arxiv: v1 [] 12 Jul 2011

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1 What is the total Betti number of a ranom real hypersurface? Damien Gayet, Jean-Yves Welschinger August 30, 08 ariv:07.88v [] Jul 0 Abstract We boun from above the expecte total Betti number of a high egree ranom real hypersurface in a smooth real projective manifol. This upper boun is euce from the equirepartition of critical points of a real Lefschetz pencil restricte to the complex omain of such a ranom hypersurface, equirepartition which we first establish. Our proofs involve Hörmaner s theory of peak sections as well as the formula of Poincaré-Martinelli. Mathematics subject classification 00: 4P5, 3U40, 60F0 Introuction The topology of real projective manifols is uner stuy since the nineteenth century, when Axel Harnack an Felix Klein iscovere that the number of connecte components of the real locus of a smooth real projective curve is boune from above by the sum of its genus an the number of connecte components of its complex omain, see [7], [], while Davi Hilbert has evote his sixteenth problem to such a stuy. Recall that by efinition, a real projective manifol is the vanishing locus in some complex projective space of a collection of homogeneous polynomials with real coefficients. It inherits an antiholomorphic involution c from the ambient complex conjugation. The real locus R is the set of real solutions of the polynomial equations, that is the fixe point set of c. René Thom [7] later observe as a consequence of Smith s theory in equivariant homology, that the total Betti number of the real locus of a smooth real projective manifol is actually always boune from above by the total Betti number of its complex locus, extening Harnack-Klein s inequality, see Theorem. On the other han, John Nash prove that every close smooth manifol can be realize as a component of the real locus of a smooth real projective manifol. Real projective manifols achieving the upper boun given by Harnack-Klein or Smith-Thom s inequalities are calle maximal. Real maximal curves in smooth real projective surfaces appear to be exponentially rare in their linear system as their egree grows, see [5]. What is then the expecte topology of real hypersurfaces in a given smooth real projective manifol? We tackle here this question, measuring the topology of hypersurfaces by the total Betti numbers of their real loci. The answer to this question inee turns out to be only known for the real projective line thanks to Mark Kac [], Michael Shub an Stephen Smale [6] or Alan Eelman an

2 Eric Kostlan [4]. From these works follows that the expecte number of real roots of a ranom real polynomial in one variable an egree is. We establish here general upper bouns for the expecte total Betti numbers of real hypersurfaces in real projective manifols. More precisely, let be a smooth real projective manifol of positive imension n equippe with a real ample line bunle L. The growth of the total Betti number of complex loci of hypersurfaces linearly equivalent to L is polynomial in of egree n, see Lemma 3. We prove the following, see Theorem 4 an 5. Theorem Let (,c ) be a smooth real projective manifol of imension n greater than one equippe with a Hermitian real line bunle (L,c L ) of positive curvature. Then, the expecte total Betti number of real loci of hypersurfaces linearly equivalent to L is a o( n ). If n = or if is a prouct of smooth real projective curves, then it is even a O( n (log) n ). The probability measure that we consier on the complete linear system of real ivisors associate to L is the Fubiny-Stuy measure arising from the L -scalar prouct inuce by the Hermitian metric of positive curvature fixe on L, see 3.. When is one-imensional, upper bouns as the ones given by Theorem can alreay be euce from our work [5]. In orer to prove Theorem, we first fix a real Lefschetz pencil on, which restricts to a Lefschetz pencil on every generic hypersurface of. The number of critical points of such a restriction has the same asymptotic as the total Betti number of the hypersurface, see.. We then prove that these critical points get uniformly istribute in when the egree increases an more precisely that the expecte normalize counting measure supporte by these critical points converges to the volume form inuce by the curvature of the Hermitian bunle L, see Theorem 6. The latter weak convergence prove in Theorem 6 is establishe outsie of the critical locus of the original pencil when n > an away from the real locus of. Note that we first prove this equirepartition result over the complex numbers, see Theorem 3. In orer to euce Theorem from this equirepartition result, we observe that the total Betti number of real loci of hypersurfaces is boune from above by the number of critical points of the restricte Lefschetz pencil in a neighborhoo of the real locus, which we choose of size log thanks to the theory of Hörmaner s peak sections, see.3. The boun n (log) n of Theorem inee appears to be the volume of a log -neighborhoo of the real locus for the metric inuce by the curvature form of L. Theorems 3 an 6 on equirepartition of critical points are inepenent of Theorem which motivate this work. Note also that the expecte Euler characteristic of the real locus of such ranom hypersurfaces has been compute in [0] an []. Finally, while we were writing this paper in june 0, Peter Sarnak informe us that he is able to prove together with Igor Wigman in a work in progress that the expecte number of connecte components of real curves of egree in RP is even a O(). Our paper is organize as follows. In the first paragraph, we recall few results about total Betti numbers of real projective manifols, critical points of Lefschetz pencils an their asymptotics. The secon paragraph is evote to Theorem 3 about equirepartition of critical points of Lefschetz pencils restricte to complex ranom hypersurfaces. The theory of peak sections of Hörmaner an Poincaré-Martinelli s formula play a crucial rôle in the proof, see.. an.3. Finally in the thir

3 paragraph, we first establish the real analogue of Theorem 3, see Theorem 6, an then euce Theorem from it, that is upper bouns for the expecte total Betti numbers of the real locus of ranom real hypersurfaces, see Theorems 4 an 5. Aknowlegements. The research leaing to these results has receive funing from the European Community s Seventh Framework Progamme ([FP7/007-03] [FP7/007-0]) uner grant agreement n o [5804], as well as from the French Agence nationale e la recherche, ANR-08-BLAN Contents Betti numbers an critical points of Lefschetz pencils 3. Real Lefschetz pencils an Betti numbers Asymptotics Ranom ivisors an istribution of critical points 7. Notations an result Poincaré-Martinelli s formula an aapte atlas Aapte atlas an associate relative trivializations Poincaré-Martinelli s formula Hörmaner s peak sections Evaluation of the two-jets of sections Proof of Theorem Proof of Proposition 5 outsie of the base an critical loci of p 4.4. Proof of Proposition 5 along the base an critical loci of p Total Betti numbers of ranom real hypersurfaces 9 3. Statement of the results Expectation of the total Betti number of real hypersurfaces Ranom real ivisors an istribution of critical points Real peak sections an evaluation of two-jets of sections Proof of the main results Proof of Theorem Proof of Theorem Proof of Theorem Final remarks Betti numbers an critical points of Lefschetz pencils This first paragraph is evote to Lefschetz pencils, total Betti numbers an their asymptotics.. Real Lefschetz pencils an Betti numbers Let be a smooth complex projective manifol of positive imension n. Definition A Lefschetz pencil on is a rational map p : CP having only non egenerate critical points an efine by two sections of a holomorphic line bunle with smooth an transverse vanishing loci. 3

4 We enote by B the base locus of a Lefschetz pencil p given by Definion, that is the coimension two submanifol of where p is not efine. A Lefschetz pencil without base locus is calle a Lefschetz fibration. Blowing up once the base locus of a Lefschetz pencil turns it into a Lefschetz fibration. When the imension n of equals one, the base locus is always empty an a Lefschetz fibration is nothing but a branche cover with simple ramifications. Hence, the following Proposition extens to Lefschetz fibrations the classical Riemann-Hurwitz formula. Proposition Let be a smooth complex projective manifol of positive imension n equippe with a Lefschetz fibration p : CP an let F be a regular fiber of p. Then, the Euler characteristics of an F satisfy the relation χ() = χ(f)+( ) n #Crit(p), where Crit(p) enotes the set of critical points of p. Proof. Denote by = p(f) CP an by F 0 the fiber of p associate to a regular value 0 CP \{ }. Let U 0 (resp. U ) be a neighborhoo of 0 (resp. ) in CP, without any critical value of p. Since U (resp. U 0 ) retracts on F (resp. F 0 ), we know that χ(p (U 0 )) = χ(p (U )) = χ(f), whereas from aitivity of the Euler characteristic, χ() = χ() χ(f), where enotes the complement \p (U 0 U ). Without loss of generality, we may assume that in an affine chart C = CP \{ }, 0 correspons to the origin, U 0 to a ball centere at the origin an U to a ball centere at. The manifol comes then equippe with a function f : x p(x) R + C, taking values in a compact interval [a,b] of R +. This function f is Morse an has the same critical points as p, all being of inex n. Inee, the ifferential of f writes f = p p+p p an vanishes at x if an only if p x vanishes. Moreover, its secon ifferential is the composition of the ifferential of the norm. with the secon ifferential of p. The multiplication by i exchanges stable an unstable spaces of these critical points which are non egenerate. Hence, is equippe with a Morse function f : [a,b] having #Crit(p) critical points, all of inex n. By the Morse Lemma (see [3]), the topology of f ([a,a+ǫ]) changes, as ǫ grows, only at the critical points, where a hanle D n D n of inex n is glue on a submanifol iffeomorphic to D n S n. From this Morse theory we euce that an the result. χ() = #Crit(p)( χ(s n )) = ( ) n #Crit(p) Recall that a complex projective manifol CP N is sai to be real when it is efine over the reals, as the vanishing locus of a system of polynomial equations with real coefficients. It inherits then an antiholomorphic involution c :, which is the restriction of the complex conjugation conj : (z 0 : : z n ) CP n (z 0 : : z n ) CP n. Its fixe point set R RP n is calle the real locus of. When is smooth, the latter is either empty or half-imensional. Definition Let (,c ) be a smooth real projective manifol of positive imension n. A Lefschetz pencil p : CP is sai to be real iff it satisfies p c = conj p. Such a real Lefschetz pencil given by Definition is then efine by two real sections σ 0, σ of a holomorphic real line bunle π : (N,c N ) (,c ), where π c N = c π. 4

5 Now, if M is a smooth manifol of positive imension n, we enote by b (M;Z/Z) = n imh i (M;Z/Z) i=0 its total Betti number with Z/Z-coefficients. Lemma Let M be a smooth manifol equippe with a smooth fibration p : M RP an F be a regular fiber of p. Then, the total Betti numbers of M an F satisfy b (M;Z/Z) 4b (F;Z/Z)+#Crit(p). This relation also hols when M is the real locus of a smooth real projective manifol an p the restriction of a real Lefschetz pencil. Proof. Denote by = p(f) RP an by F 0 the fiber of p associate to a regular value 0 RP \{ }. Let I 0 (resp. I ) be a neighborhoo of 0 (resp. ) in RP, so that I 0 an I cover RP, such that I contains only regular values of p. Now, set U 0 = p (I 0 ) an U = p (I ), so that U 0 U = M. From the Mayer-Victoris formula follows that b (M) b (U 0 )+b (U )+b (U 0 U ) b (U 0 )+3b (F), since we may assume that U 0 U retracts onto two fibers of p. Now, the restriction of p to U 0 is a Morse function taking values in I 0 an having the same critical points as p. By the Morse Lemma, b (U 0 ) b (F)+#Crit(p R ). This proves the first part of Lemma. Ifp : CP isareal Lefschetz pencil withbaselocusb, weenoteby the blow-up of B in an by p : CP the inuce Lefschetz fibration. From what has just been prove, we know that b (R ;Z/Z) 4b (R F,Z/Z)+#Crit( p R ), where F enotesthefiberof passociatetof. MoreoverthemorphismH (R ;Z/Z) H (R;Z/Z) is onto, since every element of H (R;Z/Z) has a representative transverse to RB an a proper transform in R. It follows that b (R) b (R ) whereas the projection R F RF is a iffeomorphism. Recall finally the following Theorem prove by R. Thom in [7], as a consequence of Smith s exact sequence in equivariant homology. Theorem Let (,c ) be a smooth real projective manifol with real locus R. Then, the total Betti numbers of an R satisfy b (R;Z/Z) b (;Z/Z). The manifols for which equality hols in Theorem are calle maximal. For instance, real projective spaces are maximal. When is one-imensional an irreucible, Smith-Thom s inequality given by Theorem reuces to the Harnack-Klein s inequality, up to which the number of connecte components of R is boune from above by g()+, where g() enotes the genus of the curve, see [9] an references therein. Real maximal curves in real projective surfaces turn out to become exponentially rare in their linear system as their egree grows, see [5]. 5

6 . Asymptotics Given a holomorphic line bunle L over a smooth complex projective manifol, we enote, for every non trivial section σ of L, by C σ its vanishing locus. Lemma Let L be a holomorphic line bunle over a smooth complex projective manifol of positive imension n. For every section σ of L which vanishes transversally, the Chern classes of its vanishing locus C σ write: j {,,n },c j (C σ ) = j ( ) k c (L) k c j k () Cσ H j (C σ ;Z). k=0 In particular, if (σ ) >0 is a sequence of sections of L given by Lemma, the Euler characteristic of C σ is a polynomial of egree n in with leaing coefficient ( ) n c (L) n. Proof. The ajunction formula for, C σ an L writes c() Cσ = c(c σ ) c(l) Cσ, since the restriction of L to C σ is isomorphic to the normal bunle of C σ in. As a consequence, c () Cσ = c (C σ )+c (L) Cσ an for every j {,,n }, Summing up, we get the result. c j () Cσ = c j (C σ )+c j (C σ ) c (L) Cσ. Lemma 3 Let L be an ample line bunle over a smooth complex projective manifol of positive imension n. Let (σ ) >0 be a sequence of sections of L vanishing transversally. Then, ( b (C σ ;Z/Z) = ( ) n χ(c σ )+O() = c (L) ) n n +O( n ). Proof. When is large enough, L is very ample an we choose an embeing of in CP N, N > 0, such that L coincies with the restriction of O CP N() to. Then, C σ writes H where H is a hyperplane of CP N. By Lefschetz s theorem of hyperplane sections, for 0 i n, imh i (C σ ;Z/Z) = imh i (;Z/Z) an then by Poincaré uality, imh n i (C σ ;Z/Z) = imh n i (;Z/Z). Hence b (C σ ;Z/Z) = imh n (C σ ;Z/Z)+O() = ( ) n χ(c σ )+O(). The result now follows from Lemma. Proposition Let be a smooth complex projective manifol of imension n greater than one equippewith a Lefschetz pencilp : CP. LetL be a holomorphic line bunle an σ be a section of L which vanishes transversally, where > 0. Assume that the restriction of p to C σ is Lefschetz. Then, the number of critical points of the restriction p Cσ equals ( c (L) n ) n +O( n ). 6

7 Proof. Denote by (resp. Cσ ) the blow-up of the base locus B (resp. B C σ ) of p (resp. p Cσ ), so that (resp. Cσ ) is equippe with a Lefschetz fibration inuce by p : CP (resp. p C σ : C σ CP ). Let F be a regular fiber of p transverse to C σ an F be the corresponing fiber in. By Proposition, ( ) n #Crit(p Cσ ) = χ( C σ ) χ( F C σ ). From aitivity of the Euler characteristic, we know that χ( C σ ) = χ(c σ )+χ(b C σ ). The exceptionnal ivisor of Cσ over B C σ is inee a rule surface over B C σ of Euler characteristic χ(b C σ ). Likewise, χ( F C σ ) = χ(f C σ ), since the projection F C σ F C σ is a iffeomorphism. The result now follows from Lemma, which provies the equivalents ( χ(c σ ) ( ) n c (L) ) n n, χ(b C σ ) ( ) n 3 ( χ(f C σ ) ( ) n ( B c (L) n B F c (L) n F ) n an ) n. Ranom ivisors an istribution of critical points Let be a smooth complex projective manifol equippe with a Lefschetz pencil. The restriction of this pencil to a generic smooth hypersurface C of is a Lefschetz pencil of C. The aim of this paragraph is to prove the equiistribution in average of critical points of such a restriction to a ranom hypersurface C of large egree, see Theorem 3. The estimations of the total Betti number of real hypersurfaces will be obtaine in paragraph 3 as a consequence of a real analogue of this Theorem 3, see Theorem 6. We first formulate this equirepartition Theorem 3, then introuce the main ingreients of the proof, namely Poincaré-Martinelli s formula an Hörmaner s peak sections. Finally, we prove Theorem 3. Note that this paragraph is inepenent of the remaining part of the paper, it oes not involve any real geometry.. Notations an result Let be a smooth complex projective manifol of positive imension n equippe with a Lefschetz pencil p : CP with base locus B. Let L be a holomorphic line bunle equippe with a Hermitian metric h of positive curvature ω Ω (,) (;R). The latter is efine in the neighborhoo of every point x by the relation ω = iπ logh(e,e), where e is a local non vanishing holomorphic section of L efine in the neighborhoo of x. The curvature form inuces a Kähler metric on an we enote by x = ωn ωn its associate normalize volume form. For every integer > 0, we enote by h the inuce Hermitian metric on the bunle 7

8 L an by the inuce L -Hermitian prouct on the space H 0 (;L ) of global sections of L. This prouct is efine by the relation (σ,τ) H 0 (;L ) H 0 (;L ) σ,τ = h (σ,τ)x C. Denote by N the imension of H 0 (;L ) an by µ its Gaussian measure, efine by the relation A H 0 (;L ),µ(a) = e σ σ, π N where σ = σ,σ an σ enotes the Lebesgue measure associate to. Denote by H 0 (;L ) the iscriminant locus, that is the set of sections of H 0 (;L ) which o not vanish tranversally. Likewise, enote by H 0 (;L ) the union of with the set of sections σ H 0 (;L ) such that either the restriction of p to C σ is not Lefschetz, or this vanishing locus C σ meets the critical set Crit(p). By Bertini s theorem (see for example Theorem 8.8 of [8]), is a hypersurface of H 0 (;L ) as soon as is large enough, which will be assume throughout this article. For every section σ H 0 (;L ) \, enote by R σ the set of critical points of the restriction p Cσ of p to C σ, so that by Proposition, the carinal #R σ of this set is equivalent to ( ωn ) n as grows to infinity. For every x, we finally enote by δ x the Dirac measure χ C 0 (,R) χ(x) R. Definition 3 For every σ H 0 (;L ) \, the measure ν σ = #R x R σ δ x is calle the probability measure of carrie by the critical points of p Cσ. Our goal in this paragraph is to prove the following Theorem 3 which asymptotically computes the expecte probability measure given by Definition 3. Theorem 3 Let be a smooth complex projective manifol of imension n greater than one equippe with a Lefschetz pencil p : CP with critical locus Crit(p). Let L be a holomorphic line bunle equippe with a Hermitian metric h of positive curvature ω. Then, for every function χ : R of class C such that, when n >, the support of χ is isjoint from Crit(p), we have lim E( ν σ,χ ) = χx, where E( ν σ,χ ) = H 0 (;L )\ ν σ,χ µ(σ). Note that similar results as Theorem 3, on equirepartition of critical points of sections, have been obtaine in [], [3] by M. Douglas, B. Shiffman an S. Zelitch. Note also that the equirepartition Theorem 3, as well as Theorem 6, is local in nature an oes not epen that much on a Lefschetz pencil. Any local holomorphic Morse function coul be use instea of a Lefschetz pencil, leaing to the same proof an conclusions.. Poincaré-Martinelli s formula an aapte atlas.. Aapte atlas an associate relative trivializations Definition 4 Let be a smooth complex projective manifol of positive imension n equippe with a Lefschetz pencil p : CP. An atlas U of is sai to be aapte to p iff for every open set U U, the restriction of p to U is conjugate to one of the following three moels in the neighborhoo of the origin in C n : 8 A

9 (r) (z,,z n ) C n z n C (b) (z,,z n ) C n \C n [z n : z n ] CP (c) (z,,z n ) C n z + +z n C Every atlas of becomes aapte in the sense of Definition 4 after refinement. Let x be a point in. If x is a regular point of p, by the implicit function theorem it has a neighborhoo biholomorphic to the moel (r) of Definition 4. If x is a base point (resp. a critical point), it has by efinition (resp. by the holomorphic Morse Lemma) a neighborhoo biholomorphic to the moel (b) (resp. (c)) of Definition 4. In the moel (r), the vertical tangent bunle ker(p) is trivialize by the vector fiels z,, z n of C n. In the moel (b), it is trivialize outsie of the base locus by the vector fiels z n z n + z n z n, z,, z n of C n. In the moel (c), when n =, it is trivialize outsie of the critical point by the vector fiel z z z z of C. Definition 5 Let be a smooth complex projective manifol of positive imension n equippe with a Lefschetz pencil p : CP an an aapte atlas U. A relative trivialization associateto U is the ata, for every open setu U, of n vector fiels on U corresponing to the vector fiels z,, z n in the moel (r), to z n z n + z n z n, z,, z n in the moel (b) an to z z z z in the moel (c) when n =. Note that in the moel (c) given by Definition 4 the vertical tangent bunle ker(p) restricte to C n \{0} is isomorphic to the pullback of the cotangent bunle of CP n by the projection π : C n \{0} CP n. Inee, the fibers of this vertical tangent bunle are the kernels of the -form α = n i= z iz i, so that the restriction map inuces an isomorphism (C n ) / < α > = (kerp). But the canonical ientification between C n an (C n ) gives an isomorphism between the bunle (C n ) / < α > an π (TP n ) over C n \{0}. By uality, we get the isomorphism ker(p) = π T CP n. When n >, we no more see trivialisations of this bunle over C n \ {0} an thus restrict ourselves to n = for the moel (c) in Definition 6. Definition 6 Let be a smooth complex projective manifol of positive imension n equippe with a Lefschetz pencil p : CP an with a holomorphic line bunle L. An atlas U is sai to be aapte to (p,l) if it is aapte to p in the sense of Definition 4 an if for every open set U U, the restriction of L to U is trivializable. A relative trivialization associate to U is a relative trivialization in the sense of Definition 5 together with a trivialization e of L U, for every open set U of U... Poincaré-Martinelli s formula Let be a smooth complex projective manifol of positive imension n equippe with a Lefschetz pencil p : CP of critical locus Crit(p). Let L be an ample holomorphic line bunle equippe with a Hermitian metric h of positive curvature ω Ω (,) (;R). Let U be an atlas of aapte to (p,l) an (v,,v n,e) be an associate relative trivialization given by Definition 6. Let U be an element of U. For every section σ H 0 (;L ), we enote by f σ,u : U C the holomorphic function efine by the relation σ U = f σ,u e U. When σ /, the set R σ U 9

10 coincies by efinition with the transverse intersection of the hypersurfaces {f σ,u = 0},{ f σ,u (v ) = 0},,{ f σ,u (v n ) = 0}. For every function χ : R with compact support in U, Poincaré-Martinelli s formula (see [6]) then writes here: where ν σ,χ = ( i π )n #R σ λ U χ ( λ U ) n, ( ) n λ U = log f σ,u + f σ,u (v i ). i= (PM) Note that in this efinition of λ U, we have chosen for convenience to use f σ,u instea off σ,u asthefirst function. This formula ofpoincaré-martinelli computes the integral of χ for the measure ν σ introuce in Definition 3; its left han sie oes not involve any trivialization of L over U, contrary to the right han sie. It makes it possible to estimate the expectation of the ranom variable ν σ,χ. However, it appears to be useful for this purpose to choose an appropriate trivialization of L in the neighborhoo of every point x, whose norm reaches a local maximum at x where it equals one. We are going to make such a choice instea of the trivialization e efine on the whole U, as iscusse in the following Proposition 3 an.3. Proposition 3 Let be a smooth complex projective manifol of positive imension n equippe with a Lefschetz pencil p : CP. Let L be an ample holomorphic line bunle equippe with a Hermitian metric h of positive curvature ω. Let U be an element of an atlas aapte to (p,l) an (v,,v n,e) be an associate relative trivialization. Finally, let (g x ) x U be a family of germs of holomorphic functions such that g x is efine in a neighborhoo of x an Rg x (x) = logh (e,e ) x. Then, for every function χ : R of class C with support in U, isjoint from the critical set of p when n >, an for every σ H 0 (;L )\, we have: ν σ,χ = n #R σ where χω n + #R σ n k=0 ( i π )n k k χ ω k λ x ( λ x ) n k, ( ) n λ x = log f σ,x + f σ,x (v i )+f σ,x g x (v i ) an σ = f σ,x exp(g x )e in the neighborhoo of every point x U. i= The conition on (g x ) x U in Proposition 3 ensures that exp(g x )e is a holomorphic trivialization of norm one at x, so that h (σ,σ) x coincies with f σ,x (x). The point x in λ x is a parameter an not a variable, so that λ x reas in the neighborhoo of x as a function ( ) n z log f σ,x (z)+ f σ,x (v i ) z +f σ,x (z) g x (v i ) z i= an λ x in the formula given by Proposition 3 stans for its secon erivative compute at the point x. Note that if U is a locally finite atlas aapte to (p,l), 0

11 an if (ρ U ) U U is an associate partition of unity, then for every function χ : R of class C, with support isjoint from the critical locus of p when n >, an for every open set U U, the function χ U = ρ U χ satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 3, while χ = U U χ U an ν σ,χ = U U ν σ,χ U. Proof. Let σ H 0 (;L ) \ an x U \ Crit(p). By efinition, f σ,u = f σ,x exp(g x ) an for every i n, f σ,u (v i ) = ( f σ,x (v i )+f σ,x g x (v i ))exp(g x ). As a consequence, λ U = Rg x +λ x, so that at thepoint x, λ U (x) = logh (e,e )(x)+ λ x (x). Since Rg x vanishes, the equality λ U = λ x hols in a neighborhoo of x, Hence, formula (PM) rewrites i n ν σ,χ = χ ( ) logh (e,e )+λ (π) n x0 ( λu ) n #R σ i n = χ ω λ (π) n U ( λ U ) n #R σ i n + χ λ (π) n x0 ( λ x ) n #R σ Thefirstpartofthelatterrighthansiefollowsfromtherelation (λ U ( λ U ) n ) = ( λ U ) n, the curvature equation ω = i ( logh (e,e)) an Stokes s theorem. π The secon part of this right han sie comes from λ U = λ x. Applying this proceure (n ) times, we euce by inuction an Stokes s theorem the relation ν σ,χ = n χω n #R σ + n ( i #R σ π )n k k χ ω k λ x ( λ x ) n k. k=0 Corollary Uner the hypotheses of Proposition 3, E( ν σ,χ ) = n χω n #R σ + #R σ n k=0 ( i π )n k k χ ω k λ x ( λ x ) n k µ(σ). H 0 (;L )\ Proof. The result follows by integration over H 0 (;L ) \ of the relation given by Proposition 3..3 Hörmaner s peak sections Let L be a holomorphic line bunle over a smooth complex projective manifol, equippe with a Hermitian metric h of positive curvature ω. Let x be a point of. There exists, in the neighborhoo of x, a holomorphic trivialization e of L such that

12 the associate potential φ = logh(e,e) reaches a local minimum at x with Hessian of type (,). The latter coincies, by efinition, with ω(.,i.). The Hörmaner L - estimates makes it possible, for all > 0 an maybe after moifying a bit e in L -norm, to exten e to a global section σ of L. The latter is calle peak section of Hörmaner, see Definition 7. Moreover, G. Tian (Lemma. in [8]) showe that this proceure can be applie to prouce global sections whose Taylor expansion at x can be controlle at every orer, as long as is large enough. We recall this result in the following Lemma 4 where we enote, for every r > 0, by B(x,r) the ball centere at x of raius r in. Lemma 4 [See [8], Lemma.] Let (L,h) be a holomorphic Hermitian line bunle of positive curvature ω over a smooth complex projective manifol. Let x, (p,,p n ) N n an p > p + + p n. There exists 0 N such that for every > 0, the bunle L has a global holomorphic section σ satisfying h (σ,σ)x = an \B(x, log ) h (σ,σ)x = O( p ). Moreover, if z = (z,,z n ) are local coorinates in the neighborhoo of x, we can assume that in a neighborhoo of x, where σ(z) = λ(z p z pn n +O( z p ))e (+O( p )), λ = B(x, log ) z p zpn n h (e,e )x an e is a trivialization of L in the neighborhoo of x whose potential φ = logh(e,e) reaches a local minimum at x with Hessian ω(.,i.). Definition 7 We call Hörmaner s peak section of the ample line bunle L over the smooth complex projective manifol any section given by Lemma 4 with p = = p n = 0 an p >, where is large enough. Note that such a peak section σ 0 given by Definition 7 has its norm concentrate in the neighborhoo of the point x given by Lemma 4, so that it is close to the zero section outsie of a log -ball. Moreover, the erivatives an secon erivatives of σ 0 at x vanish an the value of λ at x is equivalent to ( c (L) n ) n as grows to infinity, see Lemma. of [8]. Note also that if the coorinates (z,,z n ) in Lemma 4 are orthonormal at the point x, then two sections given by this lemma for ifferent values of (p,,p n ) are asymptotically orthogonal, see Lemma 3. of [8]..3. Evaluation of the two-jets of sections Again, let (L, h) be a holomorphic Hermitian line bunle of positive curvature ω over a smooth n-imensional complex projective manifol. Let x be a point of an > 0. We enote by H x the kernel of the evaluation map σ H 0 (;L ) σ(x) L x, where L x enotes the fiber of L over the point x. Likewise, we enote

13 by H x the kernel of the map σ H x σ x Tx L x. This map oes not epen on a chosen connection on L. Denote by H 3x the kernel of the map σ H x σ x Sym (Tx) L x. We euce from these the jet maps: eval x : σ H 0 (;L )/H x σ(x) L x, eval x : σ H x /H x σ x T x L x, an eval 3x : σ H x /H 3x σ x Sym (T x ) L x. When is large enough, these maps are isomorphisms between finite imensional norme vector spaces. We estimate the norm of these isomorphisms in the following Proposition 4, closely following [8]. Proposition 4 Let L be a holomorphic Hermitian line bunle of positive curvature over a smooth n-imensional complex projective manifol. Let x be a point of. Then the maps n eval x, n+ eval x an n+ eval 3x as well as their inverse have norms an eterminants boune from above inepenently of as long as is large enough. Note that Proposition 4 provies an asymptotic result while the conition that be large ensures that the three maps are invertible. Proof. Let σ 0 be a peak section of Hörmaner given by Definition 7. By Lemma. of [8], n h (σ 0,σ 0 ) x converges to a positive constant as grows to infinity. Let σ Hx 0 be the orthogonal projection of σ 0 onto H x. The Taylor expansion of σ Hx 0 oes not contain any constant term, so that by Lemma 3. of [8] (see also Lemma 3. σ in [5]), the Hermitian prouct σ 0, Hx 0 is a σ Hx 0 O( ), where σhx 0 = σ Hx 0,σ Hx 0 enotes the L -norm of σ Hx 0. From the vanishing of the prouct σ 0 σ Hx 0,σHx 0 we euce that σ Hx 0 is a O( ). It follows that the norm of σ 0 σ Hx an we set σ0 = σ 0 σ Hx 0 σ 0 σ Hx 0. 0 equals +O( ) As a consequence, n h (σ 0,σ 0 ) x converges to a positive constant as grows to infinity. Hence, n eval x as well as its inverse, has norm an eterminant boune when is large enough. The two remaining assertions of Proposition 4 follow along the same lines. For i {, n}, let σ i be a section given by Lemma 4, with p =, p i = an p j = 0 if j i, i {, n}, an where the local coorinates (z,,z n ) are orthonormal at the point x. By Lemma. of [8], for i {, n}, (n+) h ( σ i, σ i ) x converges to a positive constant as grows to infinity. The sections σ i, i {, n}, belong by construction to H x an we set as before σi = σ i σ H x i σ i σ H x i, where σ H x i enotes the orthogonal projection of σ i onto H x. We euce as before from Lemma 3. of [8] that (n+) h ( σi, σ i ) x converges to a positive constant when grows to infinity an that h ( σi, σj ) x = 0 if i j. The norms of the sections σi, i {, n}, all equal one but these sections are not a priori orthogonal. 3

14 However, by Lemma 3. of [8], the proucts σi, σ i are O( ) if j i, so that asymptotically, the basis is orthonormal. We euce that n+ eval x an its inverse are of norms an eterminants boune as is large enough. The last case follows along the same lines..4 Proof of Theorem 3 Proposition 5 Uner the hypotheses an notations of Proposition 3, for all k {0,,n } an x U, the integral v λ k x ( λ x ) k µ(σ) H 0 (;L )\ is uniformly boune by a O((log) ) on every compact subset of \ Crit(p) when n > an on the whole when n. The norms appearing in the statement of Proposition 5 are inuce by the Kähler metric of on elements an k-linear forms of T x, where x. It follows from Definition 4 that v may vanish in the moels (b) an (c). Before proving Proposition 5, for which we will spen the whole paragraph, let us first euce a proof of Theorem 3. Proof of Theorem 3. Let χ : R be a function of class C such that the support K of χ be isjoint from Crit(p) when n >. Choose a finite atlas U aapte to (p,l) given by Definition 6, such that when n >, K be covere in \Crit(p) by elements of U. Let U be such an element of U an (v,,v n,e) be an associate relative trivialization given by Definition 6. Without loss of generality, we can assume that χ has support in U. By Proposition 3 an with the notations introuce there, when is large enough, the expectation E( ν σ,χ ) equals n #R σ χω n + #R σ n k=0 ( i π )n k k χ ω k λ x ( λ x ) n k µ(σ). H 0 (;L )\ By Proposition, #R σ is equivalent to ( ωn ) n as grows to infinity, so that the first termconverges to χx. ByProposition5, thelast integral over H0 (;L )\ is a O( (log) v ), since we integrate on the support of χ which is isjoint of Crit(p) when n >. The result now follows from the fact that the function v is integrable over..4. Proof of Proposition 5 outsie of the base an critical loci of p Recall that is equippe with an atlas U aapte to (p,l) an with an associate relative trivialization. The compact K given by Proposition 5 is covere by a finite number of elements of U. Moreover, we can assume that these elements are all isjoint from the critical set Crit(p) when n >. Let U be such an element ; it is either of type (r) given by Definition 4, or of type (b) or (c). Let us prove now Proposition 5 in the case U be of type (r) an postpone the remaining cases to.4.. 4

15 Let x be a point of K U. For every σ H 0 (;L )\, efine h 0 = f σ,x an for i {,,n }, h i = f σ,x (v i )+f σ,x g x (v i ), so that h i = ( f σ,x (v i ))+ g x (v i ) f σ,x +f σ,x ( g x (v i )). Recall here that f σ,x was introuce in Proposition 3 an efine by the relation σ = f σ,x exp(g x )e, where the local section exp(g x )e has norm one at x. It is enough to boun by O((log) ) the integral log( k H 0 (;L )\ i=0 n i=0 n h i )( log( i=0 h i )) k µ(σ), since v is boune from below an above by positive constants in the moel (r). Recall that n n ( h i i=0 ) = h n i h i i=0 n i=0 h + h i h i n j=0 h j h j i ( n i=0 h. i ) From this we euce, for k {,,n }, the upper boun n ( log( h i )) k i=0 k ( n i=0 h i ) k I =k, J =k h I h J, where I an J are orere sets of k elements in {,,n} an h I = h i h ik if I = (i,,i k ). Our integral gets then boune from above by k log( n i=0 h i ) k H 0 (;L )\ ( n i=0 h h I h J µ(σ). i ) k I =k, J =k Denote by H x the orthogonal complement of H x in H 0 (;L ), see.3.. Likewise, with a slight abuse of notation, enote by H x /H x (resp. H x /H 3x ) the orthogonal complement of H x (resp. H 3x ) in H x (resp. H x ). The space H 0 (;L ) then writes as a prouct H 0 (;L ) = H x (H x /H x ) (H x /H 3x ) H 3x while its Gaussian measure µ is a prouct measure. The terms in our integral only involve jets at the secon orer of sections an hence are constant on H 3x. Using Fubini s theorem, it becomes thus enough to boun the integral over the space H x (H x /H x ) (H x /H 3x ), whose imension no more epens on. Moreover, the subspace V T x L x of forms that vanish on the n vectors v (x),,v n (x) given by the relative trivialization is one-imensional. It inuces an orthogonal ecomposition T x L x = V V, where V is of imension n. The inverse image of V in H x /H x by the evaluation map eval x is the line D of H x /H x containing the sections σ of H x whose erivatives at x vanish against v (x),,v n (x). We enote by H x the orthogonal complement of D in H x /H x an by H x the irect sum D (H x /H 3x ). We then write σ = (σ 0,σ,σ ) H x H x H x an h 0 (x) = h (σ 0,σ 0 ) x = c σ 0, where σ 0 = σ 0,σ 0 an by Proposition 4, c n+ remains boune 5

16 between positive constants as grows to infinity. For i {,,n }, h i linearly epens on σ 0 an σ ; we write h i (σ 0,σ ) this linear expression. The erivatives h I an h J epen on σ. The expression h I h J expans as a sum of 3 k terms, some ofwhich vanishsince theforms f σ,x an f σ,x canonlyappear onceintheexpression. Denote by h I J one of these 3 k terms. It is a monomial of egree k in σ 0,σ,σ an we enote by l 0 the egree of σ 0, by l the egree of σ an by l = k l 0 l the egree of σ in this monomial. Now, it is enough to boun from above by a O((log) ) the following integral, where I,J {,,n} k are given: k H x H x H x log log(c c k H x k Hx Hx σ 0 n i=0 h i(x) ( n i=0 h i(x) ) h k I J(σ 0,σ,σ ) µ(σ) σ 0 )+log(+ n (+ n i= i= h c i ( σ 0, σ σ 0 σ 0 ) ) h c i ( σ 0, σ... σ 0 σ 0 ) ) k σ 0 k... h I J( σ 0 σ 0,σ,σ ) σ 0 l 0 e σ 0 σ σ 0 σ µ(σ ). We replace σ 0 by in this integral, without loss of generality, since it remains boune. Define α = σ / σ 0, so that α = σ 0 σ (n ). The integral rewrites Hx Hx log(c c k k H x σ 0 )+log(+ n i= h c i (,α ) ) (+ n... i= h c i (,α ) ) k... h I J(,α,σ ) σ 0 (n ) l e σ 0 (+ α ) σ 0 α µ(σ ). Now set β 0 = σ 0 + α an β = α, so that β 0 β = + α σ n 0 α. The integral becomes c k +l 0 H x H x H x log(c β 0 ) log(+ β )+log(+ n i= c h i (, β ) ) (+ n i= c h i (, β ) ) k ( + β ) n l h I J(,β,σ ) β 0 (n ) l e β 0 β 0 β µ(σ ). The only terms epening on β 0 in this integral are log β 0, β 0 (n ) l an e β 0. They can be extracte from it an integrate over Hx thanks to Fubini s theorem. The latter integral over Hx turns out to be boune inepenently of. As a consequence, it becomes enough to boun from above the following c k +l 0 H x H x log(c /) log( + β )+log(+ n i= c h i (, β ) ) (+ n i= c h i (, β ) ) k ( + β ) n l h I J(,β,σ ) β µ(σ ). Note that by Proposition 4 an by efinition of the functions h i, i n, the expressions c h i (, β ) are affine in β with coefficients boune inepenently of. Inee, only the first term f σ,x (v i ) of h i = f σ,x (v i )+f σ,x g x (v i ) epens on β 6

17 an by Proposition 4, f σ,x x = h ( σ, σ ) x grows as σ times n+ while c grows as n+. Let us enote by g i (β ) these expressions. Likewise, the monomial h I J is the prouct of three monomials of egrees l 0, l an l in σ 0, σ an σ respectively. By Proposition 5, the coefficients of these monomials are O( n+ l 0 ), O( n+ l +l ) an O( n+ l ) respectively, where l equals 0 if neither f σ,x nor f σ,x appears in the monomial h I J, equals if one of these two forms appears an if they both appear. As a consequence, h I J(,β,σ ) is boune from above, up to a constant, by (n+)k+l l/ β l σ l. Now, only the term in σ l epens on σ in our integral. Again using Fubini s theorem, we may first integrate over H x equippe with the Gaussian measure µ(σ ) to get an integral boune inepenently of. The upshot is that we just nee to boun the integral I = +l 0 +l l log(c /) log( + β )+log(+ n i= g i(β ) ) H x (+ n i= g i(β ) ) k ( + β β ) n l l β. Thereisacompactsubset Qof H x inepenentofanaconstantc > 0inepenent of x an such that n β Q, + g i (β ) C an i= β H n x \Q,+ g i (β ) C β, i= since by Definition 4 the vector fiels v i remain uniformly linearly inepenent on the whole U. Bouning from above the term β l by ( + β ) l/, we finally just have to estimate from above the integrals log an I = I = +l 0 +l l +l 0 +l l Q H x\q ( + β ) n l +l β log+log( β )β β k ( + β ) n l +l since log(/+ β ) over Q an log(c /) are O(log). Note that l max(,l ), so that the exponent + l 0+l l is never negative an vanishes if an only if l 0 = 0, l = l = an thus l = k. There exists R > 0 such that I Vol(Sn 3 )log +l 0 +l l R u u l +l u = O((log) ), where u = + β. Likewise, there exists T > 0 such that log+log β β H x\q β k ( + β Vol(S n 3 ) ) n l +l T, log+logu u. u +l 0/ This last integral is a O(log), which implies Proposition 5 when U is of type (r). 7

18 .4. Proof of Proposition 5 along the base an critical loci of p The compact K given by Proposition 5 is covere by a finite number of elements of the atlas U aapte to (p,l). Moreover, we may assume that such elements are all isjoint fromthe critical locus Crit(p) when n >. Proposition 5 was prove in.4. for elements U of type (r) of U. Let us assume now that U is such an element of type (b) given by Definition 4 an that x K U. The case where U is of type (c) when n = just follows along the same lines. The main part of the proof is similar to the one given in.4. an we have to boun from above the integral n i= g i(β ) ) I = +l 0 +l l log(c /) log( + β )+log(+ H x (+ n i= g i(β ) ) k ( + β β ) n l l β. However, the norm v of the vector v given by Definition 5 converges now to 0 when x approaches the base locus of p. Denote by H x the hyperplane of H x consisting of the sections whose -jet at x vanish against v, that is the sections whose image uner eval x vanish against v, see.3.. Denote then by H x the line orthogonal to H x in H x an by β = (β,β ) the coorinates on H x = H x H x. This time there exists a compact subset Q = Q Q of H x, inepenent of an of x K U, as well as a constant C > 0 such that β H n x \Q,+ n β Q, + g i (β ) C an i= i= g i (β ) C (+ v (x) β + β ). The integral I over the compact Q is boune from above by a O((log) ), see.4.. Only the secon integral iffers. In orer to estimate the latter, let us boun from above β l by ( + β ) l /. We have to boun the integral +l 0 +l l H x\q log+log β β (+ v β + β ) k ( + β ) n l +l When n l +l >, let us boun from above this integral by +l 0 +l l H x\q β β k log+log β β. H x\q ( β ) n l +l. 8

19 There exists R > 0 such that log+log β β π H x\q ( β ) n l +l = = [ + R ( l +l log+log( β +u)u ( β +u) n l +l log+log( β +u) n+)( β +u) n l +l R u ] (n l +l )( β +u) n l +l log+log( β +R) (n l +l )( β +R) n l +l + (n l +l ) ( β +R) n l +l Hence, our integral gets boune from above, up to a constant, by the integral log+log( β +R) β \Q β, H x (n )+l 0 which is itself a O(log) since H x is of imension n. When n l +l =, which implies that l 0 = 0 an k = n, we observe that (+ v β + β ) k = (+ v β + β )(+ v β + β ) k +l 0 +l l v v (+ β )(+ β ) k v β β (k ) as long as v, which can be assume. Our integral gets then boune by β log+log β β β (k ) H β x \Q 4 H x \Q which is similar to the previous one. The latter is then boune from above by a O( log v ), implying the result. 3 Total Betti numbers of ranom real hypersurfaces 3. Statement of the results 3.. Expectation of the total Betti number of real hypersurfaces Let (,c ) be a smooth real projective manifol of positive imension n, meaning that is a smooth n-imensional complex projective manifol equippe with an antiholomorphic involution c. Let π : (L,c L ) (,c ) be a real holomorphic ample line bunle, so that the antiholomorphic involutions satisfy π c L = c π. For every > 0, we enote by L the -th tensor power of L, by RH 0 (;L ) the space of global real holomorphic sections of L, which are the sections σ H 0 (;L ) satisfying σ c = c L σ, an by R = RH 0 (;L ) the real iscriminant locus. 9 R

20 For every section σ RH 0 (;L ) \ R, C σ = σ (0) is a smooth real hypersurface of. By Smith-Thom s inequality, see Theorem, the total Betti number b (RC σ ;Z/Z) = n i=0 imh i(rc σ,z/z) of its real locus is boune from above by the total Betti number b (C σ ;Z/Z) = n i=0 imh i (C σ ;Z/Z) of its complex locus, which from Lemma 3 is equivalent to ( c (L) n ) n as grows infinity. What is the expectation of this real total Betti number? If we are not able to answer to this question, we will estimate this number from above, see Theorems 4 an 5. Note that in imension one, such an upper boun can be euce from our recent work [5]. Let us first precise the measure of probability consiere on RH 0 (;L ). We procee as in. We equip L with a real Hermitian metric h of positive curvature ω Ω (,) (,R), real meaning that c Lh = h. As in., we enote by x = ω n ωn theassociatevolumeformof, by theinucel -scalarprouctonrh 0 (;L ), an by µ R the associate Gaussian measure, efine by the relation A RH 0 (;L ),µ R (A) = ( e σ σ. π) N For every > 0, we enote by E R (b (RC σ ;Z/Z)) = b (RC σ ;Z/Z)µ R (σ) RH 0 (;L )\R the expecte total Betti number of real hypersurfaces linearly equivalent to L. Theorem 4 Let (,c ) be a smooth real projective manifol of imension n greater than one equippe with a Hermitian real line bunle (L,c L ) of positive curvature. Then, the expecte total Betti number E R (b (RC σ ;Z/Z)) is a o( n ) an even a O((log) ) if n =. Note that the exact value of the expectation E R (b (RC σ ;Z/Z)) is only known when = CP, see [], [6] an [4]. While we were writing this article in june 0, Peter Sarnak informe us that together with Igor Wigman, he can boun this expectation by a O() when = CP an suspects it is equivalent to a constant times when grows to infinity. Such a guess was alreay mae couple of years ago by Christophe Raffalli, base on computer experiments. It coul be that this expectation is in fact equivalent to n times a constant as soon as the real locus of the manifol (,c ) is non empty an in particular that the boungiven bytheorem 4canbeimprove byao( n ). When(,c )isaprouctof smooth real projective curve for instance, we can improve the o( n ) given by Theorem 4byaO( n (log) n ), being muchcloser toao( n )boun, seetheorem5below. This n can be unerstoo as the volume of a neighborhoo of the real locus R in for the volume form inuce by the curvature of L, where is a funamental scale in Kähler geometry an Hörmaner s theory of peak sections. A peak section centere at x can be symmetrize to provie a real section having two peaks near x an c (x), see 3.. This phenomenon plays an important rôle in the proof of Theorem 4 an seems to be intimately relate to the value of the expectation E R (b (RC σ ;Z/Z)). Note finally that Theorem 4 contrasts with the computations mae by Feor Nazarov an Mikhail Soin in [4] for spherical harmonics in imension two, as well as with the one achieve by Maria Nastasescu for a real Fubini-Stuy measure, as P. Sarnak informe us. In both cases, the expectation is quaratic. 0 A

21 Theorem 5 Let (,c ) be the prouct of n > smooth real projective curves, equippe with a real Hermitian line bunle (L,c L ) of positive curvature. Then, the expecte total Betti number E R (b (RC σ ;Z/Z)) is a O( n (log) n ). 3.. Ranom real ivisors an istribution of critical points Our proof of Theorem 4 is base on a real analogue of Theorem 3 that we formulate here, see Theorem 6. We use the notations introuce in 3.. an equip with a real Lefschetz pencil p : CP, see. For every > 0, enote by R = RH 0 (;L ) the union of R with the set of sections σ RH 0 (;L ) such that either C σ contains a critical point of p, or p Cσ is not Lefschetz, see.. Denote, as in., by R σ the critical locus of the restriction p Cσ, where σ RH 0 (;L )\R. Then, for every continuous function χ : R, enote by E R ( ν σ,χ ) = #R σ RH 0 (;L )\R ( x R σ χ(x))µ R (σ) the expectation of the probability measure ν σ carrie by the critical points of p Cσ, see Definition 3, compute with respect to the real Gaussian measure µ R an evaluate against χ. Theorem 6 Let (,c ) be a smooth real projective manifol of positive imension n equippe with a real Lefschetz pencil p : CP of critical locus Crit(p). Let (L,c L ) (,c ) be a real ample line bunle equippe with a real Hermitian metric of positive curvature. Let (χ ) N be a sequence of elements of C (,R) whichconverges to χ in L (,R) as grows to infinity. Assume that sup (x,c (x)) > log. x Supp(χ ) When n >, assume moreover that the istance between Crit(p) an the supports of χ, > 0, are uniformly boune from below by some positive constant. Then, the real expectation E R ( ν σ,χ ) converges to the integral χx as grows to infinity. More precisely, ( ) ( ) (log) E R ( ν σ,χ ) = χ x+o χ L +O χ L. In this Theorem 6, Supp(χ ) enotes the support of χ an (x,c (x)) the istance between the points x an c (x) for the Kähler metric inuce by the curvature ω of L. 3. Real peak sections an evaluation of two-jets of sections Let(,c )beasmoothrealprojectivemanifolofpositiveimensionnan(l,c L ) (,c ) be a real holomorphic ample line bunle equippe with a real Hermitian metric h of positive curvature. Definition 8 A real peak section of the ample real holomorphic line bunle (L,c L ) σ+c over the real projective manifol (,c ) is a section which writes σ, where σ is σ+c σ a peak section of Hörmaner given by Definition 7 an c σ = c L σ c.

22 Recall that from Lemma 4, the L -norm of a peak section concentrates in a log neighborhoo of a point x. When x is real, the real peak section σ+c σ looks σ+c σ like a section of Hörmaner given by Definition 7. When the istance between x an c (x) is bigger than log, more or less half of the L -norm of this real section concentrates in a neighborhoo of x an another half in a neighborhoo of c (x). Such a real section has thus two peaks near x an c (x). When (x,c (x)) < log, these two peaks interfere, interpolating the extreme cases just iscusse. We are now intereste in the case (x,c (x)) > log, where we can establish a real analogue of Proposition 4. Lemma 5 Let (L,c L ) be a real holomorphic Hermitian line bunle of positive curvature over a smooth real projective manifol (,c ) of positive imension n. Let (x ) N be a sequence of points such that (x,c (x )) > log an let (σ ) N be an associate sequence of sections given by Lemma 4 with p =. Then, the Hermitian prouct σ,c σ is a O( ), so that the norm σ +c σ equals σ (+ O(/ )). Proof. By efinition, σ,c σ = h (σ,c σ )x = h (σ,c σ )x+ B(x, log ) ( + ) / ( h (σ,σ )x B(x, log ) ( h (σ,σ )x \B(x, log ) \B(x, log ) h (σ,c σ )x h (c σ,c σ )x B(x, log ) ) / ( ) / h (c σ,c σ )x \B(x, log ) by Cauchy-Schwarz s inequality. We euce that ( / ( ) / σ,c σ σ h (σ,σ )x) + h (c σ,c σ )x \B(x, log ) B(x, log ) ) / By assumption, the balls B(x, log ) an B(c (x), log ) are isjoint, so that by Lemma 4, these two last terms are O(/ ) σ. Hence, σ +c σ,σ +c σ = σ +R σ,c σ = σ +O(/ ) σ, so that σ +c σ = σ (+O(/ )). Set RH x = H x RH 0 (;L ), RH x = H x RH 0 (;L ) an RH 3x = H 3x RH 0 (;L ), where H x, H x an H 3x have been introuce in.3.. Likewise, with a slight abuse of notation, enote by eval x, eval x an eval 3x the restrictions of the

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