Priloga E.2.2. Uč ni nač rti predmetov v š tudijškem programu EKOLOGIJA IN BIODIVERZITETA

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2 UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Predmet: EKOLOGIJA ŽIVALI Course title: ANIMAL ECOLOGY Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Ekologija in biodiverziteta, 2. stopnja Ecology and Biodiversity, 2nd level 1st 1st Vrsta predmeta / Course type Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Obvezni / Compulsory BI202 Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Vaje Tutorial Klinične vaje work Druge oblike študija Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Izr. prof. dr. Ivan Kos / assoc. prof. dr. Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski / Slovene Slovenski / Slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Pogoji za vključitev v delo: vpis v ustrezni letnik študijskega programa Pogoji za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Kolokvij iz vaj: Prisotnost na vajah Izdelava in zagovor projektne naloge Opravljene terenske vaje Izpit: Opravljen kolokvij iz vaj Predstavitev seminarja Vsebina: Osnovni principi odziva živali na različne dejavnike okolja. Življenski prostor. Toplota. Voda in vodni tokovi. Zrak in gibanje zraka. Ionska sestava. Koakcija z okoljem. Pomen gibanja in živčevja za kontrolno - regulacijsko funkcijo. Prerequisits: Prerequisites for inclusion in the work: enrolment in the appropriate academic year Prerequisites for performing study obligations: Practical examination (colloquium): Presence at practicals Individual work preparation and presentation Presence at field work Exam: Practical examination (colloquium) Seminar presentation Content (Syllabus outline): Basic principles of animal response to different environmental factors. Living space habitats. Heat. Water and water cycles. Air and air movement. Ion composition. Co-action with the environment. The importance of movement and nervous system for control - regulation

3 Populacija in njeni osnovni parametri. Številčnost in razporeditev osebkov. Rodnost. Umrljivost. Emigracije in imigracije. Rast populacije. Izvor in izumrtje. Starostna, spolna in socialna struktura. Intraspecifične interakcije. Metapopulacija: Habitatne krpe in matriks. Tipi metapopulacij. Struktura in dinamika. Medvrstne interakcije. Kompeticija. Predatorstvo. Parazitizem. Mutualizem. Ogroženost živalskih populacij in uspešni modeli njihovega varovanja. Principi upravljanja z živalskimi populacijami z vidika trajnostne rabe oz. njihovega nadziranja. function. Populations and their basic parameters. The abundance and distributions of animal populations. Fertility. Mortality. Emigration and immigration. Population growth. Origination and extinction. Age, sex and social structure. Intraspecies interactions. Metapopulation: Habitat and matrix. Types of metapopulations. The structure and dynamics. Interspecies interaction. Competition. Predation. Parasitism. Mutualism. Threats to animal populations and the successful models of their conservation. Principles of management of animal populations in terms of sustainable use or surveillance. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Izbrana poglavja / Selected chapters: Boitani L., Fuller T. Research Techniques in Animal Ecology, Controversies and Consequences. 464 pages, Columbia University Press, 2 edition (2000), ISBN: Brewer R. The Science of Ecology. 816 pages, Brooks Cole, 2 edition (1994) ISBN: Elton C.S. Animal Ecology. 296 pages, University Of Chicago Press, Reprint edition (2001), ISBN: Hanski I.A., Gilpin M.E. Metapopulation Biology- Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution. 512 pages, Academic Press (1997), ISBN: Krebs J.C.: Ecology. The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance.816 pages, Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, 5th edition (2000), ISBN: Posamezni pregledni članki iz revij: Ecological Letters. British Ecology Society, Blackwell Publishing Ltd/ CNRS, ISSN: Journal of Animal Ecology. British Ecology Society, ISSN: Methods in Ecology and Evolution. British Ecology Society, ISSN: X. Cilji in kompetence: Študent pridobi poglobljeno znanje iz ekologije živali, tako strokovnega izrazoslovja kot sprejetih teorij, seznani se z aktualnimi raziskovalnimi temami in novo nastajajočim znanjem. Pridobi osnovo za delo in nadaljnjo strokovno in znanstveno specializacijo v področju. S širino pridobljenega znanja je sposoben kritičnega vrednotenja upravnih postopkov povezanih z upravljanjem in varstvom tako živalskih populacij kot tudi ekosistemov. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Objectives and competences: Students acquire in-depth knowledge on the ecology of animals, technical terminology, accepted theories they obtain knowledge on current research topics and emerging knowledge. They obtain basis for further technical and scientific specialization in the field. With broad spectrum of knowledge they are able to critically evaluate the administrative procedures related to the management and protection of both animal populations and ecosystems. Intended learning outcomes:

4 Znanje in razumevanje. Študent pridobi celovit pregled znanstvenega in strokovnega področja, spozna ožje strokovne izraze, pridobi znanje o odzivu živalskih osebkov oz. populacije na okoljske dejavnike, ter zakonitosti v delovanju živalskih populacij ter interakcij med različnimi vrstami. Uporaba. Z razumevanjem povezave med živčevjem, mobilnostjo in vlogo v ekosistemu pridobi izhodišče za uporabo živali v upravljanju z okoljem. Refleksija. Razumevanje temeljnih principov vloge živalskih populacij v delovanju kompleksnih ekosistemov in razvoja biodiverzitete ter razumevanje povezav med evolucijo in ekologijo. Prenosljive spretnosti. Ob vodenem individualnem seminarskem in praktičnem delu pridobi izkušnje za samostojno in kreativno delovanje na področju bazične in aplikativne živalske ekologije. Poznavanje odnosov med organizmi. Razumevanje pomena medvrstnih odnosov za posamezne skupine organizmov. Zmožnost razlikovanja odnosov med organizmi. Vključevanje predhodnega znanja s področja biologije pri prepoznavnju prilagoditev organizmov kot koevolucije in njihovega pomena v ekosistemih. Refleksija.Izgrajevanje celostnega pogleda odnosov med organizmi, pomena odnosov kot dejavnika pri razvoju prilagoditev organizmov in gibala evolucije. Spretnost samostojnega razmišljanja, sinteza tujih in lastnih spoznanj, sposobnost argumentiranja lastnih spoznanj. Knowledge and understanding. Students gain a comprehensive overview of the scientific and technical fields, they understand specific terminology, they obtain knowledge on responses of animal specimens or population to environmental factors, and mechanisms of functioning of animal populations and interactions between different species. Use. By understanding the link between the nervous system, mobility and role of animal populations in the ecosystem students gain starting point knowledge for the environmental management. Reflection. Understanding the fundamental principles of the role of animal populations in the functioning of complex ecosystems and biodiversity, development and understanding link between evolution and ecology. Transferable skills. Having guided through individual tutorials and practical work experience they obtain skills for independent and creative actions in the field of basic and applied animal ecology. Knowing the relationships between organisms. Understanding the importance of interspecific relationships for specific groups of organisms. Integration of prior knowledge of the biology of organisms such as adaptations in co-evolution and their importance in ecosystems. Reflection. Getting holistic view on relations between organisms, the importance of relationships as a factor in the development of adaptations of organisms in evolution. Skills of independent thinking, and synthesis of foreign and their own knowledge, ability to argue their own knowledge. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predmet se izvaja v obliki predavanj, vodenega projektnega individualnega dela ter terenskih vaj. Predavanja so interaktivna s predstavitvijo novih znanj ter aktivnim povezovanjem novega in že obstoječega znanja v skupnih razpravah. Ob izdelavi preglednega seminarskega dela se posreduje tudi metodologija izdelave znanstvenega dela. Learning and teaching methods: The course is conducted through lectures, guided individual project work and field exercises. Lectures are interactive with the presentation of new skills, and active integration of new and existing knowledge in joint discussions. In a process of preparing the seminar, the methodology of writing of scientific work is mediated to students.

5 Načini ocenjevanja: Ločeni oceni: izpit/vaje Izpit: Pisni izpit Seminar Aktivnost na predavanjih Vaje: Poznavanje metodologije-pisno Izdelava in predstavitev projektnega dela Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: Seperate grades: lectures / practicals Exam: Written Seminar Activity in lectures Practicals: Knowledge of methodology-written colloquium Preparation and presentation of project work Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: KROFEL, Miha, HUBER, Đuro, KOS, Ivan. Diet of Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx in the northern Dinaric Mountains (Slovenia and Croatia) : importance of edible dormouse Glis glis as alternative prey. Acta Theriol., 2011, 56, 4, doi: /s [COBISS.SI-ID ] VAMBERGER, Melita, KOS, Ivan. First observations on some aspects on the natural history of European pond turtles Emys orbicularis in Slovenia. Biologia, 2011, 66, 1, , doi: /s z. [COBISS.SI-ID ] MOLINARI-JOBIN, Anja, KOS, Ivan, BLAŽIČ, Mateja, KOREN, Iztok. Recovery of the Alpine lynx Lynx lynx metapopulation. Oryx, 2010, 44, 2, doi: /S [COBISS.SI-ID ]

6 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS EKOSISTEMI ECOSYSTEMS Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Ekologija in biodiverziteta, 2. stopnja Ecology and Biodiversity, 2nd level 1st 1st Vrsta predmeta / Course type Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Obvezni / Compulsory BI203 Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Vaje Tutorial Klinične vaje work Druge oblike študija Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: izr. prof. dr. Alenka Gaberščik / Assoc. prof. dr. izr. prof. dr. Ivan Kos / Assoc. prof. dr. red. prof. dr. Mihael J. Toman / Prof. dr. Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: Slovenski /slovene Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski / slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Pogoji za vključitev v delo: vpis v ustrezni letnik študijskega programa Pogoji za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Kolokvij iz vaj: opravljene terenske vaje in sprejeta poročila Izpit: priprava in zagovor seminarja Vsebina: Prerequisits: Prerequisites for inclusion in the work: enrolment in the appropriate academic year Prerequisites for performing study obligations: Practical examination (colloquium): presence at field work and approved reports Exam: seminar in written form and presentation of the seminar Content (Syllabus outline):

7 Vodni ekosistemi: abiotske značilnosti tekočih in stoječih voda), biotske značilnosti (planktonske in bentoške združbe in njihova produkcija v jezerih in tekoči vodah), aerobni in anaerobni dekompozicijski procesi v sedimentih in vodi. Ekologija mokrišč. obravnava različnih mokrišč, značilnosti in pomen (mokrotni travniki, obrežna močvirja, visoka, prehodna in nizka barja, presihajoči sistemi, ekosistemi posebnega pomena - Cerkniško jezero), stanje in ohranjanje mokrišč (v Sloveniji in po svetu, Ramsarska konvencija). Kopenski ekosistemi: alpinski in mediteranski ekosistemi, kopenski ekosistemi Evrope in Slovenije (razvoj, stanje in ogroženost), primarna in sekundarna produkcija gozdnih ekosistemov, biogeogena kroženja snovi v kopenskih ekosistemih, stanje in vloga živalskih populacij v gozdnih ekosistemih južne Slovenije. Posebna poglavja: antropogeni ekosistemi, globalne spremembe in ekosistemi (ekosistemi indikatorji sprememb, vplivi povečanega UV-B sevanja in povišanih koncentracij CO2), ekosistemske usluge - obnovljivi ekosistemski viri in procesi v ekosistemih, kot osnova upravljanja, ekonomski vidiki narave (vrednotenje ekosistemov ). Praktično prepoznavanje osnovnih procesov v naravi v izbranih ekosistemih z različnimi metodami in merilnimi tehnikami (jezero, mokrišče, gozd). Aquatic ecosystems: abiotic properties of running and stagnant waters), biotic properties (planktonic and benthic communities and their production in running and stagnant waters), aerobic and anaerobic decomposition processes in sediment and water. Ecology of wetlands: properties of different wetlands and their services (wet meadows, riparian wetlands, raised and transitional bogs, fens, intermittent systems, ecosystems of special importance -Lake Cerknica), present state of wetlands and their conservation (in Slovenia, worldwide, Ramsar convention). Terrestrial ecosystems: alpine and mediteranean ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems of Europe and Slovenia (development, condition and vulnerability), primary and secondary production of forests, biogenic cycling of matter in terrestrial ecosystems, present state and the role of animal populations in forest ecosystems of S Slovenia. Special issues: antropogenic ecosystems, global changes and ecosystems (ecosystems as indicators of changes, influences of increased CO 2 concentrations and UV-B radiation), ecosystem services renewable resources and processes in ecosystems as a basis for ecosystem management, economical aspects of nature (valuation of ecosystems). Practical trainning of selected methods and measurements in different ecosystems (lake, wetland, forest) Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Izbrana poglavja / Selected chapters: Boulton, A.J., Brock, M.A., Australian freshwater ecology. Processes and management. Glen Osmond, Australia, ISBN: Cronk, J.K., Fennessy, M.S.. Wetland plants - biology and ecology. 488 pages, CRC (2001), ISBN: Krebs, C. J. Ecology. 608 pages, Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, 5th edition (2002), ISBN: Odum, P. E., Barret, G. W., Fundamentals of Ecology, 5th edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole, , , ISBN: Izbrani članki kot na primer:

8 Brown, M.T., Odum H.T., Jorgensen, S.E., Energy hierarchy and transformity in the universe. ECOLOGICAL MODELLING, 178 (1-2): Fath, B.D., Jorgensen, S.E., Patten, B.C., Straskraba, M., Ecosystem growth and development. BIOSYSTEMS, 77 (1-3): Farber, S. C., Costanza, R., Wilson, M.A., Economic and ecological concepts for valuing ecosystem services. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 41 (3): Cilji in kompetence: Cilji predmeta so razumeti pomen kompleksnosti sistemov, spoznati osnove sistemskega modeliranja in postopke proučevanja kompleksnih sistemov, spoznavanje strukture in funkcije splošno razširjenih in lokalno pomembnih ekosistemov v Sloveniji in drugod, spoznavanje pomenov procesov v ekosistemih za možnost trajnostne rabe naravnih dobrin in posledic njihovih sprememb za naše preživetje. Kompetence. Osnovno znanje modeliranja kot orodja proučevanja ekosistemov, rabe naravnih dobrin ter varstva posameznih komponent v kompleksnih sistemih. S poznavanjem osnovnih ekosistemov v Sloveniji in širše bo bodočemu diplomantu omogočeno vrednotenje vpliva različnih posegov v okolje, možnosti izdelave ustreznih strategij varstva in trajnostne rabe posameznih komponent našega okolja. Z znanjem nekaterih metodologij bo omogočeno nadaljnje specialistično poglabljanje raziskovalno delo pri iskanju odgovorov na različna vprašanja strukture in funkcije ekosistemov. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študenti spoznajo različne ekosisteme, ključne procese v njih in vzroke za njihovo ogroženost. Uporaba: Prepoznavanje posledic negativnih vplivov in njihovo odražanje v strukturi in funkciji ter posledično tudi v našem življenju. Refleksija: Prepoznavanje pomena procesov v ekosistemih za njihovo ohranjanje in naše preživetje. Prenosljive spretnosti: niso vezane le na en predmet: Uporaba domače in tuje literature in drugih virov, zbiranje in razlaga podatkov, priprava in predstavitev seminarjev, kritična analiza podatkov pridobljenih z meritvami, Objectives and competences: Objectives: Students gain understanding of the complexity of ecosystems, learn the basics of the system modeling and research of the complex systems. They will understand They get acquainted with structure and function of widely distributed and locally important ecosystems in Slovenia and elsewhere. They learn about the importance of processes in the ecosystems for sustainable use of natural resources and the consequences of their changes for our well-being. Competences: The basic knowledge of the system modeling as a tool for ecosystem research, use of natural resources and conservation of the system components. The knowledge on structure and function of ecosystems in Slovenia and elsewhere is a basis for evaluation of different impact on the environment and nature, for establishing strategies of conservation and sustainable use. The knowledge of research techniques enable gaining new knowledge on structure and function of ecosystems and the scientific work. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Students gain the knowledge on different ecosystems, crucial processes and their vulnerability. Use: They are able to recognise negative impacts and their consequences for structure and function of ecosystems. Reflection: They are aware of the importance of the processes in ecosystems for their conservation and our well-being. Transferable skills: The use of literature and other scientific and professional sources, gathering the results, critical analysis of data, writing and presenting results, work in a group.

9 njihova sinteza in pisanje poročil, delo v skupini. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, seminarji, raziskovalni seminarji, individualne naloge, delo na terenu, znanstvena razprava. Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, seminars, research seminars, project work, laboratory and field work, scientific debate. Načini ocenjevanja: Ločeni oceni: izpit/vaje Ocena izpita: delni izpit 1 (pisni) delni izpit 2 (pisni) delni izpit 3 (pisni) Seminar Ocena vaj: kolokvij Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: Seperate grades: lectures / practicals Lectures assessment: Partial exam 1 (written) Partial exam 2 (written) Partial exam (written) Seminar Practicals assessment: practical examination (colloquium) Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: GABERŠČIK, Alenka, TROŠT SEDEJ, Tadeja, GERM, Mateja. The role of UV-B radiation in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems - an experimental and functional analysis of the evolution of UVabsorbing compounds. J. photochem. photobiol., B Biol., 2002, 66, 1, [COBISS.SI-ID ] KUHAR, Urška, GERM, Mateja, GABERŠČIK, Alenka. Habitat characteristics of the alien species Elodea canadensis in Slovenian watercourses. Hydrobiologia (Den Haag), 2010, 656, 1, str , [COBISS.SI-ID ] KLANČNIK, Katja, MLINAR, Mojca, GABERŠČIK, Alenka. Heterophylly results in a variety of "spectral signatures" in aquatic plant species. Aquat. Bot., 2011, 7 str, [in press], [COBISS.SI-ID ] GRGIČ, Tanja, KOS, Ivan. Influence of forest development phase on centipede diversity in managed beech forests in Slovenia. Biodivers. conserv., 2005, 14, 8, [COBISS.SI-ID ] KACZENSKY, Petra, JERINA, Klemen, JONOZOVIČ, Marko, KROFEL, Miha, SKRBINŠEK, Tomaž, RAUER, Georg, KOS, Ivan, GUTLEB, Bernhard. Illegal killings may hamper brown bear recovery in the Eastern Alps. Ursus (Int. Assoc. Bear Res. Manag.), 2011, 22, 1, 37-46, [COBISS.SI-ID ] SKRBINŠEK, Tomaž, JELENČIČ, Maja, WAITS, Lisette, KOS, Ivan, JERINA, Klemen, TRONTELJ, Peter. Monitoring the effective population size of a brown bear (Ursus arctos) population using new single-sample approaches. Mol. ecol., 2012, 21, 4, , [COBISS.SI-ID ] KRIVOGRAD-KLEMENČIČ, Aleksandra, TOMAN, Mihael Jožef, BALABANIČ, Damjan. Records of new algal taxa within various aquatic and aerophytic habitats in Slovenia = Novi taksoni alg v različnih

10 vodnih in aerofitskih habitatih v Sloveniji. Nat. Slov.., 2009, 11, 2, [COBISS.SI-ID ] KRIVOGRAD-KLEMENČIČ, Aleksandra, TOMAN, Mihael Jožef. Influence of environmental variables on benthic algal associations from selected extreme environments in Slovenia in relation to the species identification. Period. biol., 2010, 112, 2, [COBISS.SI-ID ] ŽIŽEK, Suzana, MILAČIČ, Radmila, KOVAČ, Nives, JAĆIMOVIĆ, Radojko, TOMAN, Mihael Jožef, HORVAT, Milena. Periphyton as a bioindicator of mercury pollution in a temperate torrential river ecosystem. Chemosphere (Oxford). 2011, 85, 5, , [COBISS.SI-ID ]

11 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS BIOLOGIJA PODZEMNIH HABITATOV SPELEOBIOLOGY Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Ekologija in biodiverziteta, 2. stopnja Ecology and Biodiversity, 2nd level 1st 1st Vrsta predmeta / Course type Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Obvezni / Compulsory BI204 Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Vaje Tutorial Klinične vaje work Druge oblike študija Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: doc.dr. Simona Prevorčnik/ Assist. prof. dr. doc. dr. Cene Fišer / Assist. prof. dr. Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski/ slovene angleški / english Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski/ slovene angleški / english Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Pogoji za vključitev v delo: vpis v ustrezni letnik študijskega programa Pogoji za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Izpit: zagovor seminarja opravljene terenske vaje Prerequisits: Prerequisites for inclusion in the work: enrolment in the appropriate academic year Prerequisites for performing study obligations: Exam: seminar presentation presence at field work Vsebina: UVOD Oznaka področja, poseben pomen področja raziskav za Slovenijo, kratka zgodovina speleobioloških raziskav. KRAS IN PODZEMELJSKI HABITATI Kras, kraško podzemlje in nekraški podzemeljski habitati, zlasti intersticialne vode; osnovni geološki, hidrogeološki in hidrografski vidiki. PODZEMLJE KOT ŽIVLJENJSKI PROSTOR Splošne značilnosti in specifične značilnosti Content (Syllabus outline): INTRODUCTION Characterization of speleobiology, its significance in Slovenia, brief history of the speleobiological research. KARST AND SUBTERRANEAN HABITATS Karst, karstic and non-karstic subterranean environments, with an emphasis on the interstitial groundwater; basic aspects of geology, hydro-geology and hydrography. SUBTERRANEAN HABITATS General

12 raznih tipov vodnih in kopnih podzemeljskih habitatov: abiotski dejavniki in viri hrane. PESTROST PODZEMELJSKE FAVNE primerjalni vidiki s površinsko favno: odsotnost enih in bogata zastopanost drugih širših skupin; visoka stopnja endemizma, pomemben prispevek k regionalni vrstni pestrosti. Dinarski kras kot model za študij podzemeljske biodiverzitete. EVOLUCIJA Selekcija in adaptacija morfološka, fiziološka, vedenjska, biološka. Jamsko okolje kot naravni laboratorij za študij evolucije. EKOLOGIJA Viri energije, znotraj in medvrstne interakcije, združbe. Jamsko okolje kot naravni laboratorij za študij ekologije. BIOGEOGRAFIJA Izvor podzemeljske favne, mehanizmi vseljevanja v podzemlje, globalni vzorci razširjenosti, reliktne favne. NARAVOVARSTVO Pomen endemitov in reliktnih skupin, elementi ogrožanja podzemne favne, pomen za turizem, varstvo pitne vode. characteristics and specific features of the various types of aquatic and terrestrial habitats: overview of abiotic factors and food sources. DIVERSITY OF SUBTERRANEAN FAUNA Comparison with surface fauna: absence versus high species diversity of various taxonomic groups; endemism, importance for species richness on a regional scale. Dinarc kars as a model for study of subterranean biodiversity EVOLUTION Selection and adaptation: morphological, physiological, behavioral, life history traits. Caves as natural laboratories for study of evolution. ECOLOGY Sources of energy, inter- and intraspecific interactions, subterranean communities. Caves as natural laboratories for study of ecology. BIOGEOGRAPHY Origin of subterranean fauna, mechanisms of invasion of subterranean environment, global distribution patterns, relict fauna. CONSERVATION The role of endemic and relict species, factors that endanger subterranean fauna, tourism, protection of water resources. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Izbrana poglavja / Selected chapters: Sket B. (2005). Speleobiologija, učni pripomoček za študente biologije (CD) Camacho A. (1992). The natural history of biospeleology. Madrid, 1 st Ed, pp 680, ISBN: Culver D.C., White W.B. (2012). Encyclopedia of Caves. Second Edition. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam. pp. 966, ISBN Culver D.C., Pipan T. (2009). The Biology of Caves and other Subterranean Habitats. Oxford University Press, Oxford. pp 256, ISBN ISBN Cilji in kompetence: Spoznavanje zgodovinskega, kulturnega, praktičnega in teoretskega vidika speleobiologije. Seznanjanje s posebnostmi podzemeljskih habitatov in podzemeljskega življa, ki so zaradi sorazmerne preprostosti in ponovljivosti idealni naravni laboratoriji za študiranje ekoloških in evolucijskih procesov. Seznanjanje z osnovami načrtovanja poskusa v evoluciji in ekologiji. Objectives and competences: Students will learn the historical, cultural, practical and theoretical aspects of speleobiology. Students will understand peculiarities of the subterranean habitats and fauna, which represent ideal natural laboratories for evolutionary ecology research due to their relative simplicity and repeatability. Students will learn basics of experiment designing in evolution and ecology.

13 Omogoča sorazmerno hitro vpeljavo v naravovarstvene in vodovarstvene probleme, ki zadevajo eno najbogatejših podzemeljskih favn kot naravno dediščino. The course allows relatively rapid introduction to protection of sources of drinking water and introduction to the conservation issues related to one of the richest subterranean faunas of the World, our natural heritage. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študent se bo seznanil s pomembno naravno danostjo Slovenije, ki omogoča izjemno kvalitetne bazične in aplikativne raziskave. Uporaba: Podzemlje je staro in relativno preprosto okolje. Proučevanje zgodovinskih in ekoloških dejavnikov v takem okolju bo olajšalo in nadgradilo razumevanje številnih drugih predmetov (evolucija, ekologija, biogeografija), ter omogočilo sintezo znanj pridobljenih pri teh predmetih. Seznanjenje z lastnostmi krasa in zakonitostmi razvoja jamske favne je pomembno dopolnilo k predmetu Naravovarstvena praksa. Velik del slovenskega ozemlja je zakrasel, kar je treba upoštevati pri lokalnih naravovarstvenih ukrepih in upravljanju z vodnimi viri. Refleksija: Sinteza bazičnih znanj in njihova aplikacija, na območju Slovenije. Prenosljive spretnosti: Načrtovanje poskusa v evoluciji in ekologiji, izdelava poročil, terenske izkušnje. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Students will be acquainted with an important feature of Slovenia, which enables a high-profile basic as well as the applied research in biology. Use: Subterranean habitats are old and relatively simple. Relative simplicity of the system can make the understanding and upgrading of the processes considered by other subjects (evolution, ecology, biogeography) easier. At the same time synthesis of the gained knowledge will be easier. Understanding of the karstic phenomena and the origin of cave fauna will importantly complement the subject Nature conservation in practice. Almost one half of the Slovenia s surface is karstic, and this specific feature needs to be considered in nature conservation and in protection of resources of drinking water. Reflection: Synthesis of basic knowledge and its application in Slovenia. Transferable skills: Experiment-designing in evolution and ecology, preparation of report, field experience. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja; seminar; dva terenska dneva v jamah, nato obdelava nabranih vzorcev v praktikumu. Druge oblike študija (15 ur) študenti namenijo eni od naslednjih oblik, ki jih zanima: poglobljenemu seminarju, dodatnemu terensko delu ali sodelovanju pri raziskovalem delu raziskovalne skupine za speleobioogijo. Načini ocenjevanja: Skupna ocena predmeta: Pisni izpit. Seminar in terensko delo. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Learning and teaching methods: Lectures ex catedra, seminar; two days of field work in the caves followed by a processing of samples in a laboratory. Other study forms (15 hours) are assigned to one of the following purposes: an in-depth elaboration of seminar, an additional field work or participation in the current research projects of the research team. Assessment: Joint grade: Written exam. Seminar and field work. Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

14 PREVORČNIK, Simona, VEROVNIK, Rudi, ZAGMAJSTER, Maja, SKET, Boris. Biogeography and phylogenetic relations within the Dinaric subgenus Monolistra (Microlistra) (Crustacea: Isopoda: Sphaeromatidae) with description of two new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 159, [COBISS.SI-ID ] VEROVNIK, Rudi, PREVORČNIK, Simona, JUGOVIC, Jure. Description of a neotype for Asellus aquaticus Linné, 1758 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellidae), with description of a new subterranean Asellus species from Europe. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 2009, 248, [COBISS.SI-ID ] TURK-PREVORČNIK, S., BLEJEC, A. Asellus aquaticus infernus, new subspecies (Isopoda: Asellota: Asellidae), from Romanian hypogean waters. J. Crust. Biol., 1998, 18, [COBISS.SI-ID ] FIŠER, Cene. Niphargus: a model system for evolutiona and ecology. V: CULVER, David C. (ur.), WHITE, William Blaine (ur.). Encyclopedia of caves. Amsterdam; Boston: Elsevier: Academic Press, cop. 2012, in press. FIŠER, Cene, SKET, Boris, TRONTELJ, Peter. A phylogenetic perspective on 160 years of troubled taxonomy of Niphargus (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Zool. scr., 2008, 37, doi: doi: /j x. [COBISS.SI-ID ] LUŠTRIK, Roman, TURJAK, Martin, KRALJ-FIŠER, Simona, FIŠER, Cene. Coexistence of surface and cave amphipods in an ecotone environment. Contrib. zool. (Print), 2011, 80, [COBISS.SI- ID ]

15 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS VEDENJE ŽIVALI IN OKOLJE ANIMAL BEHAVIOR AND ENVIRONMENT Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Ekologija in biodiverziteta, 2. stopnja 1 1 Ecology and Biodiversity, 2nd level 1 st 1 st Vrsta predmeta / Course type Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Obvezen / Compulsory BI201 Predavanja Seminar Vaje Klinične vaje Druge oblike Samost. delo ECTS Lectures Seminar Tutorial work študija Individ. work Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: izr. prof. dr. Božič Janko / Assoc. prof. dr. Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: Slovenski / Slovene Angleški / English (individual consultation) Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski / Slovene Angleški / English Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Pogoji za vključitev v delo: vpis v ustrezni letnik študijskega programa Prerequisits: Prerequisites for inclusion in the work: enrolment in the appropriate academic year Vsebina: Širše spoznavanje posameznih primerov vedenja in medsebojna primerjava vedenj izbranih predstavnikov posameznih živalskih skupin kot odziv živali na spremembe v okolju: orientacija in učenje, paša, lov, obramba pred lovom, tekmovalnost, agresija in teritorialnost, izbira spolnega partnerja, parjenje, paritveni sistemi. Različne oblike socialnega vedenja: socialna vedenja pri nevretenčarjih, posebej žuželke (termiti, mravlje, ose, čebele); ribje skupine in jate, skupine in jate ptic, tropi in črede sesalcev, krdela različnih vrst opic: nižje opice, pavijani, gorska in gozdna gorila, orangutan, šimpanz; morski sesalci; sociobilogija kot znanstvena veda. Dobrobit živali in poznavanje vedenja. Preučevanje Content (Syllabus outline): Wider learning of specific behavior and comparison of behavior at selected animals' groups as a response to the environmental changes: orientation and learning, foraging, hunting, defense against predation, competition, aggression, territoriality, sex selection, mating, mating systems. Different forms of social behavior: social behavior in invertebrates, especially insects (termites, ants, wasps, bees); fish groups and schooling, groups and flocks of birds, herds, packs, social organization in apes and see mammals, sociobiology as scientific discipline. Welfare of animals and behavior knowledge. Practical study of animal behavior in laboratory, ZOO and in wild environment.

16 vedenja na vajah v laboratoriju, živalskem vrtu in v naravi. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Izbrana poglavja / Selected chapters: Alcock, John. Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach. 546 pages, Sinauer Associates, 9 th edition (2009), ISBN: Dugatkin, Lee Alan. Principles of Animal Behavior. 624 pages, W W Norton & Co Inc, 2 nd edition (2009). ISBN: Barrows,E.M. Animal Behavior, Desk Reference. 671 pages, CRC Press,1 st edition(1995), ISBN: McFarland, D. Animal Behavior. 585 pages, Longman Scientific&Technical, 1st publ. (1993), ISBN: Ploger B.J, Yasukawa K. Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field, 352 pages Academic Press (2002),ISBN: Cilji in kompetence: Prepoznavanje vzorcev in mehanizmov vedenjskih odzivov živali na spremembe v okolju tako žive kot nežive narave na posebnih primerih v različnih živalskih skupinah. Poseben poudarek na oblikah socialnega življenja in različnih socialnih vedenj skozi celoten živalski svet. Naučiti tehnike opazovanja različnih vedenj živali s posebnim poudarkom na socialnih vedenjih in vedenjih v naravnem ali naravi podobnem okolju. Kompetence: nadzor živali v naravi, uporaba prostoživečih in laboratorijskih živali v rekreativne, izobraževalne ali raziskovalne namene. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Zna predstaviti in povezovati vsebine predavanj, samostojno zasnovati načrt opazovanja vedenje neke živali, razložiti pridobljene rezultate in opažena vedenja na osnovi etološke analize. Pozna sodobne tehnike sledenja gibanja živali (video sledenje, telemetrija, RF označevanje). Uporaba: Opazovanja vedenj živali v živalskih vrtovih in drugih ustanovah, kjer redijo prostoživeče ali laboratorijske živali, v varovanih območjih narave ter za raziskave domačih živali kot del redne kontrole in opravljanja. Metode opazovanja vedenja Objectives and competences: Recognition of patterns and mechanisms of animal behavior response to the changes in environment on special cases in different animal taxa. Special emphases on social life forms and different social behaviors through animal kingdom. To acquire observational techniques of different animal behavior with special emphasis on social behavior and behavior in natural and natural like environment. Competences: Monitoring animals in natural environment, use of free living and laboratory species of animals in recreational, educational and research use. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Interpretation and connection of knowledge obtain in lectures, independent planning of animal behavior observation, explaining of observed behavior and obtained results on the base of ethological analysis. Knowledge of modern techniques of animal tracking (video, telemetry, RF tags). Use: Observation of animals in ZOOs and other (organizations) foundations, where they rear free living and laboratory animals, in protected wild areas and research of domestic animals as a part of regular control and management. Methods of observation enable first

17 omogočajo prve ocene vplivov okolja na posamezne dele populacij živali. Refleksija: Predmet omogoča lastno preverjanje razumevanja znanj s strani študenta, zlasti preko praktičnih izkušenj v laboratoriju in na terenu. Prenosljive spretnosti: Uporaba domače in tuje literature ter drugih virov, didaktičnih pripomočkov in različnih postopkov, zbiranja in interpretiranja podatkov poročanje (ustno in pisno), identifikacija in reševanje problemov, kritična analiza, sinteza, pisanje člankov, refleksij na prebrano literaturo, delo v timih, socialne spretnosti ipd. assessments of environmental effects on singular fragments of animal population. Reflexions: The class enables self assessment of understanding, especially through practical experience in the lab and field work. Transferable skills: Use of domestic and foreign literature and other sources of information, didactic accessories, collection and interpretation of data, reports (oral and written), identification and solving problems, critical analysis, synthesis, writing papers, reflection of read literature, team work, social skills etc. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, seminarji, projektno delo, individualne naloge, vodeni individualni študij, sodelovalno učenje, aktivno (refleksivno) poučevanje, laboratorijske vaje, delo na terenu. Posamezne specifične oblike vedenja bodo študentje spoznavali preko opazovalnih individualnih nalog v laboratoriju, zoološkem vrtu in naravi. Načini ocenjevanja: Enotna ocena: Pisni ali ustni izpit seminar poročila individualnih in skupinskih vaj. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Learning and teaching methods: Lecturing, seminars, project work, individual work, mentored individual work, cooperative study, active (reflexive) learning, field and laboratory work. Specific forms of behavior will be learned through individual observational assignments in laboratory, ZOO and in natural environment. Assessment: Joint grade: Exam (oral or written) seminar research report of individual and group work Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: BOŽIČ, Janko, WOODRING, Joseph. Variations of brain biogenic amines in mature honeybees and induction of recruitment behavior. Comp. biochem. physiol., Part A Physiol., 1998, 120, [COBISS.SI-ID ] BOŽIČ, Janko, ABRAMSON, Charles I. Following and attending - two distinct behavior patterns of honeybees in a position to collect the dance information. Mellifera, 2003, 3 (6), [COBISS.SI- ID ] MIXSON, T. Andrew, ABRAMSON, Charles I., BOŽIČ, Janko. The behavior and social communication of honey bees (Apis mellifera carnica Poll.) under the influence of alcohol. Psychol. Rep., 2010, 106 (3), [COBISS.SI-ID ]

18 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS EKOLOGIJA RASTLIN PLANT ECOLOGY Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Ekologija in biodiverziteta, 2. stopnja Ecology and Biodiversity, 2nd level 1st 2nd Vrsta predmeta / Course type Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Obvezni / Compulsory BI208 Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Vaje Tutorial Klinične vaje work Druge oblike študija Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: izr. prof. dr. Alenka Gaberščik / Assoc. prof. dr. Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: Slovenski /slovene Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski /slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Pogoji za vključitev v delo: vpis v ustrezni letnik študijskega programa Pogoji za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Kolokvij iz vaj: prisotnost na vajah opravljene terenske vaje in sprejeta poročila Pogoj za pristop k izpitu: priprava in zagovor seminarja Vsebina: Abiotski dejavniki in rastline (koevolucija rastlin in življenjskega okolja stanje nekoč in danes) optimizacija privzema energije, vezava CO2 in produkcija biomase v povezavi z dejavniki okolja, spremembe atmosfere in razvoj mehanizmov koncentriranja CO2, dostopnost CO2 v vodnem okolju, dihanje glede na okoljske razmere, Prerequisits: Prerequisites for inclusion in the work: enrolment in the appropriate academic year Prerequisites for performing study obligations: Practical examination (colloquium): presence at practicals presence at field work and approved reports Exam: seminar in written form and presentation of the seminar Content (Syllabus outline): Abiotic factors and plants (co-evolution of plants and their environment historical and present conditions) The mechanisms for optimised energy harvesting, CO 2 uptake and biomass production in relation to environmental factors, changes in atmosphere, the development of carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCM), availability of

19 gospodarjenje z vodo pri različnih funkcionalnih skupinah rastlin (kompromis med asimilacijo CO2 in izgubo vode), poikilohidrost in homoiohidrost rastline posebnih rastišč (kisla ali alkalna tla, tla revna z minerali, tla z različno dostopnostjo Ca, tla z veliko vsebnostjo težkih kovin in soli), ekologija rasti in razvoja, sezonski ritmi rasti in razvoja, fenološke faze kot indikator klimatskih sprememb. strategije preživetja naravnih omejitev (sevanje PAR in UV-B, skrajne temperature, poplavljenje in pomanjkanje kisika v tleh, suša, slanost tal) ter motenj (paša, ogenj, led, sneg, veter) pri različnih funkcionalnih in ekoloških skupinah rastlin. Biotski dejavniki in rastline (ekološki pomen kemičnih interakcij, karnivorije, epifitizma, mikorize). Praktično delo poteka večinoma na terenu. Študenti spoznavajo metode in merilne tehnike za ugotavljanje vplivov okoljskih dejavnikov na rastline. Seznanjajo se s prilagoditvami rastlin in njihovim odzivom v določenih razmerah. Meritve opravljajo v različnih naravnih okoljih. CO 2, dark respiration in relation to different conditions. Water relations in different functional plant groups (trade-of between CO 2 uptake and water loss) poikilohydric and homoiohyric plants. Plants in extreme habitats (acid and alkaline soil, oligotrophic habitats, different Ca availability, salt rich soils and soils with excess of heavy metals) Ecology of growth and development, developmental stages of the plant life cycle, seasonality, phonological stages as an indicator of weather characteristics and climate changes) Survival strategies of constrains in the environment (stresses due to non-favourable radiation PAR and UV-B, extreme temperatures, flooding and oxygen deficiency, drought, salinity; and disturbances: grazing, fire, ice, snow, wind) in different functional and ecological plant groups. Ecological importance of biotic interactions (carnivory, epiphytism, mycorrhiza). Practical work includes measurements and observations mainly in field. Students practice methods and measurement techniques to assess plants activity in relation to environmental factors. Field work is performed in different habitats and ecosystems. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Izbrana poglavja / Selected chapters: Gurevitch J., Scheiner S.M., Fox G..The Ecology of Plants. 523 pages, Sinauer Associates (2002), ISBN: Larcher, W. Physiological Plant Ecology. 513 pages, Springer, 4 edition (2003), ISBN: Schulze, E.-D., Beck, E., Müller-Hohenstein, K.. Plant ecology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, (2002), 680 pages. ISBN: Trošt, T. Ekologija rastlin. Priročnik za vaje. 81 str., Študentska založba (2005), ISBN: Cilji in kompetence: Cilji. Pridobivanje znanja o delovanju abiotskih in biotskih dejavnikov na rastline, njihovih odzivih in prilagoditvah. Razumevanje pomena rastlin kot primarnih proizvajalcev ter njihove vloga pri oblikovanju okolja. Kompetence. Poznavanje prilagoditev rastlin v različnih okoljih. Zavedenje, da prilagojenost omogoča nemoten vnos energije v ekosisteme, Objectives and competences: Objectives: Gaining the knowledge on the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on plants, their responses and adaptations. The understanding of the importance of plants as primary producers and their role in shaping the environment. Competences: Knowledge on plant adaptations in different environments. The awareness that adaptations optimize the input of energy in the

20 vsakršne motnje pa to učinkovitost zmanjšajo, kar se odraža v slabšanju kakovosti okolja. Zavedanje medsebojne povezanosti med rastlinami in okoljem, kot osnove za trajnostno gospodarjenje z rastlinskimi viri (kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo). Poznavanje možnosti uporabe rastlin za blaženje sprememb v okolju. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje. Študenti spoznajo odzive rastlin na okoljske dejavnike in njihovo vlogo pri preoblikovanju in vzdrževanju stanja okolja. Uporaba: Razumevanje pomena plastičnosti rastlinskega odziva v različnih okoljih in njegovo razvrednotenje ob nepričakovanih spremembah. Refleksija. Zavedanje optimiziranosti strukture in funkcije rastline kot dela kompleksnega sistema. Prenosljive spretnosti niso vezane le na en predmet. Uporaba domače in tuje literature in drugih virov, zbiranje in razlaga podatkov, priprava in predstavitev seminarjev, kritična analiza podatkov pridobljenih z meritvami, njihova sinteza in pisanje poročil, delo v skupini. ecosystems and that any disturbance or pressure affect efficiency and result in their quality. The awareness of inter-relations between plants and environment as a basis for sustainable management with plants and ecosystems (agriculture, forestry). The knowledge on the use of plants as mitigation measure for environmental changes. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: The students gain understanding on responses of plants to environmental factors and their role in shaping and maintenance favourable environmental conditions. Use: They get acquainted with the plasticity of plant response in different environment and its deterioration due to unexpected changes. Reflection: The awareness of the optimization of the structure and function of plants as a part of the complex system. Transferable skills: The use of literature and other scientific and professional sources, gathering the results, critical analysis of data, writing and presenting results, work in a group. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, seminarji, raziskovalni seminarji, projektno delo, laboratorijske vaje, delo na terenu, znanstvena razprava. Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, seminars, research seminars, project work, laboratory and work, scientific debate. Načini ocenjevanja: Ločeni oceni za izpit in vaje Ocena izpita: Pisni izpit Seminar Ocena iz praktičnega dela: kolokvij Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Assessment: Separate grades: lectures / practicals Exam: Written exam Seminar Practicals assessment: practical examination (colloquium) Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: KRŽIČ, Nina, PONGRAC, Paula, REGVAR, Marjana, GABERŠČIK, Alenka. Photon-harvesting efficiency and arbuscular mycorrhiza in amphibious plants. Photosyntetica, 2009, 47, 1,

21 GERM, Mateja, STIBILJ, Vekoslava, KREFT, Samo, GABERŠČIK, Alenka, KREFT, Ivan. Flavonoid, tannin and hypericin concentrations in the leaves of St. John-s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) are affected by UV-B radiation levels. Food chem., 2010, 3, 122, KLANČNIK, Katja, MLINAR, Mojca, GABERŠČIK, Alenka. Heterophylly results in a variety of "spectral signatures" in aquatic plant species. Aquat. bot., 2011, 7.

22 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS BIOGEOGRAFIJA BIOGEOGRAPHY Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Ekologija in biodiverziteta, 2. stopnja Ecology and Biodiversity, 2nd level 1st 2nd Vrsta predmeta / Course type Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Obvezni /Compulsory BI206 Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Vaje Tutorial Klinične vaje work Druge oblike študija Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Ivan Kos / Assoc. prof. dr. prof. dr. Jernej Jogan / Assoc. prof. dr. Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: Slovenski/Slovene Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski/Slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Pogoji za vključitev v delo: vpis v ustrezni letnik študijskega programa Pogoji za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Opravljene terenske vaje Prerequisits: Prerequisites for inclusion in the work: enrolment in the appropriate academic year Prerequisites for performing study obligations: Presence at field work Izpit: Opravljene vaje Exam: Absolved practicals Vsebina: Zgodovinski razvoj področja Horološke osnove (areal, kartiranje) Okoljski (atmosferski (klimatski), hidrološki, tektonski, litološki, edafski) okviri razširjenosti Zgodovinski biološki procesi (speciacija in izumiranje, disperzija, provincializem) Sedanji biološki procesi (otoška biogeografija, medvrstne interakcije, združbe) Geografska razporeditev biodiverzitete in njena ogroženost Izhodišča velike biodiverzitete Content (Syllabus outline): Brief history of the subject. Introduction to chorology (distribution ranges, mapping). Ecological factors limiting distribution (climatic conditions, hydrology, tectonics, litology, edaphic). Historical dimensions related to biogeography (specistion, extinction, dispersion, provincialism) and current processes (island biogeography, interspecific interactions, communities). Geographical patterens of biodiversity and its endangerment, focus in high biodiversity of the Balkans and Slovenia as part

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