E23: Hotel Management System Wen Yunlu Hu Xing Chen Ke Tang Haoyuan Module: EEE 101

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1 E23: Hotel Management System Author: Zhao Ruimin Wen Yunlu Hu Xing Chen Ke Tang Haoyuan Module: EEE 101 Lecturer: Date: Dr.Lin December/22/2014

2 Contents Contents ii 1 Question 1 2 Problem Statement 2 3 Analysis main() add() mend() delete() VIP() search telephone() search VIP() search availability() search earlybooking() see all rooms() manager() booking() check in() check out() choose() initialization() manager1() check() permission() help() linkedlist1() linkedlist2() linkedlist3() roomlist() VIPlist() i

3 4 Design main() add() mend() delete() VIP() search telephone() search VIP() search availability() search earlybooking() see all rooms() manager() booking() check in() check out() choose() check() permission() initialization() manager1() linkedlist1() roomlist() Testing Help First Time of Using Initialization Manager Booking, Check in and Check out Robustness Robustness test of input of choice - choice Robustness test of input of struct element - class Conclusion Problem Problem C code 50 ii

4 Section 1 Question Project E: Hotel Management Information System Overall description: Your team is employed by the conference center hotel to implement a software system responsible for the overall management of rom booking and customer records. Customer specifications: The hotel contains 10 roms (10 per flor) and four classes (A,B,C and VIP) of rom. Each rom is assigned a single price class. The software system must provide functionality for the following types of users: The manager who can set/amend classes for each rom and the price per class. Each rom is assigned a single price class. The manager can also provide a fixed discount percentage on the regular price for roms booked at least one month prior to the arrival day, group bookings or any other special circumstances. The booking operator, who can register a customer (by recording their name, address, telephone number, hotel VIP member card no.) If the customer has no hotel VIP member card, he/she cannot book any VIP rom. He/she will be asked to apply for a hotel VIP member card. A search facility should be provided for rom availability and dates. Additionally, the operator can book one or more roms to a registered customer and at a regular or discounted price. The check-in operator who records the arrival of a customer in the system, and can change certain details, such as period of stay or room if possible or customer details, etc. The check-out operator should be able to record customer leaving times, calculate charges or even move the payment from regular to discounted price if the customer was dissatisfied. 1

5 Section 2 Problem Statement manager add new room with information including price, discount, class etc. search out certain room and mend the information that has been already stored search out rooms that are booked more than one month in advance and set discount for them booking operator check whether the customer is VIP or not apply VIP for customer whose information has not been stored in VIP customer database search facility search out available rooms base on the dates information stored in it book more than one rooms with one set of customer information check in operator record the actual arrival date mend the room information or customer information check out operator calculate the expense based on the days the customer has stayed and the room price and discount set discount for the room 2

6 Section 3 Analysis 3.1 main() inputs: none outputs: two database files eventually(enter system successfully) or none(enter wrong password) additional requirement: none Figure 3.1: Flowchart 3

7 3.2 add() inputs: room information (including room class, price, discount, number, floor) outputs: a database file room.txt with information of rooms added additional requirement: the room class can only be A B C or VIP ; the room number can only be 1 to 100 ; Figure 3.2: Flowchart 4

8 3.3 mend() inputs: the room number of the room that is going to be mended; new room information elements of a certain room outputs: refreshed database file room.txt additional requirement: the new room information inputs should be in the required form without errors. for example: the room class can only be A B C or VIP ; the room number can only be 1 to 100 ; Figure 3.3: Flowchart 5

9 3.4 delete() inputs: the room number of the room that is going to be deleted outputs: refreshed database file without that deleted room infirmation additional requirement: the room number can only be 1 to 100 ; Figure 3.4: Flowchart 6

10 3.5 VIP() inputs: VIP customer information (including customer personal information and the VIP number) outputs: a database file VIP.txt with information of VIP customer added additional requirement: the VIP number is the telephone number of the customer; Figure 3.5: Flowchart 7

11 3.6 search telephone() inputs: the telephone number of the customer outputs: information of the room that is booked by this customer additional requirement: the input must be in the form of integer and should be correct Figure 3.6: Flowchart 8

12 3.7 search VIP() inputs: the VIP number (the telephone number of the customer) outputs: information of the VIP customer additional requirement: the input must be in the form of integer and should be correct Figure 3.7: Flowchart 9

13 3.8 search availability() inputs: the arrival date and leaving date outputs: information of the rooms that are available during that period additional requirement: the input form of two dates should be Figure 3.8: Flowchart 10

14 3.9 search earlybooking() inputs: none outputs: information of the rooms that are available during that has been booked more than one mouth in advance of the arrival date additional requirement: none Figure 3.9: Flowchart 11

15 3.10 see all rooms() inputs: none outputs: information of all the rooms that have been stored in the database file additional requirement: none Figure 3.10: Flowchart 12

16 3.11 manager() inputs: an integer that represents the choice item which leading to different following operations outputs: refreshed database file room.txt additional requirement: the entered integer must be integer rather than other types Figure 3.11: Flowchart 13

17 3.12 booking() inputs: an integer 1 or 2 representing choice of whether to apply for VIP credit outputs: refreshed database file VIP.txt ; or, none; additional requirement: the entered integer must be integer and can only be 1 or 2 Figure 3.12: Flowchart 14

18 3.13 check in() inputs: an integer 1 or 2 representing choice of whether to book a new room; customer information if available rooms can be found outputs: refreshed database file room.txt if available rooms can be found additional requirement: the entered integer must be integer and can only be 1 or 2 Figure 3.13: Flowchart 15

19 3.14 check out() inputs: telephone number of the customer that is checking out outputs: the expense additional requirement: the telephone number should be integer type and it should be correct Figure 3.14: Flowchart 16

20 3.15 choose() inputs: an integer that represents the choice item which leading to different following operations outputs: different following operations based on different user types additional requirement: the entered integer must be integer rather than other types Figure 3.15: Flowchart 17

21 3.16 initialization() inputs: none outputs: database file room.txt with room information that is initialized automatically additional requirement: none Figure 3.16: Flowchart 18

22 3.17 manager1() inputs: an integer that represents the choice item which leading to different following operations outputs: refreshed database file room.txt additional requirement: the entered integer must be integer rather than other types Figure 3.17: Flowchart 19

23 3.18 check() inputs: the entered room class delivered to this function outputs: reminder if the input is in wrong type additional requirement: none Figure 3.18: Flowchart 20

24 3.19 permission() inputs: the code outputs: reminder if the code entered is not the correct password; leading to following operations if the code is entered correctly additional requirement: the code can be only entered wrongly for less than three times before it is entered correctly, otherwise no permission of entering this system is going to be delivered and the program ends directly 3.20 help() inputs: none outputs: displaying the function of this system to remind the user how to use this system additional requirement: none 21

25 3.21 linkedlist1() inputs: none outputs: the refreshed database file room.txt containing the corresponding refreshed linkedlist (without covering the old messages) additional requirement: none 3.22 linkedlist2() inputs: none outputs: the refreshed database file room.txt containing the corresponding refreshed linkedlist additional requirement: none 3.23 linkedlist3() inputs: none outputs: the refreshed database file VIP.txt containing the corresponding refreshed linkedlist additional requirement: none 22

26 3.24 roomlist() inputs: none outputs: linkedlist containing the information of all the rooms that have been stored in the database file room.txt additional requirement: none 3.25 VIPlist() inputs: none outputs: linkedlist containing the information of all the VIP customers that have been stored in the database file VIP.txt additional requirement: none 23

27 Section 4 Design 4.1 main() algorithm call the function help()to display the primary functionality of this program and the basic usage of it call the function permission()to decide whether the current user of this system have the permission to enter this system or not clear the screen when the returned value of the function permission() is 1, the current user is allowed into this system,and then call the function choose() to lead to following operations 4.2 add() algorithm declare nineteen variables size-represents the length of a struct to serve as variable space full-represents the number of rooms that have been stored in the database file room.txt ROOM1-represents one room struct room elements-represents all the corresponding room and customer information of a room pfull-represents a pointer to the database file room.txt head-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information tail-represents a pointer to the end within the linkedlist storing room information 24

28 p-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information breakpoint-represents the location at which the program ends check the number of rooms that have already been stored in the database file room.txt, only when the number is less than 100, the following operations can be run ask user to input the information of the room being added input the information of the newly added room including: room number, room class(a B C VIP), room price(per day), and room discount; the rest of elements of a room struct variable are initialized. check the form of input class remind the user whether the input library class is in the correct form save the input to the pointer of struct add the new truct and refresh the linkedlist 4.3 mend() algorithm declare seventeen variables t-represents the choice which leads to operation of changing different elements of that struct being modified number2-represents the room number of which room that is being modified struct room elements-represents all the corresponding room and customer information of a room head-represents a pointer to the beginning of the linkedlist storing room information p-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information ask user to input the room number of the room being modified print out the room information of the selected room check the location of the selected struct, if it is the first struct the program leads to the first switch choice loop, otherwise leads to second switch choice loop make choice leading to modification of different input the information of new contents to the element that is being modified 25

29 save the input to the pointer of struct add the new truct and refresh the linkedlist return the value of head 4.4 delete() algorithm declare sixteen variables number2-represents the room number of which room that is being modified struct room elements-represents all the corresponding room and customer information of a room head-represents a pointer to the beginning of the linkedlist storing room information ptr1-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information ptr2-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information ask user to input the room number of the room that is going to be deleted find that room struct within the linkedlist delete that struct from the linkedlist refresh the linkedlist return the value of head 4.5 VIP() algorithm declare nine variables size-represents the length of a struct to serve as variable space struct customer elements-represents all the corresponding information of that VIP customer head2-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information tail2-represents a pointer to the end within the linkedlist storing room information ptr1-represents a pointer to the beginning within the linkedlist storing room information 26

30 pp-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information ask user to input the information of the VIP customer being added input the information of the newly added customer information including: name, address, VIP number(telephone number) save the input to the pointer of struct add the new truct and refresh the linkedlist return the value of head2 4.6 search telephone() algorithm declare five variables p-represents the pointer of struct room head-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information n-represents the position of pointer found-represents whether the target book is found telephone-represents the telephone registered in the room that is being searched call function roomlist() to build the linkedlist storing the messages saved in database file room.txt ask user to input the registered customer telephone that is being searched input an integer that represents the telephone use function strcmp() to check struct one by one by comparing the telephone element with the input telephone print the information of the searched room struct information remind the user that there is no such room stored in database if no room with the registered telephone can be found close the database file room.txt 4.7 search VIP() algorithm declare six variables pp-represents the pointer of struct customer 27

31 head2-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing VIP customer information n2-represents the position of pointer found-represents whether the target book is found tel-represents the telephone registered in the customer VIP struct that is being searched num-represents the returned value of this function call function VIPlist() to build the linkedlist storing the messages saved in database file VIP.txt ask user to input the registered customer telephone that is being searched input an integer that represents the telephone use function strcmp() to check struct one by one by comparing the telephone element with the input telephone print the information of the searched room struct information, and return the value of num to be -1 remind the user that there is no such room stored in database if the wanted room can be found, and return the value of num to be 0 close the database file VIP.txt 4.8 search availability() algorithm declare twenty variables p-represents the pointer of struct room head-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information n-represents the position of pointer found-represents whether the target book is found arrival date-represents the newly registered arrival date leaving date-represents the newly registered leaving date arrival(2)-represents the arrival date stored in element arrival date in struct that has been converted in the form of date using formula(the converted form of the entered arrival date) leaving(2)-represents the arrival date stored in element leaving date in struct that has been converted in the form of date using formula(the converted form of the entered leaving date) 28

32 i(2)-represents position of the digit of the integer arrival date stored in element arrival date in struct (that of the newly entered arrival date) j(2)-represents position of the digit of the integer leaving date stored in element leaving date in struct (that of the newly entered leaving date) a(2)-array represents the single digit in different position of the arrival date stored in element arrival date in struct (that of the newly entered arrival date) b(2)-array represents the single digit in different position of the leaving date stored in element leaving date in struct (that of the newly entered leaving date) call function roomlist() to build the linkedlist storing the messages saved in database file room.txt ask user to input the arrival dated and the planned leaving date input two integers in the form of representing the dates respectively convert the newly entered arrival and leaving dates and the stored two dates all into the form of day using formula where the year part times 365, month part times 30 compare the converted dates, pick out the available rooms print the information of the searched room struct information remind the user that there is no such room stored in database if the wanted room can be found close the database file room.txt 4.9 search earlybooking() algorithm declare twenty variables p-represents the pointer of struct room head-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information n-represents the position of pointer found-represents whether the target book is found interval-represents the days that certain room is booked in advance arrival-represents the arrival date stored in element arrival date in struct that has been converted in the form of date using formula book-represents the booking date stored in element booking date in struct that has been converted in the form of date using formula 29

33 i-represents position of the digit of the integer arrival date stored in element arrival date in struct j-represents position of the digit of the integer leaving date stored in element booking date in struct a-array represents the single digit in different position of the arrival date stored in element arrival date in struct b-array represents the single digit in different position of the leaving date stored in element booking date in struct call function roomlist() to build the linkedlist storing the messages saved in database file room.txt ask user to input the arrival dated and the planned leaving date input two integers in the form of representing the dates respectively convert the newly entered arrival and leaving dates and the stored two dates all into the form of day using formula where the year part times 365, month part times 30 calculate the days that certain room is booked in advance suing formula arrival book and save this value to interval find the struct whose calculated interval is bigger than 30 print the information of the searched room remind the user that there is no such room stored in database if the wanted room can be found close the database file room.txt 4.10 see all rooms() algorithm declare fourteen variables p-represents the pointer of struct room head-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information struct customer elements-represents all the corresponding information of that VIP customer call function roomlist() to build the linkedlist storing the messages saved in database file room.txt open the database file room.txt print out all the room struct stored in the database file close the database file room.txt 30

34 4.11 manager() algorithm declare five variables choice-represents the choice of user m-represents the position pointed by the pointer of the input string n-represents the number of digits in each position of the string choice test-represents the medium array used to test the type of the input string str-represents the pointer of the input medium array ask user to input an integer (1-5) read the input string position by position and store the values of such string into variables choice test call the function isdigit()to test whether all characters of the string are lower case letters use while loop to test each input whether it is the right type. if the first wrong type found is a number, or if the first wrong type found is a symbol, then, report the mistake and remind the user to restart the program; otherwise, continue the program normally convert the medium array back to the form of integer use switch statement to direct the program to the following function clear the screen 4.12 booking() algorithm declare five variables choice-represents the choice of user m-represents the position pointed by the pointer of the input string n-represents the number of digits in each position of the string choice test-represents the medium array used to test the type of the input string str-represents the pointer of the input medium array ask user to input an integer (1 or 2) representing the choice of whether to apply for a VIP 31

35 read the input string position by position and store the values of such string into variables choice test call the function isdigit()to test whether all characters of the string are lower case letters use while loop to test each input whether it is the right type. if the first wrong type found is a number, or if the first wrong type found is a symbol, then, report the mistake and remind the user to restart the program; otherwise, continue the program normally convert the medium array back to the form of integer use switch statement to direct the program to the following function if the entered choice is 1, call the function VIP() to apply for a VIP credit call the function search availability() to search the rooms that can be booked call the function mend() to complete the register by input the customer information and other booking information to the selected room 4.13 check in() algorithm declare five variables choice-represents the choice of user m-represents the position pointed by the pointer of the input string n-represents the number of digits in each position of the string choice test-represents the medium array used to test the type of the input string str-represents the pointer of the input medium array ask user to input an integer (1 or 2) representing the choice of whether to book more room or change the already booked room read the input string position by position and store the values of such string into variables choice test call the function isdigit()to test whether all characters of the string are lower case letters use while loop to test each input whether it is the right type. if the first wrong type found is a number, or if the first wrong type found is a symbol, then, report the mistake and remind the user to restart the program; otherwise, continue the program normally convert the medium array back to the form of integer 32

36 use switch statement to direct the program to the following function if the entered choice is 1, doing the following operations call the function search availability() to search the rooms that can be booked call the function mend() to complete the register by input the customer information and other booking information to the selected room 4.14 check out() algorithm declare twenty variables p-represents the pointer of struct room head-represents a pointer to struct elements within the linkedlist storing room information n-represents the position of pointer found-represents whether the target book is found interval-represents the days that the customer has stayed in this room arrival-represents the arrival date stored in element arrival date in struct that has been converted in the form of date using formula leaving-represents the leaving date stored in element leaving date in struct that has been converted in the form of date using formula i-represents position of the digit of the integer arrival date stored in element arrival date in struct j-represents position of the digit of the integer leaving date stored in element booking date in struct a-array represents the single digit in different position of the arrival date stored in element arrival date in struct b-array represents the single digit in different position of the leaving date stored in element leaving date in struct call function roomlist() to build the linkedlist storing the messages saved in database file room.txt ask user to input the telephone find the room that has the same telephone element stored in struct with the entered telephone convert the stored arrival date element and leaving date element in that room struct all into the form of day using formula where the year part times 365, month part times 30 33

37 calculate the days that the customer has stayed in this using formula leaving arrival and save this value to interval calculate interval ask the user to input a choice representing whether he is satisfied with the service, is not satisfied, call function mend() to set discount calculate the expense using formula consisting of interval and price and discount element, and store the value into expense print out the expense 4.15 choose() algorithm declare five variables choice-represents the choice of user m-represents the position pointed by the pointer of the input string n-represents the number of digits in each position of the string choice test-represents the medium array used to test the type of the input string str-represents the pointer of the input medium array ask user to input an integer (1-8) read the input string position by position and store the values of such string into variables choice test call the function isdigit()to test whether all characters of the string are lower case letters use while loop to test each input whether it is the right type. if the first wrong type found is a number, or if the first wrong type found is a symbol, then, report the mistake and remind the user to restart the program; otherwise, continue the program normally convert the medium array back to the form of integer use switch statement to direct the program to the following function clear the screen 4.16 check() algorithm declare two variables 34

38 class-array represents the input class element delivered from the previous function i-integer represents the position of the characters of the string class check the first character, if it is not A B C or V, return the value -1, otherwise continue the following operation check the second and third characters, if the first is V and the second third characters are I and P, return 0, otherwise, if the second is empty return 0 as well, otherwise, return permission() algorithm declare four variables flag-represents the returned value of this function m-represents the used chance of entering password n-represents the left chance of entering password mima-array represents the entered password ask user to input the password read the input string position by position and store the values of such string into variables mima call the function strcmp()to compare the stored password in mima with the defined string MIMA if these two strings are the same, this means the password entered is correct, then return the value of flag to be 1 if the entered password in wrong, the user can still enter twice if the password is entered wrongly for three times, no more chance is given, and return the value of flag to be initialization() algorithm declare three variables struct ROOM-represents the room struct array counter-represents the room number inifp-represents the pointer to the database file room.txt initialize the first 25 rooms with class A and corresponding information 35

39 initialize the next 25 rooms with class B and corresponding information initialize the next 25 rooms with class C and corresponding information initialize the last 25 rooms with class VIP and corresponding information open or build the database file store the struct array with initialized room information within it close the database file 4.19 manager1() algorithm declare five variables choice-represents the choice of user m-represents the position pointed by the pointer of the input string n-represents the number of digits in each position of the string choice test-represents the medium array used to test the type of the input string str-represents the pointer of the input medium array ask user to input an integer (1 or 2) read the input string position by position and store the values of such string into variables choice test call the function isdigit()to test whether all characters of the string are lower case letters use while loop to test each input whether it is the right type. if the first wrong type found is a number, or if the first wrong type found is a symbol, then, report the mistake and remind the user to restart the program; otherwise, continue the program normally convert the medium array back to the form of integer use switch statement to direct the program to the following function if the choice is 1, call the function manager() to start the database by adding rooms one by one if the choice is 2, call the function initialization() to start the database by initializing all the 100 rooms with set information 4.20 linkedlist1() algorithm 36

40 open the database file room.txt in the manner of binary if the database file does not exist yet, call the function manager1() to start the database file and then call the function choose() to operate this system as different user types normally if the database already exist, store the current linkedlist into the database file within the file room.txt close the database file (the design for linkedlist2 and linkedlist3 are very similar) 4.21 roomlist() algorithm declare four variables fp-represents the pointer of the input medium array p-represents the pointer of the input medium array p1-represents the pointer of the input medium array p2-represents the pointer of the input medium array open the database file room.txt in the manner of binary if the database file does not exist yet, call the function manager1() to start the database file and then call the function choose() to operate this system as different user types normally if the database already exist, build linkedlist using the messages stored in database file room.txt close the database file (the design for VIPlist is very similar) 37

41 Section 5 Testing In this section, different functions of this program will be tested. Some screenshots of both the command lime window and file will be shown in order to figure out whether the program is working properly. The fist section is normal testing of this system which is divided according to user type The second section is robustness testing in which two series of sample were selected to illustrate. 5.1 Help This function can give a simple manual. At first, this part was put in the main menu, but finally, it came to realize that this part also tell the user something about the passwords, so it should be put at the beginning of the whole program, just like the Figure 5.1 showed. (a) (b) Figure 5.1: Help 38

42 5.2 First Time of Using This program may be running without stored room information when it was firstly operated by the lobby servers being trained during internship. So while it was firstly used, the user have to initialize the information or add room, instead of browsing the rooms directly. The screenshots of the user interface in the first used are illustrated in the Figure 5.2. (a) (b) Figure 5.2: First time to use this system 5.3 Initialization This function is used to initialize all the information of rooms. This function will be evaluated by checking the room.txt file or running the see all rooms function. As is shown in the Figure 5.3(a), if there is no feedback, the function should be running normally. The information stored in the file can be found in the Figure 5.3(b), which is hard to read because it is a binary file. In this file stored some structures. (a) (b) Figure 5.3: Initialization 39

43 5.4 Manager The function of manager is relatively simple, because it has nothing to do with the information of customers. This function was tested by changing some information of the rooms. Firstly, adding room can be tried. The Figure 5.4(a) showed that the user cannot add a room because there is no space in the hotel room. In order to add a room, we can use delete function or delete the file directly. Figure 5.4(b) room 15 was deleted. After that, another room can be inserted. In order to avoid chaos, the new added room was called 15, as can be seen in Figure 5.4(c). In order to prove that room 15 has been added exactly, we can use mend function to see the information of room 15, and maybe change it. Figure 5.4(d) has shown that room 15 has been added to the data file. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 5.4: Manager 40

44 If the customer thought the price was too high, the system allow the manager to change any information at any time.for example, here we can change the price from 9800 Yuan to 300 Yuan, which can be seen in the Figure 5.5(a). If we check the room again, the price became 300, as is shown in the figure 5.5(b) (a) (b) Figure 5.5: Modify price 5.5 Booking, Check in and Check out In this section, the account for booking rooms was tested by booking a room using a made up customer. In the Figure 5.6(a) it can be found that there is a little bug for this program which remains to be repaired. That is, the capability of storing the VIP was not perfect, which means that every time the customer book a room, he/she will be asked to sign up a VIP account whether he/she has done this before. The Figure 5.6(b) shows that if the program will show the rooms available. (a) (b) Figure 5.6: Booking 41

45 After booking, the operator will check and modify the information of this room. All the functions that can change the information of the room was integrated in the mend function. The reason for this was that the customer may fill the wrong information at first, doing like this may make it easier to change. The screenshot of this process is shown in Figure 5.7. Now, if set discount, the room must be booked a month ahead of time. the booking date is still blank so No.11 can be chosen to set booking date. (a) (b) Figure 5.7: Booking date In the early tests, some small bugs in terms of outputs were found, and then a new program was used instead. After enter the book date, and a month later(here the date can be set manually because if the real time was taken to calculate the date, it may take years to test the program, if it is going to be used, the time system can be changed), the customer check in as shown in Figure 5.8(a). Then check out, NO.4 can be chosen, then manager may see the user interface shown in Figure 5.8(b). Here the discount was assumed to be changed because the initial discount was 1. (a) (b) Figure 5.8: Check in and Check out 42

46 Then, again, the UI of mend function was printed on the screen. Here the user can change the discount and also some other parameters. This may lead to false operation if the user was not careful enough. If more time was given, this can be optimized by printing only the option needed. In Figure 5.9(a) and (b), the discount can be seen 0.3. While calculating the expense, it can be found that the cost was 600 instead of 300. This was because the customer booked two rooms using the same number and then checked in. This situation was not allowed, however, the program was not perfect enough to avoid this. However, this is rational, because in this program, the check in and check out depends on the telephone number, what can be done in the future is preventing the customer booking more than one room. (a) (b) (c) Figure 5.9: Discount and expense 43

47 Using a same telephone number. If the program was not changed, the operator of the system can delete the telephone number manually. The three figures, Figure5.10 showed that if the operator can cancel a booked room manually, the customer do not have to pay extra money. (a) (b) (c) Figure 5.10: Delete 44

48 5.6 Robustness This section aims to test the Robustness of this program, which consists of three parts: The first part is to test error input class element as shown in Figure 5.11, and the third part is to test error input of integer form (in this section, the choice integer was selected as sample testing) as shown in Figure Robustness test of input of choice - choice a. Brief algorithm of the error test of choice Please make your choice: error Input includes wrong type character. Wrong choice, press Enter to return to choice window. (the screenshot of this is as shown in Figure 5.11(a)) Please make your choice:? Input includes wrong type character. Wrong choice, press Enter to return to choice window. (the screenshot of this is as shown in Figure 5.11(b)) Please make your choice: 2014 Wrong choice, press Enter to return to choice window. (the screenshot of this is as shown in Figure 5.11(c)) 45

49 b. Screenshots of error test of choice: (a) (b) (c) Figure 5.11: Test error input-choice 46

50 5.6.2 Robustness test of input of struct element - class a. Brief algorithm of the error test of class Please make your choice: 1 Please enter the number: 1 Please enter the room class: 123 Wrong format. (the screenshot of this is as shown in Figure 5.12(a)) Please make your choice: 1 Please enter the number: 1 Please enter the room class:? Wrong format. (the screenshot of this is as shown in Figure 5.12(b)) Please make your choice: 1 Please enter the number: 1 Please enter the room class: error Wrong format. (the screenshot of this is as shown in Figure 5.12(c)) 47

51 b. Screenshots of error test of class: (a) (b) (c) Figure 5.12: Test error input-class 48

52 5.7 Conclusion Problem 1 After these simple testings, the program is able to realize some basic functions of the system, such as add rooms, check the information of the rooms, booking, discount, check in and check out. However, some small problems can be found during this process. For example, if customer A booked a room and has not checked in. At this time, another customer B wants to book a room that was booked by A, and check in immediately. If this happens in a real hotel, the system will not allow B to book and check in until the A claims that he/she dose not want the room any more. In this program, the system will give the warning the room is not available, but the mend function will still run and enable the operator change the information of the room booked. This means that the mend function was assigned with too much power, so that it can do any change whether it is rational or not. If more time was given, this problem can be solved by adding mend functions which can be applied in different situations. For example, a mend function for manager, and other mend functions for check in account and check out account. This will make the code much longer and take more time to test and debug Problem 2 Another problem was about the date. In this assignment, the date system was not perfect, because a month was considered as 30 days and the format of the date was not strictly limited, that means the user can input illegal format, but the system will not figure out. In the real hotel system, the time can be synced with the time of computer, as is mentioned before, this makes it difficult to test the program. Therefore, this problem does not need to be worried about. 49

53 Section 6 C code 1 2 / H o t e l management system by group E23 / 3 #i n c l u d e <s t d i o. h> / s t a n d a r d l i b r a r y / 4 #i n c l u d e <s t r i n g. h> 5 #i n c l u d e <s t d l i b. h> 6 #d e f i n e MIMA a / d e f i n e the code r e q u r e d to e n t e r t h i s system / 7 8 s t r u c t room / room i n f o r m a t i o n / 9 { 10 char c l a s s [ 3 0 ] ; / room c l a s s o n l y i n c l u d e : VIP A B o r C / 11 i n t number ; / room number include : 1 to 100 / 12 double p r i c e ; / the e x p e n s e ( per day ) / 13 double discount ; 14 char customer name [ 3 0 ] ; 15 char customer address [ 5 0 ] ; 16 i n t t e l e p h o n e ; 17 i n t VIP ; / customer VIP number / 18 i n t a r r i v a l d a t e ; / i n the form o f / 19 i n t l e a v i n g d a t e ; 20 i n t b o o k d a t e ; 21 s t r u c t room next ; / p o i n t t o next s t r u c t / 22 } ; 23 s t r u c t customer / VIP information / 24 { 25 char name [ 3 0 ] ; 26 char a d d r e s s [ 5 0 ] ; 27 i n t t e l e ; 28 i n t V; 29 s t r u c t customer next2 ; / p o i n t t o next s t r u c t / 30 } ; 31 FILE fpp ; / d e c l a r e p o i n t e r to room d a t a b a s e f i l e / 32 FILE fpp2 ; / d e c l a r e p o i n t e r to customer d a t a b a s e f i l e / 33 s t r u c t room head, t a i l, p ; / d e c l a r e p o i n t e r to customer s t r u c t / 34 s t r u c t customer head2, t a i l 2, pp ; s t r u c t room add ( ) ; / add room / 37 s t r u c t room mend ( ) ; / mend room / 38 s t r u c t room d e l e t e ( ) ; / d e l e t e room / 39 s t r u c t customer VIP ( ) ; / add VIP customer / 40 i n t search telephone ( ) ; / search room based on telephone / 41 i n t search VIP ( ) ; / search room based on VIP number / 42 i n t s e e a l l r o o m s ( ) ; / d i s p l a y a l l the room i n f o r m a t i o n / 43 i n t s e a r c h a v a i l a b i l i t y ( ) ; / s e a r c h room based on d a t e s / 44 i n t search earlybooking ( ) ; / search room based on booked days in advance / 45 void manager ( ) ; / manager user type operation / 46 void booking ( ) ; / booking user type operation / 47 void check in ( ) ; / check in user type operation / 48 i n t check out ( ) ; / check out user type operation / 49 v o i d h e l p ( ) ; / d i s p l a y the f u n c t i o n s o f t h i s system / 50 i n t c h o o s e ( ) ; / l e a d i n g to d i f f e r e n t u s e r type o p e r a t i o n / 51 i n t check ( ) ; / check the i n p u t type o f c l a s s / 52 i n t permission ( ) ; / check the entered password / 53 i n t i n i t i a l i z a t i o n ( ) ; / i n i t i a l i z e s e v e r a l rooms / 54 v o i d manager1 ( ) ; / add rooms when f i r s t time use t h i s system / 55 v o i d l i n k e d l i s t 1 ( ) ; / s a v e r e f r e s h e d l i n k e d l i s t i n t o f i l e ( room ) / 56 v o i d l i n k e d l i s t 2 ( ) ; / s a v e r e f r e s h e d l i n k e d l i s t not c o v e r o l d rooms / 57 v o i d l i n k e d l i s t 3 ( ) ; / s a v e r e f r e s h e d l i n k e d l i s t i n t o f i l e ( VIP ) / 58 s t r u c t room r o o m l i s t ( ) ; / b u i l d l i n k e d l i s t based on f i l e c o n t e n t s ( room ) / 59 s t r u c t customer V I P l i s t ( ) ; / b u i l d l i n k e d l i s t based on f i l e c o n t e n t s ( VIP ) / 60 / / 61 main ( ) 62 { 63 i n t password =0; / i n i t i a l i z e the v a r i a b l e v a l u e o f password / 64 h e l p ( ) ; 65 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s \ Enter \ t o s t a r t t h i s system. \ n ) ; 66 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 67 system ( c l s ) ; 68 password=permission ( ) ; / c a l l function permission ( ) to check code / 69 i f ( password =1) / the r e t u r n e d v a l u e i s 1 when the code i s r i g h t / 70 c h o o s e ( ) ; / c a l l f u n c t i o n c h o o s e ( ) / 50

54 71 } 72 / / 73 i n t c h o o s e ( ) / l e a d i n g to d i f f e r e n t u s e r type o p e r a t i o n / 74 { 75 i n t choice =0,m=0,n=0; 76 char c h o i c e t e s t [ 1 0 ] = { \0 }, s t r ; / a r r a y d e c l a r e d to h e l p t e s t the i n p u t type / 77 s t r=&c h o i c e t e s t [ 0 ] ; / d e f i n e p o i n t e r to a r r a y o f c h o i c e t e s t / 78 w h i l e ( c h o i c e!=8) / e s c a p e the w h i l e l o o p when c h o i c e e q u a l s to 8 / 79 { 80 system ( c l s ) ; / c l e a r the s c r e e n / 81 p r i n t f ( \n ) ; 82 p r i n t f ( 1 manager \n ) ; 83 p r i n t f ( 2 booking \n ) ; 84 p r i n t f ( 3 check i n \n ) ; 85 p r i n t f ( 4 check out \n ) ; 86 p r i n t f ( 5 h e l p \n ) ; 87 p r i n t f ( 6 i n i t i a l i z a t i o n \n ) ; 88 p r i n t f ( 7 s e e a l l room \n ) ; 89 p r i n t f ( 8 e x i t the system \n ) ; 90 p r i n t f ( \n ) ; 91 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e make your c h o i c e : ) ; 92 scanf ( \n ) ; / absorb l e f t \n so that gets function work / 93 g e t s ( c h o i c e t e s t ) ; 94 w h i l e ( ( s t r+m)!= \0 ) / t e s t whether the i n p u t i s i n t e g e r / 95 { 96 n= i s d i g i t ( ( s t r+m) ) ; / use i s d i g i t ( ) t o t e s t each c h a r a c t e r o f a r r a y / 97 i f ( n==0) 98 { 99 p r i n t f ( Input i n c l u d e s wrong type c h a r a c t e r. \ n ) ; 100 break ; 101 } 102 e l s e 103 p r i n t f ( ) ; 104 s t r ++; 105 } 106 c h o i c e=a t o i ( c h o i c e t e s t ) ; / c a s t t e s t a r r a y back to the form o f i n t e g e r / 107 s w i t c h ( c h o i c e ) 108 { 109 c a s e 1 : 110 { 111 manager ( ) ; / c a l l f u n c t i o n manager ( ) / 112 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to c h o i c e window. \ n ) ; 113 g e t c h a r ( ) ; / the s c r e e n to s t a y u n t i l Enter i s p r e s s e d / 114 break ; / escape the switch statement / 115 } 116 c a s e 2 : 117 { 118 booking ( ) ; / c a l l f u n c t i o n booking ( ) / 119 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to c h o i c e window. \ n ) ; 120 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 121 break ; 122 } 123 c a s e 3 : 124 { 125 c h e c k i n ( ) ; / c a l l f u n c t i o n c h e c k i n ( ) / 126 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to c h o i c e window. \ n ) ; 127 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 128 break ; 129 } 130 c a s e 4 : 131 { 132 c h e c k o u t ( ) ; / c a l l f u n c t i o n c h e c k o u t ( ) / 133 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to c h o i c e window. \ n ) ; 134 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 135 break ; 136 } 137 c a s e 5 : 138 { 139 h e l p ( ) ; / c a l l f u n c t i o n h e l p ( ) / 140 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to c h o i c e window. \ n ) ; 141 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 142 break ; 143 } 144 c a s e 6 : 145 { 146 i n i t i a l i z a t i o n ( ) ; / c a l l f u n c t i o n i n i t i a l i z a t i o n ( ) / 147 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to c h o i c e window. \ n ) ; 148 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 149 break ; 150 } 151 c a s e 7 : 152 { 153 s e e a l l r o o m s ( ) ; / c a l l f u n c t i o n s e e a l l r o o m s ( ) / 154 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to c h o i c e window. \ n ) ; 155 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 156 break ; 157 } 158 c a s e 8 : 159 { 160 p r i n t f ( Program ends. \ n ) ; 161 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 162 e x i t ( 0 ) ; 163 } 164 d e f a u l t : 51

55 165 { 166 p r i n t f ( Wrong c h o i c e, p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to c h o i c e window. \ n ) ; 167 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 168 break ; 169 } 170 } 171 } 172 } 173 / / 174 void manager ( ) / manager user type operation / 175 { 176 i n t choice =0,m=0,n=0; 177 char c h o i c e t e s t [ 1 0 ] = { \0 }, s t r ; / a r r a y d e c l a r e d to h e l p t e s t the i n p u t type / 178 s t r=&c h o i c e t e s t [ 0 ] ; / d e f i n e p o i n t e r to a r r a y o f c h o i c e t e s t / 179 w h i l e ( c h o i c e!=5) / e s c a p e the w h i l e l o o p when c h o i c e e q u a l s to 5 / 180 { 181 system ( c l s ) ; 182 p r i n t f ( \n ) ; 183 p r i n t f ( 1 add rooms \n ) ; 184 p r i n t f ( 2 mend rooms \n ) ; 185 p r i n t f ( 3 d e l e t e rooms \n ) ; 186 p r i n t f ( 4 s e t d i s c o u n t \n ) ; 187 p r i n t f ( 5 r e t u r n to menu \n ) ; 188 p r i n t f ( \n ) ; 189 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e make your c h o i c e : ) ; 190 s c a n f ( \n ) ; / absorb l e f t \n so t h a t g e t s can work / 191 g e t s ( c h o i c e t e s t ) ; 192 w h i l e ( ( s t r+m)!= \0 ) / t e s t whether the i n p u t i s i n t e g e r / 193 { 194 n= i s d i g i t ( ( s t r+m) ) ; / use i s d i g i t ( ) to t e s t each c h a r a c t e r o f a r r a y / 195 i f ( n==0) 196 { 197 p r i n t f ( Input i n c l u d e s wrong type c h a r a c t e r. \ n ) ; 198 break ; 199 } 200 e l s e 201 p r i n t f ( ) ; 202 s t r ++; 203 } 204 c h o i c e=a t o i ( c h o i c e t e s t ) ; / c a s t the t e s t a r r a y back to form o f i n t e g e r / 205 s w i t c h ( c h o i c e ) 206 { 207 c a s e 1 : 208 { 209 add ( ) ; / c a l l the f u n c t i o n add ( ) to add room / 210 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to manager window. \ n ) ; 211 g e t c h a r ( ) ; / s c r e e n s t a y s t i l l u n t i l Enter i s p r e s s e d / 212 manager ( ) ; 213 break ; / escape the switch statement / 214 } 215 c a s e 2 : 216 { 217 mend ( ) ; / c a l l the f u n c t i o n mend ( ) to mend room / 218 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 219 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to manager window. \ n ) ; 220 manager ( ) ; 221 break ; 222 } 223 c a s e 3 : 224 { 225 d e l e t e ( ) ; / c a l l the f u n c t i o n add ( ) t o d e l e t e room / 226 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to manager window. \ n ) ; 227 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 228 manager ( ) ; 229 break ; 230 } 231 c a s e 4 : 232 { 233 search earlybooking ( ) ; / c a l l function search earlybooking ( ) / 234 mend ( ) ; 235 p r i n t f ( P l e a s e p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to manager window. \ n ) ; 236 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 237 manager ( ) ; 238 break ; 239 } 240 c a s e 5 : 241 { 242 choose ( ) ; / c a l l the function choose ( ) to return to main mune / 243 break ; 244 } 245 d e f a u l t : 246 { 247 p r i n t f ( Wrong c h o i c e, p r e s s Enter to r e t u r n to c h o i c e window. \ n ) ; 248 g e t c h a r ( ) ; 249 break ; 250 } 251 } 252 } 253 } 254 / / 255 void booking ( ) / book room operation / 256 { 257 i n t choice =0,m=0,n=0; 258 char c h o i c e t e s t [ 1 0 ] = { \0 }, s t r ; / a r r a y d e c l a r e d to h e l p t e s t the i n p u t type / 52

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