arxiv: v3 [] 11 Mar 2016

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1 THE FULL EXCEPTIONAL COLLECTIONS OF CATEGORICAL RESOLUTIONS OF CURVES ZHAOTING WEI arxiv: v3 [] 11 Mar 2016 ABSTRACT. This paper gives a omplete answer of the following question: whih (singular, projetive) urves have a ategorial resolution of singularities whih admits a full exeptional olletion? We prove that suh full exeptional olletion exists if and only if the geometri genus of the urve equals to 0. Moreover we an also prove that a urve with geometri genus equal or greater than 1 annot have a ategorial resolution of singularities whih has a tilting objet. The proofs of both results are given by a areful study of the Grothendiek group and the Piard group of that urve. Keywords: ategorial resolution, singular urve, K-theory, exeptional olletion, tilting objet MSC: 14H20, 14F05, 18E30, 18F30 1. INTRODUCTION For a triangulated ategory C, having a full exeptional olletion is a very good property. Reall that the definition of full exeptional olletion is as follows. Definition 1.1. A full exeptional olletion of a triangulated ategory C is a olletion {A 1...A n } of objets suh that (1) for allione has Hom C (A i,a i ) = k and Hom C (A i,a i [l]) = 0 for alll 0; (2) for all1 i < j n one has Hom C (A j,a i [l]) = 0 for all l Z; (3) the smallest triangulated subategory ofc ontaininga 1,...,A n oinides with C. However it is not very ommon that a triangulated ategory C has a full exeptional olletion. In algebrai geometry, it is well-known that for a smooth projetive urve X over an algebraially losed field k, its bounded derived ategory of oherent sheaves D b (oh(x)) has a full exeptional olletion if and only if the genus of X equals to 0. Moreover for a singular projetive urvex and a (geometri) resolution of singularities X X, the geometri genus of X and X are equal, hene it is lear that D b (oh( X)) has a full exeptional olletion if and only if the geometri genus of X equals to 0. In this paper we would like to onsider the ategorial resolution ofx, whih is introdued in [4]. Definition 1.2. [[4] Definition 3.2 or [5] Definition 1.3] A ategorial resolution of a sheme X is a smooth, oomplete, ompatly generated, triangulated ategory T with an adjoint pair of triangulated funtors suh that π : D(X) T andπ : T D(X) (1) π π = id; (2) bothπ andπ ommute with arbitrary diret sums; (3) π (T ) D b (oh(x)) where T denotes the full subategory of T whih onsists of ompat objets. Remark 1. The first property implies thatπ is fully faithful and the seond property implies thatπ (D perf (X)) T. Remark 2. The ategorial resolution ofx is not neessarily unique. Remark 3. In this paper we will not disuss further on the smoothness of a triangulated ategory and the interested readers may refer to [5] Setion 1. Moreover, the main result in this paper does not depend on the smoothness, see Corollary 3.6 and Corollary 4.8 below. 1

2 2 ZHAOTING WEI We are interested in the question that when does T have a full exeptional olletion. If X is an projetive urve of geometri genus g = 0, it an be dedued from the onstrution in [5] that there exists a ategorial resolution(t,π,π ) ofx suh that T has a full exeptional olletion. See Proposition 4.1 below. The main result of this paper is the following theorem, whih rules out the possibility for any ategorial resolution of a urve with geometri genus g 1 has a full exeptional olletion. Theorem 1.1. [See Theorem 4.9 below] Let X be a projetive urve over an algebraially losed field k. Let (T,π,π ) be a ategorial resolution of X. If the geometri genus of X is 1, then T annot have a full exeptional olletion. In other words, X has a ategorial resolution whih admits a full exeptional olletion if and only if the geometri genus of X equals to 0. Remark 4. In a reent paper [1] a result whih is related to the above laim has been proved. Atually it has been proved that if X is a redued rational urve, then there exists a ategorial resolution (T,π,π ) of X suh that T has a tilting objet, whih in general does not ome from an exeptional olletion. See [1] Theorem 7.4. Reall that the definition of tilting objet is given as follows. Definition 1.3. Let C be a triangulated ategory. A tilting objet is an objet L of C whih satisfies the following properties. (1) L is a ompat objet ofc; (2) Hom C (L,L[i]) = 0 for any non-zero integeri; (3) the smallest thik triangulated subategory of C whih ontains L is C itself. For a tilting objet let Λ = End C (L). Then it an be shown that we have equivalene of triangulated ategories C = D b (Λ mod) whered b (Λ mod) is the derived ategory of bounded omplexes of finitely generatedλ-modules. Atually we an also prove a related result in the g 1 ase. (thanks to Igor Burban for pointing it out) Theorem 1.2. [See Theorem 4.10 below] Let X be a projetive urve over an algebraially losed field k of geometri genus 1. Let (T,π,π ) be a ategorial resolution of X. Then T annot have a tilting objet, moreover there annot be a finite dimensional k-algebra Λ of finite global dimension suh that T = D b (Λ mod) The proofs of both theorems depend on a areful study of various Grothendiek groups of X. In partiular we will investigate the natural map K 0 (D perf (X)) K 0 (D b (oh(x))) and show that if g 1 then the image is not finitely generated, of whih Theorem 1.1 and 1.2 will be a diret onsequene. 2. SOME GENERALITIES ON K-THEORY AND THE PICARD GROUP In this setion we quikly review the K-theory and the Piard group of shemes. For referene see [9] Chapter II. LetAbe an abelian ategory (or more generally an exat ategory). The Grothendiek groupk 0 (A) is defined as an abelian group with generators[a] for eah isomorphism lass of objets A in A and subjets to the relation that [A 2 ] = [A 1 ]+[A 3 ] for any short exat sequene0 A 1 A 2 A 3 0 ina. Similarly let C be a triangulated ategory. The Grothendiek group K 0 (C) is defined as an abelian group with generators[c] for eah isomorphism lass of objetsc inc and subjets to the relation that for any exat trianglec 1 C 2 C 3 C 1 [1] inc. [C 2 ] = [C 1 ]+[C 3 ] Proposition 2.1. If a triangulated ategoryc has a full exeptional olletion{a 1...A n }, then the Grothendiek group ofc,k 0 (C), is isomorphi to Z n. Proof. It is an immediate onsequene of Definition 1.1.

3 THE FULL EXCEPTIONAL COLLECTIONS OF CATEGORICAL RESOLUTIONS OF CURVES 3 Definition 2.1. LetX be an Noetherian sheme, follow the standard notation (see for example [8] Setion 5.6 or [9] Chapter II) we denote the Grothendiek group ofd perf (X) byk 0 (X) and the Grothendiek group ofd b (oh(x)) byg 0 (X). Notie that in some literatures, say [3] Exposé IV or [7], K 0 (X) is denoted by K 0 (X) and G 0 (X) is denoted byk 0 (X). Nevertheless in this paper we will use the previous notation. Remark 5. In the literature people also define K0 naïve (X) to be the Grothendiek group of the exat ategory VB(X) andg naïve 0 (X) to be the Grothendiek group of the abelian ategory oh(x). Nevertheless G naïve 0 (X) is isomorphi to G 0 (X) for any Noetherian sheme X ([3], Exposé IV, 2.4) and K0 naïve (X) is isomorphi to K 0 (X) for any quasi-projetive sheme X ([3], Exposé IV, 2.9). Sine we always work with quasi-projetive shemes in this paper, we an identifyg naïve 0 (X) andg 0 (X) as well ask0 naïve (X) and K 0 (X). Definition 2.2. Let X be a Noetherian sheme. The inlusiond perf (X) D b (oh(x)) gives a group homomorphism : K 0 (X) G 0 (X) whih is alled the Cartan homomorphism. Proposition 2.2. For a Noetherian sheme X, the tensor produt gives K 0 (X) a ring struture and G 0 (X) a K 0 (X)-module struture. Moreover, the Cartan homomorphism : K 0 (X) G 0 (X) is a morphism of K 0 (X)- modules. Proof. See [7] 1.5 and 1.6. Proposition 2.3. If X is a regular Noetherian sheme, then the Cartan homomorphism is an isomorphism, i.e. we have : K 0 (X) = G 0 (X) Proof. See [9] Chapter II Theorem 8.2. Smooth shemes are regular hene the Cartan homomorphism is an isomorphism for any smooth sheme. Remark 6. For general X the Cartan homomorphism is not an isomorphism, atually it is not even injetive in general. Next we talk about the funtorial properties ofk 0 andg 0, whih are more involved. First we have the following definition. Definition 2.3. Let f : X Y be a morphism of shemes, then the derived pull-bak Lf funtor indues the map f : K 0 (Y) K 0 (X). See [3] Exposé IV, 2.7. If f : X Y is a flat morphism between Noetherian shemes, or more generallyf is of finite Tor-dimension. ThenLf is a funtord b (oh(y)) D b (oh(x)) and indues the map See [3] Exposé IV, f : G 0 (Y) G 0 (X). We an also define the push-forward map forg 0 ( ) for proper morphisms. Definition 2.4. Let f : X Y be a proper morphism of Noetherian shemes, then the derived push-forward funtorrf indues the map f : G 0 (X) G 0 (Y). We will also need some results on the relationship between the Grothendiek group and the Piard group. Let Pi(X) denote the Piard group of X and we have the following proposition. Proposition 2.4. There is a erminant map : K 0 (X) Pi(X)

4 4 ZHAOTING WEI whih is a surjetive group homomorphism. Moreover, the erminant map ommutes with the restrition map, i.e. we have the following ommutative diagram K 0 (X) Pi(X) r r K 0 (U) Pi(U) Proof. For an n-dimensional vetor bundle E we an take its erminant line bundle, i.e. the top exterior power n E and we all it (E). Moreover, for a short exat sequene of vetor bundles 0 E F G 0 we have(f) = (E) (G) hene we get a well-defined group homomorphism : K 0 (X) Pi(X). The above diagram ommutes beause the onstrution of the erminant map is natural. The surjetivity of also omes from the onstrution sine we ould pike to be any line bundle and hene(e) = E. 3. THE IRREDUCIBLE AND REDUCED CASE OF THE MAIN THEOREM To illustrate the idea, we fous on the ase that X is an irreduible, redued, projetive urve over k in this setion. In this ase let p : X X be a (geometri) resolution of singularity and we an obtain more information on Pi( X). First we have Theorem 3.1 ([6] Corollary ). Let X be a smooth, onneted, projetive urve over an algebraially losed field k, of genus g. Let Pi 0 ( X) denote the subgroup of Pi( X) onsisting of divisors of degree 0. Let n Z be non-zero and Pi 0 ( X)[n] denote the kernel of the multipliation by n map. (1) If (n, har(k)) = 1, then Pi 0 ( X)[n] = (Z/nZ) 2g ; (2) If p = har(k) > 0, then there exists an 0 h g suh that for any n = p m, we have Pi 0 ( X)[n] = (Z/nZ) h. Corollary 3.2. Let X be a smooth, onneted, projetive urve over an algebraially losed fieldk of genusg 1, then Pi 0 ( X) and hene Pi( X) are not finitely generated as an abelian group. Moreover, for any non-zero integer n,npi( X) is not finitely generated. Proof. It is an immediate onsequene of Theorem 3.1. Remark 7. If the base field k is not algebraially losed, then Pi 0 ( X) may be finitely generated. For example if k = Q and X is a smooth ellipti urve, then by Mordell theorem, Pi 0 ( X) is a finitely generated abelian group. LetZ be the losed subset onsisting of singular points ofx andu = X Z. Sinep : X X is a resolution of singularity, the restrition of p p p 1 (U) : p 1 (U) = U is an isomorphism. We want to understand the piard group ofu. In fat we have the following result Lemma 3.3. Let X be a smooth and onneted projetive urve with genus g 1 over an algebraially losed fieldk. LetU be a non-empty open subset of X. Then Pi(U) is not finitely generated. Moreover, for any non-zero integern, npi(u) is not finitely generated. Proof. This is atually part of [6] Exerise Thanks to Georges Elenwajg for helping with the proof. Atually we an write U = X\{p 1,...,p l }. It follows that the kernel of the natural homomorphism Pi 0 (X) Pi(U) is the subgroup of Pi 0 (X) generated by [p i ] [p j ], hene is finitely generated. Then this lemma is a onsequene of Corollary 3.2. It is also neessary to know the relation between the Piard group of a non-smooth urvex and its non-empty subshemeu, whih is given in the following lemma. Lemma 3.4. Let X be a (not neessarily smooth) urve over an algebraially losed field k. Let U be an open subsheme ofx.

5 THE FULL EXCEPTIONAL COLLECTIONS OF CATEGORICAL RESOLUTIONS OF CURVES 5 Let L be a line bundle on U. Then we an always extend L to a line bundle on X. As a result, the restrition map of the Piard groups r : Pi(X) Pi(U) is surjetive Proof. One way to proof this result (thanks to Kȩstutis Česnavičius for pointing it out) is to first find a Cartier divisord onu whose assoiated line bundle isl. The existene of suhd is guaranteed by [2] Proposition (a). Then apply [2] Proposition we an extendd to a Cartier divisord onx, whose assoiated line bundle L gives an extension ofl. The next Proposition is the key step of our proof. Proposition 3.5. Let X be a redued, irreduible, projetive urve of geometri genus g 1 over an algebraially losed fieldk, then the image of the Cartan homomorphism is not finitely generated. : K 0 (X) G 0 (X) Proof. First let Z be the losed subset onsisting of singular points of X and U = X Z be the smooth open subsheme. We have the restrition maps r : K 0 (X) K 0 (U) and r : G 0 (X) G 0 (U) and they give the ommutative diagram K 0 (X) G 0 (X) r r K 0 (U) G 0 (U) SineU is smooth, by Proposition 2.3 the bottom map is an isomorphism. Now assume the image of the top map is finitely generated, then the image of the ompositionr : K 0 (X) G 0 (U) is also finitely generated. Sine we have the isomorphism : K 0 (U) = G 0 (U), the left vertial map r : K 0 (X) K 0 (U) must also have finitely generated image. Therefore the image of the omposition K 0 (X) r K 0 (U) Pi(U) is finitely generated. On the other hand we onsider the ommutative diagram K 0 (X) Pi(X) r r K 0 (U) Pi(U) By Proposition 2.4 and Lemma 3.4, the top and the right vertial map of the above diagram are surjetive and so does their omposition. As a result Pi(U) = Pi(p 1 (U)) is finitely generated, whih is ontraditory to Lemma 3.3. Corollary 3.6. Let X be a redued, irreduible, projetive urves of geometri genus g 1 over an algebraially losed fieldk. If the inlusiond perf (X) D b (oh(x)) fators through a triangulated ategorys, thens annot have a full exeptional olletion. Proof. The omposition K 0 (X) K 0 (S) G 0 (X) oinides with the Cartan homomorphism : K 0 (X) G 0 (X). By Proposition 3.5, the image of the Cartan homomorphism is not finitely generated, henek 0 (S) is not finitely generated. Then by Proposition 2.1,S annot have a full exeptional olletion. Corollary 3.7. Let X be a redued, irreduible, projetive urves of geometri genus g 1 over an algebraially losed fieldk. Let(T,π,π ) be a ategorial resolution ofx. Then T annot have a full exeptional olletion.

6 6 ZHAOTING WEI Proof. By the definition of ategorial resolution, the omposition D perf (X) π T π D b (oh(x)) is the same as the inlusiond perf (X) D b (oh(x)). Therefore the omposition K 0 (X) K 0 (T ) G 0 (X) oinides with the Cartan homomorphism : K 0 (X) G 0 (X). Then it is a diret onsequene of Corollary THE GENERAL CASE OF THE MAIN THEOREM In this setion we onsider the ase that X is not irreduible nor redued. In this ase we still want to show that the image of the Cartan homomorphism : K 0 (X) G 0 (X) is not finitely generated but the proof is more involved. Let X red denote the assoiated redued sheme of X and i : X red X the natural losed immersion. Then X red is a redued, projetive urve with the same geometri genus asx. First we investigate theg = 0 ase, whih is the following Proposition. Proposition 4.1. Let X be a projetive urve over an algebraially losed fieldk of geometri genusg = 0, then X has a ategorial resolution(t,π,π ) suh that T has a full exeptional olletion. Proof. As we mentioned in the Introdution, the result in this Proposition is a diret onsequene of the onstrution of ategorial resolution in [5], although it is not expliitly stated in [5]. First [5] Equation (59) in page 69 gives a hain X m X m 1... X 1 X 0 X (1) Z m 1 Z 1 Z 0 where eahx i+1 is the blowup ofx i at the enterz i and(x m ) red is smooth. Moreover [5] Equation (61) in page 71 tells us that there exists a ategorial resolution T of X suh that its subategory T has the following semiorthogonal deomposition T = D b (oh(z 0 ))...D b (oh(z 0 )),..., }{{} n 0 times D b (oh(z m 1 ))...D b (oh(z m 1 )), }{{} n m 1 times D b (oh((x m ) red ))...D b (oh((x m ) red )) }{{} n m times where then i s are ertain multiples given in [5] after Equation (61) and we do not need their preise definition. SineX is of dimension1, eah of thez i is0-dimensional hened b (oh(z i )) has a full exeptional olletion. Moreover sine X is of genus 0, we have (X m ) red is a finite produt of P 1 s hene D b (oh((x m ) red )) also has a full exeptional olletion. As a result T has a full exeptional olletion. and Then we onsider theg 1 ase. By Definition 2.3 and 2.4 we have the natural map Fori we have the following "devissage" theorem. i : K 0 (X) K 0 (X red ) i : G 0 (X red ) G 0 (X). Theorem 4.2. [[9] Chapter II Corollary 6.3.2] Let X be a Noetherian sheme, and X red the assoiated redued sheme. Theni : G 0 (X red ) G 0 (X) is an isomorphism. Proof. See [9] Chapter II Corollary (2)

7 THE FULL EXCEPTIONAL COLLECTIONS OF CATEGORICAL RESOLUTIONS OF CURVES 7 However, the following diagram K 0 (X) G 0 (X) i = i K 0 (X red ) G 0 (X red ) does not ommute. Hene we annot diretly apply the result in Setion 3 and need to find another way. Let X = m i=1 X i be the deomposition into irreduible omponents, hene X red = m i=1 (X i) red (Do not onfused with the X i s in the proof of Proposition 4.1). Sine X has geometri genus 1, at least one of the irreduible omponentsx i s also has geometri genus 1, say X 1. For an non-empty, open, irreduible subsheme U of X 1 we also onsider U red. We an make U small enough so that both U and U red are affine and U red is smooth. Let U = Spe(A) and U red = Spe(A/I) where I is the nilpotent radial ofawith I l+1 = 0. Sine U is irreduible,i is also the minimal prime ideal of A. Let I denote the assoiated sheaf onu. Let us onsider the diagram K 0 (U) G 0 (U) i i K 0 (U red ) G 0 (U red ) Again it does not ommute. Nevertheless we will prove that it is not too far from ommutative. First let us fix the notations. Let e U denote the element [O U ] in G 0 (U) and e Ured denote the element [O Ured ] in G 0 (U red ). Lemma 4.3. We an hoose U small enough suh that there is a non-zero integer n suh that e U = ni (e Ured ). Proof. By Theorem 4.2,i is an isomorphism so it is suffiient to prove ing 0 (U red ). It is lear that ing 0 (U red ) we have i 1 (e U) = ne Ured i 1 (e U ) = e Ured +[I/I 2 ]+...+[I l 1 /I l ]+[I l ]. (3) Eah of thei k 1 /I k is a oherent sheaf on the smooth shemeu red hene we have a resolution of finite length 0 P m k k P m k 1 k... P 0 k I k 1 /I k for1 k l+1. where the P m k j k s are loally free sheaves on U red. We an shrink U further to make all the P m k j k s are free sheaves onu red. Hene for eahk there is an integern k suh that and as a result there is an integernsuh that [I k 1 /I k ] = n k e Ured i 1 (e U) = ne Ured ing 0 (U red ). We still need to show that n 0. This an be ahieved by loalizing to the generi point of U. Reall that I is the minimal prime ideal ofahenei orresponds to the generi point ofu. Let us denotea I, the loalization ofaat I byb and denote the idealib byj. Moreover we denote Spe(B) byv and similarly denote Spe(B/J) byv red. Letf : V U,f red : V red U red, andj : V red V be the natural maps. Sinef : V U is flat, we an define the pull-bak mapf : G 0 (U) G 0 (V). Let us denote the lass[o V ] ing 0 (V) bye V. By definitionf (e U ) = e V. Ife U = 0 then we havee V = 0 and j 1 (e V ) = 0. On the other handb/j = A I /I I = Fra(A/I) is a field heneg0 (V red ) = G 0 (B/J) = Z. Similar to Equation (3) we have j 1 (e V) = [B/J]+[J/J 2 ]+...+[J l 1 /J l ]+[J l ]. Eah of the J m 1 /J m is a vetor spae over the field B/J hene the right hand side annot be zero in G 0 (V red ).

8 8 ZHAOTING WEI Proposition 4.4. Let U andnbe as in Lemma 4.3. Then for any elementa K 0 (U) we have (a) = ni i (a), i.e. the diagram ommutes. K 0 (U) G 0 (U) ni = i K 0 (U red ) G 0 (U red ) Proof. We need the following lemma. Lemma 4.5. For any Noetherian sheme U, G 0 (U red ) has a K 0 (U)-module struture. Moreover, the map i : G 0 (U red ) G 0 (U) is a morphism ofk 0 (U)-modules. Proof of Lemma 4.5. First the K 0 (U)-module struture ong 0 (U red ) is given by omposing with i. More expliitly, fora K 0 (U) andm G 0 (U red ) we define a m = i (a) m where the right hand side uses thek 0 (U red )-module struture ong 0 (U red ). Then we need to show thati is ak 0 (U)-module map, i.e. i (i (a) m) = a i (m). But this is exatly the projetion formula. Now we an prove Proposition 4.4. Let us denote[o U ] K 0 (U) by1 U and[o Ured ] K 0 (U red ) by1 Ured. Then it is lear that Then for anya K 0 (U) we have (1 U ) = e U and(1 Ured ) = e Ured. (a) =(a 1 U ) =a e U =a (ni (e Ured ))( Lemma4.3) =n(a i (e Ured )) =ni (i (a) e Ured )( Lemma4.5) =ni i (a). Now we are ready to prove the following Proposition, whih is the general version of Proposition 3.5. Proposition 4.6. Let X be a projetive urves of geometri genus g 1 over an algebraially losed field k, then the image of the Cartan homomorphism is not finitely generated. : K 0 (X) G 0 (X) Proof. First let U be as in Lemma 4.3 and Proposition 4.4. By Proposition 4.4 and Theorem 4.2there is a non-zero integer n suh that the following diagram ommutes K 0 (U) G 0 (U) ni K 0 (U red ) (i ) 1 G 0 (U red )

9 hene the diagram ommutes. For short we have THE FULL EXCEPTIONAL COLLECTIONS OF CATEGORICAL RESOLUTIONS OF CURVES 9 K 0 (X) r G 0 (X) r K 0 (U) G 0 (U) ni K 0 (U red ) (i ) 1 G 0 (U red ) K 0 (X) G 0 (X) ni r (i ) 1 r K 0 (U red ) G 0 (U red ) Now assume the image of : K 0 (X) G 0 (X) is finitely generated. SineU red is smooth, the:k 0 (U red ) G 0 (U red ) in the above diagram is an isomorphism, hene the image ofni r is also finitely generated. Next we observe that we have the ommutative diagrams and ni K 0 (X) K 0 (X red ) r r K 0 (U) K 0 (X) ni ni G 0 (U red ) Pi(X) ni K 0 (X red ) Pi(X red ) r r K 0 (U red ) Pi(U red ) From the left-bottom omposition of the above diagram we know that the image of r (ni ) is finitely generated. On the other hand we will study the top-right omposition of the above diagram. By Proposition 2.4 the map is surjetive and by Lemma 3.4 the mapr is also surjetive. As for the mapi we need the following lemma. Lemma 4.7. [[6] Lemma ] Let X be a onneted projetive urve over an algebraially losed field k, Then i : Pi(X) Pi(X red ) is surjetive. Proof of Lemma 4.7. See [6] Lemma Then it is lear that the image of r (ni ) is npi(u red ). Compare with the left-bottom omposition we get the onlusion that npi(u red ) is finitely generated, whih is ontraditory to Lemma 3.3. Corollary 4.8. Let X be a projetive urves of geometri genus g 1 over an algebraially losed field k. If the inlusion D perf (X) D b (oh(x)) fators through a triangulated ategory S, then S annot have a full exeptional olletion. Proof. The proof is almost the same as that of Corollary 3.6 exept that we use Proposition 4.6 instead of Proposition 3.5. Theorem 4.9. [See Theorem 1.1] LetX be a projetive urve over an algebraially losed fieldk. Let(T,π,π ) be a ategorial resolution of X. If the geometri genus of X is 1, then T annot have a full exeptional olletion. In other words, X has a ategorial resolution whih admits a full exeptional olletion if and only if the geometri genus of X equals to 0.

10 10 ZHAOTING WEI Proof. Sine we have Proposition 4.1, it is suffiient to prove the first laim of the theorem, whih is a diret onsequene of Corollary 4.8. Remark 8. In the proof we did not use the fat the T is a smooth triangulated ategory. Remark 9. The proof of Theorem 4.9 fails if the base field k is not algebraially losed. The main reason is when k is not algebraially losed, the piard group may be finitely generated. See Remark 7 after Corollary 3.2. Nevertheless, we expet that the result of Theorem 4.9 is still true in the non-algebraially losed ase. We believe that a proof ould be ahieved through a systemati study of the behavior of ategorial resolution under salar extension and we will leave this topi for a future paper. It is worthwhile to mention that we have another appliation of Proposition 4.6 (thanks to Igor Burban for pointing it out). Theorem Let X be a projetive urve over an algebraially losed field k of geometri genus 1. Let (T,π,π ) be a ategorial resolution of X. Then T annot have a tilting objet, moreover there annot be a finite dimensional k-algebra Λ of finite global dimension suh that T = D b (Λ mod) whered b (Λ mod) is the derived ategory of bounded omplexes of finitely generatedλ-modules. Proof. With Proposition 4.6 it is suffiient to prove that the Grothendiek group K 0 (D b (Λ mod)) is finitely generated. The proof is as follows: Sine Λ is finite dimensional, it is a finitely generated Artinian k-algebra, hene every finitely generated Λ-module has a omposition series. Moreover the set of isomorphi lasses of simpleλ-module is finite. We get the desired result. Remark 10. Again in the proof we did not use that fat that Λ is of finite global dimension, whih orresponds to the smoothness of T. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author first wants to thank Valery Lunts for introduing him to this topi and for very helpful omments and suggestions during this work. Igor Burban suggests the author to investigate the non-irreduible ase and shares the ideas on tilting objet and the author is grateful to him too. Moreover the author would like to thank Dave Anderson, Kȩstutis Česnavičius, Georges Elenwajg, Volodimir Gavran, Adeel Khan, Sándor Kovás, and Jason Starr for their help on algebrai K-theory and the theory of algebrai urves. REFERENCES [1] Igor Burban, Yuriy Drozd, and Volodymyr Gavran. Singular urves and quasi-hereditary algebras. arxiv preprint arxiv: , [2] A. Grothendiek. Éléments de géométrie algébrique. IV. Étude loale des shémas et des morphismes de shémas IV. Inst. Hautes Études Si. Publ. Math., (32):361, [3] Alexandre Grothendiek and Lu Illusie. Théorie des intersetions et théorème de Riemann-Roh: SGA 6, volume 225. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, [4] Alexander Kuznetsov. Lefshetz deompositions and ategorial resolutions of singularities. Seleta Math. (N.S.), 13(4): , [5] Alexander Kuznetsov and Valery A Lunts. Categorial resolutions of irrational singularities. International Mathematis Researh Noties, page rnu072, [6] Qing Liu. Algebrai geometry and arithmeti urves, volume 6 of Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematis. Oxford University Press, Oxford, Translated from the Frenh by Reinie Erné, Oxford Siene Publiations. [7] Yu. I. Manin. Letures on the K-funtor in algebrai geometry. Uspekhi Matematiheskikh Nauk, 24(5):3 86, [8] V. Srinivas. Algebrai K-theory, volume 90 of Progress in Mathematis. Birkhäuser Boston, In., Boston, MA, seond edition, [9] Charles A. Weibel. The K-book, volume 145 of Graduate Studies in Mathematis. Amerian Mathematial Soiety, Providene, RI, An introdution to algebrai K-theory. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, 831 E 3RD STREET, INDIANA UNIVERSITY, BLOOMINGTON, IN, address:

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