, ( ),, 256 12, 000 00, ; 0,, ;,, 0, 4 4 6 0 ( ),, 0 ( ), 0 ( ) 0 32 38d 01, 39 50d 02, 4, 2 40, 2. 3 256, 5 000 00 01 (N R T ) ; 02 (M L C) (CT S) ; 1 N R T (HHH ), 2 HHH M L C CT S (SCT ) 4 ; 1 1, 2 N R T 5, (SW P), 1 N R T HHH M L C, 2 6, CT S 4 ; 2 ; ; CT S SCT,,,

2 90 27 M G V ariety 000 36 00 12 a, 3 b, 41, 8 c 01 3 Table 3 The M Gs of the tested var ieties in China 8, 4 a, 14 b, 39, 12, 33, 33 7, 2, 10, 35, 38, 20 c, 21,,,, 02 b, a, c, 1 2 1 2 1 37, 29, 27,, 16, 30 a,, 4 b,, 9,, 2 c,,,, a, b, c 8,, 7, 3 a, b, c,,,,,,,, 8, 19,, 1 8 a, b,, c 11,, 26,,, a,,,,, 16, 57, 53 b,, 51,,,, 2 c, 2, 10 c, ( ),,, b, a,,, 1 ( ), b,, 143 ( ), 19, a, c,,,, a,,,, NJ90L 21, 88248, b,,, c,,,, b,,, NJ8722322, c,, a,,,, b, a, ( ),,, c,,, a,,, b, c, b, c,, a : a b c Note: a b c denote the earliest, m edium, and latest rep resentative varieties in the respective M Gṡ

3 : 291,, 2, 2, ; 4 0 ( ) Table 4 Ranes of days to f lower in of the 0 M G var ieties from var ious eco-reions (spr in plantin in Nanjin) Source eco2reion of varieties M G NRT HHH MLC CTS SW P SCT NQHR SQHR m ax m in m ax m in m ax m in m ax m in m ax m in m ax m in Source area of varieties m ax m in m ax m in 0 32 38 39 45 50 50 32 38 39 50 33 47 38 48 47 56 62 62 53 53 33 48 47 62 35 51 32 53 50 54 53 69 54 54 51 51 32 53 50 69 34 51 36 59 57 68 57 62 56 70 57 63 34 59 56 70 Note: NRT = Northern Sinle Cropp in Sp rin P lantin V arietal Eco2reion, HHH = Huan2Huai2Hai Double Cropp in Sp rin and Summ er P lantin V arietal Eco2reion, MLC = M iddle and Low er Chanjian V alley Double C ropp in Sp rin and Summ er P lantin V arietal Eco2reion, CTS= Central South M ultip le C ropp in Sp rin Summ er and A u2 tum n P lantin V arietal Eco2reion, SW P= Southw est P lateau Double C ropp in Sp rin and Summ er P lantin V arietal Eco2reion, SCT = South China T rop icalm ultip le Cropp in A ll Season P lantin V ariletal Eco2reion; HQHR= A rea north of Q inlin2huaihe, SQHR= A rea south of Q inlin2huaihe. The sam e is true for the later tableṡ 5 Table 5 D istribution of M G types of soybeans in various eco-reions in China M G type 000 V arietal 00 01 02 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 eco2reion NRT 1 4 19 16 6 7 1 1 55 HHH 1 1 11 1 16 2 13 8 1 54 MLC 3 3 2 2 3 6 5 17 9 2 52 CTS 1 1 6 4 4 6 3 12 4 41 SW P 1 10 6 7 2 3 2 31 SCT 1 1 2 6 3 3 1 5 1 22 2 1 4 19 4 17 6 17 11 25 22 36 23 29 16 21 5 256 2. 4 2. 4. 1 18h, 2. 4. 2 256,, 5,, 2. 4. 3

2 92 27, 5 8 5 10, 6, 6 (58, 510) Table 6 Days to maturity of some soybean M Gs performed in Shijiazhuan and Harbin (planted on May 8, 10) M G 000 00 0 m in 95 104 96 103 113 124 132 (Not Shijiazhuan m ax 95 104 116 117 127 136 145 m atured) m in 92 105 109 (Not m atured) Harbin m ax 92 105 125 3 3. 1,, 0 4,,, 3. 2,,,,, 7, 13,, 3. 3 13, 000 12 ( ),, 0,,, 5,,, 1,,,., 1956, 7 (2) : 169 180 2., 1981, 14 (1) : 21 26 3,,., 1987, 20 (5) : 23 28 4,,..,. :, 1994, 42 46 5,,., 1992, 18 (4) : 275 281 6 Hartw i, E. E. V arietal d evelopm ent In B. E. Caldw ell(ed. ) S oy beans: Im p rovem ent, P rod uction, and U seṡ A ronom y, 1973, 16: 187 210 7 Norm an, A. Q. S oy bean P hy sioloy, A ronom y and U tilization. N. Y. A cadem ic P ress, 1978 8 Fehr, R. W. and C. E. Cavinesṡ S taes of S oy bean D evelopm enṫ S pecial R eports 80. Cooperative Extention Service. Iow a Sta. U ni. 1980. 9 ( : ).., 1999.