arxiv: v1 [math.kt] 24 Nov 2007

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1 DIFFERENTIAL GRADED VERSUS SIMPLICIAL CATEGORIES arxiv: v1 [math.kt] 24 Nov 2007 GONÇALO TABUADA Abstract. We construct a zig-zag of Quillen adjunctions between the homotopy theories of differential graded and simplicial categories. In an intermediate step we generalize Shipley-Schwede s work [21] on connective DG algebras by extending the Dold-Kan correspondence to a Quillen equivalence between categories enriched over positive graded chain complexes and simplicial k-modules. As an application we obtain a conceptual explanation of Simpson s homotopy fiber construction [22]. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Acknowledgments 2 3. Preliminaries 2 4. Homotopy theory of positive graded DG categories Proof of Theorem The truncation functor 6 5. Extended Dold-Kan equivalence Left adjoint Path object Quillen equivalence The global picture 19 References Introduction A differential graded (=dg) category is a category enriched in the category of complexes of modules over some commutative base ring k. Dg categories provide a framework for homological geometry and for non commutative algebraic geometry in the sense of Drinfeld and Kontsevich [4] [5] [14] [15] [16]. In [23] the homotopy theory of dg categories was constructed. This theory was allowed several developments such as: the creation by Toën of a derived Morita theory [24]; the construction of a category of non commutative motives [23]; the first conceptual characterization of Quillen-Waldhausen s K-theory [23].... On the other hand a simplicial category is a category enriched over the category of simplicial sets. Simplicial categories (and their close cousins: quasi-categories) provide a framework for homotopy theories and for higher category theory in the sense of Joyal, Lurie, Rezk, Toën... [11][17][20][25]. In [1] Bergner constructed a Key words and phrases. Dg category, Simplicial category, Dold-Kan correspondence, Quillen model structure, Eilenberg-MacLane s shuffle map. 1

2 2 GONÇALO TABUADA homotopy theory of simplicial categories by fixing an error in a previous version of [6]. This theory can be considered as one of the four Quillen models for the theory of (, 1)-categories, see [2] for a survey. We observe that the homotopy theories of differential graded and simplicial categories are formally similar and so a bridge between the two should be developed. In this paper we establish the first connexion between these theories by constructing a zig-zag of Quillen adjunctions relating the two: In first place, we construct a Quillen model structure on positive graded dg categories by truncating the model structure of [23], see theorem 4.7. Secondly we generalize Shipley-Schwede s work [21] on connective DG algebras by extending the Dold-Kan correspondence to a Quillen equivalence between categories enriched over positive graded chain complexes and simplicial k-modules, see theorem Finally we extend the k-linearization functor to a Quillen adjunction between simplicial categories and simplicial k-linear categories. As an application, the zig-zag of Quillen adjunctions obtained allow us to give a conceptual explanation of Simpson s homotopy fiber construction [22] used in his nonabelian mixed Hodge theory. 2. Acknowledgments I am deeply grateful to Gustavo Granja for several useful discussions and for his kindness. 3. Preliminaries In what follows, k will denote a commutative ring with unit. The tensor product will denote the tensor product over k. Let Ch denote the category of complexes over k and Ch 0 the full subcategory of positive graded complexes. Throughout this article we consider homological notation (the differential decreases the degree). Observe that Ch 0 is a full symmetric monoidal subcategory of Ch and that the inclusion Ch 0 Ch commutes with limits and colimits. We denote by Ch 0 (, ) the internal Hom-functor in Ch 0 with respect to. By a dg category, resp. positive graded dg category, we mean a category enriched over the symmetric monoidal category Ch, resp. Ch 0, see [4] [12] [13] [23]. We denote by dgcat, resp. dgcat 0, the category of small dg categories, resp. small positive graded dg categories. Notice that dgcat 0 is a full subcategory of dgcat and the inclusion dgcat 0 dgcat commutes with limits and colimits. Let sset be the symmetric monoidal category of simplicial sets and smod the category of simplicial k-modules. We denote by the levelwise tensor product of simplicial k-modules. The category (smod, ) is a closed symmetric monoidal category. We denote by smod(, ) its internal Hom-functor. By a simplicial category, resp. simplicial k-linear category, we mean a category enriched over sset, resp. smod, see [1].

3 DG VERSUS SIMPLICIAL CATEGORIES 3 We denote by sset-cat, resp. smod-cat, the category of small simplicial categories, resp. simplicial k-linear categories. Let (C,, I C ) and (D,, I D ) be two symmetric monoidal categories. A lax monoidal functor is a functor F : C D equipped with: - a morphism η : I D F(I C ) and - natural morphisms ψ X,Y : F(X) F(Y ) F(X Y ), X, Y C which are coherently associative and unital (see diagrams 6.27 and 6.28 in [3]). A lax monoidal functor is strong monoidal if the morphisms η and ψ X,Y are isomorphisms. Throughout this article the adjunctions are displayed vertically with the left, resp. right, adjoint on the left side, resp. right side. 4. Homotopy theory of positive graded DG categories In this section we will construct a Quillen model structure on dgcat 0. For this we will adapt to our situation the Quillen model structure on dgcat constructed in chapter 1 of [23]. Remark 4.1. Chapter 1 of [23] (and the whole thesis) is written using cohomological notation. Throughout this article we are always using homological notation. We now define the weak equivalences in dgcat 0. Definition 4.2. A dg functor F : A B in dgcat 0 is a quasi-equivalence if: (i) F(x, y) : A(x, y) B(x, y) is a quasi-isomorphism in Ch 0 for all objects x, y A and (ii) The induced functor H 0 (F) : H 0 (A) H 0 (B) is essentially surjective. Notation 4.3. We denote by Q qe the class of quasi-equivalences in dgcat 0. Remark 4.4. Notice that the class Q qe consist exactly of those quasi-equivalences in dgcat, see [23, 1.6], which belong to dgcat 0. In order to build a Quillen model structure on dgcat 0 we consider the generating (trivial) cofibrations in dgcat which belong to dgcat 0 and introduce a new generating cofibration. Let us now recall these constructions, see section 1.3 in [23]. Definition 4.5. Following Drinfeld [4, 3.7.1] we define K to be the dg category that has two objects 1, 2 and whose morphisms are generated by f K(1, 2) 0, g K(2, 1) 0, r 1 K(1, 1) 1, r 2 K(2, 2) 1 and r 12 K(1, 2) 2 subject to the relations d(f) = d(g) = 0, d(r 1 ) = gf 1 1, d(r 2 ) = fg 1 2 and d(r 12 ) = fr 1 r 2 f. r 1 1 r 12 f g 2 r 2 Let k be the dg category with one object 3, such that k(3, 3) = k. Let F be the dg functor from k to K that sends 3 to 1. Let B be the dg category with two objects 4 and 5 such that B(4, 4) = k, B(5, 5) = k, B(4, 5) = 0 and B(5, 4) = 0. Let n 1, S n 1 the complex k[n 1] and let D n be the mapping cone on the identity

4 4 GONÇALO TABUADA of S n 1. We denote by P(n) the dg category with two objects 6 and 7 such that P(n)(6, 6) = k, P(n)(7, 7) = k, P(n)(7, 6) = 0, P(n)(6, 7) = D n and whose composition given by multiplication. Let R(n) be the dg functor from B to P(n) that sends 4 to 6 and 5 to 7. Let C(n) be the dg category with two objects 8 et 9 such that C(n)(8, 8) = k, C(n)(9, 9) = k, C(n)(9, 8) = 0, C(n)(8, 9) = S n 1 and whose composition given by multiplication. Let S(n) be the dg functor from C(n) to P(n) that sends 8 to 6, 9 to 7 and S n 1 to D n by the identity on k in degree n 1. Let Q be the dg functor from the empty dg category, which is the initial object in dgcat 0, to k. Finally let N be the dg functor from B to C(1) that sends 4 to 8 and 5 to 9. Let us now recall the following standard recognition theorem: Theorem 4.6. [8, ] Let M be a complete and cocomplete category, W a class of maps in M and I and J sets of maps in M such that: 1) The class W satisfies the two out of three axiom and is stable under retracts. 2) The domains of the elements of I are small relative to I-cell. 3) The domains of the elements of J are small relative to J-cell. 4) J cell W I cof. 5) I inj W J inj. 6) W I cof J cof or W J inj I inj. Then there is a cofibrantly generated model category structure on M in which W is the class of weak equivalences, I is a set of generating cofibrations, and J is a set of generating trivial cofibrations. Theorem 4.7. If we let M be the category dgcat 0, W be the class Q qe, J be the set of dg functors F and R(n), n 1, and I the set of dg functors Q, N and S(n), n 1, then the conditions of the recognition theorem 4.6 are satisfied. Thus, the category dgcat 0 admits a cofibrantly generated Quillen model structure whose weak equivalences are the quasi-equivalences Proof of Theorem 4.7. We start by observing that the category dgcat 0 is complete and cocomplete and that the class Q qe satisfies the two out of three axiom and that it is stable under retracts. We observe also that the domains and codomains of the morphisms in I and J are small in the category dgcat 0. This implies that the first three conditions of the recognition theorem 4.6 are verified. Lemma 4.8. J cell Q qe. Proof. Since the inclusion dgcat 0 dgcat preserves colimits and the class Q qe consist exactly of those quasi-equivalences in dgcat which belong to dgcat 0, the proof follows from lemma 1.10 in [23]. We now prove that J inj Q qe = I inj. For this we introduce the following auxiliary class of dg functors: Definition 4.9. Let Surj 0 be the class of dg functors G : H I in dgcat 0 such that: - G(x, y) : H(x, y) I(Gx, Gy) is a surjective quasi-isomorphism for all objects x, y H and - G induces a surjective map on objects.

5 DG VERSUS SIMPLICIAL CATEGORIES 5 Remark Notice that the class Surj 0 consist exactly of those dg functors in Surj, see section in [23], which belong to dgcat 0. Lemma I inj = Surj 0. Proof. We prove first the inclusion. Let G : H I be a dg functor in Surj 0. By remark 4.10, G belongs to Surj and so lemma 1.11 in [23] implies that G has the right lifting property with respect to the dg functors Q and S(n), n 1. Since the morphism of complexes G(x, y) : H(x, y) I(Gx, Gy), x, y H is surjective on the degree zero component, the dg functor G also has the right lifting property with respect to N. This proves the inclusion. We now prove the inclusion. Let R : C D be a dg functor in I inj. Lemma 1.11 in [23] implies that: - R induces a surjective map on objects and - for all objects x, y C: - R(x, y) : C(x, y) D(Rx, Ry) is a surjective quasi-isomorphism for n 1 and - H 0 R(x, y) : H 0 C(x, y) H 0 D(Rx, Ry) is an injective map. Since R belongs to I inj it has the right lifting property with respect to N and so the morphism of complexes R(x, y) is also surjective on the degree zero component. This clearly implies that R belongs to Surj 0 and proves the inclusion. We now consider the following diagram chasing lemma: Lemma Let f : M N be a morphism in Ch 0 such that: - f n : M n N n is surjective map for n 1 and - H n (M ) H n (N ) is an isomorphism for n 0. Then f 0 : M 0 N 0 is also a surjective map. Proof. It s a simple diagram chasing argument. Lemma J inj Q qe = Surj 0. Proof. The inclusion follows from remark 4.10 and from the inclusion in lemma 1.12 of [23]. We now prove the inclusion. Let R : C D be a dg functor in J inj Q qe. Since R belongs to Q qe and it has the right lifting property with respect to the dg functors R(n), n 1 the morphism of complexes R(x, y) : C(x, y) D(Rx, Ry), x, y C satisfies the conditions of lemma 4.12 and so R(x, y) is a surjective quasi-isomorphism. Finally the fact that R induces a surjective map on objects follows from lemma 1.12 in [23]. This proves the lemma. Lemma J cell I cof. Proof. Observe that the morphisms in J cell have the left lifting property with respect to the class J inj. By lemmas 4.11 and 4.13 I inj = J inj Q qe and so the morphisms in J cell have also the left lifting property with respect to the class I inj, i.e. J cell I cof.

6 6 GONÇALO TABUADA We have shown that J cell Q qe I cof (lemmas 4.8 and 4.14) and that I inj = J inj Q qe (lemmas 4.11 and 4.13). This implies that the last three conditions of the recognition theorem 4.6 are satisfied. This finishes the proof of theorem 4.7. Remark Since every object in dgcat is fibrant, see remark 1.14 in [23], and the set J of generating trivial cofibrations in dgcat 0 is a subset of the generating trivial cofibrations in dgcat we conclude that every object in dgcat 0 is also fibrant The truncation functor. In this subsection we construct a functorial path object in the Quillen model category dgcat 0. Consider the following adjunction: Ch i τ 0 Ch 0 where τ 0 denotes the intelligent truncation functor: to a complex M : it associates the complex τ 0 M : d 1 d M 2 0 d M 1 1 M0 M1 0 0 Ker(d 0 ) d1 M 1. The truncation functor τ 0 is a lax monoidal functor. In particular we have natural morphisms τ 0 M τ 0 N τ 0 (M N ), M, N Ch which satisfy the associativity conditions. Observe that the truncation functor τ 0 preserve the unit 0 k 0 of both symmetric monoidal structures. Definition Let A be a small dg category. The truncation τ 0 A of A is the positive graded dg category with the same objects as A and whose complexes of morphisms are defined as τ 0 A(x, y) := τ 0 A(x, y), x, y A. For x, y and z objects in τ 0 A the composition is defined as τ 0 A(x, y) τ 0 A(y, z) τ 0 (A(x, y) A(y, z)) τ 0(c) τ 0 A(x, z), where c denotes the composition operation in A. The units in τ 0 A are the same as those of A. Observe that we have a natural adjunction dgcat i τ 0 dgcat 0. Remark Notice that both functors i and τ 0 preserve quasi-equivalences.

7 DG VERSUS SIMPLICIAL CATEGORIES 7 Proposition The adjunction (i, τ 0 ) is a Quillen adjunction. Proof. Clearly, by remark 4.4 the functor i preserves weak equivalences. We now show that it also preserves cofibrations. The Quillen model structure of theorem 4.7 is cofibrantly generated and so by proposition in [7] the class of cofibrations equals the class of retracts of relative I cell complexes. Since the functor i preserves colimits it is then enough to prove that it sends the generating cofibrations in dgcat 0 to cofibrations in dgcat. This is clear, by definition, for the generating cofibrations Q and S(n), n 1. We now observe that i(n) = N is also a cofibration in dgcat. In fact N can be obtained by the following push-out S(0) C(0) P(0) P B N C(1), where S(0) is a generating cofibration in dgcat, see section 1.3 in [23], and P sends 8 to 4 and 9 to 5. This proves the lemma. Remark Recall from [23, 4.1] the construction of a path object P(A) for each dg category A dgcat. Lemma Let A be a positive graded dg category. Then τ 0 P(A) is a path object of A in dgcat 0. Proof. Consider the diagonal dg functor A A A in dgcat. We have, as in [23, 4.1], a factorization A I P P(A), A A where I is a quasi-equivalence and P a fibration. By remark 4.17 and lemma 4.18 the functor τ 0 preserves quasi-equivalences and fibrations. Since the functor τ 0 also preserves limits we obtain the following factorization This proves the lemma. A A A τ 0 (I) τ 0 (P) τ 0 P(A). 5. Extended Dold-Kan equivalence In this section we will first construct a Quillen model structure on smod-cat and then show that it is Quillen equivalent to the model structure on dgcat 0 of theorem 4.7.

8 8 GONÇALO TABUADA Recall from [9, III-2.3] the Dold-Kan equivalence between simplicial k-modules and positive graded complexes smod Γ N Ch 0, where N is the normalization functor and Γ its inverse. The normalization functor N is a lax monoidal functor, see [21, 2.3], via the Eilenberg-MacLane shuffle map, see [18, VIII-8.8] : NA NB N(A B), A, B smod. Observe that the normalization functor N preserves the unit of the two symmetric monoidal structures. As it is shown in [21, 2.3] the lax monoidal structure on N, given by the shuffle map, induces a lax comonoidal structure on Γ: Now, let I be a set. ψ : Γ(M M ) Γ(M) Γ(M ), M, M Ch 0. Notation 5.1. We denote by Ch I 0-Gr, resp. by Ch I 0-Cat, the category of Ch 0 - graphs with a fixed set of objects I, resp. the category of categories enriched over Ch 0 which have a fixed set of objects I. The morphisms in Ch I 0-Gr and Ch I 0-Cat induce the identity map on the objects. We have a natural adjunction Ch I 0-Cat T I U Ch I 0 -Gr, where U is the forgetful functor and T I is defined as k A(x, x 1 )... A(x n, y) if x = y x,x T I (A)(x, y) := 1,...,x n,y A(x, x 1 )... A(x n, y) if x y x,x 1,...,x n,y Composition is given by concatenation and the unit corresponds to 1 k. Remark Notice that the categories Ch I 0 -Gr and ChI 0-Cat admit standard Quillen model structures whose weak equivalences (resp. fibrations) are the morphisms F : A B such that F(x, y) : A(x, y) B(x, y), x, y I is a weak equivalence (resp. fibration) in Ch 0. In fact the projective Quillen model structure on Ch 0, see [9, III-2], naturally induces a model structure on Ch I 0 -Gr which can be lifted along the functor T I using theorem in [7]. - If the set I has a unique element, then the previous adjunction corresponds to the (Quillen) adjunction between connective dg algebras and positive graded complexes, see [10].

9 DG VERSUS SIMPLICIAL CATEGORIES 9 Notation 5.3. We denote by smod I -Gr, resp. by smod I -Cat, the category of smod-graphs with a fixed set of objects I, resp. the category of categories enriched over smod which have a fixed set of objects I. The morphisms in smod I -Gr and smod I -Cat induce the identity map on the objects. In an analogous way we have an adjunction smod I -Cat T I U smod I -Gr, where U is the forgetful functor and T I is defined as k 0 B(x, x 1 )... B(x n, y) if x = y x,x T I (B)(x, y) := 1,...,x n,y B(x, x 1 )... B(x n, y) if x y x,x 1,...,x n,y Composition is given by concatenation and the unit corresponds to 1 k 0. Remark 5.4. If the set I has an unique element, then the previous adjunction corresponds to the classical adjunction between simplicial k-algebras and simplicial k-modules, see [9, II-5.2]. Clearly the Dold-Kan equivalence induces an equivalence of categories smod I -Gr Γ N Ch I 0 -Gr that we still denote by N and Γ. Since the functor N : smod Ch 0 is lax monoidal it induces, as in [21, 3.3], a normalization functor smod I -Cat N I Ch I 0 -Cat. In fact, let A smod I -Cat and x, y and z objects in A. Then N I (A) has the same objects as A, the complexes of morphisms are given by and the composition is defined by N I (A)(x, y) := NA(x, y), x, y A NA(x, y) NA(y, z) N(A(x, y) A(y, z)) N(c) NA(x, z), where c denotes the composition operation in A. The units in N I (A) are induced by those of A under the normalization functor N. As it is shown in section 3.3 of [21] the functor N I admits a left adjoint L I.

10 10 GONÇALO TABUADA Let A Ch I 0 -Cat. The value of the left adjoint L I on A is defined as the coequalizer of two morphisms in smod I -Cat T I ΓUT I U(A) ψ 1 ψ 2 T I ΓU(A) L I (A). The morphism ψ 1 is obtained from the unit of the adjunction T I UA A by applying the composite functor T I ΓU; the morphism ψ 2 is the unique morphism in smod I -Cat induced by the smod I -Gr morphism ΓUT I U(A) UT I ΓU(A) whose value at ΓUT I U(A)(x, y), x, y I is Γ(A(x, x 1 )... A(x n, y)) x,x 1,...,x n,y x,x 1,...,x n,y ψ ΓA(x, x 1 )... ΓA(x n, y), where ψ is the lax comonoidal structure on Γ induced by the lax monoidal structure on N, see section 3.3 of [21] Left adjoint. Notice that the normalization functor N I : smod I -Cat Ch I 0-Cat, of the previous subsection, can be naturally defined for every set I and so it induces a global normalization functor smod-cat N dgcat 0. In this subsection we will construct the left adjoint of N. Let A dgcat 0 and denote by I its set of objects. Define L(A) as the simplicial k-linear category L I (A). Now, let F : A A be a dg functor. We denote by I the set of objects of A. The dg functor F induces the following diagram in smod-cat: T I ΓUT I U(A) ψ 1 ψ 2 T I ΓU(A) L I (A) =: L(A) T I ΓUT I U(A ) ψ 1 ψ 2 T I ΓU(A ) L I (A ) =: L(A ). Notice that the square whose horizontal arrows are ψ 1 (resp. ψ 2 ) is commutative. Since the inclusions smod I -Cat smod-cat and smod I -Cat smod-cat

11 DG VERSUS SIMPLICIAL CATEGORIES 11 clearly preserve coequalizers the previous diagram in smod-cat induces a simplicial k-linear functor We have constructed a functor L(F) : L(A) L(A ). L : dgcat 0 smod-cat. Proposition 5.5. The functor L is left adjoint to N. Proof. Let A dgcat 0 and B smod-cat. Let us denote by I the set of objects of A. We will construct two natural maps smod-cat(l(a), B) φ η dgcat 0 (A, N(B)) and then show that they are inverse of each other. Let G : L(A) B be a simplicial k-linear functor. We denote by B the full subcategory of B whose objects are those which belong to the image of G. We have a natural factorization G L(A) B G B. Now, let B be the simplicial k-linear category whose set of objects is obj( B) := {(a, b) a L(A), b B andg (a) = b} and whose simplicial k-module of morphisms is defined as B((a, b), (a, b )) := B (b, b ). The composition is given by the composition in B. Now consider the simplicial k-linear functor G : L(A) B which maps a to (a, G (a)) and the simplicial k-linear functor P : B B which maps (a, b) to b. The above constructions allow us to factor G as the following composition L(A) eg B P B Notice that G induces a bijection on objects and so it belongs to smod I -Cat. Finally define φ(g) as the following composition G φ(g) : A e N B NP NB B. NB, where G denotes the morphism in Ch I 0-Cat which corresponds to G under the adjunction (L I, N I ).

12 12 GONÇALO TABUADA We now construct in a similar way the map η. Let F : A NB be a dg functor and (NB) be the full subcategory of NB whose objects are those which belong to the image of F. We have a natural factorization F A NB F (NB). Now, let ÑB be the positive graded dg category whose set of objects is obj(ñb) := {(a, b) a A, b NB andf (a) = b} and whose positive graded complex of morphisms is defined as ÑB((a, b), (a, b )) := (NB) (b, b ). The composition is given by the composition in (NB). Consider the dg functor F : A ÑB which maps a to (a, F (a)) and the dg functor P : ÑB (NB) which maps (a, b) to b. The above constructions allow us to factor F as the following composition A ef ÑB P (NB) NB. Notice that F induces a bijection on objects and so belongs to Ch I 0-Cat. Since the normalization functor N preserve the set of objects, the above construction ÑB P (NB) NB can be naturally lifted to the category smod-cat. We have the folowing diagram smod-cat N B P B dgcat 0 ÑB P (NB) We can now define η(f) as the following composition B NB. η(f) : L(A) ef B P B B, where F denotes the morphism in smod I -Cat, which corresponds to F under the adjunction (L I, N I ). The maps η and φ are clearly inverse of each other and so the proposition is proven.

13 DG VERSUS SIMPLICIAL CATEGORIES Path object. In this subsection we lift the Quillen model structure on dgcat 0, see theorem 4.7, along the adjunction smod-cat L N dgcat 0 of the previous subsection. For this we will use theorem 5.12 and proposition 5.13 of [23]. Definition 5.6. A simplicial k-linear functor G : A B is: - a weak equivalence if NG is a quasi-equivalence in dgcat 0. - a fibration if NG is a fibration in dgcat 0. - a cofibration if it has the left lifting property with respect to all trivial fibrations in smod-cat. Definition 5.7. Let A be a small simplicial k-linear category. The homotopy category π 0 (A) of A is the category which has the same objects as A and whose morphisms are defined as π 0 (A)(x, y) := π 0 (A(x, y)), x, y A. Lemma 5.8. Let x f y be a 0-simplex morphism in A. Then π 0 (f) is invertible in π 0 (A) iff H 0 (Nf) is invertible in H 0 (NA). Proof. We start by observing that if we restrict ourselves to the 0-simplex morphisms in A and to the degree zero morphisms in NA we have the same category. In fact the degree zero component of the shuffle map, used in the definition of NA, is the identity map, see [18, VIII-8.8]. Now suppose that π 0 (f) is invertible. Then there exists a 0-simplex morphism g : y x and 1-simplex morphisms h 1 A(x, x) and h 2 A(y, y) such that d 0 (h 1 ) = 1 X, d 1 (h 1 ) = gf, d 0 (h 2 ) = 1 Y and d 1 (h 2 ) = fg. Observe that the image of h 1, resp. h 2, by the normalization functor N is a degree 1 morphism in NA(x, x), resp. in NA(y, y), whose differential is gf 1 X (resp. fg 1 Y ). This implies that H 0 (Nf) is also invertible in H 0 (NA). To prove the converse we consider an analogous argument. Proposition 5.9. A simplicial k-linear functor G : A B is a weak equivalence iff: (1) G(x, y) : A(x, y) B(Gx, Gy) induces an isomorphism on π i for all i 0 and for all objects x, y A, and (2) π 0 (G) : π 0 (A) π 0 (B) is essentially surjective. Proof. We show that condition (1), resp. condition (2), is equivalent to condition (i), resp. condition (ii), of definition 4.2. By the Dold-Kan equivalence, we have the following commutative diagram π i A(x, y) G π i B(Gx, Gy) H i NA(x, y) NG H i NB(Gx, Gy)

14 14 GONÇALO TABUADA where the vertical arrows are isomorphisms. This implies that condition (1) is equivalent to condition (i) of definition 4.2. Concerning condition (2), we start by supposing that π 0 (G) is essentially surjective. Consider the functor H 0 (NG) : H 0 (NA) H 0 (NB) and let z be an object in H 0 (NB). Since π 0 (B) and H 0 (NB) have the same objects we can consider z as an object in π 0 (B). By hypothesis, π 0 (G) is essentially surjective and so there exists an object w π 0 (A) and a 0-simplex morphism Gw f z which becomes invertible in π 0 (B). Now lemma 5.8 implies that Nf is invertible in H 0 (NB) and so we conclude that the functor H 0 (NG) is essentially surjective. This shows that condition (2) implies condition (ii) of definition 4.2. To prove the converse we consider an analogous argument. Theorem The category smod-cat when endowed with the notions of weak equivalence, fibration and cofibration as in definition 5.6, becomes a cofibrantly generated Quillen model category and the adjunction (L, N) becomes a Quillen adjunction. The proof will consist on verifying the conditions of theorem 5.12 and proposition 5.13 in [23]. Since the Quillen model structure on dgcat 0 is cofibrantly generated, see theorem 4.7; every object in dgcat 0 is fibrant, see remark 4.15; and the functor N clearly commutes with filtered colimits it is enough to show that: - for each simplicial k-linear category A, we have a factorization A I A P 0 P 1 P(A), A A with I A is a weak equivalence and P 0 P 1 is a fibration in smod-cat. For this we need a few lemmas. We start with the following definition. Definition Let us define P(A) as the simplicial k-linear category whose objects are the 0-simplex morphisms f : x y in A which become invertible in π 0 (A). We define the simplicial k-module of morphisms P(A)(x f y, x f y ), f, f P(A) as the homotopy pull-back in smod of the diagram A(y, y ) A(x, x ) f f A(x, y ), by which we mean the simplicial k-module A(x, x ) smod(k [1], A(x, y )) A(y, y ). A(x,y ) A(x,y )

15 DG VERSUS SIMPLICIAL CATEGORIES 15 We denote the simplexes in A(x, x ) and A(y, y ) lateral morphisms and the simplexes in smod(k [1], A(x, y )) homotopies. The composition operation P(A)(f, f ) P(A)(f, f ) P(A)(f, f ), f, f, f P(A) decomposes on: - a composition of lateral morphisms, which is induced by the composition on A and - a composition of homotopies, which is given by the map smod(k [1], A(x, y )) A(y, y ) A(x, x ) smod(k [1], A(x, x )) smod(k [0],A(x,y )) composition smod(k [1] k [1], A(x, y )) k [0] smod(k [1], A(x, y )), where the last map is induced by the diagonal map in k [1]. Remark Notice that a 0-simplex morphism α : f f in P(A) is of the form α = (m x, h, m y ), with m x : x x and m y : y y 0-simplex morphisms in A and h is a 1-simplex morphism in A(x, y ) such that d 0 (h) = m y f and d 1 (h) = f m x. We have a natural commutative diagram in smod-cat (1) A A A I A P 0 P 1 P(A) where I A is the simplicial k-linear functor that associates to an object x A the 0-simplex morphism x Id x and P 0, resp. P 1, is the simplicial k-linear functor that sends a morphism x f y in P(A) to x, resp. y. Notice that by applying the normalization functor N to the above diagram and lemma 4.20 to the dg category NA we obtain two factorizations NA NA NA NP(A) τ 0 (I) τ 0 P(NA) τ 0 (P) of the diagonal dg functor. By lemma 4.20 τ 0 P(NA) is a path object of NA in dgcat 0. We will show in proposition 5.17 that NP(A) is also a path object of NA. Lemma Let A, B smod. The shuffle map induces a natural surjective chain homotopy equivalence N(sMod(A, B)) Ch 0 (NA, NB),

16 16 GONÇALO TABUADA which has a natural section induced by the Alexander-Whitney map. Proof. First note that if (L, R) and (L, R ) are adjoint pairs of functors, a natural transformation ζ : L L induces a natural transformation ζ : R R which is a natural equivalence iff ζ is also. Fixing a chain complex NA Ch 0 let L, L : Ch 0 Ch 0 be defined by L(C) := C NA, L (C) := N(ΓC A). Using the Dold-Kan equivalence in the case of L, we see that these functors have right adjoints R(C) = Ch 0 (NA, C), R (C) = N(sMod(A, ΓC)) respectively. The shuffle map determines a natural inclusion : L L which has a right inverse given by the Alexander-Whitney map AW, see [21, 2.7]. It follows that : R R is a natural surjection with a section given by AW. The fact that is a natural transformation of bi-functors is clear. Since is a chain homotopy equivalence, in order to finish the proof it is now enough to show that the functors L, L, R, R send chain homotopic maps to chain homotopic maps (for (L, R) and (L, R ) will then induce adjunctions on the homotopy category Ho(Ch 0 ) and : L L will be a natural isomorphism between endo-functors of Ho(Ch 0 )). The functors L and R clearly preserve the chain homotopy relation. For the same reason, L and R preserve the relation on Ch 0 (C, D) defined by the cylinder object C N(ΓC k [1]) C. Since the Alexander-Whitney and shuffle maps give maps between this cylinder object and the usual one, we see that this relation is the usual chain homotopy relation. This concludes the proof. We now define a map φ relating the Ch 0 -graphs associated with the dg categories NP(A) and τ 0 P(NA). Observe that: - By lemma 4.20, NP(A) and τ 0 P(NA) have exactly the same objects and - For each pair of objects x f y, x f y in NP(A), the map of lemma 5.13 (with A = k [1]) induces a surjective quasi-isomorphism φ f,f NA(x, x ) NsMod(k [1], A(x, y )) NA(y, y ) NA(x,y ) NA(x,y ) 1 1 NA(x, x ) Ch 0 (Nk [1], NA(x, y )) NA(y, y ) NA(x,y ) NA(x,y ) in Ch 0. Notation We denote by φ : NP(A) τ 0 P(NA) C

17 DG VERSUS SIMPLICIAL CATEGORIES 17 the map of Ch 0 -graphs which is the identity on objects and φ f,f on the complexes of morphisms. Remark Notice that by definition of P(A) and remark 5.12 the map φ preserve identities and the composition of degree zero morphisms. We now establish a homotopy equivalence lifting property of φ. Proposition Let α be a degree zero morphism in τ 0 P(NA) that becomes invertible in H 0 (τ 0 P(NA)). Then there exists a degree zero morphism α in NP(A) which becomes invertible in H 0 (NP(A)) and φ(α) = α. Proof. Let α : (x f y) (x f y ) be a degree zero morphism in τ 0 P(NA). Notice that α is of the form (m x, h, m y ) with m x : x x and m y : y y degree zero morphisms in NA and h : x y a degree 1 morphism in NA. Now, by definition of P(A) we can choose a representative h A(x, y) 1 of h and so we obtain a degree zero morphism α = (m x, h, m y ) in NP(A) such that φ f,f : NP(A)(f, f ) τ 0 P(NA)(f, f ) α = (m x, h, m y ) (m x, h, m y ). Now suppose that α is invertible in H 0 (τ 0 P(NA)). Then there exist morphisms β of degree 0 and r 1 and r 2 of degree 1 such that d(r 1 ) = βα 1 and d(r 2 ) = αβ 1. As above, we can lift β to a morphism β in NP(A). Since the map φ preserve the identities and the composition of degree zero morphisms it maps αβ to αβ and βα to βα. Finally since the maps φ f,f are surjective quasi-isomorphisms we can lift r 1 to r 1, resp. r 2 to r 2, in NP(A) by applying the lemma [8, 2.3.5] to the couple (r 1,1), resp. (r 2,1). This implies that α is also invertible in H 0 (NP(A)). Proposition In the following commutative diagram in dgcat 0 NA NA NA N(I A) N(P 0) N(P 1) NP(A), obtained by applying the normalization functor N to the diagram (1) in smod-cat, the dg functor N(I A ) is a quasi-equivalence and N(P 0 ) N(P 1 ) is a fibration. Proof. We first prove that N(I A ) is a quasi-equivalence. By definition of P(A) the dg functor I A clearly satisfies condition (1) of proposition 5.9. We now prove that N(I A ) satisfies condition (ii) of definition 4.2. Let f be an object in NP(A). The dg categories NP(A) and τ 0 P(NA) have the same objects and so we can consider f as an object in τ 0 P(NA). Since the dg functor τ 0 (I) : NA τ 0 P(NA) is a quasi-equivalence, see lemma 4.20, there exists an object x in NA and a homotopy equivalence α in τ 0 P(NA) between I(x) and f. By proposition 5.16 we can lift α to a homotopy equivalence α in NP(A) and so the dg functor N(I A ) : NA NP(A)

18 18 GONÇALO TABUADA satisfies condition (ii) of definition 4.2. This proves that N(I) is a quasi-equivalence. We now prove that N(P 0 ) N(P 1 ) is a fibration. By definition of P(A) the dg functor N(P 0 ) N(P 1 ) is clearly surjective on the complexes of morphisms. We now prove that it has the right lifting property with respect to the generating trivial cofibration F, see definition 4.5. Let x f y be an object in NP(A) and γ : (x, y) (x, y ) a homotopy equivalence in NA NA. Since the dg functor τ 0 (P) : τ 0 P(NA) NA NA is a fibration there exists a homotopy equivalence α : f f in τ 0 P(NA) such that τ 0 (P)(α) = γ. Now, by proposition 5.16 we can lift α to a homotopy equivalence α : f f in N(PA) such that N(P 0 ) N(P 1 )(α) = γ. This proves the proposition. Notice that the previous proposition implies theorem Remark Since every object in dgcat 0 is fibrant, see remark 4.15, all simplicial k-linear categories will be fibrant with respect to this Quillen model structure Quillen equivalence. In this subsection we prove that the Quillen adjunction constructed in the previous subsection is in fact a Quillen equivalence. smod-cat L N dgcat 0 Theorem The Quillen adjunction (L, N) is a Quillen equivalence. Proof. Let A dgcat 0 be a cofibrant dg category and B a simplicial k-linear category. Recall from remark 5.18 that every object in smod-cat is fibrant. We need to show that a simplicial k-linear functor F : L(A) B is a weak equivalence in smod-cat iff the corresponding dg functor F : A NB is a quasi-equivalence in dgcat 0. We have the folowing commutative diagram F A NB η NF NL(A), where η is the counit of the adjunction (L, N). Since, by definition, F is a weak equivalence in smod-cat iff NF is a quasi-equivalence it is enough to show that η is a quasi-equivalence. The dg functor η is the identity map on objects and so it is enough to show that η(x, y) : A(x, y) NL(A)(x, y), x, y A

19 DG VERSUS SIMPLICIAL CATEGORIES 19 is a quasi-isomorphism. Now, let I be the set of objects of A. Since A is cofibrant in dgcat 0 it clearly stays cofibrant when considered as an object of the Quillen model structure on Ch I 0-Cat, see remark 5.2. By proposition 6.4 of [21] the adjunction morphism in Ch I 0 -Gr is such that ΓU(A) L I (A) ΓU(A)(x, y) L I (A)(x, y) induces an isomorphism in π i for i 0 and for all objects x, y ΓU(A). This implies by the Dold-Kan equivalence that A(x, y) = N(ΓU(A)(x, y)) is a quasi-isomorphism and so N(L I (A)(x, y)), x, y A η(x, y) : A(x, y) NLA(x, y), x, y A is a quasi-isomorphism. This proves the theorem. Remark Notice that the objects in dgcat 0, resp. in smod-cat, with only one object consist exactly on the connective dg algebras, see [21, 1.1], resp. simplicial k-algebras. We have the following commutative diagram salg L N DGA 0 smod-cat L N dgcat 0, where DGA 0 denotes the category of connective dg algebras and salg the category of simplicial k-algebras. Observe that if we restrict the Quillen model structures to these full subcategories we obtain Shipley-Schwede s Quillen equivalence [21, 1.1] salg L N DGA 0. We have then extended Shipley-Schwede s work to a several objects context: the notion of weak equivalence in smod-cat and dgcat 0 (see definition 4.2 and proposition 5.6) is now a mixture between quasi-isomorphisms and categorical equivalences. 6. The global picture Recall from [9, III] that we have an adjunction smod k( ) U sset,

20 20 GONÇALO TABUADA where U is the forgetful functor and k( ) the k-linearization functor. The functor k( ) is lax strong monoidal and so we have the natural adjunction smod-cat k( ) U sset-cat. Recall from [1, 1.1] that the category sset-cat is endowed with a Quillen model structure whose weak equivalences are the Dwyer-Kan (=DK) equivalences. Let us recall this notion. Definition 6.1. A simplicial functor F : A B is a Dwyer-Kan equivalence if: - for any objects x and y in A, the map F(x, y) : A(x, y) B(Fx, Fy) is a weak equivalence of simplicial sets and - the induced functor π 0 (F) : π 0 (A) π 0 (B) is essentially surjective. Proposition 6.2. The adjunction (k( ), U) is a Quillen adjunction, when we consider on smod-cat the Quillen model structure of theorem Proof. We first observe that by proposition 5.9 the functor U : smod-cat sset-cat preserves weak equivalences. We now show that it also preserves fibrations. Let G : A B be a simplicial k-linear functor such that NG : NA NB is a fibration in dgcat 0. We need to show that UG is a fibration in sset-cat. Recall from [1] that UG is a fibration iff: (F1) for any object x and y in UA, the map UG(x, y) : UA(x, y) UB(Gx, Gy) is a fibration in sset and (F2) for any object x UA, y UB and homotopy equivalence f : Gx y in UB (= f becomes invertible in π 0 (UB)), there is an object z A and a homotopy equivalence h : x z in UA such that UG(h) = f. Since by hypothesis NG : NA NB is a fibration in dgcat 0, the dg functors R(n), n 1 (which belong to the set J of generating trivial cofibrations) allow us to conclude that the morphisms NG(x, y) n : NA(x, y) n NB(Gx, Gy) n, x, y A are surjective for n 1. Now, by [9, III-2.11], UG(x, y) is a fibration in sset iff the morphisms NG(x, y) n are surjective for n 1. This implies that condition (F1) is verified. Concerning condition (F2), let x UA, y UB and f : Gx y be a homotopy equivalence in UB. This means that f is invertible in π 0 (B) and so by lemma 5.8 N(f) is also invertible in H 0 (NB). This data allow us to construct,

21 DG VERSUS SIMPLICIAL CATEGORIES 21 using proposition 1.7 in [23], the following (solid) commutative square F k K NA NG NB. Since NG is a fibration in dgcat 0 we can lift Nf to a morphism h : x z in NA which is invertible in H 0 (NA). Since the 0-simplex morphisms in A and the degree zero morphisms in NA are exactly the same, lemma 5.8 implies that h : x z, when considered as a morphism in UA, satisfies condition (F2). This proves the proposition. We have obtained the following zig-zag of Quillen adjunctions relating the homotopy theories of differential graded and simplicial categories: sset-cat k( ) U smod-cat L N dgcat 0 τ 0 dgcat. Remark 6.3. Since the adjunction (L, N) is a Quillen equivalence - the composed functor L(N k( )) : Ho(sSet-Cat) Ho(dgcat) preserves homotopy colimits and - the composed functor R(U L τ 0 ) : Ho(dgcat) Ho(sSet-Cat) preserves homotopy limits. The following result was proved by Simpson in an adhoc way in [22, 5.1]. Corollary 6.4. Let F : A B be a dg functor and b an object of B. Then the homotopy fiber of F over b, denoted by HFib(F)/b, is equivalent to the homotopy fiber of R(U L τ 0 )(F) over b: Proof. It follows from remark 6.3. HFib(F)/b HFib(NF)/b. References [1] J. Bergner, A Quillen model structure on the category of simplicial categories Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), [2] J. Bergner, A survey of (,1)-categories, preprint, arxiv: [3] F. Borceux, Handbook of categorical algebra. 2, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 51, Cambridge University Press, [4] V. Drinfeld, DG quotients of DG categories, J. Algebra 272 (2004), [5] V. Drinfeld, DG categories, Series of talks at the Geometric Langlands Seminar, Chicago, Notes taken by D. Ben-Zvi, Fall 2002.

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