The Role of Integrated Asset Modeling in Gas Fields Management

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1 Th Rol of Intgrtd At Modling in G Fild Mngnt Srgy N. Mnhikov, Igor S. Morozov, Vvolod V. Chrpnov, Andry N. Khritonov, Yuri A. Arkhipov (Gzpro dobych Ndy, LLC) Fild dvlopnt ffort tht r focud on xiizing fficincy nd conoic vlu nd bringing xiu rcovry of hydrocrbon rrv rquir n ccurt nd rlibl tool to prdict th ffct of oprtionl dciion on th prfornc of th rrvoir, wll, urfc production gthring ntwork, bootr copror ttion, nd cntrl procing fcility. Th bility to ccurtly prdict vriou cnrio i ky for uccful fild oprtion nd ngnt yt. Th ipct of intrfrnc in hydrocrbon production yt nd proc nd to b continuouly nlyzd. Without th bility to provid iultion nd prdiction, dciion king i bd on rction to currnt fild condition, nd th chivnt of conoic trgt i rrtic t bt. Prdiction nd forct hould b bd on n intgrtd liv odl of th rrvoir, gology, urfc production yt, nd proc th Intgrtd Dynic Fild Modl (IDFM), which incorport intrdpndnci of th rrvoir nd production nginring fciliti. Th IDFM nbl continuou fild dvlopnt ngnt cycl tht includ top nd botto djutnt lvl (Fig.). Mngnt t th top lvl i tblihd through Fild Dvlopnt Autotd Control Syt (FD ACS ), which i bd on th IDFM nd provid coplx nlyi nd forcting (horttr, intrdit, nd long-tr), dign, nd optiiztion of th wll oprting od, loop, nd urfc procing quipnt. Th optiu oprting od r thn trnfrrd to th botto ngnt lvl. Th botto ngnt lvl provid rl-ti onitoring nd djutnt of wll prfornc od, loop, nd fciliti within dfind prtr nd for rgncy hutdown. Thi ngnt lvl i pplid through th Fild Proc Autotd Control Syt (FP ACS). Figur. Continuou cycl of fild dvlopnt ngnt FD ACS (top) FP ACS (Botto).

2 Th tructur of th FD ACS i hown in Fig.. Figur. Fild Dvlopnt Autotd Control Syt (FD ACS). Intgrtd Fild Dvlopnt Modl Th IDFM includ thticl fild odl nd odling id wll n dvncd oftwr yt for xintion, production, nd nlyi of trgtd fild rult. Th intgrtd fild odl provid fild dvlopnt odling tht tk into conidrtion th continuity nd intrdpndncy of yt coponnt: rrvoir, wll, urfc production gthring ntwork, bootr copror ttion, cntrl procing fcility, intrfild gthring lin, nd fild conoic. Th odl lo includ yt prfornc, tchnology nd conoic proc intgrtion, idntifiction nd olution of bottlnck in th g fild yt, iprovnt of ovrll production fficincy, rduction of nrgy conuption, nd procing fciliti optiiztion. Th IDFM includ th following lnt: gologicl rrvoir chrctriztion, which for th bi for iultion rrvoir iultion odl for th dign of rrvoir fluid flow wll odl nd urfc production gthring ntwork for th dign of hydrocrbon production nd piplin flow hydrocrbon procing fciliti odl (g prtion unit, coprion plnt, drying unit, tc.) to dign th procing proc conoic odl coupld with th IDFM to nur th conoic bnfit of th production nd procing cnrio. Fild Dvlopnt Dt Bnk Th Fild Dvlopnt Dt Bnk i n utotd dt rtrivl yt for cntrl torg nd dt hring of gologicl, gophyicl, fild production, nd tchnologicl infortion. It provid dt torg, procing, nd rching cpbiliti.

3 Thi unifid dt bnk ng th dt ndd to k dciion in fild dvlopnt nd xploittion control. Th cntrlizd yt rduc th ti rquird to k optiu dciion in gology, gophyic, fild dvlopnt, production, trnporttion, nd hydrocrbon procing, uing n infortion pc coon to th ovrll g production oprtion with th option for quick cc to th Mtr Dtb fro ll hirrchy lvl within th ntrpri. Th dt bnk provid initil infortion torg for intrprttion nd iultion rult, wll for othr rltd infortion uch conoic dt, cpitl invtnt, projct prfornc, ttu of vilbl rourc, infrtructur dt, nd ky prfornc indictor (KPI). Infortion Anlyi Syt Th Infortion Anlyi Syt (IAS) provid dt cquiition, procing, diply, nd ditribution tht chrctriz fild dvlopnt objct. Th IAS provid ccibility to ll gologicl nd tchnologicl infortion rquird for conducting intgrtd gologicl fild dt, gophyic, nginring, nd othr dt tudi ccording to g fild production indic nlyi. It y lo includ ftr cquiition of ncry g fild infortion (dignd, fctul, odling rult) for dciion king in th oprtion ngnt of g xtrction nd prprtion diviion tchnologicl, gotchnicl, nd nvironntl onitoring during th ntir fild dvlopnt cycl Th infortion nlyi yt h th following lnt: odling nd rult nlyi yt txt nd grphic rport gnrtor coplx dvlopnt nlyi yt gogrphic infortion yt (GIS) D viuliztion cntr. It i iportnt tht th IDFM i ud by both th oprting copny nd th Fild Dvlopnt Plnning (FDP) Cntr. Th odl tup nd it hitory tching hould b joint ffort of th FDP Cntr nd g oprting copny xprt to bring th xprt up to dt with currnt fild dvlopnt probl. Gzpro dobych Ndy xprt hv rng of Schlubrgr oftwr product t thir dipol. Bd on th D gologicl g production lyr odl crtd in Ptrl* iic to iultion oftwr, D rrvoir iultion odl wr built in n ECLIPSE* nvironnt nd PIPESIM* oftwr w ud to odl th urfc ntwork of th Mdvzhy, Yubilynoy, nd Yovykoy fild. Th g production nd gthring ntwork yt odl of Mdvzhy fild llow g production rt to b dignd pr fild, dpnding on th currnt inlt prur t th cntrl bootr copror ttion, th cpcity of th copror ttion, or gologicl nd tchnicl contrint of th wll. It lo nbl optiiztion of th tr in th intrfild gthring in piplin in th vnt of g drying hop hutdown or copror ttion rpir. Th rult dtrind th ot ffctiv thod for oprting th wll, loop, nd th ntir fild. HYSYS oftwr w ud to odl th copror ttion prtr nd g drying unit. Mrk* Pp w ud for conoic nlyi nd th clcultion of projct finncil nd conoic KPI. Intgrtion of th odl nbld quick idntifiction nd olution of currnt oprtionl prfornc probl, including th nlyi of intrdpndnci nd ipct btwn th wll oprting od nd urfc g ntwork yt. Intgrtion rult wr lo ud to th vibility of th long-tr trtgy. Thi tp-chng in uing intgrtd dynic gologicl nd tchnologicl odl for fild dvlopnt ngnt i bd on thodicl nlyi of th ngnt yt (g fild tchnology, coplxity,

4 prtion unit, proc), dfining ngnt tk optiiztion opportuniti within t of fficint prfornc critri coon to th whol yt. Furthror, th u of intgrtd coplx phyicl, tchnicl, tchnologicl, nd conoic-thticl odl of ngd objct i ky in llowing conolidtion of pcific ngnt tk, nbling ccurt prdiction of poibl cnrio, nd nuring optiu ngnt nd control. In, Gzpro dobych Ndy, LLC conductd pilot projct to crt n intgrtd gologicl, rrvoir, nd production yt odl of th Cnonin rrvoir of th Yovykoy fild. Th ntir yt rrvoir, wll, urfc production gthring ntwork, bootr copror ttion, cntrl procing fcility, intrfild gthring lin, nd conoic w intgrtd uing Avoct* Intgrtd At Modlr (IAM). Within th cop of th projct, th rrvoir odl nd g gthring ntwork wr ud to dvlop g production odl, intgrting th producing wll nd urfc g production ntwork odl. Th coplxity of intgrtd odl iplnttion, howvr, i tht th urnt procd by g fild to oprt in continuou g flow rt control od r not lwy vilbl in ll wll. Th intgrtd odl prford forct nlyi of production indic for th priod fro Fbrury to Octobr. Th iultd fild odl llowd th dign of rrvoir prur ditribution nd wtr driv into th g rrvoir, nr-wllbor g ovnt proc, g-liquid flow in producing wll, gthring yt nd fild g prprtion, nd drying nd g coprion proc. Forct rult r hown in Fig. nd Fig.. Givn cuultiv g xtrction lvl nd prur in th in g piplin, th n vrg dvition of dign dt w, kgf/c in th rrvoir prur,, kgf/c in th urfc prur, nd % in forct for thr onth of ctul dt in g flow rt in th wll. It w thrfor poibl to u th intgrtd odl to forct KPI for fild dvlopnt., k g f/c d lh w th n o r u r p G 7 G prur on th wllhd (odl), kgf/c G prur on th wllhd (ctul), kgf/c 7 Wll nubr Figur. Coprion of ctul nd odld prur on th wllhd.

5 y / d, t r w flo G Wll rt (odl), /dy Wll rt (ctul), /dy 7 Wll nubr Figur. Coprion of odld nd ctul g rt on th wll. Th rult nbld th odling of vrl option for fild dvlopnt up to th yr, ditinguihing g production lvl (tking into ccount onl irrgulrity), nd dontrting th odl ffctivn in forcting fild dvlopnt indic. Th intgrtd odl lo t th prtr within which th dt cn chng, hown in Fig. ; if th volu of g production incr, th production lif of th g fild dcr. r /y n ilio, ld fi th f o n tio c u d ro p G billion /yr billion /yr.... billion /yr Figur. Modling of diffrnt g production cnrio. Th in ftur of th pilot wr follow: Clcultion dt Th projct includd two intgrtd odl vrion: th firt uing D hydrodynic rrvoir odl (for long-tr forcting), th cond uing tbl of rrvoir prur dpndnc for ch wll vru producd g volu...

6 Work to iprov wll productivity w prford in th D odl to dtrin optiu odling rproducibility nd rult wr rcivd in th initil wll odl (PIPESIM). Thi w th firt ti tht Gzpro dobych Ndy, LLC dvlopd nd ud working nginring odl of g trtnt proc uing th HYSYS oftwr yt. Th intgrtion of th g production nd gthring yt (PIPESIM) odl with th g drying plnt (HYSYS) nurd corrct wtr volu hndling during production nd llowd rfinnt of th g gthring odl. Indic clcultion of th Yovykoy fild dvlopnt wr dvlopd for th priod fro Fbrury to Jnury. Thi forct howd uccful corrltion of odld nd ctul dt. T of vriou xprt ud clcultd odling rult to dfin th ipct nd highlight th intrdpndnci of th producing rrvoir, piplin ntwork, nd g prprtion nd procing fciliti yt. Enginr gind inight into potntil yt bottlnck, uing ultipl cnrio to dvlop optil probl-olving dciion. Intgrtd g fild odl wr clrly hown to powr undrtnding of th rng of vilbl opportuniti, providing coon, collbortiv pltfor for ultidiciplinry t to incr fild ngnt fficincy nd rult. Thi w th firt ti tht Ruin g indutry crtd n intgrtd g fild odl unifid ntwork of g producing, gthring, nd conditioning. Iplnttion of iilr intgrtd odl i plnnd for othr fild dvlopd by Gzpro dobych Ndy, LLC. Th poitiv pilot projct rult will b tkn into ccount whn prpring nginring docunttion nd chooing oftwr to crt gologicl nd rrvoir odl of th Bovnnkovkoy fild. Coputr fciliti nd oftwr odling of g production nd g gthring yt nbl th crtion of ffctiv control yt for hydrocrbon fild dvlopnt. Th intgrtd odling yt iplnttion will powr th dvlopnt of hydrocrbon fild with pk fficincy nd inil nvironntl rik.

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