THEORY FOR DG CATEGORIES arxiv: v1 [math.kt] 29 May 2008

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1 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY FOR DG CATEGORIES arxiv: v1 [mathkt] 29 May 2008 GONÇALO TABUADA Abstract By inspiring ourselves in Drinfeld s DG quotient, we develop Postnikov towers, k-invariants and an obstruction theory for dg categories As an application, we obtain the following rigidification theorem: let A be a homologically connective dg category and F 0 : B H 0 (A) a dg functor to its homotopy category If the family {ω n(f n)} n 0 of obstruction classes vanishes, then a lift F : B A for F 0 exists Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Acknowledgements 4 3 Preliminaries 4 4 Postnikov towers 7 41 Small model 9 42 Big model Uniqueness and homotopy type 13 5 k-invariants 16 6 Obstruction theory 22 References 26 1 Introduction A differential graded (=dg) category is a category enriched in the category of complexes of modules over some commutative base ring R Dg categories provide a framework for homological geometry and for non-commutative algebraic geometry in the sense of Bondal, Drinfeld, Kapranov, Kontsevich, Toën, Van den Bergh, [1] [2] [6] [7] [11] [12] [13] [22] They are considered as (enriched) derived categories of quasi-coherent sheaves on a hypothetical non-commutative space (see Keller s ICM-talk survey [10]) In [19], the homotopy theory of dg categories was constructed This theory has allowed several developments such as: the creation by Toën of a derived Morita theory [22]; the construction of a category of non-commutative motives [19]; the first conceptual characterization [20] of Quillen-Waldhausen s K-theory [16] [24] since its definition in the early 70 s Key words and phrases Dg category, Postnikov tower, k-invariants, obstruction theory, noncommutative algebraic geometry 1

2 2 GONÇALO TABUADA In this article, we develop new ingredients in this homotopy theory: Postnikov towers, k-invariants and an obstruction theory for homologically connective dg categories Homologically connective dg categories: A dg category A is homologically connective if for all objects x,y A, the homology R-modules H i (A(x,y)) are zero for i < 0 Our motivation comes from non-abelian Hodge theory (see [17] [18] [23]): Example 11 We can associate to a C -manifold M its (homologically connective) dg category T DR (M) of flat vector bundles on M For two flat bundles V and W, T DR (M)(V,W) is the complex of smooth forms on M with coefficients on the vector bundle of morphisms from V to W Although the homotopy category H 0 (T DR (M)) is equivalent, by the Riemann-Hilbert correspondance, to the category of finite dimensional linear representations (up to homotopy) of the fundamental group of M, the dg category T DR (M) carries much more information: for two flat bundles V and W, corresponding to two local systems L 1 and L 2, the homology group H i (T DR (M)(V,W)) is isomorphic to the Ext-group Ext i (L 1,L 2 ), computed in the category of abelian sheaves over M We can also associate to a complex manifold M its (homologically connective) dg category T Dol (M) of holomorphic complex vector bundles on M For two holomorphic bundles V and W, T Dol (M)(V,W) is the Dolbeault complex with coefficients in the vector bundle of morphisms from V to W Although the homotopy category H 0 (T Dol (M)) is equivalent to the full subcategory of the bounded coherent derived category of M, whose objects are the holomorphic vector bundles, the dg category T Dol (M) carries much more information: for two holomorphic vector bundles V and W, the homology group H i (T Dol (M)(V,W)) is isomorphic to the Ext-group Ext i O(V,W) calculated in the category of holomorphic coherent sheaves For instance, if 1 if the trivial vector bundle of rank 1 and V is any holomorphic vector bundle H i (T Dol (M)(1,V)) H i (X,V), where H i (X,V) is the ith Dolbeault homology group of V The purpose of this article is to develop a general technology that allow us to characterize precisely which are the obstructions appearing when one tries to lift information from the homotopy category to the differential graded one Postnikov towers: A Postnikov tower (A n ) n 0 for a homologically connective dg category A is a commutative diagram in the category dgcat of dg categories such that: P 2 P 1 P 0 A A 2 A 1 A) The dg functor P n : A A n satisfies the following conditions: A 0

3 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 3 A1) for all objects x,y A, the induced map on the homology R-modules H i (A(x,y)) H i (A n (P n x,p n y)), is an isomorphism for i n and A2) thedgfunctorp n inducesanequivalenceofcategoriesh 0 (A) H 0 (A n ) B) For all objects x,y A n, the homology R-modules H i (A n (x,y)) are zero for i > n By inspiring ourselves in Drinfeld s description of the Hom complexes in his DG quotient(see[6, 31]), we construct in section 42 a Big(functorial) Postnikov model P(A) for A We then use it to prove the following uniqueness theorem Theorem 12 (417) Given two objects in the category Post(A) of Postnikov towers for A, there exists a zig-zag of weak equivalences relating the two For many purposes, a dg category A can be replaced by any of its Postnikov sections A n For example if one is only interested in its homotopy category H 0 (A) orifoneisonlyinterestedinits homologyr-modulesinafinite rangeofdimensions On the other hand, using a small Postnikovmodel P(A) for A (see 41), we prove that the full homotopy type of A can be recovered from any of its Postnikov towers by a homotopy limit procedure (see proposition 419) k-invariants: Having seen how to decompose a homologically connective dg category A into its Postnikov sections A n, n 0, we consider the inverse problem of building a Postnikov tower for A, starting with A 0 and inductively constructing A n+1 from A n In order to solve this problem, we construct (see 59) a dg functor γ n : P n (A) P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2], from the nth Big Postnikov section of A to a square zero extension (see 57) of P n (A) The image of γ n in the homotopy category Ho(dgcat P n (A)) of dg categories over P n (A) is called the nth k-invariant α n (A) of A (see 512) We show that α n (A) corresponds to a derived derivation of P n (A) with values in the P n (A)-P n (A)-bimodule H n+1 (A)[n+2] (see 513) Then we prove our main theorem, which shows how the full homotopy type of P n+1 (A) in dgcat can be entirely recovered from α n (A) Theorem 13 (516) We have a homotopy fiber sequence in Ho(dgcat P n (A)) P n+1 (A) P n (A) γn P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] Obstruction theory: By inspiring ourselves in the examples appearing in nonabelian Hodge theory, we formulate the following general rigidification problem: Let A be an homologically connective dg category and F 0 : B H 0 (A) a dg functor with values in its homotopy category, with B a cofibrant dg category Is there a lift F : B A making the diagram commute? A F B F0 τ 0 H 0 (A)

4 4 GONÇALO TABUADA Intuitively the dg functor F 0 represents the up-to-homotopy information that one would like to rigidify, ie lift to the dg category A In order to solve this problem, we consider a Postnikov tower for A (eg its Big Postnikov model) P 2 (A) F 2 P 1 (A) F 1 F 0 B H 0 (A) P 0 (A) and we try to lift F 0 to dg functors F n : B P n (A) for n = 1,2 in sucession The image of the composed dg functor B Fn P n (A) γn P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] in the homotopy category Ho(dgcat P n (A)) is called the obstruction class ω n (F n ) of F n (see 62) We interpret it as a derived derivation of B with values in a B-B-bimodule (see 63) We then prove that, if at each stage of the inductive process of constructing lifts F n : B P n (A), the obstruction class ω n (F n ) vanishes, then a lift F : B A for F 0 exists Theorem 14 (66) If the family {ω n (F n )} n 0 of obstruction classes vanishes, then the rigidification problem has a solution 2 Acknowledgements It is a great pleasure to thank Carlos Simpson for motivating conversations and Gustavo Granja for several important comments on an older version of this article I would like also to thank the Laboratoire J-A Dieudonné at Nice-France for his hospitality, where some of this work was carried out 3 Preliminaries In what follows, R will denote a commutative ring with unit The tensor product will denote the tensor product overr Let Ch be the categoryofcomplexes of R- modules and Ch 0 the full subcategoryofpositively graded complexes (we consider homological notation, ie the differential decreases the degree) Recall from [9, 2311], that Ch carries a projective model structure, whose weak equivalences are the quasi-isomorphisms and whose fibrations are the degreewise surjective maps We denote by dgcat the category of small dg categories, see [6] [10] [19] Definition 31 Let A be a small dg category - the opposite dg category A op of A has the same objects as A and its complexes on morphisms are defined by A op (x,y) = A(y,x) - a A-A-bimodule M is a dg functor M : A op A Ch

5 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 5 Recall from [19, 18] that dgcat carries a cofibrantly generated Quillen model structure whose weak equivalences are defined as follows: Definition 32 A dg functor F : A B is a quasi-equivalence if: (i) for all objects x,y A, the induced morphism F(x,y) : A(x,y) B(Fx,Fy) is a quasi-isomorphism in Ch and (ii) the induced functor H 0 (F) : H 0 (A) H 0 (B) is an equivalence of categories Remark 33 Notice that if condition (i) is verified, condition (ii) is equivalent to: (ii) the induced functor is essentially surjective H 0 (F) : H 0 (A) H 0 (B) Let us now recall from [19, 113], the following characterization of the fibrations in dgcat Proposition 34 A dg functor F : A B is a fibration if and only if: F1) for all objects x,y A, the induced morphism F(x,y) : A(x,y) B(Fx,Fy) is a fibration in Ch and F2) for every objet a 1 A and every morphism v B(F(a 1 ),b) which becomes invertible in H 0 (B), there exists a morphism u A(a 1,a 2 ) such that F(u) = v and which become invertible in H 0 (A) Remark 35 Since the terminal object in dgcat is the zero category 0 (one object and trivial dg algebra of endomorphisms), every object in dgcat is fibrant Corollary 36 Let F : A B be a dg functor such that: - induces a surjective map on the set of objects, - for all objects x,y A, the induced morphism F(x,y) : A(x,y) B(Fx,Fy) is a fibration in Ch and - the induced functor H 0 (F) : H 0 (A) is an equivalence of categories Then F is a fibration in dgcat Definition 37 Let A be a small dg category H 0 (B) - We say that A is homologically connective if for all objects x,y A, the homology R-modules H i (A(x,y)) are zero for i < 0 - We say that A is positively graded if for all objects x,y A, the R-modules A(x,y) i are zero for i < 0 Notation 38 We denote by dgcat 0 the category of small positively graded dg categories

6 6 GONÇALO TABUADA Recall from [21, 416] that we have an adjunction dgcat i τ 0 dgcat 0, where τ 0 denotes the intelligent truncation functor Remark 39 Notice that for a homologically connective dg category A, the co-unit of the previous adjunction, furnishes us a natural quasi-equivalence η A : τ 0 (A) A, which induces the identity map on set of objects This (functorial) procedure will allow us to extended several constructions from positively graded to homologically connective dg categories We finish these preliminaries with some homotopical algebra results and the notion of lax monoidal functor Let M be a Quillen model category and X an object of M Notation 310 We denote by M X the category of objects of M over X, see [8, 762] Notice that its terminal object is the identity morphism on X Remark 311 Recall from [8, 765] that M X carries a natural Quillen model structure induced by the one on M In particular an object Y X in M X is cofibrantif and onlyify is cofibrantin M andis fibrant ifand onlyif the morphism Y X is a fibration in M Notice also that if f : X X is a morphism in M, we have a Quillen adjunction M X f! f! M X, where f! associates to an object Y X in M X the object X X Y X in M X and f! associatesto an object Z X in M X the object Z X f X in M X We have also a natural forgetful functor U : M X M, which preserves cofibrations, fibrations and weak equivalences This implies that U descends to the homotopy categories U : Ho(M X) Ho(M) and so we obtain the following lemma Lemma 312 Let f and f be two morphisms in M X If they become equal in Ho(M X), then U(f) and U(f ) become equal in Ho(M) Lemma 313 Let M be a Quillen model category Suppose we have a (noncommutative) diagram X f p Z Y, f

7 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 7 where Z is cofibrant, Y is fibrant, p is a fibration in M and the composition p f becomes equal to f in the homotopy category Ho(M) Then, there exists a lift f : Z X of f which makes the diagram commute Z ef f Proof Notice that since Z is cofibrant and Y is fibrant, the composition p f becomes equal to f in Ho(M), if and only if p f and f are left homotopic This allow us to construct a (solid) commutative square f X Y p Z X eh i 0 p I(Z) Y, H where I(Z) is a cylinder object for Z and H is an homotopy between p f and f Finally, p has the right lifting property with respect to i 0 and so we obtain a desired morphism such that p f = f f : Z i1 eh I(Z) X, Definition 314 Let (C,,I C ) and (D,,I D ) be two symmetric monoidal categories A lax monoidal functor is a functor F : C D equipped with: - a morphism η : I D F(I C ) and - natural morphisms ψ X,Y : F(X) F(Y) F(X Y), X,Y C which are coherently associative and unital (see diagrams 627 and 628 in [3]) A lax monoidal functor is strong monoidal if the morphisms η and ψ X,Y are isomorphisms Throughout this article the adjunctions are displayed vertically with the left, resp right, adjoint on the left side, resp right side 4 Postnikov towers In this chapter, we construct(functorial) Postnikov towers for homologically connective dg categories We prove that they are essentially unique (see theorem 417) and that the full homotopy type of a homologically connective dg category can be recovered from any of its Postnikov towers (see proposition 419)

8 8 GONÇALO TABUADA Definition 41 A Postnikov tower (A n ) n 0 for a positively graded dg category A is a commutative diagram in dgcat P 2 P 1 P 0 A A 2 A 1 A 0 such that: A) The dg functor P n : A A n satisfies the following conditions: A1) for all objects x,y A, the induced map on the homology R-modules H i (A(x,y)) H i (A n (P n x,p n y)) is an isomorphism for i n and A2) it induces an equivalence of categories H 0 (A) H 0 (A n ) B) For all objects x,y A n, the homology R-modules H i (A n (x,y)) are zero for i > n The dg functor P n : A A n is called the nth Postnikov section of A Remark 42 By the 2 out of 3 property, the dg functors A n+1 A n induce an equivalence of categories H 0 (A n+1 ) H 0 (A n ) Definition 43 A morphism M : (A n ) n 0 (A n ) n 0 between two Postnikov towers for A is a family of dg functors M n : A n A n which makes the obvious diagrams commute Notation 44 We denote by Post(A) the category of Postnikov towers for A Remark 45 Let M : (A n ) n 0 (A n) n 0 be a morphism between Postnikov towers for A By the 2 out of 3 property, its Postnikov sections M n : A n A n are all quasi-equivalences Remark 46 Observe that in a Postnikov tower (A n ) n 0 for A, we can replace each dg functor A n+1 A n by a fibration F(A n+1 ) F(A n ), starting with A 1 A 0 and then going upward For the inductive step, we factor the composition A n+1 A n F(A n ) by a trivial cofibration followed by a fibration

9 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 9 F(A n+1 ) F(A n ) We obtain then a morphism (A n ) n 0 F(A n ) n 0 between Postnikov towers A 2 F(A 2 ) P 2 A 1 F(A 1 ) P 1 P 0 A A 0 A 0 Definition 47 Let A be a homologically connective dg category By a Postnikov tower for A, we mean a Postnikov tower for τ 0 (A), see remark 39 We now present two functorial Postnikov tower models 41 Small model Let n 0 Consider the intelligent truncation functor which associates to a complex its intelligent truncation τ n : Ch 0 Ch 0 M : 0 M 0 M n 1 M n M n+1 τ n (M ) : 0 M 0 M n 1 M n /Im(M n+1 ) 0 Notice that when n varies, we obtain the following natural tower of complexes τ 2 (M ) τ 1 (M ) M τ 0 (M ) Moreover each vertical map is a fibration and the induced map on the homology R-modules H i (M ) H i (τ n (M )) isanisomorphismfori n NoticealsothatthehomologyR-modulesH i (τ n (M )) are zero for i > n Now, let A be a positively graded dg category Since for every n 0, the truncation functor τ n is lax monoidal (see 314), the above remarks imply the following:

10 10 GONÇALO TABUADA if we apply the intelligent truncation functors to each complex of morphisms of A, we obtain a Postnikov tower τ 2 (A) τ 1 (A) A τ 0 (A) for A Moreover, by construction, all the dg functors in the diagram induce the identity map on the set of objects Notice also that since the morphisms of complexes τ n+1 (M ) τ n (M ) are fibrations, remark 42 and corollary 36, imply that the dg functors are fibrations in dgcat τ n+1 (A) τ n (A) Notation 48 We denote by P(A) the small Postnikov model obtained In particular P n (A) denotes the dg category τ n (A) 42 Big model We start by recalling from [19, 13] same generating cofibrations for the Quillen model structure on dgcat Definition 49 For n Z, let S n be the complex R[n] (with R concentrated in degree n) and let D n+1 be the mapping cone on the identity of S n We denote by 1 n the element of degree n in S n, which corresponds to the unit of R Let C(n) be the dg category with two objects 1 et 2 such that C(n)(1,1) = R, C(n)(2,2) = R, C(n)(2,1) = 0, C(n)(1,2) = S n and composition given by multiplication We denote by D(n+1) the dg category with two objects 3 and 4 such that P(n)(3,3) = R, P(n)(4,4) = R, P(n)(4,3) = 0, P(n)(3,4) = D n+1 and with composition given by multiplication Finally, let S(n) be the dg functor from C(n) to D(n + 1) that sends 1 to 3, 2 to 4 and S n to D n+1 by the identity on R in degree n Lemma 410 Let A be a small dg category and n 0 Suppose that the dg functor A 0 (where 0 denotes the terminal object in dgcat) has the right lifting property with respect to the set {S(m) m > n} Then for all objects x,y A, the homology R-modules H i (A(x,y)) are zero for i > n Proof This follows easily from the above definitions Lemma 411 Let π : M N be a fibration in Ch and n + 1 > 0 If the induced map on the homology R-modules H i (M ) H i (N )

11 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 11 is an isomorphism for i > n+1, then π has the right lifting property with respect to the set {S m D m+1 m > n+1}, see definition 49 Proof Consider the short exact sequence of complexes 0 K i M π N 0, where K denotes the kernel of π Notice that in the induced long exact sequence on homology, the isomorphisms (m > n+1) H m+1 (M ) H m+1 (N ) H m (K ) H m (M ) H m (N ), imply that H m (K ) = 0 Now a simple diagram chasing argument (see [9, 235]) allow us to conclude the proof Corollary 412 Let F : A B be a dg functor such that for all objects x,y A, the induced morphism F(x,y) : A(x,y) B(Fx,Fy) in Ch satisfies the conditions of lemma 411 Then F has the right lifting property with respect to the elements of the set {S(m) m > n+1} Now, let A be a positively graded dg category For each n 0, apply the small object argument ([8, 10514]) to the dg functor A 0, using the set {S(m) m > n} of generating cofibrations (see 49) We obtain the following factorization A 0 P n P n (A), where the dg functor P n is obtained by an infinite composition of pushouts along the elements of the set {S(m) m > n} Notice that the small object argument furnishes us natural dg functors P n+1 (A) P n (A) making the following diagram A P 2 (A) P 2 P 1 (A) P 1 P 0 P 0 (A) commutative Moreover, by construction, all the dg functors in the diagram induce the identity map on the set of objects Proposition 413 The above construction is a Postnikov tower for A Proof We verify the conditions of definition 41:

12 12 GONÇALO TABUADA A1) Since P n (A) is obtained by an infinite composition of pushouts along the elements of the set {S(m) m > n} and the homology functors commute with infinite compositions, it is enough to prove the following: let B be a positively graded dg category and consider the following pushout (m > n) S(m) C(m) D(m+1) T B B in dgcat We need to show that B is also positively graded and that for all objects x,y B, the induced map on the homology R-modules H i (B(x,y)) H i ( B(x,y)) is an isomorphism for i n Observe that, as in Drinfeld s description of the Hom complexes in his DG quotient [6, 31], we have an isomorphism of graded R-modules (but not an isomorphism of complexes) B(x,y) B l (x,y), l=0 where B l (x,y) is by definition the graded R-module B(T(2),y) R[m+1] B(T(2),T(1)) R[m+1] B(x,T(1)) }{{} l factors R[m+1] The differential of an element is equal to g n+1 h g 2 h g 1 }{{} B l (x,y) l factors h d(g n+1 ) h g 2 h g 1 +( 1) gn+1 g n+1 d(h) g 2 h g 1 +, }{{} (l 1) factors h where d(h) B(T(1),T(2)) corresponds to the image of 1 m S m (see 49) under the dg functor T This implies that, for every j 0, the sum j B l (x,y) B(x,y) l 0 is a subcomplex and so we obtain an exhaustive filtration of B(x,y) Observe that since m > n and B is positively graded the natural inclusion induces isomorphisms B(x,y) = B 0 (x,y) B(x,y) B(x,y) i B(x,y)i for i n+1 and so an isomorphism τ n B(x,y) τ n B(x,y)

13 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 13 between the truncated complexes We conclude that B is positively graded and that the induced map on the homology R-modules H i (B(x,y)) H i ( B(x,y)) is an isomorphism for i n A2) ByconditionA1), forallobjectsx,y A, theinducedmaponthehomology R-modules H 0 (A(x,y)) H 0 (P n (A)(x,y)) is an isomorphism Since the dg functor P n : A A n induces the identity map on the set of objects, we conclude that the induced functor H 0 (A) H 0 (A n ) is an equivalence of categories B) By construction, the dg functor P n (A) 0 has the right lifting property with respect to the set {S(m) m > n} This implies, by lemma 410, that for all objects x,y A the homology R-modules H i (P n (A)(x,y)) are zero for i > n Notation 414 We denote by P(A) the Big Postnikov model thus obtained 43 Uniqueness and homotopy type Proposition 415 Let (A n ) n 0 be a Postnikov tower for a homologically connective dg category A, where all the dg functors A n+1 A n are fibrations Then there exists a morphism M : P(A) (A n ) n 0 between Postnikov towers Proof We will construct M recursively,starting with the casen = 0 and then going upwards (n = 0) Notice that the small object argument allows us to construct inductively a dg functor M 0 : P 0 (A) A 0 as follows: step: suppose we have the following (solid) diagram (i 0, P 0 (A) 0 = A) C(m) m>0 P C(m) P 0(A) i 0 (A) i A 0 M i 0 M i+1 0 D(m+1) P C(m) P 0(A) i 0 (A) i+1 m>0 Recallfromthat we denoteby 1 m the cycleofdegreem in S m (and soin C(m)(1,2)) which correspondsto the unit of R Since A 0 satisfiescondition B) ofdefinition 41, we can choose a bounding chain b in A 0 for each cycle T i (1 m ), m > 0 (ie d(b) = T i (1 m )) These choices give rise to a dg functor M0 i+1 which makes the above diagram commute By passing to the colimit on i, we obtain our desired dg functor M 0 = colimm0 i : P i 0(A) = colimp 0 (A) i A 0 i T i

14 14 GONÇALO TABUADA (n n+1) Suppose we have a dg functor M n : P n (A) A n between the nth Postnikov sections We will construct a lift M n+1 which makes the square M n+1 P n+1 (A) A n+1 P n (A) M n A n commutative Our argument is also an inductive one: step: suppose we have the following (solid) diagram (i 0, P n+1 (A) 0 = A) C(m) m>n+1 P C(m) P n+1(a) i n+1 (A) i Mn+1 i A n+1 M i+1 n+1 D(m+1) P C(m) P n+1(a) i n+1 (A) A n m>n+1 i+1 Mi+1 n Notice that the left (solid) square appears in the construction of P n (A) i+1 This implies that the dg functor Mn i+1 : P n (A) i+1 i+1 A n restricts to a dg functor M n, which makes the right square commutative Now, observe that the dg functor A n+1 A n satisfies the conditions of corollary 412 and so it has the right lifting propertywith respecttothe elementsofthe set{s(m) m > n} Thisimplies that there exists an induced dg functor Mn+1 i+1 which makes the above diagram commute By passing to the colimit on i, we obtain our desired morphism M n+1 = colimmn+1 i : P n+1 (A) = colimp n+1 (A) i A n+1 i i The proof is now finished Remark 416 Since in the small Postnikov model P(A) for A, the dg functors τ n+1 (A) τ n (A) are fibrations, proposition 415 implies the existence of a morphism M : P(A) P(A) from the Big to the small Postnikov model Moreover, the bounding chains in P(A) used in the construction of M are all trivial and so this morphism is welldefined Notice also that for n 0, the dg functor M n satisfies all the conditions of corollary 36 and so it is a fibration in dgcat We now prove that Postnikov towers are essentially unique Theorem 417 Let A be a homologically connective dg category Given two objects in Post(A) (see 44), there exists a zig-zag of weak equivalences (see 45) relating the two

15 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 15 Proof Let (A n ) n 0 and (A n ) n 0 two Postnikov towers for A By remark 46, we can construct morphisms in Post(A) (A n ) n 0 F(A n ) n 0 (A n ) n 0 F(A n ) n 0, such that the dg functors F(A n+1 ) F(A n ) F(A n+1 ) F(A n ) are fibrations in dgcat Moreover, by proposition 415, we can also construct morphisms as follows P(A) F(A n ) 0 P(A) F(A n) n 0 We obtain finally, the following zig-zag (A n ) n 0 F(A n ) n 0 P(A) F(A n) n 0 (A n) n 0 of weak equivalences in Post(A) Remark 418 Notice that by theorem 417, the classifying space([8, 14]) of Post(A) has a single connected component We now show how the full homotopy type of a homologically connective dg category can be recovered from any of its Postnikov towers Proposition 419 Let A be a homologically connective dg category and (A n ) n 0 a Postnikov tower for A Then the natural dg functor is a quasi-equivalence A holima n n Proof Notice that theorem 417 and remark 45 imply that the homotopy limit of any Postnikov tower for A is well defined up to quasi-equivalence We can then consider the small Postnikov model P(A) for A Since every object in dgcat is fibrant (see 35) and the dg functors τ n+1 (A) τ n (A) are fibrations in dgcat, we have a natural quasi-equivalence lim n τ n (A) holim n τ n (A) By construction of limits in dgcat, we conclude that the natural dg functor A lim n P n (A) is an isomorphism

16 16 GONÇALO TABUADA 5 k-invariants In this chapter we construct k-invariants for homologically connective dg categories (see definitions 512 and 514) We show that these invariants correspond to derived derivations with values in a certain bimodule (see 513) Then we prove our main theorem (516), which shows how the full homotopy type of the n + 1 Postnikov section of an homologically connective dg category A can be recovered from the nth k-invariant of A For constructions of k-invariants in the context of spectral algebra see [4] [5] [14] Let us start with some general constructions Definition 51 Let A be a small dg category and M a A-A-bimodule (see 31) The square zero extension A M of A by M is the dg category defined as follows: its objects are those of A and for objects x,y A we have A M(x,y) := A(x,y) M(x,y) The composition in A M is defined using the composition on A, the above bimodule structure and by imposing that the composition between M-factors is zero Remark 52 Notice that A is a (non-full) dg subcategory of A M and that we have a natural projection dg functor A M A, which is clearly a fibration in dgcat, see proposition 34 Definition 53 - A derivation of A with values in a A-A-bimodule M is a morphism in dgcat A (see 310) from A to A M, or equivalently a section of the natural projection dg functor A M A - A derived derivation of A with values in a A-A-bimodule M is a morphism in the homotopy category Ho(dgcat A) (see 311) from A to A M Notation 54 We denote by Der(A,M) (resp RDer(A,M)) the set of derivations (resp derived derivations) of A with values in M The (derived) derivation obtained by considering A as a dg subcategory of A M is called the trivial one Remark 55 Notice that if A is a R-algebra A (ie A has only one object and its endomorphisms R-algebra is A), the notion of derivation coincides with the classical one, ie a R-linear map D : A M which satisfies the Leibniz relation D(ab) = a(db)+(da)b a,b A Proposition 56 Let F : A B be an object in dgcat B and M a B-Bbimodule Then the set Ho(dgcat B)(A,B M) is naturally isomorphic to the set of derived derivations RDer(A,F (M)) of A with values in the A-A-bimodule F (M) obtained by restricting M along F Proof Recall from remark 311, the (derived) Quillen adjunction Ho(dgcat A) F! RF! Ho(dgcat B)

17 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 17 Notice that we have the following pull-back square A F (M) F Id B M A which shows us that the image of B M under the functor RF! is isomorphic to A F (M) Moreover the image of A under the functor F! is isomorphic to the object F : A B in Ho(dgcat B) and so by adjunction we obtain the desired isomorphism We now define the dg categories which play the same role as the Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces in the classical theory of k-invariants Definition 57 Let A be a positively graded dg category and n 0 Consider the following bimodule: H n+1 (A)[n+2] : H 0 (A) op H 0 (A) Ch (x,y) H n+1 ((A)(x,y))[n+2], where the complex H n+1 ((A)(x,y))[n + 2] is simply the R-module H n+1 (A(x,y)) concentratedin degree n+2 Notice that the natural projection dg functor P n (A) P 0 (A) = H 0 (A) endow H n+1 (A)[n+2] with a structure of P n (A)-P n (A)-bimodule Finally, we denote by A H n+1 (A)[n+2] the square zero extension obtained (51) using this bimodule structure Remark 58 Notice that by remark 52, P n (A) is a dg subcategory of P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] and we have a natural projection dg functor Definition 59 Let P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+ 2] F B, P n (A) γ n : P n (A) P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] be the natural dg functor obtained bymodifying the dg functor M n : P n (A) (see 416) as follows: P n (A) step: suppose we have the following (solid) diagram (i 0, P n (A) 0 = A) C(m) T i m>n P C(m) P n(a) i n (A) i γ i n P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] γ i+1 n D(m+1) P C(m) P n(a) i n (A) i+1 m>n For every cycle T i (1 m ), m > n + 1 choose 0 as a bounding chain in P n (A) (and so in P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n + 2]), as in the case of the dg functor M n Now, let T i (1 n+1 ) P n (A) i (T i (1),T i (2)) be a cycle of degree n + 1 Since m > n, the description of the complexes of morphisms in P n (A) i (see proof of proposition 413) implies that we have natural isomorphisms A(T i (1),T i (2)) j Pn (A) i (T i (1),T i (2)) j

18 18 GONÇALO TABUADA for j n+1 We can then choose for bounding chain for T i (1 n+1 ) its homology class in H n+1 (A(T i (1),T i (2)) These choices give rise to a dg functor γn i+1 which makes the above diagram commute By passing to the colimit on i, we obtain our desired dg functor γ n = colim i γn i : P n(a) = colimp n (A) i P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] i Remark 510 Notice that by construction, the dg functor γ n satisfies all the conditions of corollary 36 and so it is a fibration in dgcat Moreover for n 0, we have the following commutative diagram in dgcat γ n P n (A) P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] M n P n (A) Notation 511 We denote by dgcat P n (A) the category of objects in dgcat over P n (A), see notation 310 Definition 512 Let A be a positively graded dg category and n 0 Its nth k-invariant α n (A) is by definition the image of the dg functor γ n in the homotopy category Ho(dgcat P n (A)), see remark 510 Remark 513 Sincethedgfunctor M n : P n (A) we have an isomorphism between P n (A) isaquasi-equivalence, and Ho(dgcat P n (A))(P n (A),P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2]) Ho(dgcat P n (A))(P n (A),P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2]) which implies that α n (A) corresponds to a derived derivation of P n (A) with values in the P n (A)-P n (A)-bimodule H n+1 (A)[n+2], see definiton 53 Definition 514 Let A be a homologically connective dg category Its nth k- invariant α n (A) is by definition the nth k-invariant of τ 0 (A), see remark 39 Remark 515 Notice that although the category dgcat P n (A) is not pointed (the initial and terminal objects are not isomorphic), there is a natural morphism (in dgcat P n (A)) from its terminal object P n (A) to P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n + 2] (see remark 58) We now show how the full homotopy type of P n+1 (A) in dgcat can be entirely recovered from the nth k-invariant α n (A) Theorem 516 We have a homotopy fiber sequence P n+1 (A) in Ho(dgcat P n (A)) P n (A) γ n P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2]

19 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 19 Proof We need to show that P n+1 (A) is quasi-equivalent in dgcat to the homotopy pullback of the diagram P n (A) P n (A) γ n P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] Since γ n is a fibration (see 510) and every dg category is fibrant (see 35), the homotopy pullback and the pullback are quasi-equivalent Notice that we have the following commutative diagram A P n P n+1 P n+1 (A) W P n (A) b γ n P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] This diagram gives rise to the following factorization P n+1 A P n+1 (A) θ φ W, P n (A) where θ and φ are the induced dg functors to the pullback W We need to show that θ is a quasi-equivalence By construction of limits in dgcat, all the dg functors in the previous diagrams induce the identity map on the set of objects and so it is enough to prove that for all objects x,y P n+1 (A), the morphism of complexes θ(x,y) : P n+1 (A)(x,y) W(x,y) is a quasi-isomorphism Let us denote by 0 M 0 M 1 M n M n+1 M n+2 M n+3 the complex A(x,y) Notice that by construction of P n (A) (see 413), the complex P n (A)(x,y) is of the following shape 0 M 0 M 1 M n M n+1 M n+1 M n+3

20 20 GONÇALO TABUADA The complex W(x, y) identifies then with the pullback of the following diagram M n+3 M n+2 M n+1 M n M 1 M 0 0 H n+1 (A(x,y)) 0 M n /Im(M n+1 ) M 1 M M n /Im(M n+1 ) M 1 M The above diagram allow us to conclude that H j W(x,y) = 0 for j n+2 and that the induced map H j (P n+1 (A)(x,y)) is an isomorphism for j n+1 We now prove that the induced map H n+1 A(x,y) H j W(x,y) H n+1 W(x,y) is an isomorphism Notice that this implies (by the 2 out of 3 property) that θ(x,y) is a quasi-isomorphism In order to prove this, we start by observing that in dgcat, pullbacks commute with filtered colimits Since P n (A) is constructed as a filtered colimit and the homology functor H n+1 ( ) preserves filtered colimits it is then enough to prove the following: start: consider the following pullback square A A P n (A) P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2]

21 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 21 step: consider the commutative diagram (i 0, P n (A) 0 = A) C(n+1) S(n+1) D(n+2) T P n (A) i Pn (A) i P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] γ i(t) used in the construction of the natural dg functor γ n (see 59), and suppose that the induced dg functor from A to the pullback W i (T) P n (A) i induces an isomorphism H n+1 A(x,y) P n (A) P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] H n+1 (W i (T)(x,y)) We need to show that the induced dg functor from W i (T) to the pullback W i (T) P n (A) P n (A) i γ i(t) P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] induces an isomorphism H n+1 (W i (T)(x,y)) H n+1 ( W i (T)(x,y)) Recall that for all objects x,y P n (A) i, we have an isomorphism of graded R-modules P n (A) i (x,y) P n (A) il (x,y), l=0 where P n (A) il (x,y) is the graded R-module P n (A) i (T(2),y) R[n+2] P n (A) i (T(2),T(1)) R[n+2] P n (A) i (x,t(1)) }{{} l factors R[n+2] The differential of an element is equal to g n+1 h g 2 h g 1 P }{{} n (A) il (x,y) l factors h d(g n+1 ) h g 2 h g 1 +( 1) gn+1 g n+1 d(h) g 2 h g 1 +, }{{} (l 1) factors h where d(h) P n (A) i (T(1),T(2)) correspondsto the image of 1 n+1 S n+1 (see 49) under the dg functor T This description show us that the unique elements in

22 22 GONÇALO TABUADA W i (T)(x,y), whicheventually destroy the(n+1)-homologyofthecomplexw i (T)(x,y) belong to the graded R-module P n (A) i1 (x,y) = P n (A) i (T(2),y) R[n+2] P n (A) i (x,t(1)) We now show that if g 2 h g 1 is an (homogeneous) element of degree n + 2 in P n (A) i1 (x,y), whose differential g 2 d(h) g 1 (P n (A) i (x,y)) n+1 (W i (T)(x,y)) n+1 is non-trivial in the homology R-module H n+1 (W i (T)(x,y)), then the element g 2 h g 1 does not belong to W i (T)(x,y) By hypothesis we have an induced isomorphism H n+1 A(x,y) H n+1 (W i (T)(x,y)) and so by definition 57, the image of g 2 h g 1 under the dg functor γ i (T) correspondspreciselytothisnon-trivialelementin thehomologyr-moduleh n+1 A(x,y) This implies that g 2 h g 1 does not belong to the pullback complex W i (T)(x,y) and so we conclude that we have an induced isomorphism H n+1 (W i (T)(x,y)) H n+1 ( W i (T)(x,y)) Finally, by and infinite composition procedure, we obtain the pullback W Since the homology functor H n+1 ( ) commutes with filtered colimits, the induced map H n+1 A(x,y) is an isomorphism and so we conclude that θ(x,y) : P n+1 (A)(x,y) H n+1 W(x,y) is a quasi-isomorphism This proves the theorem W(x,y) 6 Obstruction theory In this chapter, we develop an obstruction theory for dg categories Our motivation comes from the examples appearing in non-abelian Hodge theory (see 11) We formulate the following general rigidification problem The rigidification problem: Let A be a positively graded dg category and F 0 : B H 0 (A) a dg functor with values in its homotopy category, with B a cofibrant dg category Is there a lift F : B A making the diagram commute? A F B F0 τ 0 H 0 (A) Intuitively the dg functor F 0 represents the up-to-homotopy information that one would like to rigidify, ie lift to the dg category A Remark 61 Notice that if A is a homologically connective dg category, we have a zig-zag of dg functors A τ 0 (A) τ 0 H 0 (A)

23 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 23 In this situation we search for a lift B A which factors through τ 0 (A) In order to solve this problem we consider the following notion: let A be a positively graded dg category and recall from section 42 its Big Postnikov model P 2 (A) P 2 P 1 (A) P 1 P 0 A P 0 (A) Definition 62 Let F : B P n (A) be a dg functor Its obstruction class ω n (F) is the image of the composed dg functor (see 59) B F P n (A) γn P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] in the homotopy category Ho(dgcat P n (A)), see remark 510 We say that the obstruction class ω n (F) vanishes if it factors through the canonical morphism in dgcat P n (A), see remark 515 P n (A) P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] Remark 63 Consider the composed dg functor B F P n (A) an object in dgcat P n (A) By proposition 56, the set M n P n (A) as is naturaly isomorphic to the set Ho(dgcat P n (A))(B,P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2]) RDer(B,(M n F) (H n+1 (A)[n+2])) of derived derivations of B with values in (M n F) (H n+1 (A)[n+2]) This implies that the obstruction class ω n (F) of F corresponds to a derived derivation of B with values in the B-B-bimodule (M n F) (H n+1 (A)[n + 2]) Moreover by the above isomorphim, the obstruction class ω n (F) of F vanishes if and only if the associated derived derivation of B is the trivial one, see notation 54 Proposition 64 Let B be a cofibrant dg category If two dg functors F 1,F 2 : B P n (A) become equal in the homotopy category Ho(dgcat)(B,P n (A)), they give rise to isomorphic obstruction classes In particular ω n (F 1 ) vanishes if and only if ω n (F 2 ) vanishes Proof Notice that since every object in dgcat is fibrant (see 35) and B is cofibrant, two dg functors F 1 and F 2 become equal in Ho(dgcat)(B,P n (A)) if and only if they

24 24 GONÇALO TABUADA are left homotopic We can then construct the following diagram B i 0 F 1 I(B) H P n (A) i 1 F 2 B P n (A), where I(B) is a cylinder object for B and i 0 and i 1 are quasi-equivalences Observe that the previous diagram gives rise to a zig-zag of weak equivalences in dgcat P n (A) between ω n (F 1 ) and ω n (F 2 ), which implies that the obstruction classes are isomorphic In particular ω n (F 1 ) vanishes if and only if so does ω n (F 2 ) Let us return to our rigidification problem: let A be a positively graded dg category and F : B H 0 (A) a dg functor, with B a cofibrant dg category Consider the diagram P 2 (A) M 2 P 2 (A) P 1 (A) P 0 (A) P 1 (A) F 2 M 1 F 1 P 0 (A) = H 0 (A) B, M 0 F 0 where the left (resp right) column is the Big (resp small) Postnikov model for A and the morphism between the two is the one of remark 416 Our strategy will be to try to lift F 0 : B H 0 (A) to dg functors F n : B P n (A) for n = 1,2, in sucession If we are able to find all these lifts, there will be no difficulty in constructing the desired lift F = lim n F n : B A lim n P n (A) For the inductive step, we have a commutative (solid) diagram as follows (n 0) P n+1 (A) P n (A) M n+1 M n P n+1 (A) F n+1 P n (A) F n ff n B

25 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 25 Since B is cofibrantand M n is a trivialfibration, there exits a lift F n off n such that M n F n = F n Moreoversince M n is a quasi-equivalence, any two such lifts become equal in Ho(dgcat)(B,P n (A)) and so by proposition 64 they give rise to isomorphic obstruction classes In what follows, we denote by ω n (F n ) the obstruction class of F n Proposition 65 A lift F n+1 of F n, making the diagram P n+1 (A) F n+1 P n (A) B commute, exists if and only if the obstruction class ω n (F n ) vanishes (see 62) Proof Let us suppose first that ω n (F n ) vanishes Recall from theorem 516, that we have an homotopy fiber sequence P n+1 (A) P n (A) γn P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] in Ho(dgcat P n (A)) By hypothesis, the obstruction class ω n (F n ) vanishes and so the choice of a homotopy in dgcat P n (A) between γ n F n and B P n (A) P n (A) H n+1 (A)[n+2] (see 515) induces a morphism in Ho(dgcat P n (A))(B,P n+1 (A)) Since B is cofibrant (and P n+1 (A) is fibrant) in dgcat P n (A) (see 311), we can represent this morphism by a dg functor ψ : B P n+1 (A) Moreover, by lemma 312, any two such representatives become equal in Ho(dgcat)(B,P n+1 (A)) This implies that F n and the composition F n B M n+1 ψ P n+1 (A) P n (A) becomes equal in Ho(dgcat)(B,P n (A)) Finally, by lemma 313, we conclude that there exists a desired lift F n+1 as in the proposition Let us now prove the converse Suppose we have a lift F n+1 of F n as in the proposition Since B is cofibrant and M n+1 is a trivial fibration there exists a lift F n+1 of F n+1 such that M n+1 F n+1 = F n+1 Observethat F n and the composition B F n+1 Pn+1 (A) P n (A) becomes equal in Ho(dgcat)(B,P n (A)) This implies, by theorem 516 and proposition 64, that the obstruction class ω n (F n ) vanishes Thus if it happens that at each stage of the inductive process of constructing lifts F n : B P n (A), the obstruction class ω n (F n ) vanishes, then the rigidification problem has a solution Theorem 66 Let A be a positively graded dg category and F 0 : B H 0 (A) a dg functor, with B a cofibrant dg category If the family {ω n ( F n )} n 0 of obstruction

26 26 GONÇALO TABUADA classes vanishes, then there exists a lift F : B A of F 0, making the diagram commute A F B F0 τ 0 H 0 (A) References [1] A Bondal, M Van den Bergh, Generators and Representability of Functors in commutative and Noncommutative Geometry, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 3 (1), 1 37 (2003) [2] A Bondal, M Kapranov, Framed triangulated categories (Russian) Mat Sb 181 (1990) no 5, ; translation in Math USSR-Sb 70 no 1, [3] F Borceux, Handbook of categorical algebra 2, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 51, Cambridge University Press, 1994 [4] D Dugger, B Shipley, Postnikov extensions of ring spectra Algebr Geom Topol 6, (2006), (electronic) [5] D Dugger, B Shipley, Topological equivalences for differential graded algebras, Adv Math 212(1) (2007), [6] V Drinfeld, DG quotients of DG categories, J Algebra 272 (2004), [7] V Drinfeld, DG categories, Series of talks at the Geometric Langlands Seminar, Chicago, Notes taken by D Ben-Zvi, Fall 2002 [8] P Hirschhorn, Model categories and their localizations, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 99, American Mathematical Society, 2003 [9] M Hovey, Model categories, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 63, American Mathematical Society, 1999 [10] B Keller, On differential graded categories, International Congress of Mathematicians, Vol II, , Eur Math Soc, Zürich, 2006 [11] M Kontsevich, Triangulated categories and geometry, Course at the École Normale Supérieure, Paris, Notes taken by J Bellaïche, J-F Dat, I Marin, G Racinet and H Randriambololona, 1998 [12] M Kontsevich, Topological field theory for triangulated categories, Talk at the conference on K-theory and Noncommutative Geometry, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, June 2004 [13] M Kontsevich, Notes on motives in finite characteristic Available at arxiv: To appear in Manin Festschrift [14] A Lazarev, Homotopy theory of A ring spectra and applications to MU-modules, K-theory 24 (3) (2001), [15] J-L Loday, Cyclic homology, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 301, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1992 [16] D Quillen, Higher Algebraic K-theory, I: Higher K-theories, (Proc Conf, Battelle Memorial Inst, Seattle, Wash, 1972), Lecture Notes in Math, Vol 341 [17] C Simpson, Higgs bundles and local systems, Inst Hautes Études Sci Publ Math No 75, (1992), 5-95 [18] C Simpson, Geometricity of the Hodge filtration on the infinity-stack of perfect complexes over X DR Available at arxiv: [19] G Tabuada, Théorie homotopique des DG-catégories, author s PhD thesis Available at arxiv: [20] G Tabuada, Higher K-theory via universal invariants Available at arxiv: To appear in Duke Math Journal [21] G Tabuada, Differential graded versus Simplicial categories Available at arxiv: [22] B Toën, The homotopy theory of dg-categories and derived Morita theory, Invent Math 167 (2007), no 3, [23] B Toën, Lectures on dg-categories for the Sedano winter school on K-theory Available at [24] F Waldhausen, Algebraic K-theory of spaces, Algebraic and geometric topology (New Brunswick, N J, 1983), , Lecture Notes in Math, 1126, Springer, Berlin, 1985

27 POSTNIKOV TOWERS, k-invariants AND OBSTRUCTION THEORY 27 Departamento de Matematica, FCT-UNL, Quinta da Torre, Caparica, Portugal address:

Journal of Algebra. Postnikov towers, k-invariants and obstruction theory for dg categories

Journal of Algebra. Postnikov towers, k-invariants and obstruction theory for dg categories Journal of lgebra 321 (2009) 3850 3877 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of lgebra wwwelseviercom/locate/jalgebra Postnikov towers, k-invariants and obstruction theory for dg categories

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