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1 Two atoms walk into a bar 1 SCIENCE INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK Hey, I think I lost an electron! Are you sure? Yeah, I m positive. Dr. Erica Colón Graphics License #

2 Table of Contents: Atoms and the Periodic Table of Elements Description Page # Introduction 3 Section 1: Atomic Structure 4 Accordion Foldable 5 Atomic Model Timeline 6 Teacher Resource Timeline Dates 7 Teacher Resource Timeline Pictures 8 Quiz: Atomic Structure 9 Section 2: Masses of Atoms 10 Element Properties 11 Quiz: Properties of the Periodic Table 12 Quiz: Masses of Atoms 13 Section 3: The Periodic Table 14 A Periodic Table of Candy 15 Quiz: The Periodic Table 16 Section 4: Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids 17 Coloring Sheet Periodic Table 18 Reference Periodic Table of Elements 19 Quiz: Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids 20 Answer Key 21 Contact and Copyright Information 22 Appendix A: Teacher Notes Large Print

3 Introduction If you are new to the idea of using a Science Interactive Notebook in your classroom, stop by my Nitty Gritty Science shop and download my Intro to Science Interactive Notebooks tutorial for FREE! In there you will find tips on how to begin with your students, what materials to have on hand and, most importantly, how it will enhance your students learning through reflection and creativity. 3 Focused Lessons with Differentiated Instruction The lessons shared on the following pages cover National Science Standards and meet students needs. I have given you the notes that I would give my students (Right Side Input Side of Notebook) so you can understand what I m having the students focus on when working on their creative assignments (Left Side Output Side of Notebook). Each lesson focuses on a Question of the Day (QOD) represented in red in the top margin of each Input page with student giving answer in red on Output page. Left Side Output Instructions for each Output Side are included. This includes cut-outs, foldables or master copies where applicable. You may find that students work slow at first, but once groups are organized and students know what is expected from them, not only will you see more energy focused on the final product, but also you will be shocked at the level of creativity certain students have in certain areas. Mini-Assessments Mini quizzes will be given for each section so you may monitor student s level of understanding. For reproduction purposes, there are two quizzes to a page so you can cut in half and save on some paper

4 Section 1: Atomic Structure 4 Instructions: Students will create an accordion foldable timeline to show the history and development of the Atomic Model. Students will be given names of scientists and philosophers and will need to research their contributions along with finding illustrations for their timeline. Once finished, they should paste into their Science Interactive Notebook. I have included directions for the accordion foldable, an Atomic Model Timeline direction sheet, teacher resource that contains all information/pictures needed to complete timeline for master notebook, and a mini-quiz.

5 Accordion Foldable Step 1: Fold two papers in half horizontally and cut down fold line so you end up with four sheets of paper. 5 Step 2: Stack the four pieces on top of one another and fold again horizontally, but fold one side about ½ inch shorter than the other, leaving a ½ in tab. Fold the tab back in the opposite direction. Step 3: Glue all four sheets together to form accordion by placing a straight edge in the fold of the tab. (See below) Last tab should be in the back of foldable.

6 Atomic Model Timeline Directions: You will be creating an accordion foldable timeline to show the history and development of the atom. The model and idea of the atom has changed drastically over time with many contributions and significant discoveries by philosophers and scientists. You will need to research the following contributors and develop a timeline that includes their names and major findings that relate to the atom along with the other items listed below. 6 Timeline MUST: 1. Include the following scientists (listed in no particular order) with explanations or significant contributions to the history of the atom.: The Alchemists Neils Bohr Robert Boyle The Curies Democritus Plato Ernest Rutherford John Dalton Albert Einstein Lavoisier Dmitri Mendeleev Robert Millikan J.J. Thomson Henry G. J. Mosely 2. Include the pictures of the following models of the atom on the timeline when they were introduced: Electron Cloud Model Solid Sphere or Billiard Ball Model Solar System Model Plum Pudding Model 3. Have dates clearly shown and all items above pasted in chronological order. 4. Include 5 more pictures, whether it be of the scientists or a significant contribution, to add to your timeline. 5. Be neat and legible paste final product into your Science Interactive Notebook.

7 Teacher Resource Atomic Model Timeline Aristotle 335 B.C. Aristotle teaches that the world is not made of atoms but of four elements earth, air, water and fire. Plato 400 B.C. A famous Greek philosopher who came up with the word element. The Alchemists A.D. A type of scientist who lived during the Middle Ages who believed they could turn other substances to gold. (This is impossible!) John Dalton 1803 Dalton proves that atoms exist. He determines a compound s element breakdown, then calculates the weight of each atom. However, he only thinks a compound has only one atom of an element, so water is HO. His model of the atom is called the billiard ball Antoine Lavoiser 1789 Lavoiser was a French chemist who proves Boyle s theory and who developed the theory of conservation of mass which states that the mass of an object can never be destroyed or created it can only change form. Robert Millikan 1923 Received a Nobel Prize in physics for measuring the negative charge of electrons. Dimitri Mendeleev 1789 Mendeleev was a Russian scientist show constructed the first Periodic Table of Elements which was arranged the elements atomic mass. Albert Einstein 1905 Einstein published the Theory of Relativity which explains the mass and energy in atoms. Democritus 430 B.C. Democritus, a philosopher in ancient Greece, suggests that matter is made of atoms, but he can t prove it. Atom is Greek for unbreakable. Henry G.J. Mosely Mosely, a British scientist came up with today s Periodic Table based on atomic number. Robert Boyle 1670 Boyle reports that elements can t be broken down and that compounds are combinations of elements. Amadeo Avogadro 1810 Avogadro discovers that a compound can have more than one atom of an element, as in H 2O. J.J. Thomson 1897 Thomson was an English scientist who finds electrons. He decides that an atom is a positively charged sphere in which there are also tiny negatively charged particles called electrons. This is called the plum pudding model. Ernest Rutherford 1911 Rutherford was an English scientist who discovered that atoms consist of a positively charged nucleus that has electrons rotating around it at great speeds. Pierre and Marie Curie Worked with radium to learn more about radioactive elements. Discovered that radioactive elements lose their electrons over time. Niels Bohr 1913 Bohr discovered that the number of electrons in the outer shell determine its chemical properties. Introduced the solar system model, but is also called the Bohr Model B.C. 400 B.C. 300 B.C. 200 B.C. 100 B.C ATOMIC MODEL TIMELINE

8 Teacher Resource Atomic Model Timeline 8

9 Name Date Quiz: Atomic Structure 1. What particle is NOT located in the nucleus? a. proton b. electron c. neutron d. quark 9 2. The smallest piece of matter that still has the properties of an element is a(n). a. compound b. electron c. atom d. nucleus 3. Protons have a charge. a. positive b. negative c. neutral d. both a and b 4. Neutrons have a charge. a. positive b. negative c. neutral d. both a and b 5. Electrons have a charge. a. positive b. negative c. neutral d. both a and b Name Date Quiz: Atomic Structure 1. What particle is NOT located in the nucleus? a. proton b. electron c. neutron d. quark 2. The smallest piece of matter that still has the properties of an element is a(n). a. compound b. electron c. atom d. nucleus 3. Protons have a charge. a. positive b. negative c. neutral d. both a and b 4. Neutrons have a charge. a. positive b. negative c. neutral d. both a and b 5. Electrons have a charge. a. positive b. negative c. neutral d. both a and b

10 Section 2: Masses of Atoms 10 Instructions: Students will learn to use information from the Periodic Table of Elements to fill in missing information on this Element worksheet. This section includes the Element Properties printable along with actually, TWO mini-quizzes. The reason for this is because I think both are vital for students to know to show Periodic Table comprehension.

11 Directions: Using the information given on your Periodic Table of Elements, find the missing information for each element below then complete the Bohr Model. When finished, paste worksheet into your Science Interactive Notebook. 11 P = P = 7 P = Na E = Al E = E = N = N = N = Bohr Model: Bohr Model: Bohr Model: P = 2 P = P = Silicon E = E = Ar E = N = N = N = Bohr Model: Bohr Model: Bohr Model:

12 Name Date Quiz: Properties of Periodic Table A. B. 12 C. D. E. A. B. C. D. E. Name Date Quiz: Properties of Periodic Table A. B. C. D. E. A. B. C. D. E.

13 Name Date Quiz: Masses of Atoms Element Symbol Atomic # Protons Neutrons Electrons Mass # 1. Ag Potassium Sn Fluorine F Krypton Name Date Quiz: Masses of Atoms Element Symbol Atomic # Protons Neutrons Electrons Mass # 1. Ag Potassium Sn Fluorine F Krypton

14 Section 3: The Periodic Table 14 Instructions: Students will see how Dmitri Mendeleev felt (sort of) when he took on the task of organizing the Periodic Table of Elements. For this activity, students will need to categorize and organize twenty different candies making sure those with similar properties are in the same group. Students Periodic Table of Candies will vary based on what features of candy they used. To make this activity more challenging and personal, have students choose twenty of something they would like to organize and have them find pictures of each (i.e. food, cars, animals, clothes, etc.) and create a Periodic Table. Allow time for sharing. A mini-quiz and a student cut-out page of candy are included for this concept.

15 A Periodic Table of Candy Directions: Cut out the following candies below and start organizing by features and characteristics. Create a data table to help you organize the information you collected and use that information to construct a Periodic Table of Candy in your Science Interactive Notebook. Make sure groups (vertical columns) share similar characteristics. You do not need to have the same number of candy in each group. 15 Candy (From Left to Right): Gummy Bears, Peanut M&Ms, Candy corn, Sour Gummy Worms, Conversation Hearts, Candy Canes, Peanut Butter Cups, Licorice, Gumballs, Gumdrops, Jelly Beans, Regular M&Ms, Suckers, Truffles, Caramels, Mints, Snickers, Sour Patch Kids, Lifesavers, Dots

16 Name Date Quiz: The Periodic Table 1. How was the first periodic table arranged? What was the problem with this first arrangement? What do the elements in the same group have in common? 3. What do the elements in the same period have in common? 4. How many groups and how many periods make up the Periodic Table? Name Date Quiz: The Periodic Table 1. How was the first periodic table arranged? What was the problem with this first arrangement? 2. What do the elements in the same group have in common? 3. What do the elements in the same period have in common? 4. How many groups and how many periods make up the Periodic Table?

17 Section 4: Metals, Nonmetals & Metalloids 17 Instructions: Students will not only learn the different groups of the Periodic Table of Elements, but also their location by making a color-coded periodic table that they will always have in their Science Interactive Notebook to use as a reference. Included for this section is the printable for the student coloring sheet of the Periodic Table of Elements and a mini-quiz. I ve also attached a full Periodic Table of Elements with a reference block at the top that students may use as a supplemental tool for the entire year.

18 18 Hydrogen Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Transition Metals Lanthanide Series Actinide Series Metalloids Noble Gases Nonmetals Other Metals Directions: Color each category a different color and match that with the color in the key. When finished, cut out the periodic table and paste into your Science Interactive Notebook. Metals

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20 Name Date Quiz: Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids 1. Elements that are gases, brittle and poor conductors are. a. metals b. nonmetals c. metalloids d. none of the above 2. The group of elements that share characteristics with both metals and nonmetals is called. 20 a. metals b. nonmetals c. metalloids d. none of the above 3. The nonmetals are located on the periodic table. a. in groups 3-12 b. along the stairstep c. right of stairstep d. left of stairstep 4. The most reactive metals on the periodic table are located in. a. Group 1 b. Group 2 c. Groups 3-12 d. along the stairstep 5. The group that has elements with the outer energy level filled is called the. a. Alkali metals b. Halogens c. Transition Metals d. Noble Gases Name Date Quiz: Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids 1. Elements that are gases, brittle and poor conductors are. a. metals b. nonmetals c. metalloids d. none of the above 2. The group of elements that share characteristics with both metals and nonmetals is called. a. metals b. nonmetals c. metalloids d. none of the above 3. The nonmetals are located on the periodic table. a. in groups 3-12 b. along the stairstep c. right of stairstep d. left of stairstep 4. The most reactive metals on the periodic table are located in. a. Group 1 b. Group 2 c. Groups 3-12 d. along the stairstep 5. The group that has elements with the outer energy level filled is called the. a. Alkali metals b. Halogens c. Transition Metals d. Noble Gases

21 Answer Key Quiz: Atomic Structure 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 21 Quiz: Properties of Periodic Table A. Atomic Number B. Element Symbol C. Element Name D. Electron Configuration E. Atomic Mass (Average) Quiz: Masses of Atoms 1. Silver K Tin Kr Quiz: The Periodic Table 1. By atomic mass; some elements were out of order 2. Groups have same number of electrons in outer energy level (noble gases are filled - He has 2; rest have 8 electrons) 3. Periods have same number of energy levels Groups and 7 Periods Quiz: Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D

22 Thank you for your recent download!! I hope this resource helps you and your students have a successful year using Science Interactive Notebooks. I can guarantee students will show pride in their work and be willing to share their notebook entries with you and their classmates. 22 Please check out my store for more fun Science Interactive Notebook concepts, including matter, sound, light, waves, forces and many more! Also, check out my new blog to see examples and how we re getting down to the Nitty Gritty in Science Education!! Happy Investigating, Erica L Colón Copyright Information 2013 Erica L Colón: Nitty Gritty Science. All rights reserved by the author. My terms for use for all products available through TeachersPayTeachers and TeachersNotebook are as follows: Purchase of this unit entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce the pages in limited quantities for classroom use only. Duplication for an entire school, an entire school system, or commercial purposes is strictly forbidden without written permission from the author: Erica Colón: or by purchasing multiple licenses. Copying any part of this product and placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). You may post pictures from using this product in your classroom as long as you provide a link back to my store.

23 Appendix A: Teacher Notes 23

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